PA NEWS - Port Authority Retirees Association, Inc.


PA NEWS - Port Authority Retirees Association, Inc.
Published biweekly for Port Authority and PATH employees
March 12, 2015/Volume 14/Number 4
PA Marks WTC Bombing Anniversary
PAPD Promotes
14 Officers
Continued on page 5
Executive Director Pat Foye addresses family
members and guests on the Memorial
Plaza. Behind him are (from right) National
September 11 Memorial & Museum President
and CEO Joe Daniels; Ed Smith, whose spouse
and unborn child were killed in the bombing;
and former Executive Director Shorris, who is
now First Deputy Mayor of New York City.
Continued on page 4
LGA Emergency Response ‘Flawless’
Delta Air Lines MD-88
veered off Runway 1331 during a snowstorm
and hit a perimeter fence at
LaGuardia Airport on March 5,
halting flights for several hours
until LGA’s other runway, 4-22,
reopened before 3 p.m. There
were no serious injuries. Six
Among the ARFF responders (from left): Police
people were taken to local
Officers Charles App, Richard Stock, Brian Vitale,
Frank Misa, and Michael McKenna; Sergeant
hospitals for evaluation.
Patrick Lenihan; Police Officers Pasquale DiVisconti
Delta flight 1086 from
and Robert Persandi; Sergeant John Rice; and
Atlanta hit the fence at about
Police Officer Damon Franklin. Not pictured: LGA
11 a.m. Within minutes, it was
ARFF Fire Captain Joseph Marino.
surrounded by Port Authority
emergency vehicles, as members
of the Aircraft Rescue and Firefighting unit rushed to aid the 127 passengers
and five crew members. Airport Operations and Maintenance crews on the
airfield sounded the first alarm.
LGA Operations Manager Jim Munday said, “PA personnel responded
quickly to the aircraft. Their response was superb, as they flawlessly executed
what they had trained on in numerous drills and exercises.” ARFF and PAPD
Continued on page 5
Thomas DiMascio
he PAPD promoted 14
exceptional officers to higher
ranks effective March 1 to
help bolster law enforcement and
security at the agency’s trade and
transportation facilities
Director of Public Safety/
Superintendent of Police Michael
Fedorko promoted 10 officers
to the rank of Sergeant and four
sergeants to the rank of Lieutenant.
The new Lieutenants are Frank
D’Alessandro, Amy Desthers,
Louis Mancuso, and Arelys
Matos; the new Sergeants are
Andrew Caruso, Keith Conway,
Christopher Daly, Timothy Dailey,
Rudy Fernandez, James Freeman,
Stellos Kraniotakis, Sammy
Morsi, Robert Paszel, and Frank
Pulizzi were promoted to Sergeant.
Photos: Alan Hicks
he Port Authority on February
26 observed the 22nd
anniversary of the first terrorist
attack on the World Trade Center,
memorializing PA employees Robert
Kirkpatrick, Stephen Knapp,
William Macko, and Monica
Rodriguez Smith, and her unborn
child, as well as John DiGiovanni,
who was visiting on business, and
Wilfredo Mercado, a receiving agent
The Port Authority Police Pipes & Drums
for Windows on the World restaurant. begin the ceremonies at St. Peter’s Church on
More than 100 people attended a
Barclay Street, before the memorial Mass for
memorial Mass at St. Peter’s Roman
the victims.
Catholic Church, near the site. They
included Vice Chairman Scott Rechler, Executive Director Pat Foye, former
Executive Director Anthony Shorris, Chief Security Officer Thomas Belfiore,
Director of Public Safety/Superintendent of Police Michael Fedorko, former
World Trade Department Director Charles Maikish, and National September 11
Board Pays Tribute to the DED
t its regular monthly meeting last week, the
Board of Commissioners honored former
Deputy Executive Director Deb Gramiccioni
“for her substantial contributions to the Port
Authority as an institution, and her inspiration,
guidance, and resolve in furtherance of the
recommitment of the agency to its core mission of
facilitating efficient and effective transit throughout
the region.”
The Board’s tribute said, “Deb immersed
herself in the development and implementation
of numerous complex initiatives in support of
enhanced transparency and openness, providing
Deb Gramiccioni.
invaluable support to staff, the Board and its Special
Oversight Committee, and in furtherance of the
important work of the Governors’ Special Panel on the Future of the Port
Authority. Simultaneously, Deb fostered a dialogue with staff to champion
the agency’s shared, common mission and to stress the importance of each
employee’s continued dedication and professionalism in service to the region.
Deb also provided focused guidance on complex operational and business
issues. Her impact on the agency far surpassed her brief stay, which is a
testament to Deb’s abilities and her selfless devotion to the Port Authority and
the region it serves.”
At the Board meeting, Executive Director Pat Foye said, “Deb, I just wanted
to say it was a privilege and an honor to work with you. You were exactly what
the Port Authority needed at the time. You were a great partner, smart, quick,
nonpartisan, nonpolitical, and unbelievably practical. I know at NYU you’ll be
known as Professor Deb, and I wish you well there.”
To read the entire Board tribute, click here.
Board Endorses Special Panel
he Port Authority Board of Commissioners last month voted unanimously
in support of the core structural and strategic recommendations of the
Special Panel on the Future of the Port Authority appointed by New
Jersey Governor Chris Christie and New York Governor Andrew Cuomo in May
The panel’s report, Keeping the Region Moving, recommended both a
comprehensive overhaul of the governance of the agency, with a single Chief
Executive Officer selected by and accountable to the Board replacing the
current positions of Executive Director and Deputy Executive Director, and a
recommitment to the agency’s core transportation mission as its role in the
redevelopment of the World Trade Center nears completion.
The Port Authority has been notified by the Governors that it is their
preference for a rotating chair between the states, rotating every two years,
starting with a New York appointee. This structure will begin once a new CEO is
appointed by the Board.
Endorsed by both governors in a joint statement in December, the report’s
recommendations range from a renewed commitment to the modernization of
the region’s airports to a call for PA leadership and regional coordination in the
effort to expand cross-Hudson transit capacity for the region’s commuters and
NBE Event
The Port Authority Network of Black
Employees invites you to “Meet & Greet”
its members on March 13, 5 to 7 p.m., at
2 Montgomery Street, Classrooms B and C.
See Employee Bulletins for details.
New Year’s Dinner
The Port Authority Asian American
Association’s New Year’s Dinner celebrating
the Year of the Sheep will be held on March
20 at Delight 28 Restaurant in Chinatown.
See Employee Bulletins for details.
Jazz in Brooklyn
PA retiree and jazz vocalist Steve
Cromity and his sextet will perform at his
New CD Release Party on March 22, 7 to
10 p.m., at Milk River Cafe, 960 Atlantic
Ave. For more information, contact him at
LWMC Meeting
The Last Wednesday of the Month
Club of PA retirees will meet at noon on
March 25 at In Napoli Restaurant in Fort
Lee. Contact Tony Coppolecchia at for more info.
Scholarship Available
Scholarship applications are available
at for students
who are members of a bagpipe band
and want to follow a career path in law
enforcement. The application deadline is
April 15. The scholarship was created by the
Port Authority Police Pipes & Drums to honor
their three members who were killed on
9/11 while helping to evacuate the towers:
Police Officers Liam Callahan, Steve
Huczko, and Richie Rodriguez.
Retirement News
The GWB’s Tony Altilio is saying
arrivederci and you can wish him farewell
on March 25, 5 to 9 p.m., at La Reggia
Restaurant in Secaucus.
TEC’s Donna West’s retirement
celebration is set for April 10, 5 to 9 p.m.,
at Iberia Peninsula Restaurant in Newark.
See Employee Bulletins for details.
Continued on page 5
PA News / March 12, 2015
Delta Inaugurates Precision
Approach to EWR
TB&T Chats with
Mike Dombrowski
Trading Post
Want to sell your car? In the market for a motorcycle or a pickup truck? How about a recumbent
bicycle, a printer ink cartridge, or five nights at a Disney resort? Visit Trading Post on EmployeeNet.
unnels, Bridges & Terminals
staff joined representatives
of many of the Port Authority
Bus Terminal’s bus carriers to host
the third quarterly Commuter Chat
session during the evening peak
travel period on February 24 at the
TB&T Deputy Director Mark
Muriello said, “The discussions
and activity were lively, with many
customers commenting positively
about the improved afternoon bus
traffic flow and the first phase of the
facility’s restroom renovations.”
He said 174 customers
completed short iPad surveys.
More than 17 percent of them
said the quality of their commute
had improved, down from the
November survey, which had the
benefit of closely following the
afternoon operational changes that
Photos: Patrick Carolan
ircraft N303DQ,
a 737-800, on
February 18
became the first Delta
Air Lines aircraft to fly
into Newark Liberty
International Airport using
the Port Authority and
FAA-installed GroundBased Augmentation
GBAS provides
differential corrections
and integrity monitoring
of Global Navigation
Satellite Systems and
navigation and precision
approach service within
approximately 23
nautical miles of a host
airport, broadcasting its
differential correction
message via a VHF radio
data link from a ground- On hand for Delta’s inaugural GBAS flight (from left):
based transmitter.
FAA Eastern Region Administrator Carmine Gallo, Ralph
How precise? Its
Tamburro of PA Aviation Technical Services, EWR International
demonstrated accuracy Facility Manager Frank Radics, FAA Program Director Marie
Kennington-Gardiner, FAA EWR Air Traffic Control Tower
is less than one meter
Manager Russell Halleran, EWR Airport Services Manager
in both the horizontal
and vertical axes of the Julio Pereira, Delta Fleet Captain Rick Kaynor, Delta Technical
Manager Michael Mannino, Delta Chief Line Check Pilot
Captain Mike Spicuzza, EWR Chief Operations Supervisor
Delta is upgrading its Harry Rater, and EWR Airport Duty Manager Ward Hoekstra.
fleet, which now has 42
aircraft capable of using
the GBAS. By 2018, it will have 112 GBAS-capable aircraft.
Although the FAA has indefinitely delayed plans for federal GBAS acquisition,
the system can be purchased and installed by airports. The PA purchased
and installed its GBAS in 2011 in cooperation with Continental Airlines, which
merged with United Airlines. It was the first public-use system to receive FAA
operational approval.
EWR Operations Manager Tom Bock said, “The Ground Based
Augmentation System is the next generation of precision navigation, which
will not only increase the capacity and efficiency of the New York/New Jersey
airports but also help reduce noise.”
Delta, the FAA, and the PA are looking into the possibility of installing GBAS
equipment at JFK, which currently has 18 airlines that have aircraft capable of
using it.
TB&T Deputy Director Mark Muriello and
PABT Assistant General Manager Mark
Schaff (2nd and 3rd from right) deal with
a customer’s query.
Chatting up the customer: Newly appointed
PABT Operations Manager Bob Gilligan.
Continued on page 5
PA News / March 12, 2015
HT and SEMAC Clear the Lines
PA Marks Bombing
olland Tunnel Maintenance and
Operations Services’ SEMAC Division
mobilized last month to thaw out
frozen sump pump drain lines inside the
lower duct, or air intake duct, at the Holland
Tunnel. On February 17, HT plumbers
discovered that about 1,200 feet of a ten-inch
drain line was frozen solid.
“That’s not good,” HT General Manager
Anthony Carvagno said. “It would have
compromised our ability to pump water
out of our sump pumps, which is vital to
preventing flooding inside the tunnel.” He
noted that the tunnel flooded in 2012 when
Superstorm Sandy knocked out power to all
A News
is primarily
Ambient conditions in the HT’s
of Lower Manhattan,
lower duct last week weren’t
system inoperable.
conducive to photography
The outside air temperature had hit a
Pictured are HT General
record low and the temperature was 10 to15 either.
In the market for a pair of end tables?
Besnik Cela (front)
hunting in Nutley ? Visit Trading
degrees colder in the lower duct, which has
Post on EmployeeNet.
Outlook, send
it tofeet
a head room
of five
and less.
outside the heaters,
agency, it’s
Armed with
thermal-imaging cameras, and video pipe snake equipment, staff worked
PA News is published weekly and
around the
clock to clear the drains before a forecast second blast of arctic air
is archived – and searchable – on
and an anticipated
thaw on February 22. Snowmelt from the thaw would have
If you’d like PA News sent to your
taxed the pump system if the drain lines weren’t clear.
personal e-mail address, send a note to
By the afternoon of February 21, all of the lines/drains
and sump pumps were
up and running. “A herculean effort and great teamwork,” Mr. Carvagno said.
Continued from page 1
Stephen Ansine
It’s All About You
Get PA News
PARA Wants You
LGA Honors
o keep up a
news on the PA Maintainer’
and its impact on the regional
Rose Ann Hogan
aGuardia Airport held
he Port Authority Retirees
economy, you can sign up to
its inaugural Mighty
Association invites active and
receive the agency’s e-mail newsletter,
retired PA and PATH employees
Maintainers Employee
Growing the Region.
to join its 4,200 members.
Recognition Award Ceremony
To subscribe, visit:
PARA allows you to stay current
last month in the General
news about the agency, its
and click “Sign up here.”
and retirees, and with state
in Hangar 7,Spread
the word about GTR to your
issues of importance to
a 28-year
Portthe agency and
as benefit, pension, and
Authority encourage
and to subscribe.
Social Security updates.
longtime member of the
The membership fee is $10 a year.
airport’s Electric Shop.
At the ceremony (from
Chief Maintenance
for more inforSimilar to the longstanding Supervisor Anthonymation
Olivella, LGA General Manager
and to sign up for PARA’s eLysa Scully, Supervisor of Maintenance Planning John
Edward T. Conlan Tops
mail bulletins.
Paradiso, Electrician and honoree Victor Acevedo,
in Ops Award, the Mighty
Manager of Airport Maintenance Services John
Maintainers awards program
will recognize the outstanding Muenzen, Deputy General Manager Doug Stearns,
and Chief Electrical Supervisor Mumazzad Ahmed.
efforts and contributions of a
Maintenance employee each quarter of the year.
ll employees who have Port
type and enter your
At the ceremony, LGA Maintenance Services Manager
John Muenzen
Authority Outlook accounts
Novell ID and password.
said, “Victor has been an integral part of LaGuardia’s airfield lighting and FAA
can access EmployeeNet from
The site is for use only by authorized
Part 139 home
and is constantly working
to advance system
or any other
individuals and will not work from your
be taking his
location with Internet access. Just
office computer.
lunch break.”
at Home
The PA & You
Flu Shots Available
Alan Hicks
Memorial & Museum President and
CEO Joe Daniels.
Later, family members and friends
laid flowers and observed a moment
of silence at the north pool of the
National September 11 Memorial,
where the six victims’ names are
inscribed along with those killed on
The PA is providing employees with
seasonal flu vaccinations at its four clinics.
Just walk in during the hours below.
• PATC – 241 Erie Street, Room 224,
Blot, who
of the
to Friday,
9 a.m. and
National Commission
1 to 2 p.m. on Terrorist Attacks
Upon the United States, also known as the
• JSTC – 1 PATH Plaza, Concourse
9/11 Commission,
lays Wednesdays,
a rose in memory
level, Tuesdays,
of the 1993
to 11:30
2 to Deputy
3 p.m. Director Alan Reiss
and PAPD
– 233 Park
Ave. South,
8th floor,
the WTC Command.
Monday to Friday,
10 observed
to 11 a.m. and
2 to
3 12:18 p.m., the time
moment of
when the
– Bldg.
22A, Monday to Friday,
8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Closed
Discount Program
Port Authority employees and retirees
Port Authority employees and retirees
advantage of hundreds of
of hundreds of
theme parks,
discounts at at
and more through Working Advantage, the
Discount and
the the
Get PA News
Flu Shots Available
If you’d like PA News sent to your
personal e-mail address,
free flu shots to
employees. Click here
for details
PA News / March 12, 2015
Board Endorses
Continued from page 2
The Board noted in its resolution, however, that it would determine whether
individual operational suggestions also contained in the report were the best
means to pursue the recommended reforms.
The Board also established a Special Panel Implementation Office within
the agency, overseen by the Chairman and Vice Chairman, which will submit a
work plan and schedule for each element of the reform agenda to the Board
for approval at its March meeting. The Board will then receive a progress report
on the individual implementation initiatives at each monthly Board meeting.
Chairman John Degnan said, “The Governors made it clear that nothing
less than transformative change would be acceptable, and we believe
the recommendations offered by the Special Panel and endorsed by the
Board represent a historic step forward for the Port Authority. These reforms
will enable the agency to tackle the many challenges facing our regional
transportation system in the years ahead with an efficient leadership structure
and a clear strategic focus.”
Vice Chairman Scott Rechler said, “Over the past few years we have made
a number of incremental changes at the Port Authority, but only through
a major overhaul of the Port Authority’s mission, structure, management,
operations, and overall governance can we truly place this critical bistate agency
in a position to address the region’s transportation challenges. With today’s
action by the Board, we can begin to re-establish the Port Authority as a global
transportation leader.”
To read the Special Panel’s specific recommendations endorsed by the
Board at its meeting on February 19, click here.
TB&T Chats with Commuters
Continued from page 3
reduced bus travel times and congestion.
Top on the list of customers’ desired improvements is the extension of Wi-Fi
and cellular phone service throughout the building, which is underway and has
already improved cell connectivity throughout the South Wing.
The PA also has completed Phase I of its restroom rehabilitation project with
the opening of two completely renovated restrooms on the second floor. They
include new flooring, walls, partitions, lighting, ceilings, and plumbing fixtures.
The improvements provide cleaner and more comfortable restrooms, ensure
ADA compliance, and decrease downtime for restroom maintenance.
NJ Transit, which continues to draw the most visits during the Commuter
Chats, continues to address specific route service issues, and has received
good customer feedback about the extension of its MyTix mobile ticketing app.
LGA Emergency Response ‘Flawless’
Continued from page 1
patrol officers evacuated the aircraft via the rear and over-wing exits.
After PA, Delta, and other personnel worked through the night to contain
a fuel spill from a wing tank, pump 2,200 gallons of fuel off the aircraft, and
remove the aircraft, Runway 13-31 reopened at 10:28 a.m. the following
Executive Director Pat Foye thanked PA staff and all the agencies that
participated in the emergency response, as well as those “who worked tirelessly
to get the airport back into full operation.”
The National Transportation Safety Board is investigating.
PAPD Promotes
14 Officers
Continued from page 1
Each went through a rigorous
screening process that included a
written test and an evaluation by
commanding officers. Their experience,
attendance, and disciplinary
background also were taken into
The promotions will help bolster
the supervisory ranks within the PAPD
– which brought 450 new officers
on board last year – and will help
the department reduce overtime by
providing additional leadership to
cover various supervisory shifts.
Chief Security Officer Thomas
Belfiore said, “The 14 officers we
promoted today have all shown the
skill, determination, and character we
need to provide exceptional leadership
for our police officers. Through their
hard work and commitment, they will
help us fulfill the critical mission of
securing our world-class transportation
assets and the millions of people who
use them each year.”
Superintendent Fedorko said, “I
am honored to recognize the 14
men and women who will now
have the opportunity to provide
critical leadership to our officers in
the performance of their duties. Our
officers have a challenging task in
serving the traveling public, and I’m
confident that our new supervisors will
be a major asset in fulfilling our critical
PAPD Deputy Superintendent
Edward Cetnar said, “Our ability to
protect the traveling public hinges on
good police work and the experience
of seasoned supervisors to oversee
our officers doing their job in the
field each day. This latest round of
promotions provides the type of
quality leadership we need to oversee
one of the leading police forces in the
The PAPD has approximately 1,900
uniformed officers and commanders
with full police powers in both states.
PA News / March 12, 2015