June 19 - First Presbyterian Church
June 19 - First Presbyterian Church
Volume 13, No. 25 June 19–25, 2016 Ministry News College Ministry, Spencer Simmons COLLEGE MINISTRY WEEKLY SCHEDULE SUNDAY SCHOOL/LUNCH: 9:45am • Sunday School in Room 405 Free lunch following worship (off campus) MONDAY GIRLS’ NIGHT: 8:00pm • 11 W. Hillcrest Drive, Greenville, 29609 TUESDAY BIBLE STUDY: 7:00pm • 183 Chapman Road, Greenville, 29605 WEDNESDAY VOLUNTEER NIGHT: 7:30pm • with ROOTS at First Pres THURSDAY GUYS’ NIGHT: 8:00pm • Basketball at First Pres Gym Questions? Contact Spencer Simmons, College Ministry Volunteer, at 325.7345 or email espencer. simmons@gmail.com. Congregational Care, Stan Johnson LIFE HURTS. GOD HEALS. GRIEF SHARE SUPPORT GROUP Do you have questions about death, dying, your own mortality, eternal life? If you’ve experienced the loss of a loved one, Grief Share is here to help. This small group can provide you with understanding, support, and encouragement. The next session begins Sunday, September 11, at 4:00pm in Room 261. Contact Susan Stewart (sstewart@firstpresgreenville. org or 672.1756) to register. Men’s Ministry, Phil Hargrove CHRISTIAN MEN’S FELLOWSHIP SPEAKERS Christian Men’s Fellowship is the senior men’s group that meets for lunch ($7) at noon every Thursday in the Formal Dining Room. We are open to all men who are seeking friendship in a group that meets at the church. Join us for this series of faith stories with the following speakers: Andy Douglas (June 23), Jack Key (June 30), Carl Evans (July 7), and Phil Bradley (July 14). For details, contact Bob Jones, rhjones@charter.net. Missions, Brian Stewart NEIGHBORHOOD FOCUS SUMMER PROGRAM Walk This Way is the exciting theme for the Neighborhood Focus Summer Enrichment Program. Over 100 at-risk kids in the White Horse Road corridor of Greenville will take an interactive journey through the Bible, learning how to talk to God, listen to God, and share their faith. Please prayerfully consider supporting the needs of this vital program: sponsor a camper; fund a field trip; underwrite a line item cost in our summer program budget; or subsidize the cost of a summer staffer. To learn more about the program, see the May newsletter at http://eepurl. com/b2sr_v, or contact Keith Groce, 704.7848 or kgroce@neighborhoodfocus.org. DOMINICAN REPUBLIC MISSIONS Be in prayer for our mission team members as they serve in LaRomana, DR, June 25–July 2. Music & the Arts, John Gentry PRAY FOR YOUTH IN CONCERT IN NYC Please be in prayer for our older youth choir, Resonate! Prime, as they travel to New York City to participate in a concert in Carnegie Hall on Tuesday, June 21. Twenty singers, along with twenty-three VBS & day missions june 20-23 adult leaders, chaperones, and family members will be in New York June 18-22 for this once-in-alifetime opportunity. Soli Deo Gloria! Prayer Ministry, Stan Johnson CHM LEVEL I PRAYER TRAINING CLASS A new Christian Healing Ministries Prayer Training class will begin Wednesday, June 22, at 4:00pm in Room 303/304 and continue for 13 weeks (no class the week of July 4). Please contact Charlotte Joye (cjoye@firstpresgreenville.org or 672.0309) to register or for further information. TUESDAY EVENING PRAYER SERVICE Come and experience God’s presence and receive His love, peace, hope, and healing through prayer. Offered every Tuesday at 7:00pm in Harper Prayer Chapel, the service includes praise and worship, ministry by the FPC prayer team, and expanded opportunities for prayer. Vineyard Bookstore, Aften Briggs PRE-ORDER APOSTLES’ CREED AUDIO SERIES The Apostles’ Creed sermon series will be offered as a packaged 12-CD audio set in July. Cost is $20 per set. To pre-order your copy, contact the Vineyard bookstore at 672.1846 or email abriggs@ firstpresgreenville.org. Women’s Ministry, Claire Ripley WOMEN’S WEEKLY OFFERINGS THIS SUMMER • 30 MINUTES OF PRAYER: Join us each Tuesday at noon in Harper Chapel as we pray for our country, our communities, and each other, using Anne Graham Lotz’s outstanding outline for prayer. You won’t want to miss this life-giving time led by Rev. Claire Ripley and team, which is sure to bring joy and peace to your heart. • WEEKLY BIBLE STUDY: Join us each Thursday, 9:30–11:00am in Room 316, for an eight-week study of John Stott’s Jesus Christ: Teacher, Servant & Savior. Books are available in the Vineyard bookstore. For further information, contact Kate Hellier (801.3189) or Vicki Wood (288.3793). Are you interested in membership? Do you just want to learn more about First Pres? Our next FIRST LOOK Series is Sundays, July 10, 17, 24 9:40–10:50am in Room 201 Register with Autumn Clark (672.0370, aclark@firstpresgreenvill.org) Questions? Contact Claire Ripley (672.1839, cripley@firstpresgreenville.org) We look forward to welcoming you! Member News BAPTISMS (June 12, 2016) Mary Frances Meece, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Scott Meece (Erin), and granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Erickson (Judy). David Dillard Ramseur, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. David Ramseur, Sr. (Tracy), grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Ramseur (Geni), and great-grandson of Mrs. Gene Dillard. CONGRATULATIONS The Pastors and Congregation extend blessings to: Mr. and Mrs. Ed Reed (Joann), who celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary on June 9. Calendar for the Week FATHER’S DAY, SUNDAY, JUNE 19 Pastor of the Day: Tim Leslie (423.2063) 8:30am • Worship Service (Sanctuary) 9:30am • Continental Breakfast (Memorial Hall) • VBS Kickoff Party (Gym) 9:45am • Sunday School 10:45am • Ignite Worship (Fellowship Hall) 11:00am • Worship Service/DR Team Commissioning (Sanctuary) 12:00pm • College Lunch (off campus) 12:15pm • Missional Ministry & Evang Comm. (Rm 261) MONDAY, JUNE 20 Pastor of the Day: Stan Johnson (423.2067) 9:00am • Vacation Bible School (throughout campus) • Day Missions (off campus) 8:00pm • College Girls’ Night (off campus) TUESDAY, JUNE 21 Pastor of the Day: Charlie Buchanan (561.6346) 9:00am • Vacation Bible School (throughout campus) • Day Missions (off campus) 12:00pm • Women’s 30 Minutes of Prayer (Harper Chapel) 4:30pm • Academy Board Meeting (STEM Lab) 7:00pm • Tuesday Evening Prayer Service (Harper Chapel) • College Bible Study (off campus) WEDNESDAY, JUNE 22 Pastor of the Day: Phil Hargrove (423.3455) 9:00am • Vacation Bible School (throughout campus) • Day Missions (off campus) 4:00pm • Level 1 Prayer Training (Room 303) 7:30pm • Senior High Roots (Youth 352) THURSDAY, JUNE 23 Pastor of the Day: Charlie Buchanan (561.6346) 7:00am • Men’s Bible Fellowship & Breakfast (Formal Dining Room) 9:00am • Women’s Prayer Group (Room 212) • Vacation Bible School (throughout campus) • Day Missions (off campus) 9:30am • Women’s Summer Bible Study (Room 316) 12:00pm •Christian Men’s Fellowship (Formal Dining Rm) 8:00pm • College Guys’ Basketball (Gym) FRIDAY, JUNE 24 Pastor of the Day: Tim Leslie (423.2063) 10:00am • Bulletin Stuffing (Room 254) SATURDAY, JUNE 25 Pastor of the Day: Tim Leslie (423.2063) 5:00am • Mission Team to DR (off campus) 7:00am • Men’s Cycling Club (Parking Lot) VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL IS NEXT WEEK! There are dozens of opportunities for parents, grandparents, and volunteers to serve the week of VBS, June 20-23. What can you do? Pray, direct parking, bring snacks, drive or chaperone for Day Missions, and much more. There is a place for everyone! To help, contact Tina at tjones@firstpresgreenville.org or call 672.7031. If you haven’t yet registered your children, go to FirstPresGreenville.org and click on the VBS icon. MISSION PROJECT ITEMS NEEDED Children’s Ministry is collecting Foster Care emergency kit items for one of our Day Missions projects. Please donate any of the following items: 9x12-inch doodle pads, 24-count twistable crayons, small toys (match box cars, stress balls, small dolls, stuffed animals, etc.), hospital gloves, 3-ounce Germ-X hand sanitizer with flip cap, cube box of Kleenex, wet wipes in hard plastic container, 50-count 8-gallon trash bags, 9.7-ounce Febreze air freshener, MediBuddy First Aid Kit. Please bring items to Children’s Ministry. Questions? Contact Karen King (kking@firstpresgreenville.org or 672.1840). Thank you for your support! A WEEKLY NEWSLETTER OF FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, GREENVILLE, SC Worship Assignments for June 19th FATHER’S DAY SUNDAY, JUNE 19, 2016 8:30 and 11:00am Worship 10:45am Ignite Contemporary Worship “I BELIEVE IN THE FORGIVENESS OF SINS“ John 1:1-14 Rev. Dr. Richard Gibbons 9:30am – Continental Breakfast 9:45am – Sunday School Connections Greeter Team: 8:30 Service (8:10am): Bob and Jackie Thompson (Portico), Brenda Evans (Loggia), Bayne Brown (Memorial Hall), Nancy Spry (Sanctuary), Jim Williams (Washington/Richardson Corner) Sunday School (9:20am): Bayne Brown (Portico), John Stelling (Loggia), Darst Guest (Richardson Street), Davey Tucker (Choir Door) 11:00 Service (10:40am): Heather Tapp, Klara Szekely (Portico), Michael Watson, Marge Robertson (Loggia), Will Sykes (Memorial Hall), Charlotte Watson (Sanctuary), Suzanne Rivet (Choir Door) JUNE 22, 2016 Nursery Team: (9:15) Caroline Mullen, Bentley Mitchell, Amy Willcox, Megan Blackston, Jeanette Terry, Emily Smith; (10:30) Kate Hellier, Emilie Simpson, Teresa Dick, Melissa Copeland, Devon Pace, Pace child, Ellie Hungerford, Elizabeth Williams, Clary Hill. NO Bible Study or Lunch this week due to Vacation Bible School New volunteers are always welcome! Lunch (11:30am) & Bible Study (12:30pm) resume June 29. To join the Connections Greeter Team: Contact Chad Brown at chad.brown@baldor.abb.com. This WEDNESDAY To join the Nursery Team: Contact Evelyn Penkert at epenkert@firstpresgreenville.org or 672.1843. Evening events resume in September. June 19–25, 2016 WHAT’S INSIDE Contact Us Red, White & Q – Sunday, June 26 Patriotic Services & Churchwide BBQ 200 West Washington Street Greenville, SC 29601 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED phone 864.235.0496 fax 864.235.0698 website FirstPresGreenville.org email contactus@firstpresgreenville.org facebook.com/FPCGreenville Register and Volunteer for June 20-23: Egypt VBS (grades K4–4) Day Missions (grades 5–12) Emergency Kit Items Needed for VBS Missions College Summer Weekly Opportunities Broadcast Women’s Ministry Summer Offerings TELEVISION First and Foremost Program on WHNS-TV FOX Carolina Sundays at 10:30am For more information about the ministry of FPC, visit FirstPresGreenville.org sunday * june 26 June 19–25, 2016 Come to our patriotic services 8:30am * 10:45am Ignite * 11:00am Join us afterward for a churchwide lunch Red * White * & * Q 12:00 noon in the Gym * Pulled pork BBQ, all the fixin’s, & ice cream sandwiches! $7/person * $25/family * under age 5 free June Anderson, Virginia Anderson Jennifer Bridges, Ann Broome Lynn Campbell, Lori Cheves Jean Corbin, Cheryl Craig, Ray Denny Charmaine Dunn, Mickey Erwin Marilyn Fain, Sarah Fain, Norma Floyd Louis Garduno, Motte Grey Natalie Hall, Betty Hayman Grover Haynes, June Haynes Suzanne Hilger, Daniel “Dan” Hoover Jay Huff, Ellis Huguley, Amy Hunter Christine Jameson, Eric Johnson Jamie Kay, Claire “Cee Cee” Kaylor Mary Ellen Keathley, Justin Lamb Herb Lindsay, Jr., Janet MacCallum Jackie McKeithan, Deryl McKinney Montez Miller, Gary Morningstar Pat Quarles, Jonas Ramirez Terry Richey, Susie Roberts Darst Yvonne Rose, Bertha Mae Sims JoAnne Smith, Rebecca Sowell Larry Starkey, Clark Sturgis Maxine “Max” Trexler, Mary Lou Vassar Margaret Wasson, Barry Wimberley Bette Worrell, Carolyn Wyrick Bold = New Italics = In Hospital PRAYER REQUEST LINES Prayer Requests: 672.1838 Prayer Appointments: 672.1848 Congregational Care Director Tammy Burkhalter: 672.0327