Proposal Cover Sheet
Proposal Cover Sheet
Proposal Cover Sheet JISC Grant Funding 05/10 Cover Sheet for Proposals (All sections must be completed) Please Indicate which strand your are applying for C Name of Lead Institution: Roehampton University Name of Proposed Project: Project Cumulus Name(s) of Project Partners(s) Christ Church Canterbury University De Montfort University University of Lincoln University of Nottingham (except commercial sector – see below) This project involves one or more Name of any commercial partner company commercial sector partners Unit4 Business Software Ltd (formerly Agresso) YES Full Contact Details for Primary Contact: Name: Mr Mike Hall Position: Director, ITMS, Roehampton University Email: Tel: 0208 392 3446 Address: Digby Stuart College, Roehampton Lane, London , SW15 5SZ Length of Project: 10 Months Project Start Date: 1 August 2010 Project End date: Total Funding Requested from JISC: £170,000 Total Institutional Contributions: £42,891 31 May 2011 Outline Project Description This project takes the work of projects HILDA and MUSIC, the work of Duke and Jordan and the Flexible Service Delivery Programme to a logical next step. It will demonstrate how a large ERP system can be disaggregated to allow modular functionality from that system to be offered and supported within the “cloud”. The cloud deployment approach will be supported by a Service Oriented Architecture which will enable integration, interoperability and workflows within the module to be achieved using Web Services. The project will explore the issues of deployment in such an environment and the modular, cloud based approach will be tested at 4 different Universities. The project, therefore, directly addresses the issues of gaining Modularity which places it firmly in Strand C. However, the elements of Shared Services and Cloud Computing mean that the project also covers large aspects of Strand A of the 05/10 call. I have looked at the example FOI form at Appendix B and included an FOI form in this bid YES (delete as appropriate) I have read the Funding Call and associated Terms and Conditions of Grant at Appendix C YES (delete as appropriate) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Project Cumulus Proposal Page : 1 1. Appropriateness of Fit to Programme Objectives and overall Value to the JISC Community Project Cumulus will demonstrate that it is possible and productive to develop a modular approach to systems architecture and to deliver “services” for the HE Sector from the “cloud”. This will significantly change the current common implementation situation where one supplier and one large system (or ERP installation) attempts to satisfy the requirements of an increasingly volatile and complex HE business landscape in each individual institution. The project will demonstrate that it is possible to work with suppliers to develop new methods of product development and deployment. These new methods must satisfy the requirements of the institutions for agility, flexibility and cost effectiveness and the requirements of the suppliers for a revenue stream which will enable research and development and software supportability. This project builds on a significant body of work within the JISC e-Framework. Projects HILDA (High Level Domain Architecture) and MUSIC (Measuring and Understanding the Systems Integration Challenge) were followed closely by the work of Duke and Jordan on Shared Services The Duke and Jordan work, focussing on the huge importance of systems integration, highlighted that the complexity of integration was indeed a huge disincentive in the move towards a more modular provision of systems and services. This was followed by projects under the JISC Institution Exemplars and Innovation Programmes which showed that a Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) approach was an important way forward in achieving effective integration especially when used with an Enterprise Architecture Framework. The Flexible Service Delivery Programme takes this a step further, exploring, in one supported project for example, the integration of data in 2 Universities linked through Enterprise Service Bus technology. This bid will build on all of this work by developing an independent business module, hosting it in the cloud and providing integration and workflows using Web Services and principles of SOA. 1.1 The Consortium Members Roehampton University has already worked in this context with the JISC funded Project Cairo which explored the relevance of an Enterprise Architecture Framework (TOGAF 8) and Service Oriented Architecture to the development of a strategic, governed approach to enabling business requirement to lead a flexible and agile IT function. The University has its own Development Roadmap for the next 5 years and is strategically committed to working towards the development of a Service Oriented Architecture approach to data integration, using Open Standards, and eventually shared and flexibly delivered services. Roehampton has been closely involved with the development of flexible service delivery as a major activity within the JISC. The university was one of the first institutions to explore the relevance of TOGAF and has consistently participated and presented in benefits realisation activities, from theoretical approaches to EA to presenting the results of detailed work using modelling techniques on major university business processes. The University is a “Solutions” member of the JISC Flexible Services Delivery Strategic Technologies Group. Nottingham University is a member of FSD STG and a partner in the existing consortium with Roehampton, Lincoln, CCCU and Unit4 in the EWES project. The FSD approach is at the heart of the Universities programme to re-engineer its existing Student Management System. Nottingham has been evaluating, with Unit4, the use of its curriculum management software as a loosely coupled component through SOA. The limitation of the existing “service layer” provided by the Unit4 software is a barrier to achieving the level of integration required to unlock the architecture of the existing Student Management System. Strategically this project is important to Nottingham as it will put in place “services” that enable the deployment of the product in such a way it integrates with the workflow of other components using XCRI and other standards through SOA. Nottingham has a development team in place already exploring this space with Roehampton, Lincoln, CCCU and Unit4. Nottingham, as part of the consortia, will provide expertise in XCRI and ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Project Cumulus Proposal Page : 2 other relevant interoperability standards from the Centre for International ePortfolio Development (CIePD). This unit has significant successful experience of delivering JISC funded projects in the areas of streamlining data flow through use of open standards. They are currently delivering a Leap2A and XCRI mini-pilot for JISC, and are behind 6 linked XCRI initiatives placing the East Midlands at the forefront of national XCRI implementation. Their SAMSON lifelong learning and workforce development project is developing web services infrastructure to present a platform for users and service providers to collaborate securely and dynamically through hosted services. Lincoln University is also a partner in the existing consortium with Roehampton, Nottingham, CCCU and Unit4 on the EWES project. FSD principles are at the heart of the University’s IT Strategy, which recognises that continued concentration on best of breed business systems, implemented within each institution and connected by bespoke legacy interfaces, is simply not sustainable in the long term (a recognition which is clearly heightened in the current economic climate). However, the strategy also acknowledges that key enablers need to be in place to allow a substantial sector-wide move towards more flexible corporate solution delivery and towards all that a move would imply, including enabling shared service. Chief amongst these enablers are sector capability, standards (like XCRI) and supplier engagement/support – all areas that this new bid will help unlock. At the same time, replacing existing best of breed solutions lock, stock and barrel is unlikely to be an affordable option for Universities and Lincoln is also working on the transition process to achieve a more application independent environment, against a broad roadmap consisting of overlapping phases covering optimisation/consolidation of existing applications; building/encouraging internal and supplier capability; exploiting capability and lining the institution up to take advantage of enterprise level shared-service, ‘as a service’ and outsourcing models. De Montfort University has FDS as a key component of the institution’s IT strategy. It has already embarked on a number of initiatives to both explore and embrace SOA and aims to use this approach as part of its medium and long term programme to replace its best of breed business applications. The University has been a partner with UNIT4 since 1997 and has a history of joint development projects (including the original development of the Academic Curriculum Management System) that have resulted in the application and the company becoming market leaders in HE. The university has already placed its student email and calendars into the cloud with Google, and has written internal applications using web services developed by UNIT4. It is about to upgrade to the latest curriculum management system during the next 12 months, and information gained from this project will prove invaluable in determining the approach for the implementation of future standalone modules and integrating with cloud solutions. In addition, to the above, formal members of the Consortium, Christ Church Canterbury University is maintaining an active interest in the project and will work alongside existing members. Currently, funding within CCCU precludes them from taking part in the formal bid but the Consortium welcomes their interest and support. 1.2 The Project Roehampton University is currently working successfully in a consortium with 4 other Universities and the Systems Supplier, Unit4, to take the Cairo outcomes to the next level with the existing JISC funded Project EWES (Exploiting Web Services). Project EWES will explore and document the standards used in the Suppliers “Service Layer” and will use web services at the 4 different University sites to explore the real accessibility of data through the re-usable and loosely coupled aspects of this architecture. Project EWES will explore the efficacy of a “Service Layer” on a module which remains within the structure of a large, monolithic systems architecture. This new project (Cumulus) is designed to enable the Consortium of Universities to work with Unit4, the supplier, to break the link between a significant business module (Curriculum Management (ACMS)) and the major systems software of which it is a part. This will allow the module to exist as a “service” carrying out a particular function, using data inputs, communicating with the “student ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Project Cumulus Proposal Page : 3 System” and supplying data and reporting outputs in a Service Oriented Architecture. It will therefore prove the concept of modularisation as a vital part of a flexible service delivery and in addition, and equally importantly, will explore the issues of providing the module “services” from within the “cloud” thus breaking the formal link with the large ERP type solutions concept. The Project, therefore, clearly overlaps and combines 2 of the 4 strands of the 05/10 call; Modularisation/Proof of Concept and “Shared Services and Cloud Computing” pilots. An important aspect of ensuring the interoperability of the curriculum software is the work flow with other components using recognised standards. XCRI is a key standard in this area as a large part of curriculum management is about course information with work flow between other components handling course catalogues, prospectuses, student enrolment, module registration, award calculation, etc. It is therefore important that the “service layer” be XCRI enabled. Figure 1 shows what the project intends to accomplish Figure 1 Curriculum Management Module as part of Unit4 Student Record System UCAS admissions Management Curriculum Management System Student Registration Other System Modules Curriculum Management Module in the Cloud Curriculum Management System Unit4 Student System XCRI standards Other Supplier Student System Currently the Agresso Curriculum Management System (ACMS) exists as a module within the Agresso Business World (ABW) Framework. This is represented by the upper part of Figure 1. The module is purchased and supported as part of the ABW Framework, is dependent upon the Framework, exchanges data within the Framework with other relevant modules and with the outside world. This project will remove the module from the ABW Framework dependencies and place it in the cloud. It will be, in effect, a standalone module capable of communicating with the “outside world” through web services and Enterprise Service Bus technology. This type of application deployment will raise new issues relating to the storing of User Accounts and Passwords, integration with enterprise directories and with identity management systems on different platforms and from different suppliers. The project will explore the impact of these issues within the context of a modular, cloud based application deployment. The proof of concept activities of this project will, if successful, show that it is no longer necessary for institutions to implement inappropriate systems software. The simplification of integration around a set of effective standards will make it possible for institutions to use only those modules of a set of system software which are relevant to their business. It will enable institutions to choose between suppliers at an appropriate level of granularity. This will introduce greater IT agility, greater value for money and will change the landscape of the provision and management of administrative and student services. It will facilitate the implementation of safe, supported software which is more closely aligned to business requirements. In effect, success of this project will show the way forward towards the exploitation of modularisation and cloud computing, built around EA and SOA principles, enabling the selection of ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Project Cumulus Proposal Page : 4 “Best of Breed” options at a level more closely focussed to the business need. The project will inform the development of relatively low level “services”, a step towards achieving a truly “service” oriented architecture (software as a service) based on increased levels of data shareability and integration. 1.3 Value to the JISC Community The project will contain a set of specific deliverables or outputs. These are explored in greater detail in the next section. There will also be a number of significant outcomes which will be of enormous value to the JISC community and to the movement towards modularisation, shared services and cloud computing within the HE Sector. The project will provide evidence of how the barriers to integration can be overcome, how it is possible to work with suppliers towards the specific objectives of modularisation and cloud computing solutions. It will enable an exploration of what deployment in the cloud will mean for cost of provision, licensing arrangements, support and new business models both for supplier and customer. It will illuminate, although not necessarily solve, “hidden” problems within this method of service delivery. UNIT4 has agreed to provide development resource at the significantly discounted development rate of £500 per day (their standard development rate is £850 per day) in recognition of the partnership approach of this bid. Although this is essentially a proof of concept project the value of the investment by the JISC lies in the potential of a production system, with a set of re-usable, interoperable web services which have been defined by the consortium to meet the needs of the HE marketplace. The cloud environment would allow institutions to take and share benefit without the normal infrastructure costs borne by each individual implementation. Unit4 estimates that there will be considerable savings to be made through deployment in the cloud, specifically on hardware, maintenance and support costs. The company estimates that these saving could amount to £50,000 per institutions which indicates that the sector would benefit financially overall with as few as 3 or 4 sales of the production application. In turn, the Consortium firmly believes that this project is making an investment on behalf of the sector to produce a flexible business solution which is in line with the JISC aims and objectives in this arena. 2. Quality of Proposal and Robustness of Workplan 2.1 Deliverables The project will produce the following deliverables : A standalone business module, with a specific set of business processes, available in the Cloud A set of web services which enable data to be imported and exported from the module XCRI/Unit 4 mapping Document Report on XCRI 1.1 suitability and recommendations A set of standards for web services which facilitate interoperability especially with XCRI A set of web services facilitating links to business processes and workflows within other system An exploration of the issues which impact on this type of deployment with suggested solutions The project will be run by a consortium of Universities which have experience of working together on a current similar JISC funded project and a systems supplier which has many years experience in the HE marketplace and a strong developmental roadmap of its own. The project will run for a period of 10 months until May 2011 and will employ systems developers located in the Supplier headquarters in Swansea and Bristol, thus able to work closely with existing Supplier staff. Project management will be provided jointly by the lead institution and the supplier. The Project Managers will report monthly to a Project Team consisting of representatives from all involved parties. Each ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Project Cumulus Proposal Page : 5 representative will report back into the existing Project Governance of the individual institutions and supplier, based universally on Prince2 methodology. In Roehampton University the project manager will report to the University’s Project Implementation Board, the Prince2 based governance for all IT projects in the University chaired by the Pro Vice Chancellor. Project Sponsor at Roehampton is the University’s Vice-Chancellor, Professor Paul O’Prey. At Nottingham University this project will be governed as part of the Student Management Systems Programme whose sponsor is the Registrar and Pro-VC responsible for efficiency gains and cost savings. Lincoln University will include this project within its formal corporate solutions optimisation initiatives, sponsored by the University Registrar, Director of Finance and University Librarian and overseen by the University’s Resources Committee chaired by the Vice Chancellor. At De Montfort University, this work will be carried out as part of the strategic review of the university’s business systems architecture, and will be sponsored by the Academic Registrar and the PVC responsible for Information Services and Systems. The project will deploy an external restricted website to facilitate communication between consortium members and the JISC and an open external site to communicate progress to the wider community. A potential set of workpackages are described below. 2.2 Workpackages Work Packages Project Management Appointment of Systems Developer(s) Baselining ACMS Implementation of ACMS in the cloud Development of Web Services integration Mapping XCRI 1.1 to Unit4 elements Documentation of issues Pilot / Beta test Dissemination Month 1 X X X X 2 3 X X X X X X X X X 4 5 X X 6 7 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 8 X 9 10 X X X X X X X X X X X 2.3 Success Measures The project will be deemed fully successful if : The ACMS module is accessible within the cloud The web services, conforming to clearly specified standards, enable the importing and exporting of data to and from the module Interoperability is achieved through XCRI compatible web services The module, in the cloud, carries out the business functions correctly Issues which impact the deployment in the cloud and operability with web services are thoroughly documented The ACMS module passes the pilot testing and could go to production Each of these success measures represents a degree of success within the project. Additionally the project will be deemed a success if it fails to implement in the cloud using web services but demonstrates clear documentation and understanding of the issues which have prevented implementation. 2.4 Risk Assessment Risk Recruitment of project staff delays project progress Mitigation Recruited staff will be used to backfill for staff involved with the project. Early work in the project involves deployment of the module “in ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Project Cumulus Proposal Page : 6 Lack of agreement on decision making and rights with partners Value from project outputs are not realised post project Project costs exceed budget External dependencies - other system suppliers unable to benefit from developments Hidden legal issues such as Data Protection the cloud” using existing staff. Ensure consortium agreement is in place. Ensure sustainability plan is in place. Fixed price agreement with Unit4 on costs Development to approved standards and schemas especially XCRI Does not impact on the proof of concept Unit4 is aware of the crucial nature of its involvement in this project and is aware that there is interest from elsewhere in working with them. The company has stated that as the ACMS module is written in the ABW framework, it is supported by a company resource pool that could work on the project as well as staff specific to the education market. They state that as they, Unit4, are working on this project in partnership with the HE and JISC communities, they would guarantee that the required resources would be ring fenced to make this project a success. 2.5 Intellectual Property Rights The IPR of all deliverables from the project itself will be held by the sector. However, where IPR already exists, it will remain with the vendor. The IPR for any re-engineering carried out to the vendor software, its “Service Layer” or vendor originated documentation will remain with the Vendor Company. 3. Engagement with the Community 3.1 Consortium Experience The Consortium will work closely with the JISC Programme Manager and fully understands the importance of the Flexible Services Delivery Programme to the JISC and to the HE Sector. The lead institution on the project, Roehampton University, has fully participated in the EA/SOA and FSD initiatives. The university has its own strong strategic thread which coincides with these programme developments from the JISC which, in turn, are part of a strong and seminal movement in the marketplace. Roehampton has fully and actively contributed at all stages in the development of these programmes, through the EA Practice Group and through its “solutions” level membership of the Flexible Service Delivery Programme Strategic Technologies Group. Similarly, through its Project Executive, Roehampton is well placed to feed the project outputs to key dissemination fora e.g. BUFDG, AHUA and HEFCE. For Nottingham University this is an important strategic project which will support the reengineering of its student management system. The project will provide a case study deployment which can be provided to other institutions. Value will also be gained in other institutions wishing to use the Unit4 software. They will find integration easier through the new “service layer” and incorporation of XCRI standards. Mapping Unit4 data objects to XCRI 1.1 will represent early work to engage large vendors in the JISC-developed interoperability standard. Standardised curriculum management modules will act as a further driver for other institutions to adopt the standard thereby benefitting the national community at large. Recommendations on XCRI extension and vocabularies from the mapping process will be fed back to the JISC XCRI Support Project Team to inform XCRI 1.2 and the XCRI community as a whole. Nottingham University will manage the project as part of its Student Management Systems programme in conjunction with the Centre for International ePortfolio Development which is well placed to disseminate findings through Regional HE/FEI Lifelong Learning Network contacts and the regional XCRI community, supported by the JISCmail XCRI-East-Midlands List. Additionally, the JISC Regional Support Centre for the East Midlands is starting up an East Midlands MIS Manager group for FEIs. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Project Cumulus Proposal Page : 7 DMU recognises the importance and is fully supportive of the Flexible Service Delivery programme, and was recently involved in a joint project (STEP-C) with Southampton Solent University. This project formed part of its own SOA IT Strategy and its technical learning programme in the use of SOA and Enterprise Service Bus technologies to investigate and prove the concept of delivering a modular integrated solution linking multiple applications. The university sees this bid as a logical extension of that project in expanding its SOA knowledge to support its transition towards a more flexible business systems environment. The project will, of course, support a website to disseminate activities and experience. The Consortium will host and contribute at seminars and other sharing activities, will take a full and active role in the benefits realisation programme associated with the bid and will report back directly to the JISC at regular intervals through the FSD STG agenda. The Consortium is very aware of the complex nature of this area and has a joint depth of experience to ensure that the project is successful. Consortium members, including the Supplier, Unit4, are proactive members of UCISA and will use this organisation to assist in dissemination of findings from the project through conferences and mailbases. The University will make full use of the JISC, the EA Practice Group and the FSD STG, the JISC Services such as Techwatch, the Centre for Educational Technology and Interoperability Standards (CETIS) as well as The Open Group to interface with organisations and people who are interested in or can contribute directly to the furtherance of this initiative. 3.2 Stakeholder Analysis Level of Interest High / Power Low – JISC FSD Community Level of Interest Low / Power High - Other HE sector institutions (not yet part of FSD programme) Other FE Institutions (not yet part of FSD Programme) Level of Interest High / Power High - JISC programme manager / HEFCE Universities / Project Sponsors It will be vital to the project to maintain the high interest of the stakeholders with the highest power and those with high interest but lower power. This will be achieved by the consortium reporting regularly on progress to the FSD STG and through this medium, to the rest of the FSD Community. The Programme Manager will be invited to sit on the Project Board if this is deemed appropriate meeting by meeting. Within each University the project will become a standard item on the internal project board which exercises governance over IT projects. The Pro Vice-Chancellor of Roehampton University will appraise HEFCE of progress The project will support an external website which will inform stakeholders in the low interest / low power area. The consortium will actively seek the opportunity to present the concepts and findings of the project to those stakeholders whose level of interest is low but whose power within the sector is high, this clearly including the many institutions which are currently aware of and watching the FSD developments. 4. Budget Directly Incurred Staff Post, Grade, No. Hours & % FTE April 10 – March 11 £ April 11 – May 11 £ TOTAL £ Etc. £ £ £ Etc. £ £ £ Total Directly Incurred Staff (A) £ £ £ Non-Staff April 10 – March April 11 – May TOTAL £ £ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Project Cumulus Proposal Page : 8 Travel and expenses 11 £7060.80 11 £1765.20 £8826 Hardware/software £ £ £ Dissemination £ £ £ Evaluation £ £ £ Other - We have included Unit4 staff under directly allocated staff costs however they may placed as non staff incurred costs as they are being bought into the project Total Directly Incurred Non-Staff (B) £ £ £ £7060.80 £1765.20 £8826 Directly Incurred Total (C) (A+B=C) £7060.80 £1765.20 £8826 Directly Allocated April 10 – March 11 £15,798.62 April 11 – May 11 £3949.66 TOTAL £ Estates for Roehampton University £1,653.67 £413.42 £2,067.09 Staff- University of Nottingham 5 Staff including estates and indirect costs. PM, Head of SMS, Analyst, Technical Consultant(XCRI), Administrator £25,978.40 £6,494.60 £32,473 Staff- Lincoln University 4 Staff including estates and indirect costs. Project Sponsor, PM, Technical Analyst, Project Co-ordinator £18,571.20 £4,642.80 £23,214 Staff- De Montfort University 3 Staff including estates and indirect costs. PM, Project Sponsor, Technical Analyst, £18,617.60 £4,654.40 £23,272 Unit 4 Staff Costs (inclusive of VAT) 4 Staff – PM 40 days £23500; Systems Analyst 50days £29,375; Technical Consultant 50 days £29,375; Technical Author 20days £11,750 £75,200 £18,800 £94,000 Other £ £ £ Directly Allocated Total (D) £155,819.50 £38,954.87 £194,774.37 Indirect Costs (E) £7416.83 £1854.21 £9271.04 Total Project Cost (C+D+E) £170.297.13 £42,547.28 £212,871.41 Amount Requested from JISC £136,000 £34,000 £170,000 Staff – Roehampton University 5 Staff (PM, Technical Consultant, Tester, Sponsor, Project Exec Team Member) £19,748.28 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Project Cumulus Proposal Page : 9 Institutional Contributions £34,297.13 £8,574.28 £42,871.41 Percentage Contributions over the life of the project JISC 80 % Partners 20 % Total 100% No. FTEs used to calculate indirect and estates charges, and staff included No FTEs Partner universities included estates and indirect costs as part of staff costs so this has not been broken down. Staff involved in the project are as follows: Roehampton University – John King, Hiren Patel, George Zhou, Paul O’Prey(VC), Mike Hall. Nottingham: Richard McKenna, Stuart Wood, Kirstie Coolin, Carina Neil, Technical Analyst, Tec Consultant Lincoln University: Mike Day, Allister Homes, Technical Analyst, Project Co-ordinator De Montfort University – Mike Robinson, John Shelton; Navinder Kaur Unit 4: Caroline Drew, Tim Strong, Peter Brown, Technical Author 5. Previous Experience of the Project Team 5.1 University of Lincoln Mike Day (Head of ICT at University of Lincoln). Mike is a very experienced IT director, with over 20 years working in IT, mainly in the public sector. He is both a PRINCE2 and MSP certified practitioner and has led large projects and programmes at Government Department level. He has a strong background in Business Systems, Business Intelligence and Data Modelling, including experience of a SOA-based integration of a learning environment, student information system and corporate web site for National College of School Leadership (using Oracle Enterprise Service Bus). He is very experienced in systems design, requirements specification and software development, which he has previously taught to MSc level at the Royal Military College of Science. Allister Homes (Title) with a primarily technical IT background, Allister is part of Project Services in the ICT department. Allister has managed projects to implement Unit4's Research Database, upgrade a CRM system and introduce a disability management system, as well as taking the technical lead in other projects . Current projects include a curriculum management system and an alumni system. Prior to this Allister worked for the Ministry of Defence most recently as the Mission System Software Manager for a new £1bn airborne intelligence and surveillance asset, earlier heading IT development at an RAF station which included managing and taking part in the full systems life-cycle and having in-depth experience of server, systems and SAN administration. Allister is a Chartered IT Professional with 10 years’ of IT experience, and is currently studying for a master’s degree in computer science. 5.2 University of Nottingham Richard McKenna (Head of Student Management Systems, University of Nottingham). Richard has 18 years experience of IT within the university sector, 5 of which was working for JISC as a Programme Manager and as Director of Programme Management. Richard has a wide breath of knowledge and exposure to the range of JISC innovation activity and services. Amongst which Richard was the programme manager responsible for establishing the original XCRI project. Richard’s present role as Head of Student Management Systems at the University of Nottingham is responsible for leading a 5 year University wide programme which includes campuses in China and Malaysia in ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Project Cumulus Proposal Page : 10 the re-engineering of the student management systems and academic business process over the next 5 years. Stuart Wood (MSc) Stuart is Applications Developer for the CIePD, working primarily on the JISC-funded SAMSON project developing web services to join data sources using open standards, as well as on the PIOP3 ePortfolio Interoperability project, further developing the Leap2A standard and implementing with oAuth for seamless data transfer and ROBOT-XCRI. Stuart is delivering XCRI expertise to East Midlands HE/FEIs and has been key in implementing XCRI with LLN partners and Area Prospectuses through 2 LLN XCRI projects, XCRI 14-19 and XCRI-X-Border. He is advising on use of the standard and on processes and vocabularies to inform XCRI v1.2, developing XCRI web services and informing recommendations to the JISC XCRI Support Team. Kirstie Coolin (BA, HND) Kirstie is the eBusiness Analyst for the CIePD, project managing on the JISC-funded projects SAMSON, PIOP3 and ROBOT-XCRI. Over the last 2 years she has managed the successful delivery of various interoperability projects, including Leap2A, XCRI 14-19, XCRI-X-Border and XCRI implementation for two lifelong learning networks. Her background is in applications development in HE/FE with experience in project managing/developing eLearning systems, Intranets, websites and business support systems as well as team management. Kirstie’s technical skills mainly centre on analysis, web and database applications in .NET, XML and SQL Server with some experience in PHP and mySQL. 5.3 Roehampton University Mike Hall is IT and Media Services Director at Roehampton University. Mike is a member of the Project Executive Team for both the 3R and AAA Projects. A senior IT professional with over 20 years experience in both academia and the corporate market place, Mike has been involved in developing and supporting large production systems based on Intel and Sun running Windows, Solaris, Oracle, MS SQL, SOA and various web servers. Mike currently sits on the Business Development Committee of the London Metropolitan Network Hiren Patel (Head if Infrastructure Services at Roehampton University). Hiren has 3 years very recent experience of IT architecture development and implementation working with and managing a team of Systems Analysts responsible for designing and implementing infrastructure systems in a multi-site, international environment. He has a deep understanding of business needs through managing a Business Systems team responsible for requirements gathering, designing, implementing & supporting systems and processes for Sales & Marketing, Finance, MIS and Production functions within a multi-national environment. Hiren has experience also with modelling techniques using UML for case / scenario / prototyping. Hiren has a working experience of HP / Dell / IBM h/w and primarily of MS OS platform. John King is Project Manager for Information technology and Media Services Department. John has lead technical and business teams in many different business environments, as both supplier and customer, to achieve significant business process change through the application of information technology. John has extensive experience at leading and motivating teams and managing complex projects through to successful implementation. He is a Certified TOGAF 8 Enterprise Architect and has recently managed Project Cairo to a successful conclusion and into ongoing development work with the JISC and The Open Group. 5.4 De Montfort University Mike Robinson (Director of Information Services and Systems (ISAS) has recently joined De Montfort University as Director of Information Services and Systems and is also a Director of EMMAN. Mike is a member of the overall University Operational Management Group with responsibility for business systems integration, technology platforms and support. A senior IT professional qualified in PRINCE2 and ITIL, Mike has over 17 experience of leading and contributing ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Project Cumulus Proposal Page : 11 to major transformation initiatives across the HE, Legal and Professional services and IT Services sector. Mike has led strategic development and infrastructure projects and large operational teams across a range of technologies, platforms and business applications; from HR, Finance and web through to server virtualisation and Unified Communications. John Shelton (ISAS - Head of Business Systems) is a senior manager at DMU and has 34 years of IT experience, 20 years commercial and 14 years in Higher Education. He is experienced in developing and delivering large complex IT solutions, technical strategies and initiatives within the HE sector, including Business Systems and Business Intelligence. He has developed strong and lasting partnerships with suppliers and other institutions, and has chaired a number of national user groups. He has also spoken at conferences in the UK and USA. Navinder Kaur is a senor applications developer within ISAS. She has an in depth knowledge of a number of UNIT4 business modules, and has extensive experience of systems integration including the development of a UKPASS application. This system links into the DMU Staff portal and Student database system and connects to UCAS web services to exchange data on postgraduate applications. This has made significant improvements to internal processes and procedures, allowing faculties and the registry to make offers electronically. Navinder completed both a BSc (Hons) in Computing and an MSc in Distributed Systems at the university. She achieved Distinction level in her MSc in 2009 and was awarded Student of the Year by the Faculty of Technology. 5.5 Unit4 Caroline Drew is Education Product Manager for Unit4. Caroline has over 15 years experience of working for Unit4 in their Education Division. Caroline was involved with support, training and consultancy of the Unit4 Student Administration software for a number of years prior to becoming Product Manager. She has worked on numerous development and implementation projects for Unit4 including managing the migration of the student system to a dotnet / web environment. Caroline currently also manages the education portfolio of Unit4. Using strong interpersonal and relationship management skills, and her knowledge of the sector, Caroline is able quickly to grasp the business requirements of education establishments and match these effectively to applications and IT processes. She is currently working with a consortium of Universities involved in the FSD Project – Exploiting Web Services (Project EWES). Tim Strong is UK Platform Manager for Unit4. Tim has over 14 years experience of working for Unit4 in their Education Division. Tim was responsible for the technical design and development of the Unit4 Student Administration software along with other key supporting applications during the migration to the .Net platform. Tim now manages the technical strategy for applications within the Education division along with heading up a team responsible for the application platform. Tim has strong technical skills specifically around the Microsoft development and server stack and works closely with Microsoft on ensuring applications adhere to proven patterns and practices. Peter Brown is the Chief Technology Officer for UNIT4 Business Software. Peter has been involved in the Information Technology industry for 25 years and has worked on projects covering a wide range of technology, hardware and software. Peter has worked for UNIT4 Business Software for 15 years and has responsibility over all technology delivery related issues across all sectors of the UK business. Peter has a wide variety of experience within UNIT4 Business Software having carried out roles as programmer, database administrator, support consultant, implementation consultant, pre sales consultant, customer services manager and technology manager. Peter is currently working on projects to investigate new and better ways of delivering systems including such topics as shared service platforms, cloud platforms, open data collaboration projects, offline and mobile capabilities. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Project Cumulus Proposal Page : 12 FOI Withheld Information Form We would like JISC to consider withholding the following sections or paragraphs from disclosure, should the contents of this proposal be requested under the Freedom of Information Act, or if we are successful in our bid for funding and our project proposal is made available on JISC’s website. We acknowledge that the FOI Withheld Information Form is of indicative value only and that JISC may nevertheless be obliged to disclose this information in accordance with the requirements of the Act. 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