Fall 2013 Newsletter - Berks County Public Libraries
Fall 2013 Newsletter - Berks County Public Libraries
Fall 2013 Volume 14, Issue 3 The Newsletter of the Friends of Mifflin Community Library This summer Mifflin Community Library has been participating in the “soft launch” of the Edge Initiative to improve technology in libraries. As one of two pilot libraries in the Berks County Public Library System, MCL is helping to try out the materials developed for this program, which will launch nationwide in January, 2014. The Edge Initiative aims to provide libraries across the country with strategies and tools to strengthen their technology services and help them better serve their community’s needs and interests. So far, we have filled out a lengthy assessment tool to determine our current position in relation to the benchmarks which Edge has established for technology in libraries. The next steps are to develop an action plan to address the areas which do not meet the benchmarks and to participate in training webinars to give us ideas on how to accomplish our goals. Since this initiative provides tools and advice but no funding, in the future we will be looking financial resources to enable us to carry out our plan. Stay tuned for further developments! For more information about the Edge Initiative, visit the website www.libraryedge.org. INSIDE From the Friends 2 Book & Bake Sale & Upcoming Events 3 2013 Golf Outing 4 Fall Storytime & Summer Reading 6-7 Library Programs 8 Summer Concerts Sponsors & Adult Summer Reading 13 Capital Campaign14 Mission Statement The Friends of Mifflin Community Library is a nonprofit organization dedicated to providing financial support for the library’s role as a source of information and enjoyment for the community. Mifflin Community Library | 6 Philadelphia Avenue | Shillington, PA 19607 Phone: 610-777-3911 | email: mifflincl@berks.lib.pa.us | www.berks.lib.pa.us/mifflincl/ LIBRARY STAFF Library Director Helen Sheimo Flynn, MS Youth Services Librarian Kristin Brumbach, MS Programs/PR Coordinator Elizabeth Shepley Library Assistants Melissa Cronrath Patti Hutchinson Sharon Kleckner Liz Latch Gary Colosimo Jillian Woodruff Phone 610-777-3911 Website www.berks.lib.pa.us/mifflincl/ email mifflinlibrary@gmail.com LIBRARY HOURS Monday9am–8pm Tuesday9am–8pm Wednesday9am–5pm Thursday9am–8pm Friday 9am–1pm Saturday9am–4pm FROM THE FRIENDS Please mark your calendars for our 12th Annual Kauffman’s Chicken BBQ. Tickets are available now at the library or on the day of the sale. See the ad on page 3 for details. Remember, don’t cook; support your library and enjoy a great meal! A huge “Thank You” to Thrivent Financial for Lutherans who has offered to match a portion of our profits from both the chicken bbq sale and the Book & Bake Sale. We really appreciate this generous donation from this organization that really cares about our community and its needs. Friends of the Mifflin Community Library Book & Bake Sale Oct. 24 Oct. 25 Oct. 26 3-7 PM 10-1 PM 10-2 PM We will start collecting books on Oct. 10th during regular library hours. Please do not leave books outside of the door. Encyclopedias, text books, and Readers Digest Condensed Books will not be accepted. We always need volunteers for sorting books and clean up after the sale on Oct. 26th. Please call Linda Suklje, at 610-775-1742 if you can spare some time to help. If you enjoy baking, we also appreciate donations of Baked Goods. Please be sure to mark your donations so we can help customers with their purchases. NEXT MEETING SEPTEMBER 18 @ 1:00PM Please join us with your ideas & meet other folks who are passionate about our library. Become a Member of the Friends of the Mifflin Community Library Friends of MCL is a 501 (c.)(3) non-profit organization. Your membership donation may be considered a charitable contribution. Check your number on the mailing label. Please make checks payable to Friends of Mifflin Community Library. Mail to: Mifflin Community Library, 6 Philadelphia Avenue, Shillington, PA 19607 Friends of Mifflin Community Library Membership Name_________________________________________ New Renewal DUES ENCLOSED $10 Friend (individual) Address_________________________________________ $15 Family $25 Contributing City, ST, Zip______________________________________ Friend Phone_________________________________________ Other Email_________________________________________ 2 WHAT’S COMING UP? What: Kauffman’s Chicken BBQ Sale When: September 15, 10AM-2PM Where: former Blockbuster lot at corner of Lancaster Ave & Museum Rd What: New York City Bus Trip When: September 28, 8AM-7PM Where: Shillington to NYC Thank you for supporting this SOLD OUT trip sponsored by the Friends of MCL. We will still take names on a waiting list in case of last minute cancellations. Friends of the Mifflin Community Library 3 THANK YOU TO OUR 2013 GOLF OUTING SPONSORS! The 7th Annual MCL Golf Outing was held at LedgeRock Golf Club on June 4, 2013. The weather was perfect as 100 golfers took to the links in support of the library. $18,500 was raised for the building fund. Our hope is that this fund will be paid off in 2013 so that next year’s golf outing profits can go toward materials and programming for MCL. PRESENTING SPONSOR Penske Truck Leasing EAGLE SPONSORS AT&T REGISTRATION TABLE SPONSOR PWI Inc. M&T Bank BIRDIE SPONSORS CONTEST HOLE SPONSORS Precision Medical Products BP PAR SPONSORS Customers Bank Burkey Construction/ Associated Construction MGS Insurance Hair On The Avenue Navistar Daimler Trucks North America Penncat CBRE Riccione Orthopedics Supreme Corporation Waltco RAW BAR SPONSOR Valerie S. Deibler, DDS BEVERAGE SPONSOR R.M. Palmer Company Aquarium Service Professionals HOLE-IN-ONE CAR SPONSOR Geoff Penske Buick GMC Trucks 4 Imperial Supplies Great Dane Trailers Dick & Barbara Kratz John & Ann Broadbent David & Martha Swartz MIFFLIN COMMUNITY LIBRARY PATRON SPONSORS Naugle Plumbing and Heating Mr. & Mrs. Bill Thornton Gurski & D’Agostino Family Dentistry Financial Planning Advisors Thomas & Anne Moll Berkshire Systems Group IN-KIND SPONSORS John & Ann Broadbent Friends of the MCL Connors Investor Services, Inc. Go Fish Seafood Market & Sushi Bar Masano Bradley Hair On The Avenue Emily’s Restaurant LedgeRock Board of Martin Darocha, CPA Managers Flynn and Hanley Surgical Marc & Jane Althen Associates Mary Buechley Kenhorst Fire Company Anderson Insurance Brokers MCL Board of Directors MCL Staff The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company Plein Air Garden Cafe Reading Symphony PUTTING CONTEST Orchestra SPONSOR kultivate Tom Sturgis Pretzels TEE OR GREEN SPONSORS PROGRAM SPONSORS Kozloff Stoudt Dans at Green Hills Kindermusik Deysher & Hartman, PC The Clutter Crew HOMETOWNE COLLECTIBLES Limited Edition Check out the Hometowne Collectible replica of our Mifflin Library for sale in the lobby. Your purchase is a great way to support the library and have a lovely keepsake to display in your home. Many thanks to Jo and David Verrill for their help working with this company to create this project. $20.00 Checks payable to “Friends of MCL” Mark your calendars for June 3, 2014 for our 8th Annual Golf Outing! Friends of the Mifflin Community Library 5 F A L L Read Storytime Preschool For ages 3-5 years Tuesdays at 9:30 am Stories, crafts, activities & fun! Toddler For ages birth-3 years Tuesdays at 10:45 am Toddler storytimes include fingerplays, songs, stories, and a simple craft. StoryRiders For ages birth - 5 years Monday at 9:30 am (see schedule pg. 7) Evening Storytime For kids of all ages Thursdays at 6:45 pm Weekly Themes for T/Th times September – Farm September 10, 12 – Cows September 17, 19 – Sheep September 24, 26 – Goats October – Ways to Move October 1, 3 – Rocketship Run October 8, 10 – Fire Safety Week October 14, 15, 17 – Dirt Diggers October 22, 24 – Cars Galore October 29, 31 – Pumpkins November – Signs of Autumn November 5, 7 – Moose November 12, 14 – Native American Stories November 19, 21 – Giving Thanks November 26 (No Storytime) December – Foods for Thought December 3, 5 – Pizza December 10, 12 – Soup Pick up our monthly Storytime Calendar in the library! 6 SUMMER READING WRAP UP TOBean Tuesdays @ 4pm September 10th October 8th November 12th December 10th Research shows that reading to therapy dogs improves literacy skills, self-confidence, self-esteem, and participation in other activities. Bean is mighty sweet too! Children who would like to practice reading aloud can come with a book of their own or choose a book from our collection. ALL AGES. Please register. BRILLIANT BEGINNINGS This lapsit series for babies 0-12 months with their caregivers will return on Mondays in October at 10:45am. Parents get a chance to learn how to lay a good foundation for literacy and learning right from the start as well as the opportunity to meet other new parents. We’ll have lots of songs, nursery rhymes, and yes, books for babies. Please register for the series. Summer Reading closed with a blast this year! Bravura Brass rocked the finale with their special concert called “Music We Dig.” Throughout the Summer, we had over 600 children between the ages of 0 and 18 register for the program, and 237 completed at least 2.25 hours of reading required to participate in the program. 53 children read at least 15.5 hours and thus qualified for our “Wall of Fame” on the bulletin board in the Children’s Room. Altogether children between the ages of 5 and 11 read at least 1391.5 hours. Among our new category for our littlest “readers” age 0-4, 38 parents and children completed a series of activities to qualify for a book to start the child’s at-home library, and the tireless parents earned a coupon to a local business as a thankyou for starting good reading habits early. Finally, nearly 50 teens signed up for summer reading and together read 436 books. Each book read counted as one chance to win a prize in our raffles. Here are all our lucky raffle prize winners: Ceramic Bowl/Paint Session from Busy 4 Tickets to a Family Sample performance Bees Pottery: Alyssa Anuszewski at The Miller Center at RACC: Joelle Adams 4 tickets to Crystal Cave: Laney Mountz Amazon Kindle (Kids): Justin Cosgrove 2 tickets to the Reading Public Museum: Amazon Kindle (Teens): Trevor Mech Bram Rohrbach $100 Gift Card to Best Buy: Hayride for 4 and $5 off pick your own Apples at Weaver’s Orchard: Ethan Sea Joseph Dietrich 4 tickets to a performance at the Yocum $50 gift Card to Barnes & Noble: Institute: Lea Grenier Jennifer Martin We appreciate everyone’s participation in Summer Reading, and we deeply thank all our volunteers and community sponsors, without whom the program would not be possible. We appreciate all feedback on this year’s programs. Please take a moment to fill out our survey or send your thoughts to Kristin Brumbach at mclchild@berks.lib. pa.us We’re already thinking of the program for Summer 2014: Fizz, Boom, Read! St or yR i d e rs PRESCHOOL STORYTIME Stories, Songs, giggles & games! Mondays 9:30 am September 9: Orange Orange Orange October 28: No More Monsters September 16: Happy Sad Angry Glad November 4: Smiley Shark September 23: Fire Safety November 11: Tails a Waggin’ October 7: Cool Cats November 18: Everywhere Bears! October 14: No StoryRiders, Library Storytime substitute November 25: No StoryRiders October 21: Turtle Tales December 9: Dancing Feet Friends of the Mifflin Community Library December 2: Jump Hop Leap 7 LIBRARY PROGRAM SCHEDULE Registration To register for any of the library’s programs, call 610-777-3911 or click register in the online events calendar. Monthly groups do not require registration. Programming is free and all activities are held at the library at 6 Philadelphia Avenue in Shillington, unless otherwise noted. PARKING FOR EVENING PROGRAMS The following local businesses have given permission for patrons to park in their lots. Please respect the hours or conditions listed. M&T Bank | After 4pm, do not impede drive-up area. Klee Funeral Home | Do not use lot if marked with orange cones. White Star Tours | After 5:30pm. We urge all patrons to use cross walks to reach the library from these off-site locations. All Age Programs LEGO Club 2nd Saturday each month, 9:30-10:30AM Beginning September 14th, LEGO club will continue to meet on the second Saturday of each month throughout the school year. This year we will explore some of the themes suggested by kids at our inaugural LEGO club meeting in 2012. September’s theme will be “Sports.” Kids can always build whatever their imagination desires, but the themes will hopefully be a jumping-off point for kids to discuss and design collaboratively. Please do not bring LEGOs from home. Please register. Kids’ Craft Day: Paint! Saturday, September 21, 9:30-10:30AM Kids can select a molded picture frame or a blank wooden pencil box to paint. Please register, space is limited. Teen Programs “Star Wars Reads” Day Saturday, October 5, 10:00AM October kicks off with a revisit to the growing national celebration “Star Wars Reads” Day. Join us for a program exploring characters and themes from the popular saga. Kids should register for the program, and everyone is welcome to come in costume for the event. Ukulele Jam Session Saturday, October 5, 1-2:00PM Help us welcome a very special new edition to the library’s collection: a KANA Concert style ukulele! This Uke was purchased with the funds from a twitterbased UGI grant for $100. Curt Sheller, owner of Funky Frets music shop in Boyertown, a regional leader in ukulele lessons and supplies, provided the KANA at a special library price. We’ll be celebrating our new arrival with a ukulele jam session led by Mr. Steven Holgate from Governor Mifflin Intermediate School. If you have a uke, bring it along and we’ll make some serious music. Annual Book and a Movie Night Tuesday November 26, 6pm This year’s selected title will be announced at a later date. Please follow our facebook page – Mifflin Community Library – Children & Youth Services – for more information as it becomes available. Gingerbread House Building Fun! Saturday, December 14, 12-1:30PM OR 2:30-4PM Design your own house or use one of our templates with graham crackers and fast-drying icing. Materials provided. Please register. Spaces are limited. 8 School Age Programs Teen Read Week Thursday, October 17, 5:30PM This year, we celebrate Teen Read Week from October 13th-October 19th. This year’s theme “Seek The Unknown” describes what teens can do in the library all the time. During October, however, our minds naturally turn to the spooky and supernatural, so this year we will be seeking the unknown through a program of “Monster Makeovers” where we learn tips for scary makeup looks from a local theater makeup artist. Teens can register in person, on the phone or online. More details and other library info relevant to teens can be found by liking our Facebook page: Mifflin Community Library – Teens. Adult Programs Couponing Basics Tuesday, September 24, 6:30-8:00PM Coupon Cutting Mom, Esther Martin, offers expert advice on how to make the most of your dollar. Participants will learn the reasoning, the lingo, and the strategy behind this money-saving activity. Bring along your coupons for a coupon swap following the presentation. Please register. Arthritis Awareness Saturday, October 12, 1-2PM In recognition of World Arthritis Day, we’ve partnered with the Arthritis Foundation Eastern PA Chapter to create a unique program that will offer a personal testimony to the life-changing effects of arthritis and how it can affect anyone regardless of age, gender, or race. Educational information will be provided, and a brief exercise demonstration will follow. Friends of the Mifflin Community Library 9 Adult Programs Afternoon Book Group The Cellist of Sarajevo: Dramatic Readings, Musical Interludes & Book Discussion Tuesday, October 29, 6-8PM We celebrate 2013’s One Book, One Community selection with a showcase of local talent followed by a lively book discussion at this special time with our Afternoon Book Group. The Reading Theater Project will present dramatic readings of excerpts of Galloway’s The Cellist of Sarajevo with musical interludes by one of Berks County’s own cellists. Light refreshments will be served. Please register. Stitching to Warm our Veterans Monday, November 11, 6:30-8PM Did you know that Opportunity House in Reading offers special services to homeless or near homeless veterans in our area? Klover Johnson, LSW, Program Director for Supportive Services for Veteran Families, will discuss this program and funding to shed insight into the struggles faced by those who’ve served our country. During this special Veterans Day event, learn to knit or crochet a simple scarf or hat with experienced stitchers from our Stitching Group and donate your creation to this program to benefit homeless veterans in our area. The Afternoon Book Group meets once a month on the 4th Monday at 3:00PM and is open to ADULTS. This fall the group will be reading and discussing: September 23rd The Invisible Bridge by Julie Orringer October- No regular book club meeting. Please join us for a special presentation and book discussion on this year’s “One Book, One Community” selection The Cellist of Sarajevo by Steven Galloway on October 29th at 6PM. November 25th Mary Coin by Marissa Silver December 23rd TBD Please check our events calendar online for more information. Computer Workshops Holiday Crafting for Grown-Ups Tuesday, November 19, 6:30-8PM Come out for a night of fun and crafts just for grown-ups! Learn to make different types of ornaments from recycled or inexpensive materials. Demystify Your Devices Thursday, December 12, 6:45PM Drop the kids off upstairs for storytime, and join us in the Hiller Room to learn about free or inexpensive resources for family fun. Thursday, September 26, 5-6PM OR Thursday, October 24, 5-6PM Did you get a new gadget recently and are not quite sure how to use it, or want to learn how to use it more effectively? Join us for a walk-in workshop with one-on-one help with your electronic device. Bring your laptop, e-reader, tablet, smart phone, etc. along with your questions or concerns. Stitching Group Computer 101 Family Fun with Freebies Every Monday, 6:30-8:00 pm* *Except holidays when the library is closed. There are currently between 12-15 members who sew, knit, and crochet. New stitchers are always welcome. In addition to working on personal projects, the group stitches projects for nonprofit organizations such as the Reading Hospital and area animal shelters. Come join us for loads of fun and stitching! Mifflin Writers’ Group 1st & 3rd Thursday of every month (resumes September 5), 6:30-8 pm Mifflin Writers Group is composed of writers of all genres and levels of experience. Their purpose is to motivate, inspire, instruct, inform, share and critique each other in their writing efforts in a free flowing and relaxed atmosphere. The group includes new writers to published authors. Come join them and help outline their course for the coming year. Questions? Contact Mary Favatella Becker at favbecker@msn.com. 10 Monday, October 7, 5:30-7PM If you’ve never or almost never used a computer before, this class is for you. Learn basic terms and concepts and practice using a mouse–often the biggest barrier to the beginning computer user. Registration required. Social Networking Crash Course Tuesday, October 8, 6:30-8PM Have questions about social networking or wonder if it’s right for you? Come learn about the top three social networking sites: Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn. Learn how to manage and create an outstanding web presence for work, or create a private network of friends and family to share videos, pictures, and much more. Friends of the Mifflin Community Library Continued on page 12 11 Computer Workshops Mifflin Community Library thanks our generous Tuesday, October 15, 5:30-7PM Learn about browsers, search engines, and doing more effective Internet searches using alternate terminology, plus or minus signs, quotation marks, and more. Registration required. 2013 Summer Concert Series Internet 101 Sponsors Land Displays P.O. Box 5942, Wyomissing 610-396-1273 www.landdisplays.com Introduction to Word 2007 Tuesday, November 5, 5:30-7PM This workshop will cover the basics of using Microsoft Word: creating and saving a document, editing a document, formatting text and paragraphs, and proofreading and printing a document. A basic understanding of keyboarding and mouse operation is essential. Registration required. Introduction to Excel 2007 Tuesday, November 12, 5:30-7pm Besides their business applications, spreadsheets are handy for a variety of personal uses, including making lists, tracking budget and financial data, recording steps in a process, maintaining an inventory of baseball card or other collections, and keeping an address book. This course will cover the basics of spreadsheet use: creating and saving a workbook, entering data, manipulating data, modifying a worksheet, performing calculations, formatting and printing a worksheet, and creating charts. A basic understanding of keyboarding and mouse operation is essential. Registration required. Introduction to Power Point Tuesday, December 3, 5:30-7PM Have you ever needed to make a public presentation and wished you could create a PowerPoint for it? Here’s your chance to get started with this presentation software. Learn how to create a basic PowerPoint slideshow with or without a template, how to use text and graphics effectively, and how to view your slideshow in different modes. A basic understanding of keyboarding and mouse operation is essential. Registration required. Library Resources Tuesday, December 10, 5:30-7PM Are you using all the online resources the library has to offer? Do you know how to check your library account online or place your own holds? Do you know that practice tests are available for a variety of standardized tests? Or that you have access to databases of thousands of magazine articles? This workshop will survey these resources and more and offer tips for using the online library catalog, Power Library, and the County-wide resources. 12 Joseph G. Bugay Paving, Inc. RAFFLE WINNER The winner of the $25 Barnes & Noble gift card was Barbara Bechtel. Barbara filled out a survey during the Summer Concert Series, and she was entered into a drawing held on August 18th. Congratulations to Barbara and happy reading! ADULT SUMMER READING The Adult Summer Reading Program went well this year with 131 readers reading a total of 707 books. For the theme, “Groundbreaking Reads,” readers were given the opportunity to read from eight “groundbreaking” categories. They were geology, archeology, subterranean, underground movements, gardening, groundbreaking books, groundbreaking events, and groundbreaking technology. We had 62 readers who read from at least one category, and three avid readers who read from all eight. The grand raffle prize was a $100 Giant gift card. The lucky winner of this year’s raffle is Cecile Gauker. Friends of the Mifflin Community Library P.O. Box 129, Mohnton 610-777-0659 www.joebugaypaving.com Flanagan’s Pub & Downstairs 41 West Lancaster Avenue, Shillington 610-777-6401 flanaganpub.com Greg Pennypacker’s Lancaster Avenue Barbershop 30 W. Lancaster Avenue, Shillington 610-775-5142 Johns 625 Automotive Services, Inc. 3768 New Holland Road, Mohnton 610-777-8885 Johns625auto.com Shillington Eye Associates 453 East Lancaster Ave., Shillington 610-775-3321 www.visionsource-shillingtoneye.com White Star Tours 26 E. Lancaster Ave., Shillington 610-775-5000 www.whitestartours.com Dans at Green Hills 2444 Morgantown Road, Reading www.dansatgreenhills.com Gipprich Jewelers 103 W. Lancaster Ave., Shillington 610-777-7034 gipprich.com Naugle & Sons, Plumbing 233 S. Miller St., Shillington 610-777-1357 www.naugleplumbing.com Shillington Lions Club P.O. Box 153, Shillington 13 HOW TO DONATE CAPITAL CAMPAIGN UPDATE Inching Ever Closer The Giving Tree is located in the vestibule by the front doors. A gift of $500 includes an engraved leaf where you can memorialize or honor a loved one. If you enjoy using the Mifflin Community Library, please consider making a contribution to help pay off the building fund. The library completed an expansion and renovation project when two new sections were opened in March 2008. Permanent Plaques Gifts of $1,000 or more are recognized on the permanent plaques near the circulation desk. We are continuing to appeal to the community for donations to this project because we would like to pay off the present mortgage and once again own the building outright. Future fundraising efforts could then be used to build our book, DVD and audio collection, build technology resources, such as computers, and offer more programs for the community. Monetary pledges and donations of every size are appreciated. Make checks payable to Mifflin Community Library. Please mail your donation to: Mifflin Community Library CCII, 6 Philadelphia Ave., Shillington, PA 19607 Capital Campaign Pledge/Donation Name _________________________________________________ Address _________________________________________________ City, ST ZIP _________________________________________________ Telephone #_________________________________________________ You can now donate directly to library online through Just Give. There is a link on the left column of the library’s home page at http://www.berks.lib.pa.us/smi/ Read more about how your donations help the library on our website’s Donations page. 14 Pledge _________________________________________________ 1 yr. _________________________________________________ 2 yr. _________________________________________________ 3 yr. _________________________________________________ Donation _________________________________________________ Friends of the Mifflin Community Library 15 6 Philadelphia Avenue Shillington, PA 19607 Mifflin Community Library NON PROFIT ORG. U.S. POSTAGE PAID PERMIT NO. 127 READING, PA
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