Youth Resource Directory for the Region Workforce


Youth Resource Directory for the Region Workforce
for the Capital
Region Workforce
Investment Area
Charles City County
Chesterfield County
Goochland County
Hanover County
Henrico County
New Kent County
Powhatan County
Richmond City
5410 Williamsburg Road
Sandston VA 23150
JUNE 2012
Prepared by Communitas Consulting
Table of Contents
Introduction....................................................................................................................................... 8
Program Listings............................................................................................................................... 11
Adult Education................................................................................................................................. 11
Chesterfield County Public Schools – Adult Continuing Education............................................... 12
Henrico County Public Schools – Highland Springs Adult Education Center............................... 12
John Tyler Community College – On-Ramp.................................................................................... 13
Powhatan County Public Schools – Adult Education Program...................................................... 13
Rappahannock Community College – Adult Education Program.................................................. 14
Rappahannock Community College – On-Ramp............................................................................ 14
Richmond Outreach Center – GED Classes.................................................................................... 15
Richmond Public Schools – Richmond Technical Center, Adult Education.................................. 15
Virginia Adult Learning Resource Center – GED Helpline............................................................. 16
Alternative Education........................................................................................................................ 17
Associated Educational Services of Virginia, Inc. – Metropolitan Day School............................... 18
Chesterfield County Public Schools – CCPSOnline........................................................................ 18
Department of Correctional Education – Bon Air Expansion Juvenile Correctional Center........ 19
Department of Correctional Education – Paul S. Blandford School.............................................. 19
Department of Correctional Education – Transition Program....................................................... 20
Elk Hill Farm, Inc. – Harambee Day Education Program............................................................... 20
Elk Hill Farm, Inc. – Varina Day School........................................................................................... 21
Faison School for Autism................................................................................................................. 21
Goochland County Public Schools – Goochland High, Special Education and
Transition Program.......................................................................................................................... 22
Grafton School, Inc.......................................................................................................................... 22
Hanover County Public Schools – Job Coaching Program for Special Education........................ 23
Henrico County Public Schools – The Academy at Virginia Randolph........................................... 23
Precious Blessing Academy............................................................................................................ 24
Project Return.................................................................................................................................. 24
Richmond Outreach Center – Choice Positive................................................................................ 25
Richmond Outreach Center – Hustler’s Academy.......................................................................... 25
Richmond Outreach Center – Paul’s Prison Ministry/Beaumont Juvenile Detention
Center/James River Detention Center/Isaiah’s Hope.................................................................... 26
Richmond Outreach Center – Violence-Free Zone: Armstrong High School and the
Center for Neighborhood Enterprise.............................................................................................. 27
Richmond Outreach Center – Violence-Free Zone: George Wythe High School and the
Center for Neighborhood Enterprise.............................................................................................. 27
Richmond Public Schools – Adult Career Development Center.................................................... 28
Richmond Public Schools – Amelia Street Special Education School.......................................... 29
Richmond Public Schools – Homebound/Home-Based Instruction............................................. 29
Richmond Public Schools – R.E.A.L. School.................................................................................. 30
St. Joseph’s Villa – Sarah Dooley Center for Autism...................................................................... 30
St. Joseph’s Villa – The Dooley School............................................................................................ 31
Table of Contents
St. Joseph’s Villa – The Dooley School for Alternative Education.................................................. 31
Virginia Home for Boys and Girls – Alternative School.................................................................. 32
Guidance and Counseling................................................................................................................... 33
ECMC Foundation – The College Place, Richmond........................................................................ 34
Family Resolutions Services II (FRS)............................................................................................... 34
Henrico Area Mental Health and Developmental Services – Teen Job Preparatory Program..... 35
Main Street Management Group, LLC – Youth Skill Development Workshops............................. 35
State Council of Higher Education for Virginia – I am the One...................................................... 36
The Choice Group............................................................................................................................. 36
Virginia Commonwealth University – Center for Psychological Services and Development........ 37
Virginia Community College System – Virginia Education Wizard................................................. 37
In-school Youth Programs................................................................................................................. 38
Boys and Girls Clubs of Metro Richmond....................................................................................... 39
Chesterfield County Public Schools – Chesterfield Specialty Centers within Traditional
High Schools.................................................................................................................................... 40
Communities In Schools – Communities In Schools of Chesterfield............................................ 41
Communities In Schools – Communities In Schools of Richmond............................................... 41
Creative Youth Concepts – Therapeutic Day Treatment................................................................. 42
Dominion Youth Services – Day School........................................................................................... 42
Henrico Area Mental Health and Developmental Services – CONNECT Program....................... 43
John Tyler Community College – Tech Prep/Career Pathways/Career Coaches/
PEER Consortium............................................................................................................................ 43
Neighborhood Resource Center of Greater Fulton Hill (NRC)....................................................... 44
Peter Paul Development Center, Inc............................................................................................... 44
Resource Youth Network: In-School Youth Programs.................................................................... 45
St. Joseph’s Villa – Brook Road Academy....................................................................................... 47
St. Joseph’s Villa – Career and Transition Services....................................................................... 47
Teens on the Go! – Resource Center............................................................................................... 48
U-TURN, Inc..................................................................................................................................... 48
YMCA of Greater Richmond – Club Locations................................................................................ 49
YMCA of Greater Richmond – Black Achievers............................................................................... 50
Leadership Development................................................................................................................... 51
Capital Area Partnership Uplifting People (CAPUP) – Project Discovery...................................... 52
Chesterfield County Police Department – Explorer Post 609........................................................ 52
Junior Achievement of Central Virginia, Inc................................................................................... 53
Richmond Hill – Armstrong Leadership Program.......................................................................... 53
Richmond Mayor’s Office – The Mayor’s Youth Academy............................................................... 54
Richmond Organization for Sexual Minority Youth (ROSMY) – Youth Engaged
in Leadership................................................................................................................................... 55
Richmond Outreach Center – The Chosen..................................................................................... 55
The Active Hand Ministry (TAHM) – People Agreeing for a Change............................................... 56
Virginia Board for People with Disabilities – Youth Leadership Forum (YLF)................................ 56
Virginia Cooperative Extension – 4-H.............................................................................................. 57
William Byrd Community House (WBCH)....................................................................................... 57
2012 Youth Resource Directory
YMCA of Greater Richmond – Leaders’ Club.................................................................................. 58
YMCA of Greater Richmond – Metro Teens..................................................................................... 59
YMCA of Greater Richmond – Youth in Government Model General Assembly............................. 59
Mentoring.......................................................................................................................................... 60
Creative Youth Concepts – Essentials of Liberation and Maturation (E.L.A.M.)............................ 61
Creative Youth Concepts – S.A.S.S.Y................................................................................................ 61
Hanover County Department of Community Resources – Hanover’s Promise............................. 62
National Guard Youth Challenge Program – The Virginia Commonwealth
Challenge Academy......................................................................................................................... 62
Richmond City Police Department – Richmond Police Athletic League....................................... 63
Richmond Students Reaching Students......................................................................................... 63
The Newman Group – Crossover Mentoring................................................................................... 64
Virginia Department of Juvenile Justice – Mentoring Program..................................................... 64
Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU) Alumni Association – Mentoring Program.................. 65
Virginia Council of Churches – The Elizabeth Project.................................................................... 65
Occupational Skill Training................................................................................................................ 66
Virginia Department of Labor and Industry – Registered Apprenticeships................................... 67
Out-of-school Youth Programs.......................................................................................................... 68
J. Sargeant Reynolds Community College – Great Expectations.................................................. 69
J. Sargeant Reynolds Community College – Middle College......................................................... 69
John Tyler Community College – Great Expectations.................................................................... 70
Rappahannock Community College – Middle College................................................................... 70
Rappahannock Community College – Student Services/Trio........................................................ 71
Rappahannock Community College – Workforce and Youth Services (WAYS)............................... 71
Special Focus Programs.................................................................................................................... 72
A New You Transitional Living, LLC – Transitional Housing/Independent
Living Program................................................................................................................................. 73
Capital Area Partnership Uplifting People (CAPUP) – Virginia CARES.......................................... 73
Chesterfield County – Adolescent Reporting Program.................................................................. 74
Chesterfield/Colonial Heights Department of Social Services – Virginia Initiative for
Employment not Welfare (VIEW)...................................................................................................... 74
Commonwealth Catholic Charities – Refugee Unaccompanied Minors Program........................ 75
Commonwealth Catholic Charities – Resettlement Services for Refugees.................................. 75
Commonwealth Catholic Charities – Therapeutic and Refugee Foster Care............................... 76
Community Futures Foundation – The Mill House......................................................................... 76
Delta House, LLC – Residential Services........................................................................................ 77
Easter Seals UCP North Carolina and Virginia, Inc. – Project SUCCESS...................................... 77
Hanover County Community Services Board – Intellectual Disabilities
Case Management........................................................................................................................... 78
Hanover County Community Services Board – Prevention and Community
Education Services........................................................................................................................... 78
Hanover County Department of Social Services............................................................................. 79
Hanover Health Department – Resource Mothers......................................................................... 79
Henrico Area Mental Health and Developmental Services – Club House..................................... 80
Table of Contents
Hilliard House – Aftercare Program................................................................................................ 80
Hilltop Promises and The Frogs Place............................................................................................ 81
J. Sargeant Reynolds Community College – ESL Services............................................................ 81
Mosby Resource Center................................................................................................................... 82
Offender Aid and Restoration (OAR) of Richmond, Inc................................................................... 82
Open Arms Residential Services, LLC............................................................................................ 83
Powhatan County Social Services – Virginia Initiative for Employment not
Welfare (VIEW).................................................................................................................................. 83
Pregnancy Resource Center of Metro Richmond........................................................................... 84
Resources for Independent Living, Inc. – Independent Living Center........................................... 84
Richmond City Department of Public Health – Resource Mothers............................................... 85
Richmond City Social Services – Independent Living..................................................................... 85
Richmond City Social Services – Virginia Initiative for Employment not
Welfare (VIEW).................................................................................................................................. 86
Richmond Department of Justice Services – Juvenile Community Based Services..................... 86
Richmond Public Schools – Hospital Education Program............................................................. 87
Richmond Redevelopment and Housing Authority – Family Services and
Community Relations Department................................................................................................. 87
The Virginia Project for Children and Young Adults with Deaf-Blindness..................................... 88
United Methodist Family Services of Virginia (UMFS) – Project LIFE............................................ 88
Virginia Commonwealth University – Care Connection for Children............................................. 89
Virginia Commonwealth University – Rehabilitation Research and Training
Center (VCU-RRTC).......................................................................................................................... 89
Virginia Department of Rehabilitative Services – Henrico Office................................................... 90
Virginia Hispanic Chamber of Commerce – Resource Center....................................................... 90
Tutoring............................................................................................................................................. 91
Charity Family Life – After School Tutorial Program and Summer Enlightenment Program...... 92
Church Hill Activities and Tutoring (CHAT)..................................................................................... 92
East District Family Resource Center............................................................................................. 93
Strategies To Elevate People (STEP) – Victory Tutoring................................................................. 93
Work Experience/Skill Training......................................................................................................... 94
At Work Personnel and Medical Services....................................................................................... 95
Boaz and Ruth, Inc........................................................................................................................... 95
Bread of Life Resource and Food Center, Inc................................................................................. 96
Carr and Sons, Inc. – One Brush Many Opportunities................................................................... 96
Chesterfield Community Services Board – Chesterfield Employment Services (CES)................. 97
Chesterfield County Public Schools – Chesterfield Career and Technical Education
Program at Home High Schools...................................................................................................... 97
Chesterfield County Public Schools – Chesterfield Technical Center........................................... 98
Chesterfield Technical Center – VADA Automotive Youth Education Partnership........................ 98
City of Richmond – Economic and Community Development........................................................ 99
Community College Workforce Alliance......................................................................................... 99
Embrace Richmond......................................................................................................................... 100
Goochland-Powhatan Community Services Board – Monacan Services....................................... 100
2012 Youth Resource Directory
Goodwill of Central Virginia – Basic Education Classes................................................................. 101
Goodwill of Central Virginia – Community Employment Centers.................................................. 101
Goodwill of Central Virginia – Employment Specialist Assistance................................................ 102
Goodwill of Central Virginia – Group Training................................................................................. 102
Goodwill of Central Virginia – Hands On Training........................................................................... 103
Goodwill of Central Virginia – Individual Assessment.................................................................... 103
Greater Richmond ARC – Industrial and Day Support Services.................................................... 104
Hanover County Community Services Board – Employment Training........................................... 104
Hanover County Public Schools – Hanover Center for Trades and Technology............................ 105
Hanover Juvenile Correctional Center – Junior Reserve Officers Training
Program (JROTC)............................................................................................................................. 105
Henrico County Division of Fire – Boy Scouts of America (BSA) Learning for
Life Explorer Post............................................................................................................................. 106
Henrico County Public Schools – Hermitage Technical Center..................................................... 106
Henrico County Public Schools – High Tech Academy, Highland Springs
Technical Center.............................................................................................................................. 107
Henrico County Public Schools – Highland Springs Technical Center.......................................... 107
Henrico County Vocational/Technical Education Foundation, Inc. – House
Building Project................................................................................................................................ 108
Highland Springs Technical Center – Springer Daycare................................................................ 108
Highland Springs Technical Center – VADA Automotive Youth Education Partnership................ 109
Jobs for Virginia Graduates............................................................................................................. 109
Partnership for the Future............................................................................................................... 110
Progressive Adult Rehabilitation Center, Inc. (PARC).................................................................... 110
Richmond Department of Juvenile Justice Services – Adult Offender Re-entry Services........... 111
Richmond Public Schools – Richmond Technical Center.............................................................. 111
Virginia Commonwealth University – Project Search, Chesterfield County.................................. 112
Virginia Commonwealth University – Project Search, Henrico County......................................... 112
Virginia Department of Juvenile Justice – Work Education Release Program (WERP)................ 113
Virginia Department of Juvenile Justice – Youth Industries Program........................................... 113
Virginia Industries for the Blind...................................................................................................... 114
Workforce Development Centers....................................................................................................... 115
Employment Transition Center........................................................................................................ 116
Resource Workforce Center – Midlothian Office............................................................................. 116
Resource Workforce Center – Chesterfield Office.......................................................................... 117
Resource Workforce Center – Sandston Office............................................................................... 117
Virginia Employment Commission (VEC) – Richmond Metro North Office.................................... 118
Appendix A: Inventory Source Materials............................................................................................ 119
Appendix B: Middle-Skill Training Providers in the Capital Region WIA............................................ 121
Appendix C: Alphabetical Program Listing........................................................................................ 128
Appendix D: Program Listing by Intended Population....................................................................... 134
Appendix E: Program Listing by Service Provided............................................................................. 140
Appendix F: Program Listing by Locality Served............................................................................... 155
Table of Contents
The RESOURCE Youth Council works to serve youth in the Capital Region Workforce Investment Area (WIA) by
developing workforce strategies focused on youth needs, influencing policy making, and partnering with
organizations serving youth, ages 14–21. In the summer of 2011, the Resource Youth Council commissioned an
inventory of the region’s workforce development programs available to youth as part of a larger study, “Aligning
Potential: Matching the Needs and Resources of Youth with the Capital Region’s Future.” The intent was both to
identify existing services and gaps in the region and to provide an accessible and comprehensive directory to
connect young people and their parents to available resources in the region.
The resulting directory is designed for use by young people, their parents and mentors, educators, nonprofit and
civic groups, employers, and citizens throughout the Capital Region WIA. It includes a listing of both community
and school-based programs in the areas that correspond to ten effective elements of workforce development
Tutoring, Study Skills, and Dropout Prevention Strategies
Alternative Secondary School Services
Summer Employment Opportunities Linked to Academic and Occupational Learning
Paid and Unpaid Work Experience
Occupational Skill Training
Leadership Development Opportunities
Supportive Services
Adult Mentoring
Comprehensive Guidance and Counseling
Follow-up Services
The directory also includes an index of programs organized alphabetically, by services offered, by intended
population, and by locality. As a supplement to the directory, Resource has added a listing of institutions that
provide training for “middle skill jobs”—jobs that require more training than a high school degree but less than
four years of college, provided by the Virginia Workforce Connection. The result is a comprehensive resource
that will help young people take advantage of the resources available in the community for their development,
training, work experience, education, and preparation for a career.
The directory was created by Communitas Consulting of Charlottesville, Virginia (www.communitasconsulting.
com). This directory would not be as comprehensive a resource were it not for the generous assistance and time of
many of the program staff listed in this directory. A special thanks are due to Trisha Steiniger and Shelia Archer of
the United Way of Greater Richmond and Petersburg’s 2-1-1 team, and Sandra Booth of the Youth Development
Partnership of the United Way of Greater Richmond & Petersburg and the Greater Richmond YMCA for providing
original listings for this directory. The effort was directed by members of the Resource Youth Mapping Steering
Committee: Clarence McGill of the Virginia Department of Juvenile Justice, Ajai Blue-Saunders of Communities In
Schools, Steven Hippeard of Virginia College, and Krishawn Monroe of Resource.
Method of Collection
This directory provides information on programs related to workforce development in the Capital Region WIA
that are open to youth, ages 14-21. In order to be comprehensive but not overwhelming, directory listings are
limited to regional services, and not services that are intended for—and located across—the entire country or
Commonwealth of Virginia. Recognizing that many youth development efforts occur within schools or in
partnership with schools, this updated directory incorporates listings for non-traditional and specialty programs
that are located within public and private schools or that operate in close partnership with schools.
Elements of a WIA Youth Program, by Judith O. Wagner, Cheryl R. Sturko Grossman, Michael E. Wonecott, and Diana Jackson, Focused
Futures, The Ohio State University, 2007
Communitas Consulting created this resource directory by identifying and building upon pre-existing regional
service directories (identified in Appendix A), 2-1-1 Virginia’s database of programs and organizations, and the
“Greater Richmond Region Cradle to Career Landscape Mapping Survey” conducted by the Youth Development
Partnership, and by enlisting the input of local organizations and community stakeholders to identify key
programs and organizations promoting youth workforce development.
Beginning with pre-existing directories, 2-1-1 data, the Youth Development Partnership survey results, and
interviews with community stakeholders and school program staff, researchers compiled a list of potential
programs meeting each of the following criteria:
❍❍ Program services are available to youth ages 14–21, or a portion of that age group.
❍❍ Program services are available to residents of the Capital Region WIA.
❍❍ Program services are related—directly or indirectly—to workforce preparation and career
development, especially as outlined in the federal Workforce Investment Act’s ten elements of youth
o Tutoring, Study Skills, and Dropout Prevention Strategies
o Alternative Secondary School Services
o Summer Employment Opportunities Linked to Academic and Occupational Learning
o Paid and Unpaid Work Experience
o Occupational Skill Training
o Leadership Development Opportunities
o Supportive Services
o Adult Mentoring
o Comprehensive Guidance and Counseling
o Follow-up Services
Researchers used web resources and outreach to staff at each program on the aggregate list to verify compiled
information and complete each listing to the extent possible. In addition to making the resulting inventory more
accurate and exhaustive, this process assisted researchers in determining which programs no longer provide
services to youth in the region. In some cases, no contact with an organization could be made for information
verification despite numerous outreach efforts. When this occurred, if the listing was found in 2-1-1 Virginia’s
database, which is frequently updated, the listing was included in the inventory with as much information as was
available. If the listing was not found in 2-1-1 Virginia’s database, the listing was removed from the inventory.
Thus, this inventory does not claim to identify every youth workforce resource available in the region.
Additional programs were identified through interviews with community stakeholders, input of the project’s
Steering Committee members, and referrals from program staff who were contacted for information
verification. When following up with program staff, Communitas researchers requested a brief list of
organizations the program partnered most frequently in their youth workforce development efforts. In a few
cases, this identified organizations that were not already listed in the inventory; new programs were investigated
for inclusion.
Every effort has been made to ensure that program information in this inventory is accurate and up to date. If
there has been an error in your organization’s listing, or if you would like your organization to be included in the
next version of the Youth Resource Directory, contact Krishawn Monroe, Youth Program Manager, at (804)
226-1941 or
2012 Youth Resource Directory
Chesterfield County Public Schools – Adult Continuing Education
Chesterfield County school system’s Adult Continuing Education program offers GED classes and tests, English
for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) classes, workforce training, and enrichment classes to residents age
18 and older.
Youth Services Offered
GED, ESOL, workforce development classes such as healthcare and HVAC
training. Retention counselor for GED classes. Learning disabilities liaison to
assist students in class. FAFSA and college prep assistance in labs.
Intended Population
Adults age 18+.
Requirements vary by course of interest. Students must have a GED prior to
enrolling in workforce classes. Some classes require background checks prior
to enrollment. Students need a DMV-issued ID or passport for GED testing.
Youth Referral Process No information provided. Call for details.
Cost for Services
$70 for GED first semester and $50 for each subsequent semester. $70 per
semester for ESOL. Workforce classes vary.
Contact Information
(804) 768-6140
10101 Courthouse Road, Chesterfield, VA 23832
Monday – Thursday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Area Served
Chesterfield County.
Henrico County Public Schools – Highland Springs Adult Education Center
The Adult Education Center provides adult basic education, ESL classes, GED classes and testing, job readiness
and awareness, and skill training.
Youth Services Offered
Continuing education, adult education, GED instruction, ESL services,
employment training, educational/vocational assessments.
Intended Population
Adults age 18+.
The program serves adults age 18 and older who are residents of Henrico
County and the surrounding Richmond metropolitan area.
Youth Referral Process Take an assessment test and meet with the GED or ESOL counselor.
Cost for Services
Contact program for information.
Contact Information
(804) 328-4095
201 E. Nine Mile Road, Highland Springs, VA 23075
Office hours: Monday – Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.; programs run from 8:00
a.m. to 9:00 p.m.
Area Served
Henrico County and surrounding Richmond metropolitan area.
2012 Youth Resource Directory
John Tyler Community College – On-Ramp
The On-Ramp Program is designed to help workers who are unemployed or underemployed improve their
chances of job hunting success. Specifically, the program’s goal is to increase the number of adults who obtain
postsecondary education credentials, such as a college degree or an industry-recognized certification or
Youth Services Offered
Assistance with tools that help assess skill levels and interests, help with
developing a career and training plan, advising.
Intended Population
Incumbent workers.
Participants must be 18 or older, seeking a degree or certificate, and
unemployed, dislocated as a result of a layoff, or underemployed. Participants
may not already be receiving a source of funding that fully covers tuition, fees,
and books.
Youth Referral Process Eligible applicants should schedule an in-take process appointment with
the On-Ramp Coordinator. They must present a valid driver’s license, social
security card or birth certificate, and a letter from their previous employer
confirming their layoff or documentation from the Virginia Employment
Commission indicating the receipt of unemployment.
Cost for Services
No fee.
Contact Information
13101 Jefferson Davis Highway, Trailer 30, Chester, VA 23831-5316
Area Served
All students enrolled in John Tyler Community College.
Powhatan County Public Schools – Adult Education Program
The Powhatan County Public School System has an adult education program that is available to any adult who is
18 and over and who is a resident of Powhatan County.
Youth Services Offered
Continuing education, adult education, GED classes, educational/vocational
Intended Population
Adults age 18+.
Open to any member of the community age 18 or older (out of high school).
Youth Referral Process No information provided. Call for details.
Cost for Services
Contact program for information.
Contact Information
(804) 598-5710
1800 Judes Ferry Rd., Powhatan High School, Powhatan, VA 23139
Area Served
Powhatan County.
Adult Education
Rappahannock Community College – Adult Education Program
The Adult Education Program is open to individuals 18 years and older who want to improve their basic math,
reading, and writing skills to get a job, pass the college entrance exam, or get a GED credential.
Youth Services Offered
Adult basic education classes, ESL classes, Fast Track Classes (GED prep) and
Job Exploration classes (GED, CRC, and job and college application assistance).
Intended Population
Adults age 18+.
The Adult Education Program is open to individuals 18 years and older who
want to improve their basic math, reading, and writing skills to get a job, pass
the college entrance exam, or get a GED credential.
Youth Referral Process All students must attend a registration workshop before beginning class.
The three-hour workshop includes a program orientation, completion of
paperwork, and pretesting.
Cost for Services
$35 fee to cover a workbook and all classes for the year.
Contact Information
(804) 333-6829
52 Campus Drive, Warsaw, VA 22572
Office hours: Monday – Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Class schedules vary.
Area Served
Counties of Gloucester, Lancaster, Northumberland, Richmond and
Westmoreland, and the town of Colonial Beach.
Rappahannock Community College – On-Ramp
The On-Ramp Program is designed to help workers who are unemployed or underemployed improve their
chances of job hunting success. Specifically, the program’s goal is to increase the number of adults who obtain
postsecondary education credentials, such as a college degree or an industry-recognized certification or
Youth Services Offered
Employment training and educational/vocational assessments.
Intended Population
Adults age 18+.
Students are age 18 or older, seeking a degree/certificate (credit or noncredit), and are dislocated or underemployed workers as defined by WIA
standards, including dislocated homemakers/caretakers. Participants
demonstrate financial need in the federal need analysis formula and meet
federally eligibility criteria—including citizenship, selective services, and
satisfactory academic progress. Applicants in default of federal financial aid or
loans are not eligible.
Youth Referral Process Applicants must provide documentation of dislocation, citizenship, and ability
to work in the United States and must fill out the FAFSA to determine financial
Cost for Services
No fee.
Contact Information
Area Served
Southeast King George, Westmoreland, Northumberland, Richmond,
Lancaster, Essex, Middlesex, Mathews, Gloucester, King and Queen, King
William, and New Kent Counties.
2012 Youth Resource Directory
Richmond Outreach Center (ROC) – GED Classes
The ROC is a non-denominational community center with education and support programs designed to improve
the quality of life for community members. GED classes are taught in coordination with the Richmond Public
Schools Continuing Education Department. A licensed instructor from Richmond Public Schools teaches 10week GED classes at The ROC for individuals without a high school diploma. This class offers intense math and
reading GED test preparation. Individuals who have successfully passed their GED test have been able to enroll
in college and vocational school, as well as further their career goals.
Youth Services Offered
GED preparation classes.
Intended Population
Anyone age 19 and older who desires to obtain a GED.
Participants must be age 19 and older and be able to pay a basic fee for the
class (fee charged by Richmond Public Schools).
Youth Referral Process Young person needs to call The ROC office to get on the waiting list. Class has
two cycles each year, spring and fall, and participant will be called at the start
of the next cycle in which there is an available space for the participant.
Cost for Services
No fee.
Contact Information
(804) 675-4101
5501 Midlothian Tpke, Richmond, VA 23225
P.O. Box 6415, Richmond, VA
Area Served
The Central Virginia Region, but primarily the low-income population in the City
of Richmond, Chesterfield County, and Henrico County.
Richmond Public Schools – Richmond Technical Center, Adult Education
The Center offers career and technical education courses for adults through evening courses.
Youth Services Offered
Adult education, apprenticeship-related instruction. The apprenticeship is
divided into two parts: in-school instruction and paid time on the job.
Intended Population
Adults age 18+.
Must be willing to learn and be age 18+.
Youth Referral Process No information provided. Call for details.
Cost for Services
Contact program for information, or see website. Fees controlled by the school
Contact Information
(804) 780-6272
2020 Westwood Avenue, Richmond, VA 23230
2015 Selddon Way, Richmond, VA 23230
Monday – Thursday, 5:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m.
Area Served
Regional school covering all of Richmond and 17 surrounding counties.
Charles City County, Chesterfield County, Goochland County, Hanover County,
Henrico County, New Kent County, Powhatan County, City of Richmond.
Adult Education
Virginia Adult Learning Resource Center – GED Helpline
The Virginia Adult Learning Resource Center operates a statewide GED helpline. The mission of the helpline is
to refer callers to adult education programs and literacy services in their area, including classes and testing.
Additionally, the helpline provides information about distance learning options available for GED preparation and
other high school completion options. This is particularly important for clients who are working to become
Youth Services Offered
Literacy programs, adult education, GED instruction, educational/vocational
assessments, ESL services.
Intended Population
Adults without a GED or high school diploma.
If under 18, must be released from public instruction. Also open to youth over
Youth Referral Process School history, including a current IEP—Individual Education Plan—is needed
for clients under 21 years of age.
Cost for Services
Contact program for information.
Contact Information
(804) 828-6521 or (800) 237-0178
3600 W. Broad St., Ste. 669, Richmond, VA 23230
P.O. Box 842037, Richmond, VA 23230-4930
Area Served
Copyright 2000 by Randy Glasbergen
2012 Youth Resource Directory
Associated Educational Services of Virginia, Inc. – Metropolitan Day School
Metropolitan Day School is an intensive, highly structured day school tailored to meet the needs of students with
learning disabilities and emotional disturbance.
Youth Services Offered
Special education and education for employment.
Intended Population
Children and youth with intellectual and emotional disabilities.
Participants are students in grades K-12 with learning disabilities and
emotional disturbance.
Youth Referral Process Students are placed through Local Educational School Districts.
Cost for Services
Contact program for information.
Contact Information
(804) 321-2595
2824 North Ave., Richmond, VA 23222
Monday – Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.
Area Served
Chesterfield County, Hanover County, Henrico County, Richmond City.
Chesterfield County Public Schools – CCPSOnline
CCPSOnline provides online coursework for high school students seeking a diploma who are unable to pursue
coursework through traditional high school program (including relocating students). Courses may also be taken
by home school/private school students, space permitting.
Youth Services Offered
No information provided. Call for details.
Intended Population
High school students in need of an alterative approach to earning high school
diploma. Home school/private students.
Students must be residents of Chesterfield County to avoid tuition charges and
enrolled in a public high school. Students who are home-schooled may enroll
in up to two courses without being enrolled in the public school system.
Youth Referral Process Interested youth should contact their high school counselor. Questions may
also be answered by contacting the CCPSOnline office at (804) 279-7394.
Cost for Services
Free for residents of Chesterfield County. There is a tuition fee of $875.00 per
course for non-residents of Chesterfield County.
Contact Information and
(804) 279-7394
Thomas R. Fulghum Center, 4003 Cogbill Road, Richmond, VA 23234
Monday – Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Area Served
The program primarily serves students residing in Chesterfield County but
may accept students from other school divisions within the Commonwealth of
2012 Youth Resource Directory
Department of Correctional Education – Bon Air Expansion Juvenile Correctional
The Bon Air Center offers juvenile residents educational, vocational, mental health, and rehabilitative counseling
Youth Services Offered
No information provided. Call for details.
Intended Population
Juveniles who are incarcerated in the Bon Air Juvenile Correction
Participants are committed by the juvenile court to this facility.
Youth Referral Process Placement by juvenile court.
Cost for Services
No fee.
Contact Information
(804) 323-2558
1900 Cheswick, Cheswick, VA 23235
Monday – Friday, 7:45 a.m. to 4:15 p.m.
Area Served
All of Virginia.
Department of Correctional Education – Paul S. Blandford School
The Paul S. Blandford School is a public high school for residents of the Beaumont Juvenile Correctional Center.
Students are automatically placed in the school before leaving the correctional center. Students in the facility
work toward a high school diploma or GED. The school offers career and technical education.
Youth Services Offered
Career and Technical Education courses.
Intended Population
Juveniles who are incarcerated at the Beaumont Juvenile Correctional Center.
Participants are 17–20 years old with $0–$2/hour income, high school students
and high school/GED graduates in a correctional facility.
Youth Referral Process Placement by juvenile court. Must a resident of Beaumont Juvenile
Correctional Center.
Cost for Services
No fee.
Contact Information
(804) 556-3318
3500 Beaumont Road, Beaumont, VA 23014
Monday – Friday, 7:45 a.m. to 4:15 p.m.
Area Served
Charles City County, Chesterfield County, Goochland County, Hanover County,
Henrico County, New Kent County, Powhatan County, City of Richmond.
Alternative Education
Department of Correctional Education – Transition Program
The transitional program operates in eight state correctional centers, providing youth with educational course
offerings such as Introduction to Technical Education and Business Education.
Youth Services Offered
Career and personal life planning, decision-making, work training and
preparation of a transition plan for returning to community setting prior to
release from juvenile center.
Intended Population
Juveniles who are incarcerated in one of eight Virginia correctional centers.
Any incarcerated youth interested in participating is eligible.
Youth Referral Process Open to all youth in juvenile facilities.
Cost for Services
Contact program for details.
Contact Information
(804) 225-3310
James Monroe Building, 7th Floor
101 North 14th Street, Richmond, VA 23219
Area Served
Elk Hill Farm, Inc. – Harambee Day Education Program
The Harambee Day Education Program is for youth who cannot be served in their school’s traditional special
education programs. This is an educational treatment program for young men between the ages 11–18.
Youth Services Offered
Alternative education, special education, mental health services/counseling,
educational/vocational assessments.
Intended Population
Male children and youth.
Must be male age 11–18 with an IQ level 70 or above. Program capacity is 30
Youth Referral Process No information provided. Call for details.
Cost for Services
Contact program for information.
Contact Information
(804) 457-4866
1975 Elk Hill Rd. P.O. Box 99, Goochland, VA 23063
Area Served
2012 Youth Resource Directory
Elk Hill Farm, Inc. – Varina Day School
The Elk Hill Varina Day School is for young men age 12–18 who cannot be served in their school’s traditional
special education programs.
Youth Services Offered
Alternative education, special education, GED classes, employment training,
life skills development, financial management training, mentoring, mental
health services/counseling, educational/vocational assessments.
Intended Population
Youth with learning or emotional disabilities and youth in foster care.
Must be determined by their home school system to be special education
eligible or 504 plan eligible. Consideration may be given to those who do not
meet these criteria if proper documentation is provided to show the need for
placement outside of the public school options.
Youth Referral Process Applicants should contact the school at (804) 795-7392 to schedule a tour and
Cost for Services
Contact program for information.
Contact Information
(804) 795-7392
8151 Warriner Rd., Varina, VA 23231
Area Served
City of Richmond, Henrico County, Hanover County, Petersburg City,
Chesterfield County, Colonial Heights City, King William County, New Kent
Faison School for Autism
The center is dedicated to the assessment, treatment, and education of children and young adults with autism,
with an overall focus on service, training, and research, utilizing the principles of applied behavior analysis.
Youth Services Offered
Life skills development, educational/vocational assessments.
Intended Population
Children and young adults with autism.
Open to students ages 18 months to 22 years. To participate in the Center for
Life Skills and Employment, a student must be at least 16 years of age.
Youth Referral Process No information provided. Call for details.
Cost for Services
Contact program for information.
Contact Information
(804) 612-1947
1701 Byrd Ave., Richmond, VA 23230
Area Served
Alternative Education
Goochland County Public Schools – Goochland High, Special Education and Transition
Goochland High’s Special Education and Transition Program focuses on the school’s special education
population and students struggling to get through high school. It offers personalized guidance for career search.
Youth Services Offered
Job clubs for interviewing skills and budgeting. Career research. Guided
interview experiences. Internship program for seniors.
Intended Population
High school students with an Individual Education Plan.
Must be a special education student with an Individual Education Plan (IEP).
Youth Referral Process Individual education plan team refers student to transition specialist.
Cost for Services
Contact program for information.
Contact Information
(804) 556-5322
3250-A River Road West, Goochland, VA 23063
Monday – Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Area Served
Goochland County.
Grafton School, Inc.
The educational/residential program assists students and adults whose diagnoses include autism and mental
retardation, as well as behavioral, learning, and emotional disorders.
Youth Services Offered
Using a patient-centered medical home model, the Grafton School provides continuous and
coordinated services from early intervention, short-term stabilization, and residential services
to substance abuse treatment, outpatient services and educational, career, and technical
training. Child and adolescent services include early intervention, psychiatric residential
treatment, short-term stabilization, special education, career and technical education,
residential support, intensive outpatient program, psychotherapy, family therapy, group
therapy, speech language therapy, occupational therapy, care coordination, substance abuse
treatment, nursing, medication management, and day support.
Intended Population
Children and youth with disabilities.
Eligibility Requirements Program is open to students age 5–21 of all IQ levels.
Youth Referral Process Should you decide to make a formal application for services, an admissions case manager
will help you through the process. Before an interview is set up and a decision is made,
the admissions team would like to have the following information: completed application,
school history, including a current Individual Education Plan for clients under 21 years of
age, school transcript, credits earned (if appropriate), medical history, current medications,
physical and immunization records, treatment history (if appropriate), recent psychological
evaluation, discharge summaries from previous placements, psychiatric report (if applicable),
social history including both family and developmental history, individual family service
plan (if applicable), educational, speech, occupational and physical therapy evaluations (if
appropriate), dental exam, and insurance information.
Cost for Services
Contact program for information.
Contact Information
(804) 674-8888
4100 Price Club Boulevard, Midlothian, VA 23112
Area Served
2012 Youth Resource Directory
Hanover County Public Schools – Job Coaching Program for Special Education
Through the job coaching program, a transition specialist works with special education students in Hanover
County Public Schools and their families. Specialists help students prepare for competitive employment in the
community and life after high school.
Youth Services Offered
Job coaching, linkages with adult agencies, Postsecondary Education Rehabilitation
Transition (PERT) evaluations, employment training, life skills development, financial
management assistance, mentoring, educational/vocational assessments.
Intended Population
Special education students with an Individual Education Plan who won’t gain a standard
Must be a special education student with an Individual Education Plan (IEP). Students are
generally 16 years of age through age 21 and participating on a special diploma.
Youth Referral Process The IEP team meets and determines if the student could benefit from job coaching services
and the service is added to the IEP.
Cost for Services
None. Job coaching is one component of the curriculum for students with intellectual
disabilities and is provided as free appropriate public education (FAPE).
Contact Information
(804) 365-4535
200 Berkley Street, Ashland, VA 23005
Area Served
Hanover County.
Henrico County Public Schools – The Academy at Virginia Randolph
The Academy offers opportunities for students to earn a high school diploma and a career and technical
education certificate.
Youth Services Offered
Vocational education, English as a Second Language (ESL) services, tutoring,
mentoring, educational/vocational assessments.
Intended Population
Open to all students who want or need an alternate approach to education.
No requirements other than filling out an application.
Youth Referral Process Interested students complete an application at their home school.
Cost for Services
No fee.
Contact Information
(804) 261-5085
2204 Mountain Rd., Glen Allen, VA 23060
Monday – Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Area Served
Henrico County.
Alternative Education
Precious Blessing Academy
Precious Blessing Academy (PBA) is a school of “Individualized Learning.” No two people learn the same way.
Paths of learning are always unique to the individual. At Precious Blessing Academy “we consistently cause
each child to achieve to their maximized potential in academic, character, and social skill needs.”
Youth Services Offered
Curriculum paced for below average, average, and above average students.
Teachers modify as needed per student. Reading is taught using phonics.
Intended Population
Students in K-12 grade.
Enrollment is on a first-come first-served basis. An initial visit by the parent
and the child is required before the child is enrolled. All required forms must
be submitted before any child may be accepted at PBA. The necessary forms
for a child not attending school are birth certificate, social security card,
immunization records, yearly physical form from the child’s doctor, PBA
application, and contract with a picture ID of parents.
Youth Referral Process School transcript and credits earned (if appropriate).
Cost for Services
Fee for meals negotiated with parents. A one time registration fee that is
negotiated with parents. Parents may pay weekly, biweekly, monthly or
quarterly. Social Service payments are also accepted.
Contact Information
(804) 232-7180
4823 Bryce Lane, Richmond, VA 23224
Area Served
Chesterfield County, Henrico County, Richmond City.
Project Return
Project Return operates in three school divisions to work with expelled and suspended students or those in the
stages before referral for long-term suspension or expulsion. These programs serve a potential of 55 high-risk
students in grades K-12. Each program offers a different instructional approach. One program targets study
skills, character education, employment skills, and after-school tutoring. The second offers an after-school
program, and the third program provides home instruction or Saturday school. The outcome for all three
programs is for students to progress satisfactorily and be able to re-enter the regular school program, or obtain
a General Educational Development (GED), or certificate of completion from the alternative education program.
Youth Services Offered
Study skills, character education, employment skills, after-school tutoring, an
after-school program, home instruction or Saturday school.
Intended Population
Expelled and suspended students in grades K-12.
Participants are students in grades 9–12 who are considered at risk due to
disciplinary issues, poor attendance, and/or failing grades.
Youth Referral Process Students are identified by school staff and parents are contacted.
Cost for Services
No fee; the program is part of free public education.
Contact Information
(804) 598-5700
2320 Skaggs Road, Powhatan, VA 23139
Area Served
Powhatan County, Goochland County, and Louisa County.
2012 Youth Resource Directory
Richmond Outreach Center (ROC) – Choice Positive
The ROC operates Choice Positive for students at George Wythe High School as a way to help youth with
behavior problems develop leadership abilities.
Youth Services Offered
GED instruction, ESL services, addiction support, after-school programs, and
Intended Population
Youth who exhibit behavior problems in school.
Must attend George Wythe High School.
Youth Referral Process Student must have parent/guardian complete consent form.
Cost for Services
No fee.
Contact Information
(804) 675-4101
5501 Midlothian Tpke, Richmond, VA 23225
P.O. Box 6415, Richmond, VA 23220
Area Served
Students attending George Wythe High School (Richmond City).
Richmond Outreach Center (ROC) – Hustler’s Academy
The Hustler’s Academy is a program for drug dealers and gang leaders who make money illegally that helps
teach them legal avenues for entrepreneurship (see page 27).
Youth Services Offered
Entrepreneurship instruction. Other services offered through the parent
program, Violence-Free Zone.
Intended Population
Drug dealers and gang leaders. Youth who exhibit behavior problems in school,
particularly those who are known drug dealers and gang leaders.
Must attend George Wythe High School.
Youth Referral Process Students can sign up through The ROC’s Violence-Free Zone in George Wythe,
but students who are drug dealers and gang leaders are targeted for this
Cost for Services
No fee.
Contact Information
(804) 675-4101
5501 Midlothian Tpke, Richmond, VA 23225
P.O. Box 6415, Richmond, VA 23220
Area Served
Students attending George Wythe High School (Richmond City).
Alternative Education
Richmond Outreach Center (ROC) – Paul’s Prison Ministry/Beaumont Juvenile
Detention Center/James River Detention Center/Isaiah’s Hope
The ROC is a non-denominational community center with education and support programs designed to improve
the quality of life for community members. The ministry offers counseling services to inmates, as well as Bible
studies, court services, and special speakers. This ministry serves in all the local jails and prisons in Richmond
and the surrounding area. When possible, the ministry helps inmates get into The ROC Discipleship Homes
upon release. The Prison Ministry also provides volunteer training and speakers for prayer breakfasts and
dinners for sheriffs and chaplains.
Youth Services Offered
Counseling and transition support upon release, life skills development,
mentoring, substance abuse prevention/treatment, mental health services/
Intended Population
Individuals incarcerated in the Richmond area.
Participants are incarcerated in local jail or prison in Richmond or surrounding
Youth Referral Process A young person must be incarcerated in the region.
Cost for Services
No fee.
Contact Information
(804) 675-4101
5501 Midlothian Tpke, Richmond, VA 23225
P.O. Box 6415, Richmond, VA 23220
Area Served
The Central Virginia Region, but primarily the low-income population in the City
of Richmond, Chesterfield County, and Henrico County.
Copyright 2000 by Randy Glasbergen
2012 Youth Resource Directory
Richmond Outreach Center (ROC) – Violence-Free Zone: Armstrong High School and
the Center for Neighborhood Enterprise
The ROC sends staff members into Armstrong High to work with students for their entire school day. These staff
persons, titled Youth Advisors, have been assigned the 200 most troubled students from the school. Youth
Advisors work with these 200 students, helping them to set goals, work on anger issues, mediate disagreements between these students and other students before they escalate into physical fights, and work with these
students’ teachers to create the best possible academic experience for these youth. The Youth Advisors also do
home visits and work with parents to resolve home issues for the benefit of the students.
Youth Services Offered
In-school intervention program providing tutoring, employment training, life
skills development, financial management guidance, mentoring, substance
abuse prevention/treatment, teen pregnancy prevention/support, mental health
services/counseling, and educational/vocational assessments.
Intended Population
Armstrong High School youth with a history of aggressive and delinquent
behavior in school.
Must attend Armstrong High School.
Youth Referral Process Youth can refer themselves or be referred to The ROC from parents, teachers,
school administrators, and school security. In order to participate in the
program, the student and parent must complete an intake packet and
assessment materials.
Cost for Services
No fee.
Contact Information
(804) 675-4101
5501 Midlothian Tpke, Richmond, VA 23225
P.O. Box 6415, Richmond, VA 23220
Monday – Friday, 6:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Area Served
Students attending Armstrong High School/City of Richmond students living in
the East End.
Richmond Outreach Center (ROC) – Violence-Free Zone: George Wythe High School and
the Center for Neighborhood Enterprise
The ROC sends staff members into George Wythe to work with students for their entire school day. These staff
persons, titled Youth Advisors, have been assigned the 200 most troubled students from the school. Youth
Advisors work with these 200 students, helping them to set goals, work on anger issues, mediate disagreements
between these students and other students before they escalate into physical fights, and work with these
students’ teachers to create the best possible academic experience for these youth. The Youth Advisors also do
home visits and work with parents to resolve home issues for the benefit of the students.
Youth Services Offered
In-school intervention program providing ESL services, tutoring, employment
training, life skills development, financial management guidance, mentoring,
substance abuse prevention/treatment, teen pregnancy prevention/support,
mental health services/counseling, and educational/vocational assessments.
Intended Population
George Wythe High School youth with a history of aggressive and delinquent
behavior in school.
Alternative Education
Must attend George Wythe High School.
Youth Referral Process Youth can refer themselves or be referred to The ROC from parents, teachers,
school administrators, and school security. In order to participate in the
program, the student and parent must complete an intake packet and
assessment materials.
Cost for Services
No fee.
Contact Information
(804) 675-4101
5501 Midlothian Tpke, Richmond, VA 23225
P.O. Box 6415, Richmond, VA 23220
Area Served
Students attending George Wythe High School/City of Richmond students living
in Central and Eastern South Richmond.
Richmond Public Schools – Adult Career Development Center
The Adult Career Development Center (ACDC) is a creative, non-traditional, multifaceted Richmond City Public
Schools program. ACDC provides basic academic and vocational skills to youth and adults who have left the
traditional school settings and who desire to complete their education. The Center provides instruction and
supportive services in a multi-service, on-site delivery system. ACDC also houses one of three Performance
Learning Centers (PLCs) operated by CIS of Richmond, which provide self-paced, project-based college
preparatory curriculum and individual support to students who have not succeeded in traditional learning
Youth Services Offered
Adult basic education and continuing education, English for Speakers of Other
Languages (ESOL), family literacy, drop out prevention, educational/vocational
assessments. Details on programs can be found at http://web.richmond.k12.
Intended Population
Non-traditional students 16 and older seeking a GED, high school students
needing to complete their diploma requirements, and people of different
nationalities who speak languages other than English.
All students must complete an orientation session and sign a behavior
contract. All GED referrals must complete the Test of Adult Basic Education
(TABE) placement test during orientation.
Youth Referral Process Students referred for GED program must take TABE placement testing. All
Performance Learning Center referrals must apply for the program and be
accepted by a selected committee with a preference given to seniors. The
selection includes successfully completing a BASI test with an 8th grade
reading level and 8th grade mathematics level.
Cost for Services
Contact program for information.
Contact Information
(804) 780-4388
119 West Leigh Street, Richmond, VA 23220-3210
Office hours Monday – Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Classes are Monday – Friday, 8:40 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Area Served
Charles City County, Chesterfield County, Goochland County, Hanover County,
Henrico County, New Kent County, Powhatan County, Richmond City.
2012 Youth Resource Directory
Richmond Public Schools – Amelia Street Special Education School
The Amelia Street School provides educational programs that place primary emphasis on functional life skills
necessary for independent living.
Youth Services Offered
Community-based instruction at various sites in the community. Vocational
teacher on staff works with students who can do timed tasks.
Intended Population
Individuals in Richmond Public Schools up to age 21 with a developmental
Must have a developmental disability. As of age 14, participants must have
an Individual Education Plan to reflect a student’s plans after graduation and
preparation before graduation for possible vocational tasks within a setting from
adult day support program to workshop employment.
Youth Referral Process Students are assigned by Richmond Public Schools.
Cost for Services
No charge for tuition.
Contact Information
(804) 780-6275
1821 Amelia Street, Richmond, VA 23220
Area Served
Richmond City.
Richmond Public Schools – Homebound/Home-Based Instruction
Individual instruction is provided to students at all grade levels who, because of physical or emotional reasons,
are confined to their homes or private hospitals for a period of time. The program provides continuing education
for students temporarily out of school.
Youth Services Offered
In-home education.
Intended Population
Students with physical or emotional needs requiring home-based
Participation is based on medical need.
Youth Referral Process No information provided. Call for details.
Cost for Services
Contact program for information.
Contact Information
(804) 780-7811
301 N. Ninth St., 13th Floor City Hall, Richmond, VA 23219
Area Served
Richmond City.
Alternative Education
Richmond Public Schools – Richmond Educational Alternative for Learning (R.E.A.L.) School
The R.E.A.L. School provides individual instruction and accommodations for exceptional middle school students
with serious emotional disabilities. In addition to being emotionally challenged, students may also have such
challenges as learning disabilities, cognitive impairments, and other health issues. The program integrates a
mental health component that addresses student behavior.
Youth Services Offered
SOL preparation classes, student and family counseling, mental health services/counseling.
Intended Population
Children and youth with disabilities.
Participation is open to students in Richmond Public Schools with emotional disabilities.
Youth Referral Process All students are referred and enrolled at R.E.A.L. School through Richmond Public Schools
Department of Exceptional Education.
Cost for Services
Contact program for information.
Contact Information
(804) 780-6010
4319 Old Brook Rd., Richmond, VA 23227
Area Served
Richmond City.
St. Joseph’s Villa – Sarah Dooley Center for Autism
The Sarah Dooley Center for Autism provides educational, transitional, and life skills training to students who
are faced with significant challenges related to their autism. The program includes several interrelated
components, all designed to provide a successful transition into the community following the student’s
Youth Services Offered
Assessment, behavior management, learning readiness, functional academics, quality of life
skills, and career and transition training, communication and social skills training.
Intended Population
Students with autism.
Participants include students with autism, developmental delay, intellectual disability,
multiple disabilities and other health impairments.
Youth Referral Process Students are referred to the Sarah Dooley Center for Autism by the public school or Family
Assessment and Planning Team (FAPT) team due to unsuccessful placement in the public
school system. Students typically exhibit behaviors that make participation in the public
school setting difficult. Program is designed to reduce problem behaviors while maximizing
strengths and independence. Students are working towards an IEP Diploma or Certificate of
Completion. Transition-related skills are highly emphasized in the program.
Cost for Services
$299.00/day, includes 1:1 instruction and integrated speech therapy services for students
requiring it. 225 instructional days per school year, including summer schedule.
Contact Information
(804) 553-3200
8000 Brook Road, Richmond, VA 23227
School hours: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.
After-school services are available.
Every Wednesday is a half day for students (8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.).
Hours for Career and Transition Services can be adjusted past school hours as needed.
Area Served
Central Virginia area, mainly, with a few students coming from the upper and middle
2012 Youth Resource Directory
St. Joseph’s Villa – The Dooley School
The Dooley School is a fully-accredited nonprofit private school that delivers alternative, nontraditional, and
special education for elementary, middle, and high school students who are experiencing emotional or
behavioral difficulties or are challenged by learning or developmental disabilities. Student success is achieved
through a psycho-educational model.
Youth Services Offered
In-home counseling, day treatment, after-school support, weekend respite,
therapeutic and behavioral intervention, and group counseling. The School provides
outreach intervention within public schools for children who may be at risk of more
restrictive placement.
Intended Population
Students from elementary to high school who experience emotional or behavioral
difficulties or are challenged by learning or developmental disabilities.
Students who have been suspended or expelled and students with learning
disabilities or behavioral issues who are considered at-risk learners.
Youth Referral Process Students are placed into these programs by their local school system; a placing agent
in the school system determines that the student would benefit more from attending
this program than from attending the student’s local school.
Cost for Services
Almost always paid by the local school system.
Contact Information
(804) 553-3200
8000 Brook Road, Richmond, VA 23227
Monday – Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.
After-school services are available.
Area Served
Services students referred from public schools within the districts of Richmond City,
Henrico County, and Hanover County.
St. Joseph’s Villa – The Dooley School for Alternative Education
The Dooley Center for Alternative Education is aimed at students who have not been successful in their home
high school, deemed “at-risk” learners. Instruction is offered in a highly-individualized, student-centered,
technology enriched environment. The goal is to prepare the student to return to his or her local school.
Youth Services Offered
In-home counseling, day treatment, after-school support, weekend respite. The
School provides outreach intervention within public schools for children who may be
at risk of more restrictive placement.
Intended Population
Students in grades 9–12 who are deemed “at-risk” for not succeeding in local high
Participants are students in grades 9–12 who are referred by their local high school.
Participants must comply with uniform and behavior management policies.
Youth Referral Process Students are placed into these programs by their local school system; a placing agent
in the school system determines that the student would benefit more from attending
this program than from attending the student’s local school.
Cost for Services
Almost always paid by the local school system.
Contact Information
(804) 553-3200
8000 Brook Road, Richmond, VA 23227
Area Served
Services students referred from public schools within the districts of Richmond City,
Henrico County, and Hanover County.
Alternative Education
Virginia Home for Boys and Girls – Alternative School
Located on the campus of the Virginia Home for Boys and Girls, the alternative school (6th grade to graduation/
GED) is fully accredited and offers special education, alternative education, and vocational training. In addition, it
offers Individual Education Plans (IEP) management and one-on-one remedial instruction.
Youth Services Offered
Alternative education, special education, independent living, GED preparation,
employment training, life skills, mentoring, educational/vocational
Intended Population
Children who struggle in traditional school programs; youth in foster care.
Eligibility requirements are determined by the referring case worker.
Educational services are for youth in grades 6–12. Residential services and
independent living serve youth ages 11–21.
Youth Referral Process All referrals are received from public agency sources, such as local
departments of social services or local school districts.
Cost for Services
Contact program for information.
Contact Information
(804) 270-6566
8716 W. Broad St., Richmond, VA 23294
Area Served
2012 Youth Resource Directory
ECMC Foundation – The College Place, Richmond
The College Place is a college access center located on the Virginia Commonwealth University campus in
Richmond that assists first generation college-going students with pursuing postsecondary education.
Youth Services Offered
College counseling.
Intended Population
Youth age 13 to 24.
Eligibility Requirements Open participation.
Youth Referral Process No information provided. Call for details.
Cost for Services
No fee.
Contact Information
(804) 827-1755
Mary and Frances Youth Center, 120 South Linden Street, Richmond, VA 23284
Area Served
Chesterfield County, Hanover County, Henrico County, City of Richmond.
Family Resolutions Services II (FRS)
FRS provides intensive in-home counseling and case management services to youth with behavioral and/or
mental health issues. Crisis intervention is provided 24 hours a day, seven days a week to avoid out-of-home
placement. FRS treatment services include family counseling, individual counseling, communication skills,
anger management, parenting education, child development, nutrition, resource acquisition, networking, and
fiscal and home management. FRS’s mission is to commit to enhancing the abilities of children and their
families through treatment, skills-building training, and supportive services.
Youth Services Offered
In home counseling and mental health support, life skills development, financial
management assistance, helpline/hotline, teen pregnancy prevention/support, mental health
Intended Population
Youth who have behavioral/mental health issues who may be at risk of out-of-home
placement/hospitalization and youth who are being transitioned back in the home. Program
staff assist youth in learning how to manage medication, recognize psychiatric triggers and
symptoms, develop daily task schedules, and utilize community resources.
For intensive in-home counseling, participants are children between the ages of 5 and 18
who demonstrate a clinical necessity arising from a condition due to a mental, behavior, or
emotional illness that results in significant functional impairments in major life activities.
For mental health support, participants are adults age 18 and older who have difficulty in
establishing or maintaining normal interpersonal relationships and require help in basic
living skills, such as maintaining personal hygiene, preparing food and maintaining adequate
nutrition, or managing finances to such a degree that health or safety is jeopardized.
Youth Referral Process Individuals must contact the agency to inform it of their interest in services. For intensive
in-home counseling, individuals must have a Virginia Independent Clinical Assessment
completed at their local CSB or Richmond Behavioral Health Authority before the agency
can begin their assessment process. For mental health support, an individual is required
to contact the agency and have an assessment completed by the agency’s licensed mental
health practitioner.
Cost for Services
Family Resolution Services II is currently Medicaid enrolled.
Contact Information
(804) 957-9500
1845 Fort Mahone Street, Ste. C, Petersburg, VA 23805
Monday – Friday, 9:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Area Served
Chesterfield County, Colonial Heights City, Emporia City, Hopewell City, Petersburg City,
Prince George County, Richmond City.
2012 Youth Resource Directory
Henrico Area Mental Health and Developmental Services – Teen Job Preparatory Program
The Teen Job Preparatory Program (TJPP) was specifically designed to address the unique employment needs of
14–15 year old adolescents. The program utilizes the WORK Matters curriculum developed by Public/Private
Ventures, a national nonprofit organization, and Youth Opportunities Unlimited, a community-based organization
that promotes job readiness and placement. TJPP provides pre-employment training in basic employment skills
as well as employment opportunities for participating youth. Upon completion of the instructional component,
youth receive a certificate of successful basic skills completion and are placed in 6–8 week summer
employment with area business partners from June – August. Youth work a maximum of 20 hrs per week and
are paid bi-weekly at minimum wage.
Youth Services Offered
Pre-employment skills, career exploration, job search, human relations on the job,
assistance with summer employment, entrepreneurship training, prevention services.
Intended Population
At-risk youth age 14 to 15.
Anyone 14 to 15 years of age residing in specific at-risk communities in Henrico County.
Summer placement is dependent on successful completion of program requirements
(attendance, academic performance, community service, and good citizenship).
Youth Referral Process Participants must be registered with one of the Henrico Prevention Services Connect
Cost for Services
Contact program for information.
Contact Information
(804) 222-2607
4825 S. Laburnum Avenue, Henrico, VA 23231
Area Served
Henrico County.
Main Street Management Group, LLC – Youth Skill Development Workshops
The Main Street Management Group supports youth through customizable workshops focused on soft skills and
job–readiness. Participants develop skills in leadership, workplace readiness, and job acquisition and
advancement through half-day interactive workshop sessions. Program length is typically 2 days per week for
2–3 weeks. The skills attained during the workshops support the following WIA Elements: Leadership, Summer
Employment, Paid/Unpaid Opportunity, Tutoring, and Occupational Skills. The workshops also support the
following SCAN (Secretary’s Commission of Achieving Necessary Skills) services: Workplace Readiness,
Empowerment (demonstrate responsibility, teamwork, integrity, self-management, etc.), and Education
(decision-making, problem solving, listening, speaking, etc.).
Youth Services Offered
Services vary depending on workshop. Skills enhanced through workshops include:
leadership, employability, teamwork, resume preparation, interviewing, workplace
readiness, conflict resolution, and more.
Intended Population
Youth ages 14–21.
Eligibility Requirements Open participation.
Youth Referral Process Main Street Management Group, LLC will contract with local WIA organization or other
organizations to conduct workshops.
Cost for Services
$75 per participant per day (includes an 11.75% “in-kind” discount off the regular price).
Contact Information
(804) 385-8863
4824 Krenmore Court, Chester, VA 23831
12750 Jefferson Davis Hwy, Suite 319, Chester, VA 23831
Area Served
Capital Region WIA and Crater Region WIA. Also available to provide service in Eastern,
Western and Northern Virginia with additional arrangements.
Guidance and Counseling
State Council of Higher Education for Virginia – I am the One
A website created to offer students, parents and counselors links to helpful information regarding the college
admissions and financial aid processes. The website supports the state’s empowering “I am the One” campaign
is designed to encourage all students to take responsibility for their own success and pursue an education
beyond high school.
Youth Services Offered
Career and skills evaluation tools, college cost calculators, checklist (by grade)
for preparation for college, Virginia college listing, virtual college tours, and
additional resources.
Intended Population
All Virginians.
The tool is available to the entire public. There are no specific participation
requirements. However, only schools and community organizations are eligible
to receive shipments of free materials.
Youth Referral Process Not applicable.
Cost for Services
No fee.
Contact Information
(804) 225-2600
101 North 14th Street, James Monroe Building, 10th Floor, Richmond, VA
Area Served
The Choice Group
The Choice Group supports individuals, including those with disabilities, in obtaining and maintaining
employment. Services may include assistance in identifying vocational goals, applying and interviewing for jobs,
and on-site support in learning job duties. The Choice Group completes assessments to obtain information
about interests, personality, aptitude, and achievements, discuss results with the client, and determine a course
of action or appropriate vocational goal.
Youth Services Offered
Employment and career services, life skills development, educational/
vocational assessments.
Intended Population
Individuals seeking employment.
The program participants are referred to The Choice Group through
community partners and referral sources, so they must meet the eligibility and
participation requirements of those organizations.
Youth Referral Process Potential program participants may indicate their interest to their local school
system, community services board, and the Virginia Departments of Behavioral
Health (DBHDS), Rehabilitative Services (DRS), and Blind and Vision Impaired
Cost for Services
Contact program for information.
Contact Information
(804) 278-9151
4807 Radford Ave., Suite 106, Richmond, VA 23230
Area Served
Chesterfield County, Hanover County, Henrico County, Petersburg City,
Richmond City.
2012 Youth Resource Directory
Virginia Commonwealth University – Center for Psychological Services and
The Center for Psychological Services and Development offers psychological services to the Richmond
community as well as the university community. These services include individual, couples, group and family
therapy, vocational counseling, psychodiagnostics for children, adolescents, and adults, and career assessment.
Youth Services Offered
Autism and ADHD services, anxiety services, counseling, crisis intervention/
prevention, mental illness education and prevention, life skills development,
educational/vocational assessments.
Intended Population
Children and youth age 0 to 24.
No special requirements.
Youth Referral Process Client must fill out an application for services. Applications are provided at A potential client may stop by the office during
hours of operation and fill out an application, or if need be, one can be mailed
out to the individual.
Cost for Services
Sliding scale based on income; call for information.
Contact Information
(804) 828-8069
612 N. Lombardy St., Richmond, VA 23284-3033
Monday – Thursday, 9:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. and Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
Area Served
Charles City County, Chesterfield County, Goochland County, Hanover County,
Henrico County, New Kent County, Powhatan County, Richmond County,
Williamsburg City, Norfolk City, Virginia Beach City.
Virginia Community College System – Virginia Education Wizard
The Virginia Education Wizard is a tool that helps students choose and pursue a career, choose a college, find
financial aid, and transfer from community college to a university by providing a variety of assessments,
calculators, and information resources.
Youth Services Offered
Career and skills evaluation tools, college cost calculators, resume builder,
Virginia community college information.
Intended Population
All Virginians.
The tool is available to the entire public. There are no specific participation
Youth Referral Process Not applicable.
Cost for Services
No fee.
Contact Information
Area Served
All of Virginia.
Guidance and Counseling
Boys and Girls Clubs of Metro Richmond
Programs are provided to help youth of all backgrounds to develop qualities needed to become responsible
citizens and leaders. The Boys and Girls Clubs’ comprehensive youth development strategy is designed to
engage youth during the risky after-school hours, stimulate their interests in positive pursuits, and ultimately
provide them with skills essential for a successful transition into adulthood. Throughout the school year and
summer months, Club staff members implement a proven youth development strategy, which provides young
people with a sense of belonging, usefulness, influence and competence. Programs are life-changing and
behavior-changing because of a multitude of opportunities offered as positive alternatives during out-of-school
time. The Club remains open to ensure children have a safe place until late in the evening. There are seven club
locations in the Capital Region WIA.
Youth Services Offered
Character and leadership development, tutoring, mentoring, employment training, health and
life skills, the arts, sports, fitness, and recreation.
Intended Population
All youth.
Eligibility Requirements Ages 6–18.
Youth Referral Process Call for information.
Cost for Services
Varies by location; Contact program for information. Club membership fees are as follows:
Capital One Club: $10.00 per year, plus $25.00 every two weeks for transportation; Southside Club:
$10.00 per year (money orders only); Central Club: $10.00 per year; Southwood Club: $10.00 per
year; Fairfield Court Club: $3.00 per year; West End/BB&T Teen Center: $10.00 per year.
Contact Information
Central Office
(804) 359-5250
5511 Staples Mill Road, Suite 301, Richmond,
VA 23228
Capital One Club
(804) 329-4300
3601 Branch Avenue, Richmond, VA 23222
Monday – Friday (school year), 2:30 p.m. to
8:00 p.m.
Southside Club
(804) 230-0757
2409 Bainbridge St., Richmond, VA 23225
Monday – Friday, 2:30 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.
Central Club
(804) 353-3246
2601 Kensington Ave., Richmond, VA 23220
Monday – Friday (school year), 2:30 p.m. to
8:00 p.m.
Area Served
In-school Youth Programs
Southwood Club
(804) 230-1630
1200 Southwood Pkwy, Richmond, VA 23224
Monday – Friday, 2:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.,
Saturday 12:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Extended Teen Hour Monday – Friday, 8:00 p.m.
to 9:00 p.m.
Fairfield Court Club
(804) 225-0132
2506 Phaup St., Richmond, VA 23223
Monday – Friday (school year), 2:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
West End/BB&T Teen Center
(804) 359-1477
910 S. Harrison St., Richmond, VA 23220
Monday – Friday, 2:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. On
days in which the school is closed or releases
early, the Clubs’ hours change. Please contact
the West End Unit for details.
Falling Creek Middle School Club
(804) 743-3640 x 5630
4724 Hopkins Rd., Richmond, VA 23234
Monday – Friday, 2:45 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.
Chesterfield County, Hanover County, Henrico County, Richmond City.
Chesterfield County Public Schools – Chesterfield Specialty Centers within Traditional
High Schools
In addition to the broad spectrum of programs in each comprehensive high school, Chesterfield County Public
Schools offers students the opportunity to participate in optional academic programs related to special
interests. Below is a list of centers and affiliated schools:
❍❍ Gifted Education – Appomattox Regional and Maggie L. Walker Governor’s Schools
❍❍ Math/Science – Clover Hill High School
❍❍ Health Science – Cosby High School
❍❍ Leadership and International Relations – James River High School
❍❍ Governor’s Academy for Engineering Studies – Lloyd C. Bird High School
❍❍ Mass Communications or Spanish Immersion – Manchester High School
❍❍ Information Technology – Matoaca High School
❍❍ International Baccalaureate - Meadowbrook and Midlothian High Schools
❍❍ Humanities – Monacan High School
❍❍ Arts – Thomas Dale High School
Youth Services Offered
Courses in visual and performing arts, information technology, mass
communications, Spanish immersion, mathematics and science, humanities,
International Baccalaureate program, engineering, leadership and
international relations, and health science. General tutoring, employment
training, financial management assistance, mentoring, and educational/
vocational assessments are also available.
Intended Population
Chesterfield high school students with special interests.
Chesterfield County residents apply in December while in eighth grade. Each
center requires an application and at least two recommendation forms. Some
centers also have course pre-requisites, tests, interviews, or auditions prior
to acceptance. See website or call for additional requirements and deadlines
specific to each specialty center.
Youth Referral Process Interested students should work with their middle school guidance counselor
to complete application paperwork for their specialty center of interest.
Attendance at the specialty center Open House is strongly encouraged (dates,
times, and locations of Open Houses vary depending on center).
Cost for Services
No fee.
Contact Information
(804) 594-1756
10101 Courthouse Road, Chesterfield, VA 23832
Monday – Friday, 7:20 a.m. to 1:50 p.m.
Area Served
Chesterfield County.
2012 Youth Resource Directory
Communities In Schools (CIS) – Communities In Schools of Chesterfield
CIS of Chesterfield is a public/private partnership providing supportive services to help at-risk students remain
in school and become contributing members of society. The local program provides programs and services to
meet the educational, physical, social, and emotional needs of at-risk students to empower them to stay in
school and achieve in life. CIS champions the connection of needed community resources with schools to help
young people successfully learn, stay in school, and prepare for life. In a personal and caring manner, CIS
coordinates and delivers education, health and social support services, and promotes academic achievement.
Partnerships focus on prevention and intervention to serve at-risk youth and their families.
Youth Services Offered
Dropout programs, tutoring, mentoring, guidance counseling, assistance with job
placement for part-time work, GED classes (offered 4 days per week), Career and
Technical Education for catering and food preparation and building trades, and
connections to outside resources for substance abuse, pregnancy, and mental health.
Intended Population
All students grades 9–12 at Chesterfield Community High School; students who
have fallen behind in academic grades.
Eligibility Requirements Participants are students in grades 9–12 at Chesterfield Community High School.
Youth Referral Process All students who attend CCHS are eligible for CIS services.
Cost for Services
No fee.
Contact Information
(804) 717-9305
12400 Branders Bridge Road, Chester, VA 23831
7:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
Area Served
Chesterfield County.
Communities In Schools (CIS) – Communities In Schools of Richmond
In partnership with Richmond Public Schools, Communities In Schools of Richmond identifies the most critical
needs of K-12 students and their families and locates and coordinates community resources, dedicated volunteers,
and agencies to serve in partnership with the schools. CIS ensures that the work of these outside agencies and
volunteers is interconnected and integrated, providing the support students need the most. Special initiatives
include Performance Learning Centers (PLCs) at the Richmond Technical Center, the Adult Career Development
Center, and Armstrong High School. PLCs are small, nontraditional high school programs that improve high
school graduation rates by providing students who have not succeeded in traditional learning environments with
self-paced, project-based college preparatory curriculum and individual support. CIS of Richmond also operates
the George Wythe Health Center—a prevention-based initiative located at George Wythe High School, and the MLK
Extended Day Program, which provides after-school programming for students in Richmond’s East End.
Youth Services Offered
CIS coordinates mentoring, tutoring, job readiness training, life skills training,
job placement and other workforce related services.
Intended Population
Children and youth ages 4 to 18 in Richmond Public Schools.
Participants are students ages 4–22 attending a Richmond Public School or
Henrico County School with a CIS of Richmond partnership.
Youth Referral Process Referrals for CIS services can be made by school faculty and staff, parents,
self-referral, in-school service providers, or volunteers engaged at the school.
Cost for Services
No fee.
Contact Information
(804) 358-1247
2922 W. Marshall St., Suite 2, Richmond, VA 23230
CIS of Richmond operations follow the school calendar.
Area Served
Henrico County, Richmond City.
In-school Youth Programs
Creative Youth Concepts – Therapeutic Day Treatment
Students are referred to the CYC Therapeutic Day Treatment Program when they present needs for one or more
of the following: behavioral management, emotional management, social skills, and self-esteem improvement.
The purpose of this program is to provide services within school to increase academic success and prevent
misbehavior leading to suspension and other disciplinary actions. Through the program, students gain
important life skills while setting and working on goals to be productive and successful in school.
Youth Services Offered
Anger management, life skills, conflict resolution, self-esteem building, and
job readiness.
Intended Population
Children and youth.
Medicaid-eligible youth ages 14–21.
Youth Referral Process Contact home office at (804) 525-4101 or email via
Cost for Services
Contact program for information.
Contact Information
(804) 525-4103
2423 Lamb Ave., Richmond, VA 23222
Area Served
Chesterfield County, Goochland County, Hanover County, Henrico County,
Hopewell City, Petersburg City, Richmond City.
Dominion Youth Services – Day School
The Day School is a private special education school serving K-12 students with disabilities in the greater
Richmond area.
Youth Services Offered
Special education, crisis intervention, behavior modification, physical and
social support, mentoring, and academic assistance.
Intended Population
Children and youth with disabilities and/or behavioral issues.
Must be in grades K-12 (ages 5–22) and must be one of the following:
developmentally disabled, emotionally disabled, intellectually disabled,
mentally disabled, other health impairment, or specific learning disability.
Students must need educational and/or behavioral services.
Youth Referral Process Referred by Local Education Agency or Department of Social Services agency.
Funding must come from the Department of Social Services or Family
Assessment and Planning Team-Comprehensive Services Act. Students must
have an Individual Education Plan.
Cost for Services
No fee.
Contact Information
(804) 285-9838
5408 Chamberlayne Rd, Richmond, VA 23227
Monday – Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Area Served
Amelia County, Charles City County, Chesterfield County, Colonial Heights City,
Goochland County, Hanover County, Henrico County, Hopewell City, Petersburg
City, Powhatan County, Prince George County, Richmond City, Roanoke City,
Roanoke County, Statewide.
2012 Youth Resource Directory
Henrico Area Mental Health and Developmental Services – CONNECT Program
The CONNECT program is a community-based after-school youth program that provides positive activities and
environments for children ages 5–17. The goal of the program is to prevent substance abuse involvement and
delinquent behavior among youth who live in high risk areas of Henrico County. The program operates after
school when school is in session and 9:00 a.m. to 4 p.m. throughout the summer.
Youth Services Offered
Program components include homework assistance, mentorship, life skills
training, substance abuse refusal skills, conflict resolution and problem solving,
socialization skills, cultural and recreational opportunities, career development
and employment opportunities, and youth leadership development.
Intended Population
Youth age 5–17 living in high risk areas of Henrico County.
Participation is open to youth age 5–17 in any of the following communities:
Henrico Arms, New Bridge, Oakland Village, Richfield, The Noelle.
Youth Referral Process Contact the office at (804) 222-2607 for more information.
Cost for Services
No fee.
Contact Information
(804) 222-2607
4825 Laburnum Ave, Richmond, VA 23231
Program operates after school when school is in session and 9:00 a.m. to 4:00
p.m. throughout the summer.
Area Served
Henrico County.
John Tyler Community College – Tech Prep/Career Pathways/Career Coaches/PEER
John Tyler Community College has several programs beginning in high school that continue through
postsecondary training, including dual enrollment, industry-recognized certifications and assessments, early
college placement testing, work-based learning, and career coaching. Career coaches are placed in area high
schools to help students prepare for postsecondary education and pursue the career training and workforce
preparation they need to succeed in their chosen vocation.
Youth Services Offered
College-bound and career focused training, mentoring, educational/vocational
Intended Population
High school students.
No requirements except for the Dual Enrollment program. Dual enrollment students
must meet placement test criteria and complete the college application process.
Youth Referral Process Varies by program.
Cost for Services
No fee.
Contact Information
(804) 706-5194
13200 Jefferson Davis Highway, Chester, VA 23831
Operates during regular school hours.
Area Served
John Tyler Community College service region: the cities of Colonial Heights,
Hopewell, Petersburg, and Richmond, as well as the counties of Amelia, Charles
City, Chesterfield, Dinwiddie, Prince George, Surry and Sussex.
In-school Youth Programs
Neighborhood Resource Center of Greater Fulton Hill (NRC)
The NRC offers a variety of educational and creative arts after-school programs for youth ages 6–17, as well as
a variety of educational and health programs for adults. The Center’s programs are designed to help youth
achieve academic success, provide creative outlets for youth to express themselves, and develop self confidence.
Youth Services Offered
Tutoring, physical fitness, recreation, child day care, GED preparation,
employment training, life skills, mentoring.
Intended Population
All youth.
All residents of the surrounding area are welcome to attend programs. Priority
is given to Greater Fulton residents.
Youth Referral Process A completed membership form and a small donation for all persons interested
in utilizing programs is requested.
Cost for Services
Contact program for information.
Contact Information
(804) 864-5797
1519 Williamsburg Road, Richmond, VA 23231
Monday – Friday, 10:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.
Area Served
Richmond City.
Peter Paul Development Center, Inc.
The Center’s services for youth age 7–18 include educational curriculum, tutoring, life skills, Bible study, and
Youth Services Offered
After school program with tutoring and life skills development.
Intended Population
All youth.
Participants must be age 7–18 attending schools in Richmond’s East End:
Fairfield, Woodville, Bellevue, George Mason, Chimborazzo, Martin Luther
King, Anna Julia Cooper Episcopal School and Armstrong.
Youth Referral Process Parents must contact the Center; if there is space available, a parent
orientation is required and the student is required to attend daily.
Cost for Services
No fee.
Contact Information
(804) 780-1195
1708 N. 22nd St., Richmond, VA 23223
After school program is Monday – Friday, from 2:30 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Area Served
City of Richmond.
2012 Youth Resource Directory
Resource Youth Network: In-School Youth Programs
The Resource Youth Council has contracted with local school districts to offer in-school career and workforce
readiness preparation to area youth. The following are services available to youth through the partnership
between the Resource Youth Council and their local school district.
Charles City County Schools
Juniors and seniors at Charles City Public High School may participate in the following services:
❍❍ Work Readiness Preparation
❍❍ Work Experience
❍❍ Labor Market Information and Career Exploration
❍❍ Preparation for Post Secondary Education and Training (Pre-tests/Prerequisites/Financial Aid, etc.)
❍❍ Career and Personal Goal Setting
❍❍ Financial Literacy
Intended Population
11th and 12th graders
Young must be low-income, and meet at least one of the six specified
barriers to employment (e.g., deficient in basic skills; a school dropout;
homeless; a runaway, or a foster child; pregnant or parenting; an offender),
or require additional assistance to complete their education or secure
Youth Referral Process N/A
Cost for Services
No cost.
Contact Information
Charles City High School
10039 Courthouse Road
Charles City, VA 23030
Office: (804) 829-9249
Fax: (804) 829-2644
Chesterfield County Public Schools
Students at L.C. Bird High School may receive supplemental academic and support services including career
planning and development, access to post-secondary training while in high school, and work experience.
Intended Population
11th and 12th graders
Young must be low-income, and meet at least one of the six specified
barriers to employment (e.g., deficient in basic skills; a school dropout;
homeless; a runaway, or a foster child; pregnant or parenting; an offender),
or require additional assistance to complete their education or secure
Youth Referral Process N/A
Cost for Services
No cost.
Contact Information
L.C. Bird
10301 Courthouse Road
Chesterfield, Virginia 23832
Office: (804) 768-6110
Fax: (804) 768-6117
In-school Youth Programs
Goochland County Schools
Seniors at Goochland High School may participate in the following services:
❍❍ Work Readiness Preparation
❍❍ Work Experience
❍❍ Career Exploration
❍❍ Preparation for Post Secondary Education and Training
❍❍ Career and Personal Goal Setting
❍❍ Financial Literacy
Intended Population
11th and 12th graders
Young must be low-income, and meet at least one of the six specified barriers to
employment (e.g., deficient in basic skills; a school dropout; homeless; a runaway, or
a foster child; pregnant or parenting; an offender), or require additional assistance to
complete their education or secure employment.
Youth Referral Process
Cost for Services
No cost.
Contact Information
3250-A River Road West
Goochland, VA 23063
Office: (804) 556-5322
Fax (804) 556-6485
Richmond Public Schools
With support from the Resource Youth Council, Armstrong and Huguenot High Schools have developed Career
Service Centers that provide a comprehensive bridge program between high school academic skills and workspecific skills contributing to meaningful post-high school engagement. Opportunities include:
❍❍ Paid and unpaid work learning opportunities
❍❍ Enrichment activities
❍❍ Financial incentives
Intended Population
11th and 12th graders
Eligibility Requirements
Young must be low-income, and meet at least one of the six specified barriers to
employment (e.g., deficient in basic skills; a school dropout; homeless; a runaway, or
a foster child; pregnant or parenting; an offender), or require additional assistance to
complete their education or secure employment.
Youth Referral Process
Cost for Services
No cost.
Contact Information
Armstrong High School
2300 Cool Lane Road
Richmond, VA 23223
Office: (804) 780- 4449 phone
Fax: (804) 780-4485
Huguenot High School
7945 Forest Hill Avenue
Richmond, VA
Office: (804)780-7790
2012 Youth Resource Directory
St. Joseph’s Villa – Brook Road Academy
Brook Road Academy is a nontraditional college-prep middle and high school located on the St. Joseph’s Villa
campus. This school offers classes in all major subject areas, as well as many electives and serves students
who have had limited success in a typical school setting.
The school also works with students, including students with special needs, who need an environment
structured to fit their particular learning style in order to achieve academic and social success.
Youth Services Offered
College prep courses, computer literacy, study skills, and focus on
individualized success.
Intended Population
High school and some middle school students who function better in small
learning environments.
Students may apply by following the admissions application procedure listed
at Students may also be
referred by local school divisions.
Youth Referral Process Students may apply for admission by submitting an application, application
packet, and $50 processing fee. Full details on admissions requirements are
available at
Cost for Services
Private pay unless placed in school by school system placing agents.
Contact Information
(804) 553-3201
8001 Brook Road, Richmond, VA 23227
Area Served
Services students referred from public schools within the districts of Richmond
City, Henrico County, and Hanover County.
St. Joseph’s Villa – Career and Transition Services
Career and Transition Services is aimed at teaching students the skills necessary to navigate transitions in their
life such as the transition from the educational system to the workforce or to postsecondary training or school.
This goal is achieved through a combination of classroom training and actual worksite training, allowing
students the opportunity to acquire the skills, aptitudes, and attitudes needed to successfully transition from
high school to post-secondary training, the workforce, and to adulthood.
Youth Services Offered
Career counseling, internet exploration in computer labs, resume preparation,
and mock interviews. Access to one of six training locations on campus through
an internship or Work Adjustment Training opportunity.
Intended Population
St. Joseph’s Villa students.
No special requirements.
Youth Referral Process No information provided. Call for details.
Cost for Services
Contact program for information.
Contact Information
(804) 553-3200
8000 Brook Road, Richmond, VA 23227
Area Served
Services students referred from public schools within the districts of Richmond
City, Henrico County, and Hanover County.
In-school Youth Programs
Teens on the Go! – Resource Center
Teens On The Go! Resource Center is a non-profit organization designed to assist teens as they assume
personal responsibility and prepare for the future. Many teenagers need additional awareness to the importance
of education, employment, and community/civic responsibility. Teens On The Go! Resource Center will ensure
that resources are available to assist the teens as they meet the challenges of preparing for the future.
Youth Services Offered
Education, employment training, image, health care, tutoring, life skills
development, financial management assistance, mentoring, substance abuse
prevention/treatment, teen pregnancy prevention/support, mental health
services/counseling, educational/vocational assessments.
Intended Population
All youth.
Participation requirements differ depending on services needed. The age
requirement is 14–21 for youth and young adults. Teens on the Go! is currently
accepting referrals for juveniles on parole and individuals with Individualized
Education Plan (IEPs).
Youth Referral Process Agencies/organizations must contact the office to request a referral form.
Individuals must register online at
Cost for Services
Varies by service.
Contact Information
(804) 304-0798
201 Fairwood Drive, Richmond, VA 23235
P.O. Box 35923, Richmond, VA 23235
Area Served
City of Richmond, Chesterfield County, Henrico County, Hanover County,
Petersburg, Caroline County, Powhatan County, Dinwiddie County.
U-TURN, Inc.
U-TURN is a youth development organization with the mission of helping to maximize young people’s lives by
offering them superior athletic training/fitness programs coupled with sound biblical guidance. The goal of
U-TURN’s programs is to equip young people to live with character, walk morally upright, and understand
valuable concepts such as goal-setting, competition, perseverance, and teamwork that will assist them in living
a life of success in our global society.
Youth Services Offered
Life skills development.
Intended Population
Youth ages 6–18 years old.
The program is open to all youth desiring to participate.
Youth Referral Process Complete a registration form and submit it to U-TURN.
Cost for Services
There is an initial $30 evaluation fee. Fees then range from $40/month to $200/
month based upon selected program. Financial assistance is available.
Contact Information
2101 Maywill St., Richmond, VA 23230
Area Served
Chesterfield County, Hanover County, Henrico County, Richmond City.
2012 Youth Resource Directory
YMCA of Greater Richmond – Club Locations
The YMCA of Greater Richmond provides teens with programming that focuses on community service, social
development, leadership training, and physical development. Four specific YMCA programs for youth are listed in
this inventory. Following are YMCA branch locations in the Capital Region WIA. Program descriptions for YMCA
Youth programs are on pages 48 (Black Achievers), 56 (Leaders’ Club), and 57 (Metro Teens) of this directory.
YMCA Branch Locations
YMCA of Greater Richmond—Administrative Office
(804) 649-9622
2 West Franklin Street, Richmond, VA 23220
Monday – Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Chester Family YMCA
(804) 748-9622
3011 West Hundred Road, Chester, Virginia 23831
Monday – Thursday, 4:45 a.m. to 10:00 p.m., Friday, 4:45 a.m.
to 9:00 p.m., Saturday, 6:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., Sunday, 11:00
a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Chickahominy Family YMCA
(804) 737-9622
5401 Whiteside Road, Sandston, Virginia 23150
Monday – Thursday, 5:00 a.m. to 9:30 p.m., Friday, 5:00 a.m. to
9:00 p.m., Saturday, 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Sunday, 12:00 p.m.
to 5:00 p.m.
Downtown YMCA
(804) 644-9622
2 West Franklin Street, Richmond, Virginia 23220
Monday – Thursday, 5:30 a.m. to 10:00 p.m., Friday, 5:30 a.m.
to 9:00 p.m., Saturday, 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., Sunday, 12:00
p.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Goochland Family YMCA
(804) 556-9887
Weather Hotline: (804) 213-9108
1800 Dickinson Road, Goochland, Virginia 23063
Monday – Thursday, 5:30 a.m. to 9:00 p.m., Friday, 5:30 a.m. to
8:00 p.m., Saturday, 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Sunday, 12:00 p.m.
to 6:00 p.m.
Manchester Family YMCA
(804) 276-9622
7540 Hull Street Road, Richmond, Virginia 23235
Monday – Friday, 5:30 a.m. to 10:00 p.m., Saturday, 7:00
a.m. to 8:00 p.m., Sunday, 11:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Midlothian Family YMCA
(804) 379-5668
737 Coalfield Road, Midlothian, Virginia 23114
Monday – Thursday, 5:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m., Friday,
5:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m., Saturday, 6:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.,
Sunday, 11:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
North Richmond YMCA Community Center
(804) 329-9622
4207 Old Brook Road, Richmond, Virginia 23227
Monday – Thursday, 5:30 a.m. to 9:00 p.m., Friday, 5:30
a.m. to 8:00 p.m., Saturday, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.,
Sunday, 12:00 p.m. to 5 p.m.
Patrick Henry Family YMCA
(804) 798-0057
217 Ashcake Road, Ashland, Virginia 23005
Monday – Thursday, 5:30 a.m. to 10:00 p.m., Friday,
5:30 a.m. to 9:00 p.m., Saturday, 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.,
Sunday, 12:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Randolph Lewis Powhatan YMCA
(804) 598-0250
2269 Mann Road, Powhatan, Virginia 23139
Monday – Thursday, 5:30 a.m. to 9:00 p.m., Friday, 5:30
a.m. to 8:00 p.m., Saturday, 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.,
Sunday, 12:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.
James Center YMCA
(804) 200-6070
Three James Center, 1051 E. Cary Street, Suite 300,
Richmond, Virginia 23219
Monday – Thursday, 5:30 a.m. to 9:00 p.m., Friday, 5:30 a.m. to
8:00 p.m., Saturday, 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Shady Grove Family YMCA
(804) 270-3866
Weather Hotline: (804) 270-1641
11255 Nuckols Road, Glen Allen, Virginia 23059
Monday – Friday, 5:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m., Saturday, 6:00
a.m. to 8:00 p.m., Sunday, 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
John Rolfe Family YMCA
(804) 360-8767
2244 John Rolfe Parkway, Henrico, Virginia 23233-6913
Monday – Thursday, 5:30 a.m. to 9:00 p.m., Friday, 5:30 a.m. to
8:00 p.m., Saturday, 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., Sunday, 10:00 a.m.
to 3:00 p.m.
Tuckahoe Family YMCA
(804) 740-9622
9211 Patterson Avenue, Henrico, Virginia 23229
Monday – Thursday, 5:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m., Friday,
5:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m., Saturday, 6:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.,
Sunday, 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
In-school Youth Programs
YMCA of Greater Richmond – Black Achievers
The Black Achievers program is designed for minority high school students. The program organizes college
tours and provides SAT preparation, career exploration activities, homework help, and volunteer opportunities to
help teens prepare for college. Minority professionals serve as mentors and lead career clusters in order for
teens to gain knowledge and obtain more information about specific professions. Located in the Downtown
Youth Services Offered
Tutoring, training, life skills, financial management, mentoring, educational/
vocational assessments, college preparatory services (college tours, assistance
with college applications, SAT preparation).
Intended Population
Minority youth.
Students must be rising sophomores through seniors, desire to attend a
two- or four-year college or university after graduation and able to commit to
meeting two to three times monthly. This program targets minority students,
specifically African Americans, although this program can also be adapted to
serve Latino students.
Youth Referral Process Students receive an application from school guidance counselors, referral from
current participants or directly from the Community Development Director at
the Downtown YMCA in the spring. The application must be completed and
each student must complete an interview to be accepted into this program.
Cost for Services
There is not currently a fee but there may be a fee of up to $50 for the 2012–
2013 program year. Financial assistance is available to those who cannot afford
this fee.
Contact Information
(804) 644-9622
See branch location information on page 47.
Varies based on grade level but most meetings take place on Tuesday evening
or Saturdays.
Area Served
Richmond metropolitan area and surrounding counties. Transportation is
not provided; meeting location is on the Richmond city bus line. Charles City
County, Chesterfield County, Goochland County, Hanover County, Henrico
County, New Kent County, Powhatan County, City of Richmond.
2012 Youth Resource Directory
Capital Area Partnership Uplifting People (CAPUP) – Project Discovery
Project Discovery is a drop out prevention and college access program offered through 22 community action
agencies in Virginia to students in grades 4 to 12. Project Discovery was developed as a logical response to
poverty. By advancing young people to the middle class through postsecondary education or professional trade
schools degrees, the multi-generational cycle of poverty can be broken.
Youth Services Offered
Mentoring, life skills, education. Information is provided to the students and their families
on being successful in their current educational year and in years to follow. Fee waivers
are offered to take standardized testing for free, as well as for college applications.
Campus visits are taken to give students the opportunity to see if that campus is a “good
fit” for them. Parent meetings are held at least twice a year to be able to aid them with
issues concerning their child.
Intended Population
Youth grades 4–12.
90% of the participants must be first generation to potentially graduate from college or
within 200% of the current poverty guideline or both. 10% of participants may participate
without falling into either category.
Youth Referral Process There is an application that needs to be completed by students and their parents. The
application can be obtained from the school counselor. Often students are referred from
friends and family members of current and/or former participants. Occasionally students
are counseled by a teacher or school counselor to see if they would like to participate.
Cost for Services
No fee.
Contact Information,
(804) 598-3351
3930 Anderson Highway, Powhatan, VA 23139
Monday – Thursday, 7:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Meetings, home visits and/or trips may occur
at other pre-arranged days and times.
Area Served
Goochland County, Powhatan County.
Chesterfield County Police Department – Explorer Post 609
The Explorer Post introduces youth to law enforcement and related career opportunities. Youth have
opportunities to hear from speakers from all aspects of law enforcement, receive career awareness training,
participate in mock law enforcement exercises, and ride along with officers on a limited basis. Students who
complete the program can develop a significant resume for careers as law enforcement officers that provides an
advantage over other candidates for similar positions.
Youth Services Offered
Through their involvement, youth in the Law Enforcement Explorer program develop an
awareness of the complexities of police service and learn valuable lessons about the
criminal justice system, public service, citizenship and volunteerism.
Intended Population
High school and college students interested in law enforcement/criminal justice careers.
Boys and girls ages 14–21 who have completed the 8th grade and are residents of
Chesterfield County or other counties without an Explorers Post.
Youth Referral Process All prospective members must first submit an online application to an advisor.
Applications may be found online at
Cost for Services
No regular recurring fee, but certain events may dictate participation fees.
Contact Information
(804) 706-2966
10031 Iron Bridge Rd, Chesterfield, VA 23832
P.O. Box 148, Chesterfield, VA 23832
Area Served
Chesterfield County and any other county that does not have an Explorers Post.
2012 Youth Resource Directory
Junior Achievement of Central Virginia, Inc.
Junior Achievement programs bring role models from the local business community into the classroom to
deliver educational programs about free enterprise, economics, and personal finance, enhanced by their own
real world experiences.
Youth Services Offered
Leadership development, life skills, education, career opportunities,
entrepreneurial, and economics programs.
Intended Population
Students in grades K-12.
Open participation.
Youth Referral Process Schools and teachers request volunteer-led Junior Achievement programs to
be taught in their classrooms.
Cost for Services
The program is free to all students, teachers that request a Junior
Achievement program and volunteers that lead the programs.
Contact Information
(804) 217-8855
7217 West Broad Street, Richmond, VA 23294
Area Served
All central Virginia.
Richmond Hill – Armstrong Leadership Program
The Armstrong Leadership Team is a group of 36 Armstrong High School students from grades 10–12 selected
yearly to achieve leadership excellence in their academic and professional endeavors. Together they strive to:
1. Promote the creative excellence of every student, unfolding their greatest possibilities.
2. Create a safe and supportive culture of pride in higher achievement.
3. Empower students to use their gifts and talents for the betterment of their communities.
Youth Services Offered
Mentoring, leadership training, career development, community service,
tutoring, employment training, life skills development, mentoring, educational/
vocational assessments.
Intended Population
Armstrong High School students grades 10–12.
Participation is open to children in Richmond Public Schools in the East End of
Youth Referral Process Participation is determined by an application process.
Cost for Services
Contact program for information.
Contact Information
(804) 783-7903
2209 E. Grace Street, Richmond, VA 23223
Area Served
Richmond City.
Leadership Development
Richmond Mayor’s Office – The Mayor’s Youth Academy
The Mayor’s Youth Academy (MYA) is a city-wide program that teaches Richmond youth to be positive citizens in
the community and to strive for excellence. It consists of four components: Summer Works Initiative, Life
Stages, Youth Gardeners, and Counselors in Training. The Mayor’s Summer Works Initiative provides
development opportunities that are designed to promote leadership, career awareness, workforce skill
development, community engagement, improve school attendance, heighten understanding of career and
educational pathways, and increase the number of high school students graduating with post secondary plans.
Youth services offered
The Mayor’s Youth Academy provides development opportunities to youth
throughout the City of Richmond which includes: job readiness training,
leadership development, exposure to entrepreneurship, mentoring, and postsecondary career exploration. MYA’s goal is to develop Richmond’s future
workforce and leaders.
intended population
City of Richmond youth ages 14–19.
Participants range in age from 14–19 and must be able to provide residential
proof in the City of Richmond. Requirements for the 2011 year’s application
process were as follows:
• Age 14 by July 1, 2011;
• Submission of a completed application;
• Between the ages of 16–19 to gain employment;
• Willing to commit and engage in leadership training, civic engagement, and
life skills development;
• Willing to report to the assigned job site regardless of the job functions
(within individual health abilities).
Youth Referral process Applications must be submitted by the established deadlines. All applicants
must have a copy of their most recent report card, one form of proof of
residency, and a photo ID.
cost for services
No fee.
contact information
(804) 646-7933 or (804) 646-7491
Mayor’s Youth Academy, 701 N 25th Street, 2nd Floor, Richmond, VA 23223
Monday – Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
area served
City of Richmond.
2012 Youth Resource Directory
Richmond Organization for Sexual Minority Youth (ROSMY) – Youth Engaged in
Youth Engaged in Leadership (YEL) is a nine month experience-based leadership development program
designed specifically to support lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and straight youth ages 14–20 during the
entire program. For youth who are interested in developing leadership skills and becoming peer leaders and role
models, YEL provides training in public speaking, board service, orienting new youth, outreach, leading
workshops, and more.
Youth services offered
Leadership program for LGBT youth, life skills development, mentoring.
intended population
ROSMY programs are open to youth age 14–20 who self-identify as lesbian, gay,
bisexual, transgender, and questioning, as well as straight allies.
The Youth Engaged in Leadership (YEL) program is open to eight youth ages
14–20 who self-identify as gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, or straight.
Eligible youth will be asked to submit an application with at least one letter of
recommendation and a statement of support from a parent/guardian (for youth
below the age of 18).Youth who will turn 21 during the program timeframe are
Youth Referral process No information provided. Call for details.
cost for services
No fee.
contact information
(804) 644-4800
2311 Westwood Ave, Richmond, VA 23230
P.O. Box 5542, Richmond, VA 23220
area served
City of Richmond, Chesterfield County, Hanover County, and Henrico County.
Richmond Outreach Center – The Chosen
The Chosen is a leadership ministry that helps teenagers deepen their relationship with Christ while
fellowshipping with other teens and learning to serve others. Through The Chosen, teenagers learn to be
Christian leaders in their schools and neighborhoods and are prepared to become responsible, reliable adults
with a heart for God and a mindset to serve their community.
Youth services offered
Leadership development, mentoring.
intended population
All youth.
Participants are youth ages 13–19.
Youth Referral process No formal process—youth are invited to show up any Wednesday night.
Parents/guardians must sign a permission slip.
cost for services
No fee.
contact information
(804) 675-4101
5501 Midlothian Tpke, Richmond, VA 23225
P.O. Box 6415, Richmond, VA 23220
area served
The Central Virginia Region, but primarily the low-income population in the City
of Richmond, Chesterfield County, and Henrico County.
Leadership Development
The Active Hand Ministry (TAHM) – People Agreeing for a Change
People Agreeing for a Change is TAHM’s eight-week spiritual and community organizing program that trains
marginalized people in the spiritual principles of organizing and the principles of community organizing. Its
mission is to train leaders/new disciples in community organizing. These leaders will develop grassroots
agencies (under TAHM’s 501(c)3) that get marginalized people actively involved in solving their own spiritual,
social, and economic conditions in the Greater Richmond and Tri-Cities areas.
Youth Services Offered
Life skills development, financial management guidance, and educational/vocational assessments.
Intended Population
Youth age 18 to 25.
Students ages 18 or above are required to participate fully in the program: attend the class
weekly, complete written homework before each class, engage in class discussion, and
complete the final program—an informational interview. Upon successfully completing the
classes, students shall have the option to start their own grassroots agency and continue
learning fund raising methods to support it.
Youth Referral Process Encouragement should come from the church, schools, family, and other societal institutional
leaders. Students must exhibit drive and aggression, make sense of all they take in and set a
clear course of action, show an uncommon ability to analyze and synthesize large amounts
of data and make decisions based not only on the data but also on intuition, make judgment
calls, have a passionate quest to continuously learn and grow, to continuously search for new
ideas and different ways of seeing things, and when confronted with a moral or legal duty,
they must always choose the ethical course of action.
Cost for Services
$75 tuition, $100 materials cost.
Contact Information
(804) 231-6263
3010 Berwyn Street, Richmond, VA 23234
Area Served
Chesterfield County, Hanover County, Henrico County, City of Richmond.
Virginia Board for People with Disabilities – Youth Leadership Forum (YLF)
The YLF program seeks to empower young people with disabilities to further develop their leadership skills.
Students, serving as delegates from communities throughout Virginia, participate in a wide range of activities
and learning experiences during the four-day Youth Leadership Forum set on a university campus.
Youth Services Offered
Leadership development, life skills development, employment training, educational/
vocational assessments.
Intended Population
Youth with disabilities.
Student participants must: have a disability, as defined by the Americans with Disability Act;
be in 10th or 11th grade (rising high school juniors or seniors returning to school for at least one more
year); have demonstrated leadership potential in their school and community; and reside in VA.
Youth Referral Process Twenty-five students are selected as YLF-VA delegates in a competitive application process
administered statewide. All applications are reviewed for compliance with application
procedures. Following a screening and selection process, semi-finalists are contacted by
phone to arrange a personal interview. Finalists selected to attend the forum are notified by
letter. Recruitment and application information can be found at the Virginia Board for People
with Disabilities website:
Cost for Services
All forum expenses are paid by the YLF-VA, including lodging, transportation, food, materials, and
individual accommodations, such as sign language interpreters and personal care assistants.
Contact Information
(804) 786-0016
1100 Bank Street, 7th Floor, Richmond, VA 23219
Area Served
2012 Youth Resource Directory
Virginia Cooperative Extension – 4-H
4-H is the comprehensive youth development program of Virginia Cooperative Extension. Youth between the
ages of 5 and 18 engage in hands-on learning experiences under the guidance of volunteers. 4-H programs use
experiential learning opportunities to teach the latest research-based subject matter knowledge and to foster
skill development in effective citizenship, leadership, and other life skills.
Youth Services Offered
Life skills, mentoring, youth development.
Intended Population
All youth.
Eligibility Requirements Age requirements vary by location, but range from 5–19.
Youth Referral Process No referral needed for most activities. Counselor, teacher, social worker, court or truancy
officer, or other reliable source may refer youth age 9–14 to the 4-H mentoring program.
Call a local club for further information.
Cost for Services
No fee.
Contact Information
Area Served
Branch contact information is as follows:
Charles City 4-H
(804) 829-9292
10900 Courthouse Rd. Suite 240, Charles City,
VA 23030 (P. O. Box 55, Charles City, VA 23030)
Monday – Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
New Kent 4-H
(804) 966-9645
4301 Olivet Church Road, Providence Forge,
VA 23140
P.O. Box 310, Providence Forge, VA 23140
Hanover 4-H
(804) 752-4310
13224 Hanover Courthouse Rd. Suite 204,
Hanover, VA 23069
Monday – Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Powhatan 4-H
(804) 598-5640
3872 Old Buckingham Rd. Suite B,
Powhatan, VA 23139
Charles City County, Hanover County, New Kent County, Powhatan County.
William Byrd Community House (WBCH)
WBCH works with the entire community to create pathways to success for individuals and families. Staff
approach the work by looking at the assets that people possess and building on that capital to address needs,
with a vision to transform the lives of people. WBCH starts by creating an environment of positivity, hope, and
safety by providing a strong message that every person has gifts and talents and these things are assets to us
all. It offers the entrepreneurial program “Mind Your Business,” in which young people ages 18–21 years learn
the benefits of operating and owning a business. The twelve-week program includes workshops, mentoring
from business owners, and visits to successful businesses. At the end of the program, participants will have
completed a basic business plan.
Youth Services Offered
After-school programs, occupational skill programs, educational resources, family services,
tutoring, employment training, life skills development, helpline/hotline, mentoring.
Intended Population
Youth age 18 to 21.
Eligibility Requirements Participants must have a high school diploma or GED.
Youth Referral Process Contact Pat King at (804) 643-2717 ext. 329 or
Cost for Services
No fee.
Contact Information
(804) 643-2717
224 S. Cherry St., Richmond, VA 23220
Area Served
Charles City County, Chesterfield County, Goochland County, Hanover County, Henrico
County, New Kent County, Powhatan County, City of Richmond.
Leadership Development
YMCA of Greater Richmond – Leaders’ Club
Provides teens ages 12–18 with knowledge, training, communication skills and valuable team building
experience through volunteering in Y programs and the community. Leaders’ Club trains teens to better serve
their community and the Y as they encourage each other to make a positive impact for present and future
generations. Health awareness and physical fitness components and is teen led and adult supported. Located in
the Chester Branch, Chickahominy Branch, Downtown Branch, Goochland Branch, Manchester Branch (will
start a club Fall 2012), Midlothian Branch, North Richmond Branch, Powhatan Branch, Shady Grove Branch, and
Tuckahoe Branch.
Youth Services Offered
Life skills, financial management, volunteering and leadership skills.
Intended Population
All youth.
Ages 12–18. Each leader is required to have a positive attitude about serving
others, maintain at least a 2.5–3.0 grade point average (depends on branch),
volunteer 50–100 hours per school year (depends on branch) with the YMCA
or the local community, and they must pass a physical fitness test comprising
of sit-ups, full body push-ups, and the shuttle run. The benefit to being in
Leaders’ Club is the opportunity to serve as a role model for the younger
generation while making an impact in your school, community, and within
Youth Referral Process Recruitment for Leaders’ Club is held every August through September
each school year. Interested teens fill out a club application and secure two
reference letters from a teacher, youth pastor, neighbor, employer/person
whom the teen babysits for/does yard work, girl or boy scout leader, etc.
Submit the application, come to an interest meeting with parent/guardian,
participate in a training day to be assessed on physical fitness, interviews and
group activities.
Cost for Services
There is a one time yearly program club fee that varies by branch.
Contact Information
Located in the following branch clubs (see branch location information on page
Chester Family YMCA
Chickahominy Family YMCA
Downtown YMCA
Goochland Family YMCA
Manchester Family YMCA (will start a club Fall 2012)
Midlothian Family YMCA
North Richmond YMCA Community Center
Elizabeth Randolph Lewis Powhatan YMCA
Shady Grove Family YMCA
Tuckahoe Family YMCA
Area Served
A teen can join any Leaders’ Club they wish to attend if they have been selected
to join the club. Charles City County, Chesterfield County, Goochland County,
Hanover County, Henrico County, New Kent County, Powhatan County, City of
2012 Youth Resource Directory
YMCA of Greater Richmond – Metro Teens
Metro Teens practice the skills they need to become tomorrow’s leaders. Through hands-on activities, group
projects and guest speakers, teens learn about the issues that affect their community and discuss youthoriented solutions. Located in the Downtown YMCA Branch.
Youth Services Offered
Training, life skills, mentoring, financial management guidance.
Intended Population
Students who excel academically and are seen as potential leaders in their
schools and communities.
Students must be rising ninth graders to enter and are typically nominated by
an adult from their school, church, community or a current Metro Teen.
Youth Referral Process Applications are sent out to guidance counselors in the early spring and
students are typically nominated for this program but may also receive an
application from the Community Development Director. Potential students
must show leadership potential and be well regarded in their school and/or in
the community.
Cost for Services
No fee.
Contact Information
(804) 644-9622
Located in the Downtown YMCA branch club (see branch location information
on page 47).
Area Served
City of Richmond, Chesterfield County, Goochland County, Hanover County,
Henrico County.
YMCA of Greater Richmond – Youth in Government Model General Assembly
This program for high school youth grades 9–12 helps to promote leadership and civic responsibility in the youth
of our community. The Model General Assembly provides youth with an invaluable experience as future leaders
of Virginia’s system of government. Youth learn the importance of citizen participation and public service.
Located in the Goochland, Midlothian, and Tuckahoe Branches.
Youth Services Offered
Leadership skills, life skills.
Intended Population
All youth.
No set requirements. 9th–12th grade high school students interested in
government, bill writing and participating in the judicial system may enroll in
this program each fall. Program runs October through March/April, with the
culmination of participating in the Model General Assembly.
Youth Referral Process None.
Cost for Services
No fee to participate in the Club. There is a participation fee of $350.
Contact Information
(804) 474-4325
Located in the following branch clubs (see branch location information on page
Goochland Family YMCA
Midlothian Family YMCA
Tuckahoe Family YMCA
Area Served
Goochland County, Henrico County, and Chesterfield/Midlothian area.
Leadership Development
Creative Youth Concepts – Essentials of Liberation and Maturation (E.L.A.M.)
The E.L.A.M. project is a framework of male topics and activities addressing the social awareness, responsibility,
and education of today’s young males between the ages of eleven and eighteen. Today’s youth need additional
guidance and support to bridge their personal development and family dynamics to success and maturation.
E.L.A.M. provides open dialogue and guidance on a variety of topics that affect youth decision making and
Youth Services Offered
Anger management, life skills, conflict resolution, self-esteem building.
Intended Population
Male youth ages 11–18.
Must be Medicaid eligible.
Youth Referral Process Contact home office at (804) 525-4101.
Cost for Services
No fee.
Contact Information
(804) 525-4101
2423 Lamb Ave., Richmond, VA 23222
Area Served
Chesterfield County, Goochland County, Hanover County, Henrico County,
Hopewell City, Petersburg City, Richmond City.
Creative Youth Concepts – S.A.S.S.Y.
S.A.S.S.Y. utilizes a framework that addresses key issues effecting young girls today. Although the main goal is
to reduce the rate of teen pregnancy, the goal is also to equip girls with tools that will positively impact their
future. The program incorporates group activities into a fun-learning environment in which the girls feel
comfortable to discuss many of the issues in today’s youth. It is a therapeutic afterschool program which
teaches young girls how to work together to curtail destructive behavior and learn to support one another’s
successes. It also connects them to the ongoing struggles often experienced by girls their age in their
community and often in this country. The program is also designed to assist young girls in reducing the negative
impact of interpersonal issues, teenage promiscuity, drugs, and violence.
Youth Services Offered
Anger management, life skills, conflict resolution, self-esteem building.
Intended Population
Female youth.
Must be Medicaid eligible.
Youth Referral Process Contact home office at (804) 525-4101.
Cost for Services
Contact program for information.
Contact Information
(804) 525-4102
2423 Lamb Ave., Richmond, VA 23222
Area Served
Chesterfield County, Goochland County, Hanover County, Henrico County,
Hopewell City, Petersburg City, Richmond City.
Hanover County Department of Community Resources – Hanover’s Promise
Hanover’s Promise—The Alliance for Youth is focused on promoting and enhancing collaborative community
efforts to ensure that all children and youth are provided the five fundamental resources they need to succeed:
(1) ongoing relationships with caring individuals, (2) safe places with structured activities, (3) a healthy start and
future, (4) marketable skills through effective education, and (5) opportunities to give back through community
Youth Services Offered
Advocacy, information and referral; technical support; collaborative
programming and initiatives.
Intended Population
All youth.
Must be a resident of Hanover County.
Youth Referral Process Hanover’s Promise is not a direct youth-serving organization but a coalition and
initiative centered on promoting and enhancing community efforts to ensure
that all youth have the five fundamental resources they need to succeed: a
healthy start, caring adults; safe places with structured activities; marketable
skills; and opportunities to serve.
Cost for Services
No fee.
Contact Information
(804) 365-4300
12310 Washington Highway, Ashland, VA 23005
Area Served
Hanover County.
National Guard Youth Challenge Program – The Virginia Commonwealth Challenge
The Virginia Youth Challenge Academy is a co-educational, quasi-military training and mentoring program for
at-risk youth that develops the life skills, educational levels and employment potential of 16–18 year old highschool drop-outs. The program consists of a five month residential program followed by a year-long mentoring
relationship with mentors from the youth’s community.
Youth Services Offered
Tutoring, adult mentoring, GED preparation, employment training, life skills
development, educational/vocational assessment.
Intended Population
At-risk 16 to 18 year old high school dropouts.
Participants must be age 16–18, a high school dropout or at risk of dropping
out, willing volunteer, citizen of the U.S. and resident of Virginia, no felony or
felony charges, drug free.
Youth Referral Process No information provided. Call for details.
Cost for Services
No fee.
Contact Information
(757) 491-5931
Camp Pendleton, 253 C Street, Virginia Beach, VA 23451
Area Served
2012 Youth Resource Directory
Richmond City Police Department – Richmond Police Athletic League
The Richmond Police Athletic League’s (RPAL) mission is to help disadvantaged and at-risk youth grow and
develop in a positive way by providing organized programs supervised by police officers, serving as role models.
The goals of RPAL include: preventing juvenile crime; fostering respect and better cooperation between police
officers and communities they serve; and helping youth develop self-esteem and expanding their horizons so
they may achieve their potential to be caring, contributing, self-sufficient adults.
Youth Services Offered
Mentoring, physical fitness, recreation, life skills development.
Intended Population
All youth.
Non-city residents may be accepted if space is available. Age/grade
requirements vary by activity.
Youth Referral Process No information provided. Call for details.
Cost for Services
Contact program for information.
Contact Information
(804) 646-1832
1365 Overbrook Road, Richmond, VA 23220
Area Served
Richmond City.
Richmond Students Reaching Students
The mission of the program is to assist and guide young men and women in reaching their maximum potential
in life and to help create avenues to guard against apathy, dependency, peer pressure, and other negative
influences precluding academic achievement and social balance. RAP sessions held every 2nd and 4th
Saturdays to afford students the opportunity to voice their concerns or opinions regarding issues important to
them while allowing program staff to give guidance and advice from personal experiences.
Youth Services Offered
Group mentoring.
Intended Population
Youth in middle or high school.
The program accepts youth in middle or high school, ages 13–25, as well as
out-of-school youth.
Youth Referral Process Students can be brought to monthly sessions at any time to meet with mentors
and others in the group.
Cost for Services
No fee. Contributions are accepted.
Contact Information
(804) 358-5296; (804) 262-9854 (intake)
149 Wilkinson Estates Drive, Richmond, VA 23227
Area Served
Charles City County, Chesterfield County, Goochland County, Hanover County,
Henrico County, New Kent County, Powhatan County, City of Richmond.
The Newman Group – Crossover Mentoring
The Newman Group seeks to create sustained and supportive mentor relationships for children in need (ages
6–21). The program matches youth across the state with inspirational adult mentors who can guide them in
developing better self-esteem, creating healthy relationships, and making positive life choices. Many youth enter
the program experiencing varying levels of educational difficulties or social challenges. Crossover Mentoring
has specific programs to target youth in care and adopted youth.
Youth Services Offered
Financial Literacy, Healthy Lifestyles and Self Esteem, Job Readiness, and
Anti-violence are initiatives incorporated into the programs through activities
and outside facilitators. Mentors also help their mentees with school work and
provide guidance and advice.
Intended Population
All youth.
In need of services and focused on getting life on track.
Youth Referral Process Referral from the Department of Social Services, Department of Juvenile
Justice, or the local school system.
Cost for Services
$40 per hour.
Contact Information
(434) 792-9070
206 West Broad Street, Richmond, VA 23220
P.O. Box 5549, Richmond, VA 23220
Area Served
Virginia Department of Juvenile Justice – Mentoring Program
The DJJ Mentoring Program focuses on pairing caring adults with residents who are within 90 days of release to
the community.
Youth Services Offered
Intended Population
Youth who are committed to the Virginia Department of Juvenile Justice.
Within 90 days of release to the community, participants must have completed
all mandatory treatment requirements and be eligible for juvenile parole
supervision upon release. Additional criteria apply, as determined by the
Department of Juvenile Justice.
Youth Referral Process Residents may volunteer or be referred by staff. Program is voluntary.
Cost for Services
Contact program for information.
Contact Information
600 East Main Street, 20th Floor, Richmond, VA 23219
Area Served
2012 Youth Resource Directory
Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU) Alumni Association – Mentoring Program
This program offers mentoring services for successful transition from program to career.
Youth Services Offered
Intended Population
VCU college students or alumni.
Must be a member of the VCU community (either a student or a validated
Youth Referral Process This is an online mentoring program. Anyone who is a current student or
graduate may participate. They must register with the Alumni Association
online to participate. Once registered, they can go to the mentoring site and
create a profile. Those looking for a mentor can type in keywords and see who
has registered and is available to serve as their mentor.
Cost for Services
No fee.
Contact Information
Richard T. Robertson Alumni House, 924 West Franklin Street, Richmond, VA
P.O. Box 843044, Richmond, VA 23284-3044
Area Served
The Virginia Commonwealth University community.
Virginia Council of Churches – The Elizabeth Project
The Elizabeth Project is in operation at ten or more locations across Virginia. It is a mentoring program for
pregnant teens based on the Biblical story of Mary and Elizabeth, and pairs pregnant teens with trained
volunteers from participating churches. The teens and their mentors work together in small groups led by a
trained facilitator. Sessions use a video-based curriculum which educates participants about the importance of
prenatal care, fetal development, prenatal nutrition, contraception (encouraging abstinence), labor and delivery,
and basic parenting skills. The twelve-week program stresses building self-esteem and responsible decisionmaking. At some sites, men from sponsoring congregations work in a mentoring relationship with the partners
of the pregnant teens. Transportation is available to participants in the program.
Youth Services Offered
Prenatal care, childbirth education, mentoring, family planning, life skills
Intended Population
Pregnant teens.
Must be a pregnant teen (ages 12–19; younger accepted) living in the Greater
Richmond area.
Youth Referral Process No information provided. Call for details.
Cost for Services
Contact program for information.
Contact Information
(804) 321-3300
1214 W. Graham Rd., Ste. #3, Richmond, VA 23220
Area Served
Chesterfield County, Hanover County, Henrico County, Richmond City.
Virginia Department of Labor and Industry – Registered Apprenticeships
Registered apprenticeships provide employment and skill training that leads to a nationally recognized
certification as a Journeyperson in an apprenticeable occupation. Typically, apprentices in this age group are in
a career and technical school studying a trade while working part time for an employer who registers the
participant as a student apprentice.
Youth Services Offered
Employment and skill training leading to certification. Apprenticeship search
tool at
Intended Population
High school youth age 16 and older or high school graduate or GED holder.
Generally, participants must be high school students or graduates or GED
holders. Apprentice-specific requirements vary by sponsor (employer). A
sponsor might have specific requirements such as driver’s license, age,
education, ability to travel, etc. Employers recruit and select apprentices based
on their specific needs.
Youth Referral Process Participating in Registered Apprenticeship in general starts with the job search
on the part of the job seeker. DOLI’s website allows jobseekers to view different
occupations in various areas of the state and can get some information on
employers who currently serve as sponsors. There is, however, never a vacancy
list. The job seeker must then seek out the company and the proper channel
for seeking hire.
Cost for Services
Payment for instruction is determined on a case by case basis. Apprentices
typically pay for their related instruction, but an employer or One-Stop Center
may assist with funding.
Contact Information
(804) 786-2382
13 South Thirteenth Street, Richmond, VA 23219
Area Served
Available statewide based on the voluntary participation of employers.
Occupational Skill Training
J. Sargeant Reynolds Community College – Great Expectations
The program provides financial resources and academic support for students affiliated with the Virginia Foster
Care System. The transition from high school to the working world and college can be especially challenging for
foster youth. Great Expectations provides support with navigating the college process.
Youth services offered
Available services include assistance with choosing an academic program; instruction
and support throughout the financial aid process; assistance with accessing financial aid
and scholarship opportunities; access to college support services; referrals to community
resources; a point person at the college to guide students through their academic journey;
monitoring of academic progress; and referrals for tutorial services.
intended population
17–24 year olds who are/were affiliated with Virginia foster care system.
Participants are age 17–24 and (1) are/were affiliated with Virginia Foster Care System, (2)
were adopted from the Virginia Foster Care System after age 13, or (3) were a special needs
adoption. Participants attend J. Sargeant Reynolds and enroll in a minimum of 6 credits per
semester in an eligible academic program.
Youth Referral process Fill out an application, available at, and enroll at
J. Sargeant Reynolds Community College.
cost for services
No fee.
contact information
(804) 523-5294
JSRCC Downtown Campus, Room 443, 700 E. Jackson Street, Richmond, VA 23219
JSRCC Parham Road Campus, Room 323 Georgiadis Hall, 1651 East Parham Road,
Richmond, VA 23228
Office hours differ for the Downtown Campus and Parham Road Campus. Call for open office
hours or to make an appointment.
area served
Amelia County, Goochland County, Hanover County, Henrico County, Louisa County,
Powhatan County.
J. Sargeant Reynolds Community College – Middle College
Middle College provides young adults ages 18 to 24 who did not complete high school an opportunity to obtain a
GED and enroll in a college course, earn a Career Readiness Certificate and receive assistance with
transitioning to college and/or the workforce.
Youth services offered
Tutoring, GED instruction, project based learning, life skills, mentoring, educational/
vocational assessments.
intended population
Youth age 18–24 who have dropped out of high school.
Participants are young adults ages 18–24 who did not complete high school but are able to
test at a 9th grade level or higher in math and reading. Participants must be able to commit
to attending four morning or evening classes a week for 16 weeks.
Youth Referral process Contact Middle College at (804) 523-5345,, or in
room 663 of the Downtown Campus of J. Sargeant Reynolds Community College to obtain
an application. Submit the application, attend a mandatory review session, and test for
admission to the program. Classes are offered each fall and spring.
cost for services
This is a free program for all qualified students. This includes tuition instruction, materials,
testing fees, and a cap and gown for graduation.
contact information
(804) 523-5345
JSRCC Downtown Campus, P.O. Box 85622, Richmond, VA 23285
area served
The City of Richmond and surrounding counties.
Out-of-school Youth Programs
John Tyler Community College – Great Expectations
The program provides financial resources and academic support for students affiliated with the Virginia Foster
Care System. The transition from high school to the working world and college can be especially challenging for
foster youth. Great Expectations provides support with navigating the college process.
Youth Services Offered
Support during college exploration, selection, and financing. Individual mentor
for academic and career support. Assistance with financial aid and navigating
the college system. Tutoring, employment training, life skills development,
mentoring, educational/vocational assessments.
Intended Population
17–24 year olds who are/were affiliated with Virginia Foster Care System.
Participants are age 17–24 and (1) are/were affiliated with Virginia Foster Care
System, (2) were adopted from the Virginia Foster Care System after age 13,
or (3) were a special needs adoption. Participants attend JTCC and enroll in a
minimum of 6 credits per semester in an eligible academic program.
Youth Referral Process Eligible youth can make an appointment with the Great Expectations Coach
and, upon completing the application for the program and following the steps
to enrollment in John Tyler Community College, they will begin to receive
Cost for Services
No fee.
Contact Information
800 Charter Colony Parkway, Midlothian, VA 23114-4383
Chester Campus, 13101 Jefferson Davis Highway, Chester, VA 23831
Area Served
John Tyler Community College service region: the cities of Colonial Heights,
Hopewell and Petersburg, as well as the counties of Amelia, Charles City,
Chesterfield, Dinwiddie, Prince George, Surry and Sussex.
Rappahannock Community College – Middle College
The Middle College program is designed for individuals between 18 and 24 years old who have not completed
high school. This college recovery program is intended to help individuals who have a desire to pursue college
coursework, but need to attain a GED or high school diploma first.
Youth Services Offered
GED or HS diploma preparation, enhance workforce skills, attain Career
Readiness Certificate.
Intended Population
Youth age 18–24 who have not completed high school.
Participants are youth age 18–24 who have not received a high school diploma
or GED.
Youth Referral Process Contact Middle College at (804) 333-6758 to schedule an appointment.
Cost for Services
Free to students who qualify.
Contact Information
(804) 333-6758
12745 College Drive, Glenns, VA 23149
Area Served
Rappahannock Community College Service Region.
2012 Youth Resource Directory
Rappahannock Community College – Student Services/Trio
This outreach program is designed to motivate and support students who have been historically
underrepresented on college campuses. This program intends to help students overcome cultural, social, and
economic barriers to higher education.
Youth Services Offered
Cultural enrichment activities to include college tours, attendance to plays/museums,
and workshops on study habits, time management, financial aid, career planning, etc.
Intended Population
Students who are low-income, first-generation college students, and students with
Participants in the Student Support Services (SSS) program are enrolled in a transfer
curriculum program at RCC and meet one or more of the following criteria: first
generation college students, low income, or diagnosed with disabilities. The student
needs to be willing to participate in the SSS program for at least two semesters,
meet with an SSS counselor at least three times each semester, and participate in
workshops and cultural enrichment activities.
Youth Referral Process The student can make an appointment with the counselor to complete an application
and to receive additional information about the program. Once the participant is found
eligible and there is an available slot, the SSS counselor will schedule an appointment
with the participant to complete educational assessments (learning styles) and to
establish educational goals, and discuss any challenges the student may have to
include tutoring if needed.
Cost for Services
No fee.
Contact Information
(804) 333-6737
12745 College Drive, Glenns, VA 23149
Monday – Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. and available after hours by appointment
Area Served
The students who reside in the Middle Peninsula – Northern Neck areas of VA and are
enrolled at Rappahannock Community College (RCC).
Rappahannock Community College – Workforce and Youth Services (WAYS)
WAYS provides support services for youth ages 14–21 to complete high school, obtain a GED, and/or pursue
gainful employment.
Youth Services Offered
Tutoring, alternative education, summer employment, paid/unpaid work experience,
occupational skills, leadership development, mentoring, support and follow-up
Intended Population
Low-income youth age 14–21.
Must be low-income youth age 14–21 within one of following categories: deficient in
basic literacy, school dropout, homeless/runaway/foster care, pregnant or parenting,
offender, or individual (including youth with a disability) requiring assistance to
complete an educational program, or to secure and hold employment.
Youth Referral Process Call (804) 333-6833 or (804) 758-6833 to set an appointment to determine eligibility.
Cost for Services
No program cost to students.
Contact Information
52 Campus Drive, Warsaw, VA 22572
Monday – Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Area Served
Counties of the Northern Neck and Middle Peninsula are served.
Out-of-school Youth Programs
Special Focus
A New You Transitional Living, LLC – Transitional Housing/Independent Living
The Transitional Housing/Independent Living Program is designed to prepare young people in foster care and
group homes for emancipation when they have lack of progress in home or foster home placements.
Youth Services Offered
Employment training, life skills development, mentoring, mental health
Intended Population
Youth in foster care or group homes.
Must be a female age 16–21 with an IQ of 70 or above and require long-term
residential care due to one or more of the following behaviors: emotional
behavioral challenges (normal range), sexually, physically, or mentally abused.
In need of transitional housing and supportive services. Lack of progress in
home or foster home placements.
Youth Referral Process Request application to begin the admission process.
Cost for Services
Contact program for information.
Contact Information
(804) 275-9115
5241 Hackney Rd, Richmond, VA 23234
P.O. Box 73404, Richmond, VA 23234
Area Served
Central Virginia and metropolitan areas.
Capital Area Partnership Uplifting People (CAPUP) – Virginia CARES
Virginia CARES assists ex-offenders with transportation, identification cards, work clothing, temporary housing,
food, education, job training and jobs. Case management is also provided.
Youth Services Offered
Transportation, vocational education, ex-offender reentry programs,
transitional housing.
Intended Population
Must have been a Virginia State Inmate (i.e., applicants must provide a six-digit
inmate number) and reside in Powhatan County.
Youth Referral Process No information provided. Call for details.
Cost for Services
Contact program for information.
Contact Information
(804) 598-3351
3930 Anderson Hwy, Powhatan, VA 23139
Area Served
Powhatan County.
Special Focus Programs
Chesterfield County – Adolescent Reporting Program
The mission of the Chesterfield Adolescent Reporting Program is to provide a community-based alternative to
detention for moderate- and high-risk youths currently on probation who might otherwise be detained pending
further court action.
Youth Services Offered
Counseling, court-related services, education, life skills, recreation programs,
residential services, substance abuse, GED preparation, financial management
guidance, teen pregnancy prevention/support, employment/vocational
Intended Population
Court-involved youth age 14–17.
Participation is appointed by the court.
Youth Referral Process Referral by the 12th District Court Service Unit or Juvenile Court Judge.
Cost for Services
There is a per mile fee for transportation, if needed.
Contact Information
(804) 748-1612
9610 Krause Road, Chesterfield, VA 23832
Monday – Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.
Area Served
The 12th District Court Service Unit serves Chesterfield and Colonial Heights.
Chesterfield/Colonial Heights Department of Social Services – Virginia Initiative for
Employment not Welfare (VIEW)
VIEW (Virginia Initiative Employment not Welfare) is an employment program for recipients of Temporary
Assistance for Needy Families (TANF). All customers receiving TANF whose youngest child is 18 months old or
older are required to work for pay or to participate in work activities in order to keep receiving TANF benefits.
Social Services offers many types of employment support services to TANF recipients.
Youth Services Offered
Employment and career services.
Intended Population
TANF recipients.
Must live in Chesterfield County or Colonial
Youth Referral Process No information provided. Call for details.
Cost for Services
Contact program for information.
Contact Information
(804) 748-1100
9501 Lucy Corr Circle, Chesterfield, VA 23832
P.O. Box 430, Chesterfield, VA 23832
Area Served
Chesterfield County, Colonial Heights City.
2012 Youth Resource Directory
Commonwealth Catholic Charities – Refugee Unaccompanied Minors Program
The Catholic Diocese of Richmond resettles refugees and assists immigrants, empowering them to build new
lives in a welcoming community. Its Refugee Unaccompanied Minors Program assists children and youth who
are transported to the U.S. through the UN High Command on youth resettlement and have been living in
refugee camps abroad. The U.S. government has legal custody of unaccompanied refugee minors, but this
program helps the youth obtain education and foster care placement. Youth may stay in the program through
their 21st year. The program is only offered in the Richmond office of the Catholic Diocese.
Youth Services Offered
Education, immigration/refugee services, interpretation/translation, GED preparation,
tutoring, life skills development, financial management assistance, helpline/hotline,
mentoring, mental health services/counseling, employment/vocational assessment.
Intended Population
Minor refugees and immigrants.
Eligibility Requirements Participants must be referred from UN command on youth resettlement.
Youth Referral Process Youth referral process is similar to adult program for adult refugees. Program is notified by
the UN when new participants will be joining the program. The Department of Homeland
sends the referral to Catholic Charities.
Cost for Services
Contact Information
(804) 355-4559
1512 Willow Lawn Drive, Richmond, VA 23230
Monday – Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (though case managers are on call 24/7)
Area Served
City of Richmond, Chesterfield County, Henrico County, Powhatan County, Hanover County.
Commonwealth Catholic Charities – Resettlement Services for Refugees
Commonwealth Catholic Charities resettlement services include housing assistance (apartments are secured,
furnished, and provisioned); refugee airport reception; ensuring refugees have clothing and food; orientation to
the community, laws, customs, and practices; intensive case management to ensure needs are met, including
legal documents, health care, basic resources, transportation, and interpretation; early employment placement
and orientation English (ESL) instruction and educational planning; family mentorship—an American friend to
walk with in the process; school liaison services to help children catch up to grade level; low cost immigration
legal counseling; immigrant community programming; and interpreter/translator services and training. Through
its offices in Richmond, Roanoke, and Hampton, Commonwealth Catholic Charities has served over 14,600
refugees from Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Ukraine, Somalia, Cuba, Haiti, Iraq, Bosnia, Congo, Sudan, Sierra
Leone, Uganda, Afghanistan, Burundi, Bhutan, Burma, Colombia, and other countries.
Youth Services Offered
Advocacy, translation/interpreters, immigration services, volunteer programs, car donations,
ESL services, tutoring, employment training, financial management assistance, mentoring,
mental health services/counseling, employment/vocational assessment.
Intended Population
Refugees age 20 and under.
Participants are refugees and immigrants in the U.S. less than five years, with preference for
those in the U.S. less than two years.
Youth Referral Process Youth should call Commonwealth Catholic Charities at (804) 545-5900 for intake.
Cost for Services
No fees for youth programs.
Contact Information
(804) 545-6289
1512 Willow Lawn Dr., Richmond, VA 23230
P.O. Box 6565, Richmond, VA 23230
Monday – Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Area Served
Chesterfield County, Hanover County, Henrico County, City of Richmond.
Special Focus Programs
Commonwealth Catholic Charities – Therapeutic and Refugee Foster Care
The Therapeutic and Refugee Foster Care program is a licensed child-placing agency for unaccompanied
refugees and undocumented minors that also provides therapeutic foster care to American youth. Youth are
assigned a case worker to assist in providing all needed services. Youth must attend school full time and work
part time. Typically, participants’ significant needs are vocational assessments as well as vocational planning
and assistance.
Youth Services Offered
Life skills, interpretation/translation, mentoring, teen pregnancy prevention/
Intended Population
Children and youth age 0 to 20.
Participation is only through referral as a foster child either through the
local Department of Social Services office or through the U.S. Department
of Homeland Security. Youth are expected to be self-sufficient at the time of
emancipation at age 21 and towards that goal, youth are provided assistance in
seeking and maintaining employment prior to emancipation.
Youth Referral Process Youth in the community can access other services in the agency such as
counseling, interpretation services, etc. However, to receive case management
services, youth cannot make a self-referral and have to be identified as eligible
for foster care through the Department of Social Services or through the U.S.
Department of Homeland Security.
Cost for Services
Contact Information
(804) 285-5900
1512 Willow Lawn Drive, Richmond, VA 23230
Area Served
Chesterfield County, Hanover County, Henrico County, City of Richmond.
Community Futures Foundation – The Mill House
The Mill House is an innovative vocational rehabilitation program for individuals with brain injury who live in the
Metro Richmond area. The program provides an array of community-based and vocational services designed to
help survivors of brain injury achieve greater levels of independence and productivity.
Youth Services Offered
Vocational rehabilitation, tutoring, employment training, life skills, educational/
vocational assessments.
Intended Population
Persons with disabilities.
Ages 18 and up with a brain injury.
Youth Referral Process No information provided. Call for details.
Cost for Services
Sliding scale. Contact program for information.
Contact Information
(804) 261-7050
7812 Shrader Road, Richmond, VA 23294
Area Served
Chesterfield County, Colonial Heights City, Goochland County, Hanover County,
Henrico County, Hopewell City, Petersburg City, Powhatan County, Richmond
2012 Youth Resource Directory
Delta House, LLC – Residential Services
Delta House is a structured program of care that provides an atmosphere empowered with education,
encouragement, and motivation. Its residential facilities introduce concepts such as responsibility and
independence, which mentally enable young mothers to continue their education and/or obtain job-readiness
skills. Delta House provides young women with the knowledge necessary to make conscious decisions, as well
as information to avoid repeat pregnancies. Delta House strives to produce self-sufficient young women who
want to become better parents and productive citizens.
Youth Services Offered
Prenatal care, nutrition education, childbirth education, parenting education,
family planning, counseling.
Intended Population
Teen mothers.
Participants are pregnant or teen mothers.
Youth Referral Process Potential residents must complete an application and come in for an interview
or tour of the program.
Cost for Services
No fee.
Contact Information
(804) 269-0915
1703 Harvard Road, Richmond, VA 23226
5310 Markel Road, Suite 204, Richmond, VA 23230
Area Served
State of Virginia.
Easter Seals UCP North Carolina and Virginia, Inc. – Project SUCCESS
Project Success provides youth with and without disabilities the opportunity to work together in the community.
This is a participant-led program, where all youth have a voice in choosing projects and participating equally.
There are weekly meetings, community-based service-learning projects, post-project reflections, and
celebrations after all the hard work is finished.
Youth Services Offered
Life skills development.
Intended Population
Youth age 11 to 24.
No special requirements.
Youth Referral Process No information provided. Call for details.
Cost for Services
Contact program for information.
Contact Information
(804) 516-2361
4860 Cox Road, Suite 200, Glen Allen, VA 23060
Area Served
Chesterfield County, Hanover County, Henrico County, Powhatan County,
Richmond City.
Special Focus Programs
Hanover County Community Services Board – Intellectual Disabilities Case
Case management services provide information and referral as well as individualized help and advocacy to
assist individuals in obtaining necessary services and supports to meet their needs, including education,
training, employment, housing, recreation, transportation, and financial assistance to people with an intellectual
disabilities diagnosis.
Youth Services Offered
Case managers work closely with the individual and/or their families to provide quality
person-centered services. Case managers work to link, coordinate, and monitor services
for individuals with intellectual disabilities or developmental delay. Case managers are
the guides to help families through the system of care. Case managers work with other
agency and community personnel in facilitating the best services for an individual with
intellectual disabilities.
Intended Population
Children and youth age 0 to 22.
Participants are children and adults who have a confirmed diagnosis of intellectual
disabilities, who reside in public or private facilities, whose family or legal guardian lives
in Hanover County or who list a permanent Hanover County address. Children under the
age of six must have a confirmed cognitive developmental delay of 25% or more.
Youth Referral Process Individuals/families or referral sources can contact the ID Case Management Department at
(804) 365-6600 to make a referral. A current psychological evaluation with a confirmed diagnosis
of an Intellectual Disability is required to determine eligibility. Once eligibility is established, the
individual will need a financial interview prior to a case manager being assigned.
Cost for Services
Hanover Community Services employs a sliding scale fee structure for self-pay. We accept
Medicaid, Medicare, and reimbursement from many major health insurance providers. We
also accept VISA and MasterCard for your convenience. A financial update is required yearly.
Contact Information
(804) 365-6600
12300 Washington Highway, Ashland, VA 23005
Area Served
Hanover County.
Hanover County Community Services Board – Prevention and Community Education
Prevention programming and related activities provide education, support, and skill-building opportunities for
Hanover County youth and their families. The goal of community education and prevention services is to “keep
healthy people healthy.” Programs promote resiliency and well-being through parent education, after-school
programming for youth, and community development.
Youth Services Offered
Educational classes on various topics, primarily parenting.
Intended Population
Hanover County youth and their families.
Eligibility Requirements Residents of Hanover County. Service availability is contingent upon space in program.
Youth Referral Process Depending on the program, youth may be nominated for a program by school staff,
their parents, or themselves. All programs have an initial registration process. Parents/
students can call (804) 365-4228 for more information.
Cost for Services
Call for information.
Contact Information
(804) 752-4275
12300 Washington Highway, Ashland, VA 23005
Area Served
Hanover County.
2012 Youth Resource Directory
Hanover County Department of Social Services
The Department provides special programs designed to motivate and mainstream eligible participants into the
world of work, with the goal is to transitioning participating recipients of Temporary Assistance to Needy
Families (TANF) from dependence on public assistance to employment within two years.
Youth Services Offered
Employment and career services, child care assistance; life skills development.
Intended Population
TANF recipients.
Must be a recipient of TANF residing in Hanover County. Services also are
offered to youth who are in or have been in foster care.
Youth Referral Process No information provided. Call for details.
Cost for Services
No fee, although persons receiving transitional child care services may have to
pay a sliding fee for child care services.
Contact Information
(804) 365-4100
12304 Washington Hwy., Ashland, VA 23005
Monday – Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Area Served
Hanover County.
Hanover Health Department – Resource Mothers
The Chickahominy Health District Resources Mothers Program offers emotional and social support to pregnant
and parenting women under the age of 20 in Hanover County. The program pairs a teen with a trained staff
member, who follows the teen through her infant’s first birthday. The Resource Mother makes weekly contact
with the teen and meets with her face-to-face at least monthly. Staff are available to educate teens about
pregnancy, nutrition, exercise, childbirth, infant care and safety, and immunizations.
Youth Services Offered
Life skills development, mentoring, teen pregnancy prevention/support.
Intended Population
Teen mothers and their infants.
Must be a female under the age of 20 who is pregnant, or a parent of a child
less than one year of age residing in Hanover County.
Youth Referral Process Youth can self-refer. They would need to call and set up an intake appointment.
Cost for Services
No fee.
Contact Information and http://www.
(804) 365-4333
12312 Washington Highway, Ashland, VA 23005
Monday – Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Area Served
Hanover County, New Kent County, and Charles City County.
Special Focus Programs
Henrico Area Mental Health and Developmental Services – Club House
The Club House program is for adults who experience serious mental illness. Day support services provide
opportunities for members to learn or refresh employment skills and assist with job placement in the
community. Social activities provide an opportunity for members to form and maintain friendships. Members are
included in all aspects of the program (planning, operating, and evaluating). Off-street parking is provided, and
the program is accessible by bus and internally accessible for the disabled.
Youth Services Offered
Supported employment, vocational rehabilitation, crisis intervention/
prevention, mental health group home, mental health case management.
Intended Population
Persons with disabilities.
Anyone 18 and older living in Henrico, Charles City, or New Kent Counties and
experiencing serious mental illness.
Youth Referral Process No information provided. Call for details.
Cost for Services
Contact program for information.
Contact Information
(804) 966-2496
5623 Lakeside Ave., Glen Allen, VA 23228
Area Served
Charles City County, Henrico County, New Kent County.
Hilliard House – Aftercare Program
Families moving out of the Hilliard House facility after successfully completing its one-year program will be
engaged in a continuing support system where they will continue to receive services from the agency. Continued
monitoring of their substance abuse issues, job stability, budgeting, and their children’s progress is followed
closely by their Aftercare Director. “Perks” such as gift cards, bus tickets, food baskets, and financial help
should a crisis affecting a family’s ability to remain in their home arise, are given to the families for continuing
on the road to success.
Youth Services Offered
Life skills, budgeting, job and school assistance, mentoring, substance abuse
prevention/treatment, mental health services/counseling.
Intended Population
Homeless families.
Participants must successfully complete one year at Hilliard House.
Youth Referral Process Successfully complete one year at Hilliard House.
Cost for Services
No fee.
Contact Information
(804) 236-5800
3900 Nine Mile Road, Henrico, VA 23223
Area Served
Henrico County.
2012 Youth Resource Directory
Hilltop Promises and The Frogs Place
This all-volunteer social ministry agency works with families who are homeless, minimally housed, or in crisis
through various free services such as a computer lab, case management, counseling/mentoring, and training in
areas of resume building, grammar/writing/communication skills, parenting classes, anger management classes,
retail training, and state/federal income tax preparation. The agency builds and rebuilds relationships with families
in crisis, which enables them to make the necessary changes to become stable, successful, and happy families.
Youth Services Offered
Clothing, insurance, parenting education, counseling, tax prep assistance, health care, job
bank/listing, national service programs, homeless services, housing, information lines.
Intended Population
Homeless families.
All persons who come to our office requesting services are served regardless of age,
ethnicity, race, income, employment status, living arrangements, or religion. All persons
obtaining services with us must abide by the following ethics: personal responsibility,
citizenship, trustworthiness, caring for self and others, respect for others, and fairness in
all interactions. Youth will receive mentoring in areas where they lack these skills.
Youth Referral Process As a holistic agency all persons are required to go through intake including all youth.
We have various levels of service depending on the age and development of the youth.
We always evaluate youth for continued education in the community college system,
GED, or job skill training. Additionally we provide social skill development and cognitive
development training using materials developed by Annie E. Casey Foundation. Youth
must adhere to program ethics which are very basic but important for lifetime learning.
Cost for Services
No fee.
Contact Information
(804) 912-2710
2 E. Broad St., Richmond, VA 23219
P.O. Box 25315, Richmond, VA 23260
Monday – Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. and Saturday, 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
Area Served
Colonial Heights City, Hopewell City, Petersburg City, Richmond City, and the counties of
Dinwiddie, Charles City, Chesterfield, Hanover, Henrico, New Kent, Goochland, Powhatan,
Amelia, King William, Louisa, and Prince George.
J. Sargeant Reynolds Community College – ESL Services
J. Sargeant Reynolds Community College offers credit and non-credit ESL courses in speaking, listening,
reading, writing, accent reduction, conversation, and Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) preparation.
It also administers on-site workplace and corporate ESL classes. Language lab and tutoring are available for
students in the program. Classes meet in the day and evening and begin in January, May, and August.
Youth Services Offered
ESL services, educational and vocational assessments.
Intended Population
Individuals for whom English is a second language.
No special requirements.
Youth Referral Process No information provided. Call for details.
Cost for Services
Contact program for information.
Contact Information
(804) 371-3000
1651 E. Parham Rd., Richmond, VA 23228
Area Served
Special Focus Programs
Mosby Resource Center
The Mosby Resource Center provides quality access to low-cost healthcare on Wednesday clinic days and a
variety of essential resources and resource referrals on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Healthcare includes
gynecological wellness checkups, male checkups, birth control, family planning, STD and HIV screenings,
wellness referrals, and blood pressure and blood sugar checks. The Center has a certified Child Safety Seat
Distribution and Education Program, community health education workshops, prenatal health education
workshops, relationship and parenting groups, nutrition and exercise classes, parenting skills workshops,
employment leads, job readiness workshops, and GED and college information referrals.
Youth Services Offered
Community health education workshops, certified child safety seat distribution and
education program, prenatal health education workshops, relationship and parenting groups,
nutrition and exercise classes, parenting skills workshops, employment leads, job readiness
workshops, GED and college information referrals.
Intended Population
All youth; teen mothers.
Eligibility Requirements Identification and, in some cases, parental consent.
Youth Referral Process Sign up and meet one-on-one with a community advocate to determine if this is an
appropriate match or if other referral or prerequisite needed.
Cost for Services
No fee.
Contact Information
(804) 786-0204
1536 Coalter Street, Richmond, VA 23223
Resource days: Tuesday and Thursday, 12:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. by appointment. Clinic day:
Wednesday, 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. by appointment.
Area Served
Richmond City.
Offender Aid and Restoration (OAR) of Richmond, Inc.
OAR’s community re-entry program enhances public safety by providing individuals and families affected by
incarceration with transition services that support safe and successful reintegration into the community.
Youth Services Offered
Job search assistance (not direct employment placing), job skills training when funding is available,
Spanish interpretation, program-specific mentoring, securing identification documents, transportation
assistance, resume preparation assistance, computer skills classes, mock interviews, Job Club, FOCUS
support groups, Fellowship Circles of Support, Narcotics Anonymous community group meeting, anger
management class, HIV/AIDS prevention group and testing through the Minority Health Consortium.
Intended Population
Eligibility Requirements Clients must have an adult criminal conviction.
Youth Referral Process OAR provides services pre-release based on inmate requests to be seen by the case managers in the
area jails. Post-release services are on a walk-in basis; no referral is required. Inmates at four partner
prisons in the region are also eligible to participate in the Richmond Regional Reentry Program if they
are going to be returning to the greater Richmond area. Post-release clients must complete an intake
with the case manager and attend a Wednesday class for orientation to services and job readiness/
job search information before they can receive additional services. Once services begin, post-release
clients must attend one group or individual activity each week at OAR’s Central Office during their job
search in order to continue to receive services such as bus tickets for job search.
Cost for Services
No fee.
Contact Information
(804) 643-2746
1 N. 3rd Street, Richmond, VA 23219
Monday – Thursday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. and Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Area Served
City of Richmond, Chesterfield County, Hanover County, and Henrico County.
2012 Youth Resource Directory
Open Arms Residential Services, LLC
Open Arms Residential Services, LLC functions to provide guidance, protection, education, and life skills to
teens in the foster care system. The vision of Open Arms Residential Services, LLC is to implement a foundation
of skills that enable our clients to successfully transition to a more stable and self-sufficient lifestyle after
leaving foster care. All participants are trained on a one-on-one basis at their proficiency level to teach them
corporate skills such as resume writing, business etiquette, interviewing skills and instruction on using
computers. Any group may participate but Open Arms usually serves teenagers and young adults.
Youth Services Offered
Mentoring, counseling, case management, life skills, employment training,
helpline, substance abuse prevention/assistance, mental health services/
counseling, educational/vocational assessments.
Intended Population
Teens in the foster care system.
Females ages 16–20 with IQ 70 or above residing in the Commonwealth of
Youth Referral Process No information provided. Call for details.
Cost for Services
Contact program for information.
Contact Information
4128 Roundtree Rd., Richmond, VA 23294
Area Served
Richmond City.
Powhatan County Social Services – Virginia Initiative for Employment not Welfare
The VIEW (Virginia Initiative for Employment not Welfare) program implements the welfare-to-work process for
clients who are mandated to participate.
Youth Services Offered
Employment and career services and financial management assistance.
Individual Activity and Service Plans are written for each VIEW participant
based on his/her strengths and needs.
Intended Population
Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) recipients.
Must be a resident of Powhatan County. To be referred for VIEW services, one
must participate in TANF.
Youth Referral Process A potential participant is referred to VIEW when he or she is a recipient of
Cost for Services
No fee.
Contact Information
(804) 598-5630
3908 Old Buckingham Rd., Ste. 2, Powhatan, VA 23139
Area Served
Powhatan County.
Special Focus Programs
Pregnancy Resource Center of Metro Richmond
In addition to pregnancy counseling and limited medical services, the Pregnancy Resource Center’s practical
assistance includes maternity and baby clothes (up to 24 month size), baby furniture for eligible clients,
emergency diapers, and formula as available. Life skills classes such as parenting classes and mom’s support
groups offered. All services are free and confidential.
Youth services offered
Maternity home, parenting education.
intended population
Teen mothers.
Must be pregnant or have children.
Youth Referral process No information provided. Call for details.
cost for services
Contact program for information.
contact information
(804) 673-2020
1510 Willow Lawn Dr., Ste. 200, Richmond, VA 23230
area served
Chesterfield County, Hanover County, Henrico County,
Richmond City.
Resources for Independent Living, Inc. – Independent Living Center
The Independent Living Center offers a non-residential place of action and coalition where persons with
disabilities learn empowerment and develop the skills necessary to make lifestyle choices. Centers provide
services and advocacy to promote the leadership, independence, and productivity of people with disabilities.
Center services include peer counseling, independent living skills training, and individual and systems change
Youth services offered
Independent living skills, peer counseling, advocacy, tutoring, employment
training, financial management assistance, ASL interpretation.
intended population
Youth with any disability.
Participants are youth with disabilities age 14–26.
Youth Referral process Referrals can be made by anyone. Students and parents may contact the
Resources for Independent Living youth coordinator directly. There is no formal
referral process.
cost for services
No fee.
contact information
(804) 353-6503
4009 Fitzhugh Ave, Suite 100, Richmond, VA 23230
Monday – Friday, 8:45 a.m. to 4:45 p.m.
area served
Charles City County, Chesterfield County, Goochland County, Hanover County,
Henrico County, New Kent County, Powhatan County, City of Richmond.
2012 Youth Resource Directory
Richmond City Department of Public Health – Resource Mothers
Resource Mothers provides mentoring and support services to first-time pregnant teens ages 19 and under. The
program’s goals are to reduce infant mortality, low-weight births and repeat pregnancies. Resource Mothers
also encourage early and regular prenatal care and on-schedule immunizations for infants. Resource Mothers
are community health workers who provide case management services to pregnant teens through this difficult
time in their lives and help them make the transition to parenthood. These adult role models assist the teen
throughout her pregnancy and until the baby has its first birthday. Resource Mothers are effective in decreasing
infant deaths and ensuring the health of teen moms and their infants through intensive home visitation and
special programs for participants.
Youth services offered
Prenatal care, mentoring, parenting, family planning, information lines linking
teens to needed service, ASL interpretation.
intended population
All youth 19 and under, pregnant, in the City of Richmond.
Must be a female 19 years of age or younger and pregnant (first time pregnant)
and reside in the City of Richmond.
Youth Referral process Individuals may self-refer or be referred to the program by calling (804) 2053677.
cost for services
No fee.
contact information
(804) 205-3677
400 E. Cary St. Suite 319, Richmond, VA 23219
Monday – Friday
area served
Richmond City.
Richmond City Social Services – Independent Living
This program assists children ages 16–21 who are in the custody of the Department of Social Services. The
program provides counseling, skill building, financial assistance with housing and school, trips, graduation
expenses, and college tuition assistance.
Youth services offered
Independent living skills.
intended population
Youth age 16–21.
Program open to youth age 16–21 in the custody of the Department of Social
Youth Referral process No information provided. Call for details.
cost for services
Contact program for information.
contact information
900 E. Marshall St., Richmond, VA 23219
area served
Richmond City.
Special Focus Programs
Richmond City Social Services – Virginia Initiative for Employment not Welfare (VIEW)
The Virginia Initiative for Employment not Welfare (VIEW) is designed with work first emphasis in conjunction
with education and training when it may enhance the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF)
recipient’s ability to become self-sufficient.
Youth Services Offered
Employment and career services, life skills development, educational/
vocational assessment.
Intended Population
TANF recipients.
Must be a TANF recipient.
Youth Referral Process No information provided. Call for details.
Cost for Services
Contact program for information.
Contact Information
(804) 646-7154
900 E. Marshall St., Richmond, VA 23219
Area Served
Richmond City.
Richmond Department of Justice Services – Juvenile Community Based Services
This court-ordered community service program provides an alternative to detention for non-violent offenders
who need a structured supervised environment while they are held accountable for their delinquent acts.
Youth Services Offered
Cultural enrichment, community service.
Intended Population
Non-violent youth offenders.
Eligible youth (ages 12–17) are those who historically would have been given
a brief three-day detention sentence to be served on the weekend. This is a
court-ordered program. The number of weekends in which participation is
ordered can range from one to six.
Youth Referral Process Participation is determined by a court order.
Cost for Services
Contact program for information.
Contact Information
(804) 646-8955
3600 West Broad Street, Suite 400, Richmond, VA 23230
Area Served
Richmond City.
2012 Youth Resource Directory
Richmond Public Schools – Hospital Education Program
The Hospital Education Program provides full school programs for those students hospitalized at the Medical
College of Virginia and Children’s Hospital of Richmond. Participants must have a medical referral.
Youth Services Offered
Alternative education, tutoring, educational/vocational assessments.
Intended Population
Hospitalized students.
Must be a student hospitalized at Medical College of Virginia or Children’s
Hospital of Richmond.
Youth Referral Process Students must obtain a medical referral.
Cost for Services
No fee.
Contact Information
(804) 228-5845
600 East Broad Street, Suite 620, Richmond, VA 23298
P.O. Box 980484, Richmond, VA
Monday – Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Area Served
Students are seen from any school division in the Commonwealth of Virginia
based on medical admission status with the VCUHS/Children’s Hospital of
Richmond Redevelopment and Housing Authority – Family Services and Community
Relations Department
The Family Services and Community Relations Department is designed to deliver focused developmental
services to residents. Division services promote resident self-sufficiency through a holistic approach that speaks
to resident needs on multiple levels. The department’s primary goal is the enhancement of personal and
economic self-sufficiency and skills development leading to positive lifestyle changes. As such, departmental
services and program offerings are designed to speak to each resident’s unique needs by providing access to a
broad array of training, tools, and resources that significantly increase the prospect of attaining economic
Youth Services Offered
Subsidized housing, employment and career services, recreation, clubs,
information lines, financial counseling, self-sufficiency programs, job training,
employment and career services, health awareness, GED preparation, and life
skills development.
Intended Population
Residents of the Richmond Redevelopment and Housing Authority.
Eligibility Requirements Must be a resident of the Richmond Redevelopment and Housing Authority.
Youth Referral Process Residents can enroll/participate in RRHA programs and services through
contacting the Family Services and Community Relations Department,
or through referrals from RRHA Property Management staff, or through
partnering agencies.
Cost for Services
No fee; all RRHA programs are free.
Contact Information
(804) 780-4835
436 Calhoun St. Calhoun Family Investment Center, Richmond, VA 23220
Monday – Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Area Served
Richmond City.
Special Focus Programs
The Virginia Project for Children and Young Adults with Deaf-Blindness
The Virginia Project for Children and Young Adults with Deaf-Blindness is a statewide program designed to
provide technical assistance, training, distance education, and networking information to families, teachers, and
service providers of individuals birth through 21 who have both a hearing loss and a vision loss. The Virginia
Project for Children and Young Adults with Deaf-Blindness is a free resource, federally funded through the Office
of Special Education Programs.
Youth Services Offered
Consultation (technical assistance) and training to families, service providers,
and teachers of children and youth who are deaf-blind, via telephone, online,
or in person. Trainings may focus on the needs of an individual or on the
subject of deaf-blindness in general. Topics may include communication skills,
behavior management, orientation and mobility, instructional strategies, and
transition. The Project also maintains a library of resources for families and
Intended Population
Deaf-blind children and youth ages 0 to 21.
Eligibility Requirements A participating child or youth must have combined vision and hearing loss.
Youth Referral Process The family/school team fills out the Virginia Deaf-Blind census form and
attaches documentation of vision and hearing loss. The family must complete
a Parental Consent Form before The Project will perform a school visit or
exchange of information concerning the child. Parents are included in every
aspect of what The Project does with their child and school team. Services can
be requested via The Project’s website, phone, or email.
Cost for Services
No fee.
Contact Information
(804) 828-8252
700 East Franklin Street, Richmond, VA 23284
P.O. Box 843020, Richmond, VA 23824
Area Served
United Methodist Family Services of Virginia (UMFS) – Project LIFE
Project LIFE (Living Independently, Focusing on Empowerment) is a partnership with Virginia Department of
Social Services and UMFS that promotes permanent connections and life skills for older youth in and
transitioning out of foster care throughout the state of Virginia.
Youth Services Offered
Youth are offered life skill development training, participation in regional and
state conferences and activities, opportunities to advocate for themselves and
others in foster care, and leadership development.
Intended Population
Youth who are in and transitioning out of foster care.
Must be age 14–21, in foster care, and reside in Virginia or must be adopted
after age 16 and reside in Virginia.
Youth Referral Process Call office at (804) 239-1030 or contact via the project website, at www.
Cost for Services
No fee.
Contact Information
(804) 239-1030
3900 W. Broad St., Richmond, VA 23230
Area Served
2012 Youth Resource Directory
Virginia Commonwealth University – Care Connection for Children
The Care Connection supports children with special health care needs and their families by facilitating and
coordinating medical and support services that maximize the child’s total well-being.
Youth Services Offered
Advocacy, counseling, education, health services, resource center, life skills
development, educational/vocational assessments.
Intended Population
Virginia children with physical health care needs that are not usually needed by
children of the same age.
Participants must be Virginia children age 0–21 with physical health care needs that
are not usually needed by children of the same age.
Youth Referral Process Call and begin discussion of needs.
Cost for Services
No fee.
Contact Information
(804) 827-1795
VCUHS Children’s Pavilion - Medical College of Virginia
1001 E. Marshall Street, Richmond, VA 23298
P.O. Box 980021, Richmond, VA 23298
Monday – Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Area Served
Amelia County, Brunswick County, Buckingham County, Caroline County, Charles City
County Chesterfield County, Colonial Heights City, Cumberland County, Dinwiddie
County, Emporia City, Essex County, Fluvanna County, Goochland County, Greensville
County, Hanover County, Henrico County, Hopewell City, King and Queen County, King
George County, King William County, Lancaster County, Louisa County, Lunenburg
County, Mecklenburg County, New Kent County, Northumberland County, Nottoway
County, Petersburg City, Powhatan County, Prince Edward County, Prince George
County, Richmond County, Richmond City, Westmoreland County.
Virginia Commonwealth University – Rehabilitation Research and Training Center
VCU-RRTC serves as a center of national excellence, providing resources for professionals, individuals with
disabilities, and their representatives. This program provides individualized services to people with significant
barriers to work. It assists individuals with identifying their vocational strengths, marketing their abilities to
potential employers, providing or facilitating job support on and off site, and coordinating or providing long term
case management.
Youth Services Offered
Vocational education, supported employment, employment and career services,
tutoring, life skills development, educational/vocational assessments.
Intended Population
Individuals with significant barriers to work.
Participants have some form of disability, with an emphasis on those who are
unemployed, underemployed, or at risk of losing employment.
Youth Referral Process Referrals can come through the local school system or from the Virginia Vocational
Rehabilitation Service System.
Cost for Services
Contact program for information.
Contact Information
(804) 828-1851
1314 W. Main St., Richmond, VA 23284-2001
Area Served
Greater Richmond area, Fredericksburg, Petersburg.
Special Focus Programs
Virginia Department of Rehabilitative Services – Henrico Office
The Department of Rehabilitative Services provides services to help Virginians with disabilities become more
independent and self-sufficient.
Youth Services Offered
Employment resources, including placement assistance and job
Intended Population
Persons with disabilities.
Youth and adults with disabilities who want to work.
Youth Referral Process Call (804) 588-3355 to initiate involvement.
Cost for Services
Sliding scale. Contact program for information.
Contact Information
(804) 588-3294
2001 Maywill Street, Suite 202, Richmond, VA 23230
Area Served
Greater Richmond metro area.
Virginia Hispanic Chamber of Commerce – Resource Center
The Resource Center serves as a central link between employers and prospective employees, providing job
postings, translation services, and legal advice on immigration issues. The Center also provides job readiness
skills development and assistance posting jobs online and English as a Second Language (ESL) classes once
per year. The Center is open to the general public. Services are bilingual. The Service Corps of Retired
Executives (SCORE) has a presence and meets with prospective clients. In addition, the Center’s Passport to
Education program mentors young professionals for higher education. The Center assists with local internship
placement. International internship placement assistance is coordinated by collaborating with universities.
Youth Services Offered
ESL classes (once per year), workplace English classes, and seminars on
topics such as business plans, empowering you for workplace, Spanish
immersion and cultural immersion, internship and higher education support.
Most presenters are Spanish speakers. Some presentations are given solely in
Spanish. Workplace Spanish and leadership courses are also available.
Intended Population
Hispanic population (youth and adults) with English as a second language.
Some services are available to the public and others are available to Chamber
members only. Call for further information.
Youth Referral Process No referral process to use services. The Chamber does refer people to other
resources in the community. To enroll in Passport for Education, one must
call the Resource Center and be added to database or go on website for
information on how to be added to database.
Cost for Services
Translation services are not free. For non-members, fees vary but usually do
not exceed $20. Legal clinics (immigration and uncompensated wage cases)
with attorneys are held twice a month at a cost of $35 per case.
Contact Information
(804) 378-4099
10700 Midlothian Turnpike, Suite 200, Richmond, VA 23235
Monday – Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Area Served
Charles City County, Chesterfield County, Goochland County, Hanover County,
Henrico County, New Kent County, Powhatan County, City of Richmond.
2012 Youth Resource Directory
Charity Family Life – After School Tutorial Program and Summer Enlightenment
This program is geared toward academic reinforcement, homework assistance, and academic tutoring.
Academic skill-building, homework assistance, personal tutoring, and character building are also provided. The
principal focus is to improve the children’s overall academic performance through a professional reading
program. Staff is not equipped to accommodate the disabled.
Youth Services Offered
After school tutorial program, life skills, educational/vocational assessments.
Intended Population
Children living in homes headed by a single parent or grandparent.
Must be ages 7–14 living in a single parent home residing in the Church Hill
area (Creighton and Fairfield Court neighborhoods). Income must be at poverty
Youth Referral Process No information provided. Call for details.
Cost for Services
Contact program for information.
Contact Information
(804) 225-0402
1820 Creighton Rd., Richmond, VA 23223
Area Served
Richmond City.
Church Hill Activities and Tutoring (CHAT)
CHAT is a Christian community development organization offering programs from tutoring to life skills training
in residential settings.
Youth Services Offered
Tutoring, employment training, life skills development, substance abuse
prevention/treatment, employment/vocational assessment.
Intended Population
Youth residing in the Church Hill region of Richmond.
We work with youth ages 4–18 living in the Church Hill region of Richmond,
consisting primarily of urban youth living in single parent households. The
Church Hill Academy is a private school serving at-risk youth between the 9th
and 12th grades.
Youth Referral Process Youth are referred to CHAT by word of mouth. CHAT requires a parent or
guardian to meet with a staff member for an orientation and sign up before
attending any programs.
Cost for Services
Summer Programs ($20), After School Programs (Free), Academy School ($50).
Contact Information
(804) 236-4964
601 North 31st Street, Richmond, VA 23223
Area Served
Church Hill in Richmond, VA.
2012 Youth Resource Directory
East District Family Resource Center
The Family Resource Center, in partnership with the ECPI Student Work Program, provides a computer class in
Microsoft applications (including Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Visio). ECPI students also provide tutoring in
reading and math (algebra and geometry).
Youth Services Offered
Continuing education, including computer classes (generally offered in the
morning or early afternoon) and GED preparation.
Intended Population
Adults in the City of Richmond.
Youth Referral Process Contact agency for details.
Cost for Services
No fee.
Contact Information
(804) 644-4496
2405 Jefferson Ave., Richmond, VA 23223
Area Served
Richmond City.
Strategies To Elevate People (STEP) – Victory Tutoring
STEP provides reading tutorial services to children living in Gilpin Court and neighboring communities.
Youth Services Offered
Tutoring, educational/vocational assessments.
Intended Population
All youth.
Must either be a Gilpin resident or provide own transportation.
Youth Referral Process Parents who are interested in enrolling their child(ren) must fill out
Cost for Services
No fee.
Contact Information
(804) 648-7552
436 Calhoun Street, Richmond, VA 23220
Area Served
Richmond City.
At Work Personnel and Medical Services
At Work provides a free service to the public by helping applicants find good jobs with good benefits.
Youth Services Offered
Job bank/listing, employment and career services.
Intended Population
All youth.
Must be age 18 and over. If younger than 18, the student may only work part time.
Participants must meet federal I-9 requirements.
Youth Referral Process Fill out an application and provide identification.
Cost for Services
No fee.
Contact Information
(434) 392-3149
1102 South Main St., Farmville, VA 23901
Monday – Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Area Served
Albemarle County, Amherst County, Appomattox County, Augusta County, Bedford
City, Bedford County, Buckingham County, Campbell County, Charlotte County,
Charlottesville City, Chesterfield County, Culpeper County, Cumberland County,
Danville City, Fluvanna County, Goochland County, Halifax County, Louisa County,
Lunenburg County, Lynchburg City, Mecklenburg County, Nelson County, Nottoway
County, Orange County, Pittsylvania County, Powhatan County, Prince Edward
County, Richmond County, Staunton City, Sussex County.
Boaz and Ruth, Inc.
Boaz and Ruth’s job training objectives are to provide building blocks for stability, self-sufficiency, and
community responsibility through providing training and opportunities for individuals (primarily ex-felons) to
learn and practice job and life skills, to develop emotional competencies, and to assume community
responsibility. At the end of a twelve-month program each participant will be given support in finding a job or in
opening his own business. Throughout the process, participants are challenged to develop a commitment to
family, to community, and to community service.
Youth Services Offered
Vocational education, job training, ex-offender reentry programs, job bank/listing,
employment and career services. Full time (40 hours per week for 3 to 12 months)
reentry program with classes, community service hours, all services checked above,
can come with stipend. Housing is also offered for a fee.
Intended Population
Ex-offenders re-entering society.
Eligibility Requirements Must have been formerly incarcerated or had alternative sentencing.
Youth Referral Process Fill out application, interview with intake director, and consult with lifelab director
and one peer leader.
Cost for Services
$1,250 monthly for 40 hours of class and 120 hours of stipended service learning,
peer mentoring, life coaching, certificates. Or $500 a month for 40 + hours of
classes and 120 hours of supervised work training in Boaz and Ruth “life labs” with
no stipend.
Contact Information
(804) 329-4900
3030 Meadowbridge Rd., Richmond, VA 23222
P.O. Box 6129, Richmond, VA 23222
Monday – Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. and Saturday, 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Area Served
Richmond City, Henrico County, Chesterfield County, Hanover County, Goochland
Metropolitan area.
Work Experience/Skill Training
Bread of Life Resource and Food Center, Inc.
Bread of Life makes every effort to take a holistic approach to self-sufficiency, providing training and
development for job readiness and pre-employment. It also has a food plan to provide grocery relief.
Youth Services Offered
Employment and career services, job training, life skills
Intended Population
Area residents in need.
Open participation.
Youth Referral Process No information provided. Call for details.
Cost for Services
Contact program for information.
Contact Information
(804) 393-1599
3300 Broad Rock Blvd, Richmond, VA 23224
Area Served
Richmond City.
Carr and Sons, Inc. – One Brush Many Opportunities
One Brush Many Opportunities is a non-profit organization designed as a second chance pre-apprenticeship
program teaching underprivileged youth (age 16–18) and young adult felons (age 19–24) a trade in painting. The
program helps participants get their lives on track through teaching life skills and a trade.
Youth Services Offered
Painting apprenticeship program, GED preparation, employment training, life
skills development, employment/vocational assessment.
Intended Population
Youth offenders ages 16–18 and 19–24.
Participants may be age 16–50. Students eligible for participation are exfelons, ex-offenders, and/or high-risk youth in low poverty areas. Most clients
are high school dropouts, in need of a GED or have obtained their high school
Youth Referral Process The clients can be referred by the Department of Juvenile Justice. Probation or
parole officers. Some students are walk-in but have prison records.
Cost for Services
Contact Information
(804) 228-0004
2024 Chamberlayne Avenue, Richmond, VA 23222
10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. and 5:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
Area Served
Richmond Metropolitan and surrounding Tri-Cities area.
2012 Youth Resource Directory
Chesterfield Community Services Board – Chesterfield Employment Services (CES)
CES offers a variety of community-based job opportunities for adults with intellectual disabilities, including
individual placement, custodial crews, enclaves, job coach training, and specialized transportation. The
program’s three main services are case management, supported living, and supported employment for
consumers with a serious mental illness.
Youth Services Offered
Supported employment, health education, mental health case management,
mental health illness education and prevention, life skills development.
Intended Population
Adults with intellectual disabilities.
Participants must be age 18 or older and reside in Chesterfield County.
Youth Referral Process No information provided. Call for details.
Cost for Services
Medicaid waiver. DRS eligible.
Contact Information
(804) 271-9451
7321 Whitepine Road, Richmond, VA 23237
Area Served
Chesterfield County.
Chesterfield County Public Schools – Chesterfield Career and Technical Education
Program at Home High Schools
The Chesterfield Career and Technical Education (CTE) Programs offer career and technical education courses
at home high schools in Chesterfield School Districts. Each high school offers at least one of the following:
Family Consumer Sciences, Marketing Education, Career Connections, Technology Education, and Business and
Technology. All CTE courses have 21 workplace readiness skills incorporated.
Youth Services Offered
Courses leading to industry certification in Family Consumer Sciences,
Marketing Education, Career Connections, Technology Education, and Business
and Technology. Where industry certification is not offered, a workplace
readiness test is offered instead.
Intended Population
High school students in Chesterfield School District.
Must be a Chesterfield County high school student. Participation requirements
for each program vary depending on the home school.
Youth Referral Process No information provided. Call for details.
Cost for Services
No fee for tuition for high school students.
Contact Information
(804) 768-6160
10101 Courthouse Road, Chesterfield, VA 23832
School locations are spread across Chesterfield
Area Served
Chesterfield County.
Work Experience/Skill Training
Chesterfield County Public Schools – Chesterfield Technical Center
The Chesterfield Technical Center (CTC) offers career and technical education courses geared toward high
school students during the school day.
Youth Services Offered
Courses leading to industry certification and educational/vocational
Intended Population
High school juniors and seniors.
Students are selected based on grades, attendance, an acceptable behavior
record, successful completion of prerequisite courses, teacher’s comments
verifying student’s ability to work independently in unstructured settings, a
counselor’s evaluation, and standardized test scores. The application process
is similar to the college application process.
Youth Referral Process Application for admittance to a CTC course is made through the home school
counselor during second semester each year.
Cost for Services
No fee for tuition for high school students. Cost of personal tools, uniforms,
and fees varies by course and is paid by student. Tuition is $600 per year for
post graduates.
Contact Information
(804) 768-6160
10101 Courthouse Road, Chesterfield, VA 23832
Monday – Friday, 7:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Area Served
Chesterfield County.
Chesterfield Technical Center – VADA Automotive Youth Education Partnership
This partnership between the Virginia Automobile Dealers Association, the Virginia Department of Education,
Automotive Youth Educational Systems, and the National Automobile Dealers Association is a pioneering
program bringing together educators, administrators, and dealers in preparing today’s students for their future
careers in automotive technology.
Youth Services Offered
Intended Population
All youth.
12th grade students who have completed Auto 1 and have been selected by a
counselor into the apprenticeship program are eligible for this program.
Youth Referral Process Students must submit an application to be accepted into the program. They are
required to have a B or higher in their Auto 1 class, 2.5 min. cumulative GPA, C
or higher in Algebra I, good driving record, teacher recommendations, reliable
transportation, and good school attendance.
Cost for Services
No fee.
Contact Information
(804) 768-6160
10101 Courthouse Road, Chesterfield, VA 23832
Area Served
Chesterfield County.
2012 Youth Resource Directory
City of Richmond – Economic and Community Development
This program helps low income job seekers connect to job training and employment opportunities.
Youth Services Offered
No information provided. Call for details.
Intended Population
Low-income job seekers.
No special requirements.
Youth Referral Process No information provided. Call for details.
Cost for Services
No fee.
Contact Information
(804) 646-6464
Main Street Station
1500 East Main Street, Suite 400, Richmond, VA 23219
Area Served
Richmond City.
Community College Workforce Alliance
The Community College Workforce Alliance provides individual and group training services throughout the
Greater Richmond region for government, corporate, non-profit and educational employers.
Youth Services Offered
Job training, employment and career services.
Intended Population
Adults in the Greater Richmond region.
No special requirements.
Youth Referral Process No information provided. Call for details.
Cost for Services
Contact program for information.
Contact Information
1630 East Parham Road, Richmond, VA 23228
P.O. Box 73570, Richmond, VA 23235
Area Served
Work Experience/Skill Training
Embrace Richmond
A restorative employment program providing homeless and at-risk individuals with valuable job skills. Embrace
Richmond serves the Hillside Court community with a computer lab open to the community and a vocational
mentoring program for adults age 18 and up.
Youth Services Offered
Job training, employment and career services, life skills
Intended Population
Homeless and at-risk individuals.
Homeless and at-risk adults.
Youth Referral Process No information provided. Call for details.
Cost for Services
Contact program for information.
Contact Information
(804) 204-1240
3400 Brook Rd., Richmond, VA 23227
Area Served
Richmond City.
Goochland-Powhatan Community Services Board – Monacan Services
Monacan Services is a group of programs providing training, support, and supervision for people with
intellectual disabilities and offering individual supports and assistance with everyday tasks. Monocan Services
assists individuals developing work skills to enter the community workforce.
Youth Services Offered
Supported employment, life skills development, mental health services/
Intended Population
Persons with disabilities.
Must reside in Goochland or Powhatan Counties.
Youth Referral Process No information provided. Call for details.
Cost for Services
Contact program for information.
Contact Information
(804) 598-2200
3910 Old Buckingham Rd., Powhatan, VA 23129
Area Served
Goochland County, Powhatan County.
2012 Youth Resource Directory
Goodwill of Central Virginia – Basic Education Classes
Day and evening classes are available to students who are looking to learn basic education and computer skills
or upgrade their current skills. Courses include GED preparation, basic computer literacy, keyboarding, and the
applications of Microsoft Word and Excel.
Youth Services Offered
Employment and career services, job training, ESL services, GED preparation,
life skills development, financial management assistance, employment/
vocational assessment.
Intended Population
Individuals age 16 and older.
Participants are youth 16 and older with challenges to employment and
Youth Referral Process Visit the Community Employment Center and enroll for services.
Cost for Services
Contact program for information.
Contact Information
(804) 745-6300
6301 Midlothian Turnpike, Richmond, VA 23225
Monday – Thursday, 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Area Served
Henrico County, Mechanicsville, Petersburg, Richmond City.
Goodwill of Central Virginia – Community Employment Centers
The Community Employment Centers at Goodwill of Central Virginia provide comprehensive services in the
areas of education, training, and employment to persons who have obstacles to employment. These services are
available through a collaborative partnership with several area agencies. Services available in the Centers are
free job-seeking skills classes, free internet classes, computer training, and free career management skills
Youth Services Offered
Specific services offered at the main facility include assessment, availability
of local labor market, and community resource information, access to job
listings, registration for services through the Virginia employment commission,
computers for resume preparation, skill training, adult basic education/GED
classes, ESOL, literacy tutoring, job preparedness classes, work adjustment
training, case management services, and job placement assistance. Services
from the Richmond Department of Social Services are available for Richmond
residents. A child play area is available for limited periods for parents who
would like to access services at our facility.
Intended Population
All youth.
Different programs have specific entrance criteria. Contact the Center for
further details.
Youth Referral Process Visit the Community Employment Center and enroll for services.
Cost for Services
Contact program for information.
Contact Information
(804) 745-6300
6301 Midlothian Turnpike, Richmond, VA 23225
Area Served
Henrico County, Mechanicsville, Petersburg, Richmond City.
Work Experience/Skill Training
Goodwill of Central Virginia – Employment Specialist Assistance
Goodwill’s Employment Specialist Assistance service provides job placement, training, and ongoing follow along
services. The Employment Specialist (Job Coach) searches for the appropriate job for a person with a severe
disability. Services generally include bus training, completion of a job analysis, a task analysis, securing
employment, hands-on training by the Employment Specialist in a community business, and ongoing follow
along services, generally five hours per month to ensure that the person maintains his job. Follow along
services involve monitoring the person’s home and work environments.
Youth services offered
Employment and career services, supported employment.
intended population
Persons with intellectual and physical disabilities, ages 20 and older.
Participants must meet facility admission criteria and be eligible for services through
the Department of Rehabilitative Services and the Community Service Board or have a
reliable funding source to include job development, training and follow along support.
Youth Referral process Referred from the Department of Rehabilitative Services or Community Service
Board. Be willing to participate in the job search. Express interest in obtaining and
maintaining competitive employment. Have reliable transportation (public, specialized
transportation, relative, personal vehicle).
cost for services
Contact program for information.
contact information
(804) 745-6300
6301 Midlothian Turnpike, Richmond, VA 23225
Monday – Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
area served
Chesterfield County, Hanover County, Henrico County, Richmond City, Hampton Roads.
Goodwill of Central Virginia – Group Training
Goodwill’s group training program is designed to assist individuals with identifying interests and values that are
consistent with realistic job goals. The course includes guidance on resume preparation, application completion,
and development of a job search plan. Participants receive information on contacting employers, hints on
answering tough questions, and suggestions on how to make a good first impression. Upon course completion,
participants receive hands-on assistance in job placement. The purpose of this program is to provide
employment at Goodwill’s main facility for persons with disabilities who have demonstrated motivation to work,
the ability to accept supervision, and good work habits, but who are unable, for a variety of reasons, to meet the
demands of working in competitive industry. This agency is accessible by bus.
Youth services offered
Remunerative work, case management, assistance in obtaining supportive services,
plan development, behavior intervention, vocational counseling, personal counseling,
controlled work experience.
intended population
Individuals age 16 and older.
eligibility Requirements Clients must be 16 or older with special needs and some barriers to employment.
Youth Referral process Be identified by the Department of Rehabilitative Services or School District as
appropriate for the program based on desire to work, and the need to develop
workplace behaviors. Willingness to accept supervision.
cost for services
Contact program for information.
contact information
(804) 745-6300
6301 Midlothian Turnpike, Richmond, VA 23225
area served
Chesterfield County, Hanover County, Henrico County, Richmond City.
2012 Youth Resource Directory
Goodwill of Central Virginia – Hands On Training
Hands On Training is provided by an Employment Specialist (Job Coach) in a job at a community business to a
person with a severe disability. The Employment Specialist assumes the dual role of work site supervisor and
counselor. After the completion of training, the Employment Specialist can monitor the job placement for up to
60 days. This program is a brief evaluation designed for persons who may have considerable work history in a
designated area, but have not worked for a significant period of time. Persons who are interested in pursuing
training or employment but lack an understanding regarding all of the job components or persons with physical
limitations will be evaluated. Programs generally last from 3–12 days.
Youth services offered
Intake and orientation, individual service plan, assignment to work area, vocational
counseling, psychological consultation, staffings, monthly progress reports, discharge
summary. Vocational rehabilitation, employment, and career services.
intended population
Persons in the Richmond Metropolitan area with varying disabilities ages 16 years old
and older.
Clients must be 16 or older and be disabled or disadvantaged. Clients can be referred
from the Department of Rehabilitative Services (or pay a fee for services).
Youth Referral process Be eligible for services through the Department of Rehabilitative Services and the
Community Service Board.
cost for services
Contact program for information. Payees for services provided are Virginia Department
of Rehabilitative Services, Virginia Department of the Visually Handicapped, Virginia
Department of Social Services, private insurance companies, and advance pay from self
contact information
(804) 745-6300
6301 Midlothian Turnpike, Richmond, VA 23225
area served
Chesterfield County, Hanover County, Henrico County, Richmond City, Hampton Roads.
Goodwill of Central Virginia – Individual Assessment
Goodwill’s individual assessment program is a short-term program designed to increase the employment
opportunities of persons with disabilities or disadvantageous conditions. The purpose of this program is to
encourage productivity and to develop appropriate work behaviors by changing attitudes, building physical and
emotional tolerance for work, exposing consumers to everyday demands of work, and providing current labor
market information.
Youth services offered
Vocational rehabilitation, employment and career services.
intended population
Individuals age 16 and older.
Participants are age 16 or older and unemployed, as well as disabled or disadvantaged.
Youth Referral process Be eligible for services through the Department of Rehabilitative Services and the
Community Service Board or have a reliable funding source.
cost for services
Contact program for information. Payees for services provided are Virginia Department
of Rehabilitative Services, Virginia Department of the Visually Handicapped, Virginia
Department of Social Services, and private insurance companies.
contact information
(804) 745-6300
6301 Midlothian Turnpike, Richmond, VA 23225
area served
Chesterfield County, Hanover County, Henrico County, Richmond City.
Work Experience/Skill Training
Greater Richmond ARC – Industrial and Day Support Services
ARC provides weekday services for adults with developmental disabilities who need support for activities of
pre-employment, employment, and activities of daily living in both day support and work environments.
Community activities are an integral part of the program. Employment and rehabilitation programs serve adults
age 21 and over who do not require personal assistance and have a disability affecting their ability to be
employed. Services consist of vocational assessments, work adjustment, production skills training, job
placement, and on-the-job training. ARC provides job opportunities in community businesses, government
agencies, and ARC’s facility, as well as after-school and summer day programs for students with severe
disabilities at the ARC enter on Richmond’s north side, as well as at Camp Baker in Chesterfield County.
Overnight respite services are offered at Camp Baker for teens and adults.
Youth Services Offered
Mental health outpatient services, adult day care, child day care.
Intended Population
Disabled adults age 21 and older.
Adults with a variety of disabilities—from mild to severe—are served. Students
with moderate to profound intellectual disabilities can participate in afterschool activities.
Youth Referral Process Referral through school programs, local community service boards, and family
members. Contact Greater Richmond ARC to set up interview with staff or
contact the Director of Developmental Services.
Cost for Services
Contact program for information; Medicaid Waiver and Department of
Rehabilitation Funding is available through case management. Adult Day
Support and Prevocational: $37.27 high intensity, 1 day; $26.19 regular
intensity, 1 day. After school: $186.35 per week, school year; summer and
holidays $372.70 per week.
Contact Information
(804) 358-1874
3600 Saunders Avenue, Richmond, VA 23227
Area Served
Chesterfield County, Hanover County, Henrico County, Richmond City.
Hanover County Community Services Board – Employment Training
The Hanover County employment training program provides sheltered employment, supported employment,
psychosocial rehabilitation, and day health and rehabilitation for adults with intellectual and other disabilities.
Youth Services Offered
Supported employment, mental health services/counseling.
Intended Population
Disabled adults age 18 and older.
Must be a resident of Hanover County who is at least 18 years old and must
have intellectual disabilities or a long-term mental illness.
Youth Referral Process No information provided. Call for details.
Cost for Services
Contact program for information.
Contact Information
(804) 365-6600
9734 Atlee Commons Drive, Ashland, VA 23005
Area Served
Hanover County.
2012 Youth Resource Directory
Hanover County Public Schools – Hanover Center for Trades and Technology
The Hanover Center for Trades and Technology is a public high school that provides students with a technical
education to prepare them for the workforce.
Youth Services Offered
Internship, mentorship, and cooperative education for following areas:
automotive technology, building trades, cosmetology, culinary arts, industrial
technology, nail technician, and small engine repair technology. Credential
testing at end-of-course exam.
Intended Population
Hanover County Public Schools students interested in technical education.
Must be a Hanover County Public Schools student enrolled in grades 10, 11, or
Youth Referral Process Complete application provided by staff and meet with high school counselor for
scheduling purposes and ensure on-time graduation.
Cost for Services
Hanover County currently absorbs all expenses for enrolled students.
Contact Information
(804) 723-2020
10002 Learning Lane, Mechanicsville, VA 23116
Monday – Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Area Served
Hanover County.
Hanover Juvenile Correctional Center – Junior Reserve Officers Training Program
JROTC offers the opportunity to acquire basic military skills with the primary goal of teaching self-reliance,
leadership, responsiveness to authority, citizenship, effective communication skills, and the importance of
physical education.
Youth Services Offered
Leadership, communication, and military training. Transition placement
assistance provided upon release (independent living, group houses, foster
care, or returning home).
Intended Population
Incarcerated males between ages of 14–20.
Male 9th grade student (minimum of 14 years old) on a GED or high school
diploma track. If on GED track, must be at least 16.5 years old and score 7.5 on
the Wood-Cock Johnson Reading Test and a 410 on the GED subtest. May still
participate if 18 and working towards GED or diploma.
Youth Referral Process Automatic participation if in high school.
Cost for Services
No fee.
Contact Information
(804) 537-5316
7093 Broad Neck Road, Hanover, VA 23069
Area Served
Hanover County.
Work Experience/Skill Training
Henrico County Division of Fire – Boy Scouts of America (BSA) Learning for Life
Explorer Post
The Explorer Post promotes career awareness and preparation for youth interested in careers in fire, emergency
services, and the medical field (doctors and nurses). Henrico County extends a hiring preference to those
Explorers seeking careers as firemen and paramedics when they turn 21 years. When youth reach age 16 they
are allowed to ride along on the trucks and emergency response vehicles. This privilege is limited to 30 hours a
month per person. Each month all Explorers can participate in emergency drills.
Youth Services Offered
Career-based youth program, educational/vocational assessment.
Intended Population
Youth ages 14–20 who are interested in fire, Emergency Medical Services
(EMS), or emergency management careers.
Participants must be at least age 14, have completed the 8th grade, and not yet
reached 21st birthday.
Youth Referral Process Contact Explorer Advisor and/or Explorer Chairperson via email or phone. An
observation period by potential youth member and parent(s)/guardian(s) is
followed by an official application process, which is explained upon meeting
with Advisor/Chairperson for Explorer Post. Contact number is (804) 501-4900.
Contact emails are and
Cost for Services
Annual BSA learning for life recharter fee $50. Annual membership renewal
per youth member and adult leadership fee $20 per person. Annual explorer
post unit dues $20 per year per youth member
Contact Information
(804) 501-4900
7721 Parham Road, Henrico, VA 23294
P.O. Box 90775, Division of Fire/Explorer Post, Henrico, VA 23273-0775
Fire admin: Monday – Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Area Served
Henrico County and surrounding jurisdictions (BSA Heart of Virginia Council).
Henrico County Public Schools – Hermitage Technical Center
To provide quality career and technical education programs for all students, to assist each student in reaching
his/her potential, and to prepare students to be responsible and productive citizens in an ever changing
technological world.
Youth Services Offered
Vocational education, employment training, educational/vocational
Intended Population
Henrico high school juniors and seniors.
Must reside in the County of Henrico and must be enrolled in a Henrico County
High School.
Youth Referral Process Students complete an application (which must be signed by their school
counselor), attend informational sessions and, if selected, return the letter of
Cost for Services
Contact program for information.
Contact Information
(804) 756-3020
8301 Hungary Spring Rd., Richmond, VA 23228
Area Served
Henrico County.
2012 Youth Resource Directory
Henrico County Public Schools – High Tech Academy, Highland Springs Technical
Focused on training a high tech manufacturing future workforce. Students earn up to 28 college credits through
VCU while focusing on advanced math, science, and engineering in a high tech, hands-on environment.
Youth Services Offered
Project based team work. Hands-on learning. Employment training.
Intended Population
High-performing high school students.
Must reside in the County of Henrico and must be enrolled in a Henrico County
High School. Open to high performing students (high math and science scores).
Youth Referral Process Complete an application.
Cost for Services
No tuition fee for high school students. Contact program for information
regarding fees.
Contact Information
(804) 328-4075
100 Tech Drive, Highland Springs, VA 23075
Area Served
Henrico County.
Henrico County Public Schools – Highland Springs Technical Center
One of two technical centers in Henrico that prepare students for employment and further education. One or two
year block courses in skill-based programs are offered to Henrico County students to prepare them for job entry
Youth Services Offered
Career and Technical Education courses, employment training, and
educational/vocational assessments.
Intended Population
High school juniors and seniors.
Must reside in the County of Henrico and must be enrolled in a Henrico County
High School.
Youth Referral Process Students complete an application (which must be signed by their school
counselor), attend informational sessions and, if selected, return the letter of
intent. The top 20 applicants are accepted into each program.
Cost for Services
No tuition fee for high school students. Contact program for information
regarding fees.
Contact Information
(804) 328-4075
100 Tech Drive., Highland Springs, VA 23075
Monday – Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Area Served
Henrico County.
Work Experience/Skill Training
Henrico County Vocational/Technical Education Foundation, Inc. – House Building
Each year the students involved in housing industry programs in Henrico County are provided an opportunity to
apply what they learn in the classroom in a real life setting and build a house. Through the Henrico County
Vocational/Technical Education Foundation’s House Building Project, these students gain valuable experience
that will help them make the transition from the classroom to a rewarding career in the housing industry.
Youth Services Offered
Employment training and educational/vocational assessments.
Intended Population
High school students who have a desire to learn the building trades as a
Participation is open to any current technical center student.
Youth Referral Process All 10th grade students have the opportunity to attend an informational
session where technical center programs are highlighted. After, students must
complete an application for acceptance.
Cost for Services
No fee for high school students. License or trade certification fee also covered.
Students do pay for their own supplies. Assistance available on an as-needed
Contact Information
(804) 781-1818
3751-C Nine Mile Road, Henrico, VA 23223
Area Served
Henrico County.
Highland Springs Technical Center – Springer Daycare
As part of Highland Springs’ Technical Center’s offering for students pursuing careers in early childhood
education, the Springer Daycare program for two-year-olds provides practical, hands-on experience.
Youth Services Offered
Employment training and educational/vocational assessments.
Intended Population
Students in early childhood education at the Highland Springs Technical
Participation is open to any current student in early childhood education
Youth Referral Process All 10th grade students have the opportunity to attend an informational
session where technical center programs are highlighted. After, students must
complete an application for acceptance.
Cost for Services
No tuition fee for high school students. Contact program for information
regarding fees for childcare services.
Contact Information
(804) 328-4075
100 Tech Dr., Highland Springs, VA 23075
Area Served
Henrico County.
2012 Youth Resource Directory
Highland Springs Technical Center – VADA Automotive Youth Education Partnership
This partnership between the Virginia Automobile Dealers Association (VADA), the Virginia Department of
Education, Automotive Youth Educational Systems, and the National Automobile Dealers Association is a
pioneering program bringing together educators, administrators, and dealers in preparing today’s students for
their future careers in automotive technology. The program lasts two years and students spend three hours per
day, five days per week, on these courses.
Youth Services Offered
Employment training, practical work experience.
Intended Population
All youth.
High school juniors and seniors.
Youth Referral Process Apply to the program through high school counselors.
Cost for Services
$20 per school year lab fee.
Contact Information
(804) 328-4075
100 Tech Dr., Highland Springs, VA 23075
Open 8:45am-3:45pm on school days.
Area Served
Henrico, Highland Springs, and Varina High Schools.
Jobs for Virginia Graduates
Jobs for Virginia Graduates (JVG) assists at-risk and disadvantaged high school youth in graduating from high
school and transitioning from school to work.
Youth Services Offered
GED instruction, tutoring, employment training, life skills, financial
management instruction, mentoring, educational/vocational assessments.
Intended Population
At-risk and disadvantaged high school youth.
JVG serves students who possess a variety of academic, physical,
psychological, work-related and environmental barriers. JVG does not
emphasize any single barrier, but accepts students who face a variety of
barriers to overcome. JVG students historically possess an average of six
barriers: receive free or subsidized lunch; bottom or middle class standing
rank; inadequate or no work experience; lack marketable occupational skills;
have a past record of excessive school absences; low academic performance;
and have been suspended and expelled or put on probation during high school.
Youth Referral Process A school advisory committee composed of an administrator, guidance
counselor, and faculty representative identify and approve a roster of
disadvantaged/at-risk students.
Cost for Services
A $5,000 affiliation fee is paid by the school to JVG.
Contact Information
(804) 513-1931
1805 Monument Avenue, 6th floor, Suite 611, Richmond, VA 23220
P.O. Box 843061, Center for Public Policy, Virginia Commonwealth University,
923 West Franklin St., Richmond, VA 23284
Area Served
Work Experience/Skill Training
Partnership for the Future
Employers support rising juniors in good standing in paid internships, leadership development workshops, and
assistance in applying for college. Employers match the funds that interns save from their earnings. The
program is a three-summer, two-year commitment that begins the summer after a student’s sophomore year
and extends through the summer following the senior year of high school.
Youth Services Offered
College prep courses, personal development workshops, one-on-one
counseling and savings incentives. Partnership for the Future arranges college
visits and workplace internships for students to help them easily transition
from high school to college to the workplace. Year-round coaching and
activities for work and life skills are provided, as well as tutoring, employment
training, life skills development, mentoring, and educational/vocational
Intended Population
14–18 year old high school students with limited resources.
Participants must have a GPA of 3.0 or higher and attend a participating high
school. Partnership for the future seeks highly motivated high school freshmen
with limited resources.
Youth Referral Process Completed application.
Cost for Services
No fees for the student.
Contact Information
(804) 967-2559
4521 Highwoods Parkway, Glen Allen, VA 23060
Area Served
Henrico County, City of Richmond.
Progressive Adult Rehabilitation Center, Inc. (PARC)
PARC Sheltered Employment Program provides training and employment in a community rehabilitation facility.
Supported Employment Program provides job development, job placement, individualized training, support and
follow along services to individuals with disabilities placed in competitive jobs in the community.
Youth Services Offered
Supported employment, vocational rehabilitation, educational/vocational
Intended Population
Persons with disabilities.
Open to individuals with intellectual challenges.
Youth Referral Process No information provided. Call for details.
Cost for Services
Contact program for information.
Contact Information
(804) 732-0685
114 N. Union St., Ste. B, Petersburg, VA 23803
P.O. Box 2085, Petersburg, VA 23803
Area Served
Chesterfield County, Colonial Heights City, Dinwiddie County, Hopewell City,
Petersburg City, Prince George County.
2012 Youth Resource Directory
Richmond Department of Juvenile Justice Services – Adult Offender Re-entry Services
Services are designed to improve the employability, family life, health, and lawfulness of ex-offenders, as well as
to help them become productive and contributing citizens. Offender reentry services provided include jail-based
employment skills, jail-based social skills, and intensive case management services.
Youth Services Offered
Advocacy, financial aid education, employment training, life skills development,
mental health services/counseling, educational/vocational assessments.
Intended Population
Participation is limited to ex-offenders age 18 and older.
Youth Referral Process No information provided. Call for details.
Cost for Services
Contact program for information.
Contact Information
(804) 646-8955
501 N. Ninth St., Suite 1, Richmond, VA 23219
Area Served
Richmond City.
Richmond Public Schools – Richmond Technical Center
Career and technical education programs designed for high school students.
Youth Services Offered
Courses offered in technology and communication, auto and manufacturing,
medical services, construction, business and personal services. Employment
training and educational/vocational assessments available. Instruction
assistance available for students with special needs. All students earn OSHA
certification, take test for Career Readiness Certificate, and have option of
taking industry certification.
Intended Population
High school students.
Participation is open to any high school student in Richmond and surrounding
counties. Participation in some courses is based on the student’s academic
level. Most programs require a one to two year commitment.
Youth Referral Process All enrollment is done at home high school with counselor.
Cost for Services
No fee for tuition. Fees for kits or tools vary depending on program.
Contact Information
(804) 780-6237
2020 Westwood Ave., Richmond, VA 23230
Area Served
Charles City County, Chesterfield County, Hanover County, Henrico County,
New Kent County, Richmond City.
Work Experience/Skill Training
Virginia Commonwealth University – Project Search, Chesterfield County
Project Search provides education and employment training for youth with intellectual disabilities.
Youth Services Offered
Internship program with job placement support, employment training, life
skills, educational/vocational assessments.
Intended Population
Students with intellectual disabilities.
Must be 18–22 years old and in final year of school with an open case with
Department of Rehabilitative Services (DRS) and identified intellectual
disability or autism.
Youth Referral Process Steps in the youth referral process include referral from case manager,
attending an open house, applying to the program, interviewing, and committee
Cost for Services
No fee.
Contact Information
1314 W. Main St., Richmond, VA 23284
P.O. Box 842011, Richmond, VA 23284
Area Served
Chesterfield County Public School residents.
Virginia Commonwealth University – Project Search, Henrico County
Project Search provides education and employment training for youth with intellectual disabilities.
Youth Services Offered
Internship program with job placement support, employment training, financial
management guidance.
Intended Population
Students with autism spectrum disorders.
Candidates must be 18–22 years old, enrolled in a Henrico County High
School, have completed high school credits necessary for graduation, agree
that this will be the last year of high school, be willing to participate in three
assessments, meet eligibility requirements for Vocational Rehabilitation, utilize
public transportation when available, be willing to meet any requirements as
stipulated by Bon Secours, have no history of fire setting or substance abuse
activities, and have a desire and a plan to work competitively in the community
at the conclusion of the program.
Youth Referral Process Students must complete an application and submit it to the Project Director
by the due date. All applicants who meet the participation requirements are
interviewed and then accepted participants are randomized into one of two
programs: school-based or community-based.
Cost for Services
The only fee for participation in the community based program is the cost of
transportation to and from the host business.
Contact Information
(804) 828-6984
1314 W. Main St., Richmond, VA 23284
P.O. Box 842011, Richmond, VA 23284
Follows the same schedule as Henrico County Public Schools.
Area Served
Henrico County.
2012 Youth Resource Directory
Virginia Department of Juvenile Justice – Work Education Release Program (WERP)
WERP is a re-entry initiative focused on placing incarcerated youth in employment or higher education.
Youth Services Offered
Transportation to and from job site or college campus, allowance for clothing,
money saving guidance, hands-on job experience.
Intended Population
Youth who are committed to the Virginia Department of Juvenile Justice.
17–20 years old, have a GED or high school diploma, and pass program
Youth Referral Process Facility counselor makes referral.
Cost for Services
Contact program for information.
Contact Information
601 East Main Street, 20th Floor, Richmond, VA 23219
Area Served
Virginia Department of Juvenile Justice – Youth Industries Program
The Virginia Department of Juvenile Justice, in conjunction with the Virginia Department of Correctional
Education, developed the Youth Industries Program to train older, incarcerated youth who follow program
requirements and who do not have behavior issues. The program provides skill training in areas in which the
learned skills can be transitioned into employment opportunities in the community. Articles produced or
manufactured and services provided by participating juveniles may be sold to private, public, or non-profit
entities with resulting revenues targeted to support the Youth Industries Program.
Youth Services Offered
Youth work-training programs including advertising design and sign-making,
barbering, cook/food service apprenticeship, horticulture, printing and silkscreening. The program teaches marketable skills and positive workplace
behaviors and provides youth with work experience while in direct care.
Intended Population
Incarcerated juveniles.
Incarcerated youth who do not have behavior issues.
Youth Referral Process Youth are referred based on good behavior.
Cost for Services
Contact program for information.
Contact Information
(804) 323-2242 or (804) 323-2012
600 East Main Street, 20th Floor, Richmond, VA 23219
Area Served
Work Experience/Skill Training
Virginia Industries for the Blind
Virginia Industries for the Blind (VIB) provides training and other vocational rehabilitation services. It is the
enterprise arm of the Department for the Blind and Vision Impaired. Virginia Industries for the Blind has two
manufacturing plants (Richmond and Charlottesville), 19 base supply stores on various military installations
around the state, and several service contracts around the state. VIB works in conjunction with its local chapter,
Richmond Industries for the Blind.
Youth Services Offered
Vocational rehabilitation, supported employment, employment training, life
skills development, educational/vocational assessments.
Intended Population
Persons with blindness/visual impairments.
Participants are legally blind (as documented by a primary eye care physician)
adults age 18 to retirement, U.S. citizens or permanent residents, and have a
current picture ID and Social Security card.
Youth Referral Process Most often a person would be referred for vocational evaluation by his
counselor. Available jobs are listed on the state website and are filled through a
competitive interview process.
Cost for Services
No fee.
Contact Information
(804) 786-2057
1535 High St., Richmond, VA 23220
Area Served
2012 Youth Resource Directory
Employment Transition Center
The Employment Transition Center combines a variety of services into a single location, bringing together
employment services and a number of human services resources.
Youth Services Offered
Job training, employment and career services. WIA-eligible participants may
also receive intensive job search services, case management services, and
training services.
Intended Population
Dislocated workers: individuals who have been laid off or lost employment
due to mass layoffs, closures, restructuring. Usually, they must be eligible for
Unemployment Insurance Benefits.
Residents must been laid off from their jobs after Dec. 1, 2008.
Youth Referral Process Youth between the ages of 14–21 will be referred to either the in-school youth
program or out-of-school youth program. There is a written referral process.
Cost for Services
No fee.
Contact Information
(804) 273-6260
4060 Innslake Dr., Glen Allen, VA 23060
Area Served
Charles City County, Chesterfield County, Goochland County, Hanover County,
Henrico County, New Kent County, Powhatan County, Richmond City.
Resource Workforce Center – Midlothian Office
The Center offers a variety of career and support services, including employment guidance, training, and
placement assistance services to persons throughout the Greater Richmond region.
Youth Services Offered
Employment services, career guidance, occupational training, computer
training, supportive services to job search and maintaining employment, skill
assessments, labor market information and other tools.
Intended Population
Adult job seekers and dislocated workers in the Greater Richmond Region.
18 years or older, eligible to work in the US, registered for selective service if
male born after 1960, low income (or) dislocated worker.
Youth Referral Process Visit one our centers and sign up for an orientation session. Customers will
receive an application packet and a list of required verification documents for
WIA eligibility. To use the Employment Center room—and participate in public
workshops and employer events—no application is required.
Cost for Services
No fee.
Contact Information
(804) 675-9910
6301 Midlothian Turnpike, Midlothian, VA 23225
Monday – Thursday, 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Area Served
Charles City County, Chesterfield County, Goochland County, Hanover County,
Henrico County, New Kent County, Powhatan County, Richmond City.
2012 Youth Resource Directory
Resource Workforce Center – Chesterfield Office
The Center offers a variety of career and support services, including employment guidance, training, and
placement assistance services to persons throughout the Greater Richmond region.
Youth Services Offered
Employment services, career guidance, occupational training, computer
training, supportive services to job search and maintaining employment, skill
assessments, labor market information and other tools.
Intended Population
Adult job seekers and dislocated workers in the Greater Richmond Region.
18 years or older, eligible to work in the US, registered for selective service if
male born after 1960, low income (or) dislocated worker.
Youth Referral Process Visit one our centers and sign up for an orientation session. Customers will
receive an application packet and a list of required verification documents for
WIA eligibility. To use the Employment Center room—and participate in public
workshops and employer events—no application is required.
Cost for Services
No fee.
Contact Information
(804) 271-8510
7333 Whitepine Road, Chesterfield, VA 23237
Monday – Thursday, 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
Area Served
Charles City County, Chesterfield County, Goochland County, Hanover County,
Henrico County, New Kent County, Powhatan County, Richmond City.
Resource Workforce Center – Sandston Office
The Center offers a variety of career and support services, including employment guidance, training, and
placement assistance services to persons throughout the Greater Richmond region.
Youth Services Offered
Employment services, career guidance, occupational training, computer
training, supportive services to job search and maintaining employment, skill
assessments, labor market information and other tools.
Intended Population
Adult job seekers and dislocated workers in the Greater Richmond Region.
18 years or older, eligible to work in the US, registered for selective service if
male born after 1960, low income (or) dislocated worker.
Youth Referral Process Visit one our centers and sign up for an orientation session. Customers will
receive an application packet and a list of required verification documents for
WIA eligibility. To use the Employment Center room—and participate in public
workshops and employer events—no application is required.
Cost for Services
No fee.
Contact Information
(804) 226-0885
5410 Williamsburg Road, Sandston, VA 23150
Monday – Thursday, 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
Area Served
Charles City County, Chesterfield County, Goochland County, Hanover County,
Henrico County, New Kent County, Powhatan County, Richmond City.
Workforce Development Centers
Virginia Employment Commission (VEC) – Richmond Metro North Office
VEC services available to workers include job referral and placement, referral to training, and job search skill
building activities. The staff assist employers by screening and referring applicants for job vacancies and
providing critical labor market information for business and economic planning. Employment providers work
directly with local employers and job seekers to try to match people with positions that fit them. They also use
internet resources to make similar connections.
Youth Services Offered
Job bank/listing, employment and career services.
Intended Population
Unemployed or underemployed individuals and any person seeking
The VEC serves any individual in their workforce needs.
Youth Referral Process The process to begin receiving services is to register with the Virginia
Workforce Connection from the VEC homepage.
Cost for Services
No fee.
Contact Information
(804) 559-3133
8093 Elm Drive, Mechanicsville, VA 23111
P.O. Box 997, Mechanicsville, VA 23111
Area Served
Charles City County, Chesterfield County, Goochland County, Hanover County,
Henrico County, New Kent County, Powhatan County, Richmond City.
2012 Youth Resource Directory
Appendix A
A special thanks to the authors of the following regional service inventories and resources used in the
creation of this directory:
1. 2005 Workforce Development and Related Services Program Inventory for Youth, Capital Area
Workforce Investment Board Youth Council
2. Area 9 Capital Region Quick Reference Guide, Capital Area Workforce Investment Board Youth
3. Building Bridges to New Beginnings Employment Guide, United Way of Greater Richmond and
4. Chesterfield Youth Services Directory (digital database), Chesterfield County, Department of Youth
Planning and Development
5. Community-based Transitional Services Approved Provider Directory, FY 2012 Statewide Listing,
Virginia Department of Juvenile Justice, Division of Operations
6. Direct data transmittal from 2-1-1 Virginia (obtained by special request), United Way of Greater
Richmond and Petersburg
7. Employment Resource Guide, Virginia Community College System
8. Henrico Youth Resource Guide, Henrico County Prevention Services
9. Probation and Parole Offices and Special Program Facilities Community Facilities Directory, Virginia
Department of Corrections
10.Youth Services Guide Agency Listing, Chesterfield County, Department of Youth Planning and
11.Youth Services Guide Agency Listing by Service, Chesterfield County, Department of Youth Planning
and Development
12.Greater Richmond Region Cradle to Career Landscape Mapping Survey, Youth Development
Partnership, United Way of Greater Richmond and Petersburg.
2012 Youth Resource Directory
Appendix B
Training Providers
The information provided in this table was collected from the Virginia Workforce Connection’s labor market data portal, which
can be accessed from the “Education and Training” section of
Program listings have not been verified for the purposes of the Youth Resource Directory. As a result, individuals interested in
a program should confirm program information and availability with the relevant training provider.
Abrial Training Center
4907 Fitzhugh Ave., Ste 203
Richmond, VA 23230
Nurse Aide
Accuhealth Educational Systems
6966 Forest Hill Avenue
Richmond, VA 23225
Nurse Aide
Trade Adjustment Assistance* Training
Alliance for Seniors Inc.
6966B Forest Hill Ave
Richmond, VA 23225
Nurse Aide
Asher Comprehensive Training
305 Plazaview Road
Richmond, VA 23224
Medication Aide
Nurses Aid
Nursing Assistant
Trade Adjustment Assistance* Training
Beauty and Barber College of
7728 Midlothian Turnpike
Richmond, VA 23235
Bon Secours St Mary’s Hospital
School of Nursing
8550 Magellan Parkway, Suite
Richmond, VA 23227
Nurse Training
Bon Secours St Mary’s Hospital
School of Medical Imaging
8550 Magellan Parkway, Suite
Richmond, VA 23227
Radiological Technician
Braxton School
3600 W Broad Street, Suite 190
Richmond, VA 23230
Accounting Technician
Administrative Assistant/Secretarial
Bryant and Stratton College
8141 Hull Street Road
Richmond, VA 23235
Administrative Assistant and Secretarial
Criminal Justice
Computer and Information Sciences
Human Resources Specialist
Medical Administrative Assisting
Medical Assisting
Medical Billing
Medical Records Technician
Paralegal Studies
Professional Medical Coding
Network Technology
Trade Adjustment Assistance* Training
Centura College
7914 Midlothian Turnpike
Richmond, VA 23235
Medical Billing and Coding Specialist
Practical Nursing
Medical Assisting
Trade Adjustment Assistance* Training
2012 Youth Resource Directory
Chesterfield County Adult
10101 Courthouse Road
Chesterfield, VA 23832
Building Trades
Computers and Technology
Dental Assistant
Medical Assisting
Medical Billing/Coding
Nurse Assistant
Trade Adjustment Assistance* Training
Community College Workforce
1630 E Parham Road
Richmond, VA 23228
Computers and Technology
Trade Apprenticeships
Trade Adjustment Assistance* Training
Companion Extraordinaire
Nursing Network, Inc.
112 England Street
Ashland, VA 23005
Certified Nurse’s Aide
Personal Care Aide
Derma Elite Academy
9780-B Midlothian Tnpk
Richmond, VA 23235
Trade Adjustment Assistance* Training
Dominion Professional Careers
501 E Franklin Street Ste 14
Richmond, VA 23219
Medication Aide
Nursing Assistant
4305 Cox Road
Glen Allen, VA 23060
Business Systems Administration
Database Programming
Electronics Engineering
Medical Imaging
Network Security
Simulation/Game Programming
Web Development
Trade Adjustment Assistance* Training
800 Moorefield Park Dr
Richmond, VA 23236
Business Systems Administration
Computer Network Technology
Fiber Optics Installer and Fiber Optics
Information Technology Networking
Information Technology Web Development
Information Technology/Computer
Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer
Network and Router Administration
ECPI College of Technology
ECPI Technical College
Appendix B: Middle-Skill Training Providers in the Capital Region WIA
Electrical Equipment Company
1807 Boulevard West
Richmond, VA 23230
Electrical Safety
Trade Adjustment Assistance* Training
Empire Beauty School Midlothian
10807 Hull Street Rd
Midlothian, VA 23112
Fortis College
2000 Westmoreland Street,
Suite A
Richmond, VA 23230
Administrative Assistant/Secretarial
Dental Assistant
Laboratory Certificates
Massage Therapy
Medical Assistant
Practical Nursing
Surgical Technology
Trade Adjustment Assistance* Training
GIT Services
1311 High Point Avenue
Richmond, VA 23230
System and Network Administrator
GIT Services
501 E Franklin Street Ste 629
Richmond, VA 23219
Microsoft Certificates
Oracle Certificates
Health Careers Institute
8748 Landmark Road
Richmond, VA 23228
Nursing Assistant
Heart of Virginia Aviation
11152 Air Park Road
Ashland, VA 23005
Flight Training
Trade Adjustment Assistance* Training
Henrico County Public Schools,
St. Mary’s Practical Nursing
201 East Nine Mile Road
Highland Springs, VA 23075
Nurse Aide
Practical Nursing (LPN Training)
Highland Springs Technical
3820 Nine Mile Road
Henrico, VA 23223
Career Readiness
Medical Billing/Coding
Pharmacy tech
Practical Nursing (LPN Training)
Technology/Industrial Training
Trade Adjustment Assistance* Training
Independent Insurance Agents of
8600 Mayland Drive
Richmond, VA 23297
P&C Prelicensing Course
Institute of Advanced Medical
8527 Mayland Drive, Suite 108
Richmond, VA 23294
Basic and Master Combo of Esthetician
ITT Technical Institute Richmond
300 Gateway Centre Pkwy
Richmond, VA 23235
Electrical, Electronic, and
Communications Engineering
2012 Youth Resource Directory
Lucy Corr Village
6800 Lucy Corr Blvd.
Chesterfield, VA 23832
Nurse Aide
Media General - Tri-Cities
Southwest Virginia Regional
P.O. Box 25876
Richmond, VA 23260
Trade Adjustment Assistance* Training
MG School of Health Professions
1506 Staples Mill Road
Richmond, VA 23230
Nursing Assistant
Mirror Enterprise Inc.
1520 West Main Street, Suite 101
Richmond, VA 23220
Job Readiness Training
Moseley-Flint Schools of Real
Estate, Inc.
8543 Mayland Dr
Richmond, VA 23219
Fundamentals of Appraisal
New Horizons Computer
Learning Center
7501 Boulders View Drive, Suite
Richmond, VA 23225
Business Skills
Cisco Courses
Microsoft Software
Information Technology
Professional Career Institute
9200 Arboretum Parkway Suite
Richmond, VA 23236
Medication Aid
Nurse Aide Training
Personal Care Aide
Retail University Inc.
5101 Monument Ave
Richmond, VA 23230
Retail Institute
Richmond Academy of Massage
2004 Bremo Road, Suite 102
Richmond, VA 23226
Massage Therapy
Richmond School of Health and
9325-C Midlothian Turnpike
Richmond, VA 23236
Massage Therapy
Medical Billing/Coding
Pharmacy Technician
Practical Nursing
Radiological Technician
Trade Adjustment Assistance* Training
Richmond School of Health and
1601 Willow Lawn Drive, Suite
Richmond, VA 23230
Medical/Clinical Assistant
Nurse Aide
Pharmacy Technician/Assistant
Practical Nurse (LPN Training)
Richmond Technical Center
2020 Westwood Avenue
Richmond, VA 23230
Certified Nursing Assistance
Computer Training
Licensed Practical Nursing
Trade and Industry
Appendix B: Middle-Skill Training Providers in the Capital Region WIA
Richmond Technical Center/Adult
Evening Technical Center
2020 Westwood Avenue RTCSouth
Richmond, VA 23230
Automotive Welding
Tradesman Certifications
2020 Westwood Avenue RTCSouth
2015 Seddon Way RTC North
Richmond, VA 23230
Automotive - Apprenticeship completers
Food services - Apprenticeship
HVAC - Apprenticeship completers
Nursing - Apprenticeship completers
Personal Care Services - Apprenticeship
Trades - Apprenticeship completers
Welding - Apprenticeship completers
2820 Waterford Lake Drive, Suite
Midlothian, VA 23112
Acquisition/Contract Management
Business Administration
Criminal Justice
Information Systems
Trade Adjustment Assistance* Training
Strayer University - Henrico
11501 Nuckols Road
Glen Allen, VA 23059
Acquisition/Contract Management
Business Administration
Criminal Justice
Information Systems
Swift Driving Academy
6110 Jefferson Davis Hwy
Richmond, VA 23234
Truck Driving
The Art of Hair Academy, Inc.
1584 Mountain Road
Glen Allen, VA 23060
Nail Instructor
3600 W. Broad Street Suite 190
Richmond, VA 23230
Accounting Technology/Technician
Cardiovascular Technician
Legal Assistant/Paralegal
Trade Adjustment Assistance* Training
Richmond Technical Institute
Strayer University - Chesterfield
The Braxton School
2012 Youth Resource Directory
The Braxton School of Virginia
4917 August Avenue
Richmond, VA 23230
Administrative Assistant
Computerized Accounting
Legal Administrative Assistant
Medical Administrative Assistant
The Medical Society of Virginia
2924 Emerywood Parkway, Suite
Richmond, VA 23294
Professional Medical Coder
UPAL Lead Safe Housing
480 Old Warwick Road
Richmond, VA 23224
Lead Community Training
Virginia Barber School
1152 Wilkinson Road
Richmond, VA 23227
Virginia Capital School of Hair
Technology, Inc.
65 Laburnum Avenue
Richmond, VA 23223
Barbering and Cosmetology
Virginia College
7200 Midlothian Turnpike
Richmond, VA 23225
Administrative Office Management
Business Administration
Culinary Arts
Health Care Reimbursement Specialist
Medical Assistant
Medical Billing and Coding
Medical Office Management
Occupational Therapy Assistant
Pastry Arts
Pharmacy Technician
Surgical Technology
Therapeutic Massage
Virginia Forklift Inc
P.O. Box 24307
1501 Jefferson Davis Highway
Richmond, VA 23224
Forklift Operator
Forklift Technician
Virginia Manufacturers
P.O. Box 412
830 W Main St, Suite 2000
Richmond, VA 23219
Industrial Energy Auditor
VCATS Manufacturing Technical Level 1
* Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA) training helps trade-affected workers who have lost their jobs as a result of increased imports
or shifts in production out of the United States. Training is provided to certified workers who do not have the skills to secure suitable
employment in the existing labor market. For further information, see
Appendix B: Middle-Skill Training Providers in the Capital Region WIA
Appendix C
A New You Transitional Living, LLC – Transitional Housing/Independent Living Program..........................73
Associated Educational Services of Virginia, Inc. – Metropolitan Day School...............................................18
At Work Personnel and Medical Services.......................................................................................................95
Boaz and Ruth, Inc...........................................................................................................................................95
Bread of Life Resource and Food Center, Inc.................................................................................................96
Boys and Girls Clubs of Metro Richmond.......................................................................................................39
Capital Area Partnership Uplifting People (CAPUP) – Project Discovery......................................................52
Capital Area Partnership Uplifting People (CAPUP) – Virginia CARES..........................................................73
Carr and Sons, Inc. – One Brush Many Opportunities...................................................................................96
Charity Family Life – After School Tutorial Program and Summer Enlightenment Program......................92
Chesterfield Community Services Board – Chesterfield Employment Services (CES).................................97
Chesterfield County – Adolescent Reporting Program..................................................................................74
Chesterfield County Police Department – Explorer Post 609........................................................................52
Chesterfield County Public Schools – Adult Continuing Education Program...............................................12
Chesterfield County Public Schools – CCPSOnline........................................................................................18
Chesterfield County Public Schools – Chesterfield Career and Technical Education
Program at Home High Schools....................................................................................................................97
Chesterfield County Public Schools – Chesterfield Specialty Centers within
Traditional High Schools...............................................................................................................................40
Chesterfield County Public Schools – Chesterfield Technical Center...........................................................98
Chesterfield Technical Center – VADA Automotive Youth Education Partnership........................................98
Chesterfield/Colonial Heights Department of Social Services – Virginia Initiative
for Employment not Welfare..........................................................................................................................74
Church Hill Activities and Tutoring (CHAT).....................................................................................................92
City of Richmond – Economic and Community Development........................................................................99
Commonwealth Catholic Charities – Refugee Unaccompanied Minors Program........................................75
Commonwealth Catholic Charities – Resettlement Services for Refugees..................................................75
Commonwealth Catholic Charities – Therapeutic and Refugee Foster Care...............................................76
Communities In Schools – Communities In Schools of Chesterfield............................................................41
Communities In Schools – Communities In Schools of Richmond...............................................................41
Community College Workforce Alliance.........................................................................................................99
Community Futures Foundation – The Mill House.........................................................................................76
Creative Youth Concepts – Essentials of Liberation and Maturation (ELAM)................................................61
Creative Youth Concepts – Self-empowerment, Self-motivation and Education (SASSY)............................61
Creative Youth Concepts – Therapeutic Day Treatment.................................................................................42
Delta House, LLC – Residential Services........................................................................................................77
Department of Correctional Education – Bon Air Expansion Juvenile Correctional Center........................19
Department of Correctional Education – Paul S. Blandford School..............................................................19
Department of Correctional Education – Transition Program.......................................................................20
Dominion Youth Services – Day School...........................................................................................................42
East District Family Resource Center.............................................................................................................93
Easter Seals UCP North Carolina and Virginia, Inc. – Project SUCCESS......................................................77
ECMC Foundation – The College Place - Richmond......................................................................................34
Appendix C: Alphabetical Program Listing
Elk Hill Farm, Inc. – Harambee Day Education Program...............................................................................20
Elk Hill Farm, Inc. – Varina Day School...........................................................................................................21
Embrace Richmond.......................................................................................................................................100
Faison School for Autism.................................................................................................................................21
Family Resolutions Services II (FRS)...............................................................................................................34
Goochland County Public Schools – Goochland High - Special Education and Transition Program.....................22
Goochland-Powhatan Community Services Board – Monacan Services.....................................................100
Goodwill of Central Virginia – Basic Education Classes...............................................................................101
Goodwill of Central Virginia – Community Employment Centers................................................................101
Goodwill of Central Virginia – Employment Specialist Assistance..............................................................102
Goodwill of Central Virginia – Group Training...............................................................................................102
Goodwill of Central Virginia – Hands On Training.........................................................................................103
Goodwill of Central Virginia – Individual Assessment..................................................................................103
Grafton School, Inc..........................................................................................................................................22
Greater Richmond ARC – Industrial and Day Support Services..................................................................104
Hanover County Community Services Board – Employment Training.........................................................104
Hanover County Community Services Board – Intellectual Disabilities Case Management........................78
Hanover County Community Services Board – Prevention and Community
Education Services.........................................................................................................................................78
Hanover County Department of Community Resources – Hanover’s Promise.............................................62
Hanover County Department of Social Services.............................................................................................79
Hanover County Public Schools – Hanover Center for Trades and Technology..........................................105
Hanover County Public Schools – Job Coaching Program for Special Education........................................23
Hanover Health Department – Resource Mothers.........................................................................................79
Hanover Juvenile Correctional Center – Junior Reserve Officers Training Program (JROTC)...................105
Henrico Area Mental Health and Developmental Services – Club House.....................................................80
Henrico Area Mental Health and Developmental Services – CONNECT Program.......................................43
Henrico Area Mental Health and Developmental Services – Teen Job Preparatory Program.....................35
Henrico County Division of Fire – Boy Scouts of America Learning for Life Explorer Post........................106
Henrico County Public Schools – Hermitage Technical Center...................................................................106
Henrico County Public Schools – High Tech Academy - Highland Springs Technical Center....................107
Henrico County Public Schools – Highland Springs Adult Education Center.............................................105
Henrico County Public Schools – Highland Springs Technical Center........................................................107
Henrico County Public Schools – The Academy at Virginia Randolph...........................................................23
Henrico County Vocational/Technical Education Foundation, Inc. – House Building Project.....................108
Employment Transition Center......................................................................................................................116
Highland Springs Technical Center – Springer Daycare..............................................................................108
Highland Springs Technical Center – VADA Automotive Youth Education Partnership..............................109
Hilliard House – Aftercare Program................................................................................................................80
Hilltop Promises and The Frogs Place............................................................................................................81
J. Sargeant Reynolds Community College – ESL Services............................................................................81
J. Sargeant Reynolds Community College – Great Expectations..................................................................68
J. Sargeant Reynolds Community College – Middle College.........................................................................69
2012 Youth Resource Directory
Jobs for Virginia Graduates...........................................................................................................................109
John Tyler Community College – Great Expectations....................................................................................70
John Tyler Community College – On Ramp....................................................................................................13
John Tyler Community College – Tech Prep/Career Pathways/Career
Coaches/PEER Consortium...........................................................................................................................43
Junior Achievement of Central Virginia, Inc...................................................................................................53
Main Street Management Group, LLC – Youth Skill Development Workshops.............................................35
Mosby Resource Center...................................................................................................................................82
National Guard Youth Challenge Program – The Virginia Commonwealth Challenge Academy..........................62
Neighborhood Resource Center of Greater Fulton Hill (NRC).......................................................................44
Offender Aid and Restoration (OAR) of Richmond, Inc...................................................................................82
Open Arms Residential Services, LLC............................................................................................................83
Partnership for the Future.............................................................................................................................110
Peter Paul Development Center, Inc...............................................................................................................44
Powhatan County Public Schools – Adult Education Program......................................................................13
Powhatan County Social Services – Virginia Initiative for Employment not Welfare (VIEW).........................83
Precious Blessing Academy............................................................................................................................24
Pregnancy Resource Center of Metro Richmond...........................................................................................84
Progressive Adult Rehabilitation Center, Inc. (PARC)..................................................................................110
Project Return..................................................................................................................................................24
Rappahannock Community College – Adult Education Program..................................................................14
Rappahannock Community College – Middle College...................................................................................70
Rappahannock Community College – On Ramp.............................................................................................14
Rappahannock Community College – Student Services/Trio........................................................................71
Rappahannock Community College – Workforce and Youth Services (WAYS)...............................................71
Resource Workforce Center – Chesterfield Office........................................................................................117
Resource Workforce Center – Midlothian Office...........................................................................................116
Resource Workforce Center – Sandston Office.............................................................................................117
Resources for Independent Living, Inc. – Independent Living Center...........................................................84
Resource Youth Network: In-School Programs..............................................................................................45
Richmond City Department of Public Health – Resource Mothers...............................................................85
Richmond City Police Department – Richmond Police Athletic League.......................................................63
Richmond City Social Services – Independent Living.....................................................................................85
Richmond City Social Services – Virginia Initiative for Employment not Welfare (VIEW)..............................86
Richmond Department of Justice Services – Juvenile Community Based Services.....................................86
Richmond Department of Juvenile Justice Services – Adult Offender Re-entry Services.........................111
Richmond Hill – Armstrong Leadership Program..........................................................................................53
Richmond Mayor’s Office – The Mayor’s Youth Academy...............................................................................54
Richmond Organization for Sexual Minority Youth (ROSMY) – Youth Engaged in Leadership......................55
Richmond Outreach Center – Choice Positive................................................................................................25
Richmond Outreach Center – GED Classes....................................................................................................15
Richmond Outreach Center – Hustler’s Academy..........................................................................................25
Appendix C: Alphabetical Program Listing
Richmond Outreach Center – Paul’s Prison Ministry/Beaumont Juvenile Detention
Center/James River Detention Center/Isaiah’s Hope..................................................................................26
Richmond Outreach Center – The Chosen.....................................................................................................55
Richmond Outreach Center – Violence-Free Zone--Armstrong High School and
the Center for Neighborhood Enterprise......................................................................................................27
Richmond Outreach Center – Violence-Free Zone--George Wythe High School and
the Center for Neighborhood Enterprise......................................................................................................27
Richmond Public Schools – Adult Career Development Center....................................................................28
Richmond Public Schools – Amelia Street Special Education School..........................................................29
Richmond Public Schools – Homebound/Home-Based Instruction.............................................................29
Richmond Public Schools – Hospital Education Program.............................................................................87
Richmond Public Schools – R.E.A.L. School..................................................................................................30
Richmond Public Schools – Richmond Technical Center............................................................................111
Richmond Public Schools – Richmond Technical Center - Adult Education................................................15
Richmond Redevelopment and Housing Authority – Family Services and
Community Relations Department...............................................................................................................87
Richmond Students Reaching Students.........................................................................................................63
St. Joseph’s Villa – Brook Road Academy.......................................................................................................47
St. Joseph’s Villa – Career and Transition Services.......................................................................................47
St. Joseph’s Villa – Sarah Dooley Center for Autism......................................................................................30
St. Joseph’s Villa – The Dooley School............................................................................................................31
St. Joseph’s Villa – The Dooley School for Alternative Education..................................................................31
State Council of Higher Education for Virginia – I am the One......................................................................36
Strategies To Elevate People (STEP) – Victory Tutoring.................................................................................93
Teens on the Go! – Resource Center...............................................................................................................48
The Active Hand Ministry (TAHM) – People Agreeing for a Change...............................................................56
The Choice Group.............................................................................................................................................36
The Newman Group – Crossover Mentoring...................................................................................................64
The Virginia Project for Children and Young Adults with Deaf-Blindness.....................................................88
United Methodist Family Services of Virginia (UMFS) – Project LIFE............................................................88
U-TURN, Inc.....................................................................................................................................................48
Virginia Adult Learning Resource Center – GED Helpline.............................................................................16
Virginia Board for People with Disabilities – Youth Leadership Forum (YLF)................................................56
Virginia Commonwealth University – Care Connection for Children.............................................................89
Virginia Commonwealth University – Center for Psychological Services and Development........................37
Virginia Commonwealth University – Project Search - Chesterfield County...............................................110
Virginia Commonwealth University – Project Search - Henrico County......................................................110
Virginia Commonwealth University – Rehabilitation Research and Training Center (VCU-RRTC).....................89
Virginia Commonwealth University Alumni Association –Mentoring Program.............................................65
Virginia Community College System – Virginia Education Wizard.................................................................37
Virginia Cooperative Extension – 4-H..............................................................................................................57
Virginia Council of Churches – The Elizabeth Project....................................................................................65
Virginia Department of Juvenile Justice – Mentoring Program.....................................................................64
2012 Youth Resource Directory
Virginia Department of Juvenile Justice – Work Education Release Program (WERP)..............................113
Virginia Department of Juvenile Justice – Youth Industries Program.........................................................113
Virginia Department of Labor and Industry – Registered Apprenticeships...................................................67
Virginia Department of Rehabilitative Services – Henrico Office...................................................................90
Virginia Employment Commission (VEC) – Richmond - Metro North Office...............................................116
Virginia Hispanic Chamber of Commerce – Resource Center.......................................................................90
Virginia Home for Boys and Girls – Alternative School..................................................................................32
Virginia Industries for the Blind....................................................................................................................114
William Byrd Community House (WBCH).......................................................................................................57
YMCA of Greater Richmond – Black Achievers...............................................................................................50
YMCA of Greater Richmond – Club Locations................................................................................................49
YMCA of Greater Richmond – Leaders’ Club..................................................................................................58
YMCA of Greater Richmond – Metro Teens.....................................................................................................59
YMCA of Greater Richmond – Youth in Government Model General Assembly.............................................59
Appendix C: Alphabetical Program Listing
Appendix D
Program Listing by
Programs serving youth who are immigrants or refugees:
Carr and Sons, Inc. – One Brush Many Opportunities...................................................................................96
Commonwealth Catholic Charities – Refugee Unaccompanied Minors Program........................................75
Commonwealth Catholic Charities – Resettlement Services for Refugees..................................................75
Commonwealth Catholic Charities – Therapeutic and Refugee Foster Care...............................................76
Henrico County Public Schools – Highland Springs Adult Education Center.............................................105
Main Street Management Group, LLC – Youth Skill Development Workshops.............................................35
Open Arms Residential Services, LLC............................................................................................................83
Resource Workforce Center – Chesterfield Office........................................................................................117
Resource Workforce Center – Midlothian Office...........................................................................................116
Resource Workforce Center – Sandston Office.............................................................................................117
Richmond Outreach Center – GED Classes....................................................................................................15
Virginia Home for Boys and Girls – Alternative School..................................................................................32
Programs serving youth who are involved with the courts:
A New You Transitional Living, LLC – Transitional Housing/Independent Living Program..........................73
At Work Personnel and Medical Services.......................................................................................................95
Boaz and Ruth, Inc...........................................................................................................................................95
Capital Area Partnership Uplifting People (CAPUP) – Virginia CARES..........................................................73
Carr and Sons, Inc. – One Brush Many Opportunities...................................................................................96
Chesterfield County – Adolescent Reporting Program..................................................................................74
Chesterfield County Public Schools – Adult Continuing Education Program...............................................12
Chesterfield/Colonial Heights Department of Social Services – Virginia Initiative for
Employment not Welfare...............................................................................................................................74
Community Futures Foundation – The Mill House.........................................................................................76
Department of Correctional Education – Bon Air Expansion Juvenile Correctional Center........................19
Department of Correctional Education – Paul S. Blandford School..............................................................19
Department of Correctional Education – Transition Program.......................................................................20
Dominion Youth Services – Day School...........................................................................................................42
Elk Hill Farm, Inc. – Varina Day School...........................................................................................................21
Family Resolutions Services II (FRS)...............................................................................................................34
Hanover Juvenile Correctional Center – Junior Reserve Officers Training Program (JROTC)...................105
Hilltop Promises and The Frogs Place............................................................................................................81
Main Street Management Group, LLC – Youth Skill Development Workshops.............................................35
National Guard Youth Challenge Program – The Virginia Commonwealth Challenge Academy....................62
Neighborhood Resource Center of Greater Fulton Hill (NRC).......................................................................44
Offender Aid and Restoration (OAR) of Richmond, Inc...................................................................................82
Rappahannock Community College – Workforce and Youth Services (WAYS)...............................................71
Resource Workforce Center – Chesterfield Office........................................................................................117
Resource Workforce Center – Midlothian Office...........................................................................................116
Resource Workforce Center – Sandston Office.............................................................................................117
Richmond Department of Justice Services – Juvenile Community Based Services.....................................86
Richmond Department of Juvenile Justice Services – Adult Offender Re-entry Services.........................111
Appendix D: Program Listing by Intended Population
Richmond Outreach Center – Choice Positive................................................................................................25
Richmond Outreach Center – GED Classes....................................................................................................15
Richmond Outreach Center – Hustler’s Academy..........................................................................................25
Richmond Outreach Center – Paul’s Prison Ministry/Beaumont Juvenile Detention
Center/James River Detention Center/Isaiah’s Hope..................................................................................26
Richmond Outreach Center – Violence-Free Zone--Armstrong High School and the
Center for Neighborhood Enterprise............................................................................................................27
Richmond Outreach Center – Violence-Free Zone--George Wythe High School and the
Center for Neighborhood Enterprise............................................................................................................27
Teens on the Go! – Resource Center...............................................................................................................48
The Active Hand Ministry (TAHM) – People Agreeing for a Change...............................................................56
Virginia Home for Boys and Girls – Alternative School..................................................................................32
Virginia Department of Juvenile Justice – Mentoring Program.....................................................................64
Virginia Department of Juvenile Justice – Youth Industries Program.........................................................113
Virginia Department of Juvenile Justice – Work Education Release Program.................................................
Programs serving youth with intellectual disabilities:
A New You Transitional Living, LLC – Transitional Housing/Independent Living Program..........................73
Associated Educational Services of Virginia, Inc. – Metropolitan Day School...............................................18
At Work Personnel and Medical Services.......................................................................................................95
Carr and Sons, Inc. – One Brush Many Opportunities...................................................................................96
Chesterfield Community Services Board – Chesterfield Employment Services (CES).................................97
Community Futures Foundation – The Mill House.........................................................................................76
Dominion Youth Services – Day School...........................................................................................................42
Easter Seals UCP North Carolina and Virginia, Inc. – Project SUCCESS......................................................77
Faison School for Autism.................................................................................................................................21
Goochland County Public Schools – Goochland High - Special Education
and Transition Program.................................................................................................................................22
Goochland-Powhatan Community Services Board – Monacan Services.....................................................100
Goodwill of Central Virginia – Employment Specialist Assistance..............................................................102
Goodwill of Central Virginia – Group Training...............................................................................................102
Goodwill of Central Virginia – Hands On Training.........................................................................................103
Goodwill of Central Virginia – Individual Assessment..................................................................................103
Grafton School, Inc..........................................................................................................................................22
Greater Richmond ARC – Industrial and Day Support Services..................................................................104
Hanover Community Services Board – Intellectual Disabilities Case Management....................................78
Hanover County Community Services Board – Employment Training.........................................................104
Hanover County Public Schools – Job Coaching Program for Special Education........................................23
Hanover Juvenile Correctional Center – Junior Reserve Officers Training Program (JROTC)...................105
Henrico Area Mental Health and Developmental Services – Club House.....................................................80
Henrico Area Mental Health and Developmental Services – Teen Job Preparatory Program.....................35
Hilltop Promises and The Frogs Place............................................................................................................81
Progressive Adult Rehabilitation Center, Inc. (PARC)..................................................................................110
2012 Youth Resource Directory
Rappahannock Community College – Workforce and Youth Services (WAYS)...............................................71
Resource Workforce Center – Chesterfield Office........................................................................................117
Resource Workforce Center – Midlothian Office...........................................................................................116
Resource Workforce Center – Sandston Office.............................................................................................117
Richmond Outreach Center – GED Classes....................................................................................................15
Richmond Outreach Center – Violence-Free Zone--Armstrong High School and the
Center for Neighborhood Enterprise...........................................................................................................27
Richmond Outreach Center – Violence-Free Zone--George Wythe High School and the
Center for Neighborhood Enterprise...........................................................................................................27
Richmond Public Schools – Amelia Street Special Education School..........................................................29
Richmond Public Schools – R.E.A.L. School..................................................................................................30
St. Joseph’s Villa – Career and Transition Services.......................................................................................47
St. Joseph’s Villa – Sarah Dooley Center for Autism......................................................................................30
St. Joseph’s Villa – The Dooley School............................................................................................................31
Teens on the Go! – Resource Center...............................................................................................................48
The Choice Group.............................................................................................................................................36
Virginia Board for People with Disabilities – Youth Leadership Forum (YLF)...............................................54
Virginia Commonwealth University – Care Connection for Children.............................................................89
Virginia Commonwealth University – Center for Psychological Services and Development........................37
Virginia Commonwealth University – Project Search - Chesterfield County...............................................110
Virginia Commonwealth University – Project Search - Henrico County......................................................110
Virginia Commonwealth University – Rehabilitation Research and Training Center (VCU-RRTC)...................89
Virginia Department of Rehabilitative Services – Henrico Office...................................................................90
Virginia Home for Boys and Girls – Alternative School..................................................................................32
Projects serving youth with physical disabilities:
At Work Personnel and Medical Services.......................................................................................................95
Community Futures Foundation – The Mill House.........................................................................................76
Easter Seals UCP North Carolina and Virginia, Inc. – Project SUCCESS......................................................77
Goochland County Public Schools – Goochland High - Special Education and
Transition Program.......................................................................................................................................22
Goodwill of Central Virginia – Employment Specialist Assistance..............................................................102
Goodwill of Central Virginia – Hands On Training.........................................................................................103
Goodwill of Central Virginia – Individual Assessment..................................................................................103
Hilltop Promises and The Frogs Place............................................................................................................81
Main Street Management Group, LLC – Youth Skill Development Workshops.............................................35
Rappahannock Community College – Workforce and Youth Services (WAYS)...............................................71
Resource Workforce Center – Chesterfield Office........................................................................................117
Resource Workforce Center – Midlothian Office...........................................................................................116
Resource Workforce Center – Sandston Office.............................................................................................117
Richmond Outreach Center – GED Classes....................................................................................................15
Richmond Public Schools – Amelia Street Special Education School..........................................................29
Richmond Public Schools – Hospital Education Program.............................................................................87
Appendix D: Program Listing by Intended Population
Teens on the Go! – Resource Center...............................................................................................................48
The Choice Group.............................................................................................................................................36
The Virginia Project for Children and Young Adults with Deaf-Blindness.....................................................88
Virginia Board for People with Disabilities – Youth Leadership Forum (YLF)...............................................54
Virginia Commonwealth University – Care Connection for Children.............................................................89
Virginia Commonwealth University – Center for Psychological Services and Development........................37
Virginia Commonwealth University – Rehabilitation Research and
Training Center (VCU-RRTC)...........................................................................................................................
Virginia Department of Rehabilitative Services – Henrico Office...................................................................90
Virginia Industries for the Blind....................................................................................................................114
Projects serving youth who have dropped out of high school:
At Work Personnel and Medical Services.......................................................................................................95
Carr and Sons, Inc. – One Brush Many Opportunities...................................................................................96
Chesterfield County Public Schools – Adult Continuing Education Program...............................................12
Communities In Schools – Communities In Schools of Chesterfield............................................................41
Family Resolutions Services II (FRS)...............................................................................................................34
Goodwill of Central Virginia – Individual Assessment..................................................................................103
Henrico County Public Schools – Highland Springs Adult Education Center.............................................105
Hilltop Promises and The Frogs Place............................................................................................................81
J. Sargeant Reynolds Community College – Middle College.........................................................................69
Main Street Management Group, LLC – Youth Skill Development Workshops.............................................35
National Guard Youth Challenge Program – The Virginia Commonwealth Challenge Academy....................62
Rappahannock Community College – Middle College...................................................................................70
Rappahannock Community College – Workforce and Youth Services (WAYS)...............................................71
Resource Workforce Center – Chesterfield Office........................................................................................117
Resource Workforce Center – Midlothian Office...........................................................................................116
Resource Workforce Center – Sandston Office.............................................................................................117
Richmond Outreach Center – GED Classes....................................................................................................15
Richmond Public Schools – Adult Career Development Center....................................................................28
Richmond Students Reaching Students.........................................................................................................63
Teens on the Go! – Resource Center...............................................................................................................48
The Active Hand Ministry (TAHM) – People Agreeing for a Change...............................................................56
Virginia Adult Learning Resource Center – GED Helpline.............................................................................16
Virginia Home for Boys and Girls – Alternative School..................................................................................32
Projects serving youth who have run away from home:
A New You Transitional Living, LLC – Transitional Housing/Independent Living Program..........................73
Embrace Richmond.......................................................................................................................................100
Family Resolutions Services II (FRS)...............................................................................................................34
Hilltop Promises and The Frogs Place............................................................................................................81
Main Street Management Group, LLC – Youth Skill Development Workshops.............................................35
Open Arms Residential Services, LLC............................................................................................................83
2012 Youth Resource Directory
Rappahannock Community College – Workforce and Youth Services (WAYS)...............................................71
Resource Workforce Center – Chesterfield Office........................................................................................117
Resource Workforce Center – Midlothian Office...........................................................................................116
Resource Workforce Center – Sandston Office.............................................................................................117
Richmond Outreach Center – Choice Positive................................................................................................25
Richmond Outreach Center – GED Classes....................................................................................................15
Richmond Outreach Center – Hustler’s Academy..........................................................................................25
Richmond Outreach Center – Violence-Free Zone--Armstrong High School and the
Center for Neighborhood Enterprise............................................................................................................27
Richmond Outreach Center – Violence-Free Zone--George Wythe High School and the
Center for Neighborhood Enterprise............................................................................................................27
Appendix D: Program Listing by Intended Population
Program Listing by
Appendix E
ESL Services
Chesterfield County Public Schools – Adult Continuing Education Program...............................................12
Commonwealth Catholic Charities – Refugee Unaccompanied Minors Program........................................75
Commonwealth Catholic Charities – Resettlement Services for Refugees..................................................75
Commonwealth Catholic Charities – Therapeutic and Refugee Foster Care...............................................76
Department of Correctional Education – Bon Air Expansion Juvenile Correctional Center........................19
Department of Correctional Education – Paul S. Blandford School..............................................................19
Goodwill of Central Virginia – Basic Education Classes...............................................................................101
Goodwill of Central Virginia – Community Employment Centers................................................................101
Henrico County Public Schools – Highland Springs Adult Education Center.............................................105
Henrico County Public Schools – The Academy at Virginia Randolph...........................................................23
J. Sargeant Reynolds Community College – ESL Services............................................................................81
Rappahannock Community College – Adult Education Program..................................................................14
Richmond Outreach Center – Hustler’s Academy..........................................................................................25
Richmond Outreach Center – Violence-Free Zone--Armstrong High School and the
Center for Neighborhood Enterprise...........................................................................................................27
Richmond Outreach Center – Violence-Free Zone--George Wythe High School and the
Center for Neighborhood Enterprise...........................................................................................................27
Richmond Public Schools – Adult Career Development Center....................................................................28
Virginia Adult Learning Resource Center – GED Helpline.............................................................................16
Virginia Hispanic Chamber of Commerce – Resource Center......................................................................90
GED Classes or GED Tutoring
Boaz and Ruth, Inc...........................................................................................................................................95
Capital Area Partnership Uplifting People (CAPUP) – Virginia CARES..........................................................73
Carr and Sons, Inc. – One Brush Many Opportunities...................................................................................96
Chesterfield County – Adolescent Reporting Program..................................................................................74
Chesterfield County Public Schools – Adult Continuing Education Program...............................................12
Commonwealth Catholic Charities – Refugee Unaccompanied Minors Program........................................75
Communities In Schools – Communities In Schools of Chesterfield............................................................41
Department of Correctional Education – Bon Air Expansion Juvenile Correctional Center........................19
Department of Correctional Education – Paul S. Blandford School..............................................................19
East District Family Resource Center.............................................................................................................93
Elk Hill Farm, Inc. – Varina Day School...........................................................................................................21
Goodwill of Central Virginia – Basic Education Classes...............................................................................101
Goodwill of Central Virginia – Community Employment Centers................................................................101
Henrico County Public Schools – Highland Springs Adult Education Center.............................................105
Hilltop Promises and The Frogs Place............................................................................................................81
J. Sargeant Reynolds Community College – Middle College.........................................................................69
Jobs for Virginia Graduates...........................................................................................................................109
National Guard Youth Challenge Program – The Virginia Commonwealth Challenge Academy....................62
Neighborhood Resource Center of Greater Fulton Hill (NRC).......................................................................44
Offender Aid and Restoration (OAR) of Richmond, Inc...................................................................................82
Powhatan County Public Schools – Adult Education Program......................................................................13
Project Return .................................................................................................................................................24
Rappahannock Community College – Adult Education Program..................................................................14
Rappahannock Community College – Middle College...................................................................................70
Appendix E: Program Listing by Service Provided
Rappahannock Community College – Workforce and Youth Services (WAYS)...............................................71
Richmond Department of Juvenile Justice Services – Adult Offender Re-entry Services.........................111
Richmond Outreach Center – Choice Positive................................................................................................25
Richmond Outreach Center – GED Classes....................................................................................................15
Richmond Outreach Center – Hustler’s Academy..........................................................................................25
Richmond Public Schools – Adult Career Development Center....................................................................28
Richmond Public Schools – Richmond Technical Center - Adult Education...............................................15
Richmond Redevelopment and Housing Authority – Family Services and Community Relations
St. Joseph’s Villa – The Dooley School............................................................................................................31
The Newman Group – Crossover Mentoring...................................................................................................64
Virginia Adult Learning Resource Center – GED Helpline.............................................................................16
Virginia Home for Boys and Girls – Alternative School..................................................................................32
General Tutoring
Boys and Girls Clubs of Metro Richmond.......................................................................................................39
Charity Family Life – After School Tutorial Program and Summer Enlightenment Program......................92
Chesterfield County Public Schools – Chesterfield Specialty Centers within Traditional High Schools..................40
Church Hill Activities and Tutoring (CHAT).....................................................................................................92
Commonwealth Catholic Charities – Refugee Unaccompanied Minors Program........................................75
Commonwealth Catholic Charities – Resettlement Services for Refugees..................................................75
Communities In Schools – Communities In Schools of Chesterfield............................................................41
Communities In Schools – Communities In Schools of Richmond...............................................................41
Community Futures Foundation – The Mill House.........................................................................................76
Department of Correctional Education – Bon Air Expansion Juvenile Correctional Center........................19
Department of Correctional Education – Paul S. Blandford School..............................................................19
East District Family Resource Center.............................................................................................................93
Goodwill of Central Virginia – Community Employment Centers................................................................101
Hanover County Public Schools – Hanover Center for Trades and Technology..........................................105
Henrico Area Mental Health and Developmental Services – CONNECT Program.......................................43
Henrico County Public Schools – The Academy at Virginia Randolph...........................................................23
Hilltop Promises and The Frogs Place............................................................................................................81
J. Sargeant Reynolds Community College – Great Expectations..................................................................68
Jobs for Virginia Graduates...........................................................................................................................109
John Tyler Community College – Great Expectations....................................................................................70
Neighborhood Resource Center of Greater Fulton Hill (NRC).......................................................................44
Open Arms Residential Services, LLC............................................................................................................83
Partnership for the Future.............................................................................................................................110
Peter Paul Development Center, Inc...............................................................................................................44
Project Return..................................................................................................................................................24
Rappahannock Community College – Middle College...................................................................................70
Rappahannock Community College – Workforce and Youth Services (WAYS)...............................................71
Rappahannock Community College – Student Services/Trio........................................................................71
Resources for Independent Living, Inc. – Independent Living Center...........................................................84
Richmond Hill – Armstrong Leadership Program..........................................................................................53
Richmond Outreach Center – Choice Positive................................................................................................25
2012 Youth Resource Directory
Richmond Outreach Center – Hustler’s Academy..........................................................................................25
Richmond Outreach Center – Violence-Free Zone--Armstrong High School and the
Center for Neighborhood Enterprise...........................................................................................................27
Richmond Outreach Center – Violence-Free Zone--George Wythe High School and the
Center for Neighborhood Enterprise...........................................................................................................27
Richmond Public Schools – Hospital Education Program.............................................................................87
Strategies To Elevate People (STEP) – Victory Tutoring.................................................................................93
Teens on the Go! – Resource Center...............................................................................................................48
The Newman Group – Crossover Mentoring...................................................................................................64
William Byrd Community House (WBCH).......................................................................................................57
YMCA of Greater Richmond – Black Achievers...............................................................................................50
Employment and/or Training
A New You Transitional Living, LLC – Transitional Housing/Independent Living Program..........................73
At Work Personnel and Medical Services.......................................................................................................95
Boaz and Ruth, Inc...........................................................................................................................................95
Boys and Girls Clubs of Metro Richmond.......................................................................................................39
Bread of Life Resource and Food Center, Inc.................................................................................................96
Capital Area Partnership Uplifting People (CAPUP) – Virginia CARES..........................................................73
Carr and Sons, Inc. – One Brush Many Opportunities...................................................................................96
Chesterfield Community Services Board – Chesterfield Employment Services (CES).................................97
Chesterfield County Police Department – Explorer Post 609........................................................................52
Chesterfield County Public Schools – Adult Continuing Education Program...............................................12
Chesterfield County Public Schools – Chesterfield Specialty Centers within Traditional High Schools..................40
Chesterfield County Public Schools – Chesterfield Technical Center...........................................................98
Chesterfield/Colonial Heights Department of Social Services – Virginia Initiative for Employment not
Chesterfield Technical Center – VADA Automotive Youth Education Partnership........................................98
Church Hill Activities and Tutoring (CHAT).....................................................................................................92
Commonwealth Catholic Charities – Refugee Unaccompanied Minors Program........................................75
Commonwealth Catholic Charities – Resettlement Services for Refugees..................................................75
Communities In Schools – Communities In Schools of Chesterfield............................................................41
Communities In Schools – Communities In Schools of Richmond...............................................................41
Community Futures Foundation – The Mill House.........................................................................................76
Department of Correctional Education – Bon Air Expansion Juvenile Correctional Center........................19
Department of Correctional Education – Paul S. Blandford School..............................................................19
Elk Hill Farm, Inc. – Varina Day School...........................................................................................................21
Embrace Richmond.......................................................................................................................................100
Goochland-Powhatan Community Services Board – Monacan Services.....................................................100
Goodwill of Central Virginia – Basic Education Classes...............................................................................101
Goodwill of Central Virginia – Community Employment Centers................................................................101
Goodwill of Central Virginia – Employment Specialist Assistance..............................................................102
Goodwill of Central Virginia – Group Training...............................................................................................102
Goodwill of Central Virginia – Hands On Training.........................................................................................103
Goodwill of Central Virginia – Individual Assessment..................................................................................103
Grafton School, Inc..........................................................................................................................................22
Appendix E: Program Listing by Service Provided
Greater Richmond ARC – Industrial and Day Support Services..................................................................104
Hanover County Community Services Board – Employment Training.........................................................104
Hanover County Department of Social Services.............................................................................................79
Hanover County Public Schools – Hanover Center for Trades and Technology..........................................105
Hanover County Public Schools – Job Coaching Program for Special Education........................................23
Hanover Juvenile Correctional Center – Junior Reserve Officers Training Program (JROTC)...................105
Henrico Area Mental Health and Developmental Services – Club House.....................................................80
Henrico Area Mental Health and Developmental Services – Teen Job Preparatory Program.....................35
Henrico County Public Schools – Hermitage Technical Center...................................................................106
Henrico County Public Schools – High Tech Academy - Highland Springs Technical Center....................107
Henrico County Public Schools – Highland Springs Adult Education Center.............................................105
Henrico County Public Schools – Highland Springs Technical Center........................................................107
Henrico County Public Schools – The Academy at Virginia Randolph...........................................................23
Henrico County Vocational/Technical Education Foundation, Inc. – House Building Project.....................108
Employment Transition Center......................................................................................................................116
Highland Springs Technical Center – Springer Daycare..............................................................................108
Highland Springs Technical Center – VADA Automotive Youth Education Partnership..............................109
Hilliard House – Aftercare Program................................................................................................................80
Hilltop Promises and The Frogs Place............................................................................................................81
J. Sargeant Reynolds Community College – Great Expectations..................................................................69
J. Sargeant Reynolds Community College – Middle College.........................................................................69
Jobs for Virginia Graduates...........................................................................................................................109
John Tyler Community College – Great Expectations....................................................................................70
John Tyler Community College – Tech Prep/Career Pathways/Career
Coaches/PEER Consortium...........................................................................................................................43
Junior Achievement of Central Virginia, Inc...................................................................................................53
Main Street Management Group, LLC – Youth Skill Development Workshops.............................................35
National Guard Youth Challenge Program – The Virginia Commonwealth Challenge Academy....................62
Neighborhood Resource Center of Greater Fulton Hill (NRC).......................................................................44
Offender Aid and Restoration (OAR) of Richmond, Inc...................................................................................82
Open Arms Residential Services, LLC............................................................................................................83
Partnership for the Future.............................................................................................................................110
Powhatan County Social Services – Virginia Initiative for Employment not Welfare (VIEW) ........................83
Progressive Adult Rehabilitation Center, Inc. (PARC)..................................................................................110
Project Return .................................................................................................................................................24
Rappahannock Community College – On Ramp.............................................................................................14
Rappahannock Community College – Workforce and Youth Services (WAYS)...............................................71
Resource Workforce Center – Chesterfield Office........................................................................................117
Resource Workforce Center – Midlothian Office...........................................................................................116
Resource Workforce Center – Sandston Office.............................................................................................117
Resources for Independent Living, Inc. – Independent Living Center...........................................................84
Richmond City Social Services – Virginia Initiative for Employment not Welfare (VIEW) .............................86
Richmond Department of Juvenile Justice Services – Adult Offender Re-entry Services.........................111
Richmond Hill – Armstrong Leadership Program..........................................................................................53
Richmond Mayor’s Office – The Mayor’s Youth Academy...............................................................................54
Richmond Outreach Center – Choice Positive................................................................................................25
2012 Youth Resource Directory
Richmond Outreach Center – Violence-Free Zone--Armstrong High School and the
Center for Neighborhood Enterprise............................................................................................................27
Richmond Outreach Center – Violence-Free Zone--George Wythe High School and the
enter for Neighborhood Enterprise...............................................................................................................27
Richmond Public Schools – Adult Career Development Center....................................................................28
Richmond Public Schools – Richmond Technical Center............................................................................111
Richmond Public Schools – Richmond Technical Center - Adult Education...............................................15
Richmond Redevelopment and Housing Authority – Family Services and Community Relations
St. Joseph’s Villa – Career and Transition Services.......................................................................................47
Teens on the Go! – Resource Center...............................................................................................................48
The Choice Group.............................................................................................................................................36
The Newman Group – Crossover Mentoring...................................................................................................64
Virginia Board for People with Disabilities – Youth Leadership Forum (YLF)...............................................54
Virginia Commonwealth University – Project Search - Chesterfield County...............................................110
Virginia Commonwealth University – Project Search - Henrico County......................................................110
Virginia Commonwealth University – Rehabilitation Research and
Training Center (VCU-RRTC)........................................................................................................................87
Virginia Department of Juvenile Justice – Youth Industries Program.........................................................113
Virginia Department of Juvenile Justice – Work Education Release Program (WERP)..............................113
Virginia Department of Rehabilitative Services – Henrico Office...................................................................90
Virginia Home for Boys and Girls – Alternative School..................................................................................32
Virginia Industries for the Blind....................................................................................................................114
William Byrd Community House (WBCH).......................................................................................................57
YMCA of Greater Richmond – Black Achievers...............................................................................................50
YMCA of Greater Richmond – Metro Teens.....................................................................................................59
Life Skills
A New You Transitional Living, LLC – Transitional Housing/Independent Living Program..........................73
Associated Educational Services of Virginia, Inc. – Metropolitan Day School...............................................18
Boaz and Ruth, Inc...........................................................................................................................................95
Boys and Girls Clubs of Metro Richmond.......................................................................................................39
Bread of Life Resource and Food Center, Inc.................................................................................................96
Capital Area Partnership Uplifting People (CAPUP) – Virginia CARES..........................................................73
Carr and Sons, Inc. – One Brush Many Opportunities...................................................................................96
Charity Family Life – After School Tutorial Program and Summer Enlightenment Program......................92
Chesterfield Community Services Board – Chesterfield Employment Services (CES).................................97
Chesterfield County – Adolescent Reporting Program..................................................................................74
Church Hill Activities and Tutoring (CHAT).....................................................................................................92
Commonwealth Catholic Charities – Refugee Unaccompanied Minors Program........................................75
Commonwealth Catholic Charities – Therapeutic and Refugee Foster Care...............................................76
Communities In Schools – Communities In Schools of Chesterfield............................................................41
Communities In Schools – Communities In Schools of Richmond...............................................................41
Community Futures Foundation – The Mill House.........................................................................................76
Creative Youth Concepts – Therapeutic Day Treatment.................................................................................42
Creative Youth Concepts – Essentials of Liberation and Maturation (ELAM)................................................61
Appendix E: Program Listing by Service Provided
Creative Youth Concepts – Self-empowerment, Self-motivation and Education (SASSY)............................61
Delta House, LLC – Residential Services........................................................................................................77
Department of Correctional Education – Bon Air Expansion Juvenile Correctional Center........................19
Department of Correctional Education – Paul S. Blandford School..............................................................19
Dominion Youth Services – Day School...........................................................................................................42
Easter Seals UCP North Carolina and Virginia, Inc. – Project SUCCESS......................................................77
Elk Hill Farm, Inc. – Varina Day School...........................................................................................................21
Embrace Richmond.......................................................................................................................................100
Faison School for Autism.................................................................................................................................21
Family Resolutions Services II (FRS)...............................................................................................................34
Goochland County Public Schools – Goochland High - Special Education and Transition Program.......................22
Goochland-Powhatan Community Services Board – Monacan Services.....................................................100
Goodwill of Central Virginia – Basic Education Classes...............................................................................101
Goodwill of Central Virginia – Community Employment Centers................................................................101
Goodwill of Central Virginia – Hands On Training.........................................................................................103
Goodwill of Central Virginia – Individual Assessment..................................................................................103
Greater Richmond ARC – Industrial and Day Support Services..................................................................104
Hanover County Community Services Board – Prevention and Community
Education Services........................................................................................................................................78
Hanover Juvenile Correction Center – Junior Reserve Officers Training Program (JROTC)......................105
Hanover County Department of Social Services.............................................................................................79
Hanover County Public Schools – Job Coaching Program for Special Education........................................23
Hanover Health Department – Resource Mothers.........................................................................................79
Henrico Area Mental Health and Developmental Services – CONNECT Program.......................................43
Hilliard House – Aftercare Program................................................................................................................80
Hilltop Promises and The Frogs Place............................................................................................................81
J. Sargeant Reynolds Community College – Great Expectations..................................................................69
J. Sargeant Reynolds Community College – Middle College.........................................................................69
Jobs for Virginia Graduates...........................................................................................................................109
John Tyler Community College – Great Expectations....................................................................................70
Junior Achievement of Central Virginia, Inc...................................................................................................53
Main Street Management Group, LLC – Youth Skill Development Workshops.............................................35
Mosby Resource Center...................................................................................................................................82
National Guard Youth Challenge Program – The Virginia Commonwealth Challenge Academy........................62
Neighborhood Resource Center of Greater Fulton Hill (NRC).......................................................................44
Offender Aid and Restoration (OAR) of Richmond, Inc...................................................................................82
Open Arms Residential Services, LLC............................................................................................................83
Partnership for the Future.............................................................................................................................110
Peter Paul Development Center, Inc...............................................................................................................44
Progressive Adult Rehabilitation Center, Inc. (PARC)..................................................................................110
Project Return .................................................................................................................................................24
Rappahannock Community College – Student Services/Trio........................................................................71
Resources for Independent Living, Inc. – Independent Living Center...........................................................84
Resource Youth Network: In-School Programs..............................................................................................45
Richmond City Police Department – Richmond Police Athletic League.......................................................63
Richmond City Social Services – Virginia Initiative for Employment not Welfare (VIEW) .............................86
2012 Youth Resource Directory
Richmond Department of Juvenile Justice Services – Adult Offender Re-entry Services.........................111
Richmond Hill – Armstrong Leadership Program..........................................................................................53
Richmond Organization for Sexual Minority Youth (ROSMY) – Youth Engaged in Leadership......................55
Richmond Outreach Center – Choice Positive................................................................................................25
Richmond Outreach Center – Paul’s Prison Ministry/Beaumont Juvenile Detention Center/
James River Detention Center/Isaiah’s Hope...............................................................................................26
Richmond Outreach Center – Violence-Free Zone--Armstrong High School and the
Center for Neighborhood Enterprise..............................................................................................................27
Richmond Outreach Center – Violence-Free Zone--George Wythe High School and the
Center for Neighborhood Enterprise..............................................................................................................27
Richmond Public Schools – Amelia Street Special Education School..........................................................29
Richmond Redevelopment and Housing Authority – Family Services and Community Relations
St. Joseph’s Villa – Sarah Dooley Center for Autism......................................................................................30
Teens on the Go! – Resource Center...............................................................................................................48
The Active Hand Ministry (TAHM) – People Agreeing for a Change...............................................................56
The Choice Group.............................................................................................................................................36
The Newman Group – Crossover Mentoring...................................................................................................64
United Methodist Family Services of Virginia (UMFS) – Project LIFE............................................................88
U-TURN, Inc.....................................................................................................................................................48
Virginia Board for People with Disabilities – Youth Leadership Forum (YLF)...............................................54
Virginia Commonwealth University – Care Connection for Children.............................................................89
Virginia Commonwealth University – Center for Psychological Services and Development........................37
Virginia Commonwealth University – Project Search - Chesterfield County...............................................110
Virginia Commonwealth University – Rehabilitation Research and Training Center (VCU-RRTC)...................89
Virginia Cooperative Extension – 4-H..............................................................................................................57
Virginia Council of Churches – The Elizabeth Project....................................................................................65
Virginia Department of Juvenile Justice – Work Education Release Program (WERP)..............................113
Virginia Department of Rehabilitative Services – Henrico Office...................................................................90
Virginia Home for Boys and Girls – Alternative School..................................................................................32
Virginia Industries for the Blind....................................................................................................................114
William Byrd Community House (WBCH).......................................................................................................57
YMCA of Greater Richmond – Black Achievers...............................................................................................50
YMCA of Greater Richmond – Leaders’ Club..................................................................................................58
YMCA of Greater Richmond – Metro Teens.....................................................................................................59
YMCA of Greater Richmond – Youth in Government Model General Assembly.............................................59
Financial Management
Boaz and Ruth, Inc...........................................................................................................................................95
Chesterfield County – Adolescent Reporting Program..................................................................................74
Chesterfield County Public Schools – Chesterfield Specialty Centers within Traditional High Schools..................40
Chesterfield/Colonial Heights Department of Social Services – Virginia Initiative for Employment not
Commonwealth Catholic Charities – Refugee Unaccompanied Minors Program........................................75
Commonwealth Catholic Charities – Resettlement Services for Refugees..................................................75
Communities In Schools – Communities In Schools of Richmond...............................................................41
Appendix E: Program Listing by Service Provided
Delta House, LLC – Residential Services........................................................................................................77
Department of Correctional Education – Bon Air Expansion Juvenile Correctional Center........................19
Elk Hill Farm, Inc. – Varina Day School...........................................................................................................21
Family Resolutions Services II (FRS)...............................................................................................................34
Goochland County Public Schools – Goochland High - Special Education and Transition Program.......................22
Goodwill of Central Virginia – Basic Education Classes...............................................................................101
Goodwill of Central Virginia – Community Employment Centers................................................................101
Hanover County Department of Social Services.............................................................................................79
Hanover County Public Schools – Job Coaching Program for Special Education........................................23
Hilliard House – Aftercare Program................................................................................................................80
Hilltop Promises and The Frogs Place............................................................................................................81
J. Sargeant Reynolds Community College – Middle College.........................................................................69
Jobs for Virginia Graduates...........................................................................................................................109
Junior Achievement of Central Virginia, Inc...................................................................................................53
Offender Aid and Restoration (OAR) of Richmond, Inc...................................................................................82
Partnership for the Future.............................................................................................................................110
Powhatan County Social Services – Virginia Initiative for Employment not Welfare (VIEW) ........................83
Project Return .................................................................................................................................................24
Rappahannock Community College – Workforce and Youth Services (WAYS)...............................................71
Rappahannock Community College – Student Services/Trio........................................................................71
Resource Workforce Center – Chesterfield Office........................................................................................117
Resource Workforce Center – Midlothian Office...........................................................................................116
Resource Workforce Center – Sandston Office.............................................................................................117
Resources for Independent Living, Inc. – Independent Living Center...........................................................84
Richmond Mayor’s Office – The Mayor’s Youth Academy...............................................................................54
Richmond Outreach Center – Violence-Free Zone--Armstrong High School and the
Center for Neighborhood Enterprise...........................................................................................................27
Richmond Outreach Center – Violence-Free Zone--George Wythe High School and the
Center for Neighborhood Enterprise...........................................................................................................27
Richmond Redevelopment and Housing Authority – Family Services and Community Relations
Teens on the Go! – Resource Center...............................................................................................................48
The Active Hand Ministry (TAHM) – People Agreeing for a Change...............................................................56
The Newman Group – Crossover Mentoring...................................................................................................64
Virginia Commonwealth University – Project Search - Henrico County......................................................110
Virginia Commonwealth University – Rehabilitation Research and Training Center (VCU-RRTC)...................89
Virginia Department of Juvenile Justice – Work Education Release Program (WERP)..............................113
Virginia Hispanic Chamber of Commerce – Resource Center......................................................................90
YMCA of Greater Richmond – Black Achievers...............................................................................................50
YMCA of Greater Richmond – Leaders’ Club..................................................................................................58
YMCA of Greater Richmond – Metro Teens.....................................................................................................59
Interpretation or Translation
Commonwealth Catholic Charities – Refugee Unaccompanied Minors Program........................................75
Commonwealth Catholic Charities – Resettlement Services for Refugees..................................................75
Commonwealth Catholic Charities – Therapeutic and Refugee Foster Care...............................................76
2012 Youth Resource Directory
Offender Aid and Restoration (OAR) of Richmond, Inc...................................................................................82
Resources for Independent Living, Inc. – Independent Living Center...........................................................84
Richmond City Department of Public Health – Resource Mothers...............................................................85
Virginia Hispanic Chamber of Commerce – Resource Center......................................................................90
Helpline or Hotline
Commonwealth Catholic Charities – Refugee Unaccompanied Minors Program........................................75
Family Resolutions Services II (FRS)...............................................................................................................34
Open Arms Residential Services, LLC............................................................................................................83
William Byrd Community House (WBCH).......................................................................................................57
A New You Transitional Living, LLC – Transitional Housing/Independent Living Program..........................73
Boaz and Ruth, Inc...........................................................................................................................................95
Boys and Girls Clubs of Metro Richmond.......................................................................................................39
Capital Area Partnership Uplifting People (CAPUP) – Project Discovery......................................................52
Chesterfield County Public Schools – Chesterfield Specialty Centers within Traditional High Schools..................40
Church Hill Activities and Tutoring (CHAT).....................................................................................................92
Commonwealth Catholic Charities – Refugee Unaccompanied Minors Program........................................75
Commonwealth Catholic Charities – Resettlement Services for Refugees..................................................75
Commonwealth Catholic Charities – Therapeutic and Refugee Foster Care...............................................76
Communities In Schools – Communities In Schools of Chesterfield............................................................41
Communities In Schools – Communities In Schools of Richmond...............................................................41
Creative Youth Concepts – Essentials of Liberation and Maturation (ELAM)................................................61
Creative Youth Concepts – Self-empowerment, Self-motivation and Education (SASSY)............................61
Department of Correctional Education – Paul S. Blandford School..............................................................19
Dominion Youth Services – Day School...........................................................................................................42
Elk Hill Farm, Inc. – Varina Day School...........................................................................................................21
Goodwill of Central Virginia – Hands On Training.........................................................................................103
Hanover County Public Schools – Hanover Center for Trades and Technology..........................................105
Hanover County Public Schools – Job Coaching Program for Special Education........................................23
Hanover Health Department – Resource Mothers.........................................................................................79
Henrico Area Mental Health and Developmental Services – CONNECT Program.......................................43
Henrico County Public Schools – The Academy at Virginia Randolph...........................................................23
Hilliard House – Aftercare Program................................................................................................................80
Hilltop Promises and The Frogs Place............................................................................................................81
J. Sargeant Reynolds Community College – Great Expectations..................................................................69
J. Sargeant Reynolds Community College – Middle College.........................................................................69
Jobs for Virginia Graduates...........................................................................................................................109
John Tyler Community College – Great Expectations....................................................................................70
John Tyler Community College – Tech Prep/Career Pathways/Career
Coaches/PEER Consortium...........................................................................................................................43
Junior Achievement of Central Virginia, Inc...................................................................................................53
National Guard Youth Challenge Program – The Virginia Commonwealth Challenge Academy........................62
Neighborhood Resource Center of Greater Fulton Hill (NRC).......................................................................44
Offender Aid and Restoration (OAR) of Richmond, Inc...................................................................................82
Appendix E: Program Listing by Service Provided
Open Arms Residential Services, LLC............................................................................................................83
Partnership for the Future.............................................................................................................................110
Rappahannock Community College – Middle College...................................................................................70
Rappahannock Community College – Workforce and Youth Services (WAYS)...............................................71
Rappahannock Community College – Student Services/Trio........................................................................71
Richmond City Department of Public Health – Resource Mothers...............................................................85
Richmond City Police Department – Richmond Police Athletic League.......................................................63
Richmond Hill – Armstrong Leadership Program..........................................................................................53
Richmond Mayor’s Office – The Mayor’s Youth Academy...............................................................................54
Richmond Organization for Sexual Minority Youth (ROSMY) – Youth Engaged in Leadership......................55
Richmond Outreach Center – Choice Positive................................................................................................25
Richmond Outreach Center – Paul’s Prison Ministry/Beaumont Juvenile Detention Center/
James River Detention Center/Isaiah’s Hope.................................................................................................26
Richmond Outreach Center – The Chosen.....................................................................................................55
Richmond Outreach Center – Violence-Free Zone--Armstrong High School and the
Center for Neighborhood Enterprise...........................................................................................................27
Richmond Outreach Center – Violence-Free Zone--George Wythe High School and the
Center for Neighborhood Enterprise...........................................................................................................27
Richmond Students Reaching Students.........................................................................................................63
Teens on the Go! – Resource Center...............................................................................................................48
The Newman Group – Crossover Mentoring...................................................................................................64
Virginia Board for People with Disabilities – Youth Leadership Forum (YLF)...............................................54
Virginia Commonwealth University Alumni Association – Mentoring Program............................................65
Virginia Department of Juvenile Justice – Mentoring Program.....................................................................64
Virginia Cooperative Extension – 4-H..............................................................................................................57
Virginia Council of Churches – The Elizabeth Project....................................................................................65
Virginia Hispanic Chamber of Commerce – Resource Center......................................................................90
Virginia Home for Boys and Girls – Alternative School..................................................................................32
William Byrd Community House (WBCH).......................................................................................................57
YMCA of Greater Richmond – Black Achievers...............................................................................................50
YMCA of Greater Richmond – Metro Teens.....................................................................................................59
Substance Abuse Prevention or Treatment
Boys and Girls Clubs of Metro Richmond.......................................................................................................39
Capital Area Partnership Uplifting People (CAPUP) – Virginia CARES..........................................................73
Chesterfield County – Adolescent Reporting Program..................................................................................74
Communities In Schools – Communities In Schools of Richmond...............................................................41
Grafton School, Inc..........................................................................................................................................22
Hanover County Community Services Board – Prevention and
Community Education Services....................................................................................................................78
Hanover Juvenile Correctional Center – Junior Reserve Officers Training Program (JROTC)...................105
Henrico Area Mental Health and Developmental Services – CONNECT Program.......................................43
Hilliard House – Aftercare Program................................................................................................................80
Hilltop Promises and The Frogs Place............................................................................................................81
Offender Aid and Restoration (OAR) of Richmond, Inc...................................................................................82
Open Arms Residential Services, LLC............................................................................................................83
2012 Youth Resource Directory
Richmond Outreach Center – Choice Positive................................................................................................25
Richmond Outreach Center – Hustler’s Academy..........................................................................................25
Richmond Outreach Center – Paul’s Prison Ministry/Beaumont Juvenile Detention Center/
James River Detention Center/Isaiah’s Hope...............................................................................................26
Richmond Outreach Center – Violence-Free Zone--Armstrong High School and the
Center for Neighborhood Enterprise..............................................................................................................27
Richmond Outreach Center – Violence-Free Zone--George Wythe High School and the
Center for Neighborhood Enterprise..............................................................................................................27
Teens on the Go! – Resource Center...............................................................................................................48
Teen Pregnancy Prevention and Support
Boys and Girls Clubs of Metro Richmond.......................................................................................................39
Chesterfield County – Adolescent Reporting Program..................................................................................74
Commonwealth Catholic Charities – Therapeutic and Refugee Foster Care...............................................76
Communities In Schools – Communities In Schools of Richmond...............................................................41
Creative Youth Concepts – Self-empowerment, Self-motivation and Education (SASSY)............................61
Delta House, LLC – Residential Services........................................................................................................77
Department of Correctional Education – Bon Air Expansion Juvenile Correctional Center........................19
Family Resolutions Services II (FRS)...............................................................................................................34
Hanover Health Department – Resource Mothers.........................................................................................79
Hilltop Promises and The Frogs Place............................................................................................................81
Mosby Resource Center...................................................................................................................................82
Pregnancy Resource Center of Metro Richmond...........................................................................................84
Richmond City Department of Public Health – Resource Mothers...............................................................85
Richmond Outreach Center – Choice Positive................................................................................................25
Richmond Outreach Center – Violence-Free Zone--Armstrong High School and the Center for
Neighborhood Enterprise.............................................................................................................................27
Richmond Outreach Center – Violence-Free Zone--George Wythe High School and the Center for
Neighborhood Enterprise............................................................................................................. 27
Teens on the Go! – Resource Center...............................................................................................................48
Virginia Council of Churches – The Elizabeth Project....................................................................................65
Mental Health Services and Counseling
A New You Transitional Living, LLC – Transitional Housing/Independent Living Program..........................73
Capital Area Partnership Uplifting People (CAPUP) – Virginia CARES..........................................................73
Commonwealth Catholic Charities – Refugee Unaccompanied Minors Program........................................75
Commonwealth Catholic Charities – Resettlement Services for Refugees..................................................75
Communities In Schools – Communities In Schools of Richmond...............................................................41
Creative Youth Concepts – Essentials of Liberation and Maturation (ELAM)................................................59
Creative Youth Concepts – Therapeutic Day Treatment.................................................................................42
Elk Hill Farm, Inc. – Harambee Day Education Program...............................................................................20
Elk Hill Farm, Inc. – Varina Day School...........................................................................................................21
Family Resolutions Services II (FRS)...............................................................................................................34
Goochland-Powhatan Community Services Board – Monacan Services.....................................................100
Grafton School, Inc..........................................................................................................................................22
Greater Richmond ARC – Industrial and Day Support Services..................................................................104
Appendix E: Program Listing by Service Provided
Hanover County Community Services Board – Employment Training.........................................................104
Henrico Area Mental Health and Developmental Services – Club House.....................................................80
Hilliard House – Aftercare Program................................................................................................................80
Hilltop Promises and The Frogs Place............................................................................................................81
Open Arms Residential Services, LLC............................................................................................................83
Richmond Department of Juvenile Justice Services – Adult Offender Re-entry Services.........................111
Richmond Outreach Center – Paul’s Prison Ministry/Beaumont Juvenile Detention Center/
James River Detention Center/Isaiah’s Hope...............................................................................................26
Richmond Outreach Center – Violence-Free Zone--Armstrong High School and the
Center for Neighborhood Enterprise...........................................................................................................27
Richmond Outreach Center – Violence-Free Zone--George Wythe High School and the
Center for Neighborhood Enterprise...........................................................................................................27
Richmond Public Schools – R.E.A.L. School..................................................................................................30
St. Joseph’s Villa – The Dooley School............................................................................................................31
Teens on the Go! – Resource Center...............................................................................................................48
Virginia Commonwealth University – Center for Psychological Services and Development........................37
Educational or Vocational Assessments
Boys and Girls Clubs of Metro Richmond.......................................................................................................39
Capital Area Partnership Uplifting People (CAPUP) – Project Discovery......................................................52
Capital Area Partnership Uplifting People (CAPUP) – Virginia CARES..........................................................73
Carr and Sons, Inc. – One Brush Many Opportunities...................................................................................96
Charity Family Life – After School Tutorial Program and Summer Enlightenment Program......................92
Chesterfield County – Adolescent Reporting Program..................................................................................74
Chesterfield County Public Schools – Adult Continuing Education Program...............................................12
Chesterfield County Public Schools – Chesterfield Career and Technical Education Program
at Home High Schools..................................................................................................................................95
Chesterfield County Public Schools – Chesterfield Specialty Centers within Traditional High Schools..................40
Chesterfield County Public Schools – Chesterfield Technical Center...........................................................98
Church Hill Activities and Tutoring (CHAT).....................................................................................................92
Commonwealth Catholic Charities – Refugee Unaccompanied Minors Program........................................75
Commonwealth Catholic Charities – Resettlement Services for Refugees..................................................75
Communities In Schools – Communities In Schools of Chesterfield............................................................41
Communities In Schools – Communities In Schools of Richmond...............................................................41
Community Futures Foundation – The Mill House.........................................................................................76
Creative Youth Concepts – Self-empowerment, Self-motivation and Education (SASSY)............................61
Delta House, LLC – Residential Services........................................................................................................77
Department of Correctional Education – Bon Air Expansion Juvenile Correctional Center........................19
Department of Correctional Education – Paul S. Blandford School..............................................................19
Department of Correctional Education – Transition Program.......................................................................20
Dominion Youth Services – Day School...........................................................................................................42
Elk Hill Farm, Inc. – Harambee Day Education Program...............................................................................20
Elk Hill Farm, Inc. – Varina Day School...........................................................................................................21
Faison School for Autism.................................................................................................................................21
Goodwill of Central Virginia – Basic Education Classes...............................................................................101
Goodwill of Central Virginia – Community Employment Centers................................................................101
2012 Youth Resource Directory
Goodwill of Central Virginia – Individual Assessment..................................................................................103
Greater Richmond ARC – Industrial and Day Support Services..................................................................104
Hanover County Public Schools – Hanover Center for Trades and Technology..........................................105
Hanover County Public Schools – Job Coaching Program for Special Education........................................23
Hanover Juvenile Correctional Center – Junior Reserve Officers Training Program (JROTC)...................105
Henrico County Division of Fire – Boy Scouts of America Learning for Life Explorer Post........................106
Henrico County Public Schools – Hermitage Technical Center...................................................................106
Henrico County Public Schools – Highland Springs Adult Education Center.............................................105
Henrico County Public Schools – Highland Springs Technical Center........................................................107
Henrico County Public Schools – The Academy at Virginia Randolph...........................................................23
Henrico County Vocational/Technical Education Foundation, Inc. – House Building Project.....................108
Employment Transition Center......................................................................................................................116
Highland Springs Technical Center – Springer Daycare..............................................................................108
Hilltop Promises and The Frogs Place............................................................................................................81
J. Sargeant Reynolds Community College – ESL Services............................................................................81
J. Sargeant Reynolds Community College – Great Expectations..................................................................69
J. Sargeant Reynolds Community College – Middle College.........................................................................69
Jobs for Virginia Graduates...........................................................................................................................109
John Tyler Community College – Great Expectations....................................................................................70
John Tyler Community College – Tech Prep/Career Pathways/Career Coaches/PEER Consortium................43
Junior Achievement of Central Virginia, Inc...................................................................................................53
National Guard Youth Challenge Program – The Virginia Commonwealth Challenge Academy........................62
Offender Aid and Restoration (OAR) of Richmond, Inc...................................................................................82
Open Arms Residential Services, LLC............................................................................................................83
Partnership for the Future.............................................................................................................................110
Powhatan County Public Schools – Adult Education Program......................................................................13
Precious Blessing Academy............................................................................................................................24
Progressive Adult Rehabilitation Center, Inc. (PARC)..................................................................................110
Project Return .................................................................................................................................................24
Rappahannock Community College – Middle College...................................................................................70
Rappahannock Community College – On Ramp.............................................................................................14
Rappahannock Community College – Workforce and Youth Services (WAYS)...............................................71
Rappahannock Community College – Student Services/Trio........................................................................71
Resource Workforce Center – Chesterfield Office........................................................................................117
Resource Workforce Center – Midlothian Office...........................................................................................116
Resource Workforce Center – Sandston Office.............................................................................................117
Richmond City Social Services – Virginia Initiative for Employment not Welfare (VIEW) .............................86
Richmond Department of Juvenile Justice Services – Adult Offender Re-entry Services.........................111
Richmond Hill – Armstrong Leadership Program..........................................................................................53
Richmond Outreach Center – Violence-Free Zone--Armstrong High School and the
Center for Neighborhood Enterprise...........................................................................................................27
Richmond Outreach Center – Violence-Free Zone--George Wythe High School and the
Center for Neighborhood Enterprise...........................................................................................................27
Richmond Public Schools – Adult Career Development Center....................................................................28
Richmond Public Schools – Hospital Education Program.............................................................................87
Richmond Public Schools – Richmond Technical Center............................................................................111
Appendix E: Program Listing by Service Provided
Richmond Public Schools – Richmond Technical Center - Adult Education...............................................15
Richmond Redevelopment and Housing Authority – Family Services and Community Relations
Strategies To Elevate People (STEP) – Victory Tutoring.................................................................................93
Teens on the Go! – Resource Center...............................................................................................................48
The Active Hand Ministry (TAHM) – People Agreeing for a Change...............................................................56
The Choice Group.............................................................................................................................................36
The Newman Group – Crossover Mentoring...................................................................................................64
The Virginia Project for Children and Young Adults with Deaf-Blindness.....................................................88
Virginia Adult Learning Resource Center – GED Helpline.............................................................................16
Virginia Board for People with Disabilities – Youth Leadership Forum (YLF)...............................................54
Virginia Commonwealth University – Care Connection for Children.............................................................89
Virginia Commonwealth University – Center for Psychological Services and Development........................37
Virginia Commonwealth University – Project Search - Chesterfield County...............................................110
Virginia Commonwealth University – Rehabilitation Research and Training Center (VCU-RRTC).......................89
Virginia Community College System – Virginia Education Wizard.................................................................37
Virginia Department of Juvenile Justice – Work Education Release Program (WERP)..............................113
Virginia Home for Boys and Girls – Alternative School..................................................................................32
Virginia Industries for the Blind....................................................................................................................114
William Byrd Community House (WBCH).......................................................................................................57
YMCA of Greater Richmond – Black Achievers...............................................................................................50
2012 Youth Resource Directory
Appendix F
Program Listing by
Charles City County
A New You Transitional Living, LLC – Transitional Housing/Independent Living Program..........................73
Community College Workforce Alliance.........................................................................................................99
Delta House, LLC – Residential Services........................................................................................................77
Department of Correctional Education – Bon Air Expansion Juvenile Correctional Center........................19
Department of Correctional Education – Paul S. Blandford School..............................................................19
Department of Correctional Education – Transition Program.......................................................................20
Dominion Youth Services – Day School...........................................................................................................42
Elk Hill Farm, Inc. – Harambee Day Education Program...............................................................................20
Faison School for Autism.................................................................................................................................21
Grafton School, Inc..........................................................................................................................................22
Hanover Health Department – Resource Mothers.........................................................................................79
Henrico Area Mental Health and Developmental Services – Club House.....................................................80
Henrico County Public Schools – Highland Springs Adult Education Center.............................................105
Employment Transition Center......................................................................................................................116
Highland Springs Technical Center – VADA Automotive Youth Education Partnership..............................109
Hilltop Promises and The Frogs Place............................................................................................................81
J. Sargeant Reynolds Community College – ESL Services............................................................................81
J. Sargeant Reynolds Community College – Middle College.........................................................................69
Jobs for Virginia Graduates...........................................................................................................................109
John Tyler Community College – Great Expectations....................................................................................70
John Tyler Community College – On Ramp....................................................................................................13
John Tyler Community College – Tech Prep/Career Pathways/Career
Coaches/PEER Consortium...........................................................................................................................43
Junior Achievement of Central Virginia, Inc...................................................................................................53
Main Street Management Group, LLC – Youth Skill Development Workshops.............................................35
National Guard Youth Challenge Program – The Virginia Commonwealth Challenge Academy........................62
Rappahannock Community College – Middle College...................................................................................70
Rappahannock Community College – Workforce and Youth Services (WAYS)...............................................71
Rappahannock Community College – Student Services/Trio........................................................................71
Resource Workforce Center – Chesterfield Office........................................................................................117
Resource Workforce Center – Midlothian Office...........................................................................................116
Resource Workforce Center – Sandston Office.............................................................................................117
Resources for Independent Living, Inc. – Independent Living Center...........................................................84
Resource Youth Network: In School Programs, Charles City County............................................................45
Richmond Public Schools – Adult Career Development Center....................................................................28
Richmond Public Schools – Hospital Education Program.............................................................................87
Richmond Public Schools – Richmond Technical Center............................................................................111
Richmond Public Schools – Richmond Technical Center - Adult Education...............................................15
Richmond Students Reaching Students.........................................................................................................63
St. Joseph’s Villa – Sarah Dooley Center for Autism......................................................................................30
State Council of Higher Education for Virginia – I am the One......................................................................36
The Virginia Project for Children and Young Adults with Deaf-Blindness.....................................................88
2012 Youth Resource Directory
United Methodist Family Services of Virginia (UMFS) – Project LIFE............................................................88
Virginia Adult Learning Resource Center – GED Helpline.............................................................................16
Virginia Board for People with Disabilities – Youth Leadership Forum (YLF)...............................................54
Virginia Commonwealth University – Care Connection for Children.............................................................89
Virginia Commonwealth University – Center for Psychological Services and Development........................37
Virginia Commonwealth University – Rehabilitation Research and Training Center (VCU-RRTC).......................89
Virginia Commonwealth University Alumni Association – Mentoring Program............................................65
Virginia Community College System – Virginia Education Wizard.................................................................37
Virginia Cooperative Extension – 4-H..............................................................................................................57
Virginia Department of Juvenile Justice – Mentoring Program.....................................................................64
Virginia Department of Juvenile Justice – Work Education Release Program (WERP)..............................113
Virginia Department of Juvenile Justice – Youth Industries Program.........................................................113
Virginia Department of Labor and Industry – Registered Apprenticeships...................................................67
Virginia Department of Rehabilitative Services – Henrico Office...................................................................90
Virginia Employment Commission (VEC) – Richmond - Metro North Office...............................................116
Virginia Hispanic Chamber of Commerce – Resource Center......................................................................90
Virginia Home for Boys and Girls – Alternative School..................................................................................32
Virginia Industries for the Blind....................................................................................................................114
William Byrd Community House (WBCH).......................................................................................................57
YMCA of Greater Richmond – Black Achievers...............................................................................................50
YMCA of Greater Richmond – Leaders’ Club..................................................................................................58
Chesterfield County
A New You Transitional Living, LLC – Transitional Housing/Independent Living Program..........................73
Associated Educational Services of Virginia, Inc. – Metropolitan Day School...............................................18
At Work Personnel and Medical Services.......................................................................................................95
Boaz and Ruth, Inc...........................................................................................................................................95
Boys and Girls Clubs of Metro Richmond.......................................................................................................39
Carr and Sons, Inc. – One Brush Many Opportunities...................................................................................96
Charity Family Life – After School Tutorial Program and Summer Enlightenment Program......................92
Chesterfield Community Services Board – Chesterfield Employment Services (CES).................................97
Chesterfield County – Adolescent Reporting Program..................................................................................74
Chesterfield County Police Department – Explorer Post 609........................................................................52
Chesterfield County Public Schools – Adult Continuing Education Program...............................................12
Chesterfield County Public Schools – CCPSOnline........................................................................................18
Chesterfield County Public Schools – Chesterfield Career and Technical Education Program at Home
High Schools.................................................................................................................................................95
Chesterfield County Public Schools – Chesterfield Specialty Centers within Traditional High Schools..................40
Chesterfield County Public Schools – Chesterfield Technical Center...........................................................98
Chesterfield/Colonial Heights Department of Social Services – Virginia Initiative for Employment not
Chesterfield Technical Center – VADA Automotive Youth Education Partnership...........................................
Commonwealth Catholic Charities – Refugee Unaccompanied Minors Program........................................75
Appendix F: Program Listing by Locality Served
Commonwealth Catholic Charities – Resettlement Services for Refugees..................................................75
Commonwealth Catholic Charities – Therapeutic and Refugee Foster Care...............................................76
Communities In Schools – Communities In Schools of Chesterfield............................................................41
Community College Workforce Alliance.........................................................................................................99
Community Futures Foundation – The Mill House.........................................................................................76
Creative Youth Concepts – Essentials of Liberation and Maturation (ELAM)................................................61
Creative Youth Concepts – Self-empowerment, Self-motivation and Education (SASSY)............................61
Creative Youth Concepts – Therapeutic Day Treatment.................................................................................42
Delta House, LLC – Residential Services........................................................................................................77
Department of Correctional Education – Bon Air Expansion Juvenile Correctional Center........................19
Department of Correctional Education – Paul S. Blandford School..............................................................19
Department of Correctional Education – Transition Program.......................................................................20
Dominion Youth Services – Day School...........................................................................................................42
Easter Seals UCP North Carolina and Virginia, Inc. – Project SUCCESS......................................................77
ECMC Foundation – The College Place - Richmond......................................................................................34
Elk Hill Farm, Inc. – Harambee Day Education Program...............................................................................20
Faison School for Autism.................................................................................................................................21
Family Resolutions Services II (FRS)...............................................................................................................34
Goodwill of Central Virginia – Employment Specialist Assistance..............................................................102
Goodwill of Central Virginia – Group Training...............................................................................................102
Goodwill of Central Virginia – Hands On Training.........................................................................................103
Goodwill of Central Virginia – Individual Assessment..................................................................................103
Grafton School, Inc..........................................................................................................................................22
Greater Richmond ARC – Industrial and Day Support Services..................................................................104
Henrico County Public Schools – Highland Springs Adult Education Center.............................................105
Employment Transition Center......................................................................................................................116
Highland Springs Technical Center – VADA Automotive Youth Education Partnership..............................109
Hilltop Promises and The Frogs Place............................................................................................................81
J. Sargeant Reynolds Community College – ESL Services............................................................................81
J. Sargeant Reynolds Community College – Middle College.........................................................................69
Jobs for Virginia Graduates...........................................................................................................................109
John Tyler Community College – Great Expectations....................................................................................70
John Tyler Community College – On Ramp....................................................................................................13
John Tyler Community College – Tech Prep/Career Pathways/Career
Coaches/PEER Consortium...........................................................................................................................43
Junior Achievement of Central Virginia, Inc...................................................................................................53
Main Street Management Group, LLC – Youth Skill Development Workshops.............................................35
National Guard Youth Challenge Program – The Virginia Commonwealth Challenge Academy....................62
Offender Aid and Restoration (OAR) of Richmond, Inc...................................................................................82
Precious Blessing Academy............................................................................................................................24
Pregnancy Resource Center of Metro Richmond...........................................................................................84
Progressive Adult Rehabilitation Center, Inc. (PARC)..................................................................................110
Resource Workforce Center – Chesterfield Office........................................................................................117
Resource Workforce Center – Midlothian Office...........................................................................................116
2012 Youth Resource Directory
Resource Workforce Center – Sandston Office.............................................................................................117
Resources for Independent Living, Inc. – Independent Living Center...........................................................84
Resource Youth Network In-School Programs: Chesterfield County Public Schools..................................45
Richmond Organization for Sexual Minority Youth (ROSMY) – Youth Engaged in Leadership......................55
Richmond Outreach Center – GED Classes....................................................................................................15
Richmond Outreach Center – Paul’s Prison Ministry/Beaumont Juvenile Detention Center/
James River Detention Center/Isaiah’s Hope...............................................................................................26
Richmond Outreach Center – The Chosen.....................................................................................................55
Richmond Public Schools – Adult Career Development Center....................................................................28
Richmond Public Schools – Hospital Education Program.............................................................................87
Richmond Public Schools – Richmond Technical Center............................................................................111
Richmond Public Schools – Richmond Technical Center - Adult Education...............................................15
Richmond Students Reaching Students.........................................................................................................63
State Council of Higher Education for Virginia – I am the One......................................................................36
St. Joseph’s Villa – Sarah Dooley Center for Autism......................................................................................30
Teens on the Go! – Resource Center...............................................................................................................48
The Active Hand Ministry (TAHM) – People Agreeing for a Change...............................................................56
The Choice Group.............................................................................................................................................36
The Virginia Project for Children and Young Adults with Deaf-Blindness.....................................................88
United Methodist Family Services of Virginia (UMFS) – Project LIFE............................................................88
U-TURN, Inc.....................................................................................................................................................48
Virginia Adult Learning Resource Center – GED Helpline.............................................................................16
Virginia Board for People with Disabilities – Youth Leadership Forum (YLF)...............................................54
Virginia Commonwealth University – Care Connection for Children.............................................................89
Virginia Commonwealth University – Center for Psychological Services and Development........................37
Virginia Commonwealth University – Project Search - Chesterfield County...............................................110
Virginia Commonwealth University – Rehabilitation Research and Training Center (VCU-RRTC).......................89
Virginia Commonwealth University Alumni Association – Mentoring Program............................................65
Virginia Community College System – Virginia Education Wizard.................................................................37
Virginia Council of Churches – The Elizabeth Project....................................................................................65
Virginia Department of Juvenile Justice – Mentoring Program.....................................................................64
Virginia Department of Juvenile Justice – Work Education Release Program (WERP)..............................113
Virginia Department of Juvenile Justice – Youth Industries Program.........................................................113
Virginia Department of Labor and Industry – Registered Apprenticeships...................................................67
Virginia Department of Rehabilitative Services – Henrico Office...................................................................90
Virginia Employment Commission (VEC) – Richmond - Metro North Office...............................................116
Virginia Hispanic Chamber of Commerce – Resource Center......................................................................90
Virginia Home for Boys and Girls – Alternative School..................................................................................32
Virginia Industries for the Blind....................................................................................................................114
William Byrd Community House (WBCH).......................................................................................................57
YMCA of Greater Richmond – Black Achievers...............................................................................................50
YMCA of Greater Richmond – Leaders’ Club..................................................................................................58
YMCA of Greater Richmond – Metro Teens.....................................................................................................59
YMCA of Greater Richmond – Youth in Government Model General Assembly.............................................59
Appendix F: Program Listing by Locality Served
Goochland County
A New You Transitional Living, LLC – Transitional Housing/Independent Living Program..........................73
At Work Personnel and Medical Services.......................................................................................................95
Boaz and Ruth, Inc...........................................................................................................................................95
Capital Area Partnership Uplifting People (CAPUP) – Project Discovery......................................................52
Community College Workforce Alliance.........................................................................................................99
Community Futures Foundation – The Mill House.........................................................................................76
Creative Youth Concepts – Essentials of Liberation and Maturation (ELAM)................................................61
Creative Youth Concepts – Self-empowerment, Self-motivation and Education (SASSY)............................61
Creative Youth Concepts – Therapeutic Day Treatment.................................................................................42
Delta House, LLC – Residential Services........................................................................................................77
Department of Correctional Education – Bon Air Expansion Juvenile Correctional Center........................19
Department of Correctional Education – Paul S. Blandford School..............................................................19
Department of Correctional Education – Transition Program.......................................................................20
Dominion Youth Services – Day School...........................................................................................................42
Elk Hill Farm, Inc. – Harambee Day Education Program...............................................................................20
Elk Hill Farm, Inc. – Varina Day School...........................................................................................................21
Faison School for Autism.................................................................................................................................21
Goochland County Public Schools – Goochland High - Special Education and Transition Program.....................22
Goochland-Powhatan Community Services Board – Monacan Services.....................................................100
Grafton School, Inc..........................................................................................................................................22
Henrico County Public Schools – Highland Springs Adult Education Center.............................................105
Employment Transition Center......................................................................................................................116
Highland Springs Technical Center – VADA Automotive Youth Education Partnership..............................109
Hilltop Promises and The Frogs Place............................................................................................................81
J. Sargeant Reynolds Community College – ESL Services............................................................................81
J. Sargeant Reynolds Community College – Great Expectations..................................................................69
J. Sargeant Reynolds Community College – Middle College.........................................................................69
Jobs for Virginia Graduates...........................................................................................................................109
Junior Achievement of Central Virginia, Inc...................................................................................................53
Main Street Management Group, LLC – Youth Skill Development Workshops.............................................35
National Guard Youth Challenge Program – The Virginia Commonwealth Challenge Academy........................62
Project Return .................................................................................................................................................24
Resource Workforce Center – Chesterfield Office........................................................................................117
Resource Workforce Center – Midlothian Office...........................................................................................116
Resource Workforce Center – Sandston Office.............................................................................................117
Resources for Independent Living, Inc. – Independent Living Center...........................................................84
Resource Youth Network In School Programs: Goochland County Schools ................................................46
Richmond Public Schools – Adult Career Development Center....................................................................28
Richmond Public Schools – Hospital Education Program.............................................................................87
Richmond Public Schools – Richmond Technical Center - Adult Education...............................................15
Richmond Students Reaching Students.........................................................................................................63
St. Joseph’s Villa – Sarah Dooley Center for Autism......................................................................................30
2012 Youth Resource Directory
State Council of Higher Education for Virginia – I am the One......................................................................36
The Virginia Project for Children and Young Adults with Deaf-Blindness.....................................................88
United Methodist Family Services of Virginia (UMFS) – Project LIFE............................................................88
Virginia Adult Learning Resource Center – GED Helpline.............................................................................16
Virginia Board for People with Disabilities – Youth Leadership Forum (YLF)...............................................54
Virginia Commonwealth University – Care Connection for Children.............................................................89
Virginia Commonwealth University – Center for Psychological Services and Development........................37
Virginia Commonwealth University – Rehabilitation Research and Training Center (VCU-RRTC).......................89
Virginia Commonwealth University Alumni Association – Mentoring Program............................................65
Virginia Community College System – Virginia Education Wizard.................................................................37
Virginia Department of Juvenile Justice – Mentoring Program.....................................................................64
Virginia Department of Juvenile Justice – Work Education Release Program (WERP)..............................113
Virginia Department of Juvenile Justice – Youth Industries Program.........................................................113
Virginia Department of Labor and Industry – Registered Apprenticeships...................................................67
Virginia Department of Rehabilitative Services – Henrico Office...................................................................90
Virginia Employment Commission (VEC) – Richmond - Metro North Office...............................................116
Virginia Hispanic Chamber of Commerce – Resource Center......................................................................90
Virginia Home for Boys and Girls – Alternative School..................................................................................32
Virginia Industries for the Blind....................................................................................................................114
William Byrd Community House (WBCH).......................................................................................................57
YMCA of Greater Richmond – Black Achievers...............................................................................................50
YMCA of Greater Richmond – Leaders’ Club..................................................................................................58
YMCA of Greater Richmond – Metro Teens.....................................................................................................59
YMCA of Greater Richmond – Youth in Government Model General Assembly.............................................59
Hanover County
A New You Transitional Living, LLC – Transitional Housing/Independent Living Program..........................73
Associated Educational Services of Virginia, Inc. – Metropolitan Day School...............................................18
Boaz and Ruth, Inc...........................................................................................................................................95
Boys and Girls Clubs of Metro Richmond.......................................................................................................39
Commonwealth Catholic Charities – Refugee Unaccompanied Minors Program........................................75
Commonwealth Catholic Charities – Resettlement Services for Refugees..................................................75
Commonwealth Catholic Charities – Therapeutic and Refugee Foster Care...............................................76
Community College Workforce Alliance.........................................................................................................99
Community Futures Foundation – The Mill House.........................................................................................76
Creative Youth Concepts – Essentials of Liberation and Maturation (ELAM)................................................61
Creative Youth Concepts – Self-empowerment, Self-motivation and Education (SASSY)............................61
Creative Youth Concepts – Therapeutic Day Treatment.................................................................................42
Delta House, LLC – Residential Services........................................................................................................77
Department of Correctional Education – Bon Air Expansion Juvenile Correctional Center........................19
Department of Correctional Education – Paul S. Blandford School..............................................................19
Department of Correctional Education – Transition Program.......................................................................20
Dominion Youth Services – Day School...........................................................................................................42
Appendix F: Program Listing by Locality Served
Easter Seals UCP North Carolina and Virginia, Inc. – Project SUCCESS......................................................77
ECMC Foundation – The College Place - Richmond......................................................................................34
Elk Hill Farm, Inc. – Harambee Day Education Program...............................................................................20
Elk Hill Farm, Inc. – Varina Day School...........................................................................................................21
Faison School for Autism.................................................................................................................................21
Goodwill of Central Virginia – Employment Specialist Assistance..............................................................102
Goodwill of Central Virginia – Group Training...............................................................................................102
Goodwill of Central Virginia – Hands On Training.........................................................................................103
Goodwill of Central Virginia – Individual Assessment..................................................................................103
Grafton School, Inc..........................................................................................................................................22
Greater Richmond ARC – Industrial and Day Support Services..................................................................104
Hanover Community Services Board – Intellectual Disabilities Case Management....................................78
Hanover County Community Services Board – Employment Training.........................................................104
Hanover County Community Services Board – Prevention and Community
Education Services...........................................................................................................................................78
Hanover County Department of Community Resources – Hanover’s Promise.............................................62
Hanover County Department of Social Services.............................................................................................79
Hanover County Public Schools – Hanover Center for Trades and Technology..........................................105
Hanover County Public Schools – Job Coaching Program for Special Education........................................23
Hanover Health Department – Resource Mothers.........................................................................................79
Hanover Juvenile Correctional Center – Junior Reserve Officers Training Program (JROTC)...................105
Henrico County Public Schools – Highland Springs Adult Education Center.............................................105
Employment Transition Center......................................................................................................................116
Hilltop Promises and The Frogs Place............................................................................................................81
J. Sargeant Reynolds Community College – ESL Services............................................................................81
J. Sargeant Reynolds Community College – Great Expectations..................................................................69
J. Sargeant Reynolds Community College – Middle College.........................................................................69
Jobs for Virginia Graduates...........................................................................................................................109
Junior Achievement of Central Virginia, Inc...................................................................................................53
Main Street Management Group, LLC – Youth Skill Development Workshops.............................................35
National Guard Youth Challenge Program – The Virginia Commonwealth Challenge Academy........................62
Offender Aid and Restoration (OAR) of Richmond, Inc...................................................................................82
Pregnancy Resource Center of Metro Richmond...........................................................................................84
Resource Workforce Center – Chesterfield Office........................................................................................117
Resource Workforce Center – Midlothian Office...........................................................................................116
Resource Workforce Center – Sandston Office.............................................................................................117
Resources for Independent Living, Inc. – Independent Living Center...........................................................84
Richmond Organization for Sexual Minority Youth (ROSMY) – Youth Engaged in Leadership......................55
Richmond Public Schools – Adult Career Development Center....................................................................28
Richmond Public Schools – Hospital Education Program.............................................................................87
Richmond Public Schools – Richmond Technical Center............................................................................111
Richmond Public Schools – Richmond Technical Center - Adult Education...............................................15
Richmond Students Reaching Students.........................................................................................................63
2012 Youth Resource Directory
St. Joseph’s Villa – Brook Road Academy.......................................................................................................47
St. Joseph’s Villa – Career and Transition Services.......................................................................................47
St. Joseph’s Villa – Sarah Dooley Center for Autism......................................................................................30
St. Joseph’s Villa – The Dooley School............................................................................................................31
St. Joseph’s Villa – The Dooley School for Alternative Education..................................................................31
State Council of Higher Education for Virginia – I am the One......................................................................36
Teens on the Go! – Resource Center...............................................................................................................48
The Active Hand Ministry (TAHM) – People Agreeing for a Change...............................................................56
The Choice Group.............................................................................................................................................36
The Newman Group – Crossover Mentoring...................................................................................................64
The Virginia Project for Children and Young Adults with Deaf-Blindness.....................................................88
United Methodist Family Services of Virginia (UMFS) – Project LIFE............................................................88
U-TURN, Inc.....................................................................................................................................................48
Virginia Adult Learning Resource Center – GED Helpline.............................................................................16
Virginia Board for People with Disabilities – Youth Leadership Forum (YLF)...............................................54
Virginia Commonwealth University – Care Connection for Children.............................................................89
Virginia Commonwealth University – Center for Psychological Services and Development........................37
Virginia Commonwealth University – Rehabilitation Research and Training Center (VCU-RRTC).......................89
Virginia Commonwealth University Alumni Association – Mentoring Program............................................65
Virginia Community College System – Virginia Education Wizard.................................................................37
Virginia Cooperative Extension – 4-H..............................................................................................................57
Virginia Council of Churches – The Elizabeth Project....................................................................................65
Virginia Department of Juvenile Justice – Mentoring Program.....................................................................64
Virginia Department of Juvenile Justice – Work Education Release Program (WERP)..............................113
Virginia Department of Juvenile Justice – Youth Industries Program.........................................................113
Virginia Department of Labor and Industry – Registered Apprenticeships...................................................67
Virginia Department of Rehabilitative Services – Henrico Office...................................................................90
Virginia Employment Commission (VEC) – Richmond - Metro North Office...............................................116
Virginia Hispanic Chamber of Commerce – Resource Center......................................................................90
Virginia Home for Boys and Girls – Alternative School..................................................................................32
Virginia Industries for the Blind....................................................................................................................114
William Byrd Community House (WBCH).......................................................................................................57
YMCA of Greater Richmond – Black Achievers...............................................................................................50
YMCA of Greater Richmond – Leaders’ Club..................................................................................................58
YMCA of Greater Richmond – Metro Teens.....................................................................................................59
Henrico County
A New You Transitional Living, LLC – Transitional Housing/Independent Living Program..........................73
Associated Educational Services of Virginia, Inc. – Metropolitan Day School...............................................18
Boaz and Ruth, Inc...........................................................................................................................................95
Boys and Girls Clubs of Metro Richmond.......................................................................................................39
Commonwealth Catholic Charities – Refugee Unaccompanied Minors Program........................................75
Commonwealth Catholic Charities – Resettlement Services for Refugees..................................................75
Appendix F: Program Listing by Locality Served
Commonwealth Catholic Charities – Therapeutic and Refugee Foster Care...............................................76
Communities In Schools – Communities In Schools of Richmond...............................................................41
Community College Workforce Alliance.........................................................................................................99
Community Futures Foundation – The Mill House.........................................................................................76
Creative Youth Concepts – Essentials of Liberation and Maturation (ELAM)................................................61
Creative Youth Concepts – Self-empowerment, Self-motivation and Education (SASSY)............................61
Creative Youth Concepts – Therapeutic Day Treatment.................................................................................42
Delta House, LLC – Residential Services........................................................................................................77
Department of Correctional Education – Bon Air Expansion Juvenile Correctional Center........................19
Department of Correctional Education – Paul S. Blandford School..............................................................19
Department of Correctional Education – Transition Program.......................................................................20
Dominion Youth Services – Day School...........................................................................................................42
Easter Seals UCP North Carolina and Virginia, Inc. – Project SUCCESS......................................................77
ECMC Foundation – The College Place - Richmond......................................................................................34
Elk Hill Farm, Inc. – Harambee Day Education Program...............................................................................20
Elk Hill Farm, Inc. – Varina Day School...........................................................................................................21
Faison School for Autism.................................................................................................................................21
Goodwill of Central Virginia – Basic Education Classes...............................................................................101
Goodwill of Central Virginia – Community Employment Centers................................................................101
Goodwill of Central Virginia – Employment Specialist Assistance..............................................................102
Goodwill of Central Virginia – Group Training...............................................................................................102
Goodwill of Central Virginia – Hands On Training.........................................................................................103
Goodwill of Central Virginia – Individual Assessment..................................................................................103
Grafton School, Inc..........................................................................................................................................22
Greater Richmond ARC – Industrial and Day Support Services..................................................................104
Henrico Area Mental Health and Developmental Services – Club House.....................................................80
Henrico Area Mental Health and Developmental Services – CONNECT Program.......................................43
Henrico Area Mental Health and Developmental Services – Teen Job Preparatory Program.....................35
Henrico County Division of Fire – Boy Scouts of America Learning for Life Explorer Post........................106
Henrico County Public Schools – Hermitage Technical Center...................................................................106
Henrico County Public Schools – High Tech Academy - Highland Springs Technical Center....................107
Henrico County Public Schools – Highland Springs Adult Education Center.............................................105
Henrico County Public Schools – Highland Springs Technical Center........................................................107
Henrico County Public Schools – The Academy at Virginia Randolph...........................................................23
Henrico County Vocational/Technical Education Foundation, Inc. – House Building Project.....................108
Employment Transition Center......................................................................................................................116
Highland Springs Technical Center – Springer Daycare..............................................................................108
Highland Springs Technical Center – VADA Automotive Youth Education Partnership..............................109
Hilliard House – Aftercare Program................................................................................................................80
Hilltop Promises and The Frogs Place............................................................................................................81
J. Sargeant Reynolds Community College – ESL Services............................................................................81
J. Sargeant Reynolds Community College – Great Expectations..................................................................69
J. Sargeant Reynolds Community College – Middle College.........................................................................69
2012 Youth Resource Directory
Jobs for Virginia Graduates...........................................................................................................................109
Junior Achievement of Central Virginia, Inc...................................................................................................53
Main Street Management Group, LLC – Youth Skill Development Workshops.............................................35
National Guard Youth Challenge Program – The Virginia Commonwealth Challenge Academy.................62
Offender Aid and Restoration (OAR) of Richmond, Inc...................................................................................82
Partnership for the Future.............................................................................................................................110
Precious Blessing Academy............................................................................................................................24
Pregnancy Resource Center of Metro Richmond...........................................................................................84
Resource Workforce Center – Chesterfield Office........................................................................................117
Resource Workforce Center – Midlothian Office...........................................................................................116
Resource Workforce Center – Sandston Office.............................................................................................117
Resources for Independent Living, Inc. – Independent Living Center...........................................................84
Resource Youth Network In School Programs: Richmond Public Schools ..................................................46
Richmond Organization for Sexual Minority Youth (ROSMY) – Youth Engaged in Leadership......................55
Richmond Outreach Center – GED Classes....................................................................................................15
Richmond Outreach Center – Paul’s Prison Ministry/Beaumont Juvenile Detention Center/
James River Detention Center/Isaiah’s Hope...............................................................................................26
Richmond Outreach Center – The Chosen.....................................................................................................55
Richmond Public Schools – Adult Career Development Center....................................................................28
Richmond Public Schools – Hospital Education Program.............................................................................87
Richmond Public Schools – Richmond Technical Center............................................................................111
Richmond Public Schools – Richmond Technical Center - Adult Education...............................................15
Richmond Students Reaching Students.........................................................................................................63
St. Joseph’s Villa – Brook Road Academy.......................................................................................................47
St. Joseph’s Villa – Career and Transition Services.......................................................................................47
St. Joseph’s Villa – Sarah Dooley Center for Autism......................................................................................30
St. Joseph’s Villa – The Dooley School............................................................................................................31
St. Joseph’s Villa – The Dooley School for Alternative Education..................................................................31
State Council of Higher Education for Virginia – I am the One......................................................................36
Teens on the Go! – Resource Center...............................................................................................................48
The Active Hand Ministry (TAHM) – People Agreeing for a Change...............................................................56
The Choice Group.............................................................................................................................................36
The Newman Group – Crossover Mentoring...................................................................................................64
The Virginia Project for Children and Young Adults with Deaf-Blindness.....................................................88
United Methodist Family Services of Virginia (UMFS) – Project LIFE............................................................88
U-TURN, Inc.....................................................................................................................................................48
Virginia Adult Learning Resource Center – GED Helpline.............................................................................16
Virginia Board for People with Disabilities – Youth Leadership Forum (YLF)...............................................54
Virginia Commonwealth University – Care Connection for Children.............................................................89
Virginia Commonwealth University – Center for Psychological Services and Development........................37
Virginia Commonwealth University – Project Search - Henrico County......................................................110
Virginia Commonwealth University – Rehabilitation Research and Training Center (VCU-RRTC)...................89
Virginia Commonwealth University Alumni Association – Mentoring Program............................................65
Appendix F: Program Listing by Locality Served
Virginia Community College System – Virginia Education Wizard.................................................................37
Virginia Council of Churches – The Elizabeth Project....................................................................................65
Virginia Department of Juvenile Justice – Mentoring Program.....................................................................64
Virginia Department of Juvenile Justice – Work Education Release Program (WERP)..............................113
Virginia Department of Juvenile Justice – Youth Industries Program.........................................................113
Virginia Department of Labor and Industry – Registered Apprenticeships...................................................67
Virginia Department of Rehabilitative Services – Henrico Office...................................................................90
Virginia Employment Commission (VEC) – Richmond - Metro North Office...............................................116
Virginia Hispanic Chamber of Commerce – Resource Center......................................................................90
Virginia Home for Boys and Girls – Alternative School..................................................................................32
Virginia Industries for the Blind....................................................................................................................114
William Byrd Community House (WBCH).......................................................................................................57
YMCA of Greater Richmond – Black Achievers...............................................................................................50
YMCA of Greater Richmond – Leaders’ Club..................................................................................................58
YMCA of Greater Richmond – Metro Teens.....................................................................................................59
YMCA of Greater Richmond – Youth in Government Model General Assembly.............................................59
New Kent County
A New You Transitional Living, LLC – Transitional Housing/Independent Living Program..........................73
Community College Workforce Alliance.........................................................................................................99
Delta House, LLC – Residential Services........................................................................................................77
Department of Correctional Education – Bon Air Expansion Juvenile Correctional Center........................19
Department of Correctional Education – Paul S. Blandford School..............................................................19
Department of Correctional Education – Transition Program.......................................................................20
Dominion Youth Services – Day School...........................................................................................................42
Elk Hill Farm, Inc. – Harambee Day Education Program...............................................................................20
Elk Hill Farm, Inc. – Varina Day School...........................................................................................................21
Faison School for Autism.................................................................................................................................21
Grafton School, Inc..........................................................................................................................................22
Hanover Health Department – Resource Mothers.........................................................................................79
Henrico Area Mental Health and Developmental Services – Club House.....................................................80
Henrico County Public Schools – Highland Springs Adult Education Center.............................................105
Employment Transition Center......................................................................................................................116
Hilltop Promises and The Frogs Place............................................................................................................81
J. Sargeant Reynolds Community College – ESL Services............................................................................81
J. Sargeant Reynolds Community College – Middle College.........................................................................69
Jobs for Virginia Graduates...........................................................................................................................109
Junior Achievement of Central Virginia, Inc...................................................................................................53
Main Street Management Group, LLC – Youth Skill Development Workshops.............................................35
National Guard Youth Challenge Program – The Virginia Commonwealth Challenge Academy........................62
Rappahannock Community College – Middle College...................................................................................70
Rappahannock Community College – On Ramp.............................................................................................14
Rappahannock Community College – Workforce and Youth Services (WAYS)...............................................71
2012 Youth Resource Directory
Rappahannock Community College – Student Services/Trio........................................................................71
Resource Workforce Center – Chesterfield Office........................................................................................117
Resource Workforce Center – Midlothian Office...........................................................................................116
Resource Workforce Center – Sandston Office.............................................................................................117
Resources for Independent Living, Inc. – Independent Living Center...........................................................84
Richmond Public Schools – Adult Career Development Center....................................................................28
Richmond Public Schools – Hospital Education Program.............................................................................87
Richmond Public Schools – Richmond Technical Center............................................................................111
Richmond Public Schools – Richmond Technical Center - Adult Education...............................................15
Richmond Students Reaching Students.........................................................................................................63
St. Joseph’s Villa – Sarah Dooley Center for Autism......................................................................................30
State Council of Higher Education for Virginia – I am the One......................................................................36
The Newman Group – Crossover Mentoring...................................................................................................64
The Virginia Project for Children and Young Adults with Deaf-Blindness.....................................................88
United Methodist Family Services of Virginia (UMFS) – Project LIFE............................................................88
Virginia Adult Learning Resource Center – GED Helpline.............................................................................16
Virginia Board for People with Disabilities – Youth Leadership Forum (YLF)...............................................54
Virginia Commonwealth University – Care Connection for Children.............................................................89
Virginia Commonwealth University – Center for Psychological Services and Development........................37
Virginia Commonwealth University – Rehabilitation Research and Training Center (VCU-RRTC).......................89
Virginia Commonwealth University Alumni Association – Mentoring Program............................................65
Virginia Community College System – Virginia Education Wizard.................................................................37
Virginia Cooperative Extension – 4-H..............................................................................................................57
Virginia Department of Juvenile Justice – Work Education Release Program (WERP)..............................113
Virginia Department of Juvenile Justice – Mentoring Program.....................................................................64
Virginia Department of Juvenile Justice – Youth Industries Program.........................................................113
Virginia Department of Labor and Industry – Registered Apprenticeships...................................................67
Virginia Department of Rehabilitative Services – Henrico Office...................................................................90
Virginia Employment Commission (VEC) – Richmond - Metro North Office...............................................116
Virginia Hispanic Chamber of Commerce – Resource Center......................................................................90
Virginia Home for Boys and Girls – Alternative School..................................................................................32
Virginia Industries for the Blind....................................................................................................................114
William Byrd Community House (WBCH).......................................................................................................57
YMCA of Greater Richmond – Black Achievers...............................................................................................50
YMCA of Greater Richmond – Leaders’ Club..................................................................................................58
Powhatan County
A New You Transitional Living, LLC – Transitional Housing/Independent Living Program..........................73
At Work Personnel and Medical Services.......................................................................................................95
Capital Area Partnership Uplifting People (CAPUP) – Project Discovery......................................................52
Capital Area Partnership Uplifting People (CAPUP) – Virginia CARES..........................................................73
Carr and Sons, Inc. – One Brush Many Opportunities...................................................................................96
Commonwealth Catholic Charities – Refugee Unaccompanied Minors Program........................................75
Appendix F: Program Listing by Locality Served
Community College Workforce Alliance.........................................................................................................99
Community Futures Foundation – The Mill House.........................................................................................76
Delta House, LLC – Residential Services........................................................................................................77
Department of Correctional Education – Bon Air Expansion Juvenile Correctional Center........................19
Department of Correctional Education – Paul S. Blandford School..............................................................19
Department of Correctional Education – Transition Program.......................................................................20
Dominion Youth Services – Day School...........................................................................................................42
Easter Seals UCP North Carolina and Virginia, Inc. – Project SUCCESS......................................................77
Elk Hill Farm, Inc. – Harambee Day Education Program...............................................................................20
Faison School for Autism.................................................................................................................................21
Goochland-Powhatan Community Services Board – Monacan Services.....................................................100
Grafton School, Inc..........................................................................................................................................22
Henrico County Public Schools – Highland Springs Adult Education Center.............................................105
Employment Transition Center......................................................................................................................116
Hilltop Promises and The Frogs Place............................................................................................................81
J. Sargeant Reynolds Community College – ESL Services............................................................................81
J. Sargeant Reynolds Community College – Great Expectations..................................................................69
J. Sargeant Reynolds Community College – Middle College.........................................................................69
Jobs for Virginia Graduates...........................................................................................................................109
Junior Achievement of Central Virginia, Inc...................................................................................................53
Main Street Management Group, LLC – Youth Skill Development Workshops.............................................35
National Guard Youth Challenge Program – The Virginia Commonwealth Challenge Academy........................62
Powhatan County Public Schools – Adult Education Program......................................................................13
Powhatan County Social Services – Virginia Initiative for Employment not Welfare (VIEW) ........................83
Project Return .................................................................................................................................................24
Resource Workforce Center – Chesterfield Office........................................................................................117
Resource Workforce Center – Midlothian Office...........................................................................................116
Resource Workforce Center – Sandston Office.............................................................................................117
Resources for Independent Living, Inc. – Independent Living Center...........................................................84
Richmond Public Schools – Adult Career Development Center....................................................................28
Richmond Public Schools – Hospital Education Program.............................................................................87
Richmond Public Schools – Richmond Technical Center - Adult Education...............................................15
Richmond Students Reaching Students.........................................................................................................63
St. Joseph’s Villa – Sarah Dooley Center for Autism......................................................................................30
State Council of Higher Education for Virginia – I am the One......................................................................36
Teens on the Go! – Resource Center...............................................................................................................48
The Newman Group – Crossover Mentoring...................................................................................................64
The Virginia Project for Children and Young Adults with Deaf-Blindness.....................................................88
United Methodist Family Services of Virginia (UMFS) – Project LIFE............................................................88
Virginia Adult Learning Resource Center – GED Helpline.............................................................................16
Virginia Board for People with Disabilities – Youth Leadership Forum (YLF)...............................................54
Virginia Commonwealth University – Care Connection for Children.............................................................89
Virginia Commonwealth University – Center for Psychological Services and Development........................37
2012 Youth Resource Directory
Virginia Commonwealth University – Rehabilitation Research and Training Center (VCU-RRTC).......................89
Virginia Commonwealth University Alumni Association – Mentoring Program............................................65
Virginia Community College System – Virginia Education Wizard.................................................................37
Virginia Cooperative Extension – 4-H..............................................................................................................57
Virginia Department of Juvenile Justice – Work Education Release Program (WERP)..............................113
Virginia Department of Juvenile Justice – Mentoring Program.....................................................................64
Virginia Department of Juvenile Justice – Youth Industries Program.........................................................113
Virginia Department of Labor and Industry – Registered Apprenticeships...................................................67
Virginia Department of Rehabilitative Services – Henrico Office...................................................................90
Virginia Employment Commission (VEC) – Richmond - Metro North Office...............................................116
Virginia Hispanic Chamber of Commerce – Resource Center......................................................................90
Virginia Home for Boys and Girls – Alternative School..................................................................................32
Virginia Industries for the Blind....................................................................................................................114
William Byrd Community House (WBCH).......................................................................................................57
YMCA of Greater Richmond – Black Achievers...............................................................................................50
YMCA of Greater Richmond – Leaders’ Club..................................................................................................58
Richmond City
A New You Transitional Living, LLC – Transitional Housing/Independent Living Program..........................73
Associated Educational Services of Virginia, Inc. – Metropolitan Day School...............................................18
Boaz and Ruth, Inc...........................................................................................................................................95
Boys and Girls Clubs of Metro Richmond.......................................................................................................39
Bread of Life Resource and Food Center, Inc.................................................................................................96
Church Hill Activities and Tutoring (CHAT).....................................................................................................92
City of Richmond – Economic and Community Development........................................................................99
Commonwealth Catholic Charities – Refugee Unaccompanied Minors Program........................................75
Commonwealth Catholic Charities – Resettlement Services for Refugees..................................................75
Commonwealth Catholic Charities – Therapeutic and Refugee Foster Care...............................................76
Communities In Schools – Communities In Schools of Richmond...............................................................41
Community College Workforce Alliance.........................................................................................................99
Community Futures Foundation – The Mill House.........................................................................................76
Creative Youth Concepts Essentials of Liberation and Maturation (ELAM)...................................................61
Creative Youth Concepts Self-empowerment, Self-motivation and Education (SASSY)...............................61
Creative Youth Concepts Therapeutic Day Treatment....................................................................................42
State Council of Higher Education for Virginia I am the One.........................................................................36
The Newman Group Crossover Mentoring......................................................................................................62
Virginia Commonwealth University Alumni Association Mentoring Program...............................................65
Virginia Department of Juvenile Justice Mentoring Program........................................................................62
Virginia Department of Juvenile Justice Work Education Release Program (WERP).................................111
Virginia Department of Juvenile Justice Youth Industries Program............................................................111
Delta House, LLC – Residential Services........................................................................................................77
Department of Correctional Education – Bon Air Expansion Juvenile Correctional Center........................19
Department of Correctional Education – Paul S. Blandford School..............................................................19
Appendix F: Program Listing by Locality Served
Department of Correctional Education – Transition Program.......................................................................20
Dominion Youth Services – Day School...........................................................................................................42
East District Family Resource Center.............................................................................................................93
Easter Seals UCP North Carolina and Virginia, Inc. – Project SUCCESS......................................................77
ECMC Foundation – The College Place - Richmond......................................................................................34
Elk Hill Farm, Inc. – Harambee Day Education Program...............................................................................20
Elk Hill Farm, Inc. – Varina Day School...........................................................................................................21
Embrace Richmond.......................................................................................................................................100
Faison School for Autism.................................................................................................................................21
Family Resolutions Services II (FRS)...............................................................................................................34
Goodwill of Central Virginia – Basic Education Classes...............................................................................101
Goodwill of Central Virginia – Community Employment Centers................................................................101
Goodwill of Central Virginia – Employment Specialist Assistance..............................................................102
Goodwill of Central Virginia – Group Training...............................................................................................102
Goodwill of Central Virginia – Hands On Training.........................................................................................103
Goodwill of Central Virginia – Individual Assessment..................................................................................103
Grafton School, Inc..........................................................................................................................................22
Greater Richmond ARC – Industrial and Day Support Services..................................................................104
Henrico County Public Schools – Highland Springs Adult Education Center.............................................105
Employment Transition Center.....................................................................................................................116
Hilltop Promises and The Frogs Place............................................................................................................81
J. Sargeant Reynolds Community College – ESL Services............................................................................81
J. Sargeant Reynolds Community College – Middle College.........................................................................69
Jobs for Virginia Graduates...........................................................................................................................109
John Tyler Community College – Great Expectations....................................................................................70
John Tyler Community College – On Ramp....................................................................................................13
John Tyler Community College – Tech Prep/Career Pathways/Career
Coaches/PEER Consortium...........................................................................................................................43
Junior Achievement of Central Virginia, Inc...................................................................................................53
Main Street Management Group, LLC – Youth Skill Development Workshops.............................................35
Mosby Resource Center...................................................................................................................................82
National Guard Youth Challenge Program – The Virginia Commonwealth Challenge Academy..........................62
Neighborhood Resource Center of Greater Fulton Hill (NRC).......................................................................44
Offender Aid and Restoration (OAR) of Richmond, Inc...................................................................................82
Open Arms Residential Services, LLC............................................................................................................83
Partnership for the Future.............................................................................................................................110
Peter Paul Development Center, Inc...............................................................................................................44
Precious Blessing Academy............................................................................................................................24
Pregnancy Resource Center of Metro Richmond...........................................................................................84
Rappahannock Community College – Adult Education Program..................................................................14
Resource Workforce Center – Chesterfield Office........................................................................................117
Resource Workforce Center – Midlothian Office...........................................................................................116
Resource Workforce Center – Sandston Office.............................................................................................117
2012 Youth Resource Directory
Resources for Independent Living, Inc. – Independent Living Center...........................................................84
Resource Youth Network In School Programs: Richmond Public Schools ..................................................46
Richmond City Department of Public Health – Resource Mothers...............................................................85
Richmond City Police Department – Richmond Police Athletic League.......................................................63
Richmond City Social Services – Independent Living.....................................................................................85
Richmond City Social Services – Virginia Initiative for Employment not Welfare (VIEW) .............................86
Richmond Department of Justice Services – Juvenile Community Based Services.....................................86
Richmond Department of Juvenile Justice Services – Adult Offender Re-entry Services.........................111
Richmond Hill – Armstrong Leadership Program..........................................................................................53
Richmond Mayor’s Office – The Mayor’s Youth Academy...............................................................................54
Richmond Organization for Sexual Minority Youth (ROSMY) – Youth Engaged in Leadership......................55
Richmond Outreach Center – Choice Positive................................................................................................25
Richmond Outreach Center – GED Classes....................................................................................................15
Richmond Outreach Center – Hustler’s Academy..........................................................................................25
Richmond Outreach Center – Paul’s Prison Ministry/Beaumont Juvenile Detention Center/
James River Detention Center/Isaiah’s Hope...............................................................................................26
Richmond Outreach Center – The Chosen.....................................................................................................55
Richmond Outreach Center – Violence-Free Zone--Armstrong High School and the Center for
Neighborhood Enterprise.............................................................................................................................27
Richmond Outreach Center – Violence-Free Zone--George Wythe High School and the Center.............. for
Neighborhood Enterprise................................................................................................................................27
Richmond Public Schools – Adult Career Development Center....................................................................28
Richmond Public Schools – Amelia Street Special Education School..........................................................29
Richmond Public Schools – Homebound/Home-Based Instruction.............................................................29
Richmond Public Schools – Hospital Education Program.............................................................................87
Richmond Public Schools – R.E.A.L. School..................................................................................................30
Richmond Public Schools – Richmond Technical Center............................................................................111
Richmond Public Schools – Richmond Technical Center - Adult Education...............................................15
Richmond Redevelopment and Housing Authority – Family Services and Community Relations
Richmond Students Reaching Students.........................................................................................................63
St. Joseph’s Villa – Brook Road Academy.......................................................................................................47
St. Joseph’s Villa – Career and Transition Services.......................................................................................47
St. Joseph’s Villa – Sarah Dooley Center for Autism......................................................................................30
St. Joseph’s Villa – The Dooley School............................................................................................................31
St. Joseph’s Villa – The Dooley School for Alternative Education..................................................................31
Strategies To Elevate People (STEP) – Victory Tutoring.................................................................................93
Teens on the Go! – Resource Center...............................................................................................................48
The Active Hand Ministry (TAHM) – People Agreeing for a Change...............................................................56
The Choice Group.............................................................................................................................................36
The Virginia Project for Children and Young Adults with Deaf-Blindness.....................................................88
United Methodist Family Services of Virginia (UMFS) – Project LIFE............................................................88
U-TURN, Inc.....................................................................................................................................................48
Appendix F: Program Listing by Locality Served
Virginia Adult Learning Resource Center – GED Helpline.............................................................................16
Virginia Board for People with Disabilities – Youth Leadership Forum (YLF)...............................................54
Virginia Commonwealth University – Care Connection for Children.............................................................89
Virginia Commonwealth University – Center for Psychological Services and Development........................37
Virginia Commonwealth University – Rehabilitation Research and Training Center (VCU-RRTC).......................89
Virginia Community College System – Virginia Education Wizard.................................................................37
Virginia Council of Churches – The Elizabeth Project....................................................................................65
Virginia Department of Labor and Industry – Registered Apprenticeships...................................................67
Virginia Department of Rehabilitative Services – Henrico Office...................................................................90
Virginia Employment Commission (VEC) – Richmond - Metro North Office...............................................116
Virginia Hispanic Chamber of Commerce – Resource Center......................................................................90
Virginia Home for Boys and Girls – Alternative School..................................................................................32
Virginia Industries for the Blind....................................................................................................................114
William Byrd Community House (WBCH).......................................................................................................57
YMCA of Greater Richmond – Black Achievers...............................................................................................50
YMCA of Greater Richmond – Leaders’ Club..................................................................................................58
YMCA of Greater Richmond – Metro Teens . ..................................................................................................57
Every effort has been made to ensure that program
information in this inventory is accurate and up to date.
If there has been an error in your organization’s listing,
or if you would like your organization to be included in
the next version of the Youth Resource Directory,
contact Krishawn Monroe, Youth Program Manager, at
(804) 226-1941 or
Resource | 5410 Williamsburg Road | Sandston VA 23150
1.804.226.1941 Phone
1.804.236.0503 Fax
1.804.828.1120 TTY/TDD
1.800.828.1140 Voice Callers
2012 Youth Resource Directory