Vebra GMWOrange - Property Software Group
Vebra GMWOrange - Property Software Group
Vebra GMWOrange V2.2 Customer Update Notes Released July 2012 Support: 0845 130 5444 Email: New Features in this version Import Applicant from CSV ............................................................................. 3 Import Portal Leads (Zoopla) .......................................................................... 8 Create QR Codes ........................................................................................... 13 Vibrant EPC Integration ................................................................................ 17 Search for properties without EPCs .............................................................. 19 EPC URL merge fields added for Word and system reports/emails ............... 19 PDF Quality/size selection ............................................................................ 19 Increased number of rooms that merge ....................................................... 20 Recording of Historic Lead Sources ............................................................... 20 Appendix 1: Applicant CSV file format .......................................................... 21 Import Applicant from CSV This feature allows information to be imported directly into your GMW Orange database from a .csv format file. Possible uses could be to capture applicants from your own website or to import from a third party software system. For the format of the input file please refer to Appendix 1. NB: If you would like to use this feature please contact the Support desk on 0845 130 5444 for the feature to be enabled in your system. Using the import tool From the menu options, click on Tools/Import Applicants from CSV The following message will appear: Clicking on Yes will give the user the option to select a CSV file containing applicant/lead details which can be imported into the database. Page 3 of 21 The user will see a list of applicants available for import displayed as follows: The grid on the left displays the list of applicants contained in the CSV file. The details contained in each lead will be displayed in the panel on the right (Selected Lead’s Details) The leads can be sorted by Record Order (as they appear in the CSV File), Lead Full Name, FirstName+LastName Email Address. Use the check box next to each record to select/deselect a lead for importing. All leads can be selected/deselected in one go by checking/unchecking the Select All button. For the Highlighted Lead in the grid If there are any records existing on the system with similar name/address/email details, a banner stating “Similar Records Found” will display If there are no matching records, no banner will display If leads have previously been imported, if the incoming lead’s email matches an applicant with an importing email address set, a banner stating “Applicant SET via Email” will display. NOTE: The user can Exit from this form at any time by clicking on the cross on the Top right of the form A: Importing Leads An individual Lead can be Individually Imported using the “Import this Lead” button under the Lead Details To import the selected (ticked) leads, click on “Import Selected”. The following message will appear. Page 4 of 21 Click on “Yes” to start the import process. For each lead import, one of the following will occur: 1. If the lead to be imported has any Similar potential duplicate/matching records, these will be displayed as follows: A matching record can be selected using the grid on the right. Any fields in the selected record which match information supplied in the lead will be highlighted. To add the lead to the selected record, Click on “Add to Selected Lead”. If none of the records shown are a relevant match, click on “Create a New Record” and a new person and applicant record will be created for lead being imported. Clicking on Cancel Lead Imports will cancel this lead import and any subsequent lead imports (and return to the Leads Selection screen. ) If the lead is matched to an existing applicant via its email address (Applicant SET via email), the lead will be automatically imported and stored with that existing applicant record. If no matches are found and no Applicant email SET, a new applicant and person will be created along with the lead import. For each imported lead, an applicant log entry will be made containing the details of the lead. Once all selected leads have been imported, a message will display with the number of leads imported. The imported leads will be removed from the grid and the remaining unprocessed leads will be shown B: Rejecting Leads An individual Lead can be individually rejected using the “Reject this Lead” button under the Lead Details To reject any leads in the grid, deselect/uncheck the relevant leads from the grid and click on Reject Excluded. The following message will appear. Page 5 of 21 Clicking on Yes will reject the unchecked leads/deselected leads and return the user to the grid. The rejected leads will be removed from the grid and the remaining unprocessed leads will be shown. Selecting another file for importing Another CSV file can be selected for importing applicants from by clicking on the Select File button (circled) Once a file has been selected, the records in the newly selected file can either be “Appended” to the records already in the grid, or replace the current selection. Clicking on NO replaces the current list. These leads can be worked through and imported/rejected (as detailed above in steps A and B) C: Reviewing Leads As with Portal Lead Imports, once the user has Imported/Rejected the leads that are of interest, the Leads form can be closed by clicking on the cross on the top right of the form. On closing the form, if any leads have been imported, the user will be presented with the following message: Selecting Yes will bring up the following screen: Page 6 of 21 Only the top two options will be available, as applicant CSV imports do not link up with the results table. A selection of Applicant records which have leads imported at this time will be displayed in an “Applicant Selection” form. A selection of Person records which have leads imported at this time will be displayed in a “Person Selection” form. These selections can also be accessed using: The Advanced Selection Options on the Applicant or Person form for applicants and person records. Page 7 of 21 Import Portal Leads (Zoopla) There is now an option to import leads generated by enquiries from Zoopla. Note that this is only valid if you send your properties to Zoopla via the GMW Orange export. On the menu options, click on Tools/Check for Portal Applicant Leads From the options, click on Zoopla Leads. If this option has never been used before, the screen below will appear: If leads have previously been downloaded but not processed, they will appear in the grid on the left. Click on Get Leads to fetch any new leads which have been generated since the Last Check date. Any new leads will be downloaded and displayed in the grid on the left. The details contained in each lead will be displayed in the panel on the right (Selected Lead’s Details) Page 8 of 21 The leads can be sorted by Lead Date (default), Lead Name and Email Address. All leads will be selected as default for importing. Use the check box next to each record to select/deselect a lead for importing. All leads can be selected/deselected in one go by checking/unchecking the Select All button. For the Highlighted Lead in the grid If there are any records existing on the system with similar name/address/email details, a banner stating “Similar Records Found” If there are no matching records, no banner will display If leads have previously been imported, if the incoming lead’s email matches an applicant with an importing email address set, a banner stating “Applicant SET via Email” will display. If the highlighted lead contains a request for information on specific properties, the properties will be displayed in the property grid on the bottom right of the screen. Double clicking on the property in the grid will show the property on the Portal’s website. Importing Leads To import the selected (ticked) leads, click on “Import Selected”. The following message will appear. Click on “Yes” to start the import process. For each lead import, one of the following will occur: 2. If the lead to be imported has any Similar potential duplicate/matching records, these will be displayed as follows: A matching record can be selected using the grid on the right. Any fields in the selected record which match information supplied in the lead will be highlighted. Page 9 of 21 Note: With Zoopla leads, only the name and email fields are supplied and used to check for against existing records for possible matches. To add the lead to the selected record, Click on “Add to Selected Lead”. If none of the records shown are a relevant match, click on “Create a New Record” and a new person and applicant record will be created for lead being imported. Clicking on Cancel Lead Imports will cancel this lead import and return to the Leads Selection screen. The number of leads imported up to this point will be shown. 3. If the lead is matched to an existing applicant via its email address (Applicant SET via email), the lead will be automatically imported and stored with that existing applicant record. 4. If no matches are found and no Applicant email SET, a new applicant and person will be created along with the lead import. For each imported lead, a applicant log entry will be made containing the details of the lead. If any follow up is required for More Details, Viewing, Valuation or Mortgage Advice, a Review will also be created. Once all selected leads have been imported, a message will display with the number of leads imported. The imported leads will be removed from the grid and the remaining unprocessed leads will be shown Rejecting Leads To reject any leads in the grid, deselect/uncheck the relevant leads from the grid and click on Reject Excluded. The following message will appear. Clicking on Yes will reject the unchecked leads/deselected leads and return the user to the grid. The rejected leads will be removed from the grid and the remaining unprocessed leads will be shown. Importing/Rejecting the Highlighted Lead There is also the option to import or reject the lead that is currently highlighted in the grid. This can be done by clicking on either: “Import this lead” – to import the highlighted lead “Reject Lead” – to import the highlighted lead These buttons can be found under the Selected Lead Detail’s section (circled in picture below) Page 10 of 21 Reviewing Leads Once the user has Imported/Rejected the leads that are of interest, the Leads form can be closed by clicking on the cross on the top right of the form. On closing the form, if any leads have been imported, the user will be presented with the following message: Selecting Yes will bring up the following screen If all three options are checked and OK is clicked: A selection of Applicant records which have leads imported at this time will be displayed in an “Applicant Selection” form A selection of Person records which have leads imported at this time will be displayed in a “Person Selection” form Any leads which relate to specific properties will be displayed in a Match Results List. These selections can also be accessed using the Advanced Selection Options on the Applicant or Person form for applicants and person records. Page 11 of 21 Tools/Batch Match/Load Saved Batch Match. NOTE: Any outstanding unprocessed leads can be accessed by going to the Tools/Check for Portal Applicant Leads/Zoopla Leads again. When reviewing match results, there is now an option to show only AutoMatches (circled), which are matched results which have been generated by Importing leads Page 12 of 21 Create QR Codes QR (Quick Response) Codes, which are used to provide easy access to specific web site address via Smart Phones, can now be created in GMW Orange using one of the two methods below: 1. Standalone QR Code generation A QR Code not linked to any specific record can be generated by clicking on the Tools/Create QR Code option from the Menu Bar. The following screen will appear: Type in the URL or text for the QR Code in the box on the top right. Note: Carriage returns cannot be encoded and will be removed. The maximum amount of text that can be encoded is 250 chars. If the URL for the code is longer than this, try using an online tool to create a smaller URL and use that as the Text/URL for the QR Code. Once the relevant URL/Text has been entered, click on Generate QR Code to create the QR Code Image. The generated image will appear in the box on the left as shown here. The Save QR Code button will only be enabled when it has been confirmed that the Image decodes correctly (Tick box on right). To check this you should use a QR reader on a Smart Phone to ensure the correct URL is opened. If the URL/Text needs to be changed, type in the amended text and click on Generate QR Code again. The code will need to be reconfirmed before it can be saved. Clicking on Save QR Code will save a copy of the QR Code image as a JPG in the desktop folder. If the QR Code is not required, click on Cancel. Page 13 of 21 2. QR Code for a single property transaction This option will create a QR Code linked to an individual Property Transaction record. The QR Code file created can be inserted into Particulars Templates and reports. Locate and open up the relevant Property Transaction record and click on the Detail Tab On the Detail Tab, click on “Fees/Marketing”. There is a QR Code section for the property transaction on the bottom right (circled). Click on Add/Edit. The Generate QR Code Screen is displayed. The process is then the same as the creation of a standalone QR code. When clicking on Save QR Code a QR Code image file for the property transaction will be saved in the \QRCode folder within the [GMWS4S] folder. This will then return the user to the Property Transaction Details and the added QR Image will be displayed on the bottom right. Double Clicking the centre of the QR Code will display a large version of the QR Code. Page 14 of 21 Removing QR Code If the QR Code is no longer required, Click on the Remove button to the right of the QR Code. The user will be asked to confirm that they want to remove the QR Code. Clicking on Yes will delete the QR Code Image file for this property transaction Editing QR Code If a QR Code already exists, clicking on Add/Edit will bring up the Generate QR Code pre-populated with the existing QR Code Image and text/URL used to generate it. Follow the steps used to generate a new QR Code image. Clicking on Save QR Code, the user will be asked to confirm that they wish to overwrite the existing QR Code. Exporting QR Code A copy of the QR Code for the Property transaction can be saved for external use using the “Export” button to the right of the QR Code image on the details screen. The user will be asked to confirm that they wish to do this. The file will be saved to the desktop with the filename shown in the “Export QR Code Image” screen. Once the image has been exported to the desktop, the user can view the image immediately by clicking on “Yes” on the “View Exported QR Code” screen. Page 15 of 21 Using Property Transaction QR Codes in Reports/Particulars Templates 1. Property Transaction Letters/Word Templates To add the Property Transaction QR Code to a mail merge template, add the following field code/link: {INCLUDEPICTURE "c:/gmws4s/qrphoto.jpg" \d \* MERGEFORMAT} 2. Property transaction reports Add an image to the report and use the following code as the File for the image findqrpic(proptran.idProptran,.T.) Page 16 of 21 Vibrant EPC Integration Vibrant Energy Matters EPC Ordering in GMW Orange GMG have partnered with Vibrant Energy Matters ( to provide integrated ordering of EPCs in GMW Orange. Configuration To enable this option, EPC ordering must be enabled and Vibrant Energy Matters needs to be selected at the EPC Provider. This can be done by clicking on Maintain/Configure from the menu options. The Configuration screen will come up, click on the “Extras” tab and the EPC Ordering Options will be available (circled). Place a Tick next to the Enable Ordering checkbox and use the drop-down list to select Vibrant Energy Matters as the EPC Provider. Now click on Save. The software is configured to use Vibrant Energy Matters as the EPC Provider when placing new EPC orders through GMW Orange. Ordering To place a new EPC order, open up the relevant Property transaction form and go to the details tab. Click on the Hips/EPC tab; from this tab, click on the EPC Orders tab. There will be a button marked “Order EPC”(circled) . Page 17 of 21 Click on this (and if everything is configured correctly), the Vibrant Energy Matters EPC Order form will come up. Check through the order details and tick box (circled) to confirm that you wish to place an EPC order. This will enable the Order EPC button. Now click on the Order EPC button and the order will be created and sent to Vebra (prior to being placed with Vibrant Energy Matters). The progress of any order placed can be checked by using the EPC Reporting Options which can be found under Tools/EPC Management/EPC Reporting. The latest status of a selected order can also be checked using the “Check Order” button on the EPC Orders tab of the relevant property transaction Note: EPCs can only be ordered for property transactions registered to this office. If an active EPC order already exists, another can be placed, but will supercede the previous order and become the new “Active” EPC. The user will be warned when placing an order if an existing one already exists (see screen below): EPC Values EPC Values for an order will only be retrieved if the Order Status from Vibrant Energy Matters is “Completed”. The completed order will update the property transaction with the relevant EPC Values, if the EPC Order is set as “Active”. Inactive orders will not update the EPC Values of the Property transaction. Any other statuses will be updated in the order, if the order has been successfully sent to Vibrant Energy Matters. Page 18 of 21 Search for properties without EPCs Within the property transaction search there is now the option to select the EPC Values status as shown in the image below from within the advanced selection: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EPC URL merge fields added for Word and system reports/emails A function is now available in mailmerge to display EPC URL values for properties, The fields work from property transactions (proptran.txt) and Particulars (rooms.txt) as EPCURLLink For this to appear in the insert mergefields drop down within word you will need to produce the document at least once since the upgrade and then amend it so that it adds the field to the source file. To add these to the reports within the field that will be required is findepcurl(proptran.idProptran). This will return the data that has been entered into the Public EPC URL field or filename from within the property transaction. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PDF Quality/size selection We have implemented the option to select the PDF quality on reports and letters, this can be selected as shown below: Page 19 of 21 Increased number of rooms that merge The number of rooms that can be merged into documents via the mail merge functionality has been increased to 100. This is to accommodate larger properties and multi building properties. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Recording of Historic Lead Sources To identify the latest source and historic lead import source for a record a new tab, ‘Lead Imports’ has been added to the applicant details. This displays the first and last dates the record was created/updated from the available lead sources. In addition to this the First and Last Enquiry fields on the details tab will also automatically populate when a lead is created/updated from either Zoopla or rightmove Page 20 of 21 Appendix 1: Applicant CSV file format To use the option to import applicants from a CSV file, the following rules apply: 1. The CSV File must contain ALL the fields shown as mandatory below. 2. Fields must be separated by commas. 3. Field names must be spelt exactly as shown in the following tables. 4. Any fields not listed below that are included in the file will be displayed as additional information. Mandatory fields (import will fail if not present) Field Name Title Forename Surname Address1 Address2 Town Postcode Email Description The Title of the applicant Firstname of applicant Surname of applicant House Name/Number of address Street Name of applicant’s address Post town of applicant’s address Postcode of applicant’s address Email address of applicant Example Value Miss Lisa Brown 11 High Street Frome BA11 1QE Description County of the applicant’s address The Country of the applicant’s address Main Phone number for applicant Mobile Phone No for applicant Fax no for applicant Example Value Somerset UK 01373 321321 07773 333 111 01373 888 888 Optional fields Field Name County Country Phone Mobile Fax Page 21 of 21