June 5 2016 Bulletin - Holy Spirit Catholic Church


June 5 2016 Bulletin - Holy Spirit Catholic Church
Welcome to Holy Spirit Catholic Church
Bienvenidos a la Iglesia del Espiritu Santo
644 South 9th Street
Lake Wales, Florida 33853
Website: Holyspiritlakewales.org
Church Office Phone: (863) 676-1556
Fax: (863) 676-2962
Father David Vargas
Deacon John Avery: (863)-678-6908
Deacon Sam Knight: (863)-638-1231
Hours: Mon-Fri 9am-12, 1-3pm
Parish Office Manager:
Nick Arcano, Jr.
Parish Receptionist:
Jessica Cordova
Faith Formation Director for Children &
Youth: Terri Seitz
Coordinator of RCIA Faith Formation:
Bob Decker
Director of Music:
Bob Luft
Robert Melnitzke and Nicholas Lindaman
Co-leaders of Outreach Ministry
Sharon Olson & Robyn Prater
Website Coordinator:
Bob Salajka
Mass Schedule
8:30a.m English
4:00 pm English
6:30 pm Spanish
9:30 am English
1st Saturday Mass
Saturday Mass
Monday Communion Service
Daily Mass
8:30 am Tue, Thurs,
Friday, Wednesday 5:15 pm
Confessions Saturday
3:00-3:30 pm (Or by appointment)
Please call or email during office hours
Page 2
June 4
June 5
June 5, 2016
4:00 pm
Special intentions for Sisters of St.
Joseph by Holy Spirit Parish
+Rogelio Revelo by Revelo Family
9:30 am
+George Siwinski Birthday
intentions by Marie
+Bill Burns by Jim & Christine
Mon June 6
8:30 am
8:30 am
Special intentions for Eddie &
Annette for thanks & good health by
Chris & Dean
Wed June 8
5:15 pm
+Carlos Unzueta by Salud Family
Thur June 9
+Bonifacio Perez by Irma Perez
8:30 am
+Anthony & Rose Curto by Casingal
+Bonifacio Perez by Irma Perez
4:00 pm
May 28 & 29
$ 6,329.00
Lest it go unsaid your monetary
offerings are always appreciated.
Readings for the Week
Sunday: 1 Kgs 17:17-24/Ps 30:2, 4-6, 11-13/Gal 1:11-19/Lk 7:11
Monday: 1 Kgs 17:1-6/Ps 121:1-8/Mt 5:1-12
Tuesday: 1 Kgs 17:7-16/Ps 4:2-5, 7-8/Mt 5:13-16
Wednesday: 1 Kgs 18:20-39/Ps 16:1-5, 8, 11/Mt 5:17-19
Thursday: 1 Kgs 18:41-46/Ps 65:10-13/Mt 5:20-26
Friday: 1 Kgs 19:9a, 11-16/Ps 27:7-9, 13-14/Mt 5:27-32
Saturday: Acts 11:21b-26; 13:1-3/Ps 98:1-6/Mt 5:33-37
Next Sunday: 2 Sm 12:7-10, 13/Ps 32:1-2, 5, 7, 11/Gal 2:16, 19
Eucharistic Communion Service
June 7
Holy Spirit Total Collection
Spanish evening
Mass is now at 6:30 pm.
Comenzando el Primero de Junio
Habra una misa a las 6:30 pm los
Miercoles esta Misa sera en Español.
Mass Time Schedule Change
Starting today, Sunday Masses will change
to 9:30 am for the Summer months.
+Debbie Dibernardino by Church
+Ed Romanski by Madeline Conway
+Dick Hopp by Wife
6:30 pm
9:30 am
Special intentions for Antonio Ortiz
by family
+John & Toni Avery Anniversary by
Deacon John
Parish Nursery
Our Parish Nursery will
be on Summer break until
August. We do need volunteers to help with the
nursery so if you are interested contact the office to
speak to Mrs. Terri Seitz.
Please pray for:
Dick Champion, Angela Apuzzo,
Jim Hackl, Javier Crespo II,
Debbie Nelson, Margaret Ireland, Jody
Mcdonald, Joyce Brandenberg, Kristina
Martinez, Theresa Cook, Angie Perez,
Linda Nino, Sandy Perez,
Imogene Rainville, Michele Aris.
Page 3
June 5, 2015
Registration for our 2016-2017 religious education for all grades PK3 through
12th grade, 1st Reconciliation, 1st Communion, Confirmation, including delayed
sacraments and children and youth catechumenate program will take place
in August. However, you may register early by stopping by the parish office at
any time during the summer months.
YOUR CALENDARS NOW! Upcoming events:
July 22-24, 2016 - Steubenville Youth Conference
July High School Youth Leadership Camp, More details to be announced soon!
Teen Reflection for Sunday June 5, 2016 Tenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
1 Kings 17:17–24, Psalm 30:2, 4, 5–6, 11, 12, 123, Galatians 1:11–19, Luke 7:11–17
Today we encounter another miracle of Jesus in the Gospel reading. This is no small miracle. Jesus
raises from the dead the son of a grieving widowed woman he encounters in Nain. This is the first
of three people that Jesus brings back to life. Jesus also brought Jairus’ daughter back from the
dead as well as his friend, Lazarus. Jesus’ miracle also echoes what happens in today’s Old Testament reading in which Elijah asks God to return the breath of the son of the woman he was staying
with. The son is brought back to life. So why did Jesus do this? In the Scripture account, it says that
“he was moved with pity for her” (Luke 7:13). He saw her pain and wanted to help just as he did in
so many of the other miracles. He helped without her even asking. Today we are reminded of the
divinity of Jesus. We have looked at the humanness of Jesus and what he had in common with us.
Now we see Jesus as the Son of God. We recognize that this is no ordinary man. Jesus didn’t do the
miracle to make a name for himself or his own glory. Many were afraid of Jesus after he brought
this man back to life. Still many recognized that “God has visited his people” (Luke 7:16). Jesus
helped and brought life because he saw the pain in the woman and he gave her son back to her.
The miracle was done because of love. We know and recognize the divinity in Jesus because of his
wondrous acts.
Congratulations to our Graduates: From Left to Right- Curt Barnes, Jose Espinoza,
Christopher Knapstein, Mariah Daly, Liliana Flores, Alexis Angeles,
Sylvie Martinez, and Stanley Rivera with Father David.
Our prayer for you: May you come to know and
share the wonder and awe that is within you as you
grow in wisdom, knowledge and understanding. May
you be challenged and provoked along your journey of
faith. May God bless you and guide you to understand
your true calling in this world. In all these things, we
ask God to bless you this day. Amen.
Page 4
everyone is welcome to
participate in any event!
The more the merrier!
June 5, 2016
Are you single and age 50 or over? Would you like to join us on Saturday
June 4th for the 4:00 pm Mass at St. Ann Church in Haines City and dinner afterwards at Floridino's Restaurant?
All Catholic men and women age 50 and over, who are single widowed or
divorced are welcome. For more information call Joyce at 863-2068990 or Frank at 863-956-5361.
Knitters for Christ meets in the office living
Sips of faith is meeting today,
after the 9:30 Mass (10:45) am in the
Parish Center. during the Summer.
Please come and join us!
Becoming catholic meets
Thursday, June 9 at 6:30 pm, to begin our
inquiry period for the next year. We invite those interested to join us. The
Inquiry period extends from June 9,
through November 17. During that time,
we try to present some of the fundamentals of our faith to help each person
decide if this is indeed the Church with
which they wish to be a member. If you
or someone you know is interested in
learning more and would like to be in
full communion with the Catholic
Church by finishing their
sacraments or by being baptized,
please contact Bob Decker at any time
to start the process and continue the
journey God has already begun.
The diner’s club
meets on Friday, June 24th, 11:30 at
the Perkins Restaurant, Cypress
Gardens Blvd., near Lego Land.
As always, it’s a Dutch Treat.
Everyone is invited, so sign up in
the Narthex if you plan to attend!
room every 2nd and 4th Wednesday of the month. New
members are always welcome to join us to knit or crochet between 10:00am and 11:00am. As always, WE ARE IN
NEED OF YARN! If you have any yar n or see it on clear ance
in the store, you are welcome to donate it by dropping it off at the
parish office between 9 and 3, Monday through Friday. Fr. David
blessed the latest boxes and bags of shawls, blankets, hats and pandas at the 11:00 Mass last Sunday. Thanks once again go to our
ladies who put all their love and effort into this project. Thanks
too, to those who help immensely by donating yarn. We appreciate
you all!!!
Health and Wellness Ministries:
Body, Mind, and spirit
Challenge Ourselves. Learning a new
skill or taking on a new challenge to meet
a goal. Learning improves our mental fitness, while striving to meet our goals
builds skills and confidence.
Learning gives us a sense of progress and
Deal with stress. We need to be aware of what triggers our stress and how
we react. We may be able to avoid some of the triggers and learn to prepare
for and or manage the others. Stress is part of life and affects us in different
ways. A balanced lifestyle can help us to manage stress better. If we have
trouble winding down, we may find relaxation breathing, yoga, or stretching
Rest and refresh. Get plenty of sleep. Go to bed at regular time each day
and practice good health habits to get better sleep. Sleep restores both our
body and mind. Feelings of fatigue can still set in if we feel constantly rushed
and overwhelmed when we are awake. We can allow ourselves some unfocused time each day to refresh. We can let our mind wander, daydream or
simply watch the clouds go by for a while. It is OK to add to do nothing to
your to-do list.
Notice the here and now. Take a moment to notice each of our senses each
day. “Simply being in the moment” feeling the sun (we should not have trouble doing that) and wind on our face, notice the air we are breathing. Practicing mindfulness by focusing our attention on being in the moment. Making
a conscious effort to be aware of your inner and outer world is important for
our mental health.
Ask for help. This can be as simple as asking a friend to babysit while we
have some time out. Speaking to our doctor about where to find a counselor
or community mental health service.
Call the Health and Wellness ministries for help. Everyone's life journey has
bumpy bits and the people around who can help.
Page 5
June 5, 2016
Location change!
Knights News
CCW Summer luncheon
will be held June 14 at
Olive Garden in Winter Haven at 11:30am; July 12 at
Lake Ashton; and August 9 at Charlene’s Tea Room in
Frostproof. We hope to see you at the luncheons! If you
have any questions call Peg Champion (407)-376-3659
Corporate Communion at
9:30am mass on Sunday June 26.
Breakfast for Paula O'steen family
is set. Tickets and flyers will be
coming soon. K o C meeting every 1st and 3rd Monday at 7:00 pm.
Any questions contact Grand Knight Gary Kennedy
at 863-232-9562 or José Joglar 863-855-0907 /
panchojoglar@gmail.com or via the
website kofclakewales.com
Did You Know?
Convenient on campus dual
enrollment offered by St. Thomas University and Polk State College
Online course options that are not offered by local colleges
AP classes in 15 subjects
Scholarship opportunities and financial aid are
available. To learn more about Santa Fe Catholic,
contact Principal Matthew Franzino –
Phone: 863-665-4188 Ext.
287 Email: mfranzino@santafecatholic.org
The Msgr. J. Walter Grill
Columbiettes Auxiliary
We meet every
second Monday of each month
for potluck dinner at 6:30
p.m. and the meeting starts promptly at 7:00
p.m. Meetings last about an hour.
We will be having a breakfast to
honor the life of Paula O’Steen.
June 12, 2016 from 8:00am-12
Noon. All funds collected will be
The Vocation Blessing Chalice.
put in a trust fund for Paula’s
Each week at Sunday Mass Fr. David will call a
Children! Please come support us
in this beautiful cause. Tickets are
family, individual, or couple forward to receive the
for sale after all Masses and at the
Vocation Chalice. They receive a blessing and take
you there!
the chalice home, putting it in a place of honor.
If you have any questions, please contact your
Each day for a week, during prayer time (morning, bedtime
President, Miriam Kennedy at 863-287-9486.
or at meals), they pray for an increase and perseverance of
vocations. The following Sunday they return the Vocation
Blessing Chalice with the gifts of bread and wine at The Offertory.
Meet after the 8:30am Mass every 1st
A prayer journal also travels with the Blessing Chalice. Each Saturday of the Month.
Everyone is welcome to attend!
week the family, individual, or couple who has the chalice,
enters a thought, prayer, or scripture verse. Over time this
diary becomes a spiritual journal for the parish. Praying for
vocations is the most powerful way to support vocations. A
vocation is a call from the Holy Spirit; a gift from God that is
nurtured in prayer. When we pray for vocations, we lift up to
our Father those men and women whom he is calling in a
very special way. We hope that those who bring the cup
home will continue to pray for vocations daily.
The “Vocation Blessing Chalice” program started last month
(May 1st), and our parish started praying for vocations with
the "Vocation Blessing Chalice". Praying for vocations is a
responsibility and privilege of the laity.
Anchors of Faith
I am deeply touched by your generosity on
Mother's Day. It gave me great joy to pass
out the Carnations and wish everyone a
happy Mother's Day! My apologies to 4pm
Mass, like most Moms I had to work. Please
don't forget turn in your baby bottles on
Father's Day. Our next meeting we be Tuesday June
7. This will be our last meeting for the summer. I want to
thank all members for your hard work. We will attend
Adoration at 7pm, followed by Celebration of all you
have done this year at 7:30 pm in the Knights Hall.
Please Contact Marge Prunty at 863-605-1115
Pagina 6
10th Sunday in Ordinary Time
In the very difficult economic times of the last few years, many
families found themselves relying on resources that they had never
had to utilize in the past. Some households used their retirement
savings or tried to sell their homes after a job loss. Others found
themselves grateful for unemployment compensation even if it didn't pay all their bills. Some adult children found it necessary to
move back in with their parents, while some families found help
from a local food pantry or meal program-maybe one to which in
better times they actually made donations.
In Sunday's Gospel, the widow from Nain has lost her only son. In
the time of Jesus, this was not only a personal loss filled with grief,
but also a devastating economic event. There was no one on whom
she could rely for support. With her husband gone and now her only
son dead, the woman had nothing. She was in the very worst of
straits. That is, until Jesus came along. Suddenly, the widow had
renewed hope, as her son was raised up and restored to her. Her life
could go on.
The plight of our neighbors in need today is not so different from
that of the widow of Nain. While we might want to have Jesus walk
into town and give them their house or their job back, we know that
isn't going to happen. But that doesn't mean that something can't
happen. Indeed, something should! As the followers of Christ today,
we are his presence in this world. When there are people suffering,
we are the ones called upon to reach out and help. There might be
one or the other among us who actually can offer someone a job,
but most of us will help in other ways. It can be as simple as buying
one extra item every time we go grocery shopping to donate to the
local food pantry. We can all help!
Bingo! Bingo every Wednesday at 12:30
Noon. Everyone Welcome! Any questions
please call the parish office or Jerry Knuth
(863) 949-4504
Parish Master calendar
If you are leader of any of our parish committees or groups, please
notify the office to schedule meetings with times and dates; also
please let us know the specific room or building you need to use
before you use it. All events or use of any of the rooms are placed in
the calendar as tentative until approved by Father David.
Please call the parish office to add your dates to the calendar.
Please leave your name, group name, phone number, email address,
etc. so you may receive notifications or updates about your event.
If you have given your information to Mrs. Sally we have
those dates and they are in process of being placed on the
Master Calendar and being approved.
Thank you for your cooperation.
May 22, 2016
Dorothy's Corner Food
"He who has a bountiful eye will be
blessed, for he shares his bread with
the poor"
Proverbs 22:9
Dorothy's Corner Food Pantry
Open to Parishioners every Tuesday
from 6 to 7 p.m. If you have an
emergency and are in need, please
contact the Parish Office and we
will be happy to assist you.
Currently we are in GREAT need of
the following:
-Canned Meat, chicken,
tuna, ham
-Boxed cereal
-Grape Jelly
-Canned and DRY pinto
-Spaghetti Sauce
-Laundry Detergent 50oz. or smaller please
-Dish Detergent small sizes
-Toothpaste and tooth brushes
Thank you to all our Parishioner's for
your generous support; The families
we serve truly appreciate it!
If you are interested in stopping by to
see what we do, please feel free to
come on any Tuesday evening, we
welcome everyone!
Just a Reminder
About the
Baby Bottle
Please remember
to return your baby bottles on or before
Father’s Day. The Community Care
center will be using the funds from the
baby bottles to help support young
mothers in need and their babies. Your
support will help provide free testing,
guidance and education for mothers.
Thank you!.
Pagina 7
May 29, 2016
May 28 & 29
$ 6,329.00
Gracias por sus donaciones que Dios los bendiga siempre
Grupo de Oracion
El Grupo de Oracion se reune los Viernes en el salon
de la Iglesia a las 7:00pm. Todos invitados a ser parte
de este grupo de oracion!
Caballeros de Colon
Misa Corporativa este domingo a las 8am. Desayuno
para la Familia de Paula O'steen viene pronto. Boletos
en venta después de todas las Misas, y en la oficina
por $7.00. Reunión todos los 1er y 3er lunes del mes a
las 7:00 pm. Para cualquier pregunta se pueden
comunicar con José Joglar 863-8550907 / panchojoglar@gmail.com o buscarnos en nuestra página
de internet kofclakewales.com
Clases de Bautismo
Completar las formas en la oficina
Traer carta de permiso (de su parroquia) o prueba de
ser miembro de nuestra parroquia.
Traer acta de nacimiento de el niño(a) quien quiera
bautizar (Mayores de 6 años deben de estar en clase
de Catecismo)
Atender regularmente a Misa.
Padrinos y padres deben tomar clase de bautismo
Hacer cita con Jessica para reunirse con el Padre David.
Deben llegar por lo menos 15 minutos antes de la Misa.
Clases de Formación Religiosa
Registración para nuestro año escolar 20016-2017.
Grados Pre-Kínder a grado 12 las registraciones
serán en Agosto! Por favor venga a la oficina si
quiere registrar temprano, el costo es menos si se
apuntan temprano.
Las lecturas de la semana
Domingo: 1 Re 17, 17-24/Sal 30, 2. 4-6. 11-13/Gal 1, 11-19/Lc 7, 11-17
Lunes: 1 Re 17, 1-6/Sal 121, 1-8/Mt 5, 1-12
Martes: 1 Re 17, 7-16/Sal 4, 2-5. 7-8/Mt 5, 13-16
Miércoles: 1 Re 18, 20-39/Sal 16, 1-5. 8. 11/Mt 5, 17-19
Jueves: 1 Re 18, 41-46/Sal 65, 10-13/Mt 5, 20-26
Viernes: 1 Re 19, 9. 11-16/Sal 27, 7-9. 13-14/Mt 5, 27-32
Sábado: Hch 11, 21-26; 13, 1-3/Sal 98, 1-6/Mt 5, 33-37
Domingo siguiente: 2 Sm 12, 7-10. 13/Sal 32, 1-2. 5. 7. 11/Gal 2, 16. 19-21
Cualquier grupo de la
iglesia que necesite utilizar
cualquier cuarto, o espacio en la
iglesia, incluyendo los salones de la escuela,
Centro Parroquial, Iglesia, etc. Deben primero
llamar a la oficina para reservar el espacio.
Los días y horarios serán colocados en el calendario como “Tentativos” hasta que sean
aprobados. Por favor llame deje su nombre,
numero de teléfono y su correo electrónico.
Gracias y si tiene preguntas por favor
llame a la oficina. (863)676-1556
Programa de Oración con el
Cáliz Vocacional
Comenzando este mes, nuestra parroquia va a empezar un nuevo
programa llamado “Programa de
oración con el caliz vocacional”. Este programa
anima a nuestras familias a orar regularmente por
las vocaciones sacerdotales y la vida consagrada.
Cada semana, una familia recibirá el Cáliz vocacional durante la Misa y se lo llevara a su hogar,
con la promesa de “orar por las vocaciones”
durante esa semana. La familia pondrá el cáliz en
un lugar prominente en su hogar y se reunirá
diariamente frente a el, pidiéndole a Dios, que ayude a concientizar la necesidad de las vocaciones en
nuestra parroquia. Se les suministraran panfletos y
libritos a la familia, diferentes para cada día. Al
finalizar la semana, la familia devolverá el caliz a
la iglesia, para que otra familia pueda hacer lo mismo. Esperamos que a través de la oración,
nuestra parroquia pueda convertirse en fuente de
vocaciones que sirvan a la diócesis y a la Iglesia. Si
le interesa, por favor vea a un miembro de la oficina o venga a la sacristía, después de misa a registrarse.
Tendremos un desayuno para
celebrar la vida de Paula
O’Steen. Junio 12,2016 de
8:00am-12 del mediodía. Los fondos colectados serán donados a sus niños. Por favor
vengan apoyar esta hermosa causa. Los
boletos están en venta por $7.00 dólares,
estarán en venta después de todas las Misas y
en la oficina. Si tiene cualquier pregunta por
favor llame a Miriam Kennedy (863)287-9486
(Habla Español)