atlas of e-mobility competence in saxony
atlas of e-mobility competence in saxony
ATLAS OF E-MOBILITY COMPETENCE IN SAXONY ATLAS OF E-MOBILITY COMPETENCE IN SAXONY Words of Welcome Words of Welcome E-mobility is one of the most important fields of the future when it comes to “transportation.” The biggest challenge is to intelligently integrate and link the existing infrastructures and technologies, to develop innovative ideas and concepts, and to transfer them into practical applications. Virtually the entire e-mobility value creation chain is present in Saxony from the technology companies of the electrochemical, power electronics, and software development industries to premium manufacturers of the automobile sector and an innovative supply network, all the way to globally active energy suppliers. The commitment of Saxon enterprises, research institutions, and public administrations for emobility continues to be unbroken. And more and more people are interested in e-mobility – whether it be in companies, in research, or private consumers. That’s why the Atlas of EMobility Competence in Saxony is even more comprehensive in its third edition than ever before. E-mobility presents itself as a pioneering technology of the future with considerable ecological advantages when compared to mobility with combustion engines. Currently, the transportation sector is almost completely dependent on primarily imported fossil fuels. In the foreseeable future, though, these resources will dwindle and limited mobility as well as price increases appear to be unavoidable. E-mobility with electric power harnessed from renewable energy is a key element when it comes to meeting the special requirements of climate and resource friendly mobility. With its superb integration of the economy, research, government, education, and the public at large, Saxony can make a valuable contribution to firmly establishing e-mobility already today. Daring something new and transferring innovations into new products and services, that’s what Saxons are famous for. The manufacturing industry, and here above all the traditionally vibrant Saxon automobile industry, is the primary generator for positive economic development. A dynamic research environment, an efficient economy and transportation infrastructure as well as excellent general and continued education and training opportunities are all superb prerequisites in the Free State for bright minds and creative ideas – also for the key issue of tomorrow, e-mobility. The Atlas of E-Mobility Competence in Saxony provides an overview of the network that already exists between companies and competences in e-mobility. Be inspired, and maybe you, too, will soon play an active role in the network. Martin Dulig Saxon State Minister of Economic Affairs, Labour and Transport The Sächsische Energieagentur – SAENA GmbH corporation has committed itself to protecting existing resources in order to warrant the subsistence of subsequent generations. Considerable potential and previously unused opportunities exist particularly in the transportation sector. As the Free State of Saxony’s competence center for e-mobility and intelligent transportation systems, SAENA is your first contact when it comes to pioneering mobility. The Atlas of E-Mobility Competence in Saxony is the result of many years of network activities linking the most important Saxon competences in the e-mobility sector. It showcases both experienced stakeholders as well as young enterprises who will assure Saxony’s future in this promising field. We hope to be able to welcome you soon in our network. Cordially, Christian Micksch Managing Director Sächsische Energieagentur – SAENA GmbH Table of Contents ENTERPRISES Your Competence Center for E-Mobility in the Free State of Saxony 10 Accumulatorenwerke HOPPECKE Adensis GmbH Autoservice Demmler binova GmbH BMW Plant Leipzig car systems Scheil GmbH & Co. KG CITYSAX Mobility GmbH DB RegioNetz Verkehrs GmbH – Erzgebirgsbahn Mountain Railroad Deutsche ACCUmotive GmbH & Co. KG Diamant Fahrradwerke GmbH DNV GL – Energy for KEMA – IEV GmbH Dresdner Verkehrsbetriebe AG DREWAG – Stadtwerke Dresden GmbH EA EnergieArchitektur GmbH | EA Systems Dresden GmbH eins energie in sachsen GmbH & Co. KG ENSO Energie Sachsen Ost AG | ENSO NETZ GmbH envia Mitteldeutsche Energie AG Evonik Litarion GmbH FES GmbH Fahrzeug-Entwicklung Sachsen FM future mobility GmbH Fö | Lipsia-e-motion UG (Limited Liability) FSD Fahrzeugsystemdaten GmbH – Central Agency Pursuant to the Road Traffic Act (StVG) HERMS Technologies GmbH IAV GmbH – Development Center IMK engineering GmbH Infineon Technologies Dresden GmbH ITC AG Leichtbau-Systemtechnologien KORROPOL (LSK) Leichtbau-Zentrum Sachsen GmbH Leipziger Verkehrsbetriebe (LVB) GmbH Li-Tec Battery GmbH Little John Bikes GmbH MENNEKES Elektrotechnik Sachsen GmbH 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 EDUCATION, RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT MUGLER AG Photon Meissener Technologies GmbH Porsche Leipzig GmbH PTV Transport Consult GmbH Sächsische Aufbaubank – Förderbank – Selectrona GmbH Stadtreinigung Dresden GmbH Stadtwerke Leipzig GmbH teilAuto – Mobility Center GmbH ThyssenKrupp System Engineering GmbH Urban-e GmbH & Co. KG VCDB VerkehrsConsult Dresden-Berlin GmbH VEM Sachsenwerk GmbH Walther-Werke 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 Chemnitz Institute for Mechanical and Industrial Engineering e.V. (ICM e.V.) Dresden University of Applied Sciences (HTW Dresden) – Electrical Mobility Laboratory Education and Technology Center of the Leipzig Chamber of Crafts Elektrobildungs- und Technologiezentrum e.V. Dresden Forschungs- und Transferzentrum Leipzig e.V. Fraunhofer AutoMOBILE Production Alliance – Central Office Fraunhofer Institute for Ceramic Technologies and Systems IKTS Fraunhofer Institute for Machine Tools and Forming Technology IWU Fraunhofer Institute for Material and Beam Technology IWS Fraunhofer Institute for Transportation and Infrastructure Systems IVI Leibniz Institute for Solid State and Materials Research Dresden (IFW) – Institute for Complex Materials Leibniz Institute for Solid State and Materials Research Dresden (IFW) – Institute for Metallic Materials Leibniz-Institut für Polymerforschung Dresden e.V. (IPF) Leipzig University Leipzig University of Applied Sciences (HTWK) Technische Universität Chemnitz Technische Universität Dresden Technische Universität Dresden – Chair of Agricultural Systems and Technology 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 82 84 ASSOCIATIONS AND PUBLIC AUTHORITIES ANNEX Technische Universität Dresden – Elbflorace e.V. Technische Universität Dresden – Institute of Lightweight Engineering and Polymer Technology (ILK) TU Bergakademie Freiberg – Institute of Metal Forming TU Bergakademie Freiberg – Racetech Racing Team TU Bergakademie Freiberg e.V. West Saxon University of Applied Sciences Zwickau (WHZ) – WHZ Racing Team West Saxon University of Applied Sciences Zwickau (WHZ) 85 Bundesverband eMobilität e.V. – Landesvertretung Mitteldeutschland City of Dresden – Climate Protection Office within the Environment Office City of Leipzig Dresden Chamber of Trades and Crafts Energy & Environment Network of the City of Leipzig Saxony Economic Development Corporation (WFS) 94 95 96 97 98 99 Picture Credits and References Map 86 87 88 89 90 100 101 AtlAs of e-mobility competence in sAxony KompetenzAtl zA As eleKtromobilität zAtl it sAchsen ität You may either download or order a free printed English or German version of the Atlas of E-Mobility Competence in Saxony on the website of Sächsische Energieagentur – SAENA GmbH. Sächsische Energieagentur – SAENA GmbH (Saxon Energy Agency) Your Competence Center for E-Mobility in the Free State of Saxony Address Pirnaische Straße 9 01069 Dresden Germany contact person(s) CATHLEEN KLÖTZING phone +49 351 4910-3166 email Website 10 | The Sächsische Energieagentur – SAENA GmbH corporation (Saxon Energy Agency) is the competence center for energy efficiency, renewable energy as well as e-mobility and, since 2014, also for intelligent transport systems. As a company owned by the Free State of Saxony, SAENA works as an independent contact point for Saxon companies, municipalities, and private households. Since 2009, SAENA has been coordinating the Model Region Electric Mobility Saxony. As a result of the successful application for the Showcase Regions for Electric Mobility, which was submitted together with Bavaria, SAENA has also been coordinating the Showcase Bavaria-Saxony ELECTRIC MOBILITY CONNECTS since 2012. More than 100 partners are working in approx. 40 projects at the interface of e-vehicles, energy systems, and transportation systems while also jointly developing economically viable business models. In order to distribute modern transportation technologies and strengthen the regional economy, SAENA is committed to: Integrating science, industry, municipal institutions, and users in regional networks Aligning development projects with the requirements and objectives of the Federal Government and the Free State of Saxony Assisting project partners in preparing project applications and implementing subsidized projects Establishing and maintaining networks Informing the Saxon public at large The SAENA website provides an overview of services such as informational material which can be ordered, the stops of touring exhibitions, and events. You can also register for newsletters. Atlas of E-Mobility Competence in Saxony | 11 Enterprises Accumulatorenwerke HOPPECKE Adensis GmbH Electric Mobility: Developer, Producer, and Service Provider of Innovative Energy Storage Solutions Technology and Renewable Energy Address Zwickau Production Plant Dr.-Sinsteden-Straße 6 & 8 08056 Zwickau, Germany employees 1,800 (900 in Germany) turnover (2013) Euro 340 million (worldwide) Since its founding in 1927, the HOPPECKE corporation has been developing, producing, marketing, and servicing energy storage and energy provision systems for industrial clients around the globe. Key areas of application include the provision of operating power for industrial trucks, automated transport systems, and public transport vehicles as well as the secure provision of electricity for railroads, IT and telecommunication systems, hospitals, power stations, and substations. Not to mention the storage of energy from renewable sources. contact person(s) BORIS LANGERBEIN, Marketing phone +49 2963 61-344 email KIRSTEN BRANDENBURG, Marketing phone +49 2963 61-506 email With one of the largest research and development departments in the industry, the independent family-run company from Brilon, Sauerland, makes a vital contribution towards the development of energy solutions based on industrial batteries. Numer- ous HOPPECKE developments have been and continue to be groundbreaking innovations for its customers. The HOPPECKE product range encompasses all tried-and-tested and innovative storage technologies: Lead acid, nickel cadmium, nickel metal hydride, and lithium ions. The Adensis GmbH is the R&D division of the BELECTRIC Group which specializes in the construction of solar power plants. The company is responsible for the market-oriented product development and strategic pre-development of future products and product groups. Address Industriestraße 65 01129 Dresden With 1,800 employees and a uniform quality standard, HOPPECKE is one of the world’s largest manufacturers of industrial battery systems and the largest manufacturer in Europe. With its own extensive sales and service network, HOPPECKE can respond quickly to customer needs with individual solutions. Just in Germany alone, around 900 employees are committed to provide the energy that clients need for different applications. Germany contact person(s) STEFAN EISERT, Project Manager phone +49 351 811296-1016 email Website Adensis has made numerous energy-related developments for photovoltaic systems ranging from plugs to inverters. Due to its corporate history, Adensis has a strong focus on electrical engineering, but also conducts research in such other areas as, for example, the development of a fragmentation technology, and many more. tive, mechanical fragmentation technology for the treatment of waste from lithium-ion battery cell production. The goal is to also use this process for the recovery and reutilization of active materials in end-of-life battery cells. Adensis also conducts research in other areas of electric mobility. The company developed the requisite e-vehicle charging infrastructure and is active in various R&D projects revolving around the stabilization of grids and the integration of renewable energy into the production mix. Within the scope of the Showcase BavariaSaxony ELECTRIC MOBILITY CONNECTS initiative, Adensis is currently developing a selec- Website, 14 | Atlas of E-Mobility Competence in Saxony | ENTERPRISES | 15 Autoservice Demmler binova GmbH “We’re Creating Mobility” with Passenger Cars, Vans, Services, and E-Vehicles binova flow. The first gearless mid-drive motor – quiet, robust, and ingeniously simple to install. In 1992, the Autoservice Demmler corporation was founded by Frank Demmler as an independent car repair shop and dealership in Wilkau-Haßlau. Address Kirchberger Straße 55 08112 Wilkau-Haßlau Germany employees 33 (including 8 apprentices) turnover (2013) Euro 6 Million contact person(s) FRIEDHELM BILSING, Project Manager E-Mobility phone +49 375 883517-26 email Website 16 | During the startup phase, the company quickly developed into a multi-brand garage. The company covers the entire service spectrum for cars. This includes the sale of new, under-one-year-old company and used cars, financing, insurance, regular maintenance and repair services, accident repairs as well as car and van rentals. Today, the company has 33 employees. Around 500 cars (new and used) are sold every year and more than 600 sets of tires are stored in the “tire hotel.” Three photovoltaic systems with a total capacity of 83 kWp and a CHP plant are installed on the company premises. Our port- folio also includes the maintenance, repair, and sale of e-vehicles. A rental pool of 28 vehicles was set up within the scope of the ZEmO project “Local Single Sourcing of Electric Mobility in the Future” (Showcase Bavaria-Saxony ELECTRIC MOBILITY CONNECTS). The vehicles are powered by the company’s own renewable energy. An energy storage system built according to the redox flow principle buffers the surplus energy. The intelligent operating network coordinates and optimizes the corporate energy supply and the charging stations. The independent workshop for passenger cars of all brands has repeatedly won the “Trusted Workshop” award. The company promotes diverse partners and projects at home and abroad; primarily in the child and youth work sector. Address Liebstädter Straße 2 01768 Glashütte The binova GmbH corporation develops, produces, and distributes innovative electric motors and the requisite control systems. Motors with integrated controls were originally developed for the rapidly expanding pedelecs market. They excel with their compact design and can be easily installed with minimum effort. Germany employees 10 contact person(s) KATJA SÖHNER-BILO, Managing Director phone +49 35053 3122-20 email Website “binova flow” is a novel e-bike drive unit which was developed entirely by binova; it consists of the world’s first gearless middrive motor and includes the control system and sensors. The system scores points with its new configuration, innovative design, and intelligent sensor technology. The light, lowmaintenance drive unit is easy to operate and can be mounted to conventional frames without any hassles. With a range of up to 150 km, the motor supports the driver quietly, but with sufficient power for speeds up to 25 km/h. The high precision sensor system adjusts the drive support to your pedaling in an optimal manner so that the natural biking experience continues to be in the foreground. As a future oriented, dynamic company, we talk EnergyBus. With this system language, we guarantee the highest flexibility for displays, batteries, and charging stations and, thus, meet the needs and requirements of our customers. Atlas of E-Mobility Competence in Saxony | ENTERPRISES | 17 BMW Plant Leipzig car systems Scheil GmbH & Co. KG Welcome to the Plant of the Future E-Mobility Solutions In the classic production sector, BMW builds the X1, the 1-Series 5-Door, the 2-Series Coupe, the 2-Series Convertible, and the 2-Series Active Tourer in Leipzig. This is extended by the i3 and the i8. More than 850 vehicles roll off the Leipzig assembly line every day. Address BMW Allee 1 04349 Leipzig Germany employees (leipzig) 4,500 turnover bmW Group (2013) Euro 76.1 billion contact person(s) JOCHEN MÜLLER, Head of Corporate Communications BMW Plants Leipzig, Berlin, Eisenach phone +49 341 445-38000 email Website 18 | Annual production amounts to approx. 200,000 automobiles. Production began in March 2005. Since then, the factory has been continuously expanded with investments into classic production technologies as well as new technologies for e-vehicle production with innovative lightweight materials. All told, the BMW Group has invested more than 2 billion euros into the production site so far. The e-mobility era was launched in November 2010 in the presence of Federal Chancellor Dr. Angela Merkel. The BMW Group expanded the Leipzig plant into a competence center for evehicle production with investments of about 400 million euros into new buildings and facilities. About 800 new jobs were created. Production of the i3 was launched in September 2013. More than 100 cars roll off the assembly line every day. The spring of 2014 marked the start of production for the i8. Address Zum Apelstein 2 04158 Leipzig Germany Within the BMW Group’s sustainability strategy, four wind turbines with a total output of 10 MW were installed on the factory premises. They generate the power for BMW’s i-model production. The BMW Group not only puts emission-free vehicles on the road, but also optimizes the production process in Leipzig and beyond in the spirit of sustainability. employees 24 turnover (2013) Euro 2 million contact person(s) JENS SCHEIL, Managing Director phone +49 341 468300-0 email Website Over the past 5 years, the car systems Scheil GmbH & Co. KG corporation has gained extensive expertise in the sectors electric mobility and the electrification of installations. Particularly in the control engineering sector, it was possible to meet the demands of numerous projects for the most diverse applications with our own in-house development of a universally applicable control unit. In addition to converting complete cars to electric drive systems, we also handle subprojects revolving around e-mobility. The requisite projects are carried out according to specific customer wishes and requirements. An extensive network which has already created comprehensive and trendsetting ideas and concepts helps us accomplish these tasks. One such example is the “lekker-mo- bil,” which set a world record for the longest range of an electric vehicle by travelling from Munich to Berlin. Since we commenced with our activities in the e-mobility sector, we have been cooperating closely with the L.E. mobile corporation. In addition to our activities in the e-mobility sector, car systems Scheil GmbH & Co. KG as a Bosch Service company also provides inspection, maintenance, and repair services for all kinds of motor vehicles, construction machinery, and other devices. We also maintain and develop special equipment for vehicles and construction machinery for such specific applications as measurements, tests, drive and control units as well as power supply and climate control systems. Atlas of E-Mobility Competence in Saxony | ENTERPRISES | 19 CITYSAX Mobility GmbH DB RegioNetz Verkehrs GmbH Erzgebirgsbahn Mountain Railroad Urban E-Mobility Powered by CITYSAX EcoTrain – Innovative Drive, Control, and Auxiliary Power Consumption Technology, Energy Management Address Schönburgstraße 13 01108 Dresden CITYSAX Mobility GmbH (CITYSAX) is a medium-sized German company which was founded in 2009. The company’s objective is to develop, build, and sell vehicles with electric drives. As early as 2009, CITYSAX launched the first all-electric car on the German market – the compact car “CITYSAX.” Germany employees 5 turnover (2013) 120,000 Euro contact person(s) MATTHIAS BÄHR, Managing Director phone +49 351 88343-08 email Website The company specializes in converting vehicles with combustion engines to electric drives. CITYSAX successfully integrated the vehicle signals of the new electric vehicle into the existing user interface. CITYSAX vehicles are, thus, easy to operate and meet a high safety standard. That’s why the company is the ideal partner for special vehicles and/or customerspecific solutions. The latest product made by CITYSAX is the MIC7-è electric roadster. expertise in the e-mobility sector Development, manufacture, sales & service of electric vehicles branches Research & development Sales | distribution Consulting | subsidy management Vehicle construction | lightweight design Address Bahnhofstraße 9 09111 Chemnitz Germany employees 120 contact person(s) WOLFGANG LEIBIGER, Head of the Erzgebirgsbahn Transportation Services phone +49 371 493-3128 email Website 20 | Under the roof of the DB Group, two corporations – DB RegioNetz Verkehrs GmbH and DB RegioNetz Infrastruktur GmbH – were founded to promote SMEs in early 2002. These two firms created regional Regio networks which, like SMEs, have been acting as local, customer-oriented profit centers since their founding. Each Regio network was tailored to the needs and requirements prevalent on site. The internal structure and service portfolio as well as the resultant operating processes were adjusted to the regional market. A specific focus of the Model Region Electric Mobility Saxony is on “rural mobility.” The proposed project creates the prerequisites to increase the attractiveness of public transportation by using energetically optimized combustion rail cars for rail-bound passenger transportation on non-electrified routes in the Erzgebirge Mountains. This pre-production use helps develop the respective market in line with the objectives of the National Platform for Electric Mobility in the medium and the long term. The project partners participate in the accompanying research and the respective topics of the Model Region initiative. Within the scope of the EcoTrain project, the Erzgebirgsbahn railroad will ready hybrid technology for mass production and the Chemnitz site will be strengthened technologically. Next, the entire Erzgebirgsbahn’s VT 642 fleet is to be retrofitted and the activities are to be expanded to include the creation of a competence center for hybrid rail cars. Atlas of E-Mobility Competence in Saxony | ENTERPRISES | 21 Deutsche ACCUmotive GmbH & Co. KG Diamant Fahrradwerke GmbH Automobile Electrification Diamant Fahrradwerke has been standing for biking culture and innovation for 130 years now. The Deutsche ACCUmotive GmbH & Co. KG corporation was founded as a subsidiary of the Daimler AG Group with the objective of realizing automobile electrification with the help of an efficient, reliable, and competitive battery technology. Address Am Wiesengrund 9 01917 Kamenz Germany employees 212 The company has its headquarters and its research & development center in Kirchheim u. Teck, Baden-Wuerttemberg. The production site is located in Kamenz, Saxony. turnover (2013) Euro 153.62 million contact person(s) FRANK BLOME, Managing Director phone +49 3578 3737-300 email Website The corporate philosophy: Investing into the powertrain of the future. The energy storage system is the heart of vehicle electrification. Drives for e-vehicles need battery systems which meet the specific requirements of the automobile sector in terms of safety, environment, performance, robustness, life cycle, and costs. With a highly motivated team of skilled experts and specialists, Deutsche ACCUmotive is working on the development of these systems while continuously advancing this technical field. Address The company bases its vision of becoming a leading provider of high-voltage batteries on its extensive expertise, its many years of experience, and its international network of experts in the field of lithium-ion battery development. Schönaicher Straße 1 09232 Hartmannsdorf Germany Diamant today – this stands for an ultramodern company with a daily production of approx. 650 bicycles, high quality standards, and innovative solutions. From seat to spoke, its pedelecs with the pioneering RIDE+ technology epitomize the slogan “State of the art. Heart of the street.” No other manufacturer in Germany combines tradition and modernity so stylishly and confidently as Diamant does! employees Approx. 230 turnover (2013) Euro 73,735,327 contact person(s) NINA MEINICKE, Commercial Management (Authorized Representative) phone +49 3722 405-511 email Grüezi Diamant! 2014 marked the start to a new, promising destination: Diamant is expanding its sphere of influence and will produce not only for the German and Austrian markets, but also for the Swiss market in the future. Many exciting projects are probably waiting for us there; naturally, also in the emobility sector. In 2015, Diamant will celebrate its 130th anniversary – a success story with a lot of milestones. And an end is nowhere in sight. Since 2011, Diamant has been cooperating with the RWE Group. As a result, Diamant not only equips the energy giant’s fleet, but also provides advice and expertise in implementing mobility concepts. Diamant e-bikes stand for a mode of transport which is technically and visually designed and developed down to the last detail. Irrespective of its intended use, Diamant has the right e-bike for anyone who likes to be on the move. Website 22 | Atlas of E-Mobility Competence in Saxony | ENTERPRISES | 23 DNV GL – Energy for KEMA – IEV GmbH Dresdner Verkehrsbetriebe AG Project Development and Management, Storage Technologies and Smart Grid, Consulting and Testing We keep Dresden moving Address Gostritzer Straße 67 01217 Dresden Germany Driven by its purpose of safeguarding life, property and the environment, DNV GL enables organizations to advance the safety and sustainability of their business. DNV GL provides classification and technical assurance along with software and independent expert advisory services to the maritime, oil & gas and energy industries. It also provides certification services to customers across a wide range of industries. employees More than 80 turnover (2012) Euro 8.3 million contact person(s) KRISTIAN SEIDL, Senior Engineer, Operational Excellence phone +49 351 8719263 email Website 24 | DNV GL, whose origins go back to 1864, operates globally in more than 100 countries with its 16,000 professionals dedicated to helping their customers make the world safer, smarter and greener. In DNV GL we unite the strengths of DNV, KEMA, Garrad Hassan, and GL Renewables Certification. DNV GL’s 3,000 energy experts support customers around the globe in delivering a safe, reliable, efficient, and sustainable energy supply. In 2009, Saxony was officially designated as one of eight Model Regions Electric Mobility by the German Federal Government. Since then, DNV GL has been active in the SaxMobility project together with power suppliers, universities, research institutes as well as transportation service providers. Within this project, DNV GL is actively committed to such e-mobility topics as access and billing systems for public charging, fleet and load management systems as well as the combination of e-mobility and public transport. Address Trachenberger Straße 40 01129 Dresden Germany employees 1,753 turnover (2013) Euro 116.1 million contact person(s) ROBERT ROCH, Center Manager Motor Vehicles phone +49 351 857-3360 email Website Dresdner Verkehrsbetriebe AG (DVB) is one of the most important public transportation operators in the Dresden region. The company provides the coordinated service of 166 trams, 151 buses, five ferries and – as a special service – a suspension railway and a funicular railway on more than 40 lines to Dresden and the surrounding region. About 500,000 passengers use the diverse modes of transportation every workday. All trams and buses are modern low-floor vehicles. DVB operates a total of 18 modern hybrid buses on its lines; thus, additionally contributing towards an attractive and clean city. Since 2001, the use of the CarGoTram has been relieving the city center of heavy traffic while also aptly demonstrating the efficiency of a sustainable urban rail transportation system. Starting in 2015, the first battery driven elec- tric bus will be commuting through Dresden on Line 79. Due to conductive high current charging at the final stop, the bus will be able to manage the approx. 300 km of its daily route which also includes the auxiliary equipment and the heating system. The hybrid buses are studied to determine further improvements within the scope of the project “Pilotlinie 64 – Efficient Electric Mobility in Dresden.” This includes lightweight construction which is exemplified by the rims that are to be readied for mass production as well as an innovative heating and control concept. The objective is to further reduce fuel consumption. DVB is one of the first participants to have signed the “Charter on Sustainable Development” adopted by the International Association of Public Transport (UITP). Atlas of E-Mobility Competence in Saxony | ENTERPRISES | 25 DREWAG – Stadtwerke Dresden GmbH EA EnergieArchitektur GmbH | EA Systems Dresden GmbH A Green Surge – E-Mobility in Dresden Intelligent Systems Solutions for E-Mobility Address Rosenstraße 32 01067 Dresden Germany employees 668 turnover (2013) Euro 1,159 million contact person(s) HOLGER HÄNCHEN phone +49 351 20585-4513 email Website DREWAG – Stadtwerke Dresden GmbH is a municipal multi-purpose supply and disposal company which provides the Saxon state capital with electricity, natural gas, district heating, and water. In addition, DREWAG also renders numerous energy services. It is one of the ten largest public utility companies in the Federal Republic of Germany. DREWAG – Stadtwerke Dresden GmbH’s shareholders are the EnergieVerbund Dresden GmbH corporation, which holds 90 % of the shares, and the Thüga AG corporation with a 10 % share. As a modern utility company, DREWAG has been supporting electric mobility for many years now, for example the use of e-vehicles for in-house transports in companies, the installation of a charging infrastructure in public and private areas, or its close cooperation with the Dresdner Verkehrsbetriebe AG which is also ac- tively committed to e-mobility. DREWAG’s participation in the Model Region Saxony as well as in the Showcase Bavaria-Saxony ELECTRIC MOBILITY CONNECTS permitted the creation of a basic charging infrastructure. The implementation of the StromTicket system simplified the use of electric charging stations. They can be easily used via a comfortable access and billing system. In the area of urban e-mobilization – with quick charging technology in mind –, the DREWAG subsidiary DREWAG Netz GmbH is actively involved in testing the impact of the restructured demand for electricity while also taking this impact into account for the intelligent expansion of power grids. Address Großenhainer Str. 34 | Würzburger Str. 14 01097 Dresden | 01187 Dresden Germany The EA EnergieArchitektur GmbH and EA Systems Dresden GmbH corporations plan and implement the integration of e-mobility into network infrastructures, whether they already exist or are to be newly created, while focusing on: Network integration/load management Fleet operation Regenerative charging Charging management (HMI) employees 16 | 10 contact person(s) FRANK WELSKOP | RENÉ UNGER Project Manager Energy Management | Managing Director phone +49 351 656839-33 | +49 351 46713651 email | the easycharge platform – intelligent and simple charging easyCharge is a charging system with smart charging power control, local and web administration as well as smartphone application. Open interfaces and customer-oriented designs permit a hassle-free integration into existing energy management and payment systems. Users can localize and reserve free charging points and select different charging models. Due to its flexible expandability and comprehensive measurement data, easyCharge is also highly appreciated by research and development institutions. Green building library – simulating efficient and sustainable energy infrastructures Our strengths include the precise analysis, planning, and development of holistic energy supply concepts for buildings, building complexes, and districts. The Green Building Library permits us to create and simulate energy infrastructures; thus, providing the basic principles for sound investment decisions. A specific focus is on the integration of new emobility concepts and the use of renewable energy. Here, we offer such customer-specific solutions as load management and charging strategies. Website | 26 | Atlas of E-Mobility Competence in Saxony | ENTERPRISES | 27 eins energie in sachsen GmbH & Co. KG ENSO Energie Sachsen Ost AG | ENSO NETZ GmbH Installing Electric Charging Stations in Chemnitz and Promoting the Purchase of Electric Vehicles Experience E-Mobility with ENSO Even though most charging processes will be carried out at home, public charging stations are a key element of e-mobility. That’s why eins has already installed four public charging stations for electric cars in Chemnitz. Address Augustusburger Straße 1 09111 Chemnitz Germany employees 1,100 turnover (2013) Euro 912 million contact person(s) ROBBY HARTL phone +49 371 525-5403 email Website Once the drivers of electric vehicles have registered themselves on the eins website, they can get a card with which they can recharge their car at the electric stations. The charging station can also be activated via text message. During this process, the actual charging station is stored along with the person who used the station, how long it took to recharge the electric car, and how much electricity was obtained. eins wants to address e-mobility, gain experience, provide solutions, and advance the topic with a comprehensive approach. That’s why the municipal utility company supports the purchase of e-vehicles with 200 euros. eins’ electricity or natural gas customers get an additional benefit of 100 euros. The portfolio also includes various charging boxes for the private sector and a product based on renewable energy. Address Friedrich-List-Platz 2 01069 Dresden Germany eins is the leading municipal energy service provider in Chemnitz and South Saxony. About 400,000 customers rely on the energy supplied by eins. The utility company provides electricity, natural gas, and heat to the people in and beyond the region. eins is committed to young people, sports, culture, and social projects while being a competent partner for all energy-related topics and the generation of renewable energy. The ENSO Energie Sachsen Ost AG corporation supplies East Saxony with electricity, natural gas, heat, and energy services. The ENSO NETZ GmbH corporation is a wholly owned subsidiary of the ENSO AG Group. With its efficient grids and systems for electricity and natural gas, the company stands for reliable, high quality energy distribution. The ENSO Group has an environmental management system which is certified in compliance with ISO 14001. employees 695 | 756 turnover (2013) Euro 1,147.2 million | Euro 547 million contact person(s) ALEXANDER DREUSE | CARSTEN WALD Corporate Development | Network Sales phone +49 351 468-3512 | +49 351 468-4384 email | As a practicing partner of the Model Region Electric Mobility Saxony and the Showcase Bavaria-Saxony ELECTRIC MOBILITY CONNECTS, ENSO and ENSO NETZ have been actively promoting the distribution of e-mobility at a regional level since 2010. Thanks to the installation of currently nine charging stations with public access, it was possible to create a basic infrastructure in East Saxony. The access and billing system StromTicket which was jointly developed with project partners and introduced in 2013 permits the comfortable and barrier-free use of the charging infrastructure. The ENSO Group has 28 electric cars in its vehicle fleet with which it has gained extensive experience in e-fleet and charging management. In order to experience e-mobility firsthand, municipalities can test the e-vehicles on a regular basis and customers can do so within the scope of promotional activities. New mobility concepts for multiple use are assessed, for example, in the carsharing test fleet together with the municipal utility company DREWAG – Stadtwerke Dresden GmbH and Technische Universität Dresden (TU Dresden). Website | 28 | Atlas of E-Mobility Competence in Saxony | ENTERPRISES | 29 envia Mitteldeutsche Energie AG Evonik Litarion GmbH Experiencing E-Mobility High Quality Key Components for Large-Scale Li-Ion Cells Address Chemnitztalstraße 13 09114 Chemnitz Germany employees 4,128 turnover (2013) Euro 4.8 billion contact person(s) DR. LARS FREYGANG, Head of Energy Services phone +49 371 482-2047 email Website 30 | The enviaM Group is the leading regional energy service provider in East Germany. The corporate network supplies about 1.4 million customers with electricity, gas, heat, and energy services. The Group, which has more than 4,100 employees, includes the Chemnitz-based envia Mitteldeutsche Energie AG (enviaM) corporation as well as other companies in which enviaM holds a majority of the shares. Together, they shape the future of energy in East Germany. enviaM’s shareholders include the RWE AG Group with 58.6 percent and about 650 East German municipalities with 41.4 percent of the shares. According to a study conducted by the research and consulting institute Conoscope GmbH, Leipzig, the corporate network assures a value creation of approx. 1.7 billion euros, more than 17,300 jobs, and a tax revenue of almost 950 million euros in the region. Every euro which the enviaM Group indicates as value creation accounts for virtually two additional euros of value creation. Every job of the corporate network safeguards or creates three other jobs. Under the brand names LITARION® and SEPARION®, the Evonik Litarion GmbH corporation produces electrodes as well as ceramic separators for large-scale, highly efficient lithium ion battery cells with state-of-the-art coating technology. Address Competences in the E-Mobility Sector The enviaM Group promotes the expansion of e-mobility in East Germany. The focus is on research projects revolving around charging infrastructures and the rental of e-cars and e-bikes to municipalities for testing purposes. The requisite program is launched with the objective of gaining firsthand experiences with e-mobility. All told, the enviaM Group has seven charging stations and another twelve are installed at municipalities and service partners. The corporate network has nine e-vehicles in its own fleet. Am Wiesengrund 7 01917 Kamenz Germany employees 170 turnover (2013) Euro 49 million contact person(s) DR. MICHAEL KOPPITZ, Managing Director phone +49 3578 3734-8211 email Website As a supplier for industrial and automotive energy storage applications, Evonik Litarion meets the highest possible standards with regard to performance, quality, and safety. Today, electrodes and separators made by Evonik Litarion demonstrate the efficiency and safety of our components in more than 1 million battery cells which are used in automobile, stationary, and industrial applications. development and production of battery components. This allows us to provide services and products revolving around lithium ion technology in the sectors product and process development as well as analysis and testing ranging from a lab to a production scale and in accordance with the highest possible quality standards. The Evonik Litarion GmbH corporation has a comprehensive machine pool for mixing and wet coating processes in reel to reel processes. Thanks to our extensive production experience at the highest possible quality standards, we are also able to support related processes from the conventional process engineering sector and the converting industry. The Evonik Litarion GmbH corporation can look back on many years of experience in the Atlas of E-Mobility Competence in Saxony | ENTERPRISES | 31 FES GmbH Fahrzeug-Entwicklung Sachsen FM future mobility GmbH Developing Individual Mobility for the Future All-in-one E-Carsharing Solutions, Charging Options and Technology FES GmbH Fahrzeug-Entwicklung Sachsen Address Crimmitschauer Straße 59 08058 Zwickau FES GmbH Fahrzeug-Entwicklung Sachsen is a modern engineering company with expertise covering the entire vehicle. We are a neutral service provider working project oriented on behalf of our customers, independent of individual suppliers. We make use of state-ofthe-art technologies and apply our many years of process competence. Germany employees 700 contact person(s) RONNY TOLLISZUS, Managing Director phone +49 375 5660-284 email Website 32 | Our 700 employees stand for quality and experience in the development of concepts and entire vehicles as well as the development of car bodies, chassis, electric drive and propulsion systems, electronics, software and on-board power systems, production and assembly, testing, and technical documentation. For more than 10 years now, the team at FES GmbH Fahrzeug-Entwicklung Sachsen has been addressing vehicle projects in the emobility sector and has gained extensive experience in this field. Our services range from the development of initial concepts for entire e-vehicles, the preparation of specifications, and the basic layout of electric drives to the development and integration of all the necessary components and the construction of prototypes in cooperation with our system partners all the way to the testing of components and entire vehicles. Address Herschelstraße 17 08060 Zwickau Germany employees 9 turnover (2013) Euro 100,000 For example, we can handle full testing services for electric machines and power electronics. A comprehensive equipment pool is available which also includes a test bench for e-machines and inverters with superimposed temperatures and climates. contact person(s) FRANK SCHÖNEFELD, Managing Director phone +49 375 2118058 email Website FM is a mobility service provider for municipalities, companies, and private persons. The company was founded in 2012 and is based in West Saxony. The first service package is the operation of an expanding carsharing network in smaller towns and rural areas. By integrating the local automotive trade, it is possible to accomplish economic services for municipalities as well as small and medium sized enterprises even with electric vehicles for short-range mobility. Keyless vehicle access, GPS geolocation and a booking platform of our own devising including an application for smartphones round out the portfolio. Currently 7 cities and municipalities as well as several dozen companies make use of the available pool of 20 vehicles, half of which are e-vehicles. An average of 15 to 20 users share one vehicle. our services – your benefits Competence in e-vehicles and (quick) charging technology Flexible services (delivery service, aroundthe-clock service, charging tech rental service) Local contact partners E-vehicles can be tested extensively starting at only Euro 8.00 outlook and planned Activities Regional companies can increase FM station density Several municipalities / counties can use an e-vehicle pool Connecting e-car sharing to public transportation via the VERBUND network access and payment system Strengthening tourism by offering attractive e-mobility services Atlas of E-Mobility Competence in Saxony | ENTERPRISES | 33 Fö | Lipsia-e-motion UG (Limited Liability) FSD Fahrzeugsystemdaten GmbH Central Agency Pursuant to the Road Traffic Act (StVG) A Special Kind of Electric Mobility | Electric Mobility in the Heart of Germany Electric Mobility: Inspected & Safe … die Elektromobilitätsrallye im Herzen Deutschlands Address Toskastraße 36 04159 Leipzig, Germany employees 2 | 4 contact person(s) LUTZ FÖRSTER, Managing Owner | Managing Director phone email +49 341 9012193 | Website www.Fö | fö Fö provides outstanding mobility since it’s our objective to make e-mobility an experience for everyone. We offer a portfolio of e-vehicles for sale, rent, driver’s training, and service. Both the three-wheeled TWIKE manufactured by the Hesse-based FINE Mobile corporation and the various models of the 1950s-style e-scooter Kumpan built by the German company ebility provide unique advantages. TWIKE: Sheer driving pleasure due to its efficient lightweight construction and the possibility of activating the pedals to exercise while driving Kumpan electric: Agile driving, retro design, and removable batteries for recharging Stroler: Pedelecs/e-bike of the Lohner brand from Austria has room for two on a bench seat, a noticeably different look lipsia-e-motion UG (limited liability) The annual “Lipsia-e-motion” e-mobility rally in the heart of Germany unites all kinds of e-vehicles, ranging from the i-wheel to the e-bike, e-scooter, e-motorbike, e-car, e-van all the way to the e-truck in Leipzig. During the two days of the rally, e-drivers from all over Germany and abroad, for example, demonstrate the suitability of the most diverse evehicles for daily use by combining them with tourist highlights of the Green Belt and the city of Leipzig. The event is open to all private persons and companies committed to e-mobility. Registrations can be made via the website. Address Wintergartenstraße 4 01307 Dresden Germany The FSD Fahrzeugsystemdaten GmbH corporation prepares test specifications for the inspection of safety-related, electronically controlled functions and systems during Germany’s mandatory Periodical Technical Inspection (PTI) and makes these specifications available to the requisite inspection organizations. FSD cooperates closely with vehicle producers and importers, scientific institutions and inspection organizations. employees 140 contact person(s) DIRK MEIßNER, Development of Inspection Technologies phone +49 351 652888-786 email Website Shortly after the first electric and hybrid vehicles had been introduced to the market, FSD got ready for these new drive and propulsion concepts and developed the required specifications. Currently, the company provides test specifications for 90 % of the electric and hybrid vehicles registered in Germany. These specifications are continuously revised and developed further. Towards this end, FSD systematically evaluates the information provided by about 25 million annual PTIs in Germany. Every year, FSD also conducts 100,000 indepth surveys among the users of its information system, either within the scope of the PTI or shortly before the vehicles are prepared for the upcoming inspection. In addition, research and development tasks and/or statistical evaluations are assigned to FSD by the Ministries of Transport of the Federal Government and the Federal States as well as the Federal Motor Transport Authority (KBA) and the Federal Highway Research Institute (BASt). FSD has its own vehicle fleet for research and validation purposes: In addition to hybrid and electric cars, it also includes a hybrid and an electric motorbike as well as electric motor scooters. 34 | Atlas of E-Mobility Competence in Saxony | ENTERPRISES | 35 HERMS Technologies GmbH IAV GmbH Development Center Prototyping Made in Saxony / Electric Motors, Control Units, and Vehicle Prototypes IAV – Your Engineering Partner for E-Mobility Address Anton-Günther-Weg 4 08058 Zwickau Germany HERMS Technologies GmbH is an innovative technology spin-off of the West Saxon University of Applied Sciences Zwickau that specializes primarily in the development of electric motors, control units, and the construction of vehicle prototypes. With a team that has grown over a period of five years, we are able to implement prototype projects quickly and flexibly according to your specific needs and requirements. employees 11 contact person(s) THOMAS HERZOG, Financial Director phone +49 375 2006362-90 email Website 36 | In so doing, we can rely on a network of 80 companies which permits us to handle complex projects all the way to readying products for mass production. These projects are realized on your behalf in our competence center for electric drive systems which we established in close cooperation with the euro engineering cooperation at the production site Zwickau. our expertise at a Glance Electric motors (electromagnetic design, CAD, FEM, prototyping, test bench measurements, readying products for mass production, and production within the network) Control units (layout, electric circuits, simulation, cooling concepts, controllers, software) Vehicle prototypes (overall system design, package, vehicle dynamics, energy storage, gear systems, wiring, integration, commissioning, test runs) Address Kauffahrtei 25 09120 Chemnitz Germany employees 5,000 turnover (2013) Euro 595 million Our greatest strength lies in the interdisciplinary cooperation between the sectors electrical systems / electronics, mechanics / design, software and project management. For you, this means superior results that are innovative and well-conceived – results that meet our greatest objective – your satisfaction. contact person(s) MIRKO TAUBENREUTHER, Head of Department phone +49 371 2373-4425 email Website As one of the leading engineering partners for all major automobile manufacturers and suppliers, IAV looks back on more than 30 years of experience and a broad spectrum of competences which is truly unique in all sectors pertaining to electronics, powertrain, and vehicle development. We always see the world through the eyes of a car enthusiast which is why we develop solutions for the entire vehicle that are not only technically perfect, but also feasible and sustainable. With more than 5,000 IAV employees and top-notch equipment, we support you in implementing your project from the initial idea all the way to the start of mass production: Your targets are our mission. Operating from the development center for e-mobility in Chemnitz/Saxony, IAV develops and tests solutions for electric drives, energy management as well as energy storage and charging technologies. For this purpose, we use our own state-of-the-art test facilities (drive test bench, e-transmission test stand, and battery test rigs) as well as specialists for mechanical design, thermal simulation, calculation, hardware and software development. It is in particular the existing network of interdisciplinary experts for system development and integration, functional safety, and high-voltage safety which ideally complements the portfolio. In addition to its development centers in Berlin, Gifhorn, and Chemnitz, IAV has additional corporate sites in Europe, Asia as well as North and South America. Atlas of E-Mobility Competence in Saxony | ENTERPRISES | 37 IMK engineering GmbH Infineon Technologies Dresden GmbH From the Idea to the Prototype Innovative Semiconductor Solutions for Advanced Mobility The mission statement of the IMK engineering GmbH corporation is the creation of innovative solutions and the provision of development, design, and engineering services, for example, for the special machinery and vehicle construction sectors. Address Zwickauer Straße 56 09112 Chemnitz Germany employees 33 turnover (2013) Euro 3.5 million contact person(s) FRANK HERRMANN, Managing Director phone +49 371 90987-50 email Website 38 | With the help of modern CAD engineering methods in conjunction with FEM simulations, it is possible to develop, design, and calculate complex component structures. The overall competences of a complete engineering process include electrical engineering, the presentation of prototypes and small batches as well as the implementation of experiments and tests. IMK engineering GmbH is ISO 9001:2000 certified and a member of the expert platform “Forum ElektroMobilität.” A specific focus is on the development, estab- lishment, and promotion of alternative drive and propulsion as well as transport solutions along with the requisite products particularly in the utility and special vehicle sector. IMK engineering GmbH played a key role in the development of the three-wheeled lightweight electric vehicle Innvelo® Three. The prototype represents a vehicle concept with a total of three derivatives that demonstrate the overall efficiency and urban use. Address Königsbrücker Straße 180 01099 Dresden Germany employees More than 2,000 in Dresden, 26,000 worldwide Other projects revolve around work machines. A li-ion battery and an electric motor replace conventional diesel-hydraulic drives here. The company has already developed and built a remote controlled, battery driven vehicle for the transport of supporting elements in underground mines. phone +49 800 951951951 Website Infineon Technologies focuses on three central challenges facing modern society: Energy efficiency, mobility, and security, and offers semiconductors and system solutions for automotive and industrial electronics and chip card and security applications. Infineon has close to 26,000 employees worldwide – over 2,000 of them working in Dresden. The Infineon Technologies Dresden GmbH corporation is one of the largest production sites of Infineon Technologies AG. More than three billion euros have been invested here since its founding in 1994. Infineon is the world’s second largest chip manufacturer for automobile electronics. Infineon develops, produces, and promotes innovative semiconductor solutions for a broad spectrum of automobile applications such as: Vehicle powertrains (e.g. engine and transmission control) Car body and convenience systems (e.g. light control, heating, air conditioning, comfort locking) Safety management (e.g. electronic power steering, collision avoidance, antilock brake system, airbag, stability control, tire pressure monitoring) Infotainment Thanks to power electronics made by Infineon, not only will high-speed trains become sustainable modes of transportation, but also e-cars turn into highly efficient speedsters. The chips control the battery system, recover braking energy, and extend the travel range of electric cars. E-cars, e-bicycles, and e-scooters call for the development of smart grids: Infineon’s chip technology manages and controls these energy systems. It also makes e-ticket systems easy to use and permits secure e-payment systems. Atlas of E-Mobility Competence in Saxony | ENTERPRISES | 39 ITC AG Leichtbau-Systemtechnologien KORROPOL (LSK) Smart Energy Solutions High tech solutions made easy! Glass fiber reinforced plastics and carbon fiber components in top Saxon quality Address Ostra-Allee 9 01067 Dresden Germany employees 45 contact person(s) The ITC AG corporation designs and implements software solutions for companies in the electricity, gas, and water supply industries and the public sector. In addition to the production of standard software and specific OEM solutions, ITC AG also develops custom applications. With more than 200 customers in the energy supply and utilities industries, ITC AG is a leading provider of professional online portals for customer care, sales, smart metering, smart energy, and automation which are all based on the standard software ITC PowerCommerce. MARC LITIM, Senior Consultant phone +49 351 320176-00 email Website 40 | competences in electric mobility The focus of ITC AG’s R&D project “electric mobility” is the integration of electric vehicles into existing and new infrastructures. That’s why ITC AG operates an electric vehicle specifically in the commercial sector. The automobile is actively used as a service vehicle in the greater Dresden area. objectives of the itc project Creating a viable charging infrastructure in ITC AG’s domain Developing intelligent metering systems for energy consumption (smart meters) Developing authentication and authorization systems for the charging process Controlling and regulating the charging process, taking into account variable tariff models Using the vehicle as an energy storage system to optimize its own consumption (PV systems) Address Cunnersdorfer Straße 63 01328 Dresden-Schönfeld Germany employees 18 turnover (2013) Euro 1.2 million contact person(s) MARCO ZICHNER, Managing Director phone +49 351 263131-0 email Website The Leichtbau-Systemtechnologien KORROPOL (LSK) corporation is a globally acknowledged and renowned high tech manufacturer of innovative lightweight applications in machinery and plant construction, the aerospace industry, and energy technology. With more than 50 years of experience in the fiber composites sector, we’re a company with one of the longest traditions when it comes to processing glass fiber reinforced plastics and carbon fibers in Germany. Currently, we manufacture primarily prototypes, individual pieces, and small batches as well as the requisite glass fiber reinforced plastic molding tools on approx. 2,000 m² of production space. A reliable and constant high quality and comprehensive technological knowledge are LSK’s specific strong points which our customers have been associating with us for many years now. The key success factor is the close, individual advice we provide to our customers. In so doing, we develop innovative solutions with our customers, especially in the manufacture of small batches for electric mobility. LSK’s most important expertise is found in the sectors design, construction, and the implementation of lightweight structures in “composite-intensive hybrid constructions.” This also includes all the requisite auxiliaries such as models, tools, and assembly facilities. LSK has the necessary experience not only in virtually every composite manufacturing procedure, but also in closed technology chains, which are absolutely necessary for fast implementation. That’s why we’re often a key component for our customers when it comes to transferring a good idea into an innovative product. Atlas of E-Mobility Competence in Saxony | ENTERPRISES | 41 Leichtbau-Zentrum Sachsen GmbH Leipziger Verkehrsbetriebe (LVB) GmbH Your Partner for the Transfer of Knowledge from Science to Industry Committed to Electric Mobility Address Marschnerstraße 39 01307 Dresden Germany contact person(s) DR.-ING. MARTIN LEPPER, Managing Director phone +49 351 463394-77 email Website Leichtbau-Zentrum Sachsen GmbH (LZS) was founded as a subsidiary of the TU Dresden Aktiengesellschaft (TUDAG) corporation in 2003 and is one of Germany’s leading technicalscientific research and development partners for industrial firms in the field of lightweight engineering today. In close cooperation with TU Dresden’s Institute of Lightweight Engineering and Polymer Technology (ILK) and a wide range of other research institutions associated with TU Dresden, LZS pools the unique lightweight engineering expertise found in Dresden while also ensuring the smooth, successful transfer of cutting-edge research into industrial applications. More than 60 engineers and technicians work in the interdisciplinary team of developers who unite excellent competences in aviation, automobile, and vehicle construction as well as in mechanical and plant engineering under one roof. The service portfolio ranges from design engineering, material characterization, structure and process simulation to the manufacturing of prototypes all the way to process development and structural testing. Address Georgiring 3 In cooperation with ILK and the ThyssenKrupp AG corporation, LZS was able to successfully introduce an innovative vehicle concept, the InEco demonstrator vehicle. The sporty lightweight electric vehicle is an innovative hybrid steel/CFRP construction which weighs only 900 kg and is suitable for everyday use. The eTRUST technology demonstrator, a sporty racing car with full electric drive, as well as the electrically propelled Multicar FUMO E1, a real innovation in the field of municipal utility vehicles, were also created in cooperation with ILK. 04103 Leipzig Germany employees LVB: 864 | LVB Group: 2,402 turnover (2013) Euro 131.6 million contact person(s) ANDREAS BÖTTCHER, Project Manager (eBus Projects) phone +49 341 492-2307 email ANNETTE KÖRNER, Project Manager (SaxMobility II) phone +49 341 492-1136 email With almost 150 km of tracks, the municipal corporation Leipziger Verkehrsbetriebe (LVB) GmbH operates the second largest tram network in Germany. In the city of Leipzig, LVB serves an area of approx. 297 km2 with a growing population of currently 522,833 inhabitants. The entire service area includes 708,315 inhabitants and stretches over 1,159 km2. Today, 80 % of the more than 142 million LVB passengers use the tram and its 13 lines every year. They, thus, already use e-mobility and benefit from energy efficient transportation. LVB is also actively involved in projects associated with the renewal of its bus fleet, which also includes innovative, environmentally friendly drive units. That’s why one of Germany’s largest hybrid bus fleets with 19 hybrid buses from 4 different manufacturers went into operation already in 2011. The company continues to cooperate closely with the scientists at the Fraunhofer Institute for Transportation and Infrastructure Systems (IVI) and with its e-mobility project partners. In addition, LVB has been and continues to be involved in the projects SaxHybrid and SaxHybridPLUS, SaxMobility and SaxMobility II as well as in projects of the international Trolley-Motion consortium and in the Showcase BavariaSaxony ELECTRIC MOBILITY CONNECTS. This commitment is linked to the continued development of mobility services, available information, and partnerships which all safeguard and ensure environmentally friendly mobility. Website 42 | Atlas of E-Mobility Competence in Saxony | ENTERPRISES | 43 Li-Tec Battery GmbH Little John Bikes GmbH Competences in the E-Mobility Sector: Manufacturing Lithium Ion Battery Cells for EV E-Mobility in Tourism – E-Bikes Make Holidays an Unforgettable Experience Li-Tec Battery GmbH – a subsidiary of the Daimler AG Group – develops, produces, and distributes large-scale lithium ion battery cells for automotive, industrial, and stationary applications. Address Address Am Wiesengrund 7 01917 Kamenz Germany employees Approx. 360 contact person(s) FRANK FISCHER, Marketing and Public Relations phone +49 3578 3734-0 email Website 44 | which are manufactured in a fully automated process and assembled to a complete battery, can later be found in the mass produced vehicle smart fortwo electric drive. With the globally unique ceramic CERIO® accumulator technology, the company creates powerful energy storage systems for a wide range of pioneering applications. The advanced battery cells are the only mass produced cells in Europe which are equipped with the ceramic high performance separator SEPARION® and LITARION® electrodes made by Evonik. The large-format lithium ion battery cells with CERIO® technology are produced in one of Europe’s largest dry rooms. The battery cells, Königsbrücker Straße 29 01099 Dresden Germany employees 25 turnover (2013) More than Euro 12 million contact person(s) SALES B2B phone +49 351 563497-0 email Website The specialist bicycle retailer Little John Bikes has been a competent service partner in the two-wheel e-mobility sector for many years now. The 23 shops provide first-class consultation and offer a great variety of the latest e-bikes. Every store has access to a large pool of test and rental bikes which are available to all interested cyclists at any time. In addition to its competences in the retail stores, Little John Bikes currently supervises more than 60 rental stations throughout Germany. the existing e-bike rental network. Little John Bikes supplies the rental stations (hotels, restaurants, lodging facilities, gas stations, and tourist information centers) with ebikes, marketing elements, and expertise. The dense network of rental and service stations ensures that service and repair jobs are carried out quickly and inexpensively. Additional e-bikes can be rented without any hassles. All rental stations are also battery charging stations. More and more battery charging stations are available at major POI. In various tourist regions such as Saxon Switzerland, the Erzgebirge Mountains, and Upper Lusatia, interested guests can spend relaxing (cycling) holidays on e-bikes. In cooperation with the tourism associations, Little John Bikes is continuously expanding This concept permits the partner stations to tap into new marketing channels and attract new guests. The entire region benefits from tour recommendations via GPS or cycling maps. Atlas of E-Mobility Competence in Saxony | ENTERPRISES | 45 MENNEKES Elektrotechnik Sachsen GmbH MUGLER AG Charging Stations for the Private, Commercial, Public Sectors; Charging Cables & Vehicle Components Communication Systems for Automated Traffic MENNEKES is the developer of the Type 2 charging plug which the EU specified by law as the European standard in April 2014. Address MENNEKES Straße 1 09465 Sehmatal-Neudorf Germany employees MENNEKES Group: 1,000 employees around the globe, two thirds work in Germany, and 130 employees at the production site Sehmatal-Neudorf turnover (2013) Euro 120 million (worldwide) contact person(s) KNUT WEIßFLUG, Head of Development phone +49 37342 862-29 email An outstanding design, functionality, and superb value for the money as well as an attractive price/performance ratio are the basis for sustainable charging solutions for electric vehicles. As a leading provider of charging systems for e-mobility, MENNEKES currently has the most comprehensive system portfolio of charging stations: Ranging from individual wall boxes at home for the private sector to local charging infrastructures in the commercial-industrial sector such as, for example, hotels, office buildings, and apartment buildings all the way to hundreds of linked and centrally controlled charging points in the public sector. In addition, MENNEKES provides an extensive, in part customized, range of vehicle inlets and charging cables for automobile manufacturers along with infrastructural components for producers of charging systems. Address Hofer Straße 2– 4 09353 Oberlungwitz Individual designs, suitable software as well as comprehensive services round off the service portfolio. Germany employees 240 turnover (2013) Approx. Euro 24 million contact person(s) STEFFEN EIDAM, Sales & Distribution phone +49 3723 747-117 email Website The MUGLER AG corporation plans, builds, services, and operates telecommunication networks for mobile communication services, public safety radio services, broadcasting, and fixed line network services. The company provides the entire service portfolio to its customers, ranging from the network concept, planning, and design to the planning, construction, and commissioning of sites, technology swaps, and the rollout of complete networks all the way to the maintenance, inspection, and network operation. Under the registered trademark “contexio,” MUGLER is the manufacturer of and a competent partner for top quality, mature, and foolproof products and solutions for the automated transmission, processing, and evaluation of data in industry, utilities, public safety, traffic and transport service providers (M2M communications). In addition, MUGLER AG engineers and operates digital broadcasting networks, both stationary (regional DVB-T networks) and temporary (‘event broadcasting’), and has its own R&D department. competencies in electric mobility It is anticipated that the broad use of e-mobility and the trend towards intelligent transport systems (ITS) will result in increased communication between vehicles and with other elements of the traffic infrastructure. This requires the extensive planning, construction, maintenance, and adaptation of telecommunication networks as well as the planning, configuration, and distribution of M2M devices and software for industrial communication – which are the core competences of MUGLER AG! Website 46 | Atlas of E-Mobility Competence in Saxony | ENTERPRISES | 47 Photon Meissener Technologies GmbH Porsche Leipzig GmbH Experienced Development and Manufacturing Partner for E-Vehicle Charging Infrastructures Tradition and Innovation: Porsche Hybrid Models Made in Saxony The Photon Meissener Technologies GmbH (PMT) corporation is your partner for premium quality system housings. We equip these housings with the best possible components and software; thus, qualifying them for a wide range of applications. Address Niederauer Straße 44 01662 Meißen Germany employees Approx. 80 turnover (2013) Approx. Euro 10 million contact person(s) DETLEF GELFERT, Technical Sales & Distribution phone +49 3521 726-160 email Website 48 | PMT also creates a large number of complex products and solutions in the rail technology, emergency call and communication systems sectors. We attach great importance to barrierfree access and protection against vandalism. Areas of expertise Electric vehicle charging terminals Emergency call and communication systems Information solutions Housings for outdoor use Rail technology Porsche is one of the first manufacturers to offer three plug-in hybrid models. In addition to the super sports car 918 Spyder, this also includes the Panamera S E-Hybrid and the new Cayenne S E-Hybrid both of which roll off the assembly line in Leipzig. We provide all process steps ranging from initial design to development and construction all the way to prototype creation and mass production. Customer proximity and the best possible service at maximum quality are always our highest priorities. Address Porschestraße 1 04158 Leipzig Germany employees Approx. 3,000 produced Vehicles (2013) 107,000 contact person(s) JULIA PIRLICH, Head of Corporate Communications, Leipzig Production Site phone +49 341 999-13450 email Website Porsche in Leipzig – since time immemorial, this has been a story of growth and progress. What started on a greenfield with the production of an entirely new model series – the Porsche Cayenne – has matured into an exemplary success story over the past 15 years. Today, more than 3,000 Porsche employees assemble three model series with about 650 units at the Saxon production site per day – including the plug-in hybrid versions of the Cayenne and the Panamera. They unite Porsche’s unique road performance with the efficiency of small cars – demonstrating that e-mobility and driving dynamics are not a contradiction. The combination of powerful electric drives, modern battery technology, and highly efficient combustion engines permits the creation of a trendsetting concept for state-of-the-art high performance vehicles as is aptly demonstrated by the plug-in hybrid super sports car 918 Spyder which is produced in Zuffenhausen. At Porsche, e-mobility has a long tradition: After more than 110 years, Porsche’s ultramodern hybrid strategy harks back to the company founder’s very own pioneering performance. Back in 1900, Ferdinand Porsche had actually invented the hybrid principle and was the first person to put it into practice. Atlas of E-Mobility Competence in Saxony | ENTERPRISES | 49 PTV Transport Consult GmbH Sächsische Aufbaubank – Förderbank – The Future Is “E” Your Competent Partner for Technological Funding Address PTV Group PTV Transport Consult GmbH Dresden Cunnersdorfer Straße 25, 01189 Dresden, Germany employees 80 turnover (2013 / 2014) Euro 10 million contact person(s) JÖRG UHLIG, Line Manager phone +49 351 40909-0 email Website The PTV Group provides software and consulting services for transport logistics and geomarketing. Whether it be transport routes or sales structures, private or public transportation – we plan and optimize everything that moves people and goods around the globe. Our portfolio encompasses software & services, components, data & content as well as consultation revolving around all questions pertaining to transport and mobility. Customers in more than 100 countries rely on our solutions. Our software tools permit users from public institutions and industry to perform their everyday tasks in a highly efficient manner. Scientific expertise is one of our particular strengths. Our goal is to ensure mobility by applying smart solutions and providing “green transportation” concepts. In this context, electric mobility plays an exceptionally important role. A significant requirement for the successful use of e-mobility is a holistic view, taking into account not only the development of new vehicle technologies, but also traffic and social requirements and developments. The PTV group supports you with its expertise and solutions in four key areas: eConcepts Integrated concepts which combine transport, the economy, and electric mobility eNavigation Assistance systems which support the use of electric mobility ePlanning & eOptimization Software and consulting solutions which promote sustainable mobility eSimulation Traffic simulation tools which permit sustainable decisions Address Pirnaische Straße 9 01069 Dresden, Germany employees 999 (Last Update: Dec. 31, 2013) contact person(s) HOLGER RICHTER, SAB Vehicle Fleet phone The Sächsische Aufbaubank – Förderbank – SAB is the central development bank and funding institute in Saxony and has been a competent contact point in the public funding sector since the early 1990s. As a public agency, it supports the Free State of Saxony in meeting its public responsibilities and provides, for example, subsidies to the business community. Most of the core competences in the energy sector, in particular, with regard to e-mobility, are found at the SAB’s wholly owned subsidiary, the Sächsische Energieagentur – SAENA GmbH corporation. +49 351 4910 - 4422 UWE GERHARDT, Technology Funding phone +49 351 4910 -1880 email The SAB is also committed to the use of renewable energy in conjunction with mobility. Two electric cars and the requisite charging stations have been part of its vehicle fleet since 2014. The charging stations are also used by e-riders (electric bicycles) and refueled with electricity which is generated entirely from renewable energy. In order to ensure that electric vehicles meet the requirements for mobility and effectiveness, the SAB observes and researches the current state of development on the e-vehicle market very closely. Within the scope of its sustainability strategy, the SAB intends to gradually equip its vehicle fleet with more electric vehicles in the foreseeable future. The topic “mobility from an electric socket” plays not only a vital role for the SAB. It’s also in the technology funding sector where diverse measures are subsidized which help advance the development of e-mobility in Saxon companies and research facilities. Website 50 | Atlas of E-Mobility Competence in Saxony | ENTERPRISES | 51 Selectrona GmbH Stadtreinigung Dresden GmbH Your Development Partner for Battery Management Systems E-Mobility in the State Capital Dresden’s Waste Management Sectors The Selectrona GmbH corporation is headquartered in Dippoldiswalde and was founded in 1992. Additional production sites are located in Koš any/ Czech Republic and, as of 2015, in Vietnam. Address Industriering 19+21 01744 Dippoldiswalde-Reinholdshain Germany employees 400 employees, 50 apprentices / students turnover (2013) Approx. Euro 63 million contact person(s) FRANK BRINKMEYER, Head of Sales email MARKUS GÖDKE, Head of Purchasing email phone +49 3504 6944-0 Website 52 | Selectrona GmbH manufactures technical precision plastic parts and electromechanical components. A specific focus is on insert molding of metal contacts and the assembly of electronic components. Additional value creating sectors include product and process development, toolmaking (injection molds, stamping and bending/cutting tools), and automation technology. Selectrona’s competences are primarily used for sensor systems and control systems in automobiles. The company’s development and production competences are increasingly being applied in the e-mobility sector as well as the renewable and/or decentralized energy and energy storage sectors. As a development partner, Selectrona has already produced A prototype and 100-fold B prototype samples of battery module lids including wiring. Selectrona is a supplier of, for example, housings and contacting devices used in battery management systems for tier 1 suppliers. In a world where products become more and more complex all the time, one can’t afford to omit something. Actually, the opposite is true. From development cycle to development cycle, products have to offer more functions and meet higher standards. Selectrona masters this complexity with ease. For us, 1 plus 1 is more than just 2. Address Pfotenhauerstraße 46 01307 Dresden Germany employees 350 turnover (2013) Euro 37.5 million contact person(s) KERSTIN TRAUTEWIG, Waste Disposal / Technical Equipment phone +49 351 4455-150 email Stadtreinigung Dresden GmbH (SRD) – a subsidiary of the Technische Werke Dresden GmbH and Veolia Umweltservice Ost GmbH & Co. KG corporations – is the leading waste management company in the greater Dresden region. Thriving on the experiences of a company which has been successful since 1873 and as a certified waste disposal company with the requisite expertise, SRD provides quality, reliability, and competence. We are highly flexible, innovative, and always find ideal, tailor-made solutions for our business partners: The public sector, the housing industry as well as commercial and private customers. With 350 employees, we provide comprehensive services revolving around waste disposal, cleaning, winter road maintenance, workshop and vehicle washing services with a high level of customer satisfaction. We operate a fleet of 135 vehicles. Waste management and street cleaning will also have to meet the constantly increasing requirements for environmental protection such as noise, exhaust, and dust reduction. Within the scope of the project “Electromobility in Dresden’s Waste Management System,” e-vehicles from three vehicle categories are tested in fleet operations, which includes a van with a payload of up to 3.5 t used for waste collection, a compact city sweeper for street cleaning as well as a passenger car from the general vehicle pool. Under everyday working conditions, the scientists accompanying the project collect insights and data with the objective of obtaining reliable results for the future development of specific vehicle fleets in the street cleaning and waste management sectors. Website Atlas of E-Mobility Competence in Saxony | ENTERPRISES | 53 Stadtwerke Leipzig GmbH teilAuto – Mobility Center GmbH Paving the Way for a Clean Future E-Mobility in Car Sharing Address P.O. Box 10 06 14 04006 Leipzig Germany employees Approx. 1,000 turnover (2013) Approx. Euro 4 billion contact person(s) CHRISTOPH FRIEDRICH, Energy Policy / Climate phone +49 341 121-6400 email Website 54 | The Stadtwerke Leipzig GmbH (SW Leipzig) corporation, one of Germany’s major public utility companies, is the market leader for electricity and heating in Leipzig. The local energy supplier produces electricity and heat in its own power and heat generation plants and distributes electricity, gas, and district heating throughout the network area of its subsidiary Netz Leipzig GmbH. SW Leipzig is a wholly owned subsidiary of the Leipziger Versorgungs- und Verkehrsgesellschaft mbH (LVV) Group. SW Leipzig’s commitment to electric mobility is an integral part of its strategy for an ecological, economically viable, and secure energy supply. Within the scope of the German Federal Government’s National Development Plan for Electric Mobility (NEPE), SW Leipzig is expanding the charging infrastructure in Leipzig to meet the growing demand for e-mobility. The com- pany sets up and operates charging stations and acquires electric vehicles for interested and select users. Together with its partners from business and research, SW Leipzig evaluates emobility’s suitability for everyday use and gains practical experience in the implementation of charging infrastructures. It, thus, makes a vital contribution when it comes to raising the level of acceptance for e-mobility among the public at large. In addition, SW Leipzig participates in advancing the development of a billing system for charging stations via mobile end devices as well as the integration of e-mobility into public transport. In order to tap the environmentally friendly potential of electric drives and to eliminate CO2 emissions completely, SW Leipzig promotes electric charging from renewable energy sources. Address Peterssteinweg 18 04107 Leipzig Germany employees 20 turnover (2013) Euro 6 million contact person(s) PATRICK SCHÖNE, Managing Director phone +49 345 44500-100 email Website The Central German car sharing provider teilAuto is currently testing the joint use of electric vehicles. The concept of car sharing is becoming increasingly popular specifically in large cities; so far, this has been true primarily for conventional vehicles with combustion engines. With the objective of turning e-mobility into a driving experience for everybody, teilAuto and the municipal utility company DREWAG Stadtwerke Dresden GmbH have decided to make a new electric charging station with room for two cars available to car sharing users at the train station Dresden-Neustadt. Since October 2012, teilAuto customers have been able to rent two Citroën C-Zero electric cars with a range of about 100 kilometers – they are considered to be the first e-vehicles used for car sharing operations in all of Saxony. Getting access to the vehicles is really simple: After having registered as a teilAuto user and after having received a personal teilAuto card, it is possible to make reservations via the website, a smartphone app, or over the phone. Conventional and electric vehicles are listed together in the booking system. Upon arrival at the station, the reserved vehicle just needs to be disconnected from the charging station and opened with the help of the membership card. That’s it – you’re ready to start your electromobile experience. teilAuto and DREWAG are cooperating within the scope of the “SaxMobility II” project that was launched by the Model Region Electric Mobility Saxony. Atlas of E-Mobility Competence in Saxony | ENTERPRISES | 55 ThyssenKrupp System Engineering GmbH Urban-e GmbH & Co. KG Battery Plant Technologies – Plant Automation for Battery Assembly Cargo E-Bikes for the City of Tomorrow Address Zeißigstraße 12 09337 Hohenstein-Ernstthal Germany employees (worldwide) 3,600 contact person(s) HOLGER GRITZKA, Senior Manager Sales E-Mobility phone +49 3723 62-334 email Website 56 | As an established engineering partner of the automotive and aerospace industries, ThyssenKrupp System Engineering has been active in the battery technology sector since 2010. In the new business area “Battery Plant Technologies,” which was founded in HohensteinErnstthal/Saxony, the company develops and builds automatic assembly equipment for both the manufacture of li-ion cells and the assembly of modules and battery packs. It also offers system solutions for the quality assurance and performance testing of these products. Significant orders have already been placed both in Germany and abroad. Thyssen-Krupp System Engineering is, thus, a turnkey system supplier covering all areas of the manufacturing process of lithium-ion batteries. Production technologies for lithium-ion batteries are part of the central research and development areas in ThyssenKrupp’s plant construction division. That’s why a technical center was built in Pleissa near Chemnitz to examine these assembly and production steps. ThyssenKrupp System Engineering is a globally active subsidiary of ThyssenKrupp Industrial Solutions AG, a system partner for all important components of the process chains car body and power train in the automotive industry. The new business portfolios include automation solutions for electrical storage and drive systems, solutions for innovative lightweight designs as well as plants and test systems for the aviation industry. ThyssenKrupp System Engineering is a strong and reliable partner for its customers, optimizing their value chain and strengthening their efficiency. Address Liebstädter Straße 2 01768 Glashütte-Schlottwitz Germany employees 4 turnover (2013) Euro 126,000 contact person(s) BENJAMIN GEORG, Corporate Management phone +49 35053 312050 email Website Urban-e produces the efficient cargo e-bike iBullitt (no registration needed) for B2B. Glashütte stands for innovation and inventiveness – that’s why we’re producing vehicles for tomorrow’s cities here. Efficient, dynamic, and inexpensive, the iBullitt transports up to 100 kg – without any access restrictions, particulate problems, or parking restrictions – that’s why the iBullitt is faster and cheaper than a car. In the project “I replace a car” (, 40 iBullitts have traveled more than 500,000 kilometers in 8 cities while delivering over 125,000 shipments. Furnishing ample proof of their potential: 85 % of the urban deliveries made by cars can be replaced by iBullitts at cost savings of more than 15 % (Sources: DLR/DPD). These values become possible thanks to high performance batteries with a range of up to 200 km. The project was funded by the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, and Nuclear Safety (BMU) within the scope of the National Climate Initiative. It was supervised by the German Aerospace Center (DLR). Urban-e not only produces for messenger and courier services – craftspeople, service providers, event technicians, pizza deliverers, camera operators, technicians, trade show booth builders, mobile information booths, internal transport services, organic markets, and many more benefit from our products already today. Implement your innovative business concept with our vehicles – please don’t hesitate to contact us! Atlas of E-Mobility Competence in Saxony | ENTERPRISES | 57 VCDB VerkehrsConsult Dresden-Berlin GmbH VEM Sachsenwerk GmbH Electric Mobility – That Bit Extra for Public Transport VEM Drives for a Better Environment in the Future Address Könneritzstraße 31 01067 Dresden Germany employees 43 turnover (2013) Euro 4.7 million contact person(s) JÜRGEN LANGE, Team Manager of Electric Mobility phone +49 351 48231-24 email Website VCDB VerkehrsConsult Dresden-Berlin GmbH is a regional, national, and international consulting and planning company which provides services for all public transport related issues. More than 30 highly qualified and dedicated engineers from various disciplines as well as economists, geographers, and technical engineers are available to the customers at the offices in Dresden, Berlin, and Magdeburg. With Dresden and Berlin, VCDB incorporates the names of the two metropolises in which its shareholders play a decisive role in shaping the profile of public transport as mobility service providers. VCDB’s business unit “Electric Mobility” has been shaping the development of electric mobility for public transport from the very beginning and sees itself as an interface between R&D, industry, and users today. The VCDB specialists support the e-mobility stakeholders in the requisite technological issues as well as in all matters revolving around the operational integration of e-mobility solutions. Together with manufacturers and users, they develop operating scenarios while also considering the current funding policies and keeping an eye on the general trends in public transport as well as the evolution of vehicle construction. Address Pirnaer Landstraße 176 01257 Dresden Germany employees 606 our Key Activities at a Glance Project development & project management Technical consulting & vehicle support Process optimization Network development & interface management Project communication & public relations The VEM Sachsenwerk GmbH corporation is part of the VEM Group. With its corporate history of more than 100 years, it is acknowledged as a specialist for the manufacture of electric medium-voltage and high-voltage machines up to a capacity of 42 MW today. The production program includes, for example, compressor drives and roller mill drives, traction motors and traction generators, power generators, special machinery for the maritime industry, and wind turbine generators. turnover (2013) Euro 101 million contact person(s) WERNFRIED KÜHNEL, Sales Manager Transport Engineering phone +49 351 208-3246 email Since Sachsenwerk’s founding in 1903, the company has been committed to the development and manufacture of traction motors for electrically powered rail vehicles. Whether it be the legendary “Hechtwagen,” heavy-duty standard gauge and industrial locomotives, or state-of-the-art low-floor trams – here, each and every vehicle is equipped with its own, tailor-made drive system which precisely meets the appropriate operating requirements. Since the early 1990s, VEM has been producing exclusively three-phase asynchronous traction motors which have demonstrated their usefulness in pioneering vehicle concepts of renowned system vendors around the globe. When it comes to environmentally friendly urban transport, VEM has developed various motor concepts for hybrid and trolley buses over the past few years. Quite a number of them have already been operating on a daily basis in Eastern Europe since 2009. And the hybrid buses of the Dresdner Verkehrsbetriebe (DVB) and Leipziger Verkehrsbetriebe (LVB) municipal transportation corporations are also equipped with VEM drive systems. Website 58 | Atlas of E-Mobility Competence in Saxony | ENTERPRISES | 59 Walther-Werke Intelligent Charging Technology for the Mobility of Tomorrow Address Ramsener Straße 6 67304 Eisenberg / Pfalz The Walther-Werke corporation is an e-mobility pioneer. We implement customized charging solutions for all application fields ranging from private households to company fleets and public charging infrastructures – including the software required for user identification, billing systems, charging and energy management. Germany employees 350 contact person(s) In Saxony, we operate our production site Bosecker and the corporate division Walther Systems which is dedicated to the development, programming, and individual software adjustment of our charging solutions. GÜNTHER WILHELMI, Project Management E-Mobility phone +49 341 912411 email Website 60 | Together with our local partners – municipal utility companies, mobility service providers, universities, and companies – we are working hard to live up to the motto “Electric Mobility Connects” both within and beyond the scope of the showcase projects of the German Federal Government. As a result of this successful cooperation, many charging stations have already been installed. The charging infrastructure for the “StromTicket” project, which provides operators with a comfortable and economically viable access and billing system, was developed by Walther. The central idea behind our e-mobility commitment is sustainability and interoperability: Charging stations made by Walther provide all the technical prerequisites for barrier-free use and are designed so they can be adjusted to changing requirements. This is our contribution towards establishing a comprehensive network of charging stations in both urban and rural areas. Become one of our partners. Atlas of E-Mobility Competence in Saxony | ENTERPRISES | 61 Education, Research & Development Chemnitz Institute for Mechanical and Industrial Engineering e.V. (ICM e.V.) Rethinking E-Mobility Address Otto-Schmerbach-Straße 19 09117 Chemnitz Germany employees 42 contact person(s) DR.-ING. SEBASTIAN ORTMANN, Technical Managing Director phone +49 371 27836-400 email Website 64 | As a private, industry-oriented research organization, the Chemnitz-based Institute for Mechanical and Industrial Engineering e.V. (ICM e.V.) plays a leading role when it comes to the development of successful innovations in mechanical and plant engineering. In cooperation with the ICM e.V., small and medium sized enterprises are able to jointly tackle critical issues and develop the requisite solutions. The ICM e.V. makes a vital contribution both as a research and development partner and as a project coordinator. At the ICM e.V., the topic e-mobility has been actively addressed as one of three important fields of the future since 2009. Over the past three years, the electric vehicle INNVELO® Three was created at the institute in cooperation with a number of regional, small and medium sized partners. This research was made possible through funding provided by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). Based on demand analyses, three different vehicle concepts were created: Commercial, Work, and Race which are tailored to the needs and requirements of potential user groups. Building on the experiences that have been gained with the Commercial model, the Chemnitz Institute is now developing the Work model which will primarily meet the demands of municipal service providers. Here, the ICM e.V. cooperates closely with the City of Chemnitz with the objective of increasing the use of e-mobility also in the municipal sector. This is complemented by the network “InnveloEnergie” which is located at the ICM e.V. as well and pursues the objective of harnessing the energy which is lost by companies in e-mobility applications. Atlas of E-Mobility Competence in Saxony | EDUCATION, RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT | 65 Dresden University of Applied Sciences (HTW Dresden) Electrical Mobility Laboratory Education and Technology Center of the Leipzig Chamber of Crafts Achieving more through practical applications. Assessing e-vehicle data in research & instruction. Training Concept for the Education of Motor Vehicle Specialists in the E-Mobility Sector Address Friedrich-List-Platz 1 01069 Dresden, Germany employees Approx. 560 The Electrical Mobility Laboratory at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering is active in the field of monitoring e-vehicles and charging infrastructures. HTW’s data logger system rec. Box™ permits the reliable collection, storage, and processing of measurement values in evehicles for consumption and usage analyses. Wireless data transmission via the web interface is followed by statistical evaluations in real time. turnover (2013) Approx. Euro 39 million contact person(s) PROF. DR.-ING. MANFRED HÜBNER, Professorship of Vehicle Electrical Engineering + Electrical Mobility, Contact Person for International Partnerships phone +49 351 462-3441 email Website 66 | The existing e-vehicle fleet consisting of diverse lightweight electric vehicles (LEV) and passenger cars is used for initial analyses. The rental system Car & More-Sharing™, which was specifically developed for this purpose, allows staff members and students to use the research vehicles. The data quality is further enhanced by the 30 e-vehicles of our partners in the research project SaxMobility II – the regional energy supply companies which are equipped with our data loggers. The automated processing and forwarding of specific data for the central data evaluation by PE INTERNATIONAL are part and parcel of the data utilization system. Address In addition, we scientifically support and test charging stations. Those charging stations which are equipped with our in-house development, the patented StromTicket™, were all tested for their functionality and interference resistance. The StromTicket represents an easy payment option which permits quick access to the charging infrastructure, for example, via a smartphone app. Steinweg 3 So far, vehicle-specific product training has been the responsibility of the manufacturers’ contract partners and does not include all service providers active in the motor vehicle branch. That’s why it’s necessary to create an infrastructure that provides the information all e-mobility partners need. 04451 Borsdorf Germany employees 138 member companies 12,300 contact person(s) For example, e-mobility needs to be integrated into vocational training, and training courses need to be developed for independent repair shops. It’s necessary to identify the branch’s unknown hazards as well as the completely different measuring and testing methods. FALK HENNIG, Training Manager for E-Mobility phone +49 34291 30219 email Website Last but not least, roadside assistants, towing companies, and emergency medical services should also be integrated into an evolving information network. Here, a number of guide- lines exist already which need to be followed by the motor vehicle trade. To meet these requirements and continuously adapt the level of information to the development progress, the Education and Technology Center of the Leipzig Chamber of Crafts (HWK) is engaged in diverse projects. Together with the car systems Scheil GmbH & Co. KG corporation, a modular training concept is being developed that meets the demands of the various groups of participants. The individual modules can be applied in steps. It’s also possible to integrate pre-training sessions as well as entrance and exit tests into these modules. This creates transparent, sustainable competences for companies which have their employees trained and educated here. Atlas of E-Mobility Competence in Saxony | EDUCATION, RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT | 67 Elektrobildungs- und Technologiezentrum e. V. Dresden Forschungs- und Transferzentrum Leipzig e.V. Energy Management – An Intelligent Decentralized Energy Management System – Energy Efficiency Versatile Competences in Electric Mobility Address Scharfenberger Straße 66 01139 Dresden Germany contact person(s) DIETER PISKOL, Head of Training phone +49 351 8506-300 email Website 68 | In 2009, the Elektrobildungs- und Technologiezentrum e.V. Dresden (EBZ), an education and training center for electrical technology, added e-mobility to its development strategy which is part of the project “Development as a Competence Center for Energy Management – An Intelligent Decentralized Energy Management System – Energy Efficiency.” Between 2010 and 2014, this project, which was subsidized by the Federal Government, the Free State of Saxony, and the EBZ, played a pioneering role in the development and implementation of applied qualification concepts revolving around education and training in the electrical and energy technology sector. The expertise gained from this project made a vital contribution so that the EBZ was able to continue this development within the scope of the Showcase Bavaria-Saxony ELECTRIC MOBILITY CONNECTS. Since 2013, an interdis- ciplinary advanced training program for the requisite crafts has been evolving within the network project “Smart Advisor” in cooperation with guilds and chambers of crafts from Bavaria and Saxony which qualifies trained specialists in the crafts sector so that they can become e-mobility advisors. Within the scope of the “Virtual, Integrated Competence Center E-Mobility” project, a training program is being created which addresses diverse topics ranging from the energy turnaround to renewable energy all the way to e-mobility. The initiative aims to establish an innovative e-mobility system platform for continued education as well as research and development in small and medium sized enterprises (abbreviated SELFE), striving to link general and continued education and training in a practice oriented manner by creating industrial “teaching and learning facilities.” Address Karl-Liebknecht-Straße 132 04277 Leipzig Germany contact person(s) DIPL.-ING. DIRK LIPPIK, Managing Director phone +49 341 3076-1251 | -1191 email Website When it comes to electric mobility, the Forschungs- und Transferzentrum (FTZ) at the HTWK Leipzig University of Applied Sciences pools multifaceted research competences in the fields of electrical engineering, electronics, mechanical engineering, and business administration under its roof and integrates these competences into cooperation with partners from science and industry. There is a particularly close cooperation with the EMC Laboratory of the HfTL University of Applied Sciences in the field of electromagnetic compatibility. Priority is given to the following R&D topics in the field of electric mobility: Development of intelligent network infrastructures for electric charging stations in urban environments Measurement tests for electric vehicles (two-wheelers and automobiles); long- Atlas of E-Mobility Competence in Saxony term studies Identification and evaluation of operating parameters for different battery systems under field conditions (driving profile, degree of recuperation, temperature effects, charging states, and charging cycles) Design features for the development of low-mass and high-power drive systems Protective measures for the charging infrastructure of electric vehicles Electrical safety in the area of electric mobility Electromagnetic compatibility of e-mobility infrastructure components Development of business models for charging infrastructures, particularly street parking Economic evaluation of the application potentials of different drive systems | EDUCATION, RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT | 69 Fraunhofer AutoMOBILE Production Alliance Central Office Fraunhofer Institute for Ceramic Technologies and Systems IKTS Production Research for Electric Mobility With Innovative Energy Concepts into the Future of Mobility Address Fraunhofer AutoMOBILE Production Alliance Central Office at the Fraunhofer Institute for Machine Tools and Forming Technology IWU Reichenhainer Straße 88 09126 Chemnitz, Germany 17 fraunhofer member institutes contact person(s) LARS KOCH, Coordinator of the Fraunhofer AutoMOBILE Production Alliance phone +49 371 5397-1365 email Website 70 | The Fraunhofer AutoMOBILE Production Alliance pools the knowledge and expertise of 17 Fraunhofer institutes to comprehensively and competently support the automobile industry in research and development. Thanks to the focal points of research conducted at the individual institutes, which thematically complement each other, innovations can be implemented along the entire process chain of automobile production in a quick, integrated, and sustainable manner. The interdisciplinary cooperation covers the complex automobile product life cycle and the entire automobile supply chain management. By integrating the individual competences of each member institute, the Fraunhofer Alliance creates new products and services for the market. The alliance seeks to find solutions to such environmental challenges as reducing fuel and CO2 consumption, e-mobility, and re- ducing the use of materials with regard to a particularly effective resource and energy efficiency in production technologies while also considering economic aspects. According to their specific competences, the members of the alliance work together in the following business fields: Car Body and Powertrain, Interior, Vehicle Assembly as well as in an interdisciplinary approach on the topics of “Planning, Control and Logistics” and “Production Research for Electric Mobility.” The Fraunhofer Alliance offers its services to OEMs and their suppliers as an active partner using synergies for the solution of innovative cross-sectional tasks. Address Winterbergstraße 28 01277 Dresden Germany employees 569 turnover (2013) Euro 28 million contact person(s) DR.-ING. MAREIKE WOLTER, The service spectrum of the Fraunhofer Institute for Ceramic Technologies and Systems IKTS, which is located in Dresden and Hermsdorf, covers all aspects pertaining to technical ceramics from fundamental, preliminary research all the way to the development of technologies and applications. In the e-mobility sector, the Fraunhofer IKTS particularly focuses on fuel cells, supercapacitors, and battery technology. The institute covers the entire battery production value creation chain ranging from materials development to the assembly of test cells all the way to prototype manufacturing in close cooperation with industrial partners. Group Manager “Energy Storage Systems” phone +49 351 2553-7971 email Website our service spectrum Synthesis and optimization of materials and powder processing (active and functional layers) Optimization of processes and technologies in cell production (film coating, application technologies, project LiFab) In-house battery production for material studies and aging tests Material / layer characterization and controlled battery cell tests Development of components and sensors Consulting services for clients Together with its industrial partner ThyssenKrupp System Engineering, the Fraunhofer IKTS operates a demonstration center for the development and implementation of inexpensive manufacturing procedures for high performance lithium-ion battery cells. branches Research & development Battery technology Atlas of E-Mobility Competence in Saxony | EDUCATION, RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT | 71 Fraunhofer Institute for Machine Tools and Forming Technology IWU Fraunhofer Institute for Material and Beam Technology IWS Resource Efficiency – Lightweight Construction – Functional Integration Manufacturing Technologies for Electrical Energy Storage Devices Address Reichenhainer Straße 88 09126 Chemnitz Germany employees 590 turnover (2013) Euro 33.3 million contact person(s) Pioneering Research for the Future: That is the motto of the Fraunhofer Institute for Machine Tools and Forming Technology IWU. For more than 20 years now, the institute has been focusing on application oriented research and development in the field of production technology for automotive and mechanical engineering. Located in Chemnitz, Dresden, Augsburg, and Zittau, Fraunhofer IWU is one of the key research and development facilities in this field. Its core competences range from machine tools, forming and joining technology, mechatronics, and precision technology all the way to virtual reality. DR.-ING. THOMAS HIPKE, Responsible for E-Mobility phone +49 371 5397-1456 email Website 72 | In its business unit E-Mobility, the institute works together with partners from industry and science on innovative powertrain and vehicle concepts for the passenger car and utility vehicle sectors, on technologies and materials for the transmission of functions into structural components as well as on lightweight construction solutions based on new manufacturing techniques and materials. To transfer innovations into real world applications even faster and to make the institute’s competences accessible to a broad target group, Fraunhofer IWU is actively involved – sometimes in a leadership role – in regional and interregional networks. In Saxony, that includes for example the Mechanical Engineering Network Saxony (VEMASinnovativ), which unites numerous industrial partners under one roof, or the Competence Center Mechanical Engineering Chemnitz/Saxony (KMC). Address Winterbergstraße 28 01277 Dresden Germany employees 196 turnover (2013) Euro 26.6 million contact person(s) PROF. DR.-ING. HABIL. ECKHARD BEYER, Executive Director of the Institute phone +49 351 83391-3420 email The Dresden-based Fraunhofer Institute for Material and Beam Technology IWS focuses on application-oriented research and development ranging from the basic physical and material-technological principles all the way to holistic systems development. Our research focuses, on the one hand, on laser technology (e.g. laser welding, cutting, coating, hardening, cleaning) and, on the other hand, on surface technology (e.g. laser build-up welding, thin-film technology, nanoparticle technology). Processes for the deposition of coatings used in battery and double-layer supercap electrode production Laser cutting processes for electrodes and separators Laser welding processes for the joining of current arresters and contacts in cell production Structure inherent lightweight construction Cell packaging A Center for Battery Research was established at the Fraunhofer IWS Dresden. competences in the e-mobility sector Development of new materials and processes for the efficient production of electrical energy storage devices: Production of nanomaterials for new battery and double-layer supercap electrodes Website Atlas of E-Mobility Competence in Saxony | EDUCATION, RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT | 73 Fraunhofer Institute for Transportation and Infrastructure Systems IVI Leibniz Institute for Solid State and Materials Research Dresden (IFW) – Institute for Complex Materials Research for a Mobile Future Cathode and Anode Materials for Mobile Applications Address Zeunerstraße 38 01069 Dresden The Fraunhofer IVI addresses a wide range of topics which include the research sectors traffic telematics, disposition, logistics, vehicle propulsion and sensor technologies, the development of sensor systems for traffic monitoring and vehicle guidance as well as studies in the fields of traffic planning and traffic ecology. Germany employees Approx. 95; approx. 50 students turnover (2013) Euro 8.2 million contact person(s) DR. THORALF KNOTE, Head of Department phone +49 351 4640-628 email Website 74 | For several years now, working groups at the institute have been researching applications of electric mobility, both within the utility vehicle and public transport sectors. Especially innovative vehicle concepts in public transport are considered to be an important migration path for introducing e-mobility efficiently and effectively in metropolitan areas in the future. In addition to a battery bus with fast charging (shown here), the Fraunhofer IVI also has a test stand and data acquisition systems for battery and capacitor storage at the cellular and system levels. The research activities focus, for example, on the following topics: System design of high power energy storage systems Thermo-electrical battery and supercap models SOC and SOH determination, fault detection Energy management of hybrid propulsion configurations Modeling, design, and state detection of electromechanical, electrochemical and thermo-electrical converters Grid integration of charging processes for electric vehicle fleets institute for complex materials Address Helmholtzstraße 20 01069 Dresden Germany contact person(s) DR.-ING. LARS GIEBELER, Project Manager, Battery Research Making transport sustainable without restricting individual mobility needs – this is the institute’s ambitious objective. phone +49 351 4659-652 email Website The Leibniz Institute for Solid State and Materials Research Dresden – abbreviated IFW Dresden – is a non-university research institute and a member of the Leibniz Association. It applies natural sciences to modern materials research while covering a broad spectrum of topics ranging from the scientific progress in the sectors physics and chemistry all the way to the technological preparation of new materials and products. The research program focuses on functional materials which play a key role in many fields of application: Superconductors, magnetic materials, coating systems, and nanostructures as well as crystalline and amorphous materials. The institute’s tasks also include promoting the continued education and training of young scientists and technicians as well as transferring the gained knowledge to the business community. The battery materials sector includes: Lithium-ion/lithium-sulfur/lithium-air/ sodium-ion/sodium-sulfur batteries/ electrochemical (pseudo) capacitors Analysis of interaction and degradation mechanisms under realistic operating conditions Development of new electrode materials for lithium and sodium/high performance/ high voltage storage systems Metallic, amorphous anode materials Porous materials, polymers Atlas of E-Mobility Competence in Saxony | EDUCATION, RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT | 75 Leibniz Institute for Solid State and Materials Research Dresden (IFW) – Institute for Metallic Materials Leibniz-Institut für Polymerforschung Dresden e.V. (IPF) SupraTrans – The Levitated Transport System Competence Center Materials for Electric Mobility institute for metallic materials Address Helmholtzstraße 20 01069 Dresden Germany contact person(s) PROF. DR. LUDWIG SCHULTZ, Retired Scientific Director of the Institute, Research Associate DIPL.-ING. DIETMAR BERGER, Research Associate phone +49 351 4659-572 email Website 76 | Under the name “SupraTrans II,” researchers of the Leibniz Institute for Solid State and Materials Research Dresden (IFW Dresden) und the Dresden-based evico GmbH corporation have created a levitated transport system for persons or goods. The functional principle is based on the scientific principle that massive high temperature superconductors are able to hover stably above a magnetic track by themselves and that this track can be curved in any direction or arranged in any direction. This principle is suitable for both upright levitation along a track and for horizontal or vertical levitation on a wall, for hanging levitation below a ceiling structure, and for any combination of these variations. The transport system is environmentally friendly, completely silent, without any harmful emissions, low in energy consump- tion, and resistant to water and ice as well as dust and sand on the track. The vehicle is driven by an electric linear motor which generates the necessary thrust without any contact. The energy required for acceleration is fed from the track to the vehicle without any direct contact. Leibniz-Institut für Polymerforschung Dresden e. V. Address Hohe Straße 6 01069 Dresden IFW Dresden operates an information center for superconducting levitation systems in Dresden-Niedersedlitz. All of the potential applications of this innovative technology are introduced here. Germany employees 482 contact person(s) ANTONIO REGUERO LINARES, Head of Research Planning & Coordination phone +49 351 4658-0 email The Leibniz-Institut für Polymerforschung Dresden e.V. (IPF) conducts holistic research in materials science – ranging from synthesis, modification, characterization, and the theory of polymers all the way to processing and testing. New, multifunctional polymer functional and construction materials as well as biomaterials and composites are developed here which permit innovations, for example, in medicine, transport, and mobility as well as energy efficiency and advanced communication technologies. competence center for electric mobility Novel Lithium-Sulfur Batteries Reversibility of the redox performance of sulfur inside the electrodes Increased energy density, high reversibility, quick charging and discharging cycles High Performance Proton Exchange Membranes for Fuel Cells Temperature stable, functionalized polymers with defined polymer architecture High Performance Materials for Lightweight Construction Lightweight, high mechanical properties via textile reinforcement (TFP) particularly for the aviation and automotive industries Increased Driving Safety through Innovative Tire Mixtures Optimization of the wet grip performance and the rolling resistance with the help of environmentally friendly additives Online Coating with the Help of Nanoparticles High heat resistance, superb dimensional stability as well as electric conductivity Website Atlas of E-Mobility Competence in Saxony | EDUCATION, RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT | 77 Leipzig University Leipzig University of Applied Sciences (HTWK) Research on E-Mobility‘s Influencing Factors on the Price of Electricity and Its User Acceptance Charging Infrastructure for E-Mobility Address Grimmaische Straße 12 04109 Leipzig Germany contact person(s) PHILIPP HANEMANN, Research Associate phone +49 341 97-33858 email Website Leipzig University has a number of professorial chairs which focus on socio-economic and techno-economic issues and topics revolving around e-mobility. timated. This research is of great relevance for practical applications in order to create attractive options and opportunities for the potential users of e-mobility in the future. The Department of Social Psychology’s research is focused on the specific factors which influence the decision-making process either for or against an e-car. Do people only consider the financial aspects, or do any other, less obvious variables also play a comparably important role in this process? The Chair of Energy Management and Sustainability conducts research on how electric vehicles influence the German electricity market. That is why various charging strategies are simulated. By taking the German Federal Government’s objectives into account, the researchers seek to ascertain the additional demand for electric power and to identify the requisite impact on the power exchange prices. This will permit electricity suppliers to provide different tariffs for various user groups. With the help of surveys and experimental studies, the scientists seek to examine, for example, the role of identification processes and normative influences. So far, such factors have often not been relegated too much attention, and their impact is often underes- Address Karl-Liebknecht-Straße 132 04277 Leipzig, Germany Postal Address: P.O. Box 30 11 66 04251 Leipzig, Germany employees 2 (PAES), 2 (EET) contact person(s) PROF. DR.-ING. ANDREAS PRETSCHNER, Professorship of Process Computer Science and Data Communication phone +49 341 3076-1135 email Website 78 | The Leipzig University of Applied Sciences (HTWK) was founded in 1992. With more than 6,000 students, it is one of Germany’s largest universities of applied sciences. For many years now, HTWK Leipzig’s mission and its multifaceted networks have defined the objective of becoming a top university of applied sciences. Thanks to the close interplay of instruction, research, and technology transfer, the key profiles »Construction & Energy,« »Media & Information,« »Life Sciences & Engineering« as well as »Engineers & Business Management« pool those activities which define its profile across all disciplines and faculties. The Institutes for Process Automation and Embedded Systems as well as for Electrical Power Engineering are an interdisciplinary research and development lab headed by Prof. Dr.-Ing. A. Pretschner which focuses on decentralized smart charging infrastructures. Many years of experience in the ICT sector help develop an intelligent scalable charging system with load management. In addition to wired solutions, research is also conducted on contactless charging procedures which are monitored and controlled by wireless sensor networks with intelligent prediction models, an in-house development. The lab has several charging stations, RF/HF measurement technology as well as IEC 61850 compliant measurement and testing technology. Such projects as “ELECTRIC MOBILITY CONNECTS,” “IEC61850Lab” subsidized by the SMWA, the StMWi, and the ERDF broaden and expand the lab’s competences. Atlas of E-Mobility Competence in Saxony | EDUCATION, RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT | 79 Technische Universität Chemnitz Research, Instruction, and Continued Education for E-Mobility Address Reichenhainer Straße 70 09126 Chemnitz Germany contact person(s) PROF. DR.-ING. OLFA KANOUN phone +49 371 531-36931 email Website etit/messtech/e-auto/ 80 | With its eight faculties, about 11,000 students from 75 countries, and approx. 2,000 employees, the Technische Universität Chemnitz (TU Chemnitz) is one of the most important partners for the regional business community and preeminent when it comes to academic education. With regard to e-mobility, the TU Chemnitz conducts cutting edge research on behalf of or in partnership with industry – whether it be our regional business community or large corporations active in Germany and around the globe. The TU Chemnitz promotes knowledge transfer to industry via interns and graduates while also supporting company spin-offs as an innovation cluster. An ultramodern infrastructure is available for the requisite research, instruction, and continued education. With its key research areas “Energy Efficient Production Processes,” “Smart Systems and Materials” as well as “Human Factors in Technologies,” the TU Chemnitz pools the compe- tences of all faculties. It is, thus, active in all fields of e-mobility research and is, at the same time, able to apply the available expertise to its instruction. That is why the requisite bachelor’s and master’s programs of studies for e-mobility and renewable energy engineering have been launched over the past few years. The “Chemnitz Initiative Technologies of Electromobility” has established itself as an interdisciplinary platform for e-mobility. The initiative’s objective is to jointly address the topic “Technologies of Electromobility” on a broad and interdisciplinary foundation. In so doing, it is possible to apply the substantial competences of the partners from the Faculties of Electrical Engineering/Information Technology, Mechanical Engineering, Economics and Business Administration as well as Behavioral and Social Sciences. The research activities specifically focus on, for example, adaptive driver and storage systems as holistic systems, their reliability, functional integration, ultra-lightweight construction in component development, and the assessment of user behaviors. The initiative considers itself to be the basis for the exchange and transfer of knowledge between research and industry. Together with regional research and business partners from the traditionally strong automobile and machine construction branches, a sustainable exchange takes place on innovative technologies and components. The following professorships participate in the Chemnitz Initiative Technologies of Electromobility: In the e-mobility sector, partners conduct research in industrially and publicly funded projects such as, for example, diverse junior research groups, the research projects FahrE and EcoTrain, or the Showcase Regions for Electric Mobility project which is subsidized by the Federal Government. Atlas of E-Mobility Competence in Saxony Power Electronics and Electromagnetic Compatibility Measurement and Sensor Technology Cognitive and Engineering Psychology Lightweight Structures and Polymer Technology Advanced Powertrains Electrical Energy Conversion Systems and Engines Circuit and System Design Communications Engineering Management Accounting and Control Fraunhofer ENAS | EDUCATION, RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT | 81 Technische Universität Dresden Automotive Electric Mobility – Research and Development of Future Technologies Address George-Bähr-Straße 1c 01062 Dresden The Technische Universität Dresden (TU Dresden) has a number of institutes and professorial chairs which focus specifically on the research sector automotive electric mobility. The close interdisciplinary cooperation between the individual institutions takes advantage of synergy potentials for designing and developing complete e-vehicle systems. Germany employees Approx. 8,000 total budget Approx. Euro 500 million contact person(s) PROF. DR.-ING. BERNARD BÄKER, Chair of Vehicle Mechatronics phone +49 351 463-34180 email Website 82 | Currently, the Chairs of Communication Acoustics, of Information and Communication Business Management & Economics, and of Road Planning and Road Design, the Center for Car Business Management, the Vodafone Chair Mobile Communications Systems as well as the Institutes of Automobile Engineering, of Traffic Telematics, of Lightweight Engineering and Polymer Technology, and the Electrotechnical Institute participate in the Showcase Bavaria-Saxony ELECTRIC MOBILITY CONNECTS program with the projects Academic Education Initiative, EBALD, e-city-routing, Electric Bus Route 79, EmiD, ENMOVER, e-Verkehrsraum, Open Air Lab, and Pilot Line 64 as well as, within the Model Region Electric Mobility Saxony initiative, in the EcoTrain project. The research conducted at the Dresden Institute of Automobile Engineering (IAD)’s Chair of Vehicle Mechatronics makes a vital contribution towards six of the aforementioned research projects and includes, for example, the examination and continued development of energy and information systems in the power-driven vehicles of today and tomorrow as well as the investigation of specific individual components. A specific focus is on researching new procedures for the modeling and simulation of key components in electrified drives and powertrains. Important examples are stationary and mobile energy storage systems at the cell and battery system level. Current research topics include the SOC/SOH determination as well as issues related to the analysis of aging. That’s why the chair has climate-controlled test facilities for studying electric auxiliary units, energy storage systems, and control devices. These facilities can simulate not only peak loads, but also driving cycles and continuous operation on real vehicle power circuit systems. The integration of vehicles and the infrastructure are also examined and developed further. The various funded projects pursue the joint objective of promoting e-mobility through measures to improve the vehicle efficiency and to increase user acceptance. The Chair of Electric Machines and Drives at TU Dresden’s Institute of Electrical Power Engineering provides instruction in the degree courses power engineering and mechatronics which contain the compulsory subjects electric drives and electric machines. When it comes to research, the chair has been active in the electric machines and drives sector for more than 50 years now. Currently, the research sectors include, for example: Wind turbines, electric motors/generators, and magnetic bearing systems. A specific focus is on processes and procedures for the modeling, design, control, and optimization of individual machine and power converter components as well as on solutions to individual problems revolving around the design and construction of machines. Atlas of E-Mobility Competence in Saxony | EDUCATION, RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT | 83 Technische Universität Dresden Chair of Agricultural Systems and Technology Technische Universität Dresden Elbflorace e. V. Your Partner for Innovative Drive and Propulsion Solutions in Agricultural Machinery Elbflorace – Electrifying People Address 01062 Dresden Germany employees 34 contact person(s) The Chair of Agricultural Systems and Technology at Technische Universität Dresden is the leading research institution in Germany when it comes to the electrification of mobile agricultural machinery. Since 1994, research has been conducted on the application and integration of electric drive and propulsion systems. The interaction of the actual procedure and the analysis of the typical process features assume a specific role in the research projects. A top priority is a holistic, systemic approach to agricultural machinery to meet the demands for increased efficiency, improved functionality, and optimized installation space. PROF. DR.-ING. HABIL. THOMAS HERLITZIUS, Professorial Chair phone +49 351 463-32777 email Website When it comes to the development of innovative, cutting edge solutions, the chair cooperates closely with competent development partners from the sectors power electronics and engine and motor construction. Comprehen- sive practical knowledge is available because the staff members have gained many years of experience and constantly advance their expertise through continued education and training. The range of services includes: Providing technical and technological consultation Compiling studies and developing solutions Simulating and validating components and systems Designing, manufacturing, and assembling prototypes Commissioning and testing drive and propulsion systems Analyzing functional components and entire machines both in the lab and during field operations Electric FORMULA STUDENT TEAM TU DRESDEN Address George-Bähr-Straße 1c 01069 Dresden Germany employees 50 – 70 contact person(s) TIM TINIS, Chief Economical Officer / Sponsoring phone +49 162 9665482 STEFAN TRUCKENBRODT, Chief Technical Officer phone +49 175 8935045 email Website 84 | Elbflorace e. V. was founded in 2006 with 16 members and the dream of setting up a Formula Student Team at the TU Dresden. Since then, the team has grown to a group of about 65 students from the most diverse academic disciplines. Our common goal has remained the same: Producing a formula racing car and combining our passion for technology and motor sports with our studies. With every new racing car, we want to grow as a team and, thus, combine the contents of our studies with real practical experiences. of our greatest success stories was the ninth place in the global ranking we reached in the 2013 season. We’re also proud of having won such prizes as the “Most Energy Efficient Car” award at the Formula Student Germany 2012 or the “Best Teamwork” award at the Formula Student Spain 2010 and 2011. To build on these achievements, we seek to construct an even better vehicle every year while also further improving our teamwork so that we’re able to get the best possible score at these events. After three vehicles with combustion engines, we started to compete with a new drive and propulsion concept in the Formula Student Electric in 2010. Many ideas and solutions were terra incognita for our team members; despite extensive planning and simulation, a proper assessment was only possible through practical applications. One Atlas of E-Mobility Competence in Saxony | EDUCATION, RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT | 85 Technische Universität Dresden – Institute of Lightweight Engineering and Polymer Technology (ILK) TU Bergakademie Freiberg Institute of Metal Forming One-stop Lightweight Engineering Solutions Materials Technology and Process Development for E-Mobility Address Holbeinstraße 3 01307 Dresden Germany employees 240 At TU Dresden’s Institute of Lightweight Engineering and Polymer Technology (ILK), scientists conduct comprehensive research and development in the e-mobility sector. The Dresden Model of “Function-Integrative Lightweight Engineering in Multi-Material Design,” which was created by the ILK founder Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Werner Hufenbach, is integrated and technologically implemented in these activities. The Dresden Model encompasses the entire value creation chain: material, design, simulation, assembly, prototype testing, quality management, and cost. contact person(s) DR. THOMAS HEBER, Head of Public Relations phone +49 351 463-39471 email Website Within the scope of the large-scale “InEco” project, ILK scientists designed a 4-seat electric vehicle for urban areas together with experts from the Leichtbau-Zentrum Sachsen GmbH (LZS) and ThyssenKrupp AG corporations. When it comes to the InEco vehicle concept, the Dresden Model demonstrates its specific strong points. Towards this end, the project partners carefully examined the entire vehicle system. The result of this approach is a generic project vehicle with an integral, hybrid steelCFK design which weighs only 900 kilograms, including all components as well as the battery. And the constructive-technological implementation of a high functional integration permits the vehicle chassis to be built from only 63 individual components. This translates into 70 percent fewer parts than conventional car body construction. Address Bernhard-von-Cotta-Straße 4 09596 Freiberg Germany employees Approx. 60 contact person(s) PROF. DR.-ING. PROF. E.H. MULT. RUDOLF KAWALLA, Director of the Institute phone +49 3731 39-2479 email Website 86 | Founded in 1928, the Institute of Metal Forming is one of the world’s oldest scientific institutes for forming technologies. The scientific focus is on the development of production technologies for semi-finished metallic construction materials (sheet, strip, wire) as well as on solid forming processes. The researchers investigate both conventional and new, energy efficient processes which combine casting and forming, and they optimize these technologies with regard to the development of characteristic properties during the production process. In addition to such conventional materials as, for example, steel, copper, or aluminum and titanium alloys, the production of lightweight sheet and strip materials from magnesium alloys is a key research focus of the institute. With the development of an innovative casting-rolling method for the economically viable production of magnesium strip and sheet ma- terials, which was the first such process to be implemented in the world at an industrial scale together with the ThyssenKrupp MgF corporation, the institute has gained extensive expertise in the production and processing of lightweight magnesium materials which is unique throughout Europe. Another research area which is crucial for emobility is the production of electrical steel sheets with optimized magnetic properties for highly efficient electric drives. State-of-the-art test facilities, forming simulation systems as well as pilot rolling lines are available for research at the Institute of Metal Forming. From the development of new materials and technologies to the design and engineering of industrial production processes and production tools, the institute provides a wide range of services for industrial partners in the emobility sector. Atlas of E-Mobility Competence in Saxony | EDUCATION, RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT | 87 TU Bergakademie Freiberg Racetech Racing Team TU Bergakademie Freiberg e. V. West Saxon University of Applied Sciences Zwickau (WHZ) WHZ Racing Team Magnesium in E-Motion: The Formula Student Racing Team Racetech Motor Sports Go Green Address Bernhard-von-Cotta-Straße 4 09599 Freiberg Germany employees 54 students from the most diverse areas of specialization contact person(s) FRIEDERIKE EPMANN phone +49 3731 39-3962 email Website 88 | Racetech is the Formula Student racing team of the TU Bergakademie Freiberg. Since 2005, the team has participated in numerous international racing events every year. A special feature of the racing cars from Freiberg is their outer skin which is made from magnesium sheet metal. True to its motto “Where there’s a team, there’s a way” and for the fourth time in a row, the team accepted the challenge of readying a fully electrically driven racing car so that it could start in 2014. The prototype, which is newly developed every year, is driven by two permanent-magnet synchronous motors sponsored by BOSCH GS-EH. The result: All three electric racing cars managed to reach the top ten in the Formula Student Electric global ranking. The entire process of developing, building, and operating the racing car is organized and im- plemented by the students. The car has many electronic parts which are in-house developments. This includes, for example, a control unit to regulate different engine torques during cornering, a touch display integrated in the dashboard, and a specifically developed battery management system. True to the TU Bergakademie Freiberg’s philosophy, the team not only focuses on the optimal performance and quality of its developments, but also on an efficient use of resources, environmental friendliness, and sustainability. The Racetech Racing Team is supported by numerous partners and is interested in further expanding its network to jointly develop innovative solutions for racing cars. More information on the team, the racing cars, and potential forms of cooperation can be found on the team’s website. For more than 100 years now, Zwickau has been a renowned location for automobile construction in Germany. When it comes to racing, the city has gained fame and acclaim particularly with the legendary Auto-Union Silver Arrows in the 1930s. Address Scheffelstraße 39 Haus 12 Raum 166 08066 Zwickau, Germany employees Approx. 70 contact person(s) CHRISTOPHER GRUHLE, Project Leader Economy phone +49 375 536-3441 email Website Almost 75 years later, a small group of students from our university decided to continue this tradition by bringing another racing car from Zwickau to the starting line in 2006. Today, our team consists of approx. 70 students from the West Saxon University of Applied Sciences Zwickau who are enrolled in the most diverse disciplines. The design and assembly of the racing car encompasses the powertrain, vehicle dynamics, chassis, electrics, and electronics sectors. The finance, marketing, and public relations teams are responsible for the economic aspects of the project. We have a fleet of 9 racing cars. Four of them are powered by a combustion engine while five have electric motors. Already in 2007, the first racing car from Zwickau started at the international Formula Student construction competition. Thanks to the hard work of former and present team members, the team from Zwickau was able to earn a good name for itself in this competition. This laid the foundation on which innovations are created and visions realized. For us, it was not only important to see our theoretical studies become reality, but to also gain experience, to grow, and to transform individuals into a team! Atlas of E-Mobility Competence in Saxony | EDUCATION, RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT | 89 West Saxon University of Applied Sciences Zwickau (WHZ) Development of Vehicles and Infrastructures for E-Mobility Address Dr.-Friedrichs-Ring 2a 08056 Zwickau At the West Saxon University of Applied Sciences Zwickau (WHZ), mobility represents a broad research profile. That’s why an “Electric Mobility” research network was established which includes research teams from the Faculties of Electrical Engineering, Automotive Engineering, and Business Sciences focusing on the following fields: Germany employees 580 turnover (2013) Euro 7.2 million contact person(s) PROF. DR.-ING. MATTHIAS RICHTER, Vice Rector for Research and Knowledge Transfer phone +49 375 536-1030 email Website 90 | Development of Electric Drive and Propulsion Systems with Innovative Energy Production and Storage for E-Vehicles Focusing on Range and Safety Innovative electric drive and propulsion components and their integration into a vehicle concept for passenger cars Design of generator systems for electric passenger cars (range extenders) Vehicle dynamics control systems for electrically driven passenger cars (electronic differential, ESP for single- wheel drives, considering the altered influencing factors) Novel electric energy storage systems and their optimization with regard to storage density and life cycle (modular concept of batteries, capacitors, and super caps) Development of EMC-compliant on-board network architectures in e-vehicles (filter and shielding concepts) and development of suitable measurement and testing procedures Analysis of potential disturbances due to inductive charging Control and regulation concepts for electric powertrains Infrastructure Design for Charging Systems as a Prerequisite for E-Mobility Assessment of the energy requirement (kinematic and thermal energy) Design of energy production systems (photovoltaic elements and wind turbine rotors) Design of energy storage systems Energy billing systems Route optimization from an energetic perspective and energy-optimized driving Design of power lines along federal expressways Functional design of charging systems (AC, DC, inductive charging) EMC-compliant design of charging systems (decoupling of vehicles in low voltage networks) EMC-compliant design of the communication between charging systems and e-vehicles Another important prerequisite for more emobility is to provide the right infrastructure. Currently, both campuses have each one solar cell based charging station that “convert to energy” and “charge the vehicle’s energy storage unit.” And Saxony’s first public solar filling station is located at the August Horch Museum. Many industrial and subsidized projects are addressed at the Center for Automotive Electronics. The WHZ participates in the Showcase Bavaria-Saxony ELECTRIC MOBILITY CONNECTS with such projects as the “Open Air Lab on New Mobility at Sachsenring,” “eBusSkorpion: Electric Bus in the Southern Part of Leipzig,” and the “Academic Education Initiative on Electromobility in Bavaria and Saxony.” The research results are directly incorporated into the courses; thus, ensuring that the latest knowledge is imparted to the students. In cooperation with the Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt, the WHZ has been offering new master’s and bachelor’s programs in “Electromobility” since the summer semester of 2014; these programs can be pursued while working. Atlas of E-Mobility Competence in Saxony | EDUCATION, RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT | 91 Associations and Public Authorities Bundesverband eMobilität e. V. Landesvertretung Mitteldeutschland City of Dresden Climate Protection Office within the Environment Office We Integrate, Communicate, and Act Energy for the Climate. Dresden Switches – E-Mobility as Part of Dresden’s Climate Protection Strategy eMobilität e.V. The Bundesverband eMobilität e.V. (BEM), i.e. the German Federal Association for eMobility, pursues the long-term objective of transforming mobility in Germany into e-mobility by using renewable energy. Address Schillerstraße 5 04109 Leipzig Germany employees 2 contact person(s) CHRISTOPH VON RADOWITZ, Managing Director of econtact UG (limited liability corporation) c/o Bundesverband eMobilität e.V. phone +49 341 60453024 email Website 94 | BEM’s responsibilities include improving the legal framework to expand e-mobility as a sustainable, pioneering mobility concept and enforcing equal opportunities to encourage the transformation to e-mobility. To reach these objectives, BEM unites the stakeholders from business, science, politics, and media in networks, raises the public awareness for e-mobility, and helps initiate the requisite infrastructural changes. Against the backdrop of a society that recognizes its social and ecological responsibil- ity, BEM seeks to integrate the fascination for electromobility into the daily lives of people and to implement it with the help of practical experiences. It is essential to meet the challenges of emobility together. This task requires the active participation of Germany’s most innovative companies and influential people as well as the close cooperation of all stakeholders and the commitment of every individual citizen who wants to devote himself or herself to a new mobility. Address In Saxony, BEM’s representative office for Central Germany, the Landesvertretung Mitteldeutschland, participates, for example, in the development of a model city Leipzig under the motto: “Leipzig fährt STROMaufwärts,” i.e. “E-mobility moves Leipzig.” contact person(s) Grunaer Straße 2, 01069 Dresden, Germany Postal Address: P.O. Box 12 00 20, 01001 Dresden, Germany inhabitants 535,810 tourism Almost 2 million overnight guests 4.1 million overnight stays INA HELZIG, Head of the Climate Protection Office phone +49 351 488-9444 email Website Climate change and the limited reserves of fossil fuels demand a more efficient use of energy also when it comes to satisfying mobility needs. More e-mobility and using more electricity generated from renewable energy can make a vital contribution towards this end. With its climate protection strategy under the motto “Energy for the Climate. Dresden Switches,” the City of Dresden is committed towards ambitious goals. For example, specific greenhouse gas emissions are to be reduced by at least ten percent every five years. In 2030, this will equal a volume of about six tons per inhabitant. In order to contribute to the reduction of traffic-related greenhouse gas emissions, noise, and air pollutants, the City Administration wants to assume a role model by utilizing more e-mobility. Since 2009, it has participated in the “Model Region Electric Mobility” ini- tiative and has gained extensive experiences in designing charging stations and parking areas in the public sector. Since January 2014, the City of Dresden has been participating in the “Electric Mobility in Dresden” project within the scope of the Showcase Region ELECTRIC MOBILITY CONNECTS. Under the auspices of the Fraunhofer Institute for Transportation and Infrastructure Systems IVI, the City Administration cooperates closely with the TU Dresden and the Saxony Economic Development Corporation (WFS). The project pursues the objective of identifying potential obstacles when it comes to the use of e-vehicles and eliminating these obstacles with the help of suitable measures as well as optimizing the utilization of these vehicles and the requisite charging infrastructure by also considering ranges and charging times. Atlas of E-Mobility Competence in Saxony | ASSOCIATIONS AND PUBLIC AUTHORITIES | 95 City of Leipzig Dresden Chamber of Trades and Crafts Leipzig’s charging ahead! – the Region of the Future Professional Advice and Individually Tailored Continued Education & Training Leipzig is the industrial venue for electric mobility. For example, BMW has expanded its Leipzig production site into a center for e-mobility. Mass production of the e-vehicle BMW i3 and the hybrid sports car BMW i8 began in Leipzig. Address 04092 Leipzig Germany inhabitants 539,348 tourism 1.4 million overnight guests The Porsche AG corporation also manufactures its new SUV model “Macan” in Leipzig. Here, e-mobility and the automobile industry can benefit from one another in a unique manner. The City of Leipzig plays a supportive and active role in all measures. 2.7 million overnight stays contact person(s) UWE ALBRECHT, Mayor and City Councilor for Economic Development and Employment phone +49 341 123-5600 Website 96 | Within the joint Showcase Bavaria-Saxony ELECTRIC MOBILITY CONNECTS, a number of projects are also realized in the Leipzig region under the participation of representatives from the Energy & Environmental Technology Cluster. The findings gained from these projects are a key element when it comes to establishing emobility in Leipzig. The Leipzig City Administration sets a good example as well. With ten electric cars, it has one of the largest municipal e-vehicle fleets in all of Saxony. And just recently, a brand new BMW i3 made in Leipzig was added to the existing car pool. Address Am Lagerplatz 8 The innovative network “E-Mobility” was founded under the roof of the Leipzig clusters. It promotes numerous campaigns revolving around e-mobility such as, for example, the “Lipsia-e-motion” e-mobility rally or the “ePendler – elektromobil unterwegs” e-mobility campaign for commuters. 01099 Dresden Germany employees 188 member companies 23,000 contact person(s) HEIDI STRÖLLER, Project Coordinator E-Mobility phone +49 351 4640-504 email Website The Dresden Chamber of Trades and Crafts (HWK Dresden) is a statutory body under public law. It represents the interests of skilled crafts in the directorate region of Dresden. The HWK Dresden has 23,000 member companies with a total of 135,000 employees and 5,200 apprentices. The Chamber operates three training centers in Dresden, Pirna, and Großenhain where various skilled craft disciplines are taught. When it comes to e-mobility, we seek to strengthen the crafts sector as a professional contact point for users of alternative drive and propulsion systems. Towards this end and in cooperation with its partners, the Dresden Chamber of Trades and Crafts has developed an interdisciplinary continued education program across technologies which qualifies interested parties as an “Advisor for Electromobility.” Competent contact partners from the motor vehicle and electrical trades are trained and educated in 10 modules so that they can work for those companies and municipalities which consider integrating e-vehicles into their vehicle pool. But electrically driven vehicles are also relevant to the work of bike mechanics and agricultural machinery technicians. In addition to the continued education program as an “Advisor for Electromobility (HWK),” the Dresden Chamber of Trades and Crafts regularly organizes informative events pertaining to diverse e-mobility sectors. In these awareness raising workshops, current trends are portrayed and networks created in a practice oriented manner. Consultation on the topics energy efficiency and environmental protection as well as an energy efficiency center for buildings round off the HWK’s portfolio. Atlas of E-Mobility Competence in Saxony | ASSOCIATIONS AND PUBLIC AUTHORITIES | 97 Energy & Environment Network of the City of Leipzig Saxony Economic Development Corporation (WFS) Networking for a Sustainable Future We build bridges Address c/o City of Leipzig, Economic Development Office 04092 Leipzig Germany employees 2 contact person(s) The large number of companies, institutions, and research institutes in the field of energy and environmental engineering aptly demonstrates the importance of Leipzig as a center of sustainability and energy research. Leipzig’s cluster “Energy and Environmental Engineering” serves as a platform for intense communication and cooperation between business representatives, researchers, and politicians. The activities are coordinated by the Energy & Environment Network of the City of Leipzig. It fosters the transfer of knowledge and technology across diverse branches through strategic contact and project management, and it taps the potentials for innovation. DANIEL REIßMANN, Managing Director phone +49 341 121-3317 email Website Cluster members from the e-mobility sector use the e-mobility cluster team as a communication and cooperation forum to discuss and promote new developments in the area of environmentally friendly mobility. The “Showcase Regions for Electric Mobility” program provides concrete opportunities for shaping the e-mobility profiles of the participating regions. Together with Bavaria, Saxony is one of Germany’s four Showcase Regions through which several projects have also been implemented in the Leipzig region with the participation of representatives from the Energy & Environment cluster. E-mobility also plays a vital role in the educational programs which NEU e.V. develops together with other partners within the Network “Education for Sustainable Development.” In a number of educational modules, background knowledge, pioneering spirit as well as concrete recommendations for action are imparted with the objective of encouraging people to pursue a sustainable lifestyle. Address Bertolt-Brecht-Allee 22 The Saxony Economic Development Corporation (WFS) builds bridges: For Saxony’s enterprises heading off into the world and for investors heading to Saxony. You, too, can benefit from our profound network competence and from 20 years of successful work as an economic development agency. The WFS focuses its activities on five key branches which are of vital relevance to Saxony’s economy: Mobility (automobile industry, logistics, rail technology, aerospace industry), microelectronics / ICT, mechanical and plant engineering, environmental and energy technology as well as life sciences. We offer: The latest data on Saxony’s economy and business environment Customized business site location services Procurement of contacts with regional decision makers Information on opportunities for financial support and subsidy programs Access to branch networks in Saxony Assistance in opening up new markets Assistance in initiating cooperative partnerships In particular, the WFS also supports and promotes the (continued) development of competences in Saxony’s commercial enterprises and research institutions in such future-oriented technological fields as electric mobility, intelligent transport systems, energy storage systems, and lightweight construction. 01309 Dresden Germany employees 50 contact person(s) MARIO KRISTEN, Branch Manager Environmental Technology, Energy phone +49 351 2138-131 DR. ANDRÉ GÜNTHER, Branch Manager Mobility phone +49 351 2138-242 email Website 98 | Atlas of E-Mobility Competence in Saxony | ASSOCIATIONS AND PUBLIC AUTHORITIES | 99 Picture Credits and References page 4 page 34 pages 62, 63, 64 page 83 State Minister © Götz Schleser TWIKE / e-roller Kumpan © Lutz Förster Semiconductor research E-mobility research vehicles © Institute Lipsia-e-motion 2014 © Rainer Weisflog of Automotive Technology (IAD) page 10 eMobilität e.V. © Lipsia-e-motion, Barbara Wilms page 67 page 84 page 39 BTZ Borsdorf entrance, Workshop for Electrification of tractor, Rigitrac Clean room © Infineon training © Hennig / HWK zu Leipzig © Agricultural Systems and Technology Consultants © Doc Winkler Vehicle © Sebastian Bratge ATLAS OF E-MOBILITY COMPETENCE IN SAXONY (Education and Technology Center) The contents provided herein fall under the responsibility of the respective companies, institutions, and organizations. If there is no reference to a copyright below, then the respective image rights shall rest with the respective companies, institutions, and organizations. Leipzig Borsdorf Kamenz page 11 Conference room © Sebastian Bratge pages 12, 13, 61 page 40 page 71 page 87 E-mobile in front of silhouette © ITC AG Research staff Image of the person © ThyssenKrupp AG Desk © ITC / – bloomua © ThyssenKrupp / Fraunhofer IKTS page 42 page 72 page 14 Driving demonstrators: InEco project, Demonstrator KULAN Logo, HOPPECKE Zwickau Production eTRUST © ILK & LZS from POLY-LAB.NET page 94 © Jürgen Jeibmann / Fraunhofer IWU, Left: BEM – new mobility © Bundesverband eMobilität e.V. Plant, Battery system rail vehicle, Li-ion battery © HOPPECKE Batterien page 44 Design: Felix Götze, Tom Mudra, GmbH & Co. KG Production facility, main entrance Hans-Tobias Schicktanz Dresden page 18 Wind farm © Rainer Weisflog page 73 Electric cars, commissioning a charging page 46 The Fraunhofer IWS building © Fraun- station © State Capital Dresden, BMW i3 © BMW AG Wallbox, building © MENNEKES hofer IWS Dresden / Frank Höhler Environment Office; Facts & figures of Elektrotechnik GmbH & Co. KG page 78 2014/2015” (inhabitants: With primary Train of the Erzgebirgsbahn page 49 Leipzig University, Augustusplatz residence; Dec. 31, 2013) © Andreas Schaarschmidt Diagram of a powertrain, Porsche campus © Maren Rath © Porsche smart fortwo electric drive © Daimler AG Dippoldiswalde Zittau Chemnitz Hohenstein-Ernstthal inhabitants/tourism: “Faktum Dresden page 96 Panamera S E-Hybrid on a track Freiberg Glashütte Aerial view © BMW AG, Christoph Busse page 21 Hartmannsdorf page 95 Li-Tec © Li-Tec Battery GmbH 2013 page 22 Meißen pages 92, 93 Solar World Freiberg © Rainer Weisflog Görlitz Bautzen page 79 Leipzig’s charging ahead! Prototype of a charging module © Reichelt Kommunikationsberatung page 55 © Martin Leutelt & Viktor Wolff page 24 E-vehicles provided by teilAuto Test facility for contactless charging page 98 E-mobility plug, © René Paritschkow processes © Kristina Denhof Cluster motif © DIALOG Werbeteam Zwickau FES Oberlungwitz WilkauHaßlau GmbH Fahrzeug-Entwicklung Sachsen SehmatalNeudorf Plauen Leibniz-Institut für Polymerforschung Dresden e. V. DNV GL – sea land sky © DNV GL – Energy page 57 page 82 cover & miniatures of title page on page 27 An iBullitt in front of a river and Collage: Testing traffic light assistance, page 9 For the pictures shown here, Charging station and vehicle on a bridge driving profile analysis © Institute of the requisite information on image © EA EnergieArchitektur GmbH © Benjamin Georg (Urban-e) Automotive Technology (IAD) rights shall apply accordingly. Electric FORMULA STUDENT TEAM TU DRESDEN 100 | Published by: Saxon State Ministry for Economic Affairs, Labour and Transport (SMWA) Press Office P.O. Box 10 03 29 01073 Dresden Germany Edited by: Sächsische Energieagentur – SAENA GmbH Layout: büro quer kommunikationsdesign Printed by: Stoba-Druck, Lampertswalde Editorial Deadline: 3rd revised edition, December 2014 Number of Copies Printed: 500 Translation, Proofreading: mlh.communications / Lingua World Dresden / Libby Neumann Participating Companies/Institutions/Organizations Orders/Downloads: Copyright This publication is protected by copyright. Any and all rights, including the right of reprinting excerpts and the right of photomechanical reproduction, shall remain with the publisher. MAP
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