Web May-11 Bulletin_TCBA AugustBulletin-2007


Web May-11 Bulletin_TCBA AugustBulletin-2007
May-June 2011
Court Staff
Appreciation Reception
Bench Bar Conference
People’s Law School
50-yr. Attorneys & Court Staff Awards
Annual Blood Drive
Law Day Awards Dinner
May 6 and June 3 - First Friday Tech Tips
May 12 - TLTV Seminar
May 19 - All-Star CLE Seminar
May 20 & June 17 - TLTV Legal Clinic
June 17 - Brown Bag Series Seminar
Legislative Update
June 23-24 - State Bar of Texas
Annual Meeting
San Antonio
Tarrant County
Bar Association
(817) 338-4092
(817) 335-9238
2010–2011 Officers
President ................................W. Bradley Parker
President-Elect ..................Robert E. Aldrich, Jr.
Vice President ......................J. Benjamin Barlow
Secretary-Treasurer ..................Ann L. Diamond
2010–2011 Elected Directors
Christie Glenn
Karmen Johnson
Lori A. Spearman
Michael J. Henry
David E. Keltner
Robert G. West
2010–2011 Appointed Directors
Dean Arturo “Artie” Errisuriz
Daniel A. White
Immediate Past President
John Allen Chalk, Sr.
John Brender, President
Patricia Graham, PLS, CLAS
Mark G. Daniel
Judge David Evans
Roger Simon, Editor
Tanya Pierce, Assistant Editor
Pat Leake, PLS, CLAS, Staff Editor
The Tarrant County Bar Bulletin is a
monthly publication of the Tarrant County Bar
Association. Articles, photos, and events for
the calendar, suggestions, or comments should
be directed to 1315 Calhoun Street, Fort
Worth, Texas 76102-6504
Deadline for submission is the 20th
day of the month, two months before the
date of the issue (e.g. April 20th for the
June issue). Items for publication may be
sent by fax to 817- 335-9238 or e-mail to
pat@tarrantbar.org in Word format.
Articles published in the Bar Bulletin
do not necessarily reflect the opinions of
the Tarrant County Bar Association, its
officers, or the Board of Directors.
Calendar listings, classifieds, advertisements, and feature articles should not be
considered an endorsement of any
service, product, program, seminar, or
TCBA Bulletin
by Brad Parker
As this is my last President’s Page, I am a little saddened and, at
the same time, somewhat relieved. At the start of the year, the one
thing that made me the most anxious was the daunting task of
writing a President’s Page each month. As it turned out, it was not
anywhere near as intimidating as I had made it out in my mind. In
fact, I actually enjoyed writing the monthly pages, though Pat
Leake probably would’ve liked it if I had been a little more timely
with them for the Bar Bulletin.
What all of this means is that my year as president of the Tarrant County Bar
Association is quickly coming to an end. I can’t begin to tell you what an honor and
a privilege it has been to serve as president over this last year. I have thoroughly
enjoyed this opportunity, and I firmly believe that the year has been a tremendous
success, not because of anything that I have done, but because of the tireless
dedication of so many of our members and the absolute professionalism and hard
work of our staff.
One of the many accomplishments this year was the creation of our local Texas
Lawyers for Texas Veterans (TLTV) program. Aleed Rivera and her committee
deserve enormous THANKS for getting this program up and running. I can’t even
begin to imagine the hours that she and her committee have put into developing the
program, running the clinics, and providing all of the follow-up legal services.
Having worked at a clinic, I was able to see firsthand the invaluable service that
TLTV provides to those who have served this country. I strongly recommend that
you participate in this program.
Legal Aid of North West Texas (LANWT) has worked closely with Aleed and
her committee in providing many legal services to veterans who require more than
what the committee could provide at the clinics. LANWT is to be commended for
the support that it has provided. Likewise, thanks to all of the member volunteers
who have agreed to take on at least one pro-bono case in order to help a Texas
TCBA’s relationship with LANWT, while always strong, became even stronger
over the last year. As you are undoubtedly aware, LANWT was created sixty years
ago by the TCBA’s board of directors. As LANWT begins its sixtieth year, it
emerges as one of the largest providers of legal services to the poor in Texas. I hope
that you join LANWT’s “Builders of Justice” program by making a financial
contribution that will help the organization continue its excellent work.
The Tarrant County legal profession also enjoyed its first-ever legal parody—
“Tarrant Tortfeasors.” The program was very fun and entertaining—I laughed out
loud at virtually every skit. If we can’t poke a little fun at ourselves every now and
then, then we might just be taking ourselves a little too seriously. I look forward to
attending future presentations. The profits from this annual event will help the
Tarrant County Bar Foundation underwrite our community-service programs. The
Bears & Books, Blood Drive, Elder Law Handbook, LegalLine, National Adoption
Day, People’s Law School, Tarrant Area Food Bank Drive, and Trinity Habitat for
Humanity have all had outstanding success stories this year. It is you, the volunteers for these worthy programs, who make them the successes that they are.
This year, Bench Bar was at Possum Kingdom Lake. The view of the lake from
The Cliff’s Resort was spectacular, and the weather couldn’t have been any better.
Everyone appreciated that the drive was much closer than locations in the past, and
the same location has been secured for next year.
The Transition to Practice program, which began under John Allen Chalk’s
presidency, continued on with a new group of young lawyers and several of the
same mentors renewing their commitment to providing a mentoring relationship
with a new lawyer. If you have not been a part of this program, I encourage you to
get involved. There are numerous young solo attorneys in our legal community who
greatly appreciate the opportunity to be mentored by a more seasoned member of the
continued to page 21
May-June 2011
by Michael J. Sheehan, Chair
The Foundation’s first
annual fundraising event was
a great success! The
“Tarrant Tortfeasors”
production made a profit of
$10,172. These funds will
assist the Foundation in underwriting various communityservice projects during 2011, including a $5,000 donation to
Legal Aid of NorthWest Texas (LANWT). Once again,
thanks to the sponsors for their support of this production
and to Rik Sehgal and his committee/actors for providing
such great entertainment. Plans are underway for another
production in 2012, so watch for details in future issues.
As a kick-off for Legal Aid of NorthWest Texas’s 60th
Anniversary celebration, a “Battle of the Bands” event
will be held on Thursday, June 2, 2011, at LANWT’s
headquarters. I urge you to support this great cause. Local
attorneys and judges will provide entertainment while you
enjoy hot dogs and cool refreshments. To be a sponsor or to
purchase advance tickets, contact Jane Fritz at
fritzj@lanwt.org or (817) 339-5309. As a leader in
providing pro-bono services to citizens throughout Tarrant
County, LANWT needs your support!
LRIS Referral Fees
over $91,000
for Bar Year
The Lawyer Referral & Information
Service of Tarrant County does WORK
for our members! Just ask Wes Dauphinot,*
who received a case in 2008, or David Robinson, who
received a case in October 2010, both of whom have sent
the LRIS BIG checks for those referrals. For dues of only
$200, TCBA members can join LRIS, choose to be listed
under six major areas of law, and start receiving referrals.
In March alone, the LRIS received 1215 calls from
citizens in Tarrant and surrounding counties. The LRIS
continues to upgrade its technology and training of staff to
stay on the “cutting edge” of providing referrals to
attorneys. If you are not familiar with the program, call
LRIS Director Cindy Rankin to see for yourself what the
program is all about.
Since the last report, the following LRIS members have
also sent fees: Wes Bearden, Neal Callaway, Bradley
Clark, Crystal Gayden, Earl Hargrave, T. Mastin,
Jan McKenna, Scott McKnight, J. D. Milks, James
Miller, Joy NeSmith, Don Nix, Lee Pierson, Gabriel
Reyes, Joyce Stevens, and Cynthia Williams.* Thanks
to each of these members!
ALL Lawyer Referral and Information Service
memberships renew on July 1, 2011. Watch your mail or
email in June for your renewal forms for the 2011-2012
bar year!! For more information, contact 817-338-4092 or
*All names used with permission
T R A N S I T I O N t o P R AC T I C E 2 0 1 1 M E N T O R S
TCBA will hold the next Transition to Practice mentoring program on Thursday,
May 26, from 9:00 to 12:30 at the TCBA offices. The topic is “Starting a Law Firm”
given by national speaker RJon of Florida. This program is 3 hours of CLE, including .25
in ethics. All Mentors and Mentees will be sent information on the program via email.
Because May is a month when many beginning lawyers find out whether they’ve passed
the bar exam, please be sure to spread the word about the mentoring program. We currently have 88 attorneys who are
involved in this year’s program. The Tarrant County attorneys have been wonderful about joining the program and
serving as mentors when the call for specialists in areas of law in which mentees need mentors.
Thanks to all the Mentors!! See you in May!
May-June 2011
TCBA Bulletin
June Docket Call
June 9, 2011
5 to 7 p.m .
Blue Sushi Sake Grill
3131 Wes t 7th St reet
(corner of Camp Bowie, University & 7th Street Circle)
Congratulations to the new TCBA Board of Directors for 2011-2012
Robert E. Aldrich, Jr.
J. Benjamin Barlow
Vice President:
Ann Diamond
Secretary-Treasurer: Michael J. Henry
Director, Place 1
Director, Place 2
Director, Place 3
Lisa Callaghan
Dan White
Rachel Moore
Thank you for continued service in the second term to Directors Christie Glenn,
Karmen Johnson & Robert G. West. Installation of these new officers will be on July 12, 2011,
with speaker State Bar President Bob Black.
TCBA Bulletin
May-June 2011
2 0 1 0 - 2 0 1 1 “ 1 0 0 C L U B ” M EMBERS
Adams, Lynch & Loftin, P.C.
Albert Neely & Kuhlmann, LLP
Bakutis, McCully & Sawyer, P.C.
Bank of America
Barlow Garsek & Simon, L.L.P.
Barrett, Daffin, Frappier, Turner & Engel, LLC
Bassel & Wilcox, P.L.L.C.
Beadles Newman & Lawler, PC
Berenson Firm P.C., The
Berry, Odom, Rabinowitz & Bobo, LLP
Bishop Payne Harvard & Kaitcer LLP
Blaies & Hightower, L.L.P.
Blum Firm, P.C., The
Bob Leonard Law Group, PLLC
Bodoin, Agnew, Greene & Maxwell, P.C.
Bourland & Kirkman, L.L.P.
Bourland, Wall & Wenzel, P.C.
Boyle & Lowry, L.L.P.
Brackett & Ellis, P.C.
Law Offices of Art Brender
Broude Smith & Jennings PC
Brown, Dean, Wiseman, Proctor, Hart & Howell, L.L.P.
Bruner & Pappas LLP
Cantey Hanger LLP
City Attorney’s Office-City of Fort Worth
Colaneri Firm, P.C., The
Cook Children’s Health Care Systems
Cotten Schmidt & Abbott, L.L.P.
Curnutt & Hafer, L.L.P.
Decker, Jones, McMackin, McClane, Hall & Bates, P.C.
Dismuke, Waters & Sweet, P.C.
Fillmore Law Firm, P.C.
Forshey & Prostok, L.L.P.
Frac Tech Services
Friedman, Suder & Cooke
Gardner Aldrich, LLP
Goodrich Postnikoff & Albertson, LLP
Gordon Sykes & Cheatham, LLP
Griffith, Jay, & Michel, L.L.P.
Harris, Finley & Bogle, P.C.
Harrison-Steck, P.C.
Haynes and Boone, L.L.P.
Higgins & Associates
Holland, Johns & Penny, L.L.P.
Jackson Walker, L.L.P.
Johnston Legal Group, P.C.
Jose, Henry, Brantley, MacLean & Alvarado, L.L.P.
JP Morgan Chase Bank
K & L Gates LLP
Kelly Hart & Hallman LLP
Kirkley & Berryman, LLP
Kobs, Haney & Hundley, LLC
Landrith & Kulesz, L.L.P.
Law, Snakard & Gambill, P.C.
Legal Aid of NorthWest Texas
Linebarger Goggan Blair & Sampson, L.L.P.
Lively & Associates, L.L.P.
Loe, Warren, Rosenfield, Kaitcer, Hibbs, Windsor
& Lawrence, P.C.
McDonald Sanders, P.C.
Mellina & Larson, P.C.
Moses, Palmer & Howell, L.L.P.
Murphy, Mahon, Keffler & Farrier, L.L.P.
Noteboom Law Firm
Padfield & Stout, LLP
Pope, Hardwicke, Christie, Schell, Kelly & Ray, L.L.P.
Ross & Matthews, P.C.
Sanford, Baumeister & Frazier, PLLC
Scott & Scott, LLP
Second Court of Appeals
Shannon, Gracey, Ratliff & Miller, L.L.P.
Smith & Cross, L.L.P.
Tarrant County Probate Court # 1
Taylor Olson Adkins Sralla & Elam, LLP
Texas Wesleyan School of Law
Thompson & Knight, LLP
Wallach & Andrews, P.C.
Watson, Caraway, Midkiff & Luningham, L.L.P.
Weaver and Tidwell, L.L.P.
Whitaker, Chalk, Swindle & Sawyer, L.L.P.
Whitley Penn, LLP
Wilson, White & Doby, L.L.P.
Winstead PC
Wolf Law Firm, P.C., The
Law firms, government agencies, law schools, and corporate legal departments with 100% of their attorneys (four or
more) qualify for the “100 Club.” The Association is proud of the participation of these law firms and other groups in
2009-2010! The new 2010-2011 Bar year begain on July 1, and this list above will grow and reflect the 100 Club
members for the new year. For information, contact Membership Director Cindy Rankin at the Bar Offices at
817-338-4092 or e-mail cindy@tarrantbar.org.
May-June 2011
TCBA Bulletin
Thanks to the following Sponsors
for making this event so special!
There was a lot of good food and great conversation at
the Court Staff Appreciation Reception held on March 10.
Court staff (including coordinators, clerks, reporters, and
bailiffs) from a wide range of courts attended, and many of
the judges also came to say “thank you” to their staffs for
their hard work. TCBA members also attended in order to
express their appreciation for the help from court staff and
open lines of communication between the bar and the
judiciary. Be sure to say “thank you” to the courts’ staffs - they keep the wheels greased in the judicial process.
This reception would not have been possible without
the generous donations of the sponsors listed to the right.
These sponsors were all appreciative of the court staffs and
wanted them to know that they supported their efforts and
applauded their courteous assistance.
Anderson, Riddle & Kuehler L.L.P.
Blaies & Hightower, L.L.P.
Bodoin, Agnew, Greene & Maxwell, P.C.
Brackett & Ellis, P.C.
Brown, Dean, Wiseman, Proctor,
Hart & Howell, L.L.P.
Griffith, Jay & Michel, LLP
Harris Finley & Bogle, P.C.
Haynes and Boone, L.L.P.
Jose, Henry, Brantley, MacLean & Alvarado, L.L.P.
Kelly Hart & Hallman LLP
Koons Fuller
Justice Bill Meier
Moses, Palmer & Howell, L.L.P.
Robert J. Myers & Associates
Parker McDonald PC
Shannon, Gracey, Ratliff & Miller, L.L.P.
Thompson & Knight, LLP
Whitaker, Chalk, Swindle & Sawyer, L.L.P.
Winstead PC
Cotten Schmidt & Abbott, L.L.P.
Fort Worth-Tarrant County
Young Lawyers Association
Haslam & Gallagher, LLP
Loveless & Naylor
Adams, Lynch & Loftin PC
Law Office of Leslie Barrows
Tom Carr
Steven K. Hayes
Robinson & Smart P.C.
Law Office of Lori Spearman
Wallach & Andrews, P.C.
TCBA Bulletin
May-June 2011
On May 5, 2011, the annual Law
Day Awards Dinner was held at the Fort
Worth Club. A strong attendance in
support of the award winners made the
evening more rewarding and special.
The ABA Law Day theme for 2011
was “The Legacy of John Adams--from
Boston to Guantanamo.” John Adams
became our nation's first lawyerpresident in 1797. He was a resistance
leader and patriot, advocate and diplomat, constitutional theorist and political
activist. Just five years before the
American Revolutionary War began, he
represented the British officer and soldiers charged in the “Boston Massacre”
of firing into a crowd of protestors and
killing five civilians. The Law Day
theme provided an opportunity to assess
and celebrate the legacy of John Adams,
explore the historical and contemporary
role of lawyers in defending the rights
of the accused, and renew our understanding of and appreciation for the
fundamental principle of the rule of law.
As part of the celebration of Law
Day, TCBA and Fort Worth-Tarrant
County Young Lawyers Association
acknowledged and recognized some of
their outstanding members.
The 2010 Blackstone Award winner
is Joe Shannon, Jr . Mr. Shannon
is currently the Tarrant County District
and he has
been a
strong, active
member of
TCBA for
many years.
He served as
president of
this association during
the 20042005 term,
has been a recent board member to the
Tarrant County Bar Foundation, and has
participated in many of the activities of
this association over the years. He has
served as President of the Family Law
Bar Association, and as a Director of the
State Bar of Texas, and he was elected
Chair of the Board for 2008-2009.
Joe has practiced law in Tarrant
County for 47 years. He is a Fort Worth
native, and he attended the University of
Texas for both undergraduate studies
and law school. He began his law
practice with his father, Joe Shannon, Sr.
Joe Jr. was later elected to the Texas
House of Representatives at the age of
24 and served three terms. He joined
the staff of District Attorney Tim Curry
in 1972 and became chief of the
Criminal Division before returning to
private practice and specializing in
family law. Twenty-one years later, he
rejoined the District Attorney’s Office as
chief of the Economic Crime Unit,
where he prosecuted some high-profile
cases, including capital murders. In
2009, Joe was appointed Criminal
District Attorney by Governor Perry to
fill Tim Curry’s unexpired term. In
2010, he was elected to a four-year term
that began January 2011.
The 2011 Silver Gavel Award winner
is J UDGE J EAN H. B OYD . Since
1995, she has
been the
judge of the
323rd Family
Court, which
serves as the
juvenile court
for Tarrant
Throughout her career, Judge Boyd has worked
to serve the profession, the TCBA, and
the community. She is Board Certified
in Juvenile Law by the Texas Board of
Legal Specialization and has served or
is serving on various committees at the
state level. She has served as president
of the Eldon B. Mahon Inn of Court
(2008-2009) and was inducted into the
Honorary Sergeant’s Inn of the DallasFort Worth Inns of Court in January
2011. She has also served as president
of the Fort Worth–Tarrant County Young
Lawyers Association (1985) and president of the Tarrant County Women
Lawyer’s Association (1982-1983).
Judge Boyd was also honored as the
Outstanding Young Lawyer of Tarrant
County in 1988 and received the Professionalism Award from the TCBA in
In 2000 Judge Boyd spearheaded
the implementation of National Adoption Day (NAD) in Tarrant County, and
she has participated in every NAD event
May-June 2011
since. She has been awarded many
honors recognizing her work for child
advocacy and adoptions.
The 2011 Professionalism Award
winner is Marvin Collins . This
award recognizes the high
respect in
which the
recipient is
held by the
local legal
received his J.
D. from the
University of
Texas in 1970, and he joined the Tarrant
County Criminal District Attorney’s
Office in 1975. Through the years, he
has been Chief of the Criminal Appellate Division, Chief of the Civil Division, and now First Assistant District
Attorney. He considers it a great honor
to have practiced (1970-1975) with Don
Gladden, to have served with Tim
Curry, to currently serve with Joe
Shannon, to have been the gubernatorial
appointee for judge of Tarrant County
Criminal District Court Number One
(1981-1982), and to have twice been
presidentially appointed to serve as U.S.
Attorney for the Northern District of
Texas (1985 & 1993).
Mr. Collins is a Fellow of the Texas
Bar Foundation and was Board Certified
in Criminal Law for the first 30 years
that the certification was available (1975
-2005). He has spoken about and
authored legal articles in the areas of
state and federal indictments, bail, and
financial-institution fraud.
The Fort Worth-Tarrant County
Young Lawyers Association’s Outstanding Young Lawyer winner is
Leslie L.
received her
J.D. from
School of
Law in July
2004. In
August of
that year, she
joined the law firm of Decker, Jones,
TCBA Bulletin
McMackin, McClane, Hall & Bates,
P.C., where she is currently a senior
Leslie has demonstrated professional
proficiency, service to the profession,
and service to the community in many
ways. She is a past president of FWTCYLA and has continued to be
involved with the bar association, most
recently having served as chair of the
Books and Bears Committee for 20102011. As president of the FW-TCYLA,
Leslie was involved, with the help of
other members, in the creation of a
salary-and-benefits survey for young
lawyers, new policy development, the
implementation of a new Valentine’s
Day Project for battered women, the
implementation of “They Had a Dream
Too,” and a review of current insurance
coverage for TCYLA.
TCBA Bulletin
The FWTCYLA Outstanding
Mentor Award
winner is
Wesley T.D.
Myers . This
award recognizes an attorney who has
demonstrated a
commitment to mentoring young
lawyers in the legal community.
Wes Myers is a partner with the law
firm of Blaies & Hightower, L.L.P.,
where he practices primarily in the area
of civil litigation. Wes is an honors
graduate of the University of the South
and was a visiting student at St.
Catherine’s College, Oxford University.
May-June 2011
He obtained his law degree from Texas
Tech University, where he was class
president and a member of the Board of
Barristers. Following law school, he
clerked for Hon. Brian P. Quinn of the
Texas Seventh District Court of
Appeals. Wes was an active member of
the Fort Worth Tarrant County Young
Lawyers Association, serving as
president in 2004, and was honored
with the Outstanding Young Lawyer
Award In 2008. While a member of the
FW-TCYLA board, Wes was instrumental in creating the Mentorship Program,
which partners Texas Wesleyan law
students with young lawyers practicing
in Tarrant County. Wes has actively
participated as a mentor for many law
students through the years and is proud
that the program is still thriving today.
The Criminal Law
Section Presents
Alternatives in Criminal
Cases in Tarrant County
Friday, June 10, 2011
Tarrant County Bar Center
1315 Calhoun Street, Fort Worth
12:30 to 4:30 p.m. with box lunch
This should be a unique
CLE experience.
Judge Sharen Wilson of the CDC#1;
Judge Louis Sturns, 213th District Court;
Deborah Reed with Cenikor Drug
Treatment; Judge Brent Carr, CCC#9; and
Ann Wright, Assistant DA, will
discuss punishment options since
Joe Shannon became DA.
Sound interesting? Come see!
3.5 hours CLE have been requested
$50 section member
$60 non­section member
RSVP by noon on June 6
to Sherry Jones at 817­338­4092 or
or registration form on website
Tax & Estate Planning
is pleased to announce that its
section luncheon will host the
Sponsored by
T U E S D AY , M AY 2 4 , 2 0 1 1
“The Latest on Irrevocable Life
Insurance Trusts”
Fort Worth Club
1.5 hours of CLE.
$10 for Section members; $15 for nonSection members/guests/walk-ins
RSVP by noon on May 20 to
Diane Howell at 817­334­0066 or
May-June 2011
TCBA Bulletin
On Thursday April 14, the Fort
Worth Tarrant County Young Lawyers’
Association hosted the 15th annual
“Spring Fiesta” on the patio at Joe T.
Garcia’s restaurant. Spring Fiesta is an
event designed to celebrate our members’ successful year of service to the
local community and to raise funds to
support our service projects. The young
lawyers are very involved in providing
services to the community at large,
including facilitating the adoptions of
underprivileged children at Christmas,
educating women affected by abuse
about their legal rights, and promoting
civil-rights education among highschool students. We had record attendance at this year’s event and are
thrilled to have exceeded our fundraising goals!
Spring Fiesta also gives us an
opportunity to recognize past presidents
who have selflessly served our organization. This year, we also recognized
Michael Killam as the winner of the
2011 FW-TCYLA Liberty Bell
Award. The Liberty Bell Award is
given annually to a non-lawyer who has
made a selfless contribution to his or
her community in order to strengthen
the effectiveness of the American
system of justice by instilling a better
understanding of and appreciation for
the law. Michael Killam has been an
essential part of the recently-organized
Tarrant County chapter of the Texas
Lawyers for Texas Veterans
program. Mr. Killam is an inspiration
and certainly deserving of this award.
Mr. Killam is a Vietnam veteran who
serves as a veteran-to-veteran coordinator for MHMR’s Liberty House for
homeless veterans. Having been
homeless after his military service, he
has “risen from the ashes” and now uses
his talent and passion to help other
veterans in need. Mr. Killam has given
selflessly to help Tarrant County’s
veterans obtain access to legal services,
from assisting with client intake to
helping clients who suffer from posttraumatic stress disorder or other mental
conditions interact with their attorneys.
According to the founding chair of the
Tarrant County Texas Lawyers for
Texas Veterans program, Aleed Rivera,
Mr. Killam “has been instrumental and
a key player” in the program’s success.
Looking ahead, the FW-TCYLA has
two great recreational events designed
to raise money for Legal Aid of
NorthWest Texas. The registration form
for our annual Golf Tournament is
below. Prizes will be awarded to the
winning team and the worst team of this
four-person scramble tournament.
There will also be prizes for closest-tothe-pin and longest-drive winners.
On Saturday, June 18, 2011, we
will host the First Annual FWTCYLA Softball Tournament. Mark
your calendars now and start getting
your team depth charts filled in for what
is sure to be a fun-filled day that will
benefit a great cause.
1:00 p.m. Shotgun Start (check-in begins @ noon)
Friday, June 3, 2011
Hawks Creek Golf Club
6520 White Settlement Road
Fort Worth 76114
(817) 738-8402
Cost: $75 per player, $300.00 per team
Format: 4-person scramble
Price includes Box Lunch
and Fajita dinner
Prizes will be awarded to the winning team, the worst team, and closest-to-the-pin
and longest-drive winners.
Please make your TEAM/PLAYER check out to Fort-Worth Tarrant County Young Lawyers Association
and send checks and entry forms to Greg Monroe, Tarrant County Young Lawyers Association, 1315
Calhoun Street, Fort Worth, Texas 76102. You may also fax the completed Team form to 817-335-9238.
If you do not have a team, we can place you with one. Regular registration fees are due before the
beginning of play. If you have any questions or would like information on sponsorship,
please contact Greg Monroe at 817-878-6307.
TEAM NAME: ______________________________________________________
1. _______________________________________ Handicap/Avg. Score _______ Phone __________________
2. _______________________________________ Handicap/Avg. Score _______ Phone __________________
3. _______________________________________ Handicap/Avg. Score ________ Phone __________________
4. _______________________________________ Handicap/Avg. Score _______ Phone ________________
TCBA Bulletin
May-June 2011
Judge Bob, can a
party be both a
settling person and a
responsible third
party? Yes—
“nothing in Chapter
33 [(‘Proportionate
Responsibility’) of the
Texas Civil Practice & Remedies
Code] suggested that a party's identification as a responsible third party or
settling person is an either-or proposition. A person could potentially fall
within the definitions of both settling
person and responsible third party,
and the Legislature included no
language in Chapter 33 indicating
otherwise.” MCI Sales & Serv., Inc.
v. Hinton, 329 S.W.3d 475, 503 (Tex.
2010) (citations omitted), petition for
cert. filed, 79 U.S.L.W. 3554 (U.S.
March 17, 2011) (No. 10-1148).
Cleo and Ramses,
what type of suspensionof-judgment
bond is
necessary in
a “who
owns Sara
the basenji-mix” suit?
Assuming that the
evidence of the dog’s
worth is limited to sentimental value,
“we are left to consider only the costs
and expenses associated with the
appeal itself as a basis for the amount
of security required.” Rowe v.
Watkins, 324 S.W.3d 111, 114 (Tex.
App.—El Paso 2010, orig.
proceeding) (citation omitted).
“Happiness is a warm puppy.”
Charles M. Schulz
1. Conclusory Statements in
“A conclusory statement is one that
does not provide the underlying facts
to support the conclusion.” Methodist
Hosp. v. Zurich Am. Ins. Co., 329
S.W.3d 510, 530 (Tex. App.—
Houston [14th Dist.] 2009, pet.
denied) (citations omitted).
B OB M C C OY , 2nd Court of Appeals
2. Trial Amendment
“[A] trial court may not refuse a trial
amendment unless (1) the opposing
party presents evidence of surprise or
prejudice, or (2) the amendment
asserts a new cause of action or
defense and thus is prejudicial on its
face and the opposing party objects to
the amendment.” THI of Tex. at
Lubbock I, LLC v. Perea, 329 S.W.3d
548, 570 (Tex. App.—Amarillo 2010,
pet. filed) (citations omitted).
3. Suicide
“[It] is an affirmative defense to a
civil action for damages for personal
injury or death if the plaintiff, at the
time the cause of action arose, was:
committing or attempting to
commit suicide, and the plaintiff's conduct in committing or
attempting to commit suicide was
the sole cause of the damages
sustained; provided, however, if
the suicide or attempted suicide
was caused in whole or in part
by a failure on the part of any
defendant to comply with an
applicable legal standard, then
such suicide or attempted suicide
shall not be a defense.
Tex. Civ. Prac. & Rem. Code Ann. §
93.001(a)(2) (emphasis added).” Rio
Grande Reg’l Hosp. v. Villarreal, 329
S.W.3d 594, 620 (Tex. App.—Corpus
Christi 2010, pet. filed).
4. Constructive Contempt
“Constructive contempt occurs
outside the court’s presence . . .
[Petitioner Jaime Moreno] faced
constructive contempt charges. He
was, therefore, entitled to full and
complete notification of the subject
matter and the when, how, and by
what means he was guilty of the
alleged contempt . . . Notice given to
the attorney is inadequate; the notice
must be served personally on the
contemnor.” In re Moreno, 328
S.W.3d 915, 918 (Tex. App.—
Eastland 2010, orig. proceeding)
(citations omitted).
5. Reformation
“A court is without power to make a
contract that the parties did not make;
an actual agreement reached prior to
the drafting of the instrument
involved is a requisite to an action for
May-June 2011
ORIX Capital Mkts. LLC v. La Villita
Motor Inns, J.V., 329 S.W.3d 30, 46
(Tex. App.—San Antonio 2010, pet.
filed) (citation & internal quotation
marks omitted).
6. Permanent Injunction
“[A] trial court may enter a
‘permanent’ injunction that is limited
in time.” Id. (citations omitted)
7. Full Faith and Credit
“[T]he requirement of full faith and
credit ‘does not mean that States must
adopt the practices of other States
regarding the time, manner, and
mechanisms for enforcing judgments.
Enforcement measures do not travel
with the sister state judgment as
preclusive effects do; such measures
remain subject to the even-handed
control of forum law.’” In re
Guardianship of Parker, 329 S.W.3d
97, 102 (Tex. App.—Amarillo 2010,
pet. filed) (citation omitted).
8. Post hoc ergo propter hoc
“Care must be taken to avoid the post
hoc ergo propter hoc fallacy, that is,
finding [that] an earlier event caused a
later event merely because it occurred
first. Stated simply, correlation does
not necessarily imply causation. As
we noted in [an earlier case], ‘[e]vidence of an event followed closely by
manifestation of or treatment for conditions which did not appear before
the event raises suspicion that the
event at issue caused the conditions.
But suspicion has not been and is not
legally sufficient to support a finding
of legal causation.’” Jelinek v. Casas,
328 S.W.3d 526, 533 (Tex. 2010)
(citation omitted).
9. Quasi-estoppel
“Quasi-estoppel is an affirmative
defense that ‘precludes a party from
asserting, to another's disadvantage, a
right inconsistent with a position
previously taken. The doctrine applies
when it would be unconscionable to
allow a person to maintain a position
inconsistent with one to which he
acquiesced, or from which he accepted a benefit.’ ‘Thus, quasi estoppel
forbids a party from accepting the
benefits of a transaction ... and then
subsequently taking an inconsistent
TCBA Bulletin
position to avoid corresponding obligations or effects.’”
Clark v. Cotton Schmidt, L.L.P., 327 S.W.3d 765, 770 (Tex.
App.—Fort Worth 2010, no pet. h.) (citations omitted).
10. Ethics Opinion
“[Ethics opinions] are concerned with matters of attorney
discipline and are advisory rather than binding.” Sidley
Austin Brown & Wood, LLP v. J.A. Green Dev. Corp., 327
S.W.3d 859, 866 (Tex. App.—Dallas 2010, no pet. h.)
(citation omitted).
11. Trepass to Personalty
“The gist of trespass to personalty is an injury to, or
interference with, possession, unlawfully, with or without
the exercise of physical force.” Palma v. Chribran Co.,
327 S.W.3d 866, 868 n.2 (Tex. App.—Beaumont 2010, no
pet. h.) (citations & internal quotation marks omitted).
12. Venue vs. Jurisdiction
“Jurisdiction concerns the power of a court, under the
Constitution and laws, to determine the merits of an action
as between the parties and to render a judgment. . . .
Venue concerns the propriety of prosecuting a suit
involving a given subject matter and specific parties in a
particular county.” Jarvis v. Feild, 327 S.W.3d 918, 925
(Tex. App.—Corpus Christi 2010, no pet. h.) (citation &
internal quotation marks omitted).
13. Standing and Capacity
“A plaintiff must have both standing and capacity to bring
a lawsuit . . . A plaintiff has standing when he is personally aggrieved, regardless of whether he is acting with
legal authority; a party has capacity when it has the legal
authority to act, regardless of whether it has a justiciable
interest in the controversy.” SJW Prop. Commerce, Inc. v.
Sw. Pinnacle Props., Inc., 328 S.W.3d 121, 141 (Tex.
App.—Corpus Christi 2010, pet. filed) (citations omitted).
14. Substantive Unconscionability
“Substantive unconscionability refers to the fairness or
unfairness of the contract or contractual provision itself.”
Chubb Lloyds Ins. Co. of Tex. v. Andrew’s Restoration,
Inc., 323 S.W.3d 564, 578 (Tex. App.—Dallas 2010, pet.
filed) (citation omitted).
15. Unconscionability
“[A] contract or contract term is not unconscionable
merely because it is foolish for one party and very advantageous to the other, but only when the inequity is so
extreme as to shock the conscience.” Id. (citation omitted)
“The line at which thought becomes act is vaporous . . .
The difficulty comes down to this: speech is an overt act;
thought is not; yet speech is thought.” Jack Pope, The
Mental Operations of Jurors, 40 Tex. L. Rev. 849, 853
(1962). [When this article was published, Pope was an
associate justice of the San Antonio Court of Appeals.]
The first chief justice of the Republic of Texas Supreme
Court was James Collinsworth, who committed suicide by
drowning before the Court first met. The legislature
subsequently named a county for him, but it misspelled his
last name—hence, Collingsworth County.
TCBA Bulletin
May-June 2011
TCBA’s own Players
by Nick Bettinger, Chair
“Big Heart” Award
to Ben Barlow
Winner teams
on Lawyer Olympics
First-time attendees
With our Best of the West theme, BENCH BAR CONFERENCE
XVIII rode a new trail out to The Cliffs’ Resort at Possum Kingdom Lake.
The contenders for “best” attribute were many--perfect weather, gorgeous
views, great food, outdoor CLE, a top-rated golf course, and a Who’s Who
list of speakers. In the end, though, I heard more positive comments about
the short drive to the Cliffs’ than any other benefit.
We added a dose of fresh air to Bench Bar by holding the CLE program in a tent
overlooking Possum Kingdom Lake. Barry Nash kicked off the show with some excellent
advice on selecting a jury. Next up was a judicial panel comprised of Justice Debra
Lehrmann, Justice Terrie Livingston, and Associate Judge Cynthia Mendoza.
Moderated by Justice Bill Meier, the panel members provided us with sound ethical tips on
practicing in their respective courts.
We then welcomed top trial lawyer, Mark Lanier, from Houston. With his energy and skill,
Mark taught us how to court a modern jury. Judging by the audience’s rapt attention, it is little
wonder how he achieves his successes in the courtroom.
We ended our Friday CLE with a lightning round, featuring Joe Shannon (criminal law),
Heather King (family law), and Bob West (oil & gas law). Joe made us aware that lawyers
can get tossed in the hoosegow just as easily as can the clients whom we represent. Heather’s
family law advice had us all talking (but not texting or Facebooking!). Bob dished out some
fresh B.S. (Barnett Shale) data in a way that only Bob can convey.
Friday afternoon included the traditional nine-hole golf tournament—a two-person
scramble. Judge Mike Sinha and Christian Tucker dazzled the other competitors with an
outstanding score of two-under par. Second and third places required a scorecard playoff
between two teams tied at even par. In the end, Greg Lewis and Davis Chapman
prevailed over Rick Ward and Wes Myers.
We were fortunate this year to have the fabulously talented Janet Denton back in
charge of Lawyer Olympics also Friday afternoon. A total of 32 participants on 4 teams
started with a series of silly relays, then they threw themselves to the ground to form the
letters “TCBA” (with a “Z” thrown in just for the line judges’ amusement) and finally
finished with a fun-filled photo scavenger hunt. Although purely playful and fun, the
competition was fierce, and Janet continues to receive emails on the “fairness” of the judging.
Apparently, many competitors were more intent on NOT receiving the dead-ass last trophy
than obtaining the 1st-place cup. As Robert Earl Keen might say, “The games go on forever
and the whining never ends.”
Mother Nature gave us a beautiful Saturday morning to enjoy the second half of our CLE
program. Christian Dennie introduced us to sports law with some insights into the legal
wrangling behind the BCS. The always entertaining David Keltner made me realize how
little I know about “findings of fact” and “conclusions of law.” Cynthia Williams pointed
out the most important information in the Elder Law Handbook. Liane Janovsky took on the
difficult task of interpreting (and explaining) the latest
Lawyer Olympic
JR’s High Falutin’ Wine Cruises
May-June 2011
TCBA Bulletin
Friday CLE started off BBC on point
“Head ‘em up, Move’em out”
employment cases to us. Judge Graham Quisenberry gave
us excellent information about practicing law in Parker County.
Coye Conner, Jr., reminded us that effective mediation
requires planning and strategy. Finally, Martha Newman
taught us how to interpret body language.
This year, the coveted Judges’ Cup trophy will spend the
fiscal year with, appropriately enough, a couple of judges, Mike Sinha and R. H. Wallace,
who, together with Greg Lewis, blew away the rest of the field in the four-person scramble.
Another scorecard playoff decided the remaining trophies. Second place went to the team of
Judge Fred Davis, Mike Wurtz, Justin Huston, and Nick Bettinger. The Winstead
team of David Johnson, Koy Killen, Jeff King, and Joe Regan took home third place.
The real action on Saturday afternoon, however, took place on the lake. Skipper Bob
West moved the annual winetasting event from the bus to the boat. JR’s High Falutin’ Wine
Cruise provided a relaxing afternoon for 55 participants on two fine vessels to enjoy the scenic
beauty of Possum Kingdom Lake, including the spectacular Hell’s Gate, while sampling
several wines served by Central Market’s Beer & Wine manager, J.R. Clark, and winery
representative, Wade Sanders.
We spent Saturday evening enjoying hamburgers and hot dogs in the tent, handing out
trophies, and telling stories. We heard about how Wes Myers made a killer birdie (literally)
on the golf course. We handed out the Jim Barlow “Big H eart” Award to the
conference attendee who best served as a positive role model for the conference rookies.
Congrats, Ben Barlow. I know that your dad was smiling from ear to ear. After dinner and
awards, we enjoyed some live music from our incredibly talented brethren, including Davis
Chapman, Joe Cleveland, Mac Ed Swindle, and David Childress. Over in the
hospitality room, Joe Regan and Stephanie Beamer highlighted the Rock Band talent
show. At the poker table, Priscilla Park raked in the chips.
All in all, it was a very successful Bench Bar. I heard many a kind word from those who
attended. The real thanks, however, go to Trisha and Joe Graham and Sherry and Burt
Jones, who put in countless hours to make sure the conference was a success. Thanks also to
Pat Leake for bringing our theme to life in the bar bulletin. Finally,
thanks to my outstanding committee: Ben Barlow, Davis Chapman,
Michele DeLotto, Janet Denton, Nancy Gordon, Jenny Gravley,
Joel Heydenburk, Kristi Jones, Greg Lehrmann, John Lively, Jr.,
Karin Mayer, Justice Bill Meier, Scott Moseley, Chris Neal,
Danielle Needham, Martha Newman, Fritz Quast, Joe Regan,
Charlene Sanders, Julie Sladek, Ethel Steele, Christian Tucker,
and, last but not least, “Skipper”
Bob West, the newly appointed
chairman for Bench Bar XIX.
See y’all next year.
CLE was
cs was a fun
alternative to playing golf.
TCBA Bulletin
It’s time for golf!
to play
just as
May-June 2011
The April
CLE Membership Luncheon
was a full
meeting for
The guest
speaker was
Talmage Boston
of Winstead PC
in Dallas. He
spoke, with supSpeaker Talmage
porting video
Boston and TCBA
clips, about “The
President Brad Parker
Significance of
To Kill a Mockingbird and the Character of Atticus Finch” on the legal
community. The book, which was
published in 1960 and subsequently
made into a movie, was based on real
people and real events. Atticus Finch
has become a heroic symbol to
attorneys for his character, nobility
of heart, and courage.
The luncheon also gave honor to
those attorneys who reached the 50years-of-practice milestone and to
those who already surpassed it. This
year, the following attorneys were
added to the ring of honor and given
a special paperweight to commemorate the occasion: John F. Boyle,
Jr., Leo Patrick Ferris, William
Hudson, II, James Lane, Theodore
Mack, Creighton Maynard, Jr.,
Clifford McMaster, Joann Peters,
George Petrovich, Jr., Robert
Randolph, Jack Stark, Rice Tilley,
Jr., Judge Massie Tillman, Judge
Albert White, Jr., Kenneth
Whiteley, and Richard Williams.
Appeals from 1990 to 1997 before
going to the federal level. Next is
Lori Brown, indictment clerk for
the Tarrant County District Clerk’s
office, a position that she has held
for over 20 years. She loves sports
and her community. Bailiff Freddie
Weil is with the County Court at
Law #2. After a varied career,
Freddie joined the Sheriff’s Department 16 years ago and is right where
he wants to be - a court bailiff.
Finally, Chris Chavez is the coordinator for Family Law Auxiliary
Court, which serves six coordinators
and 12 district and associate judges.
Chris also worked 25 years in
various positions with the District
Clerk’s office.
50-year Attorney Honorees
Also presented were the
Outstanding Court Staff Awards.
Starting on the left in the next photo
is Fleather Arnold, the court
coordinator for Judge John McBryde
of the U. S. District Court. She
worked with the Second Court of
Fleather Arnold, Lori Brown, Bailiff Freddie
Weil, and Chris Chavez
Park, J.D.
Priscilla Park, J.D.
What is your philosophy about
practicing law?
Practicing law for me is all about
getting to know people and helping
them with their legal disputes. I feel
humbled and privileged to belong to a
profession where people trust you to
help them and their businesses. So I try
to never betray their trust in me or in
our profession, despite the lawyer jokes
that we all laugh about together.
How does your life experience
influence your practice?
Over 20 relocations (within the
states and to one foreign country and
back) have taught me to rely on adaptability, flexibility, and understanding.
In my ADR practice, this translates
The Diversity Committee is committed to the inclusion of all people
in the legal profession. Through its projects, it strives to enhance
employment and economic opportunities for all minority and women
attorneys and to promote the involvement of minorities and women in
the Tarrant County Bar Association. One diverse member of our Bar
will be spotlighted each month. If you know of someone who would
make a great subject, please contact the chair of the 2010-2011
Diversity Committee, Kathy Roux, at kathyroux@tx.rr.com.
into adaptability to the dynamics of
the parties and their negotiations or
their disputes. Flexibility starts with
scheduling and never ends. True
understanding of the legal issues,
opposing perspectives, and underlying
needs are the most integral parts of
what I strive to achieve. Because
genuine understanding leads to trust
and willingness to explore unique
(and perhaps unconventional) options,
which makes creating mutually
satisfying resolutions together so fun
and rewarding.
What is your best advice to a new
Get to know and understand your
clients when helping them. Never
betray their trust in you or in our
May-June 2011
profession, don’t take yourself too
seriously, and most of all - have fun
practicing law!
Background Information
Priscilla’s grandparents were among
the first Koreans to immigrate to
Hawaii. She was born in California,
and received her J.D. from SMU Law
School and her Master of Dispute
Resolution from Pepperdine Law
School. Priscilla enjoys golfing with
her husband and their two wonderful
daughters when she is not working in
her ADR practice. She sets mediations
at the TCBA offices by appointment
and in Las Colinas. She can be reached
by telephone at (817) 481-2739, by fax
at (817) 481-2736, and by email at
TCBA Bulletin
Law Offices of
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our new website to see who
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TCBA Bulletin
May-June 2011
Tarrant County Bar Foundation
Tarrant County Bar Association
People’s Law School
The 2011 People’s Law School
was another successful communityservice project underwritten by the
Tarrant County Bar Foundation.
Approximately 90 people attended
and rated the program and its topics
“excellent” and very informative.
THANKS to the chair, Judge Mike
Hrabal, and his committee, Brett
Miller, chair-elect, Tom Corbin,
Casey Dyer, Justice Bill Meier, Kim
Naylor, Karen Schroeder and Traci
Wilkinson. Huge appreciation goes
to the attorneys who taught the
courses —Sue Allen, Lori Varnell
Burks, Patricia Cole, Letty Evans,
Karmen Johnson, Kim Naylor, Joy
NeSmith, James Saint, Karen
Schroeder, Traci Wilkinson, and
Cynthia Williams. They gave up a
Saturday, plus their preparation time,
to bring this program to the citizens of
Tarrant County.
Also, thanks to Texas Wesleyan
School of Law for providing outstanding facilities for the project.
The committee is looking forward to
next year.
TCBA staff member Cindy
Rankin greeting attendees
TCBA President Brad Parker,
Committee Chair Judge Mike Hrabal &
TCB Foundation Chair Mike Sheehan
Instructor Sue Allen
and Committee Chair
Judge Hrabal.
The Annual Blood Drive on
April 28 answered the call to “Give
members, staff members and friends
came to the Bar Center and donated
SIXTY units of blood, which will save
three adults or six babies per unit.
There were some nice door prizes
at the Drive donated as shown on
page 21 of this issue, and they will be
drawn for and distributed in the next
week. A report of the winners will be
in the next issue of the Bar Bulletin.
The winner of the Gallon Club
plaque, for the large law firm with the
most participation, is Kelly Hart &
Hallman LLP. This year, the committee also recognized two other cate-
Artie Errisuriz, TWSL liaison, and
instructors Karmen Johnson and
Letty Evans
Instructor Lori
Varnell Burks
Instructor Karen
Instructors Joy
NeSmith and James
Instructors Cynthia Williams
and Traci Wilkinson
gories—small firm and midsize firm. The small-firm
winner is Russell Law
Office, with three members
participating. The mid-sizefirm winner is Cantey
Hanger LLP, with six members participating. Thanks to
each of these firms and all of
the other firms and people
who helped save lives.
May-June 2011
TCBA Bulletin
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TCBA Bulletin
May-June 2011
May-June 2011
TCBA Bulletin
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*Carolina Ibarra
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*Carolina Ibarra
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Fax: 817-377-9893
To volunteer for LegalLine, call Carolina Ibarra at
817.338.4092 or email carolina@tarrantbar.org.
President’s Page - continued from Page 3
bar. This program is very rewarding and takes only a couple of hours
each month.
TCBA continued in its fine tradition of providing inexpensive CLE
to our members—in total, we offered more than 170 CLE hours.
Thanks to all of those who volunteered their time to plan the programs,
from the Brown Bag Seminars to online CLE, and to be presenters at
those events.
And, of course, many social venues—CLE luncheons, Court
Coordinators’ Seminar, Court Staff Appreciation Reception, Docket
Call Socials, First Friday Tech Tips, Holiday Party, Law Day Awards
Dinner —and countless other events filled the year. Again, none of
them would have been possible without your support and involvement.
Lastly, I would be entirely remiss if I didn’t acknowledge my
heartfelt appreciation and extend a special thanks to Executive
Director Patricia Graham for all that she and her husband, Joe, did to
help my year be so successful, as well as for all that she does for
TCBA. Until you work closely with Trisha, you don’t really appreciate how truly fortunate TCBA is to have her at the helm. Trisha and
her staff, Tressia Graham, Carolina Ibarra, Sherry Jones, Pat Leake,
and Cindy Rankin, made the job of being president not only easy, but
also a true joy. I couldn’t have done it without their unwavering
support and encouragement.
I thoroughly enjoyed being allowed to serve as president of the
TCBA, and I am going to miss it. Having traveled the state and
observed other local bar associations, I firmly believe that we have the
very best local bar association in Texas. Thanks again for allowing me
the honor to be a small part of it.
See you around,
TCBA Bulletin
May-June 2011
to Guarantee Your Seat, Register Early for the
State Bar of Texas 2011 Annual Meeting
Registration is now open for the 2011 State Bar Annual Meeting. Join your State Bar of Texas colleagues
in San Antonio on June 23-24. Learn and grow by attending presentations that educate, motivate, and
inspire. Connect with colleagues and exhibitors to discuss hot topics and renew relationships. This is your
once-a-year opportunity to do it all! Featured keynote speakers include Congressional Medal of Honor
recipient Mike Thornton and bestselling historians H.W. Brands and Douglas Brinkley.
For more information and to register, visit www.texasbar.com/annualmeeting.
FW-TC YLA 2010-2011 Bar Year began on September 1, 2010. If you need
an application or meeting information,
call 817-338-4092, e-mail cindy@tarrant
bar.org, or go to the website at tcyla.org.
Arlington Bar Association meets on the
3rd Wednesday of each month. For location
& information, contact President Patricia
LaRue at 817-614-6269 or larue@fsb
MABA (Mexican American Bar
Association) meets on the last Thursday of
each month at Santa Fe Cafe, 2400
Meacham Blvd., Fort Worth, 76106. For
more information, contact President Eloy
Sepulveda at 817-332-1285.
Northeast Tarrant County Bar
Association (NETCBA) meets for CLE
luncheons on the 3rd Tuesday of each
month at LaHacienda Restaurant, Hwy.
121. Contact President Anita Cutrer at
817-283-3999 or anita@hoppescutrer.com.
Association meets on the 3rd Tuesday of
each month at 6:00 p.m. For more information, contact President Tiffany Burks
Hamilton at TDburks@tarrantcounty.com.
Thursday, June 23, 2011, 6 to 8pm, “Strikes
for Scholarships” at Alley Cats in
Arlington. Register a team or make
donation to Tiffany Burks at tcbb
Tarrant County Criminal Defense
Lawyers Association (TCCDLA) meets
every 2nd Thursday at Joe T. Garcia's,
2201 N. Commerce. For more information, contact President Scott Brown at
817-810-0400 or sb@scottbrownlawyer.com.
May-June 2011
Tarrant County Family Law Bar
Association meets on the last Tuesday of
each month. For more information, contact President Laurie Robinson at 817419-0023 or email legsec0123@aol.com.
Tarrant County Trial Lawyers
Association meets on the 4th Wednesday
of each month at Joe T. Garcia’s
For more information,
contact Ken Kraatz at 817-335-5525 or email mhcorn75@hotmail.com.
Tarrant County Probate Bar
Association meets on the 1st Thursday of
each month at the City Club--members
free, guests $25. For more information,
contact John Dowdy at 817-265-9000 or
TCBA Bulletin
To make reservations for any of these events, contact Sherry Jones at 817-338-4092 or sherry@tarrantbar.org.
For more upcoming events, visit www.tarrantbar.org.
May 2011
Law Day Reception
Law Day Awards Dinner, Fort Worth Club
2:30-3:30pm First Friday Tech Tips, free for TCBA members
Tarrant County Bar Center
Women Attorneys Section Reception swearing-in
of new licensed attorneys; Texas Wesleyan School
11:30am to 2011 Veterans and the Law Seminar
Tarrant County Bar Center
LegalLine - TCBA office; light dinner
FRIDAY, May 13
Diversity Committee Social @TC Bar Center
Real Estate Law Section Luncheon
City Club, $20 members; $22 guests/walk-ins
8:30am to
All Star CLE Seminar
Tarrant County Bar Center
FRIDAY, May 20
International & Immigration Law Section
Luncheon - TC Bar Center; $20 section members
Texas Lawyers for Texas Veterans--Legal Clinic
for Veterans, VA Outpatient Clinic, 2201 SE Loop 820
2011-2012 Orientation of Board of Directors
Tarrant County Bar Center
Tax & Estate Planning Section Luncheon
“The Latest on Irrevocable Life Insurance Trusts,”
Fort Worth Club, $10 members; $15 guests
Solo & Small Firm Section Mixer
@ offices of Randy Hurr, 4717 Fletcher Avenue
“Transition to Practice” Mentor Program
“Starting a Law Firm,” Tarrant County Bar Center
2 to 4pm
Solo Section Seminar - “Growing a Law Firm.”
LegalLine - TCBA office; light dinner
MONDAY, May 30 TCBA Offices Closed for Memorial Day
Last Tuesday CLE - Ethics ; TCBA Office
$80 members; $105 non-members
June 2011
Corporate Counsel Section Luncheon
Tarrant County Bar Center, $17 members; $20 guests
Energy Law Section Luncheon
City Club, $20 members; $22 guests/walk-ins
FRIDAY, June 3
Women Attorneys Section Luncheon
Petroleum Club, $25 members; $28 guests
2:30-3:30pm First Friday Tech Tips, free for TCBA members
Tarrant County Bar Center
Docket Call Social @ Blue Sushi Sake Grill
3131 West 7th Street 817-332-2583
Sponsored by Legacy Texas Bank
LegalLine - TCBA office; light dinner
TUESDAY, June 10
12:30 to
Criminal Law Seminar - “Punishment Alternatives
in Criminal Cases in Tarrant County”
TC Bar Center, $50 section/$60 nonMONDAY, June 13
TCBA Board Meeting, TCBA offices
FRIDAY, June 17
12:30 to
Brown Bag Series Seminar--Legislative Update
Tarrant County Bar Center
Texas Lawyers for Texas Veterans Legal Clinic
VA Outpatient Clinic, 2201 S.E. Loop 820
MONDAY, June 20
Bankruptcy Section Luncheon
Fort Worth Club, $23 members; $25 guests
TUESDAY, June 21
Labor & Employment Law Section Event
Location and details TBA
THURSDAY and FRIDAY, June 23-24
State Bar of Texas Annual Meeting - San Antonio
LegalLine - TCBA office; light dinner
TUESDAY, June 28
Last Tuesday CLE - Ethics -- TCBA Office
$80 members; $105 non-members
Solo & Small Firm Section Mixer @ offices of
Karmen Johnson, 6001 Bridge Street, Suite 110
July 2011
TUESDAY, July 12
CLE Membership Luncheon/Installation of New
Speaker: Bob Black, SBOT President
Fort Worth Club, $23 members, $25 guest
THURSDAY, July 14 and July 28
LegalLine - TCBA office; light dinner
TCBA Bulletin
FRIDAY, July 15
Texas Lawyers for Texas Veterans Legal Clinic
VA Outpatient Clinic, 2201 S.E. Loop 820
TUESDAY, July 26
Last Tuesday CLE - Ethics -- TCBA Office
$80 members; $105 non-members
May-June 2011
May-June 2011
TCBA Bulletin
on the move & in the news
Winstead PC announces the addition of four attorney to its
AL Z. LAZARUS has moved to the firm of Evans, Daniel,
Moore, Evans & Lazarus at 115 West 2nd Street, Suite 202, Fort
Worth 76102, telephone 817-332-3822, fax 817-332-2763, and
email alzlazarus@egdmlaw.com.
Congratulations to DREW LARKIN, formerly with Liles Parker,
PLLC, upon his arrival as a new associate attorney with Taylor
Olson Adkins Sralla & Elam, LLP, located at 6000 Western
Place, Suite 200, Fort Worth 76107, telephone 817-332-2580.
LARA A. AMAN has joined U. S. Trust, Bank of America
Private Wealth Management as a fiduciary officer in Dallas.
JACQUELYN A. FLYNT is proud to announce the opening of
her practice, The Flynt Law Firm, PC., in Arlington, telephone
817-682-8558 and email flyntlawfirm @gmail.com.
CAROLE CROSS announces the relocation of her office to 464
Mid Cities Boulevard, Hurst 76054, telephone 817-265-8300,;
fax 817-459-2850, and email CQCatty@aol.com.
JASON R. MAHON is proud to announce the opening of the
firm The Mahon Firm, P.C., with its primary office location at 141
Countryside Court, Suite 150, Southlake 76092, telephone 817251-9228 (www.mahonfirm.com). The Mahon Firm, P.C., also
has meeting locations in downtown Fort Worth and Sherman.
TCBA Bulletin
May-June 2011
L ANew
Attorney Members
Abu Barker
Peter Barrett
Ashley Dierker
James Donovan
Michael Grover
Dave Gunter
Reagan Herod
Sharon Hicks
William Hicks
Elizabeth Hill
Drew Larkin
James Kennerly
Christa Laneri
Al Lazarus
Robert Leahey
Julia Mullowney
Glenn Orman
Jeff Parks
Aaron Stanley
Michael Uvalle
Associate Members
Kathleen Hayden
Student Members
Lynne Brooks
Jeffrey Williams
Cantey Hanger Partner HARRY BARTEL has
been honored with the 2011 Professional Advisor
award by the Community Foundation of North
CORRECTION: The address of Durkin Law
Offices, PC, is “1315” Brookside Drive, Suite B,
Hurst, and telephone is “817-545”-9700.
Pennington Hill, LLP, AV-rated firm in downtown Fort
YEARS experience as litigator with good writing, research,
and analytical skills, and a strong work ethic, to assist in
busy civil litigation/insurance defense practice. Team
player and good academics essential. Please fax resume to
Receptionist, conference room, telephone system, parking,
etc. One block from Family Law Center. 400 E.
Weatherford. Call 817-336-4451 or come by.
FREELANCE PARALEGAL NEEDED for family-law firm in
Fort Worth, Texas. Flexible work-at-home schedule 10-25
hours per week. Will be responsible for drafting motions,
decrees, orders, and/or other pleadings for review by
attorney. Strong grammatical skills, attention to detail, and
prompt turnaround in work product are required. Qualified
applicants must have at least 5 years of family law and/or
litigation experience. with proficient knowledge of
Microsoft Word and ProDoc. Pay rate is commensurate
with experience. Please submit resumes to
Mid-sized AV-Rated firm in Downtown Fort Worth SEEKS
with four to six years experience in
construction litigation. Some portables preferred . Email
resume confidentially to Box 065-2011 at tcba@
Mid-sized "AV-rated" Fort Worth law firm seeks to hire a
LITIGATION ASSOCIATE . Requirements include 3-4 years
litigation experience (first party insurance experience
preferred) and excellent academic credentials. Competitive
salary and benefits. Interested persons should send resume
and transcript to Carol Arledge, Brackett & Ellis, 100 Main
Street, Fort Worth, Texas 76102 or carledge@belaw.com.
O FFICE S UITES -- Office Space, Adjacent Civil - Criminal
- Family Courts. Fax - Xerox - Conference Rooms Kitchen. 111 N. Houston or Wells Fargo North Main.
Call 817-429-2000 - Dale.
EXECUTIVE OFFICE SUITES available at Tivoli Court Law
Offices. Front-office reception and telephone assistance
included. To inquire, please call 817-479-0565. Thank
HURST – space for attorney and 1 legal assistant. Fully
furnished, plus we can provide reception, phones,
networked database, wifi, two conference rooms, voice
mail, fax, copier, scanners, and some support and extra
computers if you don’t have assistant. Ideally looking for
somebody with a criminal/family practice so we can refer.
May be able to offer some overflow work on civil litigation
cases as contract attorney. Minimum one-year lease.
CONTEMPORARY EXECUTIVE SUITES for rent in new, highvisibility building. Keypad entry--shared conference,
kitchen, restrooms, lobby--internet, JIMS and telephone
service available. Opening in April 2011. 4116 West
Vickery Boulevard. Contact Meda 817-946-4684.
Raúl Cáñez for assistance with your immigration issues
in English or Spanish.
Raúl Cáñez para ayuda con sus asuntos sobre la
inmigración en español o inglés.
Raul.Canez@CanezLaw.com 817-886-0651
May-June 2011
TCBA Bulletin
TCBA members may take advantage
discounts provided by the following vendors:
ABA Retirement Funds program provides fullser vice 401(k) plans to benefit the legal
community. To learn more, contact local rep.
Jacob Millican at 817-451-5020 or visit
AMO Office Supply offers TCBA members the
lowest price guaranteed on office supplies, with nextday delivery and free shipping! Call 800-420-6421.
Mobile Phone Services
AT&T offers members a discount on all purchased
mobile-phone equipment, plus 8% off on monthly
service applying to new & current AT&T customers.
Sprint offers 15% off the monthly service. For info,
contact cindy@tarrantbar.org or 817-338-4092.
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Falcon Litigation Solutions offers discounts on
copying, litigation displays, trial boards, etc. Call 817870-0330.
Fort Worth JSB Co., Inc., offers a 10% discount to
TCBA members on printed materials--business cards,
letterhead, envelopes, business forms, brochures,
flyers, and more. For a quote, call 817-577-0572.
For IT help:
Juris Fabrilis-Cool Tools for Lawyers offers
members discounted rates on web-based tools to help
you manage your law practice. 817-481-1573 ext. 101.
For Shredding and Document Disposal:
Magic Shred. It is a secure shredding business
that shreds your documents on-site. Magic Shred
offers a 10% discount to TCBA members.
Expanco is N.A.I.D. AAA-Certified documentdestruction service offering 40% off to TCBA
members. Call TCBA office for details on both.
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TCBA Bulletin
May-June 2011
BAR BULLETIN - May-June 2011
FORT WORTH, TEXAS 76102-6504
If any of your contact information is incorrect, please submit your
corrected information to the TCBA office at (817) 338-4092, fax to (817)
335-9238 or e-mail to tcba@tarrantbar.org.