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The Paulding Area’s Family Lifestyle News Magazine Our Town November 2008 Hiram s Dallas s Cedarcrest s New Hope PRSRT PAID U.S. POSTAGE PAID MONROE, GA PERMIT #15 Happy Thanksgiving! VISIT US ONLINE AT OURTOWNFAMILY.COM 770.617.3805 n R 2008 Saturn Aura. MSRP starting at $20,395. XR Model shown, MSRP starting at $25,605 Rethink Assumptions. Rethink American. The Saturn Aura Sport Sedan. Don’t buy it because it’s American. Buy it because it’s amazing. Buy it because it turns heads. And overturns opinions. Buy it because it gets the little things right. And the big ones, too. Buy it for the state-of-the-art safety features. The EPA-estimated 33-mpg highway fuel economy. The value it provides. Buy it because it slays skeptics. Changes the game. And will take on all challengers. Really, what could be more American than that? Saturn of Thornton Road 669 Thornton Road, Lithia Springs 770-745-4575 The Paulding Area’s Family Lifestyle News Magazine Our Town Hiram s Dallas s Cedarcrest s New Hope Publisher/Editor: Jules Williams / Teresa Parrish Graphics and Design Our Town Media Group, Inc. Stalling Design Photography Brigette Carruth In Focus Photography Contributing Writers: Jessica Ackerman Paul Banas Hodari Brooks Jerry Clegg John Dickinson Matthew Homfray Nikki Roberts Kym Robinson Jill Seader Jamie L. Smith IN THIS ISSUE… About the Cover........................................................................3 Calendar of Events..................................................................4-5 Relationships: Overcoming Obstacles.....................................6 Home Decor: Thanksgiving .....................................................8 Family Focus: Training Kids -Part II.......................................10 Home Improvement: Decking..................................................12 Health & Fitness: Weekend Warrior.....................................14 Community: Shepherd’s Rest...................................................16 Travel: Myrtle Beach.................................................................18 Finance: Today’s Market...........................................................20 Entertainment: In the Car.......................................................22 Our Town is published and direct mailed monthly to prestigious homes in the Paulding County Area. Opinions expressed by the editorial staff are their own and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the publisher. Our Town reserves the right to edit and or reject any editorial or advertising content. Our Town is not responsible for errors in advertising beyond the cost of the space or for the validity of claims made by advertisers. Entire contents, including ad design created by Stalling Design, copyright 2008, belong to Our Town of Paulding. Reproduction in whole or in part is forbidden in any media without prior written permission from the publisher. O ur T own M agazine P.O. Box 614 Hiram, Georgia 30141 Telephone: 770-222-2699 Fax: 770-222-4989 Email: Seasonal: Thanksgiving with Kids...........................................24 Pet Page: Holiday Hazards......................................................26 November Crossword..............................................................28 Cooking: Pumpkin Recipes.....................................................28 HUDDLE THE ‘Tis the Season... To be Smiling! Wishing You and Yours all the best for this Holiday Season and the coming New Year! Mr. & Mrs. S. Claus, patients of Distinctive Dentistry Jack F. Bickford, DDS & Bobby T. Shirley, DMD General & Cosmetic Dentistry • 3036 Atlanta Highway, Dallas, GA 30132 770-445-6606 • PAGE 2 For Advertising information Call 770.222.2699 • Our Town ABOUT THE COVER PANDORA PARTY November 15 th 9:30am - 5:00pm Free gift with $7 Pandora purchase5 U.S. Pat. No. 7,007,507 Technology helps the guys survive the photo shoot! The Forrest Family W Jacob, Vicki, Megan & Barry e are glad to have the Forrest family on Our Town’s November cover. Meet Barry, Vicki, Jacob and Megan. The Forrest’s have lived in Paulding County for 15 years. Barry and Vicki have been married for 23 years, and the entire family attends West Ridge Church. The Forrest’s are both very involved parents, and enjoy every minute of it, even though sometimes, they don’t know where they are. You see, they live in a “house divided”. Jacob is a Senior at East Paulding High School where he plays varsity baseball. Megan is a sophomore at North Paulding High School where she plays varsity volleyball, basketball and soccer. Megan is also involved in student government and Beta Club. In addition to their school activities, Jacob and Megan have always been very active in their community. Both Barry and Vicki are very active at their children’s schools. He is involved in the booster club at East Paulding, and is the President for the Baseball Booster Club. He is also the President of the Basketball Booster Club at North Paulding. Vicki is the Treasurer of the Volleyball Booster Club at North Paulding. Pro udly Serving The Community Since 1993 Over 100 Years Combined Experience 770-439-1959 Hwy. 278 & 92 in Hiram l Hours: Mon-Fri 9:30am - 6 pm, Sat. 9:30am - 5pm, Closed Sun. Barry has worked for Georgia Power for 26 years and Vicki drives a school bus out of Roberts Elementary and East Paulding Middle. She also works at Mt. Tabor, and in the lunch room at Russom. We are very thankful for the Forrest’s participation and patience in doing this photo shoot. As they found out, it can be very time consuming, especially when waiting for all the elements to come together to get just the right shot! HEATING SYSTEM TUNE UP Jacob and Megan, Brother and Sister of rival schools give us some fun photos! SAVE ENERGY 100% GUARANTEED Only $89.00 Mention this ad and receive an additional 10% off this price! If you would like to nominate a family (not your own, please) for an Our Town cover, please submit a photo, family’s names and any special information, and your name. Selections are made by a separate, un-biased committee. Send submissions to If you would like a copy of Our Town please check at the Paulding Chamber of Commerce, the Hiram, Dallas or New Georgia Libraries or get one from one of our advertisers. Please call for additional locations. Our Town FREE ESTIMATES 770-443-1821 On Replacement Systems l Fast, Affordable Service l Certified Technicians and Installers l Senior Citizens Discount 10% on System Repairs For Advertising information Call 770.222.2699 • GA Reg. #401776 PAGE 3 AROUND OUR TOWN - Calendar of events GENERAL ELECTION – DON’T FORGET TO VOTE November 4, 2008; Tuesday Check your registration! Some precincts have changed. Call the Board of Elections Office for verification at 770.443.7503, ext 231. Poll locator Elections Option, Voters Option, Poll Locator-Enter required info to find your precinct. PAULDING CHAMBER OF COMMERCE GEORGIA POWER LUNCHEON – Paulding County Senior Community Center November 6, 2008; Thursday 11:30 to 1:15pm Join us for our largest General Membership meeting of the month! The key note speaker this month is political strategist Ralph Reed, author of The Dark Horse – a looking-glass into presidential politics on the eve of the 2008 election; it contains characters, plot twists, and rare insight relevant to the real-life presidential campaign now underway. Books and autographs will be available at the luncheon. Cost is $15 for members and $25 for non-members. For more information or to make a reservation, go to the website or call 770-4456016. DIABETES HEALTH FAIR – Paulding County Senior Community Center November 8, 2008; Saturday 9am – 4pm Come learn everything you wanted to know about diabetes! This event is FREE and open to the community. Hosted by East Paulding Primary Healthcare. For more information call 678-945-8200. LIFE ON THE SOUTHERN HOMEFRONT – Pickett’s Mill Battlefield November 8, 2008; Saturday 10am–4pm Come experience a living history in an 1850’s cabin. The program portrays the lifestyles of civilians who lived during the 1850s depicting the cooking, sewing, gardening, and cleaning styles at that time. Tickets are $3.00 for adults, $2.50 for seniors and $1.75 for children ages 6-18. Children 5 and under are FREE. Call 770-443-7850 for more information or visit their website at CHRISTMAS MARKET - St. Vincent de Paul Catholic Church Social Hall November 14 and 15, 2008; Friday 12pm – 8pm and Saturday 10am-3pm The Women’s Altar Rosary Guild is having their annual Christmas market with new hand-crafted holiday decorations and items that can be used as gifts for neighbors, teachers, friends, and family (most under $10.00). The church is located at 680 West Memorial Drive, in Dallas. For more info, please contact Margo Hagan 770-499-2052 or Becky Mitek 770-443-5001. ANNUAL WOMEN’S MINISTRY CHRISTMAS DINNER – First Baptist Church of Dallas November 11 2008; Tuesday 6pm “CELEBRATE THE REASON” featuring Joy Chambley is hosted by the Women’s Ministry team at First Baptist of Dallas. Tickets are $20 and are available at the church office. Ladies, don’t miss the wonderful evening of food and fellowship! For information contact the church office at 770-445-8897. PAULDING’S BEAUTIFUL MISS PAGEANT – Dallas Theatre November 15, 2008; Saturday 1pm Tickets are available at the door only and are $3 for adults and $2 for children; 5 and under are FREE. For more information visit misspauldingcounty. org or call Renee Buchananat at 770845-8769. PATIENT APPRECIATION DAY AND FOOD DRIVE – Cornerstone Chiropractic November 21, 2008; Friday 8am – 11am and 3pm – 6:30pm Bring in $25 worth of canned good and receive a FREE Chiropractic exam and X-ray ($300 value). Please call for an appointment. Call 770-439-7765 for more information or to make your appointment. Cornerstone Chiropractic is hosting a FOOD DRIVE during the entire month of November, so please feel free to stop by any time and drop off your donations. WOMEN’S MINISTRY CHRISTMAS SALE – First Baptist Church of Dallas November 22 2008; Saturday 9am-4pm The Women’s Ministry team at First Baptist of Dallas is holding a Christmas sale in the fellowship hall of the church. There will be a variety of gently used clothing, toys and other items on sale, just in time for Christmas. If you would like to donate any reusable items for the sale or have questions, contact the church office at 770-445-8897. CHRISTMAS BAZAAR – Community Fellowship Church November 22 2008; 10am – 4pm This will be fun for the entire family! Homemade crafts, ornaments, a Santa Shop, Holiday Bake Sale, a raffle, and more! Booths are available for crafters and home business owners. This is a community event and entry is FREE. Community Fellowship Church is located at 606 Cochran Store Road in Douglasville. For more information call Pastor Murdock at 678923-7710. BABY SITTING FOR BLACK FRIDAY – Community Fellowship Church November 28 2008; Friday 4:30am – 4:30pm Need a sitter for Black Friday Shopping? Community Fellowship Church will have teens and adults babysitting toddlers through 5th graders from 4:30 am to 4:30 pm. There will be movies and snacks for the kids. If your child will be left during lunch please, bring a sack lunch. Cost is $3/per hour for the first child and $2/per hour for each additional child. Proceeds benefit youth summer camp. Community Fellowship Church is located at 606 Cochran Store Road in Douglasville. For more information or to sign your child up early, call Kristen Wilkenson at 770616-5275. FAMILY CHRISTMAS CONCERT – West Atlanta/Douglas Choral Society featuring The Atlanta Boy Choir December 2, 2008; Tuesday at 8pm This 22nd Traditional Family Christmas Concert is a great way to start the season! The concert of seasonal music and good cheer will be held in the Douglas County High School Performing Arts - Mashburn Theatre; 8705 Campbellton Street, Douglasville, Georgia. Tickets are $10 and there is LIMITED SEATING. Tickets may be purchased from a Chorale Member, through the “Contribution/Subscription series” or at the door if available. For more information on the Choral visit “WINNIE THE POOH in THE HOUSE AT POOH CORNER” – East Paulding High School December 4-7, 2008; Thursday 10:30am, Friday 10:30am and 7pm, Saturday 3pm and 7pm; Sunday matinee 3pm East Paulding High School’s Theatre Company will present family favorite – “The House at Pooh Corner”. The shows on Thursday and Friday at 10:30am are school field trips. The 10:30am show on Friday will be interpreted for the deaf. All tickets are $5. Bring two cans of food to any show and get two admissions for the price of one. For more information contact the East Paulding High School Theatre Company at 770-445-5100 or visit OLD TOWNE HIRAM – CHRISTMAS TREE LIGHTING December 5, 2008; Friday 6pm-10pm Make plans to join us in historic downtown Hiram. There will be pictures with Santa; Downtown Shops Open House; Gingerbread House Contest; Christmas Tree Auction; Food, Fun and Family Entertainment! For more information call 770-943-3726. High Gas Prices Draining Your Wallet? GET SOME RELIEF! For Mileage Improving Tips and FREE Gas Card Giveaway Programs, Visit You may also call 770-912-8774 for more details. PAGE For Advertising information Call 770.222.2699 • Our Town CHRISTMAS CHARITY BALL FOR SHEPHERD’S REST MINISTRIES – Che’ne Rouge December 6, 2008; Saturday 7pm – 11pm Make plans to come have an elegant night out with friends, great music and dancing. This formal, black tie affair is the First Annual Ball and proceeds benefit Shepherd’s Rest Ministries. The event will be held in the Grand Ballroom and gardens of Che’ne Rouge at 86 Poplar Springs Road in Hiram. Entertainment will be provided by ‘Still Swinging” the Les Stills Orchestra. There will be a champagne fountain, wine, beer, soda and hors d’oeuvres. Attire is formal gowns and tuxedos. What a PERFECT time of year to dress up, celebrate and benefit a GREAT cause. Tickets are $125 per person or $225 per couple, and can be purchased online until November 25 at For seating arrangements and more information call Che’ne Rouge 770-222-4995. ELVIS’ BLUE CHRISTMAS CONCERTTHE JEFF BREWER SHOW – Dallas Theater December 13, 2008; Saturday 8pm ELVIS is BACK and singing Christmas favorites and his greatest hits! If you’re an Elvis fan, you will not want to miss this entertaining tribute to the King of Rock and Roll! Come see an amazing performance with Jeff Brewer and the Impossible Dream. There will be a visit from Santa, so bring the kids! Tickets are $10 for adults and $7 for children and are available at the Dallas Theatre box office or the Paulding Chamber. For more info call the Dallas Theatre at 770443-8110 or the Paulding Chamber at 770-445-6016. SPECIAL HIP HOP TEAM AND DANCE SEASON REGISTRATION SPECIAL AUDITIONS FOR “MULAN”, “LITTLE MERMAID” for Ocean Scene and Characters - Showbiz Kids Ongoing during NOVEMBER AND DECEMBER Showbiz is a Dance - Theatre oriented studio. Come watch them perform on December 6th at the Festival of Trees in Marietta Square and also on December 6th with Santa on the Square. They are looking for experienced Hip Hop Dancers to audition for a special Hip Hop Dance Team for a major upcoming show! For show details and registration times contact Ms. Shirley at 770-4392426, but hurry SPACE IS LIMITED to availability. Showbiz is located at 44 Darby’s Crossing Drive, Suite 208, in Hiram. ANGEL FOOD MINISTRIES Ongoing every month - Saint James Community Church St. James Community Church is an Angel Food Ministries host site for residents of Paulding and surrounding counties. There are new food menus each month. A regular unit of food costs $30, with an est. value between $50 and $70. There is now a $25 box available. This is available to ANYONE regardless of income; cash, money orders or EBT food stamps are accepted. Food must be pre-ordered and menus can be viewed at saintjamescc. com or For more information, contact Susette 678231-3978, Judy 770-265-0676, or Tricia 404-625-6647. WRITERS GROUP – “WRITERS OF LIKE MIND” Ongoing every second and fourth Wednesday of the month Attention writers!!! A writers group meets every second and fourth Wednesday at Vito’s Café located at 10175 Dallas Acworth Highway, (Rt. 92) in Dallas. All meetings will run from 6pm to 7:30pm. For more information, email ___________________________________ WE NEED YOUR INPUT! If you have a COMMUNITY event for the Our Town Calendar, please email us at ourtown Listings are free, but SPACE IS LIMITED! Deadline for submissions is the 15th of the month. Please submit in Word format ONLY, and put Calendar Event in the subject line. Beachcrew Catering Ph oto by Presents R& Dinner withSanta! R Im a g es Monday December 8, 2008 6:30 – 8:30 pm Dallas Civic Center Order your tickets today! $16.95 Adult $10.95 Children 10 an under Includes 4x6 Picture By - R & R Images Children make a Holiday Craft Our Town The Perfect Gift... Custom Monogrammed! Fun, Unique Personalized Gifts: Baby and Children’s Items Cosmetic and Toiletry Bags Flip Flops Gifts for Guys Handbags & Totes Lunch Boxes and Book Bags Monogrammable Jewelry Note Pads & Stationery Picture Totes and Bags Towels, Robes and More! • 770-974-5551 New Corporate Apparel Link Visit our online store! NOW OPEN in the Publix Shopping Center at Seven Hills! Sugar Bakers Dallas bakery l l l Deli fresh sandwiches Soup Cold plates Daily Specials include meat & vegetables l catering l Made from scratch pies, cakes and desserts for weddings, showers, birthdays and more! l Catering available for small or large weddings, corporate events or any other occasion to celebrate. 770.443.2117 Visit us online at CPR CNA Certified Nursing Assistant Program with Mickey l l Carolyn Green (404) 626-0206 cafe 250 Paulding Plaza, Dallas, Georgia l Christie Green (678) 557-8853 l Get Ready For the Holidays! l l Menu: Smoked Turkey, Ham Mashed Potato Bar,Green Beans & Whole Baby Carrots Because you care... Make it personal! l l Paulding County’s ONLY Private Certified SAVE Nursing Assistant Program $95 14 Years in Business For New Applicants who Experienced Instructors Register by All-Inclusive Program - No Hidden Fees! 11/30/08 Convenient Location Exciting 3 Week Course Call Today! 110 Evans Mill Drive, Suite 704 Corner of Hwy 120/Dallas Hwy & Macland Road For Advertising information Call 770.222.2699 • 770-573-2448 PAGE AROUND OUR TOWN - RELATIONSHIPS By Kym Robinson Overcome Obstacles? Sure You Can Do It! E veryone comes up against problems in life whether it’s related to our family, peers, money, work, conflict, or sickness. There are always plenty of things we want, but there are always challenges or obstacles that we must overcome before we succeed. Don’t give up on your dreams! Instead of thinking negatively why not take a minute and figure out how you can overcome your obstacles, so they can become part of your ultimate success story? After all, the biggest obstacles can serve to strengthen us and make the victory ceremony that much sweeter! Now if there were no brick walls along our life journey we would all be living in heaven. The real success stories all start with some sort of problem, failure or obstacle. The truth is that there are always going to be things that stand in our way. This is precisely why we all have a choice and your choices will make or break you, so give them adequate thought: we can choose to believe we can overcome any obstacles, PAGE or we can choose to give up. Everything starts with a choice. You need to set some attainable goals to start to overcome your obstacles. Can you set attainable and realistic goals? If so, you can leap over the obstacles that are in your way and roll on down the road to success. Another great way to move past obstacles is to set reasonable goals as you will then have a decent timeline to march on with regardless of what crops up to get in the way. Use prioritization and organizational qualities that are within you to set yourself on the fast track. Setting goals is a very important step if you want to overcome obstacles because you can envision your future and create something concrete to work for. Understandably, most people become apprehensive when they see barriers standing in their way, but success comes from pushing through. You don’t want to be someone who can only see the obstacles but don’t see the goal at the end of their journey. Sadly, they give up before they ever really get started. The bonus is - this doesn’t have to be you! If your obstacles are significant ones, you may find it beneficial to break these obstacles down into mini goals. When you set attainable, realistic goals you are breaking the obstacles into manageable pieces that you can overcome one at a time. Mini goals on the way to ‘the big one’ will often help people see the obstacles they thought existed don’t really exist at all, or they were just not as big as they first thought. For example, if you need a college degree to meet your ultimate goal, consider the application process as your first mini goal and move forward from there, one step at a time. Getting past your obstacles or doing anything at all really, is so much easier when you have a positive mindset. Affirmations and positive self-talk help you program your mind for success and it really does work! For example, you may find it easier to move forward with your goals if you said, “I am capable of succeeding without feeling overwhelmed or unfulfilled.” By implementing affirmations you will create a positive inner dialogue so you can overcome any obstacle with confidence and purpose. Kym Robinson enjoys writing articles and reviews related to Personal Development and Internet Business and Training. She is the webmaster of For Advertising information Call 770.222.2699 • Our Town Gift Certificate $100 Atlanta’s Diamond Superstore Since 1939 THIS GIFT CERTIFICATE IS REDEEMABLE AT ANY OF OUR THREE LOCATIONS Certificate may be applied towards purchases of $200 or more of regularly priced merchandise. Some restrictions apply. See store for details. Offer good through 12/31/2008. KENNESAW SMYRNA COBB PLACE Behind Bugaboo Creek Steakhouse 840 Ernest Barrett Pkwy., Suite 520 Kennesaw, GA 30144 CUMBERLAND SQUARE NORTH Across from Best Buy 2453 Cobb Parkway Smyrna, GA 30080 678.331.3100 770.955.5995 GWINNETT MALL CORNERS Next to HH Gregg 2131 Pleasant Hill Road, Suite 122 Duluth, GA 30096 678.474.4747 EB Monday-Friday 10am-8pm, Saturday 10am-5pm, Sunday 12pm-5pm Evan-Blake Salon Extraordinary EB = vUpscale, Full-Service Hair Salon vJapanese Straightener vHair Extentions vAveda and Bumble & Bumble Products Available vComplimentary 15 Minute Consultation For An Appointment, Please Call 770.505.3242 Wed and Sat 9-5, Tues, Thurs and Fri 9-7 Closed Sunday and Monday Hair by Blake Maddox at Evan-Blake Salon Photography by Brigette Carruth, Infocus Photography 55 East Paulding Drive s Suite 122 s Paradise Shopping Center s Dallas Our Town For Advertising information Call 770.222.2699 • PAGE AROUND OUR TOWN - HOME DECOR By Jessica Ackerman F Simple Thanksgiving Decorating Ideas or most people, Thanksgiving decorating involves turkeys, gourds, and a few well placed fall items such as reeds and even feathers. However, for many people the allure of Thanksgiving decorating has gone out of style and replaced with the desire to create something unique, eye catching, and of course, filled with grace and splendor. The right home accents can give a home that Thanksgiving charms without pulling out the Styrofoam turkey. These days, people are decorating their homes with more subtle hues. That means a few simple changes to the dining room can call out “Thanksgiving” without having to plant the ten year old stuffed turkey scene on the table as a centerpiece. Starting with an array of muted browns and oranges for your table setting will be enough to remind everyone why they are gathered around the table. This year, try a simple but elegant fall flower arrangement as your centerpiece. Using off colored hues through- out the remainder of your home will give the home that autumn glazed look with an especially subtle appearance that can be appreciated by everyone. Brass home accents can set off the orange hues and the browns with a little flair; of course don’t over do the drab colors. Adding reds and burgundies will help tie it all in together. When choosing home accents, remember it’s best to keep it simple. If you’re going to use coverings on your end tables, and you choose a typical fall color, adding a brass or even a bronze statue, bells, or other decorative pieces that whisper the holiday season rather than screaming it you can usually draw it all together with a nice even red. Thanksgiving marks the beginning of the holiday season for most people. About 30% of all Americans use Thanksgiving Day to ready themselves for the Christmas season. However, people are paying more attention to fall décor before blending their Thanksgiving decorating with Christmas and Holiday decorating. Using auburns and reds make an excellent lead in for the blended look. Using home accents in brass and gold, even bronze, can ease into any holiday décor. By adding just a few new brass or gold wall hangings, almost any room in the house can become a myriad of Thanksgiving and Holiday blend, which can be perfect for the anxious holiday individual who marks their season’s start with the culmination of Thanksgiving. With a little preplanning, the holiday décor from Thanksgiving can blend right into the Holiday season with only a few minor changes. Wall hangings and home accents can be used in any number of rooms to draw attention to the finer points of a room. If you create a beautiful ensemble in one corner, using an illustrious wall hanging just off to the side or even right above it, they eye will naturally follow the rhythm of the hanging directly to the ensemble. In many cases, using decoration to guide the eyes of the visitors to the better parts of the room is as simple as drawing attention to it. Thanksgiving decorating is a great time to delve into candles of all types. Candles in wall scones can accentuate a busy room just as easily as they can stand alone along a hallway or a staircase. Candles create that perfect holiday ambiance that we all want to share in, they light up a room with more than just a pleasant aroma. Jessica Ackerman is the featured author at WallDécorand Give Yourself or a Friend the Gift of a Clean Home Call Nicole & Kathleen @ Custom Cleaning Personalized, Commercial & Residential Cleaning Services l l l l l l l l l Superior, Customized Cleaning Personal Service, NO Cleaning Teams! Reliable, Professional Service Locally-owned Business Special Services Available Competitive Pricing Satisfaction Guaranteed Free Estimates Serving Paulding and surrounding areas. PAGE Enjo Beautifu y a l, C Home foLEAN the Holi r days! GIFT CE RTIF AVAILABICATES LE Mention this Ad for 10% OFF Your 3rd Cleaning 770.900.3477 / 678.327.5943 Give Yourself the Break You Deserve For Advertising information Call 770.222.2699 • Our Town tation” change e “& mbol and Rennie’s Interiors Complete Design Services Granite 0QVJKPI$GCWVK¿GU Makes the Difference .KMG)TCPKVG esinteri- Unique Home Decor & Gifts UniqueConsultations Home Decor & Gifts Affordable s Space Planning Custom Window Treatments s Furniture Upholstery s Floral Arrangements Located In Historic Downtown Acworth 4823 S. Main Street s Acworth s 678.574.6022 C Global Granite is a marble and granite fabrication and installation design showroom. We welcome all architects, builders, contractors, designers, dealers, interior decorators and landscapers—and the public! Visit our showroom today. • Custom Countertop Design FrEE countertop removal • Custom Countertop Fabrication for new customers • Granite, Marble and Stone Countertop with this ad Installation • Exclusive distributor of Quartzite stone for interior design and exterior landscape 678.581.3711 ,KNGU4QCF-GPPGUCY)#YYYINQDCNITCPKVGICEQO Help Us Celebrate Our 3rd Anniversary by giving to.... INSATIONS Must Ministries & Paulding Holiday Programs Salon We will be collecting toys and canned goods Donations can be made at or Cinsations Salon 8876 Dallas Acworth Hwy Suite 306 Dallas, GA 30132 Hair Visions 660-C Whitlock Avenue Marietta, GA 30064 lExperienced Color Specialists lPerms lHair Cuts lJapanese Straightener lFacial Waxing lPureology & Aquage Products lMake-up Our Town 770.529.1291 8876 Dallas-Acworth Hwy., Suite 306 Crossroads Shopping Center Tues, Wed, Fri 9am-6pm Thu 9 am-7 pm Sat 9 am-3pm Closed Sunday & Monday (L-R) Pola, Cherry, Cindy, Tera, Claire & April st, tyli st, s , i l o iril sty a C ood, l o P g me vin lco ril Lo bier, ger e a w p to ), A ase an ud nish at C as m o r y a is p Sp usl ore ns uent revio ry Mo o i p er sat s fl Ch Cin peak n s a d ( For Advertising information Call 770.222.2699 • PAGE AROUND OUR TOWN - FAMILY FOCUS 10 Tips for Training your Children: Part II By Nikki Roberts, MD FAAP L ast month we discussed three of ten tips to help train your children. They were: 1. Start early 2. Have age appropriate expectations and 3. Provide structure. We now resume with: to express herself. Once I demonstrated what she could say and how to say it in a respectful way, she applied it immediately. I also had to learn to model the behaviors I desired of her. If I didn’t want her to answer “WHAT” when I called her name, I must not answer in that manner when she or others called my name. 9. Work as a team Moms and dads must get in agreement. Standing together gives weight to standards established and lets the child know there are no loop holes. Because moms and dads may have had differing experiences as a child, agreement on discipline is not automatic. But each should be willing to come into agreement. Discuss your discipline challenges. Decide on a plan both agree will work for your family. Also, support each other when disciplinary action is implemented. Disagreeing in front of the child undermines the authority of a parent and sends the message that the undermined parent can be disregarded in the future. 4 7 9 5 10 6 8 4. Help your child develop respect for authority Eliciting respect requires that our children trust us. When we prove ourselves trustworthy in terms of their physical and emotional needs, children learn to trust our authority. So don’t be afraid to establish and enforce the rules. Your children will love, honor and respect you for it. 5. Communicate rather than dictate Avoid demanding that your child follow your instructions simply because, “I said so.” As your child grows, you won’t be around to say so. Therefore, parents must help children develop internal restraints. This develops by teaching them to evaluate consequences before acting and follow through with wise decisions. 6. Demonstrate as you communicate Rather than telling children what not to do, show them what to do. When my 4 year old spoke to me in a disrespectful tone, I told her numerous times her tone was not acceptable without impact. I told her what not to do, but I didn’t show her what to do. She didn’t have the maturity to know the appropriate way 3698 Largent Way l 7. Consider your child’s way of thinking I remember struggles with my 4 year old at bedtime. While she was playing with her toys, I would suddenly announce, “It’s time for bed.” A temper tantrum would ensue. I would respond with threatening if she didn’t obey. I perceived her behavior as defiance. However, her actions were not so much an act of defiance; rather, an effort to continue doing something she enjoyed. I learned to give her 5 minutes notice, so she could anticipate bedtime was coming. This made the transition to bedtime much easier. 8. Reward good We as parents always notice the actions that annoy us. At times, we forget to notice when our children are doing what is expected. Seize moments to provide praise. Praise creates in a child a satisfaction and sense of security that will be looked for in the future and motivate the child to continue doing good. 10. Be patient and consistent Discipline can be exhausting especially when working on the same behaviors repeatedly. Training a child is a process. It requires TIME. But be consistent. You are sowing into your child’s future. I am a firm believer in the time honored teaching that says, “Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not depart.” Cobb Pediatrics has been helping raise healthy children for more than 30 years. Suite 201 l Marietta Conveniently located across from The Avenue West Cobb We provide an environment where kids can have a fun and happy dental experience while receiving the very best dental care available. Come tour our state of the art office with with themed rooms representing each continent from around the world. W e have been helping families raise healthy children for more than 30 years MARIETTA Michael A. Rossitch, DDS, MS, PC Specialist in Pediatric Dentistry 770.420.6565 PAGE 10 410 Villa Rica Way Marietta, GA 30064 (678) 504-1199 POWDER SPRINGS 5041 Dallas Hwy, Bldg 2, Ste D Powder Springs, GA 30127 (770) 425-5331 8:30am to 5:00pm Monday through Friday and 9:00am to 12:00pm on Saturdays For Advertising information Call 770.222.2699 • Our Town Hide Your Braces, Not Your Smile. Revolutionary Technology for Beautiful Smiles Call today for your complimentary consultation Our office was one of the first in the United States to offer iBraces™ Orthodontic Braces, a revolutionary way to straighten teeth. These braces go behind your teeth and are 100% customized for you. 2748 Watts Drive, Kennesaw, GA s 2161 Cedarcrest Road, Acworth, GA 770 422-3939 s © 2008 3M. All rights reserved. iBraces is a trademark of 3M. It's Time to Discover the Difference in Childcare At Discovery Point Child Development Centers we mix the magic of childhood with the understanding that these first steps in life are the foundation for years of learning and discovery. We have created an environment that nurtures lasting friendships, sparks imagination and encourages children to explore the world around them. Visit TODAY or call for more information. ACWORTH/DALLAS 4500 Calibre Crossing NW Acworth, GA 30101 (behind Rite Aid at Cedarcrest Rd/Hwy 41) 770-974-3036 School Pick Up: Picketts Mill, Shelton, Russom, & Burnt Hickory Our Town DALLAS/HIRAM 269 East Paulding Drive Dallas, GA 30157 (Beside Publix) 770-445-0996 School Pick Up: Abney and Roberts Teaching Children to Learn NOW ENROLLING n Infant and Toddler Program n Pre-school and Kindergarten 450 Harmony Grove Church Road n Acworth (770) 917-0507 For Advertising information Call 770.222.2699 • PAGE 11 AROUND OUR TOWN - HOME IMPROVEMENT By John Dickinson Decking Materials ool weather is here and your thoughts may be focused indoors. It’s a great time, however, to start considering a new deck to enjoy next spring and summer. Get a jump on things, do your research and make plans. An early start will give you time to get estimates and make sure you design the perfect deck for you and your family. C Wood Decks Wood decks are the most traditional type of deck. Wood gives you unlimited design options and can be painted or stained to match your home. Because of its exposure to moisture, most wood used for decks is pressure-treated which helps prevent decay and termite damage. Wood decks require yearly maintenance. Composite Decks Composite decking consists of synthetic plastic and real wood fiber. This combination makes for a very strong and durable decking material with the look of natural wood but without the maintenance. Composite decking does not splinter, and lasts a long time. Combining the desire for low maintenance with an environmental consciousness, homeowners are turning to composite decking due to their high level of recycled content. Vinyl Decks Vinyl decks are affordable, durable and long lasting. These decks come in almost any color and do not need to be stained or painted. Although they are not natural wood, they can be made to mimic it. Vinyl decks are safe because of their slip-resistant finish in the rain and resistance to heat build-up during warm weather. They are splinter-free and very low maintenance. If you want your deck to last, it is important to choose a material and finish that you can successfully maintain. Decks are subject to all weather elements, such as sun, snow, ice and wind. Maintaining your deck is key to keeping its appearance in top shape. After spending time and money on your new deck, maintaining it properly will make it all worthwhile. Given that a new deck is a major investment, take your time choosing colors, finishes and features – and remember to have fun. Work closely with your professional contractor and don’t hesitate to ask for help and creative ideas – this will bring you one step closer to the deck of your dreams. John Dickinson’s home remodeling and improvement business, Advance Remodeling, specializes in interior and exterior home improvement. He is located in Baltimore. Turn your remodeling ideas into reality..... a New Look! Get Your Home Looking Its Best with New Landscaping! Lighting • Retaining Walls Brick Pavers • Ponds and Water Features Call 678.528.0690 and listen to the recorded message before you hire any landscaping company: • Learn 6 costly misconceptions about landscaping • 4 mistakes to avoid when selecting a landscaping company • 4 questions to ask before hiring a landscaping company PAGE 12 Professional Services for Commercial and Residential Lawn Care Quality Work Ever y Time! Harbor bay Locally Owned and Operated Since 1996 770.286.0138 NINETY DEGREE Proven Solutions n Proven Quality n Proven Professionals 90 o pBuilding pRemodeling pRenovation pResidential/Commercial pFREE Consultation pFREE Estimate Licensed. Insured. Experienced. 678-758-3995 CONSTRUCTION NOVEMBER CROSSWORD SOLUTION Jim Hu Owner tcheson G A M E T E M I N O R A X I S I M A G E R I E S A S P E R U T E R I R E N I N N E S A M C T U R A O R O L A C L I N E S T P R D W A I S U R V O R A E W S I T E N N M A G S N For Advertising information Call 770.222.2699 • P A S O A S K U L H I S T E M A A P O G S P I K E M E T E O X Y A T O H E I L L A D A D E L M P T I A R I N N A P A G N E A R O S E T E R S E H A Y E S C H A N C I E S T P E R C U S S E S A M E E R S Our Town & AR SSORIES, IN C. lCustom Built Decks lPatio Rooms lSunrooms lScreened Rooms lPergolas lUnderdeck lDeck Covers CE C A REMODEL NOW! KS D R E O C B Don’t Wait For the BIG Game Day, O.T.S. Kitchens VISIT OUR WEBSITE 770-920-8777 CABINET SALES & INSTALLATION Design the kitchen or bathroom of your dreams! Full service kitchen and bathroom remodeling AND MORE! Fine cabinetry, excellent craftsmanship Experienced, Professional, Friendly Service k 5923 Fairburn Road Douglasville, GA 30134 268 Cadillac Parkway, Dallas l 770-443-5667 Gas LogsEtc., Inc. Builder Discounts Available COME SEE OUR DISPLAY! at the Home Decor Store Behind Jim & Nicks in Hiram! Atlanta’s ONLY In-Home Gas Log Service! We bring our showroom to you! You can see a variety of styles and sizes in YOUR fireplace! For added convenience, we can install the logs while we are there - NO WAITING! Accessories Thermorite Custom Glass Doors Locally owned and operated since 1995 770-420-LOGS (5647) Our Town For Advertising information Call 770.222.2699 • PAGE 13 AROUND OUR TOWN - HEALTH & FITNESS By Dr. D. Hodari Brooks Advice for of the Weekend A s a practicing orthopaedic surgeon, a fair number of patients I see on any given day present with injuries that have been sustained during physical activity, literally performed on the weekend. The typical patient is someone who is 30-50 years of age and who does not engage in regular exercise, but who participates in various sporting events on the weekend. It is not uncommon for my patients to give a history of showing up “late” for a sport, such as tennis. Instead of taking the appropriate time to warm up and stretch, these patients simply change and run out on the court and start playing. This lack of stretching, combined with lack of regular activity, sets up the perfect storm for minor and major injuries to occur. The Shoulder: a common injury involves strains of the rotator cuff. This is a group of four muscles that help to elevate the arm above shoulder level and are also involved with throwing. Activities such as serving in tennis and weight-lifting can commonly cause this injury. The most effective initial treatment is rest and limiting overhead activity for at least 7-10 Warrior days. In addition anti-inflammatory medication can be helpful. When pain persists, then evaluation by an orthopedic surgeon is recommended. The Knee: the typical injury that I see involves the menisci, which function as shock absorbers for the knee. They can be injured particularly with twisting, noncontact injuries. For example, playing a sport such as basketball which involves running, quick stopping, and sudden changes in direction can result in meniscal strains, partial tears and/or complete tears. Initial treatment for a knee injury involves ice, elevation, and limited weight bearing. In addition, one should initially limit repetitive bending and squatting. When full tears are present then outpatient surgery is often necessary for complete resolution of symptoms. The Ankle: while the most common injury I see is an ankle sprain, the Achilles tendon is an area that is frequently injured and often requires surgery. The Achilles is particularly vulnerable in running, cutting sports and has an especially lengthy recovery period that often exceeds six months. Typically patients with Achilles tendon injuries feel as if they were “kicked” in the back of the leg. The Achilles is particularly vulnerable to those weekend warriors who do not stretch prior to activity. The lack of regular exercise decreases the elasticity (ability of stretching) and thus when subject to abnormal stress, rupture is often the result. While initial treatment for ankle injuries involve ice, elevation and restricted weight bearing, if you develop prolonged symptoms or pain over the Achilles tendon then evaluation by orthopedic surgeon is advised in a timely manner. In conclusion I would like to re-emphasize the importance of stretching for every athlete. Stretching increases the amount of stress a muscle or tendon can bear before tearing. It is important to indicate, however that active stretching, where you stretch without assistance is preferred to passive stretching where someone else provides the resistance. I would also like to encourage all of us who are weekend warriors to become more active with routine exercise during the week. Even an exercise program consisting of 30 minutes of aerobic exercise three times a week can have a dramatic improvement on our overall physical health and ability to tolerate increases in intensity. Dr. D. Hodari Brooks is an orthopaedic surgeon at Pinnacle Orthopaedics & Sports Medicine Everyone Deserves a Beautiful Smile Braces for $89 per month. $89 per month No Down Payment A perfect plan for today's economy. Based on a 34-month case. Phase one treatment based on a 21 month plan. Fees may vary. Call for details about retention phase and length of treatment. Hiram | 770-222-4450 5140 Jimmy Lee Smith Pkwy, Bldg B, Ste 105 Hiram, GA 30141 (Next to Johnny's New York Pizza) { Dr. H.M. Bush Dr. David Lofters { Member, American Association of Orthodontists Call today for your FREE consultation and exam. Save an average of $800 | Most Insurance Plans Accepted | Certified Provider of Invisalign PAGE 14 For Advertising information Call 770.222.2699 • Our Town Pinnacle Orthopaedics & Sports Medicine Specialists focuses on comprehensive care in correcting skeletal abnormalities and injuries. We specialize in: • • • • • • • Arthroscopic Surgery Surgery of the Spine and Neck Hand and Foot Total Joint Replacement Fracture Care Pain Management Sports Related Injuries Pinnacle Orthopaedics & Sports Medicine Specialists also offers on-site Physical Therapy at our Austell, Douglasville and Paulding locations. Visit Us At Our Paulding Location! 148 Bill Carruth Pkwy Suite 120 Hiram, GA 30141 770-445-5666 Live young. Chiropractic Exam, Consultation and X-Ray for $50.00 ($300.00 value) with this ad Good through the month of November 2008 November Food Drive 5886 Wendy Bagwell Parkway Suite 301 n Hiram, GA 30141 Dr. Jared Key Our Town Dr. Daniel Roberts 770.439.7765 For Advertising information Call 770.222.2699 • Bring in $25 worth of canned goods on November 21st and recieve Chiropractic Exam and X-ray ($300 value; call for appt.) PAGE 15 AROUND OUR TOWN - COMMUNITY Shepherd’s Rest Ministries, Inc. Safe House and Services for Battered Women and Children D omestic violence and emotional abuse are behaviors used by one person in a relationship to control the other. Some examples of abuse include, name-calling, withholding money, preventing a partner from contacting their family or friends, making threats, actual physical harm, sexual assault, stalking and intimidation. Violence takes many forms and can happen all the time or once in a while. Anyone can be a victim, regardless of age, sex, race, culture, religion, education or martial status. Although both men and women can be abused, the majority of victims are women. Children in homes with domestic violence are more likely to be abused and/or neglected. Even if a child is not physically harmed, they may have emotional and behavior problems. If you are being abused, REMEMBER.... You are not alone! It is not your fault! Help is available! Call Shepherd’s Rest 24 Hour Crisis Line at 770443-5213 Shepherd’s Rest Ministries is a faith-based, nonprofit family violence crisis center providing shelter and services to women and children who have been displaced from their homes due to domestic violence. The mission of the program is to facilitate personal growth and responsibility by equipping clients with positive life skills and to provide as many possible services to these victims by networking with other community service providers to ensure that all their specific needs are met. In 1997, Shepherd’s Rest Ministries opened its battered women’s shelter to its first victims of domestic violence. The shelter has since housed over 1,500 women and children who have been displaced from their homes due to domestic violence. The need for emergency shelter has increased yearly. In 2007, the shelter saw more than a 65% increase over the previous year in client’s housed at the shelter. In 2002, Shepherd’s Rest expanded its services to provide Legal Advocates who help victims of domestic violence in filing and obtaining Temporary Protective Orders (TPO’s) against their batterers through the court system. Shepherd’s Rest has now assisted well over 1,800 clients in obtaining these orders of protection. In addition, Shepherd’s Rest provides the following services: a 24 Hour Crisis Line, Emergency Housing, Emergency Transportation, Food, Clothing, Case Management, a Community- wide Women’s Enrichment Therapy Group, Resources Referrals, Parenting Classes, Boundaries Classes, Bible Studies, Financial Assistance and Christmas Outreach. There are many ways our community can help Shepherd’s Rest Ministries. • Become a volunteer • Sponsor and organize a Fund Raiser • Make a Financial Contribution • Become a Financial Partner through monthly gifts of $25, $50, $100 or more. • Donate food, clothing, toys, bed linens, towels, household items, cleaning supplies, paper products, diapers, cell phones, office supplies, furniture, etc… • Donate your automobile; a good used vehicle can enable our clients to obtain jobs or finish their education to make a better life for themselves and their children. (ALL DONATIONS ARE TAX DEDUDCTIBLE) For more info, call 770-443-5213. Designer’s Photo’s Do you have a friend or relative that is difficult to shop for? Designer’s Photo’s has a collection of stunning images to delight and inspire. Unique flower and landscape photography to please the most discerning collector or connoisseur of the arts. All photographs are custom printed to archival standards. Sizes from 8”x 10” up to 20”x 30”! (many images may be printed even larger-don’t hesitate to ask!) Just go online and browse through the galleries and choose your favorites. Prices starting at only $35.00 for an 8x10 print. See more details online. see the ever expanding collection: PAGE 16 For Advertising information Call 770.222.2699 • Our Town The Ritzy Pixie presents The Third Annual Glass Slipper Ball “Once Upon a Wedding”” An Interactive Evening Where Your Ordinary Life Becomes an Extraordinary Fairytale Cinderella and Prince request the honor of yo Charming ur presence at their marriage on Saturday, the thirty -first of Two thousand and nineJanuary at seven o’clock in the Paulding County Com evening mun 54 Industrial Way Nity Center orth Dallas, Georgia R oyal Ball to immediate ly follow ceremony Visit our website for more details at You must order tickets in advance. 770.445.0523 Please contact the Ritzy Pixie 209 Main Street, Dallas, GA 30132 to make reservations. First Annual Christmas Charity Ball Benefiting Shepherd’s Rest Ministry at Che’ne Rouge Grand Ballroom & Gardens December 6, 2008 7 PM to 11 PM Still Swinging Les Stills 18 Piece Orchestra Black Tie Refreshments & Hors d’oeuvres Limited Seating Reservations and Tickets Available Online at by November 25, 2008 770-222-4995 Our Town For Advertising information Call 770.222.2699 • PAGE 17 AROUND OUR TOWN - TRAVEL Myrtle Beach, South Carolina! L et’s face it, we needed a break, and what better way than with girlfriends! There are four of us (Teresa, Jules, Debbie and Jane) that have been BEST friends for a very long time. For the last nine years, we have left the husbands and the kids to get away for a “Mom’s Getaway Weekend”. The beach is always our first choice in destination. This year we chose Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. It was absolutely wonderful. So wonderful, we did not want to come back. Myrtle Beach is a beach town on the northern coast of South Carolina; almost reaching to North Carolina. From Paulding, it’s about a 6½-7 hour drive; this does allow for an hour for lunch or breaks in driving. Myrtle is a very family oriented destination and it has really grown in the last 15 to 20 years. It’s known for being “America’s Beach Playground” because, Myrtle Beach has some of the best shopping, restaurants, golf, dining shows, and entertainment this side of Branson. The upside is YOU ARE AT THE BEACH! Finding a place to stay in Myrtle Beach is not difficult. We recommend using DRBO.NET. With this website you can find a condo and rent directly from the owners, which will save you a great deal of money. DRBO.NET is a site where you can look at the condos available to rent, as well as what to do while you are there. On DRBO.NET you will find condos available in Georgia, Florida and South Carolina. This includes condos in Atlanta, at the beach, and in the mountains. It is also a site where you can list your rental property. DRBO.NET is easy to use. Simply click on the state you want, and see the properties listed for that area. Then you can check out each property. There are detailed descriptions of each property and the local attractions. There are also plenty of pictures of each condo, so you will know what you are renting and there are no surprises. We stayed at the luxurious 29 story oceanfront Margate at Kingston Plantation. ( margate.html) We were fortunate enough to get this beautifully decorated, 3 bedroom/3 bathroom unit. With four women, it was nice to have the extra space. The Margate is centrally located to all the attractions in Myrtle Beach and has everything you need to make you feel right at home. The balcony is large and wraps around the building. You literally have breathtaking views from 3 sides. We felt like queens in a castle! Being late September we were a little worried that it would be cold, but the weather was perfect! Not too hot, a warm breeze and lot’s of sun. Now the sand on the beach is not white like it is on the Gulf, but it’s a nice wide beach without a drop off into the ocean, which is a big plus for children and seniors. We spent a lot of time walking on the beach collecting shells. None of us had ever seen so many sea shells. The shells were out in record numbers; it was quite amazing! While we were there, we made it a point to enjoy some of the attractions and shopping without missing time on the beach. The first night was all about getting seafood for dinner. This was not a hard feat since there are seafood buffets everywhere. We ate at the Big Crab because of the crab legs. The food was good and there was a good variety, but it was a little pricey at $25 per person! (*Editor’s Side Note: If you want really great tasting, FRESH seafood, drive to Calabash, North Carolina. Depending on where you are in Myrtle Beach, it could take 30 to 60 minutes, but it easy to find and worth it. Remember, Captain Nance’s is THE BEST.) We also went to the Ripley’s Aquarium at Broadway at the Beach. The Aquarium itself was great. They had a lot of sharks and very interesting fish. BFF The biggest disappointment was the “Pirates” exhibit. The displays they had were quite interesting, but it was NOT what they hyped it up to be. The best part was the two skeleton pirates that “welcome” you as you walk into the exhibit. (That made for some great photos!) Broadway at the Beach is an all day experience in itself. Broadway is an outdoor shopping village, right in the middle of Myrtle Beach. There are some wonderful, one of a kind shops and great restaurants there - including, Jeff Foxworthy’s Redneck Store, Jimmy Buffet’s Margaritaville, an Egyptian Hard Rock Café and Senor Frogs! But if you are there, DO NOT miss the KISS Coffeehouse! Did you know the band KISS had a coffeehouse? Well, it rocks! Barefoot Landing is another shopping village with shops and a variety of restaurants. There is a diner there called Radio City Diner. The food is great, and it was so reasonable. Between the four of us, not one of us paid over $8.00 for their lunch and that included a soft drink. We love a great deal. Also, at Barefoot Landing and our most memorable experience was the Alligator Adventure. DO NOT MISS THIS!!! If you have children, they will love it. We loved it. They have thousands of alligators. It was amazing at how many they had in this one park. Their star gator is ‘Utan’; the oldest and largest alligator on exhibit in the world. His head is larger than the hood of a truck! They also have a variety of reptiles and other animals including tigers, otters, turtles and cervals. You can get so close to the animals, too. It’s something to be only 6 feet away from a live tiger. Being so close makes you appreciate their beauty and size. We hope you’ll visit Myrtle Beach soon. There is so much to do and see, and it’s a place where there is something for everybody. , reat food An OT favorite...G great price! One of the pools at The Margate The Margate Pirates...A rgh! arks! Awesome ac commodation PAGE 18 s! Sh le b i d e r c In r Balcony Sunrise from ou Alligator Ad venture Feedin g Tim e! For Advertising information Call 770.222.2699 • Our Town Don’t let this be your next vacation. You can have so much more....... Check out the best deals on Paulding Chamber Mission to CHINA 9 Day Vacation $1899 (From JFK) April 3-11, 2009 4 & 5 Star Hotels l Deluxe Tour Bus l English Speaking Guide l 3 Meals/Day l Tours Included as well as Optional/Additional Tours Available Tours include: Tian An Men Square Temple of Heaven Palace Museum Forbidden City Summer Palace Great Wall Ming Tombs Lingering Garden Tiger Hill Hanshan Temple Lingyin Yemple Yu Garden More! Be a part of this exciting adventure! For More Information Contact The Paulding Chamber of Commerce 770.445.6016 Our Town For Advertising information Call 770.222.2699 • PAGE 19 AROUND OUR TOWN - FINANCE Seizing Opportunities in Adversity - Staying Focused in Today’s Market By Jerry Clegg W hen the market is going down or sideways, it is hard for people to stay focused on the long-term benefits of the stock market. A look at history can offer insight into what course of action you should take when the market starts acting erratically. Suppose you had placed a $10,000 investment in the S&P 500 index at the top of the stock market on January 11, 1973. By October 3, 1974 when the market hit bottom, your $10,000 would have dropped in value of $5500—a decrease of 45%. How would you have reacted during this time? Based on the above scenario, what would you have done with your hypothetical shares? Reinvest another $10,000? Increase your investment by $1,500 OR Dollar Cost Average $1,000 per year for 10 years? Or would you have held onto your shares; sell your shares and wait one year before reinvesting OR sell now and put your proceeds into three-month U.S. Treasury bills? KEEP an Eye on the long-term benefits. Following the 1973-74 downturn, the investments of the dedicated investors increased greater than those who pulled their funds from the market. Moreover, it took investors who remained committed to the long-term goals less time to recover their value than those who fled the market. Missing the first year following the market bottom added nearly 4 years to the time it took to regain their value! While investing in 3-month U.S. Treasury bills took more than 5 years to regain their value! By the end of 2007, your original $10,000 would be worth $231,000! Here is another example of staying the course – from right after September 11, 2001 Both Educated Ellen and Worry Wart Wally saw their $10,000 investment (made on Jan. 1, 2000) in mutual funds drop to $8,786 by the month of October 2001. This was right after September 11, 2001. Bookkeeping*Tax Service “Complete Financial Therapy” Scott A. Flanagan l SAF, LLC Business and Individual Income Tax Services l Tax Return Preparation and Tax Planning for Corporations and Individuals Business Bookkeeping Services l Computerized Financial Statements Payroll and Sales Tax Preparation Specialized Business Consulting Services Worry Wart Wally sold off his mutual funds and reinvested in U.S. Treasury Bills. Educated Ellen held on to her mutual funds. As of December 31, 2007 this is how their accounts compared: Average Account Balance Annual Return 12/31/2007 Worry Wart Wally $10,274 Educated Ellen $20,211 3.18% 10.58% Talk to your Professional Investment Advisor! Your Advisor can help you determine your time horizon and keep you focused on your long term goals! Protect Your Loved Ones... l ELECTRONIC FILING AVAILABLE Specializing in Home Based and Small Businesses! Call Today for a FREE CONSULTATION Evening and Saturday Appointments Over 25 Years Experience 770-505-9304 (770) 505-9355 – Fax l Conveniently Located in Dallas, GA Our Our Town Hiram s Dallas s Cedarcrest s New Hope Town is NOW Online..... Check us Out at PAGE 20 For Advertising information Call 770.222.2699 • Our Town Holidays are overwhelming enough. Leave the packing to us. Bring your gifts to The UPS Store for an easier shipping experience. We offer shorter lines, expert service and low prices. Plus, our Certified Packing Experts can pack your items for you - even it they’re fragile or odd-sized. We also offer a wide range of shipping options: n Ups Next Day Air n UPS 2nd Day Air n UPS Ground n UPS International n Freight shipping for large or odd-sized gifts So stop in and make shipping your gifts easy! The UPS Store Bring this ad in for 457 Nathan Dean Blvd. Suite 105 PACKAGING SERVICE or SHIPPING Dallas, GA 30132 770-505-2225 SUPPLIES M-F 8:30-7, Sat 9-5 Limit one coupon per customer. Not vaild with other 10 % OFF Our Town offers. Restrictions apply. Valid at participating loca- Located in the Kroger Shopping Center tions only. The UPS Store centers are independently at Highway 278 and 61 owned and operated. Expires 12/31/08 Right Financial, LLC $ The RIGHT Place for Your IRA’s, 401-K’s, Health Insurance & Life Insurance Confused about investing And don’t know where to look? Come see the guy that wrote the book! Call Now For A FREE Consultation! Jerry Clegg Right Financial, LLC 110 Evans Mill Drive – Suite 402 Dallas, GA 30157 - 770-505-4536 Your Premier Financial Planning Firm For Advertising information Call 770.222.2699 • PAGE 21 AROUND OUR TOWN - ENTERTAINMENT Traveling With the Family This Holiday Season? By Jaime L. Smith T Keep the Kids Entertained and your Patience Level Maintained he holiday season is upon us, and so are the usual hustle-bustle accompaniments of the busiest travel time of the year…road trips, traffic jams, airport lines, late flights. So while you’re busy dealing with luggage and fuel fill-ups, manage the noise level in the backseat with an array of kids’ activities. Here are 10 way to keep your children entertained while traveling during the holidays: 1. Road Trip 101 says: “Never leave empty handed.” Print out a stack of coloring sheets before you leave. Whether it’s Holly Hobbie™, Care Bears™ or fun-filled holiday pages, kids will love the creativity involved. All you need to do is grab a box of crayons and you’re ready to go. 2. Classic car games. The classic License Plate Game is always a crowdpleaser. Check off each state as you spot the plate – winner takes all. Or try counting cows, whoever counts the most at the end of the trip wins. 3. To grandmother’s house we go. Wherever you’re headed for the holidays, why not decorate the table on the way. Create place cards and napkin rings, perfect for a festive table. Let the kids plan the table’s theme and encourage them to help set up once you arrive. C 4. Cultivate generosity. Custom coupon books let kids get creative with their gifts, just print out the templates, and help younger kids write out their coupon surprises. One easy way to let little ones be in control of the gifts they give; make them funny, make them cute, what dad wouldn’t love a free back scratch? 5. Traveling far and away? Printable postcards will let kids keep in touch with loved ones back home. Or, try sending one back to your own house so kids will look forward to returning home after being away. Just don’t forget the stamps. 6. All I want… Turn holiday wish lists into keepsakes and pieces of art with seasonal stationery. Let children draw exactly what they want this year. (Explanations may be necessary.) 7. Say “cheese.” A picture is worth a thousand words. Let the little ones play photographer with an inexpensive disposable camera. Then create lasting memories with personalized and printable scrapbook pages and festive photo frame mats. 8. Surprise! Who doesn’t like surprises? Excite kids with their own travel-treasure bags. Fill with snacks, goodies, travel games and little toys, or let them pick a small treat every so often while on the road. (It’s a surefire way to ensure good behavior.) 9. Nurture Creativity. Hand written cards never go out of style. Encourage self-expression by creating homemade holiday cards for friends and family visited throughout the holidays. Stock up on holiday stickers and accessories to give custom cards some personal flare. 10. “Jingle Bells, Batman Smells…” Turn travel into a party with festive party hats and garland. Get goofy and celebrate the season with holiday songs and stories to set a seasonal mood. (Good for family car rides, but not suggested if traveling by airplane.) Find more fun-filled ideas for keeping the kids at bay at, and don’t leave home without them. Let the kids pack their fun in their own small bag and add other items so they’re comfortable the whole trip through. Happy Travels! Jaime Smith is an organic SEO Analyst with Brulant, Inc. She has formal training in journalism and proven experience in marketing copywriting. Jaime has extensive writing and integrated marketing experience in a corporate setting. hristmas is Just Around the Corner Advertise Your Business for the Holidays in The West Atlanta / Douglas Choral Society (WADSC), Inc. I n v i t e s You T o… OUR TOWN Hiram s Dallas s Cedarcrest s New Hope “A Family Christmas Concert”’ Waverly Rainey, Conductor William Callaway, Accompanist Tuesday, December 2, 2008, 8:00p.m. • Pre-concert music 7:45 The Douglas County High School (DCHS) Performing Arts Hall 8705 Campbellton Street, Douglasville, Georgia Featuring: The West Atlanta/Douglas Choral Society, Inc. & WADCS Chamber Singers The ATlAnTA Boy Choir David White l Leah Smith l Andrew Otwell l Gail Drinkard The First Presbyterian Ensemble Ringers l Williams Callaway l Kelly Denton Tickets ($10) may be purchased from Choral members, Kroger Stores Service Desk, or through the “Contribution / Subscription Series”. Tickets may be available at the door. Seating is limited. Only children six (6) years old and older will be admitted. Call for Rates! 770.222.2699 PAGE 22 2008-2009 CONCERT MIDSEASON AUDITIONS (BEGIN MID DECEMBER – MID JANUARY) For information 770-920-1662 or 770-920-7856 • For Advertising information Call 770.222.2699 • Our Town W Im he T ith ible poss Dream! Saturday December 13, 2008 8pm-10:30pm Adults $10 Children $7 (Doors open at 7pm) The Dallas Theater 208 Main Street Dallas, GA Novemb e r Menu Chicken Saltimbo cca Panko C rusted Ta lapia Beef Str oganoff Calzone s Szechwa n Shrimp Cranberr y Chicke n and more ! (12 and under) Spend Christmas With Us! A Tribute To ELVIS SANTA! SPECIAL VISIT FROM BRING THE KIDS! A d vA n c e d T i c k e T S A l e S Paulding Chamber of Commerce 770-445-6016 Mention th and get $ ad 00 Basico tune off up ($60.00 valu e) My daughter has been attending camps and taking lessons at High Country Stables for 3 years. She loves it—and I can’t think of a better place for her to be! -Laurain S. 3 Day Horse Camps Only $175 Riders & Non-Riders Welcome 11/24 –11/26 & 12/29 –31 WIN One of Two FREE Riding Lessons! ($50 Value) Register Online Drawing Date 12/1/2008 Fun Days! Only $50 404.427.5004 5508 Dallas Acworth Hwy Dallas, GA Our Town co R un eg tr ist ys er ta on bl li es ne .c : om /f H Full Boarding H All Riders, All Ages H Private & Group Lessons H Western & English Disciplines H HorseTraining and Leasing re e 11/4 & 12/22 gh being on CAMPS ALL YEAR ‘ROUND hi ing lessons it—and I ain S. All day fun with horses, games, crafts & just being on the farm! YOU RIDE WE RIDE alue) Reg- Bicycle Sales Service Rentals Concessions Great Gift Ideas for the Holidays! Gift Certificates Available. Located @ Hiram Silver Comet Trailhead in Homer Leggett Park Pavilion 770-439-7337 Philippians 4:13 For Advertising information Call 770.222.2699 • PAGE 23 AROUND OUR TOWN - SEASONAL By Paul Banas Celebrating Thanksgiving with Your Kids T hanksgiving is an American tradition that truly celebrates family - a time in the year when relatives and friends get together and exchange notes on what’s gone by. But what does Thanksgiving mean to your kids? While they look forward to meeting their favorite uncles and aunts, maybe even receiving gifts from them, Thanksgiving has no special activity that caters exclusively to them. A whole lot of adults meeting to catch up on the family news, over an elaborate dinner, is hardly something to excite kids, so that they are largely left to themselves, and may end up feeling a bit left out. As a dad you can help your kids by explaining the meaning of Thanksgiving. Knowing about it and what it stands for will help them appreciate the essence of this celebration. Getting children to help with preparing the Thanksgiving dinner could be another LeeAnne way to make them feel included. Not only does it make them feel responsible, they’ll look forward to the event of the actual dinner much more if they’ve had a role to play in its preparation. Here are 5 tips for the best Thanksgiving ever. floor waiting to be called to the table. Be proactive - volunteer for work you’ll enjoy and get into the spirit cheerfully. You’ll be happier doing a good deed without being nagged about it. And face it; you’ll have to do a bunch of stuff anyway, so you’re better off getting points for doing it on your terms. Keep it simple - Even if both you and your spouse like a Thanksgiving table overflowing with all the possible Thanksgiving items, consider cutting back on some items or getting store-bought items. The stress you eliminate will make everyone enjoy the meal more. Create traditions if you want to create meaning Kids thrive on traditions, even the ones they might complain about in their teen years are the ones you may see them re-creating twenty years from now in their own homes. The best traditions are ones that have meaning for the family because they relate to the family history or have taken on a history of their own over time. Don’t shy away from creating your own traditions, however. Some examples: * A prayer said by the youngest talking member of the family. * Allowing each child to choose a food item that is served every year. Involve the kids - There are plenty of things they can do, from baking a simple pie or setting the table. Make sure you give them plenty of credit in front of all guests for the job they’ve done. Pitch in - The year is 2008 and women no longer work all day in the kitchen while the guys lie on the 8/18/08 4:41 PM Consider not drinking alcohol during Thanksgiving - while this might be difficult for some to imagine, you may want to give it a try if previous holiday meals were emotional or anger-filled. Paul Banas is a founder of He writes articles on pregnancy and parenting topics related to dads. Subscribe to a free activities newsletter for dads of 4-8 year olds, the magical age when dads play a major role in their kid’s lives. Page 1 Lee Anne Busman – President Barter Consultants International, Inc. 770-394-6364 • AT L AN TA • H I LTON H EA D • N AS HV I LL E • SAVAN NA H • K E N TUC K Y • NE W YOR K PAGE 24 For Advertising information Call 770.222.2699 • Our Town Our Town Our Town For Advertising information Call 770.222.2699 • PAGE 25 AROUND OUR TOWN - BUSINESS SPOTLIGHT By Dr. Matthew Homfray Avoiding Holiday Hazards for your Pet T hanksgiving is in a few weeks and the rest of the holiday season is fast approaching. It’s a busy time for all of us, but it is very important to make sure that your pet is kept safe from any danger. At this time every year it is important to remind pet owners of the most common holiday hazards for pets. These include feeding problems, foreign-body ingestion and accidental poisoning. Unfortunately many pets will have to see the veterinarian this holiday season because this advice was not taken into consideration. Don’t let your pet be one of them; follow these points and ensure your pet is safe over the entire holiday season. Feeding problems: Foods too fatty, too rich or too spicy (in fact, anything your pet is not accustomed to) can lead to intestinal problems. In some animals, the treat can cause serious inflammation of the pancreas or intestine which can actually be life-threatening. The main foods to avoid are those bits that you would not eat yourself such as the fat off a piece of meat, that last little bit of desert and so on. A little bit of meat will not cause too much of a problem though, just make sure you stay away from the fatty parts and the poultry skin (this contains high quantities of fat). It is these fats that can trigger acute pancreatitis. Foreign-body ingestion: Cooked poultry bones are a tempting thing to give to your pet, but please avoid them. Even the largest of bones can splinter easily and these sharp shards work their way into your pet’s intestines. If one pierces through the intestinal wall a life threatening peritonitis will ensue. Although cooked poultry bones are prohibited, some raw beef bones can be safely given to your pet. Knuckle bones (for large dogs) and oxtails (for small dogs) are generally considered to be a lot safer as they do not break up as easily. However, it is good practice to supervise your dog whilst chewing the bone so you can throw it away if it gets broken into pieces that can be swallowed. Decoration Dangers: The Christmas tree can be a hazard for dogs and cats. Tinsel is great to play with but if ingested can cause pleating of the intestines and a severe blockage. This is in particular a great danger to cats and kittens, who love chasing and playing with string and cotton. Ornaments are also dangerous because they too may break into sharp shards that may puncture the intestines. Also, the water at the base of the Christmas tree will contain substances that can cause painful stomach aches. Christmas tree light strings are at risk of being chewed so please turn them off when you are out or your pet is left near the tree unsupervised. Poisonings: Holiday plants such as mistletoe are toxic, as are the bulbs of the amaryllis plant. A good alternative is the poinsettia which can be safely welcomed into the pet lover’s home. Please be aware that chocolate is toxic to dogs (especially the dark variety). Please dispose of antifreeze in the right way too during the cold months ahead. This sweet substance tastes great to your pet but is deadly. Dr Matthew Homfray is one of the veterinary pet experts at Our dedicated community of caring pet experts are waiting to offer you advice, second opinions and support. PETS OF THE MONTH Rocky, Lita & Sadie We’ll do anything for treats! The picture was taken during a recent stay over. The house is well guarded especially when these three are together. Lita is Rockys’ daughter and Sadie is his Stepdaughter Fifi Fifi is our 5 year old precious toy poodle who loves to give kisses. During the day she lies any place around the house where the sun is shinning. The evening time she lounges in the first lap available. She loves to visit our neighbors as well Bud We met Bud at our November cover shoot, while he was on a walk with his owner. This 1 1/2 year old was a sweetheart and downright adorable. We think he would be most handsome in a yellow sweater! Send us a Photo of Your Precious Pet! Email with Short Bio to ourtownmagazine@ PAGE 26 For Advertising information Call 770.222.2699 • Our Town AW E S O M E P E T S I T T I N G & T I DY S E RV I C E S lProfessional & lMember of Pet Secure In-Home Services Sitter’s International & Georgia Network of Professional Pet Sitters lInsured & Bonded Call to Schedule your Interview Appointment Mary & Fred Escarra (Owners) 10% of f your first vi with is adsit (new cuth stom only) ers 404-918-2138 Email Please Inquire for Additional Services l Resident of Cobb County for 20 Years Hiram Animal Hospital Established 1985 Full Service Medical & Pet Care Facility = Emergencies accepted = Laser Surgery and therapy = Radiology and ultrasound = = = = Senior citizen discount Multiple pet discount Boarding indoor/outdoor Professional grooming 770-439-1117 David Carpenter, DVM l Wendy Meeker, DVM Chris Johnson, DVM 1019 Douglasville Hwy., Hiram l 1 mile S. of Walmart on Hwy. 92 Open Daily 7 am, Sat. 8am-12pm l GIVE A PET A LOVING HOME Support Your Local Paulding Humane Society Please Spay & Neuter Your Pets For more information or directions to the shelter, please visit us at Lila Blue 770-445-1511 (Closed Wednesdays) Open Daily Noon to 5 pm ! EN OP l Specialized, Loving W House & Pet Sitting Cedarcrest Animal Hospital NO Indy’s Keep your beloved pets safe and secure in their familiar, home environment, where the sights, sounds and smells bring them comfort. In-Home Pet Care Ask about my 15% Senior Citizen discount No minimum requirements! Our Town Information Cedarcrest A 2355 Cedar Acworth, G 770-544-05 l Dog Walks l Tranportation to Evening or Weekend Grooming or Vet Appointments l Adminstration of Medicines l Licensed, Bonded, Insured l Member Pet Sitter’s International NEW! Personal Assistant Services for the Busy Pet Lover! Call for Details! We do not h like one sim sign (attach I have also we would li www.cedarc Please inclu cat! Holiday Special! 10% DISCOUNT On Services 1 week minimum. 7 7 0 . 76.9485 Preventative Care Digital Radiology & Ultrasound Laser Surgery Boarding & Grooming 770-544-0580 2355 Cedarcrest Road Acworth, GA 30101 For Advertising information Call 770.222.2699 • PAGE 27 ServicesPreventative Digital Radio Laser Surge Boarding & G NOVEMBER CROSSWORD AROUND OUR TOWN - PUZZLE & COOKING 1 2 3 4 5 13 6 7 8 9 14 10 11 12 15 Pumpkin Baking Recipes By Jill Seader 16 19 17 18 20 21 23 22 26 24 27 28 29 30 35 34 31 36 40 41 45 32 37 39 38 44 25 42 43 47 46 48 50 49 51 52 53 56 57 58 59 60 61 54 55 Across Down 1. Coal site 5. Fitness centers 9. Promise. 13. Mosque V.I.P. 14. Wine holder 15. Carbamide 16. Museum of 19. Energetic 20. Bauxite, e.g. 21. Swerve shot in pool 22. “___ we having fun yet?” 23. Anita Brookner’s “Hotel du ___” 24. Orbital extremes 26. Nautical know how 29. Take up space 30. Allocate, with “out” 31. Bean counter, for short 34. 20-20, e.g. 35. Representative 37. “Beg pardon ...” 38. Cousin of -trix 39. “Hold it!” 40. Chicago airport 41. Monitoring 44. Polar light 47. “Dear old” guy 48. Blackguard 49. Frets 50. “A Nightmare on ___ Street” 51. Urine 52. The Big Houses 56. “___ Brockovich” 57. “Buddenbrooks” author 58. ___ line (major axis of an elliptical orbit) 59. Cabal 60. Catch 61. Brings home 1. Imaginary disecting line 2. Set of mental pics 3. Alliance acronym 4. Australian runner 5. Not abundant 6. Blanched 7. ___ Wednesday 8. Schuss, e.g. 9. Power problem 10. Got up and left 11. Breviloquent 12. Garfield’s predecessor 17. Bookbinding leather 18. Fire evidence 19. Reproductive cell 23. On, as a lamp 24. Crown 25. Compassion 27. “Acid” 28. Walloped, old-style 31. Most haphazard 32. To tap 33. Foreign heads of state 35. Legal prefix 36. Bank of Paris 37. “Bingo!” 39. Sausage 40. Aged 41. Planting seeds 42. Wasting time 43. Dalai ___ 44. According to 45. Womb, plural 46. Enzyme 50. “Empedocles on ___” (Matthew Arnold poem) 51. Snowman prop 53. Dash lengths 54. Masefield play “The Tragedy of ___” 55. Amscrayed PAGE 28 33 The smell of pumpkin baking always conjures up memories of Thanksgiving for me. The day always started early with mom bustling about the kitchen to prepare our feast. The Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade would always be playing in the background as she’d prepare the meal. We’d stop to watch or listen to some of the marching bands and acts they had. But always, always, would we stop to watch Santa coming down the street on his sleigh. To this day, the smells of turkey, cranberry, potatoes, gravy, stuffing, and pumpkin all blending in a beautiful medley of smells brings a smile of memory to my face. Those special Thanksgiving feasts and that special time with mom are memories that last a lifetime. I hope you enjoy these fun and unique pumpkin recipes during this holiday season. Golden Pumpkin Cookies 1 1/3 cups sugar 1/3 cup shortening 3 beaten eggs 1 teaspoon vanilla 2 1/2 cups flour 4 teaspoons baking powder 1 teaspoon salt 1/4 teaspoon ginger 1/4 teaspoon allspice 1 teaspoon nutmeg 1 teaspoon cinnamon 1 teaspoon lemon juice 1 teaspoon grated lemon rind 1 cup raisins 1/2 cup chopped nuts 1 cup canned pumpkin Cream together sugar and shortening. Add eggs and vanilla. Add in flour, baking powder, salt, ginger, allspice, nutmeg, and cinnamon. Mix in lemon juice, rind, raisins, nuts, and pumpkin. Drop by teaspoons on a greased baking sheet. Sprinkle with cinnamon and sugar. Bake in a 350 degree oven for 15 minutes. Double Decker Pumpkin Pie 4 ounces cream cheese, softened 1 tablespoon half-and-half 1 tablespoon sugar 1 1/2 cups thawed whipped topping 1 (6 ounce) graham cracker pie crust 1 cup cold half-and-half 1 package (4 serving size) vanilla flavor instant pudding 1 can (16 ounces) pumpkin 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon 1/2 teaspoon ground ginger 1/4 teaspoon ground cloves Whisk the cream cheese, 1 tablespoon half-and-half, and sugar in a large bowl until the mixture is smooth. Add in the whipped topping. Spread this mixture over the bottom of the crust. Combine the 1 cup half-and-half and the pudding mix in the bowl. Beat well for 1 to 2 minutes (the mixture should be thick). Add in the pumpkin and the spices. Mix well. Spread this mixture over the cream cheese mixture already in the crust. Put in the refrigerator for at least 3 hours. To serve, add a dollop of whipped topping to each slice and a few toasted pecans. Serves 8. Jill Seader finds happiness in baking and shares that happiness on her website Happy Baking! For Advertising information Call 770.222.2699 • Our Town Awarded CENTER O DISTINCT F ION for 2008 The Highes Georgia Statet Recognition Top 8% Nationally “THE GOLD STANDARD”Parent’s Magazine HWonderful Infant Care HTerrific Toddler Programs HPrivate & Georgia Pre-K lGifted & Loving Staff lLower Child-Teacher Ratios lProven Higher Standards lOn-site Passionate Owners lHigh-Tech Security w/Cameras lNOT a Franchise Visit for our Virtual Tour Online lCool Field Trips lComputers, Zoo Phonics lNutritious Meals & Snacks lThe BEST Playgrounds w/ Water Park We have the only infant playground in the area. Separate Toddler, Pre-K, and School-age playgrounds. No playgrounds near the road or retail parking. NO TUITION For The Month of December! Visit us for additional details. New enrollees only. Cannot be combined with other offers. Excludes GA PREK ASP. Subject to availability. 678-574-9402 10492 Dallas Acworth Hwy l Acworth Ask about getting your FREE Ultra Fit Orientation! FREEDOM MEMBERSHIP! • Cardio Equipment with individual TVs • Treadmills • Ellipticals • Bikes • Free Weights • Open 7 Days a Week • Open 24 Hours a Day • Friendly, Clean and Safe Environment • Certified Personal Training • Fitness Testing Hiram owners Charlie & Lacy Parish with sons, Andy and Lincoln 2 for1 or get 50% off enrollment fee! REGISTER TWO PEOPLE ON ONE ACCOUNT WITH ONLY ONE ENROLLMENT FEE! No long term contract required. Offer valid for Fitness Memberships only. Separate contract and enrollment fee required for personal training services. Offer based on the purchase of Freedom or One Year membership with a one time enrollment fee of $99 for the first person plus monthly dues per person. Monthly dues must be paid by automatic transfer. Locations may vary. Offer not available in combination with other discounts. Hiram Trainers: (L-R) Toni Kelly, Jimmy Webster & Akeela Hayder Not Pictured-Richard Walker Ridge Road trainers: (L-R) Carla Durham & Valarie Smith ULTRA FIT VIP & MEMBERSHIP Ultra Fit Nutrition Plan H (4) One Hour Training Sessions Great Tasting UF Recipes H Before and After Pictures “How to Order in Restaurants Guide” H Body Composition Testing UF Shopping List H Resistance Training Program Staffed Sales Hours: Monday - Friday 8am - 8pm; Saturday 9am - 2pm For ABW Franchise Information call 770-861-2966 HIRAM - 5886 Wendy Bagwell Parkway 770.943.0049 Ridge Road Owners Marvin & Jackie Beal DOUGLASVILLE - 4336 Ridge Road Photo by Hafeeza Tyrell 678.838.8499 ONE WEEK PASS SEVEN CONSECUTIVE DAYS HEALTH CLUB PASS Offer expires 11/30/08. Not valid with any other offers or prior purchases. Non-members only. Must be 18 or older. One pass per person, per 6 months. Other memberships may be presented. COMPLIMENTARY PERSONAL FITNESS ASSESSMENT BY TRAINER! Offer expires 11/30/08. Not valid with any other offers or prior purchases. Non-members only. Must be 18 or older. Guest must complete fitness assessment subject to availability of training staff. Appointment recommended.
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