World Lesson Plan


World Lesson Plan
Time: 45 minutes
Grade level: Third
set F: People Fronn Around the
world ct {t'y /
PURPOSE: To review the elements of art by studying selected paintings from around
the world.
OBJECTIVE: Students will demonstrate their understanding of the elements of art by
discussing distance, rhythm, balance and other related concepts in selected in
paintings from around the world.
"The Market Place"
"Girl with Lilies"
"Girl in Blue Dress"
"Mother and Daughters"
"Ohashi Bridge in Rain"
"When Do You Marry?"
"The Russian Bride's Attire"
SUGGESTED PRESEFITATION: Remind the class that in third grade the Art Vistas lessons
have been about people: People and their Feelings, People at Worh People at
Play, People and Music, Peopie and Animals. Today the lesson is about People
from around the World. They will see different places, dififlerent kinds of clothing,
and different ways of doing things. They will also be reviewing many art concepts
that they have already learned in previous lessons.
Display Claude Dambreville's (:pAlilW-bra-veal) "The Market Place."(:11aitian)
1) This painting shows people at a market place in Haiti. Do you know where Haiti is? What
is a marketplace? How can you tell it is a market place by what you see?
2) How did the artist paint the people? (flat planes of color, black silhouettes) Same heigttt
trs there much detail? (no- only the earrings) What kind of clothes are the
peopie wearing?
3) Do you see any repeated lines, shapes, or colors that make a pattern? What do we call
patterns in art? (rhythrn) [Look at ail the round and oval shapes.]
4) is this an example of symmeu'ical or asymrnetrical balance? Why?
Written U96 (J. Rabedeau)
Editorial Revisions Z0l (A Maiten)
Third Grad€
Set F: People from Around the World
I of3
Display Diego Rivera's "Girl with Lilies." (:Mexican)
bi.go Rivera was one of the most famous modern painters in Mexico. He painted on canvas
and also on the sides of buildings (murals). He especially liked to paint people at work. He
was married to Frida Kahlo. Remember "Self Portrait with Monkeys" from our iast iesson?
l) What is this woman doing? (arranging flowers to sell) What kind of flowers are they?
(calia iilies) Does anyone remember the Spanish word for calla lily? ("alcataz" which
is also the word for "pelican.") Can you find the shape of the calla iily repeated
anywhere else? (look at legs & feet, braids) How is she sitting?
2) Do the flowers create rhythm in this painting? $es, both the blooms and stalks)
3) Who would like to talk about balance? (almost symmetrical) Do all the pans of the
painting seeln to belong together? (yes) Who remembers what we call this? (harmony)
4) How do we know that the woman is in front of the flowers? (overiapping)
Display Johannes Verspronch's "Girl in Blue Dress." (:Dutch)
1) Perhaps you remember tiaving seen this pcrcrait before" Do you rernember hou' long
ago it was painted? (350 years ago) It was painted in Holland.
2) Who would like to talk about the different textures you can see?
3) What is the basic shape of the subject? (triangle)
4) Does this painting look balanced? What kind of balance do you see? (almost
4) Is the girl's face shown in profile? (no) What can you tell rne about her portrait? (face
: ? body : ?) Did the artist show her entire body? (no, just 3/4)
Display "Mother and Daughters." 1:;upanese)
We don't know who painted this, but we know it is from Japan.
1) Who would like to talk about the clothes you see?
2) Do you think this artist was interested in painting details? What details can you see?
3) Are the figures shown in profile? What can you tell me about them? Did the artist
paint just the faces, part of the bodies, or the entire bodies? What do we call this
view? (full view)
4) Does the red color help to create balance?
5) Do these figures look as though they are moving or are they standing still? (fairly still
- walking slowiy) How can you tell? (flow of the fabric) [Do not put this print away
but display it together with next print.l
Display Ando Hiroshige's "Ohashi Bridge in Rair:." (Japanese)
1) \trhat are *rhese people doing? (r'.rnning across bridge in rain; holding up kimonos so
they won't get wet) FIow has the artist shown movement? (lots of diagonal lines)
fCompare with "fulothers and Daughters" for motion vs. stillness]
2) Who would like to talk about the different kinds of lines you can see? (natural [rain,
shorelineJ, man-made [bridge], vertical, horizontal and diagonal)
3) Do you scs any patterns that create rhydrm? (rain, supports under bridge, peoplei
4) Even tirough these fwo prints are different, does everything seem to belong, creating
'oharrnony"? (yes)
Wriuen A96$. Rabedeau)
Editorial Revisions AA1, G- Maitefl)
Third G?&
Set F: People
ftom Around the
Page 2 of
Display Paul Gauguin's "When Do You Marry?" (:French)
Paul Gauguin was a French painter who decided to move to Tahiti, which is a very small but
beautiful, island in the Pacific Ocean, near Australia where the people speak French.
1) What do you see in the foreground? middle ground? background? How can you tell
which girl is closer to us? (overlapping) Do you see the small people in the background on the left? Why are they so small? (bigger = cioser; smaller: farther away)
2) What do you think these girls are saying?
3) Who would like to talk about the colors in this painting? (primary? secondary?
complementary? brown) Are there any colors that are repeated to meate rhythm?
Display Konstantin Makovslcy's "The Russian Bride's Attire." (:Russian)
This is a huge painting that is in the Legion of Honor Museum in San Francisco. You can
see this and a lot of other beautiful paintings on a weekend outing to the City.
1) Can yor-r find the bride? the groom? What else do you see in this painting?
2) Who wouid like to talk about texture? rhythm? balance?
3) Do you think that Makovsky was interested in creating harmony in this painting?
(yes) Why?
SUMMARY: Today we have completed our study of the principles of art: distance, motion vs.
stillness, rhythm, balance and harmony. I hope you have enjoyed the prints (and the music).
Next year, we will learn about some of the impotant kinds of art, called "schoolso'of art.
Ink print designs (See instnrctions on separate hand-out)
Wrinen Y96 (J. Rabedeau)
Editorial Revisions Z0l (A Maiten)
Third Grade
Set F: People
fiom Around the World
Page 3