September 2008 Photo of the Month
September 2008 Photo of the Month
101 Marshall Avenue South Milwaukee, WI 53172 High Tide September 2008 Inside this Issue: Photo of the Month Commodore’s Comments Event Calendar Celebrators Pirate Pig Roast Recap Membership News Juniors Report Lasagna Night Success Steak Night Thanks Nominating Committee The end is near............Haul Out is only a month away! 2008 OFFICERS COMMODORE Ray Hollnagel VICE COMMODORE Paula Modlinski REAR COMMODORE Jon Hemb CORRESPONDING SECRETARY Genie Steele TREASURER Kyle Brunk FINANCIAL SECRETARY Karen Kilman FLEET CAPTAIN Rick Klamrowski BOARD MEMBERS 3 Year 2 Year 1 Year Ryan Behling Steve Bowens Tom Hoffa Rick Klamrowski Barb Nowak Paul Ruggles 2008 COMMITTEE CHAIRS BAR Joel Stojsavljevic Commodore’s Comments The folks at Harley Davidson sure know how to put on a party. But so do we. Our Open House Weekend was again a huge success. We had three days of delicious food, wonderful music and plenty of fun. And the weather was terrific, too. Our organizers outperformed Harley’s in many ways: Food was always available and very affordable, and we NEVER ran out of beer! I’d like to take this opportunity to thank all the committee members, cooks and sponsors who worked hard putting on Steak Night, Lasagna Night, Pig Roast and the “morning after” breakfast. Barb and Mickey Nowak started the weekend out right with a great Steak Night. Cathy Juriewicz followed up with Lasagna Night, which was delicious. Kiki Kilman rallied all the pirates for a spectacular Pirate Pig Roast. And Leroy Ciombor and Tom Cuirlik finished up with a tasty breakfast on Labor Day. Thanks. Deb Brunk led the kitchen team; Joel Stojsavlevic made sure the inside bar was running smoothly; Steve Steinhaus, Al Hock and Steve Hock manned the pig and chicken roasters along with others; and Paul Smith and Greg Zielinski made us a lot of money during the afternoon raffle. CRUISE Mark Juriewicz ENTERTAINMENT Debby Schulz FINANCE Mike Gengler, Jr. FLEET CAPTAIN Rick Klamrowski GAS Ben Chadwick GROUNDS Ryan Behling HARBOR & DOCKS Paul Ruggles HEALTH & WELFARE Lois Kowalczewski HOUSE/HALL Barb Nowak HOUSE MAINTENANCE Tom Hoffa JUNIOR ADVISOR Kurt Bruck L.M.Y.A. Mike Trock MANPOWER Jon Hemb MEMBERSHIP & MARKETING Paula Modlinski PLANNING Kyle Brunk PUBLIC RELATIONS Barb Mueller Others stood out, too. Tom Schulz fabbed up some stainless steel parts for the roasters, and Darlene Pasniak, Teri Ruggles, Dean Schultz, Gary Westlund and John Nowicki did whatever was needed. Klam did a remarkable job docking boats. Thanks to everyone who helped out, whether it was serving food, tending bar or cleaning up. See ya at the club, Ray Building Fund Fee Building Fund Fee due October 1st The Building Fund fee is due annually on October 1st, for new Regular and Family members during the first five (5) years of their membership. Please submit your payment of $105.60 (includes tax) by check payable to SMYC or visit the bar and make payment with your VISA credit card. Timely receipt is appreciated and Dues or Fees that are not received on time are subject to an additional late fee of $25. SMYC Event Calendar Subject to change September Date Event 2 Board Meeting 6 Badgers vs Akron 6 In House Fishing Tournament 6 Nascar at Richmond 8 Packers vs Vikings 13 Badgers vs Marshall 14 Nascar at New Hampshire 14 Packers at Lions 15 General Membership Mtg 21 Nascar at Dover 21 Packers vs Cowboys 27 Badgers vs Michigan 28 Nascar at Kansas 28 Packers at Buccaneers October Date Event 3 Hors D Night 4 Skid Placement 4 Badgers vs Ohio State 5 Packers vs Falcons 5 Nascar at Talladega 6 Board Meeting 11 Haul Out 11 Lunch 11 Badgers vs Penn State 11 Nascar at Lowes Motor Spdwy 12 Packers at Seattle 18 Badgers at Iowa 19 Packers vs Colts 19 Nascar at Martinsville 20 General Member Mtg (with Election of Officers) 25 Badgers vs Illinois 26 Nascar at Atlanta Time 630pm 11am 4am 6pm 6pm 11am 12pm 12pm 7pm 12pm 715pm TBA 12pm 12pm Contact Time 630pm 10 am 7pm 12pm 12pm 630pm 600am Contact Bar sponsored Klam Rick Klamrowski Deb B/Paula M. 7pm 6pm 315pm TBA 315pm 12pm 7pm 11am 12pm If you are able to assist with any of the events listed, or wish to sponsor an event, notify the contact person indicated per the calendar or: Debby Schulz Entertainment Committee Chair 414 403 4023 Pirate Pig Roast Recap Aaargh! Thanks to everyone who came to celebrate, eat, drink, and dance with us at South Milwaukee Yacht Club’s second Annual Pirate Pig Roast on Sunday, 8/31. Serving began at 4:15pm and people were lined up out the door until after 6pm for roasted pig and chicken. Our hearty fare was made and served by many volunteers. The warm, sunny weekend was appreciated by all. The Pirate theme was unanimously carried over from last year with more pirate paraphernalia added to the grounds and clubhouse. Jeannie Holliday & her Review Band played under the pavilion; a seven piece Motown band which was enjoyed by all ages. The horn section and their “Temptations” choreography added to their stage presence and our merriment. A pirate and wench costume contest ensued at first band break, and rumor has it that many Aaargharitas were served throughout the evening. I am especially grateful to the visiting yacht club members and the Racine & Kenosha area boaters for their continued support of this event. Many people came up to thank me throughout the weekend, but because of the many teams involved, there are many others to thank. This event would not have been possible without the help of Debbie Brunk who stayed behind the scenes with her apprentice, Teri Ruggles, and worked as hard as ever. The meat raffles were a continued attraction. Paul Smith had some big shoes to fill as our auctioneer and did a spectacular job! Thanks to my husband, Ken, for being my sounding board, Steve Steinhaus and his pig/chicken roasting crew of Allen & Steve Hock and Jeff Mueller; Rick Klamrowski, our harbormaster and his dockhands; Dean Schultz and crew for grounds clean-up; and Leroy Ciombor & Tom Ciurlik for preparing a much needed Hobo breakfast on Monday morning. Others who helped see this event through to fruition and deserve recognition are: Mom & Dad Kilman, Kyle & Beth Brunk, Tom Schulz, Joel Stojsavlevic, Tom Hoffa, Dawn & Del Green, Mike Gengler, Paula & Neal Modlinski, Dona & Mike Cieczka, Debbie Smith, Ryan Behling, Greg Zielinski & Kathy Manna, Mike & Judy Trock, Donna Conant, Doug Boville, Gil Bruck, Charles Sisson, all of the prep people, servers, clean-up crew and the countless people who asked “What do you want me to do?” I thank you all. -KiKi Kilman Pirate Pig Roast cont. Membership Committee News Join us in welcoming the newest members of SMYC, the family of Robert (Bob) Sandretto, his wife Bobbi, daughters Janelle (12) and Jaylan (8), and their son Jason (18, not pictured). The Sandretto’s pulled into our harbor aboard their 30’ Rinker and were our guests pig roast weekend. We are happy they have chosen SMYC to be their new home port. Welcome aboard! Paula Modlinski Membership Committee Chairman Membership Meeting Notice September Membership Meeting is Monday September 15th at 7 pm. Among the agenda items for this meeting will be the opportunity to discuss the recommendation of the majority of the Board of Directors present at the Sept. 2nd Board meeting to increase, by $25, all Membership Dues for 2009. Any proposed changes to Dues will be voted on by the general membership at the October 20th Membership Meeting (7 pm). Skid Placement and Haul Out procedures will also be reviewed, as this is the last meeting prior to those events. Newer boating members are especially encouraged to make every effort to attend the 9/15 meeting. Juniors Report Hello SMYC, This month was the last month of sailing. The weather has been great. We had several tasty dishes after sailing on Wednesday nights. We would like to thank the Rybka’s, Bruck’s/Ciurlik’s, Duwe’s, and Daly’s for bringing the food! The day of the race was really wavy. It was hard to sail. Two boats did not race because of the challenging conditions. The other three boats did a great job! They worked really hard. The winner of the Doug Sleight Memorial Race will be announced at the Juniors Award Banquet. The 50/50 raffle was a huge success! It was held during Labor Day Weekend at the Pirate Pig Roast. Gil Bruck was the winner of the 50/50 raffle, splitting the $1,140 with the Junior’s. Congratulations Gil Bruck! We would like to thank all who made our weekend successful and for your support at our lunches. This year we tye-dyed our Junior shirts. We would like to thank Sharyn Hoch for helping us with the tye-dye and Kurt Bruck for getting the shirts. Everyone wore their shirts at the Juniors’ lunch. The lunch was a huge success! Thank you to all the parents that helped make the lunch a success! Thank you, Ashley Hock Secretary If you have any questions regarding the Juniors, please contact Kurt Bruck at: (414) 322-6060 Celebrators Happy Birthday! Kris Klamrowski 10/2 Mary Hemb 10/3 Nick Schmidt 10/5 Jon Robinson 10/7 Sheryl Hurula 10/8 Dottie Minch 10/8 Mike Gengler 10/12 Donna Conant 10/15 Jim Schlichting 10/17 Shari Hocking 10/18 Moe Landry 10/19 Donna Robinson 10/19 Alyson Rybka 10/19 Bill Saxler 10/20 Mary Clementz 10/21 Wayne Lindemoen 10/21 Tom Peterson 10/23 Cassandra Van Dusen 10/24 Kandis Hock 10/25 Pat Hofrichter 10/26 Tammy Behling 10/28 Mickey Nowak 10/28 Bennett Andrew 10/30 Happy Anniversary!! Wayne & Judy Lindemoen 10/4 Jeffrey & Heather Holmes 10/11 Bob & Pam Spenner 10/12 Linda & Jim Ensign 10/16 Steve & Debbie Steinhaus 10/18 George & Pat Slominski 10/23 Rick & Mary Klamrowski 10/28 Clark & Kathy Chiaverotti 10/31 Nominating Committee The Nominating Committee Chairman is currently soliciting nominations for all officer positions: Commodore, Vice Commodore, Rear Commodore, Recording Secretary, Treasurer and Financial Secretary, as well as both 3-year board positions, and one 2-year board position. In anticipation of the October 20th election of officers, please contact Chuck Cottrill via eMail at or call 414.425.5114, if you are interested in being nominated or have questions. Steak Night Thanks A big thanks to all of the SMYC members that pitched in and worked Steak Night. new members involved as well as the usual crew and a good time was had by all. and JJ Reifschneider did an outstanding job providing the excellent beef and Rob super job on the grill. Thanks to everyone that joined us for dinner. The profit for $675.00, a great start to a great weekend! We had several Scott Clementz and Jimbo did a the evening was Lasagna Night Success On Saturday night, sandwiched between our two carnivorous events, the South Milwaukee Yacht Club welcomed a bit of Italy. This year’s Lasagna Night was a wonderful success, netting a $285 profit. Over 120 people were served and many came back for complimentary seconds. Special thank you to all who helped make the evening fun and successful including Debby Brunk, Dale & Cindy Cichon, John & Diane Conner, Linda Daly and Jim, Erich & Kara Gunther, Mark Juriewicz, Lois Kowalczewski, Kathy Manna, Darlene Pasniak, Teri Ruggles, Pat Schultz, Jeannie Spiess, and Jayne Wisniewski. Thank you again to Kiki Kilman for bringing back “No Strings Attached”. And of course, thank you to all who came out for our little bit of Italy. Cathy Juriewicz 101 Marshall Avenue South Milwaukee, WI 53172
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