Parshas Va`eschanan Shabbos Nachamu
Parshas Va`eschanan Shabbos Nachamu
REFU’AH SHELEIMAH Please contact the office if someone on this list has, Baruch Hashem, recovered. Only those with a serious health condition should remain on the list. Mushka Rivka bas Gittel Friend of Diane Barron Zussel Moshe HaLevi ben Rella Brother of Saul Sloman Mehri Gittle bas Sarah Chaina Sister of Diane Barron Yelena bas Esther Mother of Marina Zalmanova Tzivia Masha bas Yehudis Trudy Robbins Chana bas Ruchel Friend of Ilene Miller Levi Yitzchak HaKohen ben Rachel Brother of Neal Cooper Jennifer Kay Aunt of Shira Johnson Esther bas Freidel Estelle Gordon, sister of Linda Miller Clara Siegler Mother of Amira Nachman Dorina Nachman Mother of Michael Nachman Shabsai ben Fraidel Steve Freedman Chana Rachel bas Leah Naomi Niece of Susan Krohn Aharon ben Jenny Brother-in-law of Susan Krohn Esther Malka bas Zlota Ita Emily Moore Nechama Itty bas Masha Baila Cousin of Ilene Miller Aryeh ben Chana Leonid Resenson Gabrielle Chava bat Perel Cousin of Linda Czuper Rella bas Dena Mother of Saul Sloman Yaffa bat Friho Mother of Angela Davydov Baruch ben Esther Uncle of Bev Bolnick Moshe Abba ben Masha Michael Yaschik Golda bas Rifka Mother of Eric Medwed, Sister of Elaine Brasch Ariel Adi bas Rachael Tova Infant daughter of Bunder family friends Hatinok Shenolad ben Devora Azriela Infant son of Bunder family friends Leonid ben Inna Friend of Angela Davydov Feigele bas Carol Friend of Adrienne Bishko Lazar Meir ben Baila Leike Louis Taratoot Yehudit bas Gerta Judi Jarecki, Stepmother of Jill Mainzer Tovah bas Esther Terry Eden Stub Hennie Chaya bas Sara Heather Rosenheck Eliyahu Dov ben Yael Burt Sharf Leah Yehudit bas Hanna Linda Czuper Mordechai Binyomin ben Manya Hannah Marty Halpern friend of Jason & Leanne Kaplan Esther bas Adel YAHRTZEITS August 20—16 Av Mr. Allen Tenenbaum Avrohom Chaim ben Yehaya HaLevi Brother of Terry Tenenbaum August 21—17 Av Mr. Elitzafan Ebrams Elitzafan ben Yaacov Father of Jack Ebrams August 21—17 Av Mr. Harry Fleitman Tzvi ben Mayer Father of Sharon Solomon August 23—19 Av Mr. Stanley Cohen Shlomo ben Yechiel HaKohein Brother of Bunnie Taratoot GOOD SHABBOS & WELCOME! Parshas Va’eschanan Shabbos Nachamu 16 Av, 5776 - August 19-20 , 2016 Torah Reading: Page 958 | Haftorah Reading: Page 1196 Please Note: The Shul office kindly requests that any information for the Shabbos flyer should be submitted no later than Wednesday of that week. This includes events, sponsorships, and names for the Refu’ah Sheleimah list. Thank you! CONGREGATION ARIEL Rabbi Binyomin Friedman, Rabbi Dr. Jason Kaplan, President - Debbie Kalwerisky, Executive Director Rabbi Mordy Birnbaum, Youth Director SHABBOS SERVICE TIMES WEEKDAY SERVICE TIMES August 19 - Erev Shabbos (Friday) Sundays Mincha Early Candle Lighting Regular Candle Lighting 6:35pm 7:00pm 8:00pm 8:00am 8:45am Mondays—Fridays August 20 - Shabbos Sephardi Minyan (Dome) Main Services (Sanctuary) Learners’ Minyan (Dome) Youth Services (Grades 2-8) Kiddush (Social Hall) Mincha (Sanctuary) Shabbos Ends Shacharis Women’s Tehillim 8:00am 9:00am 10:30am 10:30am 11:45am 7:45pm 8:57pm Shacharis 1st Minyan: 2nd Minyan: Begins at 6:40am Yishtabach at 8:00am Sunday–Thursday Mincha/Maariv this Week 8:05pm SHABBOS DAY 7:30AM | PARSHA STUDY (ON BREAK) Rabbi Michoel Friedman A textual exploration of the verses in the second Aliyah of that week’s parsha 8:15AM | PARSHA STUDY (ON BREAK) Rabbi Michoel Friedman A textual exploration of the verses in the third Aliyah of that week’s parsha 10:30AM | LEARNER’S MINYAN Rabbi Daniel Freitag A guided tour of the Shabbos morning prayers with life insights + highlights of the weekly Torah portion 11:30AM | BURST OF INSPIRATION (ON BREAK) Rabbi Michoel Friedman A brief, but powerful and thought-provoking nugget of life wisdom and perspective, often drawn from the weekly parsha. This week’s Shabbos Kiddush is sponsored by: ARIEL GENERAL FUND Adrienne Litt Bishko In honor of the engagement of Linda Miller and Mel Drukman Hugh and Jill Mainzer and Family In appreciation of Rabbi Mordechai Danneman Mrs. Mahin Khalili In memory of her mother-in-law Morvarid Khalili z"l on her yahrzeit Aaron and Shoshana Fruchtman In honor of Congregation Ariel Dan and Kim Cohen In memory of Henry Kagan's brother z”l Yehuda Hexter In honor of his aliyah David and Nancy Weissmann In honor of a Refuah Shlema for Fred Brasch David and Nancy Weissmann In honor of Michael and Julie Rice David and Nancy Weissmann In honor of Rabbi Mordechai and Ilana Danneman David and Nancy Weissmann In honor of Yifat Kadosh making aliyah! Mrs. Mahin Khalili Pushke Power! Alex Pindrik In honor of his aliyah and in memory of his father Yakov Pindrik z"l on his yarzheit Adrienne Litt Bishko In honor of the birth of a granddaughter to Ephraim and Asya Kerzhner Yehuda and Nechama Fried In honor of Yehuda's aliyot Paul and Tzipporah Reisman In honor of Congregation Ariel Chaim Simcha and Margalit Abramson In honor of Levi and Yael Novotne's kindness and hospitality Chaim Simcha and Margalit Abramson In honor of Calev and Michla Irby's kindness and hospitality Chaim Simcha and Margalit Abramson In honor of Dan and Kim Cohen's kindness and hospitality Chaim Simcha and Margalit Abramson In appreciation of the efforts of the Congregation Ariel Office Chaim Simcha and Margalit Abramson In honor of Rabbi Michoel and Mrs. Ruthy Friedman’s inspiring Hachnossos Orchim Jay and Susan Rosenheck In honor of a Refuah Shlema for Fred Brasch Jay and Susan Rosenheck In honor of a Refuah Shlema for Linda Czuper Jay and Susan Rosenheck In honor of a Refuah Shlema for Jeff Rosengarten Jay and Susan Rosenheck In honor of their wedding anniversary Fred and Elaine Brasch In memory of Julie and Michael Rice’s nephew Avi Karesh z”l Jeff and Debbie Kalwerisky In honor of a Refuah Shlema for Esther bas Adel BETTY GOODFRIEND CHESED FUND Mitch and Linda Adler In honor of Estee Bolnick's batmitzvah Mitch and Linda Adler In honor of the engagement of Linda Miller and Mel Drukman Mitch and Linda Adler In honor of the birth of a granddaughter to Ephraim and Asya Kerzhner Jonny and Bev Bolnick in honor of Bat Mitzvah of their daughter Estee 12:10PM | PARSHA IN REVIEW Rabbi Yisrael Zelman A dynamic presentation of themes from the week’s parsha presented in the Russian language. RABBI’S DISCRETIONARY FUND Chaim Simcha and Margalit Abramson In honor of a Refuah Shlema for Louis Taratoot Lev and Helaine Nelik In appreciation of Yehuda and Nechama Fried and all the SEED boys for a wonderful program Rafael and Ella Pinkhasov In memory of Yakov Pindrik z"l, father of Ella Pindrik Reuven and Amy Schwartz In memory of Jonathan Kamran z"l, beloved son of Hamid and Hilda Kamran Reuven and Amy Schwartz In gratitude to Rabbi Binyomin and Mrs. Dena Friedman DUNWOODY MIKVAH FUND Randy and Cory Shaw In honor of Dan and Kim Cohen's "lending library" Allan and Robyn Regenbaum In honor of a Refuah Shlema for Fred Brasch Allan and Robyn Regenbaum In memory of Julie and Michael Rice's nephew Avi Karesh z"l ARIEL KIDDUSH FUND 7:00PM | BOOK OF KINGS (ON BREAK) Rabbi Binyomin Friedman Ongoing weekly installments of the fascinating stories found in the Prophets with contemporary perspectives and life lessons. Thank you to our Generous Donors! Congregation Ariel thanks Jeff Rosengarten and Ali’s Cookies for their sponsorship of our weekly kiddush. Please support Ali’s Cookies for delicious baked goods, year round and for special occasions. Randy and Cory Shaw In honor of the engagement of Linda Miller and Mel Drukman ARIEL SIDDUR FUND Hona and Mina Vapne In memory of Mina's uncle Asher ben Yechiel z"l on his yahrzeit HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Mrs. Leah Pollock, Serge Eden, R’ Aaron Fruchtman, Gilad Livnat, Sarah Felgin, Eva Mendel, Alan Taussig, Gail Linder, Mindy Russo, Simon Kozachkov, Jill Jarecki Mainzer, Isaac Tritt, Marc Urbach, Neal Cooper, Lori Rosengarten, Joshua Barron, David Kamran, Murray Pelta, Kelli Regenbaum ARIEL BROTHERHOOD IS KICKING OFF THE YEAR! Poker Night - THIS week! Please note time change At the home of Harvey and Gail Linder Sunday August 21st at 7:30 PM. No charge for Brotherhood members, $3 all others. RSVP to or to Mike Chen Brotherhood Fantasy Football—four spots remaining! Join this fun Ariel League while supporting the shul with a small donation of $36. Come enjoy some friendly competition with weekly shiurim (football related of course) from the Rabbi and fun prizes for the winner. Contact Sergey Chiripko at HAPPY ANIVERSARY! Nehemia and Liat Kadosh Arthur and Roni Tillem Alan and Iris Taussig Burt and Daralie Sharf MAZEL TOV! Mazel tov to Jonny and Bev Bolnick on the occasion of their daughter Estee’s Bat Mitzvah! Welcome to grandparents Frances Magid, Hazel and Louis Bolnick and all family and friends who have joined us to celebrate the Bolnick’s simcha. OUR SHABBOS GREETERS Mitch and Linda Adler SEUDAH SHLISHIT Seudah Shlishit this week is sponsored by Terry and Jan Tenenbaum in memory of Terry’s brother Allen Tenenbaum, Avraham Chaim ben Yeshaya HaLevi z”l on his yahrzeit HAPPY BIRTHDAY ARIEL! Join us in celebrating Ariel’s 23rd birthday with our annual Birthday Kiddush on September 10th. $25 to co-sponsor. Contact the office at shuloffice@congariel to participate or go online to our website at THANK YOU FOR A GREAT SEED PROGRAM! To All who hosted, entertained, fed and facilitated programs for this year’s SEED group: meeting the members of our community was a highlight of their visit. And to ALL who participated in this year’s program –men, women and kids – the energy and interactions contributed to a very successful and uplifting program. JEWISH YEAR CALENDARS FOR 5777 Calendars for the coming Jewish year are available in the Ariel office. No charge, come by and pick yours up or e mail us and we will leave one for you on the table in the shul lobby Calendars sponsored courtesy of Dresslers Jewish Funeral Care KIDDUSH SIGN UP ROSTER - UPDATE Annual Kosher BBQ Competition: September 25th This year Ariel will feature a teamthin the annual HOD Kosher BBQ competition on September 25 . Come support our team, “Hakadosh Bar-B-Que”: if you are interested in participating or entering a team, go to A new roster is now open with dates through end of December 2016. Ladies, good news! If you volunteer for set up, you will not need to stay for clean up as well – we will be recruiting from the “other side of the mechitza” for help with that. PLEASE! Each and every woman - we ask and encourage you to sign up for one date or more, and help us continue to provide beautiful kiddushes for all of us to enjoy each week. Email and we can send you the sign up link, or we can sign up for you. KROGER REWARDS PROGRAM – RENEWAL TIME Ariel gets real cash every quarter from the Kroger Program. The more you shop the more we get! It’s very simple to link your Kroger card to the program but annual renewals are required, from now through August 31st. Go to The couple of minutes re-enrollment takes will bring us $$$ all year long! NEW! TEXTUAL TEACHINGS eCOURSE BEGINS AUGUST 28 Built-in flexibility—at your time, your space and your pace! Conveniently listen via your computer, phone or tablet. Printable PDF worksheets will be provided to follow along with the audio classes. Cost: $69 for the course audio files and worksheets/$79 includes email access to Rabbi Michoel Friedman to discuss questions on the course material. Sign up at Choose General Fund and write RMF Textual Teachings in the comment box. BENA: THE ATLANTA SCHOLARS KOLLEL WOMEN’S DIVISION Bena presents two inspiring programs for women at Congregation Beth Jacob. See below for details
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