sponsors information
sponsors information
BIOMAG 2012 18th International Conference on Biomagnetism August 26-30, 2012, Paris Maison de la Chimie Sponsor Sheet Website : www.biomag2012.org Information : info@biomag2012.org BIOMAG 2012, Paris – Dossier de partenariat 2 BIOMAG is an international Conference covering all BIOMAG aspects of biomagnetism – a non-invasive technique approaches in magnetic sensor technology and on for mapping the activity of the brain, the heart and emerging applications such as the use of genetic other organs, with millisecond time accuracy. Every and other year, researchers BIOMAG from 30 attracts different 2012 will emphasize pharmacological on innovative markers with than 500 magnetoencephalography (MEG), psychiatry and countries. The movement disorders, functional connectivity and more attendance to the BIOMAG meetings held in Boston brain-computer interfaces. Numerous symposia (2004), Vancouver (2006), Sapporo (2008), and chaired by international experts will address these Dubrovnik (2010) has been steadily growing over the different questions. In addition, several satellite events years, reflecting an incredible dynamism of this field including training schools on specific topics will be leading to the creation of new biomagnetism centers held prior to the main meeting. all over the world. We invite companies, associations, and public or BIOMAG 2012 will be held in August in downtown private institutions to share and support the goals of Paris at the Maison de la Chimie, within a stone’s BIOMAG 2012. A range of sponsorship opportunities throw of the Eiffel Tower and Saint-Germain des Prés. are offered and described below. This manifestation will allow you to establish a direct contact with your The scientific program will cover technological, customers and prospects. Let leading scientific and methodological, clinical and fundamental research medical experts know about your latest products and in biomagnetism. The venue provides a unique developments! opportunity spanning for different neurology, disciplines psychiatry, to interact psychology, cardiology, physics, engineering and modeling. Please, contact us for more information. Welcome to Paris in August 2012! Catherine TALLON-BAUDRY Olivier BERTRAND Chair, BIOMAG 2012 Centre de Recherche de l’Institut Cerveau et Moëlle, Paris Chair, BIOMAG 2012 Lyon Neuroscience Research Center BIOMAG 2012, Paris – Dossier de partenariat 3 Contents GENERAL INFORMATION Dates and Venue Organization Coordination Contact COMMITTEES Chairs Organizing Committee Scientific Committee International Advisory Board PROGRAM and keywords SPONSORSHIP PROPOSALS Symposium sponsoring Young Scientist Prize sponsoring Equipment Supplying Communication Social Program and Catering Services EXHIBITION Exhibition Area Exhibition Booth Official Contractor GENERAL TERMS OF SALE Ordering and Order Forms Cancellation Policy Legal Jurisdiction Clause ANNEX: ORDER FORM BIOMAG 2012, Paris – Dossier de partenariat 4 GENERAL INFORMATION Date: City: Participants : August 26-30, 2012 Paris, France 700 expected participants Website: www.biomag2012.org Organization Catherine TALLON-BAUDRY, Chair, CRICM Paris Olivier BERTRAND, Chair, CRNL Lyon In collaboration with the 5 French MEG Centers: CENIR (Paris), NEUROSPIN (Saclay), CERMEP (Lyon), CLINATEC (Grenoble), Univ. Provence (Marseille) Conference Venue Maison de la Chimie 28, rue Saint-Dominique 75007 Paris, France Conference Coordination Management, Registration, Business relations, Advertising SPAT Organisation 34 rue de l’Eglise 75015 Paris, France Phone: +33 (0)1 44 26 26 26 Fax: +33 (0)1 45 54 23 86 Email: congres@spat.fr Contact General information : info@biomag2012.org Sponsor contact : sponsors@biomag2012.org Address: BIOMAG2012 D. Schwartz – CENIR ICM - Institut du Cerveau et de la Moëlle épinière CHU Pitié Salpétrière 47 Bd de l’Hôpital, 75013 Paris, France BIOMAG 2012, Paris – Dossier de partenariat 5 COMMITTEES Chairs Catherine TALLON-BAUDRY, CRICM, Paris Olivier BERTRAND, CRNL, Lyon Organizing Committee Jean-Michel Badier Marco Buatti Maureen Clerc Claude Delpuech Antoine Ducorps Karim Jerbi Etienne Labyt Françoise Lecaignard Denis Schwartz Univ. de la Méditerranée, Marseille NEUROSPIN-MEG, Saclay INRIA, Sophia-Antipolis CERMEP-Imagerie du Vivant, Lyon CENIR, Paris CRNL, Lyon CLINATEC, Grenoble CERMEP-Imagerie du Vivant, Lyon CENIR, Paris Scientific Committee Sylvain Baillet Alim-Louis Benabib Olivier Bertrand Patrick Chauvel Douglas Cheyne Stanislas Dehaene Claude Fermon Joachim Gross Eric Halgren Matti Hämäläinen Riitta Hari Ole Jensen Shinya Kuriki François Mauguière Nobukazu Nakasato Yoshio Okada Christo Pantev Andrew Papanicolaou Gian Luca Romani Krish Singh Selma Supek Catherine Tallon-Baudry Virginie Van Wassenhove Montreal, Canada Grenoble, France Lyon, France Marseille, France Toronto, Canada Saclay, France Saclay, France Glasgow, UK San Diego, USA Boston, USA Helsinki, Finland Nijmegen, NL Inzai, Chiba, Japan Lyon, France Sendai, Japan Harvard, USA Münster, Germany Houston, USA Chieti, Italy Cardiff, UK Zagreb, Croatia Paris, France Saclay, France International Advisory Board Hinya Kuriki, Kazuhiko Atsumi Douglas Cheyne David Cohen Luder Decke Sergio Erne Eric Halgren Jens Haueisen Toivo Katila Makoto Kotani Gian Luca Romani Selma Supek, Chair Shoogo Ueno Harold Weinberg Chris Wood Sapporo, Japan Tokyo, Japan Toronto, Canada Boston, USA Vienna, Austria Jena, Germany San Diego, USA Ilmenau, Germany Helsinki, Finland Tokyo, Japan Chieti, Italy Zagreb, Croatia Fukuoka, Japan Burnaby, Canada Santa Fe, USA BIOMAG 2012, Paris – Dossier de partenariat 6 PROGRAM BIOMAG 2012 Program Schedule Sat, Aug 25 Sun, Aug 26 8:00 Mon, Aug 27 Tues, Aug 28 Wed, Aug 29 Thur, Aug 30 BIOMAG 2012 REGISTRATION 9:00 10:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 18:00 BIOMAG 2012 REGISTRATION 13:00 Satellite Events 12:00 Satellite Events 11:00 Opening LECTURE LECTURE LECTURE LECTURE Coffee Break Coffee Break Coffee Break Coffee Break Parallel sessions Special Symposium Line Garnero Parallel sessions Parallel sessions Lunch Lunch Lunch Closing Remarks Parallel sessions Parallel sessions Parallel sessions Coffee Break Coffee Break Coffee Break Parallel sessions Parallel sessions Parallel sessions LECTURE Business meeting 19:00 20:00 21:00 Conference Dinner Welcome Reception Awards Ceremony 22:00 Keywords MEG instrumentation Forward modeling and source analysis MCG instrumentation, modeling and signal processing High-frequency oscillations Functional connectivity Spontaneous activity Human brain development Neural dynamics of language MEG in psychiatric and neurological patients MEG in epilepsy Brain computer Interfaces Biomagnetism in fetal and reproductive medicine Standardization of MEG analysis Data analysis competition BIOMAG 2012, Paris – Dossier de partenariat 7 SPONSORSHIP PROPOSALS Symposium sponsoring Companies may sponsor one Conference symposium out of the symposia selected by the Scientific Committee. The sponsored symposium will be announced with the mention: “Supported by” and with the sponsor’s name listed in the final program. The logo of the company will appear at the symposium presentation. Price: 5 000 € (VAT excluded) USB Keys The sponsor may provide USB keys containing the final program of the Conference and the abstracts. The corresponding PDF files will be supplied by the Organizing Committee. The sponsor will insert the PDF files on the USB keys. The sponsor may enter other information on the key after approval by the Organizing Committee. The sponsor’s logo will appear on the keys. The keys will be inserted into the Conference bags. Number of USB keys to provide: 700 Price: 2 000 € (VAT excl.) excluding production costs Young Scientist Awards sponsoring Poster or oral communication abstracts from Ph.D. students as first authors will be selected by the Scientific Committee. The awarded students will be offered a prize covering the registration and accommodation costs. The sponsor’s logo will appear on the diploma. Price: 750 € per prize (VAT excluded) Equipment Supplying Conference bags The sponsor will provide participants’ bags (or backpacks). The sponsor’s logo will appear on the bags. The model of bags must be approved by the Organizing Committee. Commercial documents The sponsor will provide leaflets, technical sheets or promotional documents which will be included with the participants’ bag (after approval by the Organizing Committee). Number of items to provide: 700 Price: 900 € (VAT excluded) Badge strings The sponsor will provide the badge strings for the Conference. The sponsor’s logo will appear on the strings. Model of the strings must be approved by the Organizing Committee. Number of items to provide: 700 Price: 1 000 € (VAT excl.) excluding production costs Number of bags to provide: 700 Price: 2 000 € (VAT excl.) excluding production costs Notepads and pens The sponsor’s logo will appear on the notepads and pens that will be included with the Conference bags. The model of notepads and pens must be approved by the Organizing Committee. Number of items to provide: 700 Price: 800 € (VAT excl.) excluding production costs Materials should be shipped by the sponsor before August 18, 2012, at the following address: BIOMAG2012 D. Schwartz – CENIR ICM - Institut du Cerveau et de la Moëlle épinière CHU Pitié Salpétrière 47 Bd de l’Hôpital 75013 PARIS, France Contributions of the sponsors will be acknowledged in the final Conference program and on the BIOMAG 2012 website BIOMAG 2012, Paris – Dossier de partenariat 8 Communication Social Program and Catering Services Logo on the homepage of the BIOMAG12 website Welcome Reception The sponsor’s logo will appear on the homepage of the BIOMAG website, with a link to his own website. The welcome cocktail will be held on Sunday evening, August 26th, at la Maison de la Chimie, on the same floor as the exhibition area. The sponsor’s logo will appear during the reception. Price: 1 000 € (VAT excluded) Price: Please contact us Sponsor Sessions The sponsors may have a room to promote their new products in equipment, development, etc… The exact date of this session (August 29 or 30) will be known later. Please contact us for conditions (schedule, room, cost) VIPs Dinner A dinner for the official VIPs will be held on Tuesday August 28. The sponsor’s logo will appear on the invitation cards and during the reception. Price: 3 000 € (VAT excluded) Invitations by E-mailing The sponsor will have the opportunity to announce his own session if any, the location of his booth in the exhibition area, or any other information to all registered participants having accepted to be contacted by e-mail. The sponsor’s logo will be included in the e-mail. The content of the e-mail should be approved by the Organizing Committee who will take care of its dissemination. Gala Dinner The gala dinner will take place on Wednesday August 29. The sponsor’s logo will appear on the invitation cards and during the reception. Price: Please contact us Price: 1 000 € (VAT excluded) Coffee Breaks Advertisement in the final program The sponsors can insert an advertisement page (A5 format) in the final program. The cost depends on the place of insertion: Second cover page, color Back cover page, color Inside page in black & white Price: 1 000 € (VAT excl.) Price: 1 500 € (VAT excl.) Price: 400 € (VAT excl.) Coffee breaks are planned in the morning, on the same floor as the exhibition area. The sponsor’s logo will appear during the coffee breaks. Price: 2 000 € (VAT excluded) per coffee break 3 coffee breaks Conference Signposts The sponsor’s logo will appear on the signboards at the Conference site.. The signposts will be supplied by the Organizing Committee. Price: 2 500 € (VAT excluded) BIOMAG 2012, Paris – Dossier de partenariat 9 EXHIBITION Exhibition area An exhibition area accessible to all professionals interested in the themes of the meeting will be held from the 26th to the 30th of August at la Maison de la Chimie. The main exhibition area is located in the same space (Room 8, 530 m2, ground floor) as the poster sessions and the coffee breaks. A small number of booths can also be located in front of the main meeting room (1st floor). Pharmaceutical industries, editors, special product companies, IT sector, etc will all get the opportunity to show their latest innovations in products, materials and services. Long breaks will be provided within the meeting program to encourage exchanges between participants and exhibitors. Exhibition Booth Surface 6 m2 or 9 m2. Rates according to the surface and location (booth during all the Conference): Front booth 6 m2: Front booth 9 m2: Corner booth 9 m2: Price: 1 800 € Price: 2 700 € Price: 2 900 € Rates include cleaning before set-up. The final price will be determined according to the technical specificities required. (Pease contact us). It is also possible to have a coffee machine (300 doses) on the booth Price: 300 € (VAT excluded) After receipt of the order form and the down payment for the booth, the exhibitor's name will appear on the Conference website with a link to the Company’s website. A Wifi internet access will be available during the whole Conference. Example of a 9m2 booth equipment Dimensions : L 3m x W 3m x H 2,4m Structure : Melamine-coated panels Power supply : An electrical outlet (230 V / 15 Amp). Lighting : 3 spots for 9m2 booths, 2 spots for 6 m2 Furniture: 1 table & 2 chairs Official Contractor The company SPAT has been entrusted with the installation of the booths in collaboration with the Organizing Committee who will also be responsible for the follow-up of the technical files. BIOMAG 2012, Paris – Dossier de partenariat 10 GENERAL TERMS OF SALE Ordering and Order forms Companies wishing to sponsor one or several items are requested to complete and return the corresponding order form to SPAT, together with a down payment of 50% of the total amount due (including VAT). After confirmation of your order by SPAT, you will receive an invoice of the total amount due (including VAT), mentioning that the down payment has already been received and indicating the due date the full balance (June 15th , 2012). Only order forms with a down payment will be considered. Would the payment dates not be respected, the organizers reserve the right to cancel all commitments without refunding the advances paid. Each and every order involves the acceptance of the general terms of sale. Booth allocation The Exhibitors can choose the location of their booth by indicating a list of site numbers in order of preference (numbers 1 to 10 on the plan of Room 8, page 10). Confirmation of booth allocation will be made on a first come, first served basis (date of ordering and payment), and according to availability. General Conditions regarding Advertisements The advertisement spaces will be allocated on a first come, first served basis and in the order the forms are being received. Costs for extra work resulting from non-observance of the technical guidelines will be invoiced to the advertiser. Advertisers from the pharmaceutical industry are invited to insure that their publicity is in accordance with prevailing law. Cancellation Policy The organizers reserve the right to cancel or to postpone the Conference and the exhibition in case of circumstances beyond their control. Only in this case, they commit to refund the amounts paid, however without payment of compensation. Legal Jurisdiction Clause Any dispute or disagreement with the present contract falls within the jurisdiction of the Courts of Paris. BIOMAG 2012, Paris – Dossier de partenariat 11