of Collinsville, Illinois - First United Methodist Church


of Collinsville, Illinois - First United Methodist Church
Altar flowers today are given to the Glory
of God from Roma Abbott
The flowers on the organ are from the
funeral of Hattie Mabry
Our Church Family Page . . .
(Concerns are listed for 4 weeks unless resubmitted)
Week #4
Mark Arcuri (son-in-law of Jackie Ehlenfeldt))
Jo Giofre
Linda Foster
Family of Dorthy Carter (Mother of our DS
Week #3
Week #2
Family of Tony Schuetzenhofer
Family of Pat Sparks (friend, Jessica Wysocki)
Family of Matt Kleeman (fr, Jessica Wysocki)
Family of Hatti Mabry Mark Fresen
Rev. Gary Wilson)
Week #1
Karen Garner, Office Manager
Dwayne Boren, Custodian
Sue Abbott, Pianist/Choir Director
Liz Horn, Pianist
Dianna Bickel, Handbell Director
Mike Fry, Liturgist
Mark Horn, Pastor
Office Phone: 618/344-3824
Fax: 618/344-0331
Email: collinsvilleumc@yahoo.com
Website Address: collinsvilleumc.com
Today’s Greeter-Cindy Young
Next WeekGeorge & Jennifer Newton & Gilbert Biondi
This Week’s Events . . . .
Sunday, January 3rd-Epiphany Sunday
8:15am Prayer Group
9:00am New Year Breakfast in Wesley Hall
10:15am Worship
Monday, January 4th6:00pm Tops - Wesley Hall
Tuesday, January 5th9:30am Healing Stitches Shawl Ministry - Parlor
11:00am Priscilla Circle - Wesley Hall
12:00pm CAMA @ Good Shepherd Lutheran
Wednesday, January 6th9:00am Priscilla Workday - Wesley Hall
5:00pm Youth Group - Youth Room
6:00pm Wacky Kids Klub - Wesley Hall
6:30pm Bible Study, “Gospel of Luke” - Parlor
Thursday, January 7th9:30am Prayer Group - Meeting Room
8:00pm Narcotics Anonymous - Wesley Hall
Saturday, January 9th8:00am UM Men Breakfast/Program - Wesley Hall
Sunday, January 10th-1st Sunday after Epiphany
8:15am Prayer Group
9:00am Sunday School
10:15am Worship
11:30am UMCOR Coffee/Chocolate Sale-Narthex
11:30am Dulcimer’s - Music Room
Looking Ahead:
Monday, January 11th-Board of Trustees, 7:00pm
Monday-Friday, January 11th-15th - Meals on Wheels
Tuesday, January 12th - Healing Stitches, 9:30am
Wednesday, January 13th - Priscilla Workday, 9:00am
of Collinsville, Illinois
January 3, 2010
“A place to find an engaging & forgiven relationship with God and His Children.”
Good Morning!
Announcements & Greeting
*Call to Worship
(From Psalm 29)
Leader: The voice of the Lord is powerful.
People: The voice of God is full of majesty. Let
us praise the name of the Lord.
Leader: The Lord gives strength to his people;
People: The Lord blesses his people with peace.
*Songs of Worship:
“Angels from the Realms of Glory” No. 220
“What Child Is This”
No. 219
Our Family Time of Prayer
Each worshipper is invited to come & pray at our altar rail
during part or all of our prayer time.
Prayer Hymn
“Love Came Down at Christmas”
Love came down at Christmas, Love all lovely, Love divine;
Love was born at Christmas; star and angels gave the sign.
Time of Quiet Prayer & Meditation—Pastoral Prayer—The Lord’s Prayer
Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done, on
earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we
forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.
For Thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever. Amen.
Children’s Message
Our Mission is to devote our lives to knowing
Jesus personally as our friend and guide,
invite others to meet our Savior, and encourage all to follow and grow in the knowledge
of Jesus as their Lord.
Prayer Thought
God is bigger than any
problem we will ever face.
No. 242
(Children through Grade 3 may leave for Discovery Club)
We give God’s requested tithe & special gifts
Prayer of Dedication
Offertory Praise
Listening to God’s Words:
“Praise God from Whom All Blessings Flow”
Ephesians 3:1-12 (TNIV)
For this reason I, Paul, the prisoner of Christ Jesus for the sake of you Gentiles,-Surely you have heard about the administration of God’s grace that was given to me
for you, 3that is, the mystery made known to me by revelation, as I have already written
briefly. 4In reading this, then, you will be able to understand my insight into the mystery
of Christ, 5which was not made known to men in other generations as it has now been
revealed by the Spirit to God’s holy apostles and prophets. 6This mystery is that through
the gospel the Gentiles are heirs together with Israel, members together of one body, and
sharers together in the promise in Christ Jesus.
I became a servant of this gospel by the gift of God’s grace given me through the
working of his power. 8Although I am less than the least of all God’s people, this grace
was given me: to preach to the Gentiles the unsearchable riches of Christ, 9and to make
plain to everyone the administration of this mystery, which for ages past was kept hidden
in God, who created all things. 10His intent was that now, through the church, the manifold wisdom of God should be made known to the rulers and authorities in the heavenly
realms, 11according to the eternal purpose which he accomplished in Christ Jesus our
Lord: 12In him and through faith in him we may approach God with freedom and confidence.
God’s Message to Us
*Hymn of Promise
“Make Me A Servant”
“The First Noel”
Pastor Mark Horn
No. 245
Announcements . . .
January Manna Basket. . .will be monetar y donations for Tr inity UMC in Washington
P ar k, IL. They ar e a faith based Family Resour ce Center wor king to r educe the impact of
economically challenged envir onments on childr en & families thr ough educational, social &
nutr itional education. They have an After school P r ogr am, Summer Camp, & Individual
Tutor ing. Make checks to FUMC. P lease give as you can.
On-going Food Pantry Focus. . .will be P eanut Butter & J elly, Instant Mashed
P otatoes, Shampoo, Deodor ant, Dish Deter gent & Clothes Soap. P lease give as you can.
Items can be placed in the Food P antr y box @ Mission Cor ner in the Nar thex. Volunteer s ar e
always needed; call 346-1861 if you can help in any way.
January Newsletters. . .will be available following today’s ser vice. If you ar e a guest &
would like a newsletter , please take fr om the bottom of the r ack.
Thank you. . . to all who pr epar ed the delicious br eakfast dur ing the Sunday School
hour today to help celebr ate the old year and r ing in 2010.
2 0 1 0 Giving Envelopes. . .ar e available in the Nar thex following the wor ship ser vice.
New numbers have been assigned for 2 0 1 0 giving so please recycle any envelopes you
may have at home or bring them in & drop in the marked basket & we will recycle them
for you. Thank you.
2 0 1 0 Flower Calendar. . . is available on the bulletin boar d in the east wing (near the
elevator ). Her r Cullop-Jennings Flor ist has agr eed to pr ovide flower s for those who sign up.
Cost will be $20 per vase or $35 for 1 lar ger vase. If you would like to sign the calendar ,
designate what the flower s ar e for (i.e., bir thday, anniver sar y, etc.) & call Kar en in the
chur ch office,344-3824, a week befor e your date signed for . She will call in your or der .
Checks should be made out to FUMC & can be dr opped off in the office or collection plate.
Thank you.
Christmas Offering. . . we r eceived a total of $1,340 (to date) given to the Collinsville Ar ea
*Please stand with us when able
Following today’s worship service:
Need help “taking down the greens”. Please stay and help as you can.
Thank you.
New office schedule begins this week:
Monday-Thursday, 8:00am-4:30pm (Lunch from 12:00-12:30pm)
Closed Friday’s
Minister ial Association (CAMA) to help with the ongoing expenses of helping those less
for tunate. Thank you for your gener osity.
Coffee Fellowship Resumes. . .J anuar y 10th in the P ar lor . Coffee & tea will be
available pr ior to Sunday School & following wor ship. P lease stop by for a war m
bever age & fellowship.
January Angel Food Menu. . .Copies ar e on the table in the Nar thex.
Sheila Walsh Live . . .at Chr ist UMC, Satur day, Mar ch 13th, 9:00am3:00pm. Tickets ar e $20 each with optional $10 box lunch. Fir st come, fir st ser ved seating no r eser ved seating. Tickets ar e available at www.connectingwithchr ist.com or call 277-4659.
Tickets will go quickly. NOT E: Several women will be attending this program from our
church. If you would be interested in attending as a group, please call Karen in the
office, 344-3824, & she can sign everyone up at the same time. This is the last week to
let us know if you would like to attend.