basketball, wrestling, bowling
basketball, wrestling, bowling
Winter Spor ts basketball, wrestlin g, bowling December 10, 2014 Supplement to: Buffalo Center Tribune, Kanawha Reporter, & The Leader Page 2 - Winter Sports, December 10, 2014 Go Cards! Teamwork is the key! Go Cards! Over 60 Years Experience! Kevin Paulsen, Terry Jass, Jim Finch Terry Jass, Manager Next to ALCO, 160 Hwy 18 E. Garner, IA 641-925-0960 450 State St. Garner 641-923-2645 1-855-925-0960 Table Of Contents Garner-Hayfield/Ventura Girls Basketball......................... 3 Garner-Hayfield/Ventura Boys Basketball.......................... 4 North Iowa Girls Basketball................................................ 5 North Iowa Boys Basketball................................................ 6 Season Schedules........................................................... 7-10 West Hancock Girls Basketball.......................................... 11 West Hancock Boys Basketball.......................................... 12 North Iowa Bowling........................................................... 13 Garner-Hayfield/Ventura Wrestling .................................. 14 Forest City (North Iowa) Wrestling .................................... 15 West Hancock Wrestling ................................................... 16 HAVE A GREAT SEASON! We Are Proud of Your DETERMINATION, DEDICATION, AND TEAMWORK! Iowa Mold Tooling Co., Inc. An Oshkosh Corporation Company W641-923-3711 >ÀiÀ>Þwi`É6iÌÕÀ>ÀÃ>ÃiÌL> Winter Sports, December 10, 2014 - Page 3 Front row L-R: Jillian Heitland, Mallory Johnson, Miranda Jackson, Emily Spilman, Tiara VanGerpen, Payton Bamrick, Ashlee Diaz Back Row L-R: Mackenzie Haag, Hannah Lau, Olivia Buseman, Grace Tusha, Sydney Younge, Mackenzie VanGerpen, Taryn Carolus (Rick Ermer photo) GHV Girls Prepare to Defend NIC Title With only two starters returning to the GHV girls’ basketball roster, veteran coach Matt Erpelding is well aware that earning a second consecutive North Iowa Conference title will require a great deal of hard work by his girls along with some lucky breaks along the way. This season’s version of the Cardinal squad has a tough act to follow. A year ago GHV got off to a shaky VWDUWGURSSLQJWZRRIWKHLUÀUVWWKUHH contests before heading into the holiday break at 4 – 3. The Cardinals then resumed their schedule on a mission, assembling a 15-game winning streak that spanned the entire month of January and didn’t end until a Class 3A reJLRQDOVHPLÀQDOORVVLQODWH)HEUXDU\ )RXU RI *+9·V WRS VL[ SOD\HUV IURP that team have been lost to graduation, meaning that some bench players from last year will be asked to step into major roles this season. Seniors Emily Spilman and Mackenzie Haag are the lone starters returning from last season’s squad. 6SLOPDQ ZDV D ÀUVWWHDP DOOFRQIHUence performer after averaging over nine points per game as a junior. Haag was named to the honorable mention 1,& URVWHU DIWHU DYHUDJLQJ RYHU ÀYH points per game in her junior season. )RUWXQDWHO\IRU(USHOGLQJWKHFXSboard is anything but bare as this seaVRQEHJLQV/RRNLQJWRÀOOWKHYDFDQ- FLHVDUHVL[UHJXODUVIURPODVWVHDVRQ WKDW DOO VDZ VLJQLÀFDQW SOD\LQJ WLPH ZKLOH HDUQLQJ YDOXDEOH H[SHULHQFH Sophomores Hannah Lau and Mackenzie Van Gerpen appear to provide valuable scoring potential as they avHUDJHG VL[ DQG IRXU SRLQWV SHU JDPH respectively. Senior forwards Grace Tusha and Sydney Young also played VLJQLÀFDQW PLQXWHV ODVW VHDVRQ ZLWK both girls averaging over three points per game. Senior guard Tiara Van Gerpen was a defensive dynamo for WKH&DUGVDVDMXQLRUDQGLVH[SHFWHG WRÀOODQLPSRUWDQWUROHLQWKH&DUGLQDO back court. Junior guard Payton Bamrick will also be competing for playLQJ WLPH ZKLOH VL[ QHZFRPHUV WR WKH roster hope to land a spot in the rotation. Juniors Taryn Carolus, Miranda Jackson, Olivia Buseman, Ashlee Diaz and Mallory Johnson along with IUHVKPDQ-LOOLDQ+HLWODQGDUHH[SHFWed to complete the varsity roster. (USHOGLQJQRWHGWKDWKHH[SHFWVKLV team to be strong on the defensive end RIWKHÁRRU´:HDUHUDWKHUTXLFNDQG have a couple very good on-ball deIHQGHUVWKDWVKRXOGFUHDWHDOLWWOHGLIÀculty for our opponents. We also have pretty good size in our rotation that ZLOOKHOSXVRQERWKHQGVRIWKHÁRRUµ Erpelding, who is beginning his third season as GHV’s head coach, has concerns about replacing his leading three-point shooters that have VLQFHPRYHGRQ´:HQHHGVRPHJLUOV to step up and prove they can consistently knock down some perimeter VKRWV:HZLOODOVRQHHGWRÀQGVRPHRQHWRÀOOWKHEDFNXSSRLQWJXDUGSRsition. We have several girls who are capable of doing that but they have YHU\OLWWOHYDUVLW\H[SHULHQFHDQGZLOO QHHGWRGLVSOD\WKHFRQÀGHQFHWRKDQGOHWKHSUHVVXUHDWWKHYDUVLW\OHYHOµ In spite of some question marks, (USHOGLQJ LV H[FLWHG E\ WKH SURPLVH KH VHHV LQ KLV VTXDG ´7KLV WHDP KDV the potential to be very competitive by tournament time but we will need to get contributions from a lot of different girls if we are going to reach that level. This team has tremendous senior leadership that will help us deYHORSWKHLQH[SHULHQFHG\RXQJHUJLUOV who will need to contribute this year for us to be successful. I am looking for us to compete for another conference championship and advance deep into post-season play hopefully endLQJRXUVHDVRQDW:HOOV)DUJRµ The Cardinals will open the season on November 25 with a North Iowa Conference contest at Eagle Grove. The league schedule then continues on December 2 at home against Newman. (UG*DUQHU (0DLQ.OHPPH Page 4 - Winter Sports, December 10, 2014 >ÀiÀ>Þwi`É6iÌÕÀ>ÞÃ>ÃiÌL> Top row L-R: Coach Young, Coach Stromer, Todd Finley, Holden Hutcheson, Jack Van Dusseldorp, Logan Dalbeck, Sam Cataldo, Jack Bertilson, Alex Stromer, /RJDQ5\HUVRQ/RJDQ5RKO¿QJ-RVK&KL]HN$OHN*ROO&RDFK+LHPVWUD&RDFK$OEHUWVRQ Middle Row L-R: Coach Banse, Ryan Meyers, Payton James, Chase 7KHREDOG7UHYRU.OXYHU--/RHVFKHQ.HYLQ%RHKQNH0LFKDHO&KL]HN%HQ%DXPJDUG-RKQDWKDQ2¶&RQQRU7XUQHU$OEHUWVRQ7\OHU.XPVKHUBottom Row L-R: 0DQDJHU.DG\Q%DQVH'DYLG&RRN1LFN-R\QW&ROWRQ6FKURHGHU%UDQGRQ5RVV-RQDK$OEHUWVRQ1DWKDQ/DFDULD5\OH\.R]LVHN5D\&DWDOGR'\ODQ 0DKOVWHGW0DWWKHZ+HLQHPDQQ&RQQRU%XUNH+DUOH\)RUU\0DQDJHU%UDQGRQ)XHULQJ (Rick Ermer photos) GHV Boys Have Big Shoes to Fill GHV boys’ basketball coach Joe Albertson may be facing one of his biggest challenges in recent years after losing most of his offensive punch from last season. Four starters from last year’s squad were lost to graduation. Those players accounted for over 40 points per game for the Cards, meaning that Albertson will need some guys with limited varsity experience to step into major roles this year. After winning the NIC title in 201213, the Cards found themselves in an unfamiliar position on the league VWDQGLQJERDUGODVWVHDVRQ*+9ÀQished in the middle of the pack with a 7 – 7 conference record while going 12 – 11 overall. With only two starters and one additional letter winner returning from that team, all indications point to a challenging season ahead for the Cards. Albertson is hoping his youthful group can beat the odds and surprise a few folks as the season unfolds. Logan Ryerson is the lone senior starter returning for the Cards this season. At 6’1” with a scoring average of 2.5 points per game, Ryerson will need to lend his leadership skills to a group of younger players lacking in varsity experience. Also back for GHV is sophomore guard Holden Hutcheson. Hutcheson gained valuable know-how as a solid performer for the Cardinals, averaging over six points per game. Harley Forry is the remaining letter winner returning for GHV. Forry saw action off of the bench in every game last season while averaging over two points per contest. Eight additional players hoping to ÀQGUROHVRQWKLV\HDU·VWHDPDUHOLVWed on the varsity roster. Seniors Kevin Boehnke and Jack Bertilson along with juniors Sam Cataldo, Payton James, Alex Stromer, Ben Baumgard and Turner Albertson will be looking WR ÀOO VSRWV LQ WKH &DUGLQDO OLQHXS Sophomore Johnny O’Connor is also expected to be a contributing player for GHV. Albertson noted that he expects his team to be fairly deep this season with DSRVWSUHVHQFHUHWXUQLQJWRWKHÁRRU Of course with most of the depth consisting of young players with limited varsity playing time, the eight-year Cardinal coach is concerned about WKH WHDP·V DELOLW\ WR ÀQG FRQVLVWHQW perimeter shooting and defense. “We are young, but we have some size and depth. We have hard workers that play a team game. I am excited to see how well we can compete.” Forest City will no doubt be the team to beat in the NIC this season as the Indians return the top player among area performers. Considering the large number of players returning for West Hancock the Eagles should also be among the favorites in the conference race. GHV will open the season by jumping right into North Iowa Conference competition. The Cardinals will host Newman tonight (December 2) in WKHLUÀUVWDFWLRQRIWKHVHDVRQEHIRUH returning to the Garner gym on Friday in the role of underdog against West Hancock. +DQFRFN&RXQW\&RRS2LO *DUQHU7RZQPDUW9HQWXUD0DUW ´6HUYLQJ7KH$UHD6LQFHµ &RRS7RZQPDUW 9HQWXUD0DUW Donald W. Furman, O.D. Trichelle M. Jackson, O.D. 0DLQ$YH1%ULWW,$ 6WDWH6WUHHW*DUQHU,$ (DVW.)RUHVW&LW\,$ ZZZIDPLO\H\HFFFRP 6PLWK·V +DUGZDUH +HDWLQJ3OXPELQJ &RROLQJ *DUQHU 'RXJODV6+D\HV$$06 /%:KLWH +HDWHUV )LQDQFLDO$GYLVRU 6WDWH6WUHHW 32%R[ *DUQHU,$ %XV 7ROOIUHH ZZZHGZDUGMRQHVFRP North Iowa Girls Basketball Winter Sports, December 10, 2014 - Page 5 Front Row L-R: Rebecca Murray and Kayla Stelter. Middle Row R-L: Dani Yegge, Rachel Hassebroek, Kendall Melz and Brooke Hovland. Back Row L-R: Krista Schutter, Taylen Hinders, Head Coach Rob Riedinger, Coach Matt Harriman, Mica Johnson and Mariah Richter. Missing from photo: Coach Amber Heimer (Patty Jo Sanderson photo) Lady Bison Focus on Growth This Season The North Iowa Lady Bison will work to grow their young talent this basketball season, as they hope to build toward post-season success. 7KH /DG\ %LVRQ ORVW ÀYH VHQLRUV from last year’s team, which placed third in the North Iowa Conference with an 11-10 record, but they return some key players. ´:H KDYH WZR RXWVWDQGLQJ VHQLRU leaders in Becca Murray and Kayla Stelter, and I am looking for them to HQFRXUDJH DQG PRWLYDWH VRPH RI RXU young players to prepare to play at the YDUVLW\OHYHODQGVHWWKHWRQHZLWKWKHLU HIIRUW RQ WKH ÁRRUµ VDLG &RDFK 5RE 5LHGLQJHU ZKR LV EDFN IRU KLV WKLUG year with the Lady Bison. Others returning for North Iowa include: juniors Mica Johnson and %URRNH+RYODQGDQGVRSKRPRUHV5Dchel Hassebroek, Kendall Melz and Taylen Hinders. Newcomers to the YDUVLW\ VTXDG LQFOXGH MXQLRU 6\GQH\ Larson and sophomores Dani Yegge, .ULVWD6FKXWWHUDQG0DULDK5LFKWHU ´0LFD -RKQVRQ 5DFKHO +DVVHEURHN %URRNH +RYODQG DQG .HQGDOO 0HO] DOO VDZ VLJQLÀFDQW YDUVLW\ WLPH on last year’s team, and I am looking %XIIDOR/DQHV )RUDOO\RXU1,DSSDUHO /HWWKH*RRG 7LPHV5ROO 10DLQ6WUHHW %XIIDOR&HQWHU,$ %XIIDOR&HQWHU IRU FRQWLQXHG LPSURYHPHQW LQ WKHLU RYHUDOOJDPHDQGFRPSHWLWLYHVSLULWµ VDLG &RDFK 5LHGLQJHU ´7D\OHQ +LQders will add needed depth to our post SOD\DQGUHERXQGLQJJDPHDQGJLYHXV D ¶ÀJKWHU· SUHVHQFH LQ WKH SRVW , DP DOVR H[FLWHG DERXW WKH LPSURYHPHQW and growth of Sydney Larson in the SRVW'DQL<HJJHDQG0DULDK5LFKWHU at the wing spots and from freshman .ULVWD6KXWWHUZKREULQJVYHUVDWLOLW\ DQGDYHU\FRPSHWLWLYHDWWLWXGHZKHUHYHUZHZLOOQHHGKHUµ 5LHGLQJHU VD\V GHSWK DQG VSHHG will be strengths for the Lady Bison %XIIDOR &HQWHU 7ULEXQH 10DLQ 'H9ULHV/XPEHU &RPSDQ\,QF 10DLQ6W %XIIDOR&HQWHU this year, and Forest City and Osage DOVRKDYHJRRGWHDPV “Our goals are about preparing throughout the regular season to build WKH FRQÀGHQFH DQG VNLOOV QHFHVVDU\ so that we can make a sustained run ZKHQ WKH SOD\RII WLPH UROOV DURXQGµ VDLG5LHGLQJHU´7KHJRDOLVDOZD\VWR be playing our best basketball at playoff time. ´2YHUDOOZHDUHORRNLQJWRHPSOR\ the talents of all our players and to use the depth to apply continued and constant pressure on both ends of the ÁRRUµFRQFOXGHG5LHGLQJHU $OJRQD%XIIDOR&HQWHU (VWKHUYLOOH7LWRQND ZZZHUQLHZLOOLDPVOWGFRP /LNHXVRQ $UQLH·V3XPS:HOO 'ULOOLQJ6HUYLFH $% :HOGLQJ,QF -DFNVRQ6W6 7KRPSVRQ this year, but he notes that they are a young team. He says actual playing experience will be necessary to deYHORSDQGVKDSHWKHWHDP ´7KH GHYHORSPHQW RI RXU \RXQJ players will be essential as they learn KRZWRFRPSHWHDQGFRQWULEXWHµVDLG 5LHGLQJHU ´:H PXVW SOD\ DV D WHDP and look for our returning players to EHOHDGHUVRQWKHÁRRUµ 7KH/DG\%LVRQKRSHWRÀQGWKHPVHOYHV VRPHZKHUH QHDU WKH WRS RI the conference standings this year. 5LHGLQJHUVD\V *DUQHU+D\ÀHOG9HQtura will be a tough opponent again )HUWLOL]HUV&KHPLFDOV 'DQ$EHOV %XV +Z\ )D[ 7KRPSVRQ,$ 7ROO)UHH 6HHG6SHFLDOW\3URGXFWV 641-562-2370 10DLQ%XIIDOR&HQWHU %UXFH9DQ*HUSHQ *LYH8V$&DOO)DVW6HUYLFH 10DLQ6W5DNH 5RWDU\:DWHU'ULOOLQJ5LWFKLH:DWHUHUV*RXOG¶V 6XEPHUVLEOH3XPSV:HOO[WUROO3UHVVXUH7DQNV :HOO6HDOLQJ8QGHUJURXQG3ODVWLF3LSH3ODVWLF6WHHO &DVLQJ:DWHU6RIWQHUV)XOO6HSWLF6\VWHP,QVWDOODWLRQ :HOO&DPHUD,QVSHFWLRQ6DOHV6HUYLFH 5DNH Page 6 - Winter Sports, December 10, 2014 North Iowa Boys Basketball Front Row L-R: Colin Weaver, Sam Hassebroek, Drew Jensen, Austin Haisman, Freddie Eden and Alex Balvance. Back Row L-R: Coach Justin Ullmann, Steven Milbrandt, Taylor Ostermann, Chris Lawson, Connor Smith, Josiah Beenken, Austin Paden, Logan Eichenberger, Trevor Aukes and Head Coach Chad Hinders. (Patty Jo Sanderson photo) Bison aim to move up in NIC Newcomers make up the bulk of the North Iowa boys basketball roster this season, as the Bison look to improve in the North Iowa Conference standings. The Bison return three senior starters from last year’s team, including guard Trevor Aukes and forwards Taylor Ostermann and Austin Paden. Also back is senior forward Connor Smith. New to this year’s squad are senior Chris Lawson (post); juniors Josiah Beenken (post), Logan Eichenberger (guard) and Steven Milbrandt (forward); and sophomores Austin Haisman (guard) and Drew Jensen (forward). Chad Hinders is back for his sixth year as head coach of the Bison, with an overall record of 84-55. Justin Ullmann returns as assistant coach. The Bison had a rough season last year, as they tied for seventh in the North Iowa Conference with a 1-13 record and went 6-16 overall. North Iowa averaged 49 points per game last year, while their opponents averaged 55. Adding to the challenge this year is the loss of the team’s top three scorers from last season. Of those returning, Aukes averaged 7.4 points per game, while Ostermann averaged 5.3. Ostermann led the team in free throw percentage last year with 75.8%, while Paden had the top three-point percentage of 35.5%. Coach Hinders says having four returning seniors, who have been with the North Iowa program for four years, will be a strength for this year’s team. However, he notes that all of his reserve players will be seeing their ÀUVW YDUVLW\ DFWLRQ WKLV \HDU ´+RZ fast they pick up on things and per- -\LS /LH[PUN6PS )\SR6PS *VU]LUPLUJL :[VYLZ *HYK;YVSZ 2/*667,9(;0=, 603*647(5@ Front Row L-R: Naddie Myer, Molli Joens, Rae Sabin, Seth Huitt, Madi Stenersen, Alyssa Swearingen and Lucy Hughes. Back Row L-R: Sidney Walton, Cassie Smith, Natalie Sachs, Rian Hellend, McKenna Knight and Jade Fardal. (Patty Jo Sanderson photo) 6KURSVKLUH /XPEHU 0XUUD +DUGZDUH ,QFRUSRUDWHG %XIIDOR&HQWHU 'RXJ %DUEDQG -RVK0XUUD %XIIDOR&HQWHU &KLURSUDFWLF&OLQLF %DQN$JHQF\ ,QVXUDQFH 10DLQ %XIIDOR&HQWHU form will dictate our approach to each game,” said Hinders. The coach says creating turnovers and playing at a faster pace will be LPSRUWDQWDVZHOODVHIÀFLHQWH[HFXWLRQRQERWKHQGVRIWKHÁRRU+HVD\V they will also need to understand and execute game management situations better. Hinders says Forest City, West HanFRFN DQG *DUQHU+D\ÀHOG9HQWXUD will likely be the top conference contenders this year, and he hopes to see North Iowa place in the top half of the FRQIHUHQFH´:HKDYHDVHQLRUJURXS that has played various roles at the varsity level that are ready to compete against some of the better teams that our area has to offer,” he said. Hinders says his team’s goals are to strive to get better through each practice and game, give 100% effort at all times, be resilient and have fun. 10DLQ6W %XIIDOR&HQWHU -HUU\- :LHGHPHLHU'& -XGLWK/ :LHGHPHLHU/07 10DLQ6W%XIIDOR&HQWHU -DFNVRQ6W 7KRPSVRQ,$ B. C. Repair We Carry A Complete Stock of Parts! We work on all makes and models of Lawn and Garden Equipment! We repair all makes and models of Chain Saws! Hiway 9 West 641-562-2580 Buffalo Center Larry Gray Josh Gray A DUPONT COMPANY Berggren Seeds Berggren Seeds Buffalo Center 641-590-2493 Wrestling Schedules Winter Sports, December 10, 2014 - Page 7 Forest City (North Iowa) Garner-Hayfield/Ventura West Hancock 12-04 @ Emmetsburg 12-02 @ Eagle Grove, Algona, North Union 12-4 @ Forest City, Emmetsburg 12-06 @ Okoboji 12-06 @ Holmen, WI 12-09 @ Mason City 12-13 @ Algona 12-16 @ Garner-Hayfield/Ventura 12-20 @ North Polk 01-03 @ Webster City 01-06 vs Osage, St. Ansgar, Nashua 01-10 vs Emmetsburg, St. Ansgar, Clear Lake, West Fork, Charles City, Oelwein, LeMars 01-13 @ Belmond-Klemme 01-17 @ Estherville 01-22 @ Newman Catholic 01-24 @ Riceville 01-27 vs Eagle Grove, Lake Mills 01-31 @ Garner-Hayfield/Ventura (NIC tournament) 12-04 @ Belmond-Klemme, Newman Catholic, Osage Green Devils 12-06 @ St. Ansgar 12-13 @ Nashua-Plainfield 12-15 @ Clarion-Goldfield 12-16 @ Forest City, Central Springs 12-18 vs Newman Catholic, West Hancock, Rockford Senior 12-20 @ Lake Mills, Rockford Senior, Northwood-Kensett CSD 01-06 @ Rockford Senior, Iowa Falls-Alden 01-10 @ Graettinger/Terril 01-13 vs Newman Catholic, St. Edmond 01-17 @ Lake Mills 01-19 @ West Fork 01-22 @ Lake Mills, St. Ansgar, Rockford Senior 01-24 @ Riceville Community Schools 01-27 @ Belmond-Klemme, West Fork, Northwood-Kensett CSD 01-31 @ Belmond-Klemme, Forest City, Eagle Grove, Lake Mills, Newman Catholic, North Iowa, Osage Green Devils, West Hancock, North Union, Bishop Garrigan You can play at 12-13 @ Algona 12-18 @ Garner-Hayfield/Ventura, Newman Catholic, Rockford Senior 12-20 vs AGWSR, Central Springs, Graettinger/ Terril, Sumner-Fredericksburg, Okoboji High School 01-06 @ Eagle Grove, Lake Mills, ClarionGoldfield 01-10 @ St. Edmond 01-15 @ Belmond-Klemme, Northwood-Kensett Junior, St. Ansgar 01-17 @ Lake Mills 01-20 @ Osage Green Devils, Algona 01-22 vs North Union, Central Springs, Northwood-Kensett Junior 01-24 @ North Butler 01-31 @ Belmond-Klemme, Forest City, Eagle Grove, Garner-Hayfield/Ventura, Lake Mills, Newman Catholic, North Iowa, Osage Green Devils, North Union, Bishop Garrigan 02-03 vs Manson N W Webster, South Hamilton e g e l l o C f r o d l a W te a i g e l l o c r e t n I 20 s m a e T Sports Varsity and JV Teams Outsta Schola nding rships *Contact **C t t an admissions d i i counselor l to t arrange your visit! i it! Waldorf W ld f College C ll is i accredited d by the Higher Learning Commission and a member of the North Central Association. For gainful employment disclosures, visit: in Forest City, Iowa and online! | | 800.292.1903 Page 8 - Winter Sports, December 10, 2014 Girls Basketball Schedules North Iowa Buffalo Center Garner-Hayfield Ventura West Hancock 11-25 @ Bishop Garrigan 12-02 @ Lake Mills 12-05 @ Belmond-Klemme 12-09 @ North Union 12-12 vs West Hancock 12-15 vs Northwood-Kensett CSD 12-19 @ Osage Green Devils 12-20 @ Forest City 12-22 vs Garner-Hayfield/Ventura 01-06 vs Newman Catholic 01-09 @ Eagle Grove 01-10 vs Bishop Garrigan 01-13 vs Lake Mills 01-16 vs Belmond-Klemme 01-20 vs North Union 01-23 @ West Hancock 01-24 @ Garner-Hayfield/Ventura 01-30 vs Forest City 02-03 @ Newman Catholic 02-06 vs Osage Green Devils 02-10 vs Eagle Grove 11-17 @ Mason City 11-25 @ Eagle Grove 12-02 vs Newman Catholic 12-05 vs West Hancock 12-09 vs Forest City 12-12 @ Belmond-Klemme 12-15 vs North Union 12-19 @ Central Springs 12-20 @ Bishop Garrigan 12-22 @ North Iowa 01-06 vs Osage Green Devils 01-09 vs Lake Mills 01-10 vs Eagle Grove 01-13 @ Newman Catholic 01-16 @ West Hancock 01-20 @ Forest City 01-23 vs Belmond-Klemme 01-24 vs North Iowa 01-27 @ North Union 01-30 vs Bishop Garrigan 02-03 @ Osage Green Devils 02-07 vs Algona 02-10 @ Lake Mills 11-25 vs Clarion-Goldfield 12-02 vs North Union 12-05 @ Garner-Hayfield/Ventura 12-06 vs Lake Mills 12-08 vs West Fork 12-09 @ Bishop Garrigan 12-12 @ North Iowa 12-16 @ Forest City 12-19 vs Newman Catholic 12-20 @ Belmond-Klemme 01-06 vs Eagle Grove 01-09 vs Osage Green Devils 01-13 @ North Union 01-16 vs Garner-Hayfield/Ventura 01-20 vs Bishop Garrigan 01-23 vs North Iowa 01-24 @ Lake Mills 01-27 vs Forest City 01-30 vs Belmond-Klemme 02-03 @ Eagle Grove 02-06 @ Newman Catholic 02-10 @ Osage Green Devils Hancock County Health System Sports Medicine We will help you reach your athletic potential! 2 Convenient Locations Garner Rehabilitation Clinic HCHS Wellness Center, Britt 641-843-5500 Boys Basketball Schedules Winter Sports, December 10, 2014 - Page 9 North Iowa Buffalo Center Garner-Hayfield Ventura West Hancock 12-02 @ Lake Mills 12-05 @ Belmond-Klemme 12-09 @ North Union 12-12 vs West Hancock 12-15 vs Northwood-Kensett CSD 12-19 @ Osage Green Devils 12-20 @ Forest City 12-22 vs Garner-Hayfield/Ventura 01-06 vs Newman Catholic 01-09 @ Eagle Grove 01-10 vs Bishop Garrigan 01-13 vs Lake Mills 01-16 vs Belmond-Klemme 01-20 vs North Union 01-23 @ West Hancock 01-24 @ Garner-Hayfield/Ventura 01-30 vs Forest City 02-03 @ Newman Catholic 02-06 vs Osage Green Devils 02-10 vs Eagle Grove 02-13 @ Bishop Garrigan 11-29 vs Nashua-Plainfield 12-02 vs Newman Catholic 12-05 vs West Hancock 12-09 vs Forest City 12-12 @ Belmond-Klemme 12-15 vs North Union 12-19 @ Central Springs 12-20 @ Bishop Garrigan 12-22 @ North Iowa 01-06 vs Osage Green Devils 01-09 vs Lake Mills 01-10 vs Eagle Grove 01-13 @ Newman Catholic 01-16 @ West Hancock 01-20 @ Forest City 01-23 vs Belmond-Klemme 01-24 vs North Iowa 01-27 @ North Union 01-30 vs Bishop Garrigan 02-03 @ Osage Green Devils 02-07 vs Algona 02-10 @ Lake Mills 02-12 @ Eagle Grove 12-02 vs North Union 12-05 @ Garner-Hayfield/Ventura 12-06 vs Lake Mills 12-08 vs West Fork 12-09 @ Bishop Garrigan 12-12 @ North Iowa 12-16 @ Forest City 12-19 vs Newman Catholic 12-20 @ Belmond-Klemme 01-06 vs Eagle Grove 01-09 vs Osage Green Devils 01-13 @ North Union 01-16 vs Garner-Hayfield/Ventura 01-20 vs Bishop Garrigan 01-23 vs North Iowa 01-24 @ Lake Mills 01-27 vs Forest City 01-30 vs Belmond-Klemme 02-02 vs Clarion-Goldfield 02-03 @ Eagle Grove 02-06 @ Newman Catholic 02-10 @ Osage Green Devils Whatever sport... Whatever business... T k and d energy are the th keys k t success!! Teamwork to Good luck in your upcoming seasons! K & H Co-op Oil Co. Serving all of North Central Iowa and Southern Minnesota Wesley 1-800-244-6101 Clear Lake 1-800-244-6691 Page 10 - Winter Sports, December 10, 2014 Bowling Schedules North Iowa Bowling 11-25 vs Oelwein Community Schools 12-05 @ Denver Community Schools 12-12 @ Waverly-Shell Rock 12-19 @ Tripoli 01-09 @ Forest City 01-16 vs AGWSR 01-23 vs Charles City 01-30 @ Vinton-Shellsburg 02-06 vs Columbus 02-07 @ Charles City 02-14 @ Waverly-Shell Rock At North Iowa Area Community College (NIACC) we have a championship environment in athletics. In the past two years, four student athletes were national champions and 12 transferred to NCAA Division I universities. Student athletes come to NIACC to compete and excel, regionally and nationally. You could be one of them! Learn more about NIACC athletics at: Eagles Welcome Back Eight Letterwinners Coach Paul Sonius welcomes back eight letterwinners to this year’s West Hancock girls’ basketball team. JoinLQJWKHVHDVRQHGUHWXUQHUVDUHÀYHDGditional talented athletes that will get WKHLURSSRUWXQLW\WRJDLQYDUVLW\H[SHrience and make their stamp on Eagle basketball in the 2014/2015 season. Seniors Bailey Eisenman and Whitney Burgardt, along with juniors Emily Leerar, Maria Gonzalez, Emma Chizek, Kealey Johnson and sophomores Faith Hammer and Kaylee Hudspeth return after lettering in the 2013/2014 season. Junior Arely Romero, sophomores Cassie Engstler, Anna Chizek and freshmen Brigid Smith and Kelly Leerar complete the Eagles’ roster. :HVW+DQFRFNFRPSLOHGDQRYHUDOO record of 6-16 and 4-10 in the North Iowa Conference last season. With no seniors on last year’s squad, the (DJOHVZLOOHQMR\DQGEHQHÀWIURPD PRUH H[SHULHQFHG DQG IDPLOLDU WHDP returning to the court. Gonzalez returns as the team’s leading scorer with 369 points a year ago, West Hancock Girls Basketball Winter Sports, December 10, 2014 - Page 11 Front Row L-R: Leslie Barranca, Sydney Burgardt, Sydney Hudspeth, Ryann Hagen, Sydney Zamago, Stephanie Melohn, Michaela Grant, Arely Romero Middle Row L-R: Nicole Lampi, Kaitlin Smith, Brigid Smith, Faith Hammer, Whitney Burgardt, Bailey Eisenman, Emily Leerar, Maria Gonzalez, Madison Bisenius, Brianna Lehoe Back Row L-R: Coach Wilson, Flor Zamago, Cassie Engstler, Kealey Johnson, Anna Chizek, Kaylee Hudspeth, Emma Chizek, Kelly Leerar, Katlyn Ohrt, Coach Sonius DYHUDJLQJ SRLQWV SHU JDPH ( Chizek followed with 135 points and Hammer 118. Eisenman led the Eagles in assists with 77, Gonzalez 37, Hammer 36 and Burgardt 18, while Gonzalez earned 93 steals. (&KL]HNDYHUDJHGUHERXQGVD game, tallying a total of 174 on the season. Johnson followed with 99 boards, Gonzalez 91 and E. Leerar 85. With the number of seasoned players returning, Coach Sonius hopes to see a much better all-around team, “I see the leadership on this team in SUDFWLFH DV ZH KDYH EHHQ WKURXJK D YDUVLW\VHDVRQQRZDQGZHNQRZZKDW \RX KDYH WR NLFN LW XS D QRWFK FRPSDUHGWRRXUMXQLRUYDUVLW\SOD\µ Sonius will be assisted by Coach 'DOH +HVOH\ DQG .HYLQ :LOVRQ RQFH again this year and they plan to go back to Eagle Basketball. Member FDIC First Citizens National Bank 220 N. Main St • Kanawha 641-762-3222 :KHUH&RPPXQLW\ 0DWWHUV Proud to Support Our Area Schools! 0HPEHU )',& %ULWW:RGHQ ZZZIVEEULWWFRP Almost Anything You Want We Have or Can Get for You! Commercial Ag (Large Tractors/Combines) Commercial Sprayers Construction (skid loaders, excavation, etc) Small Ag/Utility Tractors Lawn and Garden (Commercial & Residential) Parts and Service Merchandise Toys Kanawha Equipment 203 South Main Kanawha, IA 641-762-8261 6RXWK0DLQ .DQDZKD,$ Page 12 - Winter Sports, December 10, 2014 West Hancock Boys Basketball Back Row L-R: Coach Becker, Coach Peterson, Taylor Beachy, Kevin Eisenman, Jay Hiscocks Next to Back Row L-R: Chandler Schuver, Joey DeHart, Dylan Eckels, Seth Weiland, Jordan Savoy, Trevor Nalan, Colton Ruter Middle Row L-R: Ricardo Ibbara, Levi Eden, Nathan Paulus, Connor Sonius, James VanderPloeg Next to Front Row L-R: Natasha Peterson, Mallory Becker, Trey Hobscheidt, Ben Eisenman, Chase Eisenman, Glen Smith, Nicholas Hunt, Alex Hartwig, Macey Harms, Jessica Orht Front Row L-R: Alyssa Tegtmeyer, Danni Quastad, Miriam Garcia, Amanda Howerton, April Robbins, Antwoneisha Crosby, Natalie Wood, Alexis Klepoch Missing from photo: 5LSZVU)HYYHUJHHUK.HYYL[[-VZKPJR°° Eagles Return Starters The West Hancock boys’ basketball team is back. After posting a 13-9 record a year ago, the Eagles return to the court this season exactly how they OHIW LW ZLWK DOO ÀYH VWDUWHUV UHWXUQLQJ under Head Coach Brian Peterson. Peterson, along with assistant FRDFKHV .HYLQ (LVHQPDQ -D\ +LVFRFNVDQG-LP%HFNHUZHOFRPHEDFN VHDVRQHG VHQLRUV 7UHYRU 1DODQ -RUGDQ 6DYR\ -RH\ 'H+DUW DQG MXQLRUV &RQQRU6RQLXVDQG1DWH3DXOXV -XQLRUV 5LFN\ ,EDUUD DQG 1HOVRQ Barranca along with Sophomore '\ODQ (FNHOV DOVR UHWXUQ DV SOD\HUV ZLWKYDUVLW\H[SHULHQFH Peterson sees his team strengths to be in their experience, “four out of our 725 Hwy. 18, Britt IA 641-843-3536 ÀYHVWDUWHUVKDYHVWDUWHGPRUHWKDQ JDPHVIRUXV:HDOVRKDYHWHDPXQLW\ and strong team defense.” 7KH(DJOHVSODQWRZRUNRQGHYHORSLQJSRVWSOD\HUVWRVWHSXSDQGJLYH them a post presence. :HVW +DQFRFN ÀQLVKHG WLHG IRU IRXUWK SODFH LQ WKH 1RUWK ,RZD &RQference last season with GHV, after WKH\HDFKSRVWHGD1,&UHFRUG Paulus led the Eagles last season in SRLQWV ZLWK LQFOXGLQJ WKUHH SRLQWHUV DYHUDJLQJ SRLQWV SHU game. Sonius was right behind with 329 SRLQWV 1DODQ SRLQWV ,EDUUD DQG6DYR\ Sonius not only led the Eagles but DOVRWKH1,&LQDVVLVWVZLWK3DXOXV IROORZHG ZLWK DQG 6DYR\ 6RQLXVDOVRUHFRUGHGVWHDOV1DODQ UHDFKHGIRU3DXOXVDQG6DYR\ 1DODQOHGWKHZD\XQGHUWKHERDUGV for West Hancock last season with WRWDOUHERXQGVRIIHQVLYH GHIHQVLYH6RQLXVDGGHGUHERXQGV 6DYR\3DXOXV %DUUDQFD 'H+DUW DQG,EDUUD 6RSKRPRUH 6HWK :HLODQG MXQLRUV &ROWRQ 5XWHU 9LFHQWH *RQ]DOH] and seniors Logan Weiland and Michael Eekhoff complete the Eagle’s SRVWHGSOD\HUYDUVLW\URVWHUIRUWKH VHDVRQ State Farm Insurance Jim Becker, Agent 37 Main Ave., N. Britt, Iowa 843-3563 Trulson Auto Parts 7UXOVRQ$XWR3DUWV & Service Inc. 6HUYLFH,QF $XWKRUL]HGVDOHV DQGLQVWDOODWLRQFHQWHU UG$YH6( 678 3rd Ave SE %ULWW,RZD Britt, Iowa (641) 843-3865 Donald W. Furman, O.D. Trichelle M. Jackson, O.D. 0DLQ$YH1%ULWW,$ 6WDWH6WUHHW*DUQHU,$ (DVW.)RUHVW&LW\,$ ZZZIDPLO\H\HFFFRP North Iowa Bowling Winter Sports, December 10, 2014 - Page 13 Front Row L-R: Jenna Berschman, Sydney Giesking, Danica Voortmann, Jordan Ostrander, Chelsey Roth and Katie Stelter. Back Row L-R: Spencer Armstrong, Noah Melz, Andy Evans, Cameron Roth, William Roeder, Zach Dirksen and Head Coach Doug Aukes. Not pictured are Alison Almelien and Tess Trappe. North Iowa Returns Key Bowlers North Iowa High School returns many of its top bowlers this season, including three All-District honorees. All-District Bowler of the Year Spencer Armstrong and Honorable Mention recipient Noah Melz are back to lead the North Iowa boys. The two sophomores both put up high scores for the Bison last season, and they return along with junior Zach Dirksen and sophomore Cameron Roth. Returning for the Lady Bison team are sophomore Alison Almelien, who received All-District Honorable Mention last season, and seniors Katie Stelter and Chelsey Roth. New to this year’s teams are junior Tess Trappe, sophomores Sydney Giesking and Danica Voortmann, and freshmen Jordan Ostrander and Jenna Berschman for the girls, along with senior Andy Evans and freshman William Roeder for the boys. “It’s always nice to see newcomers to the program, and I’m looking forward to seeing their talents make an impression on the North Iowa team,” said Doug Aukes, who returns as head coach of the North Iowa bowling program. He is assisted by Eric Knudson. On the boys’ side, Aukes expects Melz and Armstrong to roll some big scores again this season. He says Dirksen has shown a lot of improvement since last year, and Roth is on the edge of having a break-out year. For the girls, Aukes says Almelien proved herself last season, and she should have a great season this year. He says returning starters Roth and Stelter will be able to handle the pressure of competition, and he expects all the newcomers to contribute to the success of this year’s team. “As I say every year to the team, ‘Throw strikes for the show but put up spares for the dough,’” said Coach Aukes. “If the girls can put up most of their spares, they will be on top of the competition. The boys will need to throw a few more strikes, as well as pick up their spares.” Aukes notes that the state bowling meet this year has been expanded to include three separate classes, and North Iowa will compete in class 1A at sub-state. However, the district lineup still mixes in 2A schools, including Waverly, who Aukes says will be the top team to beat. Coach Aukes says the teams plan to practice one thing at a time and do it right. :HDYHU¶V /HDWKHU6WRUH n 0DLQ6W17LWRQND )$; +Z\1)RUHVW&LW\ )$; +Z\7KRPSVRQ )$; )DUPHUV &RRSHUDWLYH&RPSDQ\ $OJRQD²%XIIDOR&HQWHU +XPEROGW²2NRERML 5DNH 7KRPSVRQ %ULWW /HODQG 1(;7*(1(5$7,21 7(&+12/2*,(6 ZZZQJWQHWQHW 10DLQ%XIIDOR&HQWHU 4+'5'0$14)n#4510 7561/24#;+0)X HILLHKN6*8'T 7((#.1'06'4XINHFH 4+'5'0$14)n#4510X0%T HILLHKN6*8'T 7((#.1'06'4XINHFH HILLHKN6*8'T 7((#.1'06'4XINHFH QG$YH6: %XIIDOR&HQWHU Buffalo Center 562-2696 Lakota 886-2242 %ULWW/DNH0LOOV %ULFHO\Q01 Page 14 - Winter Sports, December 10, 2014 >ÀiÀ>Þwi`É6iÌÕÀ>7ÀiÃÌ} GHV Wrestling Continues to Rebuild $IWHUÀHOGLQJDWHDPWZR\HDUVDJR WKDW FRXOG WUDYHO WR PHHWV LQ D YDQ *+9 ZUHVWOLQJ FRDFK 6WHYH 6PLWK LVORRNLQJIRUZDUGWRZRUNLQJZLWKD VROLG JURXS RI JUDSSOHUV WKLV VHDVRQ 7KH JURZWK LQ WKH SURJUDP ZDV DOUHDG\ HYLGHQW ODVW \HDU DV LPSURYHG QXPEHUV OHG WR QLQH GXDO PHHW ZLQV 6PLWK KDV KLJK KRSHV IRU FRQWLQXHG JURZWK WKLV \HDU ZLWK VL[ UHWXUQLQJ ZUHVWOHUV OHDGLQJ RQH RI WKH &DUGLQDOV·ELJJHVWURVWHUVLQUHFHQWKLVWRU\ 7KH RXWORRN DSSHDUV SURPLVLQJ IRU WKH IXWXUH DV WKHUH DUH QR VHQLRU OHWWHUZLQQHUVRQWKHPDWIRU*+9WKLV VHDVRQ 7KH &DUGV ZLOO QR GRXEW EH FKDOOHQJHGWRLPSURYHWKHLUZRQORVV UHFRUGWKLV\HDUZLWKVXFKD\RXWKIXO JURXS RQ WKH PDW EXW 6PLWK ZLOO EH ORRNLQJ IRU LPSURYHPHQW WKURXJKRXW WKH VHDVRQ DV WKH &DUGV PDWXUH ZLWK H[SHULHQFH *+9·V WRS UHWXUQLQJ SURVSHFW LV VRSKRPRUH &RQQHU 6KDZ 6KDZ LV WKH &DUGLQDOV· ORQH UHWXUQLQJ GLVWULFW TXDOLÀHUZKRÀQLVKHGWKHVHDVRQZLWK DQRYHUDOOUHFRUGRI6KDZZLOO EHZRUNLQJWRPDNHLWWRWKHQH[WOHYHO WKLV\HDU 7KUHH MXQLRUV ZLOO OHQG WKHLU OHDG- HUVKLSWRWKHVTXDGWKLVVHDVRQ&DGH %DNHUUHWXUQVWRDFWLRQDWSRXQGV DIWHUJRLQJ²LQ-RLQLQJ %DNHU DUH &RQQRU 6PLWK DQG 'DOWRQ %DVLQJHU 6PLWK ÀQLVKHG ODVW \HDUZLWKDUHFRUGRI²DW SRXQGV ZKLOH%DVLQJHUZHQW² DW SRXQGV 6RSKRPRUH $XVWLQ &DVH JDLQHG YDOXDEOH H[SHULHQFH LQ KLVIUHVKPDQVHDVRQÀQLVKLQJ² DWSRXQGV 6PLWKH[SHFWVWZRDGGLWLRQDOVRSKRPRUHV WR DGG VFRULQJ SRWHQWLDO WR KLV OLQHXS ZLWK SRXQGHU$QGUHZ 'RUQELHU DQG &RO\Q 6FKRQHPDQ DW SRXQGV VKRZLQJ SRWHQWLDO LQ WKH HDUO\VHDVRQ GULOOV 7KH DGGLWLRQ RI HLJKWIUHVKPHQWRWKHVTXDGWKLVVHDVRQ KDV &RDFK 6PLWK KRSLQJ WR VHH WKRVH \RXQJVWHUV ÀOO VSRWV DQG VFRUH VRPHSRLQWVIRUWKH&DUGV ´:H KDYH VRPH UHDOO\ KLJKTXDOLW\ NLGV EDFN WKLV \HDU WKDW DUH JRLQJ WR GR VRPH JUHDW WKLQJVµ QRWHG 6PLWK ´, DP YHU\ H[FLWHG IRU WKLV VHDVRQ :LWKNLGVRQWKHURVWHULW·VWKHELJJHVWVTXDG,·YHKDGVLQFH,·YHEHHQD &DUGLQDO ,I ZH JHW D FRXSOH RI NLGV ZKHUH WKH\ QHHG WR EH ZH·OO ÀOO DOO ZHLJKWVZKLFKLVYHU\ELJZKHQLW Front Row L-R: Tyler Obermann, Jacob Meier, Kody Kent, Brady Hess, Spencer Formanek, Derek Brown, Andrew Dornbier Middle Row L-R: Anthony Sherwood, Colyn Schoneman, Austin Case, Dalton Basinger, Dane Whipple, John Hulbert Back Row L-R: Coach Smith, Nathan Klesel, Conner Shaw, Connor Smith, Cade Baker, Grady Umbarger (Rick Ermer photo) FRPHV WR GXDO PHHWV7KH NLGV FRPLQJ EDFN WKLV \HDU FRXOG KDYH JUHDW RSSRUWXQLWLHV WR JHW GRZQ WR 'HV 0RLQHVDQGWKDWKDVQ·WKDSSHQHGIRU TXLWHDIHZ\HDUV,·PORRNLQJIRUWKLV VHDVRQWREHIXQµ *+9·V VHDVRQ ZLOO RSHQ WKLV ZHHN ZLWKDIXOOVODWHRIDFWLRQ2Q7XHVGD\ 'HFHPEHUWKH&DUGLQDOVZLOOWUDYHO WR(DJOH*URYHIRUGXDOPHHWVDJDLQVW WKH(DJOHV$OJRQDDQG1RUWK8QLRQ 7KHFRPSHWLWLRQGRHVQ·WJHWDQ\HDV- LHURQ7KXUVGD\DV*+9ZLOOKHDGWR %HOPRQGIRUGXDOVDJDLQVWWKH%URQFRV DORQJ ZLWK 2VDJH DQG 1HZPDQ 2SHQLQJZHHNZLOOWKHQFRQFOXGHRQ 6DWXUGD\ ZLWK WRXUQDPHQW DFWLRQ DW 6W$QVJDU Good Luck Cardinals! Tammy Abbas, Rph - Chief Pharmacist Tammy’s Pharmacy We Mail at no Extra Cost *RRG/XFN &DUGLQDOV .5$0(5 +$5':$5( +Z\:HVW*DUQHU )XOOOLQHRI+DUGZDUH 3OXPELQJQHZLQVWDOOVUHSDLUV +HDWLQJ&RROLQJ INTERNET DIGITAL CABLE TV TELEPHONE iWIRELESS HOME SECURITY BUSINESS SOLUTIONS 641-357-2111 Forest City Wrestling Winter Sports, December 10, 2014 - Page 15 Front Row L-R: Tommy West, Josef Kudej, Triston Springer, Dylan Benetiz, Sam Swanson, Alex Fett, Will Kirschbaum, Eric Hamilton, Maverick Freerksen, Dustin Snider, Jesse Funke and Johanna Juveland. Middle Row L-R: Timmy Thompson, Dylan Schleuger, Pierce Gelhaus, Coach Matt Sesker, Coach Steve Pickar, Head Coach Steve Staudt, Coach Taran Larson, Coach Andy Eastvold, Blake Jacobs, Austin Lewis and Ethan Alsop. Back Row L-R: Adam Eden, Beau Sorenson, Ryan Jordahl, Paul Olson, Ethan Larson, Landon Josten, Garrett Northrup, Easton Jacobs, Evan Larson and Alex Paulson Missing from photo: Noah Paulson and Dalton 2YHWÅ Young Indian Wrestlers Look to Compete Forest City will face some challenges on the mat this wrestling season as a fairly young team, but nine starters return for the Indians. Those coming back this year inFOXGHVWDWHTXDOLÀHU%HDX6RUHQVRQD senior, who moves up to 170 pounds after taking sixth place at state last year in the 160 pound division. Other WRSUHWXUQLQJGLVWULFWÀQLVKHUVLQFOXGH juniors Alex Paulson (220), who took third at districts last year, and Pierce Gelhaus (138), who placed third at districts in 2013 and took fourth last winter. 3DXOVRQ DQG 6RUHQVRQ ZHUH DOVR conference champions last year, while Gelhaus came in second place and VRSKRPRUH6DP6ZDQVRQWRRN third place. The Indians placed third last season in the North Iowa Conference standings, with a 3-1 record in conference duals. Their overall dual record was 14-15. Other returning starters, include seniors Austin Lewis (145) and Landon -RVWHQ MXQLRU %ODNH -DFREV DQGVRSKRPRUHV6DP6ZDQVRQ (120), Maverick Freerksen (132) and Noah Paulson (182). Also back are seniors Ryan Jordahl (145) and Adam Eden (220/285). Newcomers this season are freshmen Alec Fett (106), Will Kirschbaum (105), Paul Olson (126/132) and Easton Jacobs (152). 6WHYH 6WDXGW UHWXUQV IRU KLV WKLUG year as head coach of the wrestling program. Assistant coaches include 0DWW6HVNHU6WHYH3LFNDU$QG\(DVWvold and Taran Larson. 6WDXGW H[SHFWV *HOKDXV 6RUHQVRQ and Paulson to be his team’s top wres- 6WDWH6DYLQJV %DQN 6401 HWY 9 Buffalo Center, IA 50424 641-561-2800 Hassebroek Refrigeration & Appliances 641-562-2592 619 N. Main St. Buffalo Center 215 North Main Street Buffalo Center, IA 50424 641-562-2002 ;QWT6QWEJUVQPG 'PGTI[%QQRGTCVKXG -DFNVRQ6WUHHW7KRPSVRQ 1RUWK0DLQ 5DNH,RZD tlers this season. He notes that Gelhaus had his appendix taken out last year, so he wasn’t at his best at the end of the season. 6WDXGWVD\VWKHOHDGHUVKLSSURYLGHG E\WKHWHDP·VÀYHVHQLRUVZLOOEHDELJ plus this year, along with the team’s strong work ethic. One area of concern is a lack of experience at some ZHLJKWV DQG 6WDXGW VD\V WKH\ PD\ have a couple of open weights this year. “We have a very tough schedule for the youth of our team,” said Coach 6WDXGW ´:H PD\ VWUXJJOH LQ GXDO meets early in the season but hope to compete as the season progresses and some of our younger, less experienced wrestlers make the adjustment to wrestling at the varsity level. How quickly our younger kids can make the transition to varsity athletics will be the key factor on how successful we are as a dual team this year.” 6WDXGWKRSHVWRVHHWKH,QGLDQVSODFH in the top three of the conference, with Osage and Lake Mills being the top contenders. 6WDWH/LQH &RRSHUDWLYH +/'.;+55+10 745+0)1/' /DNRWD %XIIDOR&HQWHU %XUW Hometown Market +LJKZD\ 7KRPSVRQ,$ 5YEPMX]'EVIJSV 5YEPMX]0MJI ENM+55+104+8' 7((#.1'06'4XINHFH JHEgIJFgFLHH 209 N Main Buffalo Center 10DLQ 641-562-2363 %XIIDOR&HQWHU West Hancock Wrestling Page 16 - Winter Sports, December 10, 2014 Back Row L-R: Coach Sanger, Coach Brown, Cameron Clark, Bryce Buren, Colton Francis, Ashten Aericko, Logan Brown, Hunter Hagen, Jordan Weiland, Austin Brouwer, Coach Doughan Middle RowL-R: Preston Cink, Connor Tvedt, Brandon Dau, Zach Clark, Michael Myers, Clayton Brown, Nick Lemmon, Aaron Askren, Micheal Dau, Dawson Goodrich, Coach Dallman Front Row L-R: Kaitlynn Brazzel, Hailey Kabrick, Jada Erdahl, Morgan Dallman, Monica Loeschen, Rachel Kumsher Missing from photo: JJ Holland West Hancock Eagles looking towards strong year Coach Mark Sanger launches his fourth season at the helm of the Eagle wrestling program with seven returning letterwinners on the roster. Sanger will be assisted by Billy Dallman, Dave Brown and Dough Doughan. 17 athletes are listed on the 2014/2015 West Hancock wrestling roster, including senior Logan Brown, lone junior Aaron Askren, and sophomores JJ Holland, Clayton Brown, Michael Myers, Nick Lemon and 7KH&REEOHU6KRSSH 1RUWK0DLQ%ULWW /DZ2I¿FHVRI Earl W. Hill )RUDOO\RXUVKRH UHSDLUQHHGV (DUO:+LOO.HOVH\$%HHQNHQ $WWRUQH\VDW/DZ 5HSDLURUUHSODFHDOO NLQGVRI ]LSSHUV %ULWW,RZD 641-843-4491 Jordan Weiland as the returning letterwinners. Seniors Ashten Aericko, Michael Dau, sophomore Brandon Dau and freshmen Dawson Goodrich, Preston Cink, Zach Clark, Cameron Clark, Hunter Hagen, Colton Francis and Austin Brouwer complete the Eagle roster. With a strong but younger lineup, Coach Sanger plans on his team growing a lot this season. “We will have a young team this year that needs to focus on the basics,” noted Sanger. “We will hone in the fundamentals of wrestling and continue to build on prior knowledge from week to week.” Three of the returning Eagle grapSOHUV ÀQLVKHG ODVW VHDVRQ ZLWK D UHcord .500 or higher. Both JJ Holland and Clayton Brown competed at 106 recording 6-6 and 14-12 records respectively as freshman. Jordan Weiland posted a 17-16 record at 160, also as a freshman, for West Hancock. North Central Cooperative WHERE SERVICE IS CENTRAL Clarion 532-2881 Hutchins 843-3828 Kanawha 762-3251 Woden 926-5301 6ZHQVRQ·V +DUGZDUH %ULWW,RZD