! INTEGRATORI!E!ALIMENTAZIONE! POST!WORKOUT!! Antonio!Paoli!! Dipar&mento,di,Scienze,Biomediche, ALCUNI,CONCETTI…, COSA,ACCADE,DOPO,L’ALLENAMENTO?, D.W.D. West et al. / The International Journal of Biochemistry & Cell Biology 42 (2010) 1371–1375 eration, connective tissue and fat infiltration, calcium dysr and muscle weakness among other effects. Metabolismo,proteico,muscolare,, esercizio,fisico,e,nutrizione,Am,J,Physiol,1997, 14, 16, *! 14, 12, *! 12, *! *! 10, 8, *! *! 10, 8, 6, 6, 4, 4, 2, 2, 0, 0, rest, 3h, Sintesi, 24h, 48h, Catabolismo, Regime!ipocalorico! rest, 3h, Sintesi, 24h, 48h, Catabolismo, Regime!normocalorico! ESISTE,LA,FINESTRA,ANABOLICA?, The,&ming,of,protein,intake,for,recovery,ea&ng,and,at, other,meals,in,the,day,(a,20–25g,serve,is,the,maximal, need),is,more,important,than,the,total,daily,protein, consump&on.,, , Bangsbo((at(al.(Scand(J(Med(Sci(Sports(2010:(20((Suppl.(2):(ii–iv(( Nutrient?driven(increases(in(MPS(are(of(finite(duraCon((~1.5(h);(switching?off(thereaJer( despite(sustained(amino(acid(availability(and(intramuscular(anabolic(signaling.( Intriguingly,(this(“muscle?full(set?point”(is(delayed(by(resistance(exercise((RE)((i.e.(the( feeding×exercise(combinaCon(is(‘more(anabolic’(than(nutriCon(alone)(even(≥24(h(beyond( a(single(exercise?bout;(casCng(doubt(on(the(importance(of(nutrient(Cming(vs.(sufficiency( per(se.(( P.J.,Atherton,and,K.,Smith,, The!Biomedical!Basis!of!Elite!Performance, The!Queen!Elizabeth!II!Conference!Centre,!London,!UK, 19L21!March!2012, • I,due,principali,determinan&,della,proteostasi,del,muscolo, scheletrico,sono,l’a_vità,fisica,e,la,disponibilità,di,nutrien&, • L’effebo,anabolico,della,nutrizione,è,correlata,principalmente, dal,trasporto,e,dall’incorporazione,degli,aminoacidi,deriva&,dalle, fon&,proteiche,alimentari,nel,muscolo,scheletrico, • Lo,scopo,dell’incorporazione,è,di,compensare,la,perdita,di, proteine,muscolari,che,vengono,perse,,nei,periodi,di, “digiuno”,(postabsorp&ve),dovu&,ad,esempio,all’ossidazione,di, AA,o,alla,cessione,dello,scheletro,carbonioso,per,la, gluconeogenesi,(Wackerhage,&,Rennie,,2006), E’,l’equilibrio,dinamico,(in,condizioni,di,salute,e,mobilità,–,BED, REST???),tra,ciclo,‘fastedjloss/fedjgain’,,,nella,proteostasi,che, garan&sce,la,costanza,della,massa,muscolare., , Ma,quali,sono,le,“componen&,anaboliche”,della,nutrizione?, , • Primo,lavoro,su,effebo,anabolico,di,un,pasto,misto,abribuiva, effebo,esclusivamente,ad,EAA,(Smith,et,al.,1992), • Il,gruppo,di,Atherton,(Cuthbertson,et,al.,2005),ha,dimostrato, l’effebo,dose,dipendente,e,l’effebo,di,sturazione,di,10,g,di,EAA, equivalen&,a,20,g,di,proteine,(Moore,et,al,2009), TIME,COURSE,DELLA,SUPPLEMENTAZIONE,DI,PROTEINE, 1h,30’, 30’, ( 3jfold),, 2,h, Atherton,et(al.(2010,, Based(on(developmental(concept(introduced(by(Joe( Millward(wherein(muscle(protein(accreCon(is(physically( limited(by(the(inelasCc(collagen(connecCve(Cssue(of(the( endomysium(surrounding(each(fibre((the(‘bag?full’( hypothesis)(Millward(et(al.(1994).(( ( It,is,at,this,point,the,muscle,becomes, refractory(to,s&mula&on,despite, sustained,eleva&ons,of,Aas,.,, , ‘musclejfull’,phenomenon,(Bohe,et(al.( 2001;,Atherton,et(al.(2010,, , INSULINA, • Proteine,da,sole,causano,!,insulina,simile,a,pasto,misto, (Atherton,et,al.,2010), • Insulina,sembra,non,contribuire,,all’effebo,anabolico,di,EAA,su, MPS, EAA,infusates,robustly,s&mulate,MPS,even,when,insulin,is,‘clamped’,at, postabsorp&ve,concentra&ons,(5,μIU,ml−1,with,the,βjcell,inhibitor,octreo&de;, Greenhaff,et(al.(2008).,, , • Che,ruolo,Insulina?, • Riduzione,del,40j50%,proteolisi, a,rise,in,insulin,to,just,15,μ,IU,ml−1,(3×,postabsorp&ve,concentra&ons),is, sufficient,to,mimic,the,50%,inhibi&on,of,MPB,(NB,the,maximal,effect,size), caused,by,a,mixed,meal,(Wilkes,et(al.(2009).,, , se in insulin centrations) f MPB (NB meal (Wilkes ffect cannot ns (18 g h−1 stabsorptive 2008). Thus, sponses via se regulates es. It follows hat in MPB, ent induced o resistance upon both ysiological Society exercise there is a latent period (prior to rises in MPS) of a duration which seems to relate to the magnitude Figure 1. The ‘muscle-full’ effect. Relationship between MPS, AA and intramuscular signalling Atherton,&,Smith,J,Physiol,2012, molecular and cellular events that occur in skeletal muscle in response to a single bout of exercise is essential to understand how nutritional interventions might modulate these responses and promote (or inhibit) subsequent training adaptations. When such a view on training is taken, it becomes clear that any chronic training-induced adaptation is merely the in muscle, together with the accompanying mechanical stress (particularly muscle damage caused by physical contact and/or eccentric work), activate several key kinases and phosphatases involved in signal transduction. Chief among these are the 50 -adenosine monophosphate-activated protein kinases (AMPK), several of the mitogen-activated Figure 1. Schematic representation of the time-course of selected contraction-induced physiological, biochemical, and molecular responses in skeletal muscle that lead to the training adaptation. Adapted and redrawn from Hood (2001). Hawley,et,al,J,Sport,Sci,2006, Upstream Regulatory Elements" Exercise Stimuli " "Nutrition " " Enviroment " " " Psychology" Training mod." D O W N S T R E A M! Physiological system "Cardiovascular "Endocrine " " " " " " "Organs" " " " " " " "Tissues" " " " " " " "Receptors" Cells and Cell Signaling" Gene interactions Expression" " " " Immune, etc" Stimoli per la crescita della massa muscolare" L’aumento della massa muscolare non è un effetto di un’unica causa specifica, ma il prodotto della sommazione di diversi adattamenti a differenti stimoli specifici." " " Non esiste un solo metodo per sviluppare ipertrofia ma occorrono molteplici modalità di stimolazione con effetti diversi" Acute,increases,in,MPS,axer,exercise,in,the,absence,of,EAA, nutri&on,provide,a,more,prolonged,rise,in,MPB,such,that,the, net,effect,is,nega&ve,muscle,protein,balance,(Biolo,et(al.( 1995).,, , If,such,EAA,deficiency,persisted,throughout,training,,this, would,lead,to,maladapta&on;,you,can’t,build,or,remodel, muscle,without,amino,acids!,, , It,follows,that,increasing,dietary,EAA,availability,axer,exercise, enhances,both,the,magnitude,and,dura&on,of,the,increase,in, MPS,(Pennings,et(al.(2011).,, , , Following,exercise,in,the,fasted,state,,the,rates,of,both,protein, synthesis,and,breakdown,are,increased,but,,compared,with, res&ng,condi&ons,,the,net,(nega&ve),balance,is,abenuated, because,the,increase,in,protein,synthesis,is,greater,than,the, increase,in,protein,breakdown,(Biolo,,Maggi,,Williams,,Tipton,,&, Wolfe,,1995;,Phillips,,Tipton,,Aarsland,,Wolf,,&,Wolfe,,1997).,, , Inges&ng,a,mixture,of,carbohydrate,and,amino,acids,before,or, immedij,ately,axer,comple&on,of,a,training,session,(Tipton,et,al.,, 2001),counteracts,this,catabolic,state,by,increasing,amino,acid, availability,and,transport,into,muscle,(Biolo,,Tipton,,Klein,,&, Wolfe,,1997).,In,this,situa&on,,protein,synthesis,is,increased, (Biolo,et,al.,,1997;,Borsheim,,Tipton,,Wolf,,&,Wolfe,,2002),,while, the,increase,in,protein,breakdown,is,abenuated,(Biolo,et,al.,, 1997),resul&ng,in,a,net,posi&ve,protein,balance.,, , , , Recently,,Karlsson,et,al.,(2004),,examined,the,effect,of,resistance, exercise,alone,or,in,combina&on,with,oral,intake,of,branchjchain, amino,acids,(BCAA),on,the,signalling,pathways,responsible,for, transla&onal,control,of,protein,synthesis.,In,that,study,,a,single, bout,of,resistance,training,led,to,a,robust,and,persistent,(2,–,3,h), increase,in,p70S6k,phosphoryla&on,that,was,further,enhanced,by, BCAA,inges&on.,These,workers,speculated,that,BCAA, supplementa&on,enhances,protein,synthesis,during,recovery,from, resistance,training,through,a,p70S6kj,dependent,signalling,cascade, (Karlsson,et,al.,,2004).,, , • Dopo,RT,CHO,+,PRO,maggiore,sint,proteica,e,più,a,lungo,che, solo,CHO,(isoenerge&co),(Borsheim,,Aarsland,,&,Wolfe,,2004), ma,da&,più,recen&,invece,suggeriscono,che,non,ci,sia, differenza,(Staples,et,al,2011), , • Meglio,immediatamente,dopo,T,(Tipton,et,al,2001),anche,se, alcuni,autori,suggeriscono,che,sia,irrilevante,(basta,che,sia, nelle,24h), , • Dose,minima,6,g,,max,20,g,in,più,assunzioni,giornaliere, PROTEIN TURNOVER, EXERCISE, INTAKE, AND SEX DIFFERENC Fig. 2. Resistance training induces which likely sensitizes the muscle time should result in a greater MP Fig. 1. A: changes in muscle protein synthesis (MPS) and muscle protein breakdown (MPB) in response to feeding (i.e., amino acids). B: changes in MPS and MPB in response to resistance exercise and feeding. Chronic application of these anabolic stimuli, as in B, results in muscle hypertrophy. Burd,et,al,J,Appl,Physiol,,2009.,, fasted state is currently unknown but likely involves one or all of the major proteolytic pathways (calpains, caspases, lysomes, Phillips SM, unpublished anabolic opportunity” may resistance exercise; howeve offer some additional advan stimulated to the greatest ex the effect of feeding there the protein source (i.e., a quantity, the timing of poste of carbohydrate to stimulat feeding, MPS may also be i and/or training overload (i 68, 75, 107). A valid que short-term changes we obs long-term chronic change Some evidence exists to studies short-term changes tatively predictive of long • Abituale,consumo,di,proteine,influenza,metabolismo,proteico, muscolare, • Harber,et,al,(2005),",MPS,basal,aumentata,dopo,7,giorni,di, dieta,iperproteica,(35%,Kcal,tot).,–,Da,considerare,però,bilancio, tra,MPS,e,MPB, • Abituale,consumo,proteico,riduce,risposta,sintesi,proteica,a, esercizio?(Volpi,et,al,2001), Presumably,(the(increased(protein(synthesis(was(mediated(by(increased(signalling( of(the(translaCon(iniCaCon(pathways.(However,(increased(muscle(protein(synthesis( occurred(without(increased(phos?(phorylaCon(of(two(proteins(downstream(of(mTOR( (ribosomal(protein(S6(and(eIF4G).(This(finding(suggests(that(muscle(protein( synthesis(is(enhanced(by(high(protein(intake,(but(may(not(be(associated(with(a( chronic(alteraCon(in(components(of(the(mTOR(signalling(pathway(( ( tile intensity and whether it interplays with feeding is not understood. This was investigated following two distinct resistance exercise (RE) contraction intensities using an intrasubject design in the fasted (n ! 10) and fed (n ! 10) states. RE consisted of 10 sets of knee extensions. One leg worked against light load (LL) at 16% of one-repetition maximum (1RM), the other leg against heavy load (HL) at 70% 1RM, with intensities equalized for total lifted load. Males were infused with [13C]leucine, and vastus lateralis biopsies were obtained bilaterally at rest as well as 0.5, 3, and 5.5 h after RE. Western blots were run on muscle lysates and phosphospecific antibodies used to detect phosphorylationAmstatus of targets involved in J Physiol Endocrinol Metab 298: E257–E269, 2010. First published November 10, 2009; doi:10.1152/ajpendo.00609.2009. regulation of FSR. The intramuscular collagen FSR was evenly increased following LL- and HL-RE and was not affected by feeding. Myofibrillar FSR wasaffect unaffected by LL-RE, whereas HL-RE resulted Contraction intensity and feeding collagen and myofibrillar protein a delayed in improvement (0.14 muscle " 0.02%/h, P # 0.05). Myofibrillar synthesis rates in differently human skeletal FSR was increased at rest by feeding (P # 0.05) and remained 1 3 3 in the postexercise compared the fasting Lars Holm,elevated Gerrit van late Hall,2 Adam J. Rose, Benjamin F.period Miller,1 Simon Doessing,1with Erik A. Richter, 1 and Michaelcondition. Kjaer The Rp-s6k-4E-binding protein-1 (BP1) and the mitogenInstitute of Sports Medicine, Bispebjerg Hospital and Center of Healthy Aging, Department of Biomedical Sciences, Faculty activated protein kinase (MAPk) activated by the HL of Health Sciences, and Section of Human Physiology, Department pathways of Exercise and were Sport Sciences, University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen,and Denmark intensity were suggested to be responsible for regulating myofiSubmitted 2 October 2009; accepted final form 3 November 2009 brillar FSR in in response to adequate contractile activity. Feeding predominantly affected Rp-s6k and eukaryotic elongation factor 2 Holm L, van Hall G, Rose AJ, Miller BF, Doessing S, Richter EA, have been shown to exert divergent effects on muscle protein Kjaer M. Contraction intensity and feeding affect collagen andin myofibrillar phosphorylations correspondence with rates the (95, observed changes in turnover and synthesis 101). However, except from protein synthesis rates differently in human skeletal muscle. Am J Physiol differences in exercise intensity, decisive differences in conmyofibrillar FSR,November whereas 4E-BP1 remained to respond only to the Endocrinol Metab 298: E257–E269, 2010. First published 10, traction type and exercise volume characterize various kinds of 2009; doi:10.1152/ajpendo.00609.2009.—Exercise stimulates muscle exercises; differences the response because of HL contraction intensity. Thus the thus, study designin allows usmay to be conclude protein fractional synthesis rate (FSR), but the importance of contracseveral varying and uncontrolled parameters. Therefore, the tile intensity and whether itthat interplays feeding is not understood. thewithMAPkand mammalian target of rapamycin-dependent sigisolated effect of contraction intensity cannot be extracted from This was investigated following two distinct resistance exercise (RE) studies, nor can it be elongation done from a comparison the naling responds activity, whereas mainly of was contraction intensities using an intrasubject design in to the contractile fasted (n ! these 10) and fed (n ! 10) states. RE consisted of 10 sets of knee number of studies investigating just one exercise type (9, 17, found to respond to feeding. Furthermore, although functionally extensions. One leg worked against light load (LL) at 16% of 27, 36, 70, 78, 80, 89). The present insight of how contraction one-repetition maximum (1RM), the other leg against heavyand load the intensity alone affects the muscle protein synthesis rates is to linked, the contractile supportive matrix structures upregulate (HL) at 70% 1RM, with intensities equalized for total lifted load. our knowledge based on few studies. In 2005, Atherton et al. protein synthesis rate quite differently in response to feeding andat Males were infused with [their C]leucine, and vastus lateralis biopsies (3) stimulated the extensor digitorum longus muscle in rats were obtained bilaterally atcontractile rest as well as 0.5, 3, and 5.5 hand after RE. two frequencies, designed to mimic endurance- or resistanceactivity intensity. Western blots were run on muscle lysates and phosphospecific anti- isolated effect of con these studies, nor c number of studies in 27, 36, 70, 78, 80, 8 intensity alone affec Il,problema,è,la,complessità,delle,vie,coinvolte., our knowledge base Sembra,che,l’alimentazione,agisca,su,alcune,vie,mentre,il,RT,su, (3) stimulated the ex two frequencies, des altre, type exercises. Desp cluded that only afte fibrillar protein synt changes in mTOR-r tein-1 (BP1) and euk (3). Recently, Kuma various contraction fected myofibrillar p sities at !60% onesubjects induced sig concern though in enhanced protein sy shown elsewhere (7 presumably was cau therefore might be s synthesis rate at the from the low exerci Along with the m cellular matrix and th structure in the skele type exercises. Despite unmatched exercise volume, they conbodies used to detect phosphorylation status of targets involved in cluded that only after the resistance-type stimulation the myocollagen matrix for s regulation of FSR. The intramuscular collagen FSR was evenly gas chromatography-combustion-isotope ratio mass spectrometry; fibrillar protein synthesis rate was increased with concomitant increased following LL- and HL-RE and was not affected by feeding. the severe functiona in mTOR-ribosomal s6 kinase-binding proprotein turnover; molecular signaling; exercise; protein nutrition Myofibrillar FSR was unaffected by LL-RE, whereas HL-RE resulted changes tein-1 (BP1) and eukaryotic elongation factor (eEF)2 signaling in a delayed improvement (0.14 " 0.02%/h, P # 0.05). Myofibrillar gen structures are p FSR was increased at rest by feeding (P # 0.05) and remained (3). Recently, Kumar et al. (61) investigated how a range of elevated late in the postexercise period compared with the fasting various contraction intensities in young and old humans afproteins increase the 1 2 3 Downloaded from at Norges Idre 13 Mechanical Activation of mTOR Signaling that confers insulin-induced ansfected with FLAG-tagged pamycin-resistant kinase-dead ere preincubated with 50 nM with 100 nM insulin. (A and anti-FLAG resin followed by 2481 phosphorylated mTOR s an autophosphorylation site ivity.77 (C and D) Whole cell KB [P-PKB(473)], or (D) phosmonstrate that RR-mTOR can rom the inhibitory actions of ctivity. Figure 2. Schematic of the mechanisms involved in the regulation of mTOR signaling by growth factors, amino acids and mechanical stimuli. Growth factors, nutrients and mechanical stimuli activate signaling to p70S6k and growth through an mTOR-dependent pathway. Growth factors and nutrients activate mTOR signaling through a wortmannin-sensitive mechanism, whereas mechanical stimuli activate mTOR signaling through a wortmannin-independent mechanism. The wortmainnin-independent mechanism employed by mechanical stimuli involves a phospholipase D (PLD)-dependent increase in phosphatidic acid (PA) which then binds to mTOR in the FRB domain and activates mTOR signaling. Hornberger,et,al,Cell,Cycle,5:13,,1391j1396,,1,July,2006,, S6k S6k D.W.D. West et al. / The International Journal of Biochemistry & Cell Biology 42 (2010) 1371–1375 1373 Fig. 1. Cellular events contributing to muscle protein synthesis, protein accretion and hypertrophy. Dashed arrows with solid heads on left hand side depict broad hypothesized patterns of force transmission. Tracings of IGF-1 and the satellite cell pathways rely primarily on animal data. the myofibrils to the extracellular matrix). The costamere and 2008b) muscle following a period of unloading, or increased activathe myotendinous junction each permit the transmission of force tion of FAK following increased muscle loading (Fluck et al., 1999). D.W.D. West et al. / The International Journal of Biochemistry & Cell Biology 42 (2010) 1371–1375 from the force-generating myofibrillar apparatus to the extracelThus, in response to mechanical stress, integrins may serve as a lular matrix and the mechanical deformation of transmembrane regulatory node for the coordinated up-regulation of the synthesis receptors (integrins) at these sites produce conformational changes and incorporation of muscle proteins into the functional myofibre eration, connective tissue and fat infiltration, calcium dysr in many of the receptor-associated multimodular proteins (Jani (Fig. 3). and Schock, 2009). In particular, mechanically induced conforma- and muscle weakness among other effects. tional changes of focal adhesion kinase (FAK) proteins can elicit a 2.5. Proxy markers of hypertrophy S6K