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View Bulletin
Roman Catholic Church of Saint Aidan
505 Willis Avenue, Williston Park, New York 11596
516-746-6055 (Fax)
The Salvation of Souls is the Supreme Law
Mission Statement
Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
July 13, 2014
Blessed are those who dwell in your house, O Lord!
We, the parish family of the
Church of Saint Aidan,
strengthened by the Eucharist and
encouraged by the Word of God, welcome all,
for we recognize that everyone is a child of
God and no one should be excluded.
Guided by the Holy Spirit through
prayer, we strive as one to build the Body of
Christ. We commit ourselves to nurturing life-long faith
formation, fostering lay leadership, promoting
social justice, engaging our youth in every
aspect of parish life, and offering care and
compassionate service to all.
We invite everyone to walk with Jesus
and experience His healing power and love.
The Pastoral Staff
Rev. Msgr. James M. McDonald, Pastor - ext. 9108
Rev. Kevin Dillon, Associate Pastor - ext. 9105
Rev. Michael Edathil, Associate Pastor - ext. 9106
Rev. Msgr. Robert J. Kirwin, Pastor Emeritus
Rev. Damian Halligan, SJ In Residence
Deacon Salvatore B. Villani - ext. 9558
Deacon Francis J. Love - ext. 9557
Deacon Joseph Connelly - ext. 9562
Deacon Rudy Martin - ext. 9412
Mr. Drago Bubalo, DMA (cand). Music Director ext. 9130
E-mail address
St. Aidan School
(Grades Nursery-3. ext. 9202, 9203)
(Grades 4-8, ext. 9302, 9303)
Ms. Eileen P. Oliver, Principal
Ms. Jo-Anne Rowan, Assistant Principal
Faith Formation and Spirituality - ext. 9404, 9405
Mr. James F. Corrigan, Director of Faith Formation ext. 9401
Mrs. Elaine Smith, Director of Special Needs ext. 9406
Parish Social Ministry - ext. 9408
Ms. Rosemarie Cavallaro, Director - ext. 9410
Youth Ministry
Mr. Stephen Loewenthal, Coordinator - ext. 9403
Pastoral Council - ext. 9592
Members: Toti Conforti, Cathy Frischmann, Brendan Hickey,
Larry McGovern, Bonnie Parente, Erin Flynn,
Mary Ellen Testa and Suellen Peterson
Buildings & Grounds Department—ext. 9122
Liturgy of the Eucharist
Saturday Evening: 5:00 PM and 7:30 PM
Sunday: 7:30 AM, 9:00 AM, *10:30 AM, 12:00 PM & 5:00 PM
*Liturgy of the Word for Children
Daily: 6:30 AM, 9:00 AM, 12:15 & 5:30 PM Monday thru Friday
Morning Prayer
8:40 AM Monday thru Saturday
Baptism of Children: Each month on the 1st Sunday and 3rd
Sunday at 1:30 PM ceremony. Required: Parents’ class on the
2nd Sunday of each month beginning with the 12:00 Mass. For
baptismal information, contact the Rectory office ext. 9101
Tuesday-Friday between the hours of 10:00 AM-3:00 PM.
The Sacrament of Penance is celebrated every Saturday from
12:30-1:30 PM and 4:00-5:00 PM in our church or by
Arrangements are to be made at the Rectory office at least 9
months in advance. Pre-Cana and FOCCUS registrations must be
arranged through the parish.
Anointing of the Sick & Communion of the Sick
The anointing of the sick takes place after the 12:00 PM Mass on
the 4th Sunday of each month. Anyone who is homebound may
receive Holy Communion at home on a regular basis. Eucharistic
ministers assist the priests in this ministry. Please call the rectory ext. 9101.
First and third Fridays of the month 12:45-3:00 PM in the Church.
12:30-1:30 PM on Saturdays in the church.
MONDAY, JULY 14, 2014
St. Kateri Tekakwitha, Virgin
Is 1: 10-17, Mt 10: 34— 11: 1
6:30 AM
Jose Luis Saravia
9:00 AM
Genevieve Jankowska
10:00 AM
Funeral-Donald Mc Partlan, Sr.
11:15 AM
Memorial Mass-Theodore Barland
12:15 PM
Gregory Abatemarco (Anniversary Rem.)
5:30 PM
Diane Lavelle Jagusiak
(60th Birthday Rem.)
TUESDAY, JULY 15, 2014
St. Bonaventure, Bishop and Doctor of the Church
Is 7: 1-9; Mt 11: 20-24
6:30 AM
Felice Borgia
Patrick O’Brien
9:00 AM
12:15 PM
Danny Steiniger (Birthday Rem.)
5:30 PM
Philip Elefonte
Our Lady of Mt. Carmel
Is 10: 5-7, 13b-16; Mt 11: 25-27
Raymond J. Sr. & Carmela Voulo
6:30 AM
9:00 AM
Annie Mc Menamin (Birthday Rem.)
12:15 PM
Mary Renna
5:30 PM
Louisa Colelli
Is 26: 7-9, 12, 16-19; Mt 11: 28-30
6:30 AM
Mary Mulreany
9:00 AM
Edward J. Wilson (17th Anniversary Rem.)
12:15 PM
Emma Hess
5:30 PM
Steve Kane
FRIDAY, JULY 18, 2014
St. Camillus de Lellis, Priest
Is 38: 1-6, 21-22, 7-8; Mt 12: 1-8
6:30 AM
Peter Pagano
Mary Oswald (Birthday Rem.)
9:00 AM
12:15 PM
Lv. Ints. of The Kopetic Family
3:30 PM
Megan Strong/Ryan Conklin
Nuptial Mass
5:30 PM
Philip Calvin Amico
Mi 2: 1-5; Mt 12: 14-21
9:00 AM
Mario R. Donato
12:30-1:30 PM Confession & Eucharistic Adoration
3:00 PM
Elizabeth Kiernan/Ian Gillespie
Nuptial Mass
4:00-5:00 PM Confession
5:00 PM
Denis Moynihan
Lauren Zaleski
Charlotte Higgins
7:30 PM
Frank Ferrante
SUNDAY, JULY 20, 2014
Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Wis 12: 13, 16-19; Rom 8: 26-27; Mt 13: 24-43 or
13: 24-30
Albert & Marianne Mayce
7:30 AM
9:00 AM
Maria Ester Oliveira
10:30 AM
Dennis Keane
Donal O’Dwyer
12:00 PM
Harold Buckley
Albertina Rodeo
5:00 PM
Parishioners of St. Aidan
Kristin Finamore, Our Lady of Victory,
Floral Park, NY
Rosario Cicero, St. Athanasius, Brooklyn, NY
Stephanie Doughty, St. Mel’s Flushing, NY
Kenneth Kilgannon, St. Aidan
Christina Trefcer, St. Aidan
Enzo Di Paolo, St. Thomas, West Hempstead, NY
Megan Strong, St. Aidan
Ryan Conklin, Queen of the Universe, Levittown, PA
Elizabeth Kiernan, St. Aidan
Ian Gillespie, Queen of All Saints, Brooklyn, NY
In Loving Memory of
1st Anniversary Remembrance
Requested by Lou & Pat Santosus
SICK: Barbara Ueland, Christine Schifaudo,
Christine Lucivero, Cecilia Han, Geraldo
Peixoto, Kimberly Holmes, Father Brian
Dalton, Stacy Test, Owen Hogan, Msgr.
Robert Kirwin, Roseanne Mushorn, John
Moore, Joanne Glaser Kempton, Aidan
McCluskey, Megan Mc Cluskey, Thomas
Sheedy, Ray Beethold, Diana Coscia
DECEASED: Don Mc Partlan, Lawrence Bradley, Mary
Sparacino, Doris Giachetti, Theodore Barland
and for all those who have died serving our
July 13, 2014
Back in 1951 or so my mother had pneumonia and was sick in bed
for a week or so. One day her brother, my Uncle Joe, came to visit
and brought a present—a brand new book called The Cardinal by
Henry Morton Robinson. As soon as I saw it I was intrigued by the
cover—it had a breviary and a pair of rosary beads. I was hooked
and so was my mother. There was no television in the bedroom in
those days and she devoured the book. By the way, an awful lot of
people in the United States were doing exactly the same thing. As
soon as she finished, I got my hands on it and began reading. I must
admit I didn’t read the whole thing, but confined my reading to parts
that told me more about the priesthood.
Even at ten years of age I was fascinated by how much the author
knew about the Catholic Church. Now at 73 I am even more surprised by the sense of reality that pervades the novel—it seems
strange that he could know so much about how priests think and
operate without being a priest himself. Nevertheless, as far as I
know, Robinson was never in a seminary and certainly was never a
Catholic priest. All this is my way of saying that I think a rereading
or even a first reading of the book will be a worthwhile summer
literary experience for you. The first chapter or two are not the most
interesting—but once you get beyond them, I imagine you will have
a hard time putting it down.
One of Robinson’s great abilities is the way he draws the characters—he does it superbly. No matter who the person is, you feel you
know him or her and you have a rather clear picture in your mind of
exactly what he or she looks like. In some of them you see a tremendous spirituality and faith and in others hopelessness and despair—
Lew Day is a case in point.
The Brooklyn Tablet has a section in the summer in which they ask
various people in the Brooklyn Diocese what they are reading. So I
thought you might like to know what I am reading. In addition, I’m
finding time for Master of the Senate by Robert Caro, historical
fiction by Carolly Erickson and Jean Plaidy and, of course, Agatha
Christie mysteries.
A book I would especially recommend to you is Jesus: A Pilgrimage, by Father
James Martin, S.J. Whenever you read Father Martin, you are in for a real treat—
he never disappoints and gives your faith a real boost.
Happy reading and encourage your kids and grandkids to read worthwhile books.
My mom and dad did that for us and I’m so glad they did.
In Jesus and Mary,
Monsignor James M. McDonald
May our stewardship of time, talent and treasure show us to be among those
who have heard the message of Christ and taken it in, and yielding a hundredor sixty-or thirty-fold!
$26,069 (+1.87%)
Thank you for your kind and generous support of our parish.
The month of July, by tradition, is dedicated to The Most Precious Blood of Jesus. The Blood
that coursed through the veins of Christ was part of the Sacred Humanity made possible by
the maternity of Mary. Our Lord’s Blood poured out on the Cross purchased our salvation,
washed clean the robes of the martyrs, and gave birth to the Church as it flowed from His
wounded side.
July’s longer and warmer days give us the opportunity to grow in holiness, frequenting the
sacraments and receiving the Blood of Christ, and giving witness by our conduct, our speech,
the modesty in the clothes we wear, of the Christ we profess to everyone we meet. As our
Pope Francis tells us “the basis for evangelization is a conversion to the love of Jesus, which
turns us into a witness to God’s Love to everyone poor and needy.”
Share your reactions and feedback by calling (516) 746-6585 x9101. St. Aidan’s Pastoral
Council tries to be responsive to the needs of our parish.
The basis for the June 30, 2014, Supreme Court ruling in favor of
Hobby Lobby was the 1993 Religious Freedom Restoration Act
(RFRA) which passed under President Clinton with strong bipartisan support. RFRA protects against laws that substantially burden a person's free exercise of their religion. In this ruling the
court has said that individuals working in a family business, such
as Hobby Lobby and Conestoga Woods, do not forfeit their religious freedoms,
but are protected from laws and regulations, like the HHS Mandate, which force
them to violate their religious beliefs.
The ruling does not impact the cases addressing not-for-profit organizations like
The Diocese of Rockville Centre, hospitals, charities, schools or the Little Sisters of the Poor. The Supreme Court will rule on them next year. We must continue to pray as religious freedom is still being threatened. We are all called to be
informed and stand up and speak out for religious liberty.
The Rally for Religious Freedom was attended by over 400 people. Thank
you to all St. Aidan parishioners who came in support.
Congratulations to the winners of the CFFR art and speech contest from
St. Aidan:
Lauren Muniz – art winner
Kieran O’ Gara – speech winner
Thanks also to all who prayed with us at the Holy Hour for Religious
Freedom here at St. Aidan; 100 strong.
CFFR will meet in September.
There will be a Gazebo Concert on Thursday, July 17th at 7:00
PM. Free Senior Citizen BBQ. Music by Pilsner Brass Band at the
Gazebo on Hillside and Liberty Avenue. All are welcome to attend.
A “Pasta Dinner” will be held on August 3rd at
Piccolo’s Restaurant. There will be two seatings
12:00-1:30 PM and 1:30-3:00 PM. The price will
be $10.00 for adults and $5.00 for children. You
may purchase tickets for this dinner by calling Bill
Casey (516) 248-5908, Colin Dorney (516) 746-3987 or Jimmy Smith
(516) 385-8159. Please call one of the above names to let them know
you would like to attend.
The second collection on the weekend of July 26th/27th is for
the African missions of the Brothers of the Sacred Heart. The
Brothers, through their representative, Brother Lucien Blain, SC,
are asking for your prayers and financial support. The Brothers
of the Sacred Heart are religious educators who staff schools and
other establishments in over thirty countries. Your contributions
will especially benefit young men who are preparing to enter religious life and needy students in the African countries of Kenya,
Lesotho, Uganda, Zambia and Zimbabwe. Please be generous.
The Brothers of the Sacred Heart will be asking for your prayers
and financial support at all Masses the weekend of July
26th/27th. Your contributions will especially benefit young men
who are preparing to enter religious life and needy students.
CYO Girls’ Basketball registration is now available ON – LINE ONLY
@ Registration is open until Saturday, September 6th. This year’s fee is $ 120.00. Girls MAY be evaluated for
placement on a team. There is a LATE FEE CHARGE of $ 75.00
Any questions or concerns, please contact Matthew Miller @ Subject: 2014-2015 CYO Girls’ Hoops.
PS: We are ALWAYS looking for new volunteers! Also, we are in search of
a Co-Coordinator or someone to take over FULL –TIME.
Williston Park Fire Department
Blood Drive
When: Wednesday, July 30, 2014
Time: 2:30 ~ 8:30 PM
Where: 454 Willis Avenue, Williston Park
You may be astounded to learn that New York has never been self-sufficient in meeting
its need for blood. There is no substitute for human blood and 1 in 3 adults will require
a blood transfusion at some point in our lives. You can help remedy this situation by
donating blood and giving the “Gift of Life”
Eligibility Criteria:
Bring valid ID with name and photo or signature
Minimum weight 110 lbs.
Age 16 – 76 (16 yr. olds need parental consent)
Eat well (low fat) & drink fluids
No tattoos for past 12 months
For medical questions concerning blood donations call 1-800-688-0900
For more information please call Dan 742-8535.
The Early Bird drawing will be held on Tuesday, July
15th for an opportunity to win $250. Send in your raffle tickets as soon as possible to be included in the
drawing. flip
Used Shoes Needed
Dave Stanghellini, Jim Corrigan’s son-in-law, is raising funds for a
service trip to an orphanage in China this October. He and his
team will work alongside staff to care for the children, and bring
He is raising funds for the team through Funds2Orgs, an organization that refurbishes footwear for resale. Any shoes you could
give would be welcome – adult’s or children’s shoes. A box will be
set up in the vestibule of St. Aidan Church to collect donated
footwear. Contact Dave at or (917) 7236932 (call or text) for more details about the trip or about
fundraising. THANK YOU !!!
The collection will run until July 31, 2014.
Collection boxes are in the vestibule of the church.
Our Pope Francis tells us, in one of his homilies, how to
dialogue with God. He says God is like a gentle Father
who holds us by the hand while we need to become a
small child. God’s love is manifested in Jesus Christ he
explains. There are two aspects to this love. First, love
is more about giving than receiving. Second, love is
more action than words. Love always communicates, and it is received by the
one who is loved. Love makes us grow.
Jesus tells us “Do not be afraid, I am with you and I will hold your hand.” He
waits for us to communicate all our needs, our sorrows, our desires to become
saints and He will give us the graces to overcame all our weakness, and enter
into the wonderful world of his love.
Pope Francis concludes his homily by noting “God is always there in front
of us, waiting for when we look for Him. He is already looking for us. He
is always in front of us, waiting to receive us in His heart, in His love.
These two things can help us to understand the mystery of God’s love for us.
If we contemplate these reflections, our spiritual life will grow and we will
able to touch others by it.
Our CDs, the past two weeks, were taken in great numbers, (182 CDs), although no money were left in the kiosks. I hope each CD was listened to and
passed to others!
I have replenished our kiosks with new titles. “Down to Earth, Grounded
in Faith” by Mark Hart is a talk which reminds us that God is in charge and
will help us to positively transform our lives. I suggest that you to listen to
these CDs and pass them to others. You will help God work in the souls who
are away from Him. God’s Blessings be with you!
Toti Conforti
Serving God By Serving Others
2014 GOAL: $174,200
PLEDGED: $127,624
Please remember that our parish receives a refund
if we make our goal again this year.
(Providing information from the Knights of Columbus)
ARE YOU READY TO JOIN? Corpus Christi Council # 2502 serves
both St. Aidan and Corpus Christi Parishes. Membership in the Knights
is open to all Catholic Men at least 18 years of age. For information
call (516) 746-8643 or contact Jim Corrigan at the Religious Education
office (516) 746-6585 x9401.
Mark Your Calendars – for the following summer events being
sponsored by Corpus Christi Council # 2502:
July 26th – Annual Family Picnic at Wilson Park (near Mineola
Pool) 12:00 noon; $10 adults; $5 children 10 and up; under 10
free. For reservations call Tom Kelly at (516) 414-2229.
HALL RENTAL – Big parties or small, the Corpus Christi Council Hall is available for rental. For information call Tom at (516) 746-8643.
Kindergarten: ALMOST FULL
2nd Grade: WEEK 1 OPEN*, WEEK 2 CLOSED
3rd, 4th, 5tH grade-OPEN*
We are in need of 11th and 12th grade volunteers as well as
college volunteers. Please email
if you are interested!
Please PRINT neatly or your application will not be considered.
Please note that not all applicants will be chosen as volunteers.
Name:_____________________________ Age:______ School:________________________
Grade you will be entering in September:_______
Home Address:_________________________ Town:_________________ Zip Code:________
Home Phone Number:___________________ Cell Phone Number:______________________
Email Address:______________________________________________
*** You will be notified by EMAIL ONLY if you are chosen as a volunteer. ***
Allergies:_____________________________ Emergency Contact Name:_________________
Relationship to you:___________________________ Phone Number:____________________
Circle the week(s) you wish to volunteer:
August 4th-August 8th
July 28th -August 1st
*We will try our best to accommodate your request.
Today’s Date:________
I Hope You'll Dance
My name is Emma Parente and I am a 9th
grader at Kellenberg Memorial High
School. I am in the process of working on
my Girl Scout Gold Award Project.
For my project, I am creating a dance program at St. Aidan's for children with special needs. For the first program, I am
opening up classes to boys and girls ages
7-12 with special needs.
At a private dancing school, I have been
assisting in a special needs dance class for
a few months to help prepare. Also, the instructors at the St. Aidan's Dance Academy have volunteered to assist me with
my program. If you know of or have a
child with special needs, please sign up for
this wonderful program.
The program will be held in the Convent
Music Room and is scheduled for the
week of July 21st - July 25th, Monday
and Tuesday 3:45-4:45 PM, Wednesday
3:15-4:15 PM, Thursday and Friday
10:00-11:00 AM.
A parent or guardian must stay during the
class. Parents and guests may join us for
the open class on Friday at 10am to see
what your child has learned.
The class is free! You may come to any or
all of the classes.
Child's Name:_______________________
Age:__________ Grade:__________
Date of Birth:________________________
Home Address:_______________________
City:___________________________ NY
Zip Code:_________
Parents Names:_______________________
Home Phone: ( )
Cell Phone: (
E-mail Address:______________________
Emergency Contact
Name: ___________________________
Relationship to Child:_______________
Phone Number:___________________
Physical Limitations:________________
Special Needs:_____________________
My child intends to attend on the following
__ all 5 days __Monday __Tuesday
__ Wednesday __Thursday __Friday
Mail completed applications by July 15th to:
Church of St. Aidan's
c/o Emma Parente at the Rectory
505 Willis Ave.
Williston Park, NY 11596
email questions to me at:
Week 1: July 28th – August 1st
Week 2: August 4th – 8th
-You have the option to register for 1 week or
2 weeks.
-Each week-long session is different and is
filled with a variety of fun and interactive
-VBS is open to all children entering Pre-K-6th
Grade as of September 2014.
-Program Cost for one week: (includes 1 t-shirt
and 1 water bottle) $70
-Program Cost for two weeks: (includes 2 tshirts and 1 water bottle) $115
-Counselor In Training Program – open to 6th
and 7th graders – Cost $25 for 1 week
$40 for 2 weeks
-Additional shirts can be purchased for $8 each.
-Drop off and pick up is in
Msgr. Kirwin Hall
-Drop off is between 8:45-9:00 AM.
-Pick up is between 1:00-1:15 PM.
-Parents must sign their child in and out.
Please be prompt in picking up your
-Each day, children will be provided with a
snack and juice or water.
-At the end of each week long session, parents
are invited to our short musical concert,
which will be held in Msgr. Kirwin Hall
at 9:30 AM.
-Checks and Registration Forms can be mailed
to or dropped off at:
Church of St. Aidan
505 Willis Avenue
Williston Park, NY 11596
Attn: Stefanie Loewenthal
Childs Name: ___________________
Age:______ Date of Birth:__________
Grade as of September 2014:_______
Home Address:___________________
City: ______________Zip Code:______
Phone Number:___________________
Cell Number:_____________________
E-mail Address:___________________
Emergency Contact
Phone Number:___________________
Please Circle:
Week 1: July 28th – August 1st
Week 2: August 4th – 8th
Child’s T-shirt Size
Small Medium Large
Extra Large
Note: Children Must Wear Their T-Shirts
Physical Limitations:_______________
Parent/Guardian Signature
Any Questions? Contact Stefanie at:
Love — caritas — is an extraordinary force which leads people to opt for courageous and
generous engagement in the field of justice and peace. It is a force that has its origin in
God, Eternal Love and Absolute Truth. Encyclical of Pope Benedict XVI, June 29, 2009.
As Pope Benedict XVI said in his Encyclical, Deus Caritas Est, “Everything has its origin in God's
love, everything is shaped by it, everything is directed towards it. Love is God's greatest gift to humanity; it is his promise and our hope.”
FOOD PANTRY: The next monthly food drive will take place July 12th/13th. If you
would like to donate non-perishable food and personal hygiene items, please bring them to
back of church or across the street to the Parish Social Ministry office. We have a refrigerator for eggs, dairy products and a freezer for ground beef, chicken cutlets and frozen
pizzas. Items for the week are:
peanut butter, jelly, potatoes (box or canned), spaghetti
sauce, ketchup, detergent, dishwashing liquid, sponges,
cleaning products and tuna fish. We are also in need of
metro cards which we use for our families through out
the year.
If you know of someone who is homebound and would like to receive a friendly call from our homebound volunteer, please call our office (516) 746-6585 x9410. Our homebound volunteer makes
weekly phone calls just to say “hello” and keep in touch.
PRAYER SHAWL MINISTRY – Our Prayer Shawl Ministry meets the second and fourth
Monday of each month at 9:45 AM in the Peter and Paul Room of the Finamore Center to
knit or crochet prayer shawls or lap blankets for our sick and homebound parishioners.
New members are always welcome. You need not know how to knit or crochet. We have
talented parishioners who can teach you. The next meeting will take place on Monday, July
28th . If you cannot be at the anointing mass and would like to receive one of these shawls
or blankets, please contact our office. If you have any questions, please call Parish Social
Ministry (516) 746-6585 x9410.
“The only feelings that do not heal are the ones you hide.” Henri Nouwen
PLEASE NOTE: The Parish Social Ministry office is open Monday-Friday, 9:00 AM – 3:00 PM.
Please use the Finamore Parish Center entrance (across from the church on
Willis Avenue).
ATTENTION ALL VOLUNTEERS: Are you aware that the Diocese of Rockville Centre requires ANYONE
includes Catechists to CYO Coaches, Ushers to Liturgical Ministers, and all parish organization members. Check
the Virus Training Schedule and Register Online for a class being offered by several parishes at
CONFIRMATION CANDIDATES: All students who are Confirmation candidates for Confirmation 2014 and
2015 should submit any outstanding projects, reflections, and/or service hours to the Religious Education Office.
Candidates who need to schedule a test or interview should also contact the Religious Education ffice as soon as
possible. Students entering Grade 7 this September received letters about getting an early start on their 7th grade
community service hours this summer. The Sacrament of Confirmation will be administered on Saturday, October 18th at 11:00 AM and 2:00 PM by Bishop Brennan.
15th. Registration packages were mailed to all families who had students enrolled in Religious Education during
the past school year. Parents who will be registering a child for the first time in the program should contact the
Religious Education office at (516) 746-6585 x404 for registration materials. A copy of a child’s Baptismal
Certificate MUST accompany the registration for any new students. Students will be placed in classes on a
first come first served basis.
CATECHISTS NEEDED: The Religious Education office is looking for individuals who are willing to serve as
teachers to pass on their Catholic Faith to students enrolled in our program. Prior experience is not necessary.
Training is provided. Please give prayerful consideration to answering this call for teachers. For an application
or further information, please call the office at (516) 746-6585 x9404.
SUMMER OFFICE HOURS: The Religious Education Office (Upper School, Room 301) is open from 11AM4PM Monday to Friday or by appointment. For information please call (516) 746-6585 x9404.
SPECIAL NEEDS CATECHISTS WANTED: Is God tugging at your heart to help? There are wonderful
Special Needs Catechist for the upcoming school year. No Prior experience is necessary. Training and support
will be provided. For further information, please call (516) 746-6585 x9406.
PARENTS OF 2015 FIRST COMMUNION CHILDREN: Conflict forms have been mailed. Please return
them to the Religious Education office as early as possible.
ATTENTION 2014 FIRST COMMUNION PARENTS! The Communion videos have arrived. If you ordered
a video, please stop by the Religious Education Office during office hours to pick up your order.
ATTENTION ALL CATECHISTS: Catechist Training Classes are provided throughout the summer. Each
topic is presented in 2 two hour sessions. Please call the Religious Education office at (516) 746-6585 x9404 to
register as soon as possible. All sessions will run from 7:15 PM to 9:15 PM.
July 14th & July 21st
July 16th & July 23rd
July 17th & July 24th
July 28th & August 4th
July 30th & August 6th
July 31st & August 7th
August 11th & August 18th
August 13th & August 20th
Methods Grades 1 & 2
Methods Grades 3 & 4
Liturgy and Sacraments
Methods Grades 5 & 6
Methods Grades 7 & 8
Liturgy and Sacraments
Getting Started
ST. AGNES CATHEDRAL HIGH SCHOOL CLASS OF 1978-Looking for members of the St.
Agnes Cathedral High School Class of 1978 for a September Reunion. E-mail us at or friend one of us on Facebook: Jim Jacaruso, Scott Pfaltz, Patrice Gaynor Galligan or Kelly Thurston.
THE BEGINNING EXPERIENCE-Help for the heartache of divorce, separation, and widowhood. A
weekend away for a lifetime of change. The next weekend is September 5th, 6th and 7th at the Montfort Spiritual Center in Bay Shore. For information and reservations call John at (516) 822-6035, Jim
(718) 474-3779 or Jean at (631) 903-0973.
PROMISE TO PROTECT PLEDGE TO HEAL-If you have been abused or victimized by someone
representing the Catholic Church please believe in the possibility for hope and help and healing. We encourage you to come forward and speak out. Every arch/diocese/eparchy in the United States now has a
victim assistance coordinator who is available to obtain support for your needs, to help you make a formal complaint of abuse to the arch/diocese/eparchy, and to arrange a personal meeting with the bishop or
his representative, if you desire. The victim assistance coordinator for your arch/diocese/eparchy is
Mary McMahon, LCSW, Director at (516) 594-9036.
BUS TRIP TO RESORTS CASINO IN ATLANTIC CITY-There will be a bus trip to Resorts Casino
in Atlantic City on Monday, July 21th hosted by the American Legion Ladies Auxiliary. A bus will
take you from the parking lot of the Williston Park American Legion Post 144, 730 Willis Avenue, Williston Park at 9:00 A.M. to Resorts Casino. You need to be at the parking lot by 8:30 AM. The cost is
$35.00 with a return of $25.00 in slot credits. Please note that the August 2014 trip will be on Tuesday,
August 19th. After August the trips will be on the third Monday of each month. If you are interested
please contact: Dot Perry (516) 248-9063 or Honey Metzger (516) 742-0084.
2014, sponsored by the St. Aloysius Sociables, at the Jolly Fisherman, 25 Main St. Roslyn. For reservations, please call Ida (516) 482-1832 or John Hyland (516) 482-3795. Cost: Price of your meal. Contact
Person : Gayle Yorizzo (516) 487-0374.
ATTENTION ALL ENCOUNTERED COUPLES!-Come Join Us For A Day of Enrichment Saturday
August 23rd at The Shrine of Our Lady of The Island, 258 Eastport-Manor Rd, Manorville, NY 11949. The
theme of this year’s Enrichment is “Marriage, A Lifetime of Learning” and will feature presenting
couples from our communities on Long Island and Brooklyn and Queens. This day is about enriching
our relationships in mind, body and spirit. The day begins at 9:00 AM, with continental breakfast; the
first presentation starts at 10:00 AM. The day concludes with the Celebration of Mass about 4:00 PM.
This will be a good opportunity to see Fr. Roy Tvrdik before he leaves on his sabbatical to the Holy
Land. Please bring your own picnic lunch and something for the sharing table and your own beverage if
you prefer something other than coffee and tea. Cold drinks are available at the Shrine’s coffee shop. Be
sure to bring your dialogue books for the 10+10’s. We look forward to seeing you no matter how long
ago you made your weekend. For further information or to RSVP please call Kevin & Regina Hickson at
(516) 554-3835.

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