The Networker 2009 2nd Quarter - Tennessee Voices for Children
The Networker 2009 2nd Quarter - Tennessee Voices for Children
Tennessee Voices for Children Tennessee Federation of Families For Children’s Mental Health The General Assembly Restores Community Mental Health Funds Tennessee Voices for Children's Board of Directors, Advisory Council, staff, volunteers and families across the state would like to thank all of you and our legislators that supported the restoration of funds in the 20092010 state budget to support community grants for mental health, grants for the coordinated school health program and funds to DCS for children and their families. The General Assembly added $5,010,500 in the FY2009-2010 budget for grants to restore the reductions in community based mental health and substance abuse services. We appreciate all the efforts made to continue to meet the needs of the vulnerable children, families and adults of Tennessee during these very difficult financial times. We will continue, with your help, to move toward transforming the children's mental health system into a successful, cost-effective, family driven, youth guided system of care. Charlotte Bryson Executive Director In This Edition Page CMHW Middle -TN Nashville 2 Art Contest 3-4 Muletown 5 CMHW East -TN Loudon Co. 6 Hamilton Co. 7 McMinnville Co. 7 Knox Co. 8 Washington Co. 8 -9 CMHW West -TN Jackson 10 TVC Support Groups 11 Page 1 NASHVILLE Over 6,000 Attended! Children’s Mental Health Week Coalition 2009 Member Organizations The annual CMHW event drew over 6,000 children and adults at the Nashville Zoo at Grassmere on April 25, 2009. Admission to the Zoo was free to 500 people and were given away on a “first come, first serve” basis. Approximately 35 booths and 15 activity tables allowed children and families to gather resources and information on mental health and participate in various entertainment and arts & crafts activities. Some of these activities were face painting, making paper butterflies, and flower planting; all with a promental health awareness theme. Costumed characters such as Spiderman, Abraham Lincoln, Snowbird from Channel 4 News, and the Tooth Fairy from the Metro Public Health Department roamed the Zoo. Mayor’s Proclamations were read by local youth and the Art Contest awards given. Jugglers from Vanderbilt University roamed the Zoo and entertained the crowds. Admission to the Zoo was free to 500 people and were given away on a “first come, first serve” basis. AdministrativeOffice of the Courts AmeriChoice Amerigroup Centerstone Catholic Charities of TN Disability Law & Advocacy Center of TN Exchange Club Family Center Footprints Consulting Services, LLC Mental Health Association of Middle TN Mental Health Cooperative Metro Nashville Public Schools Metro Public Health Department TN Department of Mental Health & Developmental Disabilities Tennessee Early Intervention System Tennessee Voices for Children Vanderbilt Kennedy Center Volunteer Behavioral Health Services: The Guidance Center Page 2 2009 CMHW Art Contest Attracts Over 600 Middle TN Entries! This year we received over 600 pieces of artwork from students in the Middle TN community who expressed in their artwork and how their family and community can help promote children’s mental health & wellness. JO First Place 6th, 7th & 8h Grade Category Daija Ja`Tavia First Place Pre-K Category Second Place Pre-K Category Ashley Darion First Place K & 1st Grade Category Second Place K & 1st Grade Category Andrew Dekori First Place 2nd & 3rd Grade Category Second Place 2nd & 3rd Grade Category This year the winners of the Art contest had their art displayed at: Eli First Place 4th & 5th Grade Category CHRISTINA First Place 9th-12th Grade Category 2227 10th Ave. S. Nashville, TN 37204 Page 3 RICHARD Third Place 6th, 7th & 8h Grade Category TOMMICUS Second Place 4th & 5th Grade Category NATALIE Third Place Pre-K Category ROBERT Third Place 9th-12th Grade Category KAITLIN Third Place K & 1st Grade Category BRITTANY Second Place 4th & 5th Grade Category MAKAYLA Third Place 2nd & 3rd Grade Category RICHARD Third Place 6th, 7th & 8th Grade Category Page 4 National Children's Mental Health Awareness Day is a day to raise awareness about effective programs designed to address the needs of children and adolescents with mental health treatment needs. It provides an opportunity to spotlight how children's mental health initiatives promote positive youth development, recovery, and increased resiliency. It highlights the fact that when children with mental disorders and mental health treatment needs receive effective services and supports, they can thrive in our nation's schools and communities. Middle TN LEADING UP TO MENTAL HEALTH AWARENESS MONTH May is Mental Health Awareness Month “A Celebration of Resiliency through the Arts” Members of the Muletown Family Network’s Youth-In-Action Council displayed their works of art during the month of April in Pryor Art Gallery at Columbia State Community College. The event was scheduled to “kick-off” the MTFN’s awareness activities, showcase the talent of our youth and honor four individuals who have demonstrated a strong commitment to improving mental health services in our community. We partnered with our county health department and department of children’s services to create informative displays in their waiting areas as a means of creating awareness during the month of May. The Social Marketing Committee members designed a sticker to be worn on May 7th by community members. The stickers were well-received by all, including city and county government officials and judges, child-serving agencies, schools and colleges, community partners and families and youth. We handed out nearly 2,000 stickers, and decided to incorporate similar stickers into next year’s event. CHILDREN’S MENTAL HEALTH AWARENESS DAY MAY 7, 2009 “Releasing the Stigma” The Muletown Family Network’s Youth-In-Action Council, area youth organizations and community partners particYouth-In-Action Teen Summit ipated in a symbolic balloon release at Fairview Park in MAY 9, 2009 Columbia, TN, in honor of National Children’s Mental Health Awareness Day. The event began with guest The Muletown Family Network’s Youth-In-Action Council and several speakers and government officials and was followed by guest speakers participated in a panel discussion on topics that are the release of hundreds of green helium balloons, sym- greatly impacting today’s youth. Topics included: bolized our desire to release the stigma surrounding mental illness. Taking Care of Yourself Mentally and Physically Bullying Understanding Me NOT My Diagnosis Page 5 EAST TN Loudon Co Over 300 Attendees at CMHW Celebration Tennessee Voices for Children, Open Doors Tennessee and Special Needs Support Group of Loudon County celebrate the benefits of workng together to host a very successful special needs resource fair. On April 18th at Lenoir City Park over 300 people attended and/or participated in the event. Families and/or Resource Providers from Loudon, Monroe, Blount, Knox, Anderson, Roane, McMinn, Rhea and Bledsoe Counties came together to share information to improve lives in our Special Needs Community. A very special provider came all the way from Scottsville, Kentucky (The Center for Courageous Kids). Thank you to all of our Sponsors who helped to make this event possible and a success. Loudon Co CMHW Sponsors Lenoir City Parks and Recreation Loudon County Rentals Special Education Department Loudon County Schools/Sissy Foster Monroe Autism Group/Pam Weston Family Resource Center/Lenoir City Schools Tennessee Voices For Children/Jim Griffin Open Doors Tennessee/Steve and Kelly Johnson Loudon County Support Group: (Spurgeon, Sweeney, Williams, Miller, Doss, Gibson, Morton, Sims and Early families) Loudon County Sheriff’s Department Dr. Preston Smith/POTTY MD Eyes of Faith/Angela and Derrick Freeman Yoga for All Ages/Lori Galbraith ASA/ETC/Brook Dickerson Click Funeral Home/Lenoir City Leo’s BBQ and Lynn’s Catering KFC/Lenoir City Papa Johns Pizza/Lenoir City Page 6 Hamilton Co 50 Attended CMHW Conference Hamilton Co 500 Attended Annual CMHW Celebration: KIDLINK Parkridge Medical Center DIAGNOSTIC CENTER Featured Continental Breakfast and Networking Update State of Children’s Mental Health Services inTN State of TN Mental Health Council Representative Keynote Presentation Dr. Bill Allen, Cherokee Mental Health Knoxville, TN McMinnville 50 Attended CMHW Celebration THANKS TO ALL THE INDIVIDUALS AND GROUPS THAT GAVE THEIR TIME AND TALENTS TO MAKE THIS A SUCCESSFUL AND ENTERTAINING DAY FOR OUR CHILDREN AND THEIR FAMILIES. Activities included Free Snacks & Ice Cream for everyone, Face Painting, Inflatables, Entertainment, Children’s Activities, Pottery Making, Mental Health/Physical Health Information, Lots of Door Prizes and the Mayor’s Proclamation. Thanks to our sponsors, many children recieved new bikes at the event. 1st Annual Children Mental Health Awareness Community Resource Fair The first ever CMHW event was held in a beautiful setting by the lake with lots of green grass and outside games for children, including fishing. Chaired by Parent/Advocate Christina Jaeger and CoChair Jim Griffin, TVC. Christina orchestrated the day’s celebration and had several exhibitors participate. Great fun was had by all! Sponsors and Donors: Blue-Cross/Blue Shield, Volunteer State Health Plan and P&G Construction, Inc. were DIAMOND SPONSORS. Other sponsors include UPS, Parkridge Valley, Coca-Cola, Mayfield, Gordon Biersh/Big River, Red Lobster, and AmeriChoice. Coalition Members: Chair, Julie Thompsen, Co-Chair Jim Griffin, Ashley Brown, Lorie Brooks, Amy Spooner, Alison Counts, Linda Elligan, Rita Waller, Janine Sullivan, and Beth Simpson. Page 7 Washington Co CMHW Celebration at the Appalachian Fairgrounds Knox Co CMHW Celebration Knoxville Zoo Rain Did Not Stop the Celebration 85 Attendees This year’s event was a collaborative one, involving Coalition members, agencies, and local talent. Coalition Member, Julie Ann Cox, arranged food for the exhibitors, parents and children. Dr. Healthy E. Hound, the AmeriChoice mascot,ventured in the rain to entertain the children, and Doug McCaughan and his 7 year old daughter, Amy, entertained everyone with comedy and juggling. Sponsors: AmeriChoice, Foothills Care, Inc. , Shephards’ Exposition Services, Knoxville Zoo, Miss Oliva’s Table. Coalition Members: Anne Burnett Young (Teacher and Advocate), Steve Johnson with Open Doors, Michelle Looney, Helen Ross McNabb Center, Virginia Griffin (Supporter of TVC and wife of coalition member Jim Griffin with TVC). 6th Annual Kid Power Draws 5,500 Attendees The 6th Annual Kid Power: Empowering Kids for Success event drew a crowd of 5,500 at the Appalachian Fairgrounds in Gray. TN. Highlights for the day were Daisy, the Opossum from Bays Mountain; Kingsport Lifesaving Crew Search and Rescue Bloodhounds; Pluggie the Fire Hydrant; the Chuckey Doak Soccer Clinic and the Obstacle Course by Johnson City Schools Coordinated Health. Nearly 60 exhibitors, outdoor activities and events kept kids busy all day. Page 8 6th Annual Kid Power Participating Organizations: (continued) . Sydney and Olyvia Fleming of Telford get pet Daisy the Opossum from Bay’s Mountain Park Kingsport Lifesaving Crew brought their heavy equipment and Bloodhound Search Team and Johnson City Fire Department brought Pluggie the Fire Hydrant. Raceway Ministries shared rides in their new golf carts. The last-minute newcomer and biggest hit for this year’s event was Zappo the Magic Clown, who never stopped creating balloon tree-hanging monkeys, hats and creatures of every color, shape and size. Another newcomer, The Marathon Ministry, gave away new clothing for infants and toddlers, blankets and other items. “Kid Power is an important way for local organizations and service providers to reach thousands of children and families in one place,” said Anne Newton, Media Coordinator. “We provide the fun so families can learn about programs and services in our region.” Families from Northeast Tennessee and Southwest Virginia spent the day racing around the field, batting with the Johnson City Cardinals, visiting Daisy the Opossum and testing their skills at dozens of games and competitions. This year’s key organizers were The Arc of Washington County; Tennessee Voices for Children; Frontier Health’s Project BASIC, RIP, and HOPE for Tennessee programs; Youth Villages; and Niswonger Children’s Hospital. Sponsors were Appalachian Fairgrounds, Daniel Boone ROTC, Space Walk, Family Skate Center, Americhoice, Frontier Health, Good Samaritan Ministries, Kingsport Lifesaving Crew, McDonald’s in Gray,TN, Niswonger Children’s Hospital, Northeast Tennessee Council on Children & Youth, Tennessee Voices for Children, The Arc of Washington County and Youth Villages. Allergy Asthma & Sinus Center Americhoice by United Health Care Appalachian Behavior Support Services Appalachian Fairgrounds Arts Council of Greater Kingsport Bancroft Gospel Ministries Bays Mountain Park & Planetarium Contact Ministries 2-1-1 Chuckey Doak High School Soccer Crisis Services, FH Daniel Boone ROTC Discovery Life Doak House Museum, Tusculum Family Links Respite, FH Fort Robinson Baptist Church Freedom from Fear Frontier Health Good Samaritan Ministries Gray Fossil Site, ETSU Natural History Museum Greene County Skills Hands On! Regional Museum Holston C&Y, FH Holston Home Adventure-Based Counseling Hot Dog Hut HOPE for Tennessee, FH Johnson City Cardinals Johnson City Coordinated School Health Johnson City Even Start Johnson City Family Skate Center Johnson City Fire Dept. Johnson City Public Library Kingsport Arts Council Kingsport Lifesaving Crew Leaps Livewire/Instead Youth Initiative LINK House, FH Make-a-Wish Foundation of ET McDonalds, Gray Mental Health Association of Middle TN Mother-Child Connection, FH Mountain States Health Alliance National Alliance on Mental Illness Niswonger Children’s Hospital, MSHA Northeast Tennessee Department of Health, TENNder Care Northeast Tennessee Training Service Governor’s Highway Safety Program Pony Pal Summer Camp Project BASIC, FH Project Safe Place, FH Raceway Ministries Regional Intervention Program, FH Second Harvest Food Bank Sno Biz Space Walk STEP Inc. Sullivan County EMS Tennessee Early Intervention System Tennessee Parent Information Resource Center Tenessee Respite Coalition Tennessee Trucking Association Tennessee Voices for Children The Arc of Washington County, Little Folks The Marathon Ministry TRACES Foster Care, FH Volunteer State Health Plan Washington County Health Dept. Washington County/Johnson City EMS WCQR Youth Villages Zappo the Magic Clown Page 9 JACKSON Children’s Mental Health Week Coalition 2009 Member Organizations RAINED OUT! BUT THE CELEBRATION CONTINUED... City of Jackson Mayor’s Office Madison County Juvenile Court Services West TN Healthcare Madison County CASA Boys and Girls Club of Jackson Project BASIC Department of Children’s Services TN Commission on Children & Youth and Southwest Council on Children & Youth Timber Springs Adolescent Center City of Jackson/ Recreation & Parks Depart. TENNderCare U.T. Boling Center Jackson Madison County Schools Family Resource Center & Coordinated School Health Autism Institute at Bethel College Workforce Essentials NAMI West TN Project Help Disability Law and Advocacy Center 10th Annual Children’s Mental Health Awareness Day in Jackson planned for May 2nd, at Highland Park in Jackson, TN, had to be cancelled due to storms. Coordinators of the day had planned on giving out free food, playing games, and having several informational booths from local agencies. BIG THANKS TO OUR SPONSORS WE LOOK FORWARD TO SEEING YOU NEXT YEAR! Although the one day event had to be cancelled, the celebration of Children’s Mental Health Awareness Week continued in other ways. Youth Council Members Giovonnte' Baker, Martavis Williams and Deseree and Jacquita Ewing passed out over 500 fliers and post cards that advertised the celebration at the Jump Start Jackson Event, which drew more than 1,500 people. On May 7, the Youth Council attended the Strawberry Festival Parade in Humbolt, TN, wore antistigma signs and distributed Children’s Mental Health Awareness Green Ribbons to the festival goers. About 10,000 people attended the event, one of the biggest festivals in West TN. Page 10 Support Groups EAST TENNESSEE GROUPS Special Needs Parents “Support, Ideas & Solutions” Deane Hill Recreation Center *Parents of children ages 2 to 21 7400 Deane Hill Drive, Knoxville, TN 4th Tues. of every month 7:00 - 8:30 p.m. Jim Griffin 865/609-2490 Special Needs Support Group for Loudon County First Baptist Church in Lenoir City *Parents of children 2 to 21 2085 Simpson Road 3rd Thurs. of every month 6:00 - 8:00 p.m. Barbara Early 865/621-3661 Columbia/Maury County The Family Center 1st Thurs. of every month 6:00 - 7:30 p.m. 921 Beckett Street, Columbia, TN Call in advance if childcare is needed Cindy Potts 931/560-3090 WEST TENNESSEE GROUPS Madison County TVC Jackson Office 239 North Parkway, Suite C, Jackson, TN 4th Sat. of every month 1:00 p.m. Childcare Available Rhonda Ewing 731/984-8599 Jefferson City “Hand in Hand Family Support Group” Jefferson Christian Church 1439 Hick Rd., Jefferson City, TN 3rd Thurs. of every month 6:30 - 8:00 p.m. *Parents of children 2 to 21 Call in advance if childcare is needed Paige Nichols 423/586-2878 Lewisburg First Assembly of God 1191 West Ellington Pkwy, Lewisburg, TN 3rd Thurs. of every month 6:30 - 8:00 p.m. Kim Young 931/560-3088 2009 Board of Directors Executive Committee Jack McKenzie, President Michele Johnson, President Elect Heather Dziewulski, Immediate Past President Jeune Wood, Secretary Ron Lee, Treasurer Board of Directors Advisory Council MIDDLE TENNESSEE GROUPS Humphreys County M.A.S.K. (Mothers and Fathers of Autism Spectrum Kids) Meets the last Saturday of every month at 2 p.m. Tanya Salley 931/582-6147 Barbara Steuer 615/740-8019 Charlotte Bryson, Executive Director Millie Sweeney, Asst. Director for Programs Brian Taylor, Asst. Director for Operations Leon D. Caldwell, Ph.D. Brenda Donaldson Karen Easter Wanda Evans Merril Harris Craig Anne Heflinger, Ph.D. Debbie Webb Steve Wonsiewicz Trula Lawson Center 550 East Gate Rd., Sevierville, TN 2nd Thurs. of every month, call for time *Only when school is in session Missy Helton 865/428-5793 Clarksville Emmanuel Life Center First Missionary Baptist Church 301 Fairview Lane, Clarksville, TN 3rd Thurs. of every month 6:30 - 8:00 p.m. Childcare Available Monica Causey 800/670-9882 or 615/269-7751 Tennessee Voices for Children Be In The KNOW! Join or Start a TVC Support Group Dick Blackburn Gail Yvette Crawford Richard Edgar Raquel Hatter Jessica Doyle Hooper Dawne Kimbrell, Ph.D. Randal M. Lea Gunnar Nelson Linda O’Neal Derek Pell Sheila Peters, Ph.D. Scott Ridgway Paula Sandidge, M.D. Jim Shulman William Spencer Shelby Tabeling Patti Van Eys, Ph.D. Lorraine Williams Greene, Ph.D. Lygia Williams Call 1-800-670-9882 Page 11 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED 7001 Bradford Avenue NAshville, TN 37204 615-269-7751 or 800-670-9882 NON-PROFIT ORG. US POSTAGE PAID NASHVILLE, TN PERMIT NO. 3182 Everyone is Reading the Networker I will support Tennessee Voices For Children! This newsletter is partially funded through an agreement with the State of Tennessee via the Tennessee Department of Mental Health and Developmental Disabilities.