in this handy booklet - De Montfort University


in this handy booklet - De Montfort University
DSU ELECTIONS 2015 - 2016
This booklet contains the candidates’ manifestos for the following positions:
President: Adil Waraich, Amir Mahmood, Augustus Mbanasor, Chris Franklin, Samuel Richmond,
Suleman Rafiq and Tanycia Gayle
Deputy President Education: Amie Chapman, Danielle Bryn, Jason Foreman, Luke Allen,
Melissa Jackson and Motunrayo Muda
Vice President Media and Communications: Adam Redfern and Hollie Copas
Vice President Student Activities: Ahtesham Mahmood, Daniel Winney, Rachel Yates and
Rebecca Williams
Vice President Welfare: Alex Underwood, Fenella Vavasour, Keira Rounsley, Narmeen Kamran,
Nathaniel Harley, Sammie Carter and William (Oliver) Healey
And the part time roles...
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer + Representative: Daniel Murgatroyd
Mature Students’ Representative: Ayodele (Femi) Oyetunde
NUS Representatives: Adam Gravely, Ayodele (Femi) Oyetunde and Danielle Bryn
Hopefully these manifestos will provide you with additional information about them and their
intentions if successfully elected.
The successful candidates will represent over 21,000 students at the University. The Executive
Officer are responsible for the Students’ Union. As part of the Board of Trustees they collectively decide how much time, effort and money is spent on the wide range of activities provided by the Union and ultimately the direction the Union goes in over the coming years. But
they need to get elected first and that’s where you come in.
You are able to vote by logging into can vote for
as many or as few positions and as many or as few of the candidates within each position as
you’d like.You express your vote by putting a “1”, “2” or “3” in the box next to the name of
the candidates you wish to elect. “1” is the highest preference so your first choice candidate
and so on. If you only wish to vote for one candidate, put a “1” in the box next to their name
and move onto the next position.
In this example, Marge Simpson has been given a first choice with Edna Krabappel receiving
the second choice and Homer Simpson receiving the third choice.
· If Marge is eliminated prior to Edna, this student’s vote will transfer to her, meaning that
they have still contributed to the final outcome of the election.
· If Marge and Edna are both eliminated prior to Homer, this student’s vote will transfer to
· If Edna was eliminated before Marge but then Marge was eliminated, this student’s vote
would still transfer to Homer.
Preferential votes need to be cast in consecutive order so, using the above example, it would
not be possible to vote for Marge as the first choice and Edna as the third choice with no
one being given the second choice; the system won’t let it.
The terms “Re-Open Nomination” and “No Suitable Candidate” (also known as RON /
NSC) are also used on the ballot papers. This essentially gives voters the opportunity to
vote for the position to be re-opened as they may not agree with the manifestos of the candidates. If RON / NSC received the most votes and were duly elected, it would mean that
the position was not filled.
Any candidate standing in a position where RON / NSC was elected would not be permitted to stand in a later election for that same position during that academic year or would
not be able to be co-opted onto Education Council or Activities Council in that position.
Voting is from Thursday 12th February at 10 am until Thursday 19th February at 10pm. The results will be announced on Friday 20th February at 3pm (subject to complaints) in The Lobby
(downstairs bar at the back of the Campus Centre).
The President represents DMU students at the highest levels possible such as the Board of
Governors. Having an active role within these areas enables the voices of DMU students to
be heard, ensuring that the student experience is at the heart of every decision made by
Below are a few of the responsibilities for the President:
Take a lead in the production, revision and monitoring of the Students’ Union strategic plans.
Have responsibility for staffing issues
Receive all Union complaints
Be responsible for financial and budgetary matters
Be aware of all major activities, developments and communications that are taking
place within the Students’ Union, particularly from Executive Committee.
Oversee the convening of the Board of Trustees, Executive Committee, Student
Council and general meetings of the Charity
Be responsible for policy implementation and ensuring
that the policy file is maintained.
Act as the primary liaison between the Students’ Union
and NUS
Act as the delegation leader at NUS Conference
Adil Waraich
Amir Mahmood
Chris Franklin
Samuel Richmond
Suleman Rafiq
Tanycia Gayle
Sometimes, our current state of affairs
thrives on superficial movement. We think
we are getting somewhere, but in reality our
time at university is just ticking over, making
improvements in small increments. Our
attention spans continue to shrink, from TV
programmes to vines and books to tweets,
it’s no wonder we become distracted and
maintain a status quo.
Change will happen; it may take a year… or even the entire degree. But for this to
happen we need a leader that can break the status quo and have enough time to
put in motion big positive changes. DSU needs to be dynamic, needs a committed
President who challenges the status quo and crucially, has experience so time
isn’t wasted learning how things happen.
To lead the students and our experience, the President should be committed to:
Leading: from fair representation of - students to making sure we get our
money’s worth in education, proven leadership is essential. This also means
better and cheaper food on campus to tackling extra course costs.
Challenging: as students we have a right to know why things happen and to
change what isn’t right. This could mean both in the university AND the union
(which can be often forgotten). The union belongs to us and should cater to ALL
of us, for example providing better facilities to our sports teams and societies.
Breaking the status quo: changing weak areas to make our experience better.
Whether that’s better social activities to more opportunities for us to get jobs
because we want more than just a paper degree, DSU shouldn’t abandon
students to just trudge along alone.
We can always have a better experience at DMU. We don’t need to accept things
as they are, so vote today to make a difference.
Action, reaction and student satisfaction
Amir Mahmood for #1 DSU PRESIDENT
“Vote your way to
Who am I?
I am a Medical Science student and a Student
Ambassador. I am also a Square Mile project
leader who organised the famous #raceto1000 in
October, recruiting over 1000 people to the
Anthony Nolan Leukaemia register.
Why vote for me?
I have spent the past three years selling DMU to
prospective students and I now want to live up to
the expectations and reputation I’ve given the
I’m a big believer in ‘if you leave university with
just a degree, you’ve wasted your time’. To gain
the full student experience and enhance your
employability, it is essential to engage in some
sort of activity outside of your studies.
Next year is an incredible year for DMU, with an immense campus and SU transformation on
the horizon. I believe I’m the right person to lead DSU during such an important era and
some of my aims for the year reflect this. I want you to leave DMU proud of where you
graduated from, just as I will.
Tweet me @mirry920 and check out my campaign video!
I want to:
Increase the number and variety of #DMUGlobal opportunities for all courses
Introduce a financial scrutiny platform so students can see where their fees are being
Raise the profile and significance of volunteering via DSU and Square Mile from the
first year
Improve integration between different student communities, i.e. cultures, religions and
Enforce and back the idea of a graduation ball
Minimise the disruption of the campus transformation and building work to student
lessons and exams
Motivate students who are disengaged from the SU and open them up the opportunities available so they leave university with more than a degree.
I came to DMU as a 28-year-old wondering how I would
fit in to university life. DSU has given me so many great
opportunities and skills and I want to ensure everyone
coming to DMU gets the chance to better themselves
and reach their full potential. I am running for President
because I believe DSU is at the absolute heart of that.
As a direct result of engaging with DSU in the last three
years I have been News Editor, Sports Editor and
eventually Deputy Editor of The Demon, a presenter on
DemonFM, Media Secretary of De Montfort Men’s
Football Club and have been victorious in the annual
Varsity competition.
If elected as President I would:
• Ensure a printing area within the DSU revamp and
more printing credits for ALL students.
• Insist a student voice is present for all aspects of the DSU revamp.
• Give Course Reps an even bigger identity at the University via MYDMU.
• Work with Vice President Student Activities to continue plans for a one-branded sporting
identity labelled #TeamDMU.
• A DSU team and society of the month with prizes.
• Strive to help win our first ever Varsity.
• More facilities for societies and dedicated space within DSU revamp.
• Create a newly formed societies council, dedicated to the needs of all societies, big or
• Have a more transparent DSU. I will tell you exactly where YOUR money is spent.
• Lead an Exec team joint project involving DSU volunteering, Square Mile and Demon Media.
• Look at all commercial activities of DSU
The DSU is changing and I am running for DSU President to make sure YOU have your say on
exactly how it changes.
A vote for Franklin is a vote to put YOU back in DSU!
Enrich your university experience
What I will do for you
Assessment and feedback
I aim to:
Implement a system of general feedback on all course work. This may be in a form of
after coursework feedback sessions or details within an email of general areas to
improve and will be provided along with the current specific feedback written on work.
Have example work provided to students to use as a point of reference in all
Improve communications between courses and students to ensure any work that may
be delayed in marking is brought to attention and feedback can be provided earlier.
Integration of technology within the university
As a modern university we should be progressing our advancements of technology.
I aim to do this through use of applications to find available rooms within the university and
also to make lessons more interactive.
I also intend on providing a lateness policy that works in tandem with the card reading
Finally I aim to provide more access to programmes that are required by each course.
Society improvements
I wish to offer incentives for society growth by providing discounts on rooms and services.
I will provide more space for societies to store equipment
Other policies
Continue tackling the hidden course costs
All day SU Breakfast!
Campaign for earlier timetable release
Provide more benefits to students at the Queen Elizabeth Gym such as discounts to
Who are you voting for
School Rep, Course Rep, Society Chair and volunteer I am approachable and care for the
students around me. I am running for this role to make the changes I couldn't as a Rep. To
improve this university is to improve the student experience and that’s worth campaigning
Rafiq for
No false slogans.
Simply true actions.
My policies
1. Free Wednesday afternoons
2. Increase your employability skills
3. Introduce a DSU loyalty card
4. Campaign to reduce costs on campus
5. Propagate society awareness
Do you want a better life?
Do you want your dreams and ambitions to become a reality?
Do you want to become a more rounded individual?
If your answer is ‘YES’, then I implore you to vote for
me. My name is Suleman Rafiq and I am a first year
studying English Language and Media with communications. Yes, Yes, Yes I hear your cry ‘But he’s just a
first year?!’ do not let that faze you. My determination
and drive to see that you have a better experience
cannot be quantified. I want to give you a personal,
value adding service, which will result in better and
more effective time at DMU. I will strive to make sure
that you are an individual competent in all the integral
skills needed throughout life, so that you may enter
the years after University and flourish.
I don’t want you to view these elections as an opportunity for the candidates; rather this is an opportunity
for you. Take this opportunity to better your University
life by voting for me. I will do everything in my power to
ensure you are given your rights. I will do everything
in my power to ensure you are given the highest quality assistance from your University. I will do everything
in my power to ensure you wake up in a morning and
look forward to going to University. This is my aim, my
mission and my purpose.
It’s very simple... it’s all about what you want. And
if your answers at the beginning of this manifesto
were ‘YES’... then there is no reason
why you shouldn’t vote for me.
It’s time to achieve greatness!
De Montfort Students’ Union is an exciting place to be a part of. It will be
my role as the DSU President to lead the Students’ Union on your behalf,
to advance the success of your student experience.
When you receive that offer from DMU, it is an exciting time in your life,
knowing you are about to embark on an exciting journey. My journey began when I became a part of the De Montfort Students’ Union. This journey
has led me to flourish in personal development and the development of
others; because of the DSU, I am Chair of DMU Salsa Society and was
elected Head of Events for WIRE DMU.
We are the most improved university in 2014, thanks to the experiences
our university provide. All aspects of our student life: academic, social, welfare and support is crucial, I will be campaigning for:
Final year financial support: Expenditure of research materials and
the cost of creative course materials are having a burden on many
students. Furthermore students find their Student Finance income is
cut dramatically in their final year. I propose a funding scheme that informs and provides all students to apply for funding from the university, exempt from Student Finance income.
Employability: Language sessions to help you stand out in the job market.
Presentation and creative workshop space: Create an inspiring; work
environment, accessible for all students with presentation rooms and
creative workshop space.
Mental illness awareness training: To increase understanding of mental health issues.
Taking an active role in our university has been a great advantage to my
experience. I have had an Internship in China, learning French and Mandarin and a Frontrunner.
Always remember the effort you put in to get to where you are now.
Be inspired. Be the change.
The Deputy President Education looks after all things education on campus from
Course Reps, School Reps to committees. Equally, they maintain current working
relationships with collaborative educational establishments to ensure that you’re
overall academic experience is outstanding.
Below are a few of the responsibilities for the Deputy President Education:
Act as the main representative on academic issues to the University.
Have strategic responsibility for Course Representatives and structures.
Act as a conduit for information from the Students’ Union to Course Representatives.
Be a member of all committees to which the role is entitled, including Academic
Be responsible for the development, implementation and revision of educational
strategy within the Students’ Union.
Have responsibility for all educational and academic campaigns and related events
and be actively involved in the delivery of them at all sites.
Amie Chapman
Danielle Bryn
Jason Foreman
Luke Allen
Melissa Jackson
Motunrayo Muda
Hi I’m Amie “Katniss” Chapman, I will be your
hero for Education in these three key ways:
Award and recognise:
A pot of funding available for our Liberation
officers and School reps to manage and
run their own campaigns.
See if the best School reps can get a personal bursary payment too for their hard
2015/16 your students union will be a building site for #DSURevamp, so giving funding to these key people means DSU is
brought to YOU.
Innovative Technology:
Disabled students allowance (DSA) is to be cut completely, a new government will be in
place and additional course costs will continue to be an issue so let’s be creative with
Such as speaking to DMU about lecture capture so all students can access video and audio
content online via Blackboard.
Such as being able to hand in essays etc online and not need to print it and travel here to
give it in too. Technology can make things easier and cheaper for students everywhere.
Making change happen:
These past 6 months with me as Deputy President of DSU have seen
more course reps than ever (600!) and the new School Rep system making great strides
24:7 library and the university taking a serious look at additional course costs.
I made sure change happened and I will continue to make sure your education is top quality.
Will you #AimForAmie?
I studied Psychology with Education Studies at DMU and graduated with a First Class Honours. I want to see DMU students succeed and I am not finished here yet! Let me stay for
2015/16 and you will see your education and your voice at the very centre of everything we
Daring Dani Dares…
…To take on the challenge of
Deputy President Education will you accept?
Hi, my name is Danielle Bryn and I am going for the role of Deputy President Education. As your Deputy President Education, I will be a ‘hands on’ person and if I was
lucky to be given this role, then my motto is:
If I become aware of something that needs looking into, I will look into
What I dare to do:
To continue to look into extra course costs and see if they can be minimised at
all for students.
To look into whether students learning styles and needs are met.
To continue to look into communication methods for Course Representatives
and School Representatives, especially focusing on finding ways these can be
more effective in their role.
To look into the possibility of collaborating with other Exec on working on
joint projects together.
To find ways of getting students more engaged with DSU and what it offers.
Why me?
 I have been a Course Representative for the second
year running.
 I am also a School Representative.
 I have also actively been involved with the Union
through volunteering, such as MyUniPal, being a Freshers’ Representative in Freshers’ Week 2014 and took
part in the International Buddy Scheme.
How to vote: voting is open between the 12th and the 19th February. Please visit and get voting!!!
Deputy President Education
Taking Your Education to New Heights
Every year DSU runs elections to determine who will lead the Students’ Union forward for the
next year. When I first came to university, which seems a long time ago now, I never dreamt
that I would be one of the candidates running in these elections. How times and people
Anyway, why do I believe I should be your Deputy President Education?
Well, I am of the opinion that students deserve and have a right to the very best education
possible. I believe I can improve and surpass student’s expectations of your time at university
Creating a second hand book store and holding sales throughout the year, giving
students the chance to sell last year’s books and buy the next year’s at a bargain
Expanding and raising the profile of the MyUniPal peer mentoring system.
Providing more support, incentive and exposure to Course Reps and School Reps.
Working with the university to review and enhance the ITMS systems.
Expanding the Personal Tutoring system to enable students to choose their tutor,
ensuring that all students feel comfortable when consulting them.
Much more!
Enough about policies though, why am I be the best candidate for this role?
I am acutely aware of the issues faced by students through my work as a Course Rep for
Medical Science, a School Rep for Allied Health and as the Medical Science Society Chairman.
I was also part of a very small team that got a £20,000 bursary awarded to Healthcare Science
students to aid with funding their placement costs. My policies were devised after a number
of consultations with a wide range of students; they reflect what you personally desire from
your Deputy President Education!
I am currently a 2nd year Programming student.
As Course Representative and Student Ambassador, previously been a Deputy Head Boy for my
sixth-form, I have the skills to improve your
experience. As Deputy President Education, I can
take initiative to communicate across your needs
and work effectively with others to expand the
opportunities your course can provide. Becoming Deputy President Education would
be a fantastic chance for me to support my peers and I am passionate about solving
the issues. During my studies I have noticed issues that need to be tackled and as a
Deputy President Education, I would do the following:
Make Employability Week relevant and tailored to you
 Make as big as Freshers’ Week
 Improve career opportunities by introducing workshops to be added to your CV
 Have events run by students
 Arrange guest speakers from leading companies
 Include Employability Week events on the student timetable
Increase & improve student support
 With the imminent changes to the government’s DSA (Disabled Student Allowance) many students will need support and advice
 Give the study support team more information about your timetable so support
can be arranged more easily
 Create a student forum for every course
 Improve timetable design so you don’t have to wait hours for your next lecture
 Ensure students get access to their term time and exam timetable much earlier
 Assignment feedback to be given on time
Create links between year groups
 More interaction on course with all year groups to support with various activities
like assignments and exams
 Create course mentors where students willing to share their knowledge can support students across all year groups
 Postgraduate - Undergraduate buddy system to build relationships
I’m running for DP Education to maximize your academic
experience at DMU
My current roles:
Biomedical Science final year student
Course Rep
School Rep
Chairman of SubAqua
2014-15 was a good year for Education! The School
Rep system aimed to revamp student representation.
Over 500 Course Reps are now involved - your voices
should be heard even better.
But are they?
No. Far more work needs to be done to improve your rep system. To show you what I mean,
see if you can answer these 3 simple questions:
Do you know what a School Rep does?
Where does your feedback from SSCC/PMB actually go?
Who is your Academic Board Rep, what do they do, how can I contact them?
Struggling to answer them all?
I am determined to improve the clarity and effectiveness of the representative system
within DSU. This will solve your course level issues and ultimately maximize your experience
whilst at DMU.
Your Union should be strategic and transparent with its aims and commitments. How can
your views and ideas be represented effectively if you don’t know who’s fighting for your corner?
As DP Education I will:
Streamline the Rep System – show your lecturers what you do and how well you do it.
Some of my lecturers don’t know what a School Rep is!
Highlight good academic practice to improve lecture delivery and coursework feedback.
Staff should tailor lectures and feedback on who the students feel currently do it
Outline your needs - most of you pay £27,000+ to be here. Hidden course costs are a
huge issue.
It was Reps in my School that spoke for their course to help bring about the ring-fencing of
£20,000 to help with placement fees. Reps make change.
Education is an area that I am really passionate about
because it is a powerful tool for success. I know you
all agree with me. I am currently a Course Representative who is making positive contributions towards
the course so that, we are academically fulfilled during
our time at DMU. Being a Course Representative
allows me to represent the student’s voices that are
If elected, I promise :
I will make sure the voices of individual
students at De Montfort University will be
heard as we are a team.
Lobby the University for bursaries for
students with low incomes that are on
placement as I know that your expenses are going to increase due to you
not being in university and not having support from Student Finance.
I will also encourage the library to open during out of term times as
students who are undertaking dissertations and postgraduate students to
make use of the library and its facilities.
Encourage students to build a relationship with their community through
volunteering, assisting residents of the community. I myself volunteer as it
my way of helping the community develop.
I will strive to make sure the toilets are clean as, it has come to my
attention that toilets at the Kimberlin Library and Eric Wood Building are
unhygienic and there have been many complaints made by students.
Together as one we will be a team striving to maintain academic excellence at De
Montfort University. With your help I can make positive changes as, it is all
about you and your future.
The Vice President Media and Communications is responsible for Demon Media.
Demon Media has a variety of platforms: The Demon Newspaper, Demon FM, Demon
TV and Demon online amongst other social media platforms, to offer the student community a variety of platforms to engage with DSU and DMU.
Below are a few of the responsibilities for the Vice President Media and Communications:
Be responsible for the development and strategy of all media and communication
tools within the Students’ Union.
Undertake a regular review of the Students’ Union’s communication strategy to
ensure that DSU’s key messages are communicated to the membership.
Develop the professional production and relevant distribution of all Union media
within the Students’ Union and the University.
Facilitate the recruitment and training of volunteers to assist in the delivery of
Demon Media.
Be DSU’s principal representative to SRA (Student Radio Association) and NaSTA
(National Student Television Association)
Lobbying against prohibitive communicative measures for students.
Implementing new communicative devices to encourage engagement from the electorate.
Adam Redfern
Hollie Copas
Re-elect Redfern
Your voice, your Union
I have a passion for media and desire to continue the success of DSU. If re-elected I offer you the following promises:
Support the recently re-shuffled Marketing and Communications department, ensuring that the communications displayed to students are effective and engaging.
#DSURevamp is a huge focus for the Union next year. I will work with colleagues following student consultation, developing a brand for the new DSU.
This year we launched a new Demon Media website and app. I will further develop the
quality of content of each strand thus enhancing our credibility.
Following the employability initiative I ran this year, I aim to continue raising the awareness of opportunities students can engage with alongside their studies.
Work closely with other Officers and university staff to host events focused on student
Provide further opportunities for Demon Media members to gain valuable industry experience and training, through developed contacts.
Work collaboratively with other Officers to organise and publicise events based on key
our manifesto points, with emphasis on one joint aim throughout the year.
Increase the awareness of the DSU Officer team.
Ensure regular video content for DSU events and campaigns.
What DSU does is great, but we need to be recognised. I will use my contacts to further
publicise the impact of DSU on a regional and national scale.
Publicise the work of Course Reps, so that this important group can gain recognition for
their work. I also want DMU students to know who their Course Rep is.
Represent and inspire:
I aim to represent students to the best of my ability, getting their voices heard and ensuring they have a valuable and memorable university experience.
Over my 3 years of study, thanks to the university and the
experience I have gained as a part of DSU’s Demon Media,
I feel confident and capable in my interpersonal skills and
media-based knowledge to the extent where I would love
and strive to be a successful VP Media & Communications
for 2015/16 at DSU.
If elected as your VP Media & Communication I will:
Link students with employers, by providing employability master classes and special events
Work with the VP Student Activities to increase
sport and societies visibility through available media resources
Improve the collaboration between the Demon Media strands (DemonFM, Demon TV
and The Demon/Online)
Change Demon Media Frontrunners positions in accordance to the society’s needs
Recognise and reward students that contribute to DSU and Demon Media
Be contactable and visible on campus and online at all times
Ensure that your voice is heard
In my first and second year I was heavily involved with Demon Media and in my 3rd year I was
selected as the Head of Social Media & Online Content for all 3 Demon Media strands. This
has allowed me to see the strengths and weaknesses across the whole of the society and this
role would provide me with the platform and ability I need to make the changes required.
I firmly believe that being visible and contactable at all times to students at DMU is a vital
part of the role. Social media is an integral part of my current role within Demon Media and
is a highly transferable skill. I intend to use it to my full ability as VP Media & Communications,
through communicating with students, finding out what change is wanted and making it happen.
Vote in confidence, vote Copas!
The Vice President Student Activities engages with the student community, through a
variety of exciting ways, in which this role offers: Sports teams, societies and volunteering opportunities within DMU and the wider community.
Below are a few of the responsibilities for the Vice President Student Activities:
Be responsible for the development and strategy of student activities within the
Students’ Union.
Facilitate and encourage a diversity of activities and opportunities for students
to be involved with.
Actively promote and encourage all students to get involved in their Union, particularly students who are currently under-represented within the Students’ Union’s activities and Students based off campus.
Be involved in the promotion, support and development of sports and societies.
Take strategic responsibility for Raise and Give, (“RAG”) and University sporting
events (“Varsities”)
Take responsibility for liaising with and co-ordinating clubs and society leaders
and office holders).
Be the Students’ Union’s main representative to British University and Colleges
Sports, (“BUCS”).
Be the main representative for Union organised annual tours
Ahtesham Mahmood
Daniel Winney
Rachel Yates
Rebecca Thomas
Listening to the roar coming from the sea fellow students, friends and family members is not a rite of
passage available to everyone, so make that moment
truly yours. Don’t come to DMU just to collect a certificate, come to graduate as individual with unspeakable potential.
It is my belief, that this is only achievable through full
involvement within your University, whether that’s
academically, enriched through extracurricular
growth or both.
As your Vice President Student Activities I will strive
to address the following areas brought to my attention by YOUR societies, sports clubs and volunteering office:
0% interest activities loan: Some say money doesn’t buy happiness however it does
buy active cards and equipment. And so, making funding available for students equipment will allow earlier and enthused integration within societies, volunteering prospects and sports club regardless of financial background.
Alternative varsity: Varsity is an annual event where we battle with University of
Leicester. However the spotlight tends to focus on sports clubs. If elected, I will strive
to engage as many societies as possible to participate in this event, truly showcasing
DMU talent.
Transport: Having spoken to various societies and sports club, transport has been highlighted as a fundamental problem. I plan to champion a travel subsiding scheme alongside campaigning for greater equality amongst transport facilities to maximise what
you can get out your clubs.
Space: The forever expanding number of societies forming has ultimately caused availability of space as another key problem. Nevertheless, I believe smarter use and reorganisation of the facilities available to us will solve this problem.
Promotion: I believe awareness of what’s available to the student population has not
reached its maximum therefore stunting participation. Consequently, I will commit to
working with partners with the aim of showcasing what’s available to you.
My passion to stand for this role derives from my strong belief that participation
in Student Activities not only enhances your CV but shapes your University life.
With DMU being the most improved University in the country, I want to transfer
this success in to the Students’ Union in order to provide a total student experience, and give students the chance to enjoy the same valuable opportunities I
have gained through extra curriculum activities. Furthermore, I believe that I can
use the leadership skills I have shown from managing DMU Football First team to
top of the league, in order to effectively implement all of my plans.
If elected as your VP Student Activities, I will:
- Provide an opportunity for all Sports Teams and Societies to go on an individual
tour through #DMUGlobal to build upon my current flagship venture of facilitating the DMU Football trip to California in June.
- Continue the work of my predecessors in creating one brand for Sports Teams
and strive towards finding a ‘home’ venue
- Create a Societies council in order to strengthen networks and gain regular
- Create a partnership between Demon Media and Societies through a club
membership to encourage integration and use of each other’s resources
- Provide a detailed Sports and Societies guide to be included in the Freshers’
- Promote the engagement of fun and spontaneous charity events all year round
- Increase funding towards inter mural activity to increase participation and engagement for students of all sporting abilities
In my opinion, I can successfully instigate the next steps DSU needs to take towards bringing the University together through clubs, societies and groups and
giving them as much support, guidance and encouragement as is needed.
After spending 3 years here at DMU and
partaking in various sports clubs such as
rock climbing. As the Chairperson of
Skydiving, Treasurer of Craft Society and
Lets Teach and society member Harry
Potter and British Sign Language. I can
safely say I have an understanding of what
Sports and Societies need. My goal is to
encourage more students to be involved
with the Students’ Union and also highlight what Sports Clubs and Societies have
to offer. I also want to show off the range of volunteering opportunities available.
As your Vice President Student Activities (VPSA) I will:
Continue the work of my predecessor to encourage the growth of existing
societies and encourage the formation of new ones by making them more
Continuing working with the Sports clubs to operate as “one brand” as
campaigned for by our current and previous VP Student Activities.
Work to fix the transport and storage issues Sports Clubs and Societies
face on a regular basis.
Work with the university to try and secure spaces at DMU or nearby, for
Sports clubs and Societies to practice and hold regular sessions and
Highlight Sports Clubs and Societies fixtures for BUCS and equivalents and
their overall achievements by creating a timetable of events.
Work with other elected members to create a campaign to encourage
participation in recreational sports.
Create a positive profile on Volunteering to increase student participation
in student led projects and highlight what is already available at DMU and
to give back to the community.
Increase student involvement in various fundraising activities throughout
the year to promote and raise money for charities supported by DMU RAG
After almost 3 years studying at DMU, 2 of
which being a team captain and chairperson
of a sports society I have been able to see
how vital the work within DSU is and would
aim to try and improve it further, in order to
make sure that students have the same great
experience that I have.
As VP Student Activities, I plan to:
Help to promote societies and aim to
increase both participation and status
within the university.
Continue the work of the previous VP
Student Activities in order to make
sure all sports teams are seen as a
collective brand and make sure to
have the funding and support to
achieve the best results possible for
all our teams.
Increase participation in, and
frequency of, RAG events.
Promote and increase volunteering
I am an organised and hard working person
who would strive to make sure that
everything I aim for will be completed to the
best of my ability and to make sure that
students leave university having had the best
experience possible.
The Vice President Welfare and Community supports the student community in regards to
a wide range of challenges the student landscape may face whilst at University, areas such
as: Mental wellbeing, sexual health, financial guidance, housing and tenancy issues and general advice and support services. This offers students the platform to explore some of the
current challenges that they face in a confidential, safe space, which enables DSU to shape
your services to your benefit.
Below are a few of the responsibilities for the Vice President Welfare and Community:
Be responsible for the development, implementation and revision of the welfare
strategy within the Students’ Union.
Act as the main representative on welfare issues to the University.
Co-ordinate all welfare campaigns and related events and be actively involved in
the delivery of them at all sites.
Maintain relationships with key partners who are able to support the Students’
Union’s welfare activities
Be responsible for building and maintaining positive
relations with the local community and community
Facilitate and promote the awareness of support and
community mechanisms and opportunities for students, such as through the Community Fair during
induction week.
Alex Underwood
Fenella Vavasour
Keira Rounsley
Narmeen Kamran
Nathaniel Harley
Sammie Carter
William (Oliver)
I’ll Be There For You
The welfare of all people is something that I believe to be of
the utmost priority, and university is the perfect framework to
build society.
My aims as a potential DSU Executive are to:
Promote and support equality, particularly by enacting
Emma Watson’s UN He For She campaign;
Continue the work of previous DSU executives by raising
awareness of mental health issues that can affect
anyone, regardless of how invincible you may feel at present;
Engage with the LGBTQ+, Women’s, International Students’, Disabled Students’ and
Black & Minority Ethnic Students’ Representatives to ensure that all levels of inequality
are eventually eradicated through support of their campaigns by aiding their finance and
by giving them extra precedence among students;
Improve DSU’s position on Freedom of Speech (a fundamental Human Right), as it has
recently been criticised for this;
Support local charities (particularly ones that help homeless people), and generally help
DMU have greater positive influence around Leicester.
Throughout my time at DMU I have strived to improve the lives of people all over the globe
through my support of the DMU Amnesty International Society, including periods as President
and the society’s Health and Safety Officer. As a member of Amnesty International, I have
seen that a lot of the world’s problems (particularly those stemming from inequality and
discrimination) could be resolved by the spread of information on these fundamental issues.
This is what I shall focus on.
I have a huge amount of empathy and feel that my compassion for all people
makes me highly suitable for this role. In short, if “your job’s a joke, you’re
broke, your love life’s DOA… I’ll be there for you”.
Throughout my experience at DMU so far, I have
found that the Students’ Union was a key factor in my
university experience.
If I am to be elected as Vice President Welfare and
Community, I can strive to improve and continue upon
the groundwork that has already been laid down. As a
Chair of a sports team this year and treasurer the previous year, I have discovered how important student
welfare is and also how passionate I am about it.
The main issues I wish to focus upon are:
• Improve student lifestyle as a whole, especially for Freshers that have
no experience living away from home. Providing advice on cooking, budgeting and time management will tackle issues that are essential for a student’s lifestyle, providing awareness and help from the start of the academic year.
• Increase awareness for drugs such as cannabis and MDMA, as so
many students fall into a lifestyle where these become a major factor when
it comes to the night clubbing culture.
• More high profile on alcohol awareness, particularly when it comes to
tackling related issues such as hospitalisation and consent for female students.
• Put a higher focus on sexually transmitted infections and work with UHL
to improve awareness and treatment.
• Give more support to placement students and student parents as I
know a lot of students on these courses struggle with a lot issues at work
and home. Create support groups to help improve quality of university experience.
Promote a healthy diet and lifestyle – clean
eating, clean mind
Engage all students within the Union and
‘Safe sex’ awareness
Promote the Union to ensure that students
receive the support they need
Create awareness of hidden costs
Campaign against the disability allowance cut
As the social sectary for DMU Netball, I have
seen our SU from the inside and the outside.
I have the experience, passion and vision to drive our Union forward.
As a third year Arts and Festivals Management and Drama student who is currently
studying as an undergraduate, I believe I have a unique insight into the De Montfort
life. Being involved within events such as RAG week, Netfest and other event organisations gives me the skills required to be YOUR Vice President Welfare and Community.
With the recent increase of tuition fees I want to ensure that the current increase is
justified with a corresponding increase in the quality of education and support that we
receive within our university and Students’ Union. I believe that students at this university have something they can grow to do better, I want to encourage all groups and
individuals to thrive to be their best through engaging even more students within the
Union and community by guiding/assisting them through their personal, professional
and/or academic difficulties.
I plan to make the Union a hub of ideas where students will be free to contribute their
opinions as with regards to what happens inside and outside of the Students’ Union.
Through information and action I want to be able to see students grow and thrive!
So ROUND up the votes for ROUNSLEY!
Vote for Narnia, vote for positive change
By voting for me, you are voting for positive change at DMU and taking steps towards ending any perceived discrimination on campus and the wider community .
By voting for me, I pledge that I will do the following:
- End the stigma associated with mental health issues and offer more support to
those that need it. As well as this I would increase participation and services available during 'Mind Your Head' week.
- Continue the great work of #DMUPride and campaign to eradicate LGBT discrimination on campus and in the wider community
- Promotion of a healthy diet and lifestyle for students
- Increase the support available for students by promoting the services already in
place and offering those that are not yet available but definitely required
- Engage students by offering a monthly meeting to put forward their ideas and
issues that need to be addressed
I feel most suitable for this role as I have been involved with the Students’ Union
since I started university. I have held several positions of responsibility highlighting my drive and passion to succeed and bring positive change to DMU.
- DSU Ambassador 2015 working with DSU Welfare so I already have a head start
on welfare issues that need to be addressed
- Sports Editor for The Demon and Demon Online 2014/15
- Wednesday Breakfast Show presenter for DemonFM 2014/15
- DMU Ladies Cricket Captain 2014/15
- Course Rep 2014/15
- Media Officer for DMU Hockey Club 2013/14
- Freshers’ Rep 2013/14
Vote for Narnia, vote for positive change
Hi I’m Nate and you should pick me for the welfare role because with a wave of my wand I could:
Challenge the cuts to Disabled Students’ Allowance
- Lobby local government to support disabled students in
higher education
- Discuss with key people at De Montfort to find more funding for these students
- Run support groups and events at DSU specifically for students defining as disabled
Love the Liberation Representatives
- I was a Liberation Representative this year so as a full time Vice President Welfare and
Community I will offer tailored support to these six roles based on my own experience
- I would help all Representatives think of campaign ideas and work with key people at
DSU and DMU to ensure their success
- I would get all Liberation Representative a specific campaigning budget to kick start
their year
Say “expelliarmus!” to bullying
- One of my key campaigns throughout my year in office will be based upon antibullying and promoting for the treatment of all others with dignity and respect
- We have a bright and diverse community at De Montfort so I would hope this campaign brings lots of people together
- I would work closely with the Vice President Media and Communications on this campaign and promote respectful use of social media
A bit about me:
I am a final year Forensic Science student and Employability Frontrunner with experience as various Representatives. I represented my course as a Course Rep and as a Faculty Rep in my first year and I was the LGBTQ+ Representative this year too. I can
make change happen and sprinkle a bit of magic on DSU!
Vote Nate #TheWelfareWizard
I’m a photography and video student and a third year rep for my course. I
hold the position of secretary for Card Gaming Society (because nerds rock!).
I am currently an instructor in the Army Cadet Force where I use my spare time
to teach kids aged 12-18 valuable life skills. My track record with the ACF
A desire to help
A good role model
Welfare and communication is a major part of being an instructor as if they
ever have an issue, you’re the one who would listen and help.
I haven’t always had the confidence to do stuff like teaching kids or talking to
a room full of strangers – anxiety is a haunting thing for many people and can
lead to depression, de-motivation and feeling constantly on edge.
I was recently diagnosed with dyslexia which made my confidence plummet.
Thankfully, DMU has been fantastic with helping me cope as well as being
able to benefit from the government’s Disabled Students’ Allowance, gaining
help for essays and lectures.
Unfortunately, government cuts may result in this much-needed help being
scrapped, which could affect thousands of students nationwide.
Another area that I would like to give continued and improved support to is
the LGBTQ+ community. DMU Pride has given a lot of awareness to the
LGBTQ+ community as well as LGBT Awareness Month.
My plans cover the following:
Raise awareness of mental health issues
Lower anxiety, depression and stress for students
Build confidence in students – helping reduce stress levels and believe
in themselves
Continued support for LGBTQ+ students
Help deal with Government cuts affecting Disabled Students Allowance
Thank you for reading and please think of me when putting your vote in so I
can make these differences!
This is my 2nd year at De Montfort
University and for those who don’t know
me I am Oliver Healey I am a politics
I am standing in this election for the Vice
President Welfare and Community role
because since I have been at university I
have suffered from a disability a form of autism called Aspergers Syndrome
and for most of the time I was unaware of this condition.
In the time that I have been a student here I have seen that disabled students
are not adequately catered for by the Students’ Union and that is why I am
here standing.
Because I believe in inclusion not segregation
The policy pledges I make will be honoured if you elect me as VP Welfare and
Community these pledges are:
Campaign for better awareness of disability across the campus especially
those hidden disabilities such as Autism and Aspergers.
Ensure that disabled students are provided for because everyone has the
entitlement to enjoy their time at university.
These students undertake their role alongside the studies.
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer+ Representative:
Daniel Murgatroyd
Mature Students’ Representative: Ayodele (Femi)
These students wish to attend the National Union of Students (NUS’) annual conference on
your behalf.
Adam Gravely
Ayodele (Femi) Oyetunde
Danielle Bryn
There are a number of Liberation Representatives, many of these are still available (please
speak to the Student Voice team by emailing Samuel, the Student Engagement Co-ordinator
on, if you are interested in getting involved with these roles.)
My Name is Daniel Murgatroyd, I'm a second year Creative Writing and
English Literature student and Brand Ambassador, as well as the treasurer for
both Demon Theatre and Card Games Society. I am running for the position
of LGBTQ+ Representative.
I am running for LGBTQ+ Representative position because I wish to be more
involved not only with the University's LGBTQ+ students, but also the
Students' Union to ensure that the University is a safe environment for all.
When I came to DMU, I was nervous and shy, but thanks to people in the
LGBT+ society and the policies of the Students' Union, I have come out of my
shell and am now open about who I am. I wish to make sure this happens for
future students.
To achieve this and more, I aim to:
Raise awareness of LGBTQ+ issues, both within and outside of the university by organising awareness events with the SU, as well as encouraging
involvement with outside campaigns at the local and national level.
 Work with the LGBT+ society to create a varied and memorable University
experience by helping to organise a wide range of events, from debates and
meet ups, to nights out, movie screenings and campaign participation.
 Continue any policies that promote equality for everyone by working with
the other representatives to create policies that promote and protect the
rights of all students at DMU
Thank you for your time
I am currently a 2nd year Mental Health Nursing
student. As a mature student I am aware of a
number of difficulties facing mature students in
our great university and day to day problems
being encountered by mature students. Many
mature students have responsibilities other than
our university work to consider. Whether it’s work, children or a relationship, we are probably have more of a juggling act to do than other students. I am fully aware of these challenges and am prepared to provide
supports for mature students studying in De Montfort University.
My main aims include:
Health and Well-being i.e relaxation session, stress management technique classes.
Mature students’ involvement community meeting, once in a month,
encouraging them to discuss issues with academics and other related
Be a source of support and guidance for mature students having difficulties with parking on campus.
Encouraging more social interactions (Get together party) for fresh mature students on campus.
Provide links and sign post for mature students that might needs support in the community and the university.
What is my pledge to you?
Vote on national issues that affect you
From funding to health to equal rights, I will
listen to your views. At the conference I will be
expected to vote on many different things. I only
hold one perspective – I need several to make the balanced decision you expect
of me.
Ask student leaders your questions
Holding your national union to account. I will use the confidence developed as a
Member of Youth Parliament to ask meaningful questions and provide relevant
Help influence NUS campaigns you care about
Your national union works to engage Members of Parliament. With the General
Election on the horizon, what message do you want the NUS to send to our lawmakers? What ideas do you want them to bring forward?
It’s more than just a discount card!
I am currently a 2nd year Mental Health Nursing
student. As a mature student I am aware of a
number of difficulties facing mature students in
our great university and day to day problems
being encountered by mature students. Many
mature students have responsibilities other than
our university work to consider. Whether it’s
work, children or a relationship, we are probably have more of a juggling
act to do than other students. I am fully aware of these challenges and am
prepared to provide supports for mature students studying in De Montfort
My main aims include:
Health and Well-being i.e relaxation session, stress management technique classes.
Mature students’ involvement community meeting, once in a month,
encouraging them to discuss issues with academics and other related
Be a source of support and guidance for mature students having difficulties with parking on campus.
Encouraging more social interactions (Get together party) for fresh mature students on campus.
Provide links and sign post for mature students that might needs support in the community and the university.
Daring Dani Dares…
…To also try to go for
NUS Representative - will you accept?
Hi, my name is Danielle Bryn and I am also going for
the role of NUS Representative. As your NUS
Representative, I will definitely do my best at representing DMU at the NUS
Why me?
 I have been a Course Representative for the second year running.
 I am also a School Representative.
 I have also actively been involved with the Union through volunteering, such as
MyUniPal, being a Freshers’ Representative in Freshers’ Week 2014 and took
part in the International Buddy Scheme.
How to vote: voting is open between the 12th and the 19th February. Please visit and get voting!!!