Numbers and their symbolic meanings
Numbers and their symbolic meanings
2 3 1 45 6 FALL 08–09 Okt. Bengisu Keleflo¤lu, Arfl. Gör. Eren Evin K›l›çkaya tel: (222) 335 05 80/4168, 4161/46 Lesson 02 Numbers and their symbolic meanings 7 8 Numbers have long been seen as expressions of cosmic order, possibly deriving from ancient Babylonian observations of regular cosmic events, such as night and day, the phases of the moon, and cycles of the year. In most cultures numbers are laden with symboic meaning, and the practice of numerology is the study of their influence on the future. Viewed symbolically, numbers represent more than quantities; they also have qualities. To the Greek mathematician Pythagoras, even numbers were femine, divisible into two equal parts, and passive; odd numbers were masculine, and active. zero Zero was invented in ancient India. Represented by the continuous circle, it signifies non-being and eternity. To Pythagoras it was the perfect form which contains all and from which all is created. In Islam it is limitless light and the Divine Essence. one To be number one is to be the best. Spiritually, one stands for the state before the creation of the myriad forms of life. It also symbolizes the oneness to which all living things must return. It is God but also the individiual. The straight line is one of the five basic elements in Western ideography. The straight vertical line stands for unity, oneness, the self (who am I?), the number 1, authority, power, the absolute, that which is outstanding, and contact between the lower and the higher. ( One - the first - the greatest - the beginning - is usually identified with the Creator. In the beginning God created . . ., so in the beginning there was only one. ( /unit4/unit4.html#Uno) two In many cultures view the worlds as made up of opposing dualities life and death, light and dark, male and female, heaven and hell. Others see these pairs as complementary, such as the Chinese yin and yang. Two is the number of discord and conflict, but also of balance and marriage. Aristotle said, "most human things go in pairs." We have many sets of dualities, like night and day, hot, cold, etc. and especially male, female. ( /unit4/unit4.html#Uno) three Sacred to most religions, the number three combines the numbers one and two and so includes all life and experience. It is birth, life, and death; mind, body, and soul; past, present, and future; man, woman, and child. Hindu Trinity In India Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva form a powerful trinity of gods. Between them they create, sustain, and destroy life in an endless cycle of birth and rebirth Brahma Vishnu Shiva Trefoil Of The Trinity Three geometric shapes coming together can express the Christian Trinitiy, one God in three persons the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Thus the architectural device of the trefoil is often found in churches. The trident is a symbol of the Roman sea god, Neptune, possibly representing the past, the present, and the future. the trident of the Hindu god Shiva stands for his function as creator, preserver, and destroyer. Satan also holds a trident. four Four is the number of the square; the four elements, earth, fire, water, and air; and the cardinal points of the compass. It is associated with the Earth and with completeness. In medieval Europe human nature was characterized by the four humours phlegmatic, sanguine, choleric, and melancholic. five As the sum of two, a feminine number, and three, a masculine number, five is important in many cultures. It is a symbol for man. On a figure of a man, a line joining head to out- stretched arms and legs forms a pentagram, and also there are five human senses. Muslims pray five times a day and there are five pillars of piety in Islam. six According to the Bible, God created the world in six days and rested on the seventh. Six represents balance, love, health and also luck, as it is the winning throw at dice. The creation, French Bible, 14th century seven Seven is a sacred number, representing the union of divinity (number three) and earth (number four). Each of the four phases of the moon lasts seven days and there are seven days in the week. Menorah The branches of the Jewish candlestick indicate the seven days of the week as well as the sun, moon, and five principal planets. The three Ushaped arms represent wisdom, strength, and beauty. Wheels within In Hindu philosophy there are seven chakras, or wheels, in the body. These stand for levels of consciousness, ranging from the lowest for physical survival to the highest for spiritual enlightenment. Seven Deadly Sins The seven deadly sins (clockwise from top) gluttony, sloth, lust, vanity, anger, envy, avariceare the counterpants of the three theological and the four cardinal virtues. eight As the first cubic number (2x2x2), eight is considered the perfect number. Chinese life is ruled by eight; at eight months a child has milk teeth; at eight years he loses them; at twice eight the reaches maturity; and at 64 (8x8) he loses the power of procreation. The Buddhist wheel of life has eight spokes, for the eight-fold path to Enlightenment. Budhist Wheel Of Life nine Nine is the sacred number; three multiplied by itself to give eternity, completion, and fulfilment. The Norse god Odin hung for nine days and nine nights on the tree Yggdrasil to win the secret of wisdom for mankind. In China it is the number of celestial power; the nine- storeyed pagoda is a symbol of heaven. Symbol Of Nine ten As the number of the fingers, ten is the foundation of most counting systems including the decimal system. Ten also figures strongly in the Bible there are ten commandments and ten Egytian plagues. According to some theories, in the decimal system, ten is symbolic of the return to unity. Ten Commandments Tablet twelve As the multiple of the masculine three and the feminine four, 12 represents both spritiual and earthly order. There are 12 signs of the zodiac, 12 months of the year, 12 hours of day and night. There are also 12 knights of the Round Table, 12 days of Christmas, 12 disciples, and 12 tribes of Israel. Twelve is one of the big numbers in astrology because twelve complete lunar cycles takes approximately one year. Each month was eventually identified with a sign of the zodiac, which is believed to have originated in Mesopotamia as early as 2000 BC. The Greeks adopted the symbols from the Babylonians and passed them on to the other ancient civilizations. The Egyptians assigned other names and symbols to the zodiacal divisions. The Chinese also adopted the 12-fold division, but called the signs rat, ox, tiger, hare, dragon, serpent, horse, sheep, monkey, hen, dog, and pig. The Aztecs independently devised a similar system. ( t4/unit4.html#Uno) Signs Of The Zodiac thirteen In Christian countries 13 is an unlucky number because there were 13 at the fateful Last Supper. In Leonardo’s fresco above, Jesus has just announced that one of the disciples will betray him. In ancient South America there were 13 Mayan heavens and the Aztec calendar was divided into 13-day periods. The Last Supper, Leonardo Da Vinci, 1495-98 twenty one Originally the age at which a citizen was entitled to vote (though now lowered in many countries), 21 is still considered a major landmark in life. A symbolic key signifies entry into adulthood. In many countries this is the age at which a person is allowed to buy and drink alcohol. Representing wholeness, the number 40 is especially important in the Bible. Moses’ sojourn on Sinai lasted 40 days, as did that of Christ in the wilderness, and Noah’s ark floated in the Flood for 40 days and 40 nights. Forty was also significant in terms of years the Jews spent 40 years in the wilderness, and the reigns of David and Solomon were both 40 years. 50 60 This is the number of joy and celebration. It marks the completion of 7x7 year cycles and signifies new beginnings This marks the division of the minute and the hour, and so is associated with time. In Egypt it represented a long life. 2 3 Number systems 1 Most Western languages use Arabic numerls. These derive from the classical Indian language Sanskrit, written in the Devanagari script that is still used for many North-Indian languages. 4 69 5 one two six seven three eight Devanagari four nine five ten 2 3 Number systems 1 The Roman system uses seven alphabetical signs I, V, X, L, C, D, and M. Numbers are formed by adding (6 = V+I=VI) or substracting (4=I less than V=IV). Larger numbers come from Latin words, for example C=centum=100; M=mille=1,000. 4 one 69 5 six fifty two three seven eight hundred four nine five hundred Roman five ten thousand 2 3 Number systems 1 Numerals in Hebrew (read from right to left) corres-pond to the alphabet. One is the first letter, aleph; two, the second; and so on. After the tenth letter, the value of each letter goes up in tens. 4 69 5 five (he) ten (yod) four (daleth) nine (teth) three (gimel) two (veth) one (aleph) eight (heth) seven (zayin) six (vav) Hebrew FALL 08–09 Okt. Bengisu Keleflo¤lu, Arfl. Gör. Eren Evin K›l›çkaya tel: (222) 335 05 80/4168, 4161/46 Lesson 02 Colors and their symbolic meanings Color is a physical formation and it exists with light .It is also an important design element and has symbolic meanings. Only Color itself, can give the message and can direct the human behavior. In nature, color has a vital importarce among living beings. Sometimes animals are hunted or stay alive by the help of the color, so color is a fact of attractiveness. The symbolic usage of color can be seen esp at the architectural constitutions and folkloric art pieces. At the medieval ages the strict rules of the religions effected the usage of color on art. For ex: the clothes of Gesus and Maddonna always had been painted in dark blue color because it is belived that this color is a divine effect. Color Colors have different symbolic meanings in different cultures, geographies and timelines. The colors of the rainbow represented “luck” previously, but nowadays especially around europe and united states, as a consequence of the homosexual activities becomes widespread and institutionalized, rainbow colors symbolize the homosexuality. A few years ago this color symbolism had different meanings and today represent a group and their supporters. Because of the physical and psychological effects of the colors, they can give a message clearly. Although different meanings and words written at the same size, character and text features only by color the meaning of the words can be easily recognizable. DYNAMIC MYSTERIOUS MASCULINE FEMINEN CALM NATURAL HOT COLD DYNAMIC MYSTERIOUS MASCULINE FEMINEN CALM NATURAL HOT COLD DYNAMIC MYSTERIOUS MASCULINE FEMINEN CALM NATURAL HOT COLD white Commonly represents virginity, lack, hygiene, snow, purity, ice, peace, death, nothing, frost, good and air. White flag at the war symbolizes the peace and submission. Because of the purity connotation, at Europe bridal dresses are mostly in white color. If we think on the sound and color, white is the most calm tune or may represent the silence. That’s why at the eastern countries white is the color of mourning and reincarnation. Mostly white is used for expressing the opposition like “black and white”. black Commonly represents darkness, evil, bad luck, chaos, crime, mystery, elegance, end, death. At the Western cultures it is the color of death, mourning and also aristocracy but in China it is the symbol of winter and north.Because it do not emit or reflect light –sometimes described as an "achromatic", or hueless– indicates mystery and unknown. At ancient Egypt and North Africa it is the color of abundance and richness as the colors of the rainy clouds turns into black. Generally in holy scriptures black is the color of the hell and witchery and devil is defined as the prince of the darkness. But in printing technologies black is key color which determines the dark tones and shown with the letter “K” red Commonly represents dynamism, love, passion, aggression, blood, stop, courage, guilt, energy, anger, fire, sin, violence, warning and danger. As the color the fire, red represents hell and devilment. Red flag means revolt and revolution. Red is also a symbol of status and luxury. At Japan many single young women wear red clothes for good luck. In printing technologies red ink (magenta) is one of the basic color. yellow Commonly represents warmth, happiness, sunshine, electiricty. As the color of the sun and gold, yellow is the symbol of the value and status. In China it is the color of royaltiy and sultanate. Also yellow means attention at international communication and traffic sign system. It is one of the main color in printing technologies. blue Commonly represents ice, water, sky, sadness, winter, judaism, boys, cold, calm and heaven. Vishnu as an Indian God depicted in blue color to indicate the heavenly side. Blue in many cultures symbolizes the divine mercy and being forgiven.As the contrast color of red, blue has the effect of calmness and peace. In Chirstianity blue is the color of hope and devotion.As a musical form “Blues” takes its name from those connotations.At the eastern cultures like Egypt, India, Iran and also Anatolia it is believed that blue sends away the negative energy and harm. green Commonly represents nature, growth, hope, youth, calm, sickness, health, go, Islam, env ironmentalism, positiveness.In islamic expressions, architecture and also at anatolian motifs green is important as the color of heaven. This divine color also symbolizes the trefoil of Christian Trinity; father, son and the holy spirit. At the packaging designs green sis used to show the freshness and naturalness.