June 2009 - Champion Forest


June 2009 - Champion Forest
Proudly Sponsored By The Champion Forest Women’s Club
June 2009
Are You Laid Off? Downsized? Looking
for a Better Job with a Better Company?
You’re invited to John Wesley United Methodist Church’s proven Job Search Program.
Over 200 participants have completed this seven-week program that meets every Tuesday
morning at 9 a.m. in room A103. Learn how to prepare an A+ resume, obtain A+ references,
and develop A+ interviewing skills. There is no cost, and everyone is welcome.
Join us, or call the church office for more information at 281-444-2112 or Bob Gillespie
at 281-537-2606 or Joel Bates at 281-444-5757.
CFWC Donation
Helps Brill
Pictured from left to right:
Joel Bates, Job Search Leader,
with participants Katie Strong
and James Emmons.
Brill Elementary Principal
Karen Smith graciously accepted
a $1,000 check from
Champion Forest Women’s Club.
Don’t Miss the CF Civic Club
4th of July Celebration
(See insert.)
F at
D ay
2009 Champion Forest Directories
The 2009 Champion Forest Directories will be
delivered by your Block Captain during the first
two weeks of June. If you have not received your new
directory by June 15, please contact Heidi Baty at
281-235-6621. Additional copies are available.
What’s Inside:
June 6 – National Trails Day Cleanup at the Kickerillo Mischer Preserve............... page 18
2009 Champion Forest Graduates Make Us Proud!.................................................. page 26
Could the Next Storm Be Worse?.............................................................................. page 33
Dear Neighbors,
Cypress Forest PUD Meeting
Tuesday, June 2
PUD Building
16215 Champion Forest Drive
5:30 p.m.
Summer is here, so remember to watch for our children
as you drive through the neighborhood enjoying summer fun.
Women’s Club was thrilled to present Karen Smith with a check for $1,000 for the
packet program at Brill. Thanks to all the neighbors and guests who generously supported
our spring luncheon and basket auction. A special thank you to Tracie Swonke and
Kathleen Jonick for adding their special touch of fun to a perfect day.
CF Civic Club
Tuesday, June 9
PUD Building
16215 Champion Forest Drive
7:30 p.m.
On May 21 the Women’s Club celebrated a Girls’ Night Out at the home of
Tracie Swonke. This was the perfect way to begin a summer of fun.
We have lots to look forward in the coming months. Natalie Bunton and Susan Barris
may be calling on you during the summer months to help with the November Charity Auction.
Please be willing to lend a little time and talent or provide an auction donation. If you
already know that you want to help, please contact either chairperson.
CF Fund/HOA Meeting
Wednesday, June 10
PUD Building
16215 Champion Forest Drive
5:30 p.m.
September will be back to school with a Girls’ Night. October 6 will be National
Night Out. We will have a table at this event hoping to begin the 2010 membership drive.
Later in October we will have something special for the ladies. Details will be forthcoming.
CFWC Contacts
Susan Barris
As always, we continue to encourage the women of the neighborhood to join, support
and get involved in CFWC. Please feel free to call if you have any questions about this
wonderful neighborhood organization.
Barb Smith
Wishing you all a happy, safe summer.
Marilou Schopper
Newsletter Editor
CF Women’s Club Board
Women's Club Family Fun
Natalie Bunton
CFWC Advisory Board
Melenese Ford
Angela Greenberg
Debbie Jackson
Heidi Beale
Christy Geary
Karla Canchola
Susie Thorpe
in the
Oscars for
June 4th • 7:00 - 9:00 p.m.
Oscar's Creamery on Louetta
CF W o m e n ’ s C l u b M i s s i o n S tat e m e n t
The Champion Forest Women’s Club is a neighborhood social and service organization. The mission of CFWC is to bring Champion Forest women closer
together through community activities. The CFWC fulfills this goal by hosting programs and socials, sponsoring special interest groups, undertaking fund-raising
for scholarships, hosting an annual luncheon and charity auction, and producing the monthly Champion Forest newsletter. Meetings are held on a regular basis in
homes and local venues. To be part of Champion Forest Women’s Club, contact our membership chairman or any Board member.
Champion Forest Newsletter Available on the Web at championforestonline.com
June 2009
Champion Forest Community Newsletter
Champion Forest Women’s Club
Spring Luncheon Wows Attendees
We also had a wonderful basket auction. Women’s Club
members provided beautiful baskets ranging from gardening in
style to fabulous baked goods and a bit of Italian wine. Thanks to
the generosity of everyone who attended, we presented a check
for $1,000 to Karen Smith and the Brill packet program. It was a
great day to celebrate friends, food, fun and a good cause.
Models for the day pose with Tracie of Anything Bling.
Champion Forest Women’s Club celebrated their
Spring Luncheon at Champions Golf Club on April 16.
Kathleen Jonick presented fun facts about interior design and
then gave each attendee a one-hour room redo consultation.
Tracie Swonke brought “bling” to the day with a wonderful
style show from her store “Anything Bling.” She gave each
person a 25% off gift certificate and encouraged everyone to
stop by her store for some summer bling.
Kathleen Jonick of Interiors by
Kathleen Jonick and Tracie Swonke
of Anything Bling entertained with
interior decorating advice, gift cards and
a fabulous “bling it up” style show.
Champion Forest Community Newsletter
Michelle Haugley and her mom are
all smiles as they enjoy the lunch and
auction for CFWC.
(continued on page 4)
June 2009
Spring Luncheon – continued
Beautiful in yellow, Melenese Ford
adds sunshine to an already perfect day
at Champions.
The women of CFWC and guests make it possible
through their generosity to present a
yearly scholarship to one of our schools.
Marilou won a beautiful basket created
by Natalie Bunton of “Sweet Tooth.”
June 2009
Champion Forest Community Newsletter
(continued on page 6)
Champion Forest Community Newsletter
June 2009
Spring Luncheon – continued
I n T he M ail
This space is reserved for residents with opinions to
express, thoughts to share and any question another reader
may be able to answer. Jot it down and drop it in the mail to
Marilou Schopper at 9103 Herts Road, Spring, Texas 77379,
put it into the birdhouse mailbox on Marilou’s front porch, or
contact her by email at marilou@swbell.net.
Remember: This newsletter will not publish anonymous
comments or questions. Please include your name and address.
Thank you, Marilou
Newsletter Editor
Marilou Schopper
9103 Herts Road • 713-302-8851
Please deliver all articles and photos to the front porch
newsletter box or email your news to: marilou@swbell.net.
The newsletter is published without charge to
Champion Forest residents through advertising purchased
from Champions Printing & Publishing.
For advertising information call 281-583-7661.
Newsletter Deadline: 10th of every month.
June 2009
Champion Forest Community Newsletter
CFWC S pecial I nterest G roups
What a great way to have fun and meet your neighbors! We have many Special Interest Groups with a full variety of interests. Call the Special
Interest Chairman of the group that interests you and give it a try. And if there's not a group for your “special interest,” contact Laura Smith at
281-374-0909, and she'll see if there's sufficient interest out there to start a new group! Be sure to check out the potential new groups at the end of this
section! The only requirement for participation in CFWC Special Interest Groups is to be a member in “good standing.” (Article VIII, Section One.)
Membership includes annual dues paid to the CFWC.
CF Mothers of Young Children
Natalie Bunton, 832-717-3294
Christy Geary, 281-320-2746
Mothers of young children meet weekly
for playgroup and monthly for Mom’s
Night Out. Please contact Christy or
Natalie for more information!
Couples Gourmet
Second Saturday Evening
Linda Anderson, 832-717-3661
If you are interested in joining the Couple’s
Gourmet Group, please contact Linda.
Mom's Night Out
Ruth-Ellen Mack, 281-376-2107
On Tuesday, June 16 at 7 p.m. we will
dine at Peli Peli at the Vintage. Please let
me know if you are planning to attend.
Book Club
Connie Nolan, 281-379-5302
Ruth-Ellen Mack, 281-376-2107
Thank you, Linda, for hosting
our May meeting. On June 9 at
noon we will meet at Dee’s to discuss
The Professors’ Wives’ Club by Joanne
Rendell. Please contact the hostess
if you are unable to attend.
Investment Group
“Smart Women Finish Rich”
Third Wednesday 9:15 a.m.
Connie Nolan, President, 281-379-5302
Barbara Wolz, Vice President, 281-257-3665
Please contact Diane or Connie for
information about this interesting group.
Wine Tasting Group
Third Saturday Evening
Gloria Myer, 281-379-6783
Meets every other third Saturday
evening. If you’re interested in this
group, please contact Gloria Myer
at 281-379-6783.
Champion Forest Community Newsletter
June 2009
G arden C lub N ews
Champion Forest
Garden Club
Executive Board
President..............................................................................Anita Martin
First Vice President – Yearbook........................................Sally Blackhall
Second Vice President – Programs.............................. Donna McDaniel
Third Vice President – Membership.................................... Bonnie Ellis
Secretary.......................................................................... Kathy Hughson
Treasurer.................................................................................Ruth Lynch
Club Delegate......................................................................... Chris Agan
Parliamentarian............................................................... Wendy Fryfogle
Historian............................................................................ Barbara Smith
M i s s i o n S tat e m e n t
The Champion Forest Garden Club (CFGC) is a neighborhood special
interest organization chartered in 1978. The mission of the CFGC is to
stimulate knowledge and love of gardening and floral design, to encourage civic
beautification, to promote conservation of our surrounding natural resources
and to foster a close community spirit. The CFGC fulfills this mission by
hosting monthly meetings and periodic field trips throughout the year, along with
various community projects such as our Arbor Day celebration. Meetings are
held monthly at a member’s home. Board members are elected annually. To get
involved, please contact the membership chairperson.
“Growing Green”
The Champion Forest Garden Club May meeting was
held at the home of Mia Crum. Mia’s home and backyard
made a beautiful setting for our final meeting of the year and
catered luncheon. Co-hostesses Chris Agan, Bonnie Ellis,
Terri Chuckles, and Nancee Abrahams provided delicious
breakfast nibbles and Mimosas.
During our past year we have learned more about “Growing
Green” with native plants, water conservation in our yards and
gardens, making décor for our homes from our yards and growing
herbs to use in our cooking. I hope all members have enjoyed
learning about “Growing Green” as much as I have.
Installation of officers was held after our meeting. Chris Agan
gave a beautiful presentation, presenting our officers for next
year. Our present officers all agreed to serve another year with the
exception of Bonnie Ellis, our Third Vice President. Bonnie made
time for Garden Club this past year when she had many other
pressing obligations. I greatly appreciate and thank Bonnie for all
she did. Dawn Turlak has agreed to fill Bonnie’s place and serve as
Third Vice President and Membership Chairman for our coming
year. Thank you, Dawn, for taking on this responsibility.
Champion Forest Garden Club gives $1,500 in scholarships
every year to one or two students majoring in Horticulture at
Texas A&M. Our Garden Club member Merlene Cain attended
the Texas A&M Awards Banquet on Saturday, April 18 and
presented the scholarships to Desiree Koehn and Rachel Psencik.
CFGC has given scholarships to Texas A&M every year since
1984. The support from CF residents for our annual nut sales and
backyard garden tours has enabled us to give these scholarships.
Garden Club members say thank you, CF residents.
Merlene Cain also attended the State Garden Club
Convention in Midland, Texas, on April 21-23. She brought back
June 2009
Champion Forest Community Newsletter
the state awards CF Garden Club won. They included Award
for Outstanding Club, a Citation for the Club Service Award,
1st place for our Yearbook and for Community Concerns, 2nd
place for Scrapbook and Club History, and Gold Medal for the
President’s Report. It takes all members working together and
participating in our activities and projects to achieve these awards.
I am very proud of what our members have achieved this year.
The National Garden Club convention was held at the
Greenspoint Hilton Hotel on May 13-18. Champion Forest
Garden Club members who attended the convention on Friday,
May 15 were Kathy Stewart, Judy Barker, Connie Nolan,
Edna Gilbert, Donna McDaniel, Barbara Smith, Therese Ray,
Peggy Jo Coker, Dee Muyskens, Dawn Turlak, Merlene Cain,
and Anita Martin. We had a delightful lunch and heard
Neil G. Oldenwald speak about “Landscaping with Natives
and Their Benefit in the Environment.” Neil has taught at
Louisiana State University for 38 years and has received many
awards in both landscape design and in art and design.
He is also the author of many books on landscaping and plants.
Our Backyard Garden Tour was a huge success on Sunday,
April 26. The gardens were beautiful, and the weather was
wonderful. A big thank you to Paula Anderson and
Rosanna Fisk, who were chairpersons of the event. They spent
many hours over the past year planning and organizing the
event, which broke all previous sales records. Wendy Fryfogle’s
backyard was on the tour. Wendy planned and prepared her
backyard for the tour, all with a broken arm. Thanks, Wendy.
Please read more about the tour with pictures on pages 10-14.
Our club will resume meetings and programs in September.
I wish each of you a happy and safe summer. Remember –
if you are planning to travel, don’t forget to ensure care for your
yard and plants in your absence. Neglected yards are a sign to
criminals that you probably are not at home.
June Gardening Tips
Water your grass early in the morning hours to help
prevent brownpatch and other fungal diseases.
This is a good time to plant hibiscus and get instant results.
They love our heat but need protection from the late day sun.
Add warm-season color with blue butterfly bush, yellow
bells, or yellow cestrum.
Do a summer application of grass fertilizer with a
3-1-2 ratio towards the end of June.
Deadhead annuals, perennials, and roses to encourage
more blooms.
“Growing Green” Tip
Alfalfa provides many nutritional benefits for plants and
soil organisms. Sprinkle alfalfa pellets (about a handful) around
each rose bush and shrub. Alfalfa is especially good to put
around azaleas after each blooming period.
Happy gardening!
Champion Forest Community Newsletter
Anita Martin
Champion Forest Garden Club
June 2009
Breaks Sales Record
A huge thank you to Paula Anderson and Rosanna Fisk,
who spent many hours over the last year planning and organizing
the successful Backyard Garden Tour. Ticket sales set a new
record! Paula and Rosanna searched months for the beautiful
backyards on the tour, purchased new yard signs this year, handed
out flyers to nearby businesses and encouraged our members to
spread the word to their friends and neighbors.
Rosanna Fisk and Paula Anderson chaired the
Champion Forest Garden Club Backyard Tour.
Months of work paid off with a perfect day on April 26.
Thank you!
June 2009
Another big thank you to the yard captains, Sally Blackhall,
Kathy Stewart, Linn Smyth and Linda Peters. They worked
with the homeowners of the featured backyards and provided
diagrams of the plants growing there with their names. Copies
of the diagrams were given to those who attended the tour.
Beautiful displays of perennial and annual beds were seen, as
well as lifestyle outdoor kitchens, beach entry pools, pergolas, a
children’s play area and even a putting green complete with a sand
trap and chipping area. The Garden Club is very appreciative of
the homeowners who prepared and shared their backyards with
those who attended the tour. You have given us inspiration to
make our own backyards more attractive and enjoyable.
And last but not least, a big thank you to all the residents
who purchased tickets to our tour. Your support has been
overwhelming this past year with both our Annual Nut Sale
and the Backyard Garden Tour. The money we have made will
be returned to Champion Forest in community projects. We
continue to strive to make Champion Forest a more attractive,
friendlier and enjoyable place to live.
Champion Forest Community Newsletter
(continued on page 12)
Champion Forest Community Newsletter
June 2009
Backyard Tour – continued
June 2009
Champion Forest Community Newsletter
(continued on page 14)
Champion Forest Community Newsletter
June 2009
Backyard Tour – continued
Donna, Bettye, Linn and Terri pose
while working in the Meheen backyard.
qPaula (far left) and Rosanna (far right) pose with
yard captains Kathy Stewart, Sally Blackhall,
Linda Peters and Linn Smyth.
Peggy and Nancee welcome guests to the
Backyard Tour.
Debbie Jackson and
Lupe Lopez relax in the
beautiful backyard of
Ruthie and Ken Melber.
Garden Club members relaxed post-tour and had fun celebrating a job well done.
June 2009
Champion Forest Community Newsletter
Edna and Anita are ready to welcome
guests to the Canning backyard.
National Convention Draws
CF Garden Club Residents
tMerlene Cain received our
Yard of the Month
c o n g r at u l at i o n s !
award for “Outstanding Club”
from Judy Keillor, President,
Texas Garden Clubs
q Merlene Cain pictured
with our two scholarship
winners ~ Rachel Psencik
and Desiree Koehn
Jim and Wendy Fryfogle
15910 Harwick Drive
NOTE: Due to the camera limitations we were able to show only
a portion of this beautiful yard.We encourage you to take the time
to drive by this home and enjoy the entire yard.
Champion Forest Community Newsletter
June 2009
Welcome to Champion Forest
new residents
Please fill out this form and return to Heidi Baty
at 9407 Godstone (281-235-6621) before the 10th
of the month. (Check box(es) that apply):
___ We would like to be included in the newsletter
___ We would like to be included in the neighborhood
telephone directory
___ We would like to make changes to our information in
the telephone directory
___ I would like someone to contact me regarding
neighborhood activities
Children's Names and Ages:_ __________________________
Moved from:_________________________________________
CFWC Sunshine and Welcome
Champion Forest Women’s Club would love to share
the sunshine in your life. If you are new to the neighborhood,
we would like to come by and give you a welcome gift. If you
are a new parent or grandparent, please send us a picture and
information to brighten up the newsletter. We would like to
share anything that brings sunshine into your life. Call CFWC
Laura Smith at 281-374-0909 or email Marilou Schopper
at marilou@swbell.net.
Welcome Packets – Don’t Forget
The Civic Club wants to make sure that every new resident
gets a warm “hello” and helping hand. A neighborhood Welcome
Packet delivered by a smiling face accomplishes both. If you
know of a new resident on your street, please contact Heidi Baty
at 281-235-6621. The packets include a CF directory, a CFWC
newsletter and other helpful information about the community
that can aid new residents.
Home Phone:________________________________________
Email Address: ______________________________________
Husband is employed by: ______________________________
Work phone:_ _______________________________________
Wife is employed by: ________________________________
Got News?
Email your news to marilou@swbell.net or drop it
in the front porch mailbox at 9103 Herts Road.
Work phone:_ _______________________________________
June 2009
Champion Forest Community Newsletter
Champion Forest
Civic Club
At the Civic Club’s Appreciation Party for Block Captains
and Coordinators, special recognition was given to:
Block Captain for 25 Years: Sandra Manning
Board Members
President........................................................ John Shipp, 281-376-0240
Vice President..........................................Ellen Thomson, 281-379-1925
Treasurer.................................................... Winn Andrus, 281-370-8723
Civic Events Coordinator.........................................................................
Marquee Coordinator........................... Maura Mulvehill, 281-379-5660
Directory Chairman........................................Heidi Baty, 281-257-2634
M i s s i o n S tat e m e n t
The Champion Forest Civic Club (CFCC) is a neighborhood service
organization chartered in 1995. The mission of the CFCC is to unite the
community. The CFCC fulfills this mission by publishing a neighborhood
directory, hosting a Halloween Happening, supporting National Neighbors’
Night Out, sponsoring the CF Annual Easter Egg Hunt, July 4th Parade,
and other events throughout the year. The Civic Club also maintains the
marquees at the entrances to Champion Forest.
CFCC collects $15 annual dues from all residents. Board members are
elected every other year in October. Meetings are held the second Tuesday of
the month at 7:30 p.m. at 16215 Champion Forest Drive. To get involved,
please contact any Board member.
C ivic C lub N ews
Block Captains responsible for the greatest number of homes:
Barbara Spaeth (Manningtree Lane,
Chalton Court and Astwood Court – 38 homes)
Lara Pena (the entire street of Taidswood – 38 homes)
Coordinators: Heidi Baty, Val Arbona, Ruth Lawson,
Jane Luck, Sue Ellen Latham and Judy Loosely
Wanted and Needed – Civic Events
Coordinator Champion Forest Civic Club
How would you like a wonderful budget ready to spend –
all to throw a party for your children (and your neighbors)?
We’ve got it! The Champion Forest Civic Club is looking for one,
two or three loving, giving souls to fill this volunteer position.
Be responsible for: Halloween Happening
Bring a smile to the face of each kiddo. This could be a year
of fun for you, your family and Champion Forest! We know you
are out there. Contact Ellen Thompson at 281-379-1925.
Champion Forest Community Newsletter
June 2009
National Trails Day Cleanup
at the Kickerillo Mischer Preserve
Harris County Precinct 4 Parks and Recreation will host
a cleanup work day on June 6 at the new KM Preserve at
Chasewood Park Drive and SH 249 from 8:30 a.m. until
12:30 p.m., rain or shine.
Cypress Forest
Public Utility District
Please join us and help make the Kickerillo Mischer
Preserve beautiful!
June 2009
Tom Petrick, President
Linn Smyth, Vice President
Fred Jones, Secretary
Greg DiCioccio, Assistant Secretary
Jim Lynch, Assistant Vice President
If you have wanted to take a look at our area’s newest park
land, come by and join a work crew. There are tasks for all ages,
and cold drinks and lunch will be provided.
Parking will be on the west side of Chasewood Park Drive;
follow the signs. Shuttles will run under SH 249 to the work site.
Food will be available on the St. Luke’s Hospital land adjoining the
Preserve. You can sign up at REI, Willowbrook, or just show up.
M i s s i o n S tat e m e n t
The Texas State Legislature created the Cypress Forest Public Utility
District (CFPUD) in 1971. The mission of the CFPUD is to finance,
construct, own and operate waterworks, wastewater, and drainage facilities
and to provide such facilities and services to its customers. The CFPUD is
governed by a five-member board of directors that is elected by the public
and has staggered four-year terms. Meetings are held the first Tuesday of
each month at 5:30 p.m. at the PUD Building on Champion Forest Drive.
The CFPUD Board also hosts a regular Brown Bag Lunch for all interested
residents. To get involved, please contact a Board member.
Champion Forest Community Newsletter
PUD N ews
At the CFPUD meeting on May 5, the Board was updated
on the elements of the new emergency preparedness, disaster
planning and communication work. All households within the
CFPUD District will be receiving an information card with
instructions and contact data. There will also be informational
signage on the usage of our water supply placed at all major
entrances to our various subdivision areas. We all learned a lot
from Hurricane Ike, and every effort is being made to use that
information effectively in any future emergency events.
Also, during the recent heavy rains that put most of
Raveneaux Country Club under water, The Villas reported
that the new flood control measures just completed on Cypress
Creek were successful in directing runoff where it could do no
damage to their homes. We continue to partner with Harris
County Flood Control for better storm water drainage along our
section of the creek.
We are on schedule with construction of the modifications
to our water system that will allow us to receive surface water
from the North Harris County Regional Water Authority
beginning at the start of 2010. Our latest PUD newsletter
contains additional information useful to your household on
the change from chlorine-treated water to the new chloraminetreated water. Please contact us through our website if you have
any concerns, and we will be happy to help you. With much of
Harris County on chloramine-treated water for many years, we
expect a smooth transition.
Our bond application for park and recreation funds to
purchase Raveneaux and create a walking trail was sent to Austin
in early April. It is now going through the approval process by
the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality. Annexation
of the tract into the District will follow and bonds will be sold
to complete the purchase as planned. Exact timing is difficult to
predict, but we plan to work through the summer and be ready to
purchase the tract well in advance of the December 31 deadline.
The federal district court has dismissed Kleinwood MUD’s
lawsuit against CFPUD and the Raveneaux owners. The federal
court’s dismissal of the suit resolved all of the federal issues in the
lawsuit but allowed Kleinwood to file any state claims in state
court. Kleinwood has re-filed their state law claims in a Harris
County District Court. Based on the law, CFPUD believes that
Kleinwood’s claims in state court will also be dismissed.
Please watch the esplanades over the coming months
for some water conservation changes we will be doing in
partnership with the Champion Forest HOA. The cost of the
water used on the esplanades is shared by us all, and we are
constantly making every effort to improve the water delivery
system, to minimize these irrigation costs without diminishing
the beautiful floral displays we all enjoy.
Our website (www.cyforestpud.com) is an effective way to
contact us on any issue.
Linn Smyth, CFPUD Director
Champion Forest Community Newsletter
June 2009
Raveneaux Redo Renews!
The beautifully redecorated Raveneaux Country Club will open
soon to the membership. These pictures, provided by Linn Smyth,
are just a glimpse of the improvements that have been made to
the interior of our neighborhood club. As we celebrate our new
clubhouse, we continue to anticipate our park and walking trails
that are in the foreseeable future. We truly have many things to be
excited about living in Champion Forest.
June 2009
Champion Forest Community Newsletter
C hampion F orest F und , I nc .
Homeowners' Association (HOA)
Board Members
President......................................................... Todd Hardin, 281-655-0845
Vice President............................................... Wally Bircher, 281-374-7422
Secretary............................................................Barb Smith, 281-251-3093
Treasurer........................................................... Heidi Beale, 281-370-0423
Architectural Control.......................................... Jim Reed, 281-379-1610
Committee Responsibilities
Neighborhood Watch......................................................Jim Reed (HOA)
Jacque Kern (CF Resident)
Publicity......................................................................................Barb Smith
Grounds/Maintenance................................. Wally Bircher & Barb Smith
Website/Communication.......................................................... Heidi Beale
M i s s i o n S tat e m e n t
The Champion Forest Fund, Inc. is a nonprofit tax-exempt corporation
chartered in the State of Texas. The association was formed for the purpose
of providing for the maintenance, preservation and architectural control of the
residential lots within Champion Forest subdivision and promoting the safety,
health and welfare of its residents.
Champion Forest Website
Log on for the latest neighborhood and community news.
C o n s o l i d at e d M a n a g e m e n t S e rv i c e s (CMS)
For all deed restriction or neighborhood maintenance questions,
contact CMS at 281-296-9775 (phone), 281-296-9788 (fax), or by
email at conmgsvc@swbell.net.
Save the Date
National Night Out
October 6
An Architectural Review Application must be submitted
BEFORE you begin any home improvements.
Contact Consolidated Management Services at
281-296-9775 (phone), 281-296-9788 (fax) or by email
at conmgsvc@swbell.net whenever you need assistance.
Champion Forest Community Newsletter
June 2009
HOA/F und M eeting M emo
Lt. Finley discussed the term “alert” and the process for
communicating with the residents of Champion Forest.
Lt. Finley stressed the importance of residents signing
up for CF Connection, so residents can receive his
information in a timely manner.
Chris Pickens, our night deputy, came to the meeting
to introduce himself to the Board.
Tom Petrick attended the Board meeting to represent
the PUD.
o He let us know that the surveying for surface water is
beginning. The North Harris County Regional Water
Authority will be laying pipelines for the surface
water. (Be sure to watch for important information
concerning water treatment, pond chemicals, etc. as
we begin the switch to surface water.)
o He was happy to announce that the Vintage
experienced no flooding during the last torrential rain.
o He informed the Board that the plans for Raveneaux
are progressing. Closing on the Raveneaux property is
still planned for December 31.
o He also informed the Board that the PUD will be
supporting National Night Out on October 6, and
the Spring into Action and Beautify Champion
Forest on March 28, 2010.
June 2009
Grounds and Maintenance
o Barb reported that E36 is completed.
o We are also working on more efficient irrigation of the
esplanades in hopes of cutting our water costs. (There
will be lot more information on this topic in the future.)
Architectural Report
o No new architectural requests.
o Jim Reed reminds the residents that if you are
planning to change the footprint of your fence, you
need to request architectural approval.
Neighborhood Watch
o Jim and his team are providing monthly information
to the newsletter and to the website.
o “Alerts” will be sent out through the CF Connection
seven days a week.
o Heidi reported plans to update the website with new
designs and a simple user-friendly approach.
Be watching for new and wonderful changes in the
next few months.
o Heidi also reported that the plans for a communitysponsored National Night Out are under way. This
is going to be a wonderful family night, so mark your
calendars for Tuesday, October 6. Come join the fun.
Champion Forest Community Newsletter
N eighborhood W atch N ews
Join the Team – “Every Neighbor Can Watch and Report!”
Mission Statement
The mission of the Champion Forest Neighborhood Watch Committee
is to provide a community body to assist in the implementation
and continuing improvement of Champion Forest security through
evaluation, education, outreach and communication.
Do not leave bikes and other valuable items
unattended in the front yard, especially overnight. Remind
youngsters about “stranger danger” and ask them to check in.
Nothing can replace parental supervision.
Neighborhood Watch Coordinators:
J. Reed, J. Kern, J. Lynch and H. Charalambides
Secure gardens with swimming pools; be certain gates are
locked in your absence. Access is the first step in any drowning
incident! Remember to keep doors, gates and garages locked and
secure. As temperatures rise, provide adequate shade for outdoor
pets. It is also good practice to leave a large dish of drinking water
out at all times. Please never leave young children or pets alone in
a car for any amount of time during the summer months.
Summer Is Here
Days become longer, temperatures begin to rise and
summer is here. Children are out of school; vacation plans are
in place. Summer fun and safety can go hand in hand. Your
Champion Forest Neighborhood Watch team offers these tips
for a safe and happy season.
With school children out for the summer, they will be out
and about in the neighborhood, especially in the evenings.
Drivers are encouraged to drive slowly and expect children to
be present, especially during that commute after work. Parents,
please be aware that Champion Forest has a curfew which
can be enforced. Children under age 17 should not be out
unsupervised from midnight to 6 a.m. Remind your children
to wear helmets when riding bikes, skating and skateboarding.
Fireworks and burn bans should be strictly followed.
Burn bans do not, however, include the family barbeque!
Going On a Trip?
Do you sometimes get phone calls and nobody is there?
The call can come from thieves checking to see if you are
home. They will know your home is a good target if nobody
answers for a couple of days. If you are going to be away from
your home, turn on your phone’s “call forwarding” function
Champion Forest Community Newsletter
(continued on page 24)
June 2009
N eighborhood W atch – continued
Community Pet Liaison
Missing and Found Pet Report
to your cell or to the phone where you are going to visit. You
then can answer giving the impression you are home. Stop your
newspaper delivery and mail delivery if you are away or have a
neighbor pick it up for you in the morning. Ask your neighbor
to remove any flyers that are stuck in the front door. Make your
home look as if you are there. It is also a good idea to use a
timer to turn on lights in your home during evening hours.
There is an unfortunate event in a pet’s life that may
occur when a gate, door, or some type of enclosure is open. It
is a dreaded moment that emerges when a loved pet leaves the
household for an area visit. Pet Liaison is all about helping pet
owners recover their lost pets. Pet Liaison can be an efficient and
effective addition for missing and lost pets when time is power.
Alert our local Pct. 4 Constable’s office at 281-376-3472
that you will be away, and drive-by patrol service will be provided.
More detailed information regarding the security of your home in
your absence is available at www.championforestonline.net.
False Alarms
The Constable’s patrol responded to 500 false alarms in
Champion Forest during 2008. These false alarms interrupted
the Constable’s patrol activities in our community. Is your
alarm system in good condition and up to date? If you are
having troubles with your alarm system giving a false alarm,
your system may need to be checked by your monitoring firm.
Some alarm systems will block your land phone line while the
system sounds the alarm. You then should use your cell phone
to call your monitoring firm. Be sure their phone number is on
your cell phone list.
June 2009
Jim and Ruth Lynch have provided a Pet Liaison service
to help find lost pets in our community for the last 10 years.
Contact Pet Liaison Ruth or Jim Lynch at 281-320-9570 and
give them your pet’s description, where your pet was last seen,
your pet’s name, age and gender, your name, address and phone
number. A pet record is kept on file for one year.
Experience indicates that it greatly aids the return of your
lost pet to post signs in the community. Note: If you post signs,
please take them down later.
It is our hope that this information is helpful. May your
summer be filled with enjoyable moments and the comfort
of knowing that Champion Forest is a community of caring
neighbors. Remember to…
Raise your awareness to possible criminal activity.
Lower your reluctance to calling the police
Expand interaction with your neighbors.
Champion Forest Community Newsletter
C onstable ’ s P atrol A ctivity R eport
S ummary R eport
April 2009
Under Investigation
Type of Activity
Burglary of a Habitation........................................................0
Burglary of a Motor Vehicle..................................................0
Theft from a Habitation........................................................1
Theft of a Motor Vehicle.......................................................0
Theft - Other..........................................................................0
Sexual Assault........................................................................0
Criminal Mischief..................................................................1
Disturbance - Family..............................................................1
Disturbance - Juvenile...........................................................0
Disturbance - Other.............................................................10
Suspicious Vehicles..............................................................12
Suspicious Persons................................................................14
Telephone Harassment..........................................................0
Other Calls...........................................................................61
Theft from a Habitation
8500 Blk. Tranquil Park Drive
Criminal Mischief
9900 Blk. Oxted Lane
Disturbance – Family
8800 Blk. Ashridge Park Drive
Disturbance – Other
Maplehurst Drive/Kennet Valley
Many residents in Champion Forest have not notified their alarm companies as to which law
enforcement agency to notify should the need arise. Please contact your alarm company and instruct
them to contact the Harris County Pct. 4 Constable’s Department at 281-376-3472 should your
burglar alarm activate or you hit the panic button and need law enforcement for an emergency.
There are registered sex offenders living in many neighborhoods. For more information,
go to www.familywatchdog.us and follow the links.
Disclaimer: The information contained in the Contract Summary Report is
provided by the Harris County Precinct 4 Constable's Office. The Champion Forest Fund,
Inc. (the "Fund") is not responsible for the content of the CF Patrol Contract Summary
and Activity Reports, and the Fund disclaims and denies any and all liability therefor.
Other Calls
Champion Forest Drive/
Cypresswood Drive – Bandit
signs were illegally placed at
the intersection. A report was
generated, and the company
advertised on the signs was warned
of the serious penalties should they
fail to cease the practice of posting
signs on public right of ways.
Champion Forest Community Newsletter
Constable’s Dispatch
June 2009
Champion Forest
calling all
If you are graduating
in the spring, we would
like to spotlight you in
the newsletter. Please
send a picture and
significant information
and future plans) to
We look forward to
hearing from you.
June 2009
Morgan Faye Smith
Morgan will graduate from Klein High School in June as a
member of the National Honor Society. She is a four-year Varsity
Letterman of the Klein High Swim and Dive Team and has served
as team captain for the past three years. Morgan is a 10-time High
School All American in swimming. She is a District Champion in
numerous events and has advanced to Regionals and State all four
years. In 2008 and 2009 Morgan was a state finalist in four events
and posted times that ranked in the top 50 fastest times ever swum
at a state meet. Morgan holds Klein’s 200 IM, 100 Backstroke and
several relay records. She was selected the Most Valuable Player of
Klein’s Varsity Swim Team her sophomore, junior and senior years.
Morgan is also the recipient of the Klein’s 2009 Booster Club Academic and Athletic Scholarship. For
2007, 2008 and 2009 she is a USA Swimming National qualifier, a Junior National qualifier, and a Speedo
Sectionals finalist for 2006 through 2009. She swims USA swimming with Cypress Fairbanks Swim Club.
Morgan recently signed with Auburn University with a swim scholarship! She looks forward to swimming
at the collegiate level and majoring in business. Morgan has been active in serving her community as
a member of Cypress Creek National Charity League for six years and is also a member of Sugar Plum
Cotillion, Champion Forest Baptist Church and attends Bible Study Fellowship International.
Champion Forest Community Newsletter
2 0 0 9 G r a d uat e s
Make Us Proud!
Dylan Davis
Dylan Davis is the son of Dwaine and Robin Davis and big brother to Jordan. Dylan was Senior Class
President, Technical Students of America Officer, Latin Club, Student Council, Boys’ Varsity Soccer,
Standleader and Bearkat Baller. Dylan is a member of Faithbridge United Methodist Church and an active
member in the student ministry. Dylan plans on attending Texas A&M University in the fall and majoring
in environmental design.
Michael Bonow
On June 6 Michael Bonow, son of James and
Nancy Bonow, will graduate from Klein High School
magna cum laude. While at Klein, he was involved
in theater, speech and debate, French Honor Society
(which he was vice president of his senior year),
and National Honor Society. During his senior year,
Michael showed off his Bearkat spirit as a Standleader.
Michael will be attending Baylor University in the
fall. He will be participating in the Honors Program
and majoring in biology/pre-med.
(continued on page 28)
Champion Forest Community Newsletter
June 2009
G ra duates
Nick Soliz
- continued
Congratulations to Michael
Chiavone, Klein High School
Class of 2009! Michael is
the son of Joe and Margaret
Chiavone and has lived
in Champion Forest his
entire life. He attended
Brill Elementary and Kleb
Intermediate School before
entering Klein High.
While at Klein, Michael
has been a four-year member of the award-winning Klein Drama
Department. Last year he and two other students were nominated for
the prestigious Tommy Tune award for Best Choreography for their
collaboration on Bye Bye Birdie, and this year he was nominated for
Best Supporting Actor for his role as Nathan Detroit in Guys and Dolls.
Michael is an honor member of the International Thespian Society
and sings in the Klein Chorale and Chamber Choir. He has been a
four-year member of the Student Council and served on the Executive
Board this year. He is a Standleader this year and was chosen “Most
Spirited Senior Boy.” Michael will be attending Oklahoma City
University and majoring in musical theatre.
June 2009
Nick Soliz, Klein High
School graduate in the Class
of 2009, will be attending
Texas Christian University
(TCU) in Fort Worth, TX,
beginning in the fall of 2009
where he plans to obtain a
degree in engineering as well
as an MBA. He has received
a Faculty Scholarship from
TCU. Nick also received
scholarships from TCU and
Rice University to participate
in their 2008 summer programs – TCU-Investors Challenge Course
and Rice’s EntrePrep Program. Nick wrote an article on the business
model and commercial his team developed while at Rice, which was
featured in Future CEO Stars Magazine. The same business model was
used as a prime example in programs at various East Coast universities.
Nick also received a scholarship from Colorado School of Mines.
His Math SAT score ranked him in the top 2% in the nation.
Nick has been employed at Drew’s Pastry Place since its opening the
summer of 2008 and has accepted a paid internship for this summer
with Champions Fiberglass. He was named to the Who’s Who of
High School Students and is a member of The National Society of
High School Scholars. While at Klein High School, Nick played on
the football and basketball teams, was a member of National Honor
Society, National Latin Honor Society, Freshman Class Officer,
Student Council member, a Bearkat Baller, President of the Junior
Achievement Club, student Mentor at Mittlestadt Elementary School,
Fellowship of Christian Athletes, Technology Students of America,
and Maxima Cum Laude on the National Latin Exam. Nick has also
been involved in various community projects through the Rotary
Club, CF Civic Club, YMCA, CFWC, Habitat for Humanity and
Salvation Army. We are very proud of Nick and wish him much
success as a Horned Frog at TCU!!
Champion Forest Community Newsletter
Allison Schad
Allison Schad, daughter
of Don and Julie Schad,
is graduating cum laude
from Klein High School.
During her years at Klein,
Allison participated in the
Bearkat Yearbook for three
years, holding the position
of Yearbook Photography
editor her senior year. Allison
actively participated in other
organizations while at Klein,
including National Honor
Society, HOSA, and photography competitions. Congratulations
on your acceptance to the College of Architecture at Texas A&M
University and to the University’s Honors Program. We look forward
to your future accomplishments in the coming years.
Congratulations to Michael
Holeman, son of Dave and
Michelle Holeman, who
graduates with the Klein
High School Class of 2009.
Michael was member of the
Klein High Varsity football
team for 2 years, serving
as a captain his senior year.
He was awarded All-District
Honorable Mention and the
Butch Theiss Football Dedication Award. His other activities and
honors include National Honor Society, Who’s Who at Klein High
School, National Football Award Winner-United States Achievement
Academy, All-American Scholar Award Winner and Fellowship
of Christian Athletes. Michael is also active in the youth group
at Bammel Church of Christ. Michael will be attending Abilene
Christian University in the fall and plans to major in business.
(continued on page 30)
Champion Forest Community Newsletter
June 2009
G ra duates
Brett Jones
- continued
Richard graduated from
Klein High School (Vistas High
School) in January 2009.
The afternoon he finished his
last class, he was on a plane
to California to begin courses
towards a Bachelor of Science
degree in audio production at
the Art Institute, Los Angeles,
California. Richard is pursuing a
career in the recording industry.
Richard’s passions in high school were playing the drums with his band
and attending the University of Southern California football games.
Growing up, Richard participated in Raveneaux swim team and
tennis. Richard was also active in the youth program at Northwoods
Presbyterian Church and Camp Cho Yeh. Richard is the son of
Dr. Ernest Burger of Bakersfield, California and Ms. Nancy Burger.
Congratulations to Brett Jones,
son of Mike Jones and
Dee Dee Jones, who will
graduate from Klein High
School this spring. Brett was
on the varsity golf team during
his sophomore through senior
years participating in District
and Regional tournaments, and
he was one of the team captains
his senior year. Brett is a
member of the National Honor
Society, Student Council,
HGA, and spent time in the summers volunteering at the Houston Golf
Association’s First Tee program. Brett is planning on attending
Texas Christian University this fall where he will major in business.
Matthew Wedekind was in
All-State Marching Band,
All-State Band, regional
band and orchestra 4 years,
First Chair Trumpet 2 years,
Received Outstanding
Musician award at HASWE
2008, President of Co-op
Club; 1st at regional, 1st at
State in Corpus Christi, and
still going to Nationals in
Kansas the end of June with a
5-member team for Parliamentary Procedure. Matt will most likely be
attending the University of North Texas.
June 2009
Champion Forest Community Newsletter
Rachel Marie McCartha,
daughter of Rick and Kathy
McCartha, is a Class of
2009 graduate of Klein High
School. She was a 4-year
Klein cheerleader serving
as Varsity Spirit Officer as
a senior, a member of the
National Honor Society, and
Student Council Executive
Officer. Rachel was also a
competitive cheerleader for 8 years at Texas Lonestar Cheer Company
and a two-time Cheerleading World’s finalist. She is a three-time
NCA All-American cheerleader with 3 NCA National Titles and
over 15 National Cheer Titles for Competitive Cheerleading. Rachel
was also a member of the National Society for High School Scholars
(NSHSS) and an NSHSS Athlete. During her high school years,
Rachel was nominated for “Who’s Who Among American High
School Students” and “Who’s Who Among American High School
Students for Sports.” Other involvements include a 3-year member
of Junior Guild Charitable Organization, Sugar Plum Cotillion and
Young Life, and she continues to work at Perry’s Grille and Steakhouse
where she has been for the past two years. Rachel will attend Southern
Methodist University in the fall and is a recipient of a “Mustang
Scholar” scholarship for academic and extracurricular excellence.
She is planning to major in business and advertising.
Patrick Stanley
Patrick Stanley, son of Ana
Rodriguez and grandson of
CF residents Fred and Nena
Rodriguez, is a 2009 Klein
High School graduate. With
his combined grades and
athletic ability, Patrick has
received a baseball scholarship
to Hill College (Hillsboro, TX)
to play with the Rebels.
From T-Ball to Varsity, he
has already had a long career
in baseball. Although he can play almost any position, Patrick
dominates as short stop and pitcher. His speed, instincts, and
leadership have built him a reputation for being one of the area’s
most talented and respected players. This year, KHS Varsity Baseball
selected Patrick to receive the Outstanding Defensive Award.
In addition, he received the Outstanding Player Award which he
shares with teammate, Mathew Purke (not bad company!).
Patrick hopes to continue playing the sport he loves and strives to work
his way up to MLB one day. When you ask him about his back-up
plans, he flashes his Hollywood smile and says, “The family can use
another engineer.” We are proud of you, Patrick! Follow your dreams.
Champion Forest Community Newsletter
(continued on page 32)
June 2009
G ra duates
Kelley Rose Randolph
- continued
Kelley Rose Randolph is
the daughter of David and
Andrea and sister of Katie,
a 2007 KHS graduate. Kelley
will graduate from Klein
High School on June 6.
She will have completed the
cosmetology career program.
She will attend Sam Houston
State University, Huntsville,
Texas, majoring in business
in the fall. Our last one…
bittersweet…the days at Brill
don’t seem that long ago!
Scott Ward
Scott Ward, son of John and
Susan Ward, is a 2009 cum
laude graduate of Klein High
School. Scott was a member
of the National Honor
Society, National Honor
Latin Society, and Business
Professionals of America.
He played on the Klein High
School Golf Team for four
years and won the district
championship two years in
a row. He received the MVP
award his junior and senior years. He was also a volunteer for The First
Tee of Houston. He competed in the HGA junior golf program and
the American Junior Golf Association, along with the Texas Legends
Junior Tour. Scott will be attending the University of Texas in the fall
where he has been accepted into the Cockrell School of Engineering.
If you have pictures of you and your family at work or play,
volunteering or pursuing interests above and beyond, please
submit them to Marilou at marilou@swbell.net. We would love
to have the shutterbug catch you or your children for all your
neighbors to see!
June 2009
Champion Forest Community Newsletter
Could the Next Storm Be Worse?
Harris County has the distinction of suffering the most
repetitive flood losses in the United States. The recent rain storm
in late April moved in with citizens receiving no warning as to the
severity which would follow in the middle of the night when 7- to
9-inch rainfalls occurred in the upper Harris/Waller County line
reaches of the Cypress Creek Watershed. Lacking capacity to hold
the downpour, significant overflow occurred causing rapidly rising
waters to top the Cypress Creek stream banks before flowing into
the Addicks Reservoir. Neighborhoods in the remaining 30-mile
downstream areas experienced out-of-bank flooding in streets and
yards but essentially minimum flooding within their homes.
The Texas Forest Service determined that within the Cypress
Creek Watershed, runoff volume doubles and peak depth increases
by 2H when land is converted from forest/agriculture use to hard
surface pavement. Because of exploding urban development in
the Upper Watershed, it is likely that storm water flooding in this
watershed will worsen unless government decision makers heed
the findings and recommendations to mitigate flood damage.
Less than 1,000 acres have been acquired of over 20,000
identified for storm water detention in the master plan
adopted by Commissioners Court in l984. Responsibility
for implementation and funding was never fixed.
The flood mapping adopted by FEMA in 2007, based on
urban development conditions as of December 2001, is
rapidly becoming outdated due to new subdivision/urban
The FEMA computers used to develop the 2007 mapping
under-calculated the base flood elevation depth by nearly
4 feet in the Upper Watershed. Although knowing the
data was seriously flawed, FEMA without merit denied our
appeal and adopted the mapping, an action which is now
being challenged in the federal courts through a lawsuit
filed by the Sierra Club.
A funding and implementation plan has never been put
forward to Commissioners Court to authorize regional
detention basins (85,000 acre feet storage capacity)
strategically located in the Upper Watershed as specified in
a 1991 engineering study commissioned by HCFCD.
A regional flood damage reduction plan in 2003
recommended 7 new detention facilities in the Little
Cypress tributary watershed and 3 regional basins in
the Upper Watershed Mound Creek tributary area. It is
unknown why recommended priority actions have not
been implemented nor why the plan was not submitted to
Commissioners Court seeking adoption.
(continued on page 35)
Champion Forest Community Newsletter
June 2009
Architectural Control Committee Approval Request
All improvements must be drawn to scale on a photocopy of the survey. Please indicate how the new structure or improvement relates to the
existing structure, and if possible, provide a side and rear view. A sketch for mailboxes and gutters is acceptable. In the case of new construction,
please enclose two (2) sets of plans; one will be returned with the decision of the ACC/ARC. No Contractor Signs Are Permitted.
Champion Forest Subdivision
Owner’s Name________________________________________________ (if Tenant)________________________________________________
Home Phone_ ___________________________ Work Phone_________________________________Fax Phone__________________________
Please indicate and fully describe the improvement(s) which you propose.
____ Paint
____ Roof
____ Pool/Spa
____ Gazebo
____ Storage Shed
____ Fence
____ Room Addition
____ Wood/Siding
____ Other
____ Deck
____ Basketball Goal
____ Patio
Describe improvement in more detail that you marked above:_ ___________________________________________________________________
Location of improvement(s) which you propose, backyard, sideyard, etc. Be specific, showing to scale the property lines, building set back lines,
easements, fences, sidewalks, patios, pools. A plat or survey is required._________________________________________________
Materials planned for the improvement you propose.
Lumber – Type(s)__________________________________________________________________________
Brick – Type(s) & Color_____________________________________________________________________
Screen – Type(s)___________________________________________________________________________
Fence – Type(s)____________________________________________________________________________
Shingles – Type(s)_ ________________________________________________________________________
Other –__________________________________________________________________________________
If you are painting or staining – you must include three (3) paint/stain samples and brand/manufacturer. Please give particular consideration to
the color of the brick when making your paint selection.
Brick Color:_ _____________________________ Trim Color:_______________________________ House Color:______________________________________
Garage Door Color_________________________________
Dimensions of Planned Improvement:________________Width_____________ Height____________ Length_ _____________
Who will work on this improvement?
o Contractor – List Name and Phone #______________________________________________
Start Date:______________________ Completion Date:___________________________
For any room additions and storage buildings, you must obtain a construction permit from the City of Houston and/or Harris County within thirty
(30) days of the date of approval by the Architectural Control Committee. To obtain a construction permit, contact Harris County, or if you have
any questions, call the Building Department at 713-956-3000.
In an effort to provide and protect each individual homeowner’s rights and values, it is required that any homeowner or group of homeowners considering
improvement (examples: exterior paint, patio covers, fences, sidewalks, decks, etc.) on their deeded property other than landscaping, submit a request for home
improvement approval to the Architectural Control Committee for approval by the Homeowners’ Association prior to initiating work on planned improvements. If
any change is made that has not been approved, the committee has the right to ask the homeowner to remove the improvement from his property. I understand that
the Association Architectural Control Committee will act on this request as quickly as possible and contact me in writing regarding their decision. I agree not to
begin property improvement(s) until the Architectural Control Committee notifies me of their approval.
Signature of Homeowner___________________________________________________________________ Date__________________________
For Association & Office Use Only
Date Received:_____________________________________ Date Submitted to ACC/ARC:___________________________________________
Comments for Committee from CMS: D/R_ _______ Assessment___________
Date:___________________ o Approved o Denied
Comments or Contingencies from ACC/ARC:_ ______________________________________________________________________________
ACC/ARC Signatures:___________________________________________________________________________________________________
Return Request Form To: Consolidated Management Services • 2204 Timberloch Place, Suite 245 • The Woodlands, TX 77380
Phone: 281-296-9775 • Fax: 281-296-9788 • Email: conmgsvc@swbell.net
**Please provide drawing of improvement with distances labeling the location of improvements to scale.
June 2009
Champion Forest Community Newsletter
Next Storm - continued
On the positive side, facts which may be reason for hope include:
HCFCD responding to CCFCC’s request recommended to
Harris County Commissioners Court that the results of a
3-year undertaking which remedied the shortcomings in
the FEMA floodplain computers be enacted for regulation
of new development. This undertaking was successful and
the Court adopted the recommendation in August 2008.
As described above, the FEMA generated floodplain
maps fail to show changes expected to occur in floodplain
borders, depth and drainage volume/flow rates as a result
of full urban development. Directly addressing this gap
in critical knowledge, a joint research project using the
FEMA recalibrated computers to simulate full urban
development of the Cypress Creek Watershed will be
conducted. Called the “Future Conditions Flood Hazard
Boundary” research project, work will commence during
the 2nd quarter of this year.
Champion Forest Resident Wins
National Duplicate Bridge Award
If you did not see his name in the New York Times,
CF resident Daniel Jackson, also known in the newsletter as the
tutor for which no subject is too difficult, and his bridge partner
Bill Gervais are setting the Texas duplicate bridge scene on fire.
Back in December 2008 he and Bill won the state championships
in the North American Pairs event in Austin. They went on
to compete in the American Contract Bridge League National
Tournament held in Houston this past April, winning the
National Red Ribbon Pairs. He and his team of four will
compete over Memorial Day in the Grand National Teams.
Pet Liaison
Call Ruth or Jim Lynch at 281-320-9570
to report a lost or found pet.
Look Upstream articles are written and/or provided by the Cypress Creek
Flood Control Coalition (CCFCC) as a public service. Visit the website
at www.ccfcc.org for more information on needed flood protection,
environmental preservation, flood insurance and membership, or e-mail to
Champion Forest Community Newsletter
June 2009
C lassified A ds
Tutor: Former Klein ISD teacher, who misses working with
students, is available for remedial and/or enrichment tutoring.
State certified for pre-kindergarten through elementary age
children. Character and professional references available.
Please call Sandy Williams at 281-320-1243 (home) or
713-899-1918 (cell).
Are you a high school senior or junior looking for
an easy part-time job after school this coming school year
(about 2 hours/day M-F)? CF resident is looking for a friendly,
energetic, very reliable and responsible high school senior (or
junior) to pick up and stay with two Brill students after school
during the 2009-2010 school year (5th grader and one in
kindergarten). A safe driver and access to a car on a daily basis
is a must. Responsibilities would include picking up the kids
at Brill by 3:15 p.m., returning to our home and supervising
homework. You may occasionally need to drop kids off at a
sport’s practice nearby. This part-time job ensures 10 hours
per week (2 hours/day M-F) and pays $120 per week (about
$12 per hour). I generally arrive home from work by 5:15 p.m.
References would need to be provided. Call Michelle at
281-384-7506 if you are interested and want to talk!
Do you want to vacation near home? Gary and Cristy
Hayes are renting their beach house in Sargent, Texas, to
Champion Forest residents only. This could be the perfect get
away for your family. For more information call Cristy at
For Sale: Sylvania sterophonic high fidelity cabinet record
player, automatically plays 7”, 10”, and 12” records, original
handbook, $500 firm; large selection of 45s from the ‘50s, ‘60s,
‘70s, and ‘80s, great condition, $2-$5 per record. Call John at
Need a Nanny or Baby-Sitter? A Champion Forest
resident, mother, grandmother is available. Good driving
record with insurance to transport your child where needed.
References. Call Mary at 281-217-4516.
June 2009
For Sale: Sleeper sofa, queen size with a good mattress,
in denim, great for a gameroom or college apartment,
gently used and doesn’t fit the new decorating scheme, $300.
Call Sally at 713-417-1591.
Fabrics! Fabrics! Fabrics! Designer fabrics remaining
from a past business from ½-yard pieces to 20 yards.
Great for crafts, pillows, upholstery, quilts and drapery.
Please call 281-370-4486 for appointment.
For Sale: HP Desk Jet 940c color, ink jet printer,
great condition, comes with cables, disc and cords, $50; printer/
scanner/copier/fax machine (all in one), HP Laserjet 3015
with disc and cords, great condition, $60. All great – we just
upgraded from XP to Vista Operating System, and they are no
longer compatible. Great deals! Call Marilou at 713-302-8851.
Needed: Champion Forest resident to serve as a
companion and assistant for a parent/Klein teacher.
Please call 713-502-5669.
Wanted: Seeking student to assist my 2nd grader
and kindergartner with homework on occasion and
baby-sitting from time to time. Will also need assistance
with providing transportation on occasion to after-school
activities. Please contact Marisa at mbullock@stratoslegal.com
or call 832-287-7501.
Wanted: Music…Vinyl records, LPs. If you want to get
rid of those old records you have never used for ages and never
will, please call me and I’ll be glad to come and buy them
from you! I am your neighbor and my hobby is collecting
and listening to records. I am interested in LPs/33s vinyl
records and collections of all kinds of music: jazz, rock, blues
and mostly progressive music from all over the world (not
interested in classical, country or pop/easy listening music).
If you want to get rid of your turntable, I’ll help you with
that too. Thanks. Call John at (cell) 832-368-4543, email
jchara@oceaneering.com or Helen at (cell) 713-458-0907,
email helengeorgiadou@hotmail.com.
Champion Forest Community Newsletter
Youth Service s
Piano Teacher: Experienced with all ages, National
Guild Teacher certification, in your neighborhood.
Call Diane Cameron at 281-376-3804.
For Sale: Bathtub purchased from upscale plumbing
company. Spa shape, no jets. Wonderful tub, won’t fit in
my remodel application, ouch! The plumbing company has
changed names, and there are no returns allowed. Ouch!
Paid $420, will take $300 or best offer, bisque color,
never used. It is sitting in my garage waiting for a home.
Call Marilou at 713-302-8851.
Need School Help? Daniel Jackson, a Champion Forest
resident and parent of two KHS students, is available for
tutoring in math and science. No subject too difficult. Helping
kids since 2000! Please contact Daniel at 281-379-4060.
Editor’s Note: The Champion Forest newsletter’s classified ads
are available at no charge for resident personal property wanted or for
sale, or for resident services that directly help the children of Champion
Forest. Submitted ads are run in the newsletter at the discretion of the
editor. The Champion Forest Women’s Club board of directors will hear
an appeal to the editor’s decision. Thank you.
Find your new Champion Forest Baby-sitter,
Lawn Care or Pet Care provider here!
B – Baby-sitting
C – Car Detailing E – Entertainment, Piano, Singing
L – Lawncare
O – Odd Jobs
P – Pet Care
PS – Pool Service S – Party Serving and Clean-up
SW –­ Swim Lessons
W – Pressure Washing
* Klein Vol. Fire Dept. Certified
** CPR Certified
Please Note: Law enforcement agencies advise
that publishing children’s contact information on
the Internet compromises their security. For this
reason, the teenage job seekers list has been omitted
from the online version of your newsletter.
Champion Forest Community Newsletter
June 2009
Advertising Information
The Champion Forest Newsletter is published monthly
for the residents of Champion Forest. It is made possible by your
neighborhood businesses and friends from ads purchased in the
newsletter. Please support these businesses. If you would like to help
sponsor this newsletter by purchasing ad space, please call Champions
Printing & Publishing, Inc. at 281-583-7661 by the 10th of each
month. Please submit classified ads directly to your editor.
Published by
6608 FM 1960 W. Suite G, Houston, TX. 77069
281-583-7661 Fax 281-583-2669
DISCLAIMER: All articles, information, website addresses and cartoons in this
newsletter express the opinions of their authors and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of
Champions Printing & Publishing, Inc. or its employees. Champions Printing & Publishing,
Inc. is not responsible for the accuracy of any facts stated in articles, information, website
addresses and cartoons submitted by others.
The editor and/or governing entity of this publication has approved the use of all
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You Gotta
P roblem ?
Dead in Public Roadway –
Commissioner Eversole’s Office........... 281-353-8424
Loose – Animal & Rabies Control......... 281-888-3191
CenterPoint Energy................................. 713-659-2111
Garbage and Recycling
Royal Disposal and Recycle . .................. 713-526-1536
CenterPoint Energy................................. 713-659-2111
Harris County Mosquito Control............ 713-440-4800
Neighborhood Eyesore
Consolidated Management Services ...... 281-296-9775
Phone Repair
Southwestern Bell Telephone..............1-800-246-8464
(Nonemergency) Constable’s Dispatch......281-376-3472
Curb Repair, Street Repair, Signs, Sweeping
Commissioner Eversole's Office............... 281-353-8424
Traffic Signals
Houston Transtar...................................... 713-881-3210
Street Lamps
Reliant Energy ............................................ 713-207-2222
Cypress Forest P.U.D................................ 713-405-1760
Emergency? Call 9-1-1.
CF Lost and Found
If you’ve found a lost item and would like to try to get it back to its
owner, please contact Kathy Lawrence at 281-370-6925.
June 2009
Champion Forest Community Newsletter
June 2009
cal e nda r of e v e nt s
CF Fund PUD Meeting
5:30 p.m.
Backdoor Garbage Pickup
CF Civic Club
7:30 p.m.
Directory Pickup KISD 4 p.m.
Last Day of Classes
Cy-Fair ISD Last Day of Classes
5:30 p.m.
Father's Day
Backdoor Garbage Pickup
& Recycling
Backdoor Garbage Pickup
KISD High School
Backdoor Garbage Pickup
& Recycling
Backdoor Garbage Pickup
Backdoor Garbage Pickup
& Recycling
Backdoor Garbage Pickup
Backdoor Garbage Pickup
& Recycling
Backdoor Garbage Pickup
Champion Forest Community Newsletter
June 2009
Champion Forest
Women’s Club
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Spring, Texas
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