Women`s Auxiliary - Give to Children`s Medical Center Foundation


Women`s Auxiliary - Give to Children`s Medical Center Foundation
More than 40 Years of Service
Women’s Auxiliary
to Children’s Medical Center
VOL. 1, No. 1
© Copyright 2007. Women’s Auxiliary to Children’s Medical Center. All rights reserved.
October 2007
WAX Holiday Cards Now Available
   
 
Enjoy the gift of giving and celebrate healthy lives for children when you send
holiday and all-occasion cards to family, friends and business associates from
the Women’s Auxiliary to Children’s Medical Center card collection.
Upload of image Choose from 6 Holiday cards
(20 Count)
Contribution card
Customization of cards
(up to 3 lines of text)
Customization of envelope
Upload corporate logo
Choose from 3 All-Occasion cards
(20 Count)
See page 2 for more details
Artwork by Lance, age 16
Pricing Guide
Children’s Medical Center Dallas is a private, not-for-profit medical center that relies on the generosity
of the community to fulfill its mission to make life better for children. As the primary pediatric teaching
facility for The University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas, members of the medical staff
at Children’s conduct research that is instrumental in developing treatments, therapies and greater
understanding of pediatric diseases. Ranked as one of the nation’s top pediatric programs, Children’s
is the only academic healthcare facility in North Texas dedicated exclusively to the comprehensive care
of children from birth to age 18.
To view the entire collection of cards or for online ordering, visit
www.childrens.com and click on the snowman icon.
The Women’s Auxiliary to Children’s Medical Center, a not-for-profit organization established in 1962,
provides support to The Children’s Art Program. Proceeds from the sale of this card, which features
patient artwork, benefit Children’s.
Boxes of holiday and all-occasion cards are $25 each plus customization options.
The new Auxiliary card program provides high paper quality and accompanying
red envelope, the chance to proof cards online before purchase, the ability to
upload a photo or logo right on to the card and much, much more.
www.childrens.com • 214.456.8360
These expressions of love were each crafted by patients at Children’s. You
can personalize the cards with your name, company logo, or even create your
own photo card and unique message. And all proceeds from your purchase will
benefit Children’s Medical Center.
Dear Auxiliary members,
It is an honor and a privilege to
serve as President of the Women’s
Auxiliary to Children’s Medical Center. Welcome to our new and returning members! The Women’s Auxiliary is proud to support Children’s,
the only pediatric Level I Trauma
Center in the Southwest and one of
From the
U.S. News & World Report‘s top 30
President pediatric hospitals in the country.
The Auxiliary’s mission is to support
Children’s in its efforts to make life
better for children. Since 1962, the
Auxiliary has raised millions of dollars and logged countless volunteer hours — all with
a passion and a love for Children’s. We recently fi-
nalized a comprehensive five-year strategic plan to
coincide with Children’s 100th anniversary in 2013.
To this end, we have formed a new partnership with
Children’s stellar Office of Development.
Many of you have been extremely busy this
summer in preparation for the fantastic Auxiliary year ahead. Thank you to Chelsea Duvall,
Mary Hubbard, Amy Lacy, Katherine Lewis,
and Eloise Meachum for planning a lovely new
member coffee, held in Ruth Ann Daniel’s beautiful home. Thank you also to Auxiliary treasurer
Martha Crites for updating all of the Auxiliary’s
financial records this summer and to gift shop treasurer Nancy Gottsacker for her ongoing work and
attention to detail. Holiday card chairs Wendy
Gaule and Cynthia Looney and Breakfast with
Santa chairs Kelly Crider and Sloane Phillips
diligently worked over the past several months to
make the holiday season festive for our members,
while giving back to Children’s.
In the coming year, I look forward to working
with you as we continue to serve as ambassadors
for Children’s, raising awareness and goodwill in
our communities. Thank you for sharing your time
and talents as we work together to make life better
for children. d
Cindy McGeoch, President
Nancy Monning, President-Elect
Martha Crites, Treasurer
Paula Dross, Treasurer-Elect
Marie Crowe, Recording Secretary
Eloise Meachum, Corresponding Secretary
Shay Sides, Parliamentarian
Kathryn Biggers
Breakfast With Santa
Kelly Crider and Sloane Phillips
Leslie Baker
Angela Burke and Barbie Cobb
Melanie Jackson and Meredith McBee
Suzanne Stiles
Gift Shop
Holiday Cards
On the evening of Thursday, Sept. 13, Lori and
Matthew Trent generously hosted a stunning holiday
card kickoff party at Matthew Trent. We are proud
to have Lori as an Auxiliary member! After the
party, guests were treated to a special goody
bag, including card samples, upon retrieval of
their cars from the valet service.
On Sept. 18, Neiman Marcus at Willow Bend
hosted an Auxiliary holiday card preview party.
Patrons enjoyed eggnog, green and red frosted
cookies, and festive holiday music while shopping
for Auxiliary holiday and all-occasion cards.
Purchase cards online at www.childrens.com,
at the Children’s gift shops, or visit select Tom
Thumb stores, Matthew Trent, Naturino, the Dallas
Children’s Theater gift shop, and upcoming holiday
gift bazaars.
Please visit the Women’s Auxiliary Web site at
www.childrens.com/womensauxiliary for an updated
listing of retail outlets. d
2007-08 Board of Directors
Leslie Merritt and Melanie Rottler
Holiday Cards
Wendy Gaule and Cynthia Looney
Holiday Cards-Elect
Becky Gould and Beth Mikeska
Hospitality - Auxiliary
Mary Hubbard and Amy Lacy
Hospitality - Children’s
Melanie Biggers
Chelsea Duvall and Katherine Lewis
New Year’s Eve/Mother’s Day Dinner
Gini Florer, Michelle Hefner, Mary Elise McGowan
and Rachel Rankin
Lisa Kroencke
Becky Lacour
Christopher J. Durovich, President and Chief
Executive Officer of Children’s, poses with
Lauren Egan, the patient artist who drew this
year’s angel card, during the WAX holiday card
kickoff party at Matthew Trent on Sept 13.
Texas Stampede Tickets Now on Sale
Tickets for the 2007 Texas Stampede are now on sale. Texas Stampede has a reputation for being on the
cutting edge of what’s hot in the world of entertainment. Award–winning musical artists like Pat Greene,
Gretchen Wilson and Big & Rich all took those first fresh steps to fame and fortune at Texas Stampede.
This year, three hot, new artists take the stage at the American Airlines Center to deliver their own
unique brand of energy, electricity and excitement! For more information about Texas Stampede, please
visit www.texasstampede.org. All proceeds from this event benefit research and programs at Children’s
Medical Center.
• Friday, Nov. 9 DAUGHTRY • Saturday, Nov. 10 JOSH TURNER • Sunday, Nov. 11 KELLIE PICKLER
Alison Solomon
Six Flags
Margaret Cowan, Jenny Esquivel and Courtney Madden
Special Events
Shirley Cohn, Charlotte Kelley and Becky Renard
Staff Appreciation
April Jordan and Diane Mizerany
Jane Switzer
Members at Large
Jennifer Bishop, Sara Bould, Anne Collins, Maura Costello,
Christina Durovich, Tanya Foster, Nancy Gottsacker,
Michaela Green, Heidi Hill, Kate McCoy, Ann McCurdy,
Caroline O’Brien, Michelle Rickman and Karee Sampson
For more information about the Women’s Auxiliary to
Children’s Medical Center call 214.456.5344
Visit www.childrens.com/womensauxiliary
Women’s Auxiliary Endorses
‘Healing Garden’ at Children’s
Gifts committee to hold special fall session to consider $1 million pledge to project
There is more to healing than medicine and technology. The belief that plants and gardens are beneficial for patients
in healthcare environments is more than 1,000 years old. Today, growing scientific evidence indicates that gardens and
experiences with nature can measurably reduce patient stress and improve health outcomes, as well as provide mood
improvement and restoration for other users such as families and employees. Healing gardens foster access to social
support and privacy, and provide opportunities for escape from aversive conditions in the hospital.
At the Women’s Auxiliary fall board meeting on Sept. 26, gifts committee chair Suzanne Stiles and Denise Miller, Senior
Director in Children’s Office of Development, spoke to the board about the positive impact of choosing a major funding
goal in the fall of our fiscal year, rather than selecting items to fund after our fundraising has completed in the spring as
we have done in past years.
Last fall, Children’s broke ground on a 10-floor, 398,359-square-foot Tower III that will serve as the Children’s new front
door on Motor Street. Tower III will create space for growth of cardiac, surgical and neonatal services, including a neonatal
intensive care unit.
Mark Meyer is a principal architect in the Dallas office of TBG Partners, the landscape architecture and planning firm
that is designing the landscaping surrounding Tower III. Mr. Meyer, 33, has been a patient at Children’s since he was
diagnosed shortly after birth with cystic fibrosis, an inherited, chronic disease that affects the lungs and digestive
system. At the board meeting, Mark shared architectural renderings, as well as photographs from his recent visit to the
Portland area.
“We are developing a plan that will make the new front door of Children’s
Medical Center breathtaking. An institution that affects as many lives as
Children’s deserves nothing less than the best.” —Mark Meyer, architect and
Children’s patient.
Meyer said helping coordinate the Tower III landscaping project offers a chance to give back to the hospital he says
has given him so much. The new front entrance is being designed to bring the calmness of nature to the busy medical
district, featuring a garden with waterfall and stream bed.
Board members enthusiastically endorsed the healing garden project. The Women’s Auxiliary gifts committee will
meet this month to consider funding a substantial portion of this garden. d
The Children’s Healing Garden will
use artistic and inventive poetics to
transform a conventional landscape
into an experience of heartfelt surrounds and reverberating voice.
Volunteer, patients, families, staff
and will find solitude, peace and
inspiration, which will reveal details
fresh and new every visit.
•Stream bed offers soothing sight
and sounds of non-turbulent water
•Cascading waterfall
•Green and verdant foliage and
•Park-like qualities
•Sounds of nature
•Outdoor amphitheater and stage
Benefits of healing gardens include:
• Improved healing for patients.
• Social support for patients and
their families.
• Movement, mild exercise and
rehabilitation in the garden.
• Stimulation and release for
young patients or visitors.
• Sense of control for patients and
families through the wide variety
of choices of settings available.
• Honor healing and coping needs.
• Restorative setting for nurses,
physicians, and other staff to take
a break.
• Volunteer opportunities for
community members to build and
maintain the garden as a community
• Improvement and beautification
of the healthcare environment
and the larger community.
A gift to Children’s Medical Center
has been made in your honor.
Contribution/donor cards are available online for $10 each (tax free)
or you may order them with free home delivery from either Cindy
at cindymcg@aol.com or Wendy at wendygaule@charter.net. Auxiliary
members buy 10 contribution cards and get one free, or 10 for $90
when ordered through Cindy or Wendy. Contribution cards are $10
each and may be inserted into a greeting card or mailed as a stand
alone card with an accompanying red envelope. Great for teacher gifts
and stocking stuffers!
A Closer Look: Tower III
Last fall, Children’s broke ground on a 10-floor, 398,359-square-foot Tower III that will serve as the Children’s new front door on Motor Street.
Getting kids back to being kids
Fun facts about the leading-edge care at Children’s Medical Center
• Children’s
Center at
prepare • Children’s Medical Center
chefs prepare
200 birthday
cakes for patients everyatyear.
least 200 birthday cakes for patients every year.
• Patients spend countless hours at the train display near the Children’s
• Patients spend countless hours at the train display
main entrance watching the eight trains running on 1,000 feet of track.
near the
main entrance
watching the
The trains are in continuous
12 hours
eight trains running on 1,000 feet of track. The
• Children’s has approximately 600 volunteers and 30 outreach groups
trains are in continuous operation 12 hours daily.
that donate more than 119,143 hours each year, equaling an estimated
$2.2 million in wages in 2006.
• The hospital offers five playrooms to encourage
• For added comfort and
the elevators
to participate
in fun,atfamiliar
mirrors at a child’s eye level. And the hallways have mirrors in the ceilings
to interactinteresting
with peers.to see.
so kids looking up have something
• The Child Life department
uses has
of batteries
to keep toys
• Children’s
600 volunteers
running for patients.
30 outreach groups that donate more than 119,143
Employees and volunteers give more than 10,000 stuffed animals each
year, equaling
an estimated $2.2 million
year to patients recovering
at the hospital.
in wages in 2006.
• Patients drink 106,800 cartons of milk every year; consume 91,560
Popsicles, 63,552 ice cream cups, 34,524 chicken strips, 26,148 slices
• For added
of pizza and 24,984 French
Fries. comfort and familiarity, the elevators at
Children’s feature mirrors at a child’s eye level.
And the hallways have mirrors in the ceilings so kids
looking up have something interesting to see.
• Employees and volunteers give more than 10,000
Child Life
uses thousands
• For• the
supplies nearly
59,150 diapers,
911 pacifiers,
of baby wipes and 1,664 pairs
to keep
for patients.
of booties every month.
• For the smallest patients, Children’s supplies nearly
• Employees prepare more than 500 bottles of baby formula for infant
year. 911 pacifiers, more than 1,850
containers of baby wipes and 1,664 pairs of booties
• Patients
over 5,000 boxes of crayons and over 100 gallons of craft
paint, enough to cover 40,000 square feet, in a year’s time.
• Employees
than 500
• The
glass elevators
and more
the exposed
atrium of The
patients every
Bright formula
an educational
for children to learn how
a building works from the inside out.
• Patients use over 5,000 boxes of crayons and over
• Caregivers use nearly 350 bottles of baby powder and almost 1,750
of craft every
paint, month
of baby
patients smelling
feet, clean.
in a year ’s time.
sweet square
and feeling
• Teachers
for 286
• The glass
the exposed
in patients each year
to keep their school work current.
the atrium of The Bright Building are an educational
for children
learn howpreparation
a building sessions known as
• Childexperience
Life specialists
for surgery.
works from the inside out.
• Caregivers use nearly 350 bottles of baby powder
and almost 1,750 bottles of baby shampoo
every month to keep infant patients smelling sweet
and feeling clean.
Don’t miss the general membership meeting!
• 9:30 a.m. • Tuesday, Oct. 30 • Home of Kelly Bunting • 3601 Beverly Drive
Honored Guests
• Dr. Joe Forbess, Chief of Cardiothoracic Surgery, Children’s Medical Center Pogue
Distinguished Chair in Pediatric Cardiac Surgery Research at The University of Texas
Southwestern Medical Center. Dr. Forbess is considered among the best pediatric
cardiovascular surgeons in the U.S., maintaining one of the lowest mortality
rates in the nation.
Holiday Card Launch Party
at Matthew Trent
• Dr. Kristine J. Guleserian, Surgical Director, Pediatric Cardiac Transplantation,
Children’s Medical Center, Assistant Professor, Division of Pediatric Cardiothoracic
Surgery, The University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center. During the month
of September 2007, Dr. Guleserian performed two milestone transplants at
Children’s — the 99th transplant on Children’s littlest transplant recipient ever
at 2.4 kg and the 100th transplant, with whom Dr. Guleserian bonded over their
passion for baseball and the Boston Red Sox.
• Mr. Mark Meyer, Principal Architect in the Dallas office of TBG Partners, the
landscape architecture and planning firm responsible for designing the landscaping
surrounding Tower III. Mark is also a lifelong Children’s patient.
In Brief
The Women’s Auxiliary cookbook is available for purchase
at www.childrens.com/womensauxiliary or by contacting
Leslie Baker at lesliebaker@clbcommunications.com. The
cookbooks are $20 each; however, each of you now have
the opportunity to purchase these wonderful cookbooks at
the Auxiliary member price of six cookbooks for $80.
Wendy Gaule, left, and Cynthia Looney, right, pose with Matthew
Trent at his studio during the launch party for the Women’s Auxiliary
holiday and all-occasion cards.
Holiday Card Event
Neiman Marcus Willow Bend
Gift Shop
Contact either Leslie Merritt at lwmerritt@yahoo.com or Melanie Rottler at
manfredrottler@yahoo.com if you would like to work in the Children’s Corner
Gift Shop. Gift shop items, including Webkinz, will be sold in the Women’s Auxiliary
booth at the Hyer bazaar Oct. 19 and 20.
Your 2008-09 Women’s Auxiliary board nomination form is due by Oct. 21 to
Becky Lacour at becky.lacour@sbcglobal.net.
New Year’s Eve
If you would like to serve at 5 to 6:15 p.m. or 6:15 to 7:30 p.m. in the Children’s
ICU on New Year’s Eve, please contact Gini at gini_florer@swbell.net. Sonny
Bryan’s is catering the New Year’s Eve dinner, but donations will be accepted
for desserts, drinks, favors or any incidentals.
Six Flags
The Balfour Beatty golf tournament benefiting Family Night at Six Flags will be
held on Monday, Oct. 8. Six Flags will have a great new Web page on the Auxiliary
site. The page is under construction.
Staff Appreciation
Staff Appreciation volunteers are needed throughout the year to provide small
treats (candy, cookies and other sweets), as well as help prepare and serve
food, to the hospital staff in appreciation for all they do. Halloween treats are
being planned with lots more holidays to share with the Children’s staff. If you
would like to help, Contact April Jordan at apriljordan@charter.net or Diane
Mizerany at mizerany@sbcglobal.net. d
Children’s Medical Center Major Gifts Officer Carol Schauer, left, joined
Women’s Auxiliary member Donna Thomas, right, for the holiday card
event held last month at Neiman Marcus Willow Bend.
Membership Update
The Women’s Auxiliary would like to say a warm
welcome to all of our new members! Thank you for
joining us in support of this amazing hospital! It is
not too late to join. We are pleased to welcome
new members throughout the year. Please contact
Katherine Lewis at 214.987.0342 or e-mail her at
katherineglewis@hotmail.com or Chelsea Duvall at
214.520.6848 or by e-mail at ctduvall@hotmail.com
for membership information.
Deck the Halls!
Would you like to reach out and brighten the season
for Children’s patients, families and employees during
the holiday season? Decorating a wreath is a wonderful
way to share your spirit with those who will be spending
their holidays at Children’s Medical Center this year.
The decoration committee invites you to volunteer
your family or community group to decorate a wreath
or tree for display throughout the hospital.
The wreath will be provided to you in advance along
with easy to follow decorating guidelines. All you
have to do is decorate it and deliver it back to the
hospital on Saturday, Nov. 17! If you would like to do
more, we need a few more volunteers to decorate
one of the trees for the hospital. Please make your
plans now to participate in this fun and caring holiday
project! Just call or e-mail any of us and we will get
to you everything you need to get started. Thank
For more information, e-mail Meredith McBee at
meredithmcbee@sbcglobal.net or call 214.363.4223
or contact Melanie Jackson at 214.750.4886 or e-mail
melaniejackson@aol.com. d
Ruth Ann Daniels, left, hosted the new member coffee at her lovely home and was joined by Katherine Lewis,
center, and Chelsea Duvall, right, 2007-08 membership co-chairs.
Try our new URL!
Women’s Auxiliary board member Heidi Hill can
help you update your portion of our Web site and
will facilitate the upcoming remodeling of the Six
Flags portion of our site.
From left to right: new member Nancy Anderson, board member Mary Hubbard, board member Nancy Monning
and new member Jennifer Craft, visit at the new member coffee held at the home of Ruth Ann Daniels.
The Women’s Auxiliary to Children’s Medical Center newsletter is published by the Women’s Auxiliary with assistance from the Office of Development.
The newsletter is protected under the Federal Copyright Act. Reproduction of any portion of any issue is prohibited without the express permission of
The Women’s Auxiliary.
For comments about articles in the Auxiliary newsletter, e-mail Cindy McGeoch at
The Newsletter of the Women’s Auxiliary to
Children’s Medical Center
c/o Office of Development
2777 Stemmons Freeway, Suite 1025
Dallas, Texas 75207