Holy Eucharist and Holy Baptism The Episcopal Church of Our Saviour


Holy Eucharist and Holy Baptism The Episcopal Church of Our Saviour
The Episcopal Church of Our Saviour
A Congregation of the Episcopal Diocese of Washington
and the Anglican Communion
1700 Powder Mill Road - Silver Spring, MD 20903
Holy Eucharist
and Holy Baptism
All Saints’ Sunday
November 2, 2014
www.episcopalcos.org 301-439-5900 churchoffice@episcopalcos.org
Welcome to the Episcopal Church of Our Saviour.
We are glad that you are here with us today.
Everyone is welcome to receive
“ A Home for all God’s People”
Liturgy of the Word
Collect of the Day
Almighty God, you have knit together your elect in
one communion and fellowship in the mystical body of
your Son Christ our Lord: Give us grace so to follow
your blessed saints in all virtuous and godly living, that
we may come to those ineffable joys that you have prepared for those who truly love you; through Jesus
Christ our Lord, who with you and the Holy Spirit
lives and reigns, one God, in glory everlasting. Amen.
Jesu, Priceless Treasure
J.S. Bach
Entrance Hymn For All the Saints
1982 Hymnal #287
Opening Acclamation
Book of Common Prayer, p. 299
First Reading Revelation 7:9-17
Pew Bible, New Testament, p. 196-197
Psalm 34:1-10, 22
1 I will bless the LORD at all times; *
his praise shall ever be in my mouth.
2 I will glory in the LORD; *
let the humble hear and rejoice.
3 Proclaim with me the greatness of the LORD; *
let us exalt his Name together.
4 I sought the LORD, and he answered me *
and delivered me out of all my terror.
7 The angel of the LORD encompasses those who fear
him, *
and he will deliver them.
8 Taste and see that the LORD is good; *
happy are they who trust in him!
Fear the LORD, you that are his saints, *
for those who fear him lack nothing.
5 Look upon him and be radiant, *
and let not your faces be ashamed.
10 The young lions lack and suffer hunger, *
but those who seek the LORD lack nothing
that is good.
6 I called in my affliction and the LORD heard me *
and saved me from all my troubles.
22 The LORD ransoms the life of his servants, *
and none will be punished who trust in him.
Second Reading
1 Thessalonians 2:1-8
Pew Bible, New Testament, p. 158
Gospel Matthew 22:34-46
Pew Bible, New Testament, p. 19
Communion Hymns
Christ the Victorious
1982 Hymnal #358
Ye Holy Angels, Bright
1982 Hymnal #625
I Sing a Song of the Saints of God
1982 Hymnal #293
Baptismal Hymn We Know That Christ is Raised
1982 Hymnal #296
Closing Hymn
Ye Watchers and Ye Holy Ones
1982 Hymnal #618
Presentation and Examination of the Candidates
Book of Common Prayer, p. 301
Gospel Hymn Who Are These Like Stars Appearing
1982 Hymnal #286
Baptismal Covenant
Book of Common Prayer, p. 304
Thanksgiving Over the Water
Book of Common Prayer, p. 306
Sing Praise to God Who Reigns Above
H. Hopson
Today we welcome into the church family through the sacrament of Holy Baptism:
Jaden John Lewis Page,
Joshua Vales Vainquieur,
Mirna Liset Argueta,
The Peace
Book of Common Prayer, p. 360
You are welcome in the Name of the Lord
You are welcome in the Name of the Lord
I have seen in you the Glory of the Lord
You are welcome in the Name of the Lord
Holy Eucharist
Offertory The Heavens Are Telling
F. Haydn
Chancel Choir and Elizabeth Panox, Soprano,
Denton Guy-Williams, Tenor, and
Michael Collier, Bass
Tune of 1982 Hymnal #400
Service continues in the
Book of Common Prayer, p. 372
(Eucharistic Prayer D)
1982 Hymnal #S-125
Fraction Anthem
1982 Hymnal #S-164
Kenia Carolina Garcia Argueta
Today’s altar flowers are given in
celebration of the baptism of
Jaden John Lewis Page
by his grandmother, Nellie Williams
in memory of
Rose Byron
on her birthday, by her daughter, Beverly Byron.
We are happy to
announce the birth of
Priya Sylvanie Buster
daughter of Reisha & Normal Buster.
Born October 4, 2014
Today’s coffee hour after the service will be hosted
by the family of Nellie Williams in celebration of
Jaden John Lewis Page’s baptism.
ECW Friendship Chapter
Monday, November 10 at 12:00pm
Commons Room
The Chapter has decided to meet during the daytime hour.
The next meeting for Friendship Chapter will be at noon on
Monday, November 10 in the Commons Room. Please bring
a bag lunch. Hope that this new time will encourage more
members to attend!
Weekly Financial Summary
This Week’s Calendar
Holy Eucharist Rite II (Sanctuary)
First Service Fellowship Time (Undercroft; until 10:30am)
Choir Practice (Choir Chancel)
Holy Eucharist Rite II (Sanctuary)
Second Service Fellowship Time (Undercroft; until 1:30pm)
Children’s Handchime & Steel Pan Rehearsal (Choir Room)
Spanish Children’s Sunday School (Upstairs Classroom)
Latino Lay Leadership Group (Small Conference Room)
Latino Choir Rehearsal (Chapel)
Counters (Commons Room)
Misa en Español (Sanctuary)
Tiempo de Compañerismo (Undercroft; until 4:00pm)
COS is entirely self-supporting, which means we receive no financial contribution
from any outside source, including the Diocese of Washington. Each week we
need to bring in $9,200.00 in order to meet our church’s basic operating expenses. You can help our church greatly by keeping payments on your pledge
Last week, we brought in $8325.00
in pledges, offerings, and building use fees.
Sunday, October 19 - $6015.76
Sunday, October 12 - $7711.98
Sunday, October 6 - $10, 247.50
Those Serving at 10:00
07:00pm EMEAN Meeting (Commons Room)
07:30pm Stewardship Committee Meeting (Multi-Purpose Room)
10:00am Morning Prayer (Chapel)
07:00pm Spanish Choir Rehearsal (Choir Room)
07:30pm Building & Grounds Committee Meeting (Commons Room)
Weekly Bible Study (Commons Room)
Holy Eucharist & Healing Prayers (Chapel)
Yoga (Choir Room)
Building Use Committee Meeting (Commons Room)
Organist/Choir Director
Head Acolyte
Altar Guild
Chalice Bearers
07:30pm Choir Practice (Choir Chancel)
05:00pm Latino Lay Leadership Meeting (Commons Room)
Head Usher
The Rev. Robert W. Harvey
Bruce Cole
Sumner Clarren
Elizabeth Adegboyega-Panox, Amri Joyner
Michael Collier
Courtney Broadnax, Benjamin Robinson,
Addo Davies, Jr.
Nancy Ahmed, 301-384-3596
Blue Team
Sumner Clarren, Olga Collier,
Arnold Robinson, Nellie Williams
D arryl Guy-Williams, Hector Davies-Cole,
Martha Sango, Geoffrey Jackson,
Millicent Pratt, Velma Reeves,
Leena Robinson
Derek Cole, 301-572-0074
Adrian Maynard, Nancy McCormack,
Erica Mitchell, Beverly Roof, Jack Roof
Elections Meeting: Sunday, December 7, 2014
The Elections Committee is now accepting nominations for four Vestry members, one Diocesan Delegate, one Alternate Diocesan Delegate, and a Rector’s Warden, who are to be elected at this year’s Elections Meeting on Sunday, December 7, 2014.
The Elections Committee members are outgoing Vestry members Lois Jenkins, Froylan Luna, Max Martinez, Paula Panissidi,
and Grace Siwajuola, with at-large members Emerica Williams and Refiloe Bam. Lois Jenkins (Rector’s Warden) is ex officio
on the Elections Committee. We are seeking nominations for the following positions:
Vestry Member for one 1 year term (filling Norm Nicholson’s vacated position) through December 31, 2015
Vestry Members for 3 year terms (January 1, 2015 through December 31, 2017)
Diocesan Delegate (3 year term, February 1, 2015 through January 31, 2018)
Alternate Diocesan Delegate (3 year term, February 1, 2015 through January 31, 2018)
Rector’s Warden (3 year term, January 1, 2015 through December 31, 2017)
In keeping with the bylaws we will need at least six nominees for the four Vestry positions, two nominees for the office of
Diocesan Delegate and Alternate Diocesan Delegate, and two nominees for Rector’s Warden, but we hope that more people
will consider running for these offices. Even if you do not get elected this time, it is a chance to begin exploring how you
might want to take a more active role in our church government. Please consider prayerfully whether this may be the time
for you to consider serving in leadership at Episcopal Church of Our Saviour in this way.
Nomination forms and ballot boxes are located in the Narthex and in the hallway beside the office wing.
This year marks the 58th anniversary of the
Fellowship of the Trees at the Church of Our Saviour!
This effort has been held every year since 1957 on the site of the church and long ago became a “community
tradition”. We look forward to another successful year in 2014 and will need everyone’s help. Please come out and
join us during the campaign!
We hope that all church members will buy their trees at the church and ask that each member encourage at least one
of their friends, neighbors, or co-workers to do the same. Remember that all proceeds from this effort are used by
the church for its outreach programs and operations. Last year we raised just under $14,200.
We plan to set up the tree lot on Saturday, November 22nd beginning at 9 am. Please come out with your portable
drill and gloves and give us a hand! The more folks that show up, the quicker it all goes!!
We have ordered 390 beautiful trees and 75 Fraser fir wreathes this year and they will arrive on Sunday, November
30 at 7 am. This is when we need the most help to unload the truck and fill up the lot. Last year we had a great
group so please come out and help us out again. It is a wonderful way to work off all of that turkey, dressing, gravy,
and pumpkin pie….
Sales will begin on Sunday, November 30th and we will be open every day. The hours and “shifts” we will be
looking to fill with help are:
Monday thru Friday:
3 to 6 pm and 6 to 9 pm
Saturday and Sunday:
9 to noon; noon to 3 pm;
3 to 6 pm; and 6 to 9 pm.
We need as much help as possible to make this year a successful one. Mark your calendars now as there are many
days on which you can help. A calendar will be posted soon on the bulletin board outside the Commons Room
where you can sign up for shifts to sell trees and help on the lot.
We must have at least two individuals for each shift. While we would like folks to commit to a full 3 hour block of
time, we understand that this is sometimes hard to do, so please sign up even if you can only come for part of the
time and indicate what times you plan to be there. There will always be someone with experience on each shift who
can operate the chain saw and help get the trees tied on the cars so don’t let your inexperience keep you away! If
you do sign up and then have to change or cancel, please let us know.
If you have any questions, please call Don Spicer at 301-989-0503. Thanks in advance for all of your support.
Those for Whom We Pray
Gracious God, watch over these your children. Send your healing power upon those who are sick, protect
those travelling or in danger, and guide those who have decisions to make. Make known your love to all.
We ask all this in the name of Your Son Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior. Amen.
In Continuing Prayer
Elizabeth Adegboyega-Panox ~ Patricia Alexander ~ Christina Bedell ~ Julia Bauer ~ Gene & Evelyn Bean
Clifton Braithwaite ~ Ken Brothers ~ Bev Byron ~ David Byron ~ Carol Caccitore
Laura Carbone ~ Jim Clark ~ Bud Cole ~ Jonathan and Irene Cole ~ Al Coley ~ Kathleen Collins ~ Sandy Pang
Beverly Collins and Family ~ Lee DeMulder ~ Barbara Dougherty ~ Chioma Ekechi and Family ~ Leslie Forder
Linda Francis ~ Cindy Fryer ~ Gloria Gaskill ~ Deborah Goosby ~ Carl Hammond ~ James Hammond
Chickey Henderson ~ Alisha Johnson ~ Richard Johnston ~ Reesa Jones ~ J. & M. Kent ~ Nancy MacCormack
Emerica O. Williams & Family ~ Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W. Lardner & Family ~ Jenny Lay ~ Carolyn & Moncure Logan
Virginia Mahsman ~ David Sheriff ~ Bob Mann ~ Prince McCormack ~ Thelma McDowell ~ Kimberly Mott
Dorothy Murphy ~ Gagriela Navarro ~ Sandra Nylen ~ Dibike (DC) Ogwu ~ Jessica Rehn ~ Bianca Rodriguez
Cecilia Rodriguez ~ Patricia Rodriguez ~ Lee Rose ~ Joyce Simpkins ~ Fay Simpson ~ David L. Stratmon, 3rd, Teddy Jackson
Teddy Jackson ~ Elizabeth Taylor ~ Evelyn Taylor ~ Chelsea & Brandon Valentine ~ Quentin Walker ~ Karen Washington
Bob Hacker ~ Nathalie White ~ Anne Willemann ~ I. Rimisa Williams, Sr. ~ Rhodel L. Williams ~James and Ruby Young
Maeve Nguyen ~ Anna Heflin ~ Jack Roof ~ Momolu Cooper ~ Janet Hunte ~ Valerie Franklin
Christine Dawson ~ Alexis Privitiera ~ Bill Goodwin ~ Rosa Colon ~ Ludmila (Lee) Noonan ~ Francisco Luis Gotay
Princess Ado Kangay & Family ~ Nancy Barson ~ Brandon Wilson ~ Bernice Shook ~ Grace Siwajuola
Randie Siegel ~ Fran Olson ~ Michael Smith ~ Keith Kaylor and Family ~ Brandon Bell ~ The Unemployed and Their Families
Important Note:
In an effort to keep the “Short Term Needs” list as current as possible, we will
purge and renew this list every thirty days. Persons who have need for prayer
longer than thirty days should be submitted to the “In Continuing Prayer” list.
If you find that someone has been removed from the short term list who should
instead be placed on the Continuing Prayer list, please call or email the church
office at 301-439-5900 or churchoffice@episcopalcos.org
Short Term Needs
John Sims ~ Dennis Byron (brother of Beverly Byron) ~ Ralfie Doe ~ Ella Dawn Shore ~ Kenny Bartlett ~ Elam Morales
Janet Goree & Family ~ Lisa Rannals ~ Kevin Yorke ~ Franklin Flores ~ Al Jarreau Davis ~ DeVaughn Davis ~ Jeremiah Davis
Jaylin Jones ~ Jacob Walker ~ Harry Johnston-Taylor ~ The Senior Widows Club ~ Raymond Vaughn ~ Jean Clarren ~ Terry Hunte
Margaret Dowding ~ Alan Benjamin ~ The Simmons Family ~ Marcie Burroughs ~ Hermina McCalla & Family ~ Jane Boyd
Harrison Dyrample ~ Michael Smith ~ Bernita Smith ~ GB Galyon ~ Katy Alexi Tzamaras
Those Traveling
Bev Byron ~ Kathy & Louis Staudt
The Deceased
Grace Floy (Sister of Norma Beaton) ~ Rose Byron (Mother of Bev Byron)
Justino Lopez (Father of Margarita Baez) ~ Angel Bonilla ~ Jean Clarren
Members of the Armed Forces
Jake Barr ~ Jason Durkaj ~ Harrison Grimes ~ Mary Q. Jackson ~ Christopher Shy ~ Keith Foster ~ Brittany Thomas
Donald D. Valentine ~ Adam Walker ~ Mason Walker ~ Dellion Sitladin, Sr. ~ Mason Walker ~ And All Those Who Serve
For pastoral emergencies (someone has gone into the hospital or has died) after office hours, please call the Pastoral Care Line at 301-602-6570. Be sure
to leave the name of the hospital. Your call will be returned as quickly as possible. Please send all announcements or schedule changes to the church office
by email at: churchoffice@episcopalcos.org or by phone at 301-439-5900. To be included in the Sunday bulletin, all announcements must be received by
noon on Wednesday, unless otherwise noted.