Sheets of Shame pdf file - American Right to Life Action


Sheets of Shame pdf file - American Right to Life Action
ARTL Action Unfurled DNC Sheets Of Shame
ARTL member
taken from
72nd &
6 miles away
See also
Photo taken
from 1.8
miles away
at Indiana
and 55th Ave.
Credit Dr.
Edmond W.
AP photo, Will Powers
Mile High News photo, Emily Mehring
ARTL member photo, note the tree in the middle of the lower-case 'o'.
Denver's NBC newscast did the best report
Rocky Mountain News photo, Everett Stadig
DENVER, Aug. 26 /PRNewswire/ -- An official Guinness Book of World Records attempt to display the
largest ever protest sign has succeeded. The 530-foot tall and 666-foot wide message is being shouted
from the mountaintops overlooking the Democratic National Convention with the leading 2008 protest
Depending on their location, thousands of DNC delegates and journalists can look out their hotel
windows to the west to see the sign. Sponsored by American RTL Action, the message initially appeared
with three enormous 160-foot tall, bright yellow letters, D-N-C, stacked on top of each other.
After those letters suddenly appeared on a mountain just west of Denver, the actual full message of the
sign began to unfurl. Three lines of white text, built on the vertical yellow letters read, D-N-C:
u Nborn
"The tiniest boys and girls should be loved and protected," said American RTL Action president Steve
Curtis, "but as nominating Barack Obama emphasizes, the DNC even supports killing kids in the womb
old enough to know their mother's voice, sleep and dream, suck their thumbs, and play with their toes."
Columbine dad Brian Rohrbough, whose son Daniel was murdered at that high school massacre, is the
group's vice president. "When we tell kids that unborn children can be killed if their parents don't want
them," said Rohrbough, "we rob them of the knowledge of the God-given right to life and we destroy their
moral foundation. Abortion is wrong because it's a baby; it's always wrong to intentionally kill an innocent
Guinness assigned American Right To Life an official world record attempt number: 228132. The protest
sign weighs more than 2,700 pounds and was sewed together with more than four miles of seams
connecting 2,400 sheets and backpacked onto location and unfurled by 44 letter carriers with spotters a
mile away to ensure proper letter placement. ARTL commits to removing the DNC Sheets Of Shame and
leaving the area cleaner than it had been.
ARTL is also a lead sponsor of the DNC Power in the Park protest event by national black leaders at
Denver's Martin Luther King Jr. Park.
Here are a few of the 53 backpacks used by the
American Right To Life 'letter carriers' to hike the 2,700
pound sign onto North Table Mountain in Golden Colo.
Mountain ranges help
show perspective since
you have to be increaseingly far away to see
more and more ranges.
To grasp the size of this ARTL sign,
see it proportional to these landmarks:
From Aurora Reservoir area 30 miles
away where a school principle said:
"Someone put a stamp on the
mountains." Yes, someone did.
For Immediate Release:
American RTL Fails to Break its Own World Record
Denver, Colorado - At the exact moment Barack Obama began his acceptance speech, American Right
To Life Action began to deploy an 800-foot version of its famous DNC sign altered to expose the
infanticide views of the Democratic presidential candidate. In a field situated visibly under a flight path of
planes departing Denver International Airport, the 424,000 square-foot sign proved too difficult for the
team of forty ARTL members.
Thousands of media and private photos and video clips of the August 25, 2008 historic display of the
giant sign on the mountain show that the unfurling matched ARTL's design requirements. ARTL Action
changed the message from 'unborn' to 'born' when attempting to deploy an enormous sign as part of our
relentless rebuke of Barack Obama for his immoral refusal to love and protect a child even AFTER he is
ARTLA design document
"Obama refused to answer Rick Warren's question of when human rights begin," said American RTL
Action president Steve Curtis, "because as his Illinois Senate campaign against Alan Keyes made
brutally clear, Barack Obama even advocates a right to kill children after they are born. His repeated
votes against the Born-Alive Infant Protection Act indicate that Democratic voters nominated the most
heartless candidate before them."
Curtis, a former chairman of the Colorado Republican Party, added, "If Obama had stated the morally
bankrupt pro-abortion claim that a child's life and rights begin at birth, he would have exposed his own
willingness to abandon a child who survived an abortion to die outside her mother's womb. This
particular abortion practice was exposed by famed Illinois nurse Jill Stanek."
Guinness World Records requested that ARTL Action provide certification from an expert qualified to
document the final dimensions of Tuesday's DNC Sheets Of Shame. While an engineer is providing that
documentation to Guinness on behalf of the 527 political group, "American RTL Action has no real
interest in any world record," said Curtis, "other than the record of ending 'legalized' child killing around
the country. Since most reporters are 'pro-choice,' we used the Guinness angle just to tempt them to run
the story so they would publish our condemnation of pro-abortion politicians. It worked."
The Denver Post reported on August 27, "Anti-abortion demonstrators have been among the most visible
and active groups at the Democratic National Convention." And a Colorado Springs Gazette editorial the
ARTLA DIA flight path design document. Credit Eric & Jordan Guttormson
next day agreed. "Far left activists who promised convention mayhem mostly made fools of themselves.
They had no coherent message... Not so, regarding pro-life activists. They were seemingly everywhere
in Denver... And then there was the little matter of that giant message that showed up Tuesday morning
on North Table Mountain... that said 'Destroys uNborn Children.'" Then, and Larry Anderson
of the American Thinker reported, "The most visible and vocal protestors demonstrating at the
Democratic National Convention are the advocates for the unborn. …they are everywhere and in the
faces of delegates. Undaunted by the heat, the ridicule, and the tight restrictions placed on them by the
city… these soldiers for life battle on.
American Right To Life Action
1535 Grant St. #303
Denver CO 80203
Cover Story: DNC S-O-S business cards
See also:, our Principles, Who We Are, and our Strategy to End 'Legalized' Abortion.