International Press Coverage
International Press Coverage
Dailylll Halle Berr)' l<isses Muhammad AJi at fUlld.-aising event March 21, 2011 30897 .php Halle Berry kisses Muhammad Ali at fundraising event From ANI London, March 21: Hollywood actress Halle Berry planted a kiss on three-time World Heavyweight Champion Muhammad All's cheek at a glittering fundralslng event. The Oscar-winning actress was a total knockout as she arrived on the red carpet at the boxer's Celebrity Fight Night in Phoenix, Arizona, reports the Dally Express. Wearing a midnight blue dress, the actress took to the stage to accept an award for her work helping the needy at the charity fundralser on Saturday. Before leaving, the 44-year-old gave the legendary boxer a kiss on the cheek and a warm embrace. The night was organized to raise funds for the Muhammad Ali Parkinson Center, at St Joseph's hospital in Phoenix, Arizona, and raised more than 17million dollars. Copyright Asian News International/ INTERNATlomL RUSINESS 11MF.5 Halle Be'TY honored at Muhammad Ali's Celebrif)' Fight Night March 21,2011 II 0322/hallc-bcITy-honorcd-at-muhammad-ali-scclebri ty- ti ght -nighLhtm Halle Berry honored at Muhammad All's Celebrity Fight Night ---------!"I> 2 T~I .:;: Print ~ Gl Email Suhmlt Shale IZI II Reconvnend 2 ID Order Reprints By Flo)'d Allen 1I,Iarch 21, 2011 11,01 pr,t EDT Oscar-winning recognition actress, Halle Berry has received 01 her humanitarian an award at Muhammad Ali's Celebrity event Saturday night In Phoenix A!:!ZQQa, with A-list actor, Kevin Berry was honored at the star-studded Costner, host, Billy Crystal and Frankie Muniz to grace the event. eight-time Fight Night In worl< The organIZers 01 this year's Muhammad Fight tJlght presented All Celebrity the award to 'The Nel'l Years Eve' star lor her ongoing support lor good causes, Including Another SI. Joseph hospital In Phoenix highlight perfOmlanCes 01 Saturday's gala was the 01 various artists Including American Idol first season winner, I(elly Clarkson. The event also featured Bret Michaels who performed In hopes to raise funds for the Muhammad Parkinson suffered Center at the St Joseph's a brain hemorrhage received treatment performance Ali hospital. Having In 2010, Michaels had Irom the facility and his at the nlghl's event he said Is a way to express gratitude for saving his life. "I am thrilled to have the opportunity to rock at Celebrity Fight Night in support of SI. Joseph's. SI. Joseph's saved my life and I am grateful to be able to attend the charity event that benefits this amaZing hospital," Michaels was quoted as saying by Aceshowbiz. Michaels also offered to have dinner date as part of an auction on the night. He was followed by upcoming 'SLiDe/man' actor, I<evin Costner who also donated a similar prize. Berry Is the first blacK woman to have received the highly prestigious Academy Award for Best Actress for her role In 'Monsters' Ball'. She was in the headlines in February following her custOdy battle against former boyfriend, Gabriel Aubry over their 3-year-old daughter, Nahla that had prompted her to give up her role in "Tile New Year's Eve" Click here to get to know your favorite black actors and actress to have received the awards In the major category at the highly coveted, Academy Awards for films. The actress, as later reported by IBTlmes had rejoined the powercast flick when the LA Judge allowed her to travel to New YorK with her daughter. Read the full article to find out Halle Berry's new role In "The NelV Year's Eve". Halle Berry, mini mini ... March 23, 2011 http://www.lcparisicn.frllaparisicnnc/l11odc/hallc-berry-mini-mini-2 t -03-20 t t - t 37 t 638.php Halle Berry, mini minI. .. I" 03 ?011 20hOO II.~".;;jou. ?OI,CO Dim On Ie sait, Halle Berry a un corps parfait. Seulement voila, a Ie montrer trop souvent on commence un peu a s'en lasser, et sa dernit~re apparition au gala de charite Celebrity Fight Night XVII de Mohamed Ali n'a pas arrange les choses. Foulant de ses sandales noires Ie red carpet deroule pour I'occasion a I'Hotel JW Marriot de Phoenix, Halle est eblouissante dans sa robe bleu electrique ultra moulante signee Rachel Roy. Une piece tres estivate dotee de fines bretelles soulignant les courbes sans detaut de I'actrice. Peu frileuse, Halle se suffit de quelques bijoux pour peaufiner son look a I'image de sa manchette et de ses creoles strassees. Une apparition certes sans defaut mais sans grande surprise non plus I TIlE GLb~EAND l\1A)L Celebrit), photos of the week March 23, 2011 11ttp:/ /w\\ 'W. thcgl 0 beaml ma i co m/news/ I. arts/ ce 1e bri ty-pho tos/ ce I e bri t Y - p110tos-o f-thewcck/articlcl951580/ Celebrity photos of the ,veek **""Please see link/or additiol1al photos***