Emmanuel Bible College Handbook 11


Emmanuel Bible College Handbook 11
student handbook 2011-2012
2 Timothy 4:7
2011-2012 Student Handbook
Emmanuel Bible College
100 Fergus Avenue Kitchener, ON N2A 2H2
Phone: 519-894-8900 Fax: 519-894-5331
Emmanuel Bible College provides Bible-based post-secondary
education equipping women and men to think, live, serve and
lead as mature Christians in the Church and in the world.
Table of Contents
President’s Welcome
SC Welcome
Important Dates
Chapel Schedule
Buildings on Campus
Student Life Welcome
Academic Policies
Library Policies
Campus Services
Community Life
Campus Involvement
Student Leadership
Campus Directory
Lifestyle Covenant
Emmanuel Administration
Local Church Directory
Important Phone Numbers
Police non-emergency
Urgent Care Clinic (Fairway and Wilson)
Weber Medical Centre (Blockbuster Plaza)
Grand River Hospital
St. Mary’s General Hospital
Distress Line
Interim President’s Welcome
Welcome to Emmanuel! You have made a good choice in coming
here, and I know that you are going to have a wonderful college experience. I have personally been a part of Emmanuel as a student and a faculty
member / administrator for over 50 years so you can believe me when I tell
you that this is a great place to spend a few years of your life.
What are some of the characteristics of Emmanuel family members? First of all they are Christians. They love Christ and desire to please
Him and serve Him. They love to gather for worship with the community
singing His praises and praying earnestly for each other and the world of
which they are a part. Then they are friendly people. When they pass people on the walkways they always smile and say Hi. There are no snobs or
cliques at EBC! The are respectful and mannerly to everyone, friends or
strangers. The spirit always seems to be, “How can I help you? How can I
serve you?”
Emmanuel people are fun and college is a fun
place. There is always lots of serious work to do,
and we do it with enthusiasm; but when it’s done,
it’s time to enjoy all the good things God has entrusted to us. Make sure you have a great time
while you are here.
As your Interim President, I want to assist in any
way I can to make this the best year for everyone
that I can. My door is open; don’t hesitate to visit
my office for prayer, for coffee, to talk things over,
or just to get better acquainted. God give us the
best school year ever in 2011-2012!
Dr. Tom Dow, Interim President
Student Council
As Student Council President I am honoured and excited to welcome you to Emmanuel Bible College for the Academic year of 20112012. Whether you are a new student this year, or have been taking classes
for more years than you care to say, I know that God is going to be teaching and stretching you this year. Student Council is excited to be a part of
that process through being the voice of the students and providing opportunities to grow outside of class.
This year our Student Council theme is “Story . . . What’s
Yours?” Our lives tell a story, for some people it is a story of heartache and
failure, while others’ are of wasted opportunity. It is only the rare few who
have stories of redemption that bring glory to God. Paul says in 2 Timothy
4:7 “I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the
faith.” We want to challenge people to consider the story that they are telling with their lives and whether it is honouring to God or not. This theme
is inspired by a passion to see people live their lives as intentional worship
to God.
So get excited! Let us make this year into
an incredible story. There are going to be a lot of
challenges and struggles but the best stories are the
ones of people who have overcome the most.
May God Bless you as you prepare for the
year and continue to use you for His Glory
Robbie Oleniuk
Student Council President
Student Council for 2011-2012
President: Robbie Oleniuk
Vice President: Marilyn Girimonte
Finance Officer: Andrena LeBlanc
Encouragement: Tiffany Hayes
Missions Task Force: Emma Witmer
Special Events: Emily Vos
The Student Council Office is open
during most class periods and is located
off of the Student Lounge in the J.H.
Sherk Education Centre.
Vacant as of June 2011
Administration , Publications,
Spiritual Life, Social Concerns,
Recreation, Wildcat Café Manager,
Vending Machines Operator
Important Dates 2011-2012
September 8:
September 8:
September 9:
September 9 - 11:
September 12:
September 13:
September 16:
September 16:
September 17:
September 27:
October 7:
October 10:
October 12:
October 24 - 28:
November 16:
December 9:
December 12:
December 13 - 16:
December 16:
January 1:
January 2 - 6:
January 6:
January 9:
January 11:
February 8:
February 20:
February 21 - 24:
March 7:
March 30:
April 5:
April 6:
April 9:
April 12 - 17:
April 21:
Residence Opens @ 4:00 PM
Parents Orientation @ 7:00 PM
New Student Registration
Orientation (MEGA)
Classes Begin
Commencement Chapel
Field Education Fair
Blaze A Trail Kick-off
Blaze A Trail
International Students and MK’s Lunch
Parents Appreciation Day
Thanksgiving Monday (Office Closed)
Reading Week
Coffee House
Christmas Banquet
Last Day of Classes
Residence Closes @ 6 PM
Residence Opens @ 4 PM
New Student Orientation
Classes Begin
“Build” Night
(R)evolution of Gaming
Family Day (Office Closed)
Reading Week
Improv Night
Spring Banquet & Ceili
Baccalaureate Chapel
Good Friday (Office Closed)
Last day of Classes
Chapel Schedule 2011-2012
The chapel schedule is subject to change without notice. See the website for the current chapel
schedule. Chapel runs on Tuesday and Thursday from 11:30 am - 12:15pm. (Draft: June 2011)
Tuesday, September 13:
Thursday, September 15:
Tuesday, September 20:
Thursday, September 22:
Tuesday, September 27:
Thursday, September 29:
Tuesday, October 4:
Thursday, October 6:
Tuesday, October 11:
Thursday, October 13:
** Friday, October 14:
Tuesday, October 18:
Thursday, October 20:
Tuesday, November 1:
Thursday, November 3
Tuesday, November 8:
Thursday, November 10:
Tuesday, November 15:
Thursday, November 17:
Tuesday, November 22:
Thursday, November 24:
Tuesday, November 29:
Thursday, December 1:
Tuesday, December 6:
Thursday, December 8:
Commencement Chapel - Dr. Stephen Roy
Student Council
President’s Chapel - Dr. Tom Dow
Worship & Reflection
Spirit Chapel - Student Life
Worship, Communion & Campus Prayer
Living Intentionally - Mark Thornton
Story… What’s Yours?
President’s Chapel - Dr. Tom Dow
Encouragement Chapel
Campus Look-in Chapel
Ministry Teams
Student Speaker(s)
Seeing The Bigger Picture - Mark Thornton
Story… What’s Yours?
Missions Week
Missions Week
President’s Chapel - Dr. Tom Dow
Q & A - TBD
Guided Prayer & Song
Student Speaker(s)
Guest Speaker - TBD
Story… What’s Yours?
Christmas In The Real World - Mark Thornton
Christmas Celebration
Tuesday, January 10:
Thursday, January 12:
Tuesday, January 17:
Thursday, January 19:
Tuesday, January 24:
Thursday, January 26:
Tuesday, January 31:
Thursday, February 2:
Tuesday, February 7:
Thursday, February 9:
** Friday, February 10:
Tuesday, February 14:
Thursday, February 16:
Tuesday, February 28:
Thursday, March 1:
Tuesday, March 6:
Thursday, March 8:
Tuesday, March 13:
Thursday, March 15:
Tuesday, March 20:
Thursday, March 22:
Tuesday, March 27:
Thursday, March 29
Tuesday, April 3:
Thursday, April 5:
Starting Fresh - Mark Thornton
Student Council
President’s Chapel - Dr. Tom Dow
Student Speaker(s)
Joel Zantingh - Regional Minister, EMCC
Story… What’s Yours?
Ministry Teams
Prayer & Reflection / Labyrinth
President’s Chapel - Dr. Tom Dow
Resident Advisors - Student Life
Campus Look-in Chapel
Relationships Week
Relationships Week
Don’t Give Up! - Mark Thornton
Story… What’s Yours?
Missions Week
Missions Week
President’s Chapel
Guided Prayer & Song
Encouragement Chapel
Student / Guest Speaker(s)
Transformed by the Passion / Communion - Mark Thornton
Story… What’s Yours?
Transition Chapel - Student Life
Baccalaureate Chapel - Dr. Roy
Buildings on Campus
1. Ward Shantz Chapel
Hours: Monday-Friday 8:30am-5:00pm
Chapel: Tues and Thurs 11:30am-12:30pm
Facilities, Chapel, Classrooms E30, E31, E32
2. Ellis Lageer Administration Building
Hours: Monday-Friday 8:30am-4:30pm
Reception, Registrar, Distance Education, Business Office,
President’s Office, Advancement, Conference Room
3. Emmanuel Campus Centre
Hours: 7:30am-10:00pm (6:00pm on Fridays)
Food Services, Student Mailboxes
4,5. Residence:
Lehman Hall, Wideman Hall, Warder Hall
All visitors to EBC Residences must familiarize themselves with Residence
Hours. See the Residence Handbook online at www.emmanuelbiblecollege.ca
under Student Services > Residence
6. Library
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday: 9am to 9pm
Wednesday: 9pm to 8pm
Friday: 9am to 6pm
Saturday: 1pm to 5pm Sunday: Closed
Summer Hours: Check website (www.emmanuelbiblecollege.ca)
Enter from J.H. Sherk Education Centre: Main doors into lounge, weekend
doors near library.
7. J.H. Sherk Education Centre
Hours: Monday, Tuesday,
Thursday 8:00am-10:00pm
Wednesday, Friday: 8:00am6:00pm
Faculty, Student Life, Student
Council, Student Lounge,
Wildcat Café,
Classrooms 104, 108, 122, 123
All building times subject to
Student Life Welcome
Welcome to Emmanuel!
We are glad that you have chosen to make EBC a part of your life’s journey. Our hope for your time here is that you are able to discover who God
has made you to be. With that hope comes the understanding that the journey is not always easy.
We know that you are a complex blend of several components: intellect,
will, emotions, physical experience and social interaction. God has included each of these dynamics in all humans as a part of His creative process. Student Life exists to engage each of these components in ways that
help you to develop holistically, not overworking one at the expense of
We look forward to getting to
know you, and hope that the
time you spend here is an
invaluable part of your journey
through life.
Marjorie Hopkins
Dean of Student Life
(On Sabbatical 2011-2012)
"Then God said, "Let us make humankind in our image, according to our likeness; and let them have dominion over
fish of the sea, and over the birds of the
air, and over the cattle, and over all the
wild animals of the earth, and over every
creeping thing that creeps upon the
earth." So God created humankind in his
image, in the image of God he created
them; male and female he created them."
~ Genesis 1:26-27
The Student Life Office can be found in the J. H. Sherk Education Centre
off of the Lounge.
Student Life Staff in the Student Life Office
Sharon Schotsman (103C)
Tim Grace (103B)
Mark Thornton (103D)
Alicia Kruisselbrink (103C)
Acting Dean of Students
Assessment and Student Programs
Campus Chaplain
Residence Director
For questions regarding academic matters, contact the Academic Dean, Dr.
Stephen Roy, go to our website at www.emmanuelbiblecollege.ca or check
out our catalogue.
By mid-semester, students should complete the Intent to Register form for
the following semester. Students are required to pay their fees by the identified due date. Those failing to so will be charged a late fee. The deadline
for late registration is the third day of class or the second evening class.
Instructors reserve the right to limit registration to students with adequate
background knowledge for the course, and/or to a class size conducive to
the nature of the course. EBC reserves the right to cancel a course for
which fewer than 10 students are registered.
Classroom Considerations
Food and drink are not to be taken into the library. After each class, please
return chairs and equipment to their proper places, and pick up any garbage. Audio-visual equipment is not to be used without the permission of
the instructor or the Facilities Manager.
Excessive and/or disruptive talking to fellow students during chapel,
classes and in the library is inappropriate.
The instructor must be consulted before a guest attends class. For larger
groups of prospective students, Recruitment will notify the instructor.
Those desiring to attend more than one or two class sessions must see the
Registrar regarding the possibility of auditing the course. Only those listed
on the official class list distributed by the Registrar are eligible to regularly
attend classes.
Class cancellations may occur due to an instructor’s illness or to bad
weather. EBC will attempt to inform students of cancellations. In the case
of bad weather, cancellations will be announced on local radio stations,
CHYM FM 96.7; and News Talk 570 AM. In the event of weather-related
closures, the voice mail system, main page of the website, and Populi will
be updated with this information. E-mail will be sent to all students
through Populi. Instructors have the right to reschedule cancelled classes.
EBC Library
The Edna Pridham Memorial Library is the centre of research activity for
on-campus and distance education students. The 7,000 square foot wireless
library provides a relaxed and comfortable atmosphere for study. The
library maintains a collection of over 18,000 books, 100 current journals
and magazines and 4,000 journal back copies. Students may also access
5,000+ online and academic journals through our databases from one of the
library’s eight computers or from their personal computers, both in the
library and off-campus. In addition, a full range of reference services and
research assistance is provided by the library.
• The standard loan period for books is two weeks. Students may renew
these books. Shorter loan periods apply to Reserve and A/V material.
• Please ask for reserve items at the circulation desk. A limit of two
Reserve items may be checked out at one time. Renewals are not permitted on Reserve items.
• Books may be returned through the book-drop in the library or the
outside drop box.
Overdue fines:
• The overdue fine for books on two-week loans is $0.25 per day, per
• The overdue fine for items on Reserve is $1.00 per day or per hour,
depending on the loan period.
• Fines must be paid before anything else may be checked out on a
student account.
• All fines must be paid and books returned at the end of each semester
in order for a student’s grades to be released.
Please refer to the library web site for more comprehensive information
including hours of operation: http://www.emmanuelbiblecollege.ca/
Campus Services
Be a good steward of College resources. Do not waste electricity, heat or water.
Help maintain a clean campus by depositing litter in wastebaskets. Use recycling bins appropriately. Report all damage of EBC property to the Facilities
Manager or Student Life staff. You are responsible for damage you cause. Your
EBC account may be charged with the full cost of repairs or replacement.
Announcements are placed on the television in the Sherk Lounge, updated
weekly. Please submit all announcements to the Student Council Office prior to
the week you would like them to be announced. You may also e-mail
studentcouncil[at]ebcollege.on.ca for inclusion in the e-Bulletin, which comes
out once a week to all students. Students should read the e-Bulletin as it contains important dates, announcements, and general information that could be of
use to the general student body.
The Blessing Centre is in the kitchen of the Lower Chapel Building. It is
stocked with donations of non-perishable food items and toiletries. The Centre is
for students who are in need from time to time and is maintained by the Encouragement Committee. Feel free to access this when you have need.
Food Services All resident students are required to be on the meal plan. Snacks
and beverages between meals are not part of the meal plan. Students, staff and
faculty not on a meal plan may purchase individual meals in the Campus Centre.
Meal cards for 10 or 30 meals are available for purchase from Helen at the front
desk. Meals are not provided over weekends, reading weeks, Thanksgiving,
Christmas break, Family Day, and Good Friday. Refrigerators and microwaves
for commuter student use are available in the Campus Centre.
All students must have medical insurance. International students may obtain
further information from Student Life.
Once registered, every student, full or part-time, is assigned a mailbox in the
Campus Centre. Marked assignments and messages may be left in student boxes.
Resident students should check at the front desk for personal mail.
Faxes must go through the receptionist in the Admin. building. Personal faxes
cost $0.50 locally and $1.00 for long distance. Students may also receive faxes at
EBC. The cost is $0.50 for the first page, and $0.10 for every subsequent page.
A pay telephone is located in the Common Lounge entrance.
Computer Access The EBC Library is equipped with computers which have
Internet access as well as Microsoft Office and Open Office. Personal use
should be deferred for educational related activities. Printing and photocopying
are also available on a pre-paid basis in the Library.
Campus Services
Bicycles may be stored in the outdoor bike racks by the Campus Centre or the
Education Centre. All storage is at the student’s risk. Bikes may only be
parked in the racks. No other storage for bikes is available. Resident students
must take their bikes home for the winter or leave them outside in the racks.
All bikes must be removed by the end of April. If not, locks will be cut and
bikes will be disposed of.
Student Lounges. The Student Lounge in the J. H. Sherk Education Centre is
open the same hours as the building. Furniture is not to be moved without
Student Life permission. The Wildcat Café, run through the Student Council,
is open before classes and during class breaks. The Campus Centre is open
throughout the day and serves as the dining hall. Please treat furniture with
care. Any damage should be reported to Student Life or Facilities.
Using the Grand Piano in the Chapel is a privilege. Anyone using this piano
must have permission from Facilities. Moving the Grand Piano is not permitted. There are pianos in the lower Chapel in classrooms E-30 and E-31 as
Wireless Access is available in the Sherk Education Centre and the Library during building hours. The wireless connection is not active overnight, or on weekends with the exception of Saturday afternoons when the library is open. It is the
students responsibility to ensure they read the login page and accept the terms to
use of the public wireless.
Vehicles and Parking Students may park in any designated lot at EBC. No
outside electrical outlets are available. Parking in non-designated areas or fire
routes may result in towing and/or ticketing. Students are responsible for their
own vehicles. Additional parking is available at Zehrs across Weber Street, but
cars may be towed from Zehrs if left overnight.
EBC is located in a city, and therefore safety is an important issue. Ensure
doors are locked. Take care when out walking after dark, do not walk alone.
Emmanuel students are eligible for discounted transit passes both locally
(GRT) and provincially (GO Transit). To apply for a Grand River Transit
College Pass, students must take their Student ID Cards to the Charles or
Ainslie Street Terminal customer service desk. Students may also purchase strips of five tickets for a discount at select local retailers.
Contact Tim Grace for the GO Transit Student ID application form.
of Emmanuel Bible College
Upon graduation, you automatically become members of
the Alumni Association:
your Alma Mater will always be EBC!
The Mission of the EBC Alumni Association is
To sustain and strengthen EBC by:
♦ Encouraging communication between alumni
and with the current college community
♦ Promoting opportunities for lifelong relationships
♦ Facilitating participation in the affairs and activities of EBC
♦ Fostering partnerships between EBC, the public
and churches
Check out the Alumni page on the EBC website to find out how you can
help the Alumni fulfill this Mission!
Community Life
Spiritual Life
Chapel is held Tuesday and Thursday at 11:30 a.m. Chapel is to be a place of
Community, Celebration, Communion and Communication. Spiritual
Emphasis Week and Missions Week are integral to chapel, helping us focus on
Christ and on our call to serve Him throughout the world. Corporate worship is
crucial to our time together as a community. Attendance at chapels is a
significant part of belonging to our community. Students are encouraged to
make chapel attendance a regular part of their EBC schedule. Alongside of
chapel, PJ’s and Praise is held once a week in the Common Lounge. Times and
dates will be available in the fall.
Small groups may also be formed throughout the year. See the Student Council
for more details.
Continued involvement in a local or home church is an important part of your
time at EBC. Regular attendance is expected. Students new to Kitchener who do
not return to their home church on weekends should become a part of a local
church. If you are already part of a local church, please be aware of students new
to the area who may need help getting connected to a local church, or who would
appreciate a ride to church. A directory of a few local churches is available on
pages 22-24 of this section.
Community Life Policies
As a part of the EBC community we accept the responsibilities of living and
ministering in community with one another. We accept that the adherence to
civil law, God’s moral law and wise practices are necessary for the Christian
educational environment of EBC.
General Principles
Discipleship: Every disciple follows Christ, walking in God's ways, as
discerned from Scripture, the careful stewardship of mind, time, talents,
finances, and of his or her body.
Love for God and one another: This involves a demonstration of agape love in
our motives, attitudes, actions and relationships.
Following after righteousness: This involves not just our spiritual lives but also
areas affecting our social and communal lives.
Along with our Lifestyle Covenant and the above general principles are some
policies for life at EBC outlined here. Further questions or concerns should be
directed to the Student Life Office.
Dress – As a college we wish to uphold high standards of dress and modesty.
We ask that all students dress neatly. All clothing logos must be appropriate in
light of our community lifestyle covenant. If you are spoken to about
inappropriate clothing, you are expected to comply with an attitude of respect.
Community Life
Relationships with others – We recognize that many people will begin to
form lifelong relationships while at EBC. We recognize the value of such relationships, and ask that students be inclusive in their interactions, allowing a
variety of people to connect and interact.
Public displays of affection - A useful guideline in determining appropriateness of behaviour is whether others might be offended, or feel excluded, by
your behaviour. We need to respect the values of others. All members of the
community are asked to hold one another accountable.
Counselling Services. Students encountering personal difficulties are encouraged to talk with someone who is qualified to help.
Confidential short-term counselling is available from Student Life staff and
faculty. Counselling staff are also available for longer-term counselling. Notices on the website give you information on how to contact these people directly. They are also able to provide you with:
Referrals to local Christian counsellors or groups
Premarital or engagement counseling
Contact information will be available online and around Campus by midSeptember.
Career Services are available in the Student Life office and include resources
for resume writing, and interview skills, as well as information about other
colleges. For help or questions about career services contact the Director of
Field Education and/or the Student Life Office. There is a Job Bank on the
EBC Website, which can be found at www.emmanuelbiblecollege.ca under
Student Services - Career Services.
Access-ability Services. Students who have been diagnosed with or suspect a
disability which may affect their academic performance or physical wellbeing
at EBC are encouraged to contact the Academic Dean and/or the Dean of Students. Information and assistance is available for needs assessment. Only students who have professionally evaluated disabilities will be considered for
special accommodation in classes.
Health Services. A list of local medical and dental clinics is available from
Student Life Office. RAs have this information in the case of an emergency.
Student Life staff is usually available to arrange transportation for students to
the hospital and to aid students in health crises. Please keep Student Life informed of health related issues.
Walk in clinics are located in the Blockbuster Plaza on Weber Street and across
the street from Fairview Mall (Phone numbers available on page 1).
Community Life
Student Housing
All full time single students under 21 years of age (as of September 1) must
reside in campus residence halls or in their parent’s home unless special permission is granted from the Dean of Student Life.
Residence is open to all single students interested in living on campus. Students are required to sign an 8-month residence contract, as well as the EBC
Residence Agreement. Residence policies are outlined in the Residence Handbook, which is available online.
Living in residence has many advantages! It is a context in which close friendships are formed and it provides opportunity to discuss and apply the concepts
learned in the classroom. It is convenient for accessing the campus, and provides programming to maximize your EBC experience. It is our prayer that
living in residence will be a growing and rewarding experience for you.
Part time students requiring a one or two night stay can make arrangements
through the Student Life office to use a Residence room. The cost for this is
$25 per night. This can be paid to the receptionist at the front desk. Bedding
is not provided. Rooms are subject to availability.
An off-campus housing registry is available at the front desk.
The EBC Student Services Website is updated regularly with information that
is useful to students. You can get the menu for the semester, see various postings for jobs as well as Field Education placements, read this week’s announcements, see what’s happening with the various Student Council Committees, and much more. Check it out at http://www.emmanuelbiblecollege.ca
click on Student Services.
Student ID Cards
At the beginning of the school year, all students will be issued a new Student
Identification Card valid for the 2010-2011 school year from Student Life.
New Students will get their photo taken on registration day and cards will be
made available during the first week of class. Returning students must see Tim
Grace for a new picture by the end of the second week of class during specified
hours (posted around campus). These cards are used in the library as well as to
prove your student status for various discounts and bus passes. Replacement
cards are $15 and will be billed to your account.
The deadline to pick up your ID card is September 30th for the Fall semester
and January 20th in the Winter semester. Anyone who fails to pick up their
card or have their photo taken by this time may have to wait until the next semester.
Campus Involvement
There are many ways to become involved around campus throughout the year.
Here is a list of some of the opportunities available:
Athletics and Recreation
Because EBC believes in a holistic approach to life. Students are encouraged
to be physically active. There are a number of area sports leagues if students
are interested.
Student Teams
At the beginning of first semester, auditions are held to be a part of a music
teams for chapel, Aspire, and for positions travelling with faculty and staff of
the college. Positions include but are not limited to vocalists, musicians, artists, drama, people to pray, scripture readers, sound technicians, and more.
Contact Mark Thornton or Jen Desilest for details. Individuals interested in
being part of a choir can contact Tim Grace
Student Council Committees
The student council is made up of four executive members and seven committee heads. Each of these committee heads is responsible for gathering together
a group of individuals who want to be involved in that area of campus life for
the year. The committees are Recreation, Social Concerns, Encouragement,
Publications, Spiritual Life, and Missions Task Force. Details on how to be
involved will be available in September.
Various clubs may also be formed by any interested student. In the past these
have included Creative Arts, Knitting, Outdoors / Photography, and Snowboarding. Those wanting to create a club should contact the Student Council.
Many events happen throughout the year. For a list of some of the events, see
page 6 of this handbook. Advertisements come out through the SLT eBulletin, the television in the lounge, posters, and word of mouth.
Over the course of the school year, you may be asked to participate in one or
more methods of assessment (eg. survey, focus group, informal discussion).
By participating in these assessment tools, you are helping us move towards
improvement in various facets of EBC community life. Please take your time
and complete these methods of assessment with care.
Student Leadership
The Student Leadership Team is comprised of Resident Advisors, Student Team Leaders, Worship Leaders, and the Student Council. The SLT
partners with staff, faculty, and board to fulfill the mission of the College.
In the winter semester, students are invited to apply for these positions for
the following year.
Resident Advisors live in the EBC Residences. They are each assigned a
floor, providing holistic programming, and opportunities for positive relationships with these students. They intervene in student issues, and seek to
provide a safe environment for students to learn, grow and change.
Student Team Leaders consist of students who travel to various groups
on behalf of the college. For 2011-2012 there are two teams: Aspire, a
team dedicated to doing ministry on Sunday mornings in churches and
Infusion, which travels to various youth groups.
Worship Leaders each have a day in which they lead part of chapel. They
each form a team at the beginning of the year from interested students who
audition. Chapel runs on Tuesday and Thursday from 11:30 AM - 12:15
PM during the semester. For more information on being a part of a worship team, contact the chapel coordinator or worship leaders at the beginning of each semester.
Student Council represents the student body. The Executive Board
(President, Vice-President, Administration and Finance) is primarily concerned with advocacy, and is the voice of the students to administration.
They ensure that student needs are being met and that issues affecting students are raised and addressed. They also distribute Student Council funds
to the Committees. The Student Council office is located off the student
lounge in the Education Centre.
The committees organize many activities around campus. Each year students are invited to participate on these committees. The committees include Social Concerns, Campus Recreation, Missions, Encouragement,
Publications, Spiritual Life, and Special Events. For more information
regarding these committees go to http://www.emmanuelbiblecollege.ca, or
go to the Student Council Office.
Campus Directory
Dr. Stephen Roy
Janice Anderson
Dr. Brett Andrews
Carol Blake
Janet Collins
Gail Haeussler
Chureb Kowtecky
Dr. Olutola Peters
Tracy Peters
John Schuit
Robyn Serez
Aaron Smith
Jennifer Wohlgemut
Verena Enns
Adjunct Faculty
Academic Dean
Intercultural Studies
Youth Ministry
Director of Distance Ed.
Director of Field Education
Assistant Registrar/Library
Pastoral Studies
Field Ed. & Distance Ed. Asst.
Biblical Studies Faculty
Director of Expedition
Counselling Studies
Assistant Librarian
Education Centre
Education Centre
Education Centre
Upper Admin
Education Centre
Upper Admin
Upper Admin
Education Centre
Upper Admin
Education Centre
Education Centre
Education Centre
Education Centre 117
All faculty and staff have mailboxes in the Upper Administration Building.
Nicole Sivyer
Jennifer Desilest
Lloyd Fretz
Sherry Mahon
Lindsay Labrie
Mary Marshall
Adv. Project Coordinator
Ministry Team and Events
Pastor to Donors
Director of Admissions
Upper Admin
Upper Admin
Upper Admin
Upper Admin
Business Office
Anita Boles
Helen Oviedo
Anne Pushparajah
Business Officer
Upper Admin
Upper Admin
Upper Admin
Ron Cornies
Tim Grace
Mark McLimont
Julie-Anne Wideman
Facilities Manager
Technical Support
Education Centre
President’s Office
Dr. Thomas Dow (Interim) President
Bonnie Fraser
Executive Assistant / HR
Upper Admin
Upper Admin
Student Life
Marjorie Hopkins
Sharon Schotsman
Tim Grace
Alicia Kruisselbrink
Mark Thornton
Gerry McLellan
Catherine Unrau-Woelk
Jeff Angst
Timothy Beatty
Sabbatical 2011-2012
Education Centre
Education Centre
Education Centre
Education Centre
Education Centre
Education Centre
Campus Centre
Campus Centre
Dean of Students
Acting Dean of Students
Assessment / Student Programs
Residence Director
Director of Food Services
Assoc. Director of
Food Services
Lifestyle Covenant
EBC Students are required to abide by the conditions of the
Lifestyle Covenant
As a part of the EBC community we accept the responsibilities of living and
ministering in community with one another. We accept that the adherence to
civil law, God’s moral law and wise practices are necessary for the Christian
educational environment of EBC.
I, therefore, along with the rest of the EBC community will commit myself
to the following:
1. I will actively seek to nurture my spiritual development by devoting time to
my relationship with Jesus Christ through the exercise of spiritual discipline.
2. I will foster my involvement in the community and worship of God by
participating in chapel, as well as special campus events.
3. I will seek to develop my educational experience practically by participating in a local church.
4. I will engage in the honest pursuit of knowledge exercising careful judgment in the use of my time, energy and material resources. As a Christian institution, Emmanuel Bible College expects the highest standards of
academic and moral integrity from students. Academic dishonesty, including cheating and plagiarism, is considered a serious offense.
5. I will refrain from practices that are Biblically condemned. In light of our
understanding of Scripture, prohibited activities include: dishonesty,
theft, premarital sex, extramarital sex, homosexual behaviour, profanity,
gossip, drunkenness, criminal behaviour (including use of illegal nonprescriptive drugs), all forms of abuse of others, and the infringement of
the rights of others.
6. While Scripture does not teach specifics regarding all social practices, I
will uphold the following practices for the betterment of the EBC community:
a. I will not engage in gambling, entertainment that is not conducive to
the Christian life, and the use of alcohol and tobacco while on campus
or at EBC-sanctioned events.
Lifestyle Covenant
I will not engage in sexual harassment which includes explicit behaviour involving touch, but also harassment that occurs through the use
of pornography, discrimination, and verbal comments.
c. I agree with the understanding that social dancing along with
“clubbing” continues to be an issue for many Christians and churches,
and therefore, is not allowed on campus or at college related functions
off campus.
7. I will use discretion and careful discernment in my choices of media. No
sexually explicit movies will be allowed on the EBC campus, and students and staff are encouraged to use discretion in what they watch when
I commit to turning off or leaving any movie or television program
that is unsuitable. I will avoid all pornographic media.
b. I recognize that many computer and video games may be harmful to
the whole community. For this reason, I will not engage in computer
or video games that depict explicit sex, foul language, extreme violence, horror scenes, and satanic/cultic activity. In all things I will
seek out the things that contribute to moral development, and Christian witness.
8. I will ensure that all of my living arrangements are appropriate to the
high calling on EBC. The EBC lifestyle commitment does not condone
arrangements that may call into question, or place in jeopardy, the moral
and ethical standards of the College. For this reason, students are not
permitted to live in co-ed situations outside of family.
In general, college regulations and moral requirements are intended to set
boundaries that best provide for healthy personal growth and community
life. These guidelines are not intended to replace conscience or obedience to
Christ in light of Scripture, but to detail the particular stance of EBC.
Discipline Process
The Disciplinary Process
1. Student leaders, faculty, or staff may give a verbal warning that may be
reported to the Dean of Students or Academic Dean.
2. A serious or a second violation of the same offense will result in a written warning to the student from the Dean.
3. Continued or serious violations require the student to meet with the Dean
of Students or the Academic Dean to discuss the issues and work toward
a solution.
4. A further or serious violation of any regulation will result in the Dean of
Students calling a meeting of the Student Conduct Committee. A permanent record of the Committee's decision is placed in the student's record.
NOTE: A Student Leadership Team member who violates community life
standards will begin the process at step #3.
Appeals to the Committee decision must be made in writing within 14 days
to the Emmanuel Bible College President or designate who will then make
an investigation and may affirm or modify the decision.
Address concerns or complaints regarding a rule or decision, not a specific
person, to the area supervisor. If the complaint involves a faculty or staff
member, the following guidelines are suggested. Individuals should treat
each other with respect and avoid gossip.
1. Pray about the situation and your response
2. Talk directly and clearly to the person(s) about whom you have the complaint, expressing your concerns.
3. If differences are not resolved, you may request a meeting with the Academic Dean regarding faculty and courses, or with the Dean of Students
regarding other areas of Emmanuel. This meeting will involve the student,
the person(s) about whom you have the complaint, and the Dean. The
goal of the meeting is to agree on possible resolutions.
4. The Dean may defer the decision to the Administrative Leadership Team
or the Academic Council.
Concerns regarding Emmanuel’s compliance with the standards of the Association for Biblical Higher Education should be directed, in writing, to the
Administrative Leadership Team or to the Academic Dean.
Discipline Process
Sexual Harassment Policy: Available for download online from the Student Services page (http://www.emmanuelbiblecollege.ca/
Disciplinary Process: As a College we aim for accountability and responsibility. If you observe a violation of the Emmanuel policies we ask that you
confront the individual(s) in love. We ask that you report any serious or
repeated violations to the Dean of Student Life. Penalties will be levied in
relation to the seriousness of the infraction. In cases of academic dishonesty,
this may include repeating of the course assignment, failure of that piece of
work, or failure of the course. In cases of misconduct, monetary fines, work
assignments, social restrictions, or loss of privileges may be imposed. In
more serious cases the situation will be referred to the Student Conduct
Committee for a decision regarding possible probation, suspension or expulsion from EBC.
The Student Conduct Committee consists of the Dean of Student Life, two
faculty members, the Student Council President and one other student
leader. For issues involving academic dishonesty, the Committee also includes the Academic Dean.
The Committee investigates the situation and may interview the people involved. After consideration it makes a decision regarding the situation.
Every attempt is made to ensure that situations are handled with Christian
concern, fairness and understanding. A student's attitude throughout the disciplinary process is an essential component in determining the outcome. The
Committee can impose any of the following conditions:
a) Probation - This status allows the student to remain on campus but with
specific conditions attached, including penalties and restrictions.
b) Suspension - The student is required to leave the campus, and cease all
involvement in Emmanuel activities for a specified length of time. If tests
or due dates are missed due to the suspension, faculty are not required to
provide make-up tests or exams or to extend deadlines
c) Expulsion - The student is required to leave the campus and cease all
College activities with no guarantee of future return. The student’s College file will indicate that he/she was expelled.
Emmanuel Administration
The Evangelical Missionary Church of Canada, Brethren in Christ, Congregational Christian Churches in Canada and United Brethren Churches in Canada
sponsor EBC. EBC is accredited through the Association for Biblical Higher
Education (ABHE).
The Board of Governors, elected by Evangelical Missionary Church Canada,
Brethren in Christ, Congregational Christian Churches in Canada and the
United Brethren in Christ is the governing body of EBC. The Board meets
three times yearly (November, February, and June). All meetings are open
unless otherwise specified. Contact Bonnie Fraser for dates.
The Interim President, Dr. Thomas Dow, works with the other members of
the Administrative Leadership Team (ALT) and with Board Committees to
give leadership to EBC.
The Administrative Leadership Team is comprised of the President, Academic
Dean, Dean of Students, Director of Institutional Advancement., the Business
Officer, and the Facilities Manager.
The Academic Dean, Dr. Stephen Roy, supervises the academic section of
EBC which includes Academic Council, Library, Registrar's Office, Field
Education, and Distance Education.
The Dean of Students, Marjorie Hopkins, gives leadership to the community life areas of the College, overseeing all areas of student programming,
services, and advocacy.
Marjorie will be on Sabbatical for the 2011-2012 Academic year. Sharon
Schotsman serves as the Acting Dean of Students.
The Business Officer, Anita Boles, oversees matters pertaining to financial
The Facilities Manager, Ron Cornies, oversees buildings, information
technology services, rentals, and custodial needs of the College.
Local Church Directory
This list is provided to help you find a place of worship while you are studying and living in
the Kitchener area. We recommend that you check the website or contact the church directly
to verify times of worship, location, and other information. Some of these churches may
provide transportation from the EBC campus.
Benton Street Baptist Church – Sundays at 10:45 AM
90 Benton Street, Kitchener, ON N2G 3H4 (519) 745-3792
Web: www.bentonstreetbaptist.org E-mail: office@bentonstreetbaptist.org
Bethany Evangelical Missionary Church – Sundays at 9 AM (Cont.) & 11 AM (Trad.)
160 Lancaster Street East, Kitchener, ON N2H 1N2 (519) 745-0151
Web: www.bethany.on.ca E-mail: info@bethany.on.ca
Breslau Evangelical Missionary Church – Sundays at 9:30 AM
102 Woolwich Street, Breslau, ON N0B 1M0 (519) 648-2712
Web: www.bemc.ca E-mail: admin@bemc.ca
Central Baptist Church – Sundays at 11 AM
358 Ottawa Street South, Kitchener, ON N2M 4Z7 (519) 744-0130
Web: www.central-baptist.ca E-mail: centraloffice@central-baptist.ca
Christ the King United Church – Sundays at 10:30 AM
167 Thaler Road, Kitchener, ON N2A 1R4 (519) 748-6208
Web: www.ctking.net E-mail: ctking@sympatico.ca
Community Christian Reformed Church – Sundays at 10 AM
1275 Bleams Road, Kitchener, ON N2E 3X6 (519) 743-9482
Web: www.ccrc.on.ca E-mail: office@ccrc.on.ca
Country Hills Evangelical Missionary Church – Sundays at 10 AM
1280 Ottawa Street South, Kitchener, ON N2E 1M1 (519) 578-7275
Web: www.countryhillschurch.ca E-mail: office@countryhillschurch.ca
Eastwood Christian Fellowship – Sundays at 10:30 AM
56 Ross Avenue, Kitchener, ON N2A 1V3 (519) 896-0110
Elevation / The Embassy – Sundays at 10 AM; Mondays at 7 PM
Sunday worship meets at Hauser House in the Waterloo Memorial Recreation Centre on Father David Bauer Drive.
Web: www.elevateyourlife.org / www.the-embassy.org
E-mail: info@elevateyourlife.org / info@the-embassy.org (519) 886-5586
Evangel Community Church (Evangelical Missionary) – Sundays at 10:30 AM
112 Spadina Road West, Kitchener, ON N2M 1G1 (519) 745-8151
Web: www.evangelcommunity.com E-mail: info@evangelcommunity.com
Faith Evangelical Missionary Church – Sundays at 10:30 AM
3849 King Street East, Kitchener, ON N2P 2E8 (519) 893-2720
Web: www.faithchurch.ca E-mail: office@faithchurch.ca
Local Church Directory
Faith Lutheran Church – Sundays at 8:15 & 10:45 AM
247 Westmount Road East, Kitchener, ON N2M 4Z2 (519) 745-6422
Web: www.faithlutherankw.com E-mail: revhamp@bellnet.ca
First Mennonite Church – Sundays at 10:40 AM
800 King Street East, Kitchener, ON N2G 2M6 (519) 744-6574
Web: www.firstmennonitekitchener.ca E-mail: office@firstmennonitekitchener.ca
The Gathering Place – Sundays at 10:30 AM
164 Eighth Avenue, Kitchener, ON N2C 1S4 (519) 748-4448
Web: www.thegatheringplace.on.ca E-mail: info@thegatheringplace.on.ca
Glencairn Mennonite Brethren Church – Sundays at 9:30 AM
725 Erinbrook Drive, Kitchener, ON N2E 3E3 (519) 579-8741
Web: www.glencairn.ca E-mail: office@glencairn.ca
Grandview Baptist Church – Sundays at 9 & 10:45 AM
250 Old Chicopee Drive, Kitchener, ON N2A 4J2 (519) 894-5513
Web: www.grandviewchurch.ca E-mail: info@grandviewchurch.ca
Hazelglen Alliance Church – Sundays at 10 AM
45 Hazelglen Drive, Kitchener, ON N2M 2E2 (519) 744-6670
Web: www.hazelglen.ca E-mail: office@hazelglen.ca
Highview Community Church – Sundays at 10:30 AM
295 Highview Drive, Kitchener, ON N2N 2K7 (519) 745-4211
Web: www.buildingbiggerhearts.ca E-mail: highview@buildingbiggerhearts.ca
Kitchener Gospel Temple – Sundays at 10:30 AM
9 Conway Drive, Kitchener, ON N2A 2C4 (519) 894-5999
Web: www.kgthome.com E-mail: info@kgthome.com
Kitchener Mennonite Brethren Church – Sundays at 10:30 AM
19 Ottawa Street North, Kitchener, ON N2H 3K2 (519) 745-5144
Web: www.kitchenermb.com E-mail: office@kitchenermb.com
KW Christian Fellowship – Sundays at 10 & 11:30 AM
1000 Bleams Road, Kitchener, ON N2E 3X5 (519) 745-1730
Web: www.kwcf.org E-mail: info@kwcf.org
Lincoln Heights Evangelical Missionary Church – Sundays at 10:30 AM
289 Lincoln Road, Waterloo, ON N2J 2P6 (519) 885-4800
Web: www.lincolnheightschurch.on.ca E-mail: admin@lincolnheightschurch.on.ca
Lincoln Road Chapel – Sundays at 9 & 11 AM
145 Lincoln Road, Waterloo, ON N2J 2N8 (519) 747-2211
Web: www.lincolnroadchapel.ca E-mail: info@lincolnroadchapel.ca
The Meeting House – Kitchener – Sundays at 9:45 AM
Meets at Empire Studio 12, 135 Gateway Park Drive, Kitchener, ON
Web: www.themeetinghouse.ca (519) 589-4960
Local Church Directory
Pathway Community Church (Brethren in Christ) – Sundays at 10 AM
Meets at Doon-Pioneer Park Community Centre, 150 Pioneer Drive, Kitchener, ON Office –
10 Pioneer Drive, Suite 106, Kitchener, ON N2P 2A4 (519) 893-2951
Web: www.pathwaycc.ca E-mail: office@pathwaycc.ca
River of Life Fellowship – Sundays at 10 AM
EBC Campus – 110 Fergus Avenue, Kitchener, ON N2A 2H2 (519) 894-1504
Web: www.riveroflifefellowship.ca E-mail: office@riveroflifefellowship.ca
Stanley Park Baptist Church – Sundays at 9:45 AM
31 Lorraine Avenue, Kitchener, ON N2B 2M9 (519) 576-1100
Web: www.stanleyparkbaptist.com E-mail: office@stanleyparkbaptist.com
Stanley Park Community Church (UBIC) – Sundays at 10:30 AM
9 Dreger Avenue, Kitchener, ON N2A 2A4 (519) 893-8186
Web: www.stanleyparkchurch.ca E-mail: office@stanleyparkchurch.ca
Waterloo Mennonite Brethren Church – Sundays at 9 & 10:45 AM
245 Lexington Road, Waterloo, ON N2K 2E1 (519) 885-5330
Web: www.waterloomb.org E-mail: office@waterloomb.org
Westheights Community Church (Brethren in Christ) – Sundays at 10:30 AM
82 Westheights Drive, Kitchener, ON N2N 2A8 (519) 741-1986
Web: www.westheights.org E-mail: office@westheights.org
Una Church – Sundays at 10:30 AM
Meets at Stanley Park Community Centre, 505 Franklin Street North, Kitchener Web:
www.unachurch.org E-mail: evan.garst@gmail.com (519) 594-0137