FOR SALE - Delta Farm Press
FOR SALE - Delta Farm Press
FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 2012 17 CALL 1-800-253-3160 TO PLACE YOUR AD EQUIPMENT Deep Tillage. Bedding. One Machine. MegaTill HD with listers, knife plates, and 1x3” inter-row rippers. Dual-purpose MegaTill HD lets you loosen in furrow or bed zones. • Rugged Diamond Mast Toolbar • Spring loaded swivel coulter with fluted blade provides up to 1200 pounds of residue slicing pressure • Each leg loosens a zone in the bed center for optimum growing conditions • Protected by two high-quality replaceable wear surface parts per leg • Rear bedding tools combine deep tillage and bedding in one pass • Inter-row ripper shank provides loose dirt for improved bed creation. • Available fertilizer tubes for in-row application. ONE AND DONE® Your Bigham Brothers Representative in the Mid-South: Roger Worsham, 662/647-1000 Wallace Equipment 25 Used Heads Available from 24ft-32ft! Brand new heads also avail! (870) 697-2226 99 Hwy. 64 West Fair Oaks, AR FOR SALE PRODUCT ID # A01720R710514 2005 John Deere 1720 A01720R710527 2005 John Deere 1720 2010 John Deere 7330 Prem 1125 hrs. RW7330P015480 N00637X014146 2008 John Deere 637 N00637X014144 2008 John Deere 637 LEE JOHNSON • CELL 870-866-1609 Johnson_Lee_2x1 2012 Shelbourne RSD32, 32’, Like NEW! 2011 Shelbourne RSD28, 28’, Excellent!! Several RSD32’s and RSD28’s Available 2005 Shelbourne RSV24, 24’, Nice $Call 5 RVS24’ Available! 2012 7760 JD COTTON PICKER, 216 Engine Hours, 173 Fan Hours, 2012 Shelbourne RSD24, 24’, Like New! 2004 Shelbourne RSD24, 24’, Nice! $Call Large Inventory of 2004-2012 RSD24’s Available! 2004 Shelbourne RSD28, SN-2322844, 24FT ..... $Call 2003-2005 Models! DELTA TRACTOR & EQUIPMENT Wallace_2x3 $550,000 901-674-2840 PRICE 32,500 $ 32,500 $ 87,500 $ 29,000 $ 29,000 $ FOR SALE 2002 John Deere 9986 picker 3607 eng hrs/2850 fan –––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 2002 John Deere 9986 picker 3431 eng hrs/2741 fan –––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 2004 John Deere 9986 picker 2515 eng hrs/2030 fan –––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Only 1300 acres each on very extensive overhaul of cabinets these pickers are field ready –––––––––––––––––––––––––––– –––––––––––––––––––––––––––– (2) KBH Mule Boy 20’ Boll Buggies –––––––––––––––––––––––––––– (3)Harrell Super Packer module builder –––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Big 12 180D module builder –––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Call (870) 739-4589 office TRIPLE C EQUIPMENT 662-836-8787 • 662-830-1220 FAIR OAKS MFG DEALER NEW ROLLERS 32FT OR 40FT 12FT SCRAPER IN STOCK ROLL-A -CONE DEALER • NEW BED MASTER SINGLE BLADE HIPPERS 8-12-16 ROW NEW CHISEL PLOWS 21FT 3PH IN STOCK • JD 8320 MFWD GPS READY • 10C REYNOLDS DIRT BUCKET • JD 8420 MFWD GPS READY • CIH 36FT 4300 FIELD CULT. • JD 9630 AUTO LOAD SCRAPER • J & M 750 EXC. • KUBOTA M7040 2WD C/A • JD 960 FIELD CULTIVATOR 630HRS 32FT • KUBOTA M8540 4X4 320HRS • 5 BOTTOM KBH PARBOLIC W/ • 2-JD 1720XP ONE SEASON 12-38 GAUGE WHEELS • STACK FOLD AIR-SPRING • 4 BOTTOM PARABOLIC W/ • HYD-DRIVE 3BU HOPPERS GAUGE WHEELS • V-CLOSING LIKE NEW • 8ROW ROLLERS • 2-JD 1720 12-38 STACK FOLD • 2-BELL 8RW DO-ALLS • V-CLOSING-COTTON CLOSING • 2525A G P TWIN ROW LIKE NEW • IH 586 8RW PULL TYPE DO-ALL INVERNESS , MS TripleC_dfp1123_2x2.5 Fogleman_dfdp1116_1x2 ge lar MARKETPLACE ent stm ve l in FINANCING AVAILABLE Williams, Charles_ urn t dfp1130_1x2 e r al sm WANTED DAMAGED GRAIN We pay top dollar for damaged grain. Trucks and vac’s available. Immediate response anywhere. PRUESS ELEVATOR, INC. 1-800-828-6642 FOR SALE Tractor: 8330 $126,000 Combines & Headers: 1-9770 2011 1-9860 $125,000 1-9760 $120,000 1-9750 $65,000 2-625 F 2-630 F Implements: 4010 International No-till Drill w/2300 Cart, Pull-type $25,000 JD 1890 w/1910 270 bu. Cart, No-till Drill, $77,000 JD 6700 Hi-Cycle $53,500 LOONEY IMPLEMENT Hughes, AR 870-339-2313 JD 7760 COTTON PICKER Looney_dfp0706_1x3.75 2010 Model, 998 Engine hours, 707 Fan hours, $470,000 573-717-6760 573-738-2094 • Fair Oaks Roller 30’DualFold,Exc.$6,250 Jackson_scottie_ • Fruehauf Flatbed Trailer dfp1123_1x2 40’$1,600 • Midland Dirt Buggy, 5yd.,2extraHyd.Hook upsatrear,$5,000 • JD S-tine 960 Field Cult., newfeet,rollingbasket, 30’,$5,700 870-995-2824 18 REACH YOUR TARGET MARKET! FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 2012 GRAIN STORAGE Grain Bin Services Inc. Monroe, LA Ask about our other regional publications covering the Sunbelt, Sales, Construction & Service For all your on farm storage needs Contact: CALL TODAY FOR A QUOTE… WHETHER WINTER DISCOUNTS NOW BEING OFFERED IT’S REPAIRS, OR EQUIPMENT. APARTS, COMPLETE GRAIN STORAGE SYSTEM Valley View I K&D Agri Systems has calls for the besttoofkeep bothyour worlds: the capabilities grain expertise on a global scale combined storage system working efficiently, with commitment of a family-owned and the we do it in short order. You have access to Regardless the largest inventory in business. of your grain the Mid-South. When you need it, storage facility needs, we have you be sure to call I K&D covered. Call usValley todayView to implement and Agri Systems. protect one of your biggest investments. Advertise with DELTA JONESBORO, AR 8304 Hwy. 49 South 870.932.6440 CLEVELAND, MS 605 N. Davis 662.846.7522 The World’s Largest Dealer WESTERN FARM PRESS VALLEY VIEW | K&D AGRI SYSTEMS WWW.VALLEYVIEWAGRI.COM ©2011 Valley View | K&D Agri Systems. All rights reserved. Grain Bin Services Inc. Monroe, LA CALL 1.800.253.3160 GRAIN & FEED SYSTEMS Winter Discounts Now Being Offered - Call today for a Quote GrainBinServices_dfp0914_2x2 Untitled-6 1 Santa’s not the only one keeping a list this Christmas. Y SOUTHEAST FARM PRESS 11/7/11 12:59:22 PM our used truck, equipment or implements could be of great use in our ministry. So could your hay, feed, and even animals for our farm and 4-H operations. (And hey, cash gifts are nice, too!) Learn how your farm can help our kids. Check out our full Needs List at the address below. Scan the code to see our complete needs list or visit: • • 1.800.382.4114 ext. 140 CINDY, Ext. 70134 SOUTHWEST FARM PRESS To have your sale of farm land or equipment listed, write us at P.O. Box 1420, Clarksdale, MS 38614 OR Call 800-253-3160 Phone 800-253-3160 or Fax 662-627-1977 FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 2012 HELP WANTED 19 REAL ESTATE HUNTING FARM MANAGER POSITION For Sale Highly motivated-self starter. Must be experienced with large irrigated corn, soybean and rice with Pivot and furrow irrigation. Individual will manage production on 7000 acres of Texas most productive soils. Good people skills a must. Good pay and benefits. 1 Hunting Share Paying the highest rents, in cash, in the delta. Multi year leases plus farm improvements. in the Coahoma County Conservation League Send resume and references to: Box FDA c/o Delta Farm Press, P.O. Box 1420 Clarksdale, MS 38614 812-276-8916 FARM MANAGER NEEDED IRRIGATION Delta farm hiring a manager for day to day operations. Experience Smith_CA_dfp1102+1x2 GossettFarm&RanchMgmt_dfp11/30_1x2 needed in growing, harvesting and storage of the following crops: 1989 MODEL 6000 PIVOT cotton, soybeans, rice, corn, and 12 Towers, Length 2385 ft. wheat. Income package will be 445 acres coverage, 2036 hours based on ability and experience; ––––––––––––– bonuses on performance. 1990 MODEL 6000 PIVOT Please email resumes to 9 Towers, Length 1729 ft. 241 acres coverage, 2269 hours or reply to ––––––––––––– 1994 MODEL 6000 TOWABLE PIVOT Box GBA % Delta Farm Press P. O. Box 1420 Clarksdale MS 38614 Dawson_Ray_ dfp1130_1x2 PECANS Looking for land to rent within a 200 mile radius of Pine Bluff, AR. 6 Towers (towable), Length 1207 ft. 126 acres coverage, 3234 hours ––––––––––––– CALL 662-822-1509 Fratesi_Planting_ SEED CLEANING dfp11/30_1x2 WE BUY PECANS SEED CLEANING No lot too small, No lot too large! “On SiteService” Rice, Beans, Wheat & Oats Treating & Bagging Available Also Upgrade rice & separate mixed grains PORTABLE EQUIPMENT Serving Ark., MS, LA, TX, OK, MO, TN Indianola Pecan House 1013 Hwy 82 East Indianola, MS 38751 Toll Free 1-800-541-6345 or 1-800-541-6252 MS Fax: 662-887-2906 Contact: Wheeler Timbs 662-207-0077 870-692-9164 • 870-489-6785 • 870-692-9667 McKee and McFarland, Inc. Real Estate Investments MapleRidge_DFP1005_2x2 TIMELY RELIABLE INFORMATION 5872 Ridge Bend Rd Memphis, TN 38120 901-680-7700 204 Acres – Washington Cnty, MS - Cotton 2,108 Acres – N. MS Delta - Grain LD SO FOR DELTA AGRICULTURE 224 Acres – Fayette Cnty, TN - Crop/Hunt 200 Acres – Marshall Cnty,SMS D O-LCrop/Hunt 4,333 Acres – Coahoma Cnty, LD– Cotton SOMS 2,545 Acres – St. Francis S Cnty, ARD– Grain OL 620 Acres – DeSoto Cnty, MSO–L Cotton/Dev. D S 4,429 Acres – DeSoto Cnty, Cotton OL–D SMS, 171 Acres – Oxford, MSN –E Hunt W small investmentMckeeMcFarland_ $ large return dfp1123_1x3 Closing Date December 7th December 14th December 21st December 28th January 4th November 30th December 7th December 13th December 19th December 21st PIPE FARM DRAINAGE, IRRIGATION & CULVERT PIPE • Heavy - Wall Steel, 4" thru 96'', up to 50' Lengths • Used High - Pressure Line Pipe and Gas Line Pine • New Structural Steel Pipe, 2" thru 20" • Large Diameter Pipe - 60", 78", 96" Will Deliver for Small Cost 1-800-553-1373 NORTHSIDE STEEL Highway 63 Bypass Jonesboro, AR 3,180 $ per acre Shawn O’Shields OLI Real Estate 870-919-8914 For more information go to Since 1929 with offices or licenses in 24 states. OLI Real Estate_ dfp1130_1x2 We Sold Over 3000 Farms FYI (850 @ Auction) in the last 5 years. Over $1.7 Billion in Value YOUR LOCAL TEAM: Keith Morris • Leslie Pinnix Bill Ayers • Drew McCord Bill Shannon • Ed Newton Mid-South Regional Office 901-494-LAND (5263) Real Estate Sales Farm & Ranch Mgmt. • Auctions APPRAISALS, CONSULTATIONS, INSURANCE, OIL & GAS MGMT., LAKE MGMT., HUNTING LEASE NETWORK for Farms Sale 30 ac., Sunflower Co., MS: Cotton gin & seed house, 3 mi E of Shaw on Hwy 442. 192 ac., Washington Co., MS: Mostly wooded; excellent hunting/ recreation tract; 33 ac. tillable. Contact: E. Russell Black, Jr. 662-334-4627 or 662-347-0979 Delta Roe, Ark. 72134 870-241-3516 800-242-3516 - Larry Porter Cell 870-672-1318 Issue Date Woodruff & Monroe Counties, AR all acres are +/- PORTER'S SEED CLEANING, INC. 2012 Delta Farm Press Upcoming Issues 1730 ACRES FOR SALE MARKETPLACE For more info call 800-253-3160 promote your products and services People Movers Penton Marketing Services provides content that moves your customers. Partner with us. We’ll make you the authority in your field with custom campaigns that work as hard as you do. Content n Websites n Search Marketing n Social Media n Lead Lifecycling n Mobile & Video n Leverage our expertise as content experts. Make the move today and move your customers. All aboard. Learn more: 800.553.1945 4,962 ac., Quitman & Tunica, MS: 4,344 ac. till.; 75% irrig.; 136 ac. s ale pending CRP; 1,534 ac. leveled; 21 wells. 5,850 ac., Bolivar & Coahoma, MS: 5,210 ac. till.; 8 tracts; 65% irrig.; 15 s ale pending pivots; 211 ac. CRP; grain storage. new 2,420 ac., Desha Co., AR: listing Highly productive cotton & grain farm. Excel. soils, 97% irrig. 67 ac., Quitman Co., MS: Grain potential, suitable for cotton. 329 ac., Tunica Co., AR: Excel. prod. pot.; 98% till.; mostly cotton/soybean base ac. new 580 ac., Lonoke Co., AR: listing Excel. rice & grain farm. Cropland 38+% precision leveled & 100% irrigated. new 90 ac., Crittenden Co., AR: listing Grain/soybean farm; easily improved; 10 mi. W of W Memphis. 338 ac., Chicot Co., AR: Ponds converted to rice/bean land. Contact: Murry McClintock 662-363-1801 or 662-363-6024 159 ac., Desoto Co., MS: 141 ac. FSA cropland; row crop prod.- corn, soybeans, wheat. Contact: Royce Bryant 901-758-3351 or 901-351-3642 Licensed Real Estate Brokers Capital Agricultural Property Services, Inc. 800-243-2060 20 TRAILERS REACH YOUR TARGET MARKET! Advertise with FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 2012 YEAR END SPENDING HAS NEVER BEEN THIS EASY DELTA CALL 1.800.253.3160 We’re more than convenient fuel delivery. We ofService fer field service solutions for your operation including: 40GPM pumping, room for tools and parts, bulk oil tanks and compressor-generator-welders. Field ISO compliance in our DEF delivery system means Delivery your Tier-4 engines are protected from contaminants. With our 2-in-1 pumping system you can fill and dispense DEF with just one pump. DEF ® 800-816-3706 Fuel and Service Trailers A division of LDJ Manufacturing Inc. TIRES M BAKER, Ext. 70144 Menard Manufacturing Co. Inc. 888-764-3130 870-946-1664 ! Built Farm Tough Quick... take a look now! 2013 Hopper Bottom trailer • Length: 40’ • Width 102” • Side Wall Height 72” • 1400 Bushel Capacity • 10 Gauge Metal Construction • 11R-24.5 (16) ply Chip Resistant Tires • 25,000 lb Axles • ABS Brake System • DOT Approved LED Lighting and Reflectors • 2 Speed Landing Gear • ¼ Hopper Doors with Roller Bearings • 22 oz Shur-Lok Tarp and Hardware • Heavy Duty Bows and End Caps • Delivery Available Price Including F.E.T. $23,900 Manufactured in DeWitt, AR email: MenardMFG_dfp1123_2x4 FOOD FOR THE FATHERLESS “When you reap your harvest in your field, and forget a sheaf in the field, you shall not go back to get it; it shall be for the stranger, the fatherless, and the widow, that the Lord your God may bless you in all the work of your hands.” M A R K E T P L AC E PAG E S A R E NOW ON OUR WEBSITE p of uSed Select grou — Deuteronomy 24:19 Your gift to Children’s Homes, Inc., provides a “sheaf” for today’s orphans. Our organization cares for needy kids from across the country. Contact Gary Cupp to learn more: • 1.800.382.4114, ext. 140 CHILDREN’S HOMES, INC. • WWW.CHILDRENSHOMES.ORG iceS pecial pr tireS at S 480/70R34 R2 520/85R46 R2 480/80R46 R1 480/80R50 R1W 795 $ 995 $ 895 $ 995 $ All tires have 75% plus tread and are Warrantied by Bobby Henard Tire against failure due to defect in material and workmanship for a period of 2 years. BOBBY HENARD TIRE SERVICE Hwy 70 East • Brinkley, AR 800-664-1044 1417 Hwy 82 East • Indianola, MS 662-887-7272 We service and warranty what we sell! TIRE TOWN INC. TIMELY RELIABLE INFORMATION When the Price Makes thebobbyhenard_2x5_0601 Difference and Quality Won’t Be Compromised 20.8-42 14Ply R-2 Full Tr. $1200 480/80R30 R-1W Full Tread $500 73x44.00-32 12ply 100% Tread $4000 480/70R34 NEW FWD $1100 14.9R46 USED 80% $750 14.9R34 SLIGHTLY USED 70% $500 320/90R46 IRREGULAR $900 Nationwide Shipping - We Deal Other Sizes New & Used (800)-444-7209 • (800)-451-9864 FOR DELTA AGRICULTURE tiretown_dfp1102_1x2 FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 2012 21 AUCTIONS ABSOLUTE LAND AUCTION MON. ~ DEC. 17 TH ~ 1 P.M. CORNING, KNOBEL, PEACH ORCHARD, POLLARD, AR WESTERN DISTRICT OF CLAY & GREENE COUNTY 1 , 2 51 . 1 7 A C R E S L A N D 1,149.93 ACRES IRRIGATED RICE & ROWCROP LAND Marketplace 1,143.57 TOTAL GRAIN BASE ACRES 8 FARMS 40 ACRES TO 495 ACRES PRIME AR DUCK HUNTING & FLYWAY AREA ~ JOINS BLACK RIVER ~ NEAR DAVE DONALDSON BLACK RIVER WMA & CACHE RIVER FARM 2 - 495.586 ACRES - 477.7 AC. CROPLAND Let your ad keep working 24/7 Online and Print LOCATION... 1971 CCR 246, CORNING & 1415 CR 246, KNOBEL 468.2 GRAIN BASE ACREA 6 WATERFOWL HUNTING PITS OFFERED IN 11 TRACTS & COMBINATIONS 1 AC. TO 80 AC. TRACT 1: 1.0 AC. & RUSTIC FARM HDQTR. OR HUNTING CLUB CABIN ~ 1,972 SQ. FT. A FRAME INTERIOR • EXTERIOR BALCONY OVER LOOKING FARM, GARAGE & STORAGE ROOM, ~ TRACT 2: 0.881 AC. ( 2) GSI 18,000 BU. GRAIN BINS TR. 3: 73.729 AC. TR. 4: 38.569 AC. TR. 5: 44.516 AC. TR. 6: 42.513 AC. TR. 7: 42.373 AC. TR. 8: 83.001 AC. TR. 9: 93.676 AC. TR.10: 70.555 AC. TR. 11: 4.773 AC. Call 800-253-3160 for rates and information FARM 7 - 244.050 ACRES ~ 236 ACRES CROPLAND LOCATION... 558 CLAY CR 216 KNOBEL 233 GRAIN BASE ACRES * 4 WATERFOWL HUNTING PITS AUCTION CALENDAR Schedule of Forthcoming Agricultural Sales Date Time Location Dec. 1 Dec. 1 Dec. 1 10 AM Dec. 3 9:30 AM Dec. 4 9 AM Dec. 4 Dec. 5 Dec. 6 Dec. 7 10 AM Dec. 8 10 AM Dec. 8 Dec. 10 Dec. 10 Dec. 11 Dec. 12 Dec. 13 Dec. 13 Dec. 14 Dec. 15 Dec. 15 Dec. 15 Dec. 15 Dec. 16 Dec. 18 Dec. 20 Dec. 21 12 PM Dec. 28 Delhi, LA Lynnville, TN Rocky Mount, NC Sikeston, MO Greenwood, MS Wolf Lake, IL Internet Only Internet Only Red House, VA Ringgold, VA Dyersburg, TN Marvell, AR Internet Only Robinsonville, MS Marianna, AR Internet Only Silver City, MS Belzoni, MS Sikeston, MO Crowville, LA Sedalia, KY Somerville, TN Ringgold, VA Internet Only Internet Only Oxford, NC Paris, TN Auction Co. William S. Jones dba Sunbelt Auction James R. Cash E.B Harris Inc./Auctioneers DeWitt Auction Company Mid Delta Auction DeWitt Auction Company Purple Wave – Purple Wave – E.B Harris Inc./Auctioneers E.B Harris Inc./Auctioneers DeWitt Auction Company DeWitt Auction Company Purple Wave – DeWitt Auction Company DeWitt Auction Company Purple Wave – Y & L Auction Company Y & L Auction Company DeWitt Auction Company William S. Jones dba Sunbelt Auction James R. Cash Ferge Auctions E.B. Harris Inc./Auctioneers Purple Wave – Purple Wave – E.B Harris Inc./Auctioneers James R. Cash Phone 318-282-8206 207-623-8466 252-257-2140 800-533-9488 662-299-0234 800-533-9488 866-608-9283 866-608-9283 252-257-2140 252-257-2140 800-533-9488 800-533-9488 866-608-9283 800-533-9488 800-533-9488 866-608-9283 800-637-3575 800-637-3575 800-533-9488 318-282-8206 207-623-8466 901-412-1165 252-257-2140 866-608-9283 866-608-9283 252-257-2140 207-623-8466 Jan. 10 Transylvania, LA Y & L Auction Company Jan. 28 Kennett, MO DeWitt Auction Company Jan. 31 Webb, MS DeWitt Auction Company 800-637-3575 800-533-9488 800-533-9488 Feb. 2 Como, MS Feb. 6 10 AM Walkertown, VA 901-486-6828 252-257-2140 E.B Harris Inc./Auctioneers To have your sale of farm land or equipment listed, write us at P.O. Box 1420, Clarksdale, MS 38614. OR Call 800-253-3160 OFFERED IN 7 TRACTS & COMBINATIONS 1 AC. TO 60 AC TR. 1: 1.274 AC. & GSI 40,000 BU. GRAIN BIN * TR. 2: 1.055 AC. & MORTON HDQTR SHOP BUILDING WITH 2 BEDROOM UPSTAIRS LIVING QUARTERS TR.3: 57.816 AC. TR.4: 58.382 AC. TR.5: 22.855 AC. TR.6: 59.335 AC. TR.7: 43.333 AC. FARM 1 - 157.54 ACRES 159.2 GRAIN BASE AC. 142 ACRES CROPLAND LOCATION... 621 CLAY, PIGGOTT FARM 3 - 80 AC. ~ 78.1 AC. CROPLAND ~ 76.07 BASE AC. LOCATION... 3789 AR HWY. 135, CORNING ~ HUNTING PIT LARGE WATER CHANNEL WITH CYPRESS TREES FARM 4 - 40 ACRES ~ 30.13 AC. CROPLAND 30 GRAIN BASE AC. ~ LOCATION: 413 CR 173, CORNING FIELD ACCESS ROAD, 8± ACRES PART OF CORNING LAKE FARM 5 - 102 AC. ~ 50.8 AC. CROPLAND ~ 2 TRACTS 50.8 BASE ACRES ~ LOCATION ... 208 CCR 173, CORNING TRACT 1: 54.858 TRECT 2: 47.1 AC. DUCK & DEER HUNTING LAND JOINS WEST SIDE OF BLACK RIVER & LARGE AREA OF CONTROLLED TIMBER LAND. FARM 6 - 52 ACRES - 51.6 AC. CROPLAND 51.4 BASE ACRES ~ LOCATION... 4 CLAY CR 229, KNOBEL FARM 8: 80 ACRES - 78.6 AC. CROPLAND 74.9 BASE ACRES ~ LOCATION .... GCR. 229, O’KEAN OPEN HOUSE ~ DEC 9TH & 16TH 1-4 P.M. INVESTMENT ~ FARMING & HUNTING LAND Auction held At M.B. Ainley Jr. community center, 536 e elm St & hWy 62, CORNING, AR 72422 SEE OUR WEBSITE: ALEXANDER AUCTIONS & REAL ESTATE SALES MARVIN E.ALEXANDER CAI, Auctioneer 239 University st., Martin, tn TL 9; TFL 107, AAL 2360, ARE 72611 Office: 731-587-4244 Email: When considering selling assets 870-673-7878 One of the most trusted names in the farm equipment auction business AR Lic #191 – LA Lic #1286 – MS Lic #484 & #489 Stovesand_dfp1102_2x2 22 TRUCKS/TRAILERS REACH YOUR TARGET MARKET! Advertise with DELTA CALL 1.800.253.3160 FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 2012 COMBINE HEADER TRAILERS “I Love My Job” New Tandem Axle with Dolly Wheels, High Speed 41’ - $8,200 36’ - $5,300 31’ - $4,900 JA-MAR MFG., INC. Sikeston, MO 800-992-0634 ing Newment Arriv Ship ls ode 3M 201 Trailer Sales & Service All Aluminum Construction Shop & Compare to Steel Hoppers Don’t Watch Your Investment Rust Away Crossroads of the South Inc. 601-856-9709 1x2 FERRIDAY, LA WEST HELENA, AR 800-545-9204 800-669-6646 NEW 2013 Wilson Hoppers Ready For Delivery. Call for Specs and Pricing. Also, Good Selection of Used Trailers. Call us for All your Sales, Parts and Service needs. Call for complete list of used & new trailers crossroadsOFTHEsouth_dfp0817_1x2 AUCTIONS FARM EQUIPMENT “CLOSED” SALE THURSDAY, DECEMBER 13, 2012 - 9:30 A.M. SILVER CITY, MISSISSIPPI DONNA, Ext. 70131 DIRECTIONS: Silver City, Ms is between Belzoni, Ms & Yazoo City, Ms. on Hwy 49W. From intersection of 49W and 149 in Silver City, Ms go south on 49W for 4& 3/10 miles to Lampkin Road. From Yazoo City, Ms at intersection of 49W and Hwy 3 go north on 49W for 12 ½ miles to Lampkin Road. Go east on Lampkin Rd for 2 ½ Miles to a T – go right on Lodi Road for 1 mile to sale site . Physical address: 3387 Lodi Road – Silver City, Mississippi 39166. PARTNERSHIP LIQUIDATION FOR MARTIN-LIGHTCAP-BOX FARMS. PERSONS TO CONTACT: Rocky Bond 662-571-3448 – Dempsey Rutledge 662571- 0628 or Demp Rutledge 662-836-8333 or Marshall Riddick 662-721-7680 Give us a Click! TRACTORS:JD 9520 –sn#51758 – 3568 hrs – 800x70x38 duals Green Star ready; JD 8295R – sn#4747 – MFWD - 520x46R1 duals – 2113 hrs; JD 8225R – sn#5900 – MFWD- 2181 hrs – 480x46R1 duals – extended warranty until 2015; JD 8420 – sn#23144 – MFWD – 8913 hrs – 480x46 duals; JD 8330 – sn#11228 – MFWD - 6256 hrs - 480x46R1 duals – front weights – Green Star ready; JD 8210 sn#10592 – MFWD – 480x42R1 duals – 10414 hrs - Green Star Ready; JD 8200 – sn#27562 – MFWD – 520x42 duals – 10930 hrs - Green Star ready; JD 7420 – sn#17488 – C/A – MFWD – 5041 hrs – 14.9x46R1 duals – P/ Quad; JD FRONT LOADER 741 on JD 7420 – 8ft bucket and forks; JD 7330 – sn#11168 – C/A – P/Quad – MFWD – 2641 hrs – 18.4x42R1 duals; GPS GUIDANCE SYSTEM: RECEIVERS: 4-STARFIRE – ITC w/RTK; 1-STARFIRE – ITC w/ SF2; 1-STARFIRE - ITC w/SF1; 1-STARFIRE – w/SF1; DISPLAYS; 52600 Displays w/auto track; 1- 2600 – w/Swath Pro; 1- Brown Box - w/ SF2 w/steering; PERSON TO CALL ON GPS GUIDANCE EQUIPMENT IS DEMP –662-836-8333; KUBOTA – M9000 – sn#64991 – C/A – MFWD – 6157 hrs; KUBOTA – M9000 – sn#10342 – 2 post; Set of steel wheels for Kubota; COTTON PICKER – JD 7760 – sn#35347 – 392 fan hrs – 518 engine hrs; COTTON PICKER – JD 7760 – sn#35314 – 378 fan hrs – 540 engine hrs; GRAIN DRYER – BROCK – SD1200C – continue flo – from 1400 to 2100 bushels per hour ( CALL BEFORE YOU COME – TO BE SOLD AT 12 NOON BY PICTURE) BALE MOVER – FRONTIER – 3ph - Telescopic; SPRAYER: JD 4720 – sn#5156 – 90ft boom – Green Star ready – 3136 hrs; SPREADER TRUCK: MERTZ M275 – sn#503011- 2844 hrs - w/new leader bed for variable rate, row crop tires, raven ✓ News ✓ Jobs ✓ Suppliers ✓ Research ✓ Events www. deltafarmpress .com control; (4) 650x65x38 tires & rims COMBINES, HEADS; COMBINE: JD 9870 STS – sn#730601 Bullet Rotor – 1250x32 tires – 751Sep. hrs – 1128 engine hrs.; GRAIN HEADER: JD 630D – Draper head – sn#730486 – Hydro float; CORN HEADER: (2) JD 1293 – sn#715925 & sn#696059 – 1 w/Hyd deck plates; HEADER TRAILER – J&M; FORK LIFT – NISSAN 50 LP – 700x12 tires; AGRIVAC – WALINGA 6” on trailer; DRILL – JD 520 – w/markers – 10” spacing; PLANTERS: JD 7300 Vac.– 8 row – cotton wheels; (2) JD 1720XP – sn#725443 and sn#725420 – stack fold – 16 row 30” w/Hyd drive – Assist wheels; (2) JD 1720XP – sn#715350 and sn#715270 – 12 row 40” Stack fold; JD 1720 - sn#690245 – stack fold – 12R40; S.I. planter meter test stand sn#Sn02051; SEED TENDER – KBH – ST 250; SEED TENDER – (2) SPEED KING – Pro boxes; FIELD CULTIVATOR: JD 2210 – 54ft; FIELD CULTIVATOR: JD 980 – 44ft; DISK: JD 650 – 30ft – 26” blades ¼ “ – 11” spacings – Excellent; JD 637 – 32ft; JD 630 – 32ft; AMCO – 13ft; UNITED 600 – 3ph – 6ft; TRUCKS & TRAILERS: KENWORTH – W900L – 2003 model – Day cab; FREIGHTLINER – sn#PH457283 -1993 model; FREIGHTLINER – sn#PH457187 – 1993 model; HOPPER BOTTOMS: WILSON – 1995 model – 42ft w/ tarp; TIMPTE – 1998 model – Super hopper w/tarp; FERTILIZE TENDER TRAILER – sn#623822 - KBH 2009 model – stainless steel – 20 ton.; DUMP TRAILER: MAC – sn#C002712 - 1999 model – Alum. 32ft – w/roll tarp – frame type for grain; DUMP TRAILER – PALMER – TA26H - sn#A003686 – 2007 model; TANKER TRAILER – TRAILMOBILE – 1966 model – Alum. 8500 gal.; TANKER TRAILER – SS – 4400 gal.; CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT: EXCAVATOR CAT 320CL – sn#CFPAB01733 – 3796 hrs – clean out bucket; BUCKET – CAT – 42” digging (New); DOZER – CAT – D5GLGP – sn#FDW01121 – C/A – 1538 hrs; DIRT BUGGY – REYNOLDS – 10C – sn#18668; TRAILER – ECONOLINE – 16 ton – Super Max – 18ft – w/Dove tail & ramp TOP HAT UTILITY Trailer 16ft; GRADER BLADE – RHINO 1540 – 10ft Hyd; BOX BLADE – 12ft; GRADE MASTER – 10ft – 3ph; GRAIN CARTS – PARKER – 838 w/scales; GRAIN CARTS – (2) BALZER 1250 – 1200 Bushel tandem axel; LAND PLANE – (2) BRANDT – 18x50; LAYBY-RIG – (2) BELL – 3ph – 12 row Hyd fold; N-SOL APPLICATOR – (2) KBH – 3ph – 12 row – 30” w/pump; N-SOL APPLICATOR – (2) YETTER – 3ph – 12 row – w/extra colters for 16R30”; HOODED SPRAYER – SHOPMADE – 3ph – 8 row; HOODED SPRAYER – TURN ROW – 3ph w/ tank; SPRAY BOOM – BELL – 3ph – 16 row – w/300 gal tank; PICKUPS: GMC 3500 – D – 2006 model – Duramax 4x4 – Standard transmission – flat bed – 193,000 miles – tool box – air compressor; GMC 2500 – D –2009 model – HDD – Duramax – 4 door – Z71- 170,000 miles; GMC 2500 – D – 2009 model – Duramax - 4 door - Z71 – 140,000 miles; TOYOTA TUNDRA – 2003 model – 295,000 miles; TOYOTA TACOMA – 2009 model –4x4 – 4 door -132,000 miles; SERVICE TRUCK – FORD F250 – 1997 model; SERVICE TRAILER – 2 wheel trailer w/Miller Bob Cat welder, Acyl. rig; CHISEL PLOW – (2) GRAHAM – 3ph – 21ft; V-PLOW – R&R – 7 tine – pull type; (2) BRILLION – 7 tine – 3ph; SHREDDERS – (2) BALZER 2650 – 8 row – 1 for parts; CLIPPERS: WOODS 840; BUSH HOG – 10ft offset; POLY PIPE MACHINE – EZ DROP; LEVEE PLOW – AMCO – 4-Blade; IRRIGATION PLOW – ALLOWAY – 12 row Hyd fold; DITCHERS – (2) PFM; ROTARY HOE: JD – 8 row; BUSTER ROLLER – (2) EDDINS – 16 row 30” folding; CULTIVATORS: JD 886 – 12 row folding; BEDDER – BB – 12 row 40” folding; HIPPER – AMCO – 12 row 40” – Big axels on Orthman bar; ATV – KAWASKI – 4x4 wheel – w/winch – gas; KAWASHI MULE – 3010 – D – 4x4 – 2007 model – 4 seats; 4-WHEELER – HONDA RANCHER – 2008 model; DO-ALL – (2) WILRICH 1403 – 3ph 12 row – Hyd fold; BELL – 3ph 12 row – Hyd fold; HARROW – MCFARLAND 42ft; GRAIN AUGER – HUTCHINSON – 10” – 72ft – w/ swing away; GRAIN LOADER – TRAC-MASTER - HUTCHINSON; POWER UNITS: CIH – P85 – 2663 hrs on trailer; (2) CIH – 4391T on trailer; JD – 6T 155; JD 6T 185; JD 4H-115 on trailer; JD 6H 140 on trailer JD 4T - 125; JD 4T 80 – on trailer; JD 4045T - on trailer; JD 4039T on trailer JD 4039D on trailer (2); JD 4239T on trailer; (2) DUETZ 6 cyl - 913; NURSE TANK – KBH 1600 gal; D. TRAILER - 2000 gal tandem rear; WATER STORAGE TANK – 4000 gal – Black plastic; N-SOL STORAGE TANK – 6200 gal; SIDE MOUNT TANKS & RACKS – 500 & 250 gal; FRONT MOUNT TANKS & RACKS – 300 gal; REPEATER RADIOS – (5) Motorola MI-225 – 2 base 25 watt – Frequency 468.7; PVC PIPE – 8”x10”Gated – Approx. 2 miles; 40-10” Hydrants – 10” T,s w/ cut off; MISC; Dawn & Yetter 12 row Trash Wheels: HONDA 3” Trash Pump; BARR Wheel fenders; Big John Mist Blower on trailer; 40ft container; SHOP EQUIPMENT: AIR COMPRESSOR – BELAIRE – 80 gal tank 7 ½hp motor; SHOP HEATER – OMNI oil burning 250,000 BTU; Weatherhead Hyd. Hose machine; Tire changer; floor jacks; Electric welder; Steam cleaner; Spindle press; Run in machine; Chop saw; drill press. Y&L Auction Company charges a 1% administrative fee. For a full listing contact the auction company at 662-247-3292 or 1-800-637-3575 or visit our website at payment day of sale. CASH, CASHIER’S CHECK & CERTIFIED CHECKS ACCEPTED. OTHERS WITH PROPER BANK LETTER IF BUYER ISN’T FINANCIALLY KNOWN TO US. Y & L AUCTION COMPANY Box 577, Belzoni, MS 39038 Tel. 662-247-3292 1-800-637-3575 Marshall Riddick, Jr., Lic. #’s LA #1404-12, Firm LA Lic. AB-122, MS #102, AR #2242, AL #A5168 Gary Sykes Lic. #’s AR #1593, LA #1316-12, MS #175, AL 1749 - Robbie Riddick MS# 920 Auctioneers do not guarantee accuracy of information. Auctioneers assume no responsibility. All items sold as is and where is. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 2012 23 AUCTIONS A LARGE JOHN DEERE EQUIPMENT AUCTION SATURDAY, DECEMBER 8, 2012 1st Day DYERSBURG, TENNESSEE SALE TIME: 10:00 A.M. OWNER: TENNESSEE TRACTOR, L.L.C. DIRECTIONS TO TENNESEE TRACTOR: From I-55 take Exit Hwy 78 to first light. Go left to first light. Turn left. Then turn right at first street. For Dealer Transfer, Call Jay Adamson 731-234-4213. For JD Financing Prior Approval, Call Teresa Parsons 731-635-9771. Prior Approval Must Be Arranged By December 7. TRACTORS 1-9630 JD, 4x4, 501 hrs., SN P025163 1-9220 JD, 4x4, 1194 hrs, SN H051623 1-8360R JD, 1041 hrs., SN 42949 1-8345R JD, 1248 hrs., 2010, SN 16015 1-8345R JD, 2332 hrs., SN D003787 1-8320R JD, 513 hrs., SN P012925 1-8320R JD, 911 hrs., SN P013243 1-8310R JD, 1029 hrs., 2011, SN 41047 1-8295R JD, 2210 hrs., SN D007350 1-8285R JD, 601 hrs., SN 46529 1-8530 JD, 1790 hrs., SN D040102 1-8430 JD, 3043 hrs., SN P040601 1-8420 JD, 3845 hrs., SN P027916 1-8420 JD, 3621 hrs., SN P027425 1-8220 JD, 3100 hrs., SN P032385 1-8100 JD, 1997, 4873 hrs., SN 4273 1-2040 JD, 155 hrs., SN 296108L 1-1066 IH, SN 004972 1-5610 Ford, SN 100092 UTILITY TRACTORS 1-6430 JD, 601 hrs., SN H594071 1-6200 JD, 1995 yrs., SN H147283 1-5105M JD, 542 hrs., SN M160090 1-5101E JD, 1103 hrs., SN E260790 1-5085M JD, 215 hrs., SN J316074 1-5085M JD MFWD, 121 hrs, 2011 year, SN J316073 1-5085M JD MFWD, 282 hrs., 1-Case SPX3185 Patriot Sprayer, 75’ 2-630F JD header, 2009 yr.-2005 yrs. boom, meter 2,217 hrs,SN Y6T020652 4-930F JD header COMBINES 2-925F JD header 1-9870 STS JD, 410 sep./562 eng. hrs., HEADER TRAILERS & CART 4-header trailers; J&M, Unverferth, EZ 520/85R42, 2011 yr., SN 741190 1-9870 STS JD, 4WD, 526 s./729 eng. 1-750 J&M, Grain Cart 2009 yr. PLANTERS hrs., 520/85R42, 2010, SN 735879 1-1790 JD, 16-32 row, SN 740309 1-9870 STS JD, 1200 hrs. SN 731267 1-9770 STS JD, 1235 hrs., SN 731568 1-1780 JD, 31” row, SN 695124 1-9760 JD, 520/85R42, 4WD, 1384 1-1770 JD, 20-30 row, SN 695105 s./1940 eng. hrs., 2006 yr., SN 716131 1-1730 JD, 15 row, SN 700168 1-9750 JD, 30.5x32, 4WD, 1355 1-7300 JD, 8 row sep./1671 e. hrs., 2002 yr., SN 696074 2-1200 Case IH, SN 18433 & 18599 1-9670 JD, 2009 yr., 30.5x32, 4WD, 1-900 Case IH 8 r., SN 67344 1-3600 Kinze, 16-31 row, SN 619840 1158 sep./1450 e. hrs., SN 730810 1-9600 JD, 4WD, 2392 hrs., SN 671446 1-3600 Kinze, 16-31 row, SN 619044 ROUND BALERS & HAY EQ. 1-9510 JD, 2550 eng. hrs., SN 676180 1-9500 JD, 30.5x32, 4WD, SN 635449 1-468 JD round baler, SN 363540 1-7720 JD, 4970 eng. hrs., SN 611901 1-568 JD round baler, SN 334883 SPRAYERS CORN HEADERS 1-568 JD round baler, SN 346024 1-4930 JD sprayer, 1213 hrs., SN 8049 3-893 JD corn headers,2005-1997 yr. 1-567 JD round baler, SN 198291 1-4730 JD sprayer, 1061 hrs., SN 8955 2-843 JD corn header 1-702 JD wheel rake 1-4730 JD sprayer, 1511 hrs., SN 13543 1-693 JD corn header 1-WR 1010 Frontier hay rake 1-4730 JD sprayer, 1375 hrs, SN 8580 2-643 JD corn header CUTTERS 1-4730 JD sprayer, 719 hrs., SN 5074 1-444 JD corn header 2-CX20 JD cutters; 1-HX10 JD cutter 1-4730 JD sprayer, 1440 hrs., SN 4882 1-222 JD corn header 1-2018 JD 20’ cutter; 1-1508 JD cutter GRAIN HEADERS 1-4730 JD sprayer, 1602 hrs, SN 5378 1-1408 JD cutter; 1-1418 JD cutter 5-635F JD header, 2011 yr.-2006 yrs. 1-3440 Spray Coupe, 2318 hrs. 1-32-400 Woods 20’ cutter 8-630F JD header, 2010 yr. 1-420 Wilmar sprayer, 8 row 1- Landpride RCP2660 ditch bank cutter, 2010 year, SN M260626 1-5085M JD MFWD, 158 hrs., 2010 year, SN M260561 1-5075E JD MFWD, 250 hrs., 2010 year, SN E002304 1-5205 JD MFWD, 696 hrs., 2007 year, SN C820468 1-5200 JD, 1409 hrs., SN E421858 1-4650 JD, SN 8517 1-2995 JD, 1990 yr., SN L694321 1-2755 JD, 5550 hrs., SN G620383 1-2305 JD, 112 hrs., SN H325637 1-T5070 NH, 2124 hrs., SN 06097326 1-T5070 NH, 2129 hrs., SN 00832877 1-B3030 Kubota, 595 hrs. 1-165 Massey Ferguson 1-2350 JD, 3100 hrs. 1-3430 Ford, 651 hrs. 1-850 JD, compact 3 pt. hitch, SN 661702 FIELD EQUIPMENT 2-980 JD field cults. 2-650 JD cutting disks, 34 1/2’, 9 1/2” front spacing, 11” rear spacing 5-1400 Wilrich Do-Alls 1-1403 Wilrich Do-All, 3 pt. hitch 1-2410 JD chisel plow, 31’ 1-4305A Phillips rotary harrow 1-DMI 30’ crumbler, 2005 yr. 1-W&A 5-shank ripper 1-220 Unverferth 32’ rolling harrow 1-9275 GVM fertilizer spreader, 2007 1-BBI Stahley chassis & BBI bed MISCELLANEOUS 1-1199A Long 3 pt. backhoe 1-500 Series JD bale spear 1-AD10 Amco ditcher 2-8’ box blades; Tufline & Hawk 1-6BB Atlas box blade, 6’ 1-Ford 6’ hyd. blade 1-Woods 10’ rear blade INDUSTRIAL 1-416 Cat backhoe, bucket and loader 1-380-G JD forklift, SN 228933T 1-S-60 Genie manlift, SN 560-1787 1-LS180 NH skid steer, SN 189959 1-NH LSl80 skid steer, SN MU007036 Partial Listing Only! For more information: Jeff Sartin 731-695-7654, Jay Adamson 731-234-4213, or Danny Marbury 731-225-6170 2nd Day MONDAY, DECEMBER 10, 2012 MARVELL, ARKANSAS OWNERS: J.E. Yancey Farms TRACTORS 1-8130 JD, 2 wh. dr., 480/80R46 R1, 2720 hrs., SN 12360 1-8210 JD, 2 wheel , 6500 hr, SN 5059 1-8200 JD, 18.4x42 RC dual,SN 11219 1-8100 JD, 480/80R42 R1, SN 126131 1-4650 JD, 18.4x38 RCdual, SN 11010 1-2150 JD, SN 46Z942 SALE TIME: 10:00 A.M. DIRECTIONS: From Marvell, AR take Hwy 1 South 2 1/2 miles, turn left on Hwy 318. Go 4 miles to Good Luck Gin. 1-622F JD flex hd, SN 705572 2-Header trailers 1-Large lot alum. irrigation pipe TRUCKS & TRAILERS SPRAYERS, WATER TRAILERS, 1-2003 Volvo truck tractor, day cab IRRIGATION EQ. 1-2010 40’ hopper bottom trailer 2-6700 JDs, Guidance System, SN 16137 w/1569 hrs.and SN 10102 w/2087 hrs. 3-Red Ball 420 8 row hooded cult. 1-Pull spray rig, 1,000 gal. stainless 4-KBH water trailers, w/pumps, 1-1600 COMBINES & HEADERS 1-9760 JD STS, 30.5x32 RC, 4x4, 1589 gallon, 3-1000 gallon 1-JD 500 gallon fuel trailer sep./2089 engine hrs., SN 706047 3-Hard hose traveling irrig. guns 1-630D JD draper hd, SN 730168 3-Ford F700 bob trucks, w/hoist SUBSOILERS, FIELD CULTIVATORS, CUTTERS 1-900 JD ripper, 5 shank 3-JD chisel plows, 18’, 16’, 13’ 2-Graham chisel plows, 15’, 13’ 2-960 JD field cultivators, S-tine 3-JD 14’ Cutters, 2-MX14 & 1 HX14 1-14’ Bush Hog cutter & 1-ditch cutter 1-520 JD grain drill, 24’ 4-8 row Do-Alls, Wilrich, JD & Noble 3-JD 8 row cultivators, 886, 856 & 855 1-Reynolds 12 CF dirt pan, SN 20209 1-Purdy bridge type land plane 1-Purdy 16x50 land plane 1-155 JD hyd. blade, 10’ 1-Hurricane PTO ditcher 1-Midland 12’ kilifer blade 1-Brandt levee smoother blade, 10’ 3-KBH module builders 1-Water furrow plow Partial Listing Only! DO-ALLS, CULTS. PLOWS DISKS, HIPPERS & PLANTERS 2-3950 Case IH disks, 25’ 2-475 Case IH disks, 22’ 1-Midland levee disk, w/seeder 1-Orthman 8 row listers, markers 2-W&A 8 row hippers 2-1720 JD 8 r. 38” planters, stack bar 1-1530 JD grain drill, 20’ MISCELLANEOUS For more info.: Scott Scaife 870-816-6451; Chase Yancey 870-995-1703; or Max Herron 901-485-2411 TUESDAY, DECEMBER 11, 2012 3rd Day ROBINSONVILLE, MISSISSIPPI SALE TIME: 10:00 A.M. OWNER: Riverfield Farms DIRECTIONS: From US Hwy. 61 go West on Casino Strip Resort Blvd. for 2 3/4 mi. to sale site on left. Physical address: 4856 Casino Strip Resort Blvd. Note: Robinsonville is 9 mi. North of Tunica, MS. TRACTORS (MFWD’s) 2-8430 JD MFWDs, 480 x46, SN 12993 w/2954 hrs; SN 12989 w/3032 hrs 1-8330 JD MFWD, 3640 hrs., 480x46, SN 12944 1-8330T JD, 24 inch belts, Like New, 4059 hrs., SN 903070 1-8330T JD, 24 inch belts, Very Good, 4181 hrs., SN 903061 1-8410 JD MFWD, 5203 hrs, 480x46, SN 16222 1-2594 Case, 12 sp., roll guard 2-2390 Case, C/A 3-Satellite steering systems complete, 2-1800 Series, 1-2600 Series, 2-w/swath control COTTON PICKERS (Low Houred) BUILDERS & BUGGIES 2-9996 JD Picker, Pro 16s, Mud Hogs, SN 22297 w/478 fan hrs, SN 22280 w/ 517 fan hrs. 3-KBH ext. rail module builders, hyd. tailgate lid, “Late models” 3-KBH tandem axle boll buggies, 20’ baskets, w/packers 1-Harrell module builder SPRAYERS, COMBINES, GRAIN CARTS, HEADERS 1-4730 JD, 1805 hrs., crop shields, fenders, SN 5102 1-4720 JD, 2511 hrs., crop shields, fenders, SN 7814 2 sets flotation tires sold seperate 1-9770 JD, CM, 900x32, chopper, 928 sep hrs, SN 732048 1-9760 JD, CM, 900x32, chopper, 1179 sep hrs., SN 721172 1-7088 Case, field tracker, chopper, 900x32, 649 sep./824 engine hrs., SN Y9G002948 1-2162 Case draper head 2-630 JD flex heads w/Trailers 1-Frontier GC 1108 grain cart 2-Brent carts, 1080 & 774 PLANTERS! DRILLS! SEED TENDER! 1-1720 JD Planter, 24 row, 3 bu. hoppers, 40’ stack fold bar 1-1720 JD, 12 row, 3 bu. V pinch, stack, (units 2 yrs. old) 1-7300 JD planter, 12 row, stack fold, 3 bu. hoppers, V wheels 2-Great Plains 2025P drills, 16 unit, 15” spac., precision units 1-955 Case air planter, 16 r. 15” 1-950 Case air planter, 16 r. 15” 2-Unverferth seed tenders 1-Marliss 28’ drill 1-724 JD mulch finisher 2-980 JD field cultivators, 30’ 1-Hawkins 40’ 3 pt. harrow 1-JD 12 r. hipper, Orthman bar 1-Bigham 6 row paratill 1-F.C. 4 bottom parabolic plow 3-3 btm parabolic plows 2-Super chisel plows 1-JD 3 pt. field cultivator 2-12 row 3 pt. harrows 1-1600 JD 3 pt. chisel plow 2-Holly hyd. fold rollers, 40’ 1-Fair Oaks smooth roller 2-Triple K filed cultivators 1-Wilrich p. type 12 row Do-All 1-886 JD 12 row cult., Buster sweeps, Z900 Orthman bar 1-W&A 3 pt. 12 row Do-All 1-Reynolds 10C bucket 1-Reynolds 60x16 plane 2-Amco disks; 2-630 JD disks FIELD-ROW CULTS, HARROWS, DO-ALLS, ROLLERS, HIPPERS, PARATILLS DISKS, DIRT PLANES, HOODED SPRAYERS, FIELD EQUIPMENT, MISCELLANEOUS 3-IH disks 485, 490 & 500 3-40’ Broadcast hooded sprayers 3-Row hoods, W&A stack fold 1-Fair Oaks 18x50 plane 3-JD & IH 4 bot. rollover plows 1-JD 8 row hyd. fold rotary hoe 1-1418 JD clipper; 1-6’ clipper 1-Antique Cat pull type grader 1-W&A hyd. levee plow 1-8” camel back relift pump 2-1600 gal. KBH water wagons 2-Amco 1000 PTO ditchers 1-EZ Drop poly pipe machine 1-JD 20’ flail shredder 1-BHC flail shredder, 20’ 1-Lot tanks, racks consisting of: 3-Sets 500 gal. poly tanks, w/MT 9000 Microtrak controllers 1-Set tanks 300 gal. pump 1-400 gal. front mount tank-rack to fit 30 Series JD Partial Listing Only! For more information, contact: Shea Leatherman 662-363-2376 DeWitt Auction Company, Inc. 220 DeWitt Drive, Sikeston, MO 63801 • 573-471-1060 • 800-533-9488 • Lic. Nos: MO 14 & 85; AR 390 & 404; MS 281; MS Firm No. 410F; Jeff DeWitt IL 441001018 & Firm No. 444000276; TN 4647 & TN Firm No. 2422; LA Jeff DeWitt 1074-12 Note: DeWitt Auction Co. does not guarantee the hours or condition of any item sold in this auction. Announcements made auction day take precedence over printed material.
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