October 2013 - Eastern Museum of Motor Racing
EMMR TIMES The A quarterly publication of the Eastern Museum of Motor Racing Located at 100 Baltimore Road, York Springs, PA 2013 Issue No. 4 • published in October 2013 FROM THE PRESIDENT This year is flying by. Our 39th Convention went very well. The tribute to Paul Miller and York County Racing Club on Friday, August 16th was a lot of fun. Our Cruise Night, which was held Friday evening at the museum, had 123 cars registered. A special thank you goes to Carol Weaver for Lynn Paxton all her hard work and planning in President, making it a success. We also had EMMR 71 race cars at Williams Grove for track time. Saturday, August 17th, Ray Boissoneau brought two of Johnny Thomson’s cars for Johnny’s sons, Dale, David, Darrell, and Dana to run during our track time. What a great day. Saturday evening, Don Robinson and all his helpers held an auction at Lincoln Speedway and we had over 40 vintage cars run track time. Sunday, August 18th, we held our membership meeting and elections. We’d like to thank Mike Kuhn, who will be going off the board for next year, for all his help and support and welcome our new board member, Ben Turner. Our Grand Marshalls Bob and Linda Wolfe were interviewed and thanked for their years of running our kitchen, and Ken Brenn for his 60 years in motor racing. Track time was rained out and rescheduled for September 8th, but the “racing” continued in the museum with our roundtable with our special guest, Ken Brenn, who entertained us and answered a lot of questions. He was joined by Leigh Earnshaw, four-time ARDC Champion, who raced for Ken. We have a new long-term water sponsor in Apple Auto Group. Thanks to the Stewart family for helping us out, so next time you need a car or auto repair call Apple. Our electric situation on the fairgrounds was in dire need of an upgrade. M. J. Electric, LLC, Mike Troutman, has come to our rescue. Joe Weaver, who works for them and has been helping Guy Brown over the past few years, went to Mike and told him about Continued on page 3 2013 Issue No. 4 • published in October 2013 Racing Around the Museum It has been a great year! Gift shop sales have been up, volunteer hours are up and we had 5 new volunteers Amanda this year helping out in the Museum. Chmiola-Eshenour I want to thank all the volunteers Admin. Coordinator., EMMR who have given their time and talents in the Museum this past year. All the help is greatly appreciated! The Museum will be open on Fridays only starting in November, weather permitting, so please feel free to sign up for a day here and there. We will also be open during our 3rd Sunday Roundtables each month so there is another day to get hours in if needed. I will be out the month of December getting accustomed to the new little addition to our family. But have no fear—Lynn will be here if you need anything. I will be back for the first Thursday night work party planning meeting on January 2nd, 2014, Craig Agan, our Development Director, had back surgery the beginning of October. We want to wish Craig a speedy recovery and we will see him at the Spring Open House next year. Craig’s address for members wishing to send Get Well cards: Craig Agan, 1902 W. Grandview Drive, Knoxville, IA 50138. —Amanda Chmiola-Eshenour Fund-raising Auctions for EMMR a Success due to Many Volunteers Auctions at Eastern Museum of Motor Racing and at different regional tracks have been a huge success this past year. There is no way I could do it by myself. There is a lot of time and energy that goes into it. I wanted to take a moment and THANK my volunteers for stepping up and helping me. I also want to thank all the drivers, mechanics and car owners from the past and present who have so graciously donated items and autographs. A special thank you goes out to Gig Kinard who enjoyed helping at the auction so much and unfortunately passed away this September. —Don Robinson The EMMR Times 1 CORNER CRAIG’s The 39th Annual Convention of the EMMR and the Williams Grove Old-Timers Craig Agan was a grand celebration honorDevelopment, ing many deserving friends of EMMR the Eastern Museum. As you all know, this year we honored Paul Miller and the York County Racing Club. The entire Paul Miller Family and many members of the York County Racing Club were in attendance to honor the long-time president who built the club into one of the finest and largest racing fan clubs in the country. The special driver honoree for the 2013 Convention was the great Johnny Thomson. On hand to help honor this Hall of Fame driver were Thomson’s four sons and two of the cars that carried their father to victory lane on many occasions, the Sam Traylor big cars that Thomson drove. The cars were on hand courtesy of their current owner, collector Ray Boissoneau from New Hampshire. Ray was very generous and allowed both the #55 and the #9 Sam Traylor cars to be driven on the Latimore Valley Fairgrounds track by the Thomson sons. Those in attendance had an opportunity to see two of the finest championshipwinning, Offy-powered sprint cars in existence today. Mr. Boissoneau was a generous host and was happy to explain the impressive history of the cars, which involved builders and mechanics such as Hiram Hillegass, Ken Hickey, and others! Well-known New Jersey car owner Ken Brenn was one of our two Grand Marshall’s for the weekend. He was joined as co-Grand Marshall by our longtime volunteers Bob and Linda Wolfe. The reasons we are recapping the 39th Annual Convention are to again thank all of the volunteers who made possible the wonderful weekend everyone enjoyed, and, to also let you all know that plans are already being made for next years’ 40th Annual Convention. Yes, next year will be an important milestone. It will be our 40th Annual Convention, originally started by Jack Gunn, as the Williams Grove OldTimers Convention in 1975. It will also be the 30th Annual Latimore Valley Fair, held annually since being resurrected in 1985. The Latimore Valley Fairgrounds was built and the first fair held in 1925. That continued until 1940 when the fairgrounds was closed. The fledgling EMMR group found and purchased the abandoned Latimore Valley Fairgrounds in 1981. In 1983 and 1984 an Open House was held to show the early restoration progress, but not until 1985 was the Latimore Valley 2 Fair resumed, 60 years after it first started in 1925! The Eastern Museum of Motor Racing was formed from the original Williams Grove Old-timers to move forward and honor all tracks, drivers, owners, mechanics, and everyone else involved in motorsports in the eastern part of the country. Another milestone will be the 25th Anniversary of the opening of Phase One of the Eastern Museum of Motor Racing facility in 1989! Look at the striking changes the museum has undergone since that time! Finally, we will join others in celebrating the 75th Anniversary of Williams Grove Speedway, opened in 1939. All of the above milestones will be celebrated at the 40th Annual EMMR/WGOT Convention next August 15–17, 2014. Our honoree for this convention will be midget driver, daredevil, author, and historian, the late Crocky Wright. Crocky was special to all who knew him and was very important as an early preserver of motorsports history. He was a great friend to the Eastern Museum and we are proud to honor his life and accomplishments this coming August. Our Grand Marshalls, who will also be honored for the 40th, will be the American Racing Drivers Club (ARDC), Stan Lobitz, and museum volunteers Perry Trimmer and Judy Freels. The ARDC was formed in 1939 and has sanctioned racing for most of the 75 years since then. Stan Lobitz has been a strong supporter of the ARDC for many of those years. He has also been a driving force behind the Eastern Museum’s growth with his leadership of major fund raising efforts, such as the annual Lobitz Movie Party. Perry Trimmer and his friend Judy Freels have been leaders of fairground volunteer efforts for many years. Our volunteers are indispensable to our operations and we cannot thank them enough! —Craig Agan www.EMMR.org Eastern Museum of Motor Racing 100 Baltimore Rd, York Springs, PA www.EMMR.org • 717-528-8279 Like us on Facebook The EMMR Times newsletter committee: Amanda Eshenour, Chair admin@emmr.org Bob Shultz Sarah Smith Rick Mandelson Lynn Paxton Norm Hutton Newsletter design and production Volunteer: Kay Diehl Melchi c: 717.669.2710 esetter@ptd.net The EMMR Times 2013 Issue No. 4 • published in October 2013 Lots of Track Time and Cars on Display During the 2013 Season EMMR’s volunteers had another very successful year doing vintage car exhibitions at our own Latimore Valley Fairgrounds along with Williams Grove; Port Royal; Winchester, Va.; Hagerstown, Md.; Bedford; Shippensburg; Lincoln; and Susquehanna Speedways. A great turnout of 70 cars were on exhibition during our Convention weekend in August. We had nine “new” cars attend this year, so we welcome those drivers’ participation in EMMR’s “living history” events. EMMR also did a “photo opportunity” night each month at Williams Grove, plus the management of the Grove donated half of the 50/50 money to EMMR and we thank them for that. FROM THE PRESIDENT Continued from page 1 us. The upgrade has started with no cost to EMMR. Thanks Joe and all your crew for taking time to help us out. The first Toy & Racing Memorabilia Show was held on September 15th and was a lot of fun. Thanks to Darwin Doll and all his helpers. A special thank you goes out to Nancy and John Miller for coordinating all of our track time activities at various race tracks throughout the year. Job well done! We have installed surveillance cameras at certain places. NEWS FLASH – Fred Rahmer has accepted our invitation to be interviewed and roasted on Sunday, December 1st from 1-3 pm during our Holiday Open House. On a sad note, we lost three long-time supporters, Tom Cochrane, Wayne “Gig” Kinard, and Don Heck. RIP in peace, friends. Events coming up: October 5th, 11am to 1pm – Williams Grove Auction. Don Robinson is always looking for items and helpers. October 6th & 7th – Swap Meet & Car Corral at EMMR, Junior Kelly and John Marks. November 10th – Stan Lobitz Movie Party & Auction in Hazleton. You never know what will happens at Stan’s. November 30th – EMMR Holiday Open House. Darwin Doll will be handling the guest speakers. December 1st – EMMR Holiday Open House. Fast Freddie Rahmer will be here! —Lynn Paxton 2013 Issue No. 4 • published in October 2013 EMMR wishes to thank the drivers and volunteers for making this a very successful year for Track Time and Displays at the tracks and we are looking forward to 2014. Stay tuned! —Nancy Miller Drag Car Exhibit News Lots of Vendors during the mid-September Toy & Racing Memorabilia Show We just completed the Inaugural Toy & Racing Memorabilia Show. Great weather and a turnout of 27 vendor spots but a little light on outside attendance, but overall a fun and pleasant day. Our vendors were pleased to support the museum along with new visitors to the museum. A date will be announced for the 2nd Annual soon. New Drag Cars planned for Exhibit in 2014 We will have the Ken Montgomery “Mr. 555” Mopar on display along with Al Andrews ‘57 Chevrolet Sedan Delivery and Ron Wallace’s Corvette race car for 2014. There will be five others joining them for an all-new display. “A View From The Tower” during Holiday Open House in November At this writing a special Holiday Open House panel “A View From The Tower” for Saturday, November 30th will include NHRA National Event announcers. A special release is forthcoming on the names of our invited speaker guests. A fun panel to complement our new display. We’ll keep the wheels turning. Weekend Warriors Luncheon set for February 15, 2014 at EMMR Mark your calendars for Saturday, February 15th for another Weekend Warriors Luncheon at 11:00 a.m. here at the Eastern Museum of Motor Racing. —Darwin Doll Receive your newsletter in Color! The EMMR newsletter is available as a fullcolor PDF which can be emailed to you instead of receiving the printed newsletter which is in all-black ink. Emailing newsletters saves print and postage costs. Please email Amanda admin@emmr.org if you wish to receive your newsletter by email. The EMMR Times 3 Over 124 gorgeous cars outside and fabulous racecars inside at Eastern Museum of Motor Racing. “Cruise-Night” held on Friday during the 2013 EMMR Convention tion, Barry Bechtel for making it possible for us to purchase a grill for up at the museum, Statler’s Upholstery for sponsoring our flyers for the cruise, and Bob Ruth Ford for their monetary donation. Plaques were awarded to the following participants: Jon Schuhart – 1938 Ford Mike Strayer – 1944 Willys Thanks to the Sponsors. Ed Frock – Ford Roadster Drew Banker – 1964 AMC Rambler Todd Cousins – 1973 Oldsmobile “GhostBuster” Barry Bechtel – 1941 Dodge Power Wagon Thanks to all who helped make the Convention’s Friday evening “Cruise-Night” a great success. The weather was beautiful and we had a great turn out: 124 cars registered and each one received a plaque and a goody bag full of items donated by not only local businesses, but national ones too. Our Chinese Auction was a big hit with all the wonderful prizes collected by volunteers from all over the area. We’d like to especially thank Ed Frock from Kelly’s Trucking for sponsoring the plaques for the conven- © P ANNUAL MEMBERSHI MEMBERSHIP $20.00 LIFETIME MEMBERSHIP $200.00 YEAR PAID _____ ________ __ ___ NEW RENEWA AL RENEWAL DATE __________ CARD ISSUED ON $ ______ OR CONT MUSEUM DONATI DONATION $______ CONTACT ACT ME ABOUT DONATING DONATING Y N NAME __________________________________________________________ SPOUSE _____ ______________ __ _________ ____________________________________________________________________ MAILING ADDRESS __ ______________________________________________________________________ CITY, STAT STATE, E, ZIP _______________________________________ ____ __ ______ ___________________ EMAIL _______________________ HOME/CELL ________________/________________ PH HOME/CELL CONTACT ME AB OUT VOLUNTEERING VOLUNTEERING CONTACT ABOUT SEUM OR FAIRGROUNDS FAIRGROUNDS AT THE MU MUSEUM WWW.EMMR.ORG 4 L MY NEWSLETTER NEWSLETTER PLEASE EMAI EMAIL VINTAGE RA CE CAR THAT I WOULD I HAVE A VINTAGE RACE T SHOW/RUN SHOW/RUN AT EMMR EVENTS EVENTS LIKE TO Please make make ch check eck payabl payable e to EMMR, & mail to PO BOX 688, MECHA MECHANICSBURG, NICSBURG, PA 17055 17055 The EMMR Times CLIP EMMR MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION and give as a Christmas gift, or get a friend to join! “Chinese Auction” featured items donated by local and national businesses. 2013 Issue No. 4 • published in October 2013 Williams Grove Speedway, August 16, 2013 Wonder how many of these vintage cars once sped onto the Williams Grove track for real racing? EMMR Display and Track Time Coordinated by Nancy Miller Representing many different eras of racing at Williams Grove, EMMR members’ cars wait for track time. ALL PHOTOS BY RICK MANDELSON • THANKS, RICK! #71 Joe Leiphart The pits are a lot more interesting when EMMR cars come to the Grove. #6 Ray Lacy #1 Stoney Miller 2013 Issue No. 4 • published in October 2013 Last minute adjustments might be needed before track time at the Grove The EMMR Times 5 Williams Grove Speedway, August 16, 2013 (continued from previous page) #73 Steve Miller Fantastic Fireworks at Williams Grove #77 John Marks owner/driver Convention at Latimore Valley Fairgrounds August 17, 2013 Coordinated by Lynn Paxton and many other Volunteers ALL PHOTOS BY RICK MANDELSON • THANKS, RICK! The infield at historic Latimore Valley Fairgrounds comes to life again during the Convention held each year in mid-August. Left: Ken Brenn and his wife traveled from New Jersey so Ken could be honored as one of the Grand Marshalls at the 2013 EMMR Convention. Above: Lynn Paxton and Ray Boissoneau with the post that Ray took out while driving his #55 car. Left: Craig Agan on the left, and Ray Boissoneau, on the right, and Johnny Thomson’s four sons gather around Johnny Thomson’s sprint car. The #9 Sam-Traylor Offy-powered car was there because Johnny Thomson was the special Driver Honoree. Below: York County Racing Club was honored at the Convention, along with remembering Paul Miller, a 32-year volunteer for the very active club. 6 The EMMR Times 2013 Issue No. 4 • published in October 2013 Convention on August 17, 2013 (continued from previous page) Left: New guard rail boards show where a post jumped out in front of #55 Ray Boissoneau and caused some repairs to be required. Right: Linda & Bob Wolfe were honored as Grand Marshalls for their many years of volunteering for EMMR. Happily displaying a plaque, Linda & Bob shared the special day with their family. #461 Matt Miller #44 Zach Suhr 2013 Issue No. 4 • published in October 2013 The EMMR Times 7 Bedford Speedway August 23, 2013 Coordinated by Bud Garvey ALL PHOTOS BY RICK MANDELSON • THANKS, RICK! EMMR members enjoying the vintage cars, the weather, and friendship. Al Hamilton Special, Rick Mandelson, owner/driver #77 John Marks owner/driver #5 Bobby Lowery Don Kimberling Standing next to the Al Hamilton Special owned by Dale Holder #92 Bud Garvey, owner #55 Bud Garvey, owner #33 Dick Volante, owner/driver #98 Larry Pittman, owner/driver 8 #15 Fred Putney The EMMR Times 2013 Issue No. 4 • published in October 2013 Susquehanna Speedway, Sept. 7, 2013 EMMR Display and Track Time Coordinated by Rick Left to right: #77 Larry Felty, #69 Carl Snyder, #78 Rick Mandelson Mandelson A packed evening of seven regular events were on the schedule, yet EMMR's cars enjoyed two classes of track time with twenty green laps apiece! EMMR member’s cars even were able to pre-heat their engines on the track. Todd Fisher, co-owner of Susquehanna Speedway, deserves the credit for managing to fit all the events into an amazing evening. The Sprint Car class was spiritedly contested frequently with a gaggle of five to eight cars. ALL PHOTOS BY RICK MANDELSON • THANKS, RICK! #69 Carl Snyder #10 Fred Locke Jr. #1 Clair Cook #71 Darryl Miller #A1 David Eitner #X Eddie Walker #4 Dan Guyer #71 Joe Leiphart #77 Larry Felty #78 Rick Mandelson #461 Steve Miller #461 Matt Miller Thanks! #77 Todd Martin 2013 Issue No. 4 • published in October 2013 #65 Amber Miller The EMMR Times to the Tracks that invite EMMR members to display and drive their vintage race cars. Owners of historic race vehicles are thrilled to get their cars back on the track in a display of living history. 9 Susquehanna Speedway, July 20, 2013 #X Eddie Walker The Al Hamilton Special, Rick Mandelson EMMR Display and Track Time Coordinated by Rick Mandelson ALL PHOTOS BY RICK MANDELSON • THANKS, RICK! #69 Carl Snyder #71 Darryl Miller #1 Clair Cook #10 Fred Locke Jr. #7 Gary Felty #9 John Miller Schedule for Third Buy Sunday Roundtables your Remaining 2013 Roundtables: Christmas Gifts at October 20th – Maryland Old Timers with Larry Jendras EMMR Gift Shop November 17th – Graham Taylor ASES H C R PU NEFIT BE R! EMM 10 The Gift Shop has been restocked with DVDs, Books, Diecast cars and toys for the kids. We have two new shirts available: a bowling shirt priced at $38.00 and a women’s navy cardigan for $38.00. There are still 2013 Convention T-shirts available sizes S, M. L and XL for $15.00. We also have a limited supply of Hall of Fame wooden plaques that we are selling for $20.00 plus tax. This is also the perfect time to pick up some items for Christmas Gifts. If you are not able to attend the Holiday Open House to pick up your gifts, orders can be taken by phone 717-528-8279 or email admin@emmr.org. Orders placed by Friday, December 13th will be shipped in time for Christmas. The EMMR Times December 15th – Gas Stations by Bob Shultz 2014 Roundtables January 19th February 16th March 16th April 27th – Fourth Sunday since Easter is April 20th May 18th June 15th July 20th August 17th – EMMR’s 2014 Convention Weekend September 21st October 19th November 16th December 21st 2013 Issue No. 4 • published in October 2013 Thursday Night Work Parties begin in January It will soon be winter and the local racing season and all the fun events at EMMR and Latimore Valley Fairgrounds are just a warm memory on a cold night. But you don’t have to hibernate all winter—the Museum uses the downtime to create new exhibits and maintain the museum in topnotch condition for the next season. Every Thursday evening at 6 pm from January through the Spring Opening, a hearty band of volunteers gather at EMMR for some projects, maintenance, and always some laughs. So don’t forget about the Museum just because it is winter—come out and join other volunteers to keep this very special museum as one of the premier motorsports museums in United States. Thursday Night Work Parties will kick off on January 2nd, 2014 with a planning meeting. Come January 9th with your sleeves rolled up and ready to get to work. The scheduled time is 6 to 9 pm, but any amount of time you can spare is always appreciated. 2013 Events Remaining Oct. 5: EMMR / National Sprint Car Hall of Fame AUCTION will also benefit the YORK COUNTY RACING CLUB and the NATIONAL OPEN BENEFIT FOR INJURED DRIVERS. At WILLIAMS GROVE SPEEDWAY, Mechanicsburg, PA. Don Robinson (717) 456-7124 and Kolten Gouse (717) 275-6827. Oct. 6-7: EMMR’s 2nd Annual Car Corral & Flea Market at the Museum, John Marks (717) 645-0440 jtm64@comcast.net or Junior Kelly (717) 630-0776 jalopyjunior@comcast.net Oct. 10: MUSEUM OPEN Thurs. 6 to 9 pm for Hershey show visitors. Refreshments, Movies. Larry Stoner (717) 258-4695 Oct. 11: Photo Opportunity, WILLIAMS GROVE SPEEDWAY, Mechanicsburg, PA. EMMR Static Display. Nancy Miller (717) 766-0837 Oct. 20: Third Sunday Roundtable at EMMR. Topic: Maryland Old Timers with Larry Jendras. Oct. 26: TRACTOR TROT at Latimore Valley. Register 10:30 am; Ride begins at 11:00 am. Larry Altland (717) 432-5348 Oct. 27: MUSEUM CLOSES ON WEEKENDS for 2013; BUT we will be open EVERY FRIDAY, weather permitting. Nov. 10: LOBITZ MOVIE PARTY & EMMR AUCTION, Hazleton, PA. Lynn Paxton (717) 432-8188 Nov. 17: Third Sunday Roundtable at EMMR. Topic: Graham Taylor Nov. 30- Dec. 1: EMMR HOLIDAY OPEN HOUSE at EMMR 10-4, Movies, Auction, Refreshments. Dec. 15: Third Sunday Roundtable at EMMR. Topic: Gas Stations by Bob Shultz 2013 Issue No. 4 • published in October 2013 The Board of Eastern Museum of Motor Racing wants to wish all its members a safe and happy holiday season! EMMR Special Offer for MEMBERS Speedway Illustrated magazine is now publishing monthly features on vintage racing. Speedway’s coverage is broad and includes vintage car features, biographies of old-time racers, how-to technical articles that focus on vintage restoration, as well as event coverage. There’s a special deal for EMMR members that benefits EMMR since EMMR gets half of the money with every subscription! That’s right, half of the price of every subscription sold in this limited-time promotion goes straight to EMMR. For just $1 per copy, you’ll receive twelve issues of Speedway Illustrated. The price at one dollar per copy is a dramatic reduction compared to Speedway Illustrated’s regular subscription price, but to get that price, subscribers must be paid-up EMMR members. HOW TO ORDER an EMMR member’s subscription to Speedway Illustrated: Use the form below. Do not use any other order form. Use this form & send your check or credit card info for $12 to Speedway Illustrated, PO 741, Epping, NH, 03042. Or for credit card orders only: call 1-877-289-9021—but you MUST identify yourself as an EMMR member when you call to get the special price and for EMMR to benefit. Name ________________________________________________ Street _________________________________________________ City ________________________ State ____ Zip code ____________ Credit card: __VISA __MC __AMEX Name on the card _________________________________________ Card number ____________________________________________ Expiration date_________ The EMMR Times 11 NONPROFIT ORG US POSTAGE PAID LANCASTER PA PERMIT NO 810 MUSEUM ADDRESS: 100 Baltimore Road York Springs, Penna. 0.5 miles east of Route 15, 12 miles south of Pa. Turnpike Mailing address: PO Box 688 Mechanicsburg, PA 17055 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED Event Highlights for Oct., Nov., Dec. of 2013 Static Display at Williams Grove: Fri. Oct. 11 Lobitz Movie Party & EMMR Auction: Sun. Nov. 10 Holiday Open House: Nov. 30 & Dec. 1 Holiday Open House Mark your calendar now for EMMR’s Shop in the Gift Shop! The 2013 Holiday Open House at the Eastern Museum of Motor Racing will be held on Saturday November 30 and Sunday December 1, from 10 am to 4 pm. “A View From The Tower” A special Holiday Open House panel for Saturday, November 30th, 1 to 3 pm, will include NHRA National Event announcers. 12 There will be food and lots of laughs, and FREE admission to EMMR, as usual. Take a break from the hectic holiday season and make this fun and unique event a holiday tradition. Naturally the Museum will be open for all to enjoy. Don’t forget to stop in the Gift Shop and take care of some holiday shopping. There are gifts for everyone! The EMMR Times Saturday November 30 and Sunday Dec. 1st “FAST” FRED RAHMER has accepted our invitation to be interviewed and roasted on Sunday, December 1st from 1 to 3 pm during our Holiday Open House. Eastern Museum of Motor Racing 100 Baltimore Rd, York Springs, PA www.EMMR.org • 717-528-8279 2013 Issue No. 4 • published in October 2013
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