July 28, 2016 Communicator - Deer Park United Methodist Church
July 28, 2016 Communicator - Deer Park United Methodist Church
DEER PARK UMC 1300 E. 13TH DEER PARK, TX The Communicator www.dpumc.org July 28, 2016 281-930-1300 2016 CHURCH WIDE GARAGE SALE… August 4, 5 & 6 at 7am in the Family Life Center Saturday, July 30 – begin bringing your treasures at 8am to the Family Life Center and stay to help. Whether you can work 30 minutes or all day, everyone’s help will be gratefully appreciated and utilized. Monday, Aug. 1 through Wednesday, Aug. 3rd we need help anytime from 8am to 8pm as we continue to receive donations. Contact Dianne Sullivan at garagesale@dpumc.org to volunteer or go to www.dpumc.org for more information. Items Needed for Donation Forming Fully Devoted Followers of Jesus Adult clothes (in very good condition/in current style) Jackets and Coats Baby and children’s clothes Handbags, Belts, Scarves, Socks, Ties Backpacks Jewelry Furniture Pictures Bedding/Linens/Rugs Kitchen gadgets Dishes Flat screen TVs Flat screen computer monitors Appliances Cameras Puzzles and Games Toys, small/medium stuffed animals Hardback books, magazines DVD’s, computer and video games Sports equipment Bicycles Tools Please NO ELECTRONICS other than those listed above. DPISD School Supply Drive We are collecting: • • Notebook Paper - wide rule Spiral notebooks - wide rule • Composition books • Pocket folders • • • Scissors Map pencils • Crayons • Markers • Pencils Pens (blue, black & red) • • Highlighters • • Erasers Glue sticks Zipper pencil pouches • BACKPACKS Drop off in the concourse by Aug. 21 Back to School Bash Sunday, Aug. 21st 6pm-8pm Dabbs Elementary School Bring your family & friends and enjoy fun, food and games. Contact Pastor Paul at pastorpaul@dpumc.org to volunteer. We will bless 54 manna bags on Sunday. Thank you to all who donated! And thank you to the volunteers that packed the bags: Penny McBride, James Cermin, Barbara Garcia, Brenda Cothran and Lynda Williams Monday Morning Bible Study News Start date: September 12 Led by: Pastor Rahel Keep watch for more information coming soon! Thank you to my church family for all of your prayers and words of kindness. Many came by for visits and brought food. Thanks to the Caring Committee for lunch at the church after the funeral. It helps me deal with my loss to know so many people liked Dwight and thought so much of him. Carolyn Caudle Book Talk When: Sunday August 7th at 1:30 PM Where: Library What : Discuss In the Unlikely Event By Judy Blume This is her first adult novel. “55 and Over” Bus Trip Tuesday August 9, 2016 - Leave the church at 8:15 AM. George W. Bush 41 Library in College Station. Admission cost is $7.00 a person. The bus can hold 25 people, but will still go with less than 25 people. The bus also has a lift for wheelchairs. If interested, please email Duane Sims at dsims463@att.net or call him at 281-479-5702. Dates to Remember August 4, 5 & 6 Garage Sale August 8 - Back to School Bash Planning Meeting August 13 - Spread mulch on playground August 15 - Creative Arts Camp August 21 - Back to School Bash August 31 - Wednesdays @DPUMC Please continue to pray for our Junior High mission this week. They left for Gainesville Texas Wednesday morning and will return Sunday. “We promise to support Deer Park United Methodist Church with our prayers, our presence, our gifts, our service, and our witness” www.dpumc.org 2016 Operating Budget Attendance 8:30 10:50 July 17 156 91 July 24 105 95 YTD Received $687,308.15 $349,936 Little Churches Fund Sunday, July 17 $157 Sunday, July 24 $164 UM ARMY 2016 Upcoming Events August 3, 10 & 17 - Swim & Scripture August 13 - Spread mulch August 21 - Back to School Bash
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The Communicator - Deer Park United Methodist Church
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