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PDF Packet
DANVILLE CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING AGENDA MUNICIPAL BUILDING August 18, 2015 7:00 P.M. CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS: PRESIDING: Sherman M. Saunders, Mayor James B. Buckner L. G. “Larry” Campbell, Jr. John B. Gilstrap Alonzo L. Jones STAFF: Gary P. Miller, Vice Mayor Albert K. “Buddy” Rawley, Jr. Fred O. Shanks, III J. Lee Vogler, Jr. Joseph C. King, City Manager Ken F. Larking, Deputy City Manager W. Clarke Whitfield, Jr., City Attorney Susan M. DeMasi, City Clerk Page 1 of 126 MEETING CALLED TO ORDER ROLL CALL INVOCATION - J. Lee Vogler, Jr. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG ANNOUNCEMENTS AND SPECIAL RECOGNITION COMMUNICATIONS FROM VISITORS Citizens who desire to speak on matters not listed on the agenda will be heard at this time. Citizens who desire to speak on agenda items will be heard when the agenda item is considered. MINUTES A. Consideration of Approval of Minutes for the Regular Council Meeting held on July 21, 2015. Council Letter Number CL-1233 OLD BUSINESS A. Consideration of Adopting an Ordinance for a Budget Appropriation Related to the Maintenance of Airport Properties. Council Letter Number CL-1183 An Ordinance Amending the Fiscal Year 2016 Budget Appropriation Ordinance to Provide for State Department of Aviation Maintenance Grant Funds Related to the Maintenance of Certain Airport Properties in the Amount of $100,000 and for the Local Share in The Amount of $25,000 for a Total Appropriation of $125,000 and Appropriating the Same. FINAL ADOPTION NEW BUSINESS A. Consideration of Adopting an Ordinance to Amend the Year 2020 Land Use Plan. Council Letter Number CL-1219 1. Public Hearing 2. An Ordinance Amending the Year 2020 Land Use Plan from Opt Office Professional Transitional to Hi Heavy Industry and Rezoning from TO-C, Transitional Office District to “Conditional” M-I Industrial Manufacturing District, on Parcel ID# 60538, Otherwise Known as Grid 0608, Block 004, Parcel 000022.001of the City of Danville, Virginia, Zoning District Map. B. Consideration of Adopting an Ordinance to Grant a Special Use Permit for a Communication Page 2 of 126 B. Consideration of Adopting an Ordinance to Grant a Special Use Permit for a Communication Tower. Council Letter Number CL-1221 1. Public Hearing 2. An Ordinance Granting a Special Use Permit to Allow a Communication Tower in Accordance with Article 3.Q, Section C, Item 8 of the Code of the City of Danville, Virginia, 1986, as Amended, on Parcel ID# 60538, Otherwise Known as Grid 0608, Block 004, Parcel 000022.001 of the City of Danville, Virginia, Zoning District Map. C. Consideration of Adopting an Ordinance to Grant a Special Use Permit at 1041 Piney Forest Road. Council Letter Number CL-1220 1. 2. Public Hearing An Ordinance Granting a Special Use Permit to Allow a Waiver of Yard Requirements in Accordance with Article 3.M, Section C, Item 21 of the Code of the City of Danville, Virginia, 1986, as Amended, at 1041 Piney Forest Road. D. Consideration of Adopting an Ordinance to Rezone Property on Altice Drive. Council Letter Number CL-1218 1. 2. Public Hearing An Ordinance Rezoning from T-R, Threshold Residential to S-R, Suburban Residential, Parcel ID #60027 On Altice Drive, Otherwise Known as Grid 1916, Block 002, Parcel 000016 of the City of Danville, Virginia, Zoning District Map. E. Consideration of Approving one of two Resolutions for the Appeal of the Commission of Architectural Review's Decision at 944 Main Street. Council Letter Number CL-1217 A Resolution Affirming the Commission of Architectural Review’s Decision at 944 Main Street. OR A Resolution Overturning the Commission of Architectural Review’s Decision at 944 Main Street. F. Consideration of Adopting an Ordinance to Provide for a Virginia Commission for the Arts Grant. Council Letter Number CL -1215 An Ordinance Amending the Fiscal Year 2016 Budget Appropriation Ordinance to Provide for a Virginia Commission for the Arts Grant in the Amount of $5,000, and to Provide for the Local Share in the Amount of $5,000 for a Total Grant of $10,000. FIRST READING G. Consideration of Adopting an Ordinance to Provide for a Grant from the Department of Historic Page 3 of 126 G. Consideration of Adopting an Ordinance to Provide for a Grant from the Department of Historic Resources. Council Letter Number CL-1210 An Ordinance Amending the Fiscal Year 2016 Budget Appropriation Ordinance to Provide for a Grant from the Department of Historic Resources in the Amount of $21,250 and Local Match in the Amount of $21,250 for a Total Grant in the Amount of $42,500 and Appropriating the Same. FIRST READING COMMUNICATIONS FROM: A. City Manager B. City Attorney C. City Clerk D. Roll Call ADJOURNMENT Page 4 of 126 CL-1233 City Council Regular Meeting Meeting Minutes Meeting Date: 08/18/2015 Subject: From: Item #: A. Approval of Minutes Susan M. DeMasi, Clerk of Council COUNCIL ACTION Business Meeting: 08/18/15 SUMMARY Consideration of Approval of Minutes for Regular Council Meeting held on July 21, 2015. Council Letter Number CL - 1233 Attachments Meeting Minutes Page 5 of 126 July 21, 2015 The Second Regular July meeting of the Danville City Council was held on July 21, 2015, at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers located on the Fourth Floor of the Municipal Building. The following Council Members were present: James B. Buckner, L. G. “Larry” Campbell Jr., John B. Gilstrap, Alonzo L. Jones, Vice Mayor Gary P. Miller, Albert K. “Buddy” Rawley Jr., Mayor Sherman M. Saunders, Fred O. Shanks, III and J. Lee Vogler (9). Staff Members present were: Deputy City Manager Ken F. Larking, City Attorney W. Clarke Whitfield Jr., and City Clerk Susan M. DeMasi. City Manager Joseph C. King was absent. Mayor Saunders presided. INVOCATION AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Council Member L.G. “Larry” Campbell, Jr., offered the Invocation; the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag followed. ANNOUNCEMENT AND SPECIAL RECOGNITIONS Mayor Saunders read a Proclamation entitled “College Bonanza Day” and presented it to Mildred Richardson, Chair of the College Bonanza Committee who accepted the Proclamation on behalf of the Committee. Ms. Richardson noted College Bonanza Day would be held on August 8, 2015 at 10:00 a.m., at Averett University. Council Members thanked the Committee for the work they are doing for the citizens of Danville. COMMUNICATIONS Mayor Saunders reminded citizens that on January 6, 2015, City Council adopted rules regarding Council meetings. Under Section 4.2, Communications from Visitors, Council added two items: there shall be a time limit for each individual speaker of five uninterrupted minutes. A representative of a group may have up to ten uninterrupted minutes to make a presentation, the representative shall identify the group at the beginning of his or her presentation and a group may have no more than one spokesperson. Mayor Saunders recognized the following citizens who spoke in favor of removing the Confederate Flag from the front of the Danville Museum of Fine Arts and History: Carolyn LaViscount, 144 Hamilton Street, Danville; Rev. William Avon Keen; Sheila Baynes, Danville; Cecil Bridgeforth, Danville who also noted the City needed to promote the Museum and its history. Mayor Saunders recognized the following citizens who spoke in favor of keeping the flag up at the Danville Museum of Fine Arts & History: John Bryant. Mayor Saunders also recognized the following citizens: Janice Zimmerman, Iris Lane, Pittsylvania County who spoke about the history of slavery in the United States. John Townes asked Council to make wise judgments concerning the welfare of the City. Scott MacKenzie spoke regarding the law governing the City. Glenn Scearce spoke regarding Confederate soldiers and sailors who fought for the Civil War. MEETING MINUTES Upon Motion by Council Member Buckner and second by Council Member Jones, Minutes for the Regular Council Meeting held on June 16, 2015 were approved as presented. Draft copies had been distributed prior to the Meeting. Page 6 of 126 July 21, 2015 NEW BUSINESS PUBLIC HEARING - CONSIDERATION OF SPECIAL USE PERMIT FOR GASOLINE SALES AT 211 NOR DAN DRIVE Mayor Saunders opened the floor for a Public Hearing to consider a Special Use Permit at 211 Nor Dan Drive. Notice of the Public Hearing was published in the Danville Register and Bee on July 7, and July 14, 2015. No one present desired to be heard and the Public Hearing was closed. Council Member Vogler moved adoption of an Ordinance entitled: ORDINANCE NO. 2015-07.03 GRANTING A SPECIAL USE PERMIT TO ALLOW THE OPERATION OF A GASOLINE SALES ESTABLISHMENT IN ACCORDANCE WITH ARTICLE 3.N, SECTION C, ITEM 7 OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF DANVILLE, VIRGINIA, 1986, AS AMENDED, AT 211 NOR DAN DRIVE The Motion was seconded by Council Member Jones and carried by the following vote: VOTE: AYE: NAY: 9-0 Buckner, Campbell, Gilstrap, Jones, Miller, Rawley, Saunders, Shanks and Vogler (9) None (0) PUBLIC HEARING – CONSIDERATION OF A SPECIAL USE PERMIT FOR ICE MANUFACTURING AT 633 NEWTON STREET Mayor Saunders opened the floor for a Public Hearing to consider a Special Use Permit at 633 Newton Street. Notice of the Public Hearing was published in the Danville Register and Bee on July 7, and July 14, 2015. No one present desired to be heard and the Public Hearing was closed. Council Member Buckner moved adoption of an Ordinance entitled: ORDINANCE NO. 2015-07.04 GRANTING A SPECIAL USE PERMIT TO ALLOW THE MANUFACTURE OF ICE IN ACCORDANCE WITH ARTICLE 3.K, SECTION C, ITEM 26 OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF DANVILLE, VIRGINIA, 1986, AS AMENDED, AT 633 NEWTON STREET The Motion was seconded by Council Member Campbell and carried by the following vote: VOTE: AYE: NAY: 9-0 Buckner, Campbell, Gilstrap, Jones, Miller, Rawley, Saunders, Shanks and Vogler (9) None (0) PUBLIC HEARING – CONSIDERATION – AMEND CHAPTER 41 OF THE CITY CODE ENTITLED ZONING ORDINANCE, ARTICLE 15 Page 7 of 126 July 21, 2015 Mayor Saunders opened the floor for a Public Hearing to consider amending Chapter 41 of the City Code. Notice of the Public Hearing was published in the Danville Register and Bee on July 7, and July 14, 2015. No one present desired to be heard and the Public Hearing was closed. Council Member Gilstrap moved adoption of an Ordinance entitled: ORDINANCE NO. 2015-07.05 AMENDING CHAPTER 41 ENTITLED “ZONING ORDINANCE” OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF DANVILLE, VIRGINIA, 1986, AS AMENDED, MORE SPECIFICALLY ARTICLE 15, ENTITLED “DEFINITIONS”, SECTION B, ENTITLED “DEFINITIONS” TO AMEND THE DEFINITION OF AGRICULTURE, CAR WASH, AND CREATE NEW DEFINITIONS IF NEEDED, ARTICLE 3.E, ENTITLED “OLD TOWN RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT” SECTION C., ENTITLED “USES PERMITTED BY SPECIAL USE PERMIT” TO ALLOW FOR AGRICULTURE, AND OTHER ARTICLES AND SECTIONS OF THE CODE IF NEEDED TO ADDRESS URBAN FARMING The Motion was seconded by Council Member Vogler. Vice Mayor Miller questioned exactly what was being changed and noted he has handed out a paper with comments from Jamie Stowe, Agricultural Extension Agent on recommended acreages for cows, horses, sheep and goats and chickens. Division Director of Planning Ken Gillie explained that a definition for urban agriculture was being created, the City does not have one in the Code. The only definition in the City Code is that agriculture is only allowed in certain districts; staff is creating additional definitions that will allow the operation to occur in different areas. The Agriculture definition was designed for areas of the city that were remnants of the 1988 annexation, mostly large farm tracks along Westover and some of the areas in the southern portion of the City that are larger lots. Council Members Shanks questioned Mr. Gillie regarding areas off of Westover and in the south where there are 25-50 acre tracks of land that are not currently used for agricultural purposes, they cannot ever be used for agricultural purposes without getting a special use permit. Mr. Gillie noted he was not saying they cannot ever; a lot of the property off of Westover, the large acreage tracks could be in the Sandy River residential district which was created specifically to address those areas that either had farming or had the ability to have that. There are places that this is already permitted in Agriculture. It is the areas that didn’t have it in the past, those smaller lots, such as the Old Town Residential District, the Threshold Residential, some of the transitional residential lots, this gives an option they didn’t have before. Mr. Shanks noted his concern is with Urban Agriculture – the production, keeping or maintenance for sale, lease or personal use, on lots less than two acres of plants and asked Mr. Gillie if he is saying that a person can’t have a garden in their backyard. Mr. Gillie explained he was not saying that, but he hadn’t thought about taking that out of both definitions until just now. Mr. Shanks noted he thought under this law, his garden right now would be illegal; Vice Mayor Miller noted his would as well. Mr. Shanks questioned if the language needed to be changed before Council voted on this ordinance. Page 8 of 126 July 21, 2015 Mr. Gillie noted he would hate to see Council table the ordinance because the City has a group that is planning on doing this and trying to meet fall planting season. Staff can go back and remove that section or remove the personal use portion. Mr. Gilstrap noted he would not want to put this off and suggested Council vote on it tonight and address any changes they want to make to it later so that Council does not delay any projects in the process. Council Member Vogler noted his agreement. Council Member Shanks offered a Substitute Motion: Mr. Shanks moved that Council adopt the proposed Ordinance with the following modification: under Urban Agriculture to read as follows: production, keeping or maintenance for sale or lease on lots or portions of lots under two acres. Mr. Shanks noted that would eliminate the words “or personal use” from the language and allow the code change to go forward; Vice Mayor Miller seconded the motion. Mr. Whitfield asked for clarification that Mr. Shanks is speaking specifically under Urban Agriculture and Mr. Shanks noted his motion is Urban Agriculture; the language under Agriculture might be considered when Mr. Gillie goes back and maybe that needs changing as well. Mr. Whitfield confirmed Mr. Shanks’ motion was both in the current definition of Agriculture and the new definition of Urban Agriculture; Mr. Shanks confirmed he would like that to be in his Motion. After further discussion the Substituted Language was passed by the following vote: VOTE: AYE: NAY: 9-0 Buckner, Campbell, Gilstrap, Jones, Miller, Rawley, Saunders, Shanks and Vogler (9) None (0) Mr. Whitfield explained the Original Motion has substituted language as Mr. Shanks’ motion passed; Council will vote on the motion as substituted. The original motion, with the substituted language, passed with the following vote: VOTE: AYE: NAY: 9-0 Buckner, Campbell, Gilstrap, Jones, Miller, Rawley, Saunders, Shanks and Vogler (9) None (0) BUDGET AMENDMENT – CONSIDERATION – AMENDING FY16 BAO – NATIONAL RECREATION AND PARKS ASSOCIATION GRANT FOR $26,050 Upon Motion by Council Member Rawley and second by Council Member Gilstrap an Ordinance entitled: ORDINANCE NO. 2015-07.06 AMENDING THE FISCAL YEAR 2016 BUDGET APPROPRIATION ORDINANCE TO PROVIDE FOR A NATIONAL PARKS AND RECREATION ASSOCIATION GRANT AWARD IN THE AMOUNT OF $26,050 AND APPROPRIATION OF SAME was presented by its First Reading, as required by City Charter, to lie over before final adoption. Page 9 of 126 July 21, 2015 BUDGET AMENDMENT – CONSIDERATION – AMENDING FY16 BAO – VIRGINIA TECH SUB-RECIPIENT GRANT FOR $42,821 Upon Motion by Council Member Campbell and second by Council Member Buckner an Ordinance entitled: ORDINANCE NO. 2015-07.07 AMENDING THE FISCAL YEAR 2016 BUDGET APPROPRIATION ORDINANCE TO PROVIDE FOR A VIRGINIA TECH SUBRECIPIENT GRANT AWARD IN THE AMOUNT OF $42,821 AND APPROPRIATION OF SAME was presented by its First Reading, as required by City Charter, to lie over before final adoption. BUDGET AMENDMENT – CONSIDERATION – AMENDING FY16 BAO – REVENUES FROM VDOT REVENUE SHARING PROGRAM FUNDS IN THE AMOUNT OF $1,075,000 Upon Motion by Council Member Vogler and second by Council Member Rawley an Ordinance entitled: ORDINANCE NO. 2015-07.08 AMENDING THE FISCAL YEAR 2016 BUDGET APPROPRIATION ORDINANCE FOR PROJECTS TO BE UNDERTAKEN WITHIN THE CITY AND TO BE FINANCED ANTICIPATING REVENUES FROM VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION (VDOT) REVENUE SHARING PROGRAM FUNDS IN THE AMOUNT OF $1,075,000 was presented by its First Reading, as required by City Charter, to lie over before final adoption. COMMUNICATIONS There were no communications from the Deputy City Manager or City Clerk. City Attorney Clarke Whitfield reminded everyone that next month’s meeting, the first meeting of the month will be on Thursday, August 6, 2015 rather than Tuesday, August 4, 2015 since that is National Night Out. ROLL CALL Council Members thanked everyone for attending the meeting tonight, from both sides, and appreciated all their input. Council Member Buckner noted he wanted to give a shout out to Danville By Choice, an organization doing good work in the area. Mr. Buckner noted there was a story written about the flags that were on Memorial Drive, that listed a lot of different things the flag represented. Mr. Bucker stated he got a few calls from people in the public service field, the police department retired and serving, who were not recognized, and Mr. Buckner noted those flags were there representing that group as well. Page 10 of 126 July 21, 2015 Council Member Campbell noted not everybody is going to be happy with some of the decisions Council has made. Mr. Campbell stated the Confederate Flag issue is very disturbing to him, he has expressed himself in the past, hopes it could be addressed as soon as possible and everyone can move forward on this issue. Mr. Campbell reminded citizens that next month, the first Tuesday, is National Night Out, and Council is looking forward to going around as they did last year. Council Member Gilstrap noted he is very proud to be on the board of College Bonanza, knows how hard they have worked, that it is going to be a very exciting day and knows they are going to do a lot of good for the youth of the community. Mr. Gilstrap noted if anyone needs transportation assistance, the Bonanza will have the ability to assist them. Council Member Jones noted when he was first elected to City Council, Ruby Archie spoke to him and asked him to do two things for her: first, listen to all the citizens and secondly, to follow his heart. Two weeks ago at the end of the council meeting, he stated his opinion with regard to the Confederate Flag, the history behind it and its place inside the Museum. With the College Bonanza and so many other things going on in Danville, Danville is moving forward. Mr. Jones noted his agreement with Council Member Campbell, he is ready to resolve this matter as quickly as Council can so it can continue moving the City forward. Vice Mayor Miller noted he appreciates the comments from the public tonight and always learns something. Vice Mayor Miller noted he would like the flag to come down and be put in the Museum to enhance the display there, but thinks some guarantee might be made that it wouldn’t disappear six months later and go into the basement; he believed that was a fear of some people. Vice Mayor Miller noted National Night Out is August 4th and Council is looking forward to coming out and meeting the citizens. Council Member Shanks noted he is deeply saddened the City is going through this again and doesn’t feel comfortable with what may be in the future as Council goes through whatever decision is made. Mr. Shanks stated if there was ever any place the flag of the Confederacy should be allowed to fly, it is the last capital of the Confederacy. Mr. Shanks noted he hates that Council has to take on something so divisive and either way, it is going to be a black eye for the City. He has heard from numerous people that if an appropriate offer was made, the Museum should be in a Museum that is not under City control and hoped Council would consider that should an offer be made. Mr. Shanks stated he does not believe the flag should be removed from the last capital of the Confederacy, and respected every member on Council who has his own opinion. Council Member Vogler noted Ms. Wanda Newcombe was an extraordinary lady, her funeral was yesterday, she had passed away over the weekend. Mr. Vogler explained she was a teacher at Stoney Mill Elementary for thirty-eight years. While Mr. Vogler was a student there, she took a special interest in him because of a common love they shared of Elvis Pressley. Mr. Vogler noted he was proud to have known her, continues to think about her family and friends and will miss her greatly. Mayor Saunders thanked everyone who came to petition their government, that is what Council is here for; to let views be known and concerns heard. Mayor Saunders noted his appreciation of the City Council members, and thanked them for what they do every day. Council makes tough decisions all the time and Mayor Saunders noted Council makes them in the best interests of the city. There are issues in the community that Council is Page 11 of 126 July 21, 2015 divided on, but on both sides of the issue are good people. Danville is a great city, it can be better and believes it will be even greater. The meeting adjourned at 8:19 p.m. APPROVED: _______________________________ MAYOR ATTEST: ______________________________ CITY CLERK Page 12 of 126 CL-1183 City Council Regular Meeting Meeting Date: 08/18/2015 Subject: From: Old Business Item #: A. Airport Maintenance Program Marc Adelman, Director of Transportation Services COUNCIL ACTION Business Meeting Dates: 08/06/2015 - First Reading 08/18/2015 - Final Adoption SUMMARY The Virginia Department of Aviation provides funding to assist airports with preserving facilities in a safe and economical operating condition. Maintenance grant funding will allow individual airports to receive up to $100,000 in state aid and defines eligible activities as scheduled and unscheduled maintenance repairs that are not performed each quarter. State maintenance funding can also be used to obtain grounds equipment. Funding levels for eligible projects vary between fifty and ninety percent. Projects that support facility preservation such as crack sealing are funded at higher levels compared to projects that involve the acquisition or replacement of equipment such as directional sign panels and windsocks. The state will provide up to fifty percent funding for the purchase of grounds equipment including mowers and tractors. City Council approval is requested to appropriate funds for Fiscal Year 2016 in order to receive state funds for this grant program. BACKGROUND Last fiscal year airport maintenance funds were used to obtain grounds equipment, repair a navigational aid, repair the airport canopy and remove obstruction poles. During Fiscal Year 2016, state aviation maintenance funds will be used to obtain additional grounds equipment and unscheduled pavement and facility repairs. The total project budget for all items is $125,000 and the State is anticipated to provide up to $100,000 in funding. The required local match of $25,000 is proposed to be appropriated from the Support of Grants Fund. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that City Council approve an Ordinance amending the Fiscal Year 2016 Budget Appropriation Ordinance to provide for Virginia Department of Aviation Airport Maintenance funds and for the local share and appropriating the same. Attachments Ordinance Page 13 of 126 PRESENTED: ______________ ADOPTED: ______________ ORDINANCE NO. 2015 -______- ______ AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE FISCAL YEAR 2016 BUDGET APPROPRIATION ORDINANCE TO PROVIDE FOR STATE DEPARTMENT OF AVIATION MAINTENANCE GRANT FUNDS RELATED TO THE MAINTENANCE OF CERTAIN AIRPORT PROPERTIES IN THE AMOUNT OF $100,000 AND FOR THE LOCAL SHARE IN THE AMOUNT OF $25,000 FOR A TOTAL APPROPRIATION OF $125,000 AND APPROPRIATING THE SAME. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Danville, Virginia, that the Fiscal Year 2016 Budget Appropriation Ordinance be, and it is hereby, amended by increasing revenues from the Commonwealth of Virginia, Department of Aviation, in an amount of $100,000 and the local share for $25,000 for an aggregate amount of $125,000 for the purpose of providing for a State funded Airport Maintenance Program at the Danville Regional Airport such funds to be appropriated in the Support of Grants Fund as follows: ANTICIPATED REVENUES Description FY2016 Airport Maintenance Categorical Aid – State Local Share Account No. Amount 61147000-45712 61147000-6101 TOTAL $100,000 25,000 $125,000 ANTICIPATED EXPENDITURES Description Account No. Amount FY 2016 Airport Maintenance 61147999-50 $125,000 AND BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that all other accounts and provisions of the Fiscal Year 2016 Budget Appropriation Ordinance, as amended, not hereby amended, shall continue in full force and effect unless and until hereafter further amended or repealed. Page 14 of 126 APPROVED: ___________________________ MAYOR ATTEST: _____________________________ CLERK Approved as to Form and Legal Sufficiency: ______________________________ City Attorney 2 Page 15 of 126 CL-1219 City Council Regular Meeting Meeting Date: 08/18/2015 Subject: From: New Business Item #: A. Request to amend the Year 2020 Land Use Plan and rezone from TO-C to “Conditional” M-I District, on parcel ID# 60538 Kenneth C. Gillie, Jr., Planning Director COUNCIL ACTION Business Meeting: 08/18/15 - Public Hearing SUMMARY A request has been filed by Blue Ridge Towers requesting to amend the Year 2020 Land Use Plan from OPT Office Professional Transitional to HI Heavy Industry and to rezone from TO-C, Transitional Office District to “Conditional” M-I Industrial Manufacturing District, on parcel ID# 60538, otherwise known as Grid 0608, Block 004, Parcel 000022.001 of the City of Danville, Virginia, Zoning District Map. The applicant is proposing to rezone to allow for the construction of a communication (cell) tower. BACKGROUND A Special Use Permit must be obtained so that a communication tower may be constructed. The communication tower will be a 150' mono pole tower. The applicant has submitted a site plan and numerous balloon test photos. The balloon test photos show numerous locations throughout the City where an eight (8) foot orange balloon was flown at a height of approximately 150' on site on the parcel. The photos are taken at numerous locations so that visibility of the balloon/tower can be determined. The photos are labeled with the locations at which they were taken. Article 2.R. 8 requires that the minimum setback distance must be a minimum of ½ the height of the tower. This setback is necessary so that in the event of a failure, a tower that would break in half would be contained entirely on the parcel in which it is constructed. The applicant has provided an engineer signed letter from the manufacturer of the tower that states their tower will break at 75’ which will allow the tower to break at a point that can be contained within the parcel lines of the property. Another point of concern is compliance with Article 2.R.5. To comply with this coverage maps that indicate that there is a void of coverage in this area have been included with this Staff Report. This lack of coverage has been confirmed by numerous cell service providers as well. To validate the need and use of this new tower, the applicant has provided a commitment from Ntelos. At their meeting of July 13, 2015 the Planning Commission voted 4-0 (Commissioner’s Scearce, Jones and Evans absent) to recommend approval of the request as submitted. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that City Council adopt an Ordinance amending the Year 2020 Land Use Plan from Page 16 of 126 It is recommended that City Council adopt an Ordinance amending the Year 2020 Land Use Plan from OPT Office Professional Transitional to HI Heavy Industry and rezoning from TO-C, Transitional Office District to “Conditional” M-I Industrial Manufacturing District, on parcel ID# 60538, otherwise known as Grid 0608, Block 004, Parcel 000022.001 of the City of Danville, Virginia, Zoning District Map. Attachments Ordinance Planning Backup Proffer List Page 17 of 126 PRESENTED: ADOPTED: ORDINANCE NO. 2015-____.____ AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE YEAR 2020 LAND USE PLAN FROM OPT OFFICE PROFESSIONAL TRANSITIONAL TO HI HEAVY INDUSTRY AND REZONING FROM TO-C, TRANSITIONAL OFFICE DISTRICT TO “CONDITIONAL” M-I INDUSTRIAL MANUFACTURING DISTRICT, ON PARCEL ID# 60538, OTHERWISE KNOWN AS GRID 0608, BLOCK 004, PARCEL 000022.001 OF THE CITY OF DANVILLE, VIRGINIA, ZONING DISTRICT MAP. WHEREAS, in accordance with the Code of the City of Danville, Virginia, 1986, as amended, Anthony Smith on behalf of Blue Ridge Towers, LLC, has requested to amend the Year 2020 Land Use Plan from OPT Office Professional Transitional to HI Heavy Industry and to rezone from TO-C, Transitional Office District to “Conditional” M-I Industrial Manufacturing District, on parcel ID# 60538, otherwise known as Grid 0608, Block 004, Parcel 000022.001 of the City of Danville, Virginia, Zoning District Map. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Danville, Virginia, that the report of the City Planning Commission recommending approval of Rezoning Application PLRZ20150000184, filed by Blue Ridge Towers requesting to amend the Year 2020 Land Use Plan from OPT Office Professional Transitional to HI Heavy Industry and to rezone from TO-C, Transitional Office District to “Conditional” M-I Industrial Manufacturing District, on parcel ID# 60538, otherwise known as Grid 0608, Block 004, Parcel 000022.001 of the City of Danville, Virginia, Zoning District Map, be, and the same is hereby, received, and BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that in accordance with the Code of the City of Danville, the conditions proffered by Anthony Smith on behalf of Blue Ridge Tower, LLC, in conjunction with Rezoning Application PLRZ20150000184, filed by Blue Ridge Towers requesting to amend the Year 2020 Land Use Plan from OPT Office Professional Transitional to HI Heavy Industry and to rezone from TO-C, Transitional Office District to Page 18 of 126 “Conditional” M-I Industrial Manufacturing District, on parcel ID# 60538, otherwise known as Grid 0608, Block 004, Parcel 000022.001 of the City of Danville, Virginia, Zoning District Map, as provided in Exhibit “A”, attached hereto and made part hereof, be, and the same are hereby, received, accepted and approved, and BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that in consideration of said report and the public hearing this day held by Council, Rezoning Application PLRZ20150000184, filed by Blue Ridge Towers requesting to amend the Year 2020 Land Use Plan from OPT Office Professional Transitional to HI Heavy Industry and to rezone from TO-C, Transitional Office District to “Conditional” M-I Industrial Manufacturing District, on parcel ID# 60538, otherwise known as Grid 0608, Block 004, Parcel 000022.001 of the City of Danville, Virginia, Zoning District Map, described in the Proffer of Conditions by Anthony Smith on behalf of Blue Ridge Towers, LLC, which is attached hereto as Exhibit “A” and incorporated herein by reference be, and the same is hereby, rezoned subject to said conditions from TO-C, Transitional Office District to “Conditional” M-I Industrial Manufacturing District, and parcel ID# 60538, otherwise known as Grid 0608, Block 004, Parcel 000022.001 of the City of Danville, Virginia, Zoning District Map, be, and the same is hereby, amended from TO-C, Transitional Office District to “Conditional” M-I Industrial Manufacturing District, and BE IT FINALLY ORDAINED that the Year 2020 Land Use Plan for parcel ID#60538, otherwise known as Grid 0608, Block 004, Parcel 000022.001 of the City of Danville, Virginia, Year 2020 Land Use Map, is hereby amended from OPT Office Professional Transitional to HI Heavy Industry. APPROVED: ____________________________ MAYOR 2 Page 19 of 126 ATTEST: ___________________________ CLERK Approved as to Form and Legal Sufficiency: ____________________________ Assistant City Attorney 3 Page 20 of 126 CITY PLANNING COMMISSION Post Office Box 3300 Danville, Virginia (434) 799-5261 MEMORANDUM DATE: JULY 13, 2015 TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: CITY PLANNING COMMISSION SUBJECT: "CONDITIONAL" REZONING REQUEST REQUEST: Rezoning Application PLRZ20150000184, filed by Blue Ridge Towers requesting to amend the Year 2020 Land Use Plan from OPT Office Professional Transitional to HI Heavy Industry and to rezone from TO-C, Transitional Office District to "Conditional" M-I Industrial Manufacturing District, on parcellD# 60538, otherwise known as Grid 0608, Block 004, Parcel 000022.001 of the City of Danville, Virginia, Zoning District Map. The applicant is proposing to rezone to allow for the construction of a communication (cell) tower. RECOMMENDATION: The Planning Commission voted 4-0 (Commissioner's Scearce, Jones and Evans absent) to recommend approval of the request as submitted. 1J~ If'k (reG) Mr. Bruce Wilson, Vice-Chairman RESPONSES: Nine (9) notices were sent to surrounding property owners within three hundred (300) feet of the subject property. Three (3) responses were received all were not opposed (Jones, Eanes, SRE LLC). Zero (0) were opposed. COMMENTS: "I do have some questions. Some of the neighbors think you will take our homes & land" (Jones). Page 21 of 126 <;11\ ' <>1 1);\11\1111:, \'i lgniil PLANNING REPORT P.O. Box 3300 Danville, VA 24543 (434) 799-5261 City Planning Commission Meeting of July 13, 2015 Subject: Rezoning Application PLRZ20150000184, filed by Blue Ridge Towers requesting to amend the Year 2020 Land Use Plan from OPT Office Professional Transitional to HI Heavy Industry and to rezone from TO-C, Transitional Office District to "Conditional" M-I Industrial Manufacturing District, on parcellD# 60538, otherwise known as Grid 0608, Block 004, Parcel 000022.001 of the City of Danville, Virginia, Zoning District Map. The applicant is proposing to rezone to allow for the construction of a communication (cell) tower. AND Special Use Permit Application PLSUP20150000185, filed by Blue Ridge Towers requesting a Special Use Permit to allow a communication tower in accordance with Article 3. Q; Section C, Item 8 of the Code of the City of Danville, Virginia, 1986, as amended on parcellD# 60538, otherwise known as Grid 0608, Block 004, Parcel 000022.001 of the City of Danville, Virginia, Zoning District Map. The applicant is proposing to construct a communication (cell) tower at this location. Background: The subject property, parcel ID# 60538, is zoned TO-C , Transitional Office District and is improved with only a small abandoned commercial structure . The applicant, Anthony Smith on behalf of a Blue Ridge Towers , is requesting to amend the Yea r 2020 Land Use Plan from OPT Office Professional Transitional to HI Heavy Industry and to rezone from TO-C , Transitional Office District to "Conditional " M-I Industrial Manufacturing District and to obtain a Special Use Permit so that a communication tower may be constructed . The communication tower will be a 150' monopole tower. The applicant has subm itted a site plan and numerous balloon test photos . The balloon test photos show numerous locations throughout the City where an eight (8) foot orange balloon was flown at a height of approximately 150' on site on the parcel. The photos Page 22 of 126 are taken at numerous locations so that visibility of the balloon/tower can be determined . The photos are labeled with the locations that they were taken. Article 2.R. 8 requires that the minimum setback distance must be a minimum of 11, the height of the tower. This setback is necessary so that in the event of a failure , a tower that would break in half would be contained entirely on the parcel in which it is constructed. The applicant has provided an engineer signed letter from the manufacturer of the tower that states their tower will break at 75' which will allow the tower to break at a point that can be contained within the parcel lines of the property. Article 2.R. 8 states: The maximum height for commercial communication towers shall be one hundred and fifty (150) feet. An additional twenty (20) feet of antenna height may be added onto the maximum one hundred and fifty (150) foot tower height for the installation of omnidirectional or whip antenna for a total height of tower and antenna to be a maximum of one hundred and seventy (170) feet from grade. The minimum setback distance from the base of the commercial communications tower to any property line or to any adjacent nonresidential structure shall be equal to one-half (Yz) the total combined height of the tower and antenna, unless the City Manager or Planning Commission grants a waiver due to special or unusual characteristics. Another point of concern is compliance with Article 2.R.5. To comply with this coverage maps that indicate that there is a void of coverage in this area have been included with this Staff Report. This lack of coverage has been confirmed by numerous cell service providers as well. To validate the need and use of this new tower, the applicant has provided a commitment from Ntelos. Article 2.R.5. states: No telecommunication tower(s) shall be located within five hundred (500) feet of a residential zoning district unless the applicant can otherwise demonstrate by providing coverage, interference and capacity analysis that the proposed location of the antenna is necessary to meet the frequency reuse and spacing needs of the wireless telecommunications facility and to provide adequate coverage and capacity to areas which cannot be adequately served by locating the tower(s) in a less sensitive area. Nine (9) notices were sent to surrounding property owners within three hundred (300) feet of the subject property. A full report will be presented at the City Planning Commission meeting on July 13, 2015. Page 23 of 126 Staff Analysis and Recommendation: Staff recommends approval of Rezoning Application PLRZ20150000184, filed by Blue Ridge Towers requesting to amend the Year 2020 Land Use Plan from OPT Office Professional Transitional to HI Heavy Industry and to rezone from TO-C, Transitional Office District to "Conditional" M-I Industrial Manufacturing District, on parcel 10# 60538, otherwise known as Grid 0608 , Block 004, Parcel 000022.001 of the City of Danville, Virginia , Zoning District Map subject to the conditions submitted by the applicant. Staff recommends approval of Special Use Permit Application PLSUP20150000185, filed by Blue Ridge Towers requesting a Special Use Permit to allow a communication tower in accordance with Article 3.0; Section C, Item 8 of the Code of the City of Danville, Virginia, 1986, as amended on parcel 10# 60538, otherwise known as Grid 0608, Block 004, Parcel 000022.001 of the City of Danville, Virginia, Zoning District Map subject to the condition that the structure shall be a metal monopole. Staff recommends monopoles due to their similarity to other utility structures used by the City of Danville, and their lower failure rate compared to lattice type towers. City Planning Commission Alternatives: 1. Recommend approval of Rezoning Application PLRZ20150000184 as submitted. 2. Recommend approval of Rezoning Application PLRZ20150000184 subject to conditions by the Planning Commission. 3. Recommend denial of Rezoning Application PLRZ20150000184 as submitted . 1. 2. 3. 4. Recommend approval of Special Use Permit Application PLSUP20150000185 as submitted. Recommend approval of Special Use Permit Application PLSUP20150000185 subject to the condition per staff. Recommend approval of Special Use Permit Application PLSUP20150000185 subject to conditions by the Planning Commission. Recommend denial of Special Use Permit Application PLSUP20150000185 as submitted . Attachments: Application Property Ownership/Zoning Map Data Sheet Existing Land Use Map (2012 Aerial) Year 2020 Land Use Map Page 24 of 126 CITY OF DANVILLE REZONING APP LICATION TO THE CITY PLANNING COMM ISS ION AND THE HONORABLE C ITY COUNC IL: Applicati on is hereby made for the rezoning as described below: INFORMATION TO BE PROVIDED BY THE PLANNING DIVISION CASE NU MBER: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ EXISTING ZONING: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ PROPOSED ZON ING: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ TAX MAP NUMBER: _ _ _ __ _ _ __ RECE IVED BY: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ DATE FILED: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ CITY COUNCIL DATE:_ _ _ _ _ _ __ PLANN ING COMM ISS ION DATE: _ _ _ __ INFORMATION TO BE PROVIDED BY THE APPLICANT Exact lega l description of property (Attach if insufficient space). Gross ArealNet Area: Property Location: N PA(t (.0.1 -:# 6 053 fJ S E.(jj) Side Of:_.!.Z'-"~...>,./).t"'[)'.fL2"--'71'-"-'C£"------.,.__------------ f), '/2. Am6'S Property Address: g' Ac2~'j ('()tJ~S and Proffered Conditions (if any, please attach): 4 g, $LO£} rt-Ifodd PR ESENT OWNER (S) OF ALL PROPERTI ES INCLUDED IN APPLICATION (PLEASE TYPE OR PRINT): I. NAME:JNclos41rl !Jallel~ ~ MA ILING ADDRESS SIGNATUR.E: CfJtj- 7'13-/753 Sh-l1ei .:#:J D3 ~:?# TELEPHONE: ot= l)q~ 2.)Z,~ SIGNATURE: EMA IL DATE:;zj...J..Ldtli.../ DATE: _ _ _ __ ADDRESS: tJIIJ9UlrOc./.Jt+fIJ./I~.vA-, tlS APPLICANT (PLEASE TYPE OR PRINT): If the app licant is not the property owner, written authorizat ion from the property owner must accompa ny this application. 2SJ"e. 72;Jfe.. 7ii<Jtr>s/A~/ ~ELEPHONE: Sf!()-J'l? t r;:2.r? MAILING ADDRESS '101 (Jfh't..Js,.im<J 7laP JC#7J04 tA4t2Lj()/t, NAME: EMA IL ADDRESS: SIGNATURE:< &~iI~8Ivea.,-Jfe &BtS,C~A.. ~?= P.O. Box 3300 Danville, V A 24543 C2 434-799-5261 Fax 434-797-8919 DATE:t.j5/l6 www,danv ille-va.gov Page 25 of 126 EXPLANAnON OF REQUEST: 1. NEW COMMERCIALIINDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT: Please provide ten (10) sets, blue or black line copies, of a final site plan with the following information: • Proposed use of the land: size and location of structures with dimensions to lot lines. • Vehicular circulation system with points of ingress and egress. • Existing on-site buildings, separation dimensions and paved areas. • Location and dimensions of all parking and loading areas, including the number of off-street parking and loading spaces provided. • Net acreage. • Gross and net square footage of building (s) (proposed and existing). • Required landscaping and buffer areas. Please provide a brief description of the proposed development: 2. ALTERATION OF ZONING BOUNDARIES: Please provide a survey of proposed Zoning boundaries. Please provide a brief description of the request: Z)f./£- ?Z~r2-72>~s= )'er;;;;,l.~ :0 £cm "IOC (iM.Jdl/;,y./ oflccl * /Jail TtJ~. tA.'5 /fel'Aced fJ/1tl.ee/. C~~ ~~ A- r fr1 IN;/! Ie +0 /uve- ~~ 2av' 7 ~//ttr.4#&052f 1 l1IwulAdvA.¥J 'f},'$livd- It,. ile II ctJlUf;,J"J4.Ij",,- of" ~ e'l''S/7 2"rl 3. RESIDENTIAL REZONING: Please provide a brief description of the request: P.O. Box 3300 Danville, V A 24543 434-799-5261 Fax 434-797-8919 www.danville-va.gov Page 26 of 126 / Page 1 of2 Danville, VA Zoning B. - Permitted Uses. 1. Airport. 2. Aircraft-related industry. 3. Artisan/craftsman manufacturing. 4. Auto and light vehicle service establishments (with screened outdoor service and storage areas). 5. Contractor's offices, shops and storage yards. 6. Establishments for scientific research, development and training, or corporate offices (excepting biomedical, biological and chemical establishments). 7. Establishments for manufacturing, production, processing, assembly, compounding, cleaning, servicing, storage, testing, repair and distribution of materials, goods or products, which conform to federal, state and City environmental performance standards. (excepting those uses which are specifically prohibited by this article or which require a special use permit). 8. Gasoline sales establishments (with indoor repair services and no outdoor vehicle storage). 9. Heavy equipment sale, rental and service establishments, including farm equipment. 10. Heavy vehicle service establishments (with screened outdoor service and storage areas). 11. Hotels and motels, with or without eating establishments. 12. Light wholesale trade establishments, (with outdoor storage). 13. Lumber yards and building material yards, to include rock sand and gravel storage. 14. Metal fabrication. 15. Motor freight terminals. 16. Motor vehicle storage and impoundment yards. 17. Plant nursery. 18. Private training facilities and vocational schools. 19. Recycling centers. 20. Retail sales related to establishments permitted by-right, provided that products are produced on the premises or by the same corporate entity. 21. Storage yards (with coverage subject to Additional Regulations). 22. Truck or train terminal. @ @ Uses permitted by right or by special use permit in the LED-I District. Uses permitted by right or by special permit in the HR-C District. 25. Warehouses, including mini-warehouses. 26. Exterminator. (Ord. No. 2004-02.04, Art. 3.Q, § B, 2-17-04; Ord. No. 2005-04.04, 4-5-05) c. - Uses Permitted by Special Use Permit. 1. Adult entertainment establishments. X 2. Asphalt mixing plant. 3. Automobile auction facility. 4. Blast furnace. Page 27 of 126 about:blank 6/5/2015 Page 2 of2 Danville, V A Zoning 5. Bulk storage of flammable materials. 6. Bus and railroad terminals. 7. Coal, wood or wood distillation facilities. @ 9. Communication towers. Concrete mixing and batching production. 10. Drive-in movie theaters. 11. Establi shments for biomedical, biological and chemical scientific research, development and training. 12. Extraction, storage or distribution of mineral resources, including gravel or sand. 13. Fertilizer, lime or cement manufacturing. tJ2 15. Heavy public utility uses, to include: a. Electrical generating plants. b. Sewerage treatment plants. Heliports and hellpads. 16. Junkyard, as defined. 17. Metal foundries, smelting, processing, fabrication and storage. 18. Power generation facility. 19. Private garbage incineration. 20. Public utilities and facilities. 21. Residential dwelling unit appurtenant to and contained within a commercial or industrial building for the specific use of a watchman or caretaker. 22. Sanitary landfill. 23. Soap manufacture. 24. Stockyards. 25. Tanning and curing of skins. 26. Use with lot frontage on the Dan River. 27. Use with lot frontage or within the aviation impact area of the Danville Regional Airport. 28. Veterinary hospitals, inclusive of boarding kenne ls. 29. Waiver of floor area ratio. 30. Waiver of building height. 31. Waiver of minimum lot size. 32. Waiver of minimum district size when in confo rmance with the Comprehensive Plan. 33. Regional brewery. 34. Cemetery. (Ord. No. 2004-02.04, Art. 3.0, § C. 2-17-04; Ord. No. 2012-11.09, 11 -20- 12; Ord. No. 2014-09.07, 9-1614) Page 28 of 126 about:blank 6/5/2015 Michael f, Plahovln5aK, P , ~, June 26, 2015 81ue Ridge Towers Re: Proposed 150-ft Monopole Located in Danville, VA- Oak Street Site MFP #23515-383ITAPP TP-13526 I understand that there may be some concern on the part of local building officials regarding the potential for failure of the proposed communication monopole. Communication structures are designed in accordance with the Telecommunications Industry Association ANSIffIA-222-G, "Structural Standards for Steel Antenna Towers and Antenna Supporting Structures", This structure is to be fabricated by TransAmerican Power Products. [have designed this monopole to withstand a basic wind speed of90 mph as recommended by ANSIffIA222-G for Danville, Virginia. The design also con/ontls to the requirements o/the 2006-2012 International Building Code. This monopole has been intentionally designed to acoommodate a fall radius. The upper 75' of the pole has been designed to meet the wind loads of the design, however, the lower portion of the pole has been designed with a minimum 10% extra capacity. Assuming the pole has been fabricated according to my design and well maintained, in the event of a failure due to extreme wind and a comparable appurtenance antenna loads (winds in excess of the design wind load), it would yield/buckle at the 75' elevation, swing down and be supported by the ground and the buckle point at 75'. After the pole has buckled, it would be very unlikely that the section would become unattached due to crumpled steel and internal coaxial cables. Under these circumstances, neighboring property would be unaffected by a collapse. The structure has been designed with all of the applicable factors as required by the code. Communication poles are safe structures with a long history of reliable operation. I hope this review of the monopole design has given you a greater degree of comfort regarding the design capacity inherent in pole structures. If you have any additional questions please call me at 614-398-6250 or email mike@rnfpe ng. com . Sincerely, Michael F. Plahovinsal<, P.E. Professional Engineer 18"501 Stat~ Route 161 - Platn C1t4. OH 4"5064 (614) "598-62'50 - mlk~"'mfpenq.com Page 29 of 126 Ntelos coverage loss after removal of the water tower that currently holds antennae for Ntelos and AT&T Page 30 of 126 Current Ntelos coverage Page 31 of 126 -- • From railroad tracks Page 32 of 126 From south parking lot of mall Page 33 of 126 From mall Page 34 of 126 Panoramic from Mall Page 35 of 126 / From Robertson Bridge Page 36 of 126 Height verification Page 37 of 126 I NORHURST P Toe INOUSTR IAL 0 1M SURROUNDING PROPERTY OWNERS AND ZONING WITHIN 300 FEET OF SUBJECT PROPERTY '1 Prepared by: Planning Division 6/24 /2015 Disdaimer: Information contained on this map is to be used for reference purposes only. The City of Danville is not responsible for any inaccurades herein contained. The City of Danville makes no representation of warranty as to this map's accuracy. and in particular, its accuracy in labeling, dimensions, contours, property boundaries, or placement or location of any map featu res thereon. No respon sibility is assumed for damages or other liabiliti es due to the accuracy, availability, use cr misuse of the information herein provi ded Page 38 of 126 REZONING AND SPECIAL USE PERMIT REQUEST DATA SHEET DATE: July 13, 2015 LOCATION OF PROPERTY: ParcellD# 60538 PRESENT ZONE: TO-C , Transitional Office District PROPOSED ZONE: Conditional" M-I Industrial Manufacturing District LAND USE PLAN DESIGNATION: OPT Office Professional Transitional to HI Heavy Industry ACTION REQUESTED: 1. Rezoning Application PLRZ20150000184, filed by Blue Ridge Towers requesting to amend the Year 2020 Land Use Plan from OPT Office Professional Transitional to HI Heavy Industry and to rezone from TO-C, Transitional Office District to "Conditional" M-Ilndustrial Manufacturing District, on parcellD# 60538, otherwise known as Grid 0608, Block 004, Parcel 000022.001 of the City of Danville, Virginia, Zoning District Map. The applicant is proposing to rezone to allow for the construction of a communication (cell) tower. 2. Special Use Permit Application PLSUP20150000185, filed by Blue Ridge Towers requesting a Special Use Permit to allow a communication tower in accordance with Article 3. Q; Section C, Item 8 of the Code of the City of Danville, Virginia, 1986, as amended on parcellD# 60538, otherwise known as Grid 0608, Block 004, Parcel 000022.001 of the City of Danville, Virginia, Zoning District Map. The applicant is proposing to construct a communication (cell) tower at this location. PRESENT USE OF PROPERTY: Vacant PROPOSED USE OF PROPERTY: Communication (cell) tower PROPERTY OWNER (S): Industrial Development Authority of Danville, VA NAME OF APPLICANT (S) : Blue Ridge Towers PROPERTY BORDERED BY: Residential and Church to the north, residential to the east and south, mixed residential to the west. ACREAGE/SQUARE FOOTAGE: 2.42 acres (approximately) CHARACTER OF VICINITY: Mixed residential and Industrial INGRESS AND EGRESS: Oak Ridge Ave and Bishop Rd . TRAFFIC VOLUME: Low to Moderate NEIGHBORHOOD REACTION : To be reported at the Planning Commission meeting of July 13, 2015. Page 39 of 126 2012 AERIAL VIEW OF AREA SURROUNDING SUBJECT PROPERTY Prepared by: Planning Division 6/24/2015 Disdaimer: Information contained on this map is to be used for reference purposes only. The City of Danville is not responsible for any inaccuraties herein contained . The City of Oanville makes no representation of warranty as to this map's accuracy, and in particular, its accuracy in labeling. Page 40 of 126 dimensions, contours. property boundaries, or placement or location of any map features thereon. No responsibility is assumed for damages or other liabilities due to the accuracy, avaJlability, use or misuse of the information herein provided. v USR HI CS PSA YEAR 2020 LAND USE PLAN FOR AREA SURROUNDING SUBJECf PROPERTY Prepared by: Planning Division 6/24/20 15 Disdaimer: Information contained on this map is to be used for reference purposes only. The City of Danville is not responsible for any inaccuracies herein contained . The Ci ty of Danville makes no representation of wa rranty as to this map's accuracy, and in particular, Its accuracy in labeling. dimensions , contours. property boundaries, or ~Iacemenl or location of any map features thereon. No responsibility is assumed damages or other Page 41 of for 126 liabilities due to the accuracy. availability, use or misuse of the information herein provided. EXHIBIT A Proffer list to "Conditional" M-I Industrial Manufacturing District, on parcel 10# 60538, otherwise known as Grid 0608, Block 004, Parcel 000022.001 of the City of Danville, Virginia, Zoning District Map. B. 1. 2. 3. 4. - Permitted Uses. Airport. Aircraft related industry. Artisan,{craftsman manufacturing. Auto and light 'Jehicle service establishments 0Nith screened outdoor service and storage areas). 5. Contractor's offices, shops and storage yards. 6. Establishments for scientific research, development and training, or corporate offices (e*cepting biomedical, biological and chemical establishments). 7. Establishments for manufacturing, produotion, prooessing, assembly, oompounding, cleaning, servicing, storage, testing, repair and distribution of materials, goods or products, 'Nhich conform to federal, state and City environmental performance standards. (e*cepting those uses which are speoifically prohibited by this article or 'Nhioh require a special use permit). 8. Gasoline sales establishments ('tVith indoor repair services and no outdoor vehicle storage). Q. Hea'.R,t' equipment sale, rental and service establishments, including farm equipment. 10. Heavy vehicle service establishments (\flith screened outdoor service and storage areas). 11. Hotels and motels, '....ith or 'tVithout eating establishments. 12. Light wholesale trade establishments, (with outdoor storage). 13. Lumber yards and building material yards, to include rock sand and gravel storage. 14. Metal fabrication. 15. Motor freight terminals. 16. Motor vehicle storage and impoundment yards. 17. Plant nursery. 18. Pri'Jate training faoilities and vocational schools. 1Q. Recycling centers. 20. Retail sales related to establishments permitted by right, provided that products are produced on the premises or by the same oorporate entity. 21. Storage yards ('-'lith coverage subject to Additional Regulations). 22. Truck or train terminal. 23. Uses permitted by right or by special use permit in the LED-I District. 24. Uses permitted by right or by special permit in the HR-C District. 25. \AJarehouses, including mini warehouses. 26. E~erminator. C. - Uses Permitted by Special Use Permit. 1. Adult entertainment establishments. Page 42 of 126 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. Asphalt mixing plant. Automobile auction faoility. Blast furnaoe. Bulk storage of flammable materials. Bus and railroad terminals. Coal, 'Nood or '...'Ood distillation faoilities. Communication towers. Conorete mixing and batching production. Dri\'e in movie theaters. Establishments for biomedioal, biologioal and ohemioal soientifio research, development and training. Extraction, storage or distribution of mineral resources, inoluding gra~1 or sand. Fertilizer, lime or cement manufacturing. Heavy public utility uses, to include: a. Electrical generating plants. b. Sewerage treatment plants. Heliports and hellpads. Junkyard, as defined. Metal foundries, smelting, prooessing, fabrioation and storage. PO'lJer generation faoility. Private garbage inoineration. Publio utilities and faoilities. Residential dwelling unit appurtenant to and oontained 'l.'ithin a commercial or industrial building for the speoifio use of a 'Natohman or oaretaker. Sanitary landfill. Soap manufacture. Stookyards. Tanning and ouring of skins. Use 'Nith lot frontage on the Dan River. Use with lot frontage or within the aviation impaot area of the Danville Regional J\irport. Veterinary hospitals, inolusive of boarding kennels. Waiver of floor area ratio. Waiver of building height. Waiver of minimum lot size. Waiver of minimum district size when in conformance with the Comprehensive Plan. Regional bre'Nery. Cemetery. ~7 Anthony Smith, Blue Ridge Towers Date Page 43 of 126 CL-1221 City Council Regular Meeting Meeting Date: 08/18/2015 Subject: From: New Business Item #: B. Request a Special Use Permit to allow a communication tower on Parcel ID#60538 Kenneth C. Gillie, Jr., Planning Director COUNCIL ACTION Business Meeting: 08/18/15 - Public Hearing SUMMARY A request has been filed by Blue Ridge Towers requesting a Special Use Permit to allow a communication tower in accordance with Article 3.Q; Section C, Item 8 of the Code of the City of Danville, Virginia, 1986, as amended on parcel ID# 60538, otherwise known as Grid 0608, Block 004, Parcel 000022.001 of the City of Danville, Virginia, Zoning District Map. The applicant is proposing to construct a communication (cell) tower at this location. BACKGROUND A Special Use Permit must be obtained so that a communication tower may be constructed. The communication tower will be a 150' mono pole tower. The applicant has submitted a site plan and numerous balloon test photos. The balloon test photos show numerous locations throughout the City where an eight (8) foot orange balloon was flown at a height of approximately 150' on site on the parcel. The photos are taken at numerous locations so that visibility of the balloon/tower can be determined. The photos are labeled with the locations at which they were taken. Article 2.R. 8 requires that the minimum setback distance must be a minimum of ½ the height of the tower. This setback is necessary so that in the event of a failure, a tower that would break in half would be contained entirely on the parcel in which it is constructed. The applicant has provided an engineer signed letter from the manufacturer of the tower that states their tower will break at 75’ which will allow the tower to break at a point that can be contained within the parcel lines of the property. Another point of concern is compliance with Article 2.R.5. To comply with this coverage maps that indicate that there is a void of coverage in this area have been included with this staff report. This lack of coverage has been confirmed by numerous cell service providers as well. To validate the need and use of this new tower, the applicant has provided a commitment from Ntelos. At their meeting of July 13, 2015, the Planning Commission voted 4-0 (Commissioner’s Scearce, Jones and Evans absent) to recommend approval of the request subject to the condition that the structure shall be a metal monopole. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that City Council adopt an Ordinance granting a Special Use Permit to allow a Page 44 of 126 It is recommended that City Council adopt an Ordinance granting a Special Use Permit to allow a communication tower in accordance with Article 3.Q; Section C, Item 8 of the Code of the City of Danville, Virginia, 1986, as amended on parcel ID# 60538, otherwise known as Grid 0608, Block 004, Parcel 000022.001 of the City of Danville, Virginia, Zoning District Map subject to the condition that the structure shall be a metal mono pole. Attachments Ordinance Planning Backup Page 45 of 126 PRESENTED: ADOPTED: ORDINANCE NO. 2015-____.____ AN ORDINANCE GRANTING A SPECIAL USE PERMIT TO ALLOW A COMMUNICATION TOWER IN ACCORDANCE WITH ARTICLE 3.Q, SECTION C, ITEM 8 OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF DANVILLE, VIRGINIA, 1986, AS AMENDED, ON PARCEL ID# 60538, OTHERWISE KNOWN AS GRID 0608, BLOCK 004, PARCEL 000022.001 OF THE CITY OF DANVILLE, VIRGINIA, ZONING DISTRICT MAP. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Danville, Virginia, that the report of the Planning Commission recommending approval of Special Use Permit Application PLSUP20150000185, filed by Blue Ridge Towers requesting a Special Use Permit to allow a communication tower in accordance with Article 3.Q, Section C, Item 8 of the Code of the City of Danville, Virginia, 1986, as amended, on parcel ID# 60538, otherwise known as Grid 0608, Block 004, Parcel 000022.001 of the City of Danville, Virginia, Zoning District Map is hereby received subject to condition that the structure shall be a metal monopole; and BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that in consideration of said report and the public hearing this day held by Council, Special Use Permit Application PLSUP20150000185, filed by Blue Ridge Towers requesting a Special Use Permit to allow a communication tower in accordance with Article 3.Q, Section C, Item 8 of the Code of the City of Danville, Virginia, 1986, as amended, on parcel ID# 60538, otherwise known as Grid 0608, Block 004, Parcel 000022.001 of the City of Danville, Virginia, Zoning District Map, is hereby granted and approved subject to condition that the structure shall be a metal monopole. APPROVED: ____________________________ MAYOR Page 46 of 126 ATTEST: ___________________________ CLERK Approved as to Form and Legal Sufficiency: ____________________________ Assistant City Attorney Page 47 of 126 CITY PLANNING COMMISSION Post Office Box 3300 Danville, Virginia (434) 799-5261 MEMORANDUM DATE: JULY 13, 2015 TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: CITY PLANNING COMMISSION SUBJECT: SPECIAL USE PERMIT REQUEST REQUEST: Special Use Permit Application PLSUP20150000185, filed by Blue Ridge Towers requesting a Special Use Permit to allow a communication tower in accordance with Arlicle 3. Q; Section C, Item 8 of the Code of the City of Danville, Virginia, 1986, as amended on parcellD# 60538, otherwise known as Grid 0608, Block 004, Parcel 000022.001 of the City of Danville, Virginia, Zoning District Map. The applicant is proposing to construct a communication (cell) tower at this location. RECOMMENDATION: The Planning Commission voted 4-0 (Commissioner's Scearce, Jones and Evans absent) to recommend approval of the request subject to the condition that the structure shall be a metal monopole. S.J4uL It'k (J:CG) Mr. Bruce Wilson, Vice-Chairman RESPONSES: Nine (9) notices were sent to surrounding property owners within three hundred (300) feet of the subject property. Three (3) responses were received all were not opposed (Jones, Eanes, SRE LLC). Zero (0) were opposed. COMMENTS: "I do have some questions. Some of the neighbors think you will take our homes & land" (Jones). Page 48 of 126 C •• .... I -._ I D cpanrncn l of • 8}JJm~PJty ( :lly ,)1 1)< l1will(~. v1rglnl,l PLANNING REPORT P.O. Box 3300 Danville, VA 24543 (434) 799-5261 City Planning Commission Meeting of July 13, 2015 Subject: Rezoning Application PLRZ20150000184, filed by Blue Ridge Towers requesting to amend the Year 2020 Land Use Plan from OPT Office Professional Transitional to HI Heavy Industry and to rezone from TO-C, Transitional Office District to "Conditional" M-I Industrial Manufacturing District, on parcellD# 60538, otherwise known as Grid 0608, Block 004, Parcel 000022.001 of the City of Danville, Virginia, Zoning District Map. The applicant is proposing to rezone to allow for the construction of a communication (cell) tower. AND Special Use Permit Application PLSUP20150000185, filed by Blue Ridge Towers requesting a Special Use Permit to allow a communication tower in accordance with Article 3. Q; Section C, Item 8 of the Code of the City of Danville, Virginia, 1986, as amended on parcellD# 60538, otherwise known as Grid 0608, Block 004, Parcel 000022.001 of the City of Danville, Virginia, Zoning District Map. The applicant is proposing to construct a communication (cell) tower at this location. Background: The subject property, parcel ID# 60538, is zoned TO-C , Transitional Office District and is improved with only a small abandoned commercial structure. The applicant, Anthony Smith on behalf of a Blue Ridge Towers, is requesting to amend the Year 2020 Land Use Plan from OPT Office Professional Transitional to HI Heavy Industry and to rezone from TO-C, Transitional Office District to "Conditional" M-I Industrial Manufacturing District and to obtain a Special Use Permit so that a communication tower may be constructed . The communication tower will be a 150' monopole tower. The applicant has submitted a site plan and numerous balloon test photos . The balloon test photos show numerous locations throughout the City where an eight (8) foot orange balloon was flown at a height of approximately 150' on site on the parcel. The photos Page 49 of 126 are taken at numerous locations so that visibility of the balloon/tower can be determined . The photos are labeled with the locations that they were taken. Article 2.R. 8 requires that the minimum setback distance must be a minimum of % the height of the tower. This setback is necessary so that in the event of a failure , a tower that would break in half would be contained entirely on the parcel in which it is constructed. The applicant has provided an engineer signed letter from the manufacturer of the tower that states their tower will break at 75' which will allow the tower to break at a point that can be contained within the parcel lines of the property. Article 2.R. 8 states: The maximum height for commercial communication towers shall be one hundred and fifty (150) feet. An additional twenty (20) feet of antenna height may be added onto the maximum one hundred and fifty (150) foot tower height for the installation of omnidirectional or whip antenna for a total height of tower and antenna to be a maximum of one hundred and seventy (170) feet from grade. The minimum setback distance from the base of the commercial communications tower to any property line or to any adjacent nonresidential structure shall be equal to one-half (Y» the total combined height of the tower and antenna, unless the City Manager or Planning Commission grants a waiver due to special or unusual characteristics. Another point of concern is compliance with Article 2.R.5. To comply with this coverage maps that indicate that there is a void of coverage in this area have been included with this Staff Report. This lack of coverage has been confirmed by numerous cell service providers as well. To validate the need and use of this new tower, the applicant has provided a commitment from Ntelos. Article 2.R.5. states: No telecommunication tower(s) shall be located within five hundred (500) feet of a residential zoning district unless the applicant can otherwise demonstrate by providing coverage, interference and capacity analysis that the proposed location of the antenna is necessary to meet the frequency reuse and spacing needs of the wireless telecommunications facility and to provide adequate coverage and capacity to areas which cannot be adequately served by locating the tower(s) in a less sensitive area. Nine (9) notices were sent to surrounding property owners within three hundred (300) feet of the subject property. A full report will be presented at the City Planning Commission meeting on July 13, 2015. Page 50 of 126 Staff Analysis and Recommendation: Staff recommends approval of Rezoning Application PLRZ20150000184, filed by Blue Ridge Towers requesting to amend the Year 2020 Land Use Plan from OPT Office Professional Transitional to HI Heavy Industry and to rezone from TO-C , Transitional Office District to "Conditional" M-I Industrial Manufacturing District, on parcel ID# 60538, otherwise known as Grid 0608 , Block 004 , Parcel 000022.001 of the City of Danville, Virginia , Zoning District Map subject to the conditions submitted by the applicant. Staff recommends approval of Special Use Permit Application PLSUP20150000185 , filed by Blue Ridge Towers requesting a Special Use Permit to allow a communication tower in accordance with Article 3.Q; Section C, Item 8 of the Code of the City of Danville , Virginia, 1986, as amended on parcellD# 60538, otherwise known as Grid 0608, Block 004, Parcel 000022.001 of the City of Danville, Virginia , Zoning District Map subject to the condition that the structure shall be a metal monopole. Staff recommends monopoles due to their similarity to other utility structures used by the City of Danville, and their lower fa ilure rate compared to lattice type towers. City Planning Commission Alternatives: 1. Recommend approval of Rezoning Application PLRZ20150000184 as submitted. 2. Recommend approval of Rezoning Application PLRZ20150000184 subject to conditions by the Planning Commission . 3. Recommend denial of Rezoning Application PLRZ20150000184 as submitted . 1. 2. 3. 4. Recommend approval of Special Use Permit Application PLSUP20150000185 as submitted . Recommend approval of Special Use Permit Application PLSUP20150000185 subject to the condition per staff. Recommend approval of Special Use Permit Application PLSUP20150000185 subject to conditions by the Planning Commission . Recommend denial of Special Use Permit Application PLSUP20150000185 as submitted. Attachments: Application Property Ownership/Zoning Map Data Sheet Existing Land Use Map (2012 Aerial) Year 2020 Land Use Map Page 51 of 126 CITY OF DANVILLE SPECIAL USE PERMIT APPLICATION TO THE CITY PLANNING COMMISSION AND THE HONORABLE CITY COUNCIL: Application is hereby made for the Special Use Permit as described below: INFORMATION TO BE PROVIDED BY THE PLANNING DIVISION APPPLICATION IS HEREBY MADE FOR A SPECIAL USE PERMIT TO AUTHORIZE THE FOLLOWING USE: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _---'--_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ CASE NUMBER: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ EXISTING ZONING: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ PROPOSED ZONING:, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ TAX MAP NUMBER: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ RECEIVED BY: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ DATE FILED: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ PLANNING COMMISSION DATE: _ _ _ __ CITY COUNCIL DATE:, _ _ _ _ _ _ __ INFORMATION TO BE PROVIDED BY THE APPLICANT (pLEASE TYPE OR PRINT) Exact legal description of property (Attach if insufficient space), Gross Area/Net Area: ,Q. tf2.. JtkI!!S Property Address: A/lt~1 #-!, OS3?! Property Location: N S E@Sideof:,---'-8JJ.i.. .s'LJhCJ.OIJP"--.L1<-'-'1_ J _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Between: J3,:sJDfJ 7f1 and DAk. 1(,01162 live Proffered Conditions (if any, please attach): ik"CPMotfl ~OklaMW~ ~oJ :if~df/f) P,O, Box 3300 Danville, VA 24543 434-799-5261 Fax 434-797-8919 www,danville-va,gov Page 52 of 126 EXPLANATION OF REOUEST: 1. PROPOSED USE FOR THE SPECIAL USE PERMIT: Please provide a site plan with the following information: • Proposed use of the land: size and location of structures with dimensions to lot lines. • Vehicular circulation system with points of ingress and egress. • Existing on-site buildings, separation dimensions and paved areas. • Location and dimensions of all parking and loading areas, including the number of off-street parking and loading spaces provided. • Net acreage. • Gross and net square footage of building (s) (proposed and existing). • Required landscaping and buffer areas. Please provide a brief description of the proposed development: 23/0f?, (( rJ9e /o1Vez,J J ::I;uc It aOrnmvN I~~ ~elL Iff PRESENT OWNER (S) OF ALL PROPERTIES INCLUDED IN APPLICATION (PLEASE TYPE OR PRINT): L NAME:JNclvIaJ 1kv~/ofM'fJ liuifonlt; "f TELEPHONE: '139· 2q3- !?53 1¥t,., uH~ vAI). 11~ ::tI:J 03 DtAJ"~ 411MAILING ADDRESS: I . '127 ffnTU10/1-'eJ • SIGNATURE: DATE: _ _ _ __ SIGNATURE: DATE: _ _ _ __ EMAILADDRESS:t.).Cib\=l@ci.d.A-~v)-jf.e.vA ,oS APPLICANT (PLEASE TYPE OR PRINT): If the applicant is not the property owner, written authorization from the property owner must accompany this :~::ij~d'J ~Aid.JpLrELEPHONE: S~()-39~·l,t:J.cP MAILING ADDRESS: 7"0/ c141N.s£o,7) 'gmJAc@ 81t/tY<./'J. P.O. Box 3300 Danville, VA 24543 7trt 72C5Wvi~ - {'041 434-799-5261 Fax 434-797-8919 t/d- .2lftl/6 • www.danville-va.gov Page 53 of 126 Michael f, Plahovln5ak, P,~, June 26, 20 IS Blue Ridge Towers Re: Proposed ISO-ft Monopole Located in Danville, VA- Oak Street Site MFP #23S15-383ITAPP TP-13526 I understand that there may be some concern on the part af local building officials regarding the potential for failure of the proposed communication monopole. Communication structures are designed in accordance with the Telecommunicati ons lndustry Association ANSIffIA·222-G, "Structural Standards for Steel Antenna Towers and Antenna Supporting Structures". This structure is to be fabricated by TransAmerican Power Products. [ have designed th is monopole to withstand a basic wind speed of90 mph as recommended by ANSIfflA222-0 for Dan vi lle, Virginia. The design also cOllforms to the requirements oJthe 2006-2012 lntemafional Building Code. This monopole has been intentionall y designed to accommodate a fall radius. The upper 75 ' of the pole has been designed to meet the wind loads of th e design, however, the lower portion of the pole has been designed with a minimum 10% ex tra capacity. Assuming the pole has been fabricated according to my design and well maintained, in the event of a failure due to extreme wind and a comparable appurtenance antenna loads (winds in excess of the design wind load), it would yield/buckle at th e 75 ' elevation, swing down and be supported by the ground and th e buckl e point at 75'. After the pole has buckled, it would be very unlikely that the section would become unattached due to crumpled steel and internal coax ial cab les. Under these circumstances, neighboring property would he unaffected by a collapse. The structure has been designed with all of the applicable factors as required by the code. Communication poles are safe structures with a long history of reliable operation. [ hope this review of the monopole design has given you a greater degree of comfort regarding the design capacity inherent in pole structures. If you have any additional questions please call me at 6 14-398-62S0 or emai l mike@mfoenr.com . Sincerely, Michael F. Plahovinsak, P.E . Professional Engineer 18~OI State Rout. 161 - Plain Clt4. OH 4~064 C614) ~98-62?O - mlk.<ilmfpenq .com Page 54 of 126 Ntelos coverage loss after removal of the water tower Ntelos and AT&T Page 55 of 126 coverage Page 56 of 126 - ----... --- • From railroad tracks Page 57 of 126 From south parking lot of mall Page 58 of 126 From mall Page 59 of 126 Panoramic from Mall Page 60 of 126 From Robertson Bridge Page 61 of 126 Page 62 of 126 / NORHURST P Toe INDUSTRIAL D 1M SURROUNDING PROPERTI OWNERS AND ZONING WITHIN 300 FEET OF SUBJECf PROPERTI i Prepared by: Planning Division 6/24/2015 Disclaimer: Information contained on this map is to be used for reference purposes only. The City of Danville is not responsible for any inaccuracies herein contained. The City of Danville makes no representat ion of warranty as 10 this map's accuracy, and In particular, its accuracy in labeling, dimensions. contours, property boundaries , or placement or location of any map features thereon. No responsib ility is assumed for damages or other liabilities due 10 the accuracy. availability. use or misuse of the information herein provided . Page 63 of 126 REZONING AND SPECIAL USE PERMIT REQUEST DATA SHEET DATE: July 13, 2015 LOCATION OF PROPERTY: Parcel ID# 60538 PRESENT ZONE: TO-C, Transitional Office District PROPOSED ZONE: Conditional" M-I Industrial Manufacturing District LAND USE PLAN DESIGNATION: OPT Office Professional Transitional to HI Heavy Industry ACTION REQUESTED: 1. Rezoning Application PLRZ20150000184, filed by Blue Ridge Towers requesting to amend the Year 2020 Land Use Plan from OPT Office Professional Transitional to HI Heavy Industry and to rezone from TO-C, Transitional Office District to "Conditional" M-Ilndustrial Manufacturing District, on parcellD# 60538, otherwise known as Grid 0608, Block 004, Parcel 000022.001 ofthe City of Danville, Virginia, Zoning District Map. The applicant is proposing to rezone to allow for the construction of a communication (cell) tower. 2. Special Use Permit Application PLSUP20150000185, filed by Blue Ridge Towers requesting a Special Use Permit to allow a communication tower in accordance with Article 3. Q; Section C, Item 8 of the Code of the City of Danville, Virginia, 1986, as amended on parcellD# 60538, otherwise known as Grid 0608, Block 004, Parcel 000022.001 of the City of Danville, Virginia, Zoning District Map. The applicant is proposing to construct a communication (cell) tower at this location. PRESENT USE OF PROPERTY: Vacant PROPOSED USE OF PROPERTY: Communication (cell) tower PROPERTY OWNER (5): Industrial Development Authority of Danville, VA NAME OF APPLICANT (5): Blue Ridge Towers PROPERTY BORDERED BY: Residential and Church to the north, residential to the east and south, mixed residential to the west. ACREAGEISQUARE FOOTAGE: 2.42 acres (approximately) CHARACTER OF VICINITY: Mixed residential and Industrial INGRESS AND EGRESS: Oak Ridge Ave and Bishop Rd. TRAFFIC VOLUME: Low to Moderate NEIGHBORHOOD REACTION: To be reported at the Planning Commission meeting of July 13, 2015. Page 64 of 126 2012 AERIAL VIEW OF AREA SURROUNDING SUBJECT PROPERTY Prepared by: Planning Divis ion 6/24/2 01 5 Disdaimer: Information contained on this map is to be used for reference purposes only. The City of Danville is not responsible for any inaccuraaes herein con tained. The City of Danville makes no representation of warranty as to this map's accuracy, and in particular, its aCaJracy in labeling, Page 65 of 126 dimensions, contours. property boundaries, or placement or location of any map features thereon. No responsibility is assumed fOf damages or other liabilities due to the accuracy, availability, use cy misuse of the information herein provided . v YEAR 2020 lAND USE PlAN FOR AREA SURROUNDING SUBJECf PROPERTY Prepared by: Planning Division 6/24/2015 Disclaimer: Information con tained on th is map is to be used for refe rence purposes only. The City of Danville is not respons ible for any inaccuracies herein con ta ined. The City of Danville makes no representa tion of warranty as to this map's accuracy, and in particular, its accuracy in labeling, Page 66 of for 126 dimensions, con tours, property boundaries, or placement or location of any map features thereon No responsib ility is assumed damages or other liabilities due to the accuracy, availability, use or mi suse of the information herein provided. CL-1220 City Council Regular Meeting Meeting Date: 08/18/2015 Subject: From: New Business Item #: C. Request a Special Use Permit to allow a waiver of yard requirements at 1041 Piney Forest Road Kenneth C. Gillie, Jr., Planning Director COUNCIL ACTION Business Meeting: 08/18/15 - Public Hearing SUMMARY A request has been filed by National Restaurant Designers requesting a Special Use Permit to allow a waiver of yard requirements in accordance with Article 3.M; Section C, Item 21 of the Code of the City of Danville, Virginia, 1986, as amended at 1041 Piney Forest Rd, otherwise known as Grid 1811, Block 004, Parcel 000001 of the City of Danville, Virginia, Zoning District Map. The applicant is proposing to allow a six (6) foot front yard setback where thirty (30) feet is required. BACKGROUND This property is currently developed with a Biscuitville restaurant and accompanying off street parking spaces. The applicants plan to remodel the interior of the store, as well as add an addition to the front. This addition will allow for internal access to bathrooms as well as reconfigure the dining area. The addition will be approximately 8’10” x 28’3” with an additional 3’6” overhang around the addition. This will make the setback approximately six (6) foot where thirty (30) feet is required. The new addition will actually reduce the number of seats from 56 to 52 due to the construction of internal bathroom facilities. This addition will result in the loss of one (1) parking space, but due to the reduction in seating capacity, no issue is created since the existing parking lot has sufficient spaces to meet the seating needs. The Planning Commission voted 4-0 (Commissioner’s Scearce, Jones and Evans absent) to recommend approval of the request with the following conditions: 1. The front yard setback shall not be less than six (6) feet along the Ash Street (south) side of the property. 2. The front yard setback shall not be less than twenty (20) feet along the Piney Forest (east) side of the property. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that City Council adopt an Ordinance granting a Special Use Permit to allow a waiver of Page 67 of 126 It is recommended that City Council adopt an Ordinance granting a Special Use Permit to allow a waiver of yard requirements in accordance with Article 3.M; Section C, Item 21 of the Code of the City of Danville, Virginia, 1986, as amended at 1041 Piney Forest Rd, otherwise known as Grid 1811, Block 004, Parcel 000001 of the City of Danville, Virginia, Zoning District Map subject to the following conditions: 1. The front yard setback shall not be less than six (6) feet along the Ash Street (south) side of the property. 2. The front yard setback shall not be less than twenty (20) feet along the Piney Forest (east) side of the property. Attachments Ordinance Planning Backup Page 68 of 126 PRESENTED: ADOPTED: ORDINANCE NO. 2015-____.____ AN ORDINANCE GRANTING A SPECIAL USE PERMIT TO ALLOW A WAIVER OF YARD REQUIREMENTS IN ACCORDANCE WITH ARTICLE 3.M, SECTION C, ITEM 21 OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF DANVILLE, VIRGINIA, 1986, AS AMENDED, AT 1041 PINEY FOREST ROAD. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Danville, Virginia, that the report of the Planning Commission recommending approval of Special Use Permit Application PLSUP20150000182, filed by National Restaurant Designers requesting a Special Use Permit to allow a waiver of yard requirements in accordance with Article 3.M, Section C, Item 21 of the Code of the City of Danville, Virginia, 1986, as amended, at 1041 Piney Forest Road, otherwise known as Grid 1811, Block 004, Parcel 000001 of the City of Danville, Virginia, Zoning District Map is hereby received subject to the following conditions: 1. The front yard setback shall not be less than six (6) feet along the Ash Street (south) side of the property. 2. The front yard setback shall not be less than twenty (20) feet along the Piney Forest (east) side of the property. AND BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that in consideration of said report and the public hearing this day held by Council, Special Use Permit Application PLSUP20150000182, filed by National Restaurant Designers requesting a Special Use Permit to allow a waiver of yard requirements in accordance with Article 3.M, Section C, Item 21 of the Code of the City of Danville, Virginia, 1986, as amended, at 1041 Piney Forest Road, otherwise known as Grid 1811, Block 004, Parcel 000001 of the City of Danville, Virginia, Zoning District Map, is hereby granted and approved subject to the following conditions: 1. The front yard setback shall not be less than six (6) feet along the Ash Street (south) side of the property. Page 69 of 126 2. The front yard setback shall not be less than twenty (20) feet along the Piney Forest (east) side of the property. APPROVED: ____________________________ MAYOR ATTEST: ___________________________ CLERK Approved as to Form and Legal Sufficiency: ____________________________ Assistant City Attorney 2 Page 70 of 126 CITY PLANNING COMMISSION Post Office Box 3300 Danville, Virginia (434) 799-5261 MEMORANDUM DATE: JULY 13, 2015 TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: CITY PLANNING COMMISSION SUBJECT: SPECIAL USE PERMIT REQUEST REQUEST: Special Use Permit Application PLSUP20150000182, filed by National Restaurant Designers requesting a Special Use Permit to allow a waiver of yard requirements in accordance with Article 3. M; Section C, Item 21 of the Code of the City of Danville, Virginia, 1986, as amended at 1041 Piney Forest Rd, otherwise known as Grid 1811, Block 004, Parcel 000001 of the City of Danville, Virginia, Zoning District Map. The applicant is proposing to allow a six (6) foot front yard setback where thirty (30) feet is required. RECOMMENDATION: The Planning Commission voted 4-0 (Commissioner's Scearce, Jones and Evans absent) to recommend approval of the request with the following conditions: 1. The front yard setback shall not be less than six (6) feet along the Ash Street (south) side of the property. 2. The front yard setback shall not be less than twenty (20) feet along the Piney Forest (east) side of the property. -B.J1W' Jr;£eo/ (,KLG) Mr. Bruce Wilson, Vice-Chairman RESPONSES: Eight (8) notices were sent to surrounding property owners within three hundred (300) feet of the subject property. Four (4) responses were received . Three (3) were not opposed (JHC Properties, Brackin, Walsh). One (1) was opposed (Skatetown). COMMENTS: "Am not opposed as long as view to exit Ash SI. is not obstructed. View is curreny obstructed because of bushes & landscaping making for a hazardous entry to Piney Forest Road ." JHC Properties, LLC Page 71 of 126 .... C •• -.1 I) CP'".IO...-111 of I I • • 8lJJm~r}!y PLANNING REPORT Danville, VA 24543 P.O. Box 3300 (434) 799-5261 City Planning Commission Meeting of May 11 , 2015 Subject: Special Use Permit Application PLSUP20150000182, filed by National Restaurant Designers requesting a Special Use Permit to allow a waiver of yard requirements in accordance with Article 3.M; Section C, Item 21 of the Code of the City of Danville, Virginia, 1986, as amended at 1041 Piney Forest Rd, otherwise known as Grid 1811, Block 004, Parcel 000001 of the City of Danville, Virginia, Zoning District Map. The applicant is proposing to allow a six (6) foot front yard setback where thirty (30) feet is required. Background: A request has been filed by National Restaurant Designers for a Special Use Permit to allow a waiver of yard requirements in accordance with Article 3.M; Section C, Item 21 of the Code of the City of Danville, Virginia, 1986, as amended at 1041 Piney Forest Rd , otherwise known as Grid 1811 , Block 004 , Parcel 000001 of the City of Danville, Virginia, Zoning District Map. The applicant is proposing to allow a six (6) foot front yard setback where thirty (30) feet is required . This property is currently developed with a Biscuitville restaurant and accompanying off street parking spaces. The applicants plan to remodel the interior of the store, as well as add an addition to the front. This addition will allow for internal access to bathrooms as well as reconfigure the dining area. The addition will be approximately 8'10" x 28'3" with an additional 3'6" overhang around the addition. This will make the setback approximately six (6) foot where thirty (30) feet is required. The new addition will actually reduce the number of seat from 56 to 52 due to the construction of internal bathroom facilities. This addition will result in the loss of one (1) parking space, but due to the reduction in seating capacity, no issue is created since the existing parking lot has sufficient spaces to meet the seating needs. Eight (8) notices were sent to surrounding property owners within three hundred (300) feet of the subject property. A full report will be presented at the City Planning Commission meeting on July 13, 2015. Page 72 of 126 Staff Analysis and Recommendation: Staff believes the expansion will be in keeping with the character of surrounding properties and will not impact traffic along Piney Forest Road and Ash Street. Due to the substantial right-of-way at the intersection of these two (2) roads, the addition will still be approximately twenty-seven (27) feet from the back of the curb on Piney Forest Road, twenty-five (25) feet from the stop bar exiting Ash Street onto Piney Forest. The setback proposed of six (6) feet will be on the Ash Street frontage. Based on the above analysis, staff recommends approval of Special Use Permit Application PLSUP20150000182, filed by National Restaurant Designers requesting a Special Use Permit to allow a waiver of yard requirements in accordance with Article 3.M; Section C, Item 21 of the Code of the City of Danville, Virginia, 1986, as amended at 1041 Piney Forest Rd, otherwise known as Grid 1811, Block 004, Parcel 000001 of the City of Danville, Virginia, Zoning District Map. Staff recommends approval with the following conditions: 1. The front yard setback shall not be less than six (6) feet along the Ash Street (south) side of the property. 2. The front yard setback shall not be less than twenty (20) feet along the Piney Forest (east) side of the property. City Planning Commission Alternatives: 1. Recommend approval of Special Use Permit Application PLSUP20150000182 with conditions per staff. 2. Recommend approval of Special Use Permit Application PLSUP20150000182 subject to conditions by the Planning Commission. 3. Recommend approval of Special Use Permit Application PLSUP20150000182 as submitted. 4. Recommend denial of Special Use Permit Application PLSUP20150000182 as submitted . Attachments: Application (includes site and interior plan and elevation drawing) Property Ownership/Zoning Map Data Sheet Existing Land Use Map (2012 Aerial) Year 2020 Land Use Map Page 73 of 126 CITY OF DANVILLE SPECIAL USE PERMIT APPLICA TlO!' TO THE CITY PLANNING COMMISSION AND THE HONORABLE C ITY COUNCIL: Application is hereby made for the Special Use Permit as described below: INFORMATION TO BE PROVIDED BY THE PLANNING DIVISION APPPLICATION IS HEREBY MADE FOR A SPECIAL USE PERo\11T TO AUTHORIZE THE FOLLOWING USE: _______________________________________________________________ CASE NUMBER: ____________________ EXISTING ZONING: ________________ PROPOSED ZONTNG: __________________ TAX MAP NUMBER: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ RECE IVE D BY: ___________________ DATEFILED· ______________________ PLANNING COMMISSION DA TE: _________ CITY COCNC I L DA TE :________________ INFORMATION TO BE PROVIDED BY THE APPLlCA:-IT (PLEASE TYPE OR PRINT) Exact legal description of property (Attac h ifinslIfficien l space). Gross ArealNe' Area: 1.969 SO. FT. Property Address: 104! Piney Forest Rd. Dan vi lle V A 24540 Property Locat ion : W Side of_--"-P'!!1"£ ey,--",Fo",r£es",.£R,,,dL.",a'c.!,,,,he,,,c,;ol.!.ffiWe,,r-,!o,,-f,,,A,,,sh,,-,,-StL'"'A"'nll.dLP"in"'eyyLFQo!.',rc"'-stL!R"'d,L._ _ _ _ __ Between : _ _-"G",o",ld",elln.."S",kllill",c,-'_ _ _ _ _ _ _ and _~S'_'k"'a"'te--'T'-'o"'w"'-n_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Proffered Condi tIOn s (if any. please attach): _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ P.O. Box 3300 Danville, VA 24543 434-799-5261 Fax 43-1-797-8919 www.danville-va.gov Page 74 of 126 EXPLANATION OF REOUEST: I. PROPOSED USE FOR THE SPECIAL USE PERMIT: Please provide a site plan with the following infonnat lon: • Proposed use of the land: size and location of structures with dImensions to lot line s. • VehIcu lar circulation system with points of ingress and egress. • Existing on -si te buildings. separat ion dimensions and paved areas. • Location and dimensions of all parking and loading areas, including the number of off-street parking and loading spaces provided. • Net acreage. • Gross and nel square footage of building (s) (proposed and existing). • Required landscaping and buffer areas . Please provide a brief descnptlon of the proposed development: Provide a approximately 12 ' dining room addition to the front of the Existing Biscuitville Building at 1041 Piney Forest Rd. in Danville. VA. Ex isting Building is +/-1.716 SO. FT. addition wiJl be +1- 253 SO. FT. PRESENT OWNER (S) OF ALL PROPERTIES INCLUDED IN APPLICATION (PLEASE TYPE OR PRlNT) : I. NAME: Biscuitville TELEPHONE: MAILIN~":GreenSboro, SIGNAT~_ 336-553-3746 NC 27405 DATE: ~Z.yk SIGNATURE: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ __ _ __ _ _ _ _ DATE: _ _ _ __ EMAIL ADDRESS: dshotwe II (@bi scuitvi lle.com APPLICANT (PLEASE TYPE OR PRINT): If the applicant is not the property owner, written authOrization from the property owner must accompany thIs application. NAME: Nationa l Restaurant Designers (Paige Wood) TELE PH ONE: MAILING ADDRESS: 2805 Meridian Parkway Durham, NC 27713 EMAIL ADDRESS: pwood@lmht.colll SIGNATURE: ~\Go4 * P,O. Box 3300 Danville, VA 24543 919-544 -0087 Wl!JePQ 434- 799-526 1 Fax 434-797 ·8919 DATE ~'\~·~ wwv. .danville-va.gov Page 75 of 126 Page 76 of 126 1 ~ l ill. 'BiScUltville FRESH en 'T"~RN ' BV118 Danville, VA, Piney Forest Rd. Rev. 1: 6-10-15 Restroom Addition , / , ( -, Page 77 of 126 ! .. 1 ,. ., , ~ ~ r'- ~ , ~." '<. .... ;' (. ;~~~~~. ~ ~ ...~ ~ ~ ! ,S ,i --==[ \ '..j i I t I 1 .I" '" r\ .i...-J I I~ j J I I J, I Page 78 of 126 S!)f<'II.~!I(] ldJ.JfIO~ 1 1. ,I m ~ '1 1 'In:'i • .......... ~\IOIIBIX3 -,. . . c .,." 0 ~ :f77IA.LlflJSlf! :m'Oijd 0 0 :~NWI ~I/O OIP9"Z 'II. '3"T1.\NVC "Go' .lIBD:I atdll'lJ ,,, W ~ ~~ • .! . ~.! i I ~ • , l D.. < , , • , II: ~ ~ ;s!,-, ~ Ch , ~ !Il; (jj ! I I Z c. r- , ~ ~~: ~:~ m I2J ~ ;S:;: y ::;. :::J ; ~; -, ,, '8~ J • w.lff' , l,_" , , • o o Page 79 of 126 ARNETT BLVD JOHNSON 0 HRC SURROUNDING PROPERTY OWNERS AND ZONING WITHIN 300 FEET OF SUBJECT PROPERTY ~. Prepared by: Planning Division 6 /24/2015 Disdaimer: Information contained on th is map IS to be used for refe rence purposes only. The City of Danville is not responsible for any inaccuracies herein contained. The City of Danville makes no representation of warran ty as to this map's accuracy, and in particular, its accu racy in labeling, dimensions, contours, property boundaries, or placement or locati on of any map features the reon. No respo nsibitity is assumed for damages or other liabilities due to the accuracy, availability, use or misuse of the information herein provided. Page 80 of 126 SPECIAL USE PERMIT REQUEST DATA SHEET DATE: July 13, 2015 LOCATION OF PROPERTY: 1041 Piney Forest Rd PRESENT ZONE: HR-C Highway Retail Commercial LAND USE PLAN DESIGNATION: Community Service ACTION REQUESTED: The applicant is proposing to allow a six (6) foot front yard setback where thirty (30) feet is required . PRESENT USE OF PROPERTY: Biscuitville Restaurant. PROPOSED USE OF PROPERTY: Expanded Biscuitville Restaurant. PROPERTY OWNER (S): RFK Family Limited NAME OF APPLICANT (S): National Restaurant Designers PROPERTY BORDERED BY: Commercial to the north , east and south, residential to the west. ACREAGE/SQUARE FOOTAGE: 0.62 acres CHARACTER OF VICINITY: Commercial INGRESS AND EGRESS: Piney Forest Road and Ash St. TRAFFIC VOLUME: High and Low NEIGHBORHOOD REACTION: To be reported at the Planning Commission meeting of July 13, 2015. Page 81 of 126 2012 AERIAL VIEW OF AREA SURROUNDING SUBJECT PROPERTY Prepared by: Pl anning Division 6/24/20 15 Disdaimer: Information contained on this map $ 10 be used for reference purposes only. The City of Danville is nol responsible for any inaccurades herein contained . The City of Danville makes no representa ti on of warranty as to this map's accuracy. and in particular, its accuracy in labeling, dimensions, contours, property boundaries, or placement or location of any map features thereon. No responsibility is assumed damages or other Page 82 of for 126 liabilities due to the accuracy. availability. use or misuse of the information herein provided. USR SSR PSA ARNETT BLVD USR OPT USR OPT YEAR 2020 LAND USE PLAN FOR AREA SURROUNDING SUBJECT PROPERTY Prepared by: Planning Division 6/24/2015 Oisdaimer: Information contained on this map is to be used for reference purposes only. The City of Danville is not respons ible !Of any inaccuracies herein contained . The City of Danville makes no representa tion of warranty as 10 this map's accuracy, and in particular, its accuracy in labeling. dimensions , con tours, property boundaries, or placement or location of any map features thereon. No responsibility is assumed for damages or other Page 83 of 126 liabilities due to the accuracy. availability, use or misuse of the infOfTTlallon herein provided. CL-1218 City Council Regular Meeting Meeting Date: 08/18/2015 Subject: From: New Business Item #: D. Request to rezone fromT-R to S-R Parcel ID#60027 on Altice Drive Kenneth C. Gillie, Jr., Planning Director COUNCIL ACTION Business Meeting: 08/18/15 - Public Hearing SUMMARY A request has been filed by Ricky and Shelby Wharton to rezone from T-R, Threshold Residential to S-R, Suburban Residential, Parcel ID #60027 on Altice Drive, otherwise known as Grid 1916, Block 002, Parcel 000016 of the City of Danville, Virginia, Zoning District Map. The applicant is proposing to rezone to allow for a consolidation. BACKGROUND This property is currently an undeveloped lot owned by the applicants. The applicants own a total of three adjoining lots in the area. One lot has their residence and two additional vacant parcels. One of the vacant parcels is zoned S-R Suburban Residential, but the other is not. All properties must share the same zoning classification in order to be consolidated per code. At their meeting of July 13, 2015, the Planning Commission voted 4-0 (Commissioner’s Scearce, Jones and Evans absent) to recommend approval of the request. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that City Council adopt an Ordinance rezoning from T-R, Threshold Residential to S-R, Suburban Residential, Parcel ID #60027 on Altice Drive, otherwise known as Grid 1916, Block 002, Parcel 000016 of the City of Danville, Virginia, Zoning District Map. Attachments Ordinance Planning Backup Page 84 of 126 PRESENTED: ADOPTED: ORDINANCE NO. 2015-____.____ AN ORDINANCE REZONING FROM T-R, THRESHOLD RESIDENTIAL TO S-R, SUBURBAN RESIDENTIAL, PARCEL ID #60027 ON ALTICE DRIVE, OTHERWISE KNOWN AS GRID 1916, BLOCK 002, PARCEL 000016 OF THE CITY OF DANVILLE, VIRGINIA, ZONING DISTRICT MAP. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Danville, Virginia that the report of the City Planning Commission recommending approval of Rezoning Application PLRZ20150000183, filed by Ricky and Shelby Wharton requesting to rezone from T-R, Threshold Residential to S-R, Suburban Residential, Parcel ID #60027 on Altice Drive, otherwise known as Grid 1916, Block 002, Parcel 000016 of the City of Danville, Virginia, Zoning District Map, be, and the same is hereby, received; and BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that in consideration of said report and the public hearing this day held by Council, Rezoning Application PLRZ20150000183, filed by Ricky and Shelby Wharton requesting to rezone from T-R, Threshold Residential to S-R, Suburban Residential, Parcel ID #60027 on Altice Drive, otherwise known as Grid 1916, Block 002, Parcel 000016 of the City of Danville, Virginia, Zoning District Map, is hereby approved; and BE IT FINALLY ORDAINED that Parcel ID #60027 On Altice Drive, otherwise known as Grid 1916, Block 002, Parcel 000016 of the City of Danville, Virginia, Zoning District Map is hereby rezoned from T-R, Threshold Residential to S-R, Suburban Residential and that Parcel ID #60027 on Altice Drive, otherwise known as Grid 1916, Block 002, Parcel 000016 of the City of Danville, Virginia, Zoning District Map, is hereby amended to reflect the same. Page 85 of 126 APPROVED: ____________________________ MAYOR ATTEST: ___________________________ CLERK Approved as to Form and Legal Sufficiency: ____________________________ Assistant City Attorney 2 Page 86 of 126 CITY PLANNING COMMISSION Post Office Box 3300 Danville, Virginia (434) 799-5261 MEMORANDUM DATE: JULY 13, 2015 TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: CITY PLANNING COMMISSION SUBJECT: REZONING REQUEST REQUEST: Rezoning Application PLRZ20150000183, filed by Ricky and Shelby Wharton requesting to rezone from T-R, Threshold Residential to S-R, Suburban Residential, ParcellD #60027 On Altice Drive, otherwise known as Grid 1916, Block 002, Parcel 000016 of the City of Danville, Virginia, Zoning District Map. The applicant is proposing to rezone to allow for a consolidation. RECOMMENDATION: The Planning Commission voted 4-0 (Commissioner's Scearce, Jones and Evans absent) to recommend approval of the request. -f}.!tAA4. JtL (~b) Mr. Bruce Wilson, Vice-Chairman RESPONSES: Thirty-six (36) notices were sent to surrounding property owners within three hundred (300) feet of the subject property. Seven (7) responses were received . All seven (7) were not opposed (Wimbish, Turnpike Apts., Wilson , Thompson , Cole, Hobson , Fullerwinder). There were zero (0) opposed . COMMENTS: None provided. Page 87 of 126 PLANNING REPORT P.O. Box 3300 Danville, VA 24543 (434) 799-5261 City Planning Commission Meeting of July 13, 2015 Subject: Rezoning Application PLRZ20150000183, filed by Ricky and Shelby Wharton requesting to rezone from T-R, Threshold Residential to S-R, Suburban Residential, ParcellD #60027 On Altice Drive, otherwise known as Grid 1916, Block 002, Parcel 000016 of the City of Danville, Virginia, Zoning District Map. The applicant is proposing to rezone to allow for a consolidation. Background: A request has been filed by Ricky and Shelby Wharton requesting to rezone from T-R, Threshold Residential to S-R, Suburban Residential, ParcellD #60027 On Altice Drive, otherwise known as Grid 1916, Block 002 , Parcel 000016 of the City of Danville, Virginia , Zoning District Map. The applicants are proposing to rezone to allow for a consolidation. This property is currently an undeveloped lot owned by the applicants. The applicants own a total of three adjoining lots in the area. One lot has their residence and two additional vacant parcels. One of the vacant parcels is zoned S-R Suburban Residential, but the other is not. All properties must share the same zoning classification in order to be consolidated per code. Thirty-six (36) notices were sent to surrounding property owners within three hundred (300) feet of the subject property. A complete report will be presented at the Planning Commission meeting of July 13, 2015. Staff Analysis and Recommendation: Staff recommends approval of Rezoning Application PLRZ20150000183, filed by Ricky and Shelby Wharton requesting to rezone from T-R , Threshold Residential to S-R, Suburban Residential , Parcel ID #60027 On Altice Drive, otherwise known as Grid 1916, Block 002, Parcel 000016 of the City of Danville, Virginia, Zoning District Map . The applicants are proposing to rezone to allow for a consolidation. Page 88 of 126 City Planning Commission Alternatives: 1. 2. 3. Recommend approval of Rezoning Application PLRZ20150000183 as submitted. Recommend approval of Rezoning Application PLRZ20150000183 with conditions per Planning Commission. Recommend denial of Rezoning Application PLRZ201500000183. Attachments: Application Property Ownership/Zoning Map Data Sheet Existing Land Use Map (2012 Aerial) Year 2020 Land Use Map Page 89 of 126 • CITY OF DANVILLE REZONING APPLICATION TO THE CITY PLANNING COMMISSION AND THE HONORABLE CITY COUNCIL: Application is hereby made for the rezoning as described below: INFORMATION TO BE PROVIDED BY THE PLANNING DIVISION T-,--~----,-~ ___ _ CASE NUMBER: _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ EXISTING ZONING: _ _ _ ---'--5_-~,R.I_''''---G_ __ _ _ RECEIVED BY: _ _--'-Y--_C_ TAX MAP NUMBER: PROPOSED ZON ING: _ _ PLANNING COMMISSION DATE: 11/6 - 002- & ~()Ol/,. {)DO 6_"_r_--'-I-'-~ _ _ _ _ DATE FILED: _ _ 7-/J-/) CITY COUNCIL DATE:_---''iS~-_'/'_g''__,_I_=:5-'______ INFORM A TlON TO BE PROVIDED BY THE APPLICANT Exact legal description of property (Attach if insufficient space). Gross ArealNetArea: Property Address: Property Location:UD SEW Side of: O-..&<>_ Between: L.JUIfTj 0-11 dO q ge,rY'YlMDr:lle Da..,v.'(t~ v( AIf,' ce. pt)t"a.l- -Q 6 dI "7 {pOO~ 7 F kl' --::-r A c.e,"~e and -<-..:,"--,"'::...1'\-,-,---,,---'_I'\'-----'-'w-..p=-"p;~'"=--_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Proffered Conditions (ifany, please attach): -<-N--'-"O'-'Nc.:...:e==-_ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ PRESENT OWNER (S) OF ALL PROPERTIES INCLUDED IN APPLICATION (PLEAS&:-TYPE OR PRINT); I. NAME1Z~ e-ky "t She\ bJf MAILING ADD SIGNATURE: . SIGNATURE: S: Who.-r tD~ TELEPHONE: 10Q ~e.r If34 - ;;l. :l 8 --3 If S' g rt<Ve. IJ , le.. V0.. DATE: ~~&&e:JU,.~(lAoLL.'~~~=------- DATE: ~ '-I-5</-0 I,/q 1,5' (, I q)I S- EMAILADDRESS:-L~~~UU~~~~~_+~~~~·~C~O~~~-------APPLICANT (PLEASE TYPE OR PRINT): If th e applicant is not the property owner, written auth ori zation from the property owner must accompany this application. NAME: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ _____ TELEPHONE:_ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ ____ MAILING ADDRESS: _ _ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ EMAILADDRESS: _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ SIGN ATURE: _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ ____ DATE: _ __ _ _ P.O. Box 3300 Danville, V A 24543 434-799-5261 Fax 434-797-8919 www.d anville-va.gov Page 90 of 126 EXPLANATION OF REQUEST: 1. NEW COMMERCIALIINDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT: Please provide ten (10) sets, blue or black line copies, of a final site plan with the following information: • Proposed use of the land: size and location of structures with dimensions to lot lines. • Vehicular circulation system with points of ingress and egress. • Existing on-site buildings, separation dimensions and paved areas. • Location and dimensions of all parking and loading areas, including the number of off-street parking and loading spaces provided. • Net acreage. • Gross and net square footage of building (s) (proposed and existing). • Required landscaping and buffer areas. Please provide a brief description of the proposed development: 2. ALTERATION OF ZONING BOUNDARIES: Please provide a survey of proposed Zoning boundaries. Please provide a brief description of the request: 3. RESIDENTIAL REZONING: Please provide a brief description of the request: LAes1- CL ('ez.one Q P.O. Box 3300 Danville, VA 24543 434-799-5261 Fax 434-797-8919 www.danville-va.gov Page 91 of 126 TURNPIKE T MRC CHRISTT TR FULLERWI NDER J ~R / ABB0 T.T R " ""ABBO!iTRI II;sRf ·~ ~ R..MPBEL L P~ ' SRI I ~SR FULLER L GALLOWAY W SR SR "~'" ~1' ~~ \ I / '1/ ~ ~ < I \ I 'y~ \ \ I I \ Y \ \- -\ \ SURROUNDING PROPERTY OWNERS AND ZONING WITHIN 300 FEET OF SUBJECf PROPERTY ~. Prepared by: Planning Division 6/26/2015 Oisdaimer: Information conta ined on this map is to be used for reference purposes only. The City of Danville is not responsib le for any inaccuracies herein contained. The City of Danville mak.es no representa ti on of warranty as to this map's accuracy, and in particular, its accuracy in labeling, dimensions, contours, property boundaries, or placement or location of any map features thereon. No responsib ility is assumed for damages or other liabilities due to the accuracy, availability, use or misuse of the information herein provided. Page 92 of 126 REZONING REQUEST DATA SHEET DATE: July 13, 2015 LOCATION OF PROPERTY: Parcel #60027 Altice Drive PRESENT ZONE: T-R Threshold Residential PROPOSED ZONE: S-R Suburban Residential LAND USE PLAN DESIGNATION: Residential ACTION REQUESTED: The applicant is requesting to rezone to allow for consolidation with adjacent property that they own. PRESENT USE OF PROPERTY: Vacant PROPOSED USE OF PROPERTY: Vacant PROPERTY OWNER (5): Ricky and Shelby Wharton NAME OF APPLICANT (5): Same PROPERTY BORDERED BY: Residential and Church to the north, residential to the east and south, mixed residential to the west. ACREAGE/SQUARE FOOTAGE: 0.87acres CHARACTER OF VICINITY: residential INGRESS AND EGRESS: Altice Drive TRAFFIC VOLUME: Low NEIGHBORHOOD REACTION: To be reported at the Planning Commission meeting of July 13, 2015. Page 93 of 126 2012 AERIAL VIEW OF AREA SURROUNDING SUBJECT PROPERTY Prepared by: Planning Division 6/24/201 5 Disdaimer: Information contained on this map is to be used for reference purposes only. The City of Danville is not responsible for any inaccuracies herein contained. Th e City of Danville makes no re presentation of warran ty as to this map's accuracy. and in particular, its accuracy in labeling, Page 94 of for 126 dimensions, contours, property boundaries, or placement or location of any map features thereon. No respons ibility is assumed damages or other liabilities due to the accuracy, availability, use or misuse of the information herein provided NS YEAR 2020 LAND USE PLAN FOR AREA SURROUNDING SUBJECT PROPERTY Prepared by: Planning Division 6/24/2015 Disclaimer: Information contained on this map is to be used for reference purposes only. The City of Danville is not responsible for any inaccuracies herein contained. The City of Danville makes no representation of warranty as to this map's accuracy, and in particular, its aCOJracy in labeling, Page 95 of 126 dimensions, contours, property boundaries, or placement or location of any map features thereon. No responsibility is assumed for damages or other liabilities due to the accuracy, availability. use or misuse of the information herein provided. CL-1217 City Council Regular Meeting Meeting Date: 08/18/2015 Subject: From: New Business Item #: E. Appeal of CAR decision approving work at 944 Main Street Kenneth C. Gillie, Jr., Planning Director COUNCIL ACTION Business Meeting: 08/18/15 SUMMARY An appeal of the decision of the Commission of Architectural Review (CAR) has been filed where the CAR voted to grant a Certificate of Appropriateness for the following work at 944 Main Street: enclose rear porch with vinyl double door and vinyl siding. construct 16' x 12' rear deck where one once stood, wood construction. BACKGROUND The applicant, Tim Norton, requested to enclose a rear porch and construct a rear open deck. The enclosure has been present for some time, but was completed without a Certificate of Appropriateness or building permit. The enclosure has three (3) white vinyl doors and vinyl siding. The applicant also requested to build a deck to be constructed in an area where a deck once stood. At their meeting of May 28, 2015 the Commission of Architectural Review voted to approve a Certificate of Appropriateness for the following: enclose rear porch with vinyl door and vinyl siding. construct 16' x 12' rear deck where one once stood, wood construction. On June 24, 2015 an appeal of the CAR decision was filed. RECOMMENDATION Article 3.R, Section C, Item 11.D of the City Zoning Code states, "The City Council may affirm, reverse or modify the Review Commission decision and shall notify the Director of Planning/Zoning Administrator of its action." Staff recommends that City Council review the attached CAR information and render a decision on the appeal. Staff has provided alternatives to either affirm or reverse the decision rendered by the Commission of Architectural Review. Attachments Resolution Resolution Page 96 of 126 CAR Appeal Background Page 97 of 126 PRESENTED: ADOPTED: RESOLUTION NO. 2015-____.____ A RESOLUTION AFFIRMING THE COMMISSION OF ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW’S DECISION AT 944 MAIN STREET. WHEREAS, A Certificate of Appropriateness was requested to enclose a rear porch and construct a rear open deck, the enclosure has three (3) white vinyl doors and vinyl siding at 944 Main Street; and WHEREAS, the Commission of Architectural Review considered, on May 28, 2015 the request of the owner of 944 Main Street to enclose a rear porch and construct a rear open deck, the enclosure has three (3) white vinyl doors and vinyl siding; and WHEREAS, 944 Main Street is located in the Historic Overlay Zoning District; and WHEREAS, The Commission of Architectural Review determined that the work at 944 Main Street to a enclose rear porch and construct a rear open deck, the enclosure has three (3) white vinyl doors and vinyl siding would be in keeping with the Design Guidelines in the Historic Overlay Zoning District and issued a Certificate of Appropriateness for the following work : enclose rear porch with vinyl doors and vinyl siding construct 16' x 12' rear deck where one once stood, wood construction. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Danville, Virginia that the decision of the Commission of Architectural Review rendered on May 28, 2015 be, and it is hereby, approved and affirmed. Page 98 of 126 APPROVED: ____________________________ MAYOR ATTEST: ___________________________ CLERK Approved as to Form and Legal Sufficiency: ____________________________ Assistant City Attorney 2 Page 99 of 126 PRESENTED: ADOPTED: RESOLUTION NO. 2015-____.____ A RESOLUTION OVERTURNING THE COMMISSION OF ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW’S DECISION AT 944 MAIN STREET. WHEREAS, A Certificate of Appropriateness was requested to enclose a rear porch and construct a rear open deck, the enclosure has three (3) white vinyl doors and vinyl siding at 944 Main Street; and WHEREAS, the Commission of Architectural Review considered, on May 28, 2015 the request of the owner of 944 Main Street to enclose a rear porch and construct a rear open deck, the enclosure has three (3) white vinyl doors and vinyl siding; and WHEREAS, 944 Main Street is located in the Historic Overlay Zoning District; and WHEREAS, The Commission of Architectural Review determined that the work at 944 Main Street to enclose a rear porch and construct a rear open deck, the enclosure has three (3) white vinyl doors and vinyl siding would be in keeping with the Design Guidelines in the Historic Overlay Zoning District and issued a Certificate of Appropriateness for the following work: enclose rear porch with vinyl doors and vinyl siding construct 16' x 12' rear deck where one once stood, wood construction. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Danville, Virginia that the decision of the Commission of Architectural Review rendered on May 28, 2015 be, and it is hereby overturned and a Certificate of Appropriateness is hereby denied. Page 100 of 126 APPROVED: ____________________________ MAYOR ATTEST: ___________________________ CLERK Approved as to Form and Legal Sufficiency: ____________________________ Assistant City Attorney 2 Page 101 of 126 June 24, 2015 To: Danville City Council Commission of Architectural Review The Zoning Ordinance ofthe City Of Danville, Virginia, Article 3.R - Historic Preservation District, §C.11, provides that "Any person aggrieved by any decision of the Review Commission may appeal such decision to the City Council ... " The aggrieved persons (appellants) listed below hereby appeal the decision of the Commission of Architectural Review (CAR) on May 28, 2015, concerning enclosing an existing porch and installing vinyl doors and siding on the historic property at 944 Main Street. According to the Zoning Ordinance in 3.R §A, the purpose of the Historic Preservation District is "to maintain, preserve, protect and enhance the architectural excellence, cultural significance, economic vitality, tourist appeal, visual quality and historic importance of the City." The homeowners in the Old West End Historic District rely upon this ordinance, the CAR, and the recently-updated Old West End Design Guidelines to protect and enhance their property values. Allowing this decision regarding 944 Main Street to stand may discourage further investment in the historic district. It is the appellants' belief that city staff and the CAR erred in conSidering and ultimately approving this application and request as follows: 1. Zoning Ordinance Article 3.R §C.6 requires that a complete application be submitted. While "completeness" may vary depending upon the magnitude of additions or changes, the application (attachment 1) is devoid of all details that would allow proper consideration. It includes only the statement that the material to be used will be wood and a photograph of the rear of the property. No dimensions, sketches, colors, or samples as listed in the ordinance as necessary for review were included. The staff report to the CAR (attachment 2) notes that there is insufficient information to evaluate a portion of the application. Zoning Ordinance Article 3.R §C.9 provides that applications deemed incomplete by either the Planning Director or the CAR shall be returned to the applicant, and that the CAR will not act upon an incomplete application. The appellants submit that this incomplete application should have been returned to the applicant, and that City Council should now reverse the CAR's approval on these grounds alone. The CAR did not have sufficient information to arrive at any decision - either for or against the application or any part of it. 2. Both the staff report (attachment 2) and the CAR agenda (attachment 3) include details in conflict with or supplementary to the incomplete application (attachment 1). While the application specifies wood, the staff report and the agenda state that the material will be vinyl. Page 1 of 11 Page 102 of 126 The appellants submit that this conflicting information precluded proper consideration of the applicat",on, and that City Council should now reverse the CAR's approval because of this conflicting information. 3. The recently-adopted Old West End Design Guidelines in Section 1.H.4 (page 8) modified the process through which a Certificate of Appropriateness (COA) is granted. Specifically, the CAR hears from the applicant and then opens a public hearing. In that public hearing, as a matter of procedure, the Chair requests public comments specifically for or against the application. Public d',scussion is not encouraged. After the public hearing, the CAR members d',scuss the proposal and then vote on whether the Guidelines have been met. If so, a COA is issued. If not, the CAR then votes on whether the proposal will or will not have an "adverse effect" on the structure or the historic district - without benefit of further public input. The application (attachment 1) asks approval to "enclose rear porch area." The staff report (attachment 2) concluded the enclosing the rear porch would not meet the Old West End Design Guidelines. After considerable discussion, and in a unanimous deciSion, the CAR concurred. The appellants believe this was the correct decision. The CAR then discussed whether enclosing the rear porch with vinyl French doors and vinyl siding would have an "adverse effect" on the structure or the historic district. During the discussion that ensued, the Chair stated that because there had been no enforcement action by the city regarding the unapproved, unpermitted enclosure of the porch, that such enclosure was "history." This lead some of the commissioners to conclude that they had no option but to approve the enclosure. The discussion then focused on the materials to be used. The Chair also stated that the Old West End Design Guidelines allow repairs and replacements with "like" materials, and that because vinyl siding had been removed from the unapproved, unpermitted porch enclosure, a "like" replacement should be allowed. This statement was incorrect. The Guidelines in Section loG (page 7) state: "Repairs or replacement of roofs, gutter, siding, doors, windows/ trim, lights, or other items with like materials (un/ess the items to be repaired or rep/aced are not period appropriate)" [emphasis added] Vinyl siding and fenestration are not period appropriate. The Chair further stated that the Old West End Design Guidelines gave the CAR the flexibility to approve the use of materials not included in the Guidelines. The appellants strongly disagree. The intent of this second vote is to grant the CAR more latitude to approve period-appropriate or replacement materials specified by the Guidelines, not to provide the opportunity for carte blanche approvals. Appellants submit that the incorrect and inappropriate suggestions and statements by the Chair led the CAR to an incorrect and inappropriate conclusion that does not adhere to the Guidelines. We therefore ask City Council to reverse the CAR's approval on these grounds. Page 2 of 11 Page 103 of 126 4. In the Old West End Design Guidelines in Section 3.C.5 (page 7), vinyl is specifically excluded as a siding material. Similarly, in Section 5.DA (page 6) on new construction, vinyl siding is "not recommended,lI Therefore, the appellants request the City Council to reverse the CAR's approval due to a failure to follow its own Guidelines, and instruct the CAR to follow the Guidelines more closely in future deliberations. 5. The public was not heard on the issue of "adverse effect" on the structure or the district. The appellants maintain that, as a result, a full public hearing was not conducted. The appellants ask City Council to instruct the CAR to hold full and open discussion with the public including the issue of "adverse effect" should it arise, and to reverse the CAR's decision on these grounds. 6. The Zoning Ordinance in 3.R §F.5.A provides that upcoming meetings be posted on the city's website and that specific applications be announced. The Agenda for the May 28, 2015, Commission meeting was never posted to the city's web site or otherwise made public. As of the filing date of this appeal, the May 28, 2015, agenda remains unposted. The same is true for the upcoming June 25, 2015 Commission meeting. While the appellants understand that this failure to post may be due to a changeover in the city's website, we maintain that any actions taken at the May 28, 2015, meeting and any actions to be taken at the upcoming June 25, 2015, meeting are invalid. In particular, the appellants ask City Council to reverse the CAR approvals for 944 Main Street on these grounds. 7. Even those few citizens who were aware olthe meeting and the application did not have access to the application itself (attachment 1) or the staff recommendation (attachment 2). It is difficult if not impossible for the public to offer comments on proposals they have not seen. Therefore, in the interest of an open and public process, the appellants ask City Council to instruct city staff to post all applications and other submissions along with timely posting of the agenda. 8. The maintenance, restoration, and renovation of historic properties is not a simple process. Homeowners are continually faced with costly decisions where the beneficiaries are the historic district, the City of Danville, and the public at large. The CAR has now approved the creation of a vinyl eyesore amidst carefully installed and maintained historic and appropriate replacement materials. The appellants ask City Council to reverse the CAR's approval of the use of vinyl based on its unfairness to other homeowners and its deleterious effect on the Old West End Historic District. Should the question arise during City Council's deliberations, the appellants observe that the porch to be enclosed and to receive vinyl siding and fenestration is clearly visible from both Grove Street and Chambers Street even when the trees are fully in foliage. During the winter months, this area is completely visible to passersby and particularly those visiting historic Grove Street Cemetery or the center of neighborhood activity at the historic Midtown Market. Zoning Ordinance Article 3.R §C.2 clearly instructs the CAR to consider design features that are subject to public view. Page 3 of 11 Page 104 of 126 The appellants believe that "Murphy's Law" was in effect at the May 28, 2015 Commission of Architectural Review meeting. Most everything that could go wrong did go wrong. We asl' City Council to reverse the decision of the CAR with regard to 944 Main Street, to instruct the city staff to fully and timely post agendas and applications to the city website, to instruct the Commission to adhere more closely to the Old West End Design Guidelines, and to instruct the Commission to consider public input and discussion on the issue of ({adverse effect. II In closing, the appellants trust that as the members of City Council weigh this appeal they will keep uppermost in their minds that the Old West End Historic District is a very interesting and special part of the City of Danville, drawing positive reviews for the city near and wide. It will only remain so if the City, the Commission of Architectural Review, and ALL of the Old West End homeowners observe the rules for its care and preservation. Respectfully submitted by the following appellants: David Corp 161 Holbrook Avenue John Ranson (former CAR Chair) 419 Southland Drive Marcella Kaigler Mike Spangler 144 Sutherlin Avenue 165 Holbrook Avenue Carol-Ann Lawson Ann Sylves 161 Holbrook Avenue 811 Main Street 926 Main Street Kathryn A. Trakas 130 Holbrook Avenue Paul C. Liepe, Ph. D. 926 Main Street Amy Whitehouse 936 Main Street Frederick Meder (former CAR Chair) Stephen Wilson, Ph. D. 918 Main Street Marjory Liepe 918 Green Street Col. (Ret.) Lawrence W. Meder 407 Chestnut Street Page 4 of 11 Page 105 of 126 Attachment 1 Page 5 of 11 Page 106 of 126 All buildings, structures or improvements located in the Old Westend Historic District and visible from a public right-of-way shall not be located., constrLlcted, rccol1str-ucted~ altered, OJ' repaIred unless a Certit1cate of ApPJ'opriatGness has been issued by the Commission of Architectural Review. The COl1lll1issionl11eets once a month 011 the fourth Thursday oflhe month at 3:30P.M, in tbe fOlllth 11001' City Council Conference Room located .in the MunIcipal Building. All questions or app1i.cations should be submitted to t1le Planning Division, located on the second J100r of the Municipal Bui.lciing, 42'1 Patton Street, Room 207, Danville, VA 24541; (434)·799-5261. As of July 1,2009 a $25.00 fec will be required for each application submitted tOI' review, JNFOKl\iAIlON TO BE PROVIDED BY APPLICA1'lT lI11portant~J>le(M'e l'ead a) b) before completing "ppllcatlol1 All questions on this application mUSl be fully answered The application must be signed by tbe property owners or representative with written authorization by the owne~r A druwlng, photo, plan or sketch of proposed pt'Oject witb dimensions c) Have you read uuclunderstand the Design Guidelines for the Historic Overlay District of Danville, Virginia? 'lieS Are you aware of the federal/state tax credits and Real Estate Abatement program avaiJabJe for potential re.imbursementlcredit ofl11oney used during substantial rehabilitation projects'l ....__.__.__..____.. 'iJts_. .___.____.__. .___ Would you like more informationllbout these programs? . 'YtL!I£'; ~" S.L'_ _. "'-.--,.. N lIme oj' Applicant: ....__·...:1._.=".:::=.::1_'_..'··.':. _._-'-~:::...::...:...=='--____________________._.___._ Applicant's Address: .. _~f q.li (\-',,('\;):1'" ~:;,'nvli;'''''::T· .__ ~U'I~~'II~f"lh+_\td_ ;( '1D.4-'1____ \IA World Class Organization" Page 6 of 11 Page 107 of 126 Page 108 of 126 Attachment 2 Page 8 of 11 Page 109 of 126 DANVILLE COMMISSION OF ARCHrrECTURAL REVIEW POS1' OFFICE BOX 3300 DANVILLE, VIRGINIA (4.34) 799-5261 Commission of Architectural Review Meeting of May 28,2015 §UBJECT 944 Main Street VDHR # 108-0056-0157 APPLICANT'S REqUEST The applicant, Tim Norton, is requesting to enclose rear porch and construct a rear open deck, The enclosure has been present for some time, but was completed without a Certificate of Appropriateness or building permit. The enclosure l'las three (3) white vinyl doors and vinyl siding, The proposed deck will be constructed in an area where a deck once stood, The applicant will bring dimensions and design to the meeting. §TAFF EVALUATION Section 5 of the Old West End Design Guidelines addresses New Building Guidelines. Staff believes that the enclosure does not meet the Guidelines due to the use of substitute materials, The Commission will need to determine if it has an adverse effect on the structure and/or District. There has no! been enough information provided to determine if the new deck construction meets the Guidelines, This will need to be determined after the applicant provides more information, Page 9 of 11 Page 110 of 126 Attachment 3 Page 10 of 11 Page 111 of 126 DANVILLE COMMISSION OF ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW POST OFFICE BOX 3300 DANVILLE, VIRGINIA (434) 799-5261 MAY 28, 2015 3:30 P.M. FOURTH FLOOR CONFERENCE ROOM AGENDA I. WELCOME AND CALL TO ORDER II. ROLL CALL III. ITEMS FOR PUBLIC HEARING 1. Request for a Certificate of Appropriateness to complete the following at 249 West Main Street; • Rebuild upper rear deck with aluminum handrails, steps and decorative fluted columns • Add aluminum handrails to the lower rear deck • Construct 9' x 11'6" aluminum white pergola in the rear yard • Install dark brown wood shutters on the front of the home to mimic the design of those at 349 West Main street • Install a new bronze powder coated gate between 249 and 247 West Main street that is 5' in height 2. Request for a Certificate of Appropriateness to complete the following at 944 Main Street: • Enclose rear porch with French doors and vinyl siding • Rebuild a removed rear deck 3. Request for a Certificate of Appropriateness to construct a wood landing and staircase from the second floor opening on the detached garage at 1040 Main Street 4. Request for a Certificate of Appropriateness to demolish the structures located at the Five Forks intersection; 254 Jefferson Avenue, 400 Jefferson Street, 806 Pine Street and the far;ade of 402 Jefferson Street 5. Request for a Certificate of Appropriateness to demolish 815 Pine Street IV. APPROVAL OF MINUTES FROM MARCH 26, 2015 V. OTHER BUSINESS VI. ADJOURNMENT Page 11 of 11 Page 112 of 126 DANVILLE COMMISSION OF ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW POST OFFICE BOX 3300 DANVILLE, VIRGINIA (434) 799-5261 Commission of Architectural Review Meeting of May 28,2015 SUBJECT 944 Main Street VDHR # 108·0056·0157 APPLICANT'S REQUEST The applicant, Tim Norton, is requesting to enclose rear porch and construct a rear open deck. The enclosure has been present for some time, but was completed without a Certificate of Appropriateness or building permit. The enclosure has three (3) white vinyl doors and vinyl siding. The proposed deck will be constructed in an area where a deck once stood. The applicant will bring dimensions and design to the meeting. STAFF EVALUATION Section 5 of the Old West End Design Guidelines addresses New Building Guidelines. Staff believes that the enclosure does not meet the Guidelines due to the use of substitute materials. The Commission will need to determine if it has an adverse effect on the structure and/or District. There has not been enough information provided to determine if the new deck construction meets the Guidelines. This will need to be determined after the applicant provides more information. Page 113 of 126 All buildings, structures or improvements located in the Old Westend Historic District and visible from a public right-of-way shall not be located, constructed, reconstructed, altered, or repaired unless a Certificate of Appropriateness has been issued by the Commission of Architectural Review. The Commission meets once a month on the fourth Thursday of the month at 3:30 P.M. in the fourth floor City Council Conference Room located in the Municipal Building. All questions or applications should be submitted to the Planning Division, located on the second floor of the Municipal Building, 427 Patton Street, Room 207, Danville, VA 24541; (434)-799-5261. As of July 1,2009 a $25 .00 fee will be required for each appl ication submitted for review. INFORMATION TO BE PROVIDED BY APPLICANT Importalll-Please read before completillg applicatioll a) b) All questions on this application must be fully answered The application must be signed by the property owners or representative with written authorization by the owner A drawing, photo, plan or sketch of proposed project with dimensions c) Have you read and understand the Design Guidelines for the Historic Overlay District of Danville, Virginia? 'iff 5 Are you aware of the federal/state tax credits and Real Estate Abatement program available for potential reimbursement/credit of money used during substantial rehabilitation projects? _ _ _ _ _ _V.!...f<fi~S.;>-_ _ _ _ _ __ Would you like more information about these programs? Which one(s)? ¥tf.'S R£AL 8111Y'L ABA1tf!1[AJ'C Name of Applicant: Applicant's Address: IX.M <=t -.I FtD&t?M.. 'r1±)<.. {!;;.c~ N 0 rz. ", I\j 4- '-t f'r-,,"'\-J:N -;;,'nl-£-<C..-T Applicant's Phone Number: 1'1 2 ~ Bill., woo!> (if not applicant) "A World Class Organization" Page 114 of 126 Slo,;;? /1/ fr Page 115 of 126 DANVILLE COMMISSION OF ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW POST OFFI CE BOX 3300 DANVILLE, VIRGINIA (134) 799-5261 June 02, 2015 NORTON CARL T, 944 MAIN ST, DANVILLE, VA 24541 RE: APPLICA nON FOR CERTIFICATE OF APPROPRIATENESS AT 944 MAIN ST, DANVILLE, VA 24541 Applicant(s): On May 28, 2015 the Commission of Architectural Review voted to approve a Certificate of Appropriateness for the following request: • enclose rear porch with with vinyl double doors and vinyl siding • construct 16' x \2 ' rear deck where one once stood. wood construction A Certificate of Appropriateness must be posted in a visible spot during work. Article 3.R.C. Paragraph 10 of the Code of the City of Danville, Virginia, as amended requires that all work be substantia lly complete within one (I) year of the issuance of the Certificate of Appropriateness . Construction must adhere to both the Zoning and Building Codes for the City of Danville. Please contact both department for regulations and required permits before construction begins. Article 3.R.C. Paragraph Iia states, "Any person aggrieved by any decision of the Review Commission may appeal such decision to the City Counci l, provided that such appeal is filed within thirty (30) calendar days from the date of notification of Review Commission decision." Please note that during this thirty (30) day period you are proceeding with any activity at your ri sk and are subject to an appeal. If you have any questions or I can be of further assistance, please contact me at 1-434-799-5261 . r"f 7"l e ~~ Renee Burton Page 116 of 126 CITY OF DANVILLE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CERTIFICATE OF APPROPRIATENESS This CERTIFICATE is issued for aU work approved by the Commission of Architectural Reviewo~ M<M La Certificate Number.PICAe2ll~ I!tJ¥ Date: Street Address: qt.fW ,Mojo ~ ,2015 J lX\e Z, 2.016 Own~pplicant: -~-....'.....m-----.#-M~orJt-~""""'t-I-----"..:...-------'-'--- The Commission of Architectural Review has approved tHe following reques<i) encJ,o,oJ <!fOperty pnbwl llln"ll da.l'df~ mJ"'GIf' ~ ® ~ "" 'f'!..lv~Qec~.in 19.tr' 'v , rvQr 16 ~~ ComnientsiConditions: ----f--~~..J-...!I~JI~~~'-------:--'-'-___;--'-__:;_--=--__;:______-- Issued y; This CARD MUST BE D18PLAYED on the outside of the building or premises and . plainly visible-from. the Street during the duration of the work approved above. EXPIRES: i10J.j 1Z e Page 117 of 126 CL-1215 City Council Regular Meeting Meeting Date: 08/18/2015 Subject: From: New Business Item #: F. Local Government Challenge Grant-Virginia Commission for the Arts William Sgrinia, Director of Parks, Recreation & Tourism COUNCIL ACTION Business Meeting Dates: 08/18/15 - First Reading 09/01/15 - Final Adoption SUMMARY In the past, the City of Danville has participated in the Local Government Challenge Grants program through the Virginia Commission for the Arts. The City has received notification from the Commission that a grant of $5,000 has been awarded for Fiscal Year 2016. BACKGROUND This grant requires an equal match of $5,000, which would make $10,000 available for FY 2016. The local match of $5,000 has been provided in the FY 2016 Budget, General Fund Support of Grants account. With these funds, assistance is provided to local arts organizations. Some of the local groups that have been assisted under this program over the years include: Danville Choral Arts Society, Danville Area Association for the Arts and Humanities, Danville Concert Association, Danville Museum of Fine Arts and History, Danville Symphony Orchestra, and The Langhorne House. The advertising for availability of funding and the submittal for funding requests will begin immediately. A public notice will be advertised in the Danville Register and Bee on September 6, 2015, soliciting applications and the agencies listed above will be sent letters advising them of funding opportunity and informing them that they must complete an application. The applications are due back to the City no later than October 1, 2015. City staff reviews the applications and makes award recommendations to a local arts grant task force who vote on the final awards. Award recipients are notified by letter of their grant amount and that the funds must be spent prior to June 30, 2016. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that City Council adopt the accompanying ordinance providing funds for a Challenge Grant from the Virginia Commission for the Arts and the required local share. Attachments Ordinance Page 118 of 126 PRESENTED: ______________ ADOPTED: ______________ ORDINANCE NO. 2015 -______- ______ AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE FISCAL YEAR 2016 BUDGET APPROPRIATION ORDINANCE TO PROVIDE FOR A VIRGINIA COMMISSION FOR THE ARTS GRANT IN THE AMOUNT OF $5,000, AND TO PROVIDE FOR THE LOCAL SHARE IN THE AMOUNT OF $5,000 FOR A TOTAL GRANT OF $10,000. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Danville, Virginia, that the Fiscal Year 2016 Budget Appropriation Ordinance be, and the same is hereby, amended by increasing revenues for a grant in the amount of $5,000 from the Commonwealth of Virginia, Virginia Commission for the Arts, and the local share of the grant in the amount of $5,000, all for its support of local arts, such funds to be appropriated in the Special Grants fund and to be as follows: ANTICIPATED REVENUES Description Account No. Amount Categorical Aid—State: Virginia Commission for the Arts 60139000-45840 $ 5,000 Local Share: Transfer from General Fund 60139000-6101 $ 5,000 TOTAL $10,000 ANTICIPATED EXPENDITURES Description Account No. Amount Local Government Challenge Grant Program 60139000-55005 $10,000 Page 119 of 126 AND BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that all other accounts and provisions of the Fiscal Year 2016 Budget Appropriations Ordinance, as amended, not hereby amended, shall continue in full force and effect unless and until hereafter further amended or repealed. Approved: ______________________________ MAYOR Attest: __________________________ CLERK Approved as to Form and Legal Sufficiency: _________________________ Assistant City Attorney 2 Page 120 of 126 CL-1210 City Council Regular Meeting Meeting Date: 08/18/2015 Subject: From: New Business Item #: G. Certified Local Government Grant Appropriation Kenneth C. Gillie, Jr., Planning Director COUNCIL ACTION Business Meeting: 08/18/15 - First Reading 09/01/15 - Final Adoption SUMMARY The City has received a Certified Local Government Grant award for FY 2015-16 from the Virginia Department of Historic Resources in the amount of $21,250. This is a matching grant that will be used to stabilize and rehabilitate the exterior of 864 Pine Street. The $21,500 local share will be provided by a transfer from the Comprehensive Blight Removal Project. BACKGROUND Funds awarded from the Certified Local Government Grant will be used for the rehabilitation and stabilization of 864 Pine Street. It is estimated that this construction will total $42,500.00. This home has suffered many years of neglect and vacancy. Once a fine Italianate example in the Old West End Historic District, it is now plagued with rotting wood and a leaking roof. This development project will be a beacon of light for Pine Street and the struggling Old West End neighborhood that has been blighted with absentee landlords and neglect. It will also show other property owners and potential investors that an historic home can be restored and returned to a quality product that is an attribute to the area. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that City Council approve the attached Ordinance appropriating the Certified Local Government Grant award for FY 2015. Attachments Award Letter Ordinance Page 121 of 126 COMMONWEALTH of VIRGINIA Department of Historic Resources Molly Joseph Ward Secretary of Nailiral ResQurces 280 I Kensington Avenue, Richmond, Virginia 23221 Ju lie V. Langan Oil'ector Tel: (804) 367-2323 Fax: (804) 367-239 1 www,dhr. vi rgini a.gov June 29, 2015 Ms. Renee Burton, Senior Planner C ity of Danville PO Box 3300 Danville, VA 24543 RE: 2015-16 CLG Grant Agreement Dear Ms. Burton: I am pleased to enc lose an agreement for your 2015-16 CLG Grant fo r $2 1,250 for the Stabilization of 864 Pine Street. Congratulations and we look forward to working with you on thi s project. Please sign this agreement and return it to Aubrey Von Lindern, Northern Regional Preservation Office, Department of Historic Resources, P_O_ Box 519 in the next ten days. ff you have any questions, yo u are welcome to contact Aubrey at (540) 868-7029. Sincerely, ,~ ulie V. Langan Director Virginia Department of Historic Resources Administrative Services 10 COllrlhouse Ave. Petersburg. VA 23803 Tel: (804) 862-6408 Fax: (804) 862-6196 Eastern Region Otlice 280 1 Kensington Avenue Richmond, VA 2322 [ Tel: (804) 367-2323 Fax: (804) 367-239 1 Western Region O!1ice 962 Kime Lane Salem , VA 24153 Tel: (540) 387-5443 Fax: (540) 387-5446 Nonhern Region Office 5357 Main Sireet POBox 519 Stephens City, VA 22655 Tel: (540) 868 -7029 Fax: (540) 868 -7033 Page 122 of 126 Certified Local Government Grant Agreement 2015-2016 This agreement entered into this 29th day of June, 2015, by the Commonwealth of Virginia, Department of Historic Resources (DHR), and the City of Danville, the Certified Local Government (CLG), WITNESS that DHR and the CLG, in consideration of the mutual covenants, promises, and agreements herein contained, agree that the grant awarded by DHR to the CLG shall be described below: Project Title: Stabilization of 864 Pine Street Grant Amount: $21,250 Matching Share: $21,250 Total Project Costs: $42,500.00 Grant Period: June 15,2015,* through June 15,2016. *Actual start date is the date of full execution of agreement. This grant agreement incorporates the following documents: (I) This signed form; (2) DHR Request for Applications - 2015-2016 CLG Subgrant Program, dated March 20, 2015: (3) Grant Application from the City of Danville, dated May 13,2015; (4) Any negotiated modifications thereto, all of which are referenced below: a. Any publications produced with grant funds must include the language concerning NPS financial ass istance and nondi scrimination as shown below: This publication has been financed in part with Federal funds from the National Park Service, U.S. Department of the Interior. However, the contents and opinions do not necessarily reflect the view or policies of the U.S. Department of the Interior. This program receives Federal financial assistance for identification and protection of historic properties. Under Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, and the Age Discrimination Act of 1975, as amended, the U.S. Department of the Interior prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, national origin, disability or age in its federally ass isted programs. If you believe you have been discrim inated against in any program, activity, or facility as described above, or if you desire further information, please write to: Office of Equal Opportunity, National Park Service, 1849 C Street, NW, Washington, D.C. 20240. Eastern Region Olli ce Western Region OlTice 962 Kimc Lane 'petersburg, VA 23803 2801 Kensington Aven ue Richmond, VA 2322 1 Tel: (804 ) 862·6408 F ~x: (804 ) 862·61 96 Tel: (804) 367·2323 Fox : (804) 367·239 1 Admini strati ve Services 10 Courthouse Ave. Salem, VA 24 153 Te l: (540) 387· 5443 Fax : (540) 387· 5446 Northern Region O ni ce 5357 Main Street PO Box 519 Stephens C ity. VA 22655 Tel: (5 40) 868·7029 Fax: (540) 868·7033 Page 123 of 126 Page 2, Danville June 29, 2015 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have caused this Grant Agreement to be duly executed, intending to be bound thereby. CERTIFIED LOCAL GOVERNMENT SiWill~dm, COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA DEPT. OF HISTORIC RESOURCES Signat Name: Renee Burton Name: Title: Senior Planner Title: Date: 7 -J -16 Date: Eastern Region Oflice Administrative Services 10 Courthouse Ave. 2801 Kensington Avenue Petersburg, VA 23803 Richmond, VA 23221 Te l: (804) 862-6408 Fax: (804) 862-6 196 Te l: (804) 367-2323 Fa.X: (804) 367-2391 Director ~/oz 1)~ Western Region Office 962 Kimc Lane Salem, VA 24153 Tel: (540) 387-5443 Fax : (540) 38 7-5446 Northern Region Office 5357 Main Street PO Box 519 Stephens City, VA 22655 Tel: (540) 868·7029 Fax: (540) 868-7033 Page 124 of 126 PRESENTED: ______________ ADOPTED: ______________ ORDINANCE NO. 2015 -______- ______ AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE FISCAL YEAR 2016 BUDGET APPROPRIATION ORDINANCE TO PROVIDE FOR GRANT FROM THE DEPARTMENT OF HISTORIC RESOURCES IN THE AMOUNT OF $21,250 AND LOCAL MATCH IN THE AMOUNT OF $21,250 FOR A TOTAL GRANT IN THE AMOUNT OF $42,500 AND APPROPRIATING THE SAME. WHEREAS the City of Danville has received a grant from the Commonwealth of Virginia, Department of Historic Resources to fund the stabilization of 864 Pine Street; and WHEREAS the local share is to be transferred from the Capital Projects Fund, Comprehensive Blight Removal, NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Danville, Virginia that the Fiscal Year 2016 Budget Appropriation Ordinance be, and it is hereby, amended by increasing revenues from the Commonwealth of Virginia, Department of Historic Resources (Federal pass-through funds), in the amount of $21,250 and the local share for $21,250 for an aggregate amount of $42,500 for the purpose of providing for the stabilization of 864 Pine Street such funds to be appropriated in the Special Grant Fund as follows: ANTICIPATED REVENUES Description Account No. Amount Stabilization of 864 Pine Street Categorical Aid – Federal 61183000-48050 $ 21,250 Local Share Transfer In from Capital Projects 61147000-6125 TOTAL 21,250 $ 42,500 ANTICIPATED EXPENDITURES Description Stabilization of 864 Pine Street Account No. 61183999-50 Amount $ 42,500 Page 125 of 126 BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Danville, Virginia that the Fiscal Year 2016 Budget Appropriation Ordinance be, and it is hereby, amended authorizing a transfer from the Capital Projects Fund to the Special Grants Fund, such transfer be as follows: TRANSFER FROM Description Account No. Amount Capital Projects Fund Comprehensive Blight Removal 61806999-50 $ 21,250 TRANSFER TO Description Account No. Amount Capital Projects Fund-Comprehensive Blight Removal Transfer Out to Special Grants 61806000-6014 $ 21,250 AND BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that all other accounts and provisions of the Fiscal Year 2016 Budget Appropriation Ordinance, as amended, not hereby amended, shall continue in full force and effect unless and until hereafter further amended or repealed. APPROVED: ___________________________ MAYOR ATTEST: _____________________________ CLERK Approved as to Form and Legal Sufficiency: ______________________________ Assistant City Attorney 2 Page 126 of 126