August 2012 - Eastern Museum of Motor Racing
August 2012 - Eastern Museum of Motor Racing
EMMR TIMES The A quarterly publication of the Eastern Museum of Motor Racing Located at 100 Baltimore Road, York Springs, PA 2012 Issue No. 3 • published in August 2012 It’s been a great year so far! The Gettysburg Region AACA had a good turn out for their car show in June. By the way, does anyone know who won the famous Model T race Friday evening? Lynn Paxton The weather cooperated for our 28th President, EMMR Latimore Valley Fair and the change in the schedule, with the Sunday Car show on Sunday, brought a lot of new people to the fairgrounds. The museum numbers are up over last year. We had a lot of compliments on our new displays and the new addition. Darwin Doll brought many new faces to the museum during his Muscle Car Madness show by way of busing people to the museum for tours that weekend. Thanks Darwin for your work toward the cause. A special thanks to Amanda, our Administrative Coordinator, for all the hard work she has put in. She keeps us on track, has great ideas, and gets the job done! Thanks to all our members for keeping our fairgrounds in great shape and for volunteering to work in the museum. Keep up the great work. Events this summer: July 19 Sprint Car Spectacular at Lincoln Speedway to benefit EMMR July 27 Williams Grove Speedway – Photo Shoot July 28 Jalopy Showdown Invitational– Larry Garland. EMMR Vintage Race Car Track time! Coming Events: Aug. 17–19 38th Annual EMMR/WGOT Convention Oct 7-8 NEW EVENT! EMMR 1st Annual Flea Market/Sunday & Car Auction/Monday Oct 13 Fall Harvest Festival & Car Cruise of Hope – Benefits the Make a Wish Foundation & Concerns of Police Survivors. (This is not our event but we would like our member to support it) Hope to see you at all of our events. —Lynn Paxton 2012 Issue No. 3 nual n A h t 7 3 EMMR/WGOT CONVENTION at: Latimore Valley Fairgrounds and Eastern Museum of Motor Racing Jack Frazier is to the left of the flag in front of the #11 car. Gary Wolford is on far left in this photo from the mid-1950s. JACK FRAZIER MEMORIAL HONORING: Grand Marshalls TED SEIDERS & DIZZY DEAN Please attend if you worked on any of their race cars or any of the cars they owned! AUGUST 17–19 2012 PRESIDENT 2012 Parking and Admission E E R F held at the historic and beautiful Latimore Valley Fairgrounds Convention info continued on page 2 OCT. 7 & 8 FROM THE The EMMR Times EMMR’s 1st Annual Car Auction and Flea Market AT LATIMORE VALLEY FAIRGROUNDS Sunday October 7 is the Flea Market Monday October 8 is the Auction John Marks 717-645-0440 Junior Kelly 717-630-0776 1 2012 EMMR / WGOT JACK FRAZIER CONVENTION Meet race car drivers from the past and hear MEMORIAL their stories of racing during the last 60 years! View antique and vintage race cars then hear the engines roar to life for laps on the historic dirt track! FRIDAY AUGUST 17, 2012: 9a–9p Eastern Museum of Motor Racing (EMMR) open to the public for extended hours. Race Cars on display. 10:30a Remembering Ray Tilley, Smokey Snellbaker, Johnny Grumm, Milt Miller, Frank Sagi, Jim Seidel, Johnny Mackison Sr., Lee Parthemore. Hosted by Lynn Paxton and Dizzy Dean. 12p–9p Refreshments in museum. 6p EMMR/WGOT at Williams Grove Speedway for Tracktime and Vintage Race Car display. Cars must arrive 2:00–4:00p. In case of rain the Museum will be open. 6p-9p Cruise-in at the museum, featuring the huge new addition to EMMR. Refreshments. EASTERN MUSEUM of MOTOR RACING EMMR and Latimore Valley Fairgrounds is a Living History Museum! The Fairgrounds are 60+ acres including a 1/2-mile Dirt Track that originally operated in the 1930s. At the other end of the fairgrounds is the 18,000-sq.-ft. Eastern Museum of Motor Racing (EMMR), which showcases 80+ vintage race cars, a Research Library, Book Store, and Gift Shop. Phone 717-528-8279. The Museum’s regular hours are 10 am to 4 pm on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday from April to October. Maintained by dedicated volunteers, admission to the EMMR is free but donations appreciated. 8a–10a Coffee and Donuts in the Infield of Latimore Valley Racetrack. 9a–9p Eastern Museum of Motor Racing (EMMR) open to the public for extended hours. Race Cars on display. 11a–3p Refreshment Stand open in the infield of Latimore Valley Racetrack. 11:30a Drivers Meeting at the flagstand. 12p–3p Vintage Race Car Track Time Exhibition at Latimore Valley Racetrack. 5p EMMR/WGOT Night at the Races at Lincoln Speedway. Tracktime and Vintage Race Car display. Contact: Joe Heisler 3rd 410-303-4428. 6p–9p Activities at EMMR if Lincoln Speedway rained out. NEW Expansion DIRECTIONS: The Latimore Valley Fairgrounds and EMMR are located ½ mile east of US 15; just 1-1/2 miles north of MUSEUM York Springs; Halfway between the PA Turnpike & Gettysburg; Watch for the EMMR signs; Turn east onto Latimore Valley Rd. Follow signs. EMMR PHYSICAL ADDRESS is located at: 100 Baltimore Road ,York Springs, PA MAILING ADDRESS: PO Box 688, Mechanicsburg, PA 17055 MEMBERSHIPS to Eastern Museum of Motor Racing: Annual $20 or Life $200 (Mail Info & Check to PO Box above) Some working officials are well-known as they announce the thrills and spills at race tracks every week—their booming voices informing the crowd and helping to create the excitement of being at a racetrack. But other working officials are unseen and unheard, yet their contributions are vital to the continued success of race tracks and the sport of motor racing. Being at the track week after week, officials have some incredible and funny stories to relate. At this year’s EMMR/WGOT Convention, legends such as Chris Economaki, the “Dean of Auto Racing Announcers” and Frank Sagi, the “Voice of Hagerstown Speedway”—will be honored. Chris Economaki started race track announcing in the 1930s and his career highlights included working in TV as an announcer for Wide World of Sports. Mr. Economaki generously donated his entire racing library to EMMR. Announcing plus interviewing winners at Hagerstown Speedway for 39 years, amazingly Frank Sagi only ever missed one day at the races: he attended a funeral for a relative. Also being remembered is Jerry Reigle, who was a columnist for Harrisburg’s Patriot-News and for Area Auto Racing News. Reigle unfortunately passed at a young age—EMMR’s research area is named for him. 2 Jack Frazier (on left) receives an award from Alan Kreitzer in 2008. SATURDAY AUGUST 18, 2012: EMMR’s Convention ANNOUNCERS Celebrates the & WORKING history of: OFFICIALS Jack Frazier (on left) and Dale Earnhardt Sr. at NASCAR Days in York, Pa. in late 1990s. SUNDAY AUGUST 19, 2012: 8a–10a Coffee and Donuts in the Infield of Latimore Valley Racetrack. 9a Church Service in Infield. 10a WGOT/EMMR Annual Membership Meeting in Infield. Elections and “The State of WGOT/ EMMR.” All welcome, please attend. 11a Introduction of 2012 Grand Marshalls TED SEIDERS and DIZZY DEAN, plus Honorees. 11:15a Tributes to Jack Frazier and Frank Sagi. 12p-4p Eastern Museum of Motor Racing (EMMR) open to the public. 12p-3p Refreshment Stand open in the infield. 12:30p Drivers’ Meeting at flagstand. 1p-4p Vintage Race Car Track Time Exhibition at Latimore Valley Racetrack. METALSHAPERS MEET Saturday & Sunday: There will be “hands-on” demonstrations of working sheetmetal. Visitors are urged to bring along a project to show or get technical advice on. Techniques, tools, and equipment can be shared, swapped, sold, etc. The projects are not limited to only automotive applications. Contact John Sokolovich (717) 968-0759. JACK FRAZIER Over 55 years in dirt track racing Jack Frazier got his start in racing in the mid-1950s when Will Kreitzer encouraged him to come to Silver Spring Speedway. Jack, along with several others, built and maintained an old flathead ‘34 Ford Sedan #353 driven by “Pickle” Wilson. Later this group owned the #11 driven by Hoppy Fissel. After Hoppie’s death, Gary Wolford became the driver for their car. Jack became an official at Silver Spring Speedway, and in 1970 he became the announcer. The “Voice of Silver Spring Speedway,” Jack was not new to announcing—he had announced at the Fredricksburg Speedway from about 1965–1969. He was the unofficial voice of the Williams Grove Old Timers, the emcee at YCRC Banquets, plus Dirt Trackin’ events. Having been a race fan since the early 1940s, his love of the sport continued until his death in May 2010. Jack’s kind words of encouragement and good deeds will be forever remembered. Eastern Museum of Motor Racing 100 Baltimore Rd, York Springs, PA • 717-528-8279 Like us on Facebook Volunteer newsletter editor, design, and production: Kay Diehl Melchi c: 717.669.2710 The EMMR Times 2012 Issue No. 3 EMMR race cars travel to Maryland’s Hagerstown Speedway on July 4 for Display plus Track Time All photos courtesy of Rick Mandelson Thanks to EMMR volunteer Rick Mandelson for coordination. What’s New at the Gift Shop at EMMR The winter jackets are in and very nice with the EMMR logo embroidered on the front. It’s hard to think about a jacket as hot as it has been this summer but the will make GREAT gifts for the Holidays! I did a reorder on the white drag shirts and the black “Lets Race.” If you have not picked one up do it now. These will probably be the last of these designs and SHOULD last us the rest of the season. Women’s winter jacket 2012 Issue No. 3 Already working new ideas for next season’s shirt design, plus working on locating some new kid’s items. I would like to thank Amanda for letting me help with the much-needed overhaul of the museum brochure. Also thanks to Darwin for the mini field trips from his US 30 Reunion show in York to the EMMR. Both days I heard nothing but great things from those that made the trip. —Larry Garland Men’s winter jacket The EMMR Times 3 28th Annual Latimore Valley was held on FAIR A Country Festival and Antique Race Car, Drag Race Car, & Muscle Car Exhibit June 22, 23, 24, 2012 It’s here and gone! Our attendance was the most I’ve seen in a long time. That might have had to do with the weather and our new schedule on Sunday. Darwin and Junior came through with a great car show on Sunday. This pulled in new people who have never been or ever heard of us. Thanks guys, we’re going to do it again next year. If you missed the wedding between Brandon (The Rocket Man) and Rose (The Duck Lady) on Saturday, you missed a unique ceremony. It was, Barb Paxton as they say, “priceless”, right down to the words Chairman, in the exchanging of the vows. The wedding Latimore Valley Fair party was hauled around in the rocket, while Brandon and Rose rode in the Model T “bouncing car.” Congrats to you two. It was perfect. There is so much to do to get ready for the fair. This year we had great help setting up and tearing down. Thanks to all who helped!!!! I could not, and would not do it without you! God Bless… —Barb Paxton York County Racing Club’s display All photos courtesy of Rick Mandelson, except as noted. Thanks, Rick! BELOW: Chaplain Mike Nickle, “The Faster Pastor,” conducted the marriage ceremony for Rose and Brandon Bell on Saturday morning of the 2012 Latimore Valley Fair. Rose and Brandon’s families Brandon and Rose in “bouncing” Model T 4 Lynn Paxton, chauffeur The bridal party was seated in the Rocket Ride for a ride through Fairgrounds. The EMMR Times 2012 Issue No. 3 The Ultra Kings, one of 3 different bands. PHOTO BY KAY MELCHI Bruce Larson’s funny car PHOTO BY BARRY MELCHI FAIR All photos courtesy of Rick Mandelson, except as noted. Thanks, Rick! PHOTO BY BARRY MELCHI Latimore Valley Fun in Latimore Creek Antique and vintage race cars plus antique cars were on display during the beautiful weather. Antique Tractor Parade held every day during the Fair. Miniature steam engine PHOTO BY KAY MELCHI A Farmall fording Latimore Creek during Tractor Parade. Reeves & Co. made this 100 years ago and the engine is still steaming. Russel engine Visitors from Musclecar Madness and York Reunion enjoy Eastern Museum of Motor Racing The Eastern Museum of Motor Racing had a commanding presence at the 11th Annual Musclecar Madness at the York Reunion on July 13–14th, 2012. A shuttle van was operating from the show to the museum with the first shuttle making a trip at 10 a.m. Friday morning with a load of personalities which included “Miss Hurst Golden Shifter” Linda Vaughn, Arnie “The Farmer” Beswick, “Miss Mighty Mopar” Judy Lilly, and a host of personalities and the 2012 Issue No. 3 S & S Racing Team. We have received accolades from all that made the trip and a special thank you to Lynn Paxton for his outstanding tours. Donations of $1595.00 in the name of Bill “Grumpy” Jenkins were made for a special auction, Jenkins Competition t-shirt sales, and Jenkin’s arm bands. The weekend brought countless favorable comments on the museum. —Darwin Doll The EMMR Times 5 Shippensburg Speedway Hosts EMMR Race Cars on July 13 for Display plus Track Time Thanks to EMMR volunteer Nancy Miller for coordinating this event. All photos courtesy of Rick Mandelson EMMR race cars travel to Winchester Speedway in Virginia on May 30 for Display plus Track Time Thanks to EMMR volunteer Bobby Lowery for coordination. All photos courtesy of Bobby Lowery 6 The EMMR Times 2012 Issue No. 3 CORNER CRAIG’s The momentum I spoke of in last issue’s column continues to build. The recently comCraig Agan pleted 28th Annual Latimore Development, EMMR Valley Fair was one of the best ever and finished with a BANG! The bands were great. The antique and classic race cars were beautiful on display and exciting when they were on track. The wedding of Brandon and Rose was memorable. The rocket ride was fun and truly the best buy of the weekend, unless you consider all of the free activities. The food concessions were tasty as usual and we have to thank all of the folks who make that happen. The antique tractor parades were colorful, and the tractor pulls were amazing! The gas engines and steam engines are an educational link to the past. The vendors and swap meet folks add a reality to the fair by hawking their items. The petting zoo is fun for the kids thanks to York Springs 4H and also adds a “fair” feel.The Sunday Cruise was another opportunity for folks to enjoy the fairground’s 60+ acres of green grass to display on. The Saturday morning “Silver Mile” Relay for Life offers everyone involved a chance to give back to a wonderful organization, The American Cancer Society. However, the “BANG” that we closed with that I spoke of earlier was the special drag racing display that was new to the Fair this year. On Sunday there were vintage drag cars on display, drag racing legends autograph sessions, drivers’ interviews, and “Cackling Thunder.” Yes, Cackling Thunder, is the name for the portion of the event when drivers fire up the highpowered, sometimes blown, sometimes injected—but always LOUD—drag cars just for us to have a chance to hear them again. All we can say is WOW! This drag racing event brought many new fans to our Fair and we welcome them to the Latimore Valley Fair and the Eastern Museum of Motor Racing! By the time you read this the July 28th Jalopy Showdown Invitational will be history, but we hope you were all a part of that history! This will be my first time to one of the very popular Jalopy Showdown events produced by Larry and Kim Garland, and I am sincerely looking forward to it. Don't forget the October 7–8 First Annual Car Auction and Flea Market at Latimore Valley Fairgrounds. Hope to see you there! —Craig 2012 Issue No. 3 Racing Around the Museum “Racing Around the Museum” has a great ring to it (Thanks Kay!) and fits me like a glove if you have seen Amanda me in action running all over the Chmiola-Eshenour Admin. Coordinator., museum and the fairgrounds the past EMMR couple of months. I can’t believe it is almost August, wow how times flies when you are having fun. Everyone has been great to work with and I just want to say “Thank you” for making me feel right at home. I appreciate everyone’s help in getting me organized and helping me figure out what-iswhat. I am loving every minute of it!! I have worked on revamping the museums brochure to include the Drag Car exhibit and the new expansion. Keep your eyes out for it in a few short weeks. Coming in August we will have our new Point of Sales (POS) cash register up and running in the Gift Shop. I have spent many, many hours getting the inventory updated and writing out easy-to-use instructions. I would like to have a training session on the computer Wednesday, August 15th from 6–8 pm. The system will be up and running for Convention on the 17th so I want to make sure everyone is trained on it that will be working that weekend. There will be refreshments so please mark your calendar to attend. A big thank you to Larry Garland for all his assistance with the new brochure and the new POS. We have a great group of volunteers that comes in if not weekly, but monthly to help run the cash register or talk with visitors throughout the museum. But we need more hands on deck!!! I am asking the same people over and over again and I don’t want to stretch them thin. Here’s where you come in… please look at your calendar and let me know if you can help one day in August and one day in September. I have a signup sheet in my office or just email me at The museum is open Friday, Saturday, and Sunday from 10 am to 4 pm. The first 10 new volunteers to sign up will get a special “thank you” gift from me. If the weather keeps up being hot and humid this is a great way of staying cool and meeting new people. I hope to hear from your soon! —Amanda Thank You Chuck Miller The EMMR Times The former volunteer editor of EMMR newsletter, Chuck Miller, has passed his duties onto volunteer Kay Melchi, who beginning with this issue will be doing editing and production. 7 NONPROFIT ORG US POSTAGE PAID LANCASTER PA PERMIT NO 810 MUSEUM ADDRESS: 100 Baltimore Road York Springs, Penna. 0.5 miles east of Route 15, 12 miles south of Pa. Turnpike Mailing address: PO Box 688 Mechanicsburg, PA 17055 Join EMMR Today! 2013 Membership due Dec. 31, 2012 Join the BLOCK PARTY! We are expanding ONE BLOCK AT A TIME. You can help pay for the addition to the Museum and at the same time permanently have your family’s name… or a business name… or a friend’s name… enshrined at the Museum. It is an excellent way to honor famous racing personalities of the past and to show your support for their contributions to motor racing. Blocks on the Phase 3 wall. You can purchase an actual 8” x 16” building block. Either: OUTSIDE on the Phase 4 Porch for $1,000 or INSIDE on the twostory Phase 3 Wall for $500 (plus $50 engraving each) and tell us how you want it inscribed. Your tax deductible contribution for the building block is a meaningful and affordable way to participate in the expansion and future growth of the Eastern Museum of Motor Racing. Also inside: Corporate / Business blocks are also available for $1,050, including a framed wall display about who you are honoring with your block for use in your place of business. Due to the amount of dust generated and the general disruption, blocks will only be engraved once a year between mid-December and the end of March while EMMR is closed. For more information on EMMR’s “One Block at a Time” contact: Joe Heisler III 8 p (410) 303-4428 p The EMMR Times Grand Opening of Phase 4, March 31, 2012 2012 Issue No. 3
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