
9TH International Tax Conference
Tax administration, audit
4-5th June 2015, Budapest
The Association of Hungarian Certified Tax Experts and its partner professional
organizations invite the European tax experts to Budapest for the ninth time, to
provide them the opportunity to share their knowledge, their experience about
the most exciting questions of the profession.
‘Competitive knowledge - competitive economy’! The 9th International Tax
Conference on 4-5th June 2015 offers with this motto a pleasant and useful
program in the beautiful environment of the Aquincum Hotel.
The 9th ‘Taxation in Europe’ conference in 2015 focuses on
Tax administration and audit.
Tax administration includes all the rules defining the activities of taxpayers and tax
authorities and declares rights and obligations of participants in process. The activities
of law-abiding taxpayers and tax administration, together with combating tax fraud
are of great, economy-wide significance. Recognizing this, international and domestic
regulations appear one after the other, which are intended to enforce lawful conduct
of taxpayers and the realization of fiscal interests.
At the plenary sessions of the conference, leaders of professional organizations
controlling domestic fiscal relations present their professional experience, give an
overview of international experience and clarify the relationship between tax
administration and criminal law.
On the first day session meeting foreign tax advisors describe features of certain
country's tax control regulations, providing facilities to mutual understanding and
utilization of foreign successful solutions for people acting in legislative preparation
and jurisdiction.
On the second day session meeting representatives of tax authority and certified tax
experts deliver their own view and experience about the legal frameworks and applied
practice in the field of certain tax types and control area.
For both days of the event, prestigious presenters are called upon to light the particular
issues from an international point of view. The location, the quality of accompanying
programs and the recognition of supporters and partner professional organizations
guarantee the useful and pleasant stay.
If there is anyone among your partners and clients involved directly or indirectly in tax
audit and self-revision, or you desire to expand your professional knowledge,
experience and relations in domestic and international fields in of one of the most
beautiful cities in Europe, we arrange the event for you!
Fill your business card holder!
Make new acquaintances, explore new contacts among Hungarian and international
professionals, do not forget your business cards at home! You never know when you
will need assistance and experience from one of your European colleagues! The
professional program will be followed by a cheerful gala dinner where you can build
your professional and personal relationships in a lively environment.
A professional publication will be prepared about the presentations and main ideas
of the event, which will fit in the line of our international conference series,
supporting the work of theorists and practitioners. Previous years we were booked
out before deadline. We have limited number of places this year, too, therefore do
not hesitate and reserve for the 9th International Tax Conference as soon as
possible! Get ready for expected changes, plan for the future and be one step ahead
of your competitors!
On behalf of the organizing bodies I invite you and your partner to the 9th
International Tax Conference, the accompanying programs and gala dinner
following the professional program.
Looking forward to meeting you, in the name of the organizers,
Yours sincerely,
György Herich Dr.
Association of Hungarian Certified Tax Experts
PROFESSIONAL PROGRAM 4 June 2015 (Thursday)
György Herich Dr. (president, Association of Hungarian Certified Tax Experts)
9:00 – 9:45 Csaba Lentner Prof. Dr. (professor, National University of Public Service)
'Hungaricums' in the economic policy
9:45 – 10:30 Mihály Varga Dr. (minister for National Economy) - request is sent
Competitiveness of the Hungarian tax system
10:30 – 11:05 Bodo Richardt Dipl.-Math. (president, European Federation of Accountants and Auditors for SMEs)
International experience of EFAA member countries in the field of tax audits
11:05 – 11:35 COFFEE BREAK
11:35 - 12:05 Árpád Varga Dr. (vice-president for external relations, National Tax and Customs Administration)
Efficiency of the Hungarian tax audit system
12:05 – 12:35 Dávid Szeverényi (lieutenant colonel, head of department, National Tax and Customs Administration, head of Anti-Fraud Coordination
Hungary’s experience regarding the protection of financial interests in the European Union
12:35 – 13:05 Gábor Esküdt Dr. (colonel, head of department, National Tax and Customs Administration)
Experience of excise duty audits
13:05 – 14:05 LUNCH
14:05 – 17:00 PANEL DISCUSSION
Special features of certain European countries in the field of tax administration
Main tax changes of countries concerned for 2014-2015
Czech Republic
Andreas Bobik (tax consultant, auditor, Steirer, Mika&Comp. Wirtschaftstreuhand GmbH)
Péter Mihály (executive director, Crystal Worldwide Ltd.)
Csaba Belák (executive director, Gordia s.r.o.)
Péter Cselik (managing director, Exclusive Konto Kft.)
Sándor Kenyeres Dr. (certified tax advisor, Association of Hungarian Certified Tax Experts)
Ildikó Pál-Antal (tax consultant, auditor)
Dóra Szabó Lality (lawyer, Saldo doo)
Lajos Fiala (tax advisor)
8:30 – 9:05 László Domokos (president, State Audit Office of Hungary)
Tax experience of the Hungarian State Audit Office audits
9:05 – 9:40 György Herich Dr. (president, Association of Hungarian Certified Tax Experts)
Special aspects of further development concerning the Act on the Rules of Taxation
9:40 – 10:15 Erika Botka (certified auditor, chief-secretary of Chamber of Hungarian Auditors)
Accounting issues of tax audit and self-revision
10:15 – 10:50 Márta Siklós (tax expert, Association of Hungarian Certified Tax Experts)
Experience of tax advisor’s audits
10:50 – 11:10 COFFEE BREAK
11:10 – 11:45 György Matolcsy Dr. (president, Hungarian National Bank) - request is sent
The Hungarian economic model: monetary policy and banking supervision
11:45 – 12:15 Katalin Bartha (certified tax expert, Association of Hungarian Certified Tax Experts)
Focusing on transfer pricing audits
12:15 – 12:45 Adrienn Sinkoviczné Nagy (certified tax expert, Association of Hungarian Certified Tax Experts)
Control of regulation regarding electronic service and distance sale, the MOSS system
12:45 – 13:15 Józsefné Horváth (certified tax expert, Association of Hungarian Certified Tax Experts)
Value-added tax audit experience
13:15 – 14:15 LUNCH
14:15 – 14:50 Péter Darák Dr. (president, The Curia of Hungary)
Connections between tax administration and criminal procedure
14:50 – 15:20 Tünde Schmidt (certified tax expert, Association of Hungarian Certified Tax Experts)
Practical questions of connections between tax audit and criminal procedure
15:20 – 15:50 Mónika Simon (certified tax expert, Association of Hungarian Certified Tax Experts)
Audit experience of personal income tax, paying particular attention to net wealth gain audit
15:50 – 16:20 Gábor András Kádár (deputy head of department, National Tax and Customs Administration)
Experience of online cash register system audits
16:20 – 16:50 Henrik Mihics (captain, audit referent, National Tax and Customs Administration)
Audit experience of Electronic Public Road Trade Control System
Exhibition ’From abacus to calculators these days’ - so has developed
one of the most important tool of our profession!
Professional exhibition presenting antique copies of mechanical and
adjustment lever calculators! Study the operation of them to be able to
evaluate the tools available today! Do not be shy, try out the machines at
the exhibition in practice!
Tax Advisor of the Year
Take part in an exciting professional quiz in 2015! By solving the
challenging first round of the test you may be on the beam at many
problems and current professional question! Achieve at least 60% and a
personal certificate will be prepared for you! Be the best and the whole
profession will you carry on its shoulder for the year: press releases, more
honored work, envious competitors and last but not least, the professional
prize package worth HUF 500,000!
Folklore evening in a landscape protection area
Date of departure: 4 June 2015 (Thursday), 18:30
Location: Budakeszi - Vadaspark Restaurant
After the professional program we aim to convince both Hungarian and
foreign guests about the place of traditional values, constant quality and
traditional Hungarian hospitality in our fast-paced, modern world. Wildlife
Park restaurant conduces to this with its environment, furnishing, interior,
food and beverage supply and the way of serving.
The guests will be offered at the door by our hosts with gypsy music, scone
(called in Hungary ‘pogácsa’), iced homemade ‘pálinka’ served in pitcher
‘Miska’ to establish the mood of the evening. During the evening the folklore
program spiced with gypsy music provides a comprehensive picture of
Hungarian traditional dances, ranging all the way from the Kalocsa folk-dance
to gypsy dances. As part of this program, the enthusiastics will have
opportunity to acquire the basic steps of the famous Hungarian ‘Csárdás’
”I’m here for the sixth or seventh time in Budapest and it is my fourth conference
with your association. I’m the vice-president of the Deutsche Steuerberaterverband
and of EFAA – European Federation of Accountants and Auditors for SMEs. In
Germany we have about 80 000 accountants and the Deutsche Steuerberaterverband
has 2 000 accountants. Thus I think we have a big infl uence if we talk about taxation
in Germany. The program was very exciting and great, I suppose we have a lot of
problems with our national taxation, but international taxation is more problematic”
Hans Michael Korth prof. Dr. (vice-president of Deutsche Steuerberaterverband)
”I would also like to thank the organizers for offering me the great opportunity to
participate here at the 7th International Tax Conference as a representative of the
Romanian Chamber of Tax Advisers. I specially appreciate the international
approach of this conference based on the international cooperations among our
organizations which I considere to be a very signifi cant element in our profession. I
represent the Romanian Chamber of Tax Advisers an organisation which plays a very
important role for our 5 000 consultants and about 400 member companies.
Therefore offering the possibility to participate as a presenter in the 2nd part of the
conference is a very good occasion to share a lot of impressions about the most
important fiscal aspects in our countries.”
Iacob Oana (vice-president, RCTA)
For further information:
For participation please fill in the attached form.
Penta Akadémia