ANNOUNCEMENT SHEET Sunday 26th October, 2014 // THE


ANNOUNCEMENT SHEET Sunday 26th October, 2014 // THE
Scripture verse for the week (try to memorise it!)
Living the new life: Prayer
“Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with
thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends
all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.” (Philippians
Scripture memory verses taken from the Topical Memory System, developed by The Navigators
// ROTAS for Sunday 2nd November, 2014
Tanya Greer, Lynn Clarke, Dorothy Matchett, Ashlene Alexander, Stephen burns, Louise
Flower Supply
Jean Ewing
Karen Wilton
Door Duty
Group 6:- R Craig, D Fulton, M Fulton, R Lamont, R McClure & D Rankin
Counting Rota
T Kerr, M Lane, A Logan, R McCahon, R McClure & S Wilson
Information Desk
Sandra McKay
Sunday Morning
am Claire & Heather
Kid’s Church
Bubbles - Clare McGall, Margaret Mark & Judith Gordon
Splash - Fiona & Amy Rankin
Junior X-Stream - Vicki McKay & Claire Carr
Totally X-Stream - Amy Farquhar & Glenn McGall
// THE
Sunday 26th October, 2014
Helpers needed for November am & pm services
Please add your name to the rota @ the information desk
Music Ministry
Davy, Stuart, JT, Rab, Tori & Christina
Media Team
Andrew, Ricky, David & Derick
If you are visiting or new to Ballyloughan, it’s great to have you with us - we hope that
you feel at home. Our desire is that each of us wouldn’t leave as we have come, but
would be challenged and changed having encountered the Living God.
Please make yourself known at the information desk - we would love to give you one
of our welcome packs to take home. And if you haven’t been too put off and want to
find out more (!) then feel free to complete and return one of the ‘contact’ cards
available at the information desk and we’ll be in touch.
CDs and DVDs of our services are available - fill out a request form available at the
information desk.
// TODAY...
Membership Course (part 3 of 4). Anyone wishing to transfer membership from
another congregation is required to take these last 2 sessions of our membership
course. Speak with Darran for details.
Time of prayer open to everyone, meeting in the Jubilee Room.
Morning Service Continuing our series in the book of Malachi - ‘Half-hearted?’
Our Kids Church programme....Bubbles, Splash, XStream, and Totally
Xstream, for all children of primary school age. It takes place during the service,
with the children leaving the main service following the children’s slot. Please
note that Kids Church has a set finishing time of 12.15pm.
2565 4592
Crèche facilities are available during the service - please ask a member of the
welcome team if you require more information.
Andy McGuigan
(Music Associate)
2563 0127
Rev. Darran McCorriston
2564 1101
Thomas McNeill
(Clerk of Session)
2563 9766
Rosemary Morrison
(Pastoral Worker)
2563 0863
Gareth Parker
(Youth & Outreach Worker)
07923 407900
Johanna Kelly (Office Administrator)
2564 8502
Mary & Tom Kerr
(Church Officers)
2564 9280
David Lutton
(Director of Music)
Sunday at 7. Worship, teaching, ministry, community. Continuing our series in
the book of 1 Corinthians - ‘Messy Church’
Ignite (for all young people of secondary school age) also meets at 7pm
Members of our Prayer Ministry Team are available following both services today
JESUS CHRIST” through...
Worshipping | Growing | Caring | Serving | Engaging
// DATES FOR YOUR DIARY continued...
Mon: No Parent & Toddlers this week due to mid-term break.
Young People - A couple of events coming up to take note of...
The Mix meets on Friday 7th November at 8:00pm, ending at 10.00pm. This is our new program for young people of secondary school age, with different types of activities each night
such as sports, games, and learning other skills, as well as an opportunity to learn more about
following Jesus. This month we’re having a Bounce-athon and Stephen McGall (from SPARK)
is coming to speak to us. Come along on the night and bring your friends.
Monkey Mix – On Saturday 29th November, we’ve organised a night out for all young people
to Monkey Business from 7-9pm! If you want to go, pick up a consent form from Gareth and
bring it with £5 to cover the cost of the night. For more info about either nights, speak to
No Girls’ Brigade this week due to mid-term break.
Tues: Celebrate Recovery. 10:00 - 12:30pm. Celebrate Recovery is a Jesus centred, bible
based-programme designed for everyone and anyone who wants to find freedom from
stress, anxiety, addiction, anger, insecurity, unforgiveness or any form of struggle that
can hold our lives captive. You can join this course at any time. For more information
speak with Heather Lamont on 07732844631, or email
Wed: Cafe open from 10.00am –12 noon all welcome for scones & tea/coffee. Enjoy
table-tennis, snooker or darts, not to mention a chat with friends. Prayer ministry team
members available.
No Wednesday night programme this week.
Discover: a Friday morning programme for those with little or no experience of
church who wish to discover more about how Jesus changes lives (10.00am to 11.00am)
Friday cafe opens this week from 11.00am to 1.00pm.
No Boys’ Brigade this week due to mid-term break.
// NEXT SUNDAY (2nd November)...
A BIG thank you to everyone who brought in a shoe box last Sunday. We collected 136
Shoeboxes! Thank you too for your generosity towards our special harvest offering which
currently stands at £5755. Thanks also to those of you who have donated to the Moderator’s
Appeal for the famine situation in South Sudan - the total that we’ve been able to forward for
this is £800.
Tea & coffee. Thanks again to all those who help by serving tea & coffee before the service on
Sunday morning and after the Sunday at 7. If you can help in this way please add your name to
the rota at the coffee dock. Thanks!
‘ALL AGE SERVICE’ Mr Norman McCracken
No evening service next week
Wednesdays in November at a glance...
Wed 5th
Wed 12th
Prayer Central Night, 8pm in the main church building. Join us on this special
night in the month where lift our eyes to God and pray for issues in society, in our
church, and in each other’s lives. If you want to have any prayer topics included
in the November Prayer Briefing, please let Darran have them by next Sunday
Small Groups night
Wed 19th
Just for Her, in the North Room 8pm
Wed 26th
Small Groups night
Dublin Christian Mission. On the weekend of 21st - 23rd November, a team of approximately
12 people are heading to the Dublin Christian Mission to assist with activities taking place,
including making and serving meals and providing clothing at the Lighthouse Centre for the
homeless. This is the first time we’ve taken a team down, and it’s hoped that after this
exploratory team there may be further opportunities in the future.
We would like to appeal to the congregation for clothing. The items required are men’s clothing
appropriate for the homeless including jeans, trousers, sweat pants, jumpers, hoodies, coats,
casual shoes, runners, socks, underwear. At this point they are completely out of men’s jeans,
hoodies and shoes. There is now also a need for women’s clothing. With the winter month’s
approaching, sleeping bags, blankets, backpacks and carrying bags are also needed.
If you can assist, please speak with Wesley Cummings or Roy Hampton. Items can be brought
to church and given to Wesley or Roy or we may be able to collect them if required.