1 - Upshur County
1 - Upshur County
VOL. 19 PG 71 2 UPSHUR COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COURT ClILME", TEX .... 11-9-92 Commissioners Court met in regular session with all members present except Tommy Stanley and David Loyd. Motion by Tommy Eatherton seconded by Gaddis Lindsey to approve the minutes of the previous meeting. Motion carried. Motion by Tommy Eatherton seconded by Gaddis Lindsey to approve the overload permit by Doug Spellings to haul on county roads. Motion carried, copy attached. Motion by Tommy Eatherton seconded by Gaddis Lindsey to approve the permit application of Jerry Sparks to do some dirt work at New Mt. Fire Dept. Motion carried, copy attached. Motion by Gaddis Lindsey seconded by Tommy Eatherton to approve Goldston Pipeline Co. doing three road bores across Carnation Road. Motion carried, copy attached. Motion by Gaddis Lindsey seconded by Tommy Eatherton to approve the permit application of Gordon Bevis to install a culvert within ROW of White Tail Lane. Motion carried, copy attached. Motion by Gaddis Lindsey seconded by Tommy Eatherton to approve the permit application of Valli Thompson to install a culvert within ROW of Hydrangea Road. Motion carried, copy attached. Motion by Gaddis Lindsey seconded by Tommy Eatherton to approve the special road use agreement by Lasco to haul logs on Gardenia Road. Motion carried, copy attached. Motion by Gaddis Lindsey seconded by Tommy Eatherton to approve the special road use agreement by Glover Wood to haul logs on Flag and Geranium Roads. Motion carried, copy attached. Motion by Gaddis Lindsey seconded by Tommy Eatherton to approve the special road use agreement by Ed Warner Construction to haul gravel on Bob 0 Link Road. Motion carried, copy attached. Motion by Tommy Eatherton seconded by Gaddis Lindsey to approve the special road use agreement by William Robertson to haul logs on Elderberry and Red Oak Roads. Motion carried, copy attached. Motion by Gaddis Lindsey seconded by Tommy Eatherton to approve the filling of an abandoned well on the property of Don Hawkins. Motion carried, copy attached. Motion by Tommy Eatherton seconded by Gaddis Lindsey to approve the filling of an abandoned well on the property of Jeanette Tidwell. Motion carried, copy attached. Jo Ann Stocks met with the court to request she be able to move a cabinet wall in order to make another office for the probation department. This was agreed to and she said she would see to the moving and cleanup. Motion by Gaddis Lindsey seconded by Tommy Eatherton to approve the agreement with Oakerson, Arnold, Walker & Co. to do the outside audits for the county. Motion carried. copy attached. Motion by Gaddis Lindsey seconded by Tommy Eatherton to approve the payroll changes of Barbara Robinson, Ron Benge and Mathhew Alford. Motion carried, copy attached. Motion by Tommy Eatherton seconded by Gaddis Lindsey to approve the payment of the bills now due. Motion carried, copy attached. Motion by Tommy Eatherton seconded by Gaddis Lindsey to approve the Treasurer's Monthly report. Motion carried, copy attached. Motion by Tommy Eatherton seconded by Gaddis Lindsey to set the speed limit on Slash Pine Road at 30 MPH. There will be signs posted. Motion carried. The bids for an oil and gas lease on Upshur County School lands in Throckmorton county were opened. The only bid was from Saber Oil and Gas for $21.00 per acre. They included a draft for $1680.00. Motion by Tommy Eatherton seconded by Gaddis Lindsey to accept this bid. Motion carried, copy not attached. VOlJ.fl-PG 1~O Bids were opened for three overhead tanks belonging to Pet. # 1. Bids were: Smith Oil Co., $420.00 and Ervin Smith, $405.00. Motion by Gaddis Lindsey seconded by Tommy Eatherton to accept the high bid from Smith Oil. Motion carried, copy attached. Motion by Gaddis Lindsey seconded by Tommy Eatherton to approve the payment of $71.66 to the Emergency Management Funds Division. This is an overpayment for funds the county received for storm damage. Motion carried, copy attached. Motion by Tommy Eatherton seconded by Gaddis Lindsey to approve paying $750.00 for the county's part of the county maps. Motion carried. Motion by Tommy Eatherton seconded by Gaddis Lindsey to accept the financial statement as presented. Motion carried, copy on file. Motion by Gaddis Lindsey seconded by Tommy Eatherton to approve the canvass of the votes of the Nov. 3, 1992 election. Motion carried. Motion by Gaddis Lindsey seconded by Tommy Eatherton to adjourn. Motion carried. CO Y JUDGE ~ -- e£cl M \ , i; -----------------------------------~ , --r --~--- 1 ~'I , / TEXAS 2060 PERMIT PERMIT FOR OVER AXLE AND OVER GROSS TEXAS DEPARTMENT Oli' T.RANSPORT~T;ON < PG ZJvI --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I PART ;1:. 1, (fbi. piwt lIIII.t be curlee! iIlcI 'Ulin in the Vlhiel, fo, wbleb it 1. 1..111c1 Wltll the day aft.r the uplratloa dati.) Date ~~ Issue: '10/03/92 A. Company Name: DOUG SPELLINGS D. Address. : P 0 DOX 635 CitY;·St. ,Up: "MAUD . TX 75567 C. Load/Commodity A9ri~ultural[X] . .' Expires on: 10/03/93 Receipt No.: 22620005 DeBcript~on: Non-Agricultural[ ] Max. Width Legal Max Ht. Legal ~x LQnqt~"~~~wl Gros8 ~~. Lb•• 5\ Over Groa. D. Truck/Tractor In~ormation: Mk/Mod: 87 WHITE VIN: lWXYDCCF1HN121879 Lic; R57750 . . \ Bt: TX '. E. Axle and Gross Weight Tolerance: (Mark Appropriate Do~ with [Xl) Non-Agricultural Permit: [ ] Authorizes vehicle to exceed the maximum axle weight by a tolerance of 10' and t.o exc~ed the maximum gross weight by a tolerance of 5\. Agricultural Permit : [Xl Authorizes vehicle to exceed the maximum axle weight by a tolerance of 12' and to exceed the maximum gross weight by a tolerance of 5\. *Note*: If the vehicle will be moving both Agricultural and NO~~Agric~ltural products, a Non-Agricultural permit is required. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------A. Routing: l?ART IX. Al~ roadways on the State Highway System and all co~~ty roads in counties'where the County Clerk has been notified by registered or certified mail that vehicles will be operated thereon • , .. B. '~m~r1cs: May operate on load zoned roads at 5% over vehiole Gross Wt. May not operate on load zoned bridges more than 5% over posted load limit. Vehicle must be registered for maximum Gross Wt. for the vehicle. No Interst~te movement allowed. \ • I \ I \ C. Payment Method & Fee.: Cash.Permit Payment [Xl Pe~t li'ee a~~~a ' $75.00 Permit No: 921003A0075T Arnold W. Oliver, P.E., Executive-D1r. Texa. Depaxtment o~ Tran.po~at1on \ .' (;-77?llCK.) / a- :._2~ - 7_~~_,_ _ 1 ---------_ .. _--- .. VOL~PG 1~rJ. TO: PERmT APPLICATION FOR USE OF UPSIIUR COUNTY RIGII! OF WAY TilE urSIlUR COUNl''i COllHlSSI0NERS COURT COUNTY OF urSIlUIt GlUIER, TEXAS PRlClNCT DA IE _-!:::;;;<~~_____ / () - ;2 '1- tf 2- ~ --< \ , I.J -, ,.,, -< -- . ,,") "'- ,,) 'rhe location and descriptlon of the p~oposed lines or appertenonc(!s is more fully shown by I;hree (3) copies of drm~ Ings attached to this opp llcation. AJl work wIll bc as dl rected ::"y the Cdunty Comnlssioner or his designllte In Cull accordoncft,with Upshur County Road & IIrldge Departmcnt polieles and specifications. Proposed construction will begin, if approved, on or after _ _ _ _ _ _ _ dllY of , 19_. ADDRESS --'''-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _--J._ _ _ _ _ - -- ---- --- - - -- - ----- --- --- -- ... WJL2!LPG_1;0 • PERMIT APPLICATION FOR liSE OF UI'SIIUR COUNTY RIGIIT OF WAY '1'01 111£ lJI'SIIUR COUIHY COIIHISSIONERS COURT COUNTY OF Ul'SIIUI\ GIl.HER, TEXAS FRECINCT _.::.2_ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ DATE October 30, 1992 Form!] 1 not Ice ls hereby &1 veil that Goldston Pipeline Com!'anv whose prlllclpnl Dd,dl'ess Is P.O.Box 570365, Houston, Tx 77257 do e s pr opo S e lOll I DC e 0 _ _....::..p:;:iD:;.;e;.:l:.:i,;.:n.:.e...:c:;.;r:.;:o.:.s.:.si.:,n:.;:g.:...._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ wI thin the Ro\~ o[ Cou"ly Road _ _....:C...aur.!!¥Ja.a..,.ti!..!o~n~R~oa~d~_ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ tiS followsl Three bores crossing Carnation Road approximately 600 feet east of ,the intersection of Carnation and State Highway 154 ,..., ,0 ", -'< II ..,.5: " > " ,:x I ".0 .i::;._ ..." .. <: r- -,. 'J ' .::t: 0 ,... -- , C') CJ -::, I-I" \t') .r;' ") (/);"T'\ ,:t> : "") .::: ~ ". 'Ihe location olld description of the pl."oposed lines or oppertellollc(!s is more {tilly shown by ~hree (3) caple,s of dnll~ings altached to thls opplication. 1\ I I work wi II be os directed ::"y the Cdunty Conmlss loner or Ills deslgnnle III [ull occordol1c ft .wlth Upshur County Road & IIr ldge Deparlment po lld es and specH lcatlons. Proposed constrllctlon will begIn. i f approved, on or after " 7th day of __N_ov_e_m_b_e_r_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ • 19~. TITLE Land I ADDRESS I Mana~er P.O.Box 57(1365, Houston 77257 I j (713)785-8217 i II I I \ \ i ! I I 1 ! • ------'-- ------ N ~--------------~\I / / / 1/ 11/ I":: '2.,f:) 0 ' 1. 10-3/4" 00 conduit: .307" wall, 34.24 lb/ft, schedule 30 containing a 6-5/8" 00 schedule SO seamless steel pipeline with .432" wall, 2S.57 lb/ft, ORL PEB, NSS grade B, coated and wrapped to TGF-3 specifications, operating at 1400 psi. 2. 6-5/S" 00 conduit: .2S0" wall, IS.97 lb/ft, schedule 40 containing a 3-1/2" 00 schedule SO seamless steel pipeline with .300" wall, DRL PEB, X-42 grade B, coated and wrapped to TGF-3 specifications, operating at 1400 psi. 3. 6-5/S" 00 conduit: .2S0" wall, 1S.97 lb/ft, schedule 40 containing a 3-1/2" 00 Star 2500 psi fiberglass pipeline with .333" wall, 2.95 lb/ft, operating at 500 psi. ~ I ------ ------- ------ VOL I'ERHLT "rPLICATION FOR USE OF UI'SIIUR COUNT'i RIGIIT TO: or ,J.L.PG ~-r WAY ll1E UI'SIIUR COUNl"{ COllmSSlONERS COURT COUNTY OF lJl'SllUIt GlUIER, TEXAS ~ PRlCINCT DATE /I - '2 - 77 Formal noUce Is hcreby given that ~O' 't5~ whose prillclpal add.'css is J'ldtf ~~""¢ L\aR/A1rfht«5:P7 docs propose lo v1ace a <' J4 p~ (.:5 1 1' wllhin the HOH o( COllllty Road 1,;.)4A)-4ttf4ctK< €IS follows: -;J.N-3l58- S{,/S" . w;tl~~~~~· \0 --< '"" ,1 I -u ~3 I '"N; I " -, ,+.: " ,• ,-r'1 ':~<""I"l i-,•• - 'J::) <:'" r -~ , ")(I)b .... ,n .11» ~~' ,q ~') c):>J " ~ . \ ,:;c '''' .1J~ ;:J:: '0 The location and uescrlptlon of the proposed lines or oppertellOI1CeS is more flllly shown by I;hree (3) coples of urlll~ings altached to this application, AJ 1 work wi II be os directed ::"y the Cdunty Comnissioner or his deslgnole In (ull accordanc ... wlth Upshur County Road a. IIrluge Deparlment policIes and specifications. Proposed construction wUl begin, if approved, on or after day oE ____________~~------__ , 19____ • TITLE _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ , \ I l! \ I \ \ I \ l'ERtIl T hi'I'LlCATlON FOR US'E OF U1'SIIUR COUNTY RIGHT OF WAY TO: 1'IIE tII'SlIUR. COUtHV COIIHlSS lONERS COUR.T COUNTY OF lIl'SIIUR FREC HlCT _ .....2'--_~-:-:-:-=-_ _ __ GlUIER, TEXAS IJATE Nov. 6, 1992 Formal notlce Is hereby glven whose l'dncll'nl oddress is docs propose lo ploce 0 wllhin the RO\~ o[ Counly Rond us foilowsl that Va] l i Thompson P.O.Box 636. Ore City, TX 75683 culvert installation ....H""'y_d_r_a_n.:g-:-:_a_R_o_a_d_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 903-755-2185 ~ ,'., ,:;~ r I .:J :rn ,"'" ,," 1', (",' , 'I") ",, -_L.l --'~, -_ , , ., -< The locotion olld descril)tion of the pt;"oposed Unes or 1Il'pertellOllC(!S is more flllly shown by I;.hree (3) corle,s of dr1ll4ings nttsched to thls sl'pllcation. fill work will be os dlrected::"y the Cdunty CorrrnissLoner or hls deslgnole In [ulL accordsnc ... wlth Upshur County Road 6. Ilddge Deparlment pollcIes alld specificatIons, rroposed constrllctioll will begin, if ~rproved, on or after tiny of , 19_, TiTLE _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ ADDRESS --'_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Ie: ,. - - - ---------- SPECIAL ROAD USE AGREEMENT CONTRACT THE STATE OF TEXAS, X COUNTY OF UPSHUR X KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS The undersigned Lasco, Inc. , hereinafter referred to as First Party, enters Into and makes an agreement with Upshur county Commissioner of Precinct No.~, Upshur County, Texas, and in order to get material to market it is necessary to use a portion of Upshur county roads located in Precinct NO'-1-, over which Commissioner has jurisdiction and obligation to maintain in good repair, and both parties being aware of possible damage to said roads as a result of hauling 'on and over same, enter into the following agreement: 1. First Party agrees to use only that section of (describe exact route, direction and miles in tenths) Gardenia Road and road off of Gard~e~n~~~'a~------------ 2. First Party agrees to use its vehicles in such a manner as not to block or interfere with other traffic on said road, so that said road will be open to travel by the public at all times. 3. First Party agrees to grade, maintain and otherwise repair said road, using its own equipment, labor and materials, if any needed, during the duration of time that First Part~s removing logs from its lands located in Precinct No.-1--, Upshur County. 4. First Party agrees to put said road back into the same condition as it was prior to the commencement of hauling operations on the part of First party. 5. First Party agrees to POST SURETY BOND or CASH BOND in the amount of $.~~~~~~~~' to Upshur county Commissioner's Court to insure performance'of agreement. 6. Nothing herein shall be construed as a waiver by the Commissioner of the authority granted him by Article 6702-1, V.A.C.S., but the rights and authority granted the commissioner by the terms of Article 6702-1, V.A.C.S., expressly reserved by the Commissioner in the event Part fails 0 abide by the conditions a set forth. P.O. Box 1122 street or Box I I' \ cIty, state and zIp Code commIssIoner 2 1?,3-S43-2457 Telep one penkeler TImber Tract gri'icr Date'1ff Permit 29, 1992 issued ," for .' Date SIgned a period not to exceed 90 days. ' --~- ----~---------~------- ---~---------------- ----- --- --- ~ .. ~ f ~ VOLlLpG 1)) SPECIAL ROAD USE AGREEMENT CONTRACT THE STATE OF TEXAS , COUNTY OF UPSHUR KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS X V),roJ The undersigned t:/ftve,q C?tQ • , hereinafter referred to as Frst Party, enters into and makes an agreement with Upshur county commissioner of Precinct No.~, Upshur County, Texas, and in order to get material to market it is necessary to use a portion of Upshur county roads located in Precinct NO.~, over which commissioner has jurisdiction and obligation to maintain in good repair, and both parties being aware of possible damage to said roads as a result of hauling on and over same, enter into the following agreement: ) ,l I 1 ! 1. agrees to use only that sec dir ction and m 1es in tentps)~~~~~~~~~ l I 2. First Party agrees to use its vehicles in such a manner as not to block or interfere with other traffic on said road, so that said road will be open to travel by the public at all times. 3. First Party agrees to grade, maintain and otherwise repair said road, using its own equipment, labor and materials, if any needed, during the duration of time that First Party is removing from its lands located in Precinct No.~, Upshu county. 4. First Party agrees to put said road back into the same condition as it was prior to the commencement of hauling operations on the part of First Party. 5. First Party agrees to POST SURETY BOND or CASH BOND in the amount of $~~~~~~~~, to Upshur county Commissioner's Court to insure performance'of agreement. -L0ir S \ I , I 6. Nothing herein shall be construed as a waiver by the Commissioner of the authority granted him by Article 6702-1, V.A.C.S., but the rights and authority granted the commissioner by the terms of Article 6702-1, V.A.C.S., are expressly reserved by the Commissioner in the event First P ,fails to bide by the condition~ set forth. t o nty ~J~U~d~g~e~~~~~~~~----~ ~~erl~!7 commissIoner 2 • j I II I Date Signed Permit issued for a period not to exceed 90 days. ,f !I .~ '" ---t----- -.. VOLLpGP-9 SPECIAL ROAD USE AGREEMENT CONTRACT THE STATE OF TEXAS, X COUNTY OF UPSHUR X KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS The undersigned ld Warner Construction, In~. hereinafter referred to as F rst Party, enters into and makes an agreement with Upshur County Commissioner of Precinct NO.-1-, Upshur County, Texas, and in order to get material to market it is necessary to use a portion of Upshur County roads located in Precinct No.1, over which Commissioner has jurisdiction and obligation-to maintain in good repair, and both parties being aware of possible damage to said roads as a result of hauling .on and over same, enter into the following agreement: , , 1. First Party agrees to use only that section of (describe exact route, direction and miles in tenths) ___________________ Bob 0 Link Road 2. First Party agrees to use its vehicles in such a manner as not to block or interfere with other traffic on said road, so that said road will be open to travel by the public at all times. 3. First Party agrees to grade, maintain and otherwise repair said road, using its own equipment, labor and materials, if any needed, during the duration of time that First Party is removing gravel' from its lands located in Precinct NO.--1-, Upshur County. 4. First Party agrees to put said road back into the same condition as it was prior to the commencement of hauling operations on the part of First Party. 5. First Party agrees to POST SURETY BOND or CASH BOND in the amount of $ ______~------~' to Upshur County Commissioner's Court to insure performance'of agreement. 6. Nothing herein shall be construed as a waiver by the Commissioner of the authority granted him by Article 6102-1, V.A.C.S., but the rights and authority granted the Commissioner by the terms of Article 6102-1, V.A.C.S., are expressly reserved by the Commissioner in he event ~~~_ Party fails to abide by the conditions 0 e set forth. ("!-L ~a ~st party~ture P.O. Box 48 Street or Box ; • Judson, TX 75660 city, State and zIp Code commIssIoner 2 903-660-0011 Telephone Hendrix Timber Tract ,.' November 5, 1992 Date SIgned Permit issued for a period not to exceed 90 days. \\ 0' f' 1------x: - - - ------~------- - -~] SPECIAL ROAD USE AGREEMENT CONTRACT THB STATB OF TEXAS . X COUNTY OF UPSHUR X KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS The undersigned 'William Robertson , hereinafter referred to as First party, enters into and makes an agreement with Upshur County commissioner of Precinct No._3__ , Upshur County, Texas, and in order to get material to market it is necessary to use a portion of Upshur County roads located in Precinct No.3, over which Commissioner has jurisdiction and obligation-to maintain in good repair, and both parties being aware of possible damage to said roads as a result of hauling on and over same, enter into the following agreement: II 'IJ 1. First Party agrees to use only that section of (describe exact route, direction and miles in tenths) ___________________ Elderberry and Redoak Roads 2. First Party agrees to use its vehicles in such a manner as not to block or interfere with other traffic on said road, so that said road will be open to travel by the public at all times. 3. First Party agrees to grade, maintain and otherwise repair said road, using its own equipment, labor and materials, if any needed, during the duration of time that First Party is removing logs from its lands located in Precinct No.~, Upshur county. 4. First Party agrees to put said road back into the same condition as it was 'prior to the commencement of hauling operations on the part of First Party. 5. First Party agrees to POST SURETY BOND or CASH BOND in the amount of $~~~~~~~~' to Upshur County Commissioner's Court to insure performance'of agreement. 6. Nothing herein shall be construed as a waiver by the Commissioner of the authority granted him by Article 6702-1, V.A.C.S., but the rights and authority granted the commissioner by the terms of Article 6702-1, V.A.C.S., are expressly reserved by the commissioner in e event~First party fails to abide by the conditions ~ set forth_ 1'Jdidd /00h/~ First party~~ure ) i 'rfl~ Rt. 1 Box 101 street or Box • .Jti!;l-~ ~~ bunty Judge <' ~d 0- . ""'eommr;;rcmer 1 Ore City, TX 75683 city, state and zip Code commissioner 2 903-968-6484 Telephone Lovell Timber Tract November 2, 1992 Date signed Permit issued for Date Signed a period not to exceed 90 days. II J, , l in - ---.-------- - - ,1 , APPLICATION FOR FILLING ABANDONED HELL VOL~PG 7.3/ TO: THE UPSHUR COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COURT COUNTY OF UPSHUR GILMER, TEXAS :::z RE: ABANDONED WELL OWNED BY 8f. a,. 8 ox -;1.: 11~ ,re??v. 7J~ ¥o ;;Sq.I&~'~~~:. LfJ? 7 - /,/,3- 15'19 ~-ea~0-- Qt2:h) . w.ed-<d~~ ~~c;f-u....., GENTLEMEN: DUE TO HEALTH AS WELL AS SAFETY HAZARDS, WE REQUEST THAT AN ABANDONED WELL BE FILLED AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. RESPECTFULLY YOURS, PRECINCT _-JtrJ~AI~G=- _______ DATE _____________________________ ( I TOMMY STANLEY, COMMISSIONER 2 . \ .. <:0 ..... '.0 I~-:: ,,,-' ~ ,=> ,c' ,, >"Q -.. :li: , ..., ,-q I I i, - .\ -., t::: -. ..... N " 0::u o· (::'" , --,:.,:X"T) . ..:!"r= -.:: ".. 0(/)1\1 I 1"1:1> .::z:o '.9 ;::J< 0>' +- ;T , ;;-- -. \.0 -------- 1 APPLICATION FOR FILLING ABANDONED WELL TO: THE UPSHUR COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COURT COUNTY OF UPSHUR GILMER, TEXAS .... en ~c~,Jl . .••00. . . W8LL ""••D.X <lotze/too ~ _ t../ _ C1,,f /.£4 tv :.;t/mr- fif!!i!! /cn..4 i?+ .4) x S s:t c:::t I ~ '<it;. GENTLEME~ (~AJ) ROAD. 70ZS -5L/t7S- -;:;4 ~~. M..- T~e:t"O ) DUE TO HEALTH AS W L AS SAFETY HAZARDS, WE REQUES~THAT AN ABANDONED WELL BE FILLED AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. RESPECTFULLY YOURS, ~~ J i PRECINCT _ _ _ _ _4.L.-_·______ DATE _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ ! APPROVED A REJECTED~_ _ ~~~~~~~~=:::-..«<~~NTJU6GE -- ~ADDIS LINDSE~~~R 1 , TOMMY STANLEY, COMMISSIONER 2 " '0 -< "" .0 .,. I I:) I '.J H_') i, ° -' \ ° I I ,o· " ,-. -~ -~ -, _.' --. ," ~ \.0 (") '-..,"'""""):"0 (- rll ->< I , -i " :-'r= "'1 t.0 \ ':I: \'"'> )< b ~------------------------------~------------- j -. , )' I VOLJ:J-PG_~~ AGREEMENT FOR AUDIT OF FINANCIAL STATEMENTS I - Agreement made as of October 26, 1992, between the County of Upshur (hereinafter called the "County") and Oakerson, Arnold, Walker & Co., certified Public Accountants (hereinafter called the "Accountant"). In consideration of the mutual undertakings contained, the parties hereto agree as follows: 1. We will audit the financial statements of the County as of and for the period ended September 30, 1992, for the purpose of expressing an opinion on them. The financial statements are the responsibility of the County's management. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on the financial statements based on our audit. 2. Our audit will be a Single Audit made in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement. An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. An audit also includes assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall financial statement presentation. We believe that our audit will provide a reasonable basis for our opinion. This agreement shall not include audit procedures for the collection function for entities other than the County of Upshur. 3. The Accountant shall perform the audit in the offices of the County. 4. The County shall make available to the Accountant all books, records, minutes, files and other documents necessary for the satisfactory completion of the audit. 5. The Accountant shall promptly bring to the attention of the Commissioner's Court any unusual conditions which may, in the opinion of the Accountant, require auditing or accounting services to exceed those contemplated by this Agreement. The Accountant shall not proceed with performance of the additional services required by such unusual conditions unless specifically authorized to do so by the Commissioner's Court. 6. Our audit is subject to the inherent risk that material errors, irregularities, or illegal acts, including fraud or defalcations, if they exist, will not be detected. However, we will inform the Commissioner's Court of any such matters that come to our attention. II 1_________________________________________________ - ------------- ----------------~ October 26, 1992 AGREEMENT FOR AUDIT OF FINANCIAL STATEMENT 7. At the conclusion of our audits, we will request certain written representations from you about the financial statements and matters related thereto. 8. The Accountant shall deliver fifteen copies of the audit report and management letter to the County. 9. The County shall pay the Accountant for services rendered a fee as follows: Juvenile Probation Department County Audit (excluding "outside entity tax collections") $525.00 $7,500.00 Fees will be billed as work progresses each month and due upon your receipt of our invoice. 10. Upon completion of the audit, at a time agreed upon by the Accountant and the County, the Accountant shall report orally the findings of the audit of the financial statements to the Commissioner's Court, if requested. We are pleased to have this opportunity to serve you. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement all as of the day and year first above written. OAKERSON. ARNOLD. WALKER & CO. certified Public Accountants Upshur County Bydr Juk BY£~(~ft Date Attest I~ /.,., I C Date 11- ,..-. ? z.....-- i' , " :' ~~ :::::::::::::::~::::::::::::~~~~--~=--=~~:=======::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~~:'------... ·1, ,I " z:ar: \ l ) TO: PAYROLL DEPARTMENT I VOL4PG PlEASE ENTER THE FOLLOWING CHANGE(S) IN YOUR RECORDS TO TAKE I THE CHANGE(S) V CHECK ALL APPLICABLE BOXES FROM TO o DEPARTMENT o JOB o SHIFT L~.cg_ ORATE j</ /0 . .L!:Li.!l.7J./m7) It.J.,¢'X.~ 0 I REASON FOR THE CHANGE(S) co o HIRED o RE·HIRED I ~MOTION o DEMOTION o TRANSFER o MERIT INCREASE o UNION SCAlE • U") : O 4M (EXPlAIN) I 1 o LEAVE OF ABSENCE FROM o OTHER I,r) o PROBATlONrV ~IOD ~~PLf~% o LENGTH OF SERVICE INcR~ r'-,>< Pl o AE-EVAlUA~ON Of exIST1.~ JCitti "~ l '!I" -- -'" ro RESIGNATICfI : :, •." (~~" 8 o RETIRE~"f1 '. ..1: .~ r,; ~ -~r n~;: o LAYOFF • f ;::r: ~ .t:DISCHARGE 00 UNTIL (DATE) / , ---::::(DA:;;;;-b-,j- =-=--74.t:/~ 9d- 93 ~ CHANGE AUTHORIZED BY &. ~ I DATE /1- J.. - 9il.. CHANGE APPROVED BV _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ DATE, _ _ _ _ _ __ AE.()ROER FORM 108320 FROM AMSTERDAM PAINTING & LITHO CORP. AMSTERDAM. N Y 12010 ----~---- ------._----- TO; PAYROLL DEPART VOL 31 PG -¥<t.,;.J.I.f'.- PlfASC ENTER THE FOLLOWING HANGE( ) IN YOUR RECORDS TO TAKE _~ L!.d., 9;b ."~;;;;e;;''Z'4!J -I EFFECT SOCIAL SECURITY NO </f, / - jj;-.5 /0..2-- ~ .1/dl/ ClOO< NO THE CHANGE(S) V CHECK ALL APPLICABLE BOXES FROM TO o DEPARTMENT o JOB o SHIFT I i \' , 1- I (J 0"AATE 11-1/ 17~<JISS 0 REASON FOR THE CHANGE(S) '0 CD o HIRED o RE·HIRED o PROMOTION o DEMOTION I -<: ' o PROBATlO~ARY PERIOD C?MPW _~ I , . .r} o LENGTH O~ SERVICE INC~ ~ ~ ~ ~l o RE-EVALUATION OF EXISTI~G JO~ !.' r= o RESIGNATlbN ,. Ul ,., ":Xo o RETIREMENT _., , (') • 1_~ o LAYOFF ~ .r. ',' .,'= o DISCHARGE <:Xl I I :' ItA. TRANSFER \ o MERIT INCREASE o UNION SCALE i ! i i I ( t \ i o o UNTIL _ _ _~= LEAVE OF ABSENCE FROM A (OME~ ___ tO~TE~ {ill:;:} <:fl #£ <£411('4 ;oosa.ru I I l ,I' cf?~s.s CHANGE AUTHORIZED BY~ ~~ , / CHANGE APPROVED BY DATE Jf /- 1..2- DATE _ _ _ _ _ __ RE.()RDER FORM f08320 FROM AMSTEROAM PAINTING & UTMO CORP AMSTERDAM NY 12010 I' I I I, I " " " ..J? VOL TO: PAYROLL DEPARTMENT PG PlEASE ENTER THE FOLLOWING CHANGE(S) IN YOUR RECORDS TO TAI<E EFFECT EMPlOYEE /1- l m CJ ;;;., IDAlf & TI E) SOCIAL SECURITY NO 4(-F-v rut -eo,) </r ~~ y 7/'/7 9 L 1:12 ~ CLOCK NO _...LIf-,Zu.Y__ THE CHANGE(S) Y FROM CHECK ALL APPLICABLE BOXES TO o DEPARTMENT o JOB o SHIFT I -1- ~ J(nlY-s3 ORATE 0 I ~:1 e.".., I '-I ~ TRANSFER r • -I I£. I o MERIT INCREASE o UNION SCALE o lEAVE OF ABSENCE FROM -==-__-, (EXPlAIN).4 UNTlc.1_ _ _ '(OAlf).\ fd (/4J'A )I2a;;Zt;;;" (l~&1:J (OArE) c CHANGE AUTHORIZED C) • C:,::O o PROBATI(lNARY PERI60!co~i>lET8D >< o LENGT~'F SE\IV'ICE I~EASIi ~ ~ , ""ro RE-EVAL ATlO~,~F EXJ~TlNG ~ 8 o RESIGN TION ,-" tt:') _Ii: , ' , ::I: !11):> o RETIRe ENT ?: .c-' • .. !~ :<: o LAYOFF m o DISCHARGE o HIRED o RE,HIRED o PROMOTION o DEMOTION OTHER /1 JI../, ~" ~ REASON FOR THE CHANGE(S) o 11-10 R()~.f" BYJ72?~ DATE CHANGE APPROVED BY _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 'DATE, _ _ _ _ _ __ RE.()ROEA FORM 108320 FROM AMSTERDAM PRINTING & LITHO CORP. AMSTERDAM, NY 12010 --....... ...... -, ~..;::~::..~.,;,'+ •• ... --:.~=-""' =~~ -. ---::::~:::"""~-----................- - - - . ; . ..... ~ .1 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------UPSHUR COUNTY ~, A C C 0 U N T SPA Y A B L E S Y S T E M 28 OCT 1992 Approved Dlsbursements ALL Che~klng Accounts -INt QurlWARE DTSbursements GRUU~IN~ Mad~ frb~O/l~/~~ PAGE ~nru 10/26/92 Amts InvofCe-Descrlptl~n5 " 52613-APCA -v-ei"lcn:n" M~~e 10/12/92 ~ne~oun~lnvOlce A & E MILL AND WELDING SUPPL $100 80 $19 20 PCTijl-(6)ACEM(8)OX275/CYL RENTAL PCHl2-( 1 lACEL(2)OX275/CYC RENTAr:PCTij4-(2)ACEM(I)OXI50(1)OX275/CYL RENTAL ---.-e Fe $67 20 51'1- 4t-U 00 J~~~ 10/1~/9~ ALBRIGHIS GAKAuc 52615-APCA 10/12/92 AMERICAN FAMILY LIFE $51 38 $51 38 ACCT"OXP38/SEPT '92 PAYROLL DEDUCTIONS 52616-APCA 10/12/92 ARCHEM. $99. 16 $99 16 CO JAIL-(1)5gal LEMON SCENT DISINFECTANT .01 ~ D --::rc!OT7 .... At"\,;Pt lV/1L~~-~HKc~1 .... t:J INC LAW UULLelLN UV "1/ I Wq- ;lul"'(.ft'{t:.PAlH j i #41:J A-ACCT~001255498/SEARCH&SEIZu~~ BaccE~ 3/1/93 THRU 2/1/94 ;1'::01 0-1'\1"" \.. 1"\ j r~ CO BAXTER SALES CD • INC 52620-APCA 10/12/92 BAYLOR MEDICAL CENTER AT GIL S26J 90 ~-~ $42 45 $172 50 LAW LIB-U S SUPREME CT REPORTS 20 VOL 110 LAW LIB-TEXAS JUR 3D 3 GEN INDEX BNDRS 4-6 $288 75 $288 75 CO JAIL-(5)gal DETERGENT. STAIN REMOVER,LYSOL CLEANER $7.391 69 $153 21 IND-JAMES WARREN/EMERG DR. RAD. PHARMACY - 5>l.li&:l 61 $2.91599 $367 31 $13 91 $106 80 $135 00 $173 00 $'166 00 . ~ ,0' $160 20 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~i---------~ ,"', n IND-JAMES WARREN/HOSPITAL. SUPPLIES IND-JAMES WARREN/LAB 8/21/92 CO JAIL-BOBBY WATERS/HOSPITAL 8/4/92 ~o JA1L-GARY 1:00PERIEMEI<I>UJ<.l:~O~ 9/07/92 CO JAIL-JOHN TURNAGE/EMRG DR~RAD 9/13/92 -':0 JA1L-I'IICHEAL MARTIN/EMERG DR. LAB. PHAR. SUPPLIES 9/13/92 CO JAIL-KISSAN LOYD/EMERG DR. RAD 9/10/92 NSON/EMERG AH&DR,RAD $26 10 $27 14 $282 70 5109 00 $353 60 -- r] lNLJ--.)AME5 WARREN/HOSPITAL. LAB, RAD 6/22-30/92IND-JAMES WARPEN/HOSPITAL 7/14-~O/92 0727"'77'57'12 bJ .J rf-: LAW LIB ALR FEDERAL VOL 109 6/22/92 -- p'[ 1 -~ANCROFI-WHIINEy 10/12/92 H H r'~ JnJ.rr,~' 52619-APCA ,~ J ) r. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ bI', ~eCK .~ 1 9/15/92 CO JAIL-ROBERT 01 XON/EMERG DR 8/30/92 IND [ESSIE KING/RAn B/27792 CO JAIL-JUDITH DEBORDE/EMEG EXAM(INVESTIGATIVEJ -co JAIL-ANTHom MODN/EMERGllR~-t:Ae. SUPPLIES 9/20/92 CO JAIL-HARRELL JOHNSON/EMERG DR. LAB. RAD 97i81lf2 $124 83 $4900 $26 10 $31280 IND-LESSIE KING/RAD 9/18/92 CO JAIL-GARY COOPER/EMERG DR. LAB. SUPPLIES 9721/92 CO JAIL-BRYAN HOITT/EMERG DR 9/21/92 CO JAIL-CAROLYN BENSON/EMERG DR. LAB. SUPPLIES 972179:1 - - - - - ]1 '~"i" ';-"-.~.,~.>: 1~,! -, \~ ~ 0- ~j :~ ~~ :1 ~ , - j, "4 ,j -,• .I, :~ ;~ ,-l' 1 ~« ./ -'~ > .~ :i J -J ~ .~ I ~J lJ " - ,- - -, -> - .. I II i UPSHUR COUNTY 1"1; ::)u""~ A C C 0 U N T SPA Y A B L E ______'·n,Jv"'. S Y S T E M tnru DiSDUl'Setheonts Made 'from 10712/92 JN~. 10726792 ------------ PA~t:. .:r-- ..., 1 ~"n.... ,."YU.. . . n" ."... . "nee. Mmoun • • nVOlce Mm • • • nV01C. ue.CrlpUons . . . . ~ S26 10 ".:u "" ,'I0CJ. 52621-APCA 10/12/92 BENNETT EGUIPMENT COMPANY $614 BO ;~ ~~26~2-APCA vv . .......••...... ' PCTM2-HYDRAULIC FILTERS PCTII2-FUEL CAP /y ~2623-APCA 10/12/92 BILL OLDHAM. SHERIFF 52624-APCA 10/12/92 BJ'S ICE 'Vf .' " 52626-APCA 10/12/92 BOB BARKER CO .• INC 52627-APCA 10/12/92 BOB'S PRINTING $16.95000 $16.95000 S5 00 S5 00 S60 00 S60 00 't'1"f,~~1 :JU ~l,""c!::l 4'.0:;_ 77 5 SI.308 23 $1.308 23 $733 85 $18 51 $9 06 $~ l~ $4} 23 $285 95 $25~O BOGEL SALES INC SI.64450 [1- ~ t~ . AVAIL SCAuuL-1992 SCRuuL FOND ALLuCAIIuN FIL~·;~;'~.-~~;;;- CO JAIL-(21cs POLACOLOR CLOTHS(21CS SOAP(11WALL RACK U A -"'~NU~"'L~A " -) r~- I C-(6,OoOTRTNDOw ENVELOpES/FOR CRECKS $10 95 CO IA> 8 172 X 14 CANARy COPY P",pEk CO MAINT-(Ilcs DRAIN OPENENER. (11cs ROLL $662 50 562 00 S800 00 10l'JELS I C-(10)cs 2500*tO PLAIN~WINDOW ENVELOPES CO MAINT-(11cs TOWELS(21TISSUE DISPENSERS j '- (40)cs 8 172dl COPY PAPER $451 30 $451 30 CO LIB-ACCTM4233982/35 BOOKS l: 52630-APCA 10/12/92 1-' '-~~"A BROOKSHIRES 5100 00 $100 00 D A-HOT CK RESTITUTION/PAMELA J.ALLEN lon-;:7Q2 BRUCE-A-----CHEATHAMI11D IND LE!)SIE M KING/O,..FICE VISI) r " e 9 512000 $45 00 ~ 0 elK (i)SIAPlER(2)DX STAPLERSTTTD4 UNIBALL PENS JUV PROB-( 1 10FFICE DESK I C-(6)COMPUTER ARMS(HOLDERSI CO S-CORK BOARD 59 ~ IAU~ BRODART CO l01t21'12~BtlTTERWORTH ') D A -ACCORDIAN FILES JP#I-COPY HOLDERS 10/12/92 ~ --S2/o"32-APCA ", , ., CO JAIL-FASTENERS, RIBBONS CO S-(I)AIR PK TAPE(6)MAIL ENVELOPES 52629-APCA t .... 'r.- PCTM2-(100IBAGS OF ICE@.60ea ~, ,'1, .. CO CT-CAUSEM20.928/SUBPOENA.CAPTAIN CLARK $33 36 $32 60 $}B----sq----~., ~ A~~Y,~A5KEI'~~L PCT*4-HOUSING FOR BOOMAX;BEARING.SEAL 17 50 529 75 511 12 10/12/92 HJN~.H~AK1N~ - .. .,' vv 00 .,1 52628-APCA ~C1~4-5NA~ '.- . ~ ~~ ...~1" ~,;.o:!',......-.:i'".!..~~ii'(:"'\,,;"H - ti!' S55 OB S24 69 . f ..~ .... ... n."" .... IND-BRENDA WEBB/EMERG RM.DR RAD 9/30/92 _J4t'7' BIG SANDy I S D 'uu,,~,~ , I CO JAIL-JEREMY FOSTER/EMERG DR 9/21/92 '-u vA1L.-t<1'-O'\Y 9/20/92 S74 99 S385 24 10/12/92 Jc:,OC;;;;J-I-\t"\.ofo '1 ~ 0 '"'I , ~j r: ,. &. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ '-, ~, 2B OCT 1992 Approved Dlsbursem.nts ALL Checking AccDunts ~ •PI b ~ ~! "----~'!.~ , 9JIB79.c! CO JAIL-BOBBY L WATERS/RAD EXAM 7/28/92 -t-f1"4 ., - '1 'I h r-l ", .J S105--g5---$roO-S5----O-·A~( nCR!M' EVID- Tx--cAj;jVERS-\luc-ni2~B!NDE~--- --. ,. d .- .-- ._------ _ _.t'~~""" ~... _-'""'""'..,",r.n »II!~'~ ~:.,.._-~" _~,~"::'_"""""",,-,,,,"',' Z'_<C..o-~- ~_ -, ~ • -"-".... _' ..... .:~_..,....~~<_~_~" a?f"m;q"1"..';"'i ' ....":....... _. " .. " ' _ ]c,,~ ...,~"'. /';--';",1'""".1 ~~, "' ........ ? ~d_,<_:_,. -~ ":-A:;' ... ~ ~ ~,:.;:~ ,(. ~ ~.- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ACCOUNTS UPSHUR COUNTY PAY A B L E App~oved S Y S T E M I 29 OCT lq92 Dlsbur~ements ALL CheckIng Accounts !jo,--rWARe GHUDI.1J'ilC ') ') DISbOI S@Melies •• aol!' frOm lv/lz~nru- PAGE lU/i::::bT9Z- 3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ·31 · eheck:ll> He Ocate \feildal CIi@tk AmOOht InvOitt> Afflt' InvoIce Descriptlons I' I' s Itc2 ~----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~" :1 52b33-APCA 10/12/92 CAVENDER'S BOOT CITY ~I! 5~6!)4 APeA 10/1~Je;:. CFlEROKEE: " 52b35-APCA 10/12/92 5263b-APCA 5~637 "peA S5997 cou.~rl $59 97 CO S-(3)pr WOMEN'S BLK WRANGLERS/K BURRIS I:' $~3..J CHEVRON FOOD AMRT S300 00 S300 00 D A-HOT CK RESTITUTION/BOB JONES r: 10/12/92 CHEVRON USA $265 71 $2b5 71 CO S-ACCTII7918170031/SEPT 25 '92 BILLING i;j lO,lZ;;;Z eMRISTll~A W WALLACE:. C S P $194 c!5 $194 ,5 00 CO Ci CAOSt:."MI 14.5101iOMMV ROOPERlFIENIAL) ~. . .... .- ,-- - ... ,;. L S,3J 00 ~, ,I INC \OJP"l CAOSE#c!}50 F-I-9d DOOGLAo D SP"RKS/REPORTER Pf1 ;~ ~--~5T.~~6~S~Be-AAFP~e~Ar-----_tl~e~)~1~~n)~9~~~-ee~O~II~P~~r.~TTYtppEe~--------------------~$~2~.~0~997'_OO~0r_----$S33c6~8r10~0r_--DDPP=S~-~(~lr)r.2 ..4~OOOO_aB~A~unDroM~OODDEE~Mr..,C~U~M~M~O~N~CCAATI,lcO~N~S;:S~O~F~iw~ARR.E~----,. $579 50 SI. 149 50 DPS-(1)APLHA 4V2 DATA BASE SOFTWARE,MONITOR.LABOR ~g~~g~7~~;;~~~~~~~~~~5~;~~S ~ ;1 ~ r'---~~~~~~-----tor~~~~~~~~~--------------------------~~~r_----_s~_.~--~~~~~~r.r~~20T5EP~23~",E1~~Ki------------c5263r;l APCA 10/1~/'2 cOI~oeo 11~C $4' I} 545 I) CO S-ACCIW24J152c!26JSEPI 23 9c! BILLING ~j ') 1 F'I J 52b40-APCA 10/12/92 COURT TV 52b41-APCA 10/12/92 CURTIS McKINLEY 52642 "peA t(h12192 Cfl<4'fMIA SHA-"fTt:ES S29 90 $28 90 5282 00 $282 00 $6' 2) $483 $62 44 I 5/r:064S APCA laJl~}9~ D &I W FR1ff'fJNG i 52b44:'APCA 10/12/92 DEALERS TRUCK , 52b45-APCA 10/12/92 DEAN'S LAWNMOWER ) f COlrFAI~, & .437 )' $43))} $5 14 S5 14 SI88 27 $38 98 $5095 I J $3990 . ~ oJ S58 44 0 CT-"RODNEY KING"CASE WHAT THE JURY SAW ~:I J CTR-REPAIR ROOF DRAIN/LABORII<MILEAGE t'F~] CO EXI REIMBORSE/MEAL<tOISJ nt:.EIING@UVERiON CO EXT-REIMBURSE/223ml @ 28ea 9 '92 TRAVEL '-I CO elK (lIOOOiCOMPUiER RECEIPlS PCTII2-(2)BLEEDER VALVES CO MAINT-(3)BELTS(2)PATCHES ON TIRES/LABOR CO MAINT-(I)SHAFT.BLADE/EDGER \J elk B::.LIS.KILL SwIICA.LABOR,RIGH WREI:.L MOWER CO MAINT-(llDRIVE HUB DRUM,BRAKE,DISC/LABOR ~Ii 52b4b-APCA 10/12/92 DONA FLIPPO $b23 54 $623 54 CO AUD-REIMBURSE/7b8ml@ 28ea, MEALS. LODGING(AU D ASSOC MEETING@SAN ANTONIO) 52b47-APCA lOll 10/12/92 EAST TEXAS MACHINERY, INC S390 00 S380 00 S390 PCTlOl-1 ARnR/"";:'''I( T"""'''MT''''Tn'''LJn <;7"" GRADER) ~ 52b48-APCA ff>t 5~b4'i' ~ ~ ~ • , i fl APCA 10/12/92 EASTEX TRUCK PARTS,INC 1~z--£eONOMv-A\1TO-S~PPLt. INC 5400 0:> 56"2b---<1t:i $400 00 $46 34 .j ~-l t~ ~1 ,J -~ j ::1",I ~~ :1 q., >_ PCTIII-435 TRANSMISSION FOR 1985 FORD TPUCK PC I "~"'RI'TCTERS $10 79 PCTII2-S0CKET $37 12 PCT_4-(24lQUA~ER STATE 30HD(4lREFLECTORS "3s-25----P CTIPF1TIFUEC-pUMP";""SCIlElJDRTVERS";"MTRRO'cR.-'---------- ~ L . :. - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - UPSHUR COUNTY AC C 0 U NT S , PAY A B L E S Y S T E 1'1 ~ .nru ;7; ;7 ;~~:~~; ~; ;~~~E~~" WA"'" -SOAl' PCTM4-LABOR/ENGINE OVERHAUL,WHlTE OIL S52 36 $24 76 ... uu S37 54 S14.64 SS SOCR PCT.I-FLYWHEEL RING GEAR I LABOR PCTM4-(I)COIL.BRK TOOL S293 33 • Q. to Inu,"~ ":)" ,~ j~ , , 52650-APCA 10/12/92 ETEX TELEPHONE COOP • INC S67 28 EUBANKS EXCHANGE $239 95 S239 95 10/12/92 EXPRESS LUBE $430 50 $18 95 $18 95 ~ ",.t; ..,,, $18 95 $28 95 "'''' .,." :, $1895 $53 90 ;~; ;~ • ... " .,." $20 50 , $18 95 $18 95 , ; ;~; ;~ S18 95 "'" .,." $18 95 " J j ~, -, $23 95 52653-APCA "~o,, ">'<.,, 52655 APCA I ,'J r',',l p 10/12/92 EXXON COI'IPANY USA S165 09 , S165 09 'ff, -"'J"'-~QU" U'" ..• .,.'" 10712/9.:: uEN~HAL . PCT.l-STARTER REPAIR FOR CASE TRACK LOADER S-UNITM20/0IL.FILTER.LABOR S-UNIT.25/0IL.FILTER.LABOR b-u,.. , w" ..... 1.., rlL.I<.,,;-QI\BlJR S-UNIT*18/0IL.FILTER.LABOR S-UNIT.207/0IL,FILTER,LABOR <.U "-UN! I .. "''''' U u_. ,. ,'-,<.". I-AUUI< CO S-UNIT.13/0IL. FILTER. LABOR CO S-UNIT.I/0IL.FILTER,LABOR ~ ~.;'>L' e -f ~~ ~:~~~~;~;~~~~~~~~~~~~R CO S-UNIT#25/0IL.FILTER,LABOR ~U b-\JNI 1".,.'U1L..r,L.I<.... , LABOR CO S-UNIT#22/0IL,FILTER.LADOR CO S-UNIT#20 OIL,FILTER,LABOR <.U ,,-UN' ""wulL, ",'-,<',,. LAUUI< CO S-UNITM23/0IL,FILTER,LABOR CO S-UNIT#12/0IL.FILTER.LABOR CO "-UNlI1ll"'U~I-, r'L.l<.,,;r::ABOR CO S-UNIT#21/0IL,FILTER.LABOR CO S-UNIT.219/0IL,FILTER.LABOR / .... ,," uu I~LC~HUN~~ANY ~bl0-31 $~I::::I CU fAX-#lFD-2004/SEPT 2S J 92 BILLING $35 26 $35 ;Z" COMPUTER-MILA-3895/SEPT.28'92 BILLING COMPUTER-#lLA-3894/SEPT.28'92 BILLING .. ur,n .. 1-"'""''''1- HOWELl-toD Fl:IPPOTFEJ)--WA-mr INSTITUTE) CO .1"/' ~l CO S-ACCT#1828093870/SEPT. 15'92 BILLING "--'~~).1OTITt:'l)~E=?:Ib~pt -- ~ .... ,," uu 35 ~ ' _ _ ...... CO CO I.;U CO CO WA"<' .. .. ... .,un $108 ... ;:; . .:;. .-..:.-.1 ..:' '9:rBILLING \ .u,,~ .... .) PCTM2-M762-6266/0CT 1'92 BILLING 10/12/92 .~ ;:;;;\---;"'.q~~~____~.;.'l".:::')_:4':;~1)t~1(.~ •• - . ;~~;~:~;;~'iR~~~~~~~S t'1.; 52652-APCA , PCTM4-(12)STARTER FLO. PCI#3 (i)CORE n~lvnN~U S34 58 'v -, ""n, "';cI: 52651-APCA ," J 4 · ,~, ·1 i .v"u"'.,~ " ....... H • ,." t,~ -PAGE • ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ,• <;n ec.--.... v"no or ... ,nVOlce ueSCTlptaOns . .... .. . .. neCK "moun. .nvOlce Mm" . .... • '::--, ,• ;~ S10 00 PCT.3-LABOR/TRUCK.311 TURN DRUMS •• ",SDursemen . . naue .rom '''' , .. , 'C ,"," "un """'" .."uvr ......" • • 'I " I r. 28 OCT 19901 Approved Dlsbursem.nts ALL Checking Accounts - j 50'e)? t=:fll tl\J.~ " , " JI • __ :',..-.:-._~ ............. _. , __ .':;~-L 1 ;1 L_' LlB-!l843-5001/SEPT 28'92 BILLING $3~69-CCJS"'1'843;::S398/SEP'I2!P"9~2.."n"'ITLTL'I"'N:".G,----------- -. . ..~~~.~.____ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -____. .____. . . . . . . . . .__. . . . . ." ". . . . . . .ft,~~~~~~~~ . r~a--~~~~-----------~-- ~.~..;;.::;;!:.,.~~~ . . . . . ~~-~-.,.:.;;:;. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------A C C 0 U N T S UPSHUR COUNTY :1 SYSTEM 28 OCT 1992 ~::::~:~::::-:~~~::~~:~---------------------~:~~~:~~:~~~~-~~~~-::~:-~~~~~~~~~:~--:~~:~~::-------------------------------~~======:~ ~I Cli@tt * He Date Vendbi Check AmoUnt invoice Amts lnvDlC. DescriptIons I~ : r- PAY A B L E Approved Disbursements ALL CheckIng Accounts :1 576 22 .JP#I-#643-5023/0CT 4 '92 BILLING 529 41 CO EHERG #843 .J32B7UCJ 5162 81 562 53 ..... 11~1 52656-APCA 10/12/92 GILMER CABLE TV CO. ~ 52657-APCA 10/12/92 GILMER DRUG COMPANY .I , INC $274 80 5170 54 , ~ 52658-.t..P~lJ.. 10/12/92 GILMER I S D 52659-APCA 10/12/92 GILMER LUMBER COMPANY INC , CO JAIL-RICKEY MOORE/PRESCRIPTION i';1 CO vAIL-KATHY HALL/preSCRIPTION 2~ Sol 08 ~~O~~;~R~~~:i~~Ig~HNSON.RICKEY ~ $12 64 54 98 CO JAIL-DIMETAPP. HYDROCORTISC"JE CO ~AIl-~OHN W SIEVENSON/PRESCRIP1ION " AVAIL SCHOOL-1992 SCHOOL FUND ALLOCATION :-, S22 56 1 S..! 95 5135 11 PCT#I-(! lWOLMANIZEDII2 4.4 12', 1116 NAILS(3lSAKRETE PC I #2-LANDSCAPE I IMBER CO BLDG-(8lPLVWOOD. SCREWS. PAINT BRUSH. BLADE j ~ 52660 APCA 107112/9, GILMER PRIJ'IARV CARt:. RAt $10.000 00 $lv.OOO vO pRIMARy HEALtH FY 92/93 COONlv CUNIRISOll0N 52661-APCA 10/12/92 GLADEWATER ISD 514.08500 $14.08500 AVAIL SCHOOL-1992 SCHOOL FUND ALLOCATION 52662-APCA 10112192 GLAZE CHIROPRACTIC OFFICE S325 00 $255 00 H'~52663-APCA "L j 52664-APCA j ",,~66~ : ~~ ~ :!.:.' H . APCA 10/12/92 GOOD SHEPHERD MEDICAL CENTER 10/12/92 GREEN'S WELDING lO/1219c. H~D ~ FABRICATIO iIRE"1iAUT'OMDIIVt:. ~~ $41 39 $41 39 IND-PERCY EAD5/LAB 9/24/92 t~) $45 00 545 00 PCTII2-REBUILD LINE ON TRUCKII15 ;i-I $1.":0504 'S1c!5 OS r": P .... I#I-130CT5. 3EARINGS. SEALS ~ECyCLING Ft:.E. C!) Q.. l~~ I;' ~I ~', ~ ~!' , ~J CO JAIL-WILLIAM L KISSAM 107~t(5792 I e": ~1 "', .,/u 00 PCTII4-FILE. SEAL. NUTS PCTII2-FILTER. ITASCA OIL. MASK '~~---------------------------------------------------------------------------,rn~-;~--~~fi2=~R~ER~OLT REG. SAIIERV.l0BE $61 45 PCTII3-FITTINGS. HOSE. HYD OIL " ' $2733 PCT#4-BAT TERM. LABOR. TUBE. HEAOGEAR P' ..... CO JAIL-WILLAIM L KISSAM 9/16-9/30/92 OFFICE VISITS Sl1 67 57 80 ~ k ~, '1 I 'j J 'I f~1 543 64 $160 62 - -' :', ' $42 00 S50.385 00 .J II D A-1I643-5513/0CT 4 '92 BILLING D CT-PHONEII903-643-2836/0CT 10'92 BILLING $;~~ ~g ~O~Rg~~!~~~;;;;;~;~~~~~~O C~~!~iE!.0~:~~2 MAINT $50.385 00 " 1:1 4 '9d BILLING 5160 26 [" f " 4 ; LAGOR PCT#2-DAYCO FITTING. 235-85R16 TIRES. RECYCLING FEE. LABOR ~9---PCTII~ATTER1~ONrn'rO~L~Br----------------- $20 00 J CTR-(2l U SHAPED FLUOR LAMPS 536 35 PCTII2-BOLTS. WRENCH ------------------------------------ss-91 ~ CiR MAoDN~-0~L-I-S-.~W~A-5~A~E~R~5-------------$26 87 PCTII2-NUTS t, BOL TS ~ 510 10 J CTR-LOCK NUT ---$32- 39-- ·peTII;;:"'-( 21 MUFFLERS- ~ - CI:.AMPS'------------ • ,.. • -I CO < _ 4'>_"' -.-~ .... ..-.--.-~_ ,;I UPSHUR COUNTY A C C 0 U N T S PAY A B I.. E :28 OCT 1992 S Y S T E 11 Approved Dlsbur'~ments ALL Checking Accounts ...., ~--~~~~~~~~~~~~--------------------~~~~~mT~~~~~~rnr~~~M7.~~~U--rC72579~------------------------------~~.~ b ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ "I, I ~~~---~~~~~~-----------~~==~~~~_rn=rr_=TIB~m.r~~~~.~ ..~ ..~.~ .. ~ .. ~ r- I' ~ PIPE.SII..ICONE.FLAG TAPE,RAIN CAP "" :5:!&61!J APCA to,l:!}": HANK 5 FRAilE &: WHEEL SERVICE 52667-APCA 10/12/92 HARI10NY I S.D 52668-APCA 10/12/92 HART FORMS 52669-APCA 10/12/92 HAWKINS PHARMACY ~ SERVICES $28 50 Sc!850 $14.07000 $14.07000 $444.88 $44488 $44 97 $19 13 HERBERT L YOUNG 52671-APCA 10/12/92 HEWITT CORP. 5~612 lO;12,1J2 MOLlIES 'ONeRET!: PIPE APeA 52673-APCA 10/12/92 HO~ARD $107 75 $6 75 s101 00 56 25 PATTERSON $29140 $150 00 56 25 SSC'220 1:' AVAIL SCHOOI..-1992 SCHOOl.. FUND ALLOCATION ~ CO TAX-(lINOV GEN ELECT OPSCAN.COMBO.CENTRAL CT (I1ATER IAI..SI ~ ~ lND-FELICIA HITT/PRESCRIPTION.131026 .... 10/12/92 '-.. ,."..?,,-:'~ CO S-ONIIWIJALICN F R U N ' - E N O . i o~' f _____________~____________________________________________________________S~2~5~8~4:_~I~N=D~-~F~E=I..=I~C~I~A~H~I~T~T~/P~R~E=S=C=R~IP~T~IO=N~#~1~3~1~0~2~5~ 52670-APCA !"--"-"-."';'''~''-''~-.'"" ~ .. ~;;.-~,. ________~~<1 .J ~ PCTII4-CSIgaI KEROSENE@$1. 35"a PCT#4-(2IBATTERIES ; PCT#3-(6 I KEYS PCi#4 12 136 LONG ~ IILE COLVER,S S11760 $117 60 PCT#4-(7115"136"LONG TILE CULVERTS PCT#4-(7115"x36"LONG TILE CULVERTS $150 00 ~UV PROB-CJD/DIAG ,~, ~l W 10/1/92 EVALATION.~ ffi~~P~------------------------;$~1~.'1~3r.3,,0~O~~£~1r..~1r.3~3~OOOo---~~-pPRR~OnB~-~A~C~C'I~W~/~4~6~O~O~O~4r--~OnOT.ln4r1f~IA~InN~I~9~22-~9~3~------------~i ~j 52675-APCA 10/12/92 IRVIN TIRE COMPANY 51.32827 $9564 !;~ ~~ t:'1 $1.147 69 '52676-APCA 10/12/92 ~AIL STANDARDS $70 00 S70 00 CO S-(2)EAGLE GT TIRES/UNIT#20 ~~ ~g ~=~t;~~*M~~L~:~~:~~~!~~OTIRES.LABOR/UNIT.9 ~~ ~: CO S-C24IEAGLE GT TIRES(!$47 92ea CO S-(21~AII.. oJ STANDARD HANDBOOKS n---;::"""'Fl':E-m1BUF!SE7POsnmE--s-r1W!f's--------,·) , 3I 52678-APCA 10/12/92 :f--.5~p-e- i ~AMES L STOKER SR $900 00 NKINS. $~3' D f) S 00 ~ $193~! 3::;-~~i~~~~~~~:~~!~~E2~::8;;5EPT·92(~P.l ~ $900 00 PCT#l-leOO 1..0ADS SANDe 50per LOAD ;~~, $e,.~ 00 S108 00 $50 00 $54-00 CT@~ CTR I CO JAIL-;JACK FULLER; DEI\IIIS i V1SI1 ,~ 910SJY...! ;- co ~~ANTHm~ON/OEN\IS' 52680-APCA 10/12/92 ~ERRY L LANDRUM ED 0 $SOO 00 $500 00 D CT-~ILLIE LEE WRIGHT/COMPETENCY EVALUATION r: 52691-APCA 10/12/92 ~ERRY NICKERSON $332 08 $332 09 CO EH-REI~IBURSE/I186ml(! 28ea 9'92 TRAVEL 5:i!bSi?-Ao>eA 10, ~: k,' l~~~BE-OOUG--eOMPANY $~4>t-4~ $ ~: '0 vISII 9}15)92 ~: 1 t.. CO .jAIL-DAVID SESSIONS/DENTIST VISIT 9/14/92 CO JAIL-TERRY ~OODS/DENTIST VISIT 9/15/92 ':; 39-ao--rND-'C"'SEft0097CIPERCrGAYLORnD-------------------- H .....P""~£:"~------ o£ ".~_."._ ~ --""*""""" ____ • .,..__ ___ ........",...,.,,-~"I: ...... "<'.... ~.f ~~ -~ ':, , ""'l--,,,""-:- J ." ..... -- -. - -." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -F"'=-'~~--"----"" ) ") .., ~ , , ·,• , , • .. ~" ~ -""'''''''-"..... · 52685-APCA .u,.""',, vue 'fJTl«' ,,0< vv"'~, 10/12/92 -iR'S Q ",,-"'''v'''''''' "~L.L..n ~uv,rn~'" _HV. vO .. ~;:)u lJ .55 00 PCiil-OCtJ9~ ICE MACHINE RENTAL ~7 $55 00 PCTtl4-0CT'92 ICE MACHINE/RENTAL f' VV .. ~"v vv $160 16 $11 00 .,e $11.30 $40 00 -""b"/-" ...... 10/12/92 .vn~ 7., K~S KWIK STOP ",,-,-,-er. '" ".:0""-"....... l(UI"'I"'" ... ~""-,..c,,~c 52689-APCA 10/12/92 LAW ENFORCEMENT EGUIPMENT CO 52690-APCA 10/12/92 LITERACY VOLUNTEERS 10/12/92 LONG MOTOR COMPANY. "cr U'LI'''' $5.65 $5 65 '011)" 'I" 101V" "" U 1/. C:;J ~lll "'J $221 35 $221 35 $90 54 $90 54 $94 46 $5 61 : 52691-APCA INC ";; ~; $44 70 , -'- ... 52692-APCA 10/12/92 MCS FUELS $7.198 13 v.~c 52.58599 ~ $47 10 "c. v., S- ,~ .... 0 $101. 18 .~.~~e ~v ~,g ':2693-APCA 10712}92 n ID-=--coNTTNENI L 1 F E 1 NSOR~CE Sli~OO ---- .69 00 - lJ "-''V, '-" I<~'''' "" I: ' _ • _ -:: . : ' . J'. " '~\J ~~ -. - ~ - -~. .- "~''-U"lJ IND-DARRELL BOWES/PRESCRIPTION~743-131 ~ ""-"""Ne,-,- "vwe'" ~ rlE5Cl< 1" , 10«<17 4J'" 130 IND-DARRELL BOWES/PRESCRIPTIONtl743-129 ~v 52686-APCA '~n $6 87 .. ,,'" 'e $5 34 ,,~~.~; $64 95 ~ , ~"'lJ- "cO". . · .~ \ r: n ... l , \ 28 OCT 1992 PAGEO "7 'Nt:. ,we '" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ,, :;:-, ......, lJan venoor .. .. nee. moun't. ... nVOlce ,...m'ts .LnVOlce ueScrlp1:;10nS .. ,e<T-" '" , -, , EADS.PRESCRIPTIONM742643 , .7.0" .. , 'e, • -EADS.PRESCRIPTION*742707 "V~ , -~ PAYABLE S Y S T E M A C C 0 U N T S Approved Disbursements ALL Checking Account~ " . . uv .... "'.n<~ naoe Trom ,un"" 7., ,,,ru ~w co/'t .. UPSHUR COUNTY .., ~. -~- ;'-:jr 7~~'i."+-.t,.~ t,r;f";:~:"r~'ir AIr ,r---;.;'. . " , , ·, ,ufION/-iOAN M CUMMINGS . PCT*I-GAS ~~~;~=~~~ u~,- P PCTM1-(34 8lGAL GAS • .... .." -Ii"" PCTtll-STARTER - ..... '--':0- FLUID PCTtll-DIESEL FUEL -' - CO MAINT-REGULAR GAS NUN lk~TCOUNTY VS \W';HUR ".3"UJ/l)ANNY , H)/SEPI:-26 '9;" trr=NG ,-u ::;-"''''''''' CO S-(IOlMAG LIGHT W/DC2 "M"'\''',,,U,-,,,,\;:),,,,,,TERY PI'. __ . 4" ' •. CO LIB-LITERACY-CUSTtlI4796/READ ,"-"', • ., ... lIUTUR ~l)lIlUN PCT*4-CALIPER KEY~BOLT/*412 .... '''~-''U~L. 'rVI< ",-ur. OIL TRUCK) PCT*4-BRAKE CALIPER KIT-TRUCKtl412 PCTM3-(2lAXLE SEALS FOR EGUIP*311 .... , .... '"V"'-v"-.Nu"e.~_ fULL. TRUel'. I" PCTM4-(1700lgals UNLEADED~I 027(1175lgals DIS r.L.I< /OJ. a PCT*3-(l2lgal PLUS UNL~ 967(50lgal DIESEL~ 710ea .... ' ' ' ' ' - \ l /uu, ga. "L.U" UNL~ 967(526lgal DIESEL~ 710ea PCTM3-(99lgals SUPR UNLEAD~l 02 "' .. ~-,~~vO)gal SOP UNL~l 007(13001gal DIESEL~ 720ea •, B11537SEPT'92~~OCC-DEDOCrIONS .. _ -- - ------ ---- - - ,~ J ~1 :1, : - --- .. J t"r.6<:... A ........ 'l:.o..:;r .. .-..~.".:.,; -.J'..~........ - " -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------UPSHUR COUNTV A C C 0 U N T S PAVABLE S V S T E 11 28 OCT 1992 Approved Disbursements ALL CheckIng Accounts ~:~-~~~~:::-~:~~:::~----------------------~:::~:~~::::-:~~:~~~-~::::~~~~:~ __ :~:~~:~~_________ I~ ~I 0-( ::n:: .... - ... ,--.""" ... ., 52697-APCA HC D:t~. __ vlndor. ... ..." n"'~'UA WJ~"'r;;. ....... , 7 ' Chick Amount InvolCe Am . . .c::v.... ..v .c::V ........ V • ..:::V ..:::v ....... ......... vV MISSISSIPPI TOOL SUPPL 10/12/92 MOSBV MECHANICAL CO • INC $366.00 10/12/92 NATIONSBANK. NA 5682 13 £1 9 3:!&" APCA 5407 12 ;JC::'V~ c1~.~n~ ._-._-- nn --- - c1~.An~ 101142, ~2 NEW READERS PRESS 4V ''''.I.\".nuL.;:) nM~".l.NE:.1'( ~--. S80 92 JmY" '( /;.;:vmllfl!: • .::t:t.. -$~.211 89 -- nn $80 9c!. $l.~OO 00 F. AVAIL SCHOOL-1992 SCHOOL FUND ALLOCATION S. ~ PCI#2-LEA5EIRECYCLER 2da~s@.750 PCT#2-FACING.FRGT/REX PARTS PCT#2-(40)HOWARD TINES 5376 28 $376 28 JUV PROB-REII1BURSE/I011ml@ 28ea.R00I1&MEALS 9'92 $17.34000 $17.34000 $150 01 $150 01 $1.702 ~O $1.702 ~O $80 00 $80 00 10/12/92 ORE CITY I S D 5~703 APCA 10/1~}9~ OTIS ELEvATOR COMPAlq, 52704-APCA 10/12/92 P ~ P AND ASSOCIATES 52705-APCA 10/12/92 PATRICIA HARRISON 52706-APCA 10/12/92 PEGUES - HURST MOTOR CO $200 99 $200 99 PCT#I-HVDRAULIC VALVE ASSEMBLY-19S5 TRUCK ~~2/0/-APCA l0112,9d PIIISBORG ISO $ldO 00 $12000 AVAIL b~ROOL 199d SCROoL FUND ALLO~ATION ~ 5270S-APCA 10/12/92 POSTMASTER $2.00000 $2.00000 52709-APCA 10/12/92 PRITCHETT WATER SUPPLY CORP $14 32 $14 32 '-, ea 5579 89 $198 00 52702-APCA ~~*~:f~ -- ~.·.~r'" , ~ .. - -" ~ - MAINT(2nd CO CT-COURT REPORTING 9/28/92 CO eLK-POSTAGE FOR METER PCT#I-ACCT#1406/SEPT. 18'92 BILLING I 10/12;92 PROFES510NArL~i~E~C~A~NnI~~~A~L------------$ctr4~.~5~~~b~S~dr-~$~4~.~5~2nb"8"S~-'C~On-5~T('3')~M~I~D~L"A~NITO~RnA~D'InO~5••~B~A~iTIE~RRYy~.~CHHAARR~G~ERR~5".'E~T~C~------- ~~ 52711-APCA 10/12/92 RICKY TAFF HEATING 52712-APCA 10/12/92 ROADWAY OIL CO. INC ;;zrr.r-APeA-----l0E1"Z1~ONNI~MtTCtiEt:t: ~~ .... INVIIVIBJ4BEA92 UCI 1 31, '92 ELEVA lOR MAINJ 5~710 APCA 52714-APCA ;. AVAIL SCHOOL-1992 SCHOOL FUND ALLOCATION ~~ ~~i I -4 .. 2 f" BOOKS. TEACHER MANUAL NORMA TOMLIN ~.: ":.;''''~ ..;!.«_:...~;tt ... '" CO LIB-LII ERACV/ACC I .54241 SKILL 10/12/92 J Ie CO S-ACCT_1155-1155/SEPT 24'92 BILLING/4921 CO S-ACCT_1155-1155/SEPT.24·92 BILLING/4939 52701-APCA } I,:.....;_ 5366 00 $275.01 NEW DIANA I S.D \.IVV ,..t(UU--.Lt:;)"'-'tct:..LntfUtc~t:. f \ 10/12/92 10/12/92 InvoIce _______________~~~ G ,. -, Oescr.phon...... J~ 10/12/92 SAM HOUSTON STATE UNIVERSITY $34 00 $34 00 $2.55006 $2.55006 CO CTH-WATER COLLER SHAFT BUSHING/LABOR ·-,·.K'""'F.~ $335b-.;----~33s-5zr- JOV PPOu RETMBORSE7TUl.,jrnl@ d8e-a. m~als ." '9.l $35 00 .. ·'~ - .... , ... -~~_"''''''~,.. PCT#I-(141 67)bbls CRUDE OIL@$18 OOea , ~_=1 $35 00 JUV PROB-REGIS/MILTON WYLIE.SJS TRAINING@SAM AOUSTON---- ----- ------ - - - - - ~ ,-.. ".,"-,--- ",,-......_-- • - .--- -----.-----.-------~--~--- -~=~=====================================================::-:::::==-_ ~~ .... J. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ UPSHUR COUNTY A C C 0 U N T SPA Y A B L E S Y S T E M ___._~_~ ~~_"___",:_,,",,_~._.~__ 28 OCT 1992 Approved Dlsbursement5 ALL Checklng Accounts PTWARe: CREltJfi. II~C DlsbOI SI!i1ifntS ilad@ from IU} 1219.:. thf'U I0720/'1C: PAGE 9 '11 - -<:"~lri:.--,.,T:--1i:r-----------"1:~:e_-tl:'l1:rt:":r-----------~:l!:"~nldr<Dn:~----------------------------------------------~CC-1r~l!:,,~,~,-,:'Il:1f:0"tJ:".~t:----1~:_r~r<:n:r~r;~r:_ee---":;n:i1::l:'-----TIi\":V:'O:,,~C~'E:,-1:Ji:._:.~cr~1:O:"t~'l:;c:jl:'i':.--------------------------------------------------------11;( SL'O 00 -., ~j 52716-APCA 10/12/92 SCOTT-MERRIM"'N. 52717-APCA 10/12/92 SHE~L 52718 ",peA 10; 12,92 SHIRLE-V C INC OIL COMPANY WHITEHEAD PORE $2~O 00 ., "peA 10; 12; 1iJ~ SKtl~I~Ept RADIATOR ~ 5::!7::!O Af'eA IOi1~j~::! SIIITM OIL COIIPAIH j 02"121 APCA 10,12.,9:: SOBOL 'J F: $98 38 JPIIl-C3lVITAL STATISTICS BINDERS, FRGT $67 73 $67 73 CO S-ACCTII092821628/SEPT 21'92 BILLING "I $1172 00 $192 00 $30 30 522} 00 $6150 h ... 1#3-CI)lg PCTII3-CUSTIIS51100C2lsm OXYClllg OXYC2lsm ACET Y , $31 30 PCI#1-COSIW551101(S)lg.QXYGEN(3)sm ACEIVL 21 UAHit:.N SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE $68 47 $65 10 $3 37 A PROB-.665-3909/SEPT IS'92 BILLING D CT-1I214 106 2236 218/0C1- 1'92 BILLING ., , 10112/92 SOUTHWESTERN ELECTRIC POWER 52,260 76 $2.150 18 $110 58 STECK-VAUGH CO $528 10 $528 10 10; 12192 S'fE~URANCE A~EI~Cl S100 00 550 00 "'QV. FROB-PLOICHn8104~26}EMPLOYEE POSt i ION $50 00 BOND'92 CO AUD-POLICY4Il3039680/AUDITORS BOND SWIFT INDEPENDENT PACKING $937 69 CO LI6-LITERACY/CUSTtl028847S5 BOOKS $255 09 5242 09 5;440 CO JA:L-CUSTtlI7130/ASSOPTED MEATS CO JAIL-CUSTtlI7130/ASSORTED MEATS !) i i i i .in i' -I (I;;: I d' ) i :on)} A"'!=:I 'U I "" Ii MS: a: I .... '-~"' ~1 f~ J ~ ~ ~ "3 I __ "1 $16500 '516500 CO TAX-REGIS/M SMITH,B HOLLOWAY,B MAYHANCIOth ~ 10/12/92 TEXAS COUNTY PRINTING $273 48 $102 26 D CLK-AI355 APPLICATION FOR COUNSEL, SHIPPING rJ $171 22 CRA~ES:' D CLK-CIlDIVORCE MIN BK, ",/INDEUFILLER ~TE'l(1\S-OIt:-f'ROD\JCTS-SUPPt' $749~ ,"530 00 $315 00 .0 "AIL-;h'ln::,JNTF'ORl'IS CO JAIL-JAIL UNIFORMS -' f·1 TAEX ACCOUNT #20200 $'?4~ OJ ":':..- ~ 10/12/92 2'1se-APeA~~~l07~2--TEl(AS-DEPT-OF-CORRECT'fON" 52731 APCA CT H-ACCTII5674/0CT 6'92 BILLING CO CTH-ACCTtlI673/STREET LIGHTS 10 '92 BILLING 10/12/92 10/12/92 ~ _- -:. - 10/12/92 j"l - $1230 $17 50 52723-APCA ~ 52729-APCA ~ r-. w ~~1 PAPER ~ 52728-APCA , I ~ ;g~~~~:t:~~OH~~Ow:~~~~~~i~(lJCS PCTII2-HUB FOR 1980 I-TON TRUCK ~I '~ ~ 545 00 52727-APCA ~, PC 1#4-II\lSPEC lION 51 ICP,ER #414 PCTw4-CLEAN RADIATOR ON OIL TRUCK 545 00 52724:APC;- 'r-,;, Ej S10 50 00 • ,I 540 00 $~;V -... .....~". • ...". : . , . , ~~f ~~ SOUTHERN AUTO -'126 APCA L.. OF FACiS(LtCVQOISI 10/12/92 .~ J 0 CI-CAOSE#99-901STAIEME::NI 52722-APCA 52725-APCA I SHOP 1:1 $98 38 CHILDRENl ::;~"19 1;1 "1:1 :, ~ 0 CI CAOSEWIO,712JRARRECC EDwARD OUHNSUN .i ::'1 $3~o--1>CTl'2""TliTgar-ANT1=FRE'EZEnTg ..~-a5\FT>10-0n:--: , , , _I -.,. "':'-,,"':1_ -_,,1 - - .- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------#_-----------A C C 0 U N T S PAYABLE S Y S T E M 28 OCT 1992 - UPSHUR COUNTY -J r~ o o ~ . .- Approved Dlsbu~sements ALL Checklng Accounts _v. .~ _"vw" ."v. UUDU u",enu aue T'om.v,,,,",.,.,, .nT'U .w .. o,.,.... Am'S ,nVOle. uesCrlp101Qns . . . . . . . v ..... w nv ua_c vO .. uOT'. ..... ~nec. ""'oun, .nvo.ce $712 65 • • a. • :l ...\"" ') :~ ) ,• 10/12/92 THE GILMER MIRROR $585.40 $314 95 .. ~~ "V $30 60 $34 25 ;;; ~~ 52733-APCA 10112/92 THE PARK INN $90 00 ~~M~·~~~~~~~'i~'NOTICE/NEW ~;: "';'h~".-J.I ... ~......~ --» .4..........-:; l,-?:."*,:::, MOTOR GRADER BIDS "-,;;>v,, u, " .. "", .. n "AU,. S90 00 CO ~AIL-REGIS/R CROMLEY&~ MOOREI~AIL CONFER IND-MICAHEL BERTIZE/OFFICE VISIT 9/21/92 52735-APCA 10/12/92 TIM CONE $470 31 S186 13 o ,,~ 10/12/92 TIMOTHY W HOWES.M D. $63 00 $63 00 TUDOR MERCANTILE CO • INC 10/12/92 TYLER UNIFORM CO .• - PC"A lOJ12,Q2 UNION GROvE I S D 52740-APCA 10/12/92 UNION HILL 1 S 0 52741-APCA 10/12/92 UPSHUR COUNTY AMBULANCE SERV INC . ~u;~~~ip'TI~~~' _A"~ ~""l~/( \I 'UN o A-REIMBURSE/LECC CONF"VOTER .AVu·· .... ;;>m.oo; ""ea. L.uLlbING. M"-Al. CO JAIL-KIRK DOUGLAS BOLTON/OFFICE VISIT&LAB S3 59 $3 59 S108 62 $10B 62 513.350 00 $13.35000 $7.095 00 $7,095 00 AVAIL SCHOOL-1992 SCHOOL FUND ALLOCATION S755 00 $385 00 CO ~AIL-BOBBY WATERS/AMBULANCE TO BAYLOR 9/01192 --,~)4c.. APCA ~,j/V vu '*'361 70 \ 10'1.:.. }92 UPSHUR COONlt FORD IRACIQR $1,264 06 $4 83 $..!15 53 ~4Cj1 J..1 $12 75 $27~O ~ .. A-REIMBURSE/296ml@ 2Bea.MEALS.LODQINQ@ CRIM LAW UPDATE SEMINAR 9/23-25/92 .,."" .,.'" 10/12/92 . ~ SIB9 99 , t: ..,- .. ,. ~~~~ ~~:~~~~~~ ~~'~~~P~~E~~~~/~~::~~;;;~.,." $189.99 :::::-:PCA I ;,#~- CO LIB-LITERACY/PRINTING BROCHURES THOMAS W. COOPER. M. D. ~ ,.,., r. " HANDBOOKS 10/12/92 52737-APCA r·f~ ~AIL \.u · ~: ~1 CO S-IIM)PRINTED 52734-APCA ,, I<! • 4W '~-'Q' 7~' 52736-APCA ~, PCT.2-II)TRACTOR HYD .• BRK FLD.CHAIN BAR ,. .. v vv $206.89 ~ ,• ,• • . ... ----- 9/16&9/23/92 ~" , . ..... "'V"C'U_~v_'"""-'/(L 52732-APCA ') -, · 10 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ,• 'c) o ro"",.. --~'.>' PCn2-DUST MASK CO S-(2)BLOUSES, TIES. PINS/K L BURRIS.R BURRIS AVAIL SCAOoL 1992 SCROOL FUND ALLOCAIIO~ vOHNSON/AHGOLANCE 10 BAyLOR ~~17;~2- PCI#4-W~LDMENI.PAN.BLADE DOLTs.NOTS&pIN5 FOR SHREADER PCT"4-SEAL PCI#2-(JJKI1,PIN&BUSAINGlnACKROE PrT~A_k~V ~TT~ PCT#2-ll)WASHER.RING/LABOR P~i#4=nRIVE LINE FOR SAREADER.FRICiION DISC $51 90 PCT#4-(2)SHREODER BLADES $16'" 64 PCT#4-STEERING ARM~ENO.FRGT/TRACTOR Sr206-o-PCTII4-=-MUFFt:£R ~ ~~~ ~ " 8., .'1 ~ ~ ~ " ~! ~ I , ~',- ,~ ___ =-:+:-_-;, - _ .;.::-=--_ ~, ..._~ ~ '''::''''-<~'4"> ,";;;.~ "~:;. ...... ~~ ..,.>;:.,-':;-. .....::.:.11 v;;.. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------A C C 0 U N T SPA Y A B L E UPSHUR COUNTY S Y 5 T E M ~8 n---,M'11....--gj:ll'-nm~~:;!Im1PT1:N>C_-------------"'Ir1'nlJ1~e1llilfl'l1:s"ra.!e,""0ii\llJlTr~2·'7/..9;O:2;z--tt'lihTr'iuJlln0'J77';2~b;:7T9r.2,----- .. ..... 199~ PAGE II I' " I~ ~~~~~~~~~---------n~~~~~~~~~~~------------~, '"l ~..,-~.,..-\.. .....--- '"" OCT Approved Dlsbur~ements ALL CheckIng Accounts :1 i '~ ' 5~744-APCA --Iurr...?92 10/1~/92 51, 4'2!IO(.l UPSHUR-GREGG SUIL&WAIER UPSHUR-RURAL ELECTR IC COOP 5176 21 I J 52145 APeA 10; 12;"~ ItIAtU LINE 5855 c.3 , J ' j ~8 ~l ': I ~_J46-APCA 52747-APCA ~'52748-APCA ~I ~ I hJJ 3_,417 Af'CA !;27'O Af'CA lOJl_J9d 10/12/9~ vARNADO FEED SERVICE VINGo FOODS .Tf-.q.~:;-uo SUIL&WA,ER I' ______ ~93-j3UDGET ALL[JCATIO~ 550 56 $4829 577 36 PCTII3-ACCTII902475306/0CT'2 '92 BILLING wi HI ACCI#15746053S10Cl 6 9d BILLING PCTIIl/ACCTII31B85226/0CT 6'92 BILLING SO 43 52 22 514 94 .c::c:: ~l 521 B3 57290 $418 97 5301 13 IELE COHn-ACe Ilf2UbB670C I 1 '92 BILLING CO LIB-ACCTIIB7400/0CT 1 '92 BILLING ~PIII-ACCTII13762/0CT 1'92 BILLING .13 95 $13 95 59 34 59 34 U \"L"'-A\.,l.,.I"l~IIr::./U'v1 l-""I~ U1L.L1NI..i D CT-ACCTIII3792/0CT 1 '92 BILLING '9 30 D A-ACCTII137B2/0CT 1'92 BILLING IELE COMfr-"ACCTlt873907uCI 1'92 BILLING co. S-ACCTII87420/0CT 1 '92 BILLING J CIR-(l)DIAzON~ CO ~AIL-(~)101b BAGS IMPERIAL SUGAR ~ INu PMOL ELLIFF /PHt:.sCk 1FT ION#390529 IND-PAUL ELLIFF/PRESCRIPTION#390846 fl 514 82 DPS-<3'ACRr ENAMEL PAINt 52751-APCA 10/12/92 WASTE MANAGEMENT OF 53,11563 ~2; .,12.': APCA 10/1.:.1 9.:! wES I ERN AU I 0 ASSO __ IA I E ~ lORE $67 96 $94683 $160 00 52,00B 80 $66 97 50 99 52753-APCA 10/12/92 WHITE SWAN, NORTH 51. 683 69 p~ ; ~J WASTE-ACCTII7795SS/UNSCH(2)9/03, 9/4/92 wA-:.IE-ACCt#77955SJLANDFILL sEFlVCIE 1071 30/92 WASTE-1I779555/UNSCH(2)9/15, 9/16, (2)9/28 S2754-APCA 52755-APCA 10/12/92 10/12/92 WHITESIDE GARAGE WILLOUGHBY ~UVENILE 5178 36 CENTER 5605 00 \ 5178 36 5605 00 ~AIL-CUSTII420711/ASSORTED ~AIL-CUST#420711/ASSORTED -CU~4207117A5SdRIED FOODS FOODS FOoDS CO S-UNITIII/WHEEL SEALS, SHOES, PADS/LABOR 10/12/92 Wm C MARTIN,III t~ ~c.;7~?·~~~OSTMASTER ~l 52758-APCA 523 10 523 10 .5~OOO-OO---$~OO 00 t~ :5' , ~UV :,1 f-i tl -I ~'J: 2 'C PROB-CJD/DETENTION, W W ea) 9/18-~8/92(lldays~5:;5 52756-APCA ~ CO BLDG-GRASS CATCHER/SNAPPER MOWER&WEfOEATER ~4 LINE-~ CD S- (1) KEY 5499 61 5663 90 • ifJ - ~ ~-~ P- ~1 $38 33 57 93 oJ 'l ~ J ~;, $40 ..!6 1- 'C!' ~~ ~1 WALKER 5 PHARFIt1C Y J n ~ 101 I 1"1~, ~\ ~ $14 82 " D CT-VISITING ~UDGE 9/28~10/2/92,84ml@ ~75ea D L~P-PDSJAG~ ~DR MEIER , 0, j;~. , I ,0-,, ~~: "'-~~, '. ~ D A-HOT CK RESTITUTION/STEPHANIE FULTON WAt:J"fA1ti"""STOPE #146 .. hi 534.86 lO/ic.llfc.; -"!:- ..~"! ... :!"'-~"'-.~- I, 534.86 17",", ' I WAL-MART 11146 H_J .. :::1' 10/1~/92 1 ,I -1 I: HC 10/13/92 ETEX TELEPHONE COop, --------- ----~-- INC ----- 534 OB 534 08 PCTII3-11734-5822 FOR 10/01/92 BILLING ~ .:v~r-_ ...... ., • :-~ •__ '" I. - -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ UPSHUR COUNTY A C C 0 U N T S PAY A B L E 28 OCT 1992 S Y S T E 1'1 Approved O15bur5em~nt. ALL Checking Accounts £t.s- ~ ,) .' ~ ,--, .... - u . . . urume .... nGue ,_ '.' •• ....... .. ,,;a In 52760-APCA HC 10/14/92 FIRST NATIONAL BANK 52761-APCA HC 10/14/92 52762-APCA He ,1 52763-APCA ~ -' ~~ ri I ,rum ,vr ''''''''' ..... u r ....~ ,v,,,,g, 7& ~a "moun'. S77.560 37 .. . . . . . . n ..... . ... "nVOICe ueScrlp1il0nS .. '- 0, ~ fj h: J, t~ ~ · , •, •• S77.560 37 CD#22105 PURCHASED@6 .,' 007.(89da~.)TO MATURE FIRST NATIONAL DANK GILMER S500.000 00 S500.000 00 CD#22106 PURCHASED@6 257.(75da~.)TO MATURE FIRST NATIONAL BANK GILMER S600.000 00 $600.000 00 CD#22107 PURCHASED@6 257.(89dayslTO MATURE ," '''''''''' 7'" 10/14/92 ", ., • . , 7_ HC 10/14/92 NORTH TEXAS POISON CENTER $1,000 00 SI,OOO 00 NON DEPT-ALLOCATION FOR 1-800-441-0040/POISON _W' 1 nUl- 52764-APCA HC 10/19192 TAC PRE-LEGISLATIVE CONFEREN S75 00 $75 00 COMM >7,,' CT&TREAS-REGIS/~UDGE STIN) ... PP. ... tie 1 OJ ~O; 9c. J4lTSUKCl A'JE ... _~ 52766-APCA HC 10/20/92 TEXAS DIST &CO ATTY ASSOC S~"'6S 52767-APCA HC 10/21. 92 52925-APCA 10/26/92 'W $300 00 ETEX TELEPHONE COOP • INC 1ST ADMINISTRATIVE ~UDICIAL vw • v_ vw $300 00 $33 94 S33 94 $1,513 17 $1. 513 17 ,~~~ _w ... - ' ... "W"~ • • n~ 52926-APCA 10/26/92 ALLEN SEAHORN $37 80 $25 20 $12 60 52927-APCA 1 r, 10/26/92 ARATEX/IND UNIFORM & TOWEL $1. ~ . ~ ~ 1.,HANUI-lNw D A-"32"/REGISTRATION/T ROSS&T.KIMBROUGH(KEY PERSONNEL SEMINAR) ': PCT#4-#762-6731/0CT 1'92 BILLING "" ~TY ASSESSMENT 1st ADMIN REGION ~ PCT#4-(12lyds GRAVEL@$2 10per yd PCT#4-(6lyds GRAVEL@S2 10per.yd 168 80 SERVICE SERVICE ~o..,. '"11 tit:.HVlt;.;t;. i..~ c' SS6 33 PCI#4 CUSlfi6058001/UNIFORM SERVICE : r\ $47 60 $47 60 PCTIII-CUST#5945001/UNIFORI'I SERVICE PCTII2-ClJST#5935001/UNIFORI'I SERVICE ' ~, $47 60 ;~~:~-~~~~:~~;~gg~ ~~~i~~:~ ~~~~i~~ ~ u ~]~l h h ~ ;! $85 92 $60 85 t"'t;I*~-t;:U::sI"~'7';.s:;,UUl/UNlt_UH'M PCT#3-CUST#5963001/UNIFORI'I SERVICE PCT#4-CUST#6058001/UNIFORM SERVICE F] :;~ ~~ PCTII3-CUST#5963001/UNIFORI'I ;~~:;=g~~~:;;;;gg~~~~i~~~~ SERVICE ~~=~i~~ $28 70 ;~~;~ PCT#I-CUSTII5945001/UNIFORI'I SERVICE Sq-;---so-PCT#c! eels I ftS93500T7UNTFORM SERVI CE l ~- e5~ ~" I': $28 70 $60 86 PCTII3-CUST#5963001/UNIFORM SEPVICE PCT#4-<:USTII60SS001/UNIFORM SERVICE ,I ~ "$55 10 PCTfil CUSI#594"5UOT7UNTF"tJRM SERVICE ': f-C1 • f', "I E: t~~~~.~. I' . ..... DEAN.G LINDSEy, V VICK(PRE CEGlS.CONFERENCE@AO B, • ., ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 _____________ $47 60 PCTII2-CL'ST#5935001/UNIFORM SERVICE '! $4Q 81 PCT#4-CUST#6058001/UNIFORM SERVICE $47 -bO--PCTIi I ~CUST1I594 500 I I'UNTFORl1SERVIC"E--------- or" ,,-:~~ • .,..l r:'). J~ .... -<;"',:: i=-~~~ - ...~ "J;: _~'_4 -n __ ~" _~. <,, ';""~~" ... -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ACCOUNTS UPSHUR COUNTY IRE 5UFlw~Rt GROUF. INC ~uTsements PAYABLE SYSTEM Approved DIsbursements ALL Checking Accounts Made from IOJld79d tnru 28 OCT 1'1'12 ~heek • He Date Vendor Check Amount InVOIce Amts 547 60 ~8 IO 52'128-APCA .., 10/26/'12 ARK-LA-TEX NARCOTICS 511,057 20 511.05720 PAGE 10726792 13 PCT#2-CUST#5'135001/UNIFORM SERVICE PClfi3 COSlwS963001JUNIFORflSERQTCE NON DEPT-~UNE-OCT''12 3 I: I. InVOIce DeStrl~tl0ns SRARE/ARK-[A-1E:X :: ,~ "",.,~ I. PRO-RATED • ROCK BLDG-ACCT#082143255001'1/0CT 12''12 BILL METER#1l67147 !I ~~• Sli 45 CO LIB-ACC1#092142114Jo04/oCl -, , 51'1 17 METER#1031147"ij CO LIB-ACCT#0'l21431144002/0CT 12''12 BILL ~ " .,' 5208 33 S3b 27 12'92 GILL 4UIC!5'T9'"ir . I-WAllNEr-err "2;3:>00- I" METERII540441 'I ~ -12 '92 B ILL- ~' ~ c ~. CTR-ACCT#0'l21432575006/0CT 12 ''12 BILL METERII6328360 :t2930-Af'l.A- ,J MEiER#514i09 --------cT-~ACClttO~143275100370CT ~'-"-- 1 51200 $299 22 -~ r'~,I '. ,. " ARKLA GAS "'l~~ 1:1 IASK F,_deE PORTER BLDG-ACCT#0821421288016/0CT 12 '92 BI LL MEIER#31202 10/26/92 .. , , $12 00 52929-APCA ~ 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 I , f'" ~j .p (1-107) -"235 00 .) 52933-APCA 10/26/'12 BENNETT EGUIPMENT COMPANY $77,60000 ~~.r~ ~ ~. ~. ," ~ ._ofJ -1,1 52'1'34-APCA 10726792 BISAOP toe BISHOP, P C 52'135-APCA 10/26/'12 IlLAZER RESOURCES, 52'136-APCA 10/26/'12 BOB'S PRINTING INC 107201'12--s0GEL-SACES-INC 5250 00 5250 00 0 Cl-CAUSE#iQ, 7Q2/MICHAEL BREAZEALE ,-1 512,936 00 51'2. '136 00 PCT#2-(672)bbh ROAD OIL@51'1 2Sea ~1 573703 568780 $5 1'1 $~3 24 510 80 A PROB-(3)CHAIRS CO EXT-(3)ROLLS SCOTCH TAPE CO AUcr=TT2TS~ARPlEs(f2TrOll. SCOTCR CO AUD-PAD FOR CALCULATOR ,.t 5338 60 OF EXTENED WARRANTY ON 720A ~ ~ ~ TAPE S4'8\)~O)cs RoLL 10WELS('2)PA" --::;"1 557 10 TOWELS(2)cs BULBS CO S-(1)C5 HIGH SENSITIVITY ~I 57S 00 COIHAINr=T21cs-eLOORESCENr-BOLnST30bulbs) I r -- 8 .~ ~g+~~-~~~~~~OST .1 ~",93/-APCA :'1 PCT#2-720A CHAMPION MOTOR GRADERIS#187135222345 sSSO 00 1 ~_ ,0' $76,750 00 l"CDRE:~~~~_ _ __ "--. "," ..,t~_4 , .-.. ../ --- I ~ ~ ~ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------A C C 0 U N T S PAYABLE S Y S T E 28 OCT 1992 UPSHUR COUNTY 11 Approved Disbursements ~ur .n", 'WMn", u . . uun.,"e ... ~ ~nuur, .,.~ ALL Checking Accounts nau. rum .v,. .. , ' & . . . ru ~ ~ ~ n~ ua • • $19 50 ""'7.,0-"r" .. .u._u 52939-APCA 10/26/92 ._ ,.,,~~ BRUCE A ~ CHEATHAI1, I1D .. .,'" V" .,,'" V" $251 32 $115 00 $35 00 $3500 $35 00 -I ,. , 9.,. ••••• - -- -- -- U CO "-MU' .. " v •• u,_ " .. " . . . ., ~AIL-HARRELL ~OHNSON/RADIOLOGY ""~V-Mr~" ou _u • • _ _u, " .,,,,_v., ~_,.,~_ ... 9/17192 UL ':''::''::"':':~ $59 92 CO "-"o!. ''.''''IN''' S-ACCT#GM00036/0CT_9'92 BILLING . ".. "" . ".. "" '-U "A."-, H"' ..~nU'"L''' "gal CHEROKEE COUNTY $158 00 $158 00 52943-APCA 10/26/92 COMPLETE BUSINESS $512 - , $45 85 COMM CT-RICOH 5520 S#203(3396cop,es 10 8/92) $48 10 CO eLK RIeUR 5540 $18 23 $75 87 A PROB-CTH/RICOH 3050(1350cop'.s)10/8/92 CO S-RICOH 4418 S#488(5620cop'es)10/8/92 " " " " - " ' .. UM_.,UO" "".,cop"",u,,,,,,,,,, A PROB-RICOH 4415 S#1b3(2777cop,es)10/8/92 ~P#1-RICOH 4415 S#099(617cop,es)10/8/92 ,J " ~ , ::; ~; 'i j $69 59 52944-APCA 10/26/92 COMPU 1 TYPE $395 00 $395 00 1 ~~ 10/26/92 ~~ ~-'"~!r..~--:-~.;~.""!-i:..-;r~~~~~~- . '~-::'_ 52942-APCA 33 45 86 51 ....... TURNAGE/RADIOLOGY 9/11/92 ~AIL-RICKY MOORE/RAOIOLOGY 9/20/92 ~~~=~~~~~~"W~~~;~;;~~~v~~~~~ ~~~~;92 $;; $8 $36 $19 $29 . ... ->--_-' -5- . t~~·· ~AIL-~OHN 'U' _~ ~_ ..... : r, f!" "",7~.-"r~" ~_'" ~4:'.L !" $;~ ~~ ,. .~; .. __ , h' CO JAIL MICHAEL JOANSON/RADIOLOGy 9714792 CO CO ...., • ,• CO S-(1)C5 KITCHEN ROLL TOWEL 0 '" 1'j j ,I 14,' ·;2~ OO~~ ~~ ~~i~~=;2;;~~i=~~~E~~~~"BULBS ,I , ,....... UeSC,.lp~10ns .lnV01Ce " ,~ 11~ ,I .v, .. o<>-. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- , I: .. .. von.or .. n.c . . .moun. .nvolC . . .m. . -- •-a;. ~ - CO CT-CAUSE#14,555/THOMAS nc.'~" ... ~'n"' ... "_' TREAS RIeUR 4419 ~ACK b t f S#~57(3563coples)10)8/9~ t' ,t S#723(2700coples)10/8/9~ t CO TAX-RICOH 3050 S#967(1471cop,.s)10/8/92 CO ~AIL-RICOH 3050 S#422(2186cop,es)10/8/92 \ou " " -"H_UM -',,:'ou ,,,U"'-lCop .. Sl ' U " " 7' o CLK-RICOH 5520 S#205(5011coples)10/8/92 D A-RICOH 4418 S#519(5155cop,es)10/8/92 ~ C' t t DPS-(1)AMDEK 14"COLOR MONITOR f~ ~)N~R~O~Y~F~O~R~On-~iR~A~C~T~O~R-,~I~N~C-_-----------.$~2~5~9~1------~$~2~5~9~I--~P~C~I~#nIr.-~(nlr)nKrirrl,~BmE~A~R~IN~~Q------------------------------~_] f, --- -- --- .-- t-, I_ ' 10/26/92 CONTINENTAL BUSINESS PRODUCT 52947-APCA 10/26/92 COUNTY REHAB ILITATION CENTER 52948-APCA 10/26/92 10/26/92 ,, $11970 $58 64 I C-(6)cs FILE FOLDERS/5 bx per CASE CO 5 DRy-ERASE CALENDERS k~ PRP-DRUG ABUSE TREATMENT IR~B 5TRTCKCAl'IIJ,;)I~ WILLIAl'IS l.! :~ ~ $3.660 00 $3.660 00 DANA COMMERCIAL CREDIT $240 50 $240 50 INV#3689735/LEASE*162362 10/02/92-11/01/92 DARBY EQUIPMENT COMPANY $146 68 $146 68 PCT~1-U-~OINT ~: .'--------------52949-APCA $178 34 ..t.Jo-.......,.,lo ..... ~••• -,,-:;... , ..... ~, '1r'.,oIo ......... - - . 1 ,. r~ ASSEMBLY, SHAFT, 1/4 KEYSTOCK PIECES ------------_. - - . - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - '" t! • -• ... -',J>n--........_~:- ...., ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . --______ ~ __ -.. ___ ,.....N~._. _ _• _ _ _ _ _ _"''''' ....... _ " - _ ;oi", - ' v-".~~~~'I}!':~p<!,.V?\~~~ .. _,:~;::;..t.*"7." ~-,"Y: F" - .. -----------------" -"'~~-...... -... ------------------------------------~ ~----------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------ACCOUNTS S Y S T E M PAYABLE O!B OCT 1992 UPSHUR COUNTY ~ ~ J 'i , .1 ""'I f1 52959-APCA 10/26/'12 F L GARRISON $299 6'1 $299 69 OCTOBER '92/.JUVENILE PROBATION BOARD ~2q60 APCA 10;~6Ji~ rAe.s UN FILE $~42 50 S54d 50 CD LIB-RENEw SOBSCRIPIIUN 12/9~ 52961-APCA 10/26/92 FEDERAL WAGE & LABOR S145 BO $145 BO CO BLDG-C7ILAMINATED 52962-APCA 10/26/92 GADDIS LINDSEY $12 88 S12 BB .·~I----------------------------~--~~~~~~~~-=~~~--------------~~~~~----~~~~--~~~~~~~~~ J SIGNSCADA),FRGI J; ENGLISH~SPANISH COMM CT-REIMBURSE/46m.@ 2BEACHUDCO ~EEIING@LUNGVTEQI BILLING 52964-APCA 10/26/92 GERALD .JOHNSON ~ 52965-APCA 10/26/92 GILMER CADLE TV CO, ~J I 52966-APCA IOn6/'12 $125 00 S245 00 'S245 00 $24 20 S13 45 l~ .:~ 'I $5 39 $6 1'1 ~------------------------------------------------------------------------------_SS77_q9~ SiB 93 i~ s3345 ~ GILMER DRUG COMPANY INC S125 00 s171 14 ~ l ,~ .~ I I f, 52:;:-73 COMM CT-ACCT815446/RADIO MAINT/NOV'92 CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO .JAIL-FORREST POWERS/PRESCR IPTION .JAIL-WILLIAM KISSAN/PRESCRIPTION JAIL-PRESCRTPTTON.RXT3e~4~5T6--~~--------------.JAIL-KIRK BOLTON/PRESCRIPTION81364B2 .JAIL-ROBETUSSON COUGH SYRUP JAlL JO~NDERSON7PRE5~C~R~I~P~I~IHD~Nm#rIr3~o~5~9~3~-------.JAIL-KIRK BOLTON/PRESCRIPTIONS .JAIL-MICATIN,LYSOL,MAALOX CO JA"ll:"'CA,N;-CODCOCK7mIllERSOWPRESCRIf'T!ONS '1 -~--~ ..... ~~-- . 0·' -.- .... -.. -- '""-.I' a.... • ~-~~ ~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ r! - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ., ) "' UPSHUR COUNTY ~ In<:; :>urIW""" ... ",UV... I'a " -.::llflT .. ACCOUNTS PAYABLE S Y S T E M Approved Dlsbursem.nts ALL Checking Accounts ul.Du.e .... 1<5 naDe nom lVF',,,'''' <nru lV/"o/'l;;' ...,\.O ,1 f , -, !l2968-APCA vencaT. ·~uan ""nee,. ""moun"" 'V/.,o, ,"- ",1......,,1( 10/26/92 GLADEWATER MIRROR I"Hn"I(T ""1("-1("" .lnVD1Ce ,...m"s .... "'". "u .. ,.,,"" "U '26.48 526 48 " ! tr,\ .I , PAGE .. ... .. 'NII-"I( TU UNlI'l"".... ,,=iIA , .. •, • • CLINC (TAYLOR MEDICAL) I' CO S-"13"/DISPLAY NOTICE IN 10/26/92 GLENN CAMPBELL. SR 5124 00 5124 00 PCT*4-(31)LOADS OIL SAND/GRAVEL@54 OOe. 52970-APCA 10/26/92 GLOBE SIGNS 5350.00 5350 00 CO.S-~AIL ADMIN.2 1/4 VINYL LETTERSCUPSHUR CO CRIM J CTR) 52971-APCA 10/26/92 GOOD SHEPHERD MEDICAL CENTER 59 67 $1,294 q5 52972-APCA 10/26/92 GOVERNMENT RECORDS SERVICES J ) 52973-APCA 10/2b/92 GREEN VILLA ~J, 529J4-APCA 10126)92 HERBER, L ~2975-APCA 10/2bl92 JAMES BARBER I , , ~I~ :;l " :J j 'J 52976-APCA 10/26/92 VOUNG IND-PERCY EADS/LAB 10/1/92 IND-JOHN ELLIFF/Y-RAY.MAGNETIC IMAGING 52.791 86 52.791 86 5700 00 $700 00 $1,}0510 Sl, )U5 10 537 80 525 20 PCT*4-CI2)yds GRAVEL@52 10per yd $12 00 PC1#4 JERRY WAYNE PHILLIPS 5217,50 $217 50 10/26/92 JOBE DRUG COMPANY 52978-APCA 10/26/92 JOYCE MORRISON 52979-APCA 10/26/92 KELLY FORD TRACTOR. .... 2980 APCA IO)c!.6J92 KNOWLES LAW BOOK PUBLISAING, INC. .7 35 57 35 '87 00 587 00 $6 72 'b 72 $59 6S $59 65 10720}92 LANSDALE Iv SA~SERVICE SI,0)7 80 $1. 077 80 529S2-APCA 10/26/92 1072579;<L:iS~-COBS t,E: 52964-APCA 10/26/92 L' 529S5-APCA 10/26/92 r: LAW ENFORCEMENT EQUIPMENT CO LONGVIEW CLUTCH -------- ~ DRIVE SHAF LONGVIEW REGIONAL HOSPITAL ------------- 5909 87 '~8 $909 87 0:5::>.!8 $321 52 $321 52 567 75 $87 75 '» . . .-~--:::;: -,..,...-----. - - • ~ ~ f ~..... ' -~ ~"""""';>_# .. - .... ~- ... • -:-' REIMBURSEDCNOT .'~. IND-DARRELL BOWES/PRESCRIPTIONn743-403 ".. CO LIB-REIMBURSE/250ml@ 28ea.MEALCPLANO MEETING) fl . . 0 ; ' . --" ·c ., PCTlll-(lISEAL :J § o A .::.x rRANt;.OOS ur-FENCESt-tONGHAROED CONDUCT REL. ~ CO S-VIDEO CAMERA. RARD SHELL CARRyING CASE. ~ CO S-C 10lMAG LIGHT W/DC2 CHARGERS pRl'4<ETfIBURSE72~27;;e .. . ~J SEPT. '92 TRAVEL L' PCT#4-EEARING STUD,SLIP YOKE.DRIVELINE ---.uIrE;l:AJlnR ~! IND-MICHAEL E WHITAKER/HOSPITAL.MEDICINE 9/19792----- _ _ _ _ _ --'~ _ • . ~ (b>yds GRAVEL€S2 loper yd AUTO POWER CORD. TRIPOD. WIRELESS REMOTE MICRooHONE, EP096FL. WIDE ANGLE LENS t~29S3=APCA L CO S-(iBI)gals REGtI460)gals pREMIUM CAS 2 32991 APCA ~ '. "j i PRP-SEPT'92 BILLING/BOBBY FIELDS(DRUG ABUSE) JIEO' 52977-APCA .. . . CO CLK-INDEXING&MICRO FILMING 9/30/92 JP~1-DOCKET"91-240,BOND .. :, ~ '1n'lI'lL ! -. · !l2969-APCA 51.304 82 r , . ... - . ........" , ... I ...,,,,,,, .. .,o2"ea ,;..J ,g .I.n"OICI!' uescTlp"lons 28 OCT 1990! ~_ , ..... ~ .... _ _ _ ".. .......... ~~ _ _ ""s"",,"~, ~,~ ~--.~-~ ........... ~ ..... '~-""""--'------"""-~~~ - ' - - -.......- - - - -... ~.'1 A C C 0 U N T S UPSHUR COUNTY PAY A B L E SYSTEM ') . .... r~~:"'"'1. .:" ~ ""~ r~~ ~ J "i ;1 52989-APCA 10/26/92 MED SHOP $410 04 i "; '1 Ej "~I ,1 ~ < • •, ~i 'I 'e ,~ J J I j ·'1 ~ I ~ ~ C) 52990-APCA 10/26/92 METROPLEX CONTROL SYS INC 52991-APCA 10/26/92 MICHAEL MARTIN, 52992-APCA 10/26/92 ATTY $95 15 $400 00 $200 00 $200 00 $15 03 $15 03 MURRAY ~ORDAN 52995-APCA 10/26/92 MYRA HARRIS 52996-APCA 10/26/92 OTIS ELEVATOR COMPANY INC 5156 70 $156 70 $11 98 $11 98 $5 BS 55 BB $150 07 $150 07 1-0726~f'ATR=GrAS50C 53:>11 . ~' 299S-APCA ...:a 40 :;>~2999-APCA ,,.. r· JAIL-WILLIAM KISSAN/PRESCRIPTIONlI423022 JAIL-WILLIAM KISSAN/PRESCRIPTlONII4230B4 JAIL wILLIAM KISSINIPRt:.5CRIP IIONff4.c:.3085 JAIL-GARY COOPER/PRESCRIPTloN#423322 JAIL-J FOSTER/PRESCRIPTIoN/#4?3317 JAIL-J FOSIERIPRESCRl?1IdNij423.j16 JAIL-B HOITT IPRESCRIPTIoN!l423315 JAIL-B HoJTT/PRESCRIPTIoN#423313 JAI C-C BENSUN/PR£SCR I P I I DN#4d3JdO JAIL-C BENSoN/PRESCRIPTIoN#423321 JAIL-A RAY/PRESCRIPTIoNlI42331B 5-FREIGHT/CASE. KNIFE. PRINts JAIL-ANTHONY MooN/PRESCRIPTloN#423319 JAIL-B HOITT/PRESCPIPTIONlI423314 JAIL-I: COdFER/PRc.SCRIP1ION#423322 JAIL-FINANCE CHRG ON ACCT JAIL-FINANCE CHRG ON ACCT ;.,~ ~- ~ ':1 ~'1' F ~ :', ~~; 'j ~~ M r·L1 ~ ~ .< d bJ J ': CO JAIL-REPAIR CONTROL BOARD ~I D CT-CAUSEIII0.731/JOHNNY LEE BELL D CT-CAUSEIIIO.696/MARVIN JAY MOPGAN l'~1 ,:1 CO S-ACCTIIB91930059310CT B'92 BILLING J, J C1R-(I)SUARO CRt SINGLE ZONE ~; CO S-REIMBURSE/CQKES.HOSES f~ COMPUTER-REIMBURSE/2Iml@ 2S(FILE RESTORE ON COMPUTER SYSTEM) ": ~1 INVIITY7S74BE NOV 1-30 '92 ELEVATOR MAINT ~, " CO. 10/26/92 ""I\PCA $95 15 MOBIL OIL CREDIT CORPORATION 52994-APCA C ~t CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO $6 S4CR CO JAIL ADJUSTMENT ON ACCl :'~;-~5"2"'9"'9"3"'-~A"P"C"'Ao:----rln07/~':"'67/"9~2-"'[tifrO"'S"'B"'Y""'fl"'E""C-"HANICAL ~ $33 40 $10 69 Sc!3 93 $70 47 $23 59 S4c! 03 $15.25 $24 64 $9 4c! $50 30 $6 40 $16 UU $B.70 $15 77 51u 47 $2 07CR $2 IICR c- 5C-OO-----rmJ-FERcy-EADS~f071792 $27 II 1012t:f/92--PAUl.~----RUSSEL1.: 10/267'r.r-PH1Lt.:IPS-PETROLEUI1-COMPANr-- S32-Q4---s3:Z-64 _u - - , t ~ .... ,~ .... _ F.-~ ,,- -~ 'l! ~-,."'- ••-~' • r' IND-PERCY EADS/LAB 9/24/92 co LIE-LIIERACYTf02mr~~EAL(EMORV:IX I1EETI NG ) ~ , $13 04 -- --513-'04'-- CO' S-ACCT1I69926B4750/0CT -q'92iHCt."ING---- - - - J r- UPSHUR ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------.------------II COUNTY A C C 0 U N T SPA Y A B L E S Y S T E 11 28 OCT 1992 ~ THE SEIFTWARE ,I DisbO'Siiiiflits lIad. from lO/ic.J9.. tNC II :::: .":::. ::: 1,1 :~ 1 ;1 1 ,. "': :': "'M:: '::' :" .... ,.:m,:".. i! PROFESSIONAL TECHNICAL 52.725 20 52'~i: ~g gg ~=~:~~~~Dw7~~DR~;g:~7~0~~~!~~;~ 53002-APCA 10/26/92 RAI1EY & FLOCK $7.88304 51. 268 25 NON DEPT-CIVIL CSII5 92CV049(H SI1ITHv. UPSHUR [~ NON DEPT-CIVIL CSII6-92CV36(V I1ARABLE ~: 9 5234 98 C i-BOX 1 52 A NOAL kEN i I' ~ $6.3)9 81 ~~~2~;;~~~!~:~&N 53003-APCA 10/26/92 RAY EXER 53004-APCA 10/26/92 REV .J EARNEST TURNEY $23 04 523 04 $187 50 $187 50 j "d t~ 53005-APCA 10/26/92 ROADWAY OIL CO • INC 510.233 90 L ~, ~ ~ I ~; j 61 ~ BELLISvs.UPSHUR l'! <J>1n no $10 00 53007-APCA 10/26/92 ROBERT P SHACKELFORD 5581 53 556084 $"':0 69 53009-APCA 10/26/92 SANDY LIVENGOOO $250 00 51.00000 $250 00 (c.8C: 71)661 }DDlS CRUD ~~VUe n r.T-~~.6.Nn .JURY .1I1~V PANEL P.6.I\I~1 0 CT-GRANO UIL~51~ I M<""......._ _ _ _ __ ---------, t>~ 1:'1 .l PCTlll-'S3 CHEVY I-TON SERVICE ~~ 7/14/92-~ IND JAMES wARREN/OFFICE VISII 8)21/9~ ,..~ I RUCK&EGUIP/I0 9;: ~~ 0 CT-CAUSEIII0.727/TODO LEE LAGRONE ": i $ ~ IND-.JAMES WARREN/OFFICE VISIT 6/22.23.24/92 Ii Hl/26t92--SWIFT-INOEPENOENT-PACl'ING UUea t f::l4/Qt 1/24/91 I I ~ "' PCI"I $10 00 S'O $1.00000 D CT-C W WELLS/SESSIONS AUG 17.24.31'92 COUNSELING $ ..I>088)S ROBERT LEWIS COOK. II RUSSELL TACKETT CO TAX-UPSHUR COUNTY'90 TAX REFUNDII23090 44494 PCTII4-(143 34)bbls CRUDE O I L @ 5 1 8 0 0 n : ; 4 PCTIII-(142 50lbbls CRUDE OIL@$18 OOea ~~ 10/26/92 10/26/92 t $2.580 12 $2.56500 53006-APCA 5300B-APCA ~ r9 CO 9/2-30/92) 'I I ~ RADIOS 9/2-30/92) ) "I 4 :: 10/26/92 0 rI II ,A 53001-APCA STER .:.I •! 18 ~"IJ~ P I ' PAUE lO'c!'oJ9': peA .~ ,I tnrU ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7 ~ eRBUP~ Approved Disbursements ALL CheckIng Accounts F023 ,0---$40, 19 --Ccr~Alt:~C\JSTtn 7l:30FASSORTEITrIBITS r- ,- ... -- -- - ----~"'""""- ... - - -- - ~ , .. ,.~ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------_. ACCOUNTS UPSHUR COUNTY PAY A B L E S Y S T E M Approved Disbursements ALL CheckIng Accounts Maae-rrom lO/1~j9d thru , l. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------_. ~ , V~5Dur~emen;s In" :mrTh""ro<E.- "'''uv, , ' " ' ' , ., 3 'Onee ... n" uaa veneor "neCk "moun, ~nVOlce , :1 53015-APCA 10/26/92 TAX ASSESSOR-COLLECTOR 51.904 30 Mmt;S ;1 d 1 ~301S-APCA IE~EIUOCH 53017-APCA 10/26/92 TEXACO INC 53018-APCA ..'1! 10/26/92 CORPORAilON TEXAS COUNTY PRINTING :1 JAIL-CUST~17130/ASSORTED AVAIL AVAIL AVAIL AVAIL MEATS Sd6 )5 $d6 )5 JPfil-COSI#LDd5407#4566 PAGER lold!79d SILLING 578 92 578 92 CO S-ACCT#6103028459/0CT 2'92 BILLING 52.89629 J. AVA~CROO~~ES*78dO j :l3019-APCA 10/267'92 TEXAS FlREHAWK $35) 50 ~1 P~ ELECT-(13210l0FFICIAl AIS SCANNER BOLLOTS.l00 TEST 9/10/92 .. u ....... ":\ _~) .... , " " lU", AP~L Lto 'toH" u~ $21 00 CO LIB ()FIRE EX1INGOIsHEHS CHECKED 547_00 553 00 ROCK BlDG-(6lFIIRE EXTIN CHEC~ED(2)RECHRG CT H-(6lRECERTIFIED FIRE ExrIN .R~CHARG ,TEsT~D CO lIB-(2lRECERTIFIED~RETAG FIRE EXTEN J CTR-(18lRECERTIFIED.RETAG.FUSIBlE $6 00 $230 50 LINKs, ExTEN j 53020-APCA J , ';1 ,I 10/26/92 TEXAS SUPREME COURT JOU~NAl 53021-APCA 10/26/92 THE GILMER MIRROR 53022-APCA 10/26/92 THE SOFTWARE GROUP, INC 5245 8S $245 85 ~ f 51.055 00 51.750 00 JPijl-EAl OF TRAINING(Sda~s)PEh CONTRACT CO TREAS-JURV SELECTION CK PRINT OPTION 5619 00 56,30000 ""'.Vvo uu 54.248 00 CO TREAS-TRAINING JURY CHECK PRINT OPTIGN CO CLK-INDEX SOFTWARE LICENSE FEE <;u <;L"-lNDmrTRArnmG(4daysl CO CLK-CRIMINAl CASE MANAGEMENT(10dayslTRAINING 5486 00 5252 00 ~ CO CT-COURT ADMINISTRATlON(Sdays D CLK-CRIMINAL CASE ~_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ MAI<ACE:MEmTfOo a y. ) TRAINTNG CO TREAS-PAYROLL MAINT 10/1/92-12/31/92 CO TREA5-BANK RECONCIL MAINT 10/1/92-12/31/92 '-- $428-o~OI'RE"As=ACCTS-PAYADLO:_MA1Nlf07T792-;2/31/9:;r_ l' 5177 00 k-' ~', ," , e- :=! ~ -----.- ~j i "\ :~ li ~l'ft:'""""f"7"""",, \Tb~fi\Jtfl.lts , ~ . ~ .j ~j ,' $32,441 00 52,390 00 54.248 00 I ~ c~ CO S-(2)INDEX CARDS(llMARKER $2 15 I,. \- VOL#3b 52 IS \ J 9 D CT-SUBSCRIPTION TO TX SUPREME CT JOU'lNAL LICENSE FEt:. Y ~ ~i ADMIN,FRGT '1 , [! Ii it-, AVAIL SCHOOl-'92 TAXESij7819 52.91937 I:! j SCHOOL-'92 TAXES~U7815 ScROOC-'92 lAxEs#7a16 SCHOOl-'92 TAXESij7817 SCHOOl-'92 TAXESij7818 $27 64 $11 65 $52 12 ...,,' ut> ~ J, 1 1 CO JA1L-COSr'17130IA5S0RTED MEATs 24 19 lnVOlce uescrlptlons Sd33 59 $~ ,I" lO)2619c. PAGE CO $40 79 .I , 10126792 5382 32 $1,766 86 .,;'1 -I 28 OCT 199: CO TREAS-REVENUE SYSTEM MAINT 10/1/92-12/31/92 ----~35S -OO--VOTEI<REGfS -t'fA1NT-I07r/'l2=r273!-yq-;r , , ., ,.' , 'J " .::! ", .' - n-)- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ UPSHUR COUNTY ).1 A C C a U NT S PAYABLE S Y S T E PI 26 OCT 1992 Approved DlsbuTsements ALL Checking Accounts TI'IE SOFTWARE GROUP,liQe DiSbUriements ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ .'j' .. " r· ..., S175 "j' $345 "" «J $243 00 :j $666 00 " -' g $263 00 ::1 ,I 53023-APCA 10/26/92 THIS WAY SIGN I~~::::::::: ~: :::::::: :::::':::':":::::',:::::":" l-' 53026-APCA 10/26/92 UPSHUR COUNTY AMBULANCE SERV t-: 53029-APCA 10/26/92 UPSHUR COUNTY CHILD WELFARE ~ ~3030-APCA 10)~6/9~ UPSH~~ERK ..J30JI-APCA l0f26J9~ UPSHUR-RORAr-ECECTRrc-coOP. 53027-APCA 10/26/92 UNIVERSAL TIME EGUIPMENT COM $270 95 CO AVO FIXED ASSEIS MAINT 1071J92-12731792 5506 00 S336 00 CO AUD-BUDGET ACCT_MAINT 10/1/92-12/31/92 CO AUD-PURCHASING MAINT 10/1/92-12/31/92 S254 00 CO MAl NT-HANDICAPPED SIGNS,S50 TO S200 $240 00 CD JAIL-ACCT~949/REPARI EDWARDS 5600 FIR ,_: S3,625 00 $3,625 00 CHILD WELFARE-1st GTR FUNDING '92-93 BUDGET ~j $800 $a-crO ~O .LK-#55647CANCElLAIldN of PENNY LAN~ SUB-DIVISION F~ $1?009 $37 06 PCT#4 ACClfi121/8d52270CT 16'92 BILLING __ ; -: $7 56 $35 66 SIMP oJ ,, 514 81 16'92 BILLING PCTl!2-ACCT~41166523/0CT 21 '92 BILLING LA/"'Av--rn:01i-ACCT#50527946~70C I 21 'Yd SILLING ~ 53032-APCA 10/26/92 VIDEO 33 $35 00 535 00 0 A-HOT CK RESTITUTIONIAMELIA TAYLOR ,f , 53033-APCA 10/26/92 VINGO FOODS $87 79 $67 79 o ~_~3034~APCA---"'0/26-/92 -VOREC~LEASING INTERNATIONAt.: 53035-APCA 10/26/92 WALKER'S PHARMACY - -~ ------- 24 , ..... r _ ~-:: ~ 1 ., -. ,~ rl ~ A-HOT CK RESTITUTION/DERECK ROWLAND $66 03 nJD-RUTH ANDERSON/PRE5CP IPTION~3S6920 - --U21- 2r- - -IND-RUTH ANDERSOrVPRESCR IPTlON1!391~62-- - - . , ..... '- .' $201-50----~201-50--JUV-pRiJF"=TRONTI:-MOI~!TORTfh,/31days-=~.a $187 ..... --l nLOG-ACCT~902475309/0CT ~' , ,,-,~ _:,,:-:'-~-_:.::._ ~j AL .. RH SYSIEH74hr LABORI!t60 per hr CD JAIL-WILLIAM KISSAM/EMERG SERVICE 9/6/92 f __ r~ $370 00 f1 ,., ~ $370 00 b· [ CO CLK-CRIM CS MANAGEMENT 10/1/92-12/31/92 CO CLK-MISC FEES MAINT 10/1/92-12/31/92 '::: :: '::::::: ~::::~:,::::: :::::-::::::;"'" $240 00 ~ '" A-CT ADMIN MAINT 10/1/92-12/31/92 A-CRIM CS MAINT 10/1/92-12/31/92 SIlO 00 ~i (> -- ~---- ~ ------ - - - - - - - - - - - , ,..~ .... ~- ..--- - , . . -... ,_~~"' _ _ _ _ _""'r"""'l.,....~ ....'<liII F= r, ,- " ,_'_'__ ___"'_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ ,,_~-",d"""" .;<.. ~" ... f~4 ..- . . . . -.... _ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------A C C 0 U N T S UPSHUR COUNTY PAYABLE S Y S T E M 28 OCT 1992 Approved DlsbuT£ements ALL Checking Accounts ! ,i 31 I 'I• ,;1 • •• _ ~'WARe D~".l'."'m"e'l'fir1t:_,.r1M'ta:«tdl'e_.f'T"rlol\"l'f07/'11~2'1/"'91:2<"t'tlrnrrlJur-"l1[10~ir.~~'657i99:l.!~----------------_.P,.,A.IG'!1E=---::2'11 GROUP. INC ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ , Check... He Date Cheek Amount Vend Of ,.I I~I 1 ~3036 APeA 10;:!~~ WATI~E' :1 53037-APCA 10/26/92 WEST PUBLISHING COMPANY TOt:"n1ER $200 00 S423 50 , 'i 'I - 'I ;1 $200 00 0 C I-CAQSEWIO, 6597SAIRLEV JIMMERSON S42 25 LAW LIB-TX CS 825-826 530 50 LAW LIB FO 963 S81 25 LA:.J LIB-TX ST TAX CO VI 21<3 S81 25 0 CT-ACCTII240543314/TX ST TAX CD VI 21,3 Ssr---25-u---1\~CT#"4I70353001 I X 5 I I AX CO VI 2t1..3 S30 50 LAW LIB-FO 964 S46 00 LAW LIB-USCA T28 61-E 2BKS $30 50 " LAw LIB FO 965 I~I J I I I' 'I ' ~i <, ,I ~3038-APCA 10/26/92 WHITE SWAN, NORTH "1 53039-APCA 10/26/92 WINN'S AUTO I< TRUCK REPAIR S356 57 $356 57 CO JAIL-CUST#420711/ASSORTED FOODS SI,46849 SI6361 SI07 78 $255 83 S9730 S8034 $d21 44 S310 75 CO CO CO CO CO CO CO 'I ! ,I n ) f,l ~ 5190 Total for APCA - Accounts Pa~able Cleanng Account S-GREEN TRUCK/FAN CLUTCH,BELTS,LABOR S-UNITII2/SET OF PADS, SEALS, LABOR S-ON":TlJ19JBAJ JERY. CABLE. peDGS. LLSOR S-UNITftI5/SET OF PADS, SEALS/LABOR S-UNITII25/FREON,OIL,SPRING,O-RINGS,LABOR 5 Utrrnrr:TIPCUGS. wIRES. SHOCRS. LABOR S-UlNT#9/PLUGS, FILTER, MANIFOLD, ANTIFRZ, LAB t r"'1 ~ 4~PUMP,BELf,ANfIFRY':~AB'UR S40 95 J Invoice DesC"rlptlons I' I-I 171 J InVOlC~s SI, 636, 498 80 1 CO S-"13"/BATTE"Y FOR CHEVY(SHERIFFS' SALE) ,. J ~ '~-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------:'j r~ j ~J ~ n I J, " ~, ~I ~ ~_ ~ r~IC1~ t~ ==------'-----===:: : !:;: Ie :: -- ;. r, :~ ~------------------- , I' ' ." ;;, !',"'.J -1 j -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------UPSHUR COUNTY ACCOUNTS PAY A B L E S Y S T E !1 28 OCT 1992 ., r~ ) 2 1"'''. -" n..-.:-or T. " ...... ,~ vena or. ",n.CIt HmounT; "nVOlce ""mlOs :!13-FNB. INS HC 10121/92 FIRST NATIONAL BANK 514-FNB INS HC 10/21/92 RISK FUNDING ALTERNATIVES $107.00000 $107.000 00 -2«r,' .l"VOlee ueSCf"lptlons. .. ....... ,11.. • -. ~ ~ Tatal far FNB INS - ,'> grand Total ·f,0 .... ) CD#22119 PURCHASED@b $23.573 bB $23.573 bB . .. ,, , ,• 25r.(1bda~s)!1ATURE " UPS01 CLAIMS CUT OFF 10/1bl92 .. :;-" L. ... ~~'~."~;'. ~,~ ;- 7-... ~;I.~_ -. ------------$130.573 b8 INSURANCE r. I: , 11'''''''''' ,(!J I PAGE ~ ") ., .W"'''7~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ,.~ .... , ") In.. :OUt-IW""," "'''UV''' Approved DIsbursements ALL Checklng Account. ...nuu ... eme ,,,s .,aue .ram .v,." 7" uru =====s:=== __ ~ $1.7b7.0724B ") . ~ P , ) I--") ~#~~n ~Udge. Everett Dean /!h:-j!j~ -.g //. COmmt'ss~oner Pet. 91. c<6dd:i.~ L:i.ndsel? • Comm~ssioner , Pct.#2, Tommy L. Stanley "., ~ ~ ,I;, COmmi~ner Pet. #3~ ~~.o ~ssio~ct.D4, I Tommy Eatherton -~ , j I i I ,~ \ 1n t'J " ; 'I ..r _--; •.1 , I s:~~ :1 ~.J "---------------------- I ., I t t>"V"",,,,,,,, "-_ _ _ ... ~. _ _ _ _ ---~ -" --<- - ---~---~--~ ~-"""--.- ------ ....-.. ., _ _ ...a""rw ~~~~If"'~~~)I ....,/"'O!If~?_j1J'tf~'*";~,.'!y__~l<,..:r~::!J. ~ WSIlJR COJNTY TREASURER'S MONTIU REPORT AND WUlISSIONERS COORT AFFIDAVIT OCTOBER I, 1992 THRruiH OCTOBER 31, 19'2 BE611fllt«] BIlJKE IPERATINS OCCWIT REVElU:S DISBURSaENTS END It«] BIlJKE DEWIIID BIlJKE TII'E DEroSITS TOTA.. DEPOSITS 2,622,861.85 314,396.32 685,609.47 2,251,6-\8. 70 109,648.70 2,142,000.00 2, 251,6-\8. 70 IJlERATIN6 AVAILABlE '90' som 31~,064.81 7,083.05 151,904.30 16',m.56 188.8' 169,~.67 169,2~3.56 IPERATIN6 PERI'>lNENT '89' 964,273.78 1,174.62 0.00 965,448.40 5,"5.81 960,002.59 %5,448.40 368,290.15 19,469.49 55,311.80 332,"7.84 25,"7.84 307,000.00 332,"7.84 50.00 1,690.22 1,690.22 50.00 50.00 0.00 50.00 4,269,540.59 343,813.70 894,515.79 3,718,838.50 140,781.24 3,578,057.26 3,718,838.50 som.. INSUAA'lCE OCCWIT PAYR!ll ClEARIN6 TOTflS INDEBTEDNESS 1971 -a Ci> ~ AFFIDAVIT CERTIFICATES IF OBLlGATI(Jl 224,000.00 1985-A CERTIFICATES OF OBLlGATI(Jl 300,000.00 1987 CERTIFICATES OF OBLlGATI(Jl 175,000.00 1991 CEKTIFiCATE5 OF OBLIGATION OTHER IHDEBTEDNESS F i- 1,995,000. Qq, , ' ,,-I __ ...I ---AU 120,407.52 COllI 55 lOner, 3~:") ~u' Pet. ti, TOllY Stanley 0-,.,_,:(_") I' J ,_ ; 't';ih I; \j I. '/ • ,,_, \.J :":::lrJ CJ 11_' r'- -- ~ ~K> ~- "~~-;:" """"'"""" '-;""""'~ .... :!"'"":K~ ~~""'.-"'''---=- r.""''''-' 1 -------- - ------------~-------------- i I AUTOMOTIVE 8< TRUCK LUSRICANTS AUTOMOTIVE 8< INDUSTRIAL OIL 8< AIR FILTERS TRUCK BATTERIES. TIRES FILTERS 8< ACCESSORIES ---- ---------------- @JC[g] SMITH OIL CO. VOL~9 1Irr/ PG RT 5. BOX.3 WIX AC eo FRAM FILTERI GILMER. TEXAS 75644 DAVID SMITH OWNER SUS. PHONE 787-2802 <.0 ~ :'>,) ("" " "'"' .'\ -...... ~ ~ .0;:: I C"'l::<;! ~fT'I 7";;)< .~. ,-<". -< ::::t i"4:t: -, 'f? ?:.':E -, :-< ~ ... ~ CO .." -~):>- 0...0 .". r.. U)rrl , 0 rr,l> ;s:: '- I i I.~=-.~~_. ~~ .. .- :~~=~:_::~ 1::7~~ ,£&v • ~ ~u~ l (f&3- II I() 1 (PIP 3-4':<9'3 ~~,~. PO.~/ ,~" ___ _____ ~ ~~_ 1 - - - .. --· .. · .,>Of.. _ _ _ _ " L ______ . _, -I 1---·-- \0 J'u -c "'" I ~: :11':: '.:> ,.; " I cO .:;"'" >(.." -. :''i.:. ~ -, -" ~! :.:' -! -. ~ ; ?'< 'o? Q::c' .~I"I .. - r,_: XU -~) ~<. ~ • (',: Tl :rl;'> -r...\ ::..E +='" (0 , 1 _. ___. _ i i;; -------- ---------- , f VOb~PG 1&} I I DIVISION OF EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY ANN W. RICHARDS Govemor JAMES R. WILSON 6805 N. Lamar Blyd. Box 4087 Austin, Texas 78773·0001 Duly Houra 512/465·2138 Non·duly Hour. 512/405-2000 Director TOM MILLWEE Coordinator October 22, 1992 The Honorable Everett Dean County Judge Upshur County P,O, Box 730 Gilmer, TX 75644 Re: FEMA 828 DR, Request for Return of Federal Funds Dear Judge Dean: Our records indicate that Upshur County was obligated $206,407.00 (75% of $275,209.00) under FEMA 828 DR, Severe Thunderstorms/Floodmg Disaster that occurred in 1989. On August 9, 1989, and December 7, 1989, warrants totaling $203,707.66 were mailed to you. On March 1,1991, FEMA issued a deobHgation of funds for $2,771.00 (75% of $3,695.00) based on our office's final audit of your repairs. This deobligation resulted in the Clty receiving $71.66 more than the final total obligatlon. Therefore, it is requested that a repayment of $71.66 be made to The Division of Emergency Management by November 30, 1992, so that we may close out your file. If you have any questions concerning this request, please contact Michael D. Jones, our Disaster Program Auditor, at (512) 465-2439. f;t:--f? Ed Laundy State Coordinating Officer = -< , - I EJL:MDJ Enclosures ...., ",.' .~ "" --< -< .., 1'-.) ("oj ;, --< ~ .. C'1 o?::> • -"I '1": I 0..0 .-.,'x .." -.,. ~-~(...,~ .:x ,,., r:- --....):~r= ~' - ..... --...,> .'):..E :.<" 0) - - - - ------- -------- 119~ ~_' / ~ /~f!>7 .~~, t.,;J/' . ~o DIVISION OF EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY WILLIAM P. CLEMENTS, JR. Oo,ernor 5805 N. lomo, Blvd. Bo.4087 Auslln, le ... 787730001 Duly Hours 51214652138 Nonduly Hou,. 5121465·2000 JOE E. MILNER DIrector ROBERT A. LANSFORD CoordInator 1\1!gu-;t 9, 1989 I1 I The Honorable Everett Dean county Judge Upshur Co. P. O. Box 730 Gilmer, TX 75614 r , Dear Judqe Dean: Enclosed is warrant No. W616801 in the amount of $179,762.00 representinq payment of FEMA's Sh~lP (15') of ~ligible repair and restoration work on all DSR~ u'ld~r ~J5,OOu.00 plus an administrative expens~ allowance 011 your di~a~ter project Application No. 459-00000, FEMA-828-DR, Severe Thunderstorms/Flooding. On DSRs of ~35,OOO.OO ~nd over an initial advance may be made upon presentation in writillCl that: you have spent or committed funds up to or exceedinq the amount of the request. Additional advances must be requested in writillq alld cOlltain certification that funds have been spent or will be spent within the immediate future (normally 30 days antlcipated expenditures). Total advances will be limited to 75~ of FEH1\'s share for each OSR. In addition, final payment on Lllese DSRs will b~ ba~ed 011 Rctu~l eligible costs after final in~pections. on-site review of documentation, and approval by FEMA. I ~ 'I ! Please monitor closely the completlon d~adlines shown for OSRs on the Project Application S1!mmary (n:l1/\ Form P2) and notify our office if an extension of time is needed. If you find that when all OSRs are,completed a siqnificant overrun has occllrred on your total project application you may submit an appeal to this office within 30 days following completion of all work. However, if an appeal is made, all OSRs will be reviewed for eligibility of claimed items, and documentation of labor, equipment, materials, and contracts. ------~--------- -- -------~------ --- ----. -- --- -----------------------------------~ - ---~------------ -'--.--~~ ---------- ---- --- VOL.J!l_ PG 1!ej" DIVISION OF EMERGEt~CY MANAGEMENT TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY 5805 N. lamar Blvd. Bo.4087 Auslln, Texas 18773-0001 Duly Hour. 512/465-2138 Nonduty Hour. 512146$02000 WIUIAM P. CLEMENTS, JR. Governor JOE E. MILNER Director ROBERT A. LANSFORD COOfdlnator December 7, 1989 The Honorable Everett Dean, Upshur CO., P. O. Box 730 Gilmer, TX 75644 County Judge Dear Judge Dean: A program review of Disaster survey Reports (DSR's) over $35,000 has been completed for disaster number DR-828. Based on the review. a final payment of $23945.66, Warrant Number X275809 has been approved and is enclosed. If you have any questions concerning this final payment, please contact Alan Bird, Disaster program Auditor at 512/465-2138. Sincerely. Ralph D. Freeman Assistant Coordinator, Administration RDF:Ba Enclosure = NC' 'Ifyt COm Wild l 1 - • j I I i , ~ . i - --" ----------- ~3101/9t .lIE 09 l'A~ ~ ~ . mER" .. Hlt:QGEk:l P5 ~""~GEf(E.NT ~C·P.C, Ob,lbATlv~ R";O~T ul;~:1E~' I p ~ S'JPjj I~' .5,·OCOCj AIIC'JU'-'i (c I(IBlE &1 .... ~1:::.I":.Ii:I., ~SRS SC75,2:'Q O( lOT;.! VP:riV~ I.~':IJ~T ~I..' S AUI' .PPLICA~ 7 CtUGATE.t1 ::a1::::: .1::_".::, S(~{. !j~" ~G ." S Q' .'Ctl::' •• ,,'II. 1II.rllt:t.:::.r::C1:; $,75,20. O. !H~ ..~i (lr. l-l,t9S ilu $-2,7;, Ilo .. ~d2, C(,IJHT. -, ,J ~CCE¥n:O :~M':'(,H C.. M'GES ,EN· \ svp~ :IT :.~ {nE :&~!(AT!C~ S!G~tO PP:':E55!~( (:,4Tf ! '- T~ ,- "'t,,:: &"::: •• III:cr;: -, o. 7~ C7J1S'~9 C'-I' 0/& .. 07 1~ IlUC1191 0<,ta/91 03/01,91 ER c~ :' J1'(~'01 _.:;;:1; !~T (,I'r-- ';'10.# cr;21:.:a~ " < Bi G~E" TES1 IH n. 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