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Click here - Congregation Beth Ahm
Congregation Beth Ahm
Receiving of the Torah
A Family Celebration of Shavuot
Tuesday, June 3 at 5:30 p.m.
Bring your own dairy picnic dinner. Meet at the Beth Ahm
playground for games, dinner and
The Ultimate Shavuot Cake Decorating Contest
We’ll provide the cake and decorating supplies, you provide the
creativity. You’ll have 20 minutes to design and decorate your
cake based on one of the following Biblical themes, Creation,
Noah’s Ark, Joseph’s Dream, Receiving the Torah at Sinai,
or Crossing the Reed Sea
Prizes and sweet treats finish the night!
Contact Elissa Berg at 248-851-6880
or with questions.
Tikun Leil Shavuot
8 p.m. - midnight (or beyond)
Everyone welcome!
Refreshments will be provided.
Adult learning in celebration of Shavuot and the receiving
of the Torah at Mount Sinai. All welcome!
Teachers will include Professor Howard Lupovitch
and Rabbi Rubenstein.
10 p.m. - Maariv
What’s Inside?
Mazal Tov!
Page 2
Walk for Israel
Page 3
Family Bingo
Page 4
“Her Words
Installation Shabbat Page 6
Rummage Sale
Page 7
Shabbat Times
Page 8
and Anniversaries
Page 12
Page 14
Page 16
May/June 2014 XXXVII No. 5 Iyar - Sivan - Tammuz 5774
Page 5
Mazal Tov!
Ari Yonatan Rubenstein will celebrate his Bar Mitzvah on May 3,
2014. Ari is the son of Robin and Rabbi Steven and brother to
Tali. Proud grandparents are Eileen and Ira Rosenbaum, Martin
Rubenstein and Lana Gelb, and the late Arlene Rubenstein z’l. Ari
is a student at Hillel Day School and a lifelong camper at Camp
Ramah in Wisconsin. Ari loves reading and Legos, playing tennis,
and enjoys spending time with friends. Over the past year, he has
volunteered at Yad Ezra, with his 7th grade class with JARC,
and he was a participant in Peers Corps Detroit.
Tim Zwickl and Sara Zivian Zwickl will receive The Jewish Theological Seminary
Shin Award at the upcoming gala dinner scheduled for Thursday, May 29. They
have been members of Beth Ahm for over thirty years and are being honored for
their commitment to Jewish education, Minyan, Tikkun Olam, and their work on
behalf of our Jewish community.
For more information or for gala dinner reservations, please visit or call the JTS Detroit office at 248-258-0055.
Mazal Tov and Yasher Koach to:
Barbara & Milton Stern and Family
on the birth of their grandson
Leo Menachem Stern.
Anna Nedelman and Family
on the engagement of her granddaughter
Amanda Canvasser to Daniel Goldberg.
Mildred & Herbert Chad and Family
on the Bar Mitzvah of their grandson
Jonah Chad.
Jodie & Steven Mientkiewicz and Family
on the birth of their daughter
Emma Hope Mientkiewicz.
Sandi & Jeffrey Tamaroff and Family
on the birth of their grandson Elan Leonard Tamaroff.
Proud great grandparents are Claire & Marvin Tamaroff.
Etta Zivian and Family
on the Bar Mitzvah of her grandson
Daniel Isaac Zivian.
Belle & Patrick Hornung and Family
on the birth of their daughter Kendall Sage Hornung.
Proud grandparents are Toby & Rob Kleinberg.
On the cover from left to right: Art & Dotty Smith sample the hor’doeuvres at the annual gala,
Ellery Gnesin and Talia Giske have breakfast fun at Family Camp,
Rochelle & Jerry Zabel pose for the camera during the annual gala
Youth and Family Events
Torah Madness for Teens
Saturday, May 10 at 11 a.m.
What is the most important verse from the Torah? Let’s figure it out together.
This is Torah Lishma—Torah for its own sake—no grades, no HW! Just learning, fun, and
community. Hope you can join us. Bring a friend. Everyone welcome. Contact Rabbi Rubenstein
at with questions.
Sunday, May 18 at noon
Meet at Congregation Shir Shalom for a free pizza lunch and family camp reunion. We will walk for
Israel as a Beth Ahm Family!
Mitzvah Kids – Walk your way to Israel
Meet at Congregation Shir Shalom for a free pizza lunch. Walk for Israel and earn mitzvah credit
mitzvah travel credit that can be redeemed for future travel to Israel through the Kalt Israel Scholarship.
To learn more about the Mitzvah Kids, contact Elissa Berg at 248-851-6880 or
Join Rabbi Steven Rubenstein for:
Tot Shabbat
May 24 at 10:45 a.m.
Parents and/or grandparents are invited
to attend with their pre-schoolers!
Birthday Shabbat
May 24 and June 14
Kids will join us for end of service in the
main sanctuary to receive a special blessing
and gift during their birthday month.
RSVP to Rabbi Rubenstein
at 248-851-6880 ext. 17 or
Torah and Science…Where Do They Meet?
June 8 at 1:15 p.m.
Beth Ahm families with children in grades 5-8 are invited to join us for a fun-filled afternoon at
the Michigan Science Center. Family scavenger hunt, prizes, and snacks are provided. Contact
event chairs Jen Ribiat at or Shari Smith at
with questions.
There is no charge for this event provided your RSVP to Elissa Berg at 248-851-6880 or is received by June 2.
2014 Family Camp
Men’s Club & Sisterhood
The Men’s Club Softball League starts soon.
For more details or to sign up, contact Marc Soble at
586-703-8581 or e-mail
Welcome to our
Newest Members
Marvin Kief
Tom Barth
Let’s Do Lunch
Tuesday, May 6 at noon
It is so much fun every time, we’re doing it again!
Come join Rabbi Rubenstein and the Men of Beth Ahm at
Jerusalem Pizza in the West Bloomfield JCC for a chance
to eat, greet, and meet the group. Please confirm your
attendance (RSVP’s a must) by contacting Ron Jedwab at
248-788-4950 or
Men’s Club Tigers Game
Detroit vs. Colorado
Sunday, August 3rd, 2014 at 1:00pm
Carpool at 11:30 a.m. from the Beth Ahm parking lot to the game.
Tickets are $23. RSVP’s and payments must be in by July 15 and made payable
to the Beth Ahm Men’s Club. Please RSVP to Steve Davidson at 248-363-5537
Book Talk Event
Wednesday, May 7 at 7:30 p.m.
Debra Darvick will review
“The World Without You” by Joshua Henkin
The book is described as asking important questions:
how do we move on after losing someone we love?
And how do we love again?
The cost is $5 per person.
For more information, or to RSVP,
contact Shelley Shindler at 248-417-8000 or
Breakfast for Dinner
Family Bingo Event
Sunday, June 1 at 5:00 p.m.
Bring the entire family along
for an exciting night of family Bingo!
Pancakes, great prizes and lots of fun for
everyone! Don’t miss it!
$18 per family
For questions or to RSVP, contact
Terri Stearn at
Sisterhood Shabbat
Saturday, May 17
Beth Ahm’s fantastic women of all ages
will be taking over the sanctuary
for our annual Sisterhood Shabbat! There is a role for everyone who desires one, regardless
of your level of Hebrew or Jewish education. Come participate in the service, join your fellow
sisterhood members, and enjoy a delicious Kiddush
lunch afterwards.
If you are interested in participating,
please contact Jody Grossman at 248-851-7643
or Marni Foster Lupovitch at
As always,it will be a most memorable and enjoyable day.
We sincerely hope you will join us in this special service
of friendship and prayer!
Adult Learning
Adult Education Lecture Series
with Professor Howard Lupovitch
“Hollywood & The Jews”
Tuesdays at 7:30 p.m.
Why have Jews played such a prominent role in the American film industry?
What has this meant for Jewish identity in America? This series will explore these and other
questions about the connection between Jews and the film industry.
July 8: “Beginnings: Risk & Reward”
Was the birth of the film industry in America a Jewish story or an immigrant story?
July 15: “Red Scare & The Black List”
How did Jewish filmmakers, some of whom had been sympathetic to Communism at one time
or another, weather the anti-Communist crusade of the 1950’s?
July 22: “Depictions of the Shoah”
How and why has the image and the depiction of the Shoah in American films changed during
the last half-century?
July 29: “Jewish Pride and the New Nostalgia”
In what ways are Jewish characters and Jewish themes in films different now from what they were a half-century ago?
$50 for the series or $15 per session.
Register by calling 248-851-6880 or sending an email to
Her Words Remembered
Martyr, Mistress, and Businesswoman: The Life and Times of Three Jewish Women
Phoebe Mainster, Beth Ahm member and Professor at Wayne State University, will present the lives
of three Jewish women and the writings which give us insight into the world in which they lived and
the legacy they left for future generations.
May 13: “Dulcie of Worms”
A learned and religious woman, the Dulcie of Worms (12th century) was a synagogue leader, teacher
of women and leader in prayer. She was martyred after she witnessed the murder of her children by Crusader soldiers.
Her bereaved husband memorialized her life in a poem based on Eshet Hayil (Woman of Valor).
May 20: “Emilia Lanier of London”
Emilia Lanier (17th century) is considered the first Englishwoman to declare herself a professional poet through her
volume of poems, Salve Deus Rex Judaeorum.
May 27: “Gluckel of Hameln”
A Jewish businesswoman and diarist (18th century), her account The Memoirs of Gluckel of Hameln, was intended for
her descendants and urged them to live ethical lives. But it also describes the frightening and precarious situation under
which the Jews of northern Germany lived.
Learning will begin at 11 a.m. at Beth Ahm and is open to the community at no charge.
Contact Elissa Berg at 248-851-6880 or with questions or to register.
TOSAT & Dish Kosher Cuisine
TIKKUN OLAM SOCIAL ACTION TEAM (TOSAT) – Dedicated to Improving the World
As you know from previous articles, TOSAT is involved in a number of activities. One of our most important efforts is
supporting Yad Ezra. We recently delivered groceries to a number of Yad Ezra clients who are unable to get them on their
own. Many thanks to Judy Vine for coordinating this mitzvah. Thanks also to Toby & Rob Kleinberg, Lois & Marc
Langberg, Suzanne Sondheimer and her son Jeffrey, and Marcia & Ed Kersch for delivering the groceries and making
the lives of the people they helped a little easier. We also asked for your help in supporting Yad Ezra’s work through our
Passover appeal. Many thanks to everyone who sent in a donation. And finally, TOSAT purchased a case of Wacky Mac
that was used as groggers for Purim and then donated to Yad Ezra. Thanks to Nancy and Manny Kalef for making this happen.
The next Ronald McDonald House dinner we are preparing and serving for families of patients at Children’s Hospital of
Detroit is Sunday, May 18. We are looking for volunteers to both prepare and serve the meal. This is a wonderful
opportunity to help families whose children are being treated in area hospitals. Please contact Marilyn Emmer
at 248-538-8997 if you would like to participate. Thanks in advance for your help!
On Tuesday, June 17, from 1 p.m. to 7 p.m. we will once again sponsor a Red Cross Blood Drive.
Volunteers will be needed to greet donors and provide refreshments. Please let me know if you are
interested in working a 2-3 hour shift. And, of course, we hope you will consider being a donor. This
is an amazing opportunity to help save a life. The Blood Drive is open to the community and I hope you will spread
the word to family and friends. You can contact me at or 248-224-5773 if you have questions or to
sign up. Todah rabah!
Installation Shabbat - June 14th
Debi King
The congregation is invited to participate
in the installation of new Officers and Trustees
June 14 during Shabbat morning services.
Dish Kosher Cuisine Introduces
Fast Fridays!
Shabbat Dinner Carry-out
Kiddush to follow.
We will also thank retiring Board members
Jody Grossman, Dan Levy, and Jorge Singman
for their contribution and service to our synagogue.
Spring into action to take advantage of
our special seasonal pricing!
$21 will get you:
Your choice of entrée
Boneless Breast of Chicken with Lemon Caper Sauce
Grilled Salmon with Mango Chutney
Dinners include:
romaine salad with tomato, cucumber, red onion
non-dairy ranch and italian dressings
wild rice pilaf with dried cherries
fresh green beans with julienne carrots
assorted rolls and margarine
chocolate mousse with raspberry sauce
Side Option: $11
Chicken Fingers (3 pieces with salad)
Order by noon on Wednesday, pick up by noon on Friday!
Please call 248.539.8825 to order
Offer expires 6/27/14
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As always, personalized Shabbat dinners with your choice of
entrees and side dishes will still be available
You may reach us:
• by phone at 248.539.8825 • by fax at 248.539.1745
• by email at
We can’t wait to hear from you!
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Mark Your Calendar!
Sisterhood Rummage Sale
Sunday, July 27 - Tuesday, July 29 from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Make spring cleaning a mitzvah
by donating your rummage to the Sisterhood!
Drop-off begins May 27.
Questions? Contact Karen Davidson at
Volunteers are also needed before, during, and after the sale.
Interested? Contact Marni Foster Lupovitch at
Parsha and Pizza with Rabbi Rubenstein
Tuesday, May 27 at 5:30 p.m.
Minyan Learn Series – Part Two
Topic: Three Jewish Ideas That Will Change Your Life
Open to the community, all welcome - $6 per person
5:30 p.m. - Pizza and salad in Goodman Hall
6:00 p.m. to 6:45 p.m. - Learn with Rabbi Rubenstein
7:00 p.m. - Minha in the Tauber Family Chapel (about 15 minutes)
Payment by check (made payable to Cong. Beth Ahm Men’s Club) or cash can be made
at the door. No credit cards. Please share this invitation with anyone you think might
like to attend!
RSVP’s required by 4pm on Wednesday, May 21, to Ron Jedwab at at 248-788-4950 or
The final date in the series is Tuesday, June 24.
2014 Annual Gala
Minyan Matters
Message from the President
Looking for your spiritual comfort zone?
Experience daily prayer at Beth Ahm.
At morning or evening services we can greet old friends and
make new ones, enrich our lives with prayer and reflection, fulfill the
mitzvah of reading Torah at certain times of the week and, if in
mourning or observing a yahrzeit, saying kaddish for a loved one.
Minyan also gives us the opportunity to perform the mitzvah of
comforting mourners by providing a sympathetic presence in
sufficient numbers so that mourners can say kaddish and other
call-and-response prayers in the service (hatzi kaddish, kaddish
shalem, kaddish d’rabbanan, bar’chu, kedusha) can be recited.
“Drop in and Learn/Judaica on DVD”
Wednesdays at 1 p.m. in the Teen Lounge
Free and open to the community –
all welcome, no reservations needed.
Now in progress: “The World of Biblical Israel”
24-part course continues through June 11.
No session June 4 (1st day Shavuot).
For course syllabus and other details, contact Nancy Kaplan
at 248-737-1931 or, or visit
Like other shul minyanim around town, our daily minyan
serves the entire local Jewish community. All are welcome.
We’d love to see you at minyan. Questions?
Contact Ritual Assistant
Nancy Kaplan at 248-737-1931
Shabbat Times
Shabbat ends
May 9 - 8:24 p.m.
May 10 - 9:32 p.m.
May 2 - 8:16 p.m.
May 16- 8:31 p.m.
May 23 - 8:38 p.m.
May 30 - 8:44 p.m.
June 6 - 8:49 p.m.
June 13 - 8:53 p.m.
June 20 - 8:56 p.m.
June 27 - 8:57 p.m.
May 3 - 9:23 p.m.
Service Times
Daily Minyan
Monday – Thursday: 7 a.m. & 7 p.m.
Friday: 7 a.m. & 6 p.m.
May 17 - 9:41 p.m.
Sunday & Major Legal Holidays: 9 a.m. & 5 p.m.
May 24 - 9:49 p.m.
* Weekday morning minyan starts at 6:45 a.m. on Rosh Hodesh
May 31 - 9:56 p.m.
June 7 - 10:02 p.m.
June 14 - 10:06 p.m.
June 21 - 10:08 p.m.
June 28 - 10:08 p.m.
Shabbat Services
Kabbalat Shabbat & Ma’ariv – Friday 6 p.m.
(preceded by Minha)
Shabbat Morning – Saturday 9:30 a.m.
Shabbat Minha - 4:30 p.m.
Shavuot Service Schedule:
Wednesday, June 4
9:30 a.m. – Shaharit
7 p.m. – Minha
Thursday, June 5
9:30 a.m. – Shaharit
Approx. 10:45 a.m - Yizkor
7 p.m. - Maariv
Calendar of Events
May 2014
Jewish Community Center of Metropolitan Detroit
D. Dan & Betty Kahn Building • 6600 W. Maple Rd.
West Bloomfield, MI • 48322 • 248.432.5579
The Jewish Community Center of Metropolitan Detroit’s Janice
Charach Gallery will open “Expressive Spirituality,” an exhibit and
sale featuring the works of Avraham Loewenthal in the main gallery,
and a juried exhibit, “The Mandala,” in the upper gallery, 5-8 p.m.
Thursday, May 15.
A sneak peak of the exhibit, along with a lecture by Dr. Yossi Chajes
of the University of Haifa, will be held 7 p.m. Monday, May 12. Dr.
Chajes, whose lecture is co-sponsored by the Cohn-Haddow Center
for Judaic Studies at Wayne State University, will speak on “It’s
Good To See the King: Visual Kabbalah and the Diagramming of the
All events are free and open to the
Avraham Loewenthal, who lives
in the Artists Quarter in the Old
City of Tzfat, Israel, creates
paintings that incorporate
themes of Kabbalah (Jewish
mysticism), holidays and prayer
with contemporary design. Born in
Detroit, he attended Akiva Hebrew
Day School, Hillel Day School and
Southfield-Lathrup High School. He also studied psychology at the
University of Michigan and painting at the School of the Art Institute
of Chicago. Throughout the “Expressive Spirituality” exhibit, which
runs through June 26, guests also will be able to see work by
Danielle Styles, an illustrator/graphic designer whose art celebrates
the outdoors. Styles will be featured in the side gallery, showcasing
new and upcoming artists.
The Janice Charach Gallery is open
from Noon - 4 p.m. Sunday,
Monday - Wednesday 10 a.m. - 5 p.m
and 10 a.m. - 7 p.m. Thursday
For information, call the gallery at 248.432.5448,
go to or visit the
Janice Charach Gallery on Facebook.
The Gallery is open to the general public at no admission.
Ari Rubenstein Bar Mitzvah
Let’s Do Lunch with the Men’s Club
Sisterhood book club
10 Torah Teen Madness with Rabbi Rubenstein
13 Her Words Remembered with Phoebe Mainster
17 Sisterhood Shabbat
18 Walk for Israel
Dinner at Ronald McDonald House
sponsored by TOSAT
19 Coffee with Rabbi Rubenstein
20 Her Words Remembered with Phoebe Mainster
24 Tot Shabbat
Birthday Shabbat
27 Her Words Remembered with Phoebe Mainster
Parsha & Pizza with the Men’s Club
June 2014
Annual synagogue meeting
Family Bingo with the Sisterhood
The Ultimate Shavuot Cake Decorating Contest
Tikkun Leil Shavuot
Shavuot Yom Tov
Shavuot Yom Tov and Yizkor
Torah & Science at the Michigan Science Center
14 Installation Shabbat
Bet Midrash Shabbat
Birthday Shabbat
17 Blood Drive sponsored by TOSAT
24 Parsha & Pizza with the Men’s Club
We keep
in the
(248) 232 8926
2730 Union Lake Rd. Commerce Twp. MI 48382
Message from the Rabbi
“My Promised Land, Your Promised Land”
I recently read Ari Shavit’s book My Promised Land, a combination personal journey and history of the rebirth
of Israel in the 20th century. Shavit’s book has been widely reviewed and you may have seen him
interviewed on TV this past winter as he publicized his book.
The book is fascinating on a variety of levels. Shavit’s family story is intertwined with the story of The State
of Israel. His great-grandfather, Herbert Bentwich led a group of Zionist pilgrims on a trip to Israel in 1897.
Shavit’s grandparents eventually settled in Israel. Ari Shavit himself is a well-known Israeli journalist for the
left-of-center daily Haaretz.
In addition to tracing some of his family story, Shavit is after something much broader. He wants to open a
discussion about the foundations of The State of Israel and where Israel is today. Not surprisingly, Shavit
has to travel some difficult ground along the way. He asks questions about the Arab inhabitants of the land in the early 20th century---what
did they think about the Jews who settled on the land? What did the Jews think would happen between them and the Arabs? He examines
some of the fighting that led up to the War of Independence with a chapter on the fighting in the Arab town of Lydda. He examines the
nuclear program of The State of Israel. As you can imagine, there is much to sink your teeth into here, and there is much that is
controversial. Shavit’s determination to open up these topics (coupled with his Israeli-ness---after all, he calls the book My Promised Land)
makes the book riveting. The book and the way it has been critiqued have been an education in and of themselves. The way I see it, if a
left-leaning peacenik can write a book that right-of-center writers such as Rabbi Daniel Gordis and Elliot Abrams (former aide to Presidents
Reagan and Bush) can thoughtfully review and find worthwhile (though not without fault), we should all be reading and discussing this book.
Here’s why.
As we approach the celebration of Yom Ha’Atzma’ut (May 6), it is important to remember that Zionism is not for Israelis alone. You know
that, of course. I’m sure that if I asked, ‘are you a Zionist?’ nearly every Beth Ahm congregant would say yes. But what does it mean to be
a Zionist in Michigan? We send money to Israel through a variety of organizations. We visit Israel when we can. We follow the news in Israel.
We support Israel through AIPAC and other organizations. I’m all for each of these ways of showing our Zionism. But, I think there is more.
We have a stake in Israel; not only in the survival of Israel, but in the nature of Israel.
Rabbi Doniel Hartman has been teaching a good deal about this in recent years. He believes that the Israeli and American Jewish
communities need to work hard on our relationship, recognizing that we each impact the other, that we each have a role to play in the
success of world Jewry. Of course, most Israelis would be reluctant (rightly, in my opinion) to give you or I a voice on security issues. But
what about other ongoing issues? Can we partner on issues of religious pluralism? Jewish culture and identity? Social justice or
environmental issues? To the extent that any of this is possible, it can only happen if Israelis understand who we are and we understand as
best we can what it means to be Israeli. Ari Shavit’s book helped me see both the beauty and challenges of The State of Israel that we all
My hope is that we will have an opportunity to talk about this book as a community over the summer. Stay tuned for details.
Rabbi Steven Rubenstein
248-851-6880 ext. 17
Bet Midrash
Join Rabbi Rubenstein
Saturday, June 14 for Bet Midrash
Service 9 a.m.
Bet Midrash 10:30 a.m.
(Torah Study will not meet)
Coffee with Rabbi Rubenstein
Monday, May 19 at 10:30 a.m.
in Beth Ahm’s Goodman Hall
Why? Just to chat. What’s on your mind?
Something about shul? Something new with you?
Let Rabbi Rubenstein know you are
coming or just drop in.
Conversation Café
Our weekly conversation about current events
and Jewish ideas & culture will start up once
again at Barnes and Noble on Orchard Lake
Road (south of Maple) on Thursday
afternoons from 2 - 3 p.m.
Meeting Dates: May 1, 8, 22 & 29
June 12, 19 & 26 (no meeting June 5)
Questions? Contact Rabbi Rubenstein
at 248-851-6880
Message from the President
Dear congregants,
Having been given a great platform from which to help the shul grow, under my leadership we were able to
expand our programming to target new demographic groups, provide more educational opportunities, increase
our endowment, renovate Nusbaum Hall and the yet-to-be-named foyer, and are now developing plans for the
renovation of the Haar Sanctuary.
Those who know me, know that I believe we should look at the past in order to help shape the future. In this way,
we can learn from those who came before us in order to prevent repeating mistakes. If we do take a look back,
we are able to build upon the successes of the past to pave a more productive and positive future. I cannot take
credit for the successes of these past two years without acknowledging the wonderful team that worked in
partnership with me.
Rabbi Rubenstein - We now have an 18 year commitment. He has brought new strength to our shul and should be credited with helping
to create the community of Beth Ahm and raising our visibility in the broader community.
David Goodman - Our Executive Director has worked very hard to support achievement of our lofty goals. He continues to work on behalf
of our membership and to make this synagogue the best that it can be. His tireless work has benefited each and every member of the
congregation and we are indebted to him for making a positive, significant difference at Beth Ahm.
Elissa Berg – As Jewish Family Educator and lead teacher, her impact is felt throughout our school, families, and programming.
The office staff - Alison Blau helps make the office run smoothly and is in charge of the bulletin getting to your homes on time. Linda
Wright has made the accounting aspects of our operations smoother and much more efficient. Charlotte Jonap, although recently retired,
provided a calmness and bright smile in our office. Lisa Gates’ talents in graphic arts have made a difference in all communication sent
from the office to our membership.
The building staff - Murphy Ealy and Kevin Terry play an exceptionally important role. Ask either one of them to do something and before
you get the words out, it is done!
The ritual staff – Howard Lupovitch, Ronn Nadis, and Nancy Kaplan provide meaning and inspiration during our religious services.
Being president of this synagogue is fulfillment of a lifelong dream. I remember vividly, in 1965, Robert Schlaff asked the first woman to
serve on his Board of Trustees. At that time, it was certainly unheard of for a woman to serve on the Board of an Orthodox synagogue, but
leave it to Dotty Smith to be that first woman. Other early pioneers would follow like Bea Mondry, and then, eventually, it became more
common place. I do recall watching this unfold and nearly fifty years later, I became President!
Being able to successfully serve as President is not achieved alone – I credit those who came before me and taught me through their
deeds. During my term, the Presidents’ Forum was created to engage former Presidents as we tapped their collective knowledge in order
to help provide the best for the members of Beth Ahm. I thank all of those past presidents for their wisdom and strength. We are what we
are today because of the past that we share. Each of them provided their touch, their flare, their input, and their knowledge to mold Beth
Ahm into the congregation that it is.
The Board and Officers of our Congregation are the leaders who make decisions and provide input for the future of Beth Ahm. I have been
fortunate to have worked with a great Board so that our constituents have a voice in our shul. The officers have been invaluable as we
made significant progress – Steven Ribiat, Al Sasson, Beth Nadis, Jeff Silver and Jody Grossman plus Rob Kleinberg.
The one last request that I have for all of you is to attend the Annual Meeting on Sunday, June 1st when we will elect our new slate of
Officers and Board members. Unlike past annual meetings, we will conduct an important conversation to help determine the goals for the
upcoming years. Goals guide the work of the congregation and this is an opportunity for you to have an impact on the future of your shul.
Please attend this important conversation
as we discuss future goals for Beth Ahm
Sunday, June 1, 2014 at 10:00 a.m.
Come early for minyan at 9:00 a.m. followed by breakfast
I am honored to have served as President of Beth Ahm these last two years and thank you for the privilege. With great enthusiasm, I look
forward to the future. Our children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren will reap the benefits of our efforts.
Many thanks,
Risha B. Ring
Congregation Beth Ahm’s
2014 Annual Gala
Left photo:
Risha Ring and her
daughter Amy Rothenberg
Right photo:
Jason Golnick, Risha Ring
and Jeff Kahan
Birthdays & Anniversaries
May Birthdays
Paul Brookenthal
Lois Langberg
Tali Rubenstein
Ellyn Weiss
Yoav Cisneros
Aliana Schwartz
Jane Kessler
Morris Mandel
Marissa Goldston
Minna Kaufman
David Sachs
Sean Steingold
Jennifer Becker
Aaron Bernard
Julie Frank
Sharon Hobson
Joshua Kaufman
Toby Kleinberg
Agnes Lugosi
Raymond Dubrinsky
Ashley Tamaroff
Eryn Block
Sara Shapiro
Robert Steingold
Evelyn Gorge
Diane Sasson
Stacey Bloch
Harry Lebovic
Jesse Arm
Nathan Bak
May Anniversaries
Ilana Gaba-Maine
Harvey Schulist
Ariana Norber
Jeffrey Kahan
Marcia Kersch
Seth Kahan
Joshua Israel
Elaine Siegler
Margo Woll
Jerry Lynn
Jason Goldis
Sharil Roby
Eugene Weiss
Sarah Aguilar
Marc Cohen
Svetlana Lebedinski
Hannah Manela
David Feber
Karen Lovinger
Daniel Davidson
Ronen Meir
Barry Rosenbaum
Miller Sanford
Jesse Adler
David Arm
Stuart Cykiert
Francesca Weisberg
Gail Baron
Samantha Bloch
Joshua Lampear
Benjamin Nadis
Lillian Bricker
Miriam Farber
Irvin Kessler
Steven Medwed
Scott Rosenberg
Sally Tuchklaper
Florence Dulberg
Jody Kersch
Louis Aguilar
Florence Nitzkin
Jared Rothberger
Ryan Israel
Tessa LeWitt
William Sperber
Sari Blackman
Margot Efros
Jennie Gnesin
Aaron Schafer
Spencer Schafer
Aaron Ellenbogen
Abraham Levine
Howard Lupovitch
Ida Wargon
Gavriella Weisberg
Fabio & Staci Giske “10th”
Herbert & Mildred Chad
Mark & Lori Farber
Harvey & Helen Shapiro “35th”
Lawrence & Nancy Bluth
Paul & Cheryl Darmon
Gary & Marisa Lakind
Marc & Susan Soble
Salo & Sue Korn
Ben & Monica Rosen
Bruce & Susan Sitron
Julia Pais & Beth Greenapple
Richard & Deborah Warsh
Jerrold & Rochelle Zabel
Maurice & Karen Davidson
Gregg Kepes & Shelly Brodsky “25th”
Birthdays & Anniversaries
June Birthdays
Ramin Javahery
Mark Weiss
Laurence Deutsch
Julie Hersch
Sanford Stacey
George Vine
Anita Blender
Alyssa Mientkiewicz
Elizabeth Traison
Deede Auster
Bella Brookenthal
Terry Kahan
Marc Soble
Stanford Gross
Bylaina Lavine
Ellen Weiss
Ronni Baum
Ron Israel
Robert White
Jonathan Kaufman
Ashley Weisberg
Ella Bak
Raye Dinnerstein
Simon Indianer
Shai Norber
Lisa Shapiro
Steven Traison
Mark Adler
Bradley Nusbaum
Sadie Rubinstein
Sharona Shapiro
Clara Gaba
Maureen Frank
Staci Giske
David Kott
Debra Pelton-Levy
Jenna Jacobson
Sari Weiss
Douglas Kahan
Abigail Soble
Andrew Belsky
Helene Kohn
Nat Fishman
Jeffrey Silver
Emily Nadis
Rebecca Nadis
Goldie Topper
Richard Warsh
Bonnie Medwed
Jason Rosenbaum
Arielle Davidson
Sara Kahan
Daniel Kaufman
Daniel Kohn
Jeremy Moss
Robin Arm
Manuel Charach
Jerome Soble
Max Feber
Marci Klein
Andrew Sternberg
Henry Dodge
Beth Greenapple
Nancy Kaplan
Ila Schonberg
Sara Goodman
Joel Tauber
Daniel Lebedinski
Maurice Opperer
Beth Singman
David Stryk
June Anniversaries
Leonard & Dolores Farber “70th”
14 Benoit & Evelyn Gorge
22 Douglas & Margo Woll
3 Manny & Nancy Kalef “35th”
14 Doug & Ilene Kahan
23 Howard & Lilly Jacobson
3 Harvey & Shelley Schulist
14 Steven & Margie Shapiro
25 Jason & Marla Golnick
5 Robert & Rhona Fidler
14 Jorge & Beth Singman
25 Michael & Marilyn Rice
6 Ron & Linda Jedwab
15 James & Sherry Hobson
25 David & Karen Stryk
7 Jeffrey & Sari Weiss
15 Ed & Marcia Kersch “55th”
8 Steven & Jennifer Ribiat
15 Jeffrey & Alesa Silver
27 Adam & Jennie Gnesin “10th”
8 Harry & Sally Tuchklaper
16 Michael & Nancy Kaplan
28 Alex & Diana Kovnat
9 Manuel & Natalie Charach
17 Andrew & Stacy Cykiert
26 Hershel & Dorothy Sandberg
28 Noel & Judith Lawson “55th”
10 Jeffrey & Sari Blackman
17 Robert & Francine Levine “30th”
28 Steven & Jodie Mientkiewicz “5th”
10 A. Irving & Barbara Schnipper
18 Manny & Sandy Glazier
28 Leon & Esther Salomon
12 Stuart & Donna Farber “20th”
19 Harris & Phoebe Mainster
29 Alon & Shari Kaufman
12 Jeffery & Sharil Roby
20 Asa & Sara Shapiro
30 Milton & Barbara Stern
13 Leonard & Shirley Cetner “10th”
21 Andrew & Marci Klein
13 Scott & Jodi Cranis
21 David Lerner & Sharona Shapiro
Yahrzeits–In Loving Memory
Sponsored by the Beth Abraham Cemetery Association, serving our congregation since 1912.
*Denotes a plaque in the Kahan Memorial room
May 2014 - Iyar/Sivan 5774
5/1/2014 (1 Iyar)
Aaron Kinitzer*, Eva Levin*, Sarah Millman*, Max Morris, Reverend Paul Shulman*, Rose Zimmerman
5/2/2014 (2 Iyar)
Isadore Ring*, Harold Soble*
5/3/2014 (3 Iyar)
Herman Kass, Harry Kief, Sadie Lahr*
5/4/2014 (4 Iyar)
Shimon Motlovich Bichuch, Leo Helman*, Shoshana Stern
5/5/2014 (5 Iyar)
Irving Biel, Fannie Borak*, Emma Schreier
5/6/2014 (6 Iyar)
Joseph Kwaselow, Esther Rose*
5/7/2014 (7 Iyar)
Mollie Esther Birnbaum*, Bella Mainster
5/8/2014 (8 Iyar)
Gertrude Burstein, George Davis*, Edward Goldberg, Larry Harwood*, Mildred (Mickey) Schneider*, Donald Stern
5/9/2014 (9 Iyar)
Israel Burstein, Harry Kirsch, Sadie Farber Weinstock*, Solomon Zucker*
5/10/2014 (10 Iyar)
Stuart J. Bricker*, Ida Goldfarb*, Jacob Schreier
5/11/2014 (11 Iyar)
Heinz Ducks, Mair Kahan, Mildred Winer, Harry Zeltzer*
5/12/2014 (12 Iyar)
Valentina Chopenko, Betty Robins, Jay Rosen*, Rose Sasson, Philip Schechter*, Gertrude Wapner*
5/13/2014 (13 Iyar)
Jacob Liwazer, Marion Parish, Morris Posner
5/14/2014 (14 Iyar)
Emil Kahan*, Mary Rafales
5/15/2014 (15 Iyar)
Reva Carp, Ruth Gottlieb*, Rhoda Sills
5/16/2014 (16 Iyar)
Maier Brenner, Nathan Feingold, Shirley Shiovitz*, Anna Terris*, Mary Jo Zwickl
5/17/2014 (17 Iyar)
Borbala Lugosi, Julius Parker, Henrietta Seligman*
5/18/2014 (18 Iyar)
Bernardine Berman, Sylvia Isaacs, Samuel Kobaker, Daniel Zalesin*
5/19/2014 (19 Iyar)
Ann Dembs*, Jeannette Feldman, Arthur Lyons*
5/20/2014 (20 Iyar)
Pauline Schwartz*, Bella Shiovitz*, Herman Tartof
5/21/2014 (21 Iyar)
Sheldon Kaplan*, Milton Wargon, Goldie Waxman
5/22/2014 (22 Iyar)
Morris Beneson*, Hermina Friedman*
5/23/2014 (23 Iyar)
Chava Feldman, Herbert Goldberg, Samantha Erin Rosen*, Maureen Simon
5/24/2014 (24 Iyar)
Dorothy Blau, Cecille Levy*
5/25/2014 (25 Iyar)
Mirel Mitteldorf*, Harold Plotnick, Michael Weinstein
5/26/2014 (26 Iyar)
Lorraine Kales*, Joseph Nitzkin*, Nathan Wolf
5/27/2014 (27 Iyar)
Blume Glass, Shirley Marion Goldin*, Helen Horensztajn*, Sima Witt
5/28/2014 (28 Iyar)
Werner Fink*, Al Halprin*, Bessie Landgarten*, Laura Nusbaum*, Anne Weinman
5/29/2014 (29 Iyar)
Nash Allen Adelman*, Samuel Farber*, Meta Fink*, Nechama Jedwab*, Joseph Schlaff, Anna Selber, Annette Silverman,
Moritz Wildstrom
5/30/2014 (1 Sivan)
Eleanor Blender, David Davidson*, Donald Norbert Siegel, Myron Spalter*
5/31/2014 (2 Sivan)
Moritz Gabel*, Rebecca Kief, Jacob Lichtmann
Yahrzeits–In Loving Memory
Sponsored by the Beth Abraham Cemetery Association, serving our congregation since 1912.
*Denotes a plaque in the Kahan Memorial room
June 2014 - Sivan/Tammuz 5774
6/1/2014 (3 Sivan)
Molly Lyons, Muriel Maisels, Esther Shapiro, Mira Vorobyev*, Jack Wildstrom*
6/2/2014 (4 Sivan)
Jack Fishman*, Yefim Goldis, Ben Kinzer*, Bitzazel Tevya Mandel, Esther Malka Mandel, Shmuel Tzvi Mandel,
Yehudah Aryeh Mandel, Zissel Mandel, Arnold Margolis*, Willie Fred Opperer*, Isadore Silverman*
6/3/2014 (5 Sivan)
Minnie Weinbaum*
6/4/2014 (6 Sivan)
Lillian Jennie Beneson*, Belle Diller*, Abraham Guralnik, Zivia Guralnik, Sol Moss, Chaya Shapiro, Rachmiel Shapiro
6/5/2014 (7 Sivan)
Allen Cohen, Phillip Dembs*, Samuel Roby, Marianne Wildstrom
6/7/2014 (9 Sivan)
Joseph Kertes, Oscar Korobkin*, Levi Shapiro*, Morris Shindler
6/8/2014 (10 Sivan)
Hyman Blackman*, Sally Kaufer*, Alan Kohn, Gertrude Neshkes, Heinz Rosenow*, Margot Rosenow, Pauline Seiferheld*
6/9/2014 (11 Sivan)
Anne Belle Kramer*, Morton Moltz, Aaron Morros*, Frank Sachs*, Bella Server*
6/10/2014 (12 Sivan)
Ruth Aal*, Irene Berman*, David Binder, Naomi Deutsch, Barry Foster, Bernard Friedgood*, Chaya Sara Kahan*, Hersh Leib Kahan*, Moshe Chaim Kahan*, Reizel Toba Kahan*, Harry Newman*, Abe Schulman*
6/11/2014 (13 Sivan)
Janice Charach*, May Kozin*
6/12/2014 (14 Sivan)
Irene Belsky*, Julius Halprin*, George Yellin*
6/13/2014 (15 Sivan)
Dorothy Davis*, Ida Kief
6/14/2014 (16 Sivan)
Dora Adler*, Audrey Mogill*, Raymond Norber*, Albert Rothenberg*, Pearl Applebaum Warn
6/15/2014 (17 Sivan)
Benjamin S. Kott, Elka Reiter
6/16/2014 (18 Sivan)
Ethel Blackman*, Ethel Blackman*, Ralph E. Levy*, Samuel P. Newman*
6/17/2014 (19 Sivan)
Elsie Block, Louis Elkin, Mayer Lebovic*, Helen Lee Levine Litwin
6/19/2014 (21 Sivan)
Ethel Nolish, Berek Selber, Jack Smith*
6/20/2014 (22 Sivan)
Ivans Berman*, Norman Cohen, Anna Lengel, Pauline Lenhard*
6/22/2014 (24 Sivan)
Annette Bechek, Emanuel Citron*, Clara Fradis, Benjamin Siegal*, Sadie Wolberg*
6/23/2014 (25 Sivan)
Martin Herman*, Estelle Smith*, Morris M. Sperber*
6/24/2014 (26 Sivan)
Harold Bloch*, Rae Grund*, Mollie Lustig, Josef Tolkovsky, Ruth Traison
6/25/2014 (27 Sivan)
Patricia Milner Sachs*, Isadore Schon
6/26/2014 (28 Sivan)
Esther Indianer*, Hy Kinzer*, Jack Palman*
6/27/2014 (29 Sivan)
Harry Berg, Morris Korman, Samuel A. Morros*, Yetta Rosenfeld*, Minna Stryk*
6/28/2014 (30 Sivan)
Leah Baum, Rubye Schreiber*
6/29/2014 (1 Tammuz)
Bertha Brotman*, Zoltan Lugosi, Lottie Wolf*, Solomon “Solly” Yaffe*
6/30/2014 (2 Tammuz)
Rose Adler, Minnie Eder*, Henry Wildstrom
May their memories endure for a blessing
Honor the memory of your loved ones by purchasing a memorial plaque in the Kahan Memorial Room. The purchase of a plaque will ensure
that your loved one’s name will be read during the week of their yahrzeit. It is a lasting tribute of your love that links the generations of your
family. Plaques are currently $500 each. We hope that you will take advantage of this opportunity to assure your loved ones will be forever
remembered at Congregation Beth Ahm. Contact David Goodman at 248-851-6880.
Aliyah Fund
Dolly Bourke
Sidney & Bee Kalt
Norman Blatt, Father
Donation by:
By: Alesa & Jeff Silver
Israel Scholarship Fund
By: Barbara (Jack) Krekun
Risha Ring
Rosanne Kovnat
In Memory of:
Faye & Mark Wolf
By: Alesa & Jeff Silver
Sidney M. Kalt
Willie Opperer Fund
By: Steven R. Kalt
In Memory of:
Jeff Silver
Sherry & Jim Hobson
Natalie & Manny Charach
Lev Lilov
Religious School Fund
Esther Kawer
Marc Terebelo
In Memory of:
Minyan Breakfast Fund
Joseph Abraham Miller
Donation by:
Gail Kott
By: Natalie & Manny Charach
Susan Sills-Levey & Michael Levy
By: David Kott
In Honor of:
Emma Darvick
Murray Shapiro
By: Margi & Morry Opperer
Susan Adler Shanteau
Elizabeth Goldenberg
Walter & Shirley Cykiert Fund
By: Debra & Martin Darvick
In Memory of:
Thank You to:
In Memory of:
Alan Ian Parmet
Elayne Moss
David Blau
By: Shirley Cykiert
By: Jim, Sherry and Nicole Hobson
By: Risha Ring and Family
Walter Cykiert
Get Well Wishes to:
Dorothea “Dolly” Bourke
By: Stacy & Andrew Cykiert
Gladys Allen
By: Risha Ring
Gregory Drigant
Shirley Cykiert
By: Jim, Sherry and Nicole Hobson
By: Boris Drigant
Stuart Cykiert
In Memory of:
Our Home Our Future
Boris Rozenfeld
By: Anna Glik
In Honor of:
In Memory of:
Risha Ring
Ester & Moscu User
Sidney & Shirley Diner Ritual Fund
David Blau
By: Elaine Siegler
By: Nety & Carl User
In Memory of:
By: Judy & George Vine
Charlene Loar
Louis Dinner
Carol Wyman
Beth Abraham Cemetery Fund
Sophie Silverman
Elayne & Barry Moss
Peter Harvey
In Memory of:
By: Sidney E. Dinner
Gladys Allen
By: Shari Smith and Isaac
In Honor of:
Max Halperin
Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund
Sidney Dinner’s 95th Birthday
By: Jim, Sherry and Nicole Hobson
Donation by:
Fred Ackerman
By: Dora Ackerman
Beth Ahm Endowment Fund
Beth & Ronn Nadis
By: Jim, Sherry and Nicole Hobson
Dorothea “Dolly” Bourke
In Honor of:
Marsha & Jerry Lynn
The birth of great grandson
Anne & Leonard Edelman
Cyrus Lev Alberts to
Youth Fund
Zita & Don Kirsch
In Honor of:
Thank You to our recent
The birth of great grandson
By: Toby & Rob Kleinberg
Charlotte Jonap’s retirement
Esther Kawer Minyan
Cyrus Lev Alberts to
By: Marilyn & Michael Rice
Breakfast Fund Sponsors
Zita & Don Kirsch
and Family
In Memory of:
By: Shelley & Marc Shindler
Doris Krekun, Mother
Cherie Warsaw
Paul Darmon’s Birthday
and dedication to Torah
and Beth Ahm
In Memory of:
By: Jim, Sherry and Nicole Hobson
David Blau
By: Cathy & Rene Lichtman
In Honor of:
By: Jack (Barbara) Krekun
Rabbi Steven Rubenstein
By: Marilyn & Michael Rice
Marty Apple
and Family
By: Deborah & Bernard Schwartz
Ben Perlove
Carol & Eddie Meyers’
Lottie & Max Halperin, Parents
By: Toby & Rob Kleinberg
loving mother
By: Sharon (Jim) Hobson
In Memory of:
Belle Perlove
Eleanor Fradis’ Birthday
and Family
By: Alesa & Jeff Silver
By: Shelley & Harvey Schulist
Gerry Kahn’s Birthday
By: Marilyn & Michael Rice
Murray Shapiro
By: Sylvia & Wally Kinzer
Josef Sperber, Father
By: Shelley & Harvey Schulist
By: William Sperber
Maxine Harwin
Ari Rubenstein’s Bar Mitzvah
Nori Braude
By: Marilyn & Michael Rice
Ester & Moscu User, Parents
By: Alesa & Jeff Silver
and Family
By: Carl (Nety) User
By: Barbara Cohen
In Memory of:
Mary & William Kideckel, Parents
Boris Rozenfeld
By: Alan Kideckel
By: Anna Glik
David Blau
Pat Sachs Food Fund
In Honor of:
Alesa, Jeff & Phoebe Silver
By: Cherie & Neal Guttman
In Memory of:
Risha Ring
Staci & Fabio Giske and Family
Sally Horwitz
By: Kelly & Josh Norber
Zita & Don Kirsch
By: David Sachs & Freda Arlow
Linda & Alan Doernberg
Eleanor Selik
Ellen & David Rothenberg
Jeff Silver
Samantha Erin Rosen
Beverly Fradis
By: Sari & Jeffrey Weiss
Carol Maisels
Youth Programming Fund
Eleanor Fradis
By: Cherie Warsaw
In Memory of:
Shelli & Larry Bello
By: Goldie Topper
David Blau
Dorothea “Dolly” Bourke
at the Purim Megillah reading
By: Helen & Sy Indianer
The birth of great grandson
Dorothea “Dolly” Bourke
Zita & Don Kirsch
Ari Rubenstein’s Bar Mitzvah
By: Sharona Shapiro
By: Joan & Ken Stern
By: Risha Ring and Family
By: Cherie Warsaw
Morris Kersch
Linda & Sid Blackman’s kindness
By: Pearlena & Jason Bodzin
Cyrus Lev Alberts to
Illene Wenner
By: Edward Kersch
In Honor of:
Jody & Rich Grossman
Miriam & Fred Ferber’s
Hillel honor
Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund
Elliot Darvick’s wedding
For Tikkun Olam
By: Sharona Shapiro
The engagement of Allison Kessler
David Blau
Joseph & Yetta Schlaff
By: Merle & Ron Schwartz and Family
Rochelle & Aaron Lupovitch’s
By: Nancy & Manny Kalef
Memorial Fund
Beth & Ronn Nadis
Hillel honor
Carol Ellstein & Joe Wildberg
In Memory of:
In Memory of:
David Blau
Alan Ian Parmet
By: Risha Ring
and Bradley Levick
By: Risha Ring
The Bar Mitzvah of
By: Bea Mondry
Pauline & Werner Seiferheld’s
Get Well Wishes to:
grandson Zachary
Grace Naftaly
By: Nancy & Manny Kalef
In Honor of:
By: Elaine Siegler
By: Mayor Jerry Naftaly
Lottie Halperin
Charlotte Jonap’s Retirement
Illene Wenner
Illene Wenner
By: Jim, Sherry and Nicole Hobson
By: Bea Mondry
The birth of grandson
Carol Maisels
Dorothea “Dolly” Bourke
Schnipper Family Fund
Noah Mickey Geller to
By: Cathy & Rene Lichtman
By: Marilynn & Richard Emmer
Get Well Wishes to:
Jody & Rich Grossman
Debi & Steve King
Grace Naftaly
By: Etta Zivian
Wally Kinzer
Barbara Cohen
By: Mayor Jerry Naftaly
Zita & Don Kirsch
By: Cathy & Rene Lichtman
Beth & Ronn Nadis
Illene Wenner and
In Memory of:
Illene Wenner
Shari & Craig Morgan
Rosanne Kovnat
William “Bill” Naftaly
Tim & Sara Zivian Zwickl
By: Cherie Warsaw
By: Mayor Jerry Naftaly
Lorraine Reubin
Schreier Torah Fund
Adult Education Fund
Nancy & Manny Kalef
In Memory of:
The birth of great grandson
Alan Ian Parmet
Noah Mickey Geller to
By: Flo & Don Nitzkin
In Memory of:
Dorothy & Hershel Sandberg
Elaine & Frank Roth
In Memory of:
Harry Schreier
By: Zita & Don Kirsch
Marni & Andy Cohen
Ann Barth
By: Phyllis & Burton Applebaum
Tim & Sara Zivian Zwickl
Shabbat Third Meal Fund
The engagement of Avi Levine
By: Karen & Scott Lewis
By: Adam, Pam & Aaron Reubin
David Blau
Harry & Belle Ribiat Garden Fund
Donation by:
to Sarah Segal
Illene Wenner
In Honor of:
Beth & Ronn Nadis
By: Beth & Ronn Nadis
Linda & Sid Blackman
Risha Ring
Etta Zivian
Paula & Jeffrey Lebowitz,
Synagogue Fund
Jim, Sherry and Nicole Hobson
c/o Israel Bonds
Donation by:
Tim & Sara Zivian Zwickl
Amy & Elliot Offenbach
In Memory of:
Flo & Don Nitzkin
Cathy & Rene Lichtman
Sara & Maxwell Nadis
Dr. Leon Burg
Irene Schumer
By: Risha Ring and Family
Sharon & Lawrence Schwartz
Charlotte Jonap’s retirement
Mille & Herb Chad
Aaron Lupovitch
By: Millie & Ed Rosenbaum
Ilene & Henry Rubin
Karen, Maurice and Joel Davidson
Karen & Morrie Davidson
Stacy & Daniel Cohen
Illene Wenner
Dolores & Leonard Farber
By: Goldie Topper
Beth & Ronn Nadis
In Memory of:
David Blau
William “Bill” Naftaly
By: Mayor Jerry Naftaly
Roz Winer
Katie & David Kurzmann
S. Walter Stern
Susan Fox
By: Cathy & Rene Lichtman
Barbara & Marv Aal
In Memory of:
David Blau
David Blau
By: The Officers & Board of Trustees
By: Margo & Doug Woll
of the Beth Abraham Cemetery
Barbara & Jack Krekun
Warren Harrison
Jan & Gary Dembs
By: Margo & Doug Woll
Marcia & Charles Seigerman
Rachel & Benno Weisberg
Dorothea “Dolly” Bourke
Marlene Margolis
By: Deborah Rubyan
Michelle, Dave and Sylvie Lang
Tim & Sara Zivian Zwickl
William “Bill” Naftaly
Thelma Schulist
Marshall Blau
Linda & Sid Blackman
By: Mayor Jerry Naftaly
By: Shelley & Harvey Schulist
Leah, Harvey and Tamar Ruttenberg
Etta Zivian
Tom, Rita and Josh O’Neill
Sara & Maxwell Nadis
Dorothea “Dolly” Bourke
Rebecca Morros
Edith Morger
Shelley & Marc Shindler
By: Margo & Doug Woll
By: Victor Morros
Bobbe Rosenberg
Linda & Ron Jedwab
Ilene & Henry Rubin
Pam & Michael Friedman
Cheryl & Alex Goldis
Faye & Mark Wolf
Jody & Rich Grossman
Beth & Ronn Nadis
Mimi Curtis
The Darmon Family
Carol Maisels
Joyce & Lewis Schiller
Rochelle & Jerry Zabel
By: Margo & Doug Woll
Jane & Andy Hauser
Selma Ladenheim
Micki Grossman
Shari Smith and Isaac
Ellen Ziff
Sally Horwitz
By: Margo & Doug Woll
Rose Kass
By: Sharon Lampear
Meyer Sawitz
By: Lillian Korobkin
Esther Patrick
Rita & Bob Cheyne
Carol Maisels
Marguerite Dakhlian
By: Dr. Linda Bolton
Rosanne Kovnat
Nancy Aal
& Sidney Blackman
By: Barbara & Jack Krekun
By: Rosalyn Winer
Lisa & Gary Langnas and Family
Zita & Don Kirsch
Melvin Anderson
Beth & Ronn Nadis
Get Well Wishes to:
Lori, Gabe and Miriam Bolkosky
Grace Naftaly
Belle Nadis
Lisa & Danny Kurzmann and Family
The Kroner Family
Sammy, Ethan and Benjamin Wright
By: Mayor Jerry Naftaly
Tim & Sara Zivian Zwickl
Gladys Kay
Yahrzeit Fund
Evelyn & Steven Rosen
By: The Darmon Family
In Memory of:
and Catherine Noonan
Ronnie Tischler
By: Anna Glik
Mary & Peter Sistis
By: Cheryl & Paul Darmon
Adele Wolk
Ken, Cheryl, John
The Darmon Family
Elizabeth Fellows
Ruth Abrams
Rosanne Kovnat
By: Linda & Ron Jedwab
Beth & Ronn Nadis
By: Sharon Klein
Anne Katzman
By: Amy Brode
Boris Rozenfeld
Gregory Drigant
By: Boris Drigant
William Naftaly
By: Grace Naftaly
Louis & Fay Woll
Memorial Bible Garden Fund
Feivel Malowany
In Honor of:
By: Esther & Leon Salomon
Bob Levine’s 60 Birthday
Murray Shapiro
By: Barbara & Jack Krekun
By: Beth & Ronn Nadis
Bertha Feldman
By: Rose Lyons
Zita & Don Kirsch
Charlotte Jonap’s Retirement
Libby Newman
By: Sherry, Jim and Nicole Hobson
Bess Manson Goldberg
Jody & Rich Grossman
Margo & Doug Woll
By: Judy Cohen
Risha Ring
Moscu User
By: Barbara & Jack Krekun
By: Isac User
Linda & Sid Blackman
Nori Geffen Braude
By: Jody & Rich Grossman
S. Walter Stern
By: Cathy & Rene Lichtman
Morey Partick
Minnie Winer
By: Sara & Maxwell Nadis
Estelle Berkowitz
Frances & Eli Darvick
By: Debra & Martin Darvick
Arthur Aal
By: Marvin Aal
Belle Nadis
By: Beth & Ronn Nadis
Alvin D. Topper
By: Goldie Topper
Edie & Albert Layne
By: Karen & Morrie Davidson
Visa Iancovici
By: Nety & Carl User
Alexander Frank
By: Barbara J. Stryk
Gerald Title
By: Diane Auster
Morris Silver
Allen Buch
Freda Freedberg
By: The Officers & Board of Trustees
Philip Freedberg
of The Beth Abraham Cemetery
By: Jeff Silver
Seymour Gross
The Ruth Mermelstein
By: Goldie Topper
Kitchen Fund
In Memory of:
Becky Whitman
Roz Winer’s nephew
By: Anita Zalesin
Mark Elliot Patrick
By: Beth Ahm Sisterhood
Benny Friedman
By: Ilene & Jack Friedman
David Blau
By: Karen & Morrie Davidson
Eleanor Manela
Zita & Don Kirsch
Sadie Betman
Beverly Fradis
By: Elizabeth & Howard Manela
Eleanor Fradis
Harry Nedelman
By: Anna Nedelman
Nathan Fink
By: Margot Efros
Josef Sperber
By: William Sperber
Ronald Israel
By: Marcie & Ashley Israel
Mina Schwartz
By: Margo & Doug Woll
Moscu & Ester User
By: Nety & Carl User
Philip Schneider
By: Annette & Marty Newman
Max Krause
By: Ann Krause
William “Bill” Kozin
By: Frank Kozin
Arthur Aal
By: Nancy Aal
Selma Pearl
By: Sanford L. Pearl
Mary Davidson
By: Estelle Davidson
The Ruth Mermelstein
Kitchen Fund
helps with ongoing expenses
such as cleaning and
appliance maintenance for
Ruth Mermelstein Kitchen.
We Extend our Condolences to:
Jean Blau, Joanne (Michael) Bellet and Family
on the passing of husband and father
David Blau.
Mildred (Herbert) Chad and Family
on the passing of her brother
Alan Ian Parmet.
Dr. Jeffrey Maisels and Family
on the passing of his wife
Carol Maisels.
Debra (Martin) Darvick and Family
on the passing of her mother
Dorothea “Dolly” Bourke.
Aron Weinstein and Family
on the passing of his wife
Hanna Weinstein.
Alex (Diana) Kovnat and Family
on the passing of his mother
Rosanne Rubin Kovnat.
The minimum suggested
contribution is $10.
Call Beverly Fradis at
248-661-8395 if you would
like to make a contribution.
Tributes are a great way to mark a
special occasion, honor the
memory of a loved one, or send
good wishes to a friend.
Beth Ahm has many tribute funds
which support various
congregational programs and
provide scholarship assistance to
members in need. Submit your
tributes online at:
Please remember to fill out
yahrzeit and tribute
forms completely.
Thank you!
Minimum suggested
tribute amount is $18. If received
after 04/02/14 tributes will
appear in the July/August 2014
Congregants and minyanaires –
Thank you each and all
for your cards,
wishes and good visits.
Sylvia & Wally Kinzer
Congregation Beth Ahm—May/June 2014
Rabbi Steven Rubenstein
David Goodman
Executive Director
Congregation Beth Ahm
2013-2014 Officers
Risha B. Ring
West Bloomfield, MI 48322
Congregation Beth Ahm
(USPS 052-040) is published
bi-monthly by:
Congregation Beth Ahm
5075 West Maple Rd.
West Bloomfield, MI 48322
5075 West Maple Rd.
Steven Ribiat
First Vice President
Periodical postage paid at
Royal Oak, MI
Albert Sasson
Second Vice President
Subscription rate 50 cents
(included with dues)
Beth Nadis
Third Vice President
Send address changes to:
Congregation Beth Ahm
5075 West Maple Rd.
West Bloomfield, MI 48322
Jeffrey Silver
Jody Grossman
Recording Secretary
Immediate Past President
Margo Y. Woll
2013-2014 Trustees
Maxine Berman
Jeff Blackman
Amy Brode
Staci Giske
Sandy Glazier
Jeffrey Kahan
Manny Kalef
Chuck Kessler*
Debi King
Dan Levy
Elayne Moss
Jeremy Moss
Robert Nusbaum
Marilyn Rice*
Jorge Singman
Marc Soble
David Stryk
Sandra Tamaroff
Life Trustee
Alfred D. Bricker*
* Past Presidents
Men’s Club Representative
Jerry Zabel
Sisterhood Representative
Ilene Kahan
Professional Staff
Elissa Berg
Alison Blau
Lisa Gates
Nancy Kaplan
Professor Howard Lupovitch
Linda Wright
Rabbi Emeritus
A. Irving Schnipper
Mission Statement
Congregation Beth Ahm is a
conservative synagogue with
a belief in a common Jewish
heritage, serving the Metropolitan
Detroit area with a philosophy of
equality of men and women fully
participating in religious, cultural,
educational, and social activities
of the synagogue.
In Ferndale on Woodward Avenue
Pre-planning for future needs
makes good sense.
Burial plots and perpetual care
are available.
For more information,
please contact
Risha Ring 248-763-7929
Emphasis is placed on a close
family–like relationship between
members working together to
provide a community of caring.
Office Information
phone 248.851.6880 • fax 248.851.6488
Monday-Thursday 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. • Friday 9 a.m. - 1 p.m.
David Goodman-Executive Director •
Elissa Berg
Education and Programming
Alison Blau
Office Coordinator
Linda Wright