Parshas Devarim Shabbos Chazon
Parshas Devarim Shabbos Chazon
REFU’AH SHELEIMAH Please contact the office if someone on this list has, Baruch Hashem, recovered. Only those with a serious health condition should remain on the list. Mushka Rivka bas Gittel Friend of Diane Barron Zussel Moshe HaLevi ben Rella Brother of Saul Sloman Mehri Gittle bas Sarah Chaina Sister of Diane Barron Yelena bas Esther Mother of Marina Zalmanova Tzivia Masha bas Yehudis Trudy Robbins Chana bas Ruchel Friend of Ilene Miller Levi Yitzchak HaKohen ben Rachel Brother of Neal Cooper Jennifer Kay Aunt of Shira Johnson Esther bas Freidel Estelle Gordon, sister of Linda Miller Clara Siegler Mother of Amira Nachman Dorina Nachman Mother of Michael Nachman Shabsai ben Fraidel Steve Freedman Chana Rachel bas Leah Naomi Niece of Susan Krohn Aharon ben Jenny Brother-in-law of Susan Krohn Esther Malka bas Zlota Ita Emily Moore Nechama Itty bas Masha Baila Cousin of Ilene Miller Aryeh ben Chana Leonid Resenson Gabrielle Chava bat Perel Cousin of Linda Czuper Rella bas Dena Mother of Saul Sloman Yaffa bat Friho Mother of Angela Davydov Baruch ben Esther Uncle of Bev Bolnick Moshe Abba ben Masha Michael Yaschik Golda bas Rifka Mother of Eric Medwed, Sister of Elaine Brasch Ariel Adi bas Rachael Tova Infant daughter of Bunder family friends Hatinok Shenolad ben Devora Azriela Infant son of Bunder family friends Leonid ben Inna Friend of Angela Davydov Feigele bas Carol Friend of Adrienne Bishko Lazar Meir ben Baila Leike Louis Taratoot Yehudit bas Gerta Judi Jarecki, Stepmother of Jill Mainzer Tovah bas Esther Terry Eden Stub Hennie Chaya bas Sara Heather Rosenheck Eliyahu Dov ben Yael Burt Sharf Shraga Faivel ben Etta Rhoda Fred Brasch David ben Shayna Hindy David Lips, father of Gary Lips YAHRTZEITS August 13—9 Av Mrs. Julia Reichman Sharf Julia bas Nosson Mother of Burt Sharf August 15—11 Av Mr. Reuven Krohn Reuven ben Shalech Brother of Richard Krohn August 15—11 Av Mr. Yaakov Pindrik Yaakov ben Shepsel Father of Alex Pindrik August 16—12 Av Mr. Edwin Crook Idel ben Reuven Father of Robyn Regenbaum August 18—14 Av Mrs. Yetta Sharf Yehudis bas Moshe Natan Grandmother of Burt Sharf GOOD SHABBOS & WELCOME! Parshas Devarim Shabbos Chazon 9 Av, 5776 - August 12-13 , 2016 Torah Reading: Page 938 | Haftorah Reading: Page 1195 Please Note: The Shul office kindly requests that any information for the Shabbos flyer should be submitted no later than Wednesday of that week. This includes events, sponsorships, and names for the Refu’ah Sheleimah list. Thank you! CONGREGATION ARIEL Rabbi Binyomin Friedman, Rabbi Dr. Jason Kaplan, President - Debbie Kalwerisky, Executive Director Rabbi Mordy Birnbaum, Youth Director SHABBOS SERVICE TIMES August 12 - Erev Shabbos (Friday) Mincha Early Candle Lighting Regular Candle Lighting 6:40pm 7:05pm 8:08pm August 13 - Shabbos Sephardi Minyan (Dome) Main Services (Sanctuary) Learners’ Minyan (Dome) Youth Services (Grades 2-8) Kiddush (Social Hall) Mincha (Sanctuary) Shabbos Ends Maariv Eicha follows Maariv 8:00am 9:00am 10:30am 10:30am 11:45am 6:00pm 9:06pm 9:20 pm WEEKDAY SERVICE TIMES Sundays Shacharis (Dome) Women’s Tehillim (On Break) 8:00am 8:45am Mondays—Fridays Shacharis 1st Minyan: 2nd Minyan: Begins at 6:40am Yishtabach at 8:00am Sunday–Thursday Mincha/Maariv this Week 8:10pm 7:30AM | PARSHA STUDY (ON BREAK) Rabbi Michoel Friedman A textual exploration of the verses in the second Aliyah of that week’s parsha 8:15AM | PARSHA STUDY (ON BREAK) 10:30AM | LEARNER’S MINYAN Rabbi Daniel Freitag A guided tour of the Shabbos morning prayers with life insights + highlights of the weekly Torah portion 11:30AM | BURST OF INSPIRATION (ON BREAK) Rabbi Michoel Friedman A brief, but powerful and thought-provoking nugget of life wisdom and perspective, often drawn from the weekly parsha. 12:10PM | PARSHA IN REVIEW Rabbi Yisrael Zelman A dynamic presentation of themes from the week’s parsha presented in the Russian language. 7:00PM | PROPHETS: BOOK OF KINGS Rabbi Binyomin Friedman Ongoing weekly installments of the fascinating stories found in the Prophets with contemporary perspectives and life lessons. ARIEL GENERAL FUND Chaim Simcha and Margalit Abramson In honor of Chaim Simcha's aliyah Larry and Sandee Glassman In honor of Larry's aliyah Barry and Staci Ritz In honor of Barry's aliyah Elliott and Charlotte Rich In memory of Charlotte's father Manfred Eichholz z"l on his yahrzeit Elliott and Charlotte Rich In appreciation of Rabbi Mordechai and Mrs. Leah Pollock's Shabbos hospitality Harold and Lora Schroeder In honor of Harold's Haftorah aliyah Harold and Lora Schroeder In appreciation of Rabbi Mordechai and Mrs. Leah Pollock's Shabbos hospitality Harold and Lora Schroeder In appreciation of Lev and Helaine Nelik's Shabbos hospitality Steve and Sharon Freedman In honor of Steve's aliyot Norman and Myrna Videlefsky In honor of a Refuah Shlema for Louis Taratoot Norman and Myrna Videlefsky In honor of a Refuah Shlema for Fred Brasch Richard and Susan Krohn In memory of Richard's brother Bob Krohn, Reuven ben Shalach z"l, on his yahrzeit Norman and Myrna Videlefsky In honor of a Refuah Shlema for Lora Schroeder Joshua Karsh In honor of his aliyah Murray Siegel In honor of his aliyah for the yahrzeit of his father Avrohom Eliezer ben Yaacov z"l SHABBOS DAY Rabbi Michoel Friedman A textual exploration of the verses in the third Aliyah of that week’s parsha Thank you to our Generous Donors! This week’s Shabbos Kiddush is sponsored by: Nechemia and Liat Kadosh in honor of their daughter Yifat who is making Aliyah next week. The Anonymous “Kiddush Mensch” who is sponsoring in honor of Congregation Ariel Kim Urbach and Marc Urbach in honor of their daughter Rachel’s 10th birthday on Shabbos BETTY GOODFRIEND CHESED FUND Jay and Susan Rosenheck In honor of a Refuah Shlema for Heather Rosenheck Ron and Melissa Goodman In honor of a Refuah Shlema for Louis Taratoot RABBI’S DISCRETIONARY FUND Ira and Sandy Leff In honor of Rabbi Binyomin and Dena Friedman DUNWOODY MIKVAH FUND Gabe and Alyson Lembeck In honor of Pesach Yizkor for Karen Lembeck z"l Gabe and Alyson Lembeck In honor of Shavuos Yizkor for Karen Lembeck z"l Gabe and Alyson Lembeck In honor of Gabe's aliyah Gabe and Alyson Lembeck In honor of Gabe's Hagbah honor Gabe and Alyson Lembeck In honor of a Refuah Shleima for Michael Yaschik ARIEL L’CHAIM FUND Joey and Carla Hotz In honor of Congregation Ariel ARIEL SIDDUR FUND Ephraim and Asya Kerzhner In memory of Ninel Avetisyan z"l, mother of Asya Kerzhner on her yahrzeit Congregation Ariel thanks Jeff Rosengarten and Ali’s Cookies for their sponsorship of our weekly kiddush. Please support Ali’s Cookies for delicious baked goods, year round and for special occasions. ARIEL BUILDING FUND Allison Thomas In honor of Congregation Ariel's Kitchen Project TISHA B’AV SCHEDULE Note corrected times for Shabbos End and Maariv Shabbos Shabbos Mincha is at 6:00 PM No Seudat Shlishit at shul No boys SAP Fast begins 8:25 PM Shabbos ends 9:06 PM Before any weekday activity, say “Baruch Hamavdil bayn Kodesh L’chol” Recite Havdalah: Bracha over the candle only Maariv: 9:20 PM After “Borchu”, change to non-leather shoes Eicha following Maariv at approx. 9:45 PM Sunday 9:00AM Shacharis - no Tallis or Tefillin After 1:41 pm permitted to sit on regular chairs 2:00–3:00 PM Boys age 7 – 12 learning at the shul with the SEED boys 2:00–3:00 PM Learning for ladies with Nechama Fried at Rabbi B. Friedman’s home 5:30PM Video presentations at the shul 7:55PM Mincha with Tallis and Tefillin 9:04PM Fast ends After the Fast, recite Havdalah with blessing over the wine only (no candle or spices). SPECIAL TISHA B’AV LADIES PROGRAM “Tisha B’Av in Our Lives: What we have learned about tragedy; What we have learned from tragedy”. Ladies and young women are invited to a roundtable discussion led by Nehama Fried to share insights and experiences about tragedy. Sunday afternoon, 2:00-3:00PM at the home of Rabbi B. Friedman SPECIAL TISHA B’AV YOUTH PROGRAM No boys SAP on Shabbos this week. Boys age 7 – 12 are invited to learn with the SEED boys on Sunday afternoon at the shul 2:00–3:00PM. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Hugh Mainzer, Fedor Kozachkov, Ethel Krakow, Ariel Sonsino, David Lubin, Dara Grant, Noah Chen HAPPY ANIVERSARY! Marc and Rita Lor SHABBOS GREETERS Michael Gutman and Cory Shaw MAZEL TOV! To Linda Miller and Mel Drukman on their recent engagement! SEUDAH SHLISHIT There will be no Seudah Shlishit at the shul or Ladies Seudah Shlishit this week due to the start of Tisha B’Av after Shabbos. LADIES AND YOUTH TISHA B’AV CLASSES There are special classes on Tisha B’Av day for Ladies and for Boys. See Tisha B’Av schedule in this bulletin for details LADIES’ CLASS NEXT WEEK The first class with Nechama Fried was a big success! Thanks to all who attended and to Miriam Karsh for hosting. There will be another class this coming Tuesday night, August 16, at 7:45 PM at the Karsh home, 2203 Brendon Drive. The title is “Chana’s Prayer: The Interplay of Women, Prayer and Rosh Hashana”. RSVP to POOLSIDE BBQ WITH THE SEED BOYS! Men and Boys are invited to join us Monday night, August 15th at 6 PM at the home of David and Miriam Karsh, 2203 Brendan Drive. Poolside BBQ and Kumzitz with live music! No charge to attend— rsvp requested for catering purposes to HAPPY BIRTHDAY ARIEL! BROTHERHOOD IS KICKING OFF THE YEAR! Poker Night At the home of Harvey and Gail Linder Sunday, August 21st at 7 PM. No charge for Brotherhood members, $3 all others. RSVP to Brotherhood Fantasy Football: limited spots left Join this fun Ariel League while supporting the shul with a small donation of $36. Come enjoy some friendly competition with weekly shiurim (football related of course) from the Rabbi and fun prizes for the winner. Only 5 spots left. Contact Sergey Chiripko at Let us know also if you can donate any prizes to be awarded to the league winners. Brotherhood and BBQ This year Ariel will feature a team in the annual HOD Kosher BBQ competition on September 25th. Come support our team, “Hakadosh Bar-B-Que”: if you are interested in participating or entering a team, go to Join us in celebrating Ariel’s 23rd birthday with our annual Community Birthday Kiddush on September 10th. $25 to participate. Contact the office at shuloffice@congariel to participate or go online to our website at THANK YOU! To David and Lisa Lefkovits for donating children’s books and toys to the community. To Victor Sonsino for the gift of a beautiful Havdala candle from Israel To Dennis Yaschik for coordinating all the set up for the Tisha B’Av video presentations JEWISH YEAR CALENDARS FOR 5767 Calendars for the coming Jewish year are available in the Ariel office. No charge, come by and pick yours up or email us and we will leave one for you on the table in the shul lobby Calendars sponsored courtesy of Dressler's Jewish Funeral Care KOSHER FOOD PANTRY Last year the Kosher Food Pantry gave out over 18,000 pounds of food to 2,000 people in the local community. In order to keep the pantry at full operating capacity, they have asked us to replenish our bin in the shul lobby as soon as possible. Next time you go grocery shopping, add a few extra items - they are greatly needed. Items must have a reliable kosher symbol and can include: Canned tuna and salmon, shelf milk, cereal, pasta sauce, jelly, peanut butter, canned fruit, canned vegetables. For more information contact Karen Adler at THE SEED PROGRAM HAD A GREAT FIRST WEEK! Adult learning, Kumzitz and Cholent, Ladies class and Daily boys’ Davening, Learning and Breakfast! Come join us for Week Two! BENA: THE ATLANTA SCHOLARS KOLLEL WOMEN’S DIVISION Bena presents two inspiring programs for women at Congregation Beth Jacob. See below for details
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