Ad - Delta Farm Press
Ad - Delta Farm Press
18 FRIDAY, MARCH 28, 2014 CALL 1-800-253-3160 TO PLACE YOUR AD EQUIPMENT FACTORY CUSTOMIZATION TIME-TESTED 'HVLJQHGE\\RX%XLOWLQRXUIDFWRU\ 'HOLYHUHGWR\RXUGHDOHU %XLOWLQWKH'HOWD )RU\HDUV WANTED DAMAGED GRAIN We pay top dollar for damaged grain. Trucks and vac’s available. Immediate response anywhere. GO BIG. G. 0RGHO&XOWLYDWRU PRUESS ELEVATOR, INC. 1-800-828-6642 *&;*UDLQ&DUW² Call your dealer today for pre-season savings on quality Bigham equipment. Lubbock, TX (800) 792-4449 Carlisle, AR (870) 552-7518 Mid-South’s Largest Distributor of Poly Tanks TANKS FROM 12-20,000 GALLONS Servicing the Mid-South from MS, TX, LA, AL and GA Give us 1 minute, we’ll give you 390 gallons. Orthman 8375 Bedder, 22,000 $ 1-1/2” 2” 3” Diesel • Fertilizer Water • Chemical Pickett Equipment 800-238-9095 Olive Branch, MS 12R 30” 662- 341-4157 TIMELY RELIABLE INFORMATION FOR DELTA AGRICULTURE WANTING TO BUY rUNNING TrAcTOrs JohnDeere, 9X20 4wd, 9X00 4wd, 8X70 series 4wd, 8630 4wd 4430, 4440, 4455, 4630, 4840, 7400, 7410, Case, 3594, 7140, 8950, 9XXX 4wd , sTX 4wd, ForD/nh, Tw, 8630, 8730, 8770 all Genesis series and newer, Bootheel tractor Parts email Pictures to 800-688-0405 Fax# 573-649-3458 cell# 573-233-6168 Judson_brad_dFP032814_1 x2 DELTA TRACTOR & EQUIPMENT www. deltafarmpress . com K N’ ROOT RAKE C O R Manufactured by Harrell Built to Last in the toughest conditions, the Rock N’ Root Rake is a simple solution to clearing new ground. BAINBRIDGE, GA Matthew Roberts 229-246-4370 ROCKNROOTRAKE_SEFP0205_2X2.5 TRIPLE C EQUIPMENT Bootheeltractor• P662-830-1220 arts_2x2 662-836-8787 AUTHORIZED DEALERS FOR: ROLL-A-CONE • FAIR OAKS • PROCTOR JA-MAR • CPS TRAILERS • METALCRAFT LARGEST ROLL-A-CONE DEALER IN SOUTH PARTS IN STOCK • CALL FOR PRICING TRACTORS JD 9960 INLINE 1900-2800HRS JD 9910 YELLOW TOP JD 8400 MFWD JD 8330 4000HRS NICE JD6400 MFWD C/A 4200HRS MF35 EXC. COND. IH 1486 2 JD 9610 COMBINES PLANTERS JD 1720XP 12ROW STACKFOLD 13’ JD 1720XP HYD-AIR LIKE NEW JD 7300 12-38 STACKFOLD V CLOSING NICE JD 7300 12-40 STACKFOLD COTTEN CLOSING JD 7300 8ROW W/MARKERS JD 7100 NARROW ROW CIH 900 8ROW JD 7100 4 ROWS DISK JD 2623 29.3 2013 DISK 12’ SUNFLOWER 1435 32FT LIKE NEW SUNFLOWER 1233 32FT CIH 496 25FT INVERNESS, MS CIH 3900 25FT IH 480 21FT IH 470 21FT 6FT 3-POINT HITCH MISC. EQUIPMENT JD 4730 SPRAYER 1900 HRS ROLL-A CONES NEW 8-12-16 ROWS USED 8ROW RIDIG USED 12ROW 38’-40 2-NEW 21FT ROLL-A-CONE CHISEL PLOWS AMCO 8ROW HIPPER BIG AXEL JD 8ROW 894 CORN HEADERS RHINO TURBO 120 10FT 3PH CUTTER JD 5FT CUTTER MAHINDRA 5FT CUTTER KBH 12ROW FERT. COULTERS RAVEN CONTROL ADAMS 8ROW FERT. COULTERS POLLY PIPE ROLLER W/ CRANE KBH MODULE BUILDER LIKE NEW KBH 20FT BOLL BUGGY LIKE NEW 12ROW LANDALL BUSTER OR CULT. 8-12 ROW MIDDLE PULLERS • Water Tanks • Fertilizer Tanks • Chemical Tanks • Transport Tanks • Cone Bottom Tanks • Nurse Trailers • Pop Up Tanks • Leg Tanks • Inductor & Mixing Tanks • Septic Tanks • Fittings & Valves • Pumps phone 662-895-4337 fax 662-895-4338 Dealer Inquiries Welcome Toll Free 1-866-PROTANK Olive Branch, MS 38654 Lowest Prices... Guaranteed! TANK REPAIR AVAILABLE FOR SALE Protank_DFP_Sept_ TRACTORS: 8130 WHITE_1X3.25 8400 COMBINES: S670 2-9970 2010 Models 2-9970 ’09 & ’08 Models 9750 HEADERS: 2-635 Drapers 6-625 Drapers 2-925 Drapers 3-635 Flex 6-630 Flex 1-625 Flex PLANTERS: 2-1720 12R 1910 270 bu. w/1890 No-Till Drill LOONEY IMPLEMENT Hughes, AR 870-339-2313 FINANCING AVAILABLE Deltatractor_Dfp022814_2x3 Looney_ DFP032114_1x3.75 TIMELY RELIABLE INFORMATION FOR DELTA AGRICULTURE FRIDAY, MARCH 28, 2014 19 EQUIPMENT REACH YOUR TARGET MARKET! Online rates and information www.deltafarmpress .com/marketplace Advertise with DELTA CALL 1.800.253.3160 CINDY, Ext. 70134 low hours farM equipMent in exCellent shape for sale Black Poly Tanks In Stock! 20’ Great Plains no till Grain Drill, 2011 JD 8260 Tractor with GPS only 905 hours, 2002 JD 6700 Sprayer 2962 hours, Case IH 6 row 36” Corn Header, 500 BU Small Grain Cart, Grain Dryer and Auger, 2 KBH Hoppers, JD 1700 & Unverferth RS 6 Planter-1800 Acres, 2011 Case 6088 Combine and 25’ Header and header trailer sold together only 370 hours and 265 on the separator. Can Pickett Equipment Olive Branch, MS 800-238-9095 Let your ad keep working 24/7 Online and print Make offer. urn ret e g r AgustA_DFP032814_3lxa1.5 DELTA www.deltafarmpress. com/marketplace 1-800-253-3160 be sold as lot or individually. Call Chris Cooper at augusta fiberglass at 803-284-2246 or 803-571-5013 inv l l a sm est t men MARKETPLACE 20 EQUIPMENT CORN Spray 4 Times In 1 Pass! 300 BUSHEL CORN? Request youR FRee copy oF the NcGA chAmpioNs DVD eNtitleD “BREAKING THE 300 BUSHEL CORN YIELD BARRIERTM” COVERAGE TECHNOLOGY LIQUID CHICKEN LITTER BENEFITS: •Easiertoapplythanrawor oR wAtch oNliNe At www.RaiSEBEttERCROpS.COm RaiseBetteRCRops.Com_DFp_1x2 THE BEST. CHICKEN LITTER by cAlliNG (872)588-1022 THE FIRST. FRIDAY, MARCH 28, 2014 PROVEN. pelletlitter,doesn’trequireany specialequipment •Savesonapplicationcosts, tankmixwithfertilizeror chemicals,useascarrierinstead ofwater •Canbeusedasinfurrow starter,foliarfeed,orbroadcast onsoil •Hasnofoulodor •FreeDelivery Call Now for Pricing! 662-719-8192 delstar_1x2.5 TRUSTED. Give us a Click! ✓ News ✓ Jobs ✓ Maximize coverage for contact fungicides, insecticides, and herbicides with Greenleaf’s Asymmetric DualFan nozzles. ∙ 1-800-881-4832 ©2012 Greenleaf Technologies, Inc. case iH FM-750 case iH eZ-guiDe TriMble gcs300 TriMble gl720 250 wiTH eZ-sTeer laser receiver 4’ MasT TransMiTTer wiTH Hl700 wiTH auToPiloT $6,945 $4,395 $8,995 REACH YOUR TA R G E T M A R K E T ! $4,395 Advertise with For More InFo ContaCt: Mitchell hebert Progressive TracTor & imPlemenT co. Precision Farming Division 500 Parent st. • new roaDs, La. 70760 • DELTA office: (225) 638-6347 cell: (337) 351-7492 Cotton PICKERS ProgressiveTracTor_ DFP031414_2x2.25 CALL 1.800.253.3160 2006 CPX620.................957/644 hrs………....... $125,000 6-row (38-40”), MudHog, Deluxe Cab w/susp, lots of extras, SER#Y6T011520 2006 CPX620...................1372/896 hrs………....$110,000 6-row (38-40”), MudHog, Deluxe Cab w/susp, lots of extras, SER#Y6T011527 2007 625 Module Express.....1397/998 hrs…...$199,500 6-row, MudHog, Deluxe Cab w/susp, lots of extras, SER#Y7T012808 Leland Suppliers ✓ Research ✓ Events 2007 625 Module Express.......950/775 hrs…...$175,000 6-row, MudHog, Deluxe Cab w/susp, lots of extras, SER#Y7T012806 Yazoo 2012 635 Module Express......285/164 hrs….….$375,000 DELUXE CAB, ONLY PICKED 2012 CROP, WARRANTY TILL 9/24/15 VISIT WWW.DELTA-GRP.COM OR CALL 662-686-2361 FOR FULL DETAILS AND PHOTOS All-Stainless DEF Pumps. Diesel-duty Pumps taf arm pre ss. BAKER, Ext. 70144 del Online rates and information w. 800-238-9095 ww Pickett Equipment Olive Branch, MS com 3/4” 1-1/2” 2” 3” FRIDAY, MARCH 28, 2014 FARM LOANS FARM CHEMICALS Name Your Price for Farm Chemicals Herbicides, Fungicides, Insecticides and more Save 10-20%+ Call or Log on Today Toll Free 877-497-2436 Long-term fixed or adjustable rate mortgage loans. Contact your MetLife representative for competitive financing! Delta farm hiring a manager for day to day operations. Experience needed in growing, harvesting and storage of the following crops: cotton, soybeans, rice, corn, and wheat. Income package will be based on ability and experience; bonuses on performance. or reply to Jack Davis, Paragould, AR 870-215-1811 © 2014 METLIFE, INC. © ‘14 PNTS HELP WANTED XSAg_SEFP1204_1x2 FARM MANAGER NEEDED Please email resumes to GRAIN STORAGE Your Lender of Choice for Agricultural Mortgages A FarmTrade Company 21 WHETHER IT’S REPAIRS, PARTS, EQUIPMENT. VALLEYOR VIEW | K&D AGRI Phillip Howell, Lonoke, AR 501-676-7842 Valley View I K&D Agri Systems has in chain IS A WORLD LEADER the capabilities to keep your grain loop system and storage systemconfiguration working efficiently, installation. you get You thehave and we do it in So short order. access to the largest in capabilities of the inventory world’s largest the Mid-South. When you need it, GSI dealer combined with the be sure to call Valley View I K&D accountability of a family-owned Agri Systems. Mark Loftin, Red Banks, MS 901-826-3547 Frank Melton, Cleveland, MS 662-347-7777 Box GBA % Delta Farm Press P. O. Box 1420 Clarksdale MS 38614 business. Call us today. Agricultural Investments JONESBORO, AR 870.932.6440 CLEVELAND, MS 662.846.7522 The World’s Largest Dealer WWW.VALLEYVIEWAGRI.COM ©2012 Valley View | K&D Agri Systems. All rights reserved. Delta Press 3 Col.pdf 1 1/16/2014 11:12:29 AM GRAIN BIN STORAGE Dawson_Ray_ dfp1130_1x2 IRRIGATION IrrIgatIon Hydrants IrrIgatIon Hydrants Polyurethane Paint C UHMW with 2 O-Rings Polyurethane Paint UHMW with 2 O-Rings M Y CM MY CY 10 Gauge Material CMY K 10 Gauge Material Stainless Anchors Menard Manufacturing Co. Inc. REAL ESTATE 1-888-764-3130 FOOD FOR THE FATHERLESS “When you reap your harvest in your field, and forget a sheaf in the field, you shall not go back to get it; it shall be for the stranger, the fatherless, and the widow, that the Lord your God may bless you in all the work of your hands.” — Deuteronomy 24:19 Your gift to Children’s Homes, Inc., provides a “sheaf” for today’s orphans. We provide loving, Christian homes for needy kids from across the country. Contact Gary Cupp to learn more: • 1.800.382.4114, ext. 140 CHILDREN’S HOMES, INC. • WWW.CHILDRENSHOMES.ORG orangeBEAUTIFUL FARM FoR SALE Stainless Anchors Menard Manufacturing Co. Inc. 1-888-764-3130 white 1,380 +/- Menard_dfp0503_hydrants_2x4 acres near senatobia in tate co., Ms •Approx. 640 +/- croplAnd Ac. w/good bAses; 450+/Ac. fenced pAsture; 250 +/Ac. wooded hills •greAt hunting •excellent Access •offering price: $2,000/Acre PIPE contAct: John Dean, aLc, ciPs ceLL: 662-822-3877 ofc.: 662-686-7807 lAndmArt/deAn lAnd & reAlty co. Family Owned and Operated Since 1978 Carries Steel, Corrugated, and ADS Plastic Pipe. We serve most of the Southern United States. Phone: 870-932-0121 800-553-1373 NorthsideSteel_DFP1011_1x2.25 22 FRIDAY, MARCH 28, 2014 TRAILERS REAL ESTATE McKeeReal andEstate McFarland, Inc. Investments M 5872 Ridge Bend Rd • Memphis, TN 38120 901-680-7700 • Wanted Productive Row Crop Farms Call Us If You Are Considering A Sale Menard Manufacturing Co. Inc. 888-764-3130 870-946-1664 Built Farm Tough! MckeeMcFarland_ 200 acres land for sale DDFP0628_2x2.5 LOCATION: – Off La. Hwy 17 Chickasaw Loop, North on Hill Church Road to Collier Road. Two wells 5000 ft. 8 inch pipe underground. Currently under contract as Sod Production. West Carroll Parish La. The investment will pay the buyer A full four percent from day one of purchase starting when the deed is signed. Plus the dirt he will own. Contact Johnny Harper e-mail • 678-316-3962. RICE MARKETING Harper_johnny_DFP032814_2x1 ATTENTION RICE FARMERS DO YOU STILL HAVE RICE IN YOUR BINS TO SELL ? Call John Oakes @ 662-332-0987 • 662-820-9107 for the latest rice market news and prices. Farmers Grain Terminal, Inc. Greenville, MS TIRES FarmersGrain_dfp1227_2x1.5 New combine tire that is 7 ft tall and 4 ft wide Designed to work in dry or wet conditions Low sidewall design for increased lateral stability For more information contact Bobby Henard Tire. BOBBY HENARD TIRE SERVICE Hwy 70 East • Brinkley, AR 1417 Hwy 82 East • Indianola, MS 662-887-7272 We800-664-1044 service and warranty what we sell! To have your sale of farm land or BobbyHenard_dfp021414_2x5 equipment listed, write us at P.O. Box 1420, Clarksdale, MS 38614 OR Call 800-253-3160 2014 Hopper Bottom trailer • Length: 40’ • Width 102” • Side Wall Height 72” • 1400 Bushel Capacity • 10 Gauge Metal Construction • 11R-24.5 (16) ply Chip Resistant Tires • 25,000 lb Axles • ABS Brake System • DOT Approved LED Lighting and Reflectors • 2 Speed Landing Gear • ¼ Hopper Doors with Roller Bearings • 18 oz Shur-Lok Tarp and Hardware • Heavy Duty Bows and End Caps • Delivery Available Price Including F.E.T. 24,300 $ TRUCKS / TRAILERS Menard_hopperbottom_ DFP021414_3x6.25 ZERO DOWN, ZERO PAYMENTS TIL NOV. 2014 @ 5.9% AVAILABLE Thru Northland Capital 22 990 28 990 ALL NEW 2015 CTS $ , Harvest ALL Master NEW includes F.E.T. FOBSikeston, MO 2015 $ , TRAILER SALES OF MEMPHIS SOUTHEAST FARM SPECIAL includes F.E.T. FOBDavid City, NE 901-398-0133 TrailerSalesMemphis_dfp011014_2x1.5 COMBINE HEADER TRAILERS New Tandem Axle with Dolly Wheels, High Speed 41’ - $8,200 • 36’ - $5,300 • 31’ - $4,900 All Aluminum Construction Including FET • FOB David City, NE Shop & compare to steel hoppers. Don’t watch your investment rust away Crossroads of the South Inc. 601-856-9709 New 2015 Wilson Hoppers Ready for immediate delivery. Available at both locations, Call for pricing and specs. (14) 2007 and 2006 Freightliner Columbia Daycabs, Detroit power, miles 505,000 to 750,000. (6) 2007 and 2006 Sterling Daycabs, Detroit power, Miles 440,000 to 550,000. Delivery Available Ja-Mar_DFP1227_2x1.5 Southeast Farm Promotion 2015 Models • Less than $29,000 FERRIDAY, LA WEST HELENA, AR 800-545-9204 800-669-6646 Call for complete list of used & new trailers Contact us for dealer near you. Sikeston, MO 800-992-0634 Trailer Sales & Service Ater_DFP022814_1x2.75 File under “Great Ag Resource” TIMELY, RELIABLE INFORMATION FOR DELTA AGRICULTURE What do you need to weigh ? What do you need to weigh ? 800-467-6707 SCALES WWW.HARVESTWEIGH.COM 800-467-6707 FRIDAY, MARCH 28, 2014 VISIT US ON THE WEB AUCTION VISIT US ON THE WEB WWW.HARVESTWEIGH.COM 2 DAYS OF FARM EQUIPMENT AUCTIONS THURSDAY, APRIL 3, 2014 BLYTHEVILLE, AR Time: 10:00a.m. TRUCK SCALES Owner: MCB FARMS - MATT McCORMICK TRUCK From I55 Exit 67 at Blytheville, go East on Hwy 18 for DIRECTIONS: 3.5 SCALES miles to Hwy 312. Go North on Hwy. 312 for 1.6 miles to Hwy 137, then East 3/4 mile. ADDRESS: 5420 E. St. Hwy 137, Blytheville, 72315 1-1400 Wilrich 12 row pull Do-All TRACTORS 1-MX 255 Case, 480/80/R46 RIW 1-420 Red Ball 12 row hooded sprayer, w/300 gal. tank & pump duals, 4312 hrs., SN JAZ 135012 1-MX 220 Case IH, 520/85/R46 RIW 1-Fair Oaks 40’ smooth roller GRAIN 1-RC20 Rhino shredder duals, 6161 hrs., SNBULKWEIGHERS 100050 1-Wilrich 40’ field cultivator PROBES SPRAYER 1-3330 Case, stainless steel tank, 90’ 1-SM60 Bush Hog mower boom, 1090 hrs., SN YBT 028280 1-KBH Boll Buggy What do you need to weigh ? What do youPICKER need to weigh ? 1-KBH stripper builder COTTON 1-9996 JD 6 row picker, 20.8x42 1-Harrell module builder duals, R.W.A.,VISITPro 16 heads, 2416 1-W&A PTO ditcher;1-Hyd. V-ditcher VISIT US ON THE WEB US ON THE WEB 1-1,000 gallon water trailer eng./1847WWW.HARVESTWEIGH.COM fan hrs., SN 20291 WWW.HARVESTWEIGH.COM 1-Holly 12 row 3 pt. Do-All w/baskets FIELD EQUIPMENT 1-1720 JD 12 row Planter, trash 1-16’ trailer; 3-Motorola radios HarvestWeigh_2014_1x3_Grainprobe 1-Kawasaki dirt bike, KLR 650 wheels, SN 700255 1-UTV Kawasaki Mule 1-W&A 12 row hipper, Like New 800-467-6707 WESTERN FARM PRESS SOUTHWEST FARM PRESS SOUTHEAST FARM PRESS Phone 800-253-3160 or Fax 662-627-1977 OPEN CONSIGNMENT FARM & RANCH EQUIPMENT AUCTION SATURdAy APRIl 5, 2014 @ 9:00 A.M. 8894 AR Hwy 31 N lONOkE, AR DIRECTIONS: from i-40 tAke lonoke exit #175 And go nortH for 7 mileS. from 67/167 tAke beebe exit #23 And go SoutH tHrougH toWn. CroSS rAilroAd trACkS And go 12 mileS. NOTE: for Complete liSting And piCtureS go to WWW.AuCtionzip.Com AuCtioneer#13836. liSting And piCtureS Will be updAted dAily AS equipment ComeS in. BANK REPOS: J oHn d eere 8430 t rACtor • J oHn d eere 925 d rAper H eAder • v olvo t ruCk /t rACtor 1999 • iH 490 28’ d iSk • A lloWAy 3 pt . b edder r oller • b rAndt 500 bu g rAin C Art ESTATE EQUIPMENT: mf 2605 4 Wd W / dl250 f ront l oAder • f ArmAll 826 t rACtor Wf d ieSel • f ArmAll 656 t rACtor Wf g AS ( niCe ) • H eSSton 5540 r ound b Aler • t onutti v rAke • n eW HollAnd 467 H Aybine • n eW H ollAnd 327 m Anure S preAder • 3 pt 12’ C HAin H ArroW ( like neW ) • W oodS 3 pt 7’ md184 b uSH Hog • 3 pt p oSt Hole d igger W / 2 A ugerS • S CHAfer 14’ C utting d iSk • Jd bWA 14’ d iSk • 4 r oW d o -A ll OTHER CONSIGNMENTS: S everAl Antique t rACtorS • lotS of Antique fArming e quipment • 150 C orrAl p AnelS • l otS of 3 pt e quipment And l otS of S Hop & m iSC . i temS And muCH more by SAle dAy ! TERMS: CASH or good CompAny or perSonAl CHeCk. everytHing Sold AS iS WHere iS. loAder AvAilAble. Any AnnounCementS mAde SAle dAy SHAll tAke preCedenCe over Any previouS AdvertiSement or printed mAteriAl. Complete pAyment on SAle dAy. A bAnk letter of Credit AddreSSed to robert king AuCtionS muSt be preSented by All “out of StAte” buyerS. ROBERT kING AUCTIONS 8894 Hwy 31 NORTH lONOkE, AR 72086 PH: 501-351-1867 AAlB#1000 800-467-6707 For more information: Matt McCormick 870-514-8790 or Jack Holifield 870-926-4173 Ask about our other regional publications covering the Sunbelt, 23 king_robert_AuCtionS_dfp032814_2x3 FRIDAY, APRIL 4, 2014 HARRISBURG, AR Time: 10:00a.m. OWNER: ELITE FARMS - JEFF MOSS DIRECTIONS: From Jonesboro, Ark. go South on Highway 1 at intersection of Highway 1 and 163. At Kubota dealership, take Highway 163 South approximately 6 miles to sale site. Address: 17972 Arkansas Highway 163, Harrisburg, Ark. 72432 AUCTIONEER’S NOTE: Jeff has reduced his farming operation and has comissioned DeWitt Auction Co. to sell this group of extremely clean, low-houred, owner-operated equipment at Public Auction. 1-Bush Hog SM60 mower TRACTORS 1-7240 Case MFWD, 20.8x 42 RIW 1-Rhino 1500 hyd. blade duals, Trimble guidance, 3747 hrs. 2-Levee plows; W&A & Prime 1-7250 Case MFWD, 480/80/R46 1-W&A water furrow plow RIW duals, new Case engine 100 2-980 John Deere S-tine field cultivahrs. ago, Trimble guidance, 6127 hrs tors, w/harrows, 1-36’ and 1-40’ 1-9370 Case IH, 4WD, 710/70/ 38 1-W&A PTO ditcher RIW duals, Case IH Trimble guid- 1-Forrest City blade ditcher 1-Poly pipe roller ance, 4628 hrs., SN JFE0075971 1-9380 Case IH, 4WD, 850/55/ 42 2-Levee plows; 1-Spill setter RIW duals, Case IH Trimble guid- 1-Buffalo 12 row 30” cultivator POWER UNITS ance, 7586 hrs., SN 35401 1-5240 Case Hi-Crop, cab, 3916 hrs. 4-Deutz 6 cyl. power units 1-John Deere 6 cyl. power unit 10-WHEELERS & 4-John Deere 4 cyl. power units GRAIN CARTS 1-1999 Sterling 10-wheeler, Cat eng., 1-Cummins 4 cyl. T power unit, black 2-Salvage power units 24’ steel bed/hoist, 33569 miles 1-1980 GMC 7000 10-wheeler, 24’ 1-Lot irrigation bonnets HEADERS steel bed & hoist, 56,000 miles 1-2612 Case IH 12 row 30” corn head, 1-Brandt GLP 1700 grain cart w/stalk chopper 2-Eddins 350 grain carts 1-Shelbourne Reynolds RXD 28 stripFIELD EQUIPMENT per head 1-Dennis 20’x60’ land plane –––––––––––––––––––––––––– 1-Great Plains 35-4000, 2009 model, ITEMS TO 40’ 7 1/2” grain drill SELL WITH RESERVE 1-Great Plains stand 30’ grain drill 1-Allen 36’ incorporator scratch-roller 1-8120 Case Combine, RWA, chopper, guidance, f. track, factory tracks, 1-Fairoaks 30’ roller 607 e./475 s. hrs., SN YA6 209964 1-Phillips 4305A harrow Note: 20.8x42 duals, spacers, and 1-Prime levee plow w/Marliss seeder final drives that will also sell. 1-Dennis 24’ stubble roller 1-3950 Case 32’ disk, 7 1/2” spacing 1-3020 Case IH flex head, 30’ 1-315 Case IH tractor, 520/85/R46 2-34’ disks; Prime & Amco 1-Hiniker 42’ field cultivator, w/bar RIW duals, guidance, 1365 hrs. 1-2130 Case 12 r. 30” Planter, 1 yr. old harrow and new plows For more information, call: Jeff Moss 870-219-4846 or Jack Holifield 870-926-4173 DeWitt Auction Company, Inc. 220 DeWitt Dr. • Sikeston, MO 63801 • 800-533-9488 • Loader Available • Lunch Available • No Buyer Premium Lic. Nos: MO 14 & 85; AR 390 & 404; MS 281; MS Firm No. 410F “I Love My Job” AUCTION CALENDAR Schedule of Forthcoming Agricultural Sales Mar. 29 • 9:00 AM Meridian, MS 601-450-6200 April 12 • 10:00 AM Ellijay, GA 601-450-6200 Mar. 29 • 10:15 Reidsville, NC 252-257-2140 April 19 • 10:00 AM Oxford, NC 252-257-2140 Mar. 29 Delhi, LA William S. Jones dba Sunbelt Auction 318-282-8206 Apr. 19 • 9:00 AM Ripley, MS 662-837-0688 Mar. 31 • 10 AM Whitesville, KY Kurtz Auction & Realty Co. 800-264-1204 Apr. 25 • 10:00 AM Sherman, Texas Catching Bros. Auctioneers LLC 903-868-3132 Mar. 31• 5:30 PM Owensboro, KY Kurtz Auction & Realty Co. 800-264-1204 April 25 • 7pm Lynchburg, VA 252-257-2140 Apr. 2 • 9:00 AM Greenwood, MS Mid Delta Auction 662-453-6505 April 26 • 12 noon Calhoun, GA 252-257-2140 Apr. 3 • 10:00 AM Hobbs, NM 601-450-6200 May 3 • 9:00 AM Warrenton, NC 252-257-2140 Apr. 4 • 9:00 AM Starkville, MS 901-486-6828 May 3 • 8:45 AM Como, MS 901-486-6828 Apr. 5 • 10:00 AM Catlett, VA 252-257-2140 May 10 • 12 noon Chester, SC 252-257-2140 Apr. 5 • 9:00 AM Corinth, MS 662-837-0688 May 15 • 12:00 PM Mt. Airy, NC 601-450-6200 Apr. 7 Sikeston, MO DeWitt Auction Company 800-533-9488 Jun. 27 • 10:00 AM Sherman, Texas Catching Bros. Auctioneers LLC 903-868-3132 Apr. 10 • 9:00 AM Ripley, MS 662-837-0688 Jul. 19 Senatobia, MS 662-562-5338 Apr. 12 • 10:00 AM Grenada, MS. 662-226-2080 Aug. 29 • 10:00 AM Sherman, Texas Catching Bros. Auctioneers LLC 903-868-3132 Apr 12 • 10:00 AM Ellijay, GA 864-947-7888 Oct. 31 • 10:00 AM Sherman, Texas Catching Bros. Auctioneers LLC 903-868-3132 Apr. 12 Baldwyn, MS 662-562-5538 Nov. 15 Senatobia, MS 66 2-562-5338 April 12 • 10:00 AM Warrenton, VA 252-257-2140 Dec. 19 • 10:00 AM Sherman, Texas Catching Bros. Auctioneers LLC 903-868-3132 To have your sale of farm land or equipment listed, write us at P.O. Box 1420, Clarksdale, MS 38614. OR Call 800-253-3160
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