March 2014 - Eastern Museum of Motor Racing
EMMR TIMES The A quarterly publication of the Eastern Museum of Motor Racing Located at 100 Baltimore Road, York Springs, PA 2014 Issue No. 1 • published in March 2014 FROM THE PRESIDENT Hello Members. First I want to thank all of you that helped me turn “70” on January 19th. The roast was a good one but I ran out of time for all my rebuttals. Don’t worry…I don’t get mad…I get even. Our Thursday night work crew is hard at work cleaning and making improvements to our museum. Lynn Paxton President, We will be engraving our walls this EMMR winter, so if you bought a block come to the Open House April 5th & 6th to take a look at your contribution and reunite with friends. The gray 2014 schedule was changed as follows: On March 16th our roundtable will be on the history of Late Model racing in our area. We would like to invite all drivers, owners, mechanics, and fans to this event. The time of our roundtables is 1 to 3 p.m. Last year was a great year for our organization. Our last events, the Lobitz Movie Party and the Fred Rahmer Roast was well attended and a lot of fun. Our Spring Open House on Saturday, April 5th will feature Memories of Bud Faubel and a roundtable from 1 to 3 p.m. On Sunday, April 6th, the roundtable will be with Keith Kauffman. This year will be celebrating our 40th Annual EMMR/WGOT Convention. We will be honoring the A.R.D.C. Organization, Williams Grove Speedway 75 years of Racing, and Crocky Wright. Our Grand Marshalls this year are: Stan Lobitz, Perry Trimmer, and Judy Freels. That’s all for now. See you at the museum, fairground or at one of our events throughout the year. —Lynn Paxton Receive your newsletter in Color! The EMMR newsletter is available as a fullcolor PDF which can be emailed to you instead of receiving the printed newsletter which is in all-black ink. Emailing newsletters saves print and postage costs. Please email Amanda if you wish to receive your newsletter by email. 2014 Issue No. 1 • published in March 2014 Racing Around the Museum I wanted to take a minute and thank ALL the volunteers that helped me last year. THANK YOU SO MUCH! Amanda You are very important to the MuChmiola-Eshenour seum. Admin. Coordinator., EMMR I am back in full swing after being out on maternity leave. Jonathan is growing like a weed and each day is full of surprises. If you were here for Lynn’s Roast you got to meet him. Jonathan will be here for one of the days during the Spring Open House on April 5 and 6. Amber loves being a big sister and is always happy to help. I am happy to report that we welcomed five new volunteers last year to the Museum! We are always looking for more help. There will be a volunteer training on Sunday, March 16th from 10 AM to 12 PM with lunch provided for anyone who would like to learn about the Museum or brush up on your knowledge if it’s been a while since you volunteered. It does not take a lot of training. A Friday here or Sunday there is all I am asking for. I am also looking for some people who would like to learn the computer in the Gift Shop. It is very simple and easy to learn. The Museum will be open from April 4th to October 26th from 10 AM to 4 PM every Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. So please, look at your calendar and see if you can join us for 6 hours a month. Just call me at the Museum 717-528-8279 or email —Amanda Chmiola-Eshenour BOARD MEETINGS The EMMR Times All are welcome to attend, 4th Tuesday of the month, 7:00 pm at EMMR. 1 I can hardly believe that it is nearly time to go racing again! Events have already been run Craig Agan in some parts of the country Development, and local tracks will open soon. EMMR That means the EMMR Spring Open House is just around the corner. I can’t wait to see you there on April 5 & 6. My season was cut short last year when an accident caused me to need spinal surgery. Missing my annual trek to the National Open, Hershey, and the EMMR Swap Meet and Car Corral left me extremely disappointed. But I was thrilled when I heard Fred Rahmer won Williams Grove and so sad that I didn’t get to see it live. The victory was a fitting culmination of an extraordinary career for Rahmer. Special thanks to all who sent get well cards while I was doing a bit of “sheet time”. From all reports the Stan Lobitz Movie Party was a great success again in November. Besides being a joyous day for everyone in attendance, the Lobitz Party is an important annual fundraiser for the Eastern Museum of Motor Racing. Stan has done so much for EMMR over the years. It will be great fun to honor him and others at the 40th Annual Convention in August. The previously mentioned “Fast” Freddie Rahmer agreed to be the special guest for the December 1 Holiday Open House. Fred, together with his wife Debbie and former mechanic Lee Stauffer, were a hit with all of the fans and EMMR supporters in attendance. Fred spoke candidly about his career and working with his sons in 2014 and beyond. Thanks, Fred, for being a special friend to the Eastern Museum. Next up on the schedule was a really special “Third Sunday Roundtable.” We spoke of Stan Lobitz earlier, well, rumor has it that he took a shot or two at his old friend during the January 19 “Lynn Paxton Roast” and Birthday Celebration. Darn, I really hate that I missed that party! From the photos I saw it looked like a huge crowd and everyone was having a great time helping Lynn celebrate. Or maybe it was that Vintage Motorcycle Exhibit News For the 2014 season Potomac Vintage Riders (PVR) plan to showcase regional short track legendary race bikes at the Eastern Museum of Motor Racing. Among them will be: • 1951 Indian Warrior 500cc dirt tracker. Owned and raced by Nick Taylor of Maryland. • 1975 Kawasaki KX400 modified for short track. Owned and raced by Bill Menges of Maryland. • 1979 Honda CR250 Champion framed short tracker. Now owned and raced by John Yurajefcik of York, PA. This bike has a local racing heritage and will have the memorabilia displayed with it. • One of the early bikes raced by Shayna Texter of Lancaster, PA. Shayna competes in the national flat track series and has recently received support through Triumph. Shayna Texter appeared on the Tonight show with Jay Leno after her first National flat track win. There will be two or three other bikes as well. The display will be in place prior to the April opening. —Mark Williams, Potomac Vintage Riders they all just relishing the chance to give back to Paxton some of the grief he’d given them over the years! Anyway, thanks for the memories, Lynn! I hope I wasn’t too obvious, but I’ve recapped many of these exciting EMMR events for a reason. I don’t want you to miss the fun! If you are within reasonable driving distance, another exciting season is starting soon. Mark your calendar and don’t miss any of the 2014 special events! See schedule on page 7. I’ll see you at the Spring Open House! —Craig Agan Join ! Today EMMR Membership P Annual is $20. P Lifetime is $200. Name ______________________________________________ Address_____________________________________________ City__________________________ State_____ Zip _________ Phone________________ Spouse name __________________ E-mail Address_______________________________________ “Fast” Freddie Rahmer and Lynn Paxton during Open House Dec. 1, 2013 2 Please make checks payable to “EMMR” and mail to: EMMR, Attn: Membership PO Box 688, Mechanicsburg PA 17055-0688 The EMMR Times Museum phone: 717 528-8279 2014 Issue No. 1 • published in March 2014 © CORNER CRAIG’s Drag Racing Exhibit News The drag racing exhibit at EMMR this year will feature a potpourri of drag racing vehicles for 2014. The new mixture of vehicles includes the Mr. 555 Super Stock Plymouth of the late Ken Montgomery; the “All American” 1956 Chevy gasser of Greg Swenson; the late Ron Wallace’s ‘61 Corvette race car; the Hahn & Turner B/Fuel Dragster the “Blue Mountain Express;” Jonathan Fritz’ 1957 Chevy E/Modified Production; the Kawasaki drag bike of James Hammer (a regular at York US30 Dragway); Carroll Hines’ Street Roadster race car; the twin engine dragster of Stan Shoppel; the Top Fuel Dragster of Bob Hilton; and for the younger enthusiast—a Junior Dragster entered by Kerm Shingledecker. Unfortunately due to weather conditions our February 15th Weekend Warrior Luncheon was cancelled. The program will be incorporated into our Back In The Day roundtable for the Spring Open House on April 5th with National Event announcer Bob Frey, and our Pennsylvania group of George Nye, former York US 30 announcer; Frankie Burke, former Maple Grove voice; and Jim Senkewitz, former Pittsburgh International Dragway meistro. Bob Harrop, winner of the ’65 Super Stock Nationals will participate as well. On Saturday, April 5th the Spring Open House features from the drag racing community will be a at Join us R EMoM r f ’32 Ford Coupe heating the tires for a run. presentation of “Back In The Day” with a memorial and dedication of a memorial block to the recently departed drag racing legend, Bud Faubel of Chambersburg. Bud’s wife Barbara will be in attendance to share the many memories of his storied life flying in the military and commercially along with his many drag racing exploits. Lots of new photos, posters, and drag racing memorabilia will appear throughout the drag racing area exhibit, a memorial display area for Bud Faubel and a display case of notable drag racing history in the EMMR library. We remain dedicated to expanding our performance history as space permits and will continue to broaden the scope and breadth of our drag racing exhibit as finances permit. —Darwin Doll “BACK IN THE DAY ” A DRAG RACING COMMUNITY EVENT Saturday April 5, 2014 11 AM TO 4 PM Memories of BUD FAUBEL with Barbara Faubel During Eastern Museum of Motor Racing’s Spring OPEN HOUSE • Enjoy a day of special memories remembered. 10 AM to 4 PM each day EE • Special roundtable 1 PM FR SION Saturday APRIL 5, and Sunday APRIL 6, 2014 to 3 PM MIS AD • 50-50s • Auction Eastern Museum of Motor Racing The Legends of Drag • Good Food 100 Baltimore Rd, York Springs, PA • Surprises Galore Racing Telling it • Everyone Welcome 717-528-8279 "Like it Used to Was" • Your input always invited. 2014 Issue No. 1 • published in March 2014 The EMMR Times 3 Gettysburg Region AACA News EMMR is the home of Gettysburg Region AACA and we are thrilled to be a part of the Museum. It is wonderful to have a place to hold our annual car show and board meetings. The display area within the Museum lets us promote the region and the antique car hobby. The Gettysburg Region and its membership help support and volunteer in the Museum and the Latimore Valley Fairgrounds. More history on the Gettysburg Region and our activities will follow in upcoming issues of this newsletter. Our annual dinner and meeting was held Saturday February 2, 2014 at the East Berlin Community Center. This event is held annually to install newly elected officers, thank outgoing officers and present special awards to members that show devotion and support to the region. The new officers installed this year are as follows; Howard King, President; Ron Green, Vice President; Brenda Wood, Secretary; and Karen Engle, Treasurer. EMMR Museum Gift Shop We can’t wait for this cold weather to wrap up and get this years activities started at EMMR! New items in the gift shop include a new adjustable cotton twill cap from Legacy Athletic in Hanover PA. I always like to use local suppliers if possible. They have always been great with merchandise for the Jalopy Showdown and we are happy to use them for the gift shop hats. We’ve had requests for a refrigerator magnet so look them in the gift shop. A new book, Wicked Fast: Racing Through Life with Bentley Warren is now in stock. Reviewers say: “One of the most decorated short-track drivers of his generation, seven-time champion at New York’s Oswego Speedway, four-time ISMA series champ, and two-time Little 500 winner, Bentley Warren is also a self-taught entrepreneur, merry saloon4 There is also a fun time built into this event, as the region has its own Outhouse Players. They perform some of the most ridicules skits and poke fun at many members and national officers of AACA. A fun evening for all! The Gettysburg Region will hold its 39th Annual Antique & Classic Auto & Truck show with a flea market on Saturday, June 14th 2014 at the Latimore Fairgrounds. This is our 14th year at Latimore and the show has grown and been a very successful event for us. Race cars, antique gas engines, farm tractors and related equipment are encouraged to attend this show. There will be NO entry fee for these displays. Please call Harry Sherwood (717) 697-0411 to reserve your spot. For more information and registration please visit our website at or pick up a flyer in the vestibule at the Museum. Plenty of good food and ice cream will be available. Be sure to attend the Model T race on Friday evening June 13. Lynn does not stand a chance of winning since he turned 70. —Bob Shultz keeper, hot-rod Harley rider, and overall hell-raiser with a heart.” We have also a reorder of the Parnelli Jones book, Paved Track Dirt Track, and Miller’s Time – A Lifetime at Speed—the story on the life and accomplishments of Don Miller, auto racing executive and longtime partner of Roger Penske. A new EMMR shirt featuring one of our favorite local drivers will be available this spring. I think it will be a HUGE hit! If you did not get one of the black “Roadster Race” EMMR shirts yet—buy it up... the new shirt will be the replacement for it! There will also be a new drag shirt later in the season. Think Spring! —Larry & Kim Garland The EMMR Times Purcha supporses EMMR t ! 2014 Issue No. 1 • published in March 2014 4 1 0 2 , 7 1 May Y P O L JA OWN D W O H S n’t miss it! Do On May 17th the twelfth annual Jalopy Showdown will be held at the Latimore Valley Fairgrounds of the Eastern Museum of Motor Racing. One of the most popular yearly events at the historic racetrack located near York Springs, Penna., owners of pre-1965 traditional rods and customs gather from all over the east coast to exhibit and run their cars. The Jalopy Showdown also features three live Rockabilly bands and vendors. This year’s Jalopy Showdown will feature something we have not done in many years—a regular track time event. Because we usually have somewhere around 3000 people here that day I am looking to preregister the race cars for the event because we will just not have space for more. First, the pits will not be available, so the truck and trailers for ALL race cars will be parked in the farmer’s field behind the workshop. The trucks and trailers will need to enter directly from Latimore Valley Road into the farmer’s field. Also, as we call the cars out we will have to enter and exit the track at the opening at turn 1 which is also near the workshop. I know this is unusual but necessary because of the VERY large crowds. We are looking for 6 to 8 cars for each of the three divisions: sprints, midgets, and stock cars for regular track time. 2014 Issue No. 1 • published in March 2014 We will also field roadsters and coupes from the group of hot rods and will heavily police them on the track. If it rains of course we will not run the race cars. We will also need the usual group of tracktime volunteers to work the corners and tower. If you have interest in running a car that day please contact me at or 717-428-0110 and let me know what you have, but PLEASE show up if you say you are coming! Thanks for your continued support of EMMR and this will be a great way to let a whole new large group of people see what it is we do at the museum. In addition, we always get national coverage in the hot rod magazines, so it’s a win win for us!! For more details go to —Larry Garland The EMMR Times 5 30th Latimore Valley Fair to be held June 27 to 29, 2014 just bring them the week of the fair. Thirty years! Who would believe it? Mark the Date! Bingo– We are looking to have Bingo Begining on Friday June 27 and continuing through Sunday afternoon June • A Country Festival again at the fair because it always is a popular game. We need to find Bingo equip29, the 30th edition of the popular old• Free Admission ment and then we need some members to fashioned fair will be held at the historic • Good Food run it. If you have access to Bingo equipLatimore Valley Fairgrounds on the prop• Vendors ment please let me know. We need to plan erty of the Eastern Museum of Motor ahead because we would have to get a Racing, just north of York Springs, Penna. • Games Bingo license before the fair. There will be an article in our May • Entertainment Games – We have had games the last newsletter with more detailed information few years with the help of “Gig” who ran but I would like to give you a heads up reour dice wheel. Gig passed away this past fall and we garding the fair and see if we can get some more help will miss him a lot! We would like to keep the games and make our 30th fair extra-special. going and we are looking for someone to be in charge We are looking for the following: Raffle Prizes for our Chinese Raffle– Between now of an individual game during the fair. Please let me know if you are interested. and the fair if our members would ask their local If you have any ideas or comments for the fair, businesses for items or monetary donations it would please feel free to contact me. Thanks be greatly appreciated. We hit on our local businesses —Barbara Paxton all the time, so we are asking for your help to obtain raffle prizes in the area where you live. You can drop raffle donations off at the museum before the fair or 717-432-5522 Lynn Paxton “Roast” and 70th Birthday Celebration Jan. 19, 2013 6 The EMMR Times 2014 Issue No. 1 • published in March 2014 CLIP AND SAVE SCHEDULE © 2014 EVENTS Schedule updated as of Jan. 20, 2014. March 16 EMMR STAFF ORIENTATION for VOLUNTEERS - Open to All Learn about EMMR 10 am to 1 pm - Amanda Eshenour (717) 528-8279 March 16 3rd Sunday Roundtable: 1-3 pm Topic - Topic - History on Late Models from early 1960s March 28 Photo Opportunity WILLIAMS GROVE SPEEDWAY, Mechanicsburg, PA. EMMR Static Display - Nancy Miller (717) 766-0837 April 5-6 SPRING OPEN HOUSE - EMMR OPENS FOR 2014. 10 am-4 pm. Movies, Auction, Refreshments. Sunday honoring Keith Kauffman April 12-13 Sat & Sun. WORK PARTY & PICNIC at EMMR/LVFG. Please volunteer to get the fairgrounds ready for events. Lynn Paxton (717) 432-8188 April 13 3rd Sunday Roundtable: 1-3 pm Topic - Bonneville by Dave Gray (717) 422-8324 April 18 SPRING CLASSIC / TOMMY HINNERSHITZ MEMORIAL at WILLIAMS GROVE SPEEDWAY, Mechanicsburg, PA. EMMR Static Display Nancy Miller (717) 766-0837 April 20 Easter - EMMR Closed May 4 “GARY WOLFORD’S FISH FRY” & SILVER SPRING REUNION. 9-5 pm at EMMR / LVFG - Alan Kreitzer (717) 766-7215 May 10 Circle M Race Track, EMMR Static Display - Ken Johnson (610) 562-4425 May 11 Mothers’ Day - EMMR Closed May 16 OPEN late on FRIDAY 10 am to 9 pm for Jalopy visitors May 17 JALOPY SHOWDOWN at LVFG 9-4 pm. Larry Garland 717-428-0110. Admission $10. Also: Metal Shapers & Inliners May 17 SHIPPENSBURG SPEEDWAY, Pa. EMMR Display & Track Time Nancy Miller (717) 766-0837 May 18 3rd Sunday Roundtable: 1-3 pm Topic: Hot Rodding & Racing by Lee Osborne May 23 Photo Opportunity WILLIAMS GROVE SPEEDWAY, Mechanicsburg, PA. EMMR Static Display - Nancy Miller (717) 766-0837 June 7 PORT ROYAL SPEEDWAY, Pa., EMMR Display/Track Time Nancy Miller (717) 766-0837 June 14 ANTIQUE CAR SHOW at EMMR / LVFG Gettysburg Region, Antique Automobile Club of America, Rick Engle (717) 632-2792 Chairman, Dale Geiman (717)637-0591 Registration June 14 Photo Opportunity WILLIAMS GROVE SPEEDWAY, Mechanicsburg, Pa. EMMR Static Display - Nancy Miller (717) 766-0837 June 15 3rd Sunday Roundtable: 1-3 pm. Topic - 75th Anniversary of Williams Grove by Ben Turner & Stephen Bubb June 27-29 LATIMORE VALLEY FAIR, 30th ANNUAL - A Country Festival of Arts & Crafts / Music / Entertainment nightly. Track Time at Williams Grove Speedway on Friday evening. Vintage Racecar Track Time on Sat. afternoon only. Car Show Sunday. Latimore Valley Gas & Steam Engine displays daily. Fair contact is Barb Paxton (717) 432-5522. Gas & Steam contact is Jason Frey (717) 629-1847. July 2 HAGERSTOWN SPEEDWAY, MD. (Wed. Night of Speedweek) EMMR Display/Track Time - Rick Mandelson (410) 802-1333 July 11-13 YORK REUNION & NOSTALGIA NATIONALS. Darwin Doll (717) 757-2720 and Alan Kreitzer (717) 766-7215 (Please support this non-EMMR event) July 11 WINCHESTER SPEEDWAY, VA. EMMR Display/Track Time - Bud Lowery (540) 338-2362 July 19 V-Dub Bash. Larry Garland (717) 428-0110 - Admission $10 2014 Issue No. 1 • published in March 2014 July 19 SUSQUEHANNA SPEEDWAY PARK, Pa. Silver Spring Speedway Racers Reunion, EMMR Display/Track Time - Rick Mandelson 410 802-1333 July 20 3rd Sunday Roundtable: 1-3 pm, Topic: V-Dubs and Racing by John Mickle July 25 Photo Opportunity at WILLIAMS GROVE SPEEDWAY, Mechanicsburg, Pa. EMMR Static Display - Nancy Miller (717) 766-0837 July 26 BUD GARVEY'S REUNION, Osceola Mills, PA. Bud Garvey (814) 268-5073 (Please support this Non-EMMR event) Aug. 3-4 VINTAGE CELEBRATION - Loudon, NH. Al Novotnik (203) 8477478 (Please support this non-EMMR event) Aug. 15-17 EMMR/WGOT CONVENTION - at EMMR / LVFG, Honoring Crocky Wright, ARDC 75 Years of Racing and Williams Grove Speedway. Fri, Sat & Sun: daytime events at EMMR. Fri. pm Cruise at Museum 3-8 pm. Sat & Sun aftn Track Time at LVFG. Sat. pm Track Time at Lincoln Speedway. Sat. pm rain date for Cruise at Museum. Sun. Roundtable: Stan Lobitz Roast 1-3 pm. Inliners International at large pavilion, Steve (215) 547-0866. Aug. 22 BEDFORD FAIRGROUNDS SPEEDWAY, at Bedford Pa., EMMR Display/Track Time - Nancy Miller (717) 766-0837 Sept. 5-28 Matchbox Month at EMMR. Darwin Doll (717) 757-2720 Sept. 6-7 PICNIC / WORK PARTY at EMMR / LVFG. Lynn Paxton (717) 4328188 (Rain Date 9/13 &14) Sept. 6 SUSQUEHANNA SPEEDWAY PARK, Pa., EMMR Display/Track Time - Rick Mandelson (410) 802-1333. Sept. 7 Track Time rain date. Amanda Eshenour (717) 528-8279 Sept. 12 Photo Opportunity WILLIAMS GROVE SPEEDWAY, Mechanicsburg, Pa. EMMR Static Display - Nancy Miller (717) 766-0837 Sept. 21 2nd Annual TOY & RACING MEMORABILIA BUY-SELL TRADE SHOW, Darwin Doll (717) 757-2720 Sept. 21 3rd Sunday Roundtable: 1-3 pm. Topic - Hill Climb by Bill Sangrey & Ron Mann Sept. 27 SHIPPENSBURG SPEEDWAY, PA. EMMR Display/Track Time Nancy Miller (717) 766-0837 Oct. 4 EMMR / NATIONAL SPRINT CAR HALL OF FAME AUCTION will also benefit the YORK COUNTY RACING CLUB and the NATIONAL OPEN BENEFIT FOR INJURED DRIVERS. WILLIAMS GROVE SPEEDWAY, Mechanicsburg, Pa. Don Robinson (717) 456-7124 and Kolten Gouse (717) 275-6827 Oct. 5 EMMR’s 3rd Annual Car Show, Car Corral & Flea Market at EMMR museum. John Marks (717) 645-0440 or Junior Kelly (717) 630-0776 Oct. 9 Museum OPEN Thurs 6-9 pm for Hershey show visitors. Refreshments, Movies - Larry Stoner (717) 258-4695 Oct. 10 Photo Opportunity at WILLIAMS GROVE SPEEDWAY, Mechanicsburg, PA. EMMR Static Display - Nancy Miller (717) 766-0837 Oct. 19 3rd Sunday Roundtable: 1-3 pm, Topic - Lost Race Tracks by Stephen Bubb Oct. 25 TRACTOR TROT at Latimore Valley. Reg 10:30 - Ride 11:00 - Larry Altland (717) 432-5348 Oct. 26 Museum CLOSES on WEEKENDS for 2014, but open Fridays weather permitting. Nov. 9 LOBITZ MOVIE PARTY / EMMR AUCTION, Hazleton, PA - Lynn Paxton (717) 432-8188 Nov. 16 3rd Sunday Roundtable: 1-3 pm. Topic - 3rd AMF Snowmobile Racing Reunion by Bob Sholly & Bruce Larson Dec. 6-7 EMMR HOLIDAY OPEN HOUSE at EMMR 10-4 pm, Movies / Auction / Refreshments Dec. 21 3rd Sunday Roundtable: 1-3 pm.Topic - to be determined Schedule as of Jan. 20, 2014. Watch or call (717) 528-8279. The EMMR Times 7 MUSEUM ADDRESS: 100 Baltimore Road, York Springs, Penna. NONPROFIT ORG US POSTAGE PAID 0.5 miles east of Route 15,12 miles south of Pa. Turnpike 717-528-8279 • Mailing address: PO Box 688 Mechanicsburg, PA 17055 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED Event Highlights for April and May of 2014 Spring Open House: April 5 and 6 Wolford Fish Fry & Silver Spring Reunion: May 4 Jalopy Showdown: May 17 Spring OPEN HOUSE Saturday APRIL 5, and Sunday APRIL 6, 2014 What a winter! But Spring is finally here! End your long, cold hibernation by joining your friends during the Spring Open House at EMMR. In the Fairgrounds the trees and grass are turning bright green with the promise of a lovely summer along the Latimore Creek. In the Museum over the winter, hearty volunteers have been arranging new displays, cleaning, and organizing the Museum. So come and see what is new plus renew friendships on the opening weekend of the season at the Eastern Museum of Motor Racing. Sunday APRIL 6, 2014 “BACK IN THE DAY ” KEITH KAUFFMAN with a FREE S ION ADMIS 8 100 Baltimore Rd, York Springs, PA Saturday APRIL 5, 2014 A DRAG RACING COMMUNITY EVENT • • • • Eastern Museum of Motor Racing Memories of BUD FAUBEL roundtable discussion from 1 to 3 p.m. Info: Lynn Paxton 717-432-8188 or 717-432-5522 with Barbara Faubel More info on page 3. Enjoy a day of special memories remembered. Special roundtable 1 PM to 3 PM • 50-50s Auction • Good Food • Surprises Galore Everyone Welcome • Your input always invited. The EMMR Times • 717-528-8279 2014 Issue No. 1 • published in March 2014
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