Thursday, November 28, 2013
Thursday, November 28, 2013
EUROPEAN FEDERATION OF FUNERAL SERVICES 40221 Düsseldorf • Volmerswerther Str. 79 • GERMANY c/o Bundesverband deutscher Bestatter TEL +49 211 - 1600849 • FAX +49 211 - 1600860 • • EUROPÄISCHE VEREINIGUNG FÜR BESTATTUNGSDIENSTE AGENDA of the 11th General Assembly of the EFFS Thursday, November 28, 2013 10:00 am – 5:00 pm, Barcelona Spain 1. Welcome 2. Establishment of the quorum 3. Approval of the minutes of the 10th General Assembly in Vienna 4. Approval of the agenda 5. President’s report 6. Treasurer’s report on the annual accounts 7. Auditors’ report and demand Approval of Actions of the Board 8. New applications for memberships 9. Elections according to §§ 9, 10 of our Constitution Election of: • the president • 2 vice presidents • 3 elected members from countries with a population greater than 15 million • 2 elected members from countries with a population less than 15 million • the treasurer Election of: • auditors • arbitrators 10. Update from the EFFS working committees 11. Formaldehyde – news and next steps 12. European repatriation – update on EFFS activiites 13. Any other business Teraa Agenda GA 28.11.2013 Oct 2013 President’s Report – November 2012 to November 2013 In the last 12 months, we had three Board meetings and a video conference trial session to assess if this electronic method is a good and inexpensive alternative for saving travel costs. This video conference was held on May 16, 2013 and was only a first step. In the future, we have to learn how to best deal with this new kind of technology and that these conferences are only successful by strict discipline of every speaker. More successful were the three other Board meetings on March 6th in Düsseldorf, on October 2nd in Frankfurt and yesterday in Barcelona. Updates on our activities can always be found in the minutes of the meeting. All members have access to the minutes via the members section on the EFFS website. Well, before I go on with my report, I want to take this opportunity to say “thank you” to all Board members for their engagement in the last year. In my view, we were a good and very effective team with a lot of interesting ideas for the future. Also I want to say thank you to our office in Düsseldorf with Anke Teraa und Dr. Rolf Lichtner. In all the years I have been a member of the EFFS board, I have never seen such effective office work. Anke and Rolf, you are doing a perfect job. Our strategy paper that we showed you all last year in Vienna is keeping us busy. Our biggest challenge remains European repatriation. We have been working very hard to increase awareness on this topic in Brussels as well as taking advantage of any opportunity arising to continue to move forward on this, but we have to admit to ourselves that we were not very successful in the way we planned our activities. We are confident that this will change the next year. We will give you more details later today under point 12 of the agenda. How important repatriation services are outside the borders of Europe, you will also hear later today from our guest speaker, Mr. Marc Poirier (1st Vice President of FIAT_IFTA) from Canada, to whom I would like to extend a special welcome and and express my gratitude for travelling across the big pond to be with us today. Tomorrow the entire afternoon is dedicated to this subject and we are sure you will find this very interesting. Dr. Rolf Lichtner, our Executive Director, will also be one of the many speakers at tomorrow’s seminar. Our Board has been working hard at improving communication with our members and with other associations and friends in the funeral sector, not only in Europe but across continents as well. We are very happy to report that a representative from the EFFS has attended all major European exhibitions this past year. Also, Furthermore, our Vice President, Eduardo Vidal, represented the EFFS at ALPAR’s 25th anniversary conference in September in Bolivia and I as President visited the great exhibition in Valencia in Spain in May. Dr. Lichtner was a presenter at the 3rd International Funeral Conference in Istanbul also in May this year. Our work on marketing material that can be used at exhibitions continues in full force. Furthermore, our website continues to improve and is well managed by our office in Düsseldorf. To get your own impression, take a look at the website. As many of you know and have seen, we have created a bi-annual „Activities Report“ with the first one being published in July 2013. Look out for our next report in January 2014. Our working committees have also been working hard and the chairman of each working committee will report later on today on their activities. Due to the announcement of upcoming legislative changes with the regard to the use of formaldehyde, we have intensified our activities with the responsible European Commissioners in Brussels and with the support of our expert Adrian Haler - he knows everything on this issue - as well as from all members of the EFFS, our goal is to have an exception made for the funeral sector (as is the case for the medical sector) for using formaldehyde. We also had news on a new product on the market and will hear more about this later on as well. So as you can see, we have been very busy this past year and this will continue in 2014. Last but not least, I would like to welcome all of our new members here today, as well as the guest visitors and observers from the international press. I would also like to extend a very special “thank you“ to our friend Jean Neveu from France, who has decided to go into his well-earned retirement after Barcelona. Jean, as a founding member of the EFFS, has been a great support to us for many decades and for this, on behalf of all of us here, I thank you sincerely. Well that’s my report for the year and now I wish all of us two extremely interesting days in Barcelona and again thank you to our Vice President Eduardo Vidal and his Memora team for organizing everything in such a perfect way. Claus-Dieter Wulf President of the EFFS Barcelona, the 28th of November 2013 Profit and loss Plan 2014 Forecast 2013 Revenues: Membership fees 67.000,00 66.000,00 Expenditures: Office expenses Printing and electronic matters (1) Lobbying,Legal & consultation (2) Translations(3) Meeting expenditures(4) Membership fees Bank fees Travel expenditures (5) Miscellaneous expenses(6) Expenditures homepage Sum of expenditures 22.500,00 5.000,00 8.000,00 3.000,00 10.000,00 1.200,00 500,00 10.000,00 4.000,00 2.000,00 66.200,00 22.500,00 5.000,00 3.000,00 2.000,00 19.500,00 1.200,00 500,00 5.000,00 2.500,00 1.000,00 62.200,00 EBIT 800,00 Interest income Interest expenses Financial result PROFIT/LOSS Plan 2013 48.500,00 Ist 2012 Plan 2012 Ist 2011 65.771,81 53.104,00 39.610,15 22.500,00 5.000,00 1.500,00 1.000,00 14.400,00 1.200,00 700,00 0,00 1.000,00 1.000,00 48.300,00 30.000,00 1.455,38 1.000,00 1.572,60 1.344,52 1.200,00 344,34 0,00 41,60 892,52 37.850,96 22.500,00 0,00 1.500,00 1.000,00 20.000,00 1.200,00 700,00 0,00 1.000,00 1.000,00 47.900,00 12.400,00 0,00 1.322,92 1.200,00 430,21 0,00 0,00 11.186,00 26.539,13 3.800,00 200,00 28.400,59 5.204,00 13.071,02 500,00 200,00 300,00 500,00 200,00 300,00 500,00 200,00 300,00 479,74 119,95 359,79 600,00 200,00 400,00 424,01 106,00 318,01 1.100,00 4.100,00 500,00 28.280,64 5.604,00 13.389,03 (1) Promotional material, roll-ups (2) Brussels affairs, study embalming (Rambousek; BM 6.3.2013) (3) Brussels (4) GA Barcelona (BM 6.3.2013), Board meetings, video conferencing; perhaps GA 2014 in case of special decision? (5) Brussels, Auditors (6) European Funeral Icon (Peusen; BM 6.3.2013) EFFS Report on the activity of Cemetery Working Committee Barcelona - November 29, 2013 Topics 1) Recommendations on Area of cemetery respect ---> Daniele FOGLI 2) Effects of the economic crises on the preferences about burial ---> Paulo CARREIRA 3) The ecological burial ---> Christopher HENLEY 4) Funeral arrangements and practices in Spain ---> Gabino ABANADES GUERRERO Area of cemetery respect Collection of information Researches and studies Norms or Guidelines 3 phenomena Cemetery urbanization Before the cemeteries were far away from the development of the city. Now are often encapsulated in it Transformation of the prevalent kinds of burial In many European Countries the burial in ground – considered in the past the main cause of possible groundwater pollution near the cemetery – is in sharp decline Instead grows quickly cremation (near 40% in EU) with large variations from Country to Country. And several southern European Countries have a large number of burial in niches, tombs, etc. Recent need of positioning cemetery technological plants (crematoria) is contrasted, sometimes, by inhabitants surrounding the place of settlement for the known NIMBY phenomenon, in this case mainly caused by psychological effects induced by the view of chimney and fumes Risks to the environment The risks to the environment for the presence of a cemetery are always lower Guidelines from different countries converge on this statement and the cemetery area of respect, from the point of view of health and hygiene can be reduced UK, Scottish EPA, France Norms, and others Countries, but also the WHO regional office for Europe limit the possible effects of pollutants to limited areas of the surroundings cemetery CWC recommandation CWC have identified 6 recommendations to be taken into account in the drafting of rules in this matter CWC proposes to the EFFS Board, in march next year, to approve the recommendations and spread them among the members In addition EFFS should propose these recommendations in the EU so that the various Countries converge on these guidelines Cemetery: synthetic recommandation Minimum size area respect: 50 meters then burial in ground. With burial in niches 25 meters Minimum distance from watercourse: 30 meters Coffin: minimum half meter from the re-climbing level of groundwater layer of land not less than one meter betwen top of the coffin and the ground level promote the collection of rainwater to be destined to watering or to a non-potable consumption within the cemetery Crematoria We not have new recommendations for respect area of an crematoria because we agree with the proposals already contained in the White Paper for crematoria prepared by ECN and already presented to the EU. Effects of the economic crisis on burial choices Rua do Entreposto Industrial, nº 8 – 2º Esq | Alfragide - 2610-135 AMADORA Tel: +351 21 470 64 20 - Fax: +351 21 470 64 99 | E-mail: 1 Contents 1 Introduction................................................................................................................................ 3 2. Survey ........................................................................................................................................ 4 2.1. The survey .......................................................................................................................... 4 2.2 Survey results ...................................................................................................................... 8 2.3 Considerations about the survey results:.......................................................................... 13 3. GDP Correlation to Cremation Rate ........................................................................................ 14 3.1 Overview ........................................................................................................................... 14 3.2 GDP vs. Cremation Rate Charts ......................................................................................... 14 3.3 Considerations................................................................................................................. 177 4. Final Considerations .............................................................................................................. 188 Rua do Entreposto Industrial, nº 8 – 2º Esq | Alfragide - 2610-135 AMADORA Tel: +351 21 470 64 20 - Fax: +351 21 470 64 99 | E-mail: 2 1 Introduction As decided by the European Federation of Funeral Services - Cemetery Working Committee, the APPSF (Portuguese Association for the Funeral Activity, Portuguese national member of EFFS) sought to determine the causes underlying current trends regarding growth in cremation and their potential relation to the present economic crisis. Therefore, we contacted directly the most relevant Funeral Directors from several European countries and invited them to participate in this survey on the effect of the economic crisis in burial choices. We also tried to find any statistical evidence suggesting the existence of a correlation between a country’s economic performance (based on data regarding GDP growth rates available from the World Bank) and the evolution of cremation rates during the same period. Although the final results fell somewhat short of our expectations, both due to lower than expected survey participation rates and difficulties obtaining reliable data on cremation in European countries, we still feel they are worth sharing and possibly building upon. As to the difficulties we met, we hope to overcome them in future studies. We would like to thank all those who contributed to this effort. Rua do Entreposto Industrial, nº 8 – 2º Esq | Alfragide - 2610-135 AMADORA Tel: +351 21 470 64 20 - Fax: +351 21 470 64 99 | E-mail: 3 2. Survey 2.1. The survey Rua do Entreposto Industrial, nº 8 – 2º Esq | Alfragide - 2610-135 AMADORA Tel: +351 21 470 64 20 - Fax: +351 21 470 64 99 | E-mail: 4 Rua do Entreposto Industrial, nº 8 – 2º Esq | Alfragide - 2610-135 AMADORA Tel: +351 21 470 64 20 - Fax: +351 21 470 64 99 | E-mail: 5 Rua do Entreposto Industrial, nº 8 – 2º Esq | Alfragide - 2610-135 AMADORA Tel: +351 21 470 64 20 - Fax: +351 21 470 64 99 | E-mail: 6 Rua do Entreposto Industrial, nº 8 – 2º Esq | Alfragide - 2610-135 AMADORA Tel: +351 21 470 64 20 - Fax: +351 21 470 64 99 | E-mail: 7 2.2 Survey results 1-Number of deaths in your country per year Country Number of deaths Average funeral price Belgium 50.000 to 100.000 Over 4000€ Croatia 50.000 to 100.000 1000€ to 2000€ Cyprus Under 50.000 1000€ to 2000€ Czech Republic 100.000 to 300.000 1000€ to 2000€ France Over 300.000 2000€ to 4000€ Hungary 100.000 to 300.000 1000€ to 2000€ Italy Over 300.000 2000€ to 4000€ Netherlands 50.000 to 100.000 Over 4000€ Poland Over 300.000 1000€ to 2000€ Portugal 100.000 to 300.000 1000€ to 2000€ Slovenia Under 50.000 1000€ to 2000€ Spain Over 300.000 2000€ to 4000€ Sweden 50.000 to 100.000 2000€ to 4000€ Turkey Over 300.000 1000€ to 2000€ UK Over 300.000 2000€ to 4000€ 2. Funerals per year performed by your company 3 - Average price per funeral in your country 13% 42,1% 100 - 1000 1000 - 2000 52,6% Over 4000 € 53% 33% Over 2000 2000 - 4000 € 1000- 2000 € 5,3% Rua do Entreposto Industrial, nº 8 – 2º Esq | Alfragide - 2610-135 AMADORA Tel: +351 21 470 64 20 - Fax: +351 21 470 64 99 | E-mail: 8 4. Average price for a funeral service performed by your company 35% 20% Over 4000 € 2000 - 4000 € 45% 1000- 2000 € 5. The average price has been affected by the economic crisis? 5.1. If you answered the previous question with "Decreased", how much ? Remained constant increased 40,0% 53,3% 20% 100 - 500 € 500 - 1000 € Over 1000 € 80% Decreased 6,7% 5.2. If you answered the previous question with "Increased", how much ? 100 - 500 € 500 - 1000 € Over 1000 € 5.3. What are the products and services that clients avoid purchasing in order to lower the price of the Funeral Service? 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 00% 65% High end Coffins 10% 10% 10% Music Flowers Catering Rua do Entreposto Industrial, nº 8 – 2º Esq 15% Tribute | Alfragide - 2610-135 AMADORA Tel: +351 21 470 64 20 - Fax: +351 21 470 64 99 | E-mail: 9 6. Did you notice changes in the pattern of services purchased by customers as a result of the economic crisis? 45% 40% 40% 35% 30% 30% 25% 20% 15% 15% 15% 10% 05% 00% None Cremation for Burial 7. Are funerals subsidized by the state and/or another entity? Burial for Cremation Mausoleum for Burial or Cremation 7.1. If funerals are subsidised, how much is the reimbursement? 100 - 500 € 17% Yes 40% 50% No 60% 500 - 1000 € 33% Over 1000 € 7.2. Have the subsidies been affected by the economic crisis? Remained constant 50% 50% Increased Decreased Rua do Entreposto Industrial, nº 8 – 2º Esq | Alfragide - 2610-135 AMADORA Tel: +351 21 470 64 20 - Fax: +351 21 470 64 99 | E-mail: 10 8. Is there some other system associated with funeral services, such as insurance, pre-need or others ? 8.1. If yes,how much is the reimbursement? Under 2000 € 25% 40% No 60% 2000 € - 4000 € Yes 75% Over 4000 € 8.2. Have reimbursements been affected by the economic crisis? Remained constant 25% Increased 50% 25% Decreased 9. If funeral services pay VAT in your country, what's the rate(%) ? 0% Rate 1% Rate 5% Rate 6% Rate 0% Rate; 27% 8% Rate 9.5% Rate 15% Rate 6%, 12%, 25% Rates 10% for transport 20% for the rest 21% Rate 25% Rate 27% Rate Rua do Entreposto Industrial, nº 8 – 2º Esq | Alfragide - 2610-135 AMADORA Tel: +351 21 470 64 20 - Fax: +351 21 470 64 99 | E-mail: 11 9.1. If the VAT rate for funerals was altered in the course of the last 2 years, how much did it change? 20% 20% 1% Change 2% Change 3% Change 10% Change 20% 20% 13% Change 20% 10. Among the effects of the economic crisis, which of the following do you think have had the greatest impact on funeral activities ? 60% 50% 52,6% 47,4% 40% 31,6% 30% 20% 10% 5,3% 0,0% 0,0% 00% Tax rate changes Fuel price variation Energy price variation Telecom price variation Price variation for products and services Rua do Entreposto Industrial, nº 8 – 2º Esq Other transportation costs | Alfragide - 2610-135 AMADORA Tel: +351 21 470 64 20 - Fax: +351 21 470 64 99 | E-mail: 12 2.3 Considerations about the survey results: When we look at the results of question 5, it becomes clear that the operators feel market prices have stagnated (53.3%) or are in decline (40%). The same negative outlook is shown in questions 5.1 and 5.2, where the few operators who stated prices had increased (6.7%) included the respective increase in the lowest bracket, while 20% of those who stated prices had decreased (40% out of total) included that decrease in the second highest bracket (500€ to 1000€). In as far as regards question 5.3, it is worth noting that more and more customers are choosing lower-end over high-end caskets (65%), which is possibly related to the economic crisis. It should also be noted that many operators (50%) in countries with state funeral subsidies are reporting a decrease in the amount reimbursed by the state. As regards question 6, it is worth pointing out the fact that cremation seems to be increasingly popular in terms of burial preferences, with most operators reporting a change in burial patterns that suggests a shift from inhumation, as customers were three times more likely to change from inhumation to cremation (up to 45%) than from cremation/mausoleum to inhumation (15%). This could be related to the economic situation, with families choosing cremation in order to save money. Question 9 reveals a large disparity between VAT rates for funerals between different European countries, which clearly shows that there is no tax harmonisation in Europe in this sector. Increasing tax rates are also the second biggest complaint among the operators that answered question 10 (47.4%), surpassed only by fuel prices (52.6%). In general terms, this survey seems to indicate that the funeral sector in Europe is feeling the effects of the economic crisis. Customers are more and more interested in saving money and industry practices are consequently changing. Some of the effects of these changes are the increase in cremation rates, a widely reported (65%) lower demand for high-end caskets and a general (80% of responses) decrease in funeral prices. It is also interesting to note that the leading European countries in terms of funeral prices are The Netherlands and Belgium, where reported average prices were equal or superior to 4000 €. Rua do Entreposto Industrial, nº 8 – 2º Esq | Alfragide - 2610-135 AMADORA Tel: +351 21 470 64 20 - Fax: +351 21 470 64 99 | E-mail: 13 3. GDP Correlation to Cremation Rate 3.1 Overview We set out to assess whether economic performance influences cremation rates. Since cremation can be seen as a possibly, less expensive alternative to other means of burial, it is possible that cremation rates increase in periods of economic downturn. In order to explore this possibility, we decided to correlate the GDP growth rates of some European countries (as available at the World Bank’s website) with the cremation rates in those countries. 3.2 GDP vs. Cremation Rate Charts 12 11,2 10 8 Portugal 8,7 8,3 6 Cremation Rate (%) 4 2 GDP growth rate (%) 1,9 0 -2 2010 2011-1,6 2012 -3,2 -4 Picture 1 80 70 73,41 73,13 74,47 74,28 United Kingdom 60 50 40 Cremation Rate (%) 30 GDP growth rate (%) 20 10 0 -10 2 2009-4 2010 1 2011 0 2012 Picture 2 Rua do Entreposto Industrial, nº 8 – 2º Esq | Alfragide - 2610-135 AMADORA Tel: +351 21 470 64 20 - Fax: +351 21 470 64 99 | E-mail: 14 35 30 29 32,6 32,15 30,1 France 25 20 Cremation Rate (%) 15 GDP growth rate (%) 10 5 2 0 -5 2009-3 2 2010 0 2012 2011 Picture 3 40 35 30 30,8 31,9 32,5 33,2 34,6 Spain 25 20 Cremation Rate (%) 15 GDP growth rate (%) 10 5 0 -5 1 2008 0 2010 2009-4 0 2011 -1 2012 -10 Picture 4 20 15 10 10,9 12,2 13,3 14,9 16,6 Italy Cremation Rate (%) 5 GDP growth rate (%) 0 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 -5 -10 Picture 5 Rua do Entreposto Industrial, nº 8 – 2º Esq | Alfragide - 2610-135 AMADORA Tel: +351 21 470 64 20 - Fax: +351 21 470 64 99 | E-mail: 15 8 5,68 6 3,82 3,6 4 2 Cremation rate variation vs Net GDP growth 2,9 1 Var GDP (%) 0,87 Var Crate (%) 0 Fr Uk -1 -2 Pt Es Linear (Var GDP (%)) It Linear (Var Crate (%)) -2,9 -4 -4 -6 -6 -8 Picture 6 8 5,68 6 3,82 4 2 Cremation rate variation vs Net GDP growth (Excluding France) 2,9 Var GDP (%) 0,87 Var Crate (%) 0 -2 -4 Uk -1 Pt Es It -2,9 -4 Linear (Var GDP (%)) Linear (Var Crate (%)) -6 -6 -8 Picture 7 Rua do Entreposto Industrial, nº 8 – 2º Esq | Alfragide - 2610-135 AMADORA Tel: +351 21 470 64 20 - Fax: +351 21 470 64 99 | E-mail: 16 3.3 Considerations In the case of Portugal (Picture 1) there seems to be an obvious relationship between economic growth and cremation growth rates, but we have to keep in mind that not only is the data series short (only three years), but also there was a large increase in the availability of cremation facilities during this time period. In France (Picture 2), despite an increase in cremation rates we could not find a clear relationship between GDP growth and cremation rates, but we are also looking at a short data series. In the UK (Picture 3), cremation is traditionally a very established and popular burial choice (over 70% of total), and it is therefore of no surprise that no significant cremation rate fluctuations occurred during this time period. It is expectable that cremation rates will fluctuate less in more mature markets - such as France or England - where cremation has been a popular burial choice for a long time, than in markets where cremation was historically a marginal option and is now becoming more popular, as is the case of Portugal. The French and English economies have also suffered less of an impact from the crisis than Portugal, making any potential economic impact on cremation rates less apparent. The chart for Spain and Italy present an evolution somewhat similar to the Portuguese although less pronounced, probably because cremation is a more established burial practice and facilities have been available for a long time. In order for this study to be more conclusive, it would be important to obtain additional country data, preferably, longer series. The last chart (Picture 6), shows the relationship between the total GDP growth for a given period (sum of yearly GDP growth rates) and the variation between the earlier cremation rate and the latest, in the case of Portugal it would be: (GDP growth rates 2010+2011+2012= -2.9%) vs (Cremation rate for 2012Cremation rate for 2010= + 2.9%). The results were interesting to say the least, as apart from France (possibly because it was the only of the four to have positive GDP growth in this period), an almost linear relationship between the two indexes appears to exist (especially in the case of Portugal, where there is a perfect symmetry between the values). Due to the small size of the sample it could be a mere coincidence, but as more data is made available it will be possible to draw additional conclusions. Rua do Entreposto Industrial, nº 8 – 2º Esq | Alfragide - 2610-135 AMADORA Tel: +351 21 470 64 20 - Fax: +351 21 470 64 99 | E-mail: 17 4. Final Considerations The survey allowed us to identify a clear trend for lower or stagnant funeral prices, as customers seek to reduce costs - possibly as consequence of the need to cope with the economic crisis. The increasingly popular option for cremation and the lower demand for high-end caskets are likely to be consequences of economic constraints. In countries where the State subsidises funerals, those subsidies are being reduced also due to the economic crisis. Rising tax rates and fuel prices combined with diminishing revenues seem to pose a challenge for many operators. The market also seems to be undergoing changes due to the economic crisis, as 60% of operators reported changes in the pattern of burial choices. In short, the lack of reliable data did not allow us to confirm a definitive correlation between growth in GDP and cremation rates. However, the chart for Portugal (Picture 1) seems to suggest there is indeed such a correlation. Additional data on countries with similar cultural and economic conditions would be useful in order to take this study further. Rua do Entreposto Industrial, nº 8 – 2º Esq | Alfragide - 2610-135 AMADORA Tel: +351 21 470 64 20 - Fax: +351 21 470 64 99 | E-mail: 18 EUROPEAN EDUCATION COMPARISON CHART‐ 2013 EMPLOYEES: PALLBEARERS, STRETCHER BEARER, GRAVE DIGGERS, LEVEL1: AUSTRIA ITEM 1. LAW AND REGULATION 2. FUNERAL PROCESS KNOWLEDGE AND CEMETERY WORK CONTENT DETAILS ON‐SITE ONLINE BLENDED Cyprus The Czech Republic Denmark Finland HOURS HOURS HOURS HOURS Professional and Police Regulation . Hygene and safety CREMATION TECHNICIAN . Psichology (mourning) .Labour and safety Germany France HOURS 4 8 4 8 HOURS HOURS 10 3 GREAT BRITAIN ON‐SITE ONLINE ONLINE BLENDED Norway The Netherlands Poland Portugal Spain Sweden HOURS HOURS HOURS HOURS HOURS HOURS 4 10 50 12 4 8 8 5 25 2 6 8 8 8 5 4 25 75 2 2 125 2 4 4. MARKETING 5. FINANCE 6. MANAGEMENT 4 NONE NONE NONE NONE Exercises and practical cases 8 NONE YES 3 80 HOURS 28 NONE EFFS PROPOSAL ON‐SITE 3. CONSERVING METHODS (TANATOPAXY, CONSERVATION, TANATOAESTHETICS..) EXAM AND PRACTICAL EXPERIENCE ITALY BLENDED 8 40 NONE NONE NONE X (NO PRACTISE) NONE MINIMUM MAXIMUM 6 3 3 100 2 8 KNOWLEDGE CONTROL PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE TOTAL DURATION OF TRAINNING DIPLOMA DELIVERED 88 16 TYPE OF TRAINING (COMPULSORY, ON WILL) 24 400 32 12 24 COMPULSORY Certificate on Funeral service Operatives &Assistant NO HOSTESSES AND MASTERS OF CEREMONY LEVEL2 (A): AUSTRIA ITEM 1. LAW AND REGULATION CONTENT DETAILS ON‐SITE ONLINE BLENDED Cyprus The Czech Republic Denmark Finland HOURS HOURS HOURS HOURS Professional and Police Regulation & Hygene and Safety regulations Germany FRANCE LEVEL 2 (A1) HOSTESSES LEVEL 2 (A2)MASTER OF CEREMONY ITALY BLENDED ON‐SITE ONLINE BLENDED Norway The Netherlands Poland Portugal Spain Sweden HOURS HOURS HOURS HOURS HOURS HOURS 4 3 12 4 4 NONE NONE NONE NONE 8 NONE 24 28 4 4 4 NONE MAXIMUM 12 16 4 8 2 MINIMUM 2 8 6 NONE 8 2 NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE 2 2 2 8 16 2 TOTAL DURATION OF TRAINNING TYPE OF TRAINING (COMPULSORY, ON WILL) DIPLOMA DELIVERED ONLINE 8 .Psichology (mourning) .Protocol, funeral practise and communication . Behavious and Welcome of the family .Administration practise 3. CONSERVING METHODS (TANATOPAXY, CONSERVATION, TANATOAESTHETICS..) 4. MARKETING 5. FINANCE 6. MANAGEMENT EXAM AND PRACTICAL EXPERIENCE KNOWLEDGE CONTROL PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE ON‐SITE 6 . Hygene and safety 2. FUNERAL PROCESS KNOWLEDGE AND CEMETERY WORK GREAT BRITAIN EFFS PROPOSAL HOURS Certificate on Funeral service Operatives &Assistant 48 40 ONLINE on will COMPULSORY yes 140H (BLENDED ONSITE AND ONLINE) COMPULSORY NATIONAL DIPLOMA 52 38 52 74 ADVISORS/ASSISTANTS LEVEL2 (B): AUSTRIA ITEM CONTENT DETAILS ON‐SITE ONLINE BLENDED Cyprus The Czech Republic Denmark Finland HOURS HOURS HOURS HOURS FRANCE HOURS GREAT BRITAIN Germany HOURS HOURS ON‐SITE ONLINE 1. LAW AND REGULATION 2. FUNERAL PROCESS KNOWLEDGE AND CEMETERY WORK ITALY BLENDED ON‐SITE ONLINE BLENDED Norway The Netherlands Poland Portugal Spain Sweden HOURS HOURS HOURS HOURS HOURS HOURS NONE NONE 8 . Hygene and safety 8 .Psichology (mourning) .Protocol, funeral practise and communication . Behaviours and Welcome of the family .Funeral products, services and regulations General Administrative knowledge (organisation and functionning of the institutions) 8 25 100 4 100 16 50 14 NONE NONE NONE 4. MARKETING 5. FINANCE 6. MANAGEMENT EXAM AND PRACTICAL EXPERIENCE KNOWLEDGE CONTROL PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE special training for EMBALMER NONE NONE special training for thanatopractician (national diploma) 150 NONE 4 NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE 8 8 40 300 HOURS 126 70H ONSITE+140 ONLINE TYPE OF TRAINING (COMPULSORY, ON WILL) DIPLOMA DELIVERED 125 25 25 75 100 EMBLAMING EXAM TOTAL DURATION OF TRAINNING MAXIMUM 100 8 NONE 3. CONSERVING METHODS (TANATOPAXY, CONSERVATION, TANATOAESTHETICS..) EFFS PROPOSAL MINIMUM 50 925 COMPULSORY NATIONAL DIPLOMA FUNERAL DIRECTOR LEVEL 3: AUSTRIA ITEM 1. LAW AND REGULATION 2. FUNERAL PROCESS KNOWLEDGE AND CEMETERY WORK CONTENT DETAILS 6. MANAGEMENT EXAM AND PRACTICAL EXPERIENCE KNOWLEDGE CONTROL PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE TOTAL DURATION OF TRAINNING BLENDED Cyprus The Czech Republic Denmark Finland HOURS HOURS HOURS HOURS FRANCE HOURS GREAT BRITAIN Germany HOURS HOURS ON‐SITE 14 . Knowledge for funeral practises 25 . Protocol, Rituals ceremonies, music 2 . Composition . Description of positions&duties .Toilets&preparation of bodies .Decoration &Flower display . Fitting of ordinary and hermetic coffins .Knowledge of raw materiales (stones, marbles, wood, coffins and other funeral products) .Grave digging .Interview with families for organisation of funerals .Hygene and safety rules .Psychology of mourning .General courses on embalming .Preneed .Advice for families .Children funerals .Repatriation of bodies .Exhumation 4 2 12 8 8 8 24 8 4 6 3 16 8 Health Regulation Team management 5. FINANCE ONLINE . Professional and Police Regulation . Procedures for death certificate .Capability in spelling and writing /General Adminsitrative knowledge 3. CONSERVING METHODS (TANATOPAXY, CONSERVATION, TANATOAESTHETICS..) 4. MARKETING ON‐SITE seperate education .Economic and Legal Basis, Accounting and Advertising Management Basis Buying and Selling, bank and insuranse (accounting, law, competence) .Exercises and practical cases .80 hours practise in a funeral firm . Written and oral exam .17 compulsory cases . 8reports 2 years ins a fuenral firm and at leat 25 funeral arrangements 35 14 ONLINE 15 ITALY BLENDED Norway The Netherlands Poland Portugal Spain Sweden HOURS HOURS HOURS HOURS HOURS ON‐SITE 8 2 125 18 16 2 50 4 8 2 50 8 16 MAXIMUM 12 40 50 2 8 4 5 23 16 2 100 8 8 4 hrs/18mths 8 2 2 50 25 50 4 5 2 2 EFFS PROPOSAL MINIMUM 4 4 40 125 50 8 2 8 8 NONE 4 NONE NONE 8 4 4 20 2 248 70 NONE 2 NONE NONE 50 150 8 125 4 25 12 150 8 25 4 40 yes 12 24 8 20 35 NONE 25 100 4 206+ 4H/18M 8 20 8 2 X (NO PRACTISE) 6 100 8 16 yes 4 8 yes 526 80 hours 210 h FOR NATIONAL DIPLOMA + 42 H ON LEGAL AND SOCIAL MANAGEMENT 160 16 206 TYPE OF TRAINING (COMPULSORY, ON WILL) DIPLOMA DELIVERED ONLINE HOURS BLENDED X 1275 64 84 233 EFFS TRAINING CENTRE What is EFFS -TC ? The training centre is a platform to access an international training program amongst EFFS member countries. It could consist on short trips to guest centres which are members of EFFS with a set schedule and also an online platform with educational contents and funeral sector courses. EFFS -TC program provides an educational experience for funeral professionals to connect with each other EFFS members so that during a given period members have the opportunity to know the institutions, procedures , best practices, realities , products etc… the guest country and to forge personal and professional ties between members. It is also an opportunity to have a common platform to concentrate knowledge and education at a European level from our sector. Program Objectives Language Practice Knowledge of the institutions, procedures, best practices, realities … of the guest country in a simple and guarantees and commitment to quality of the content. Knowledge of new products / services that we can apply to their own businesses Build personal and professional ties between members. Development of personal and professional skills. Impact of learning on the integral career upon returning to his post, wide knowledge and fosters a creative approach to problem solving. Understanding international sector Eligibility of the student Being employee / owner of a company in the sector, which is a member of the EFFS or member of the National Member Association of EFFS. The member must be current in payment of dues EFFS. Advanced English level. The application for the program must be approved by the approval committee. Aspects to comment on: Spouses or descendants of employees can apply? Is it only for active employees? Would there be exchange within the same country? Individual or group programs? If it is in groups of 4-6 people should be defined by type of applicant: Level 1, level2, level 3 . (see education chart for levels) Programme Period 2 weeks visit + Online content 2 weeks prior to visit Liabilities THE STUDENTS Dedicate x full days to the program set previously guest country and the EFFS. Make a report in a particular format of learning and experience for EFFS. After the program the student may also prepare a report to its company and even do a presentation on what they learned to other colleagues within the company to spread knowledge. GUEST CENTRES Designing a training program approved by the EFFS (Content Approval Committee ). They may choose local suppliers guest centre to give presentations to students about new products as part of the program. The contents should be related to the level of the student in order to be profitable for his work (level 1, 2, 3 ) - see European Education Comparison Chart. Online Platform Content provided by member countries on all types of material, legislation, customs procedures or content of courses taught in national associations. Contents from FUSEMBA. Online Courses from approved funeral training suppliers. Banners (sponsors) Articles on activities / events / trainings member countries Space on EFFS Training Program (Program informational brochure, request template program access, countries and institutions participating in the program , reports from past students, calendar ) . Links to sites / blogs of interest (funeral sector) Connected to social and professional networks Aspects to comment on: We could search for a “design” partner for the online platform and a "Knowledge" partner, a training institution such a university with online platform to help us with the development of the project. The online platform can be developed as a separate website or a website within a link at EFFS website inside the members section. EFFS Structure for the Project COMMITTEE FOR THE APPROVAL OF APPLICATIONS FROM STUDENT AND GUEST CENTRES The committee approves applications from student and guest centres Committee formed by: • A representative from the Board of Management • A member of the Education Committee • The Coordinator of the program. The committee may be advised by the national member of the requesting country COMMITTEE FOR THE APPROVAL OF CONTENTS The Content Approval Committee shall approve both the contents of the guest country programs and the contents of the web platform and the content of the courses offered in it. Committee formed by: • The manager of the Platform Online • A member of the Education Committee • The Coordinator of the program. PROGRAM COORDINATOR Together with the Board of Management should monitor requests for access to the program. As well as: Manage, approve and monitor the selected guest centres. Monitor the contents of the guest centre programmes. Monitoring of ongoing programs and post- program monitoring Be the liaison between the guest centre, the company of the student, the student and the EFFS. Help resolve incidents that may happen in the course of the program with a student. Assist the platform manager on on-line content. ON- LINE PLATFORM MANAGER Responsible for updating the content (along with the program coordinator and the education committee). It will also be responsible for contacting suppliers from different countries that offer online courses in multiple languages, in order to offer them through the online platform to all members of the EFFS and with selected content. The online platform manager will also be the community manager of the platform and will position the EFFS website, the program and the platform in search engines and social networks. The platform manager will be responsible for coordinating responses to requests made through the "contact" or "application" section of the website. Aspects to comment on: Conditions offered for the courses? Programme Costs TRIP TO GUEST CENTRE ACCOMODATION EXPENSES TRANSPORT EXPENSES MEALS OTHER EXPENSES STUDENT COMPANY/ OR STUDENT STUDENT COMPANY/ OR STUDENT STUDENT COMPANY/ OR STUDENT GUEST CENTRE? ? Aspects to comment on: EFFS pays some expenses? Sponsoring from suppliers? Financing from student’s companies/associations? Grants? local/ national/ European? Project Requirements This European project requires the commitment of the Board of Management and members EFFS in order to succeed. One Icon for Funeral Homes The search for one icon used on the internet or in traffic or anywhere else for funeral homes March: assignment to investigate existing icons October: assignment to formulate the criteria for the new icon Yesterday: New assignment for the jury: Guillaume, Paulo, Frank Join the contest! Contest for everyone: all design schools and designers and everyone who wants to participate Prize: € 2500, Jury will propose the designs that meet the criteria to the board for final selection of the winner All rights will be owned by EFFS What will the jury do? Create one document with all the info and send it out to all members: promote this contest Safeguard the time schedule: one year! Manage the process of the contest Manage the PR of the contest and its winner and the funeral icon. What can you do? Help us to spread the word all over Europe Forward it to designers and design schools Put it in your magazines and publications Tell your members We will supply you with the needed info Support the usage of the winning icon JORNADAS CONSULARES “Repatriation in Europe” Barcelona, 29 de noviembre de 2013 Llotja de Mar Repatriation in Europe ‐ from the funeral sector point of view ‐ Dr. Rolf Lichtner EFFS Executive Director Current Situation • Multilateral agreements – International Agreement for the transport of corpses of 10.2.1937, so‐called Berlin Agreement – European Agreement (Agreement on the Transfer of Corpses) of 11.11.1975, so‐called Strasbourg Agreement • Contract regulations by IATA for flight transport of deceased • EN 15017 Funeral Services • Bilateral agreements between national associations in the funeral sector Dr. Rolf Lichtner Multilateral Agreements (1) Berlin Agreement Strasbourg Agreement Egypt Romania Belgium Switzerland Belgium Switzerland Greece Turkey Germany Czech Iceland Cyprus Luxembourg Finland The Netherlands France Norway Latvia France Republic Italy Slovakia Mexico Turkey Austria, Slovakia Austria Zaire Portugal Slovenia Sweden Spain Portugal blue coloured= EU member Italics = signee of both agreements Dr. Rolf Lichtner Multilateral Agreements (2) Berlin Agreement • Transfer of corpses, no ashes • Documentation • Certain regulations for transport by rail, air, sea or motor vehicle • Certain requirements for coffins • Exception for „near border transport“ (30 km each side) Dr. Rolf Lichtner Strasbourg Agreement • Transfer of corpses, no ashes • documentation (laissez‐ passer for a corpse) • Certain requirements with alternative for the coffin EN 15017 Funeral Services (1) • Standard for funeral services since 2005 • In 3.5: Recommendation and description of „state of the art“ for removal/transport of deceased • Conditions for international and national/European transport differ Dr. Rolf Lichtner EN 15017 Funeral Services (2) Transport of deceased International Transport • Hermetically sealed container; and/or • Embalming/thanatopractical treatment; and/or • Refrigeration. In the case of refrigeration, the temperature inside the container shall at no time exceed 8°C during transport. Dr. Rolf Lichtner National/European Transport Deceased person has to be transported in a coffin/casket; • Inner lining and/or the outer cover of the coffin/casket must meet necessary sanitary requirements. • EN 15017 Funeral Services (3) Transport of cremated remains • When cremated remains are being transported, whether it be by post, courier, or any other means, they should be secured in a suitable container for such purpose, which should clearly identify the contents and be accompanied by any necessary statutory documentation needed from the country from which they emanate and their ultimate destination. Dr. Rolf Lichtner EU Parliament 2003 (1) • European Parliament resolution on the adoption of measures concerning the repatriation of mortal remains in 2003 • Points out that freedom of movement and residence is a fundamental right within the EU; • Considers that the repatriation of mortal remains without excessive cost or bureaucracy in the event of the death of a Community citizen in a country other than the one in which either burial or cremation is to take place, may be regarded as a corollary of the right of each EU citizen to move and reside freely within the territory of the Member States; • Considers the provisions of the Strasbourg Agreement; Dr. Rolf Lichtner EU Parliament 2003 (2) • Calls upon the Commission, in its capacity as guardian of the Treaties, to ascertain whether or not the above instrument of international law is compatible with Community law; • Calls furthermore upon the Commission to see that the standards and the procedures applied in the cross‐border transportation of corpses are harmonised throughout the EU and to endeavour to ensure that, as far as possible, Community citizens are treated in the same way as nationals in their home country; • Instructs its President to forward this resolution to the Council and Commission, and to the European Federation of Funeral Services. Dr. Rolf Lichtner EU Parliament 2003 ‐ 10 years later After numerous consultations and lobbying, visits in Brussels, contacts to the President of the EU‐Parliament, to parliamentarians of different Member States and to the Commission Nothing has happened up to now! Dr. Rolf Lichtner Goals • The EFFS proposed: • Binding regulation for repatriation of deceased citizens in Europe, according to the “state of the art” standard EN 15017 in a fast process • Political statement of the responsibility for deceased • Decrease of bureaucratical hurdles concerning repatriation Dr. Rolf Lichtner JORNADAS CONSULARES “Repatriation in Europe” Barcelona, 29 de noviembre de 2013 Llotja de Mar Thank you for your attention!