Tue Nov 3 - Newsome High School PTSA
Tue Nov 3 - Newsome High School PTSA
N ewsome High School PTSA E‑Newsletter November 2015 ember 03, 2015 at 11:49 PM From Newsome High School PTSA To Cyndi Cisneros Reply‑To Newsome High School PTSA Nov Hi, just a reminder that you're receiving this email because you have expressed an interest in Newsome High School PTSA. Don't forget to add secretary@newsomehighschoolptsa.org to your address book so we'll be sure to land in your inbox! If you have moved, graduated or your student is no longer attending Newsome High School, please let us know so we can take your email off our distribution list. Bleed Blue! You may unsubscribe if you no longer wish to receive our emails. Carla Bruning, Principal 16550 Fishhawk Blvd. Lithia, FL 33547 8137404600 Newsome PTSA Newsletter Volume 7 Issue 4 November 2015 Donna Rayburn, President Cyndi Cisneros, Editor President's Message Dear Newsome PTSA Members, We have been busy so far this fall and it is a very exciting time! At the end of October, your PTSA approved $1,500 for mini grants to 13 of our wonderful teachers to spend on materials for their classes that is not provided by the school district. We are so thankful to our sponsors that make this donation possible! We also helped coordinate volunteers for the first annual Avid/Speech Interview day on October 22. There were over 20 volunteers providing mockinterviews to hundreds of juniors and seniors. This experience is invaluable for the students that participated! It was a pleasure for me to mentor these incredible students! In This Issue Newsome TOTE Why is my Teen so MOODY?! Deputy's Corner Student Spotlight JROTC Senior Scholarships Teachers Dinner Teacher MiniGrants Corporate Sponsorship Our Reflections entries are wrapping up for the schoolwide competition. We will announce the Newsome winners that will be advancing to the county competition on our website and facebook during the month of November. If you have a senior, please check our website for the deadline date for our senior scholarship applications. Remember, all applications are to be turned in to Mrs. Hacker who coordinates the entries for us. Lastly, we are so excited to present a parent program called, "Why is My Teen So Moody?" on November 18 at 6pm in the Auditorium. Mrs. Shelli Bauer, Newsome School Psychologist, will be our presenter and will be addressing the issue she sees most at our school Teenage Anxiety and DepressionIt's More Common than you think! Learn the signs of anxiety and depression and strategies to support your teen if you suspect your child is at risk. Because these signs often begin in middle school, we are excited to invite parents of Randall and Barrington middle schools as well, so if you also have a middle school student, we hope you don't miss this one! Tue Nov 3 6 pm Pasos al Futuro @ Plant City HS 6:30 Newsome/Randall Orchestra Concert I hope you all have a blessed November! Donna Rayburn Newsome PTSA President president@newsomehighschoolptsa.org 7pm Girls Soccer vs. Leto Wed Nov 4 CLUB DAY Letter from our Principal I would like to take this opportunity to welcome new members of our Newsome Faculty. New to our English Department is teacher, Andrea Heeps. Sean Smith is also new to Newsome. Anthony Marrero is Retired Army and has joined Newsome as a JROTC instructor. Completing our Guidance Department is Hillary Waluzak, who comes to us from Young Middle Magnet. We are happy to have you as part of our Wolves Family! Cap and Gown Orders during lunches 3pm 7:30pm JROTC Cadet Photo Review/Purchase Thu Nov 5 Cap and Gown Orders during lunches Sincerely, Carla Bruning Principal Newsome High School carla.bruning@sdhc.k12.fl.us 6pm Soccer @ King High **New** Newsome Tote LaLania Sellers, Totes Chairperson Your Newsome PTSA is selling "Newsome" logo tote bags during the month of November the perfect Christmas gift! This royal blue multi pocket/multipurpose tote bag will be available for $20 while supplies last. If you are interested in purchasing one or many, download the order form here, send it in with cash or check in an envelope marked "PTSA TOTE" and turn it in to the main office. Pick Up Times: Wednesday Nov. 18th @ PTSA General Mtg/Teen Stress Program in the Auditorium 6:00 pm Thursday Nov. 19th 5:306:30 pm Newsome Front Office Friday Nov. 20th 7:008:00 am Newsome Front Office After these dates, arrangements and pick up locations will be made. NOVEMBER SPIRIT DAY Carolann Tompkins, Fundraising and Restaurant Sponsors Chairperson Come on over to Jake's WayBack Burgers on Monday, November 9 to support the Newsome HS PTSA. Enjoy a milkshake with your dinner to make it a complete meal. Please mention Newsome HS PSTA so that your receipt goes in our jar and we will receive a 10% donation. GO WOLVES! STAFF: Watch for the prelunch order form: Jake's will deliver your lunch right to the school. Wayback Classic, with lettuce and tomato, side of fries and a drink for $7.55, tax included. Thank you to Newsome families and friends who visited Little Greek Restaurant last 6:30pm 8pm Roundtable Community Service Forum @ Brandon High Fri Nov 6 JROTC Cadet of the Month Board 6pm Ice Hockey vs. Jenkins @ Ice Sports Forum Sat Nov 7 SAT Testing Senior Ads Deadline Cross Country State Championships @ Tallahassee Tickets Band Hillsborough County Marching MPA @ Riverview HS Mon Nov 9 JROTC Veteran's Ceremony @ Randall MS PTSA Spirit Day @ Jake's Wayback Burgers 6:30pm Chorus 80s On the Radio Show 7pm month supporting our October Spirit Day. And a huge "Thank You!" to Little Greek for their very generous donation. Girls Basketball @ Spoto Fall PTSA Health and Safety Program JROTC Bevis Veteran's Ceremony Kathy McAdam, Programs Chairperson Why is my Teen so MOODY?!? Tue Nov 10 6:30pm Band Booster Meeting Newsome PTSA invites all Middle and High School Parents to our program that includes: * Typical Teen Stressors * Coping Strategies * When to Worry and What to do Wed Nov 11 November 18th 6 pm Newsome High Auditorium Presented by: Shelli Bauer, NCSP JROTC Veteran's Park Ceremony and Operation Patriot Donation Delivery School Psychologist, Newsome High School Veteran's Day NO SCHOOL 7pm Ice Hockey vs. Manatee @ Amelie Arena Thu Nov 12 deputy's corner Deputy Alonso, Newsome School Resource Officer 1,200. That's the approximate number of cars coming in and out of Newsome High School every morning and afternoon. This doesn't include the normal community traffic. What makes it harder is this traffic occupies the size of a couple of city blocks and lasts for about 45 minutes twice a day. That's a lot of congestion. With this, nerves are on edge, traffic crashes happen, and traffic violations occur. With this in mind, I would like to remind you of a few traffic tips. From 7 o'clock in the morning until 7:45 and from 2:45 o'clock until 3:30 the speed limit for the school zone is 20 m.p.h. This also includes the turn lanes. Fines for speeding within a school zone are high and costly. There are two Stop Signs on campus. One as you enter the dropoff loop and the other when you exit into the Randall lot making the right turn. These Stop Signs are there for a purpose and are fully enforceable by State law. Please remember to come to a complete stop. Don't look, slow down, and continue. 7pm Boys Lacrosse Player/Parent Meeting Cafeteria 7pm Girls Basketball @ Armwood Fri Nov 13 Report Cards Sent Home JROTC Staff Meeting Chorus Solo and Ensemble (Elite) MPA @ Steinbrenner 6pm Soccer vs. Durant Finally, please stay in the right lane, closest to the curb, when dropping off and picking up your children. The outside lane is for through traffic only. Please don't let your kids get out in the middle of traffic to cross. 6pm Ice Hockey vs. Wiregrass @ Ice Sports Forum If we all are patient during these heavy traffic times and look out for students we will have a smooth dropoff and pickup. As always, if you have any questions, feel free to give me a call. Thank you all for your continued support. Sat Nov 14 Student Spotlight Shamein Averett, Communications Committee Jamie Tompkins Class of 2016 Swim State Championships JROTC Rifle Meet Chorus Solo and Ensemble MPA @ Steinbrenner Newsome Activities: Student Government, Senior Class Council, 1voice Club for Pediatric Cancer, National Honor Society, Rho Kappa, Science National Honor Society, Varsity Soccer Leadership Positions: SGA President Hobbies: Going on nature walks, Youth Group, Painting, Reading College/University: University of Florida or Boston College Future Plans: Major in Political Science or International Business and study abroad Newsome High School Media Center Second Annual Scholastic Book Fair Building Literacy One Community at a Time! November 16 8:00 AM 4:00 PM November 17 8:00 AM 6:00 PM November 19 8:00 AM 6:00 PM November 18 8:00 AM 6:00 PM November 20 8:00 AM 5:30 PM Support your Newsome High Media Center and help us purchase more current fiction and nonfiction books for the library by coming and purchasing books for holiday gifts and pleasure reading. Give the gift of reading! Open to the community from 4:00 6:00 PM Sponsored By: Newsome High School Media Center 16550 FishHawk Blvd., Lithia, FL 33547 Student Recognition Lisa MacLaren, Student Recognition Chairperson 10am Concert Band Camp 12:30pm Football Golf Tournament @Summerfield Mon Nov 16 JROTC Essay Due 5:15pm Sadie Hawkins Dance Planning Meeting @ Media Center 6pm Basketball @ Plant 6:30pm Newsome Athletic Boosters Meeting Tue Nov 17 6pm Soccer @ East Bay Wed Nov 18 3pm Teacher Appreciation Dinner @ Teachers Lounge 3:30 pm 6pm Conference Night PTSA Totes Sold @ Auditorium 6pm Soccer vs. Spoto 6pm PTSA General Meeting PTSA Tote Pickup 6:15pm Why is my Teen so Moody? PTSA Health and Safety Program Thu Nov 19 Great American Teachin 4:30pm Chorus All County Auditions @ Liberty Middle School 5:306:30 pm PTSA Totes Pickup @ Newsome Front Office Congratulations to the winners of the First Quarter PTSA Student Recognition! They are: Cooper Curry 7pm Fall Drama Play "Murder in the Knife Room" Kayla Dasta Jessica Gulledge Cyrus Mendez Christopher Middendorf Brittany Brewer Kyle Penrod Emma Tumlin These students were randomly selected and received a $25 gift certificate just for being a student member of the Newsome PTSA. For a chance to win prizes, become a member before the next drawing at the end of second quarter in late January. Newsome JROTC Cadet Laura Miller, S5 NCOIC Following a great start to the 20152016 school year, the Newsome JROTC Battalion remains at the top of the pack. Already, the cadets of the program have competed in several rigorous competitions that tested their strength, character, and ability to work as a team. The aftermath has left the Raider Team with five second place trophies and three third place trophies while the Rifle Team has walked away, after two competitions, with the title of "Undefeated in the County" 5 years in a row. Fri Nov 20 7am 8am PTSA Totes Pickup @ Newsome Front Office 6pm Basketball @ Alonso 6pm Soccer v Spoto 6 pm Ice Hockey vs. Mitchell @ Ice Sports Forum 7pm Fall Drama Play "Murder in the Knife Room" Mon Nov 23 Friday 27 The Battalion's Service Learning Project (Operation Patriot) in which cadets donate to the Lopez Veterans' Home is currently underway to give back to those who've given so much for us. The Drill Team is currently preparing for their annual performance for Veteran's Day and the Color Guard is forever busy serving at football games as well as a myriad of ceremonies. JLAB is currently preparing for their upcoming leadership and academic competitions and they hope to qualify for a competition in Washington D.C. later in the Spring. While all of the Wolfpack Battalion teams are successful in what they do, the primary goal for each of them is not just to win, but to improve upon the skills and character of all participating cadets. The JROTC program's purpose is not to promote military service, but instead to advance leadership abilities, strengthen interpersonal relationships, and develop the skills needed to be a good citizen. In an attempt to spread these characteristics to the next generation of high school students, the battalion will be conducting their biannual trip to Randall Middle School with the hopes of recruiting more kids into the program. Fall Break No School Wed Nov 25 PTSA ENewsletter Articles Due Thur Nov 26 A small unit of cadets that meet the required standards will be selected to go over and perform activities relevant to the Raider, Rifle, Drill, and Color Guard teams during the Randall Veterans' Ceremony and show the students just how much fun JROTC can be as well as honor our Veterans. Shortly after that, other cadets from JROTC will go over to speak and answer questions during the Great American Teach In as another way to inspire students to join the battalion. The WolfPack Battalion continues to execute its mission to motivate young people to be better citizens and its purpose to help cadets graduate from high school. HooAh! Happy Thanksgiving! To learn more about Newsome JROTC or to follow the achievements of this year's cadets, log onto the NHS JROTC homepage or click on the JROTC link found under "programs" on the Newsome High School homepage. Joe E. Newsome High School Vision Statement: Joe E. Newsome High School will be one of the top 3 high schools in the SDHC. Measured by: daily attendance rate, graduation rate, and FCAT scores. Mission Statement: Our mission is to provide a safe and supportive environment that will promote lifelong learning and prepare students to become productive members of society. Newsome High School will provide experiences and knowledge needed to succeed in a rapidly changing world. Faculty Recognition Dawn Ullom, Faculty Recognition Chairperson Newsome PTSA is hosting a Teacher's Appreciation Dinner for all our Teacher PTSA Members on Conference night starting at 3 pm. Please join us in the Teacher's Lounge for delicious food and camaraderie. Bring a nonmember teacher friend along and they can join the PTSA at the dinner! We appreciate our wonderful, hardworking teachers thank you for all you do for our children! The Great American TeachIn November 19th! The Great American Teachin is an opportunity for community and parent volunteers to come in and share a part of their lives with the students at Newsome. Members of the community are invited into Newsome on November 19th for an hour, a few class periods or an entire school day to share with students information about their career or hobby, to organize an activity, or to teach a class. If you are interested in being a part of this wonderful event, please email Ms. Hacker at linda.hacker@sdhc.k12.fl.us or call her at (813) 7404600 ext. 246 Senior Scholarships Jill Rintoul, Senior Scholarships Chairperson Seniors, Graduation is closer than you think! Many of you are awaiting decisions from your favorite Colleges and Universities and some of you already know. The PTSA has been there with you throughout all your high school years and we are here now. Each year the PTSA offers the opportunity to receive a scholarship that will provide funds for books, tuition, boarding or simply to provide you with the supplies you may need for your next step in academia. Corporate Sponsorships Pam McAuley, Chair When you become a sponsor of the Newsome High School PTSA, you help a student achieve their potential. Your sponsorship dollars enable us to provide scholarships to students and also go a long way in helping us support the students, the parents, and the teachers of Newsome. Click here for the Corporate Sponsorship Form. Thanks for your support! This year the PTSA will be awarding scholarships to students who will be studying specifically at (click the category to download the application): TwoYear Colleges FourYear Colleges, or Those who will major in the Performing or Fine Arts Be sure to fill out the correct scholarship application. In 2016, we will award eight to ten $500 scholarships. To be considered you must apply. The deadline is February 19, 2016, and you must be a PTSA student member by January 29, 2016. Download an application (click the above categories) or get a copy from Mrs. Thank you to our corporate sponsors our success could not be achieved without your Linda Hacker. Fill out the application (include all documentation required). Return your application to Mrs. Linda Hacker, Newsome College and Career Counselor, no later than 3:30 February 19, 2016 (late submissions will not be accepted). support! GOLD SPONSOR We want you to succeed! Scholarship recipients will be announced during the Newsome Awards Ceremony in May. Email SeniorScholarships@newsomehighschoolptsa.org with any questions. Sponsor Spotlight Tutoring Club of Valrico Susan Prestridge 8136819900 4333 Lynx Paw Trail Valrico, FL 33596 Why Tutoring Club is A Class Above! If your student is having difficulty in school, we can help. At Tutoring Club, our goal is to bring each student to the desired academic level as quickly as possible. In order to help your child succeed, he or she will receive individualized instruction from our staff of professional tutors. We work to reduce stress and build confidence by creating an individualized program for each student, starting at a level that he or she can handle and then progressing through the grade levels as rapidly as the students learning pace allows. We are committed to helping students succeed in their education. We specialize in reading, math (from the basics through calculus), writing, study skills and SAT/ACT preparation. Blue Letter Envelopes Monica Weaver and Liz Hallman, CoChairs As Blue Letter Envelope committee chairs, it's our desire to share information with you that will keep you prepared and ready when that time arrives! So, mark your spring calendars now and be ready to reach out to family and friends and request that they send a letter or card to your student for that day. We cannot begin to express how much this means to the graduates!! With Thanksgiving just around the corner, you may want to begin letting friends and family know what Blue Letter Envelope is all about. Click here for instructions and here for a sample letter. Beginning in late January 2016, letters and cards can be mailed to or dropped off at NHS. Remember, all cards and letters must arrive at Newsome High School by Monday, May 2nd, 2016. We cannot take anything after this date. If you have questions, please contact your PTSA Blue Letter Envelope team: Monica Weaver & Liz Hallman at blueletterenvelopes@newsomehighschoolptsa.org Teacher MiniGrants Kathi Hayes, Chair Because of our generous Business Sponsors and Family Donations, the PTSA helped fund Teachers and Faculty purchases to help support their teaching. We had 14 Teacher MiniGrant applications submitted with a request of over $4,000. Unfortunately, we could not grant everyone's request, but the committee evaluated each application based on the number of students it would effect, as well as, the benefits for now and the future. We were able to fund almost $1500 to several areas: Guidance Counselors, Math and Science, History and English, Technology, Media Center, etc. SILVER SPONSORS Dr Charles DeVine (813) 6892466 Private Practice over 15 Years! Thank you to the MiniGrant committee members: Kathi Hayes, Marci Hollman, Allison Livermore, Kim Urbaniak, Diahn Brauss, Julie Wright, and Liza Grimm. If you have any questions please contact Kathi Hayes. Legislation Tami Schaller, Legislative Chairperson The State Board of Education met last Wednesday, October 28th at 9 AM in Orlando, Florida at the Hyatt Regency Orlando Airport where they discussed the Florida Standards Assessment cut scores and school accountability. Florida PTA is asking its membership for a "Call to Action". BRONZE SPONSORS AAA Travel Liz Hallman Abdoney Orthodontics Michael Abdoney Please email Governor Scott and/or the State Board of Education members and urge them to issue a school grade of "I" (Incomplete) for the 20142015 school year. Florida PTA stands with the Florida Association of District School Superintendents, the Central Florida Public School Board Coalition, and the Florida School Board Association, who have asked the Florida Department of Education, Governor, and the State Board of Education to suspend the use of the results for the 20142015 school year and have called into question the validity of the Florida Standards Assessment and Florida's current accountability system. The Alpine Testing Company, in their report to the Department of Education, acknowledged school wide issues with the administration of the Florida Standards Assessment and advised that any user of the aggregated test scores strongly consider this possibility and to continue to evaluate the validity of the level of impact. We do not have all the data needed to generate a school grade. Due to the Department of Education's refusal to create a baseline year for the Florida Standards Assessment, we are missing learning gains which is an essential component needed to determine school grades. Once again, please email the Governor and/or State Board of Education and ask that they issue a grade of "I" (Incomplete) for all Florida schools for the 20142015 School year. You can find the State Board members and the agenda for the meeting here. Abdoney Pediatrics Matt and Jennifer Abdoney David Weekly Homes Mary Shea Decide to Fly Liz Brewer RISE Leader Fifth Third Bank Osprey Observer Marie Gilmore Patriot Arms Jeff Brewer Rayburn Business Strategies Donna Rayburn Riverview Dental Care Craig L. Oldham, DDS Thank you Newsome Football Golf Tournament Summerfield Crossings Golf Club November 14th 12:30 pm Tee Time StrongLife Chiropractic and Natural Health 2015 2016 NHS PTSA BOARD _________________________ Donna Rayburn President Elaine Ward 1st Vice President Membership Liz Brewer 2nd VP Ways and Means Cyndi Cisneros Secretary Communications Shelly Thelen Treasurer This is a big event that is at the end of regular season and loads of fun! It is limited to the first 144 paid golfers, so get your spot held by making your payment today. We can get names closer to the event. Here is the link to sign up to play or do signage. CHAIR POSITIONS Liza Grimm Awards There are many ways for a family to participate. Find a foursome, signage at event, donation of item to raffle, volunteer at some capacity. Monica Weaver Liz Hallman Blue Letter Envelopes Pam McAuley Corporate Sponsorship Melanie BentleyMontanaro Courtyard Tiles Project Dawn Ullom Valerie Hellier Faculty and Staff Recognition Carolann Tompkins Sammy DeVine Fundraising/Spirit Night Just let me know if you are interested in volunteering and we will find something to fit what works for you. Krista Behrens Newsome Football Golf Tournament Coordinator Kelley Pollock Membership Lisa MacLaren Historian Student Reocgnition Tami Schaller Legislative Tracy Kitchiner Parliamentarian Kathy McAdam Programs Vicky Furey Reflections Jill Rintoul Senior Scholarships LaLania Sellers SERVE Kathi Hayes Teacher MiniGrants Ginny Harrell Volunteers NEWSOME ADMINISTRATION Ms. Carla Bruning, Principal, Ext. 225 Mr. Tyvan Lindbeck, Asst. Principal for Curriculum,Ext. 224 Mr. Paul Lindstrom, Asst. Principal for Administration, Ext. 226 Dr. Jones, Asst. Principal for Student Affairs AG, Ext. 227 Mr. Peacock, Asst. Principal for Student Affairs HO, Ext. 228 Mr. Radebaugh, Asst. Principal for Student Affairs PZ, Ext. 229 Click Here for Guidance Counselors Information! Newsome High School PTSA / Visit our Website! We welcome submissions from parents, teachers and students. Articles are due to Editor by the 25th of the month. Copyright © 2015. All Rights Reserved. Forward this email This email was sent to cisneri@me.com by secretary@newsomehighschoolptsa.org | Update Profile/Email Address | Rapid removal with SafeUnsubscribe™ | About our service provider. Newsome High School PTSA | 16550 Fishhawk Blvd. | Lithia | FL | 33547
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