File - American Anti


File - American Anti
Volume 2, Issue 7
July 2014
The Wright Stuff
A Word from Bob Wright
Well, we’re back. After a lot of soul-searching, conversations with the
Board of Directors, the Advisory Board, and staff – we all decided
unanimously that the mission must continue. Whatever it takes. No
money – no problem. No salaries – no problem. We will stay the
course as long as we can and as long as the need still exists. And, with
the phone ringing off the hook with cancer patients (of which there is
no shortage – sadly), I guess this effort is eternal.
In This Issue
Book Recommendations
Cherie Calbom: Juicy Tips Newsletter
Dr. Michael and Stress
Guest Article: Ed Johnson
Blueberries for Health
Haelan 951
Testimonial – From Death to Life
Where’s Bob?
AACI Newsletter
However, at this point, we are looking for feedback from our readers,
followers, and all of those interested in what we are doing. How can we
do it better, be more efficient and effective, fund-raise in a way that makes
people want to participate, enlist volunteers to take on tasks that help
move this organization forward – from wherever they are, etc. So, we are
asking for your input. Actually, we also really want to know how many
of you are reading this monthly missive. If nothing else, just drop us a
line at and let us know what you think about the
newsletter, our mission – or anything else. It will be good to hear your
collective “voices.” Feel free to shout if you like.
Starting in July (now) we are going to make a great push to market and
sell the new Third Edition of “Killing Cancer – Not People.” People often
ask how they can help us. Spreading the word about this book, that has
been touted by many to be the best “anti-cancer” guide ever written, helps
us to raise funding that goes right back into the mission. “Friend” us on
Facebook – and feel free to post there. Send others to this page and to
our website. Consider becoming a State, Provincial, or International
Ambassador for the AACI. At this point in time, we will wave all fees to
those who want to make a commitment to help us. Send us information
that you feel is appropriate for cancer patients – or anyone suffering from
sickness or disease. We are always researching things that will actually
“work” for those who need help; natural things, of course.
We need testimonials, too. If you have healed yourself “naturally,” or
know someone who has, we’d like to hear about it. And consider letting
me use that testimony in a new book that I will begin soon. We need to
let the allopathic community know that what we promote and testify to
really works. While they keep asking for clinical trials for “natural
healing mechanisms,” (of course, which aren’t done because they are way
too expensive and would mean nothing to them anyway), we will show
AACI Newsletter
them the empirical evidence – the healed bodies of those who did the right
thing instead of the politically correct thing.
Consider hosting me at a convention or seminar for your group or
community. I have done events all over the country – from Los Angeles
to Pittsburgh, and many places in between. Let’s see if we can work
something out.
Spread the word about this newsletter. See how many people you can get
signed up. After all, it’s free and filled with important information that
we all need to know – and might just save someone’s life.
Go to our on-line store and obtain the products that you may buy anyway
– right there. As we have told you several times before, we have
previously never sold products. We did not want people to think that we
were just marketers and wanting to sell anything and everything just to
make money. No, that was not us then – and it’s not now. We will only
offer what we believe will really help people and is as clean and pure as
can be.
If you follow our “Resources” drop-down menu, then click on “Online
Store,” you will find several products that you can obtain right now.
Currently featured are all products from Apricot Power, including B-17
and B-15; raw vegan protein from Sun Warrior; coconut oil from Nutiva;
specialized supplements from Shan Stratton’s Core Health; Lypo-Spheric
vitamin C from LivOn Labs; wild seafood, organic meats, and natural and
Kosher goods from Vital Choice; Soul, the world’s most effective natural
anti-inflammatory from Rain International; and the Navarro HCG urine
test, enema supplies, etc., from the Joe Ball Company. Most of these
companies offer many other products, as well. Each sale via this site
benefits both you and the AACI/IWARC.
AACI Newsletter
In addition, for the new organic sulfur/MSM, email Antonina at Acquire the new and incredible ionic silver
directly through us by emailing to For the new
Haelan fermented soy product (see article in this newsletter), contact
Jared at Also, if you don’t have a Kangen
Water distributor or Reliv Distributor, email us and we will direct you.
We will continue to build our online store and add more and more
products over the next year. By then, it will be fully stocked and you will
probably be able to satisfy all your nutritional and health needs there.
Again, we all benefit. If you know of a product you believe we should be
carrying, let us know and we will investigate and see if it is appropriate
for the store, the masses – and you.
We are here to serve you, America, and the world. Yes, the world. Some
of our greatest activity is taking place in Malaysia, Brunei, and the
Philippines right now. We have posted some of the incredible
testimonials coming out of this area of Southeast Asia and will have more
As you may recall, I began the June newsletter with the words, “Wow!
What a ride it has been.” Well, the ride continues and we are asking you
to get on board. Join us in any capacity that fits you and will benefit those
we are trying to serve. Also, keep in mind that we are indeed an IRSdesignated 501©3, non-profit organization. All donations are taxdeductible under our Federal EIN 94-3442051. Think about that when
you or someone you know is looking for a deduction or just trying to do
a good thing. You can also go to our donation page and join the ranks of
those who are donating on a monthly basis; $4.95, $9.95, or $19.95. It’s
not much. One Starbuck’s run per month. Yet, when a thousand of you
are doing that – it’s a lot.
AACI Newsletter
Thanks for your patience, participation, and interest in what we do.
Please know that it is very much appreciated.
Bob Wright
Director and Founder
American Anti-Cancer Institute
International Wellness & Research Center
Want to learn more about the AACI?
Visit our web site at:
Educate yourself.
Meet our specialists.
Learn about recommended products.
Read stories of survival and triumph.
Take control of your own health!
AACI Newsletter
Book Recommendations
Jean Sumner is the co-founder of World Wellness Education, a non-profit
dedicated to encouraging and inspiring people to live healthier lives. Jean
is also the Eastern Regional Ambassador for the American Anti-Cancer
Institute/International Wellness & Research Center. And, we are both
proud and darned lucky to have her.
Jean is the author of several books that would make great additions to
your “health and wellness” library. I recommend them highly. R U
Toxic? is about 52 small weekly changes you can make to minimize the
toxins in your life. Journey to Raw outlines 52 weekly changes to add
more raw food into your diet (folks, we all need that). Finally, 52 Tips
To Be Healthy (are you sensing a trend here?) covers everything from
adding an additional serving of vegetables at dinner time to changing the
oils that you use and from exercise to adding fish to your diet – and almost
everything in between.
These are not long books – but are jampacked with ideas and tips that can really
make a difference to your health and
wellness. Keep in mind that the real “cure”
is prevention – a subject that far too many of
us know way too little about. Here’s an
opportunity to beef-up your repertoire in this
Find the World Wellness Education website
You can acquire Jean’s books there.
AACI Newsletter
The Mid-West Ambassador for the American Anti-Cancer Institute and
International Wellness & Research Center is the “organic guru” herself,
Lynnette Marie (formerly Lynnette Pate). Lynnette is one of the most
delightful people you will ever meet – full of energy and probably more
concerned about your health than you are.
The second edition of her book, Fuel For The Body, becomes available
on June 10th. You are going to want a copy for several reasons. Do you
want glowing skin, the truth about GMO’s, new recipes, to lose weight,
gain health? All of these and more are packed into this work that outlines
the real secret to life – your health. You will discover the secret of
“fueling” the body, facts about “secret” foods and secret – yet essential –
food staples, and learn why meat and dairy are not good for you.
Simply put, Lynnette is on a crusade to save lives. In order to do that, she
needs to get her message out. Fuel For The Body is the vehicle that she
has chosen – one million books sold over the next year is the mission.
Five percent of the net proceeds of these sales will go to Gift of Life
International – a wonderful organization that
battles daily to save the lives of struggling and
suffering children. An additional five percent
will go to the American Anti-Cancer Institute
and International Wellness & Research Center
to do the work that educates the world about
what really heals cancer and all diseases.
Consider “fueling” the cause with your
purchase of Lynnette’s new edition.
Everybody wins – including you. Go to her
website at to acquire
your copy. ♦
AACI Newsletter
Cherie Calbom: Juicy Tips Newsletter
We have written about the International Juice Lady, Cherie Calbom,
previously. She is so good, though, that we just can’t stop.
Cherie is in constant demand and has appeared on too many radio and
T.V. shows to mention. She is now world-renowned as the International
Juice Lady and tens of thousands swarm to her website for advice, recipes
and juicing know-how. If you want to know how juicing improves your
energy, stamina, sleep, mental functions, etc., etc., head to and learn what to do, how to do it, what juicer
to buy and how to use it. Subscribe to her free newsletter while you are
This month’s recipe comes from Cherie and is for zucchini hummus. For
those of you who have never had hummus – you are truly missing the
boat. And, it’s healthy. After trying this you can experiment and make
your own. How about jalapeno hummus? Oh, yeah!
Click here for Cherie’s newsletter and recipe. ♦
AACI Newsletter
Dr. Michael and Stress
I met Dr. Michael Donaldson at a series of events I recently did in Atlanta,
Georgia. I liked him immediately. A young chiropractor (chiropractors
are some of the best doctors) who really gets it when it comes to health
and wellness, I was struck by his true understanding of the workings of
the human body. In addition, he has a wonderful healing story that
involves his young daughter that everyone should hear. You can watch
that YouTube video here.
In another YouTube video available here, Dr. Michael gives an
explanation of how the body manages the endocrine stress cycle and how
water and nutrition can be used to support these functions. You don’t
want to miss this – especially if you are struggling with chronic fatigue,
sleeplessness, or stress of any kind. You just might find an answer here
with a better understanding of how this “fight or flight” system works
within you.
If you have further questions, contact the good Doctor via email at ♦
AACI Newsletter
I Believe That Drinking Diet Cokes Sweetened With
Aspartame (NutraSweet) Caused My Two Brain
By Ed Johnson, J.D., Attorney, © 2014
It is an honor to serve on the AACI Advisory Board, and I am very proud
to do so. I began my long journey and search for how to have and maintain
good health in 1997, after I was diagnosed with a pituitary adenoma brain
tumor, and had surgery to remove it on December 11, 1996, followed by
62 days of radiation to the pituitary to remove any of the tumor that the
surgery did not get. This occurred when I was at the very peak of my 30
year career in law practice. I was later asked in 2000 to write a narrative
of my experience by Dr. Betty Martini, and it is published under the title,
“Aspartame Causes Brain Tumors Beyond a Shadow of a Doubt,” at the
following site: Dr. Martini now serves
on the AACI Advisory Board with me. See (Select
“About Us,” and “Advisory Board.”)
I say that “I began my long journey and search for good health in 1997,”
because, in January of 1997, as I was recovering from my first of two
brain tumor surgeries, I was in a doctor’s waiting room, and chanced to
pick up a 1 page article by Dr. Betty Martini, which educated me on the
many dangers of aspartame, including the fact that “aspartame causes
brain tumors.” That really caught my attention, as I had been a high
consumer of Diet Cokes, which is sweetened with aspartame (aka
“NutraSweet” or “Equal”) for 15 years (drinking about 8- 10 Diet Cokes
per day). I also used about 6-15 packets of “Equal,” in the blue packets
(which is aspartame) and squeezing cut lemons into a glass to make 1-2
glasses of lemonade at lunch. So, I was regularly and consistently
ingesting aspartame each and every day, resulting in my 2 brain tumors.
AACI Newsletter
It was July 4th weekend of 1998, and I was shocked to have again
experience severe double vision, and I called my neurosurgeon, who was
on vacation. His associate neurosurgeon ordered an immediate MRI,
which disclosed that the pituitary tumor had grown back, and was
impinging on the optic nerve in my optic chasm. And once again, the
serious surgical risks were explained to my wife and myself: i.e.,
blindness, a deadly infection of the brain following surgery, or immediate
death due to the possibility of severing an artery. Due to the size of the
tumor, I had emergency surgery the same night, at 10:30 pm, July 6th,
1998. Due to the side effects of the prior radiation and surgeries, I was
forced to medically retire from my law practice in January 2000, at the
peak of my 30 year career in law, when I served as the Chairman and
CEO of the then 18th largest law firm in San Antonio, Texas.
In January 1997, I “chanced” to be watching “60 Minutes” on CBS, and
the major topic that day was: “Aspartame Causes Brain Tumors,” and a
graph was displayed showing the sharp increase in brain tumors in the US
since aspartame was allowed by the FDA to be added to foods and
beverages in the US in 1981. The history of How and Why the FDA
allowed the use of a deadly neurotoxin such as aspartame in foods and
beverages is well discussed in my aspartame article: “Aspartame Causes
Brain Tumors Beyond a Shadow of a Doubt.” (See this article at
In a nutshell, when the former Chairman of Searle, that owned the patent
on aspartame, was named Secretary of Defense in 1981, he (Don
Rumsfeld) over-rode the FDA Director who was holding it up, and a man
named Arthur Hayes Hull, Jr. was appointed acting FDA Commissioner,
and you can guess the rest of that story. Aspartame was allowed in the
US, and it is now used as a sweetener in over 6,000 foods and beverages
in the US. Hence, the huge and continuing increase in brain tumors in the
AACI Newsletter
US ever since then. The FDA has a list of 92 specific maladies and
diseases believed to be caused by Aspartame. The FDA did not
voluntarily release this list…it was obtained under the Freedom of
Information Act.
A detailed and well documented article entitled: “How Aspartame
at, which details the specific facts and
circumstances involved in what is quite obviously a very improper
allowance of a dangerous neurotoxin into the foods and beverages in the
US. Why was this allowed in the first place? And why has aspartame not
been removed? These are obvious questions…and the answers are equally
obvious…”improper political influence and unbridled corporate greed.”
I immediately stopped drinking Diet Cokes and consuming any foods or
diet drinks sweetened with aspartame. I have also stopped chewing
Wrigley’s Chewing Gum (which I had used in 1965 to help me to
successfully stop smoking) because it is now sweetened by phenylalanine
(a major component of aspartame). I personally know of the case of Abby
Cormack, a popular young actress in New Zealand, who almost died in
2007 from chewing Wrigley’s Chewing Gum. I reported this in an article
I have a strong background in medico-legal research, due to having served
as the first briefing attorney to Hon. John H. Wood, Jr. US District Judge,
and later served as an Assistant US Attorney, under Hon. William S.
Sessions, former US Attorney, former Chief US District Judge, WD of
Texas, and former Director of the FBI in Washington, DC. As a civil
Assistant US Attorney, I was responsible for the legal representation of
AACI Newsletter
the two largest US Military Hospitals in the Nation, and all their
departments and doctors, in defending against medical malpractice
lawsuits filed in the US District Courts in the Western District of Texas,
which is the largest Federal District in the US Courts System, covering
over 92,000 square miles, and is now served by 16 Federal Judges).
I continued to research into ways in which to improve my health, and to
hopefully prevent the recurrence of my 2 brain tumors, and any other life
threatening diseases. In 2007, I read about and became convinced of the
huge health benefits of drinking alkaline water. The more I read, the more
I was convinced that I must drink only alkaline water in order to have
complete cellular hydration, and to experience and maintain good health
and longevity. My first foray into this was to order sachets, similar to tea
bags that I dropped into a 25 oz. bottle, and let them sit for 15 minutes. I
drank this alkaline water instead of tap or bottled water. These sachets
cost about $50.00 per month to replenish every month. Meanwhile I
researched the internet, and read several books on the health benefits of
alkaline water.
One day in 2008, my son, Michael Johnson, a financial planner and also
a very prolific researcher of the health benefits of using natural remedies,
instead of prescription drugs with dangerous side effects, called me and
told me of what he described as a superior source of alkaline water, named
“Perfect Water.” After he described the properties advertised on the
bottle, and on their website, it did appear to me that it was in fact superior
to the sachets that I was using to make alkaline water for drinking.
Although, it cost me $2.25 per 16.9 oz. bottle, I ordered 5 cases of 24
bottles per case to be delivered each month to our home, and my wife and
I drank it instead of tap or bottled water. I calculated that I was paying a
little over $17 per gallon for this “Perfect Water,” however, I believed
AACI Newsletter
that the health benefits were well worth it. I later learned that the
advertised properties don’t last very long after bottling.
In 2009, Ron Krueger, a good friend living in Chicago, who was familiar
with my brain tumor surgeries, called and asked me if I knew anything
about alkaline water, and I said: “Oh Yes!! I’m drinking it!!” He then
asked if I knew about Kangen Water. I said: “No, what is it?” He
described it to me as “a medical grade alkaline water, with the additional
properties of being antioxidant, restructured, and detoxifying.” He
referred me to an online educational video which demonstrated and
convinced me that I should be drinking this Kangen Water.
By viewing the educational video, I learned that the soda water and sports
and energy drinks that I was drinking were not only highly acidic, but
were also oxidizing…the very opposite of what I should drink for good
health and longevity, and I also later learned that No disease, including
cancer, can live in an alkaline environment, discovered in 1931 by Nobel
Prize Winner, Dr. Otto Warburg in Germany…This was to me a total “no
brainer.” We each bought the Japanese medical device. See the “Top Ten
List” at
My son, Michael, later came across a well-researched and well written
article entitled, “Restructured Ionized Water Could Save Your Life.” He
excitedly called me and said: “Go to this site!!” It described the very same
Japanese water ionizing machine that we were using to make our own
Kangen Water, and it really said a lot about it, describing the Japanese
Medical Device as “the Rolls Royce of Water Ionizers.” As I read, it was
apparent to me that it was an excerpt from a book. I researched and found
it to be Chapter Six of the book, Killing Cancer – Not People, by Robert
G. Wright, the Founder and CEO of the American Anti-Cancer Institute.
AACI Newsletter
As is my usual practice, I promptly called Robert Wright, and we had a
fascinating discussion, as he told me about his vision and plans to educate
and help others to know of the many ways to prevent and deal with cancer
and other diseases. That initial discussion led to many more, and during
the course of over a year, we became good friends, due in large part to
our shared passion for helping others to live healthy and long lives by
knowing the truth about cancer, and the many ways to avoid and to deal
with it. I immediately ordered and read the book, Killing Cancer – Not
People, and I broadcast my strong recommendation to order and read this
book to my many circles of friends, family members, and colleagues.
This all led to Robert Wright, who I now call Bob, inviting me to serve
on the American Anti-Cancer Institute’s Advisory Board. I immediately
accepted, and have subsequently invited several of my colleagues,
including Dr. Betty Martini, to join the Advisory Board. I also invited Dr.
Leonard Coldwell, M.D., who is considered to be one of the leading
authorities of self-help education for cancer patients and is called by
many, the world’s leading expert on cancer.
I also subsequently invited Bill Henderson and Dr. Dave Carpenter, N.D.
to join us on the Advisory Board. Bill Henderson is the author of three
best-selling books on cancer healing. Bill Henderson has helped over
3,500 people heal themselves of their cancers using natural, non-toxic
methods. In addition to his three books, he has written 155 free
newsletters for 32,000 subscribers, has appeared as guest speaker at 45
cancer workshops all over the country, has conducted numerous
teleseminars and has been interviewed on 48 radio programs. His weekly
one-hour radio show “How to Live Cancer-Free” now has over 75,000
listeners every week.
AACI Newsletter
Dr. Dave Carpenter, N.D. is a Board Certified Naturopathic Doctor and
Acupuncturist with over 25 years of clinical experience. He has worked
with tens of thousands of individuals and has spent a good portion of his
life teaching the principles of health and wellness. His natural health
books are published in 13 languages. Please see the full Advisory Board
at, select “About Us,” and “Advisory Board.”
It is my desire to help as many people as I possibly can to know the truth
about cancer, and of the many ways to prevent it…and yes…of the many
effective natural ways to deal with it naturally, without the 98%
ineffectiveness of the chemotherapy that is ineffectively and highly overused today by the Western Medicine Cancer Industry. Chapter Two of
Killing Cancer – Not People makes it inescapably clear that 81% of
cancer specialists would not consent to using chemotherapy “due to the
ineffectiveness of chemotherapy and its unacceptable degree of toxicity.”
(Sources: 1987 Journal of Clinical Oncology), and The Failure of
Chemotherapy, by Zohan Rona, M.D. Chapter Two also makes it
inescapably clear that the overall contribution of chemotherapy to a 5 year
survival rate in adults in the US is 2.1%. That is a 98% failure rate.
(Source: Journal of Clinical Oncology, December, 2004).
My main passion in life is to be a Life Enricher, by being a “Fisher of
Men” (Matt 4:19), and to help to educate others of proven, effective, and
of natural ways to live long, happy, and healthy lives, without dangerous
side effects. I believe that I can do the latter by highly recommending to
people that they should read the book, Killing Cancer – Not People.
I would be remiss if I did not recommend to all of you reading this to
immediately order and read the newly released Third Edition of Killing
Cancer – Not People!! It has 2 completely new chapters, and it contains
50 more pages of life saving natural health information than the Second
AACI Newsletter
Edition, which contains 100 more pages than the First Edition. This is all
newly revealed and discovered information of the many ways to be able
to live a long, happy, and healthy life. Order the NEW Third Edition at
May God Bless each of you who is reading this…I invite each of you to
join us in our Mission and Cause. Please see and
select “About Us,” and “Mission” and then “Why We are Doing This.”
We are changing many lives for the better!! Other institutions may claim
it, but we are doing it!! … Order and Read this Book, and Tell Others
about it. Give the book, Killing Cancer – Not People, for Birthday,
Christmas, Hanukkah, and for “Anytime” Gifts to those whom you love
and care about. Every American should read it!!
I pray that in all respects, you may prosper and be in good health,
just as your soul prospers. (3rd John 1:2)
Ed Johnson, J.D.,
Attorney, Life Enricher,
Chairman, AACI Board of Advisors
San Antonio, Texas
AACI Newsletter
Blueberries for Health
Did you know blueberries slow age related damage to brain cells and
protect memory regions of the brain from free radicals and inflammation,
as well as delay aging, and promote longevity, by fighting DNA damage,
metabolic syndrome, cancer, AND heart disease?
Blueberries are packed full of anthocyanins and pterostilbenes, which
promote LIFE!
Just to name a few, blueberries are capable of improving the overall
appearance, thickness, radiance, smoothness, and firmness of skin. They
improve bone reproduction, and actually reduce post-menopausal bone
loss. Blueberries also increase the longevity of our vision, and the overall
health of our eyes. Blueberries reduce the risk of obesity in children AND
adults, and help restore a proper metabolism, through their flavonoid
molecules which are potent antioxidants and anti inflammatories.
When in season, purchase organic blueberries. Frozen, organic
blueberries are always available. Standardized blueberry extracts can be
a wonderful alternative, and simple to implement into your daily diet.
Share this information with your family and friends. Help them get
healthy, too!
Make sure to check out the latest episode in her video
series here too!
Jenevieve Fisher
Executive Director,
Educate A Cure
AACI Newsletter
Haelan 951
Through the following article, we want to introduce you to a new product
that is having amazing success with cancer – especially liver cancer and
reproductive cancers. Actually, Haelan 951 has been around for over 20
years but so few have yet to hear about it and its efficacy.
Friends, over 10,000 published studies have been done on soy, including
Haelan, and the results are truly stunning – especially to those who have
incorrectly (and sometimes maliciously) maligned soy. The mechanisms
of action for both prevention and treatment of cancer are numerous, and
include (1) anti-angiogenesis (blood vessel growth); (2) restoration of cell
differentiation (repairing DNA); (3) apoptosis (programmed cell death);
(4) increased NK killer cells; (5) increased immunity (macrophages); (6)
slows cancer growth; (7) increased Interferon, Interleukin, and organ
functioning; (8) reduced circulation estrogen levels – balance of
testosterone; (9) estrogen receptor increases and decreases. There is
Enjoy this brief article from Haelan Nutrition. If you have cancer,
especially liver or a reproductive cancer, please pay close attention. Then
contact Jared at or by phone at 800-3402818 for more information or to acquire this amazing product. Tell him
Bob at the AACI sent you.
“I have used this product for 6 years and know this
product is responsible for helping me turn a
corner in an otherwise fatal cancer diagnosis.”
Maggie, Haelan 951 client
AACI Newsletter
Why Soy?
As most readers are aware, there has been a vast amount of research that
focuses on the soybean and its ability to reduce or eliminate cancerous
cells. Isoflavones found in soy have been shown to inhibit angiogenesis,
the growth of blood vessels used to supply a tumor with nourishment for
growth. Protease inhibitors found in soybeans have been proven to
prevent the activation of genes that can cause cancer. Soy isoflavones are
also known for their ability to stimulate differentiation, causing
cancerous cells to change back into healthy, non-cancerous cells, and
they inhibit cancer cell growth. Isoflavones mimic estrogen in the body;
however, they are significantly less potent in comparison to natural
estrogens. The isoflavones, or phyto-estrogens, successfully compete with
estrogen for the limited number of hormone receptor sites and as a result,
cellular estrogen levels decrease. As many cancers are related to excess
estrogen concentrations, this is a positive step in preventing hormone
related cancerous conditions. In addition, isoflavones are superior antioxidants, which reduce cell damage that may lead to cancer and other
diseases. Health benefits of consuming soy are continually being
confirmed by science including the prevention of cancer, heart disease,
diabetes, kidney problems, osteoporosis, high blood pressure, and gall
What is Haelan?
Fermented soy supplementation is a superior method of providing the
body with the useful characteristics of soy. Haelan is a concentrated,
specially fermented soy beverage developed during the early 1980s as a
hospital nutrition supplement. It is rich in anticancer nutrients including
the two main isoflavones genistein and daidzein (there are seven other
known isoflavones differing slightly in molecular structure), and protease
AACI Newsletter
inhibitors (these prevent the mutation of healthy cells into cancerous
cells). It also is rich in proteins, selenium, zinc, vitamins A, B1, B2, B12,
C, D, E, and K. Haelan is a FDA approved food category product.
Haelan is made from 100% NON-GMO, 100% organically grown
soybeans. These beans are hand-picked at the peak of ripeness and it
takes 25 pounds of beans to make one 8-ounce bottle of Haelan. The
Haelan Company reports that the content of phytochemicals in these
soybeans is four times more potent than soybeans grown in the US due to
the superior mineral content of the soil and harvesting and sorting
techniques. A patented low temperature fermentation process and other
“trade secrets” pre-digest the soybean making it more absorbable.
Remarkably, starches and sugars from the soybean are eliminated in this
painstaking fermentation process - this is a crucially significant point, as
cancer loves sugars and starches. The soybean is then hydrolyzed, or
broken down to smaller molecules that become bioactive free form amino
acids and isoflavones. Finally the substance is nitrogenated.
Cancer cells require high levels of nitrogen. The nitrogenation process of
Haelan is a pivotal step because the nitrogen molecule attached to the
isoflavones during nitrogenation acts as “bait” to delude cancer cells
into ingesting not only the nitrogen but also the anti-cancer agents.
Haelan has been the focus of several clinical research projects in the
United States. It has been shown to support the body at a cellular level.
Though soy has received much praise recently as researchers find more
of its health benefits, not all soybean products are equally potent or
useful. The crucial distinction between Haelan and most other soy foods
is in the processing. The specialized fermentation process Haelan uses
makes anticancer agents in soy, such as the isoflavone genistein,
bioavailable and easily usable by the cells of the body. Most importantly,
AACI Newsletter
Haelan’s soy isoflavones get directly into cancer cells, where they can do
their healing work using attached nitrogen molecules as their key to
entry. Thousands have had positive results with Haelan, whether in life
extension or quality of life. It is important to note that those who are
successful in managing their health typically have made significant
lifestyle changes.
For more information on Haelan fermented soy, or to receive Peer
Reviewed Studies with Haelan 951, please contact Jared Todesco
AACI Newsletter
Testimonial – From Death to Life
People often ask me if I have ever heard of anyone who has been given
days or hours to live that has actually recovered. It’s a little like the
Subaru T.V. commercial that shows the demolished car and the onlookers
hearing over and over that “they lived.” Of course, that supports the claim
that Subaru’s are safe cars.
Likewise, I have seen and heard of end stage cancer patients who have
had an imminent death sentence pronounced over them – actually survive.
Yes, it does happen – but only with those who do the right things. And,
they must have some semblance of an immune system remaining –
something that chemo and radiation most times leave you without.
Below is such a story and true – without doubt. It’s a short story of hope
for the sufferer – but also for you and me. This is from Malaysia.
“Three days ago I took this photo (worried face of wife) of Dr. S and
his wife Mary in the morning at Damai Hospital. The doctor told me
that the cancer had spread aggressively over both lungs and he could
die at any time. His wife Mary was crying and said Dr. S (the patient)
cannot stand the pain in his lungs and his breathing is difficult. He
asked his wife to remove his oxygen apparatus so he can die.
“After I prayed with him for Jesus healing, I motivated him with
God’s words and personally ‘fed’ him with the 11.5 pH water. From
that point yesterday until today he has drunk more than 10 cups of
11.5 pH Kangen Water. His wife said he can eat porridge and drink
soup now. He is coughing up greenish phlegm and passing black
stools. His energy is coming back.
“Today, June 11th, 2014 (three days later), I visited Dr. S at 7:30
p.m. at the hospital. His wife Mary was very happy and smiling. His
AACI Newsletter
doctor said he will be discharged tomorrow to go home. She asked
that we continue our efforts to bring 11.5 pH Kangen Water to Dr. S
to drink plus Jesus prayers on healing. Let’s continue the same work
and keep praying for Dr. S for continued Jesus healing with Kangen
11.5 pH water.”
Well, there you have it. No one can say that Kangen Water or any
substance – of and in itself – cures cancer. However, there are a lot of
Malaysians right now that might argue with me over that statement. And,
while we cannot consider that this Doctor is completely healed, it
certainly appears that he is on his way – after having been literally brought
back from death’s door.
Folks, this is the power of true science – not pseudo-science (read
chemotherapy and radiation). How much sense does it make to treat a
disease that is caused by chemicals and radiation – with chemicals and
radiation!!!!! Instead, doesn’t it make perfect sense to treat this immune
dysfunction with high alkalinity (all cancer patients are acid), oxygen,
anti-oxidants, nutrients and hydration? All things that cancer hates? You
bet it does.
Many think that 11.5 pH water is too alkaline to drink. I have never seen
anyone harmed by it and I have drunk it myself. What do you think this
Malaysian doctor believes?
As with any very high pH substance, however, utilized over extended
periods of time, beware of possible potassium depletion and utilize
appropriate supplementation. If you should decide to drink ultra-high pH
water, do so with care. I would start off with a 90 day period, drinking
small amounts and working up to consuming larger amounts as rapidly as
possible while trying to avoid Herxheimer reactions (detox reactions).
That’s what I would do. You must decide for yourself. ♦
AACI Newsletter
Where’s Bob
The next stop for Bob will be at the Reliv
International Conference in Kansas City,
July 24th – 26th. Although not a speaker at
the event (the event is for Reliv
Distributors), Bob will be interfacing with
the many friends and acquaintances he has
made through this company over the years
– and making new friends.
This event will be at the Overland Park
Convention Center in Overland Park,
Kansas (Kansas City). The convention
center is attached to the Sheraton Overland
Park Hotel where Bob will be staying. He has a conference room reserved
in the hotel Friday evening (July 25th) from 6-9 p.m. to meet and greet
all who show up.
Other events are in the works at this writing, including an early September
event in Dayton, Ohio and a possible date in the Orlando, Florida area in
mid-September. If you are in the Dayton area – or close to that location
and desire an event, please contact the AACI at
There may be an opportunity for Bob to spend a few days in this region
and do a few events.
AACI Newsletter
The Highly Anticipated, New & Improved 3rd Edition is
Send check or money order to:
American Anti-Cancer Institute
2525 Broadway, Suite 2304
Everett, WA 98201
CANCER? The "Wright Stuff,"
of course!
• Read meticulously documented Truth
about the AACI Cancer Paradigm and
what it means for you and your family.
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• Be amazed by doctors and medical
professionals who know this Truth – some
want you to know it, and some don't... Learn
• Learn what you absolutely must do and
stop doing if you have cancer right now, and
what you must do for cancer prevention.
• Understand detoxification and the cancer
diet in plain English.
• Learn about the American Anti-Cancer
Clinic: situated within a 100-acre plus
cancer-healing complex in the Pacific
Northwest, to which cancer victims can
come from all over the world where all their
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current cancer care today. We believe that
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own computer, get our E-book for only
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Available in PDF, ePub and Kindle
formats. Click here to order.
This Book represents our "bread and butter"
fundraiser, so we greatly appreciate your
purchase and thank you for supporting the
AACI. $12 of each book is tax deductible as
a donation to the AACI under IRS Code
501© (3).
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