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Roman Catholic Church of Saint Aidan 505 Willis Avenue, Williston Park, New York 11596 516-746-6585 The Salvation of Souls is the Supreme Law Mission Statement Fifth Sunday Of Easter April 28, 2013 I am the vine. you are the branches! We, the parish family of the Church of Saint Aidan, strengthened by the Eucharist and encouraged by the Word of God, welcome all, for we recognize that everyone is a child of God and no one should be excluded. Guided by the Holy Spirit through prayer, we strive as one to build the Body of Christ. We commit ourselves to nurturing life-long faith formation, fostering lay leadership, promoting social justice, engaging our youth in every aspect of parish life, and offering care and compassionate service to all. We invite everyone to walk with Jesus and experience His healing power and love. The Pastoral Staff Rev. Msgr. James M. McDonald, Pastor - ext. 9108 Rev. Kevin Dillon, Associate Pastor - ext. 9105 Rev. Thomas Tassone, Associate Pastor - ext. 9106 Rev. Msgr. Robert J. Kirwin, Pastor Emeritus Deacon Salvatore B. Villani - ext. 9558 Deacon Francis J. Love - ext. 9557 Deacon Joseph Connelly - ext. 9562 Mr. Drago Bubalo, DMA (cand). Music Director ext. 9130 E-mail address St. Aidan School (Grades Nursery-3. ext. 9202, 9203) (Grades 4-8, ext. 9302, 9303) Ms. Eileen P. Oliver, Principal Mrs. Marie-Elaine Galenskas, Assistant Principal Faith Formation and Spirituality - ext. 9404, 9405 Mr. James F. Corrigan, Director of Faith Formation ext. 9401 Mrs. Elaine Smith, Coordinator Special Needs ext. 9406 Parish Social Ministry - ext. 9408 Mrs. Rosemarie Cavallaro, Director - ext. 9410 Youth Ministry Mr. Stephen Loewenthal, Coordinator - ext. 9403 Pastoral Council - ext. 9592 Members: Toti Conforti, Cathy Frischmann, Brendan Hickey, Cathy Jansen, Larry McGovern, Bonnie Parente Buildings & Grounds Department—ext. 9122 Liturgy of the Eucharist Saturday Evening: 5:00 PM and 7:30 PM Sunday: 7:30 AM, 9:00 AM, *10:30 AM, 12:00 PM & 5:00 PM *Liturgy of the Word for Children Daily: 6:30 AM, 9:00 AM, 12:15 & 5:30 PM Monday thru Friday Morning Prayer 8:40 AM Monday thru Saturday Baptism Baptism of Children: Each month on the 1st Sunday and 3rd Sunday at 1:30 PM ceremony. Required: Parents’ class on the 2nd Sunday of each month beginning with the 12:00 Mass. For baptismal information, contact the Rectory office ext. 9101 Tuesday-Friday between the hours of 10:00 AM-3:00 PM. Penance/Reconciliation The Sacrament of Penance is celebrated every Saturday from 12:30-1:30 PM and 4:00-5:00 PM in our church or by appointment. Marriage Arrangements are to be made at the Rectory office at least 9 months in advance. Pre-Cana and FOCCUS registrations must be arranged through the parish. Anointing of the Sick & Communion of the Sick The anointing of the sick takes place after the 12:00 PM Mass on the 4th Sunday of each month. Anyone who is homebound may receive Holy Communion at home on a regular basis. Eucharistic ministers assist the priests in this ministry. Please call the rectory ext. 9101. Adoration First and third Fridays of the month 12:45-3:00 PM in the Church. 12:30-1:30 PM on Saturdays in the church. FIFTH SUNDAY OF EASTER MASSES AND SERVICES FOR THE WEEK MONDAY, APRIL 29, 2013 St. Catherine of Siena, Virgin/Doctor Acts 14: 5-18; Jn 14: 21-26 6:30 AM Catherine McKessy (Birthday Rem.) 9:00 AM Mary Ann Voulo 12:15 PM Anthony Dee 4:00 PM 1st Communion Rehearsal 5:30 PM Donald J. Whittaker 7:00 PM 1st Communion Rehearsal TUESDAY, APRIL 30, 2013 St. Pius V, Pope Acts 14: 19-28; Jn 14: 27-31a 6:30 AM Anne Eckhoff (1st Anniversary Rem.) 9:00 AM Diane Villa 12:15 PM Michael De Cristoforo 4:00 PM 1st Communion Rehearsal 5:30 PM Patricia & Donna Wilson 7:00 PM 1st Communion Rehearsal WEDNESDAY, MAY 1, 2013 St. Joseph the Worker Acts 15: 1-6; Jn 15: 1-8 6:30 AM Dorothy Burger 9:00 AM Murphy & McEntee Families 12:15 PM David Schreitmueller 5:30 PM D’Ambrosio Family 6:30 PM 1st Communion Rehearsal THURSDAY, MAY 2, 2013 St. Athanasius, Bishop/Doctor of the Church Acts 15: 7-21; Jn 15: 9-11 6:30 AM In Thanksgiving for the Sacred Heart of Jesus, Mary & All of the Saints 9:00 AM Rudy Skieber 12:15 PM John Laughlin 3:45 PM Kindergarten Church Tour-Rel. Ed. 5:30 PM Anna Rita Doolan FRIDAY, MAY 3, 2013 St. Philip & James, Apostles 1 Cor 15: 1-8; Jn 14: 6-14 6:30 AM Emanuel Maraventano 9:00 PM Anthony Pogozelski 12:15 PM Anthony N. Dee 12:45-3:00 PM Eucharistic Adoration 5:30 PM Jack Callahan (28th Anniversary Rem.) SATURDAY, MAY 4, 2013 Easter Weekday Acts 16: 1-10; Jn 15: 18-21 9:00 AM Ralph Liberatoscioli (5th Anniversary Rem.) 11:00 AM First Holy Communion First Holy Communion 1:30 PM 12:30-1:30 PM Confessions Mary Hogan (Birthday Rem.) 5:00 PM McCarren & Testa Families Mary Sloyan (1st Anniversary Rem.) Joseph Viscardi Eleanor Barry MASSES AND SERVICES FOR THE WEEK 7:30 PM Parishioners of St. Aidan SUNDAY, MAY 5, 2013 Sixth Sunday of Easter Acts 15: 1-2, 22-29; Rv 21: 10-14, 22-23; Jn 14: 23-29 7:30 AM Lorraine McCarren 9:00 AM Deceased Rosarian: Catherine Gannon 10:30 AM Jack & Joan Mellor 12:00 PM Annette Dunn Anita Ruesing (Birthday Rem.) John Gaudioso Rosemarie Schlecht (1st Anniversary Rem.) Nicola Liberatoscioli Michael & Mariana Marsillo 5:00 PM BREAD & WINE MEMORIAL In Celebration of the 50th Anniversary of TOM & CATHY MURPHY Requested by Maureen, Kevin, Liam & Tommy FLOWER MEMORIALS In Loving Memory of JOAO LOBATO, SR. 10th Anniversary Remembrance (St. Joseph’s Shrine) Requested by the Lobato Family In Loving Memory of MICHAEL FORTUNATO Birthday Remembrance Requested by His Grandparents (St. Theresa’s Shrine) Visit our website at April 28, 2013 DON’T LET COLLEGE RUIN THEM! Lorraine Garland of Westport, Connecticut, wrote a letter to the New York Times this month. She describes herself as a part-time, non-traditional student at Fairfield University. (I must admit that I am not sure exactly what “non-traditional” student means—I imagine that it means she is in a special program. She is concerned that Boston College should offer some type of free contraception because of the prevailing college culture of drinking. The Jesuits at Boston College, to their credit, have drawn the line and rejected that which is clearly against Catholic moral teaching. While I absolutely reject her position that the administration of Boston College should betray the Catholic faith and its moral principles in any way, manner or form, she does make a very telling point—the alcohol environment that is so absolutely pervasive at colleges. This is, of course, nothing new and certainly was prevalent in all of my lifetime and I have no reason to think that it will change in the foreseeable future. This seems to be quite acceptable and part of the very fabric of our way of life. I sympathize with college administrators as they seek to try to curb student alcohol use. You may remember that some weeks ago I wrote about the young man (19) who died of alcohol at a Mid West campus. To say that collegiate drinking is a major problem and leads to a multitude of other problems is an understatement—it is a monumental tragedy. Let’s say you spend an awful lot of money to send your daughter or son to college. They go off to a beautiful campus with the highest of academic credentials (maybe Ivy League or even a leading Catholic university or college) and they are immediately plunged into another world where their new friends are also free of all the strictures of home and family. They are on their own. I think it is fair to say that they have to possess a tremendous faith and courage to resist the ever present pressure to become part of the drinking scene. The fact is that abuse of alcohol can ruin their lives and even end their lives! As your pastor, I have a number of suggestions for you and I truly believe they can be very helpful. First and above all else, you cannot be close enough to your children. Believe it or not, they need you now more than ever. Even if they may be more and more independent, in reality they rely on you for the unconditional love and support that only you can give. Nobody knows a child better than his or her mother or father. Let your kids know that you are always there for them no matter what struggles or difficulties they have in college. They text their friends like mad; text them, call them, let them know how much you love them. You can never say I love you enough. It makes all the difference in the world. CONTINUED Another thing you should do before they go away and even when they come home on break, is discuss college life in all its dimensions—no holds barred! Be direct and let them know that you know. This is no time to be an ostrich! Encourage your kid to participate in worthwhile college activities, particularly Campus Ministry and works of practical charity. By doing these things kids have the opportunity to make good and lasting friendships with other kids who have similar values. It is no secret that practicing Catholics are in the minority. We are the “little flock” that Christ spoke of. We have decidedly different values and very definite moral convictions. We should also share our faith and morality with our children. Let them know we are so proud to be followers of Jesus Christ. He Himself has told us that we are the light of the world. That light of faith should be blazing in our families. In Jesus and Mary, Monsignor James M. McDonald LITTLE SISTERS OF THE POOR The Little Sisters of the Poor will be visiting our Parish this weekend, April 27th/28th. Many of you know the Little Sisters of the Poor in their ministry with the elderly poor. The sisters depend on your generosity to help them provide a safe and comfortable home for the elderly men and women in the Queen of Peace Residence in Queens Village. There the residents are surrounded with love, respect, peace and security until their death. The sisters will be at the doors of the church as you leave Mass to receive your donations. Please be as generous as your means will allow. CATHOLIC ELEMENTARY SCHOOL COLLECTION MAY 4TH/5TH Next weekend’s second collection for Catholic Elementary Schools is a collection that gives aid to students who want a Catholic education, and without this aid, many families who would not be able to choose a Catholic elementary education for their children. Please be as generous as your means will allow. AMERICAN LEGION POST #144 BLOOD DRIVE Tuesday, May 14th 3:00-9:00 PM JUNIOR CATHOLIC DAUGHTERS BAKE AND FLOWER SALE The annual Bake and Flower Sale will be held on Sunday, May 5th from 9:00 AM-12:30 PM in the St. Francis Garden. We ask all Juniors to bake something for the sale. Plant orders can be picked up on Saturday, May 4th from 10:00 AM-12:00 PM at Ann Marie Flynn’s house at 9 Astor Place, Williston Park, NY (516) 873-6818. There will be a meeting for all JCDA members on Sunday, May 5th at 12:30 PM in the Convent Community Room. Election of new officers for the coming year will be held at this important meeting. SENIOR ALTAR SERVER FAREWELL All graduating high school seniors are cordially invited to the Senior Altar Server Farewell Mass on Sunday, May 19th at 10:30 AM. Servers should vest in albs and process in to serve the Mass. A continental style breakfast will follow after the Mass in the Rectory Dining Room. Please call Father Kevin (516) 746-6585 x9105 to confirm your attendance. 730 Willis Avenue, Williston Park, NY Requirements: • Bring ID with signature or photo • • Minimum weight 110 lbs Age 16-75 (16 year olds must have parental permission. Age 76 and over need doctor’s note.) • Eat well (low fat) and drink fluids • No tattoos for past 12 months Please consider donating a pint of blood. For more information or to schedule an appointment, please call Brian Dyke at (516) 742-0292. Thank you for your consideration. In today’s Gospel, Jesus gives His Disciples-and us-a new commandment: “Love one another.” Good stewards who spend their time and talents in service to others are well on their way to fulfilling this commandment. STEWARDSHIP COLLECTION 04/29/12 $26,033 04/21/13 $27,258 (+4.71%) Next weekend’s second collection is for Catholic Elementary Schools. Thank you for your kind and generous support of our parish! BANNS OF MARRIAGE FIRST WEEK Rena Rana, Elmhurst, NY Patrick Andretta, Corpus Christi, Mineola, NY Kristina Milohnic, St. Aidan Michael Macchia, Our Lady of Grace, Howard Beach, NY Meghan Carr, St. John, Riverhead, NY Joseph Filacanevo, St. Aidan ROSARY ALTAR SOCIETY SAVE THE DATE-Please join us for an evening of friendship as we induct our new members at our General Meeting on Monday, May 6th at 7:30 PM in Msgr. Kirwin Hall. We will hold our Annual Baby Shower for the Regina Residence. All are welcome to attend. Coffee and cake will be served. SECOND WEEK Teresa Kurz, St. Paul the Apostle, Brookville, NY Christopher Rynkar, St. Aidan Reena Rana, Elmhurst, NY Patrick Andretta, Corpus Christi, Mineola, NY SPIRITUALITY FOR SINGLES The monthly Singles Gathering will be held Saturday, May 4th, 8:30 PM (or if you can, join us at church at the 7:30 PM mass.) Deacon Frank Love, Guest Speaker, Upper School Cafeteria (510 Willis Avenue) $5.00 donation - snacks, pizza and beverages will be served. Contact: Ray (516) 5616994 or REMEMBERING OUR SERVICEMEN & WOMEN Protect our service men and women, Lord Jesus, as we continue to pray for world peace. PLEASE PRAY SICK: Kevin Mach, Connie Sheehan, Barbara Ueland, Christine Schifaudo, Peter F. Brala, Christine Lucivero, Frank Maltese, Geoffrey Hamilton, Dylan Crowley, Jenney Malewicz, Louis Malewicz, Cecilia Han, Corine Copozzi, Baby Robert Anthony Paduano, John Thomas, Jillian Wagner, Peter Owens, Felix Jakubowski DECEASED: Mary Anne Jakowski, Antero Feliciano, Peter Fitzpatrick, Bridget Olstrum, Debbie Aracri and for all those who have died serving our country. CHURCH OF ST. AIDAN MISSION May 11th-15th Living Our Faith With Joy Presented by: Father Daniel Lanahan, OFM Father Lanahan will preach at all Masses the weekend of May 11th/12th. He will preside at one of the daytime Masses (9:00 AM or 12:15 PM-a schedule will be in the bulletin.) He will preach at 7:30 PM Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. MISSION In a time when violence and evil have visited our lives how does the Gospel message of Jesus Christ call us to respond? How is God present to us? How do we live His message of love and reconciliation and at the same time seek justice? How do we find healing for our pain? Day One: Loving God and One Another in the Reality of Today. In the face of violence and injustice it is indeed tempting to abandon our belief in a God of Love. We proclaim that God does indeed hold us in a loving embrace which gives us the strength to carry on as well as the ability to reach out to all those in need. Day Two: Am I forgiven? Can I Forgive Others? In a world that more and more seeks to resolve conflict through retaliation, punishment and violence we proclaim a God who is merciful and always seeks to forgive, and who calls us to be peacemakers by forgiving those who have wronged us, and by accepting His gift of mercy for ourselves. At the same time we must wrestle with the truth that real Peace and reconciliation cannot come about without justice. Day Three: Whole in Body and Soul. In spite of the advances made in medicine and technology suffering and sorrow still afflict the human heart, be it due to sickness, injustice, or the violence that is so rampant in today’s world. We proclaim that through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ people of today will find healing and restoration. We ourselves are called to be healers, to bring the Good News of Jesus into the world around us. BIOGRAPHY– FATHER DANIEL LANAHAN Father Lanahan was raised in Brooklyn, NY and joined the Holy Name Friars at age 20. He was educated in moral theology at the Catholic University of America and received his doctorate from the Alphonsian Institute in Rome. For the first 20 years of his priestly ministry he was involved with the formation of candidates for the priesthood at Christ the King Seminary at St. Bonaventure University and later in East Aurora, NY where he served as president and rector. During his years of seminary work, Father Lanahan conducted many retreats, days of reflection and weekends of prayer. After completing his work in the seminary, Father Lanahan was part of a team ministering to a New Jersey parish for four years. In 1986 he joined the Franciscan Ministry of the Word Parish Renewal Team and in this capacity he conducted numerous retreats and parish missions. He is also the author of When God Says No—The Mystery of Suffering and the Dynamics of Prayer. 2013 Catholic Ministries Appeal CHURCH OF ST. AIDAN You can make a difference in the lives of those around us by making a gift to this year’s Catholic Ministries Appeal Because of you, every year we are able to serve more than 600,000 people in our Long Island Community. This support enables our children to continue to receive the gift of spiritual formation, sacramental preparation, and quality education. It allows seminarians and lay leaders to fulfill their calling to serve the community. With your support Catholic Charities can maintain its services for the poor and disadvantaged, and we can continue to reach out to our young people and others to find the best ways to guide and pass on our faith from generation to generation. All funds raised go to support the Appeal and its Ministries Every Gift Counts! A gift of $25 may help pay the gas for a Meals On Wheels van to deliver food for a day. A gift of $50 from an emergency fund may help pay the electric bill in a cold winter month for a family in need. A gift of $100 may help care for a newborn infant in Catholic Charities Regina Residence. A gift of $1,000 may help support a Seminarian’s education Please consider what you can do to make this campaign successful. Please make your check payable to: Catholic Ministries Appeal Pledge: Down Payment: Balance: $___ ____ $_____ $______ __ __ ___ Parish: ________________________ Name: ________________________ Address: ______________________ _ ___ Monthly ___ Quarterly ___ Annually ___ Other City, State, Zip: ______________________ Phone:___________________ Donor Signature: ______________________ Acct# _________ IS CHANGING ITS NAME TO ( Join with other parishes in Rockville Centre (St. Bernard, St. James, Cure of Ars, Infant Jesus, St. James, St. Patrick, St. Therese of Lisieux, Queen of the Most Holy Rosary.) We request that you continue to pray each day: Lord, protect our religious freedom and give us the courage to stand firm. St. Thomas More, patron of religious freedom pray for us. ACTION: Come join your fellow parishioners as they seek to save our religious freedom at the next meeting which will be held on: May 6th at 9:45 AM in the Convent Community Room May 20th at 7:30 PM in Kirwin Hall “We need to speak frankly with each other when our freedoms are threatened. Now is such a time...for religious liberty is under attack.” From “Our First, Most Cherished Liberty” by the USCCB There are only 126 days left to the loss of religious freedom for the Catholic Faith with the implementation of HHS’ abortion mandate. Time is of the essence. Look for the updates and actions that we can take in the coming weeks. Your prayers are always requested. HERRICKS COMMUNITY PLAYERS present Book by Jerome Lawrence & Robert E. Lee Music and Lyrics by Jerry Herman Based on the novel by Patrick Dennis and the play "Auntie Mame" by Lawrence & Lee Show Dates: May 4, 5, 10, 11, 17, 18 & 19 Friday and Saturday @ 8:00 PM, Sunday @ 3:00 PM Herricks Community Center 999 Herricks Road New Hyde Park, NY Tickets: Adults $23 - Senior Citizen/Child $18 Group Rates Available. For information call (516) 742-1926. LIGHTHOUSE CATHOLIC MEDIA This past week I had a wonderful witness from a parishioner that did listen to the CD “RELATIVISM” and tells me “….this talk is jam-packed with TRUTH that our society NEVER wants to talk about. It covers so many HOT BUTTON TOPICS in a way that TRULY opens your eyes! Every teen, especially those in preparation for Confirmation should listen to this. It may me reflect that, we Catholics, need to wake up from the illusion that we live in a society friendly to our Faith, on the contrary. What we are watching emerge in this country is a new kind of paganism, an atheism with “air conditioning” and “digital TV”, which is neither tolerant nor morally neutral. We need to be able to, step by step, one by one, change our culture and, yes, we can do it. God is as much interested in helping us as we are in following Him. Pray that Our Lord will change our passive approach to our Faith to an active role in promoting our beliefs. This week we have new CDs “Called Onward” is the story of two top athletes who answered the call of Christ. They left everything behind and “followed Him.” “Why Do Women Do That?” by Lisa Cotter. Lisa addresses the importance of emotional purity in a humorous style, which is essential for authentic love to flourish in any relationship. A talk perfect for every young adult, both men and women. Make a point of passing these CDs to young people which are in need of listening to these important topics. Toti Conforti St. Aidan Rosary Altar Society 70th Communion Breakfast May 5, 2013 St. Aidan Rosary Altar Society will celebrate its 70th Communion Breakfast at the 9:00 AM Mass in St. Aidan Church on Sunday, May 5th followed by breakfast after Mass at the American Legion Hall in Williston Park. Tickets are $22.00 each. Please call Marilyn Wotruba at (516) 248-5236 for reservations and information. Join Fellow St Aidan Parishioners and Friends at Wheatley Hills Golf Club on Monday, May 6, 2013 for The 2013 Annual St. Aidan School Golf Outing (Rain or Shine Event) Brunch/Lunch and check-in begins at 11:00 AM 12:30 PM Shotgun Start $235.00 Per Person Includes 18 holes of golf plus…. Brunch: Scrambled eggs, French toast, bacon, sausage, home fries, mixed greens, tuna salad, grilled hamburgers, sausage and peppers, chicken, hot dogs, corned beef, turkey, and beverages. At the Turn: Hamburgers, hotdogs, and grilled chicken at the turns and on course beverages. Dinner: Open bar, assorted cold salads, marinated sliced steak, BBQ ribs, Stir Fry Station, Pasta Station, dessert and coffee. CADDIES WILL BE AVAILABLE AND ARE NOT PREPAID. THE RATE IS $25 PER PLAYER, AND GRATUITIES FOR GOOD SERVICE ARE CUSTOMARY Dinner & Open Bar will commence immediately following the outing at The WHEATLEY HILLS GOLF CLUB 147 East Williston Ave, East Williston Fill out and return the registration form below as soon as possible with payment to: St. Aidan School 510 Willis Avenue Williston Park, NY 11596 Attn: “Golf Outing” Please make all checks payable to P.A.C.E. Cut here - - - - - - - - - --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - St. Aidan’s Golf Outing - Reservation Form Please RSVP as soon as possible Name:_____________________________________ Phone: _____________________ Shirt Size: ______ Address:_______________________________________________ E-mail:________________________ Please make____ reservation(s) for Golf at Wheatley Hills Golf Club (18 Holes) at $235.00 per person (includes, golf, breakfast, lunch, dinner and beverages). Please make____ reservation(s) for Dinner only at $100.00 per person Preferred Foursome Please sit me with the following at dinner: 1.___________________ 1.__________________ 5. __________________ 2.___________________ 2.__________________ 6. __________________ 3.___________________ 3.___________________ 7.__________________ 4.____________________ 4.___________________ 8._________________ _____Yes! I would like to donate an item to be raffled off at the dinner Questions? Contact Mary Ellen Testa at or (516) 747-1386. . ALL DONATIONS ARE GREATLY APPRECIATED! The success of our fundraising efforts from the 2013 St. Aidan School Golf Outing at the Wheatley Hills Golf Club on May 6th depends on donations and sponsorships. All sponsors will be listed in the dinner program and your donation is tax deductible! Please complete the form below and return it with a check to PACE to : St. Aidan School 510 Willis Ave Williston Park, NY 11596 Attn: Golf Outing If you have any questions please call Mary Ellen Testa at (516) 747-1386 or email her at Any contribution you can make to support our school will be greatly appreciated. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ Yes, I would like to sponsor the following (check the appropriate box): Tournament Sponsor $5,000 Includes two golf foursomes and eight additional dinner guests, & on course signage ____ Please provide names in the foursomes and 8 dinner guests Foursome 1: Foursome 2: Dinner guests: Corporate Sponsor $3000 Includes a golf foursome and four additional dinner guests, & on course signage ____ Please provide names in the foursome and 4 dinner guests Foursome: Dinner guests ____ Associate Corporate Sponsor $2000 Includes a golf twosome, and two additional dinner guests & on course signage Please provide names in the twosome Twosome: _____ Gift Sponsor $1500 Includes on course signage ____ Tee Sign $225 ____ Dinner Sponsor $1500 Includes on course signage _____ Green Sign $225 _____ Lunch Sponsor $1000 Includes on course signage _____ St Aidan Friend $150 _____ Breakfast Sponsor $1000 Includes on course signage _____ Supporter of St. Aidan with a donation of $____ ___ Snack Sponsor $500 Includes on course signage Name ____________________________________ Phone #_______________ E-Mail Address:___________________________ Address ________________________________________________________ Please indicate how you would like your name/organization to be listed in the journal: ________________________________________________________________________________ Any remaining tickets will be sold outside of church after all Masses the weekend of May 4th and 5th. Drawing May 6th. June 11th Installation of new officers and new members 7:00 PM in Church. More information to follow. Any questions call Mrs. Lamere at (631) 608-3104 or e-mail APRIL April 21- NO MEETING April 28- Meeting 6-7:30 MAY May 5 - Meeting May 12 - No Meeting May 17 - Bowling Night with Corpus Christi May 19 - Volunteering at Ronald McDonald House May 26 - No Meeting JUNE June 2 - Meeting June 9 - Angelina’s Night June 16 - No Meeting June 23 - Meeting JULY July 13 - White Water Rafting Trip July 22-26 - Volunteering VBS Week 1 July 29-August 2 - Volunteering VBS Week 2 PARISH SOCIAL MINISTRY Love — caritas — is an extraordinary force which leads people to opt for courageous and generous engagement in the field of justice and peace. It is a force that has its origin in God, Eternal Love and Absolute Truth. Encyclical of Pope Benedict XVI, June 29, 2009. PLEASE DO NOT LEAVE ANYTHING ON THE BACK STEPS! IF YOU HAVE GENTLY USED CLOTHING, PLEASE CONTACT OUR OFFICE BEFORE DROPPING IT OFF. THANK YOU FOOD PANTRY: Our next monthly food drive will be taking place during the weekend of May 4/5th . In the meantime, our food pantry could use some chicken cutlets, hamburgers and vegetables. PRAYER SHAWL MINISTRY – Our Prayer Shawl Ministry meets the second and fourth Monday of each month at 9:45 AM in the Peter and Paul Room of the Finamore Center to knit or crochet prayer shawls or lap blankets for our sick and homebound parishioners. New members are always welcome. You need not know how to knit or crochet. We have talented parishioners who can teach you. The next meeting is Monday, May 6th. If you have any question please call Parish Social Ministry (516) 746-6585 x9410. PLEASE NOTE: The Parish Social Ministry office is open Monday through Friday 9:00 AM-3:00 PM. Please use the Finamore Parish Center entrance (across from the church on Willis Avenue). THE KNIGHT’S CORNER (Providing information from the Knights of Columbus) Are You Ready to Become a Knight? - Corpus Christi Council # 2502 serves both St Aidan and Corpus Christi Parishes. Membership in the Knights is open to all Catholic Men at least 18 years of age. For information call (516) 746-8643 or contact Jim Corrigan at the Religious Education Office (516) 746-6585 x9401. Calling Young Catholic Men (aged 10 – 17 years) – You are invited to attend the Columbian Squires Circle meetings of the Knights of Columbus Corpus Christi Council # 2502. The Squires meet the third Wednesday of every month at 7:30 PM in the Fr. Tulley Room (downstairs) at the Council Hall at 186 Jericho Turnpike, Mineola. The next meeting will be held on Wednesday, May 15th. Why not stop in, have some fun, make new friends and learn about the Squires. Hall Rental – Big parties or small, the Corpus Christi Council Hall is available for rental. For information call Tom at (516) 746-8643. RELIGIOUS EDUCATION ATTENTION ALL VOLUNTEERS: Are you aware that the Diocese of Rockville Centre requires ANYONE IN ANY MINISTRY TO BE VIRTUS TRAINED AND HAVE A BACKGROUND CHECK. A ministry covers Catechists to CYO Coaches, Ushers to Liturgical Ministers, and all parish organization members. Check the Virtus Training schedule and register online for a class being offered by several local parishes at 1ST COMMUNION CELEBRATIONS – Beginning April 27th and for the next two weekends almost 200 young people from the parish will be receiving Our Lord Jesus for the first time in the Sacrament of the Most Holy Eucharist; 1st Communion Masses will be offered at 11:00 AM and at 1:30 PM on May 4th and May 11th. Please remember these children in your prayers for the next few weeks. 1ST COMMUNION REHEARSAL REMINDERS – there are two rehearsals held for each 1st Communion Mass; the first at 4:00 PM (for the children ONLY) and the second at 7:00 PM (for the children AND parents). The day/dates of the rehearsals are as follows: For those receiving 1st Communion on Saturday, May 4th at the 11:00 AM Mass the rehearsals will be held on Monday, April 29th For those receiving 1st Communion on Saturday, May 4th at the 1:30 PM Mass the rehearsals will be held on Tuesday, April 30th For those receiving 1st Communion on Saturday, May 11th at the 11:00 AM Mass the rehearsals will be held on Monday, May 6th For those receiving 1st Communion on Saturday, May 11th at the 1:30 pm Mass the rehearsals will be held on Tuesday, May 7th CONFIRMATION SCHEDULED – The Diocese of Rockville Centre has notified us that Bishop Nelson Perez will administer the Sacrament of Confirmation to our young people on Saturday, October 19th. There will be two separate Confirmation celebrations, one at 11:00 AM and the other at 2:00 PM. A letter will be sent to each student assigning him/her to a specific Confirmation ceremony; the letters are being prepared and are expected to be dispatched within the week. OFFICE HOURS – The Religious Education office (Upper School, Room 301) is open from 10:00 AM – 4:00 PM, Monday to Friday. Get in shape this summer at St. Aidan’s Exercise, Nutrition and Self Improvement Boot Camp Classes will be held 10:30 AM-12:30 PM Kirwin Hall June 24th-29th Open to Boys and Girls Grades 8th through 12th (September 2013) Cost: $50 per person (includes water and snack every day) For information call Father Kevin Dillon (516) 746-6585 x9105. New This Summer: Pre-K Program and Counselor In Training (C.I.T) Program Open to: Children entering grades Pre-K - 7th as of September 2013 Week 1: July 22nd-July 26th Week 2: July 29th-August 2nd Time: 8:45 AM-1:00 PM for campers in K-7th 9:30 AM-12:00 PM Pre-K Campers only Drop-off in Msgr. Kirwin Hall between 8:45-9:00 AM-pickup between 1:00-1:15 PM. Each week-long program is different and filled with fun activities! Program Cost for one week: (includes 1 t-shirt and 1 water bottle) $70 Program Cost for two weeks: (includes 2 t-shirts and 1 water bottle) $115. For more information, contact the Office of Youth Ministry at (516) 746-6585 x9403 or or Stefanie at SAINT AIDAN ART PROGRAM SUMMER 2013 Open to all children entering Nursery - 6th Grade as of September 2013 The Art program will be running for one two week-long session from: Monday, July 1, 2013 through Friday, July 12, 2013. Msgr. Kirwin Hall Program Cost:$90 (includes 1 t-shirt and art show) Class Schedule: 9:00-10:00 “Mommy and Me” Nursery, Pre –K, K 10:00-11:00 1st, 2nd, 3rd 11:00-12:00 4th, 5th, 6th Any Questions please contact Steve at (516)746-6585 x9403 or or Jennifer Jones – Art Teacher at REGISTRATION FORMS FOR ALL CAMPS CAN BE PICKED UP AT THE RECTORY OFFICE. CHURCH OF ST. AIDAN CHILDREN’S CHOIR CAMP SUMMER 2013 PROGRAM JUNE 24-28, 2013 9:00 AM-12:00 PM CAMP INFORMATION • • • • • • • • • One week Choir Camp Program is open to boys and girls entering Kindergarten through 4th grades Classes begin June 24th and end June 28th Drop off and pick up is in Kirwin Hall Drop off is between 8:45-9:00 AM Classes will be held from 9:00 AM-12:00 PM Pick up is between 12:00-12:15 PM Children must be signed in and out and picked up promptly. At the end of the week, parents are invited to our musical concert. DAILY ACTIVITIES Hymns Art Projects Music Theory Snack Choral Singing Handbells Chimes Each group will have members of the Music Ministry assisting the children in their activities. Cost: $80 for the week. Includes t-shirt (which should be worn everyday) a snack, water or juice (extra t-shirts can be purchased for $5.00). Checks and registration forms can be mailed to or dropped off at: Church of St. Aidan Rectory Office 505 Willis Avenue Williston Park, NY 11596 Attn: Reagan Stone For more information please contact Reagan Stone at: CHILDREN’S CHOIR CAMP REGISTRATION FORM Child’s Name:______________________ Address:___________________________ ___________________________________ Age:___________ Grade:_____________ Date of Birth:_______________________ School:____________________________ Home Phone:_______________________ Cell Phone:_________________________ E-Mail:____________________________ Emergency Contact: Name:_____________________________ Relationship:_______________________ Phone Number:_____________________ Medical Needs:_____________________ Allergies:__________________________ Child’s T-Shirt Size (please circle) Small, Medium, Large, Extra-Large. If an extra shirt is needed, please indicate quantity. Parent’s/Guardian’s Signature: X_________________________________ If there are any young adults interested in volunteering to help with Choir Camp, please contact Reagan Stone directly at 2013 Saint Aidan Vacation Bible Camp Volunteer Application Everything is Possible with God. -Mark 10:27 Return to the Rectory Attn: Steve & Stefanie Loewenthal (Print Neatly, if we cannot read your handwriting, your application will not be considered) Name:___________________________ Age:_______ Address:_________________________ ________________________________ Phone #:_____________________ Email:________________________ Emergency Contact:_____________________ Relationship:_________ Emergency Contact Number:_____________________ Circle which session you are interested in volunteering for: Week 1: July 22 – July 26 or Week 2: July 29 – August 2 Known Conflicts:____________________________________________ How many years have you volunteered at VBC before? _________ Why do you want to volunteer at VBC? ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ***Preference will be given to qualified applicants. Only a limited number of volunteers are needed for each week of Vacation Bible Camp. Not all applicants will be chosen as volunteers. You will be notified by phone. Return to the Rectory Attn: Steve & Stefanie Loewenthal I __________________________ agree to be present from 8:00 AM until 2:00 PM each day of camp I am volunteering for. On the first day of each session (Monday), volunteers must arrive to Monsignor Kirwin Hall at 7:30 AM, for assignments and t-shirt distribution. I know that it is my responsibility to sign in and sign out each day of Vacation Bible Camp. I understand that it is my responsibility to notify Stephen & Stefanie Loewenthal, the co-directors of Vacation Bible Camp, of any conflicts with volunteering. I understand that I am a role model for the campers and will behave accordingly. I understand that I will be supervising younger children and therefore will not be texting or talking on a cell-phone during camp hours. I will wear the Vacation Bible Camp T-shirt each day of camp. By signing this contract I agree to all that is stated in the above paragraph. Signature:____________________________ Date:_______________ Volunteer Information Everything is Possible with God. -Mark 10:27 Volunteer T-shirts will be distributed during our morning Volunteer meeting on the first day of each session. Volunteers for one session will receive one T-shirt, Volunteers for both sessions will receive two T-shirts. Volunteer T-shirt must be worn each day of Vacation Bible Camp. On the first day of each session (Monday), there is a MANDATORY Volunteer Meeting at 7:30 AM. Volunteers are required to be at Vacation Bible Camp from 8:00 AM – 2:00 PM. Volunteer selection will not take place until June. Interviews may be requested of volunteers. Not all volunteers will be selected, due to limited number of volunteers needed. Any questions please contact Steve or Stefanie at the Office of Youth Ministry at (516) 746-6585 x9403 or at Religion and Rock-Tune into “Religion and Rock” with Msgr. Jim Vlaun on Sunday from 7:00-8:00 AM on WBAB 102.3 FM or 95.3 on the East End of Long Island. Listen on Saturdays at 11:00 PM on Sirius Radio Channel 159, the Catholic Channel and at 11:00 PM on XM Satellite Channel 117. You can visit us anytime to listen or download a show at or “Religion & Rock” on Tunes. For more information about our television shows go to or, for more information, please call (516) 538-8704. Chaminade HS, Mineola, NY-Academic Summer Camps are being offered for boys and girls entering 6th, 7th, 8th and 9th grades from July 8th-12th: Science Camp, Civil War Camp, Writing Workshops, Theatre Workshops, Long Island Culture Camp. Cost: $350. For information call (516) 742-5555 x522 or email Project Rachel Hope and Healing After Abortion Loss-Project Rachel is the official outreach of the Catholic Church to those who are suffering abortion loss. A network of specially trained caregivers including clergy, counselors and volunteers are available to help minister to those in need. For information please call (888) 4564673 or go to the website at St. Vincent De Paul Parish, Elmont, NY-A Doo-Wop Dinner/Dance is being sponsored by the St. Vincent De Paul Holy Name Society on May 4th from 7:00-11:00 PM featuring “The Acchords.” Cost: $50 per person-sit down dinner, prime rib, chicken francese or salmon. The dance will be held at St. Vincent De Paul’s School at 1510 De Paul Street, Elmont. For information please call (516) 352-2127. St. Aloysius Sociables, Great Neck, NY-The monthly luncheon will be held on May 8th at 1:00 PM at Café Rustica, 200 Middle Neck Road, Great Neck. Cost: Price of your meal. For information call Ida at (516) 4821932 or John at (516) 482-3795. Ozanam Hall of Queens Nursing Home, Bayside, NY-The 16th Annual Rose of Carmel Benefit Gala, honoring Candida Cucharo with the Rose of Carmel Award will be held on Monday, May 13th at Russo’s on the Bay. All proceeds to benefit the Ozanam Geriatric Foundation, assisting the Carmelite Mission of Compassionate Care for the elderly. For more information, raffles or tickets please contact Gail D. O’Donovan, Sr. Charlotte Michael, Kathleen Baratta in the Development office at (718) 971-2020 x2021 or 2022. St. Anthony’s HS, S. Huntington, NY-An Evening of Celtic Music for the benefit of St. Anthony’s HS Celtic Friars Pipe Band featuring Celtic Friar Pipe Band, The Bob Morris Irish Band, Inishfree School of Irish Dance, The Friar Choir, Irish Sing-along with Gerard Donnelly. May 4th at 7:30 PM at St. Anthony’s HS Auditorium. $15 in advance and $20 at the door. For information please call St. Anthony’s HS. Worldwide Marriage Encounter-Fall back in love! Celebrate your marriage and your love by experiencing a Worldwide Marriage Encounter weekend. Make your good marriage truly great. Upcoming weekend May 17th19th. Registration is limited. For information or to apply call (877) 697-9963. Please visit our local website at for more information. Molloy College, Rockville Centre, NY-On Saturday, May 4th from 11:30 AM-1:00 PM, the Irish Language & Gaelic Culture classes of the Irish Studies Institute at Molloy College will celebrate the ancient festival of Bealtaine, the first day of summer on the Celtic calendar, with song, story and poetry in Irish. The celebration will take place in Molloy’s Wilbur Arts building on the north side of the college’s campus. If you would like to take part with a song, short tale or a poem in Irish email Jerry Kelly at or call (516) 804-2968.
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