VOL 0X` PG ,,3105
VOL 0X` PG ,,3105
, VOL 0X' PG , ,,3105 NOTICE OF MEETING COMMISSIONERS COURT OF UPSHUR COUNTY, TEXAS FRIDAY, MARCil 30, 2001, 9:00 AM, REGULAR SESSION UPSHUR COUNTY LlBRARY ANNEX, 700 W. TYLER ST., GILMER, TX. I. Approve the minutes of previous meetings. 2. Consider approval of any budget amendments and take action. 3. Approve payroll. 4. Consider any payroll changes and take action. 5. Consider approval of accounts payable and take action. 6. Consider and take action 011 an interlocal agreement between Upshul' County and the City of East Mountain. 7. Discuss and take action on receiving Air Force van donated by Sheriffs' Office. 8. Discuss and take action on allowing Pct. #2 to receive bid proposals for slurry seal machine. 9. Discuss and tal,e action on schedule and certificate of insurance from United Elevator for the work on the Courthouse elevator. 10. Discuss and take any action necessary on letter from ETS Payphones concerning the phone in the ,Iustice Center. 11. Consider adopting a resolution concerning contributing funds to TxDOT for aC(luiring right of way and authorizing payment 0($2,547.00. Tal(e any action necessal.,.. 12. Accept for recording a letter from Bill Ratliff concerning the Courthouse Preservation Program. 13. Discuss and take action on pilot gl'ant pJ'Ogram from the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department. 14. Accept for recol'ding a copy of distribntion of the Tobacco Settlement monies. IS, Accept for recOl'ding the deputation of Lisa Money as clerk itl the J. P. I office. 16. Review and accept for recording the Financial Statements and Independent Auditor's Report for the Juvenile Probation Department. ---------------- VOL .....~PG~ 17. Hear a report from Arnold, Walker & Arnold. 18. Discuss options for postage purchases and take action. 19. Discuss and tnl(e action on establishing a sick leave pool for County employees. 20. Ilear from the County auditor regarding departmental audits. 21. lIear representatives from Valic, a deferred compensation plan, and take any action necessary. 22. Consider going out for bid proposals for bank depository, 2 year and 4 year contracts, to be opened 5-15-01. 23. Approve applications for use of Upshur County roads and right of way. - Charles L. Still County .Judge c:: 0 <n .. OJ -< -u ( -~ ~- e-" r., "0, c: -, -: (, ~ -="::1 N '. -..J <. :::! ; c:> .... >< :J;o ::rq -""-..,., ~ >;= f,ll _. t:...:. -. ~ N en " I . \ _N UPSHUR COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OFFICE 3·30·2001 COMMISSIONERS COURT MET IN REGULAR SESSION. ALL MEMBERS WERE PRESENT WITH THE EXCEPTION OF JUDGE STILL. I. MOTION BY RUSSELL GREEN SECONDED BY RICK JACKSON TO APPROVE MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETINGS DATED MARCH 15 TH ,2001 AND MARCH 20TH , 2001. MOTION CARRIED. 2. MOTION BY RUSSELL GREEN SECONDED BY RICK JACKSON TO APPROVE THE BUDGET AMENDMENTS AS PRESENTED BY THE COUNTY AUDITOR. MOTION CARRIED. BUDGET AMENDMENTS ATTACHED. 3. MOTION BY JOEY ORMS SECONDED BY RUSSELL GREEN TO APPROVE THE PAYROLL. MOTION CARRIED. PAYROLL REGISTER ATTACHED. 4. MOTION BY RUSSELL GREEN SECONDED BY RICK JACKSON TO APPROVE THE FOLLOWING PAYROLL CHANGES: DON WILLEFORD·JAlL·DUE TO NEW HIRE JOSEPH BABB-PRECINCT 4-DUE TO PART·TIME FEMA JAMES MCCAULEY·PRECINCT 2- DUE TO RE-IllRE MOTION CARRIED. COPIES OF ALL PAYROLL CHANGE REPORT ATTACHED. 5. MOTION BY RUSSELL GREEN SECONDED BY JOEY ORMS TO APPROVE PAYMENT OF ACCOUNTS PAY ABLE NOW DUE WITH THE EXCEPTION OF BILL SUBMITTED FOR CLEANING SHIRTS BELONGING TO COUNTY COURT BAILIFF. MOTION CARRIED. BILLS PREVIOUSLY APPROVED 3-15-2001 PLACED INTO MINUTES FOR RECORDING PURPOSES ONLY. JURY LIST FOR 3-12-2001 AND 3-20·2001 PLACED INTO MINUETS FOR RECODlNG PROPOSES ONLY. 6. MOTION BY JOEY ORMS SECONDED BY RICK JACKSON TO APPROVE INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT BETWEEN UPSHUR COUNTY AND THE CITY OF EAST MOUNTAIN. MOTION CARRIED. UNSIGNED AGREEMENT ATTACHED. 7. MOTION BY RUSSELL GREEN SECONDED BY JOEY ORMS TO APPROVE THE SHERIFF'S OFFICE DONATING AN AIR FORCE VAN TO THE UPSHUR COUNTY 1 ---- - -..---- COMMISSIONERS COURT. (COURT WILL TURN OVER TO PRECINCT 4 TO USE AS A PRISONER WORK VAN) MOTION CARRIED. NO DOCUMENT SUBMITTED TO COUNTY CLERK. 8. NO ACTION TAKEN ON AGENDA ITEM CONCERNING PRECINCT 2 TO RECEIVE BID PROPOSALS FOR SLURRY SEAL MACHINE. 9. MOTION BY JOEY ORMS SECONDED BY RICK JACKSON TO APPROVE THE SCHEDULE AND CERTIFICATES OF INSURANCE FROM UNITED ELEVATOR FOR THE WORK ON THE COURTHOUSE ELEVATOR. MOTION CARRIED. LETTER FROM BRENT BREVARD TO UNITED ELEVATOR, LETTER FROM UNITED ELEVATOR CONCERNING PAYMENT TERMS AND CERTIFICATES OF LIABILITY INSURANCE ATTACHED. 10_ NO ACTION TAKEN ON AGENDA ITEM CONCERNING LETTER FROM ETS PA YPHONES IN THE JUSTICE CENTER.(NO DOCUMENT SUBMITTED TO COUNTY CLERK_ II. MOTION BY RUSSELL GREEN SECONDED BY JOEY ORMS TO ADOPT RESOLUTION CONCERNING CONTRIBUTING FUNDS TO THE STATE FOR A PROJEC r FOR FM 1649 AT GUM CREEK AND TO AUTHORIZE PAYMENT OF $2,547.00 TO TilE TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION MOTION CARRIED. AGREEMENT TO CONTRIBUTE FUNDS AND RESOLUTION ATTACHED.(FULL Y EXECUTED CONTRACT WILL BE SUBMITTED LATER.) 12. MOTION BY RUSSELL GREEN SECONDED BY JOEY OR.\1S TO RECORD LETTER FROM BILL RATLIFF CONCERNING THE COURTHOUSE PRESERVATION PROGRAM. MOTION CARRIED. LETTER FROM BILL RATLIFF ATTACHED. 13. MOTION BY JOEY ORMS SECONDED BY RICK JACKSON TO ACCEPT FOR RECORDING A LETTER CONCERNING A PILOT GRANT PROGRAM FROM THE TEXAS PARKS AND WILDLIFE. MOTION CARRIED. LETTER ATTACHED. 14. MOTION BY RUSSELL GREEN SECONDED BY RICK JACKSON TO ACCEPT FOR RECORDING A COPY OF DISTRIBUTION OF THE TABACCO SETTLEMENT MONIES. MOTION CARRIED TOBACCO SETTLEMENT DISTRIBUTION COUNTY EXPENDITURE STATEMENT ATTACHED_ 15. MOTION BY JOEY ORMS SECONDED BY RUSSELL GREEN TO ACCEPT FOR RECORDING, DEPUTATION OF LISA MONEY AS CLERK IN THE J.P. I OFFICE. MOTION CARRIED. DEPUTATION SUBMITTED BY JUSTICE OF PEACE, ARNOLD GRIMES ATTACHED_ 2 \ , --. VOL;ff:PG~ 16. & 17. MOTION BY JOEY ORMS, SECONDED BY RICK JACKSON TO ACCEPT FOR RECORDING TIlE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS AND INDEPENDENT AUDITOR'S REPORT FOR THE JUVENILE PROBATION DEPARTMENT. MOTION CARRIED. JUVENILE PROBATION AUDIT ON FILE IN OFFICE OF COUNTY CLERK. MOTION BY JOEY ORMS SECONDED BY RICK JACKSON TO ACCEPT FOR RECORDING PURPOSES, FINANCIAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER, 30, 2000 WITH INDEPENDENT AUDITORS REPORT. MOTION CARRIED. FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER. 2000 ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF COUNTY CLERK. 18. MOTION BY RUSSELL GREEN SECONDED BY RICK JACKSON TO APPROVE EXPENDITURE OF POST AGE FUNDS IN POSTAGE ACCOUNT AND TO GIVE COUNTY TREASURER AUTHORITY TO TRANSFERS FUNDS BY DIRECT DEBIT FOR POSTAGE. MOTION CARRIED. LETTER ATTACHED. 19. MOTION BY RUSSELL GREEN SECONDED BY JOEY ORMS TO TAKE NO ACTION ON ESTABLISHING A SICK LEAVE POOL FOR COUNTY EMPLOYEES. MOTION CARRIED. 20. MOTION BY RICK JACKSON SECONDED BY JOEY ORMS TO ACCEPT FOR RECORDING PURPOSES. LETTER FROM COUNTY AUDITOR CONCERNING REGULAR QUARTERLY AUDIT PROCEDURES FOR ALL FEE OFFICES IN THE COUNTY. MOTION CARRIED. LETTER FROM AUDITOR ATTACHED. 10:30 COMMISSIONER RUSSELL GREEN LEFT COMMISSIONERS COURT MEETING. 21. A REPRESENTATIVE FROM VELlC, MET WITH COURT TO DISCUSS A DEFERRED COMPENSATION PLAN. MOTION BY JOEY ORMS SECONDED BY RICK JACKSON TO MAKE THIS PLAN AVAILABLE TO COUNTY EMPLOYEES. MOTION CARRIED. DEFERRED COMPENSATION PLAN OFFERED BY VALIC ON FILE IN OFFICE OF COUNTY CLERK. 22. MOTION BY JOEY ORMS SECONDED BY RICK JACKSON TO ADVERTISE FOR BID PROPOSALS FOR BANK DEPOSITORY. (FOR BOTH 2 YEAR AND 4 YEAR CONTRACTS). BIDS WILL BE OPENED MAY 15,2001. MOTION CARRIED. NO DOCUMENT SUBMITTED TO COUNTY CLERK. 23. MOTION BY RICK JACKSON SECONDED BY JOEY ORMS TO APPROVE THE FOLLOWING SPECIAL ROAD USE AGREEMENTS. PERMIT APPLICATIONS AND 3 VOL~PG .;)70 APPLICATIONS FOR FILLING ABANDONED WELLS: PERMIT APPLICATION SUBMITTED BY AMOCO PRODUCTION COMPANY TO PLACE A 4" STEEL, SCHEDULE 80, NATURAL GAS PIPELINE IN ROE OF lflLLCREST DRIVE (GREEN HILLS ADDITION) PERMIT APPLICATION SUBMITTED BY MILTON D. DAVIS TO PLACE A CULVERT IN ROW OF SARAH ROAD. PERMIT APPLICATION SUBMITTED BY WENDELL SONNIER TO PLACE A CULVERT IN ROW OF CARDINAL ROAD. PERMIT APPLICATION SUBMITTED BY BOB BORAH TO PLACE A CULVERT IN ROW OF ARROWWOOD ROAD. PERMIT APPLICATION SUBMITTED BY PAULA PUTMAN TO PLACE A CULVERT IN ROW OF GARDENIA. PERMIT APPLICATION SUBMITTED BY DON WILBURN TO PLACE A CULVERT IN ROW OF BAYBERRY. PERMIT APPLICATION SUBMITTED BY DIANA WATER SUPPLY TO PLACE A WATER LINE IN ROW OF MYRTLE, SNAPDRAGON, SEGOLILL Y, SPIDERLILL Y, RAVEN, ZINNIA AND SMILAX. PERMIT APPLICATION SUBMITTED BY CLAYTON BEKKER TO PLACE A CULVERT IN ROW OF ASPEN. PERMIT APPLICATION SUBMITTED BY CRAIG HARLAND TO PLACE A CULVERT IN ROW OF WEASEL. PERMIT APPLICATION SUBMITTED BY TOM EDGE TO PLACE A CULVERT IN ROW OF ELDERBERRY. PERMIT APPLICATION SUBMITTED BY BOBBY MASSOLETTI TO PLACE A CUL VERT IN ROW OF MACHEN LANE. PERMIT APPLICATION SUBMITTED BY MIKE MADDOX TO PLACE A CULVERT IN ROW OF CRABAPPLE ROAD. PERMIT APPLICATION SUBMITTED BY DANA W. PIERCE TO PLACE CULVERT IN ROW OF SCRUB PINE ROAD. 4 \ .. SPECIAL ROAD USE AGREEMENT SUBMITTED BY WOODLANDS TO HAUL LOGS ON MUTE OAK AND CHERRY. f SPECIAL ROAD USE AGREEMENT SUBMITTED BY W. W. GOING TO HAUL LOGS ON GOPHER. SPECIAL ROAD USE AGREEMENT SUBMITTED BY H & S CONTRACTORS TO HAUL GRAVEL ON DEER. SPECIAL ROAD USE AGREEMENT SUBMITTED BY H & S CONTRACTORS TO HAUL CLAY ON CARIBOU. SPECIAL ROAD USE AGREEMENT SUBMITTED BY WILLIAMSON LOGGING TO HAUL LOGS ON CHERRY AND GOLD LEAF. PERMIT APPLICATION SUBMITTED BY STEPHEN HILL TO PLACE A CULVERT IN ROW OF BOB-O-LINK. PERMIT APPLICATION SUBMITTED BY ALICIA DUFFY TO PLACE A CULVERT IN ROW OF FLAG. MOTION CARRIED ON ALL THE ABOVE. COPIES OF ALL THE ABOVE ATTACHED. PLAT OF PERMIT APPLICATION SUBMITTED BY DIANA WATER SUPPLY ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY CLERK. MOTION BY RICK JACKSON SECONDED BY JOEY ORMS TO ADJOURN. MOTION CARRIED. SPECIAL ROAD USE AGREEMENT PREVIOUSLY APPROVED ON 3-15-2001 BUT OMITTED FROM MINUfES, PLACED INTO MINUETS FOR RECORDING PURPOSES ONL Y.(SPECIAL ROAD USE AGREEMENT CONTRACT SUBMITTED BY FLUID DISPOSAL TO HAUL HEAVY EQUIPMENT ON GREENHILLS RD AND WILDWOOD.) ATTENDANCE SHEET PLACED INTO MINUTES FOR RECORDING PURPOSES ONLY. s dL?d#4? JUDGE CHARLES STI~ I COMMISSIONER PCT #3 RICK JACKSON ~----~-~ GREE~ MISSIONER PC'T #4 RUSSELL Cl -< c: "'U I I ! U': : ;:0 ( r I <::> -' " .... =' .... n1 c: -< ( 0 ::>0 >< -c 0"1 ~ N 0 0 (J 0::0 <::fT1 :x .,., ::~~ , ........ - ' -" ~- ,I.::..... - - - - r; ____ i. I t.L VOL£PG 07.o BO"DGE'r AMP Hi-DIS The following budget amendments were approved ou thia the M~ .2001. Charles Still, County Judge , I , j ~, I 1 t day of - .- -- . .-~- -----~- - - -- -- - ~-~--~- -~----- VOL~PG~7,1 March 30, 2001 LINE ITEM TRANSFER BUDGET AMENDMENTS TO I \ I 10-401-"1490 Commissioners Court Legal Ads & Notices $ 29804 10-409-5100 Non-Departmental FaCIlities Im~vement $ 1,00000 10-4094955 Non-Departmental Conllngen9:: $ 47895 10-454-5400 JP#4 Office Machines $ 9.95 10-476-3095 District Attorney BookS/Publications $ 10-514-3390 C. J. Annex Hand TOOls, etc 10-552-4502 Commissioners Court 10-401-3010 Office Supplies 10-401-3095 BookslPublications $ $ $ 6539 232.65 298.04 Non-Departmental 10-4094160 Audit Fees $ 1,000.00 JP#1 10-451-1300 Parttlme Emel!?}:ee $ 47895 JP#4 10-454-4700 EgUlement Le?Se $ 995 55200 District Attorney 10-476-4135 Court Costs $ 55200 $ 16877 C. J. Annex 10-514-3380 Mise Ex~nse $ 168 77 Constable #2 EducatIOn Ex~nse $ 2763 Constable #2 10-552-5350 Comm EgUle! $ 2763 10-560-5450 Sheriffs Office Furniture & Fixtures $ 22598 Sheriffs Office 10-560-5900 light bars,etc $ 22598 13-560-3380 Sheriffs Special Fund Other O~ratln9 $ 26600 Sheriffs SpeCial Fund 13-560-3110 Uniforms & Access $ 26600 14-642-4801 Purchased Medical Ph:islclan $ 17,38108 Purchased Medical 14.Q42-4804 Hoseltal, Outpatient $ 17,38108 15-811-"1470 Road & Bndge #1 Other Comm Malnt $ 3200 Road & Bridge #1 15-611-4480 Other Re~lrs $ 3200 17.013-3380 Road & Bridge #3 Other Operating $ 27852 $ $ $ $ 1725 24241 1886 27852 18-014-3420 Road & Bridge #4 Repair & Malnt Vehicles $ 184.24 $ $ $ 10714 7710 184 24 Road & Bridge #3 17.013-3110 Uniforms&Access 17.013-3430 Repair & Malnt Eq 17.013-4700 EqUlpt Lease Road & Bndge #4 18-014-3380 Other Operating 18-014-4300 Electnclty co c:: -< "'0 0 \ ~ \ ~ \ ~ ~. ::% W <C. 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INC CHECK DATE PRINTED PAYROLL DATE 04 35 24pm 29 M.r 20 PAGE 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --' j :.... 104719-PCA 104720-PCA 104721-PCA 104722-PCA 104723-PCA 104724-PCA 104725-PCA 104726-PCA 104727-PCA 10472B-PCA 104729-PCA 104730-PCA 104731-PCA 104732-PCA 104733-PCA 104734-PCA 104735-PCA 104736-PCA 104737-PCA 104738-PCA 104739-PCA 104740-PCA 104741-PCA 104742-PCA 104743-PCA 104744-PCA 104745-PCA 104746-PCA 104747-PCA 104748-PCA 104749-PCA 104750-PCA 104751-PCA 104752-PCA 104753-PCA 104754-PCA 104755-PCA 104756-PCA 104757-PCA 104758-PCA 104759-PCA 10476O-PCA 104761-PCA 10476O!-f>CA 104763-PCA 1047M-PCA 104765-PCA 03/29/01 03/29/01 03/29/01 03/29/01 03/29/01 03/29/01 03/29/01 03/29/01 03/29/01 03/29/01 03/29/01 03/29/01 03/29/01 03/29/01 03/29/01 03/29/01 03/29/01 03/29/01 03/29/01 03/29/01 03/29/01 03/29/01 03/29/01 03/29/01 03/29/01 03/29/01 03/29/01 03/29/01 03/29/01 03/29/01 03/29/01 03/29/01 03/29/01 03/29/01 03/29/01 03/29/01 03/29/01 03/29/01 03/29/01 03/29/01 03/29/01 03/29/01 03/29/01 03/29/01 03/29/01 03/29/01 03/29/01 03/30101 03/30101 03/30101 03/30/01 03/30101 03/30/01 03/30/01 03/30/01 03/30/01 03/30/01 03/30/01 03/30/01 03/30/01 03/30/01 03/30101 03/30101 03/30101 03/30101 03/30/01 03/30/01 03/30101 03/30101 03/30/01 03/30/01 03/30101 03/30101 03/30/01 03/30/01 03/30101 03/30101 03/30101 03/30/01 03/30/01 03/30/01 03/30101 03/30/01 03/30/01 03/30/01 03/30/01 03/30101 03/30/01 03/30/01 03/30/01 03/30/01 03/30/01 03/30/01 03/30101 Issued to NET PAY LAGRONE. PEGGY S STILL. CHARLES 1... CAIN.DERONDA KAYE CHILDRESS. JANIS L ESCANLAR.DORISIE 1... MCBRIDE. JUDITH A RODENBERG. RODIN 0 SHAW. REX AUDENE SIMMONS. REGINA M LOYD. DANNY MICHAEL KUHN. JERRY LYNN STEELMAN.KARMEN CITA KELLAR\LEANDA M LOFTIS. JO ANN DRENNAN. DEANNA R ENGLISH. LOUIE M ROSS. TERRI LYNN CHEVALIER. MELISSA K FAILS. PATSY M HAMBERLIN.FRANKIE M HENSON. TEENA MARSHALL. LORING F PATE. CASEY N SMITH. SUSAN K GRIMES. ARNOLD MANES.AMNA WYONE MONEY. LISA R CRISLER. LORA L EDGE. PAMELA S ROEDER. LENA K PERRY. CAROLYN JO WELCH. MIRANDA L RAY. WILLIAM VAL TON WHITESIDE. DONNA L BRUNSON. MARY DELL BULLOCK. CAROLYN SUE FARMER. MARGARET A JONES. EVELYN 0 LINGLE. JOSEPH RICHARD MOORE. BARBARA L NORTON. ANGELA J HUTCHINS. WANDA L LONG. PAMELA GAY EAST. KAREN A EVANS.MINA LEE HARRIS. MYRA TUEI....LINDA LOUISE 598 11 10 739 B9 693 12 500 62 493 56 475_64 585 47 942 89 620 50 68627 448_24 612 53 450 81 612 95 1.294 70 511 27 854 51 584 87 410 22 909 20 691 92 457 40 55531 491 46 592 98 537 51 384_91 502_02 491 73 635 91 639 62 571 62 683 05 430 35 639 35 639 51 484 13 765 89 931 93 68053 1. 136. 71 658 2B 1.076 17 514 SO 11 46 759 52 514 60 JR DO N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N STATUS ~ h .~ .. ,~. ~-,. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------WPShUT Count~ Tr.asurer THE SOFTWARE GROUP. INC 04 35 26pm 29 M.~ 20 PAGE 2 PAY R 0 L LIP E R SON N E L S Y S T E M CHECK REGISTER FOR CURRENT PAYR~L ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------CHECK "l 104766-PCA 104767-PCA 104768-PCA 104769-PCA 104770-PCA 104771-PCA 104772-PCA 104773-PCA 104774-PCA 104775-PCA 104776-PCA 104777-PCA 104778-PCA 104779-PCA 104780-PCA 104781-PCA 104782-PCA 104783-PCA 104784-PCA 104785-PCA 104786-PCA 104787-PCA 1047B8-PCA 104789-PCA 10479O-PCA 104791-PCA 104792-PCA 104793-PCA 104794-PCA 104795-PCA 104796-PCA 104797-PCA 104798-PCA 104799-PCA 104800-PCA 104801-PCA 104802-PCA 104803-PCA 104804-PCA 104805-PCA 104806-PCA 104807-PCA 10480B-PCA 104809-PCA 104BI0-PCA 104811-PCA 104812-PCA DATE PRINTED PAYROLL DATE 03/29/01 03/29/01 03/29/01 03/29/01 03/29/01 03/29/01 03129101 03/29/01 03/29/01 03/29/01 03/29/01 03/29/01 03/29/01 03/29/01 03/29/01 03/29/01 03/29/01 03129101 03/29/01 03/29/01 03/29/01 03/29/01 03/29/01 03/29/01 03/29/01 03/29/01 03/29/01 03/29/01 03/29/01 03/29/01 03/29/01 03/29/01 03/29/01 03/29/01 03/29/01 03/29/01 03/29/01 03/29/01 03129101 03/29/01 03/29/01 03/29/01 03/29/01 03/29/01 03/29/01 03/29/01 03/29/01 03/30/01 03/30/01 03/30/01 03/30/01 03/30/01 03/30/01 03/30/01 03/30/01 03/30/01 03/30/01 03/30/01 03/30/01 03/30/01 03/30101 03/30/01 03/30/01 03/30/01 03/30/01 03/30/01 03/30/01 03/30/01 03/30/01 03/30/01 03/30101 03/30/01 03/30/01 03/30/01 03/30/01 03/30/01 03/30/01 03/30/01 03/30/01 03/30101 03/30/01 03/30/01 03/30/01 03/30/01 03/30/01 03/30/01 03/30/01 03/30/01 03/30/01 03/30/01 03/30/01 03/30/01 03/30/01 03/30/01 Issued to GENTRY. PAULA A GIBSON. CARLA R HALLMAN. CHRISTIE J HARRIS. JOANNA S HILL. BARBARA A HOWELL. LUANA GAIL JENKINS.LATICIA ANN LAMINACK. SHERRON H LANE. MARGARET J LEONARD. FONDA II. MCKINLEY. CHARLOTTE ELAINE SMITH.MICHEAL LOYD OFFIELD. STELLA GINA SHELTON. MELANIE M COOK. JOHN RUBIN DANIELS. CHARLES D MEARS. CHARLES R ROEDER. RAYMOND R BULLOCK. JOEL II. LAGRONE. DOYCE DEWAYNE ROGERS. WILLIAM A CORLEY. ROLAN 0 KUZA.HENRY MICHAEL II BEDWELL. ROXANNE BENGE. RONALD DALE BETTERTON. ANTHONY S BURRIS. RANDY DAVID CROMLEY. ROBERT ALLEN DECUIR. JAMES A DOWNS. GABRIEL R FORTSON. LARRY WAYNE MATTHEWS. GENEVA NELL MOORE. JERRY A MURPHY.NADRA H ROBERTS. GARY DALE SALOIS. GEORGE CARL SANDERS. BOBBY NEAL STEELMAN. PAUL A THOMPSON. NANCY II. TILLERY. HIRAM 0 YOUNG. LELAND WAYNE BARBER. BILLIE DARLENE BARTHELEMESS.LARHONDA L BEAN. ELIZABETH M BEASLEY. JAMES LEON BULLOCK. JOEL II. CREED.KELLI J NET PAY. 507 15 552.85 691 83 DD STATUS N 490.30 562 74 489 93 46398 657 56 579 10 "723 547 01 990 14 652.38 441 42 69277 557 70 575 19 731 23 496 54 741 87 550 26 594 67 576 :54 78:5.82 2.11:5 46 1.073 82 2.4:5638 789 35 751 40 774.3:5 750 89 681 :57 780 05 78340 816 42 786 25 862 :U 272 '72 58709 87923 752.04 677 01 678 0:5 678 17 968 78 461. 04 744 21 ~ ( ~ N N ( N N N N N N N N N N '- N <: N N ( N N , N N l N N N . ---- - -- ---.---- I I I I I I I., I I -- .., ,--------------------- - - - - 'f - -- -- - ~ -- >--------' ( , !, ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :Tr •• surer THE SOFTWARE QROUP. INC ~pshur Count~ 04 35 27p .. 29 ..... 20 4 PAOE PAY R 0 L LIP E R SON N E I.. SYSTEM CHECK REGISTER FOR CURRENT PAYRO~ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------CHECK '. 104860-PCA 104861-PCA 104862-PCA 104863-PCA 104864-PCA 104865-PCA 104866-PCA 104867-PCA 104868-PCA 104869-PCA 104870-PCA 104871-PCA 104872-PCA 104873-PCA 104874-PCA 104875-PCA 104876-PCA 104877-PCA 104878-PCA 104879-PCA 104880-PCA 104881-PCA 104882-PCA 104883-PCA 104884-PCA 104885-PCA 104886-PCA 104887-PCA 104888-PCA 104889-PCA 104890-PCA 104891-PCA 104892-PCA 104893-PCA 104894-PCA 104895-PCA 104896-PCA 104897-PCA 104898-PCA 104899-PCA 104900-PCA 104901-PCA 104902-PCA 104903-PCA 104904-PCA 104905-PCA 104906-PCA DATE PRINTED PAYROLL DATE 03/29/01 03/29/01 03/29/01 03/29/01 03/29/01 03/29/01 03/29/01 03/29/01 03/29/01 03/29/01 03/29/01 03/29/01 03/29/01 03/29/01 03/29/01 03/29/01 03/29/01 03/29/01 03/29/01 03/29/01 03/29/01 03/29/01 03/29/01 03/29/01 03/29/01 03/29/01 03/29/01 03/29/01 03/29/01 03/29/01 03/29/01 03/29/01 03/29/01 03/29/01 03/29/01 03/29/01 03/29/01 03/29/01 03/29/01 03/29/01 03/29/01 03/29/01 03/29/01 03/29/01 03/29/01 03/29/01 03/29/01 03/30/01 03/30/01 03/30/01 03/30/01 03/30/01 03/30/01 03/30/01 03/30/01 03/30/01 03/30/01 03/30/01 03/30/01 03/30/01 03/30/01 03/30/01 03/30/01 03/30/01 03/30/01 03/30/01 03/30/01 03/30/01 03/30/01 03/30/01 03/30/01 03/30/01 03/30/01 03/30/01 03/30/01 03/30/01 03/30/01 03/30/01 03/30/01 03/30/01 03/30/01 03/30/01 03/30/01 03/30/01 03/30/01 03/30/01 03/30/01 03/30/01 03/30/01 03/30/01 03/30/01 03/30/01 03/30/01 03/30/01 I.su.d to NET PAY DO WYLIE. MILTON ..I SMITH.NADRA CITA BECK. EARNEST EARL BORENS.JAMES E SR DAVIS. CECIL W SR FLUELLEN. BENNIE A HUNTER. THOMAS H JONES. ELLIS ORMS.JOE W ROBERTSON. OSCAR SMITH. EDDIE ..I STOKER. JAMES LOUIS WILSON. JAMES R BARNES. MICHAEL H CROCKETT. HARRY JAMES .JEFFERY. DONALD RAY JOHNSON. IVORY QENE NELSON. WILLIAM B PENDARVIS. ABBOTT LYNN STANLEY. TOMMY LEE YOUNG • .JOF.Y A. BYERS. MICHAEL I'. CAMPBELL. GLENN EDWARD GLENN. BILLY E. GLENN. GEORGE R GOZA.BUCKY I.. JACKSON. RICK D TkOMPSON.DANNY R TIMMONS. GERALD WAYNE ALBRIGHT. GAYLE DAVID BABB. ,IOSEPH C BLACKSTONE. WILLY PAT BOLIN. SANFORD E CLAYTON. CHARLEY G DAVIS. GARY W DUKE. KENNETH R FORT. TROY I.. GREEN. RUSSELL N HUBBARD. BOBBY JOE MARTIN. LISA A RITTER. DON I.. SETTLES. JACK W WALTON. LLOYD H .JOHNSON. GERALD DON DODSON.TARAH I'. GILES. PEGGY ..I LANQFORD.ASHLEY 958,33 574.86 365 12 596 89 619 43 371 68 405 60 424 55 41 24 566 02 654 61 867 79 615 85 571 82 449 26 515 46 809 37 605 25 782 80 1. 059 30 462 44 872 08 623 43 270 79 136 22 668 08 1.045 38 500 10 869 98 654 84 20686 651 75 688 78 400 22 668 72 698 87 449. 72 1.051 01 451.82 423 97 641.72 451 82 569 91 814 20 152 00 456 23 106 20 N N N N N N N N N N N STATUS < f ~ .. ~ , I.I ,I , I -0 (i) I ' I (. ~ I II I N N N II N N N I Ii N i I ( ! I I ", I. I I.. N N I· I 1 k • ~v, __~ ~5-{lI'_ ,',,-. <> PAY R 0 L LIP E R SON N E L S Y S T E H CHEC~ REGISTER FOR CURRENT PAYROLL .p.hur Count~ Tr ••• ur.r THE SOFTWARE GROUP. INC CHEC~ 104907-PCA 104908-PCA 104909-PCA 104910-PCA 1049t1-PCA 104912-PCA 104913-PCA DATE PRINTED PAYROLL DATE 03/29/01 03/29/01 03/29/01 03/29/01 03/29/01 03/29/01 03/29/01 03/30/01 03/30101 03/30/01 03/30/01 03/30/01 03/30/01 03/30/01 I~5U.d to NET PAY HORRISON.JOYCE FRANCES NEWSOM. CHARLOTTE A SHITH. EMMA JEAN WILLIAMS. JANET C ACKER. BRUCE E CAMPBELL. MARY ROSE TUC~ER.KAREN S 891 31 416.60 572 82 645 17 274 40 639 03 307 84 04 35 27,. 29 Mar 20 PAGE 5 DO STATUS N N N N 130.03685 130.036.85 195 rRcords list.d ... ~ ~ .'" ' <. .... ,~. { , ,,~, ',~. \. ,,.;; c ~ ( l ~ , 1t!Pw@ ~ag • • -.",,,,,""'__________________________________________ ",,,,,~,- ". . . . ~_ _"'_~11'.~ , , -'" ""IJ'"<>'"'I ...... ·-~ ...,..,..".. -"'~...,.......,."... .. '1!31i'~ ......... _ , ."Sl .... "'( :!':.,.: ......_---_________________ .... _____ ... ___________________________________________ •• ____ _ __ _ ____ _____ _ __ _____ _ __ __ UPSHUR COUNTY TREASURER THE SOFTWARE QROUP. INC CHEC~ >. :- ....... _ _________ 1 ______________ • _________ _ PAYROLL SYSTEM V !! 0 4 ESCROW CHcC~ PAyMENT REQISTER II CI-iEC~ 104916-APC 104917-APC 104918-APC 104919-APC 104920-APC 104921-APC 104922-APC 104923-APC 104924-APC 104925-APC 104926-APC 104927-APC 104928-APC 104929-APC 104930-APC 104931-APC 104932-APC 104933-APC 104934-APC 104935-APC 104936-APC I04937-APC 104938-APC 104939-APC 104940-APC DATE 03/30/01 03/30/01 03/30/01 03/30/01 03/30/01 03/30/01 03/30/01 03/30/01 03/30/01 03/30101 03/30/01 03/30/01 03/30/01 03/30/01 03/30/01 03/30/01 03/30/01 03/30101 03/30/01 03/30/01 03/30101 03/30101 03/30101 03/30/01 03/30101 VENDOR NAME UPSHUR COUNTY INSURANCE ACCOUNT NATIONWIDE RETIREMENT FIRST NATIONAL BANK GILMER FIRST NATIONAL BANK GILMER UPSHUR COUNTY IRC/12!! UPSHUR COUNTY IRC/I25 UPSHUR COUNTY IRC/12!! UPSHUR COUNTY IRC/125 UPSHUR COUNTY IRC/12!! UPSHUR COUNTY IRC/12!! UPSHUR COUNTY IRC/125 INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE ATTORNEY QENERAL OF TEXAS EAST TEXAS.PROFESSIONAL FIRST NATIONAL BANK QILMER NATIONAL BANK GILMER SAVINGS DANK UPSHUR COUNTY INSURANCE ACCOUNT RHONDA REED 110009546732 RUBY COOPER DISTRICT CLERK OFFICE OF THE ATTY GENERAL ~ARMEN STEELMAN RUBY COOPER DISTPICT CLERK TEXAS COUNTY & DISTRICT RETIREMENT SYSTE MICHAEL GROSS Total for All Pavment4 - 13 32 59 AMOUNT 4. 12!! 43 1. 193 19 27.48924 17.36!! 76 97!! 00 286 48 92 15 22!! 66 193 79 450 05 4.691.45 1 93 292 50 2. 120 50 642 50 197 50 75 00 32692 13500 117 50 50 00 330.13 105 00 60.317 92 140 00 29 MAR 2001 PAQE 1 ( <: ( ~ I- ~ "\. -------------121.930 49 ( CCUN':'Y JUOO2. CHARLES STILL I. l ~;~ C :i:SS::ONR P<::,.:Z, TOMMY STANLEY < o UPSHUR COUNTY STATUS/PAYROLL CHANGE REPORT ~ PLEASE NOTE THE FOLLOWING CHA,y , Eff<d~~. ~~oz D.~ l;J/GuP . ,~tllb, '7 I Employee Social Securrty No X Emp 10# CHANGE~~ FROM "' TO J L{~;).J GradeSlep_ i g '£1 (dm(J. Rate ' (J:J S~(l/J~ Department r- , Posrtlon REASON(S) FOR THE CHANGE(S) V ( Hired Re·Hlred Introductory Penod Ended Merrt Increase Promotion Transter longevity Increase DemotIOn Re·evalualton of Job Rellrement layoff Discharged leave·ol·Absence Other t ir. comments.,-/ "JAIL r:i, j_' .-: ; M.1iJyJL/<LN.>u-J.. ~, J/f ;E ;-. "<I ?< -. ~ ;g -,. -) e: ~ni..t2i£ ~;rj I~ - ~ 0 I . cr.. -. 1: : .. ~ 1 I I I I \ r I VOL_~ PG~ UPSR1Jlrn)UNTUS/PAYROLL CHANGE REPORT PLEASE NOTE THE FOLLOWING CHAN~(S): '3 - C) O~ (J I Effective Dale Employee Dept. JCseph POM Social Securrty No /X hi t/, fdt! t-! Emp 10# CHANGES(S) Grade SteD FAOM TO L ~. OO/JJIL Aate Department Posrtlon / AEASON(S) FOA THE CHANGE(S) Hired Ae-Hlred Introductory Pe nod Ended Merrt Increase Promotion ~ns~1 longeVity Increase , ..... emo!lOn ~ ,- -=J:;.-, -. F etlrementg . -. i layoff [ Ischaiged-u ,,',-__ J leave-ol-Absence f" ~heC_~ ~ AUlhonzed by' Approved by I _i, J <::) Ae-evaluatlon 01 Job Comments I [ - -1 >< - .. - . - .r0 r.- , -- r x CHANGES(S) FROM TO 13& -IJ S .ID//J~ Grade Step Rate Department PosrtlOn REASON(S) FOR THE ~HANGE(S) X Hired Introduc1ory Penod Ended ( --·~----·--------f Re·Hlred Merrt Increase Promotion Transler Longevrty Increase Demollon Re·evaluatlon 01 Job Retirement LayoH Discharged Leave-ol·Absence Oth~ ,""< ~.j u, -::.= -:\ru<. ~:~ 1 : I~Approv'::::':ed:;:;by~·.~~,~~lC:~~Da~te-· ---I--J~ :. , . 3-0l4.~ Co , Authorized by: BP·G'S03 I , ", UPSHUR COUNTY PAYABLE ACCOUNTS S V S T E M Approved DIsbursements Ch.cklng Account(,) APCA FNB INS D,sbu".ement. M.d. from 03/15/01 thru· 03/29/01 THE SOFTWARE GROUP. INC JO M"" 2001 PAGE 1 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~ Chuk II , HC D.. t. V.ndor Ch.ck Amount InVOIce Amt'l Invoice DescriptIons 104404-APCA 03/15/01 UPSHUR COUNTY INSURANCE "'CCO '4.215 13 '4.215 13 C5CD/JUV PROD. CLAIMS. EMP INS COSTS 104405-APCA 03/15/01 NATIONWIDE RETIREMENT til. 193 18 .\, 193 18 ENTITVII52039 PAYROLL DEDUCTIONS 104408-"'PCA 03/15/01 UPSHUR COUNTY IRC/125 .975 00 .975 00 UNREIMBURSED MEDIC ... L PAVROLL DEDUCTION 104409-APCA 03/15/01 UPSHUR COUNTY IRC/125 S286 48 .286 48 125/NATIONAL FAMILV CARE PAVROLL DEDUCTION 104410-APCA 03/15/01 UPSHUR COUNTY IRC/125 .92 15 .92 15 104411-"'PC'" 03/15/01 UPSHUR COUNTY IRC/125 .;2:i!~ 66 .225 66 125/ ...MERICAN HERITAGE P...VROLL DEDUCTION 104412-APCA 03/15/01 UPSHUR COUNTY IRC/125 .193 79 .193 79 125/TRANSPORT LIFE PAVROLL DEDUCTION 104415-"'PCA 03/15/01 INTERN... L REVENUE SERVICE .1 93 .1 93 LAGR G 03/295620572(1040A) (LEVV) 104416-APCA 03/15/01 ATTORNEV GENERAL OF TEXAS $29:1 ~O .292 50 MULTIPLE PAVORS 01/19/01 PAVROLL 104417-APCA 03/15/01 EAST TEXAS PROFESSIONAL $2, 120 ~O '2. 120 50 104418-APCA 03/15/01 FIRST NATIONAL BANK .642 50 '642 50 FNB/PAVROLL SAVINGS PLAN 104419-APCA 03/15/01 GILMER NATIONAL BANK .197 50 .197 50 GNB/PAVROLL S ...VINGS PLAN 104420-APCA 03/15/01 GILMER S ...VINGS BANK .75 00 '75 00 GSB/PAVROLL SAVINGS PLAN 104421-APCA 03/15/01 UPSHUR COUNTY INSURANCE ACCO $320 92 .326 92 DEPENDENT INS PREMIUMS/PAVROLL 104422-APCA 03/15/01 RHOND... REED 110009546732 .135 00 .135 00 AGII0009546732.CAUSEII2S1-93 JOEV A YOUNG 104423-APCA 03/15/01 RUBV COOPER DISTRICT CLERK .117 50 .117 50 1I0008922b5S/CAUSEII98302DR/HARRV CROCKETT 104424-APCA 03/15/01 OFFICE OF THE ... rTV GENERAL .50 00 '50 00 104425-APCA 03/15/01 KARMEN STEELMAN .330 13 104426-APCA 03/15/01 RUBY COOPER DISTRICT CLERK 104427-APCA 03/15/01 MICHAEL GROSS 125/AFLAC PAVROLL DEDUCTION " (" (' , t;. ( ETPCU/PAVROLL SAVINGS PLAN ( 1718-99.454-33-4972 c .105 00 .105 00 EARNEST BECK. CAUSE1I97-2125DR .140 00 .140 00 C... SE 100-20023 54 '27.243 54 FIC .... MEDICARE P ... VROLL DEDUCTIONS 104429-APCA HC 03/15/01 FIRST N...TIONAL BANK GILMER '17.23702 '17.237 02 WITHHOLDING PAVROLL DEDUCTIONS 104430-APC'" HC 03/15/01 UPSHUR COUNTY IRC/125 .450 05 .450 05 104431-APCA HC 03/15/01 UPSHUR COUNTY IRC/125 '4.797 50 .4.797 50 104434-"'PCA OJ/15/01 Sl48 00 '148 00 125/CENTRAL UNITED PAYROLL DEDUCTION 125 DEPENDENT INS PREMIUMS/PAVROLL CO TREAS-REGIST/MVRA HARRIS,CO TREA5(~Oth ANNUAL TREASURER CONFERENCE@A&M) I ,I ! I .330 13 $27.~43 i , ( FIRST NATIONAL B...NK GILMER II I! D LAGRONE AG1I4b0130b341.CAUSE140979 0104428-APC'" HC 03/15/01 29TH ANNUAL COUNTY TREASURER ~ I, III t I ;;'~."''''''1W_... - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ' ' ; ' - - - - - - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~----------------------- ACCOUNTS PAYABl.E S Y S T E '" Approved Dl.bu~~.m~nts Ch.ck,ng Accountl.) APeA FNB INS Dl,bur,.mentl "'.de from 03/15101 thru. 03/29101 UPSHUR COUNTY THE SOFTWARE GROUP. INC 30 ..... 2001 PACE 2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Check e HC D.h Check Amount Vendor JnvQic. Amts ( Involc. O.SCl"lptlons . i 10443:5-APCA 03/15/01 A ~ E "'Il.l. AND WEl.DING SUPPl. .19:5 30 .139 75 '2' 2' $30 30 PCTjl4-CUSTel7312:5/0l(YGEN.ACET .VAl.VE PCTe2-CUSTeI73000ICYl. RENTIACEl.. ACEM. aX275(3) PCTjl4-CUSTeI73125/CYl. RENTIACEM(20.0XI50.0X27 :H3) , .9 69 $3 71 $4.99 $1.70600 .35S 00 $1.34900 Al.l.TEl. $10 92 $10 82 03/15/01 Al.l.TEl. $995 $9 95 104440-APCA 03/15/01 AMERICAN FIDEl.ITY ASSUPANCE $12 00 $12 00 GROUpeOl1S3 FEB'OI PAYROLL DEDUCTIONS 104441-APCA 03/15/01 ANGEl.A NORTON UO.71 $10.71 D.A-REIMBURSE "'ILEAGE 104442-APCA 03/1'/01 ANGEl.A R '*3'0 00 $350 00 D CT-tlI2.03'/KATHERINE HELMS 104443-APCA 03/15/01 ARAMARK UNIFORM SERVICES INC '*999 72 $109 $31 $56 $61 $84 $31 $56 $6:5 $90 $31 $56 $61 PCTI4-uNIFORM SERVICE CO BLOGS-UNIFORM SERVICE PCTtll-UNIFCRM SERVICE PCTtl2-UNIFORM SERVICE PCTI8-UNIFCRM SERVICE CO SLOGS-UNIFORM SERVICE PCTjll-uNIFORM SERVICE PCT'2-UNIFCR'" SERVICE PCTe4-uNIFCRM SERVICE CO BLDGS-UNIFORM SERVICE PCT.I-UNIFORM SERVICE PCT.2-UNIFORM SERVICE PCT.4-UNIFCR'" SERVICE CO BLOGS-UNIFORM SERVICE PCTtll-UNIFORM SERVICE PCTtl2-uNIFORM SERVICE 10443b-APCA 03/15/01 ABC AUTO PARTS 104437-APCA 03/15/01 ACCU CHE'" l.ABORATORIES 104438-APCA 03/15/01 104439-APCA 911-CUSTe9b20/AEROSOl..SPARK Pl.UG CONSTtl2-C/U MOT CCP-tlV985/PROFILES CCp-eU9B'/PROFIl.ES . CO 5-tlOI0130804/843-3204 2/21/01 911-eGl'1266WN/FEB 9'01 ( SMOAK 02 62 80 76 34 62 80 60 74 62 80 76 $111 Ob $31 62 '56 SO $61 76 ~ ~l_e ;WIIW I _. 2 ~,,..... ......... ,.... ,"'" "'i4R "~""-~" \. ( f < 104444-APCA 03/15/01 ARCH WIREl.ESS $0.81 $0.81 10444S-APCA 03/1"01 ARNOl.D GRIMES $1'4 18 $1'4 18 10444b-APCA 03/15101 AlSoT $93 4B $65 71 $17 77 SUP-'01428b0638001/FEB 15'01 TELE COHI'!-tlO'73393724001/FEB 19/01 BILl.ING 104447-APCA 03/15/01 BAKER'S Cl.EANERS S2' 54 $25 :54 J\N PROB-CLEANING;BCCT CAMP 104448-APCA 03/15/01 BARRY Cl.ARK WAl.l.ACE P C $14. 191 00 $3:50 00 $13.481 00 $3'0 00 ...-~-1. .._'1....,,~-~7~ .....~.......-<"t"-~r- . '- CO.S-ABATEMENT/tl2690242-92/28/01 ~PII-REIMBURSE MIl.EAGE.SUPPLIES D CT-tl722-00/I I OIC M o CT-eI2.590/WILLIAM SHANE WCCD D CT-.II.642/EMERY WAYl.AND GRAHAM C ~: .Q G) ~ _____.-.0:::==-____• ·-1 --UPSHUR COUNTY A C C 0 U N T SPA Y A B L E S Y S T E M App~oved DlsbuT,.ment, Checkln1 Account(s) APCA FNB INS D,.bur.omont. M.de From 03/15/01 thru~ 03/29/01 THE SOFTWARE GROUP. INC 30 M"r 2001 PAGE 3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<: ( Check 8 " HC Oat. Vendor Check Amount 104449-APCA 03/1'/01 BAXTER SALES CO INC 104450-APCA 03/15/01 104451-APCA Invoice Amts Invalce D.ScTiptian. $170 39 BEARING SERVICE&SUPPLYINC $15 69 $15 6e PCT82-CUST8573018/RING SET. PLIERS 03/15/01 BOB BARKER CO INC $95 41 595 41 CO 104452-APCA 03/15/01 BOGEL SALES INC $597 60 $547 60 S40 00 CO BLDGS-TOWELS.TISSUE CO BLOGS-CUST8870210/TOWELS 1044'3-APCA 03/1:5101 BRUCE ACKER $907 49 $907 48 CO EXT-REIMBUR8E/2264MI@ 315EA.MEALS.LOOGING 2&3/01 104454-APCA 03/15/01 BULFINCH CUSTODIAL SERVICE $3.991 02: $3.991 02 MARCH'OI' 104455-APCA 03/15/01 CALCO INCORPORATED $2. 186 04 52. 186 04 PCT81-TINES.BOLTS.NUTS 104456-APCA 03/15/01 CARD SERVICE CENTER $e46 45 se46 45 I04457-APCA 03/15/01 CARD SERVICE CENTER $1.04574 SI.04574 10445e-APCA 03/15/01 CARD SERVICE CENTER $903 Q2 $10 00 $68 22 $479 OS $254 52 $31 75 $38 40 $21 95 104459-APCA 03/15/01 CAROLYN PERRY 5144 79 $144 79 CO ~AIL-CUST8608041/~ANITORIAL $170 39 SUPPLIES ~AIL-CUST8UPSTXO/RAZORS.SHAVE ~ANITORIAL CREAM ~' " ~: SERVICES '- ~UV PROB-843e8153460004652.6349. 4659. 5432 3/2/01 CO S-84229743460002068/MACRH 2'01 CCP-84388153460017347/MARCH SUP-843ee153460017354/MARCH SUP-84388163460017396/MARCH SUP-84388153460017313/MARCH CCP-8438e153460017339/MARCH SUP-*43e8153460017594/MARCH SUP-843e8153460017412/MARCH ~P*3-REIMBURSE/MILEAGE 2'01 2'01 2'01 2'01 2'01 2'01 2'01 & WATER BILLING FOR l OFFICE f 104460-APCA 03/15/01 CAVENDER'S BOOT CITY $159 94 seo 97 $5398 524 99 104461-APCA 03/15/01 CENTRAL UNITED LIFE INSURANC 5923 23 $923 23 GROUP84269 FEB 01 PAYROLL DEDUCTIONS 104462-APCA 03/15/01 CHEVRON USA 5550 95 5356 34 5194 61 CO S-ACCT87898789842/FEB 23/01 BILLING SUP-87898789859/FEB 23'01 104463-APCA 03/15/01 CHRISTIE HALLMAN $ee 90 S8e 90 CO TAX-REIMBURSE/220ml@ 315 •• (GREGG APPRL) 104464-APCA 03/15/01 CINDY GRIMES S40 00 S40 00 SUP-VICTIMS IMPACT STUDY 2/19/01 104465-APCA 03/15/01 CITY OF BIG SANDY 520 90 S20 80 ~P.3-ACCT8818/FEB 104466-APCA 03/15/01 CMRS-FP '2.000 00 52.00000 104467-APCA 03/15,01 CO S700 00 S700 00 INC ~UOGE&COMMISSIONER ASSOC CO S-PANTS CO ~IL-PANTS CO S-PANTS CO (. 21/01 BILLING TAX-METER810~000264~04/POSTAGE COMM CT-2001 A~NUAL DUES FOR METER l -- ,~.~ ------------------------_ .. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------~----------------------A C C 0 U N T SPA Y A B L E S Y S T E M 30 2001 UPSHUR COUNTY M.~ App~Dved Disbursements Checking Account(.) APeA FNB INS Oi~bu~~.m.nt. Mad. ~~om 03/1~/01 th~u~ 03/29/01 THE SOFTWARE GROUP. INC PAQE 4 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Ch.,1c' •. He o.t. Vendor 1044OS-APCA 03/15/01 COLLIN COUNTY COMMUNITY COLL 104469-APCA 03/15/01 COMMUNITY REHABILITATION 104470-APCA 03/15/01 104471-APCA 03/15/01 Ch.clc Amount $298 00 $2.19600 $2.19600 COMPLETE BUSINEES SYSTEMS $214 68 $214 108 ACCT*I-107862b27-001 3/5/01-4/5/01 COMPLETE BUSINESS $784 70 $67.:13 $94 96 $122.98 $9 75 $47 74 $24 54 $7.31 $8 74 $62 16 $11 98 $11 48 $18 91 $27 33 $54.11 $51 17 $2 09 $26 64 S62 02 $73.26 SUP-IO*155b4/3848 COPIES 1/12-2/12/01 .. ' .'... 104472-APCA 03/15/01 COMPU/TYPE 104473-APCA 03/15/01 COMPUNET TECHNOLOGIES INC $35 00 $722 00 $340 00 $262.00 $7500 $4'00 CLK-IO*15918/7507 COPIES-01/20-02/20/Cl COPIES-Ol/20-02/20/01 10*1423112798 COPIES-01/12-02/12/01 CO CLK-10'11472/1534 COPIES-OI/20-02/20/01 ~AIL-10'10l96/443 COPIES-OI/0b-02/26/01 ~P*I-10*179B9/437 COPIES-Ol/lb-02/1brOI CO.~UOGE-IO'l5151/4409 COPIES-Ol/27-02/27/01 ~AIL-IO*'l470/639 COPIES-Ol/27-02/27/01 ~P*4-10*18117/918 COPIES-Ol/15-02/15/01 o ~OQE-10*13285/1249 COPIES-01/28-02/28/01 EXT-ID*l7b90/1822 COPIES-01/29-02/28/01 TREAS-IO*17247/38b5 COPIES-01/30-02/28/01 CO 5-10'17254/31055 COPIES-Ol/0l-02/28/01 CO.BLOG-IO*174b6/139 COPIES-01/29-02/28/0l ~P*2-10*11471/1242 COPIES-02/01-03/01/01 ~AIL-IO*13316/3759 COPIES-01/30-'02/28/01 D 1'1-10'17088/5635 COPIES-01/30-02/28/01 ~P*3-SHART UPS. NETWORK LABOR COMPUTER-CD BURNER&INSTALLATION $344 92 INOIG-PRESCRIPTIONS 03/15/01 CROLEY FUNERAL HOME $690 00 $435 00 $2" 00 ~P*3-~E ADAMS TRANSPORT .POUCH ~P*3-RUSSELL ERVIN/TRANSPORT. POUCH 03/15/01 o $484 55 S192 25 $292.30 0 0 CORRECTION SOFTWARE CORP 104477-APCA 03/15/01 104478-APCA 104479-APCA 03/15/01 03/15/01 ~ W PRINTINQ COMPANY \. CO S-ACCT'247152226/FEB 22/01 BILLING GROUP*K44 FEB'Ol PAYROLL DEDUCTIONS CCP-APRIL'Ol BILLING ~UDGE-LETTERHEAOS ~OGE-ENVELOPES DARBY EGUIPHENT COMPANY $1109 2:1 $169 25 peT 'I-HITCH. BINDERS. STEEL DARLENE BARBER $108 30 Sl08 30 CO ~--------------------------~------------------------------------- '. c. ~P*l-LABOR $344 92 03115/01 '. COMPUTER-WORK ON CROMLEY'S COMPUTER CRAIG PHARMACY 104476-APCA { CO EXT-SERVICE CALL $1.48800 CONSECO SENIOR HEALTH INSURA I ~*3-10*17478/591 $1.488 00 03/15/01 , i SUP-10*15498~15390fCOPEIS $185.55 104475-APCA I I o $185 55 CONOCO INC. , .\ CCP-FEB'OI BILLING $34 39 03/15/01 1044Bl-APCA $35 00 , • SUP-REGIST/K OTT.C OOGEN $34 39 104474-APCA 104480-APCA Invoice DescriptIons $298 00 ,t,o. _'" ',' Invoic. Amts , ~AIL-REIMBURSE MILEAGE. MEALS ~ ~ C.. I' c , ,, j ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------.----------------------- UPSHUR COUNTY ACCOUNTS PAYABLE 30 ..... ,. 2001 S Y S T E ... Approved Olsburs.m.nts Check,ng Account(s) APCA FNB INS D,sbu,..em.nt. Made from 03/15/01 thru· 03/29/01 THE SOFTWARE GROUP. INC PAGE ,~ -~ ....... HC D.t. Vendor Check Amount Invoic. Amt. InYOlC. D•• crlptions 1044B2-APCA 03/1~/01 DARR EGUIPMENT COMPANY SI20 03 SB4 32 S35 71 1044B3-APCA 03/15/01 DAVID B BROOKS SIOO 00 SIOO 00 D A-FEB 2001 LEGAL CONSULTATION SERVICES 1044B4-APCA 03/15/01 DAVID B GRIFFITH S3~0 00 $350 00 D CT-.l1.b41 NATALIE FRAZIER 1044B5-APCA 03/15/01 DEALERS TRUCK $102 3~ SI02 35 PCT 3-RUBBER STRIPS (2) 1044B6-APCA 03/15/01 DEAN FOWLER ATTY AT LAW $1.0~0 00 $350 00 S350 00 $350 00 D CT-.l1.B52/CONLEY HOUSTON D CT-.IO.548/~AMES BIRCHER D CT-.II.959/ROBERT ~ASON DAVIDSON 1044B7-APCA 03/15/01 DEAN'S LAWNMOWER $27 00 $27 00 CO BLDGS-REPAIR HEDGE TRIMl'lER 1044BB-APCA 03/15/01 DIXIE PAPER COMPANY S191 6B S99 18 S92 50 CO CO 1044B9-APCA 03/15/01 DOLLAR STORE S18 55 SIB 55 DA-DARLA CLARK/HOT CHECK RESTITUTION 104490-APCA 03/15/01 DRL LABS $35 68 $35 68 INDIG-FRED MOORE/MEDICAL 104491-APCA 03/15/01 EADS COMPANY S78 00 $78 00 CO BLDG-THERMOMETERS. ARMOUR 104492-APCA 03/15/01 EAST TEXAS MEDICAL ~ PCT 4-HEADLIGHTS PCT.4-CUST.8727400/SWITCH ~ 104493-APCA 03/15/01 EAST TEXAS RADIOLOGY CONSULT 104494-APCA 03/15,01 EAST TEXAS TRUCK 104495-APCA 03/15/01 EBB B 104496-APCA 03/1~/OI ECONO SIGN 104497-APCA 03/15/01 ECONOMY AUTO SUPPLY INC MOBLEY ~ BARRICADE st. 3"2 04 S61 $615 S96 S21 $374 $15 $92 $115 00 81 64 55 40 bO 04 00 $BI 00 $81 00 $183 27 $7B 69 $104 58 $1. 150 00 $1.150 00 S605 55 $366 85 $:51 2:5 $187 45 $149 90 $7 06 $15 12 $65 05 $62 67 ~AIL-CUST.585755/WINDOW CLEANER ~AIL-CUST.5BS755/SANITARY NAPKINS CO ~AIL-CHARLES W KUYKENDALL/MEDICAL INDIG-FRED S MOORE/MEDICAL INDIG-FRED S MOORE/MEDICAL INDIG-FRED S MOORE/MEDICAL CO ~AIL-~AMES BIRCHER/MEDICAL CO ~AIL-~AMES BIRCHER/MEDICAL CO ~AIL-~AMES BIRCHER CO ~AIL-LABORATORY SERVICES CO ~AIL-.IIOI88/FEB :. 5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Check • .. ~ { f ! ~ <: ,,, II ,I < " ,i ' , I I :, I , I, J I, {, ( 12'01 BILLING PCT.I-AIR VALVES PCT 4-RED AIRLINE. BLUE AIRLINE. MALE CONNECTOR. DASH VALUE. MALE CONNECTORS. HALE ELBOW D CT-.12.08B/CHAD WAYNE c l ~ESTER to. PCT.4-12 SIGNS. FREIGHT PCT.2-2 SIGNS. FREIGHT PCT.l-b SIGNS. FREIGHT PCT 3-WRENCH PCT 3-AIR FILTER PCT 3-S0CKET SET peT.I-AXLE SHIFT MTR - ~ ----------. J ----" ,! ,"'.., J..e.J....~ "-(.... ¥-'.,,<} .....·l":f'< ~'<!L" ~':t"""l,~~'.;""''''''' ",,,,~,l'.~~JA""~!.t - -... - - - - -..... ~---,.--~- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ UPSHUR COUNTY THE SOFTWARE ~ROVP. INC A C C 0 U N T SPA Y A B L E S Y S T E M Appro~Qd Dlsburs.m.nts Ch.<klng Accountl,) APCA FND INS D.sbursement. M.d. fTom 03/15/01 thru. 03/29/01 30 M." 2001 PAGE .- .. b ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ( InVOIce O.scrlpt1on, f: CO. S-UNIT.16/0IL. FILTERS. LABOR CO S-UNIT.13/0IL.FILTER.LABOR CO S-UNIT.19/0IL.FILTER.LABOR CO 5-UNIT*6/01L.FILTER.LABOR CO.S-OIL.FILTER,LABOR CO S-UNIT*11/0IL.FILTER,LABOR CO JAIL-ACCT*110166/FEB 12'01 BILLING TELE COMM-*S388936/MAR 01/01 BILLING TELE COMM-*9662941/MAR 01/01 BILLING PCT.4-.7b2b731/MAR 01/01 BILLING PCT.2-*762bbIMAR 01/01 BILLING TELE COMM-*73462b9/MAR.Ol/01 BILLING PCT*3-*7345996/MAR 01/01 BILLING PCT*3-*7345822/MAR 01/01 BILLING PCT.l-*7345b09/MAR 01/01 BILLING TELE.COMM-.734378b/MAR 01/01 BILLING ( CO JAIL-ACCT*30449/MEDICAL CO S-OIL.FILTER.LABOR CO S-UNIT.19/0IL.FILTER.LABOR CO S-OIL. FILTER. LABOR CO S-UNIT.lb/OIL.FILTER.LABOR CONST*2-0IL, FILTER. LABOR. INSPECTION LIBRARY-99 HARDCOPY YEARBOOK PCT.4-GLOVES PCT 4-WELDING RODS. WORK GLOVES PCT.3-CAP ON CYL PCT*3-AC VALVE. OX VALVE PCT.I-FEB CYL RENT PCT*4-GLOVES PCT*3-FEB ~01 CYL RENT PCT 4-FUEL SHUT OFF SOLENOID D A-DAVID M SMITH/HOT CK RESTITUTION 91 I-PARTS, REPAIR 911-INVOICE PERIOD-Ol/12-01/31/01 911-BATTERY ELIMINATOR.CIG LIGHTER ADAPT,eIG TO BATTERY CLlP PCT 4-BLADES FOR CHIPPER CO.JAIL-ACCT.38b/FEB 2bl01 STATEMENT DEBT SERVICE-L~N.71679 4. (: c § , L BANK PROPERTY 3114/01 i I I I -, ~ UPSHUR COUNTY A C C 0 U N T SPA Y A B L E S Y S T E " Approv&d Disbursements Chock,ng Account!s) APCA FNB INS D,.burs.mont, Made from 03/13/01 thru. 03/29/01 THE SOFTWARE GROUP. INC 30 Mar 2001 ( PAOE 104:111-APCA HC Oat. 03/15/01 V~ndor Check Amount GILMER OFFICE CENTER SI,203 14 InVD1Ctt Amts $77 $59 $93 $16 $110 95 98 72 33 28 S11 42 $72 $82 $129 $7 $17 $39 $1 $27 $7 59 $6 $189 $59 S12 17 00 98 92 57 18 90 99 99 08 53 06 90 33 98 $10 S4 $69 $13 $59 96 12 96 32 52 Sl1 ,>!,,'.. " 104512-APCA 03/15/01 GOOLSBEE TIRE SERVICE 104513-APCA 03/15/01 GOVERNMENT RECORDS SERVICES 104514-APCA 03/15/01 GREEN OIL CO 104515-APCA 03/15/01 GSC FEDERAL SURPLUS PROPERT 104516-APCA 03/15/01 H~D TIRE ~ INC AUTOMOTIVE .166 00 $166 00 S5.30;5 18 S5.36518 $78 74 .78 74 .130 50 .150 :10 $1,3910:1 $19 10 $88 71 .8 34 $15 33 $52 85 '6 $9 '9 '56 88 89 50 00 S.24 96 InVOIce DescriptIons CO JAIL-OFFICE SUPPLIES CO S-(2)COLOR CARTRIDGES CO S-(I)PERM STORAGE BOXES CO S-(I)WALL CALENDAR CO TAX-(11dz PRINTER RIBBONS CO S-(10)ROLL STAPE.DISPENSER.DESK CALENDAR 911-NOTE BOOK'CARTRIDGES COMM CT-BUSINESS CARDS JP#I~#2-CARTRIDGE TREAS-TAPE CO EXT-FOLDERS, FILM. PENCILS, RUBBER BANDS 911-NOTS.CAN AIR 911-RENRITABLE CDS CO OLDGS-CORRECTION PEN TREAS-CARTRIDGE PCT#4-MEt1O PADS PCT#4-ENEVELOPES.MEt1O PADS CO EXT-CLIPBOARDS,PENCILS CO S-COMPUTER PAPER SUP-OFFICE SUPPLIES COMM CT-STAPLE REMOVERS. CARD HOLDER. STAPLER. CORRECTING TREAS-POST IT NOTES TREAS-COLOR COOED LABELS AUD-ENVELOPES.COPY PAPER AUD-ENVELOPES SUP-INV#18634.FIN CHRG CONST#4-TIRES CO CLK-CUST#309/ARCHIVAL PRINTS. INDEXING. HANDLING !. 7 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Choc k # - < ~ ~ ( f: ( ( I. I ' I I t (: PCT#4-KEROSENE COMPUTER-COMPUTER MINI TOWER,MONITOR(PCT#l) PCT I-HYDRAULIC FITTING. HYDRAULIC FITTINGS. HYDRAULIC HOSE peT I-STARTING FLUID, 4 PK D BATTERIES. AA BATTERIES. GRAD HOOKS. CHAIN. COMALO~G. TOWELS PCT I-STUDS. STUD NUTS PCT#I-SPRING CENTER BOLT PCT I-WATER PUMP. CORE. SWITCH PCT I-RAKE PCT I-CONCRETE MIX, MIRROR ADHESIVE PCT I-TAPE MEASURE PCT 4-AIR HOSE. FEMALE PLUG. FEMALE COUPLER. SOCKET PCT 2-LIGHT LENS MUD FLAP ( i!. t i, t :I I I -*",; , ........ --.. . ,,~. -.~_l' _~ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------~----------------------- UPSHUR COVNTt A C C a U N T SPA Y A B L E S Y S T E M Approved DlsbuTs@ments Ch.cklng Account(s) APCA FNB INS Disbursements M.d. from 03/15/01 thru. 03/29/01 THE SOFTWARE GROUP. INC 30 M.1' 2001 PAGE 8 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------_._------------------------------------------------ CheCk • ... He O.t. Vendor Check Amount Invoice Amts ( Invoice DescriptIons ~' SI 96 SI 3~ SI~ 17 CO BLDG-KEYS C~ ANNEX-MOUNT TABS C~ ANNEX-SPRAY GLUE. SUPER GLUE, EPOXY GEL, PLASTIC BOND GLUE. GASKET MATERIAL so 98 CO BLDG-KEY SIS 6~ PCT 3-U-~OINT S17 98 PCT 3-U-JOINT. U-JOINT .7 ~o PCT 2-RED HOSE, CLAMPS. CLIPS S100 80 PCT I-CONCRETE MIX Sle 77 CO BLDG-KEY. CPIIC HOT WATER PIPE, 1/2 CP'JC CAP, HACKSAW S4.30 PCT ~-ROUND ROD S8. 12 PCT 2-LIGHT LENS PCT I-TIRES S~99 62 S7~ 00 PCT I-PSGR TIRE DISPOSAL. TRK TIRE DISPOSAL, OFF RD DISPOSAL S~6.77 PCT I-CHAIN ~ BAR OIL. PICK. PICK HATTOCK, PICK HANDLE S11 13 CJ ANNEX-BOLTS, NUTS, STEEL RAKE S31 62 PCT ~-BOX. BOX WASHER, BOLTS, WASHERS. NUTS. EXT CORD S11 6~ PCT ~-FUSE. FUSE, FUSE, KEYS, KEY RINGS .23 6~ PCT 4-HEAIIY STRAPS SI6S 26 PCT 2-STUDS. LUG NUTS. GREASE GUN COUPLER. GREASE. WHEELS S36,97 PCT I-CAULK GUN. SILIC CART DOW, ANCHORS. BIT. BIT, 36" THR.SHOLD. DOOR SWEEP se 22 peT I-BIT. STAR DRILL S500 S S5 84c1' PCTIII-RETURN ALL PURPOSE BIT ,,' ~' 10~517-APCA 03/15/01 HALL SIGNS OF TEXAS 10~518-APCA 03/1'/01 HARRISON CO 10~519-APCA 03/15/01 HART INTEReIIlIe 10~520-APCA 10~S21-APCA 03/15/01 03/15/01 HERBERT L HEWITTS ~UIIENILE YOUNG "124 00 .12~ 00 PCT81-CUSTII3641/SHOP SIGN S4:15 00 $~:l5 00 JUV $247 79 $14.80006 $9,30700 S93 48 S59 43 S94 88 S12.05229 .~5 91 S96 88 S66 9S S59.80 .:19 eo S22 97 $2.39543 .3.2:1000 .441 00 $S.616 00 PROD-DETENTION/~ t '- B eO.~OGE-ACCTII56820/FORHS.SUPPLIES CO eLK-INDEX-TABS C eLK-WILL ENIIELOPES.SHIPPING PCTIII-4047 GALS GAS, 5048 GALS DIESEL '11 1-39 GALS GAS CO SLDGS-81 GALS GASOLINE D A-:l6 GALS GAS eONSTII4-50 GALS GAS CONSTII3-50 GALS GASOLINE 911-19 GALS GASOLINE CO 5-1938 GALS GASOLINE PCTII4-CUKIIERTS PCTII3-eULVERT PCTtl3-CULIIERTS ~ t.; ~ ~-e ~ e r: ___ r"'~" • '~f1 ..... UPSHUR COUNTY ACCOUNTS PAY .. B L E S Y S T E 30 M.l' 2001 1\ Approved Dlsburs.m.nts Checking AccQunt(s) THE SOFTWARE GROUP. INC APCA FNB INS D1sbur$em.nt. Mad. from 03/15/01 PAGE thru. 03/29/01 9 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Check" 104~22-APCA ", He O.t. 03/15/01 Check Amount Vendor HOLMES CONCRETE PIPE 104523-APCA 03/15/01 ISG RESOURCES. 104524-APCA 03/1~/01 ,JERROD DAVIS INC 52.56440 Invoice Amts 517400 5260 40 5810 00 InVOIC. D.scrlpttons 5440 00 5880 00 PCT 4-1S" PLASTIC CULVERT PCTII4-CULVERT PCT 1-60"Sl(IXI6 GAUGE GALVINIZED STEEL CULVERT PCT 2-15"10 PLASTIC CULVERT PCT 3-36"10 PLASTIC CULVERT 82 .953 82 PCTII3-CUSTIISUPSCOUOI/FEB 21/01 BILLING .1.60000 550000 .250 00 5350 00 $250 00 5250 00 o o o .9~3 CT-1I12.256/CARROLL LYNN LANEY CT-1I722/I I O-L 1\ CT-1I12.637/ISAAC VEOEL VENTERS CO CT-1I26.225/AMBER OILLARD o CT-1I12.~96/SHOVETTE FINCH ~ ~ f ~ ( f 104525-APCA 03/15/01 ,JERRY KUHN 554 81 $54 81 CO S-ABATEMENT/REIMBURSE174mii 315.a 104526-APCA 03/15/01 ,JII\ LIBERACKI 561 10 $61- 10 CO CT-REIMBURSE/UNIFORM EOUIP 104527-APCA 03/15/01 JIMI1Y ROLANDO CATRON 56.707 16 56.707 16 104~2S-APCA 03/15/01 ,JOE OR..s '5218 4;; 5168 45 550 00 104529-APCA 03/15/01 JOEL BULLOCK $41 00 $41 00 104~30-APCA 03/15/01 ,JOHN SPIVEY $394 35 $394 35 SUP-REIMBURSE/910ml@ 315.aIPAGER 9/17/00-1/24101 104531-APCA 03/15/01 ,JOHNSTONE SUPPLY 5137 96 $117 15 ,J CTR-THERMOSTAT.FAN ,J CTR-SUBBASE FAN l $20.81 570 00 570 00 JUV PROB-REGIST/MILTON WYLIE f CONSTII2-FUNO 47 FORFEITURE OROERII49 PCTIII-REIMSURSE/AUSTIN TRIP FOR EQUIPMENT COMM CT-REGIST/UPSHUR COUNTY OAYSIAUSTIN CONSTIII-REIMBURSE/MIC(PRO TECH ASSIST) 104532-APCA 03/15/01 JUVENILE JUSTICE ASSOC OF TE 104~33-APCA 03/15/01 KAREN TUCKER $201 ;29 5201 29 CO EXT-REIMBURSE MILEAGE FOR FEB 2001 104534-APCA 03/15/01 KARI\EN STEELKAN '172 02 5172 02 COMPUTER-REIMBURSE MILEAGE 104535-APCA 03/15/01 KAY TAYLOR 540 00 540 00 104536-APCA 03/15/01 KAYE ROEDER .561 09 5~61 104537-APCA 03/15/01 KIRBY RESTAURANT SUPPLY $115 00 5115 00 104538-APCA 03/15/01 LAW ENFORCEMENT TARGETS INC 584 00 584 00 CO S-CUSTIIOOC3596/TRAINING MANUAL 104539-APCA 03/15/01 LEANDA KELLAR S78 75 $78 75 CO J-REIMBURSE MILEAGE. MEALS. LOOGING 104540-APCA 03/15/01 LEO'S AUTO SALES $6.900 CO $6.900 00 09 (. SUP-VICTIM IMPACT STUDY 2/19/01 I ,JPII2-REIMBURSE MILEAGE. MEALS l CO JAIL-ACCTII7009/5ERV-02/0S-D3/07/01 CO S-AOATEMENT/'96 CHEVY TRUCK SIIIGCCS14X3TS132678 ~ CD-ROM :, lIIttI",sUi f ...'lO> _ _ _ _ 'Itoo,I .... '~~~· ............. <_..... - ..~.... -,•...---- --~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~----------------------- ACCOUNTS IJPSHUR COVNTY PAyABLE SYSTEM 30 Mal' :l001 Approv.d Dllbursem.nts Ch.tk,ng Account(.) Dltbursem~nt. THE SOFTWARE OROUP. INC Made from 03/1~/Ol thru. 03/29/01 PAGE 10 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Ch.ck • 104S41-APCA ," ... ~~;:., HC Oat. 03/15/01 Check V.. ndor LESLIE'S SMALL ENOINES AmQu~t .9:l:l 92 Involc. A.t. .269 40 S19 95 S319 99 n 90 S2a9 bO S2S 08 LINDA CARROLL CSR/RPR _90 00 .90 00 D CT-COURT REPORTING 03/02/01 104543-APCA 03/1:1/01 LISA MONEY fl7b 23 .76 23 ~PII-REIMBURSE 104S44-APCA 03/1:1/01 LONO MOTOR CO, MIKE CRAIG .32 04 S32 04 CCP-INVI014221S/CAP ASY 104S4S-APCA 03/1:1/01 LONOVIEW ASPHALT INC .:1.948 4S .la2 Ob .245 92 .1.974 44 .87S 42 .1.997 Ib S23532 .214 12 .221 01 10454b-APCA 03/15/01 LONGVIEW GEAR & AXLE 104547-APCA 03/15'01 LRP PUBLICATIONS 104:14a-APCA 03/15/01 MATTHEW BENDER & CO INC .a5 S3 Sa5 53 .142 00 U4200 S:2,250 06 .:;S 73 $64 20 .75.09 S141 SO .1. bOO 38 PCTI1-CUSTI2217 7 1/GRAVELC6 87 TON ~ $20 50) PCTI2-CUSTI221772/GRAVELC9 28 TON @ S26 50) PCTI4-CUSTI221774/GPAVELC6b 93 TON~.26 50) PCTII-CUSTI221771/GRAVELC7 80 TON @ S26 50) PCTI3-CUSTI221773/GRAVELC67 70 TON @ $26 50) PCTI2-CUSTI221772/GRAVEL/S 88 TON @ S26 ~O PCTI2-CUSTI221772/GRAVELCS OS TON @ S26 50) PCTI2-CUSTI221772JGRAVELC8 34 TON @ S26 50) SUP-CU5T.74270I/CORRECTIONAL ED BULLETIN LAW,LIB-ACCTI1a94311001/US SUP CT RPT LED:2D V139 LAW LIB-ACCTII1000820b3/FED CSN CIT 5TH CIR CUM SUP LAW LIB-ACCTII89431IOOI/US SUP CT RPT LED2D V140 o A-ACCTIS405bOOO/TX eRIM PRAC FULL SET W/SVC LAW LIB-ACCTSII00082063/SHEPARD'S FED CIRCVIT CASE NAMES CIT CUM SUPP LAW,LIB-ACCTSI100082063/FORMS, SHIPPING MICHEAL SMITH .91 S8 .91 :IS CO TAX-REIMBURSE/205ml@ 315ea.MEALSCGREGO APPRL) 03/15101 MIRANDA WELCH S28 3S .28 35 ~PI3-REIMBURSE 1045S2-APCA 03/15/01 MOMAR INC .23' 41 .235 41 I04SS3-APCA 03/1:1/01 MORRISON SUPPLY COMPANY .a, 60 .a5 60 ~ I04:154-APCA 03/15/01 MUSIC MOUNTAIN WATER CO .40 24 .900 .31 24 o MICHAEL MARTIN ATTy 104SS0-APCA 03/1:1/01 104551-APCA ( PCTII-REPAIR DRIVE SHAFT/OIL TANKER _bOO 00 03/15101 , MILEAGE _600 00 104549-APCA , • • PCTI3-REPAIR CHAIN SAW PCTll-0IL PLUG, 6 SIP PCTl3-CHAIN SAW CO SLDGS-BEARINGS PCTIJ-SAFETY EQUIPMENT PCTI3-SAFETY EQUIPMENT 03/15/01 S310 Ib • Involcl' DescrIptions 104S4:l-APCA " '. APCA FNB INS D CT-17:l2-00/I I O-L M MILEAGE PCTI4-LIGUID SILICONE CTR-CUSTS27UPSC/GAS REGULATOR TAX-ACCTSla700100/FEB 28/01 BILLING A-ACCTIII89284QO/FEB 28/01 BILLING t {' ~ ", l, ~ ~ _ _ ___ ____ i ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -~----------------------- UPSHUR COUNTY A C C 0 U N T S PAYABLE S Y S T E I't Approved Olsburs_ments Checklng AccDuntls) APCA FNB INS Dlsbu~s.ment~ ~~de from 03/15/01 thrup 03/29/01 1 i r1 THE SOFTWARE GROUP. INC 30 M.,. 2001 ( PAGE J l i, .: CltIlC~ He n... te .. Vendor ~h.ck 10411:J5-;-APCA 03/1~/Ol NATIONAL FAI'tILY CARE lC4~56-~PCA 03/1~'Ul NEw.;:;CME'S APC~ O~/\~/Ol NOvIS WiSDOM. lv4jJ7 03/\5/01 DFr!CE 104':;9-APCA 03/15/01 OLYMPIC WAS'IE - KILGORE 104560-APCA 03/15/01 104561-APCA 104562-APCA 15 $69 q2 ~1,64S G:rTS CENI£R !~1e~O-APCA ~ ~5q" ~PIJCFRY O!ST Q ICT CLERK Amoynt lnvolc. Amts ~592 I:> S09 9d 95 .1.648 $242 Oq .33 $143 $6 $30 51:; q~ 50 99 14 46 70 512 30 . D CT-#12.59C WM SH~NE WnnD(JURORS.O COSTS FOR TPIAL) C~~&TREAS dP#3-PEN!O:. E;TAMP. FOLDER.I'AD. TAPE SUP-PAPER CO EXT -LABEL:; CO CLK-FOLDERS JP#4-PENS.COVER BOOK. INDEX. PENCILS 03/15/01 ORE CITY HOME $5 $8 $108 $39 529 $21 $6 S52 $34 $1 S7 57 $17 03 06 96 58 22 66 24 82 18 30 20 54 80 PCT#2-V-BELT PCT#2-V-BELTS.BRUSH.TIP CLEANER PCT*2-PARTS PCT#2-BATT/CAB/INSUL PCT82-0IL GAUGE. AMMETER KIT PCT82-TOMP GAUGE PCT#2-BATTERY BRUSH PCTM2-BIT SET. WRENCH SET PCT#2-VICE GRIPS. PLIERS PCT82-BOLT PCT82-LENS PCT82-LIGHT SOCKET,RUBBER PCT82-HORN 104563-APCA 03/15/01 OTIS ELEVATOR COMPANY S;!10 33 $210 33 TY8748E301 ELEVATOR SERVICE 3/1-31/01 104564-APCA 03/15/01 PARTS $147 87 $147 87 PCT 3-BEARING. PIN I04565-APCA 03/15/01 PATRICIA HARRISON 5585 590 $180 5180 590 00 00 00 00 00 D CT-COURT REPORTING FEB 12-13-14/01 CO CT-COURT REPORTING 02/24/01 CO CT-COURT REPORTING 03/01/01 CO CT-COURT REPORTING 02/05/01 CO CT-COURT REPORTING/03/08/01 ~350 00 D CT-810.410/RENALDO WEBB EGVIPMENT INC $I 125 00 G> f ~ PCT#2-6 TRUCK INSPECTIONS S75 00 ~ " $75 00 ORE CITY FINA .' ~ \. 03/15/01 ,, uA-MARY SUTTCN/MnT ~HECK RESTITUTION ~ JP#I&3-CONFIRMATION*1430237201 3118/01 S77 52 $339 59 ~ $77 52 OMNI SAN ANTONIO HOTEL AUTO INC ID#3152 FEB'OI PAYROLL DEDUCTIONS f $90 00 $1.24932 ~ ~ ( PCT#I-ACCTw070-0094774/FEB 28/01 BILLING WASTE-ACCT#0700020542/RENTAL02/01-02/28/01 3~ $1. 339 < Involc. Descrlptions 104566-APCA 03/15/01 PATTON LAW FIRM $350 00 104567-APCA 03/15/01 PAUL BANNER $113 96 $96 46 517 ~O D CT-VISITING JUDGE/MILEAGE.I'tEALS D CT-VISIT ING JIJDGE/MILEAGE 10456B-APCA 03/15'01 PEGUES - HURST MOTOR CO .53" -7 '$39 53 PCTMI-TRUCK8117/SEAL KIT '. 11 I. ( r, , '" I. l I , I' . .-. ~ ·'"~-4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ UPSHUR COUNTY A C C 0 U N T SPA Y A B L E Approv.d S Y S T EM' Ch.cklng AccountCsl APCA FNB INS M"d. 'ro~ 03/15/01 thru. Dl~bur •• m.ntl THE SOFTWARE GROUP. INC 30 Ke~ ~OOI D15bur~.m.nts 03/~9/01 I~ PAGE -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Chock I HC Date Check A.ount Vendor Invoice A.t. $46523 $35 01 ~ PCTI2-WHEEL CYLINDER. EXPANDER PCTII-KIT eIRC 00 $4.80000 $3.400 00 $238 00 $238 00 90 $20 90 $1.243 00 $397 ~3 $464 70 $381:07 CO JAIL-CUST.17130/ASSORTED FOODS CO JAIL-CUSTI17130/ASSORTED FOODS CO JAIL-CUSTI17130/ASSORTED FOODS $310_00 S310 00 JUV PROB-FEB'OI ELECT MONITOR PUBLICDATA.COM AI $119 40 $119 40 D.A-(I)V~ 03/1:1/01 RAMADA LIMITED $180 00 S180.00 D CT-ROOM RENT JAMES ZIMMERMANN/02/II-02/15/01 03/15/01 RELIANT ENERGY ARKLA $3.291 03 $97 67 $1.882.35 S70 83 Sl39 99 $472 36 S015 83 S1200 $43 52 S43 52 D A-REIMBURSE EXPENSES/WOOD CO ( $85 00 S3:1 00 .:10.00 PCTI4-SERV CALL. FLAT REPAIR PCT.I-SERV CALL. 2 TIRE MOUNTS ( 104~69-APCA 03/15101 PM CONSTRUCTION 104~70-APCA 03/15/01 POSTMASTER 104:171-APCA 03/15/01 PRITCHETT WATER SUPPLY CORP 104:172-APCA 03/15/01 PROFESSIONAL FOOD SYSTEMS 104"3-APCA 03/15/01 PROTELL SYSTEMS INT 104574-APCA 03/15/01 104~75-APCA 104~76-APCA $8.~00 INC .~O $7.66 .7 06 PCTI3-REMOVAL OF DEBRIS IN PCT.3 PCTII-REMOVAL OF DEBRIS IN PCTII PCTII-ACCTI1406/SERV-01/19-02/21 101 ( SERVICE ACCTI006918335 l CO TAX-13976446/MARCH 7'01 J CTR-14551008/MARCH 7'01 PORTER BLDG-13976636/MARCH 7'01 CO.LIB-AccrI4860730/SERV-02/05-03/06/01 CO LIB-ACCT.4Sb0700/SERV-02/05-03/0b/OI CO BLDGS-ACCTI4830428/SERV-02/05-03/06/01 CO BLDGS-ACCTI4783890/SERV-02/05-03'Oo/01 NON DEPT-CUSTI63199S1/DUPLICATOR(SERVICE-Ol/3 1-0~120/01) $:10 00 S150 00 $150 00 JUV.PRoa-~AN'Ol S370 :10 $376 LIBRARY-BOOKS (2SETS) ~O f SUP-(7)ROLLS STAMPS $:10.00 COMM CT-REGIST/UPSHUR COUNTY DAY@AUSTIN CQUNSE~ING S2' 178 00 $2. 178 00 S3:1 43 $3:1 43 $329 50 $~14 :10 .115 00 peTII-ANTIFREEZE PCT.I-GREASE 00 $340 00 PCTll-~OO $34~ • , Invoice Descrlptlons PCT.4-0RE GRAVEL/198 YOS • $11 00 CO S-109282I629/FEB 10'02 GALS ~ <t l " Ci) ~. PPOP~NE __ >0/._'<' .~f -- ~UPSHUR COUNTY ACCOUNTS PAYABLE SYSTEI'I Approved Dlsbursement. Chock,ng Account(s) APCA FNB INS 01sbur~.m.nt~ Made from 03/1~/Ol thru. 03/29/01 THE SOFTWARE QROUP. INC 30 M.,. 2001 PAQE ( ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<! Check It " -- .... :,~~", HC D_te Vendor Check Amount 104587-APCA 03/1::1/01 SOBOL $160 15 $129 :23 $30 9:2 PCTItI-WELDING SUPPLIES. LABOR PCTItI-WELDING SUPPLIES 104588-APCA 03/15/01 SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE $468 03 $464 73 $3 30 SUP-1t66::1-3909/FEB 1"01 o CT~1t2141062236/MARCH 1'01 104589-APCA 0311 5/01 SOUTHWESTERN ELECTRIC POWER $1.526 51 $108 23 SI.26542 S94 13 S58 73 104590-APCA 03/15/01 STATE BAR OF TEXAS S40 00 $40 00 104591-APCA 03/15/01 SYSCO FOOD SYSTEMS INC 104592-APCA 03/15/01 T 104'93-APCA 03/1:5/01 TEFTELLER 104594-APCA 03/15/01 TELETOUCH CORPORATION 104595-APCA 03/15/01 TEXAS ASSOC OF COUNTIES 104596-APCA 03/15/01 TEXAS AWNING .3.928 '5 ~-~ & S QUII'. LUBE & PELAIA & CANVAS INC SI.88170 $2.089 80 S25 10c,. S17 85c1' CT-#0064664/TX PAT JURY CHGS-GEN NEGL-2000 CO CO CO CO JAIL-CUSTII288639/ASSORTED FOODS JAIL-CUSTII288639/ASSORTED FOODS JAIL-ACCTII288639/SHORTED FOOD JAIL-ACCTII288639/SHORTED FOOD ( $18 00 S18 00 $700 00 S350 00 $350 00 o o $:244 37 $18 86 S225 51 PCT#3-ACCT#56064198/MAR 01/01 BILLING CO S-ACCTII3062303/MAR 01/01 BILLING SI2.:231 00 $1:2.231 00 $82 50 $82 , , ST LIGHTS-ACCTII16733/SERV-02/05-03/0o/01 CO BLDGS-ACCTII56747/SERV-02/06-03/06/01 CO BLDGS-ACCTII62646989/SERV-0:2/06-03/06/01 JP#3-#1026996/MARCH 1:2'01 o ( ~ InVOlce De.crlptions InvoIce Amt. CO S-UNIT#18/0IL.LABOR CT-#I:2.636/JOE CARROLL NICKELBUR CT-#12.409/ANGELA MARIE ROBINSON #2300 :2ND QTR/2001 CO BLDGS-REPAIR FLAQ ~O \ 104597-APCA 03/15/01 TEXAS DEPT OF PUBLIC SAFETY S275 00 104598-APCA 03/15/01 THE EARTHGRAINS COMPANY $247 104599-APCA 03/1::1/01 THE GILMER MIRROR ~O SIO:5 75 PCT#4-1140~/50 $275 00 S75 $60 $37 $75 CO CO CO CO 00 00 50 00 $22 75 03/15/01 THE UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS AT A 104601-APCA 03/15/01 TJPC 104602-APCA 03/15/01 104603-APCA 03/15/01 VEHICLE INSPECTION CERTIFICATES TOMMY STANLEY $50 00 $50 00 COMM TRUCK PARTS WORLD $70 14 $20 54 PCTII2-VALVES PCTII2-VALVE W/KNOB - ( I, I, I' I I l I·i I $8.86300 ~- I i $6.663 00 -- II JUV PROB-FY2000 REFUND NON-RESIDENTAL CONTRACT $22' 00 s20 36 i I I AUDITOR-PROF DEV SEMINAR FOR CO AUDITORS $225 00 . (' JAIL-CUSTII09008071/BREAD JAIL-CUST#09008071/BREAD JAIL-CUST#09008071/BREAD JAIL-CUSTII09008071/BREAD CO S-AD FOR CHAINSAW 12/30 & 1/3 CO S-PUBLIC NOTICE/SEX OFFENDER COMM CT-NOTICE OF SALE CO S-CLASSIFIED AD/FOUND AS 2/24&28/01 S10 00 S61 50 SII 50 104600-APCA '. i 13 CT-REGIST/UPSHU~ ---- ~ ~~ ! COUNTY DAY@AUSTIN - -- ~ -~ ... _-- .... -- .-~- -- ---- ------------------------~----------------------------- --------_ .. _------------------------------------------ -~----------------------A C C 0 U N T SPA Y A B L E S Y S T E M 30 lUI' 2001 UPSHUR COUNTY Approved Disbursements Chock1ng Account(s) APCA FNB INS THE SOFTWARE QROUP. INC Dlsburs.m.nt~ Made from 03/15/01 03/~~'Ot thru. PAQE 14 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Ch.ck • HC D.h. Vendor Check Amount Invoice Amts $29 24 104604-""CA TURNER BROS 03/15/01 .250 00 MORTUARY .250 00 { Invoice D.scrlptlons t PCT'2-UNLOADER KIT. GOVERNOR NON DEPT-TRANSPORT MICHAEL WEBB TO 2/8/01 DALLAS~BACK 10460:l-APCA 03/15/01 TWIN STATE TRUCKS INC .1109 45 S146 55 .22 90 104606-APCA 03/1~/01 TYLER MORNING TELEGRAPH $99 00 .9900 104b07-APCA 03/1~/OI U S S2,;!2982 $942 86 .743 76 .:143 20 CO JAIL-CUSTI420711/ASSORTED FOODS CO JAIL-CUSTI420711/ASSORTED FOODS CO JAIL-CUSTI420711/ASSORTED FOODS 104608-APCA 03/15/01 UPSHUR APPRAISAL DISTRICT .200 00 .200 00 CO TAX-REGIST/JOANNA 104b09-APCA 03/1~/01 UPSHUR COUNTY $116 73 '116 73 SUP-REIMBURSE COUNTY,ALLTEL LONQ DISTANCE 104610-APCA 03/1~/01 UPSHUR COUNTY APPRAISAL DIST '34.23429 .34.23429 104611-""CA 03/1~/01 UPSHUR COUNTY CHILD WELFARE $2.75000 $2.75000 104b12-APCA 03/15/01 UPSHUR COUNTY JUVENILE PROBA '170 00 $170 00 CCP-ELECT 104bI3-""CA 03/1~/01 UPSHUR TAX ASSESSOR&COLLECTO $214 68 '214 68 DA-SABRA 104b14-APCA 03/15/01 UPSHUR-RURAL ELECTRIC COOP $310 16 .92 21 '64 32 '146.01 '7 62 PCTI3-'902475306/FEB 27/01 BILLING PCTII-131BB5226/MAR 02/01 BILLING JPII-142999172/MAR 02/01 BILLING COMPACTOR-II0793251/MAR 05/01 BILLING $1,900 96 .79 64 .3200 '87 83 .87 83 $162.00 .27 28 '1.055 25 1147 01 '32 00 .82 65 .97 B3 .19 64 10461S-APCA 03/15/01 FOODSERVICE-DALLAS UT HEALTH CENTER AT TYLER ,. ~ .fiO!~~' Q$ 104blb-APCA 03/1~/01 VERIZON 104b17-APCA 03/1~/OI VERIZON SOUTHWEST ~:;_ .... - ..... $140 00 $140 00 $5. 142 13 $37 87 14.423.17 $9 42 $12:1 :11 '~46 16 PCT I-PARKING BRAKE VALUE PCTII-ACCTI19127/PARTS CO LISI124294 89 lqr SUBSCRIPTION HARRIS~FONDA ( LEONAPD :. APPRL DIST-2ND.QTR BUDGET ALLOCATION'OO-Ol CHILD WELFARE-1ST OTR BUDGET ALLOCATION'OO-Ol MONITOR/QETER~NEWBROUQH CURRY/~OT INDIG-FRED INDIG-FRED INDIG-FRED INDIG-FRED INDIG-FRED INDIG-FRED INDIG-FRED INDIG-FRED INDIG-FRED INDIG-FRED INDIG-FRED INDIG-FRE~ J CHECK RESTITUTION t D MOORE/MEDICAL D MOORE/MEDICAL 0 MOORE/MEDICAL D MOOREIMEDICAL D MOORE MEDICAL D MOORE/MEDICAL D MOORE/MEDICAL 0 MOORE/MEDICAL D MooRE/MEDICAL D MOORE/MEDICAL D MOORE/MEDICAL 0 MOORE/MEDICAL CTR-ACCTI3000S43254!/8 CHANGES,WOR~ JP.3-163b-9970/FEB 13'01 TELE COMM-IS434000/FEB 19,01 BILLING CO S-.IBA-2703/FEB 19'01 TELE.COM-163b-432S/FEB 22'01 4 CTR-13000e432541:,2'~7310 PHONES ( OPDER ~ ( t ~ s ....~"__·~_ _ _ _ _~_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _- - - ._ _ _-"'. '1 ~~----------------------------UPSHUR COUNTY PAYABLE SYSTEI1 ACCOUNTS Apprcved Dllbursements Chocklng Account(s) APCA FNB INS THE SOFTWARE GROUP. INC Chllc' • , HC Oat. Dlsbursements Made from 03/15/01 Check Amount Vendor 30 11.. 1' 2001 PAGE thru. 03/29/01 InvoIce Amt. InvoIce DescrIptIons 104618-APCA 03/15/01 W W GRAINGER INC $251 77 $80 94 ~ CTR-ACCT#43"S27099177/LAMPS S184 3~ PCT#2-ACCT.436a05131711/PLASTIC CONES S13 49cr ~ CTR-tREDIT ON LAMP 104619-APCA 03/15/01 WAL-I'IART .146 $171 10 S109 71 S61 39 104620-APCA 03/15/01 WALI1ART COI1l1UNITY BRC 10462I-APCA 03/15/01 104622-APCA sa OA-~ODY W WILABY/HOT CHECK RESTITUTION D A-AMY SNYDER HAYES/HOT CK RESTITUTION CO ~AIL-#b032202010092626/FEB 24 S8 24 22'01 WALI1ART COMMUNITY DRC $a5 60 $a:l 60 PCT#I-#6032202010092592/FEB 22'01 03/15/01 WALMART COMMUNITY BRC $154 07 SI54 07 PCT#2-#6032202010092:101/FEB 22'01 104623-APCA 03/15/01 WALMART COMMUNITY DRC $101 61 SIOI 61 CO S-#60322020100926:19/FEB 22'01 104624-APCA 03/15/01 WALMART COI1MUNITY DRC $27 79 $27 79 SUP-#6032202000871575/FEB 16'01 104625-APCA 03/15/01 WALMART COMMUNITY DRC $43 64 S43 64 CO BLDG-#60322C2010092402/FEB 22'01 104626-APCA 03/15/01 WASHBURN TIRE COMPANY $509 70 $509 70 104627-APCA 03/15/01 WAYNE MYERS $12 00 $12 00 104628-APCA 03/15/01 WEST GROUP PAYI1ENT CENTER $620 75 $111 00 S69 00 " S99 75 $50 25 $142 00 S50 2:1 S69 75 S28 75 104629-APCA 03/15/01 WEST SIDE FURNITURE $190 52 $12 SI19 S7 $51 69 00 :10 33 , ." ~ t PCT#3-MOUNT 2 TIRES D A-ACCT#8:1833904o/CO ROM-TEX CASES SERV D A-ACCT#85833904bICD ROM-TX STST ~ CODE ANNO 1/2001 LAW LIB-ACCT#a58338~96/TX JURIS 3D V18 L V18 INDEX/TABLE LAW LIB-ACCT.85833829b/FED REP 3D V229 LAW LIB-ACCT#858338296/TX CASES ADV SHS 2001 CHG LAW LIB-AeCT.858338296/FED REP 3D V230 LAW LIB-ACCT.85833829b/TX CASES 3D V27-28 LAW LIB-AeCT.S58338296/TX PRAC VII 2D 2001 PP PCT 4-SAW REPAIR 911-DRILL PCT I-REPAIR SAW PCT 2-SWITCH FOR SAW. CHOKE. OIL CAP. WRENCH AMP. FILES. SHOP CHG 03/15/01 WILLIAI1S ELECTRONICS $755 00 S755 00 CO S-INSTALL LIGHTS 104632-APCA 03/15/01 WINN'S AUTO & TRUCK REPAIR $4;;!:I :19 SI42 76 $282 83 CO S-WIRES.LABOR CO S-GLOW PLUGS. CONTROLLER. LABOR 104633-APCA 03/1:1/01 WORLD I1EDIA EXPRESS $4:10 67 S4:10 67 CUST.7:1644ULJI1/26 BOOKS 104634-APCA 03/15/01 WYONE I1ANES S117 81 $117 81 ~P.I-REII1BURSE 104,,35-APCA 03/15/01 vAZELL CHEVROLET-OLOS .177 30 .t~2 30 ~ ( CO S-UNIT#9/TIRES.BRAKE PADS.BALANCR.LABOR 104631-APCA INC 15 - I1ILEAGE peT 4-I'IIRROR ,OPIVER S SIDE FOR eOMI'I P'U) t ( (. L l • ~ .._ ~ .. " '.'4~~""'~ -.ry,~~" _.k'\:,~ .. , .... ""'~-.w.r>;._~.~\; ..,.~'""'''~~~W"-""<>#'4''"'..,.-·,.. +.¥" -, ~~ ,-~-~ -~ ~------~"'~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~----------------------- ....... > UPSHUR COUNTV '" A C C 0 U N T SPA V A D L E App~ov.d S V S T E M 30 Mar 2001 Dlsbu~sem.nts Checklng Account(sl APCA FNB INS Disbur.ement. Made from 03/15/01 thru. 03/29/01 THE SOFTWARE GROUP. INC PAGE 16 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------._----------------------- Check. HC Oat. V.ndor ChIC k Amount Invoic. Amts $12.50 $12 50 104636-APCA He 03/15/01 FIRST NATIONAL BANK GILMER $200.00000 '200.000 00 InVOIce D.SC~lptl0ns f PCT.3-94 FORO TRUCK/INSPECTION PCT.3-88 GMC/INSPECTION CO.34132 PURCHASEO@5 267.(77da~sITO MATUPE 5/31/01 , ...'" ~,' , , ......,' ,~::: 104715-APCA HC 03/21/01 FIRST NATIONAL BANK GILMER '100.00000 '100.000 00 CD.34136 PURCHASEOe5 267.(9davsITO 3/30/01 104941-APCA He 03/29/01 FIRST NATIONAL BANK GILMER '655.547 59 .655.547 59 CD.34144(TOBACCOlPURCHASED@5 267.(250dayslTO MATURE 12/5/01 Tot.l for APCA - Accounts " P.~.bl. ClearIng Account MATU~E '1. 251. 194 30 -, r (. " ,-....~~" ,,,, ' ...... , (' '. ~ ~ t l ~_-----_---J -UPSHlJR COUNTY ACCOUNTS PAY A B L E App~ov.d S Y S T E M 30 11.1' ~001 , Olsbursement. Checklng Account(s) APCA FNB INS PAGE DlsbuTs.ment~ Made 9rom 03/15/01 thTU. 03/2QlOl 17 THE SOFTWARE GROUP, INC -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Check. He O.te 1097-FNB INS HC Vendor Check Amount 03/1~/01 MANAGEO PHARMACY BENEFITS IN 1098-FNB INS HC 03/15/01 1099-FNB INS HC $6,6'7 Invoice Amt. < PAYMENT REGISTER OATEO 2/28/01 .6,o~7'5 UPSHUR COUNTY INSURANCE CLEA $49,09386 $39.349 11 $9.744 7~ 3/0B/Ol-UP PAYMENT REGISTER 3/B/Ol-UPOS PAYMENT REGISTER 03/1~/OI FIRST NATIONAL BANK $79.00000 .79.000 00 CO.34133 PURCHASEOe5 2bY.(15daysITO MATURE 3/30/01 1100-FNB INS HC 03/21/01 FIRST NATIONAL BANK $59.45000 .59.45000 CO.34137 3/30/01 PURCHASEO@~ f ~' Invoice Descriptlon. ~~ " " , 2bY.(9days)TO MATURE $194.201 41 Total for FNB INS - INSURANCE = __ ==-_:a •••• _. ( $1.445.39571 Grand Total 232 records liat.d COUNTY JUDGE. CHARLES STILL Q£~~"~4~~" (~4s¥N.~TO>m ( ( STANLEY ( =--._ ).l(\~30 ).11 ".(1 .'.1:! . . .r~0 ~lf\HScln '10 :'1 ~J 01: If.~ \ 0 ", :-.... ,\ !:~I~:J .}i'-\S '1 :<3~ CY.l;i \. <..".,.- ~ ......,. "" --~~-""'''-vf ~ -~ • UPSHUR COUNTY THE SOFTWARE " ----------------------------------------------- J U R ¥ ~POUP. INC 5 E L E C T ION S Y S T E 1'1 03/12/01 JURY LIST Chect Regllt.r '~r 16 1'1... 2C<01 03/10/01 PAGE 1 -----------------------~------------------------------ --------_.------ Ch.tk Numb.r ~ ChttCk Name TItle N.. m. Juror ID Check D.te Atnount Cit StatlJ! ( COVT't 104637-APCA-VOID M~ 03116/2001 .0 00 VOldod 115 10463B-APCA-VDID M. 03/16/2001 .0 00 VOlded 11:5 104639-APCA Mr 1HOMAS E WHITAKER THOMAS E WHITAKER 1728b2 03/1bl2001 .1000 115 104640-APCA 1'15 ANNIE MAY GILES ANNIE HAY GILES 1708bO 03/16/2001 .10 00 11:1 104641-APCA Mr rODIE WAYNE HAMMONDS EDDIE WAYNE HAMMONDS 203B38 03/1bl2001 .10 00 11:5 104b42-APCA M~ PA1RICIA DIANE PARSONS PfTRICIA DIANE PARSONS 15270B 03/16/2001 .10 00 115 104643-APCA 1'15 lHRESIA DIANE WEBB lHRFSIA DIANE WEBB 160b77 03/1bl2001 .10 00 11:1 104644-APCA M. PAULA vUNE ELLIS PAULA JUNE ELLIS 14b344 03/1&/2001 .10 00 115 10464:5-APCA Mr LAWRENCE SMITH I.AWRENCE SMITH 1:504:53 03/16/2001 .1000 11:5 104646-APCA M. RICHARD NOEL WEATHERBY RICHARO NOEL WEATHERBY 166148 03/16/2001 .3000 115 104647-APCA M. lHOMAS DONALD THOMPSON THOMAS DONALD THOMPSON 149972 03/16/2001 .10 00 115 10464B-APCA M. JACGUELINE R BEATY ~ACGUCLINE 19669b 03/16/2001 .10 00 115 104649-APCA H. CHARLES ANTHONY RUSSELL CHARLES ANTHONY RUSSELL 192793 03/1b/2001 .10 00 115 1046:50-APCA M. HARY TACKETT MARY TACKETT 140349 03/16/2001 $30 00 115 104b:51-APCA M. SAI<AH BEENE SARAH BEENE 11044 03/1bl2001 $10 00 115 104652-APCA Mr GARV DOLPH HOSAK GARY DOLPH HOSAK 191833 03/16/2001 $10 00 115 BI./\IR MICHELLE DAVIDSON 154958 03/16/2001 $10 00 11' BOBBIE MURPHY 1538 03/16/2001 $10 00 11' R BEATY 104653-APCA M. aLAIR MICHELLE DAVIDSON 104654-APCA M. ~OBBIE 104655-APCA I'll' fDWARD NICHOLAS HAHER EDWARD NICHOLAS MAHER 16BB3B 03/16/2001 $1000 115 104656-APCA M. BEATRICE SCOTT LOVELADY BFATRICE SCOTT LOVELADY 203041 03/16/2001 $30 00 115 1046:57-APCA M. VIRGINIA L CUDe: VIRGINIA L CUDE 1058:5 03/1bl2001 $30 00 11:5 1046:5B-APCA Ms RUTH SIMPSON PUTH SIMPSON 145021 03/16/2001 $10 00 115 104659-APCA M. JACK AUBREY MOOREHEAD JAC" AIJBREY MOOREHEAD 194606 03/1bl2001 $10 00 Il5 03/16/2001 $10 00 11:5 HURPHY ~~NNETH J MAYFIELD 190612 AICHARD BRVANT CAPOIL 'lICHA~D BRYANT CAROIL 199539 03/16/2001 $10 00 115 LUCILLE SELMAN PRITCHETT • , C; 2OB848 03/1"/2001 $10 00 1!' 104bbO-APCA M. K~NNETH 104bbl-APCA Mr 104b62-APCA M. J HAYFIELD I' _I: SELMAN PRITCHETT _ _ __ ~ f (' ( ~ §~ i rl UPSHUR COUNTY THE SOFTWARE ~ ~ROUP, 0\.. 1b 1'1 .... 2001 PAGE 03/16/2001 SIO 00 ::~rt ~ 162683 03/16/2001 SIO 00 115 DEVON ROBERTS 6913 03/16/2001 S30 00 115 MICHAEL PAUL LUKER 11ICIiAE... PAUL LUKER 205003 03/16/2001 SIO 00 Ms WANDA SUE MITCHELL WANDA SUE MITCHELL 192770 03/16/2001 S10 00 115 115 104668-APCA M. LENA ELLEN MORRIS L~NA 141844 03/16/2001 S10 00 115 104669-APCA MT' QUANDEL RAY MORQAN GUAND.L RAY MORGAN 159665 03/16/2001 SIO 00 115 104670-APCA M. PEGGY PARKS PEGGY PARKS 10082 03/16/2001 S30 00 115 104671-APCA Mr WILLIAM T DENSON WI L'-I AM T DENSON 8569 03/16/2001 S10 00 115 '- 104672-APCA MT' STANLEY PRESTON FISHER STANLEY PRESTON FISHER 164083 03/16/2001 S10 00 115 ( 104673-APCA M. OIANE HUDSON SAXON DIANE HUDSON SAXON 208616 03/16/2001 S30 00 115 104674-APCA M. S:.rlBARA LYNN ROB INSON BARBARA LYNN POBINSON 201278 03/16nOOI StO 00 11:5 104675-APCA M. MAR~ORIE MArl,IORIE MYERS CALDWELL 199727 03/16/2001 S10 00 115 104676-APCA M. CARLA ROSE DENNIS CAPLA r,OSE DENNIS 191261 03/16/2001 S10 00 115 104677-APCA Ms ~AEDENE NAEDENE BELL 14978:5 03/16nOOt S10 00 115 104678-APCA MT' GCRALD HARDIN DURHAM r.CR~LU 1:54263 03/16/2001 S10 00 115 104679-APCA Mr PHILLIP LEE TAYLOR rHILLIP LEE TAYLOR 197359 03/16/2001 SIO 00 115 104680-APCA MT' ~mlN HARRY COLWELL JOHN HARRY COLWELL 143413 03/16nOOI SIO 00 115 104681-APCA MT' TfIOMAS EARL KINQ THOMAS EARL KING 189933 03/16nOOI S10 00 11 :5 S10 00 11:5 Tltl. N~m. Ch~rk Name .,)uro'r 104663-APCA M. DEBORAH ELIZABETH SMITH DE!llJRAH EL IZABETH SMITH 104664-APCA M. CARLA KERNS LUCAS CARLA 104665-APCA Mr OEVON ROBERTS 104666-APCA MT' 104667-APCA MYERS CALDWELL BELL ~ERNS LUCAS ELLEN MORRIS ID Check Oat. Amount Ck StatU! 1 ,~ , " 104b82-APCA _1'~'-~N'<-~,",,, ....,, ,,-,,~ _ ......." h ' . __ 2 --------------------------------------------------------------------------<: ( 172758 Checlc: Numb • .,. " INC S E L E C T ION S Y S T E M 03/12/01 ~URY LIST Check Rogister 'or 03/16/01 U R Y Ii, MITZI RENEE MOORE HARDIN DURHAM HIT.I rENEE MOORE 154810 03/16/2001 174657 03/16nOOI SIO 00 11:5 LI SA [-CNEE 5 TANLEY 161048 03/16/2001 S10 00 11:5 .EPPY _YNN WALLACE 200660 03/16/2001 S10 00 115 A"ATHA BAGGETT MCDONALD ':" .. ATI... P. BAt;GETT MCDONALD 209888 031 16 / O;!OCI S10 00 115 MT' JAMES ~A:1E2 '1ARK DR'-NCH 20J~2~ 03/16/2001. S10 00 11~ 11. Jr.CLLEN COLLINSWORTH 157300 03/1b/~OO! S10 00 11:5 104683-APCA MT' DANIEL KELLY FERQUSON r."I~ I 104684-APCA M. LISA RENEE STANLEY 104685-APCA MT' ~Er,RY LYNN WALLACE 104686-APCA M5 104687-APCA 104688-APCA ~ARK BRANCH .'CE' EL KELLY FERGUSON !....::~ C:'L..LlriSWORTH ....... ~-"." ... ~ +>,.--.."..~.,- !, f ~ " ~G> i '(' ( L -,.,.....,""""~ I I I I. I 11-- ,-"" ... _.".r~-~ ... - "' ..... ".. ", ~""'I>.~""""'--""'~""~~-'" UPSHUR COUNTY .--.. THE SOFTWARE GROUP. ----_. ------_ .. _------------------------------------------------- - J U R Y S E LEe T ION S Y S T E 1'1 03/12/01 JURY LIST th.~k P.Vlst.~ fOT 03/16/01 IN, 16 1'1... 2001 PAGE 3 ------------------------~-------------------------------------------- Checlr: Numb.l" ,- -- , ,,' Title N.::m. Cnifr.:k N••• ~Vl"'O" JOHN IJOUGLAS CLINNARD 1:58:131 03/1612001 S10 00 11~ JE,'NNETTA CAROL LUCE 1:5974:1 03/16/2001 S30 00 lt~ ID Chect O.t. A",ount Ck St.tUi COf.Jrt; 104bS'J-APCA 1'\, ~~HN 104690-APCA M. J<~NNETTA 104691-APCA M. ~LORA MAE HIGGINS ~LOPI' MAE HIGGINS 214001 03/16/~OOl _3000 11!l 104692-APCA 11, ~AULA JEAN DICKSON ~AL~A JEAN DICKSON 169:n, 03/16/2001 SID 00 1.' 104693-APCA I'll' JAMES RAY WEDGEWORTH ':AMES "AY WEDGEWORTH 173':53 03/1612001 S10 00 11~ 104694-APCA II.. MICHAEL WAYNE STEVENS I1ICHAEL WAYNE STEVENS 208916 03/16/2001 _30 00 11~ 10469~APCA M. PA1RIA BURKE OWENS :-or-.T;1 t.... 208977 03/16/2001 S30 00 ..&'"-= 4v 104696-APCA 11. VICKI KAY HAYNES "leI\! "'A,' HAYNES 200538 03/10/2001 SID 00 11!l 104697-APCA I1s VIVIAN BETH WRIGHT IJ.1'JIAN BE:.TH WRIGHT 148837 03/16/2001 S10 00 ", 104698-APCA 1'1.- CHARLES EDWARD BARTO CHARI ,5 BARTO 140730 03116.':2001 SI0.00 !'!: 104699-APCA 11.- PHILIP INGRAM lQQlS" 03:16/:1VOI S1000 ~ 1 047DO-AP(' A I1s ~UVENtLE COUNTY 03/1612001 S20 00 ll~ CRIME 03/16/2001 S9000 "1~ 104701-A'<'CA - ,., .... ,,~,,~ M~ DOUGLAS CLINNARD CAROL LUCE BURKE OWENS E~W~P.D "'H!' !L-> ~:;:,(Mot-JD \;FSHIJR COUNTY JUVE:NTLE ..u ~~=~L~ CuvNTY NO F'u;-..O ,*,~HUR WEYMO~D COtJNTV INGRAM "PSHVR COUNTY ., f 'i' • • • • _ _ 11;• • Cb.,il 6~ _ ...40 Moun~s ~.cOTds on 11st.ft ( c', f ~ .AIOd30 '.AS " 'XI "AIVIJ:' :1r. ... SdO ~ '10:'1 Ud Of: IIVW 10 ;1(J3 -:.. . ~,1J'; ::,'; I·:S './ {3:J 113"li3 ~-.,...,...........,.,,-.""-- .. ('"--......-.~--"'"""'"' c \. to ~ ~ UPSHUR COUNTY THE SOFTWARE GROUP. U R Y INC S ~ ------------------------------------------------.----------------------20 M4Ir 2001 L E C T ION 5 Y 5 T E M ,JAN-'J! ';RAND J\.,RY l.IST 3/16/01 C_eck Regl.tor for 03/20101 PAGE ------------------------ - ----------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------Check Nu .. ber Tlth Na .... Juror 10 C"eC:k Nant. Check Dah Al1Iount .. 104702-APCA-VOID M. 104703-APCA-VOID M. 104704-APCA Mr NORTON l.OVELL NORTON LOVELL 145'1:53 03/20/2001 S1000 104705-APCA Mr MARK TODD CLIFTON MAF~ 174577 03/20/2001 104706-APCA Mr lARRY ALAN COWAN LAAf'Y ALAN COWAN 159885 104707-APCA Mi VIRGINIA STARNES FRANKLIN vIRGINIA STAR~.ES FRANKLIN 163882 104708-APCA M, MARK DAVID SKINNER MARl'- r,AVID SKINNER , KE~T TODD CLIFTON ABERNATHY 03/20/2001 SO 00 VOlded 03120/2001 SO 00 \/o,ded CQurt S10.00 ::: ~CN , 03/2012001 S10.00 115 03/20/2001 $10.00 11' 03/20/2001 $10 00 11' 1:54139 03/2012001 $10 00 11' 176114 03/20/2001 $10.00 11:5 8086 03120/2001 $10.00 11:5 15854:5 10471 O-APCA Ms b.'.RBARA FLUELLEN 1l.\R:'AP;' FLUELLEN 104711-APCA Mr DP.RRELL G MCKNIGHT ~~~~L~ 104712-APCA Ms MARIE MARTIN MARte. MARTIN 1442 03/20/2001 $1000 11:5 104713-APCA Ms LORRAINE BLALOCK CLARK '_J:;'lA:'JE 61.. ....LOC" CLARK 209600 0312012001 $1000 11:5 104714-APCA M, GILBERT ALBERT KALINEC GILSE'lT 147489 03/20/2001 .10.00 11:5 KALINEC _.---- " f ~ KFNT M Al.aER~ ( 11' Mr G MCKNIGHT 0 11~ ~ 104709-APCA ABERNATHY M Ck Status -------< \. $110.00 Check AMounh 13 r.cord. llst.d " (' Mnd3Q 'A9 'Xl '}'H'n~~ <:nHSc!n '10 :'1 We! O£ 8VW 10 '.jd=. . 1,10;) 'liVHS " ;{3H 031/:1 l , V~PG 10Q INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF UPSHUR Whereas, the County of Upshur, Texas, hereinafter called "County" and the City of East Mountain, Texas, hereinafter called "City", desire to enter into an agreement concerning road work inside of city limIts: and Whereas, V.T.C.A. Government Code Chapter 791 provides authorization for Interlocal Cooperation Contracts; NOW, THEREFORE, THIS AGREEMENT is hereby made and entered into by the County and City for the mutual consideration stated herein. WITNESSETH: I. The effective date of this agreement shall be the same date the last of the two parties accepts the agreement. II. thIS agreement shall end upon completJon of the work or one year from the effective date of this agreement, whIchever shall come first. III. For the purposes and consideration stated and contemplated, the County shall provide road work equipment in the city limits of East Mountain. East Mountain will supply materials and also the police and fire service in the local outlaying areas when necessary. this win be decided by the Upshur County Sheriff. Fire service as needed for assistance to other departments. The use of East Mountain Community Center every Wednesday from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. for or by Justice of Peace Precinct # I for court use. IV. The objective of this agreement is for the County to assist the City with road maintenance within the City limits. V. The City agrees to indemnify and save harmless the County from any liability of damages the County may suffer as a result of claims, demands, costs of judgments against the County arising out of the performance of the services under this agreement or arising from any accident, injury or damage whatsoever, to any person or persons, or to the property of any person(s) or corporation(s) occurring during the performance of this ah'feement, except for any hability or damages caused by the negJtgence of the County, its agents, officers and/or employees. VII. This agreement represents the entire agreement between the County and the City and supersedes all prior agreements either written or oral. This agreement may be amended only by written instrument signed by the county and the CIty. VIII. The validity of this agreement and of any of its terms or provi!>ions, as well as the rights and duties of the parties hereto, shall be governed by the laws of the State of Texas. IX. In the event that any portion of this agreement shall be found to be contrary to law, it is the intent of the parties hereto that the remaining portions shall remain valid and in full force and effect to the extent possible. X. The County shall have the right to perform the work at a time of its choosing or not to perform the work at all If otherwise obligated by its own work. The City shall have the nght to prevent the work from being done If they determine that they want the work done by someone other than the County VOL .$[. PG 1\()·7 XI. The undersigned officers of the partIes hereto are the properly authorized officials and have the necessary authonty to execute this agreement if the agreement is approved by the elected governing bodies of the respective parties in open meetings, properly called under the Texas Open Meeting Act. of EXECUTED m duplicate originals by the County of Upshur on the _ _ _ day ,2001. ~ 1 i COUNTY OF UPSHUR CITY OF EAST MOUNTAIN County Judge, Charles Still Mayor, Edith Wilson Beisch Commissioner Pct # 1, Joe Orms Councilman, Eugene Brown CommIssioner Pct # 2, Tommy Stanley Councilman, Neal Coulter Commissioner Pct # 3, Rick Jackson Councilman, Ronnie Neal Commissioner Pct # 4. Russell Green Councilman, Charles Medlin APPROVED by the East Mountain City Council on the _ _ _ _ _day of _ _ _ _ _ _ _.....J,2ool. ." --<. - Cl c:: '":t:" ~ (/'I ~ r. ;. "r?c: "0 .... C Cl - --0 -I 0 ~ 0 fTl c,.) ~ ,.: ::s: s:: ("') ::::l:;t:l :::rn --:.,.'!-., -:--p t;J ,.:. .J' .1:-:;;: -:1:. -:. :;:: (J1 .f 1 ,I 1 • ------------------------------------,--------------------~- ------------ ---- ------~ i VOL,~---· Brevard Architects March 15,2001 Gary Kyser Unite ator Services 2126 113th S .. ,,~___ RE New elevator for the Upshur County Courthouse Dear Gary, The Commissioner's Court agreed to the terms of your proposal and have signed the contract. The contract IS enclosed for your signature. Please return the original document to this office for filing in the County Clerk's office. Please begin work Immediately The first order of bUSiness IS for you to send us certificates of your Insurance 'think It would be helpful if you could prepare a schedule of values for the vanous stages of the project by which we may gauge the percentage of completIon for payments Please call If you have any questions. Sincerely, BREVARD ARCHITECTS ~~~,f Brent Brevard architect cc. County Judge Charles Sbli CD c: -< "tl 0 :x ::>0 (t) :i: ~ "tl c: ..... -< 217A W •• t Tyler Str •• t GU",.r. T..... 15&44 (..) n 0:::0 :::;:1"T1 ::lx~ c- o ~ ..... :x '--1-0 0 -, c:' 0 ,.,., :::0 ;< ..... >< -0 - -::>Or • .I(F"'n -::: ;;?~ U1 --- ,f ! !\ lPNITEDe=1 , ELEVATORJ 2126 I I.l,h 'mCCI, Cr.and Prairie, I X 7')OSf) 1<1 (<)72) 988·1064 bx (<)72) 98H· 140 I March 20, 2001 Brent Brevard Brevard Architects 217A West Tyler Street Gilmer, TX 75644 RE: New Elevator Installation Contract Upshur County Courthouse Dear Brent, We thank you for this order and allowing us the opportunity to do business with the County. Enclosed is a signed copy of our contract with the County dated March 9, 2001, along with our insurance certificate(s). We ask that the County forward a copy of the tax-exempt certificate for our flies. We wish to clanfy the following: Payment Terms a) Ten percent (10%) of the price shall be paid after we have completed processing your equipment requirements If any and orders are placed The balance shall be paid by monthly progress payments, based on the value of any eqUipment ready or delivered if any and labor performed through the end of the month, less a five percent (5%) retalOage and the aggregate of previOuS payments, The retain age shall be paid when the work is completed' b) We reserve the [Ighl to discontinue our work at any time until payments shall have been made as agreed and we have assurance satisfactory to us that Subsequent payments Will be made when due: We are proud to be a member of your team. Sincerely, United Elevator Services Company ~ Bob Fox General Manager tp c:: 0 -< "'J en ::r. :0;t: I 0 (TI -0 c: -I -< c ::;0 c 0 L -0 -l '=>;:o -=n w --:~(~ - '-:r - -,' :-< f:" -t :x C") 0 Ul ·J"·r ;u,~ ' ;j?:: ...... -... ."' AR. 21. 2001- 3: 08PM IJCORD_ CERTIFICATE NO. 1911'-,P. 2/2 OF LIABILITY INSURANC~~Ti%E PItOC)UCER MICOR Insurance Brokers. Inc. 2025 CateYay place '119 San JOBe CA 95110 Phone: 408-453-8222 Fax:408-453-B225 . It-ISlJ~CO ------_. ""~!~~o;;l TtllS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER ~.lN.ORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AMEND. EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERACE AFFORDED BY THE POUCIES aELow. INSURERS AFFORDING COVERAGE .. l"'sv~eRA - .. """"r>.c~ E~ity Insurance -_.-,. ~~a .INSVRERC INSURER 0 ¥nited Elevatora Inc. 126 113th Stree t ~~and Pra~r1e, T.X 75050 . t~"'URES{' -- '-'-- ---.. COVERAGES TrtE POLICIES OF INSUAANCE LISTED BELOW HAIlE SEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POliCY PERIOD INDICATED NO'TWITIiSTANOING ANY ~EQUIREMENT. TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHEII DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS ceRTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES OESCRleED HEItEIN IS SUBJECT TO AlL THE TERMS. EXCLUSIONS AND CON01TIONS Of' SUCH POLICIES AGGREGATE uMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID Cl.<JMS - ~s.r L.llfl I A TYPE OF IrfSURANCE - ,Qt.IC"!' NIJMI!lEIll -- POLn:j<'g:s,,~, . . OAlif(MMlOOIY'T} 'u. ,,~ •• ~, ••too" DATE IMMlOOI'lVI aE_N~ 1. 1... 911.11V r::!:h....... • -.------.- - . LIMITS <OC" OCCURRENCE O'"CENER.L.U.9ILITY f--~ e.....''"5''"'"'' ~ OCCUR 02/01/00 ACC0901933 01/01/03 __ I S.l ~1~!OAMAGE(M'f'OIl~r.,.,) ~~!on'~l1o") 55,000 11 000 DOll PCRS""",c&-'OVINJURV f----- GENERAl. AOGREGATE • 2 ,000 ,DOD ~oOuc,.s ·COMPIOP ACG AUTOM06II.E 1.1A81UTV f~_ C~8INEO ; 1 AIIIV A.'JTO r---.e00t1. I"4JIJR'f f- 'f SCMEOU\..EO AuTOS - - .. '-- • (per aoeodut) __._---- • IS BOOL.VI-.JVRY ",,".QWNED AVTOS ._. I (Per~:)I'I) MIREOAUl05 1 Included. , SINGLE LIMIT fE~~a.nC ALL OWNEO A\lTO. (.000, O~O I' 50,000 PROPERTV' !)AMACIi - . - 1 (per .CCo(lrflf1 _AUT_~_ONlV E.~:)E~.. ~.------_t OTHER'O-IAN AUTOONL.'t n ~CfSS hH ~~~RRENeE. 1.W!IUTV 0 ooeuR OEllUCllllLE RETEI(!1()N e.....s MADE "GG~EGATE ~- S , s --.----i 1 1---------+:' ---- .- . • - - .. - - - - - t - - - - - - i , WOIltKtRS CO~PIENSAlION AND E~P ..OyEftS eAPX ~ I 'l.LA81L.ITY TO"";"';. • -- J""EAJ . e L. EACH ACCIOENT S ~~EAs~ ••eAe,..PL.OY!E , • L O1SEASE· POLICY U~S cm<EIO = D£&CIltI'T'tON Of 0fIfRA,T1OHSI\.OCAl,OHSNE"ICI.ESlEJtCLI.I$IO"' ADDED I ' fI'C)OfUEMENTISPEC\t.1. PRQV1SIONI Re: Contract MD-100971 iN I A••fTIClNAL INSU"ED.IIISUtI•• LITTI" CERTIFICATE HOLDER UPSHtmC CANCELLAnON SHOULO AMY or;. TWE MOVE OUC"teeD '<)UCIES BE c:ANtn.l.iO IEFOIIi TH( CJl:PIR,Afl()tol DATe 'fH£R£OF, THe ISSUING INSURER: WIU. ENDeAvOR TO MAIl. Upshur County Purchasing D~' t H1ghway 154 West Courthouse Bu~ld1ng Gl.lmer TX 75644 ACORD u.s (7/971 llll'OSE NO OBuaATION Oft I.IABILITY OF N''t I(INO U~ l1-tIlHSUREft Il$ AGeNTS OR REP'RESENTAnve.s ~ACORD MAR 21 '01 16:19 \ J:L DATS 'MUTTVI NOTICE TO THe CERT~CAT£ HOlO!R NAMED TO TME L.EJT, IUT F-'I.URE TO DO so SHALL CORPORATION 1988 PAGE. 02 .., Marsh USA Inc r,~/\RSH 3/22101 10:30 PAGE 212 RightFAX USA INC. PROOUCER CUl1FtCATE NUIBER -..,.,..... _' ''*"~'''''~~~~''''~,-=:-::===:-:::==:-:-::-:-::-:-:=:-:::c-===~-,:,:N""Y=C".oooa===,,83:::::992=::'()o'''-f THIS C£RTFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MAmR OF INFQRMAnew OILY MO CONFER. MO RIGKTlUPOM THE: CERlIFlCATE KQ..D[R OlMU THAN 'tHOU: "ow)EO" lMI. JANICE GORE (BeO)1:z3.67Se MARSH USA INC ONE STATE STREET HARTFORO, CT 08103 ..aLlCY THIS CUTFICATE DO£l NOT AMEND, EXlIMD OR AI. 1£R THE: COYUME ltI'ORDED _lHE POLICE. DESCRIBED HEREIN COMPANIES AFFORDINO COVE"AOE C'OI1PINY 1545Q.GRPRA- A HARTFORO FIRE INSURANCE CO "allI[O COIIIO"" U~!lTEO ELEVATOR SERVICES COMPANY 2126113TH STREET GRANO PRAIRIE, lX 1S050 COIIIO"" a INSURANCE CO STATE OF PA C AMERICAN HOME ASSURANCE CO COIoPINY D COVERAGES THIS IS TO CE~TIFY THAT POJOES a: NC1'WT\-4S'1'NONG NN qEQJIREMENT co Gl CONOI'1'\Q.I rs NN CCN'TIlICT tR. OT\-4ER DOOJMENTW1\o4 REs»ECfTO~I~ l\-E CffiTl-FlCA'TE lItIff Be IBlEO CR "'Iff POUQEsoeS:RJlED ..ce..aN 18 aaECTTO III THE ~OfT10N8M10 exQ.USONS 0: 8.JQoI POUOES LlMlT88-4OM1 T'E_~ TeW. ,auCYNU ••• TYPE OF INIURANCE 'OlICYEFFECTIVE 'Cl.1C"t n'",ATtON DAU ...roOm) DAU".IDDm) GENERAL UUllllY LnUT. GENERAL I(;GREGATE ~OOUCTS· PE~SJNIt O:1CSETlOOOOE (AO) 02CSET1000JE (lX) A 21..... I""SJRNoICE DeSCRieS) MElltaN HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSJR:!:O NJMED ,",EREIN FOR THE Pa.ICV PERIOD I"'lDlCATEO PERTAIN Tl-4E IN:JJ-':ANCE JrFCROEO BV fl.IE MAV HA"¥IE 1£910 -':ECUCEO aVPAlo Q.AI¥S ,'111 NATIONAL UNION FIRE INS CO Th,steltificall> 8IJp'''''de&8hdJtPl,yes an1 PfevIQijo;lYJ6$U~d cabfl(:3!e I\)r Ute;." ,cJ >",,0<1 rmod c<lOW 01101100 01101103 01101100 01101/03 01101100 01101103 02CSET10019E (HI) 01101100 HARTFORO UNOERMITERS INS 01101103 HARTFORD CASUALTY INS CO O:1CSET10002E (MA) HARTFORO ACC & INO INS CO co..!PIC)P Aoo & AJvtN..IJItV $ $ $ $ $ $ ccr.,t8lNFO 9NGI. f LIMIT S BOOILV N.1JA.V S (P., pootml to-_ BOQIl v IN.u~V 1,000,000 $ PROPERlY DNIAGE S JiUTOON~V S ·eAACODewr orHER TIo4.-,N KlTOCIN. V EAO-IICODENT S AOO~EQATf e~ CICOJR'tEN(E AGGREGATE 8 3569311" (AO) C 0 3569315 ,(CAl 3569353 ,(FL NJ NV NY OR) TWI) 04101100 004101100 004101100 04101100 0 1W01/03 1W01I03 1W01I03 1,000,000 DS:AS:.pQtCVU~IT S ELOSOt.SE4'JC>IE""'<mE S El 1,000,000 1,000,000 "AND SUBSEQUENT POLICY NUMBERS ASSIGNEOWITHIN THIS TERM IWOl/03 DuatPTlO1II CF Qt£RAT1ONIILOCATtONINEHICLfIlIl'EM-ITE ......ITI.AY. "'UCT TO D(DUCTla.U OR R£TUnOJllI) CONTRACT NO 0·100971 RE UPSHUR COUNTY COURTHOUSE, GILMER, lX UPSHUR COUNTY PURCHASING DEPT HWf 1504 WEST GILMER, lX 15844 aG.l.O J.tIt~,... PCLIOIIOlICI'_O toe .., .. II (».ttea.lfO ""oq TIoE 'M! .....,.ell N'l'OIIOINO C!OWU« \ilL! I!ICII!NCIJIi TO WIll .-aD ~..... _rmH NOTICI (II,,",o,TI NQ..Df. MII.tf7 TO THI! * ..D ".flN.1UI" IIAlLta. fO..,... aJCHNOTJCII ..... l...a. HOC*lo-Tlo.QIiI: UMLrn'OI ""''''lID \IICIN?HI! •...,..e."'OItDlHOOCM:...aI fT,AQI!NfIOll llI....e."'A'.,IE. All" UIAIiC. .. JIm. T Haggettv I1FiR 22 '01 09:44 !)QNU,"'OM~Tt Marsh l!lA Inc VOLa:,P~!: U Texas Department of Transportation 701 E MAIN· ATLANTA, TEXAS 75551-2418 • (903) 796-2851 February 28, 2001 Upshur County FM 1649: At Gum Creek ROW CSJ 1382-04-010 8019-2-001 Honorable Charles Still Upshur County Courthouse P.O. Box 790 Gilmer, Texas 75644 Dear Judge Still: As per our recent conversation, it is my understanding that Upshur County desires that the State assume the acquIsItion responsibility on the above project. We are enclosIng an Agreement to Contnbute Funds and supportIng Resolution to be executed by the County. The estImated portion of the County's cost on the project is $5,420.00. At thIS hme we are requesting a payment of $2,547.00 As you are aware, we have applied to have the county's 10% local match reduced through the Economically Disadvantaged County Program The Texas Highway CommissIon's May 25 lh meetIng will consider the application. Please furnish this office with the onginal signed Agreement and Rcsolution along with two signed copies of each. The County's warrant payable to the Texas Department of Transportation In the amount of $2,54700 should be transmitted to us along with the Agreement and Resolution. We will send you a copy of the Agreement after It has been fully executed. Your cooperatIOn In thiS highway improvement IS appreciated. SIncerely, C' c-: Aif \ ~ \ \.0 ~-t ~ 7:': Q.,jr; ~ '>-<tlv\' e... Dan C. Weathersby S ~ District R.O.W. Administ r' DCW:kf Enclosures An Equ.' Opportumty Employer \, o -u 0 U1 -:> .2~ _,'I ',/ - --0) -,.- i ,1' -n,. -,.:- i Agreement to Contribute Funds VOL.§[ PG 41,3 (County Fonn) THE STATE OF TEXAS ) ) COUNTY OF TRAVIS } Contract No ______________________ County Upshur Federal Project No NIA CSJ No 1382_°4-'-°~IO£L.----ROW Account No _---'8,.,,0'-'-1""9-"'0"'2-"'0"'0... 1 _ __ 11usAgrcement by and betv.ecn the State of Texas, actIng by and through the Texas Department of Transportabon, hereinafter called the State, and Upshur County, Texas, actIng by and through Its duly authonzed offiCials under ComrmSSloners Court Order dated the _ _ day of , 200 I, heremaftcr called the County, shall be effectlVl! on the date a/approval and execution by and on behalfo/the Stale WHEREAS, the State has prcvlOusly requested the County to enter mto a contractual agreement and acqwre right of"ay for a highway project on Highway No FM 1649 With the followmg project luruts • At GumCreek P3\mcnt of$2 54700 of the County's 10% local match of $5,420,00 pendmg approval/disapproval bv the Texas Hlghwav Commission pfthe County's application to have Its local match reduced WHEREAS, tlle County has now requested that the State assume responsibility for acqUISItion of all necessary nght of "ay for saJd Iughway proJect, and WHEREAS, the County deSires to voluntanly contnbute to the State funds equal to 4 7% of the cost of the said nght of\\ay for the proper development and construction of the State Highway System, NOW, THEREFORE, In consideration of the foregomg premises and the mutual benefits to be derived therefrom, the County shall contribute to the State an amount equal to 4 7% of the cost of the nght of way to be acqUired by the State and shall transmit to the State With the return of t1us agreement, duly executed by the County, a warrant or check payable to the Texas Department of Transportation m the amount of Two Thousalld Five Hundred FortyS.cven and No/lOO ------------------ Dollars ($ 2.547 00), which represents 47% of the eStimated cost of the nght of "ay However, If 11 IS found that thiS amount IS msufficlent to pay the County's obhgatlon, then the County, upon request of the State, Will forth"1th supplement thiS amount 10 such amount as requested by the State Upon completion of the hlgh\\ay project and 10 the event the total amount as paJd by the County IS more than 4 7% of the actual cost of the nght of \\ay, any excess amount "111 be returned to the County by the State Cost of the nght of way acqwred by the State shall mean the total value of compensation paJd to owners, mcludmg but not luruted to utJbty owners, for their property mtcrests tither through negotJatJons or emment domam proceedmgs _ _ _ _U"""'ps""h"'ur'--_ _ _ _ _ _ _ County, Texas EXECUTION RECOMMENDED' THE STATE OF TEXAS C.rut1od as bomg CllC<\llod ror lbe JlIIIPOI" and .ll'ccI of adlvalJng and'or <IITYlII& out the onIcn, OIIabhshod pol...... .. work _ _Core _ _ and ttIIIhanzotI by1be T.... _ Tt'OIIIpOI1ah C -... 0nW _ _... _ __ _ undor1be auIbarity of'M_ BY __~~~~~~~---------- DInda< oflbgta of'Way DM _________________________ 1 VOl~PG.Aili- - RESOLUTION NO. _ __ A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE UPSHUR COUNTY JUDGE TO EXECUTE FOR AND ON BEHALF OF UPSHUR COUNTY, TEXAS, AN AGREEMENT TO CONTRIBUTE FUNDS TO THE STATE FOR PROPER DEVELOPMENT AND CONSTRUCTION OF THE STATE HlGHWAY SYSTEM WHEREAS, the Texas Department of Transportation has approved a project for FM 1649 at Gum Creek WHEREAS, the State has requested the County to enter into Contractual Agreements and acquire right of way on the above referenced project; and WHEREAS, the County has now requested that the State assume responsibility for acquisition of all necessary right of way; and WHEREAS, the County desires to voluntarily contribute to the State funds equal to 4.7% ofthe cost of the right of way for the proper development and construction of the State Highway System, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMISSIONERS' COURT OF UPSHUR COUNTY: Section 1: That the County Judge of Upshur County be authorized to execute for and on behalf of Upshur County the Agreement to Contribute Funds with the State to cover right of way acquisition, and the County Clerk is directed to attest this agreement with the State and to affix the seal of Upshur County thereto. Section 2: It is further resolved that the County Judge is authorized to execute on behalf of Upshur County any supplemental agreements or further modifications to the above referenced agreement. Section 3: That a copy of said agreement is attached hereto and made a part hereof as if fully set out herein. Section 4: That this resolution shall become effective immediately upon passage and approval. MOTION made by Commissioner ---IRl.IJlJLi:\S,iLSEIIOWJ....~GREIloIOiIEHOD-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ and SECONDED by Commissioner JOE ORMS ,2001. PASSED AND APPROVED this ...l!rmday Of-,KAR=C:::R~.L-_ _' 2001. . UPSHUR COUNTY COMMISSIONERS' COURT: COUNTY JUDGE ATTEST: ~. ,.<..&~<, s .) C01YCLERK, UPSHUR COUNTY ---~-- - VOL.,:{f PG~ The Capllol Au,lm. Tex •• 78711·2068 512-463·0001 • FdX 512·936·6700 BILL RATLIFF Lieutenant Governor of Texas Slale Senalor President of the Senate D.SlnCI I March 1,2001 The Honorable Charles L. Still Upshur County Judge P. O. Box 790 Gilmer, Texas 75644 Dear Judge Stll\: Thank you for your recent letter expressmg your support for the Courthouse Preservation Program. I apprecIate knowing of your position on this matter. A~ IS usually the case, we go into the upcoming budget preparation with many worthy causes competmg for hmited funds. We will do our best to allocate these funds to the highest priority needs. Please be sure that 1 will remember your support for this program when these appropriation deCISIons arc made. Yours very truly, ~~ LIeutenant Govemo WRRlvf C:J -< ~~ c 0 :;: .~ -: SO . (,.) "V Vl : .' , c- c 0 I"l -,:, c: -I -< --:< -I ?< ::r: 0 -0 :;!: n .::J:;n '=r<1 ....... ~ . _I'" ~-r'\ ::':~r _~ __ c:: u't"'1 .' of." ,I" ..,~. J~ (:) "'" CJ1 ! ~ _ ~ ~ ~ _ VOL~5f __ _____ _ _ _ _ 0_--. _ _ - PG-!lle.. Dear Parks and Recreation Provider. I am sure that many of you are aware that Texas Parks and Wildlife provides funding assistance for outdoor recreation facilities through the Texas Recreation and Parks Account grant program. In recent ~ the deJ.nand for these funds has dramatically increased, as has the competition for these limited resources. I have heard from a number of you in smaller Texas communities that this keen competition is a source of frustration to you when your local need is just for a smaIl amount of money to provide one or two basic recreation facilities. CO""""ISSIONEA$ L£I[ M B ... s,; CI-I"'IR"""'N ,,"T WORYI-I C ... ROl I[ OINIUNS VIU C ...... IR i"40U!>YON We are pleased to introduce a pilot grant program to hopefully address the needs you have to provide basic recreation opportunities for your citizens. We are calling this program the Texas Recreation and Parks Account Small Grants Program. Here are a few of the details: M!DL"'NO FT WO~TI-I AICH"'''O IOICIO.) I"4t ... TI-I What: Small grants not to exceed $50,000 in matching funds (50%) for the development of public outdoor recreation facilities. Total funds available for this pilot program are $500,000. M ... RIO. IE W ... TSON JR S ... N ANTONIO Who: Local governments (cities, counties and certain others) of a total population of 50,000 or less that can provide a 50% match. C,..,... /ltIou.", E ..., HI7I)S Fl WOJU ... When: Application deadline is April 15, 2001 with grant awards in August. ANORtW 5 ... NSO"" E"EcuTIII~ 0";11 (..lOA To request an application packet or ask questions about this program: (,'i.,,· n'elI/A·., I;,,. tl,,· , ""III"I"Ie. '... " I t~ . Call: (512) 912-7124 E-mail: rec.grants@tpwd.state.tx.us Write: Texas Parks and Wildlife Recreation Grants Branch 4200 Smith School Road Austin, TX 78744 You can also obtain more information and download application materials from the TPW web site at tpwd.state.tx.us/park/grants. Click on the button labeled C§maIl Grants". If you think this pilot program may meet your needs we look forw~ t~~ fr~ou. Lone Star l.e!(acy -- (,1" /,1 I/It f /",,,,11 V 1'1,1,." 11/, 1/1 IWI.' /""111 \},1I ~ U) . Cl co C 1"'1 -0 C ..... Tun Hogsen -< Director, Recreation Grants 4200 S,""TH SCHOOL RO .... D AUSTIN TEX .... S 78744 3201 5123894&00 III /I/l/lI,I..!., ,1/1(/. UII\~ III' fIJ, fUlllllal tl/ld ,II/I/lr,,1 rf \III/fl IH( IJlul t "In) IIJIII} \ II//nl" IJf JII/" /IIll1n 1,'1 t \ oj 'I III 1111/nl/\ \0' /'" f,', S.." ~ ::: ..:::rn "'J;'< -'1 ">r M ~::: ,~:.:;: ;< ~ :=.0.:'. -'I <::) ......... .,.: U1 ----- r r , I , ! I!l TDH 11(,'(A) ~ f, I.ltJ>AJlII.U<NTOtIIMLTIi f Texas Department of Health f I h"p:llwww.ldh.Slal~.tx.us Charles Hell. M D hc,ullH [)cpuly CommIsSIoner 1100 Wesl491h SUeel Au'lin. Texas 78756-3199 SIll .''''111 Date: March 26,2001 To: Mr. Gerald Johnson, Indigent Health Director From: Joe Walton Office of Policy and Planning Texas Department of Health Rc: Tobacco Settlement Expenditure Statemcnt This is lin acknowlcdgcmcnt that thc Texas Department of Health hilS receivcd your expenditure stlltement within the required delldline for the next pro rala distribution of Tobacco Settlement Proceeds. The distribution will occur in April 2001. You may contact me at 512-458-7261 or e-mail at joe.walton@tdh.state.tx.us with any questions concerning the distribution. CD -< \ ~ An Equal Employment Opportunity Employer c:: ""!:!! C 0 :;:!: ~ :::0 W 0 c' c: --I ;< --I ><: -0 ::: C') a:;:; . c:::r:1 ~ ~~ ~-!_., :::"""F'' ': .,..1 1M C -::1; (O'1~ -:. -::J:::-.. -.0 ~, Ul --- '" YOL~PG ~\~ ~I_~', Pro Rata Tobacco Settlement Distribution County Expenditure Statement - 2001 ~ s? ~ \"C> ~/ The deadline for submission of this form to the Texas Department of Health is March 3 2001. target date for payment by the Comptroller of Public Accounts to the political subdivisionS, this information, is April 30, 2001. :),~ based£ . The mformation submitted on this form is subject to audit by the State of Texas. If ineligible expenditures are identified through an audit following payment to a subdivision, the ineligible amount may be deducted from the subsequent year's payment to that subdiVision, in addition to a penalty assessment. This is to certify that the above expenditures are eligible for pro rata payment in accordance with the Agreement Regarding Disposition of Settlement Proceeds between the State of Texas and American Tobacco Company, et al. Name of County' UPSHUR COUNTY Name of Certifying Officer: Gerald Johnson Certifymg Officer's Title: Health Director Certlfymg Officer's Signature: Signature Date 1-3-01 one Number. (gO] 843-4022 TDH must receive your completed expenditure statement by mail. personal delivery, fax, or electronic mail by 5:00 p.m., March 31, 2001. No later than 5:00 p.m.. April 7. 2001, TDH must receille your original expenditure statement, even ifyou have previotASly submitted a copy of the statement by fax or electronic mail. To be considered valid, any copy of the statement submitted by fax or electronic mail must be an exact facsimile of the original statement. Submit your expenditure statement to the following address: Texas Department of Health Office of Policy and Planning Attn: Joe Walton 1100 W. 49th Street Austin, Texas 78756-3199 You may direct any questions to Mr. Walton at the above address or by telephone, fax, or e-manas follows: Tel.: (512) 458-726\ FaJ: (512) 458-7344 E-mail: ioe.w~~dh.!tJte.tl.us '"< ~:l: ] Page 3 ors o I "1 -0 c:: ..... -< j \ ..... ;-- :t.=0 ,'~ ~ :. ~ -:<..z::- ", :)-.... "r. =~~:! r- ~ f~n, : : c: -'."1-.. -i" . 0 .'.' .>< (J1 ,I r VOL~PG ~/9 PRO RATA TOBACCO SETTLEMENT DISTRIBUTION COUNTY EXPENDITURE STATEMENT - 2001 NameofCoun~: ____~UP~S~BU~R~C=O=UNTY~~__________________________________ Provide the calendar year 2000 unreimbursed health care expenditures for your county within the categories designated below. The Agreement Regarding Disposition of Settlement Proceeds states that these expenditures shall be calculated as follows for pro rata distributions made in 2000 and subsequent years: "The total annual unreimbursed health care expenditures for a county not wholly located within a hospital district are defined as all unreimbursed amounts, including unreimbursed jail health care, expended by such county for health care services to the general public during that year plus 15% of the total ... Allowable Expenditure Categories A. County indigent health care services: S 96,458.23 B. IUnreimbursed jail health care: S 103,142.86 C. 2Additional unreimbursed personal health care services provided to the general public: S NONE D. lOther allowable expenditures: S NONE Total allowable expenditures: (Expenditure categories A + B + C + D) S 199,601.09 X 1.15- S 229,541.25 (Amount claimed by coun~ for p'o ,ala distribution in 2001) Rev ised 11-17-00 Page I of 5 ,. VOL.:([ PG 'jaQ ATIACHMENT - COUNTY EXPENDITURE STATEMENT - 2001 (Base numben for expenditure category C. on page 1) On the appropriate line below, enter the base numbers for your county's unreimbursed category C. expenditures during calendar year 2000. The total amount that you enter on this attachment should equal the amount that you entered for category C. on page one (1) of the expenditure statement. Any unreimbursed expenditures tha: you made from a trust fund or reserve account for the provision of health care services may also be included below. (1) Health care clinic, laboratory, and case management services $ $ 6,785.00 (3) Outreach and prevention efforts related to tobacco use, including but not limited to media campaigns, education, counseling, and production $ and distribution of promotional literature (4) Other health care outreach and prevention efforts, including but not limited to media campaigns, education, counseling, and production and $ distnbution of promotional literature. Typical target areas for these efforts include health hazards affecting the general public. (5) Medical transportation $ (6) BehavIOral or psychiatric health care services $ (7) Capital expenditures for health care services $ (8) Overhead costs for a health care facility $ (9) Emergency medical services $ (10) Medical supplies or equipment used for the provision of health care $ services to the general public ReVised 11·17-00 Page 4 ofS i • VOL5I" PG ~~l AITACHMENT - COUNTY EXPENDITURE STATEMENT - 2001 (continued) (11) Other services provided by the county which are also within the scope of services that hospital districts are authorized by law to provide. These will typically be diagnostic and treatment services. (Describe below.) $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ PageS ofS • ~ YEAR 2.0CO . • ....... 1.1. Doctor Pharmacy X-ray/lab ER Inpatient Outpatient Eliq. Wkr. II AP" ~u "·10..1. 3 4 3.SIo lI~.)I , 1:\1<;"1, I.\~\. 2. A 19 1,\90'11 ,?I" \f6 Mo;.'&1:1 +Vl\ 't~ 1..1.45'21 \ ,1." '5 .<11II 0 "'1.51. Ie IoS\j·!.. S '2n <\- \ 3l.t'5. '31 2.,\otl? ~~ May 2.tc Sl ..!un 1~.~+ ..!U.l ">4 <;'i ~ep~ Aua 3S Iqlc'l.'\1 '2.,,,, uc~ 99 91. 1\ \ \ J 2.S.)~ ~1j.\.33 c :U.. Ol ,~ ::I.e; ~.61 l-.Ioe 'Lot % '2, r,.,ct ()~ 2..,\001.. lqS~ :'l\. tie 2..10 c~ el..~o 'l..,.~ Q'2- OG 1~1;2.~~ '3 '2.~~--" 2..<;;'<.1.\01 2.,,,, ClQ. i4 '11. ... '+J. 'l. 'Z. "\l ..~q lO,n.) cc '3110 1-.I.C1. 00 :.t.Cl.. ~c. ~;>l Year Tota_ 1 Dec ?> 'B 1;:: I~.C'). '2. '" e.l. NOV 1 C 1'1. I'i. 7. 0;1 ~* CIRC TOTAL: 13') '\ ~ l. <19. r; S 2,l.e'Z..Ot 2,,0:1. 01\ i I 811.&10 I 71,1.1.-4.00 ~ '1\0, If 0:; g. 2. '3 UNREIMBURSED PURCHASED MEDICAL SERVICES (JAIL) Type of S - -- . I UNREIMBURSED PURCHASED MEDICAL SERVICES (C.I.H.C.) Type of S [ UPSHUR COUNTY '. --_ ..... r",,, uau Dr/Nurse Pharmacy Ambulance Dental Xray/lab ER \1 ~2.:yr '2.,'3n. ~~ '7"5 M \,'''~.>f<; "3 Cl'5Q 1'< Mar '2"i tIC :1-,5'11.c~ 'Z, N<uo -,y., .'li ~}().M \,'1",0\ ~~A '65' APr I,oql. {) 1\ 1. 0 C"l. '\ ~ May Jun Auq Jul Sept Oct Nov Dec ',1..,". Year Total '2..0\a.~\ of '211. ..\(\ , il..3i'.o'+ ... ,1'11. :; 'I 'fe'll .1{,\ "tct..(,,~ ~I ~I%()S >1, '531..1:11.'2.0 1.2.12..1.3 "'},'l1'\·11 I of-.JC1 e~ '''I'lS.T~ '2. .)\. ~1 IA'1q,."M i "1.335.&10 ! l,Cc' "" ,&" 13 ~(\'l"'. "11:::. 5CC.~(\ t;<:O.C<I c.,o~.ec ~t;~.eo 'So e.~o "l.il.l(l·t>O t.I<fC.O C (", li.S". 0 () 131.>.1 ') 1,'>1-;. ~ 'S h ... 'gCl "fc.! e~ 1\ $".,2. ~~ I-+~. G\ L:~v... q ... 1 Inpat~ent [. Outpatient Tran~ort Jail Total: 1< \ o~, n~2. COMBINED TOTAL: 11 (CIHC £. Ja~l) m ~ ~ ~_y _. _____ ~_ ~_ --~- \qq, foc\.~9 -------------,,-..- >c ' ~ I· <a\;) _~~ _ I x _ "'"""' ... 1-~ ~."'" " .... "'~ ~..... ~ """.,,,_.. ! --""'""'"-' ~ I r MAR-22-2001 10:2S PM ARNOLD. CRIMES 903 734 VOL Plio.. ( POl ) 134 '2" Faa ( POl ) '734 ' ' ' ' 6769 P.02 6"f PG 4aa Oftlce 808ft' - • Mo. 1'IIn lfrt ARNOLD GRIMES ./wti'o: ohM Puce Pet , I Upshur County FM8858 at FM726 Glenwood Rt. 1, eo. 329 GiImu, Tuu 756U On this the 2 nd clay of January, 2001, I Arnold Grimes Justice of the Peace does hereby designate and appoint Lisa Money as clerk of the Justice Court of Precinct One, Upshur County, Texas. This designation will be effectlve on the 2 nd UdY of January 2001, and thereaf.ter until revoked. Said Clerk of the Justice Court shall have and exercise all powers and duties of the position as authorizes, established and prescribed by the Laws, Rules and Statutes, of the State of Texas. Designated and executed this 2 nd day of January 2001. J~~ Justice of the Peace Pct.1 Upshur County c: -0 VI 0 ::!: c: > :::0 :-::> C,.o) <:- 0 :r 0 c: ~ -' ;< -4 :>< ,I ". :x • c.n CJ ..:>:;:, :::n 'x :->;= "'" __IU;r.1 == ':J ,,',... ~:~ .;;.. -- -----~- I ZZ 01 1 Z: 11 p Vista Business Hachines ({(: .,Jtt,I'\'V P 0 5 TAG E (!) ~ ---------- 903-793-8282 tH 8 U\\" ~. \ E QUI P MEN T -~ \ Sates. Service. Supplies. Software 20 I 0 Moores Lane, SUIte 100 Texarkana, Texas 75503-4644 p.3 -~Y\oJl. 3 0 ~1J'kJ-~ Vista Business Machines ,1 '~- G?- R .."NCOIY.I'05I"U" Option Two - Direct Debit; Reset Debit o > -- .. ThIS fonn of debIt IS the quicke~1 way to obtain postale. To transfer funds from your checking account to yuur postage account, all you need to do is reset your meter. There IS no need to call ill advance to have the funds transferred. As an example. if you reset your meter for S300, as you reset the meier a tronsCer is Inlllated to withdraw $300 Crom your checki"g account This transCer can be performed 24 hours a day, 7 days a week including holidays. --...... .. . ~.-. ~-- __ Opti"" Three - !!irect D~;t 01/ Dem nd -- < 1 his form oC debit requires ~'IU~I Ih" "ele Dala Center al Franc rC(IIJCSI a funds transfer prior 10 rcsel 1 hIS must be dOli ransHellon. Funds WIll be made avaIlable WIthin 2 hours of Ihe request. All requests must be made during business hours, Monday through Fnday, 7 am unlll 5 pm CST. 1:o~ When your d,rect debIt accoullt has been set up, and if you have choscn the "Debit on Demand" op/lon, you may conlacl the ACII department one 01 two ways to Cransfer the funds Into your postage account. t~, ( ( " l'II0NE 1·800-407-3738 Press 0 for operator assIstance You WIll be asked lor the follOWing. • Your meter's senalll or PINII • Your name • Your company's name • How much you are requesting FAX ]-800-607-37~~ On a company letterhead mclude. - The name of (he authonzed person requesting requeshng the funds - The amuunt requested - Phone number and Fax number Once your fa.( IS receIVed, FP WIll contact you to let you know when your funds will bc available. How to get started with Direct Debit Allached you WIll find an appilcallon Corm to have postage payments debited directly from your bank aCLQunl. Upon receipt oC your completed appliea"oll we wtll send a pre-no Ie or a "test" debIt in order [0 verify your account Information. 1 his process takes I S days 10 complete. .. Debit of poslage CUlids caDDot lake place uDlillhe aUlhorizalioD prDcedure bas been completed.·· Fa. your completed application along WIth a copy ofa VOIded check to (800) 607·3738 If you have allY quesllons regarding seUmg up a debll account, please callihe TELESET DATA CENTER a[ (800) 407·3738, , f: , { 903-791-\000 Fax 903-793-8282 Toll-Free 877-940-3000 VistapOSIaI@pOSI com ( - ---- -- - ----- - ------ sf"" PG 4~5 VOL UPSHUR COUNTY P.o. BOX 730 GILMER. TEXAS 76844 FAX: (903)843-5492 COUNJY AUDITOR (903)843-4000 March 27, 2001 Upshur County Commiss1Oners Court Gilmer, Texas Members of the Court. During the month of March 2001, the Assistant AudItor, Wanda Hutchins, performed regular quarterly audit procedures for all fee offices in the county. Reports and supporting documents for the quarter were examined. Cash counts were also performed. The balances and collections of all the offices appear to have been, 10 all material respects, appropriately remitted and reported. Following are the offices that were audIted and the dates the audits were performed. JP#I JP#3 County Clerk JP#2 DistrIct Clerk 1 ax Assessor JP#4 . March 13 March 13 March 14 March 20 March 20 March 20 March 23 All workmg papers are available in my office for your review. Sincerely, ~(f,~ Il' ~ District Judge All Fee Offices "t:> :;:J c w 0 - ~x~.., L ..... __ .-r -< -a ::r: .p,>- C > ;::g ;:>, -= 0 ,.., 0 -0 c: ~ 0 :l: U'> Pam Long County Auditor cc: c:: -0 :< ~ ::>< f: c C/J r,;::P1 .___ 0)·0 ..... -~- ~:."': ...... PERMIT APPLICATION FOR USE OF UPSffilR COUNTY RIGHT OF WAY TO: THE UPSHUR COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COURT COUNTY OF UPSHUR GILMER, TEXAS DATE_..... :\"'----"":L-"'l.:,'--~O'_4_\_ __ \l-____ PRECINCT_ _ Formal notice is hercby given that .-h", 0 ' c-~~ .-!~y..r\\ addressis~.s:" ~Qf:",S'i (aD l.Cbl~ \e?)S~C~ j') hI whose principal does hereby propose to place a t..r 03e..,\ Q.,.\.,,!, L"!Vr'within the ROW of County Road \\.\ \ \ c f,.~ :.;\- \\Il.\ve The location and description ofthe proposed lines or appurtenances is more fully shown by three (3) copies of drawings attached to the application. Proposed construction will begin, if approved, on or after the _-<::d.....l""'#"--___ day of h\~ IF\. ,2001. APPROVAL OF PERMIT APPLICATION The Upshur County commissioners Court offers no objections to the location on the right of way of your proposed ~Il and notice dated A(""£'\ b\ "beL G.,,:; \." \ :6.. 4 N!": as shown by accompanying drawings ,2001, except as noted below: It is expressly understood that the Upshur County Commissioners court does not purport, hereby, to grant any right, claim, title, or easement in or upon this county road; it is further understood that in the future should for any reason Upshur County need to work, improve, relocate, widen, increase, add to or in any manner change the structure of this right of way, this appurtenance, ifafTected, will be moved under the direction of the Upshur County Commissioners Court representative and shall be relocated at the complete expense of the owner within thirty (30) days upon receipt of notice from the Commissioners Court. All work on the County right of way shall be performed in accordance with the Commissioners Court instructions. The installation shall not damage any part of the roadway and adequate provisions must be made to cause minimum inconvenience to tramc and adjacent owners. Specifications for placing this line are as follows: I. Barricades, warning signs, lights and flagmen when necessary shall be provided by the contractor or owner. One half of the traveled portion of the road must be open at all times. 2. All lines, where practicable, shall be located to cross roadbed at approximately right angles. No lines are to be installed under or within 50 feet of either end of any bridge. No lines shall be placed in any culvert or within 10 feet of the closest point of same. 3. Parallel lines will be installed as near thc right of way lines as possible and no parallel line will be installed in the roadbed or between the drainage di((.h and the roadbed without speclRl permission of the County Commissioners Court. - Overhead lines will have minimum clearance of I 8 feet above the road surface at the point of crossing. 5. Operations along roadways shall be performed in such a manner that all excavated material be kept olfthe surface at all times, as well as all operating equipment and materials. No equipment for installation procedures will be used which will damage any road surface, roadbed, structures or other right of way feature. Any expenditure that is a direct result 0 f this installation will be borne by owner of thiS line. 6. All lines under roads carrying pressure in excess of SOpsi shall be enclosed in satisfactory casing extending from the right of way line to right of way line. Pipe used for casing may be of any type approved by the County Engineer or Commissioners Court and shall be capable of supporting load of roadbed and traffic and shaH be so constructed that there Will be no leakage of any matter through casing for its entire length; Inside diameter of casings shall be at least 2 inches greater than the largest diameter of carrier pipe, joints or couphngs. 7. All excavatIons within the right of way and not under surfacing shall be backfilled by tampmg 6 inch hOrizontal layers. All surplus material will be removed from the right of way and the excavation finished flush with surrounding natural ground. 8. All ground lines are to be installed a minimum of36 inches below the flow line of the adjacent drainage or borrow ditch. (Any material placed in county right of way be permit Will be ofa nature or composition that said line can be located with the sue ofa standard locator device used in locating buried cables and pipe.) 9. Lines crossing under roads and under cross roads within the right of way will be placed by boring. Boring shall extend from crown line to crown line. Gravity flow sewer lines under roadway will be cast iron or equivalent pipe. 10. Where evidence is presented indicating the impracticability or boring or tunneling, the Commissioner Court may grant permission to cut the surface no wider than 4 inches. In the event a cut IS perIllitted the following conditions will govern: (a) Excavation areas arc to be filled and packed with compatible material (b) The surfacing will be replaced with equivalent quality surfacing. I I. Notice will be given to the precinct Commissioner 48 hours prior to starting construction of the line in his precinct. 12. Where in the opinion of the Commissioners Court it may be necessary to protect losses incurred by damage to the roads, bridges or right of way structures, they may by action of the Court require a surety bond in an amount sufficient to cover any damages. 13. Where, in the opinion of the Commissioners Court. an inspector is necessary. the party receiving permit will bear the cost of the inspection. ----- """, 4. APPROVED ON THIS DAY OF --------~ Commissioner Precinct # 4 ----------------------------,.2001. , '1 ;1 t. ! r 1. I VOL ~'i PG ~a 1 ~1U.4J.i APPLICATION FOR USE OF upSHUR COUNTY RIGHT OF WAY TO: PRECINcr FomWoo~, •• address is THE UPSHUR COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COURT COUNTY OF UPSHUR GILMER, TEXAS -:ff" -I DATE th.t ~k ~ ~/ f!JIoJ;J-=:~- d. _ does hereby propose to place a within the ROW of County Road Jana.J tZi 1 The location and description of the proposed lines or appurtenances is more fully shown by three (3) copies of drawings attached to the application. Proposed construction will begin, if approved, on or after the I, ¢1 ~ day of D UaJ. • ~ ,2001. t-t,.a..hereby attest that I have read the conditions set forth in this application and understand it's contents. N~ME:-2JUtf;;;, PHONE: fJ, ~< 20 3- bG 3' - 7'-222 CI -< c: -0 ~ -' -:: .-, - APPROVAL OF PERMIT APPLICATION .. ' ,- 0 :3: :po -;:0 w 0 -- - -0 "::l?' :=rr1 ~;:; "" ,L("'~ ___ ~.,J --~--- l' l 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Overhead lines will have minimum clearance of 18 feet above the road surface at the point of crossmg. Operations along roadways shall be performed in such a manner that all excavated matenal he kept off the surface at all times, as well as all operating equipment and materials. No equipment for installation procedures will be used which will damage any road surface, roadbed, structures or other right of way feature. Any expenditure that is a direct result of this installation will he borne by owner of this hne. All lines under roads carrying pressure in excess of 50psi shall be enclosed in satisfactory casing extending from the right of way line to right of way line. Pipe used for casing may be of any type approved by the County Engineer or Commissioners Court and shall be capable of supporting load of roadbed and traffic and shall be so constructed that there will be no leakage of any matter through casing for its entire length; Inside diameter of casings shall be at least 2 inches greater than the largest diameter of carrier pipe, joints or couplings. All excavations within the right of way and not under surfacing shall be backfilled by tampmg 6 Inch hori:zontallayers. All surplus material will be removed from the right of way and the excavation finished flush with surrounding natural ground. . All ground lines are to he installed a minimum of36 inches below the flow line of the adjacent drainage or borrow ditch. (Any material placed in county right of way be permit will be of a nature or composition that said line can be located with the sue of a standard locator device used in locating buried cables and pipe.) Lines crossing under roads and under cross roads within the right of way will be placed by bormg Boring shall extend from crown line to crown line. Gravity flow sewer lines under roadway will be cast iron or equivalent pipe. Where evidence is presented indicating the impracticability or boring or tunneling, the Commissioner Court may grant permission to cut the surface no wider than 4 inches. In the event a cut is permitted the following conditions will govern: (a) Excavation areas are to be tilled and packed \\ith compatible material (b) The surfacing will be replaced with equivalent quality surfacing. Notice will be given to the precinct Commissioner 48 hours prior to starting construction of the line in his precinct. Where in the opinion of the Commissioners Court it may be necessary to protect losses incurred by damage to the roads, bridges or right of way structures, they may by action of the Court require a surety bond in an amount sufficient to cover any damages. Where, in the opinion of the Commissioners Court, an inspector is necessary, the party receiving permit wiU bear the cost of the inspection. ~ \' i i I . APPROVED ON THIS _ _ _ _ DAy OF _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _- ' , 2001. .. Commissioner Precinct # 4 , Ii I I PERMIT APPLICATION FOR USE OF UPSHUR COUNTY RIGHT OF WAY TO: THE UPSHUR COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COURT COUNTY OF UPSHUR GILMER, TEXAS PRECINCT_ _-.l..\_____ Sih • Formal notice is hereb,)' given that l .~ O!.Sk oQ \(;,\\0 I... cC'L~.~ )~ address is clQloo.Q_ GeL '1 ')'32--.$' ,""Iy.., Q. S;:')n»:5I -:!)- ~~ -0 \ DATE 0 '. a" ; whose principal does hereby propose to place a within the ROW of County Road ( \ 0. >). \ '".., CL The location and deseription of the proposed lines or appurtenances is more fully shown by three (3) copies of drawings attached to the application. Proposed construction will begin, if approved, on or after the I, We h>}." "'\\ ~llc day Of_.LM.~QJ...>,.\'-.\1,1:)_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _, 2001. ~ CHI ,.I', e 11 , hereby attest that I have read the conditions set forth in this application and understand it's contents. ~ NAME: ____________________ APPROVAL OF PERMIT APPLICATION The Upshur County commissioners Court offers no objections to the location on the right of way of your proposed _~CI....:...,,!....~C""!.......P::S:~_______ as shown by accompanying drawings and notice dated-'~'-\~9~,s:. ~'>t.l......... !· ...l!b~l,~_ _ _ _ _" 2001, except as noted below: It is expressly understood that the Upshur County Commissioners court does not purport, hereby, to grant any right, claim, title, or easement in or upon this county road; it is further understood that in the future should for any reason Upshur County need to work, improve, relocate, widen. increase. add to or in any manner change the structure of this right of way, this appurtenance, if affected, will be moved under the direction of the Upshur County Commissioners Court representative and shall be relocated at the complete expense of the owner within thirty (30) days upon receipt of notice from the Commissioners Court. All work on the County right of way shall be performed in accordance with the Commissioners Court instructions. The installation shall not damage any part of the roadway and adequate provi~i()ns must be made to cause minimum inconvenience to Iramc and adjacent owners. Specifications for placing this line arc as follows: I. Barricades. warning signs, lights and flagmen when necessary shall be provided by the contractor or owner. One half of the traveled portion of the road must be open at all times. 2. All lines, where practicable, shall be located to cross roadbed at approximately right angles. No lines arc to be installed under or within SO feet of either end of any bridge. No lines shall be placed in any culvert or within 10 feet ofthe closest point of same. 3. Parallel lines will be installed as ncar the right of way lines as possible and no parallel line will be installed in the roadbed or bctween the drainagc dItch 8'ld the roadbed without special permission of the COllnty Commissioners Court ( .. . T j '; I, 4. Overhead lines will have minimum clearance of 18 feet above the road surface at the point of crossing. S. Operations along roadways shall be performed in such a manner that all excavated material be kept oft'the surface at all times, as well as all operating equipment and materials. No equipment for installation procedures will be used which will damage any road surface, roadbed, structures or other right of way feature. Any expenditure that is a direct result of this installation will be borne by owner of this line. 6. All lines under roads carrying pressure in excess of SOpsi shall be enclosed in satisfactory casing extending from the right of way line to right of way line. Pipe used for casing may be of any type approved by the County Engineer or Commissioners Court and shall be capable of supportmg load of roadbed and traffic and shall be so constructed that there will be no leakage of any matter through casing for its entire length; Inside diameter of casings shall be at lea'>t 2 mches greater than the largest diameter of carrier pipe, joints or couplings 7. All excavations within the right of way and not under surfacing shall be backfilled by tamping 6 inch hori70ntallayers. All surplus material will be removed from the right of way and the excavation fimshed flush with surrounding natural ground. 8. All ground lines are to be installed a minimum of36 inches below the flow line of the adjacent drainage or borrow ditch. (Any material placed in county right of way be permit wIll be of a nature or composition that said line can be located with the sue of a standard locator device used in locating buried cables and pipe.) 9. Lines crossing under roads and under cross roads within the right of way will be placed by boring. Bonng shall extend from crown line to crown line. Gravity flow sewer lines under roadway will be cast iron or equivalent pipe. 10. Where evidence is presented indicating the impracticability or boring or tunneling, the Commissioner Court may grant permission to cut the surface no wider than 4 inches. In the event a cut is pennitted the tollowing conditions will govern: (a) Excavation areas are to be tilled and packed with compatible material (b) The surfacing will be replaced with equivalent quality surfacing. 1 I. Notice will be given to th~ precinct Commissioner 48 hours prior to starting construction of the line in his precinct. 12. Where in the opinion of the Commissioners Court it may be necessary to protect losses incurred by damage to the roads, bridges or right of way structures, they may by action of the Court require a surety bond in an amount sufficient to cover any damages. 13. Where, in the opinion of the Commissioners Court, an inspector is necessary, the party receiving permit will bear the cost of the inspection. APPROVED ON THIS _ _ _ _,DAY OF _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _, 2001." Commissioner Precinct # 4 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~_. ____ ~J ----- -- -------- --- ---- -- -- --- - - ---- - ---- - - -- --- ---- PERMIT APPLICATION FOR USE OF upSHUR COUNTY RIGHT OF WAY TO: THE UPSHUR COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COURT COUNTY OF UPSHUR GILMER, TEXAS ;f-=--_____ PRECINCT_ _ _ Formal notice is hereby given that 0/112 0 tJ ) tAl address is &b aJ d ~e.Rh whose principal does hereby propose to place a ~C~/A.(.L/.Lv-Lr....L..ai---within the ROW of County Road._--L.8-LJ.&,....,'C.1J""..u.c\)...J:=:-.J..1Jo-c"-c"'-o,;.cd.~__. The location and description of the proposed lines or appurtenances is more fully shown by three (3) copies of drawings attached to the application. Proposed construction will begin, if approved, _....;;d-_0___ day of_-L.f-Ly__)utl."Iot'....:.J.c......Ju.I _ _ _ _ _ _• 2001. I. _-I3=-. :;<:J;. : b: . . -. JB"'-' -'o. .<. .</I;. : :.'-,. ,~'"' hereby attcst that I have read the conditio~l co c on or aller the - .. "-0-_ _ _ _ _ _ •• forth in this application and understand it's contents. NAME: PHONE: J) kAv?l 7') /;~ £- & J 7 APPROVAL OF PERMIT APPLICATION -<. -.,; \\ :,- ~ ::r: if ~ c:: r' 'J -::>-;n ,::: W 0 ~-r ,....., .... .r:. --' c :.::, :2 -:'- ?" 0 ...J The Upshur County commissioners Court offers no objections to the location on the right of way of your proposed _ _ and notice dated -=C=:....:J=-'t/~£,"":d-="--____ as shown by accompanying drawings t11aW1 At, ' ~":';'-:'-rl • 200 I. except as noted below: It is expressly understood that the Upshur County Commissioners court does not purport, hereby. to grant any right, claim, title. or easement in or upon this county road; it is further understood that in the future should for any reason Upshur County need to work. improve. relocate. widen, increase. add to or in any manner change the structure of this right of way, this appurtenance, if aITected. will be moved under the direction of the Upshur County Commissioners Court representative and shall be relocated at the complete expense of the owner within thirty (30) days upon receipt of notice from the Commissioners Court. All work on the County right of way shall be performed in accordance with the Commissioners Court instructions. The installation shall not damage any part of the roadway and adequate provisions must be made to cause minimum inconvenience to traffic and adjacent owners. Specifications for placing this line are as follows' t. Barncades, warning signs. lights and flagmen when necessary shal1 be provided by the contractor or owner. One halfofthe traveled portion of the road must be open at all times. 2. All lines. where practicable. shall be located to cross roadbed at approximately right angles. No lines arc to be installed under or within 50 feet of either end of any bridge. No Imes shall be placed in any culvert or within to feet of the closest point of same. 3. Parallel lines will be installed as near the right of way lines as pOSSIble and no parallel line will be installed in the roadbed or between the drainage dItch and the roadbed WIthout special permission of the County Commissioners Court. ::':..'~~ .-. .~- =~.: ," 4. Overhead lines will have minimum clearance of 18 feet above the road surface at the point of crossing. S. Operations along roadways shall be performed in such a manner that all excavated material be kept off the surface at all times, as well as all operating equipment and materials. No equipment for installation procedures will be used which will damage any road surface, roadbed, structures or other right of way feature. Any expenditure that is a direct result of this installation will be borne by owner ofthi~ line. 6. All lines under roads carrying pressure in excess of SOpsi shall be enclosed in satisfactory casing extending from the right of way line to right of way line. Pipe used for casing may be of any type approved by the County Engineer or Commissioners Court and shall be capilhlc of\upporting load of roudhcd and trunic and shall be so constructed that there will be no leakage of any matter through casing for its entire length; Inside diameter of casmgs shall be at least 2 inches greater than the largest diameter of carrier pipe, joints or couplings. 7. All excavations within the right of way and not under surfacing shall be backfilled by tampmg 6 inch horizontal layers, All surplus material will be removed from the right of way and the excavation finished flush with surrounding natural ground. 8. All ground lines arc to be in~talled a minimum of36 inches below the flow line of the adjacent drainage or borrow ditch. (Any material placed in county right of way be permit will be of a nature or composition that said line can be located with the sue of a standard locator dcvice used in locating buried cables and pipe.) 9. Lines crossing under roads and under cross roads within the right of way will be placed by boring Boring shall extend from crown line to crown line. Gravity flow sewer lines under roadway will be cast iron or equivalent pipe. 10. Where evidence is presented indicating the impracticability or boring or tunneling, the Commissioner Court may grant permission to cut the surface no widcr than 4 inches. In the event a cut is permitted the following conditions will govern: (a) Excavation areas are to be filled and packed with compatible material (h) The surfacing will be replaced with equivalent quality surfacing. 11. Notice will be given to the precinct Commissioner 48 hours prior to starting construction of the lme in his precinct. 12. Where in the opinion of the Commissioners Court it may be necessary to protect losses incurred by damage to the roads, bridges or right of way structures, they may by action of the Court require a surety bond in an amount sufficient to cover any damages. 13. Where, in the opinion of the Commissioners Court, an inspector is necessary, the party receiving permit will hear the cost of the inspection. APPROVED ON THIS _ _ _ _.DAY OF _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _" 2001. County Judge ~fud~ Comrrussloner Precmct # I Commissioner Precinct # 4 1 : J, ,f i !, I, , " -~ ~ -------- PERMIT APPLICATION FOR USE OF upSHUR COUNTY RIGHT OF W6Y TO: THE UPSHUR COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COURT COUNTY OF UPSHUR GILMER, TEXAS PRECINCT \ DATE Formal notice is hereby given address is"Y, c), \ \ &:f-= :')- 2.2- D\ that~,.,.. Q 'l> ~ ,~." • ':t '{0 D '-« C '1:~ does hereby propose to place a within the ROW of County Road~&a "" ~ e.,Q" 0;-'5: whose principal 0 The location and description of the proposed lines or appurtenances is more fully shown by three (3) copies of drawings attached to the application. Proposed construction will begin, if approved, on or after the _---',""'2. .:1'--__ . day of_--LtA,---"~.._cC_;.lQ. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , 2001. I,S\., ,\" ~ ,:\ M APPROVAL OF PERMIT APPLICATION The Upshur Count} commissioners Court offers no objections to the location on the right of way of your proposed and notice dated C ,.Q....,:'Sl: , ~.. ~ 2 d. as shown by accompanying drawings ,2001, except as noted below: It is expressly understood that the Upshur County Commissioners court does not purport, hereby, to grant any right, claim, title, or easement in or upon this county road; it is further understood that in the future should for any reason Upshur County need to work, improve, relocate, widen, increase, add to or in any manner change the structure of this right of way, this appurtenance, if affected, will be moved under the direction of the Upshur County Commissioners Court representative and shall be relocated at the complete expense of the owner withm thirty (30) days upon receipt of notice from the Commissioners Court. All work on the County right of way shall be perfonned in accordance with the Commissioners Court instructions. The installation shall not damage any part of the roadway and adequate provisions must be made to cause minimum inconvenience to traffic and adjacent owners. Specifications for placing this line are as follows: I, Barricades, warning signs, lights and flagmen when necessary shalt be provided by the contractor or owner. One half of the traveled portion of the road must be open at aU times. 2. All lines, where practicable, shall be located to cross roadbed at approximately right angles. No lines are to be installed under or within SO feet of either end of any bridge. No lines shall be placed in any culvert or within 10 feet ofthc closest point of same, 3. ParaJlellines will be instaJled as near the right of way lines as possible and no parallel line will be installed in the roadbed or between the drainage dItch and the roadbed without special pennission of the County Commissioners Court. 4. S. 6. 7. 8. 9. lO. ) ). 12. 13. Overhead lines will have minimum clearance of 18 feet above the road surface at the po lOt of crossing. Operations along roadways shall be performed in such a manner that all excavated material be kept off the surlace at all times, as well as all operating equipment and materials. No equipment for installation procedures will be used which will damage any road surface, roadbed, structures or other right of way feature. Any expenditure that is a direct result of this installation will be borne by owner of this line. All lines under roads carrying pressure in excess of 50psi shall be enclosed in satisfactory casing extending from the right of way line to right of way Ime. Pipe used for casing may be of any type approved by the County Engineer or Commissioners Court and shall be capahle of supporting load of roadbed and traffic and shall be so constructed that there Will be no leakage of any matter through casing for its entire length; Inside diameter of casings shall be at least 2 inches greater than th.. largest diameter of carrier pipe, joints or couplings. All excavations within the right of way and not under surfacing shall be backfilled by tamping 6 inch horizontal layers. All surplus material will be removed from the right of way and the excavation finished flush with surrounding natural ground. All ground lines are to he installed a minimum of36 inches below the flow line of the adjacent drainage or borrow ditch. (Any material placed in county right of way be permit Will be of a nature or composition that said line can be located with the sue of a standard locator deVice used in locating buried cables and pipe.) Lines crossing under roads and under cross roads within the right of way will be placed hy boring Boring shaH extend from crown line to crown line. Gravity flow sewer lines under roadway Will be cast Iron or equivalent pipe. Where evidence is presented indicating the impracticability or boring or turmeling, the Commissioner Court may grant permission to cut the surface no wider than 4 inches. In the event a cut is permitted the foHowing conditions will govern: (a) Excavation areas are to be filled and packed with compatible material (b) The surfacing will be replaced with equivalent quality surfacing. Notice will be given to the precinct Commissioner 48 hours prior to starting construction of the line in his precinct. Where in the opinion of the Commissioners Court it may be necessary to protect losses incurred by damage to the roads, bridges or right of way structures, they may by action of the Court require a surety bond in an amount sufficient to cover any damages. Where, in the opinion of the Commissioners Court, an inspector is necessary, the party receiving permit will bear the cost of the inspection. APPROVED ON THIS _ _ _ _DAy OF _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _- ' , 2001. • Commissioner Precinct # 4 1... VOL~PG~ PERMIT APPLICATION FOR USE OF upSHUR COUNTY RIGHT OF WAY TO: THE UPSHUR COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COURT COUNTY OF UPSHUR GILMER. TEXAS PRECINCT_ _.l-I_ _ __ •• address is C~ tUt+ does hereby propose to place a witb;n tho ROW o'Co"",y Rood f'106 '?Yt ~h'cs The location and description of the proposed lines or appurtenances is more fully shown by three (3) copies of drawings attached to the application. Proposed construction will begin, if approved, on or after the I, 0c-;'\ •• P?r day of did J( (~ ,2001. L) .2 Ie f~)-{.u ,hereby attest that I have read the conditions set «k'= alion and understand .... it's contents. 0' -<. ~JJ NAME: \ PHONE: APPROVAL OF PERMIT APPLICATION ~ 0 c: -"~ :Tc: s; ',7 o'?' c- o S -0 c :;'-I ::><: .. " -;.or- .-::.~ (-.) ~" ~"n --.r:: 0 ...J The Upshur County COmmissioAers Court otfcrs no objections to the location on the right of way of your proposed and notice dated L00il)wtc /1 2J? CU)!J.. as shown by accompanying drawings ,2001, except as noted below: It is expressly understood that the Upshur County Commissioners court does not purport, hereby, to grant any right, claim, title, or easement in or upon this county road; it is further understood that in the future should for any reason Upshur County need to work, improve, relocate, widen, increase, add to or in any manner change the structure of this right of way, this appurtenance, ifatrected, will be moved under the direction ofthe Upshur County Commissioners Court representative and shall be relocated at the complete expense of the owner within thirty (30) days upon receipt of notice from the Commissioners Court. All work on the County right of way shall be performed in accordance with the Commissioners Court instructions. The installation shall not damage any part of the roadway and adequate provisions must be made to cause minimum inconvenience to traffic and adjacent owncrs. Specifications for placing this Iinc are as follows: 1, Barricades, warning signs, lights and flagmen when necessary shall be provided by the contractor or owner. One half of the traveled portion of the road must be open at all times. 2. All lines, where practlcable, shall be located to cross roadbed at approximately right angles. No lines are to be installed under or within 50 feet of either end of any bridge, No lines shall be placed in any culvert or within 10 feet of the closest point of same. 3. Parallel lines will be installed as near the right of way lines as possible and no parallel line will be installed in the roadbed or between the drainage dItch and the roadbed without special pcrmission of the County Commissioners Court. (..:~ ~- :-: 4. Overhead lines will have minimum clearance of 18 feet above the road surface at the point of crossing. 5. Operations along roadways shall be performed in such a manner that all excavated material be kept off the surface at all times, as well as all operating equipment and materials. No equipment fhr installation procedures will he used which will damage any mad surfilce, roadhed, structures or other right of way feature. Any expenditure thut is a direct rc~ult (lfthb installation will hc horne hy owner of this line. 6. Alllincs under roads carrying pressure in excess of SOpsi shall he enclosed in satisfiletory casing extending from the right of way line to right of way line. Pipe used for casing may be of any type approved by the County Engineer or Commissioners Court and shall be eapahlc of supporting load of roadhed and trallic and shall he so constructed that there will be no leakage of any matter through ca~ing for its entire length; Inside diameter of casings shall be at least 2 inches greater than the largest diameter of carrier pipe, joints or couplings. 7. All excavations within the right of way and not under surfacing shall be backfilled by tamping 6 inch hOrIZontal layers. All surplus material v.iI\ be removed from the right of way and the excavation finished flush with surrounding natural ground. 8. All ground Iincs arc to he installed a minimum of36 inches below the flow line of the adjacent drainage or bnrrow ditch. (Any material placed in county right of way be permit will be of a naturc or composition that said line can be located with the sue of a standard locator device used in locating buried cables and pipe.) 9. Lines crossing under roads and under cross roads within the right of way will be placed hy horing. Boring shall extend from crown line to crown line. Gravity flow sewer lines under roadway Will be cast iron or equivalent pipe. 10. Where evidcnce is presented indicating the impracticability or bnring or tunneling, the Commissioner Court may grant permission to cut the surface no wider than 4 inches. In the event a cut is pcrrrutted the following conditions will govern: (a) Excavation areas are to he filled and packed with compatible material (b) The surfacing will he replaced Wlth equivalent quality surfacing. 11. Notice will he given to the precinct Commissioner 48 bours prior to starting construction of the line in his precinct. 12. Where in the opinion of the Commissioners Court it may be necessary to protect losses incurred by damage to the roads, bridges or right of way structures, they may by action of the Court require a surety bond in an amount sufficient to cover any damages. 13. Where, in the opinion of the Commissioners Court, an inspector is necessary, the party receiving permit will bear the cost of the inspection. APPROVED ON THIS --------DAY OF ------------------------~,2001." ioner Precinct # 3 .. Commissioner Precinct # 4 -. - VOL&PG ------ -- ---------------- --------- q~ PERMIT APPUCATION FOR USE OF upSHUR COUNIY RIGHI OF WAY TO: THE UPSHUR COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COURT COUNTY OF UPSHUR GILMER. TEXAS PRECINCT_ _.. 1._____ Fonnal notice is hereby given that • DATE~~3~-2~2~-0~1~ Diana Water Supply Corporation __________ ~seprinc4nU address is _......;p:.,..:..;0:..;.-=.Bo::;x:.....;7..,;4..!.•. . ,;D::.,;i:.:a:.::n::;a..!. _T:.:X:,......;.7.:..56::.;4:;0=--_ _ _ _,does hereby propose to place a Myrtle. Snapdragon. Segolilly, L ''''-\P I!. \-..,.. within the ROW ofCoWlty Road Spiderlilly. Raven, Zinnia " Vine. and Smilax. The location and description of the proposed lines or appurtenances is more fully shown by three (3) copies of drawings attached to the application. Proposed construction will begin, if approved, on or after the _ _ _ ls:..:t_ _ _ day of _ _ _ _-=M,::a;.:y_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _-', 2001. I. _--=Sc.:::u.::.8a::;n~Wh:.:.:..:.i.::..t.:,;ft:.:·e:.,:lc.: :d_ _ _ _ _ _--', hereby attest that I have read the conditions set forth in this application and understand it's contents. NAME: )-h, a PHONE: Q flY !tYzd/~ , t c/ 903-663-4837 APPROVAL OF PERMIT APPLICATION TIle Upshur CoWlty commissioners Court offers no objections to the location on the right of way of your proposed and notice dated t. Ho.:\- e Q \ .... as shown by accompanying drawings H<:' lv\o •Q 2. '1, • 2001, except as DOted below: It is expressly understood that the Upshur CoWlty Commissioners court does not purport. hereby, to grant any right, claim, title. or easement in or upon this county road; it is further understood that in the future should for any reason Upshur County need to work. improve. relocate, widen, increase, add to or in any manner change the structure of this right of way, this appurtenance, if affected, will be IOOved under the directIon of the Upshur County Commissioners Court representative and shall be relocated at the complete expense of the owner within thirty (30) days upon receipt of notice from the Commissioners Court. All work on the County right of way shall be performed in accordance with the Conunissioners Court UIStruCtiOns. The installation shal1 not damagc any part ofthc roadway and adequate provisiolls must be made to cause minimwn inconvenience to traffic and adjacent owners. Specifications for placing this line are as follows: 1. Darricades, warning signs. lights and flagmen when necessary shall be provid~ by the contractor or owner. One half of the traveled portion of the road must be of" a6ill ~ times. I ~ ~ 2. All lines. where pmcticable, shall be located to cross roadtx.'<i at approximately right Z; -:~:: angles. No lines are to be installed under or within 50 feet of either end of any biidgcP - ::-:;;J No Jines shall be placed in any culvert or within 10 feet of the closest po;:. " f~.1? . _.:":.:.3. Paral1e1lines will be installed as ncar the right of way lines as possible and: PClF<illc~ -,:;; . will be Il1Stalled in the roadbed or betw n the drainage ditch and the ro ~!ho~ :.':: = '2:-) ___-1,rY...., 'p,d" """""ion of "'" ~ ~ ComL .... ~ . ~ - -~---~- r VOL,sT PG~ PERMIT APPLICATION FOR USE OF UPSHUR COUNTY RIGHT OF WAY TO; THE UPSHUR COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COURT COUNTY OF UPSHUR GILMER, TEXAS PRECINCT__#~3~_____ DATE 3-21-2001 whose Formal notice is hereby given that CLAYTON BEKKER principal address is RT. 4 BOX 874 H, BIG SANDY! Tx.dQeJ;5&ereby propose to place a ~C~U~L~V=E~RT~______________ within the ROW of County Road The location and description of ASPEN the proposed lines or appurtenences is more fully shown by three (3) copies of drawings attached to the application. Proposed construction will begin, if approved, on or after t~ 19 _ __ day of -< ~ U> o I, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , hereby attest that I hav conditions contents. 903-636-4075 is application and ,""':.... NAM_~__~~~~~__________TITLE.__________~r--F~_~~·___·~:~ APPROVAL OF PERMIT APPLICATION The Upshur County Commissioners Court offers no objections to the location on the right of way of your proposed________________ as shown by accompanying drawings and notice dated________________ except as noted below: It is expressly understood that the Upshur County Commissioners court does not purport, hereby, to grant any right, claim, title, or easement in or upon this county road; it is further understood that in the future should for any reason Upshur County need to work, improve, relocate, widen, increase, add to or in any manner change the structure of this right of way, this appurtenence, if affected, will be moved under the direction of the Upshur County Commissioners Court representative and shall be relocated at the complete expense of the owner within thirty (30) days upon receipt of notice from the Commissioners Court. \ I { All work on the County right of way shall be performed in accordance wi th the Commissioners Court intructions. The installation shall not damage any part of the roadway and adequate provisions must be made to cause minimum inconvenience to traffic and adjacent owners. specifications for placing this line are as ,follows: 1. Barricades, warning signs, lights and flagmen when necessary shall be provided by the contractor or owner. One half of the traveled portion of the road must be open at all tim~s. 2. All lines, where practicable, shall be located to cross roadbed at approximately right angles. No lines are to be installed under or within 50 feet of either end of any brid e. No lines shall ~:~ ~ ~o feet of clos.st point of ;;,e;IJ - ,I PERMIT APPLICATION FOR USE OF UPSHUR COUNTY RIGHT OF WAY TO: THE UPSHUR COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COURT COUNTY OF UPSHUR GILMER, TEXAS p~cmcT____vcl~ ______ DATE.---:3=-~.....:J!J~-~Ou-I_ _ ~==!L:'::'T--..JH~4.~i.,::.Juo..6J:.N~d~___WhOSC principal Formal notice is hereby given that __ address is rJ, k.:3S tUC4.s~/ j &1. does hereby propose to place a --lc,"""W"""-V. . .e ...-""'eJ::1.-_ _within the ROW of County Road._L""V~E.J.=I2=:.-'""su:;£...II______ The location and description of the proposed lines or appurtenances is more fully shown by three (3) copies of drawings attached to the application. Proposed construction will begin, if approved, on or after the I, d:() day of_-4-d...L--...:1..:;0+=C=<..lh""--_ _ _ _ _, 2001. ~5 HMJt1.N of , hereby attest that I have read the conditions set \ NAME:_~~~~~~uv~~AW~~-PHONE: ___~~~~~~_ _ _~~~ APPROVAL OF PERMIT APPLICATION The Upshur County commissioners Court offers no objections to the location on the right of way of your proposed and notice dated U lJ. / if. gt {Y)aeci. JlJ as shown by accompanying drawings , 200 I, except as noted below: It is expressly understood that the Upshur County Commissioners court does not purport, hereby, to grant any right, claim, title, or easement in or upon this county road; it is further understood that in the future should for any reason Upshur County need to work, improve, relocate, widen, increase, add to or in any manner change the structure of this right of way, this appurtenance, ifaffected, will be moved under the direction of the Upshur County Commissioners Court representative and shall be relocated at the complete expense of the owner within thirty (30) days upon receipt ofnohce from the Commissioners Court. All work on the County right of way shall be performed in accordance with the Commissioners Court instructions. The installation shall not damage any part of the roadway and adequate provisions must be made to cause minimum inconvenience to traffic and adjacent owners. Specifications for placing this line arc as follows: I. Barricades, warning signs, lights and flagmen when necessary shall be provided by the contractor or owner. One half of the traveled portion of the road must be open at all times 2. All lines, where practicable, shall be located to cross roadbed at approximately right angles. No lines arc to be installed under or within 50 feet of either end of any bridge. No lines shall be placed in any culvert or withm 10 feet of the closest point of same 3. Parallel lines will be installed as near the right of way lines as possible and no parallel line will be installed in the roadbed or between the drainage dItch and the roadbed without special permission of the County Commissioners Court. I ~ 4. Overhead lines will have minimum clearance of 18 feet above the road surface at the point of crossing 5. Operations along roadways shall be performed in such a manner that all excavated material be kept off the surface at all tunes, as well as all operating equipment and materials. No equipment for installation procedures will be used which will damage any road surface, roadbed, structures or other right of way feature. Any expenditure that is a dIrect result of thIs installation will be borne by owner of this line. 6. All lines under roads carrying pressure in excess of 50psi shall be enclosed in satisfactory casing extending from the right of way line to right of way line. Pipe used for casing may be of any type approved by the County Engineer or Commissioners Court and shall be capable of supporting load of roadbed and traffic and shall be so constructed that there will be no leakage of any matter tbrough casing for its entire length; Inside diameter of casings shall be at least 2 inches greater than the largest diameter of carrier pipe, joints or couplings. 7. All excavations within the right of way and not under surfacing shall be backfilled by tamping 6 inch horizontal layers. All surplus material will be removed from the TIght of way and the excavation finished flush with surrounding natural ground. 8. All ground lines are to be installed a minimum of36 inches below the flow line of the adjacent drainage or borrow ditch. (Any material placed in county right of way be permit will be of a nature or composition that said line can be located with the sue of a standard locator device used in locating buried cables and pipe.) 9. Lines crossmg under roads and under cross roads within the right of way will be placed by boring Boring shall extend from crown lme to crown line. Gravity flow sewer hnes under roadway will be ca~t iron or equivalent pipe. 10. Where evidence is presented indicating the impracticability or boring or tunneling, the Commissioner Court may grant permission to cut the surface no wider than 4 inches. In the event a cut is permitted the followmg condItions will govern: (a) Exca(\tion areas arc to be filled and packed with compatible material (b) The surfacing Will' be replaced with equivalent quahty surfacing. II. Notice will be given to the precinct Commissioner 48 hours prior to starting construction of the hne in his precinct. 12. Where in the opinion of the Commissioners Court it may be necessary to protect losses incurred by damage to the roads, bridges or right of way structures, they may by action of the Court require a surety bond in an amount sufficient to cover any damages. 13. Where, in the opinion of the Commissioners Court, an inspector is necessary. the party receivmg permit will bear the cost of the inspection. APPROVED ON THIS _ _ _ _,DAY OF _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _• 2001. CD -< C -0 ~ ~ <-: co c 0 ,." ~ C -I -I :< -I >< , 0 :l: " :::- 071 c.) 0 ..- ~ ?'. -0 _ 0 l )_ <f)""" ::c :x: -f: ..., 0 C,-11 - ~·:x '"f1 ~~ ~:.~ ~ .... Commissioner Precinct # 4 - ---- -- -~ -~{ ------ ---- ------ I --------- PERMIT APPLICATION FOR USE OF UPSHUR COUNT TO; THE UPSHUR COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COURT COUNTY OF UPSHUR GILMER, TEXAS PRECINCT~#~3 ________ DATE.__~3~-~27~-~2~0~OJ~___ Formal notice is hereby given that ~T~O~M_E~D~G~E~_________whose principal address is 517 W. HARRISON ST. , GILMER, to place a ~C~U~L~V~E~R~T________within TJOs:>es~*reby propose the ROW of County Road The location and description of ELDERBERRY the proposed lines or appurtenences is more fully shown by three (3) copies of drawings attached to the application. Proposed construction will begin, if approved, on or after the day of ________________ , 19 _ _ I, _______________ , hereby attest that I have read the conditions set forth in this application and understand it's contents. NAMEV 903-843-4422 I Q;' 6"d~R TITLE_ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ APPROVAL OF PERMIT APPLICATION The Upshur County Commissioners court offers no objections to the location on the right of way of your proposed______________ as shown by accompanying drawings and notice dated__________ except as noted below: It is expressly understood that the Upshur County Commissioners Court does not purport, hereby, to grant any right, claim, title, or easement in or upon this county road; it is further understood that in the future should for any reason Upshur County need to work, improve, relocate, widen, increase, add to or in any manner change the structure of this right of way, this appurtenence, if affected, will be moved under the direction of the Upshur County Commissioners Court representative and shall be relocated at the complete expense of the owner within thirty (30) days upon receipt of notice from the Commissioners Court. All work on the County right of way shall be performed in accordance with the Commissioners Court intructions. The installation shall not damage any part of the roadway and adequate provisions must be made to cause minimum inconvenience to traffic and adj~cent owners. Specifications for placing this line are as (ollows: Barricades, warning signs, lights and flagmen when necessary shall be prov1ded by the contractor or owner. One half of the traveled port1on of the road must be open at all times. 1. 2. All lines, where practicable, shall be located to cross roadbed at approximately right angles. No lines are to be installed under or within 50 feet of either end of ny b . No lines shall d~~5fiif. "9;:V(1;;;:;i. 10 t losest point of - r ~ ! VOL6V:PG~ PERMIT APPLICATION FOR USE OF UPSHUR COUNTY RIGHT OF WAY TO: THE UPSHUR COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COURT COUNTY OF UPSHUR .GJLMER. TEXAS If PRECINCT , . Formal notice is hereby given that address is Cu. hwc+- .& J.7-tJl ~~-< $»tJ.h DATE &whose principal Ll'2~ e:LOcA g within the ROW ofCoWlty Road does hereby propose to place a 711tf. d~ itkvu. . The location and description of the proposed lines or appurtenances is more fully shown by three (3) copies of drawings attached to the application. Proposed construction will begin, if approved, cfl1 day of '212dhd ,2001. I, ~~ il1tV.J4dR it;. , hereby attest that I have read the conditions set on or after the forth in this application and understand it's contents. N~ME:1!dJ ~M>? PHONE: 757- 35 g /' APPROVAL OF PERMIT APPLICATION The Upshur County commissioners Court offcrs no objections to the location on the right of way of your proposcd _ _ and notice dated ~tt""~J"",,u--tk::>.L..-=-...:=..t,--_____ as shown by accompanying drawings fflM cA J..7 , 200 I. except as noted below: It is cxpres~ly understood that the Upshur County Commissioners court docs not purport, hercby, to grant any right, claim, title, or easement in or upon thi~ county road; it is lurther understood that in thc future should for any reason Upshur County need to work, improve, relocate, widen, increase, add to or in any manner change the structure of this right of way, this appurtenance, if affected, will be moved under the dIrection of the Upshur County Commissioners Court representative and shall be relocated at the complete expense ofthe owner within thirty (30) days upon receipt ofnohce from the Commissioners Court. All work on the County right of way shall be performed in accordance with the Commissioners Court instructions. The installation shall not damage any part of the roadway and adequate provisions must be made to cause minimum inconvenience to traffic and adjacent owners. Specifications for placing this line are as follows: I. Barricades, warning signs, lights and flagmen when necessary shall be provided by the contractor or owner. One half of the traveled portion of the road must be open at all times. 2. All lines, where practicable, shall be located to cross roadbed at approximately right angles. No lines are to be installed under or within 50 feet of either end of any bridge. No lines shall be placed in any culvert or within 10 feet of the closest point ofsame. 3. ParalJellines will be installed as near the right of way lines as possible and no parallel line will be installed in the roadbed or between the drainage ditch and the roadbed without special permission of the County Commissioners Court. , / f !I I I I' J :f, . ,I , r Overhead lines will have minimum clearance of 18 feet above the road surfuce at the point of crossing. 5. Operations along roadways shall be performed in such a manner that all excavated material be kept off the surface at all times, as wen as an operating equipment and materials. No equipment for installation procedures will be used which will damage any road surface, roadbed, structures or other right of way feature. Any expenditure that is a direct result of this installation will be borne by owner of this line. 6. All lines under roads carrying pressure in excess of 50psi shall be enclosed in satisfactory casing extending from the right of way line to right of way line. Pipe used for casing may be of any type approved by the County Engineer or Commissioners Court and shall be capable of supporting load of roadbed and traffic and shall be so constructed that there will be no leakage of any matter through ca~ing for its entire length; Inside diameter of caSIngs !>hall be at least 2 inches greater than the largest diameter of carrier pipe, joints or couplings. 7. All excavations within the right of way and not under surfacing shall be backfilled by tampIng 6 inch horizontal layers. All surplus material will be removed from the right of way and the excavation finished flush with surrounding natural ground. 8. All ground lines are to be installed a minimum of36 inches below the flow line of the adjacent draInage or borrow ditch. (Any material placed in county right of way be permit will be of a nature or composition that said line can be located with the sue of a standard locator device used in locating buried cables and pipe.) 9. LInes crossing under roads and under cross roads within the right of way will be placed by borIng BorIng shall extend from crown line to crown lIne. Gravity flow sewer lines under roadway Will be cast iron or equivalent pipe. to. Where evidence is presented indicating the impracticability or boring or tunneling, the Commissioner Court may grant permiSSion to cut the !>urface no wider than 4 inches. In the event a cut is permitted the following conditions will govern' (a) Excavation areas are to be filled and packed With compatible material (b) The surfacing will be replaced with equivalent quality surfacing. 1I. Notice Will be given to the precinct Commissioner 48 hours prior to starting construction of the line in his precinct. 12. Where in the opInion orthe Commissioners Court it may be necessary to protect losses incurred by damage to the roads, bridges or right of way structures, they may by action of the Court require a surety bond in an amount sufficient to cover any damages. 13. Where, in the opInIOn of the Commissioners Court, an inspector is necessary, the party receiving permit will bear the cost of the inspection. 4. .. APPROVEO ON TIllS _ _ _ _OAY OF _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _, 2001. Commissioncr Precinct # t ~~-~~~Co c:: 0 tr. :I: -0 = c: ;';.l Commissioner Precinct # 4 o tTl -0 ...-< c:: ;t>o ::0 c.> "0c: 0 ;< f: x 0 -... -0 :: (") ':)~ CrTl . -;>'-'1 ::> r= .U1~ _ _ _ \-..0 --,::>. ::~ -, ... - a> I \, , PERMIT TO; ~PPLIC~TION FOR USE OF UPSHUR COUNTY RIGHT OF WAY THE UPSHUR COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COURT COUNTY OF UPSHUR GILMER, TEX~S PRECINCT____~q,3_____ DATE 3-15-2001 Formal notice is hereby given that principal address is 4071 CRABAPPLE RD. ~M1~KE~MAD~~D~O~X______________whose GILMER, TX. 7d6e4i hereby propose to place a _C_UL __V_E_RT_________________ within the ROW of County Road The location and description of CRABAPPLE RD. the proposed lines or appurtenences is more fully shown by three (3) copies of drawings attached to the application. Proposed construction will begin, if approved, on or after the 19 _ _ day of I, ------------------- , hereby attest that I have read the conditions set forth in this application and understand it's O\JL:y: contents. NAME' 903-734-7705 TITLE._ _ _ _ _ _ __ r ; ~ APPROVAL OF PERMIT APPLICATION The Upshur County Commissioners Court offers no objepti9ns;S0 , ~ -~: :2 : .!')-., the location on the right of way of your proposed____+I__~f~_=C)~--__,.-o as shown by accompanying drawings and notice dated.__-;",et-__.=.--........~-:c""-:; 'J " except as noted below: C) 0'\ It is expressly understood that the Upshur County Commissioners Court does not purport, hereby, to grant any right, claim, title, or easement in or upon this county road; it is further understood that in the future should for any reason Upshur County need to work, improve, relocate, widen, increase, add to or in any manner change the structure of this right of way, this appurtenence, if affected, will be moved under the direction of the Upshur County Commissioners Court representative and shall be relocated at the complete expense of the owner within thirty (30) days upon receipt of notice from the Commissioners Court. All work on the County right of way shall be performed in accordance with the Commissioners Court intructions. The installation shall not damage any part of the roadway and adequate provisions must be made to cause minimum inconvenience to traffic and adjacent owners. Specifications for placing this line are as follows: 1. Barricades, warning signs, lights and flagmen when necessary shall be provided by the contractor or owner. One half of the traveled portion of the road must be open at all tiMes. 2. All lines, where practicable, shall be located to cross roadbed at approximately right angles. No lines are to be installed under or within 50 feet of either end of any);~~o lines shall ~'JtJXf~2'~';W~ os.st point of - - ---- ..----- -- ~-- ~ ------.~----- VO~PG~' ()) cop;.es of dravir.gs a::tacbed to ::1Ie a;;plicatio:1. Proposed ~struc:::~OrJ. vill begin. :i f approved. en or after the f~Or.b U.i~Wl.i::a~iOl'll contel1l:s. Il1NoGH ~~? .L&~H-' ~7 ~ oDd tmders:::CCld d:'s rrn.n faa J "w~ APF?07AL OF FSJlUUT M'PLlCAT:ON -.:'he Lpsbur Cour.t.y Ccwdssioners Co..lrt o!fere no objeco;;ions 00 the loc£u.OIl em !Io8 we nght of vay of sr.::rIm by aCC~Dr...r.g }'C'.lr _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ ~ed. ciravings and lIlIOtice oated~_ _ _ _ _ _ __ it: is expressly ~~stood that tt.e Up6~r eo-.m.ty ::".o::IIat:..saiO:1erB Cc=t 1oe.s net :;NQlO:::t:. t~reby, to grant any -right: • ..,l .. in. ~itl •• Oll: ecure::Dent. in 0= UiJOIIll this c:JII:Pty nr.ad; :::: is furtl:<!!r umd'~:n;=ocd :;hat i.n the future should for £~ reaSCll Upst.m: CD=ty r.~e;:! ~o v.orllt. i'ltprove, relocate. widen, increllSe. add Ito er iT. ar.y .:a:mer cbaoge =be s::ructure of this right of way, th~~ ~~~e3eDC9. if aUectec. ..iiI be IDOved u.""Xier the <:ii:.-ectioo of the 1]psW;: CO;mty Coar.~6si0£2rs C~r:: r€pre&entoti~~ and s:~ll be relocated at t~ amplet~ p.;o;:pe~ of the OImer ~u.t:hlll thirty (3;); <kys \.-pon re~l.pt: of notice fr.:m the Ccua:Dissiooer$ Co\Ort. Cm;nty n.gbt of 'lay shall be poerlonteC i.... the Coarl9sioners Dourt intr.1ctior..s. n.!! iD~talla~ion &hal~ not damage any part of the roa~7 aD~ adpqca~p provisioas r';.1st b& lIIt!ld~ to cause RJ.llilWlII inCC::l!'l~er.oe to ~ra::fic anc aOJaccnt owners. $pecificatiocs for p:ac~c9 this line are as All vo=k on the accordance with folllO>ltS: 1. !BaJrTlcac:!es. warning B1gna. l:';Jh'::B aII-e flagrea 1oOe.'"1 n.ecessa:::y shall !be pnr,;;r.ded! by the COIllI.tre:ct:or or :l'Imcr. One half cf 1:.b~ traveled p:n'tiOlil cf ::he road 1III.A$1t. be open at ail ~iDe9. ~. FtJl.l roa~ ~t .Il:l.nes, V:lerle practicable, shall be loca::ed t.o erous 3ppcotiaately ri9,-t angles. li'iio lines are to ~ insta:led um.:!er or within S.«li feelt o! eit~r e:Jd ::If aJIlIy eric.qe. ~ lines sban ~ pl,-~ in a",y culvert. c:r wi::bin :0 feet of the closest FOUlt of ~"i!d=, , SPECIAL ROAD USE AGREEMENT CONTRACT THE STATE OF TEXAS () COUNTY OF UPSHUR () KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS , hereinafter The undersigned woom.ANDS referred to as First Party, enters into and makes an agreement with Upshur County Commissioner of precinct No. __3_, Upshur County, and in order to get material to market it is necessary to use a portion of Upshur County roads located in Precinct No._3_, over which Commissioner has jurisdiction and obligation to maintain in good repair, and both parties being aware of possible damage to said roads as a result of hauling on and over same, enter into the following agreement: 1. First Party agrees to use only that section of (describe exact route, direction and miles in tenths) ______________________________ WHITE OAK TO CHERRY 2. First Party agrees to use its vehicles in such a manner as not to block or interfere with other traffic on said road, so that said road will be open to travel by the public at all times. 3. First party agrees to grade, maintain and otherwise repair said road, using its own equipment, labor and materials, if any needed, during the duration of time that First Party is removing LOGS from its lands located in Precinct No. __3_. Upshur County. 4. First Party agrees to put said road back into the same condition as it was prior to the commencement of hauling operations on the part of First Party. S. First Party agrees to POST SURETY BONO in the amount of x$______~ to Upshur County Commissioner I s Court to insure performance of agreement. 6. Nothing herein shall be construed as a waiver by the Commissioner of the authority granted him by Article 6716, V.A.C.S .• but the rights and authority granted the Commissioner by the terms of Article 6716, V.A.C.S., are expressly reserved by the Commissioner in the event First Party fails to abide by the conditions above se: forth. ~ / • ...F~~rty ~'t2#1/·Ju.~<-4 Signature RT. 2 BOX 636 Street or Box cou~~ ~~l c: ·0 BIG SANDY, TX. 75755 C~ty. State and Zip Code C 903-734-6541 Telephone WRIGHT Timber Tract: 3 commissIoner 4 3-20-2001 Date signed Date Signed Permit issued for a period not to exceed 90 days. :s: 50 ~ W ("', 0 c -0 :;!: c::> -' ~\ '>' rn 0 (') .::>7.> -::::f\i .. >( 11 ~~ .";'> ; - :s:: :< of." =< 0 -' .- M : .!S'lo ,-,,--;C~: :;..: - -------- -------- - -- _ _M _ _ _ _ __ VO~PG~ SP~IAL ROAD USE AGREEMENT CONTRACT THE STATE OF TEXAS 0 COUNTY OF UPSHUR 0 KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS ~. U) The undersigned /.1...2 tJ.s ' hereinafter referred to as FirU~y, enters into and nlaIces ali agreement with Upshur County Commissioner of Precinct No. Upshur County, and in order to get m:t~al to market it is necessary to use a portion ofUpsliur County roads located in Precinct No. over which Commissioner has jurisdiction and obligation to maintain in good repair, and both parties being aware of possible damage to said roads as a result cfhauJing on and over same, enter into the following agreement: 1 First PArtv .. orees to \,Ise nnlv that s,ection of (describe exact rout,. tlirection II(ld miles in tenths) Em ~2? O,J~ {{aphf:e AffeI4 cJ. _nl'--IJI~Le=-c),--'_ _ 2. First Party agrees to use its vehicles in such a manner as not to block or interfere with other traffic on said road, so that said road will be open to travel by the public at all times 3 * First Party agrees to grade, maintain and otherwise repair said road, using its own equipment, labZ;0 and materials, if any needed, during the duration of time ~irst Party is removing _. -5 from its lands located in Precinct No Upshur County 4 First Party agrees to put said road back into the same condition as it was prior to the commencement of hauling operations on the part of First Party 5 First Party agrees to POST SURETY BOND in the amount of $_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ to Upshur County Commissioner's Court to insure performance of agreement 6 Nothing herein shall be COQltrued as a waiver by the Commissioner of the authority granted him by Article 6716, VAC.S, but the rights and authority granted the Commissioner by the terms of Article 6716, V A C S , are expressly reserved by the Commissioner in the event First party fails to abide by the conditions above set forth County Judge st Party SIgnature O$_&V~ r O.:a~ rJk~ / Street or Box tAiJe/(l.. Ii. ' City, State and Zip C~de t912!)?9tJ -$162 Commissioner # 1 (" .•.1 WI(J")U.#1 <Eltut-lj CZ) c: -< "'0 Telephone ~V/dsdJ Timber Tract !!? .~ c: Commissioner # 4 (-; c " -i Date Signed PERMIT ISSUED FOR A PERIOD NOT TO EXCEED 90 DAYS -i :x <=> ,-, :r ". ;,:?::ry w <=> -.~>< -" '-,.- ~ " ; (,') r-; ---0 ::0 ,z:" 0 <n '-I"'I .- r- ~;:: ::" ~ : VOL ~<[' PGJh - f > f: J I SPECIAL ROAD USE AGREEMENT CONTRACT I I ,I l I t ' i , THE STATE OF TEXAS 0 ! KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS COUNTY OF UPSHUR 0 j) t ! 5' GrJtea ( The undersigned Jfl)R.:> , hereinafter referred to as First Party, enters into and makes an agreement with Upshur County Commissioner of Precinct No. Upshur County, and in order to get material to market it is necessary to use a portion of Upshur County roads located in Precinct No. over which Commissioner has jurisdiction and obligation to maintain in good repair, and both parties being aware of possible damage to said roads as a result of hauling on and over same, enter into the following agreement. L I f L i , h ,j i 1 ,f I e only that section of (describe exact route, direction and miles in tenths) e: ~ r 2. First Party agrees to use its vehicles in such a manner as not to block or interfere with other traffic on said road, so that said road will be open to travel by the public at all times i 3 ~ First Party agrees to grade, maintain and otherwise repair said road, using its own equipment, la~ and materials, if any needed. during the duration of time t9&t First Party is removing -b:i.J?.o..d r::) from its lands located in Precinct No. Upshur County. 4 I t t ~ ±-. First Party agrees to put said road back into the same condition as it was prior to the commencement of hauling operations on the part ofFirst Party 5. First Party agrees to POST SURETY BOND in the amount of $-::-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ to Upshur County Commissioner's Court to insure performance of agreement. 6 Nothing herein shall be construed as a waiver by the Commissioner of the authority granted him by Article 6716, V.AC.S, but the rights and authority granted the Commissioner by the terms of Article 6716, V AC.S, are expressly reserved by the Commissioner in the event First Party ran, to abide by the conditions above set forth. < I "" jdLJj,.£Q~j) ~ Party SIgnature County Judge t:I d-Z-t 1/;0 9~ U/V~ Commissioner 1 oil ?I~£;o, ili) % ~{kS:~~=~_ City, State and Zip Code Street or Box # 5'12=' /1)53 Telephone O:J -< Timber Tract .:i - ~;L-OL Date Signed Commissioner # 4 c= :,y:: ." ~ c:: ?' r.. c Date Signed Cl ...., r"1 ....-< c:: PERMIT ISSUED FOR A PERIOD NOT TO EXCEED 90 DAYS 0 -:l ::. ;< ....>C c.l 0 -0 ::s: of." 0 Q\ (") 0:;0 ~rn :~"': ... q --- ' r '_ ;,n~ _0 '1"'\ - . ~:~ ~- VOL 0<[; PG 'i~Q SPECIAL ROAD USE AGREEMENT CONTRACT THE STATE OF TEXAS 0 KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS COUNTY OF UPSHUR 0 ell d~m /J The undersigned .f : ) cj'1JR.5 . hereinafter referred to as First Party,'enters into and makes an agreement with Upshur County Commissioner of Precinct No. ~ Upshur County, and in order to get material to market it is necessary to use a portion of Upshur County roads located in Precinct No. ~ over which Commissioner has jurisdiction and obligation to maintain in good repair, and both parties being aware of possible damage to said roads as a result of hauling on and over same, enter into the following agreement: 1. that section of (describe exact route, direction and miles in tenths) 'Lb 2 First Party agrees to use its vehicles in such a manner as not to block or interfere with other traffic on said road, so that said road will be open to travel by the public at all times 3. First Party agrees to grade, maintain and otherwise repair said road, using its own equipment, la~r and materials, ifany needed, during the duration of time tlujt First Party is removing Ud-v from its lands located in Precinct No ....!:f::...., Upshur County. r 4 First Party agrees to put said road back into the same condition as it was prior to the commencement of hauling operations on the part of First Party 5. First Party agrees to POST SURETY BOND in the amount ofS_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ to Upshur County Commissioner' 8 Court to insure performance of agreement. 6 Nothing herein shall be construed as a waiver by the Commissioner of the authority granted him by Article 6716, VAC.S, but the rights and authority granted the Commissioner by the terms of Article 6716, V A C S , are expressly reserved by the Commissioner in the event First Party fails to abide by the conditions above set forth \. 18 'l£, Q(h',u,O est Party Signature fd. ,-2. t3P)L III ~ Street or Box Telephone Timber Tract Date Signed Commissioner # 4 c:: Date Signed 0 -'!!l" ::I: ::.. e,.) "~:: 0 :Po :::0 (") 0::7.) ern ~ ~>-:"1 '-., ;:= c." o ,.." -u PERMIT ISSUED FOR A PERIOD NOT TO EXCEED 90 OA -< 1 "._~.__ . . ." -< :< ~ S >< -0 == -F.' <:) -.I 1"'1 ~~o ':~ :r:: ~: , ,. THE STATE OF TEXAS 0 COUNTY OF UPSHUR 0 KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS The undersigned "l, hereinafter referred to as First Party, entera into and makes an agree nt wf Upshur County Commissioner of Precinct No. L Upshur County, and in order to get material to market it ia necessary to use a portion of Upshur County roads located in Precinct No. L over which Commissioner has jurisdiction and obligation to maintain in good repair, and both parties being aware of possible damage to said roads as a result of hauling on and over same, enter into the following agreement: f r J 1 J First Party agrees to use only that section of (describe exact route, "'\ i ' ,I ! I First Party agrees to use its vehicles in such a manner as not to block or interfere with other traffic on said road, so that said road will be open to travel by the public at all times ~ ), First Party agrees to grade, maintain and otherwise repair said road, using its own equipment, labor and materials, if any needed, during the duration of time that First Party is removing ,'-O~ from its lands located in Precinct No ::L, Upshur County. 4 \j First Party agrees to put said road back into the same condition as it was prior to the commencement of hauling operations on the part of First Party 5. First Party agrees to POST SURETY BOND in the amount of $-;:-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ to Upshur County Commissioner's Court to insure performance of agreement 6. Nothing herein shall be construed as a waiver by the Commissioner of the authority granted him by Article 6716, V A.C.S., but the rights and authority granted the Commissioner by the terms of Article 6716, VAC S., are expressly reserved by the Commissioner in the event First Party fails to abide by the conditions above set forth. I % ,( ! ! f ~~~~~-'--~~---- First Party Signature Street or Box OM ,C"3'~ 2S~&3 City, State and Zip e Telephone a:I ~ c: 0 -u :r: ~ Ul Timber Tract Commissioner # 4 Date Signed ::0 (J 0;:0 5 r ,: r, -. Co) q <::> ~:x_" ~ ;;g rr; t-:;::O .co 0 ....., >r= .I(.J"J :'l> ~:;.: ~, PERMIT ISSUED FOR A PERIOD NOT TO EXCEED 90 DAYS I I I I • _. -- ~-_.- -- - ~ -- - -- ----------- PERMIT APPLICATION FOR USE OF upSHUR COUNTY RIGHT OF WAY TO: THE UPSHUR COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COURT COUNTY OF UPSHUR GILMER. TEXAS p~cmCT___\~_________ DATE 2) -\~-D I\ Formal notice is hereby given that -'~--..l.>.A...~~~...,,,,",,...., _ _ M.~,-,9Q~~____ whose principal does hereby propose to place a t'J-S c, (\,,\:r- D- L !.. SA ..!loQ..;,..I,.\. : N~!O. )o'-.&.<jT~~ ' __within the ROW of County Road ~y\)... - 0- L':.m.\1 address is The location and description of the proposed lines or appurtenances is more fully shown by three (3) copies of drawings attached to the application. Proposed construction will begin, if approved, on or after the __\~C:,~___ day of--.J-b\--..:,.,=--~... cQ~________ . 2001. I, ~=\R~"e hI \;\\"\ , hereby attest that I have read the conditions set forth in this application and understand it's contents. NAME:J&~ t rtl6 PHONE: '1 Si - :-t $ <.-. a APPROVAL OF PERMIT APPLICATION The Upshur County commissioners Court offers no objections to the location on the right of way of your proposed _...\.C...:...:~""'=~~~=~______ as shown by accompanying drawings and notice dated!_--"::\-')"'-_\J..:(~QL-_ _ _ _ _ _ _' 2001. except as noted below: It is expressly understood that the Upshur County Commissioners court does not purport, hereby, to grant any right, claim, title, or easement in or upon this county road; it is further understood that in the future should for any reason Upshur County need to work, improve, relocate, widen, increase, add to or in any manner change the structure of this right of way, this appurtenance, ifaffected, will be moved under the direction of the Upshur County Commissioners Court representative and shall be relocated at the complete expense of the owner within thirty (30) days upon receipt of notice from the CommisSIoners Court. All work on the County nght of way shall be performed in accordance with the Commissioners Court instructions. The installation shall not damage any part oftbe roadway and adequate provisions must be made to cause minimum inconvenience to traffic and adjacent owners. Spcd/kalion., for placing Ihb Iinc arc as fi)lJow~: I. Barricadcs. warmng ~ign~. light ~ and flagmcn whcn ncccs~ry sllllll be providcd by the contractor or owner. One half of the traveled portion of the road mUlot be open at all times. 2. All lines. where practicable. shall be located to cross roadbed at approximately right angles. No lines arc to be installed under or WIthin 50 feet of either end of any bridge. No hnes shall be placed in any culvert or within 10 feet of the closest point of same. 3. Parallcllines will be in.~talled as ncar tbe right of way lines as poSSIble and no parallc1line will be Installed In the roadbed or between the drainage ditch and the roadbed without special permission of the County Commissioners Court. I 4. Overhead lines will have minimum clearance of 18 feet above the road surface at the point of crossing. S. Operations along roadways shall be performed in such a manner that all excavated material be kept otfthe surface at all times, as well as all operating equipment and I11<\terials. No equipment for installation procedures will be used which will damage any road surface, roadbed. structures or other right of way feature. Any expenditure that is a direct result of this installation will be borne hy owner of this line. 6. All hnes under road~ carrying pres~ure in excess of SOpsi shall be enclosed in satisfactory casing extending from the right of way line to right of way line. Pipe used for casing may be of any type approved by the County Engineer or Commissioners Court and shall be capable of supporting load of roadbed and tramc and shall be so constructed that there will be no leakagc of any matter through casing for its entire length: In~ide diameter of casings shall be at least 2 inches greatcr than the largest diameter of carrier pipe, joints or coupling~. 7. 8. 9. 10. II. 12. 13. i I i All excavations within the right of way and not under surfacing shall be backfilled by tamping 6 inch hori1.ontallayers. All surplus material WIll be removed from the right of way and the excavation finished flush with surrounding natural ground. All ground hnes arc to be installed a minimum of36 inches below the flow line of the adjacent dramage or borrow ditch. (Any material placed in county right of way be permit WIll be of a nature or compositIon that said lme can be located with the sue of a standard locator device used in locating buried cables and pipe.) Lines crossing under roads and under cross roads within the right of way will be placed by boring. Boring shall extend from crown line to crown line. Gravity flow sewer lines under roadway WIll be cast iron or eqUIvalent pipe. Where evidence IS presented indicating the impracticability or boring or tunneling, the Commissioner Court may grant pernlission to cut the surface no wider than 4 inches. In the event a cut IS permitted the following conditions will govern: (a) Excavation areas are to be filled and packed Wlth compatible material (b) The surfacing will be replaced with equivalCJ'lt quality surfacing. Notice will be given to the precinct Commissioner 48 hours prior to starting construction of the line in his precinct. Where in the opinion of the Commissioners Court it may be necessary to protect losses incurred by damage to the roads, bridges or right of way structures, they may by action of the Court require a surety bond in an amount sufficient to cover any damages. Where, in the opinion of the Commissioners Court, an inspector is necessary, the party receiving permit will bear the cost of the inspection. APPROVED ON THIS _ _ _---'DAy OF _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _--:, 2001. c:J -< C -.;> £! c:: Commissioner Precinct # 4 I 0 rTl "'0 C -t 0 :x :x.::0 w f"') -:>:;::1 -::: r:-: ·.':x - ::=--~ g 0 § ..., " . .-- :< ~ >c: \" ... (/)r.1 ::t: ~ 0 -..I --0 ~,~ ...... ~: ~ ~-: I r t \ VOL~PG~ PERMlT APPLICATION FOR USE OF WSHUR COUNTy RIGHT OF WAY TO: THE UPSHUR COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COURT COUNTy OF UPSHUR GILMER, TEXAS :2. PRECINCT DATE 8J,'c,/a Fonnal notice is hereby given that /)u" .Qfy 996J? F'1tt.:J tid. address is j - ).1 - (j I whose principal does hereby propose to place a ~~ . S The location and description of the proposed lines or appurtenances is more fully shown by three c.u./t/ill within the ROW of County Road (3) copies of drawings attached to the application. Proposed construction will begin, if approved, on or after the I, & day of _ _-L..rY2...L...........,a.t.ch-.=~.\.--.______, 2001. c9/ '(/4.. D~:Gf , hereby attest that I have read the conditions set forth in this application and understand it's contents. NAME, (]/,.,Au PHONE: I2Jht tP 3 51? 8 -!} ~uJ~) f1 00 ~2:l1.- :2.50'=\ ~~ , APPROVAL OF PERMlT APPLICATlON The Upshur County commissioners Court offers no objections to the location on the right of way v. t:d: ......' ' --______ as shown by accompanying drawings of your proposed _ _...Cu.'' ' ' '""''"I.... and notice dated-Lm....L..J.S,J.a"'&d=~_...:,:L_../L_ ___ , 2001, except as noted below: It is expressly understood that the Upshur County Commissioners court does not purport, hereby, to grant any right, claim, title, or easement in or upon this county road; it is further understood that in the future should for any reason Upshur County need to work, improve, relocate, widen, increase, add to or in any manner ehange the structure of this right of way, this appurtenance, if affected, will be moved under the direction of the Upshur County Commissioners Court representative and shal1 be relocated at the complete expense of the owner within thirty (30) days upon receipt of notice from the Commissioners Court, All work on the County right of way shall be performed in accordance with the Commissioners Court instructions. The installation shall not damage any part of the roadway and adequate provisions must be made to cause rrunimum inconvenience to traffic and adjacent owners. Specifications for placmg this line are as fol1ows: I. Barricades, warning signs, I1ghts and flagmen when necessary shall be provided by the contractor or owner. One half of the traveled portion of the road must be open at all times. 2. All lines, where practicable, shaH be located to cross roadbed at approximately right angles. No lines are to be installed under or within 50 feet of either end of any bridge. No lines shall be placed in any culvert or within 10 feet of the closest point of same. 3. Paral1e! hnes will be mstal1cd as near the right of way lines as possible and no parallel line will be installed in the roadbed or between the drainage ditch and the roadbed without special permission of the County Commissioners Court. i ,f ,r " t 4. Overhead lines will have minimum clearance of 18 feet above the road surface at the point of crossing, 5. Operations along roadways shall be performed in such a manner that all excavated material be kept off the surfacc at all tImes, as well as all operating equipment and materials. No equipment for installation procedures will be used which will damage any road surface, roadbed, structures or other right of way feature. Any expenditure that is a dIrect result of this installation will be borne by owner of this line. 6. All lines under roads carrying pressure in excess of SOpSI shall be enclosed in satisfactory casing extending from the right of way line to right of way line. Pipe used for casing may be of any type approved by the County Engineer or Commissioners Court and shall be capable of supporting load of roadbed and traffic and shall be so constructed that there will be no leakage of any matter through casing for its entire length; Inside diameter of casings shall be at least 2 inches greater than the largest diameter of carrier pipe, joints or couplings. 7. All excavations within the right of way and not under sUifacing shall be backfilled by tamping 6 inch hOn7ontallayers. All surplus material will be removed from the right of way and the excavation finished flush with surrounding natural ground. 8. All ground lines are to be installed a minimum of36 inches below the flow line of the adjacent dramage or borrow dItch. (Any material placed in county right of way be permit will he ofa nature or composition that said Ime can be located with the sue ofa standard locator device used in locating buried cables and pipe.) 9. Lines crossing under roads and under cross roads within the right of way will be placed by boring. Boring shall extend from crown line to crown line. Gravity flow sewer lines under roadway will be cast iron or equivalent pipe. lO. 'Where eVIdence is presented indicating the impracticability or boring or tunneling, the Commissioner Court may grant permission to cut the surface no wider than 4 inches. In the event a cut IS permItted the following conditions will govern: (a) Excavation areas are to be filled and packed with compatible material (b) The surfacing will be replaced with equivalent quality surfacing. II. Notice will be given to the precinct Commissioner 48 hours prior to starting construction of the line in hIS precinct. 12. Where in the opinion of the Commissioners Court it may be necessary to protect losses incurred by damage to the roads, bridges or right of way structures, they may by action of the Court require a surety bond in an amount sufficient to cover any damages. 13. Where, in the opinion of the Commissioners Court, an inspector is necessary, the party receIving permit will bear the cost of the inspection. APPROVED ON THIS ~ •! i i I. , --------'DAY OF -------------------------,, 2001. '. CD -< C -0 ~ C> :x ("") O:'"'J cr·, c 50 ::.x" ·1. _ _ w ~~ ("'. Conunissioner Precinct # 4 0 0 .." -0 ....c: '. r 0 - S ::2 :.; :< of: -i 0 ?" -.I - ",,0' .-~:::c C1 : ..,:::- :.o:E ;.1: f ( I , SPECIAL ROAD USE AGREEMENT CONTMCT THE STATE OF TEXAS 0 COUNTY OF UPSHUR 0 KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS :s; The undersigned C). t~ A ~. do tl..£.lA ,. hereinafter referred to as First Party, enters into and make\.an agreement with Upshur County Commissioner of Precinct No. ..l-. Upshur County, and in order to get material to market it is necessary to use a portion of Upshur County roads located in Precinct No. -\-- over which Commissioner has jurisdiction and obligation to maintain in good repair, and both parties being aware of possible damage to said roads as a result of hauling on and over same, enter into the following agreement: 1 First Party agrees to use only that section of (describe exact r ute, direction and miles in tenths) s:J -' First Party agrees to use its vehicles in such a manner as not to block or interfere with other traffic on said road, so that said road will be open to travel by the public at all times 3. First Party agrees to grade, maintain and otherwise repair said road, using its own equipment, lah\lr and materials, if any needed, during the duration of time that First Party is removing "'\'~f'... '~J!>.'J;. from its lands located in Precinct No. L Upshur County ~ \ 4 First Party agrees to put said road back into the same condition as it was prior to the commencement of hauling operations on the part of First Party 5 First Party agrees to POST SURETY BOND in the amount ofS,-::_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ to Upshur County Commissioner's Court to insure performance of agreement. -, i; I 6. Nothing herein shall be construed as a waiver by the Commissioner of the authority granted him by Article 6716, VAC.S., but the rights and authority granted the Commissioner by the tenns of Article 6716, V.A.C.S., are expressly reserved by the Commissioner in the event First Party tiil. to a~ the co itions ab~V~ set forth. ,y ~ ~ First rty Signature cL County Judge ~.D,~~ 8\D:.':> Street or Box &. j;) .5::,)0 . '1S L.\ \ City, State and Zip Code' Q,!C:/:\- q;l,:-J - ,2,OSa Telephone '-=,..., "" Timber Tract Date Si$lled 0:;0 ' 0 Date Signed o I'T1 "'0 c: -I -< PERMIT ISSUED FOR A PERIOD NOT TO EXCEED 90 DAYS c ;z: -I :< -I >< U1 "'0 ::z: ~ s:- ~x." -1;1>- -::. r --U),..., ;--=!:t: 0 ~~ , ~ A 0) I t i ,~ i --- - - ...:",1 ' :. ~,,:-Y/ It, -- - I/I! ,V.:;f2{'. , • ~.:;'~.'I'" ' - --- ----- . • ATI'ENDANCE SIGN-IN SHEET LOCATION: UPSHUR COUNTY LIBRARX. DATE: t11egC H ..30 ) I ;1.O<J I v 6. 7. iJJ'YhL-v 9. 10. 11. 14. gfj ~~- V I .• 11. 14. 15. 15. 16. 16. 17. 17. 18. 18. 19. 19. 20. 20. 21. 21. 22. 23. 23. 24. 24. 25. 25. '.' \ ANNEX I
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