St. Therese -


St. Therese -
Pastoral Staff / Equipo Pastoral
Rev. William Hoffman - Pastor
Rev. Mr. Tony Abts - Deacon
Sr. Mary Jane Knitter, SSJ-TOSF - Musician
Carlos Herrera - Hispanic Ministry
Parish Office Staff / Personal de Oficina
Chris Armstrong -Receptionist / Secretary
Telephone / Teléfono
Office / Oficina ................................ 733-8568
Carlos Herrera ................................... 739-0794
Fax ........................................................ 954-5727
Office Hours / Horas de Oficina
Mon-Thur / lunes a jueves 8:00am-4:30 pm
Fri / viernes .................... 8:00 am-12:30 pm
Mass Schedule / Horario de Misas
Sat-sáb /Confessions/Confesiones 3:15-3:45pm
Saturday ............................................... 4:00 pm
sábado ....................................................5:30 pm
Sunday ................................................... 9:00 am
domingo.......................... 11:00 am y 7:00 pm
Tue - Fri / martes a viernes ........... 8:00 am
1st Thu * Adoration ......8:30 am -7:00 pm
1° jueves * Hora Santa & Misa ... 6:00 pm
213 E. Wisconsin Avenue • Appleton, WI 54911 -4875
May 15, 2011
Fourth Sunday of Easter
Welcome to St. Therese Parish · Appleton, WI
“Notes from Fr. Bill”
“¿Dónde está su I.D.?”
“Where’s your I.D.?”
Do you enjoy a good “spy movie”? It’s quite
amazing to see where people gain security access by
placing an open hand on a sensor, of by having a
scan of their eye print. How about recognizing that
voice at the other end of the phone call …that amazing ability to recognize the subtleties of voices.
What’s the I.D. to pass through the security of the
sheepfold of the kingdom? Well, it’s not a special card, or
fingerprint, or eye scan. Jesus suggests yet another means
of identification: a relationship with him, where he
knows me and I know him intimately. Jesus calls us each
by name … we know his voice … and, on the basis of that
knowledge, we choose to follow him. And so it is that
Jesus describes himself as the gate through which the
sheep enter the sheepfold.
We hear many voices calling to us in our lives. The
voice of the Gospel urges us to learn to recognize the
voice of our Shepherd, Jesus, as he calls us to follow him
and “to have life and to have it more abundantly.”
The Lord is our Shepherd.
Interview with an Exorcist
The author of the book Interview with an Exorcist, Fr. José
Antonio Fortea, will be with us on June 6th and 7th. Fr. Fortea
is one of the Church’s foremost experts on the topic of exorcism
and demonic possession.
¿Le gusta una buena película sobre espionaje?
Es increíble ver como una persona consigue entrar
en lugares de alta seguridad poniendo su mano
sobre un escáner, o por su ojo. ¿Y qué de esa
capacidad suya de reconocer la voz que te hable
por el teléfono? …esa habilidad de reconocer los
tonos sutiles de voces.
¿Cuál es el I.D. para pasar por la seguridad del
redil del reino? Pues, no es una tarjeta especial, o
impresión digital, o de su ojo. Jesús sugiere aún otra
manera de identificación: es una relación con él, en la
que él me conocen y yo le conozco a él íntimamente.
Jesús nos llama a cada uno por nombre propio …
conocemos su voz …y, con ese conocimiento,
decidimos libremente a seguirle a él. Así que Jesús se
describe como la puerta por la cual las ovejas entran al
Escuchamos muchas voces llamando a nosotros
en nuestras vidas. La voz del evangelio nos urge a
aprender a reconocer la voz de nuestro Pastor, Jesús,
llamando a nosotros a seguirle y “tener vida y vida en
El Señor es nuestro Pastor.
Entrevista con un Exorcista
El autor del libro Entrevista con un Exorcista, el padre
José Antonio Fortea, estará con nosotros el 6 y 7 de junio.
Padre Fortea es un reconocido experto sobre el exorcismo y
posesión demoniaca.
Please pray daily for your spiritually
adopted baby and the baby’s mother and father.
Por favor recuerde de rezar diariamente pro su
bebé espiritualmente Adoptado
y para la madre y el padre del bebé.
Fourth Sunday of Easter ·● May 15, 2011
Actividades Ministerio Hispano
Estudio de biblia en el salón de la familia,
impartido por el Padre Bill, los sábados a las 8
am. ¡Ven y conoce más de tu religión!
Actividades los Sábados: 1.-Rosario por la Paz y
Justicia a los inmigrantes a las 5 pm. 2.
Grupo de Oración a las 6:30 pm. 3. Grupo de
Jóvenes a las 6:30 pm.
Grupo de la Divina Misericordia. Se reúne los
viernes a las 7 pm en las oficinas parroquiales.
Taller para la comunidad. Resolución de Conflictos. Por la
Maestra María Borda de la Universidad Cardinal Stritch. Sábado
21 de Mayo, 9 am Salón de la familia. Cooperación $10.
Retiro para ministros y ministras. Sábado 28 de Mayo a las 9 am.
Salón de la familia.
Visita del Padre Fortea. Misa a las 7 pm y conferencia sobre
exorcismo a las 8 pm. En Español, Lunes 6 de junio.
Virtus en Español. Prevención y conciencia sobre el abuso sexual.
Sábado 11 de Junio a las 9 am. Salón de la familia.
Clases de Guitarra. Todos los Domingos después de Misa. Manuel
González. 1-414-739-4886
Hispanic Ministry
Hispanic Bible Study. Family Room at 8 am
Rosary for peace & justice every Saturday at 5 pm. Youth Group
at 6:30 pm and the Charismatic Group at 6:30 pm.
Divine Mercy Group. Meets every Friday at 7 pm.
Conflicts resolving actions workshop (Spanish). By Maria Borda,
Cardinal Stritch University, May 21st. at 9 am. Family Room.
Donation $10.
Hispanic Ministry Retreat. Saturday May 28th at 9 am. Family
Spanish Virtus. Sexual abuse awareness and prevention. Saturday
June 11th at 9am. Family Room.
Guitar Classes. Every Sunday after 11 am mass. Contact Manuel
González at 1-414-739-4886
“We Are Family…”
A Day at Camp for Families
At Camp Tekawitha
Our Fourth Annual
One day, fun day for families
DATE: Saturday, June 4th
Time: 10:00am
Mass: 4:00pm
Spend time with your family in the great outdoors focusing
on God’s many gifts and all that we have to be thankful for.
All activities are designed to be done as a family of all ages.
(Please note that no supervision is provided
by staff for your children)
Facilitator: Helen A. Scieszka, Ph.D.
Married & Family Life Director, Diocese of Green Bay
Cost: $30 per family (Parent/s and minor children) Lunch included.
Pre-Registration Required. Please call:
The Diocese of Green Bay Married & Family Life Office before May
27th at (920) 272-8315 or Email
“Family...where our story begins and God is the author.”
Partially funded by the Bishop’s Appeal
Baptism / Bautizo
Congratulations /Bautizados:
Naomi Chiquito-Flores
Luis Martinez
Banns of Marriage /Amonestaciones Matrimoniales
Bann III-Valentin Padilla & Rosa Maria Covarrubio
Bann III-Joseph Vera & Isela Martinez
St. Therese / Santa Teresita 2011
Wedding Anniversaries / Aniversarios de Matrimonio
John & Mary Brock
5/15/1998 13 Yrs.
Carl & Lisa Kroes
5/16/1998 13 Yrs.
Areli & Antonia Ramirez
8 Yrs.
Juan & Joanly Albino
8 Yrs.
Michael & Chris Blevins
5/18/1985 26 Yrs.
Imael & Angelina Reyes
5/18/1991 20 Yrs.
Richard & Diane Karl
5/19/1990 21 Yrs.
Richard & Phyllis Huelsbeck 5/20/1950 61 Yrs.*
Bruce & Margaret Jahnke
5/20/1994 17 Yrs.
David & Melody Rank
5/20/1989 22 Yrs
Glen & Doris Bader
5/21/1977 34 Yrs.
Welcome New Members
Jose & Nancy Garcia Family
Karitat & Bernadette Lewi
Delve Marketing Research Company
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are currently looking for new “Clients” to participate
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Monday, May 16th & Tuesday, May 17th
Parroquia Oficina Cerrada
lunes 16 de mayo y martes 17 de mayo
“Name that Baby!”
What a cute, precious baby!
This past week’s baby of the week was:
“Michele Malinski”
Please, remember to pray for
unborn children.
St. Therese Parish
Stewardship / Colecta
“How shall I make a return to the Lord
for all the good He has done for me?”
Collection / Colecta Date .......................................... $7,107.24
YTD / Año.................................................................... $259,717.21
Budgeted / Presupuestado..................................... $275,192.10
16th. Feast of St. John Nepomucene – find out why this is
a good saint to ask for help before receiving the Sacrament
of Reconciliation.
17th. In 1792 the New York Stock Exchange is formed –
a good day to discuss how money is a gift from God and
how, as Catholics, we are expected to share our gifts with
others that do not have as much.
18th. Feast of St. John I and Birth date of John Paul II –
what do these two men have in
19th. Circus Day – find out who the patron saint of the
circus is. Ask your children if they were a member of the
circus what part would they like to do?
20th. Feast of St. Bernadine of Siena-does anyone in your
family work for an advertising
agency, in communications or public relations? Then St.
Bernadine would be a good saint to know about.
21th. Armed Forces Day – pray as a family for everyone
who is serving in our military.
22th. Buy a Musical Instrument Day – does anyone in
your family play a musical instrument? You might tell
them about Blessed Notkar Balbulus or Sts. Benedict
Biscop, Cecilia, Dunstan of Canterbury, Genesius of
Rome, Gregory the Great or Paul the Apostle.
All patrons of musicians.
Appleton, WI
The Week Ahead / Esta Semana
Monday, 5/16
7:00 am Depart................... Pigrimage Trip to Illinois
Tuesday, 5/17
.................... Pilgrimage Trip-arrive back at 8:30 pm
Wednesday, 5/18
8:00 am Mass ......................................... Mary Van Domelen
9:30 am ................................................. Service @ “Randall Ct.”
3:00 pm...............................................................Mass @ “A.R.C.”
Thursday, 5/19
8:00 am Mass ....................................................... Mert Schulz
6:30 pm ....................................................... Choir Practice / Loft
Friday, 5/20
8:00 am Mass ................................................................................ 
Saturday, 5/21
8:00 am...................................................................... Estudio Bíblico / FR
9:00 am................................... Conflicts Workshop w/ Maria Borda
11:00 am......................... Boda-Valentin Padilla & Rosa Covarrubio
1:00 pm ..................................... Boda-Joseph Vera & Isela Martinez
2:30 pm .................................................................................... Presentación
4:00 pm Mass ...................................................................Erdine Roche
5:30 pm Misa ................................................................................................ 
Sunday, 5/22
9:00 am Mass .........................................................Carl Brown
11:00 am Misa ................................................................................. 
12-3:00 pm................................................Hispanic Retreat / FR
7:00 pm Misa................................................................................. 
Minister Schedule / Horario para los Ministros
5 / 21 & 22, 2011
4:00 pm
Sr. Anne Arthur / Sarah Bauer
Tony A. / Karen R. /
Ava S. / Fiona S.
Jim Z. / Esther Z. / Michael B. / Greg P.
9:00 am
Sara Buscher/ Laura B.
Kathy R. / Tom K. / Roger D. / Anne L.
Molly B. / Vinnie B.
Sue H. / Dave R. / Tom K. / Roman H.
5:30 pm
Maria L. / Mayra B. / Leticia M.
Ernesto / Maribel / Elena / Miguel / Elisa
Daniel F. / Alejandro F.
Gisel / Cruz / Macario / Pedro
Socorro R. / Ernesto G. / Dora W.
Fernando / Rosa / Jovita / Antonio / Martha
Marisol M. / Lizette M.
Eloy / Omar / Melchor / Moises / Lupita
11:00 am
Join Father Bill ,Deacon Tony and Carlos Herrera
in supporting the 5K Walk/Run to raise funds for
“LEAVEN” on behalf of Fr. Bob Udulutsch. There are
Pledge sheets at the back of church if you would like to
help raise funds for this worthy cause.
For more info call 920-832-9360.