update - West Shore Baptist Church
update - West Shore Baptist Church
WEST SHORE BAPTIST CHURCH UPDATE West Shore Baptist Church ▪ 2025 Market Street ▪ Camp Hill, PA 17011 ▪ (717) 761-0942 Love at First Sight? Is there such a thing as “love at first sight?” … Maybe someone somewhere has experienced “love at first sight.” But I think most of us have not. Most of us tend to be more careful when it comes to love. We know that love takes time. We know that real love is patient and kind, not demanding, From the Pastor but giving and forgiving. Love grows gradually. It may begin From Disney’s “Frozen” with an initial attraction and interest, but there has to be a lot of listening and learning along the way. If you’ve ever been in love, do you recall some of those early days when you and that special someone were first getting acquainted? Were there fun times and funny moments? May I offer an example of what I mean? I met my wife, Esther, in October 1978. We were both studying at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary. Esther was in her first year of a master of arts in theological studies program in Christian social ethics. She lived and worked near the seminary campus. I was in my second year of master of divinity studies, with an urban ministry and pastoral counseling emphasis, while living and working in Boston. One evening in late October, mutual friends invited us to dinner at their home in South Hamilton, about 25 miles north of Boston. Wanting to return the favor, I invited these friends and Esther to my inner-city apartment in Boston a month later, in late November. That occasion serves as the first, last, and only dinner that I’ve ever attempted. The fact is, I don’t know how to cook. I didn’t know then. And, honestly, 37½ years later, I still don’t. But that night, throwing caution and common sense to the wind, I kicked out the two guys with whom I shared this apartment—both of whom cooked—and I tried to create a never-to-be-forgotten Italian dinner. My goal was to prepare and serve two out-of-the-box Appian Way pizzas with canned tomato paste, bacon bits, onion and green pepper toppings, along with what I thought was a very special dessert of “Stop and Shop” brand duplex sandwich cookies, vanilla ice cream, and strong coffee. (continued on page 2) A U G U S T 2 0 16 N E W S LE T T E R I N SI D E T HI S IS S UE : The Pastor’s Message 1 A Message from the Diaconate 4 From the Mission Board 5 Birthdays and Anniversaries 6 Childcare Schedule 6 Happenings and Highlights 7 From the Christian Education Board 8 Calendar of Events 11 Vacation Bible School Friday, August 12 Saturday, August 13 Sunday, August 14 (Details on page 8) Sunday, July 31 Sunday, August 14 (Details on page 3) P AGE 2 A U G US T 2016 Love at First Sight? (continued from page 1) To this day, Esther calls Appian Way pizza, Ape-ian Way and looks at me shaking her head. I counter by claiming that it’s in the only pizza in the Bible: “The brothers in Rome had heard we were coming and came to meet us at the Forum on the Appian Way. Others joined us at The Three Taverns. When Paul saw them, he thanked God and took courage” (Acts 28:15, LB). Actually the Appian Way was a small town some 40 miles from Rome. Its main claim to fame was its wickedness — sort of like my pizza — hard and crusty. interviewed over 400 couples, all of whom were married for 40+ years. They found that in the strongest marriages couples reported: “My partner is my best friend. We can talk about anything. We like to spend time together. We enjoy each other’s company. We share similar values and interests.” Since God is the Creator of both love and faith, it will come as no surprise that some of the same factors that help our friendships to grow are the factors that will help our faith to grow. What’s the first step that most people use to If you’ve ever been in get to know one another? There’s a lot of listenlove, you likely have your ing and learning. Even in this day of Instagram, own funny stories. But is Snapchat, and Twitter, to begin a friendship and there such a thing as “love at to grow in friendship there needs to be a lot of first sight?” Definitely in sharing. There needs to be a great deal of romantic Disney movies, Hollywood block- listening and learning about the other person’s busters, and Broadway musicals. But in real interests, hopes, dreams, and life stories— life, not so much. including those goofy, embarrassing, and awkward moments. eal love takes time. Real love grows over R time and usually begins with friendship, caring, sharing, serving, giving, and forgiving. Not surprisingly, that’s the way we grow to know and trust God, as well. We can learn His story and discover His heart as we spend time every day in reading and studying His Word. We can share our adoration and apologies, our hearts, hurts and hopes, our gratitude and love in daily times of prayer. More than your BFF on Facebook, God longs to hear from you each day, throughout the day. As Christians we know that real love is modeled and mirrored most perfectly by God—our Heavenly Father, His Son our Savior Jesus, and by the Holy Spirit. If we want our love to grow, we will do well to take our cues from God and His Word. Otherwise we risk embracing this Just as God wants us to pray and tell Him world and its values, and we’ll only fool ourwhat’s on our hearts and minds, God wants our selves when it comes to things like love. hearts and minds to be informed and directed by What creates closeness and intimacy in fami- His truth. God wants us to read, study, and lies and friendships? Strong connection and apply His Word every day. The Bible tells us, closeness require acceptance, caring, valuing the other, sharing one’s hopes and fears, sharing “Consequently, faith comes by hearing the message, and the message is heard through the one’s dreams and desires, openly and honestly. word of Christ” (Romans 10:17). Many years ago Drs. Robert and Jeanette Toward that end, please accept my invitation Lauer engaged in extensive longitudinal research to a special two-hour workshop in early August studies, examining what makes for close and dedicated to helping each of us strengthen our caring relationship in long-term marriage. They P AGE 3 A U G US T 2016 Love at First Sight? (continued from page 2) Bible study and prayer life. “Developing Spiritual Maturity” will be held from 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. on Sunday, August 7, in G-1 in the education building. Just as our children will be growing to know and love the Lord the following weekend during their Vacation Bible School adventure, I encourage you to register for this workshop on your bulletin insert at Sunday worship, or you may phone the church office at 717761-0942. Invest two hours and I promise that your Bible study and prayer life will greatly benefit as a result. To grow in friendship with one another, we need to listen to and learn from one another. To grow in friendship with God and faith in God, we need to listen to and learn from God by daily reading and reflecting on a passage from His Word. We also need to talk with God, bringing our praise and thanks, our joys and concerns, our hopes and hurts to Him in prayer. Listening and learning. Sharing and savoring. It’s so basic and simple. It’s not “love at first sight,” but sometimes a special friendship will gradually grow. It may, in fact, deepen into a life-changing, lifetime of love. Grace and peace, Pastor Gary Bruland “Discovering Spiritual Maturity” Workshop A “Discovering Spiritual Maturity” workshop for older youth and adults will be held on Sunday, August 7, from 4:00 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. in G-1. Register on your bulletin insert, or speak with Pastor Gary. ZÜxxà Sunday, July 31 WSBC’s Associate Pastor candidate, Greg Kabakjian, will be visiting us on Sunday, July 31. There will be a short moment of introduction at the beginning of the 9:00 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. services followed by a more open conversation at a potluck luncheon at 11:45 a.m. in the Fellowship Hall. Please help make him feel welcome. Candidate Sunday, August 14 10:00 a.m. Sanctuary There will be a special Congregational Meeting on Sunday, August 14, at 10:00 a.m. in the Sanctuary. At this time the congregation will vote on calling the Associate Pastor Candidate, Greg Kabakjian, as WSBC’s new Associate Pastor for the period of September 1, 2016, through August 31, 2017, and renewable annually thereafter. Please keep this decision in prayer. P AGE 4 A U G US T 2016 A Message From the Diaconate ByIdaRhone AreYou“TakingUptheCross”? “Then he called the crowd to him along with his disciples and said: ‘If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross and follow me’”(Mark8:34). What does it mean to “take up the cross”? Taking up the cross or cross-bearing involvesself-denial.Thatis,Inolongermakemyselfthemainfocusofmylife.InsteadI seektolivealifethatismorefully-dedicateduntoJesus.Cross-bearingalsoinvolvessacri"ice.Thatis,I willinglyofferJesusmytime,abilities,andresources.Howisitforyouthesedays? It’stimewetakeupthecrossbyrenewingourselvesintheWord.It’stimeforusasachurchfamilyto stand upfor the crossofChrist. We need to step out in faith. We can start with a personal check list. Eachofusneedstoaskourselves,“Ismyspirituallifehealthy?”“Howismyspiritualgrowth?”“Hasmy spirituallifeimprovedinrecentmonths?”Areyouexperiencingthatmoment-by-momentwalkwiththe Lord? AswelooktoGodtohelpourchurchgrow,asbelievers,wehavetohaveahealthyspirituallife.Then, notonlywillwebeblessed,butthechurchwillbeblessedaswell.Wehavetocheckallpartsofourspiritual life: ourprayerlife,ourBiblereadingandstudy,ourworshipoftheLord,ourpersonaldevotions, ourwitnessing,ourstewardship. As we check our list, we will learn where we really stand in our walkwithChrist.Dowesaythingsareimpossible?Well,Jesushasanswersforeverythingwethinkare impossibilities. Reasonswesaythingsareimpossible Jesusanswerswhythingsarepossible Loving God Inviting Friends Growing Together Helping Others Teaching Truth “. . . let your good deeds shine out for all to see, so that everyone will praise your heavenly Father.” -Matthew 5:16, NLT I’mtootired. “I will give you rest.” Nobody really loves me. “I love you.” I can’t go on. “My grace is sufficient.” I can’t figure things out. “I will direct your steps.” I can’t do it. “You can do all things.” I’m not able. “I am able.” It’s not worth it. “It will be worth it.” I can’t forgive myself. “I forgive you.” I can’t manage. “I will supply all your needs.” I’m afraid. “I have not given you a spirit of fear.” I’m always worried and frustrated. “Cast all your cares on me.” I’m not smart enough. “I give you wisdom.” I feel alone. “I will never leave you or forsake you.” Wecanbea“lighthouse”forothersintheseways: • • • • Prayalways ReadandstudyHisWord Attendworshipandjoininonchurchactivities Taketimeforpersonaldevotions • Witnesstofamily,friends,andothers • Be a good steward by giving our time, talents, andtreasurestoglorifyGod • Haveagoodattitudeandwatchwhatwesay P AGE 5 A U G US T 2016 From the Mission Board MISSION DAY Sunday, September 25 The Mission Board is planning a special event program for Sunday, September 25, 2016, which we are designating “Mission Day.” The purpose is to familiarize all of us with the various missions WSBC supports, as well as what ABCOPAD and ABC USA are doing in this vital area. Although that may sound rather dry and uninteresting, we are planning two features to raise the excitement level. The first is a mission speaker for both Sunday services. More information on this speaker as the date draws near. The second is an international potluck luncheon. We would like for everyone to bring an ethnic dish which your family enjoys, whether it be a main course, a salad or side dish, or a desert. We will provide beverages, and try to coordinate the food offerings via the blue signup sheet starting in September. So start thinking of a dish your family loves that is not “American.” Also, if your family has some artifacts, souvenirs, or pictures/posters of a country other than the U.S., please bring some of those to help decorate Fellowship Hall for this meal. The Mission Board will have displays for all the missions WSBC supports for your information and enjoyment. We hope you enjoy the experience. Let’s have some fun! The Bridge LIGHT Team School Supplies Collection Once again, “The Bridge” LIGHT team is collecting donations of school supplies for “The Bridge” food pantry in New Cumberland. These supplies will be given to school children in need, and will be collected here at WSBC through Sunday, August 7. Supplies being collected include 64-count crayons, scissors, 10-count markers, pencils, colored pencils, notebook paper, erasers, backpacks, glue bottles, and glue sticks. The “Dollar Tree” stores have most of these supplies. There is also a box for monetary donations on the table in the foyer. Thanks for your generosity. “Together We Can Beat Hunger” Summer Food Drive Mechanicsburg Store A Fair Trade Retailer Tent Sale! August 26 Discounts of 50% - 75% In June and July, we have collected 25 bags of food for “The Bridge” food pantry. We have a couple more weeks to go (until Sunday, August 14), so if you have not brought your bag in yet, do it now. Canned or other non-perishable food products are needed most during the summer months, because kids are not in school, and thus not receiving a free school lunch each week day. Be generous, fill your blue bag, and bring it to the church Fellowship Hall (tables in the back) over the next few weeks. Don’t have a bag? We’ve got plenty for you to use on the tables in the Fellowship Hall. And thank you for your support! Update on 2016 OGHS A total of $6,048 has been given to our OGHS offering, thus exceeding our goal of $6,000. Thank you for sharing! P AGE 6 A U G US T 2016 Anniversaries: 1 3 6 14 19 22 23 25 27 31 Cameron & Ashley (Stine) Jennings Dick &Brenda Webb Charlie & Brigid Alford Steven & Jayne Metz Albie & Diana Thompson Milan & Cheryl Vulich Ken & Carol Saltzer Fred & Dottie Lebo Roland & Monica Carpenter Al & Carol Sweigard Ken & Bev Whitcomb H. Art & Suzanne Nixon Birthdays: 2 3 6 10 11 12 18 20 21 24 25 27 28 29 Charles Bihl Judy Maurer Robert Phillips Peter Bruland Carol Sweigard Will Thompson Deena Kennedy Rev. Betty Norford Odette Hoffman Fred Lebo Gary Dambach Josh Kowalczyk Albie Thompson Cal Stevens Moses Torchilo Emily Foster Jesse Barth Sheri Connor Childcare Schedule DATE NURSERY 9:00 AM NURSERY 10:30 AM August 7 Kim Mankey Rose Sleboda Linda Fleming Lisa Fleming August 14 Ida Rhone Rose Sleboda Dawn Strock Gayle Campbell August 21 Jayne Metz Patty McCown Edie Kennerly Kristin Born August 28 Cheryl Montgomery Judy Brouse Becky Gentzler Mary Hartman Note: Scheduled nursery workers and children’s Sunday School teachers are asked to arrive in their designated rooms 10 minutes ahead of schedule. If you are unable to make your assigned Sunday, please attempt to switch with another volunteer and let the church office know. Contact Dawn Strock, at 796-9257, if you are unable to meet your obligation. P AGE 7 A U G US T 2016 Happenings and Highlights Wednesday, August 31 MEETINGS 7:00—8:00 p.m. Faith In Action The Faith in Action LIGHT Team will meet on Tuesday, August 2, at 9:00 a.m. to do general building and grounds maintenance. If you would like to join them, contact Ken Whitcomb at (717) 732-0348. Deadline for September UPDATE Advisory Council Meeting The deadline for the submission of articles and announcements for the September UPDATE The Advisory Council will meet on is Monday, August 22. You may Tuesday, August 2, at 6:30 p.m. in Room G-2. forward your input to Bonnie Prior Missions Board Meeting via hard copy or by email to The Missions Board will meet on Monday, b.prior@wsbc.org. August 8, at 6:30 p.m. in Room G-1. Board of Christian Education Meeting The Board of Christian Education will meet on Tuesday, August 16, at 6:30 p.m. in G-2. Board of Trustees Meeting The Board of Trustees will not meet in the month of August. Diaconate Board Meeting The Diaconate Board will not meet in the month of August. Men’s Breakfast Fellowship The next meeting of the Men’s Breakfast Fellowship will be at 8:00 a.m. on Saturday, August 20, at Bob Evans on Sheraton Drive in New Cumberland. All men are invited! Ladies Breakfast Fellowship The next meeting of the Women’s Breakfast Fellowship will be at 8:00 a.m. on Saturday, August 20, at the Cracker Barrel in the Susquehanna Shoppes (Progress Ave. exit off of Rt. 81 N). All women are invited! Please sign up on your bulletin insert. P AGE 8 A U G US T 2016 From the Christian Education Board VBS Weekend at WSBC! Hey kids, mark your calendars for VBS at WSBC in August. We will be focusing on Egypt and how God used this land to shape many notable Biblical characters. The Christian Education Board has set the following dates and times: Friday, August 12 – 6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. Dinner and Movie Night Saturday, August 13 – 2:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. Games & Activities Sunday, August 14 – 9:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. Join us on Sunday morning for additional Egypt-based activities and food. Parents, please fill out a registration form for your child and return it to the church office by Sunday, August 7. P AGE 9 A U G US T 2016 From the Christian Education Board Youth Trip to “Root’s Country Market” in Manheim, PA Tuesday, July 13, 2016 Pictured left to right: Milan Vulich, Anna Carr, Jena Myers, Madeline Waring, and Micah Waring. Have pictures from this summer’s WSBC group events that you’d like to share? Send your pictures for inclusion in the next UPDATE newsletter to b.prior@wsbc.org or bring them to the church office. Pictured left to right: Ida Rhone, Anna Carr, Madeline Waring, Micah Waring, Jena Myers, and Milan Vulich Pray for educators, children, and their parents as a new school year begins! P AGE 1 0 A U G US T 2016 Coming to the Harrisburg Capitol Thursday, September 15, 2016 Noon—1:00 p.m. “We have a responsibility as the church to be salt and light in the world. We are to speak the truth of God’s Word to a society whose spiritual and moral foundation is crumbling at an alarming rate. The only hope for our nation is for us to pray, seek His face, and stand firm on the Word. Through the Decision America Tour, we’ll be visiting your state capital to challenge Christians to boldly live out their faith and pray fervently for our nation. Will you join us in the effort?” Franklin Graham A U G US T 2016 August 2016 Calendar of Events P AGE 1 1 West Shore Baptist Church seeks to be a L.I.G.H.T. to our Community by ... Loving God in celebrative worship in order to magnify His wonderful name Inviting Friends and sharing a caring witness as part of our life missio n Growing Together in uplifting fellowship encouraging faith and church me m be rship Helping Others and empowering growing disciples to engage in God-shaped m inistry Teaching Truth and equipping disciples to develop Christ-like spiritual maturity West Shore Baptist Church 2025 Market Street Camp Hill, PA 17011 SUNDAY SERVICES: Traditional Worship — 9:00 AM Christian Education Hour— 9:00 AM Fellowship Time―10:00 AM LifeHouse Worship — 10:30 AM Christian Education Hour— 10:30 AM We’re on the web! Visit: www.wsbc.org