

– the electoral Summer Residence
At the heart of Schwetzingen, the baroque ensemble of the 18th century summer residence welcomes you. Art loving elector
Carl Theodor (1724 – 1799) and his builders and garden architects Nicolas de Pigage and Friedrich Ludwig Sckell put into practice
a garden that combines intellectual history and fashion from baroque to enlightenment to romance. Forecourt and castle form the
entrance for the glorious castle garden that is unique in Europe. Along the central baroque axis, a circular French garden parterre
unfolds on an area of 72 ha. Adjacent to it are rococo cabinets and parts in English landscape garden style. On a discovery tour
through the 18th century, you will find the only preserved garden mosque of this time, the bath house, a hedge theatre and various
temple buildings dedicated to antique deities Apollo, Minerva and Mercury. The central Arion fountain and other trick fountains also
provide an attractive dialogue with the garden architectures. For more information, see:
– sensual symphony
The stage is set for the musical town of Schwetzingen! Spring, summer, autumn and winter - Schwetzingen
offers a celebration of classical music for any season. The „SWR Festspiele“, the largest radio festival for
classical music in the world, in spring, is followed by the biennial „Mozart Summer“. In autumn, the
Mozart society hosts the „Schwetzinger Mozartfest®“, and in the cold season, the Heidelberg theatre and
its „Baroque festival winter in Schwetzingen“ come to visit the summer residence. The castle concerts
(Mozart society) and the concert series „Faszination Hofmusik“ (Academy of Science, department “Court
music of the southwest of Germany”) and „Simply Baroque!“ („La Folia Barockorchester“) complete the offer.
– live
Not only classical music enthusiasts will get their money‘s worth in Schwetzingen.
The „Schwetzinger Jazzinitiative“ with its concerts, jam sessions and „Jazz days“ in
October sets clear accents in the annual calendar. If you love rock and pop music, the
„Open Air im Park“ series is offered for you in the musical town. The „Alte Wollfabrik“
is always worth visiting, too – both light music and cabaret have found a home here.
– at the pulse of time
The „Theater am Puls“ adds another facet to the cultural town of Schwetzingen.
Visit the small theatre with its nearly 100 seats and experience sophisticated
theatre up close. Theatre classics, comedy and musicals are played from September
to June, as well as readings, improvisational theatre, children‘s and youth pieces.
For information on the current schedule/tickets, see:
– a town of arts
Current positions of visual arts are conveyed by the exhibitions of the „Schwetzinger Kunstverein“ that take place
in castle garden‘s orangery every spring and summer, and in the baroque Palais Hirsch at the Schlossplatz in autumn
and winter. „XYLON - Museum + Werkstätten“, a centre for modern print graphics and drawing, is located at the
castle garden‘s fringes in the former invalids‘ barracks. Exhibitions of the „Künstlerinitiative Schwetzingen“
supplement the offer with information on current trends among the local and regional artists.
The castle garden has three museum facilities: the „Gartendokumentation“ in the southern circle teaches about
the individual parts of the globally renowned garden. Interesting facts about the historical garden plants and the
„Lapidarium“ with its original 18th century garden sculptures are provided in the orangery. A museum for historical
gardening devices in the adjacent former gardener‘s cottage completes the overview of garden history.
– see and wonder
... at a walk through the museum of the town of Schwetzingen in the
Karl-Wörn-Haus. In the building of the former canned food factory Bassermann,
you can gain an insight into nearly 7000 years of local history. The historical path
starts at exhibits of the first farmers–in 1989, one of the largest early-Neolithic
linear band ceramics grave fields was excavated in Schwetzingen– , to findings
from the Merovingian time to the electorate time and the 19th century. Special
exhibitions take up diverse subjects on town history or general art history.
For more information, see:
– asparagus à la carte
„Bis Johanni - nicht vergessen - sieben Wochen Spargel essen!“ (until St. John‘s day – don‘t
forget – eat asparagus for seven weeks!) From late April to St. John‘s Day (24 June), the royal
vegetable rules in Schwetzingen. Asparagus was grown in the Schwetzinger castle garden for
the first time in the mid-17th century, reserved for the electoral table alone. Today, the „edible
ivory“ can be gotten fresh from the field every day, on the asparagus market, in the backyards
of the Schwetzingen old town or right from the farms. The restaurant offers attractive treats
made of the tasty „Lucullus“ and „Meisterschuss“ types. Asparagus Queen Katharina I advertises
the asparagus metropolis as a charming ambassador.
– welcome home
The summer residence, asparagus and musical events are only three reasons
to visit the attractive town of Schwetzingen. The wonderful castle court with
its large gastronomy offer is a great place to stay – over a glass of wine, at a
café or a tasty asparagus dish. Many attractive shops also invite to a long
shopping trip. For more information, see:
– immerse and enjoy
Fun and games also have a firm place in any stay in Schwetzingen. Relax your soul at a visit to
the „Bellamar“ public bath or the „Fitnesspark Pfitzenmeier“. Both facilities offer not only sports
but also extensive sauna and wellness areas. Spend enjoyable hours in the „Bowling-Center“
or tire yourself out at the „MaVoRacket-Club“, playing squash and badminton, before ending
your day at the „Luxor-Kino“ theatre or the „Minigolf“ facility.
– a town in motion
The 72 hectare castle garden is not the only thing that invites on extensive walks. Paths and tours
invite to walking, hiking, jogging and Nordic Walking outside of this marked area as well. Do not
miss a visit to the approx. 460 m² large nature reserve of the Ketscher Rheininsel nearby. You may
also explore the attractive landscape in and around Schwetzingen by bike on the „Tour de Spargel“,
„Kurpfalz–“, „Welterbe-“ or „Burgenstraßenroute“. Pure driving fun is offered by the Segway tour
past the castle garden and along dirt roads and forests.
– everything close by
Schwetzingen is at the centre of the Electoral Palatinate. Start
out here to discover history treasure and beautiful landscapes.
Visit the historical sites of Heidelberg (10 km), Mannheim
(20 km), Speyer (9 km), Ladenburg (20 km), Worms (43 km) or
Lorsch (35 km). Plan a trip to the romantic Neckar valley, the
picturesque Odenwald and the legendary Kraichgau. You may
also visit the attractive sites along the mountain road and the
picturesque vineyards along the „Deutsche Weinstraße“.
Schwetzingen is looking forward
to meeting you
Stadtinformation Schwetzingen
Dreikönigstraße 3
68723 Schwetzingen
Phone: 0049 (0)6202 945 875
Fax: 0049 (0)6202 945 877
Publisher: Stadt Schwetzingen, September 2011
Text- and image editor: Dr. Barbara Gilsdorf, Christiane Drechsler
Photography:Tobias Schwerdt (P.1 - 24)
Monika Rittershaus (P.5 top left)
Theo Kyrberg (P.3 middle bottom )
Jessen Oestergaard (P.11 top right)
Fa. Pfitzenmeier (P.19 bottom left )
Graphics: DeimannDesignCommunications, Schwetzingen