Dallas - Our Town Paulding Family Magazine
Dallas - Our Town Paulding Family Magazine
The Paulding Area’s Family Lifestyle News Magazine Our Town September 2009 Hiram s Dallas s Cedarcrest s New Hope High School Football 2009 PERMIT #2397 TAMPA, FL PAID Our Town PAGE VISIT US ONLINE AT OURTOWNFAMILY.COM For Advertising information Call 770.222.2699 • ourtownmagazine@bellsouth.net PRSRT PAID U.S. POSTAGE WE PAY CASH FOR FOR YOUR YOUR GOLD ON ON THE THE SPOT! Watch Batteries 6.95 $ and up with mention of this ad Diamonds Forever Men’s Tungsten & Titanium Bands Starting at $79 Full Service Jewelry Repair While You Wait Financing 3 YEARS same as cash! PAGE One Carat Bridal Ring 770.577.2600 $299 2310 Arbor Place Mall s Douglasville For Advertising information Call 770.222.2699 • ourtownmagazine@bellsouth.net Our Town Fully Accredited FALL Registration In This $truggling Economy COMPROMISE NOTHING.....GET EVERYTHING! THREE CONVENIENT LOCATIONS! FREE! DALLAS 243 Merchants Drive Dallas, GA 30132 678-363-8554 CEDARCREST 1070 Cedarcrest Road Dallas, GA 30132 678-574-4898 HIRAM 94 Highland Falls Blvd. Hiram, GA 30141 770-439-0174 BRING IN THIS AD TO RECEIVE FREE REGISTRATION AND FIRST WEEK FREE TUITION EXP. 9/30/2009 Now Underway! Call today! l l l l l l l l SACS/CASI Accreditation High Reach & Creative Curriculum Pre-Employment & Random Drug Screening 50 State Employee Background Screening Video & Audio Recording (Classrooms & Playgrounds) Additional Playround Shading Locally Owned - Not a Franchise Partnership With The Community Compare and See for Yourself! FULL TIME Rate/week Infant Toddlers 2 Yr. Old 3 Yr. Old 4 Yr. Old AfterTown School Our WGCA Cedarcrest Daycare #1 Cedarcrest Daycare #2 WGCA Cedarcrest Daycare #1 Cameras YES $ 170.00 $ 220.00 $ 230.00 Audio Recording YES $ 165.00 $ 210.00 $ 220.00 Secure Entrance YES SACS Accredited YES $ 160.00 $ 200.00 $ 210.00 GA Lottery Pre-K YES $ 155.00 $ 190.00 $ 205.00 Open 6AM-7PM YES Educational Curriculum YES $ 150.00 $ 185.00 $ 205.00 DHR Staff Development YES $ 65.00 $ 80.00 $ 75.00 Staff Tested YES For Advertising information Call 770.222.2699 • Drug ourtownmagazine@bellsouth.net NO NO YES NO NO NO YES YES YES Cedarcrest Daycare #2 NO NO YES YES NO NO YES YES YES PAGE in this issue... The Paulding Area’s Family Lifestyle News Magazine Our Town Hiram s Dallas s Cedarcrest s New Hope Publisher/Editor: Jules Williams / Teresa Parrish Graphics and Design Our Town Media Group, Inc. Straightaway Designs - Website Photography Katie Parker Photography ONLINE: www.OurTownFamily.com Contributing Writers: Leisa A. Bailey D. Hodari Brooks Warren Fets Mary Hammock B. Bejie Herrin Andrea R. Julien Jared Key Dan Roberts Jack Stevens Calendar of Events.......................................................6-7 Relationships: Change.......................................................8 Family Focus: Newborns................................................10 Health & Fitness: Cornerstone 5K Run........................12 Home Decor: Faux Finishes............................................14 Special: High School Football Schedules....................16-17 Finance: Social Security..................................................18 Medical: Football Injuries..............................................20 Home Improvement: Summer End Landscaping.........24 Our Town is published and direct mailed monthly to prestigious homes in the Paulding County Area. Opinions expressed by the editorial staff are their own and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the publisher. Our Town reserves the right to edit and or reject any editorial or advertising content. Our Town is not responsible for errors in advertising beyond the cost of the space or for the validity of claims made by advertisers. Entire contents, including ad design created by Our Town Media Group, Inc., copyright 2009, belong to Our Town of Paulding. Reproduction in whole or in part is forbidden in any media without prior written permission from the publisher. O ur T own M agazine P.O. Box 614 Hiram, Georgia 30141 Telephone: 770-222-2699 Fax: 770-222-4646 Email: info@ourtownfamily.com About the Cover..............................................................5 More About the Cover....................................................26 Pets: Diabetes...................................................................29 September Crossword.....................................................30 What’s Cookin’: Tailgating Ideas.....................................31 HUDDLE THE There’s a story behind every smile... ...and everyone wants to have a smile they feel good about, no matter their age, gender, profession, or circumstance. Understanding that simple fact has allowed us to provide not only exceptional results, but a pleasing experience as well. So whatever the story may be... ...we’d like to be a part of yours Tiffany and Ross Westbrook, Marietta, GA patients of Distinctive Dentistry Jack F. Bickford, DDS & Bobby T. Shirley, DMD General & Cosmetic Dentistry • 3036 Atlanta Highway, Dallas, GA 30132 770-445-6606 • www.BICKFORDANDSHIRLEY.com PAGE 4 For Advertising information Call 770.222.2699 l info@ourtownfamily.com l OurTownFamily.com Our Town about the cover We’re here for you. * Up to $1500 A t Our Town, we really look forward to high school football, especially since our sons play. When we thought about this month’s cover, it was an easy choice to highlight each of the high school football teams in Paulding with one of their players. We were so blessed to have a representative from each of the FIVE high schools in Paulding. Since most of them had scrimmages the night before, it meant a lot to us that these young men committed to meeting with us early on a Saturday morning. Dustin Womack #57 - Paulding County High School Dustin is the son of Michael and Amy Womack, and is a life long resident of Dallas. Dustin has played football for seven years, and currently plays in the positions of Offensive Guard and Defensive End for PCHS. Dustin is a senior this year, and is looking forward to seeing the team grow as a family and perform well. He also wants the team to earn the respect of their peers and the county. Federal Tax Credit! on qualifying systems 25 Hours a Day, 8 Days a Week. l Fast, Affordable Service l Certified Technicians & Installers l Senior Citizens Discount: 10% on System Repairs Our Town For Advertising information Call 770.222.2699 GA Reg. #401776 Since 1990 l Car l 770-443-1821 www.RagsdaleAir.com Jackson Shaw #76 – South Paulding High School Jackson is the son of Ron and JoAnn Shaw, and has lived in Dallas his entire life. Jackson has played football for 12 years, and currently plays in the position of Defensive End for SPHS. Jackson is a senior and is looking forward to his last year by being with the friends and teammates he’s been with for the last four years. He’s excited about the development of this year’s team and hoping they have a GREAT season. Jackson also runs track for SPHS. Darrius LaVon Stephens #58 – Hiram High School Darrius is the son of LaTonya Stephens German of Hiram. Darrius has lived in Paulding for the past three years and has played football for five years. He currently plays in the position of Offensive and Defensive Lineman and Linebacker for HHS. Darrius, a senior, is looking forward to this football season with the hopes of bringing a Championship to his school. Darrius also runs track for HHS. Read more about our cover on page 26 ESTIMATES On Replacement Systems For more specials & coupons visit us online at Christian Robert Conley #32 – North Paulding High School Chris is the son of Charles and Christina Conley of Dallas. Chris has lived in Paulding County for three years, and has only been playing football for two years. He currently plays in the positions of Wide Receiver and Free Safety for NPHS. Chris is a junior this year and is looking forward to seeing how he and the team have grown and matured, and is anxious to see if all their hard work has paid off. Chris also plays basketball and runs track for NPHS. Taylor Stephens #49 – East Paulding High School Taylor is the son of Gary and Debbie Stephens. Taylor and his family have been in the Paulding area for the past seven years. He has played football for 10 years, and currently plays in the positions of Tight End and Line Backer for EPHS. Taylor is also a senior and is looking forward working hard, and making this the best season he’s had. FREE 100% SATISFACTION GUARANTEED Randy, Ralph, Jason, Andy, & Larry Stereos l Mobile Video/DVD Systems l Vehicle Security Systems l GPS Navigation l Remote Starters l Keyless Entry l Truck & SUV Accessories l Window Tinting l Custom Wheels info@ourtownfamily.com l 770-920-0077 7447 Douglas Boulevard Douglasville (By Home Depot) www.soundproofinc.com OurTownFamily.com Financing Available! PAGE 5 MARTIAL ARTS 678-895-6155 calendar of events GIVE YOUR CHILD A KICK START! Back to School Special n We offer FUN classes to stay Healthy, Relieve Stress & Lose Weight n Try our Yoga Ra Tae classes for a total body fitness! **PLEASE NOTE – Dates, times and locations are always subject to change prior to printing. Please contact the person in charge or the venue to verify the information. FREE One Month & Uniform with registration FREE “Just Move It” EXERCISE CLASSES – Northwest Christian Church September 1, 15, and 29; Tuesday 6:30pm-7:30pm September 11 and 25; Friday 6:30pm-7:30pm Come get fit with us! Classes are in the Fellowship Hall. NWCC is located at 3737 Dallas-Acworth Hwy., Acworth. For more info call 770-425-2525 or email us at nwccoffice@nwcc.net. w/this ad thru 09/30/09 ADULTS 2 FOR 1 4707 Dallas Acworth Hwy n Dallas www.newhopemartialarts.net w/this ad thru 09/30/09 PAULDING COUNTY/WEST COBB “MOPS” – Fortified Hills Baptist Church September 4 and 18; Friday 9:30am – 11:30am MOTHERS OF PRESCHOOLERS (MOPS) is a place for moms to come, just as they are, to build friendships, receive mothering support, practical help and spiritual hope. Meeting are twice monthly and childcare is provided. Annual membership cost $90 (with childcare). Visit fortifiedhills.com or email ken niraye@comcast.net with questions. BellaG Studio Learning Center Where music becomes a passion Private Pre-K Program Half or Full Days Piano Instruction Mondays & Thursdays 3:30-6:00PM 17+ Years Experience MARIETTA ART IN THE PARK– Glover Park in Marietta Square September 5-7; Saturday to Monday 10am–5pm During this 23rd annual event, the Square becomes a family-friendly destination of outdoor artistic enjoyment. There’s an artist market and an Interactive Art Alley where you can create your own make-and-take projects. FREE Festival Admission and Parking at the Cherokee Street Parking Deck. For more info visit mariettaartinthepark.com. 770-355-7279 ANNUAL SHRINERS’ LABOR DAY PARADE - downtown Douglasville September 7; Monday, Labor Day 10am Church Street from Fairburn Road west to Rose Avenue, then to Hunter Park, To enter the parade, contact Tate Cole, 770.920.8152 www.bellaGstudio.com SEPTEMBER CROSSWORD SOLUTION A F E W C O S E C R O U E S C O P A L O H A R E M I R I N M A Z A B O S C O A N I T B A L L H O R I A R C A U E W D N E E C D P E L R O A B Y I N O B N G S A T S U S T U R N K U M A E R A L T N C E G A M S E A U G C A E S S Y A E Y R O I R E E O B E Y S A A H D E L P L A S T E R O F P A R I S H E R A T E T A X E L O P E A S S E T D E E D Y R O B O T P A L M S D E E P IN DALLAS! $33/Month* UNLIMITED CLASSES! $10 OFF Joining Fee PAGE 10th ANNUAL 5K WALK FOR FUN & HEALTH – White Oak Park September 12; Saturday Paulding Parks & Recreation is hosting their 10th annual Walk for Fun. Part of the proceeds benefit the Atlanta 2-Day Breast Cancer walk. All ages welcome! The park is located at 298 Mustang Drive, off Hwy 61, south of Paulding Co. High School. $11 per walker or $31 per family or team of 4. There is an Elementary School Challenge; awards for the school with the most percentage of participants based on enrollment. For more info contact Paulding Parks & Rec at 770-445-8065. HIRAM FAITH & FAMILY FESTIVAL– Ben Hill Strickland Park & Ampitheater September 12; Saturday 12pm-10pm The 1st Annual Hiram Faith & Family Fest is a family oriented, local business sponsored event that your whole family is sure to enjoy. This day long extravaganza includes Main-Stage shows such as comedy acts, magic show, open-mic karaoke, guitar & dance praise contests, a talent showcase, and caps off with an evening concert featuring the multi-DOVE award winning and GRAMMY nominated music of Gospel Music Artists - The Nelons, Jeff & Sheri Easter, and the David Hill Trio. For more info call 770-577-4013 or 678-409-7883. WALK FOR LIFE – First Baptist Church of Dallas September 26; Saturday – Registration 9:30am, Walk 10am – 11am Paulding Pregnancy Services (PPS) invites you to join them as they raise funds and bring awareness in support of LIFE. The two mile walk is open to anyone – strollers welcome. For more info about the Walk for Life, including walking as a sponsored walker, contact PPS online at pauldingpregnancy.org, by phone at 770.222.6911 or by e-mail at pps44@bellsouth.net. jazzercise.com 770-893-8906 1-800-FIT-IS-IT For Advertising information Call 770.222.2699 NORTHWEST CHRISTIAN CHURCH ANNUAL YARD SALE - NWCC September 12; Saturday 8am – 12pm NWCC is located at 3737 Dallas-Acworth Hwy., Acworth. For more info call 770-4252525 or email us at nwccoffice@nwcc.net. 7TH ANNUAL HEALTH FAIR & STREET FESTIVAL – Porter Family Chiropractic September 19; Saturday 11am – 3pm Fun for the entire family! FREE!!! Food, inflatable slides, moonwalk, and more! For more info, please call Debbie Porter at 770-427-1889 of Dallas *EFT Required Bring in this Ad and Receive September 2009 l info@ourtownfamily.com l OurTownFamily.com Our Town 4TH ANNUAL GLASS SLIPPER BALL – Brookstone Country Club September 19; Saturday; 7pm – 9:30pm The Ritzy Pixie presents this magical night, where ordinary life becomes an extraordinary fairytale. Advance tickets are $38 per person; also available is the Fairy Godmother Package that includes a dress and 2 tickets for $136. Visit the website TheRitzyPixie.com or call 770-445-0523 for more details. PAULDING 45 & OVER SINGLES CLUB ACTIVITIES September 8; (Every 2nd Tuesday of the month) 6:30pm – Ryan’s in Hiram September 15; Tuesday 6:30 pm - 9:30 pm – Jalapeno Joe’s in Hiram Paulding Singles Club members participate in dining socials, dance nights, movies, bowling, car shows, music events, adopt a solider and more. Monthly meetings are held at Ryan’s. Also, join them for their After Hours Social and Trivia Night at Jalapeno Joe’s. For more information please call Andree at 770-505-3237. LIFE ON THE SOUTHERN HOME FRONT– Pickett’s Mill Battlefield September 12; Saturday 10am–4pm Come experience a living history in an 1850’s cabin. The program portrays the lifestyles of civilians who lived during the 1850s depicting the cooking, sewing, gardening, and cleaning styles at that time. Tickets are $4 for adults, $3.50 for seniors and $2.75 for children ages 6-17. Children 5 and under are FREE. Call 770-443-7850 for more info visit their website at pickettsmillpark.org. WEST COBB MOTHER’S & MORE – West Cobb Chapter September 17; (Every 3rd Thursday of the month) 7:30pm Need some adult conversation? Join the W. Cobb Chapter of Mother’s and More! From playgroups to book clubs, you’ll find ways to balance work and family, adjust to motherhood, and make life more fun! The Chapter meets the third Thursdays of the month at 7:30 pm at West Cobb Chiropractic, 5041 Dallas Highway, Suite 500, Marietta. For more details, email us a westcobbmothersandmore @ yahoo.com. NORTH GEORGIA STATE FAIR – Jim R. Miller Park September 24 thru October 4; Thursday through Sunday The 77th annual NGSF featuring live music, free attractions and shows, farm animals, flower shows, blue ribbon competitions, square dancing, food, games and rides. For detailed info visit www.northgeorgiastatefair.com. SHORTER COLLEGE JOB/CAREER FAIR – The Forum in Rome September 24; Thursday 9am-2pm Shorter College offers this opportunity to both job seekers and employers. http:// nwgashortercollegejobfair.eventbrite.com AUDITIONS FOR ‘ANNIE’ AND ‘BEAUTY AND THE BEAST’ – Showbiz Kids Dance Theater Ongoing through October 1st Call Ms. Shirley for details 770-355-1898 or 770-439-2426 THIRD ANNUAL 5K CORNERSTONE COMMUNITY CHALLENGE – Cornerstone Chiropractic, P.C. October 3; Saturday - Registration begins at 7am, Run begins at 8am Please join us for the 3rd Annual community 5K run and Health Fair. All proceeds will go to the Shepherd’s Rest Ministry; a Paulding County domestic violence shelter for women. Please contact Dr. Jared Key or Dr. Daniel Roberts at Cornerstone (770) 439-7765 for race applications, sponsorship information, and other info. 4th ANNUAL FATHER DAUGHTER PURITY BALL – Pleasant Grove Baptist Church October 3; Saturday 6pm – 10pm Hosted by Paulding Pregnancy Services, this event is designed to help build stronger relationships between fathers and daughters and encourage young ladies to make positive, healthy choices with their lives. Recommended for girls ages 10 and older and their fathers. If their father is not available to attend, a step-father, uncle, grandfather or other father figure is invited to attend with her. The event includes a fully catered meal, special musical and dramatic performances, father-daughter dancing, professional photography, games and fun. The cost is $25.00 per person and church/ semi-formal dress is suggested. Find out more and register online at www.paulding pregnancy.org/purityball or call Ball Coordinator, Kim Gramling, at 678-852-9867. PAULDING COUNTY PUBLIC SAFETY APPRECIATION DAY – Paulding Meadows October 10; Saturday 12pm – 5pm You are invited to join Paulding’s public service officials Sheriff Gary Gulledge, Fire Chief Michael Earwood, District Attorney Drew Lane, Dallas Police Chief Scott Halter, Hiram Police Chief Johnny Shirley and many others in recognizing and celebrating Continued on page 22 Our Town For Advertising information Call 770.222.2699 l Tickets Available Online, via phone and at Our Box Office THE Box Office open Mon, Wed, Fri 4PM-7PM & Sat 9AM-1PM 208 Main Street 678-363-0813 DALLAS Upcoming Christian Comedian Jason Teague Events Saturday, Sept 26th 8pm and Silent Auction in Civic Center at 6pm! Join us for a fun and exciting evening of live comedy and bid on wonderful items from local businesses! Tickets $12.00 Adults, $10 Children 12 & Under (general admission) Your ticket gains admission to silent auction and show! Check our website for more upcoming events! email: dallastheatre@dallas-ga.gov www.dallastheater-civiccenter.com 770.445.5180 Theatre l Dance l Concerts l Film l Comedy Performing Arts in the Heart of Paulding! info@ourtownfamily.com l OurTownFamily.com PAGE relationships By Leisa A. Bailey, Ph.D. C Why is Change So Hard? hange is a constant in life, yet many dread and react to it with panic. Change is hard – so hard; in fact, it is often avoided at all costs. By avoiding change, we create problems with lost opportunities and can create a life that is stuck – with less joy. However, change can be scary. Most people like predictability and thrive on certainty. Change requires stepping into the unknown and losing a comfortable routine. Resistance to change can come from different sources. Personality style impacts how we respond to change. High energy, outgoing individuals appear to adapt to change more easily while lower energy, introspective individuals may have more difficulty. Level of self-esteem can also have a significant impact on the ability to adapt to change. Additionally an individual’s level of stress impacts the capacity to accept change. Some changes are caused by external events. These changes can be positive and exciting such as a new marriage, the birth of a child, or moving to a new home. Even when a change is desirable, an adaptation can be challenging. Other changes are the result of loss such as being terminated from a job, or the death of a loved one. Psychological research has shown the significant stress associated with change caused by external events. Some changes come after a conscious decision. These self-imposed changes are hard because they require altering some kind of habitual behavior. Habits help us function each day. Some habits are great - - like washing your hands. Other habits are bad - - like over eating. Even attitudes are habits, such as being angry or optimistic. We all develop our habitual way of being in the world and being in relationships. Habits serve a purpose, but when ineffective, aren’t helpful. However, changing habits is difficult. Many people believe that making personal change is a matter of willpower and if you want something enough you will make it happen. I believe most have experienced that wanting something is not enough to effect change. Noah Blumenthal, a noted Life Coach, wrote in his book: You’re Addicted to You: Why It’s So Hard to Change and What You Can Do about It, that willpower alone won’t get you to change. He proposes 3 main strategies. 1. Raise awareness. Understand your current behaviors and appreciate the impact of the behavior on you and those around you. The first step toward change is to be conscious of the NEED to change. Envision what you want. Consider writing it down and describing your goal in detail. 2. Build support. Identify and draw strength from a network of people who help make your change efforts more effective. People around you can both positively and negatively impact change. As an example, imagine an individual who has made a clear, motivated decision to eat healthier. While an individual choice, it is easy to imagine how the people around can assist or sabotage progress. If a spouse, family, friends and coworkers are supportive or even share the goal, there will be fewer invitations to share late night binges, fast food meals, or encouragement to “get off track”. 3. Take action. Practice new behaviors. Remind yourself to avoid old behaviors. Review your progress. Each day, take small steps toward the change you are wanting. Change happens most effectively when expectations are realistic and there are not too many changes attempted at once. The commonly held belief is that it takes about a month of repeated action to start forming a new habit. With time, the “change” becomes the new habit. Embracing both change caused by events and decisions presents opportunities. When you move past your comfort zone you can find increased adventure, excitement and satisfaction. Often, what we really want is hidden beneath what we’ve settled for. Dr. Bailey is a Licensed Clinical Psychologist with a private practice in Marietta. You can learn more about her by visiting: www.marietta-psycologist.com and can be reached at LeisaB@marietta-psychologist.com. C Participating in the Breast Cancer 3-Day Walk INSATIONS Salon 8876 Dallas-Acworth Hwy Suite 306 Crossroads Shopping Center Tues, Wed, Fri 9am-6pm Thu 9 am-7 pm Sat 9 am-3pm Closed Sunday & Mon We’re joining aquage donating 10% of Our Special Pink Promotion to Susan G. Komen for the Cure PAGE For Advertising information Call 770.222.2699 l info@ourtownfamily.com l 770.529.1291 OurTownFamily.com Our Town Bring in this ad to receive 40% OFF Atlanta’s Diamond Superstore Since 1939 YOUR ENTIRE JEWELRY PURCHASE OF REGULARLY-PRICED MERCHANDISE! 1/2 cttw Diamond Earrings from $299! KENNESAW SMYRNA COBB PLACE Behind Bugaboo Creek Steakhouse 840 Ernest Barrett Pkwy., Suite 520 Kennesaw, GA 30144 CUMBERLAND SQUARE NORTH Across from Best Buy 2453 Cobb Parkway Smyrna, GA 30080 770.955.5995 merle norman 678.331.3100 1 cttw Diamond Earrings from $799! GWINNETT MALL CORNERS Next to HH Gregg 2131 Pleasant Hill Road, Suite 122 Duluth, GA 30096 678.474.4747 This coupon is redeemable at any of our three locations. Not applicable towards past sales or layaways. Some restrictions apply. See store for details. Offer good through 9/30/2009. Monday-Friday 10am-8pm, Saturday 10am-5pm, Sunday 12pm-5pm Laser Hair Removal, Electrolysis, Massage, Manicures, Pedicures and Hair Salon The Salon @ Medical Director L. Jack Cheng, MD, PhD Now offering injectables: Botox, Juvaderm, Radiesse & More & Skin Care Clinic Jacquelyn & Jacqueline 770-917-1212 Our Town Corner of Cedarcrest & Seven Hills, Dallas, GA 30132 For Advertising information Call 770.222.2699 l info@ourtownfamily.com l www.LaBellaDayspa.org OurTownFamily.com PAGE family focus Raising a Healthy Newborn Mary Hammock, MSN, CPNP L ife, in general, is full of advice. When you are pregnant, the advice is voluminous. Advice comes from pregnancy and childbirth magazines, books, family, friends and your obstetrician’s office. Not all advice is good advice and weeding through it all can be overwhelming. So here’s more advice from a busy pediatrician practice about your beautiful bundle of joy. First, breast is best. According to the American Academy of Pediatrics and the United States Surgeon General, breast milk is the best nutrition for your baby. That said, breastfeeding is not an easy task. Like everything in life, practice makes perfect. New mothers need plenty of rest, good nutrition and water, as well as emotional support while learning to breastfeed. It takes approximately 6 weeks for mom and baby to find their rhythm. Mom will have good milk supply, the soreness should have diminished and mom will be better able to enjoy nursing her baby. The baby will become an efficient feeder in less time. Breast milk’s benefits for the baby include easier digestion, fewer allergy risks, less constipation, less obesity, less diaper rash, improved immunity and a stronger mother-baby relationship. The benefits for mother include lower cost, greater convenience, faster recovery, less post-partum depression, reduced risk for breast cancer and higher satisfaction. Don’t hesitate to ask for assistance from your pediatrician or a lactation consultant. Breastfeeding is not the best situation for everybody and there should be no guilt in bottle feeding. Babies also thrive with commercially made formulas. Cow’s milk, soy, lactose-free and specialty formulas are available. Consult your pediatrician to find what formula works best for your little one. No matter the nutrition source, watch the baby for sucking on hands, rooting or crying to indicate readiness to feed and the relaxation that occurs with a full tummy. Secondly, illness prevention is a must. In Kindergarten, we learned to wash our hands after using the restroom and before eating. In the daily care of a newborn, we should always wash our hands before handling them, feeding them and after changing them. Anyone who comes to visit must wash their hands before coming in contact with the baby. If they are sick with a fever or cough, they should not enter the home until they have been free of illness for at least 24 hours. Due to the lack of immunity, a fever and illness is a big concern in a newborn. If the baby feels warm, take a rectal temperature. It is the most accurate. If the temperature is above 100.4, the baby must be seen immediately at the pediatrician’s office or emergency care. Finally, a baby should be put on their back to sleep. Since the American Academy of Pediatrics instituted the “Back to Sleep” program, there has been a significant decrease in the incidence of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS). Babies should sleep on a firm, well-fitted mattress with a waterproof covering and no pillow or fluffy stuffed animals in the crib. Cosleeping is not recommended because of the fear of suffocation from being trapped in bedding or under a parent. Newborns frequently have their days and nights mixed up. Caring for a newborn is exhausting. Arrange your day around your newborn’s sleep schedule and nap when he or she naps. The laundry and dishes will wait. Around 3-4 months of age, sleeping patterns start to regulate. Feeding frequently during the day makes for a better sleeper at night. For appointments call, 770-617-3805 www.infocusphotographyonline.com PAGE 10 For Advertising information Call 770.222.2699 Cobb Pediatrics has been helping families raise healthy children for more than 30 years. Please call if we can be of assistance to your family. l info@ourtownfamily l OurTownFamily.com Our Town W e have been helping families raise healthy children for more than 30 years e i g g a M oo’s Mdriving ! n w o ur T d n beearoun O Find Maggie in this issue! MARIETTA 410 Villa Rica Way Marietta, GA 30064 (678) 504-1199 Valid only at part for a FREE POWDER SPRINGS 5041 Dallas Hwy, Bldg 2, Ste D Powder Springs, GA 30127 (770) 425-5331 Kid’s Ice Cream with Purchase of any Regular Size Ice Cream HAVE FUN! www.cobbpeds.com Expires 9/30/09. Original magazine only; no copies. Valid only at Cedarcrest location. Not valid with any other offer. Not redeemable for cash. Limit one per customer. Customer responsible for applicable taxes. 9:00am to 5:00pm Monday through Friday and 9:00am to 12:00pm on Saturdays 2483 Cedarcrest Rd. Acworth 678-224-5681 www.maggiemoos.com WW Expires with an custom Symm Safety Ask about discounts for ladders in multiple rooms! Not Everything is LIFE or DEATH Getting your child out of the house 3698 Largent Way info@SymmSafety.com www.SymmSafety.com Our Town $50 OFF with this ad only Michael A. Rossitch, DDS, MS, PC Specialist in Pediatric Dentistry Get your escape ladder TODAY for only $299 For Advertising information Call 770.222.2699 Suite 201 l Marietta We provide an environment where kids can have a fun and happy dental experience while receiving the very best dental care available. Come tour our state of the art office with with themed rooms representing each continent from around the world. IS. 770.286.0138 l Conveniently located across from The Avenue West Cobb 770.420.6565 www.RossitchPediatricDentistry.com l info@ourtownfamily l OurTownFamily.com PAGE 11 health & fitness 3RD ANNUAL CORNERSTONE COMMUNITY 5k CHALLENGE H elping others is the greatest reward in life, and this is why as children we often dreamt of being firemen, police officers or even doctors while growing up. These were dreams of making a difference in the world and helping those who needed it. Somehow though, growing older with more responsibilities seems to make one loose sight of beautiful dreams….but fortunately, dreams can be re-kindled. Three years ago upon opening our practice, we knew that community outreach was not just going to be a vital cornerstone of how we practice, but a priority, and the mission of our lives. Community service is not a penalty, it is an honor. The ability to help others; to reach out and help change the lives around us, and making our community a better place is a duty and a reward in itself. With this in mind, we take pride, not just in treating our patients, but in educating them about health, holding health talks open for anyone to attend, and participating in as many events as possible to reach the community the best we can. But there has to be more. In our practice we feel there is a sense of community, and our members are drafted into our mission. Few things have melted our heart’s more than seeing our patients coming in with bags of school supplies for a back to school day, helping us build a playground for a local church, or coming in with boxes filled with cans of food or toys for our food and toy drives. This is community; people with ability helping those in need. But to make an impact, we need to get people that are not members of our practice on mission also. This is the purpose of our 3rd Annual Cornerstone Community Challenge. This is a 5K run/walk starting in the Poplar Square Shopping Center in which all proceeds will go to Shepherd’s Rest Ministries Women’s Shelter. This shelter is a local Paulding County Domestic Violence Shelter. Established in June of 1997, this organization has helped this community by providing emergency shelter, transportation, food, clothing and legal advocacy to women and children who have been, or are at risk of being displaced from their homes due to family violence. This race is an opportunity for the entire community to come together and help those in need. Running or walking a 5K is a 30 minute event. Participating as a runner or corporate sponsor in this event is a life changing and life saving event. We hope you will join us! Dr. Daniel Roberts and Dr. Jared Key – Cornerstone Chiropractic Bicycle Sales Service Rentals Concessions Mention this ad and get $10.00 off Basico tuneup ($60.00 value) PAGE 12 For Advertising information Call 770.222.2699 l info@ourtownfamily.com Located @ Hiram Silver Comet Trailhead in Homer Leggett Park Pavilion 770-439-7337 www.TheChainStation.com Philippians 4:13 l OurTownFamily.com Our Town GE Celebrating 36 Years “Certified Faculty” SHOWBIZ KIDS DANCE THEATER Performing & Fine Art Studio Enrolling Now - 2 years to Professional Registration: Mon. - Thurs. 4pm-8pm & Sat. 11am-3pm Back to School Special* $14.99 Monthly No Contract Looking for Hip Hop Dance Crew Performance Members Ages 3-6 years, 7-10 years and 11yrs and up THINK! Proper Dance Technique Makes a Difference! Ballet, Jazz, Tap, Acting, Voice, Tumbling and More..... More than a Dance Studio! *Limited Time Only Must present this ad Ask about our affordable personal training programs! FREE PLUS! Bring a friend to Join and get one month free! Hydromassage and Fitness Assessment! 2009-10 Productions Annie & Beauty and the Beast Audition deadline Look Better, Feel Better, Have More Energy, and Lose Weight 5886 Wendy Bagwell Parkway Hiram Ga 30157 44 Darby’s Crossing Dr., Ste. 208 * Hwy. 92 (between Macland Rd. & Hwy. 278) Hiram www.showbizkidsdance.com * 770-439-2426 or 770-355-1898 (direct line) 770-943-0049 www.americanbodyworks.com Corporate Sponsors Wanted! Runners Needed! Thank You to Our Sponsors! Registration and Setup at 7am Please Contact Race and Business Fair Cornerstone Chiropractic begins at 8am for more information (770) 439-7765 Our Town For Advertising information Call 770.222.2699 l 5886 Wendy Bagwell Parkway Suite 301 n Hiram, GA 30141 info@ourtownfamily.com l Dr. Jared Key OurTownFamily.com Dr. Daniel Roberts PAGE 13 home decor Faux Painting Techniques My Kitchen is Open. By Andrea R. Julien F aux Painting, a decorative hand-created painting technique, is very popular in interior designs. It captures warmth of textiles, depth, texture and blends of light and color to create one of a kind wall treatments for your home or office. There are numerous techniques, but we’ll look at five trendy styles. Glazing - First we have one of the most common types of faux painting, Glazing. This free form finish is known for its subtle variations of color and natural, soft glow. Supremely versatile, it can be adapted to any living environment from modern to traditional. It imparts a peaceful, tranquil feeling that adds to the comfort of any room of you home or where ever you decide. Glazing techniques color washing, combing and ragging are among the most popular. Aging - This technique adds a beautiful worn elegant look to cabinetry, wood paneling, moldings and furniture. Today with the help of superior products aging techniques seem almost magical in its simplicity. Within minutes you can duplicate the effects of years of natural weathering. One example is antiquing which involves sanding down trim or molding, using a knife to shave edges or using a knife or nail to create little worm holes in wood. Also taking a fine point black marker and create a few specks on the legs or arms of a piece of furniture. Stenciling - Stenciling is an easy way to add a custom pattern to your walls. It is widely used in living rooms, floors, bathrooms and furniture. Inspiration can be found in your home by looking at repeat patterns in wallpapers, rugs, fabrics and tiles. Designed to work well with different floral prints, stenciling traces its roots as far back as ancient Egyptian times. I find stencils great over a texture background such as ragging or sponging or color washes. Marbleizing - Marbleizing is a timeless decorative finish that adds boldness and grandeur to any space. It can be used successfully in either modern or traditional environments. When marbleizing, choose a surface that might realistically be made of marble such as baseboards, molding, panels, fireplace mantels, columns or tabletops. It also helps to have a piece of marble that you like to use as a guide for the base and top colors. It works great to add a glaze sealer over your piece. With a little practice, anyone can create this beautiful finish. Dinner changed for me the day I became responsible for someone else’s. As a parent, I’d like dinner to be a little more memorable, reliable, and healthy. We don’t really have much time with our kids, do we? My kitchen is open thanks to my kids and The Dinner A’Fare. Gift Certificates Available! Freezer Sale! Any Meal serving 2-3 for $10 with coupon, minimum 3. Not valid with any other offer. Expires 9/30/09 VISIT US IN DOUGLASVILLE 2750 Chapel Hill Rd., Suite 300 (Behind Starbucks) Delivery Available to the Paulding Area on Tuesdays for an additional $10. www.thedinnerafare.com 770.577.5417 Wood Graining - Also known as “Faux Bois”, wood graining is a timeless decorative finish that adds warmth and beauty to any space. It can be utilized in almost any style of décor from a Mahogany Gentlemen’s Pub to a bleached oak farmhouse dining room. When wood graining, choose surfaces that are realistically made of wood, such as baseboards, moldings, panels, mantels, columns or tabletops. I would like to be very clear on this, Wood graining is one of the most difficult faux finishes and requires some practice. It is best to first try on a piece of spare wood or card board. E v en t C en t er Andrea R. Julien is the owner of Dreá Custom Designs. To get more designing tips, visit dreacustomdesigns.com. ! G INls! N PESpecia O Ddding N RA e G 9W 200 WEDDINGS s RECEPTIONS s SPECIAL EVENTS s PARTIES 808 School Road Dallas, GA 30132 770-877-1580 www.rosehalleventcenter.com rosehallcontact@yahoo.com PAGE 14 For Advertising information Call 770.222.2699 l info@ourtownfamily.com l Our PromiseWe treat every occasion as if it were our own. Bringing attention to every detail while offering exceptional value and excellent service to those we have the privilege to serve. OurTownFamily.com Our Town Busy day? We can help. Evan Blake Salon 2nd Location Coming to Seven Hills Publix December 2009! Digital printing and document services We provide a full range of document services, including: Full-color digital printing, binding, laminating, collating and notary services. Mailbox services With our mailboxes you get real street address, not a P.O. Box number, package acceptance from all carriers and call-in MailCheck. Packing and shipping Our certified Packing Experts are here for all your packing needs. We even offer freight services for a large or odd-size items (770) 445-3453 Fax: (770) 445-3454 The UPS Store R Publix Shopping Center at New Hope 55 East Paulding Drive Dallas, GA 30157 55 East Paulding Drive s Suite 122 s New Hope s 770.505.3242 s evanblakesalon.com email: store5177@theupstore.com The Ritzy Pixie presents The Fourth Annual Glass Slipper Ball Tickets Selling Fast! Saturday, September 19, 2009 7pm - 9:30pm Brookstone Country Club Tickets are available to Brookstone Residents starting August 1 and tickets for non-residents will begin August 15. E Fairy Godmother Package includes Dress & 2 tickets $136! Reserve An Entire Table For Your Child and Friends! very child dreams of a make-believe world filled with song and dance, princes and princesses. The Ritzy Pixie makes this dream a reality at our Fourth Annual Glass Slipper Ball. This is an event that will forever be remembered and make a lasting impression on your child’s heart. Join us this special night, where your ordinary life becomes an extraordinary fairytale. • Guests arrive dressed in their own prince or princess attire • Meet the Little Mermaid, Tinkerbell, Sleeping Beauty, Snow White, Belle, Cinderella & Prince Charming • DJ and photographer will be in attendance • Purchase tickets in advance— $38.00/person The Ritzy Pixie Fabulous Gifts & Fairytale Fun 209 Main Street, Dallas, GA 30132 770.445.0523 Our Town For Advertising information Call 770.222.2699 l info@ourtownfamily.com l OurTownFamily.com PAGE 15 Our Town High School SOUTH PAULDING SPARTANS NORTH PAULDING WOLFPACK HIRAM HORNETS 300 North Paulding Drive Dallas, GA 30132 Phone: 770-443-9400 300 North Paulding Drive Dallas, GA 30132 Phone: 770-443-9400 702 Ballentine Drive, Hira Phone: 770-443-1182 South Paulding High School – Football Schedule North Paulding High School – Football Schedule Hiram High School – Foot Athletic Director – Greg Cherry Head Coach – Tim Glanton Athletic Director – Don Breedlove Head Coach – Heath Webb Athletic Director – Ken Rit Head Coach – Andy Dorse Date 9/4 Opponent Cass H/A Away Time 7:30 p.m. Date 9/4 Opponent Armuchee H/A Time Home 7:30 p.m. Date 9/4 Opponent N. W. Whitfield 9/11 Dalton Home 7:30 p.m. 9/11 Lakeview-Ft.Oglethorpe Home 7:30 p.m. 9/11 Cass (Middle Schoo 9/18 Ringgold (Homecoming) Home 7:30 p.m. 9/18 Social Circle Away 7:30 p.m. 9/18 Northgate (Homec 9/25 Open 9/25 Warren Co. Away 7:30 p.m. 9/25 Open 10/2 Hillgrove Away 7:30 p.m. 10/2 Allatoona Away 7:30 p.m. 10/2 Paulding Co.* 10/9 Hiram Home 7:30 p.m. 10/9 Aquinas (Homecoming) Home 7:30 p.m. 10/9 South Paulding* 10/16 10/23 Paulding County Home 7:30 p.m. 10/16 OPEN 10/16 Osborne* (Family Sprayberry Away 7:30 p.m. 10/23 Bowdon Away 7:30 p.m. 10/23 Hillgrove (Senior N 10/30 Osborne Away 7:30 p.m. 10/30 Allatoona Home 7:30 p.m. 10/30 Sprayberry* 11/6 Region Play-off Away 7:30 p.m. 11/6 Georgia Military Away 11/6 Region Play-in 7:30 p.m. *Sub-Region Games CPR CNA Certified Nursing Assistant Program JCPenney JCPenney’s Hiram Location is seeking with Mickey l l l l l l Corner of Hwy 120/Dallas Hwy & Macland Road PAGE 16 Salon Stylists Offering up to $1000 Signing Bonus Paulding County’s ONLY Private Certified Nursing Assistant Program 14 Years in Business Experienced Instructors All-Inclusive Program - No Hidden Fees! Convenient Location Call Today! Exciting 3 Week Course 110 Evans Mill Drive, Suite 704 • Serve your clients in a 1st class salon environment • Be a part of a team that values, develops, and rewards your contributions • Experience consistent celebration of your achievements • Strive for excellence with us in work, products, and services • Focus your efforts where creativity and innovation are encouraged • Express commitment to community with an employer where that’s the norm 770-573-2448 cprwithmickey.com For Advertising information Call 770.222.2699 R l Benefit Highlights: • Health Insurance • Dental Insurance • Paid Time Off info@ourtownfamily.com You may also Apply on-line at jcpenney.net or at an in-store hiring kiosk or call (770)250-1860 l OurTownFamily.com Our Town EAST PAULDING RAIDERS 1297 Villa Rica Hwy Dallas, GA 30157-7095 Phone: 770-443-8008 3320 East Paulding Drive Dallas, GA 30157 Phone: 770-445-5100 tball Schedule Paulding County High School – Football Schedule East Paulding High School – Football Schedule tch ey Athletic Director – Chris McAllister Head Coach – Rick Sauls Athletic Director - Greg Musgrove Head Coach - John Reid H/A Away Time 7:30 p.m. Date 9/4 Opponent Woodland H/A Away Time 7:30 p.m. Date 9/4 Opponent Open H/A Time ol Night)Home 7:30 p.m. 9/11 Rome Home 7:30 p.m. 9/11 South Cobb Home 7:30 p.m. coming)Home 7:30 p.m. 9/18 Haralson County Away 7:30 p.m. 9/18 McEachern Away 9/25 Open Marietta Home 7:30p.m. Etowah Away 7:30 p.m. Away 7:30 p.m. 10/2 Hiram (Homecoming) Home 7:30 p.m. 9/25 10/2 Away 7:30 p.m. 10/9 Sprayberry Home 7:30 p.m. 10/9 North Cobb (Homecoming)Home 7:30 p.m. y Night) Home 7:30 p.m. 10/16 South Paulding Away 7:30 p.m. Harrison Home 7:30 p.m. Night)* Home 7:30 p.m. 10/23 Osborne Away 7:30 p.m. 10/16 10/23 Kennesaw Mountain Away 7:30 p.m. 7:30 p.m. Away 7:30 p.m. 10/30 Hillgrove (Senior Night) Home 7:30 p.m. 10/30 Cherokee (Senior Night) Home 7:30 p.m. Away 7:30 p.m. 11/6 Play in Game 11/6 Woodstock Protect Your Loved Ones... Powers of Attorney $100 Advance Directives $100 Away 7:30 p.m. Wills Starting at $250 Away Fall Football Schedules PAULDING COUNTY PATRIOTS am, GA 30141 7:30 p.m. Bookkeeping*Tax Service “Complete Financial Therapy” Scott A. Flanagan l SAF, LLC www.flanaganaccounting.com Business and Individual Income Tax Services Business Bookkeeping Services lSpecialized Business Consulting Services l l 110 Evans Mill Drive, Suite 207 Dallas, Georgia 30157 www.twgorman.com 770-445-9580 Our Town For Advertising information Call 770.222.2699 l ELECTRONIC FILING AVAILABLE Specializing in Home Based and Small Businesses! info@ourtownfamily.com l Call Today for a FREE CONSULTATION Evening and Saturday Appointments l Over 25 Years Experience 770-505-9304 (770) 505-9355 – Fax l scott@flanaganaccounting.com Conveniently Located in Dallas, GA OurTownFamily.com PAGE 17 4BWF PGGOFXDPOUSBDUT XXXCFZPOETPMVUJPOTCJ[] 8FCTJUF%FTJHO .BSLFUJOH "ENJOJTUSBUJPO &WFOU1MBOOJOH finance 4VSZMHMRKI\TIVXWIVZMGIWJSVFYWMRIWWIWFMK 71%00 Tips on $aving Money on Car Insurance By Warren Fets P eople are always looking for a ways to save money. One of the most common ways people are now able to save a lot of money each year is by switching their auto insurance. Auto insurance rates fluctuate all the time and by researching different companies, you could find out that you can save a lot of money by changing. Here are some tips to help you save money on your car insurance. Raise your deductible. This is one of the most common ways to get a lower monthly rate but people often neglect to change it. Research the type of car you wish to purchase and the approximate price of insurance. People often think that smaller cars are less to insure but in some cases this isn’t always the case. Auto insurance companies take into consideration the amount of damage a car can do and how old the car is. If you buy a new car, chances are the price of car insurance will be higher because it will cost more to repair in the event of an accident. If you have children, you could save them a lot of money by putting them on your current policy. This could be a little risky for you, but if your child is a safe driver, it could save them hundreds of dollars a year. Compare the top car insurance companies and their rates. People often neglect to get the rates of different car insurance companies. They often get a quote and think that same quote is probably what every other company will give them. Like any business, car insurance companies are competing against each other to get your money. This means that they will have more competitive rates if possible. Make sure you are comparing the same coverage with each company. Another common mistake is for people to get a quote from one company, and then a different quote from another and don’t even realize that they are offering two different amounts of coverage. Auto insurance is a quick and easy way to save hundreds of dollars a year if you shop around the market. If you don’t like your current policy or even if you think it is a good one, it still can be very beneficial for you to look at other companies. People also often think that they are getting a good rate because they are paying less than they were with the car they had before, but they may not even realize what kind of policies they can get if they were to go to a different company. Whether you are new to finding car insurance, or have searched for auto insurance dozens of times, keep all of these things in the back of your mind. Don’t pick the first quote that looks affordable because you could very well be getting a very small amount of coverage. In the event of an accident, it could end up costing your more money in the long run. At atlanta-car-insurance.org you will find all types of tips on saving more. Looking for Affordable Health Care? We have it at Right Financial! $20 Co-Pay Plans & Low Deductible Plans Health Savings Account Flexible Plans to meet your needs No referrals required for special visits As an independent health agency, we work with several companies Call Now to find the best plan for you. For a FREE l l l l Call 770-505-4536 Email us at healthins@bellsouth.net We will send you the link to apply online! PAGE 18 For Advertising information Call 770.222.2699 l info@ourtownfamily.com l OurTownFamily.com Consultation! Jerry Clegg Our Town Our Town For Advertising information Call 770.222.2699 l info@ourtownfamily.com l OurTownFamily.com PAGE 19 medical Acworth Family Medicine Are You Ready For Some Football? A Guide to Common Football Injuries By D. Hodari Brooks, MD A s Fall arrives the annual tradition of Friday Night Lights is ready to begin. As an orthopedic surgeon practicing in the greater metro Atlanta area, I have the opportunity to treat a number of high school and college football players’ injuries. It has been my experience that both the athletes and the parents often have many questions regarding some of the more common football-related injuries and their treatments. This article will address some of those issues. CONCUSSIONS - A concussion is a head injury that results in a traumatic injury to the brain. The most important aspect of the initial treatment of a concussion is to have the player properly examined, hopefully by the team physician. Usually the athlete is not knocked unconscious, however, when loss of consciousness does occur, it typically signifies a more serious injury. The initial assessment focuses on the player’s mental status which includes headaches, any memory loss, visual problems, and neurologic problems. While symptoms are not usually severe, they can be concerning, particularly if they do not resolve quickly. In these cases, follow up exams are critical to assess an individual’s progress. In my experience, there is always a lot of the confusion regarding concussions, particularly in regards to whether the athlete can be cleared to return to play during the same game. An athlete will often argue that once he feels back to “normal,” he should be allowed to return to the game. This is an area of significant controversy in orthopedic literature but it is my professional opinion that it is always better to err on the side of conservatism and keep the athlete out of the game when there is any doubt. This is primarily due to the risk of Secondary Impact Syndrome which can occur when an individual who has had a recent concussion sustains another head injury. This can cause a very serious brain injury. I, therefore, encourage all parents and football players to understand that physicians have to put the health of the athlete above the interests of the team. ACL Injuries – the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) is a key stabilizing structure to the knee and is perhaps the most commonly feared knee injury because it results in the athlete being pulled for the duration of the current season. It also usually requires surgery to reconstruct the torn ligament. Often this injury results from a deceleration, non-contact injury. It can often take a year to fully recover from this injury and the subsequent surgery and rehab process. DJ Kuzio, MD Katherine Barfield, M.D. WALK-INs Welcome! Monday - Friday 8 AM - 5 PM Closed Thursdays After Noon Closed for Lunch 12 PM - 1 PM CEDARCREST Office NOW OPEN! 2487 Cedarcrest Road Suite 714 Located in Cedarcrest Pointe (Behind Anytime Fitness) To Make an Appointment Call 678-354-0230 ALL MAJOR INSURANCE PLANS ACCEPTED Now Accepting Tricare Insurance We now accept Medicare Meniscal Injuries – the meniscus or cartilage in the knee can also be injured with non-contact as well as contact injuries. Unlike the ACL, these injuries can sometimes be treated without surgery in younger individuals and does not always involve the athlete missing the entire season. Achilles Tendon Injuries – the Achilles tendon connects the large muscles of the calf to the heel bone. When an athlete tears this tendon, the result is also not being able to play for the rest of the season. Surgery is typically, but not always, performed and usually the total rehab process lasts 6-8 months. Rotator Cuff injuries – this is a collection of four muscles that help to power the shoulder. Most often this structure is injured when a football player attempts to make a tackle and has the opposing player “run through” the tackle, causing a sudden jerking injury to the shoulder. If the rotator cuff is sprained (not torn) then often the injury can be rehabilitated and the player can return at some point during the season. If completely torn, then treatment ranges from non-operative to surgical repair, and also typically results in loss of the season. These are some of the more common problems that I treat as an orthopedic surgeon involved with treating football injuries. My hope is that I do not have to see any of you in my office, as I wish all of my parents and athletes a healthy successful football season. So stay healthy and good luck to all. Dr. Hodari Brooks is an orthopaedic surgeon at Pinnacle Orthopaedics. Get to Know Pinnacle. Call 770-944-3303 or visit www.pinnacle-ortho.com for a complete list of services, physicians and locations near you. PAGE 20 For Advertising information Call 770.222.2699 l info@ourtownfamily.com l OurTownFamily.com Our Town lMost major insurance & vision plans accepted. lDilation free exams available with Optomap Retinal Imaging. lWe provide all eye services including vision exams covering glasses and contact lenses for adults and children. lWe also provide medical testing of the eye which covers glaucoma, cataracts, diabetes, and eye injuries. Dr. Peter Huffman, OD 678.324.4211 80 Seven Hills Blvd, Suite 305, Dallas (Located in the new Publix Shopping Center at the corner of Seven Hills Blvd and Cedarcrest Rd) Our Town Marietta Imaging Centers offers full service imaging including CT, MR - open and closed, MRA, EEG, Nuclear Medicine, Fluoroscopy, X-Ray, Digital Mammography, Ultrasound and DEXA (Bone Density) exams. Same day appointments available for most exams. Marietta Imaging Centers provide their patients with a warm, friendly environment. The staff consists of on-site boad certified and fellowship trained radiologists. The office staff is eager to assist with check-in and insurance verification. We welcome STAT procedures and same-day add-ons. NEW! www.mariettaimaging.com Digital Mammography Three Locations to Serve You Better DESIGNER & FASHION EYEWEAR including: Juicy Couture, Nike, Gucci, D & G, Kate Spade, Nine West, Silhouette, & many more For Advertising information Call 770.222.2699 l Marietta Health Park, 780 Canton Road, Suite 230, Marietta, GA 30060 790 Church Street, Suite 100, Marietta, GA 30060 1197 Johnson Ferry Road, Suite 200, Marietta, GA 30068 Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology Services provided by Summit Radiology Services P.C. Call 770.792.1234 to schedule an appointment info@ourtownfamily.com l OurTownFamily.com PENAYS! O W D NO ATUR S on PAGE 21 calendar con’t the men and women who dedicate their lives to keeping us safe! This is a family-friendly event with booths, planned kid’s activities, refreshments, a puppet show and entertainment from local musicians. Admission is FREE and half of ALL proceeds go to the Public Safety Emergency Fund. To volunteer, rent a booth or sponsor the event, please contact Micah Gravley 404-759-5876 or Nancy Hollingshed 678-446-8367. GRIEFSHARE GROUP - Northwest Christian Church Ongoing; Monday nights 7pm – 9pm For more info email the church office at nwccoffice @nwcc.net or call 770425-2525. SQUARE DANCE CLASSES – Greenbrook Community Center Ongoing; Thursday 7:30pm The Paulding Square Dance Club meets weekly for square dance classes. The classes will be at the Greenbrook Community Center at 149 Greenfield Road in Hiram, and are open to ALL AGES. Call Sandra for more information 678799-0662. CALLING ALL ARTISTS - “ARTIST GUILD OF NW GEORGIA” Ongoing meeting every second Monday of the month; 7pm Attention all artists, sculptures and photographers! The Guild offers monthly programs on a variety of artistic subjects, and several competitions. Meetings are at 122 Main Street in downtown Dallas. For more info, visit georgiaart.net or call Lynne at 770-445-4338. ANGEL FOOD MINISTRIES – Northwest Christian Church Ongoing every month NWCC is a host site for residents of Paulding and surrounding counties. New food menus each month. Regular unit of food costs $30, est. value of $60. Monthly specials! Available to ANYONE regardless of income; cash, money orders or EBT food stamps are accepted. Food must be pre-ordered and menus can be viewed at angel foodministries.com. For location and more info, call Helping Hands at 678-261-8536 or contact the church at 770-425-2525. The church is located at 3737 Dallas-Acworth Hwy., Acworth. Our Town is a Proud Sponsor of Hayride Begins October 1st, and will be open every Thursday, Friday & Saturday in October Ticket sales begin at 5:30pm and the ride begins at dusk Part of all proceeds benefit the Meth Alliance of Paulding and the Paulding County 4-H Horse and Pony Club The Paulding County 4H will put on horse & pony rides every Saturday in October from noon until ??? ALL DAY FALL FESTIVAL October 31 Bring in this ad for Children under age 14 MUST be accompanied by an adult. Hayride is not recommended for children under age 9, and NO children under age 5 will be admitted on the Hayride. $3.00 off Adult Ticket on Thursdays WRITERS GROUP – “WRITERS OF LIKE MIND” Ongoing meeting every second and fourth Wednesday of the month; 6pm – 7:30pm Attention writers! A writers group meets every second and fourth Wednesday at Vito’s Café located at 10175 Dallas Acworth Highway, (Rt. 92) in Dallas. For more info, email muse @lightband.com. n Tow r u O Want Your Business to SCORE? Advertise withOur Town OUR TOWN IS NEW AND IMPROVED JUST FOR YOU! All GLOSS Pages l Full Color l Largest Magazine in Paulding County Beautiful Covers with Local Residents l Affordable; Ad Design is always FREE! A TRUE magazine with a long shelf life l Mailed directly to over 20,000 homes Our Town – THREE more editions to serve you: West Cobb, Smyrna/Vinings and Gwinnett Postal Verification Forms are ALWAYS available online info@ourtownfamily.com 770.222.2699 Call Today! PAGE 22 PAGE 22 For Advertising information Call 770.222.2699 • ourtownmagazine@bellsouth.net For Advertising information Call 770.222.2699 l info@ourtownfamily.com l OurTownFamily.com Our Town Our Town Many wonderful people and businesses gave back to the community in the amazing Community Makeover last month. We shout out a HUGE THANK YOU! to the following businesses that generously contributed to our project this year! EWConnector 770-222-9254 in Austell 770-438-9678 770-443-1821 O.T.S. Kitchens CABINET SALES & INSTALLATION 770-443-5667 Our Town For Advertising information Call 770.222.2699 l info@ourtownfamily.com l OurTownFamily.com Please show your appreciation for these companies that give back to the community by sending business their way! PAGE 23 home improvement Late Summer in the Landscape By B. Bejie Herrin, M.S e have moved toward the end of summer. School has started for the kids, and people are starting to think of things other than landscape and garden tasks. But, there are many late summer landscape jobs that will pay off with both immediate and future rewards for your landscape. W Pruning: Many of the shrubs on your landscape could probably use a little “touch-up” pruning with a set of hand pruners to improve their appearance. Shrubs that have sent up shoots that are protruding wildly from the canopy should have the long shoots cut back to the point of origin. If you can’t reach the point of origin, at least cut them back below the canopy. You will be rewarded with shrubs that look much neater and more natural looking that if you sheared the entire shrub. Examples of good candidates for “touchup” pruning are: Ligustrum, holly, Indian hawthorn, Elaeagnus, cleyera and Abelia. Roses: If your roses have gotten leggy during the summer, it wouldn’t hurt to give them a trim as well. Be sure to cut out any diseased, injured or spindly growth. PAGE 24 PAGE 24 When trimming your roses leave at least half the length of each main cane or branch. With roses, following a spray schedule for insects and disease is also important. This is particularly important for reducing black spot and powdery mildew problems. If you haven’t fertilized your roses in the last 4 to 6 weeks, an application of granular fertilizer, spread well beyond the drip line and watered in would be beneficial at this time. 15-0-15 is a good fertilizer choice. When performing any pruning task, always remove the cuttings, don’t leave them lying around the bottom of the shrubs. These cuttings are a great place for diseases and insects to find a home. Mulch: Now is also a good time to revitalize the mulch in your landscape. Mulch helps the soil retain moisture, it helps reduce weeds, and mulch keeps plant roots cool in the summer and warm in the winter. A nice refreshed layer of mulch will also give your landscape an appealing finished look. Keep the mulch a few inches away from the trunks of the trees and shrubs and apply it in a layer about 3 to 4 inches thick if you are applying in an area that does not currently have mulch. If you are refreshing an area that currently has mulch apply a layer that is 2 to 3 inches thick over the existing mulch. Perennials: If you have perennials such as bearded iris, now is the time to start dividing the plants. Many perennials will take over your garden if you don’t divide (split) them and either remove some of the plants and place them in another spot in your landscape or share them with friends. Begin with the Iris; it can be divided the earliest. Lily and Daylily are also good candidates for late summer, early fall division. If you want to share them with your friends, put the divisions in a pot and then sink the pot in the ground until the spring. The plants will be ready for sharing come spring. If you want to keep the divisions, prepare a planting bed in the landscape and plant the divisions in the new bed. You will be rewarded with new plants come spring. As we move toward fall, completing these late summer landscape tasks will reward you immediately with a neater more appealing look for your landscape, and in the future with healthier, more vigorous plants. B. Bejie Herrin, M.S., is an Instructor of Environmental Horticulture at Chattahoochee Technical College – Paulding Campus. For Advertising information Call 770.222.2699 • ourtownmagazine@bellsouth.net For Advertising information Call 770.222.2699 l info@ourtownfamily.com l OurTownFamily.com Our Town Our Town Remodel Now! It’s Time for Fall Seeding! O.T.S. Kitchens Ace has it ALL! GO RAIDERS! CABINET SALES & INSTALLATION 770-790-3001 263 East Paulding Drive Suite 101 Dallas, GA 30157 Kitchen & Bath Remodeling Whole House Renovations Basement Finishing Room Additions k 268 Cadillac Parkway, Dallas l 770-443-5667 Builder Discounts Available www.heavensbest.com FREE Single Vinyl Chain Link Wood Trellises Decorative Metal Custom Gates Arbors Standard Walk Gate with Every 100 Feet of Fencing Installed Applies to Wood and Chain Link ONLY Some Restrictions Apply Call for details. DRY IN ONE HOUR! No more metal frames for wood gates! Try the New Sag Stopper. Installed on all wood gates. Free for a limited time only. Patent Pending $89 $89 Sofa & Love Seat 3 Rooms Locally owned and operated. Our business is built on quality and customer service. CARPET l UPHOLSTERY HARDWOOD l TILE & GROUT Residential ~ Commercial 8729 S. Flat Rock Road Douglasville, GA 30134 678-213-2765 Our Town Our Town www.advancedfencingsolutions.com FREE ESTIMATES FINANCING AVAILABLE (678) 401-7119 Additional rooms can be added for $29 up to 250 sq. ft. per room. Limited time. Not valid with any other offer or discount. For Advertising information Call 770.222.2699 • ourtownmagazine@bellsouth.net For Advertising information Call 770.222.2699 l info@ourtownfamily.com l OurTownFamily.com PAGE 25 PAGE 25 more cover This shoot was A LOT of fun for us! We hope the guys enjoyed it. It was amusing at first, because these are all rival teams, and no one was speaking to each other. But, it didn’t take long for the dynamic to change and everything started to clique. During the shoot, Chris made a great statement that we’ll remember for a long time. He said, “We might be rivals on the field, but off the field we’re all one team – Paulding County”. Paulding should be very proud these fine young men are representing YOU! There are many people to thank for helping this cover shoot happen. Because we wanted the guys to feel comfortable in “neutral” territory, we shot this at McEachern High School’s PAGE 26 PAGE 26 football field. We thank Bonnie Garrett at Cobb County School District and Coach Jim Dorsey at McEachern for allowing us to use the field. We REALLY appreciate Luke Primm of Family Auto Service and Tire in Dallas for the use of his Carolina Blue ’48 Chevy Truck –it’s a beauty! We also want to thank the Athletic Directors and Head Coaches for each of these schools. We know that loaning out a player for a magazine cover was the last thing on their minds, but we can’t express our gratitude enough for sending us such great guys! On pages 16 and 17 are the game schedules for each school. We hope you’ll take the opportunity to attend one of the games and root our Paulding boys to victory! For Advertising information Call 770.222.2699 • ourtownmagazine@bellsouth.net For Advertising information Call 770.222.2699 l info@ourtownfamily.com l OurTownFamily.com Our Town Our Town Selano C H I R O P R AC T I C C E N T E R Surface EMG - Non-invasive, No-Xray Spinal Scan l Manual Adjustments l Decompression Therapy l Laser - Pain Therapy l Custom Fit Orthodics l ProAdjuster Computer Instrument Adjuster Technology MOST INSURANCE PLANS ACCEPTED! IN-NETWORK DOCTORS l *Ask About Our County Employee and Teacher’s Specials! LASER PAIN RELIEF Selano Chiropractic offers Low Level Lasers to treat pain. These FDA approved lasers emit a focused beam of light to pain-affected areas, creating greater microcirculation and regeneration of tissue. Patients report a substantial decrease in chronic pain and inflamation as well as increased range of motion. Great for Extremity Adjustments and Sports Injuries! l Nutritional Support Bring in this Ad for a Stop Living with Chronic Pain! FREE Exam and X-Ray NO New Patients Only Medicare and P.I. Excluded Expires 9-30-09 Cracking or Popping! NEW Technology Safe & Gentle for Everyone! Realtime Digital Feedback Dr. Tammie McCallie Instant Visual Confirmation ProAdjuster Technology 243 MerchantsForDrive l Dallas Call Today! Our Town Advertising information Call 770.222.2699 • ourtownmagazine@bellsouth.net PAGE 27 Our Town For Advertising information Call 770.222.2699 info@ourtownfamily.com OurTownFamily.com PAGE 27 www.neckbackdiscrepair.com 770-445-1362 l l letter from the editors A ccording to Dictionary.com change means: ‘To make the form, nature, content, future course, etc., of (something) different from what it is or from what it would be if left alone.” The West Atlanta / Douglas Choral Society (WADCS), Inc. I n v i t e s You T o… This past month we have gone through personal and professional changes. Our families have changed, as one child has gone off to school and another has returned home to attend EMT school. And, as you’ve noticed, Our Town has a NEW look! We are so excited about the beautiful all GLOSS pages and new format. We admit that we were not sure we could make this happen for the September issue, but through prayer and faith, God has poured his favor on us and HE made it happen! Each month we are so excited to bring you the new issue of Our Town, and this month is almost as exciting as the very first one. Proverbs 3:5-7 (New King James Version) 5 Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; 6 In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths. Change is scary, but when you put your trust in God, change is good. 2009-2010 Concert Season Auditions Seasonal Dreams Proposed Seasonal Concerts Celebrating And Affirming Both Our Third Decade And Twenty Third (23rd) Concert Season Blessings- Teresa & Jules Waverly Rainey, Conductor William Callaway, Accompanist Auditions through September 30th s Invitational Performances s Christmas Concert s Easter/Spring Concert First Official Rehearsal Tuesday, September 1, 2009 7:00 pm - 9:30 pm Douglas County High School Rehearsal Hall For Information and Audition Times Call 770-846-2269 or 770-920-1662 EDITORIAL CORRECTION - In the August 2009 ‘About the Cover’ article, the information for Lily Seika Chisholm, should have read: Lily Seika Chisholm, age 5 is the daughter of Manami Lingerfelt and step daughter of Thomas Lingerfelt from Dallas; and the daughter of Timothy Chisholm from Kennesaw. We apologize for this error. Everyone Deserves a Beautiful Smile Braces for $89 per month. $89 per month No Down Payment A perfect plan for today's economy. Based on a 34-month case. Phase one treatment based on a 21 month plan. Fees may vary. Call for details about retention phase and length of treatment. Hiram | 770-222-4450 5140 Jimmy Lee Smith Pkwy, Bldg B, Ste 105 Hiram, GA 30141 (Next to Johnny's New York Pizza) { Dr. H.M. Bush Dr. David Lofters { Member, American Association of Orthodontists Call today for your FREE consultation and exam. Save an average of $800 | Most Insurance Plans Accepted | Certified Provider of Invisalign www.orthodonticcarega.com PAGE 28 PAGE 28 For Advertising information Call 770.222.2699 • ourtownmagazine@bellsouth.net For Advertising information Call 770.222.2699 l info@ourtownfamily.com l OurTownFamily.com Our Town Our Town pet page Pet Diabetes Hiram Animal Hospital By Jack Stevens, DVM W ere you aware that diabetes can strike your furry family members? It’s true! Nearly 1 in 400 cats and dogs develop diabetes during their lifetime. The two forms of pet diabetes your veterinarian can diagnose are mellitus and insipidus. The good news is that neither is a death sentence. Early diagnosis and treatment by a qualified veterinarian is necessary…but it can be costly. One 2007 report estimates that the average, per-visit cost for treating their pet with diabetes exceeded $200! However, both diabetes insipidus and mellitus can be covered under certain veterinary pet insurance plans, which can significantly reduce your out-of-pocket expense. (If shopping for pet insurance, be sure the plan you choose covers the treatment for this condition; most require enrollment of your pet while he/she is young - before they develop the illness.) More common than diabetes insipidus, diabetes mellitus is also known as “sugar diabetes”, caused by a deficiency of insulin; the hormone that regulates sugar absorption. It occurs more often in canines, than in cats, generally between the ages of 5-7 years old. As is the case with human diabetes, when your pet’s body can no longer produce insulin, sugar builds up in the bloodstream, causing various health issues. Diabetes mellitus symptoms tend to be very gradual and are often easily overlooked. However, one notable sign of diabetes mellitus is an overweight pet. Additionally, when the quantity of sugar doubles the normal level, it spills over into the urine, creating an increase in your pet’s urine production, thirst and appetite. As the disease progresses, your pet may develop depression, excessive vomiting, and become dehydrated. Left untreated, the condition can lead to blindness in dogs, increasingly weak legs in cats, and eventually malnutrition, coma and death. As with juvenile diabetes in “pet parents”, diabetes mellitus is commonly treated by following a proper diet and administering insulin on a regimented schedule. Your pet’s veterinarian will determine the insulin volume based on weight and reaction to medication. (Keep in mind, it may take awhile to get your pet regulated, and their medication may need to be adjusted periodically.) While your pet may go into remission following weeks or months of treatment, it does not necessarily mean they have been “cured.” Lifelong, diligent monitoring of your pet’s food intake and exercise must be maintained in order for him or her to have a healthy, happy life. Established 1985 Full Service Medical & Pet Care Facility = Emergencies accepted = Laser Surgery and therapy = Radiology and ultrasound = = = = Senior citizen discount Multiple pet discount Boarding indoor/outdoor Professional grooming 770-439-1117 David Carpenter, DVM l Wendy Meeker, DVM Chris Johnson, DVM 1019 Douglasville Hwy., Hiram l 1 mile S. of Walmart on Hwy. 92 Open Daily 7 am, Sat. 8am-12pm l www.hiramanimalhospital.com l Preventative Care l Digital Radiology & Ultrasound l Laser Surgery l Pet Spa & Hotel l Competitive Pricing l Spay & Neuter l Puppy Training Classes Give Us A Try! $25 OFF Your First Visit No cash value. Not good towards product purchases. One coupon per client. Not valid with other offers. Exp. 9/30/09 Jack Stevens, DVM, is the founder and President of Petsbest.com. 770-544-0580 Available for adoption: Angel Angel is a 3 year old solid white, front paw declawed, green-eyed beauty, who loves attention, and loves nothing better than to ride on your shoulder. If ignored, she will reach out with a tap, as if to say, “Hey, love on me!” Angel is a wonderfully affectionate kitty, looking for a family to call her own. You can see Angel and her rescued friends at the Douglasville PetSmart, or on-line at fancyfelinerescue.org. 2355 Cedarcrest Road Acworth, GA 30101 Visit Us Online! Photo by Hollywood Pets www.cedarcrestah.com Fancy Feline Rescue of the South is a nonprofit, no kill rescue, dedicated to individual attention and excellent care to homeless cats, working to find them good homes. This is “TIKI” She is 2 and adopted us in 2008. She makes us laugh at her antics. She is very lovable. Her two favorite things are: belly rubs and fishing. Our Town Our Town The Best in Pet Grooming ...Right to Your Door! Tiki 678.758.6330 www.chippieonthego.com For Advertising information Call 770.222.2699 • ourtownmagazine@bellsouth.net For Advertising information Call 770.222.2699 l info@ourtownfamily.com l OurTownFamily.com Complimentary BlueBerry Facial With All Grooms Exp. 9/01/09 PAGE 29 PAGE 29 what’s cookin’ sept crossword Across Down 1. Parenthesis, essentially 4. “Gimme ___!” (start of an Iowa State cheer) 7. Minnesotan 13. American sport 16. Excise 17. High 18. Cleaver 19. Become tiresome 20. Chalk, plural 22. Knocked off, in a way 24. ___ lab 25. Lieu 29. Common Market inits. 31. Grooved on 33. “... or ___!” 34. Drive 37. ___ Victor 38. Gift on “The Bachelor” 39. Its quarter says “Birthplace of Aviation Pioneers” 40. Penalties 42. Kind of column 43. Dress in India 44. Head, slangily 45. Two points 47. “___ Brockovich” 48. Fed. construction overseer 49. Big, fat mouth 50. ___-off coupon 52. ___ Today 54. Dwell 57. Complete 60. Away 62. Scratch 65. Able to wear away 67. Away from mouth 68. Dreary 69. Wall light 70. Moray, e.g. 1. Not many 2. Romeos 3. Amber 4. ___ system 5. Bust maker 6. Homeric epic 7. Charades, e.g. 8. Doesn’t ignore 9. Handprint medium 10. Pillbox, e.g. 11. In-flight info, for short 12. Alternative to Bowser 14. Direction change 15. Hamper 21. Barbecue, for one 23. ___ bit 26. Run off to the chapel 27. Money in the bank, say 28. Industrious 30. Bell sound 32. Bloated 34. Trig function 35. Chicago airport 36. Rice wine 41. Mariner 46. “I see!” 51. Poison plant 53. Cliffside dwelling 55. Automaton 56. Island trees 58. Bronchitis symptom 59. Auld lang syne 61. Abstruse 62. More, in Madrid 63. “20/20” network 64. Animal house 66. Viña ___ Mar, Chile Tailgating! W hen football season rolls around there’s one traidition, besides the game, that gridiron gourmets forward to – TAILGAITING! People get really creative with their tailgate parties, but you can never go wrong with a good burger. Here are a few ideas that infuse different flavors into your burgers to make them the hit of the parking lot! Fajita Burgers •1.27 oz. packet Lawrys Fajitas Seasoning •1/4 Cup melted butter •1 lb. ground beef •1 brown onion •2 green peppers •1 Tablespoon olive oil •4 hamburger buns Steps • Combine fajita seasoning and butter until incorporated. Add ground beef into a bowl and mix in fajita butter until throughout. Form 4 patties and place in an airtight container for transport to the tailgate site. • Prepare onions and peppers at home: Slice onion and peppers into strips and discard pepper seeds. Sauté in 1 tablespoon of olive oil, stirring occasionally, until tender and browned. Cool and place in a foil pouch. Reheat by placing pouch on the grill at the tailgating site. • Grill burgers on a lightly oiled rack over medium-high heat, 5 minutes on each side for medium burgers. Top with reheated onions and peppers and serve on a bun. Makes 4 servings Mediterranean Burgers • 1 lb. ground beef • 3 oz. Feta cheese, crumbled • 1/4 cup pitted, finely chopped Kalamata olives • 1/2 teaspoon salt and pepper • 4 grilled onion rolls • Sun-dried Tomato Basil Mayonnaise • 1 Cup mayonnaise • 4 sun-dried tomatoes (hydrated) • 1 tablespoon minced basil leaves Steps • Add ground beef into a bowl and mix in cheese, olives, salt and peppers until throughout. Form 4 patties and place in an airtight container for transport to the tailgate site. • To make Sun-dried Tomato Basil Mayonnaise: Add mayonnaise and sun-dried tomatoes into blender and process until smooth. Stir in basil leaves and transfer into an airtight container. Note: Keep mayo in the cooler on hot tailgating days for maximum freshness. • Grill burgers on a lightly oiled rack over medium-high heat, 5 minutes on each side for medium burgers. Top with Sun-dried Tomato Basil Mayonnaise and serve on onion rolls. Parmesan Piccata Burgers • 1 lb. ground beef • 2 tablespoons minced shallots • 2 tablespoons capers • 1 Teaspoon minced garlic • 1/4 cup freshly grated Parmesan cheese • 1/2 teaspoon salt and pepper • Thin slices of Parmesan cheese for topping •4 buttered, grilled ciabatta buns or hamburger buns Steps • Mix together ground beef, shallots, capers, garlic, grated Parmesan cheese, salt and pepper until thoroughly combined. Form 4 patties and place in an airtight container for transport to the tailgate site. •Grill burgers on a lightly oiled rack over medium-high heat, 5 minutes on each side for medium burgers. Top shaved Parmesan slices and serve on a bun. Makes 4 servings 71. Cooking meas. PAGE 30 PAGE 30 For Advertising information Call 770.222.2699 • ourtownmagazine@bellsouth.net For Advertising information Call 770.222.2699 l info@ourtownfamily.com l OurTownFamily.com Our Town Our Town Join us! Free breakfast Great gifts! Greystone GreyStonePower’s Power’sAnnual AnnualMeeting MeetingofofMembers Members Saturday, Saturday,Oct. Oct.10, 11,2009 2008 4040 4040 Bankhead BankheadHighway Highway Douglasville Douglasville 8 a.m. - 1 p.m. a.m.–1 Family fun you receive IfIf you receive your your electricity electricityfrom fromGreyStone Greystone Power, Power, you you are are aa MemberMember-Owner of the Cooperative and are connected to benefits every Owner of the Cooperative and are connected to valuable valuable benefits every day! day! One benefit benefit is the Annual Annual Meeting One is the Meeting of of Members, Members, featuring featuring aa free free breakfast breakfast from 8 to 10 a.m., a health fair, amusement park rides, tethered from 8 to 10 a.m., a health fair, amusement park rides, tethered hot air hot air balloon rides, games for children, pony rides, a book fair and car balloon rides, games for children, pony rides, a book fair and car sale sale from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. and music from The Inspirations at 10 a.m. from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. and music from The Nelons at 10 a.m. Health Fair At 11 a.m. get your chance to vote during the Business Meeting of At 11 a.m. get your chance to vote during the Business Meeting of MemMembers! Don’t miss the great door prizes after the meeting; bers! Don’t miss the great door prizes after the meeting; the grand prize is the grand prize is a 2001 Chevy Silverado 1500! a 2002 Chevy C1500! Learn more at www.greystonepower.com. Our Town For Advertising information Call 770.222.2699 • ourtownmagazine@bellsouth.net PAGE 31 PAGE 32 For Advertising information Call 770.222.2699 • ourtownmagazine@bellsouth.net Our Town
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