Current Drug Trends
Current Drug Trends
Current Drug Trends 2014 Common Occurrences with Drug Trends • Increasing Potency • Easy Access and Increasing Awareness (through Internet use) • Deceptive Marketing 2014 Global Drug Survey (GDS) find users moving from local dealers to internet purchases Countries participating in the survey were the USA, UK, Australia, Germany, France, Ireland, Scotland, Belgium, The Netherlands, Denmark, New Zealand, Hungary, Spain, Portugal, Switzerland, Mexico, Slovenia and Brazil) More drug users are buying their drugs online because they say the quality is better, there is more choice and it is more convenient.. convenient • . 2014 Global Drug SurveySurvey-contd. The 2014 Global Drug Survey (GDS) questioned almost 80 80,,000 drug users from 43 countries countries.. It indicates that the majority of drug users use dealers, but a growing number of people are purchasing drugs from the internet internet.. The # 1 drug purchased was marijuana, # 2 MDMA, # 3 LSD and # 4 Ketamine Ketamine.. LEGAL LOOPHOLES USED A COMMON THEME WITH DESIGNER DRUGS IS THE USE OF THE LABEL OF "NOT FOR HUMAN CONSUMPTION“. IT IS A LOOPHOLE THAT LEAVES STORE OWNERS AND PRODUCERS EXEMPT FROM CHARGES IF A USER HAS ADVERSE EFFECTS. THE LABEL “RESEARCH CHECEMICAL PELLETS” AND “INCENSE” IS ALSO USED. Prevention Status Report 2013 • Opioid pain relievers are responsible for three-fourths of all prescription drug threeoverdose deaths and caused more than 16,,600 deaths in the United States in 16 2010.. Nationally, deaths involving opioids 2010 have more than quadrupled since 1999 1999.. The sharp rise in opioid deaths closely parallels an equally sharp increase in the prescribing of these drugs drugs.. People in the USA consume 80 80% % of all the prescription drugs in the world world.. Alcohol Section • Alcohol alters the neurotransmitter GABA (Gamma-aminobutyric (Gammaacid).. acid) Neuron activity is slowed, anxiety and memory are affected.. affected Alcohol also alters the neurotransmitter Glutamate Glutamate.. Glutamate affects cognition (the activities of thinking, understanding, learning, and memory-Webster’s Dictionary).. (NIDA) • If alcohol is a person’s drug of choice, find the correct activity that helps that person relax, unwind and forget about stressful things for a while while.. They may benefit from passive leisure activities activities.. Shooters--20% alcohol Shooters Whipped CreamCream-15 15--25% alcohol Alcopops Up to 12% alcohol Alcopops • Alcopops are flavored malt beverages beverages.. Alcopops are soda soda--like, popular beverages that appeal to youth and are far too available at corner stores stores.. They include Smirnoff Ice, Four Loko Loko,, Blast, Mike's Hard Lemonade and Bartles and James James.. • Alcohol companies like selling Alcopops because they effectively target teenagers teenagers.. They can have much as 12 12% % alcohol in a 24 oz oz.. single single--serving container and are equivalent to 3-5 beers beers.. Many state attorney generals call them a "binge in a can.." can AWOL (Alcohol without liquid machines) Inhaling or Smoking Alcohol • AWOL (Alcohol without liquid) machines • were invented in 2004 and are powered by electrical air compressors compressors.. AWOL 2 and AWOL 3 are powered by electrical oxygen generators" which refer to a couple of mechanisms used for inhalation inhalation.. AWOL is trademarked and gimmicked as an alcohol "vaporizer" (heat the chemical to vapor) but is in fact a nebulizer (mixes the chemical with oxygen into small mist droplets).. droplets) AWOL Vaporizers • Vaporized alcohol also enters the bloodstream faster and its effects are more immediate than its liquid counterparts.. If this is true, this will result counterparts in an enhanced euphoric effect, similar to drinking liquid alcohol on an empty stomach.. Marketers encourage purchasers stomach to use the machine no more than twice in a 24 24--hour period period.. Legal Information on AWOL Machines Many legislators are promoting legislation to ban alcohol inhalation machines machines.. Michigan has made it illegal to possess, sell or use an AWOL machine, and as of June 2008 2008,, 22 other states have banned the device device;; Arizona, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Florida, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Michigan, Minnesota, Nevada, New York, North Carolina Carolina,, Ohio, Pennsylvania, South Carolina Carolina,, Tennessee, Virginia, and Wyoming Wyoming.. Freebasing Alcohol (the Vaportini) Freebasing Alcohol • Freebasing alcohol is done through a device called the Vaportini Vaportini,, which retails for $30 plus shipping shipping.. Users heat a small amount of alcohol in a glass ball over a tea light, then suck the resulting vapors through a straw straw.. Whether it's "smoked" using dry ice or inhaled as a vapor, consuming alcohol in this way is very dangerous dangerous.. Pouring Alcohol over Dry Ice Alcohol and Dry Ice Mix An individual can pour alcohol over dry ice and inhale it directly or with a straw straw.. Inhaling dry ice (with the alcohol) which is difficult to humidify inside the lung tissue, could potentially lead to a “burn” of the lining of the lungs lungs.. Overall, this practice could be even riskier for those who smoke, or have asthma or COPD COPD.. Homemade Alcohol Vaporizers . Homemade alcohol vaporizers The alcohol of choice is poured into a bottle, the bottle is corked, and a bicycle pump needle is poked through the top of the cork cork.. Air is pumped into the bottle to vaporize the alcohol, and the user inhales the vaporized alcohol alcohol.. Dangers of Inhaling Alcohol • Dr Dr.. Harris Stratyner, Regional Clinical Vice • President of Caron Treatment Centers in New York says “When you inhale alcohol, it goes directly into the lungs and circumnavigates the liver liver..” The practice is more likely to lead to deadly alcohol poisoning than drinking liquor, he said said.. Inhaling alcohol vapors can dry out the nasal passages and mouth, making a person more vulnerable to infection.. IT’S LIKE BINGE-DRINKING IN AN infection INSTANT. Cannabis Section (stimulant, depressant & hallucinogen) Is marijuana getting stronger? THC contents for marijuana in the USA: 1978 - 1.37% 1988 - 3.59% 1998 - 4.43% 2008 - 8.49% The highest concentration of THC found in a single sample was 37.2%. (The University of Mississippi's Potency Monitoring Project) Is marijuana stronger now than in the past? In the 1970s, 72% of cannabis was brought into the U.S. rather than being produced here. Between transportation and distribution time, it was much older due to the time it took to get from the farm to the consumer. It was a mixture of leaves, stems, flowers, and hodgepodge pieces of the plant. Very little of the product was actually sinsemilla which is the best source of cannabinoids in marijuana. Now, just a few years later, the potency of marijuana continues to increase as the cannabis industry becomes more high tech than ever. (Anna Wilcox/Leafly Wilcox/Leafly)) Cannabis (stimulant, sedative, hallucinogen) (May 9th, 2014) Police seize 2,593 pounds of brick marijuana in an empty warehouse in Kernersville, North Carolina. Love Boat (hallucinogen(hallucinogen4 variations) Love Boat (hallucinogen) The name Love Boat is currently associated with three different street drugs - marijuana soaked with embalming fluid/formaldehyde,, marijuana soaked fluid/formaldehyde with the dissociative hallucinogen in PCP PCP,, marijuana soaked in both formaldehyde and PCP, and a cigarette soaked in PCP PCP.. Marijuana and PCP are both hallucinogens, with PCP acting in a dissociative manner by blocking chemical signals sent from your conscious mind to other parts of the brain.. Blocking these signals results in brain variety of effects ranging from sensory deprivation to hallucinations to a trance trance-like state state.. Marijuana Lollipops & candy Marijuana Lollipops & candy A green van with pictures of marijuana on it pulls up at Ultra Fest 2014 2014.. The vehicle is one of two dozen vehicles called “weed wagons wagons..” They travel from one music festival to another from New York, Los Angeles, Texas and Miami to sell and hand out free samples of candy which may or not contain THC THC.. The product is also sold online online.. Depending on which state they’re in and it’s medical marijuana laws, not all of the product is loaded with THC THC.. Lollipops in Florida don't contain THC, but are instead made of hemp oil, which is legal and will not get you high high.. Marijuana lollipops loaded with THC are sold to people in states that have medical marijuana cards cards.. One concert goer said after trying a marijuana lollipop.. “I was a little disappointed lollipop disappointed.. I didn’t feel anything..” anything THC Puppy Chow . THC Puppy Chow Puppy chow is a common party food made by melting chocolate, butter and powder sugar and Chex cereal cereal.. The THC oil is added to the butter during the cooking process process.. Users are also mixing the THC oil with Cinnamon Toast Crunch cereal cereal.. Transdermal THC Patches Transdermal THC Patches • State troopers are seeing more marijuana hash-inflused transdermal patches (similar hashto a nicotine patch) being purchased from Colorado and crossing state lines. Once removed from the package, the patches have no markings. They do have a slight odor of marijuana and easily test positive for THC. E-cigarettes are used to smoke Cannabis oil and Cannabis wax Street names: Dabs, Butane Hash Oil, Wax. E-Cigarettes are being used to Smoke Marijuana A growing number of people are smoking marijuana in e-cigarettes cigarettes.. Marijuana in liquid (BHO or butane butane--extracted hash oil) and wax forms (80 80% % THC) used in e-cigarettes do not create an odor odor.. Because the devices don’t produce a flame, a person smoking marijuana in an e-cigarette can take a puff and then quickly put it in a pocket pocket.. People are using the combination without fear of detection in public public.. Synthetic Cannabinoids, Spice, K2 (hallucinogen, stimulant) Spice and K2 Synthetic Cannabinoids Illegal chemists make synthetic marijuana by using these chemicals chemicals:: JWH JWH--018 018,, JWH JWH--073 073,, HU HU-210,, M-694 210 694,, CP CP--47 47,,497 and other compounds of JWH.. Synthetic marijuana sellers get around the JWH law by putting “Not for human consumption” on the packages packages.. Illegal chemists are keeping one step ahead of the law by developing new versions of chemical compounds as they’re banned by states states.. Testing for Synthetic Cannabinoids On November 22 22,, 2011 2011,, Redwood Toxicology Laboratory announced they can now test for 6 synthetic cannabinoid chemicals:: JWH chemicals JWH--018 018,, JWH JWH--073 073,, JWH JWH--081 081,, JWH--250 JWH 250,, AM--2201 AM and RCS--4. RCS Scooby Snax (Synthetic Cannabinoid Cannabinoid)) Graham Crackers Cannabinoid Scooby Snax Scooby Snax has been openly sold at gas stations and convenience stores stores.. These types of products labeled as incense or potpourri are blamed for several deaths nationwide after people have smoked it. Patients show up in the emergency room confused, agitated, hallucinating, with blood pressure elevated and heart racing. . Crazy Clown (Synthetic Cannabinoid Cannabinoid)) . Crazy Clown • Crazy Clown is a new 4th generation synthetic • • marijuana similar to Spice with some serious and potentially fatal side effects. It's blamed for sending people to ER’s with violent reactions and causing death. Crazy Clown is smoked or burned in a small bowl and inhaled. Active chemicals in Crazy Clown are unknown. Symptoms include: nausea, vomiting, dry mouth, weakness, cardiac problems, psychotic episodes, paralysis and violent behavior. This is a drug that is not deceptive with it’s marketing name name.. Legal Information on Crazy Clown • On October 9th 2013 2013,, Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi Wednesday filed an emergency rule criminalizing four related synthetic cannabinoid drugs, including one being marketed under the name "Crazy Clown" Clown".. The emergency move makes the new synthetics Schedule I controlled substances under Florida law • The four substances are B-PINACA, AB AB--FUBINACA, ADB ADB-PINACA, and Fluoro ABDICA ABDICA.. They have been tentatively identified as cannabinoid receptor agonists, similar to an earlier round of synthetic cannabinoids that have been marketed under names such as "Spice" and "K "K2 2." Those drugs are banned under federal law and are illegal in a number of states as well well.. • Georgia banned the drugs in September 2013 under a synthetic drugs analog law law,, and now neighboring Florida has moved to do so, too too.. Spice, K2 • Spice is sold under many names—K2, fake weed, • • Yucatan Fire, Skunk, Moon Rocks, and others. They contain dried, shredded plant material along with manmade chemicals that cause mindaltering effects. For several years, Spice was easy to purchase in head shops and gas stations and online. Spice has a high potential for abuse and no medical benefit. One teen quoated “6 minutes felt like hours. I wanted to come down, but couldn’t. “ Spice, K2 • The Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) has made it against the law to sell, buy, or possess Spice. People who make Spice products try to avoid these legal restrictions by using different chemicals in their mixtures. The DEA continues to watch the situation and review the need to update the list of banned chemicals. How Does Spice, K2 Affect the Brain? • Many Spice users have experience effects • that are stronger than those of marijuana. Some users report effects like extreme anxiety, paranoia, and hallucinations. Chemicals found in Spice attach to the same nerve cell receptors as THC, the main mind-altering component of marijuana. Some of the chemicals found in Spice, however, attach to those receptors more strongly, which could lead to a much stronger and more unpredictable effect. Other Health Effects of Spice, K2 • People who abused Spice and were taken to Poison Control Centers report symptoms like a fast heart rate, vomiting, agitation, confusion, and hallucinations. Spice can also raise blood pressure and cause less blood to flow to the heart. In a few cases, it has been associated with heart attacks. People who use Spice a lot may experience withdrawal and addiction symptoms. Effects of Spice, K2 and kidney damage • The CDC issued an alert describing 16 cases of • kidney damage from synthetic marijuana marijuana.. The first warning came from Wyoming, where three patients were hospitalized with severe kidney damage;; others came from Oregon, New York, damage Rhode Island, Oklahoma and Kansas Kansas.. The kidney damage from many of these cases was very severe, five to the point of requiring dialysis dialysis.. In December, 2012 2012,, the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) released a report showing that synthetic marijuana was responsible for 11 11,,400 emergency room visits in one year year.. The vast majority of those admitted were between the ages of 12 and 29 29.. Synthetic Marijuana 20092009-2013 data • Synthetic marijuana is thought to have • appeared in the U.S. in 2009 2009,, and soon after came a spike in emergency room visits, even deaths deaths,, as the drug caught on among young people people.. About 8 percent of high school seniors said they've used some type of synthetic marijuana in 2013 2013,, according to the report released by the National Institutes of Health.. That's a sharp drop from the 11 Health percent of high school seniors who'd experimented with fake pot in 2012 2012.. E-cigarettes used to smoke K2 eeliquid K2 ee-liquid advertisement • K2 e-liquid LEGAL • K2 e-liquid was not developed for human consumption consumption.. When you buy this product, it can only be used for aromatherapy purposes or as a research chemical chemical.. Here are some other important things to keep in mind mind:: • Our products are NOT smoking blends or entheogenes of any kind kind.. • Our mixes are created for aromatherapy purposes and are designed for use as a room fragrance only only.. • Our products are NOT made from any of these banned chemicals:: JWH chemicals JWH--018 018,, JWH JWH--073 073,, JWH JWH--200 200,, CP CP--47 47,,497 and cannabicyclohexanol Methylone, MDPV, Acetone or any Hallucinogens, Salvia Divinorum, Hawaiian Baby Woodrose (Argyreia nervosa), Blue Egyptian water lily (Nymphaea caerulea).. caerulea) Opiate and Opioid Section • Afghanistan exports over 80% of the Heroin used • in the world. Drug users scam doctors to acquire opiates, pharmacies are burglarized, and many opiates are smuggled in from Mexico Mexico.. Heroin Production Zohydro (opiate) . Zohydro (opiate) • Zohydro ER hit the market in March 2014 amidst widespread concern that the drug could trigger a disastrous spike in overdoses and deaths deaths.. Zohydro is a potent extended--release extended form of hydrocodone without the additives of aspirin or acetaminophen and without anti anti-abuse formulation formulation.. Zohydro contains 10 times the amount found in other painkillers.. (Regional Organized Crime Information painkillers Center) Triggering Dopamine Dopamine is the neurotransmitter that creates the sensation of happiness happiness.. Dopamine production can be stimulated naturally, without using drugs drugs.. Triggering Dopamine 1) Exercise daily. The Brookhaven National Laboratory reports that exercise stimulates dopamine. Because it takes this long for the dopamine to be triggered, you need to work out at least 20 to 30 minutes daily. Cardio--vascular exercise such as walking, Cardio swimming and jogging are examples. Aim to keep the heart rate elevated for this period of time. Normalizing Dopamine Levels 2) Eliminate foods high in sugars, fats and cholesterol from the diet. In addition to being unhealthy foods, these can also cause a drop in dopamine levels. Normalizing Dopamine Production 3) Eat foods producing dopamine dopamine.. Fresh fruits and vegetables, avocados, bananas, low--fat dairy, fish, poultry, lima beans, low almonds, sesame seeds, pumpkin seeds, soy, whole grains and legumes legumes.. 4) Eat antioxidant foods foods:: orange vegetables and fruits, asparagus, broccoli, beets beets.. Vitamin C: Peppers, oranges, strawberries, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts Vitamin E: Nuts and sunflower seeds, greens, broccoli, carrots carrots.. Triggering Dopamine contd. 5) Get plenty of rest. Dopamine has been tied to feelings of wakefulness, so in order to get that wakeful feeling, get 7 to 8 hour of sleep a night. 6) Reach a new goal. Triggering Endorphins Endorphins relieve stress and enhance pleasure. 1) Exercising releases endorphins when exercise level is moderate to high, "at the point when you are going from aerobic to anaerobic exercise."Short bursts of activity like weightweight-lifting or sprinting, don't trigger endorphins enough. Triggering Endorphins 2) Eat hot peppers. Cayenne peppers, jalapeño peppers, banana peppers, and other hot peppers contain capsaicin, which releases endorphins. Try eating a piece of raw pepper. When the initial fiery pain subsides, you should feel euphoria. If you don't want to have to deal with the pain to reap the pleasure of capsaicin, sprinkle a little cayenne pepper on your food for a milder boost in mood. Triggering Endorphins Physical treatments indirectly or directly (through muscle manipulation) release endorphins. "Yoga, "Yoga, Pilates, Tai Chi, acupuncture, acupressure and massage stimulate nerves and improve overall physical, emotional and mental health. This is part of the wellness movement," meaning the shift away from medicalized treatment of ailments to maintaining wellness and taking responsibility for one's own health and wellwell-being. Normalizing Endorphin Levels • Vanilla extract. The scent of vanilla has been shown to stimulate the production of ginseng. Try adding a drop to your coffee, or stirring some into your yogurt. It's the smell, not the taste, that affects your endorphins, so be sure to take a deep whiff. You can get the same benefits from smelling a vanillavanilla-scented candle, lotion or essential oil. • Lavender has similar properties and is also shown to stimulate endorphin production. Activating Endorphins Meditation is another effective way to trigger your endorphins. Sunlight triggers endorphins. Acetyl Fentanyl (Opioid) . Acetyl Fentanyl (Opioid) • Feb. 19th, 2014 Feb. 2014--The head of the state’s toxicology lab says a new, deadly synthetic narcotic that caused three fatal overdoses in North Carolina last month is probably manufactured in sophisticated labs outside the United States States.. The N.C. Department of Health and Human Services issued a health advisory Wednesday that warned of acetyl fentanyl fentanyl,, a synthetic, opioid drug that is up to five times more powerful than heroin heroin.. The drug can be smoked, snorted, injected or taken orally orally.. The state health advisory comes in the wake of three deaths related to the synthetic drug in January January.. Toxicologists in the state medical examiner’s lab found evidence of acetyl fentanyl associated with drug deaths in Sampson, Person and Transylvania counties.. Read more here counties here:: “People in the street may not know what they are ingesting in their body,” said Dr Dr.. Justin Brower, who supervises the toxicology lab at the state medical examiner’s office.. Acetyl fentanyl has properties and side effects that are office similar to heroin, Brower said, but “people can die much more easily” from the synthetic drug drug.. (News and Observer) Suboxone (Buprenorphine and Naloxone Naloxone)) . Lean, Sprite or Dirty Sprite (Opiate) Lean, Sprite or Dirty Sprite This is a slang term for a recreational drug popular in the southern United States, originating in Houston, Texas in the 80 80’s ’s.. Its main ingredient is prescription prescription--strength cough syrup containing codeine and promethazine promethazine.. Cough syrup is typically mixed with ingredients such as Sprite or Mountain Dew Dew.. The purplish hue of Lean comes from dyes in cough syrup syrup.. There are numerous slang terms for Lean including Purple Drank, Sizzurp Sizzurp,, Syrup, Drank, Barre,, Purple Jelly, Texas Tea, and Tsikuni Barre Tsikuni.. “The high is as close as you can come to heroin”. Effects of Lean, Dirty Sprite, Sprite (Opiate) • • • • • • • • Constricted pupils that do not respond well to light Slow, slurred speech Droopy eyes Slowed heart rate Drowsiness Constipation Dental problems An overdose of codeine could result in death. If Lean is used with alcohol or other drugs, the combination can also contribute to death. One user states “c “codeine cough syrup makes you drowsy. I sleep very well.” Another user described the effect as “mellow, lasts about five hours.” Effects of Lean, Sprite and Dirty Sprite mixed with alcohol One user described syrup and alcohol as “a mean combination, one of the worst drunks you’ll ever have, including mood swings, blackouts, nausea, and headaches. In short, you can get downright ignorant on it and should avoid that combination.” Go to the NIDA website for an excellent PDF “Leaning on Syrup”. Candy Coated Fry Stick (cannabinoid cannabinoid,, hallucinogen and opiate) A candy coated fry stick is marijuana joint soaked in embalming fluid into which PCP has been suspended, then covered in codeine cough syrup and then smoked. Candy Blunt (opiate and cannabinoid) A candy blunt is a store-bought cigarillo that is emptied of tobacco, replaced with marijuana, re-rolled, and coated with codeine cough syrup. “Coat the paper before rolling and it makes a good burn. You could dunk the ends instead, but it’ll flame up on you.” Nyquil is a recommended substitute when no codeine cough syrup is available. Desomorphine, Krokodil (Opiate) • Krokodil is a synthetic heroin product • popular in Russia. Due to the poisonous ingredients, addict life expectancy usually only runs one to three years once they start on the drug. Desomorphine is a synthetic morphine. Krokodil became a popular replacement for Russian heroin, which can be made from chemicals like codeine, iodine, lighter fluid, gasoline and industrial cleaning oil combined in a process similar to cooking methamphetamine. The resulting drug is injected for about a 90-minute high which is more intense than heroin. Codeine Cough Syrup Original Intended Purpose • Dr. George Fallieras stated that in its intended usage "The codeine in the medicine serves as a pain reliever and also suppresses coughing. A second drug in the cough syrup, promethazine promethazine,, is used as an antihistamine and to treat motion sickness and nausea.” Cheese Heroin . Cheese Heroin • Drug dealers are attempting to make narcotics more appealing to children. Cheese heroin is a mixture of Tylenol PM and 2-8% heroin. It is also known as “Tylenol with Smack.” Stimulant Section • Activates Norepinephrine (Adrenaline) • Walks, hot baths/showers, massage, meditation, visualization and spirituality helps regain peace of mind. mind. What is this? . Methamphetamine (stimulant & hallucinogen) Methamphetamine (stimulant & hallucinogen) Meth Labs • North Carolina pharmacies log all purchases of products containing pseudoephedrine through NPLEx NPLEx.. The NPLEx system connects North Carolina with 23 states nationwide including neighboring states, making it harder for meth cooks to skirt the law by crossing state lines or shopping at multiple pharmacies The system also helps block illegal sales of meth’s key ingredient. North Carolina pharmacies began using the system January 1, 2012. NPLEx automatically lets pharmacies know if the buyer has reached the legal limit for pseudoephedrine purchases so the store can stop the sale. State law limits purchases of products that contain pseudoephedrine to no more than two packages at once and no more than three packages within 30 days. Purchasers must show a photo ID and sign a log. • Meth lab busts by county State Bureau of Investigation agents responded to 561 meth labs in 2013, an increase from 460 labs found in 2012. Of those meth labs, 81 percent used the “one pot” method, portable labs which make small amounts of meth. Counties in both western and eastern North Carolina saw large numbers of meth labs last year. The North Carolina counties with the largest number of meth lab busts in 2013 were: Wilkes (50 labs), Onslow (46 labs), Anson (30 labs), Catawba (27 labs), Sampson (27 labs), Gaston (26 labs), Burke (23 labs) and Johnston (22 labs). Onslow, Lincoln, Gaston, Stanly and Sampson counties saw the largest increase in meth labs in 2013 as compared to 2012. Law enforcement and SBI agents also saw a significant increase in the number of meth labs in counties surrounding Charlotte in 2013, including Anson (30 labs), Gaston (26 labs), Union (20 labs), Lincoln (19 labs), Stanly (15 labs) and Rowan (10 labs) counties. (North Carolina Department of Justice) Methamphetamine Labs in North Carolina counties States that are part of NPLEx (National Precursor Log Exchange) that tracks pseudoephedrine purchases at pharmacies . Strawberry Quick Strawberry Quick • Strawberry Quick is methamphetamine mixed with strawberry flavoring that minimizes the acidic taste of the drug. It looks like the "Pop Rocks" candy that sizzle in your mouth. In it's current form, it is dark pink in color and has a strawberry scent to it. Police say it comes in other flavors including chocolate. Practical Help for Clients Exercise may help reduce methamphetamine use use,, researchers have concluded after a recent study (April 27th 2014 2014)). The abuse of amphetamine type psychomotor stimulants remains a critical legal and public health problem in the United States States.. Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology (FASEB) Science Daily Daily.. Hallucinogen Section Bufo Alvarius (Hallucinogen) Several species of toads produce venom that contains psychoactive chemicals, but only Bufo alvarius (Colorado River Toad or Sonoran Desert Toad) venom contains 5-MeO MeO--DMT DMT,, which is a naturally occurring psychedelic present in the venom of the Bufo alvarius toad toad.. It is somewhat comparable in effects to DMT DMT;; however it is substantially more potent, so it should not be confused with DMT DMT.. The venom of some Bufo species, including B. alvarius, contains trace amounts of bufotenin and some may also contain toxic chemicals chemicals.. Bufo toad venom is poisonous if eaten.. (Erowid eaten Erowid)) Benzo Fury (Stimulant & Hallucinogen) . Benzo Fury (stimulant and hallucinogen) Benzo Fury or 6-APB, is a colorless stimulant, in powder or pill form and is marketed as a “research drug”. Benzo Fury is similar to amphetamines and Ecstasy (MDMA). Effects of Benzo Fury are alertness, increased energy, euphoria, feelings of peace, dilated pupils, tingling feelings, tightening of jaw muscles, raised body temperature, increased heart rate, anxiety attacks and paranoid/confused states. Marketing of Benzo Fury Benzo Fury is sold primarily through websites claiming to be manufacturers of research chemicals. One UK website sells Benzo Fury for 10 British Pounds (around $15-16 U.S. dollars) per pill and shipping to the U.S. is available. Benzo Fury was banned in June of 2013. Dragonfly (hallucinogen) Dragonfly got it’s name from the dragonfly-like appearance of its chemical structure. . Bromo Dragonfly, B-Fly, Fly, 2C-B-fly or Europa Dragonfly is a synthetic hallucinogenic that produces effects similar to LSD or ecstasy. This substance was originally developed as part of a legitimate medical research project, but has no legitimate or medical use. This drug causes long-acting vasoconstriction. This drug can be a powder, liquid or placed on blotter paper like LSD. The hallucinogenic effects of this drug are long-lasting, sometimes lasting up to 3 days. Effects after orally ingesting the drug can be delayed as long as 6 hours which may lead to double dosing and overdose. B-Fly (liquid form) can be concealed in small dropper bottle products. The good news is B-Fly, also classified as a form of 2C-B, has just recently been added to the Controlled Substance Act and is now illegal in the U.S. 2-CI, India, Smiles (Hallucinogen) . 2C-I is replacing Bath Salts as the 2Challucinogenic drug of choice. • The fluffy white powder is usually pressed into • pill form. It produces LSD-like hallucinations and visual distortions, and MDMA-like empathy. The onset of effects is around 40 minutes with peak effects occurring at approximately 2 hours. It can last up to 8 hours. 2C-I can be taken orally in tablet or capsule form, snorted in its powder form and orally taken in the form of small squares of blotter paper similar to LSD ingestion. 2C-I is purchased primarily through Internet retailers, but it’s also been sold by street-level dealers. As of July 9th, 2012, 2C-I is a Schedule I controlled substance under the Controlled Substance Act, making possession, distribution and manufacturing illegal. N-Bomb (hallucinogen) . N-Bomb (hallucinogen) • NBOMe is a clump white powder with a notably bitter and metallic taste taste.. It is often sold as LSD or mescaline mescaline.. It may be snorted, or made into a liquid and soaked into blotter paper (like LSD) or laced on something edible edible.. It is most often taken on breath strips and dissolves quickly in the mouth.. mouth Common Designer Drugs There are many designer drugs that have been identified in the United States.. These are found in a number States of different categories, including opioids,, dissociatives opioids dissociatives,, stimulants, hallucinogens, and others others.. The following is a list of some of the many new designer drugs drugs.. Just a few new designer drugs Aminotaldalafil, Aildenafil Aminotaldalafil, Aildenafil,, Sulfoaildenafil Sulfoaildenafil,, Hydroxyacetildenafil,, Thiosildenafil Hydroxyacetildenafil Thiosildenafil,, THG THG,, Prostanozol,, Methasterone Prostanozol Methasterone,, Madol Madol,, Norbolethone Norbolethone,, AB--001, RCS AB RCS--8, CP 47,497, 47,497, HU HU--308, JWH JWH--167, JWH--250, AM JWH AM--1241, AMAM-1220 (Dr. (Dr. Alexandros Makriyannis developed this compound), compound), RCS RCS--4 (banned in Denmark and New Zealand), Zealand), 1,4--Butanediol, Mebroqualone 1,4 Mebroqualone,, Etizolam Etizolam,, Phanazepam,, Premazepam Phanazepam Premazepam,, Gamma Gamma-valerolactone,, 2-Methyl valerolactone Methyl--2-butanol, Dimethocaine Dimethocaine,, Diphenulprolinol,, Ethcathinone Diphenulprolinol Ethcathinone,, Flephedrone Flephedrone,, Geranamine,, Naphyrone Geranamine Naphyrone,, MDPV, Methylenedioxypyrovalerone,, Pentylone Methylenedioxypyrovalerone Pentylone,, Buphedrone,, PMEA, PMMA, PMA, MMA, Buphedrone Methylone,, MDEA, 4-MTA, AET, Butylone Methylone Butylone,, IAP, BZP, mCPP mCPP,, Tenocyclidine Tenocyclidine,, Ethylketamine Ethylketamine,, Methoxyketamine,, TMA Methoxyketamine TMA--6, TMATMA-2, AMT DiPT DiPT,, LSB, ALD--52, Nortilidine ALD Nortilidine,, Dimetamine Dimetamine.. Making designer drugs illegal • Designer drugs are simply variations on drugs that already exist exist.. These drugs are specifically designed to avoid and fall outside of the laws of the DEA in the United States States.. The variation of the chemical structure allows the drug to be temporarily used and created without the fear or expectation of criminal charges since it does not fall under any current regulations regulations.. Although these drugs often do not fall under regulations, the DEA has been given the power to temporarily schedule a drug that it is investigating investigating.. During an investigation, the drug is likely to be scheduled as a Schedule I drug, which prohibits its use, sale sale,, and distribution in the United States States.. (Project Know--Understanding Addiction) Know What is This? . LSD LSD produces hallucinations dissociating the user from reality reality.. Users often report having the ability to see and hear things without stimulus stimulus.. "Synesthesia Synesthesia"" is another effect, causing the user to hear matter that is only visibly perceptive such as hearing colors or associating odor to audible sounds such as "smelling voices voices.." Each square piece represents a single dose which costs $5-7 each each.. LSA (d (d--lysergic acid amide) hallucinogen . LSA--hallucinogen LSA LSA is a psychedelic ergoline alkaloid closely related to LSD,, roughly one LSD one--tenth the potency of LSD . It is most commonly taken by consuming an extraction made from Ipomoea tricolor (Morning glory glory), ), Argyreia nervosa (Hawaiian baby woodrose woodrose)) or Stipa robusta : Sleepy Grass (The fungus that infects Sleepy Grass has also infected and caused diseases in humans) humans).. It has a wide range of effects including auditory and visual hallucinations, spatial and temporal distortion, introspection, and side effects such as nausea and vomiting.. vomiting Peyote (hallucinogen) . Peyote (hallucinogen) • Peyote changes the chemistry in the brain to induce an altered mental state in the user, known as a "trip "trip.." The substance is cultivated from the peyote cactus plant that grows in the wild in the southwestern United States States.. Protruding nubs or "buttons" are pulled from the crown of the plant and ingested to experience various psychedelic effects effects.. The main chemical compound in peyote is mescaline, an amphetamine.. Mescaline can be extracted amphetamine from peyote or produced synthetically synthetically.. Peyote (hallucinogen) Why Stop Using? Peyote affects the user's brain chemistry.. chemistry Altered perception, delusions, hallucinations, psychosis and flashbacks are psychological side effects of Peyote Peyote.. It can cause an altered altered--mental state in which the individual isolates himself himself.. Over time, this isolation can develop into a psychosis, sapping the person's desire to do anything other than live in that imaginary place place.. The dream dream--state becomes preferable to the trial of real life, until the person wakes up one day and finds that he or she is unable to cope effectively with reality reality.. (Project Know) Nightshade Plants (hallucinogen) Belladonna Belladonna (hallucinogen) • Atropa Belladonna has been used because of the vivid hallucinations and delirium they produce.. However, these hallucinations are most produce commonly described as very unpleasant unpleasant,, and use is considered extremely dangerous because of the high risk of unintentional fatal overdose overdose.. In addition, the central nervous system effects of atropine include memory disruption, which may lead to severe confusion confusion.. Angels Trumpet, Brugmansia Angels Trumpet, Brugmansia • Angels Trumpet is an herbal drug derived from a South American tropical tree whose flowers are consumed as a tea, smoked, boiled and eaten (abusers often eat the flowers) for hallucinogenic effects. All parts of Brugmansia are poisonous. In low doses, it’s considered a mild hallucinogen, but higher doses can result in an “eternal” trip or even death. Sides Effects of Angels Trumpet • Reported side effects include dilated pupils, inability to urinate, severe thirst, confusion, drowsiness, constipation, dry and warm skin, fast heartbeat, anxiety, headaches, hallucinations and memory loss. Users explain this drug as similar in effect to psilocybin mushroom and have also indicated that the drug can remove all capacity for free will. Henbane (hallucinogen) Henbane (Nightshade plant) Henbane is known as stinking nightshade or Black Henbane Henbane.. Side effects include dry mouth, red skin, constipation, overheating, reduced sweating, vision disturbances, increased heart rate, difficulty with urinating, drowsiness, restlessness, hallucinations, delirium, manic episodes and death.. death Morning Glory seeds (hallucinogen) Morning Glory (hallucinogen) • The seeds give a LSD LSD--like high when swallowed • by the hundreds and are found to be one-tenth as potent as LSD. The seeds are eaten whole or ground up. When the seeds are chewed up, the effects of the drug will take affect within 30 to 90 minutes. Effects are anxiety or panic attacks, distortion of time, space and body image, difficulty concentrating and thinking clearly, severe mood swings, often ranging from a hyper-interested mood to a withdrawn disinterested mood. Datura, Jimson Weed (hallucinogen) Jimson Weed, Datura, Thorn Apple (hallucinogen) • Datura Stramonium grows 3-5 feet tall tall.. It grows wild in most parts of the US and has been called Green Dragon, Locoweed, Devil's Trumpet, Devil's Apple, Devil's Weed, Mad Apple and Stinkweed Stinkweed.. The toxic effects are are:: dilated pupils, elevated body temperature, dry mucus membranes, urinary retention, decreased gastrointestinal motility, agitation, delirium delirium,, seizures, visual hallucinations, amnesia, spasmodic movement and coma coma.. Symptoms usually appear 1-4 hours after ingestion and may persist for days days.. Salvia (hallucinogen) Salvia--hallucinogen Salvia • Salvia (Salvia divinorum) is an herb found • in southern Mexico and Central and South America. The dried leaves of Salvia are smoked as a joint, inhaled through water pipes, or vaporized and inhaled. (NIDA) Effects of Salvia • People who abuse Salvia generally experience hallucinations or a loss of contact with reality. Effects last 1-30 minutes. They include changes in visual perception, mood and body sensations, emotional swings, and feelings of detachment. People also report a very different perception of reality and trouble interacting with their surroundings. Nutmeg (deleriant, hallucinogen) . Nutmeg (deliriant) Nutmeg contains myristicin, which belongs to the deliriant drug family. Nutmeg produces a hallucinogenic high that most people consider unpleasant. Nutmeg takes up to six hours for an individual to even begin feeling minimal effects. effects. Effects can range anywhere from a mild high or stoned feeling similar to marijuana coupled with alcohol to a fullfull-blown deliriant experience with auditory and visual hallucinations, closed closed-eye visuals, visuals, and shifts in perception. The taste and texture alone can cause nausea and gagging. Other side effects during the primary experience include a proneness to panic attacks and inability to focus. Depending on dosage, a user may continue to experience a feeling of airy lightness and spaceyness for up to five days. days. These persistent effects can take the form of a stupor with a lack of ability to focus on certain tasks or carry on conversations for very long. Shamboiling or bubblingbubblinghallucinogen Shamboiling-boiling shampoo for a Shamboilinghallucinogenic effect • Shampoo is brought to a rapid boil and then the fumes are inhaled for a hallucinogenic effect effect.. Shamboiling has many potential risks including pneumonia, cardiac failure or arrest, and aspiration of vomit vomit.. The inhaling of Ammonium Lauryl Sulfate in shampoo can cause hearing loss, limb spasms, and damage to the central nervous system and brain brain.. Serious but potentially reversible effects include liver and kidney damage and blood--oxygen blood depletion.. depletion Death from inhalants is generally caused by a very high concentration of fumes fumes.. Molly, MDMA, Ecstasy (stimulant & hallucinogen) . Molly (old drug/new name) • Molly is a pure form of Ecstasy, “X”, “XTC” (MDMA). There have been many recent (MDMA). deaths from young people using Molly Molly.. Performing artists have been promoting the use of Molly at their concerts concerts.. After being inhaled, swallowed or parachuted (folded in a tissue and swallowed) it floods the brain with the neurotransmitters neurotransmitters-serotonin, norepinephrine and dopamine making them feel elated, empathic and full of energy energy.. E-Cigarettes and liquid PCP • School administrators in a New Hanover county school reported a problem with students smoking liquid PCP in eecigarettes. Synthetic Cathinone section (stimulant and hallucinogen) Origin--the Khat Plant Origin Khat (stimulant) A mind mind--altering chemical found in Khat, cathinone, is an illegal Schedule I drug drug.. Khat leaves are typically chewed in the cheek like chewing tobacco tobacco.. Certain migrant communities in the United States use Khat Khat.. Effects begin to subside after about 90 minutes to 3 hours, but can last 24 hours hours.. After using Khat, a person may experience a depressed mood, irritability irritability,, loss of appetite, and difficulty sleeping sleeping.. Long Long--term use includes tooth decay and periodontal disease disease;; gastrointestinal disorders disorders,, constipation, ulcers, inflammation of the stomach, and increased risk of upper gastrointestinal tumors;; tumors and cardiovascular disorders such as irregular heart heart-beat, decreased blood flow, and heart attack attack.. Bath Salts (stimulant & hallucinogen) Bath Salts “Bath salts” are a new family of drugs containing cathinone, an amphetaminelike stimulant from the khat plant. Severe effects include paranoia, agitation, and hallucinations; some even lose contact with reality and act violently. Chemically, they are similar to amphetamines (methamphetamine and cocaine) and to MDMA (Ecstasy). Other Health Effects of Bath Salts • Bath Salts users have needed medical • attention for heart problems (racing heart, high blood pressure, and chest pains) and paranoia, hallucinations, and panic attacks. Patients with the syndrome known as “excited delirium” from taking bath salts also may have dehydration, breakdown of skeletal muscle tissue, and kidney failure. Intoxication has caused death. Hallucinogenic and stimulant effects of Bath Salts • A recent study found that MDPV—the most • common manmade cathinone found in the blood and urine of patients admitted to emergency departments after taking bath salts—raises brain dopamine in the same way as cocaine but is at least 10 times stronger. The hallucinatory effects often reported in users of bath salts are similar to the effects caused by other drugs such as MDMA or LSD. These drugs raise levels of another neurotransmitter, serotonin, in a way that is similar to MDMA. Gravel (synthetic cathinone cathinone)) . Gravel (synthetic cathinone cathinone)) • Gravel is a highly addictive form of synthetic cathinone.. cathinone Its primary component, alpha alpha--PVP, is often used in combination with other drugs drugs.. Seizures of the drug have been found to contain methamphetamine, Klonopin Klonopin,, and bath salts.. salts DXM based drugs (cold medicine) Lemon Drop (DXM) . Lemon Drop • Lemon Drop is a homemade hallucinogen produced by mixing a painter’s solvent (Naphtha with ammonia, Robitussin Cough Syrup, Sucrets or Vicks Formula 44). Lighter fluid can be used to replace Naphtha. The mixture is heated to extract the DXM (Dextromethorophan). Lemon juice or Country Time powder is added and cooled, which causes the juice/lemonade and DXM to bond. DXM has been a long running form of legal high and various recipes have been published. Triple C’s (hallucinogen, sedative) Triple C’s (hallucinogen, sedative) Coricidin HBP is an over-the-counter drug containing dextromethorphan (cough suppressant, dissociative), Acetominophen (pain reliever, dangerous at high dose), Pseudoepherine (nasal decongestant, also risky at high dose). In large doses dextromethorphan can cause hallucinations. There is a risk of coma, a dangerous decrease in breathing, and even seizures. The abuse of cough medications including DXM can contain other ingredients, such as acetaminophen, which can be very dangerous when taken in large quantities. For example, large quantities of acetaminophen can damage the liver. Legal drugs Another New Designer Drug MXE, M-Ket, Mexxy or Kmax MXE or Methoxetamine is a new designer “research chemical” taken for its hallucinogenic and dissociative effects. It’s usually sold as a white powder. Although not currently scheduled under the U.S. Controlled Substance Act, MXE is considered to be an analog of the drug Ketamine. However, MXE is longer acting and more potent than Ketamine. (Science Daily) Pump It Powder (stimulant and hallucinogen) . Pump It Powder (stimulant and hallucinogen) This is another new synthetic drug advertised as an “enhanced plant vitamin” labeled “not-intended-for-human-consumption” . One of the primary ingredients is Geranamine or Methylhexanamine, which is an amphetaminerelated stimulant and decongestant found naturally in the geranium plant. Methylhexanamine hasn’t been widely studied and isn’t listed as an illegal substance under U.S. law. Signs and Symptoms of Pump It Signs and symptoms are increased heart rate and body temperature, dilated pupils, sensory distortions and psychotic symptoms. The onset of effects may be delayed which may lead to taking more of the contents and increasing the chances of overdose. The high lasts 4-12 hours. Some users have suffered seizures, hallucinations and paranoia. It produces effects considered to be more powerful than cocaine and methamphetamine. Marketing of the drug Pump It Pump-It has been sold at gas stations, convenience stores, novelty shops and on the Internet, and appears to be most popular in the Midwest states. Pump-It is usually packaged in a 500 mg or 1000 mg tin container and costs around $30 for a 500 mg. Kratom (stimulant and sedative) Kratom • WILMINGTON, NC (WECT) - The DEA calls • Kratom one of its "drugs of concern." It's legal and it's growing in popularity in Wilmington. Kratom comes from the Mitragyna Speciosa plant indigenous to Southeast Asia, primarily in Thailand. It acts as a stimulant at lower doses with effects to include alertness, physical energy, talkativeness and giddiness. With higher doses, Kratom mimics an opiate with sedative effects and euphoria. These effects are usually felt within 5–10 minutes after ingestion and the high can last from 2–5 hours. Negative Side Effects of Kratom • Negative side effects include nausea, sweating, itching, dry mouth and constipation. Long-term use can potentially result in anorexia, insomnia, weight loss and in some cases psychotic episodes, such as confusion, delusions and hallucinations. Marketing of Kratom Kratom is typically sold via the Internet, at convenience stores and head shops in the form of green leaves (whole or crushed) and green powder or pills (capsules). Individuals can ingest it orally, smoke it or drink it as a tea when in leaf form. Kratom has been sold as incense with labels on the package stating “not for human consumption,” resembling the packaging and marketing common with Spice and Bath Salts. The DEA’s Office of Diversion Control states Kratom is a drug and chemical of concern with no legitimate medical use, but it remains legal to sell and use. At least three states, Indiana, Tennessee and Vermont, have banned Kratom and others are considering a ban. Kava (left) and Kratom (right) are being served up in Wilmington Kava in Wilmington, N.C. • April 24th, 2014. People drink Kava, a muddy • • • looking and tasting substance, to relax. "It's been described as Cape Fear River water," water ," Boyatt said. "Somebody said it tastes like summer camp. Most people say it tastes like mud." Kava can cause mouth numbness, which is why in some countries it is used as a local anesthetic for dental work. (WECT) Kava (sedative) Kava (sedative) • There are safety concerns about Kava Kava.. Many cases of liver damage and even some deaths have been traced to kava use use.. Kava has been associated with liver--related liver injuries, including hepatitis, cirrhosis, and liver failure failure.. As a result, Kava has been banned from the market in Switzerland, Germany, and Canada.. Canada Kava is used for anxiety anxiety,, stress, and restlessness, and treat sleep problems problems.. It is also used for attention deficit deficit--hyperactivity disorder (ADHD ADHD), ), epilepsy,, psychosis, depression epilepsy depression,, migraines and other headaches headaches,, chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), common cold and other respiratory tract infections, tuberculosis tuberculosis,, muscle pain pain,, and cancer prevention.. prevention Mary Jane’s Relaxing Soda (Anti--Energy Drink(Anti Drink-sedative type effect) . Anti-Energy Drinks • Commercial bottlers have now produced drinks like Sippin Syrup, Unwind and Mary Jane’s Relaxing Soda which are sold at convenience stores and online and are advertised as an “Extreme Relaxation Beverage.” These products contain sedating-type ingredients, such as Melatonin, Valerian root and Kava. Effects of AntiAnti-Energy Drinks • Effects are similar to alcohol intoxication or cold medicines. Anti-energy drinks have warning labels stating “This product may cause drowsiness … Not recommended more than 2 servings within a 24-hour period”. These products are abused in a manner similar to cough syrup or cold medicines. Lazy Cakes and ½ Baked Brownzz (sedative type effect) ½ Baked Brownzz advertisement “A great way to relieve tension or take the edge off after a long day at work or home…” Powered by Sippin Syrup’s natural proprietary relaxation blend including chamomile, lavender, valerian root, rose hips, l-theanine (People use theanine for treating anxiety and high blood pressure-WebMD) , hops, St John’s Wort, skullcap and kava extracts and melatonin. “So...If your amped or want to decompress here’s the solution.” Lazy Cakes have been sold in convenient stores in N.C. Valerian Root (sedative) Valerian Root (sedative) • Valerian is most commonly used for sleep disorders, especially the inability to sleep (insomnia).. It is frequently combined with hops, (insomnia) lemon balm, or other herbs that also cause drowsiness.. Some people who are trying to drowsiness withdraw from the use of “sleeping pills” use Valerian to help them sleep after they have tapered the dose of the sleeping pill pill.. There is some scientific evidence that Valerian works for sleep disorders, although not all studies are positive.. positive Melatonin Melatonin is a hormone made by the pineal gland , a small gland in the brain brain.. Melatonin helps control your sleep and wake cycles cycles.. You can also buy it as a supplement supplement.. Your body has its own internal clock that controls your natural cycle of sleeping and waking hours hours.. In part, your body clock controls how much Melatonin your body makes makes.. Normally, Melatonin levels begin to rise in the mid mid-- to late evening, remain high for most of the night, and then drop in the early morning hours hours.. Light affects how much melatonin your body produces produces.. During the shorter days of the winter months, your body may produce melatonin either earlier or later in the day than usual usual.. This change can lead to symptoms of seasonal affective disorder (SAD (SAD), ), or winter depression depression.. Common drugs used by Adolescents in North Carolina Common drugs used by adolescents in North Carolina differ by region region.. What is popular in one county may not be widely used in the adjacent county.. The top three drugs of choice by county adolescents in North Carolina are alcohol, marijuana, then synthetic marijuana marijuana.. A trend during the last ten years is an increase in opiate use.. Not only are teens using nonprescription use pills, they are using heroin and street methadone.. methadone 2012--2013 Illicit Use of Drugs among 2012 12th Graders Nationwide • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 2012 Marijuana--36.4 % Marijuana Synthetic MarijuanaMarijuana-11.3 % Adderall--7.6 % Adderall Vicodin--7.5 % Vicodin Cough MedicineMedicine-5.6 % Tranquilizers--5.3 % Tranquilizers Hallucinogens--4.8 % Hallucinogens Sedativies--4.5 % Sedativies Salvia--4.4 % Salvia Oxycontin--4.3 % Oxycontin MDMA (Ecstasy)(Ecstasy)-3.8 % Inhalants--2.9 % Inhalants Cocaine (any form)form)-2.7 % Ritalin--2.6 % Ritalin 2013 36.4 % 7.9 % 8.7 % 5.3 % 5.0 % 4.6 % 4.5 % 4.8 % 3.4 % 3.6 % 2.5 % 2.6 % 2.3 % 2013 national Monitoring the Future (MTF) survey How are Illegal Drugs Coming in to North Carolina? • Methamphetamine production laboratories • frequently are located in the mountains and woods of western and central North Carolina and cannabis cultivation is widespread in areas including the Pisgah and Nantahala National Forests in the western part of the state. Most drugs are transported into and through North Carolina via private and commercial vehicles. Criminal groups commonly use interstate highways to transport drugs into the state for distribution in local communities. How are Illegal Drugs Coming in to North Carolina? • Mexican criminal groups, in particular, take • advantage of the large volume of goods shipped in tractortractor-trailers from Mexico to North Carolina to transport drugs into the state. Criminal groups also use commercial buses and passenger trains to transport drugs into North Carolina, though on a more limited basis. Criminal groups also transport drugs into and through North Carolina by air. North Carolina's air transportation network includes the Charlotte/Douglas, RaleighRaleigh-Durham, Piedmont Triad, and Wilmington International Airports. How are Illegal Drugs Coming in to North Carolina? • Criminal groups sometimes transport drugs into North Carolina via package delivery services. • North Carolina has two deepwater ports: Wilmington and Morehead City. Legitimate goods are received at these ports of entry from commercial vessels arriving primarily from the Far East and Europe. Very few drug seizures occur at these ports. • Mexican criminal groups are the dominant transporters of cocaine and marijuana in North Carolina. These criminal groups also distribute methamphetamine and a limited amount of heroin. Mexican criminal groups routinely use Mexican illegal immigrants in North Carolina as couriers to transport cocaine, marijuana, and methamphetamine. Information Sources • • • /emerging-drug /emergingdrug--trends • National Institute of Health • Monitoring the Future surveysurvey-2013 • NDIC NDIC--National Drug Intelligence Center • WECT (Wilmington News Station) • The News and Observer • DEA (Drug Enforcement Administration) • WPD and New Hanover County Sheriff’s Dept. Information Sources • Project KnowKnow-Understanding Addiction • North Carolina Department of Justice • North Carolina SBI • The Brookhaven Natural Laboratory • Regional Organized Crime Information Center Pervitin (Methamphetamine) • Pervitin is methamphetamine that was produced by a German company in 1938. It was used by German soldiers in WWII. Adolf Hitler’s personal physician gave him three injections of liquid methamphetamine daily during WWII.
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bottle, the bottle is corked, and a
bicycle pump needle is poked
through the top of the cork. Air is
pumped into the bottle to vaporize
the alcohol, and the user inhales the
vaporized alcohol.