The Fisherman`s Net - St. Andrew`s-by-the-Sea


The Fisherman`s Net - St. Andrew`s-by-the-Sea
Spring 2010
The Fisherman’s Net
The Fisherman’s Net
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The newsletter of St. Andrew’s-by-the-Sea
Volume 19, Number 1
Spring 2010
A Letter from the Senior Warden
Dear friends of St. Andrew’s-by-the-Sea,
July 4th St. Andrew’s will be having Youth Sunday,
which you won’t want to miss! Special music, readers,
and ushers—all children—and coffee hour with treats
you haven’t been able to justify indulging in for years!
Be sure to mark your calendars and bring some
friends with their children and grandchildren! I’m
guessing fluffernutter sandwiches will be showing up
at coffee hour once again and disappearing faster than
you can say … Amen!
As we begin our 134th season at St. Andrew’s on June
27th, the altar guild has been busy ironing, dusting,
and vacuuming. The hard work that goes on behind
the scenes here at the chapel is truly amazing. Every
week there are two services on Sundays, occasional
baptisms, memorial services, and funerals, and many,
many weddings. St. Andrew’s is a community of individuals who come together each summer and make it
all happen. It is all accomplished by people for whom
Visiting St. Andrew’s for the first time will be the
St. Andrew’s holds
Rev. Barbara
a special place in
Briggs, assistant
On Our Website
their hearts. They
rector at Trinity
sign up and show
Episcopal Church
conducting services?
up to help maintain
in Hartford. Also
and preserve this
from St. Paul’s in
Want to check who the
wonderful place.
Darien, Conn., the
guest musician is?
Many thanks to the
Rev. Christopher
It’s all right here!
individuals who
Leighton, a native
continue to make
of Boston will be
St. Andrew’s so
here for the first
special for everyone
time. August 22nd
to share.
Bishop Gene RobThe Fisherman’s Net
inson will be conand read up on the history of
Have you given
ducting services.
our beloved St. Andrew’s-by-the-Sea.
some thought to
volunteering just a
few hours in the summer months as well? I can guarantee you will come away with more than you gave of
We have a number of returning priests this summer,
beginning with the Rev. Jeff Thornberg, the curate at
St. John’s in Portsmouth. The Rev. Richard Siener,
D.D., assisting priest at St. John’s in Portsmouth also
returns, and we are blessed with the bishop’s vicar, the
Rev. Rob Stevens, from St. John’s Church in Portsmouth, who guides us in so many important ways. I
like to think of this as the SJC triple play!
Mr. Paul Dykstra is
back again as our organist. Paul earned a bachelor’s in
music from the University of Alberta, where he won
the Richard Eaton Memorial Scholarship, and holds
associates degrees in piano performance and piano
I have been honored to serve as your senior warden
and I look forward to seeing you this summer at St.
Yours in faith,
Carol O’Leary
The Fisherman’s Net
Page 2
Spring 2010
“What I Did Last Winter”—A Report from Your Editor
My big project this past winter was to look into replacing our old (and often mildewy) 1940 hymnals
with the Church’s current version, The Hymnal 1982.
On multiple occasions last summer I was embarrassed to see our guest clergy struggling to find
the hymns in their own combined Prayer Book
and Hymnal (which most clergy bring
with them), not realizing that the numbers were for the 1940 hymnal.
Don’t get me wrong. There is
much that I love and shall
miss about the 1940 hymnal,
and there are some things
that irk me about the current
one, most notably the
“sanitized” rewording of some
of our most familiar hymns.
Nonetheless, to be the welcoming community that we
aspire to be, I felt that we
needed to be brought back into line with the rest of
the Church.
Through Bishop Robinson’s office, I was directed to
contact The Bible and Common Prayer Book Society
The Fine Print
The Fisherman’s Net is the official newsletter of St. Andrew’s-by-the-Sea, the Episcopal summer chapel in Rye
Beach, N.H. It is published twice yearly, once in the spring
and again in Advent.
The Fisherman’s Net is mailed to all friends of St. Andrew’s
free of charge. It is also available for everyone to download at Note that the
paper version is printed in black-and-white, while the
downloadable version is in full color. Therefore, even those
who receive a paper copy of the newsletter may wish to
download a color version as well.
Your articles are solicited and are always welcomed. They
are best submitted electronically. Text may be emailed
directly to, or word-processing documents may be attached to an email. Be sure to
attach any image files you’d like included. The editor uses
Microsoft Publisher 2002 but has import filters for most file
formats. Feel free to call the editor at 603 842-2968 if you
have any questions, but especially if you are unable to
submit your article electronically.
All articles are subject to final edit, and may or may not be
included in future issues of the newsletter.
of The Episcopal Church. A lovely dialogue
with the Rev. Dr. David G. Henritzy ensued.
My initial request for 225 hymnals was
turned down. We negotiated back and
forth and finally arrived at 100. This
should serve us well at all but our most
crowded services. I plan to ask for 50
more for next summer. Meanwhile, to
identify our precious new hymnals as our own, I designed the following stamp and had it printed up (at
my own expense):
There is also a bookplate in each hymnal indicating
that it is a gift from The Bible and Common Prayer
Book Society. This is a wonderful service of The Episcopal Church, and I invite all of us to consider mailing our own contributions to:
The Bible and Common Prayer Book Society
of The Episcopal Church
815 Second Ave
New York, NY 10017
I hope you enjoy your new hymnals. I know our guest
clergy will!
Status of the Long-awaited Email List
More and more of you are giving me your email addresses to be added to the email list. You might be
wondering why you haven’t yet received anything
electronically from St. Andrew’s. Fair enough.
I’m still working on the technology, wishing ideally to
find a no-cost solution. So for now look for your
twice-yearly The Fisherman’s Net in the mail,
along with periodic postcards (something new).
Meanwhile, continue giving me your email addresses
in anticipation of ultimately receiving electronic notifications. You may email me at
—Carl Eric Johnson
The Fisherman’s Net
Spring 2010
Page 3
St. Andrew’s-by-the-Sea
2010 Worship Schedule
June 27 The Rev. Jeffrey Thornberg, curate, St.
John’s Church, Portsmouth, N.H.
Alex Ross, bagpipes
July 4
Youth Sunday
The Rev. Jay Hutchinson, associate
chaplain, St. Andrew’s School, Middletown, Del.
Musician TBD
July 11 The Rev. Stephen B. Klots, chaplain
and Sixth Form Team, South Kent
School, South Kent, Conn.
John Spring, trumpet
July 18 The Rev. Barbara K. Briggs, assistant
rector, Trinity Episcopal Church, Hartford, Conn.
Dorothy Braker, cello
July 25 The Rev. G. Richard Siener, D.D., assisting priest, St. John’s Church, Portsmouth, N.H.
Pam Sheerin, soloist
Aug. 1
The Rev. Christopher P. Leighton, rector, St. Paul’s Church, Darien, Conn.
Margaret Herlehy, oboe
Aug. 8
The Rev. Brenton H. Carey, rector, St.
David’s Episcopal Church, San Diego,
Paul Dykstra, organ
Aug. 15 The Rev. Robert E. Stevens, Jr., vicar,
St. Andrew’s-by-the-Sea, Rye Beach,
N.H., and rector, St. John’s Church,
Portsmouth, N.H.
Musician TBD
Annual Meeting after 10:00 AM service
Aug. 22 The Rt. Rev. V. Gene Robinson,
bishop, Diocese of New Hampshire
Robert Stibler, trumpet
Aug. 29 The Rev. John Miles Evans, former rector, All Hallows Parish, South River,
Davidsonville, Md.
Christine Stuart, violin
Sept. 5
The Rev. Patricia de Beer, rector, The
Church of Our Redeemer, Lexington,
Alex Ross, bagpipes
Questions? Go to and click on Calendar
All-purpose form
I wish to make a tax-deductible contribution
Please update my contact information
I’d like to volunteer
Please add me to the email list
Name(s): __________________________________________________________________________________
Mailing address: _____________________________________________________________________________
Email: ______________________________________
Phone(s): ___________________________________
Comments: ________________________________________________________________________________
Enclosed is a check in the amount of $_________ made payable to St. Andrew’s-by-the-Sea.
Please return this form to St. Andrew’s-by-the-Sea, PO Box 555, Rye Beach, NH 03871-0555
The Fisherman’s Net
Page 4
Spring 2010
St. Andrew’s-by-the-Sea
Executive Committee
Senior Warden ........................... Carol O’Leary ............................ 603 964-8432
Junior Warden ............................. David Bohn .............................. 603 772-6293
Secretary......................................Bill Littlefield............................. 603 772-3393
Treasurer........................................ Lee Gray ................................ 603 926-3443
Altar Guild............................. Marcia MacCallum ........................ 603 772-8503
Weddings................................... Sandy Gavutis ............................ 603 394-7847
Finance .........................................Max Smith............................... 603 964-6424
Past Senior Warden..................... Nancy Kinser............................. 207 833-2465
The Bishop’s Vicar............... The Rev. Rob Stevens ...........
Chapel Committee
Richard Alsterberg
Bobbi Golledge
Sandra Pagel
Tony Young
Tom Gage
Carl Eric Johnson
Ginnie-Lee McCaddin
Barbara Pringle
Barbara Bohn
Richard Gray
Sallie Mackie
Ruthann Swaincott
Other Committees and Ways to Volunteer
Altar Guild
Eucharistic Ministers
Lectors & Intercessors
Memorial Garden
Website & Blog
St. Andrew’s Finances
St. Andrew’s is blessed because people like you have
made gifts to endow its future. It doesn’t matter how
large, because every dollar is a “stone” in its
future. Today St. Andrew’s has a small
endowment fund, which has been invested for future use. Unlike many parishes with year-round programs, St.
Andrew’s has not had to invade its endowment. Does this mean it has
“enough”? No! There are no immediate highexpense needs, but your gift will assure that future
needs are met. You may use the All-purpose form on
page 3 to make your tax-deductible donation.
Today St. Andrew’s funds are invested to provide for
a long perspective. They do need to be “tweaked”
from time to time. Early in 2010 the Finance
Committee reduced exposure to the stock
market by transferring significant funds
to an investment-grade short-term bond
fund. The committee takes a long view
but acts when it thinks market conditions
recommend action. These actions have
safeguarded the funds long-term, and we
have successfully passed through this year relatively
—Max Smith, chairman
Spring 2010
The Fisherman’s Net
Page 5
A Message from the Bishop’s Vicar
Recently I was given a wonderful piece of literature to
peruse at my leisure. It was titled “A History of the
Diocese of New Hampshire” by the Rev. Robert
Hayes Dunn (former rector of St. Johns’ Portsmouth)
and was published in The New Hampshire Churchman
in June of 1952. While the title might suggest that
one use it as a sleep aid, I assure you that it is stimulating and I recommend it highly to those who are
fascinated by the history and development of the diocese and the communities therein. As you might
imagine, Father Dunn did not leave out our beloved
St. Andrew’s-by-the-Sea. He wrote:
On July 31, 1883, Bishop Niles had the gratification of consecrating … “the lovely little church at
Rye Beach, by the name of St. Andrew’s-by-theSea.” This church, cut out of the very rock upon
which it stands, and close down to the waves of
the ocean, tells of liberality, and zeal, and patient
toil, and of a beautiful spirit on the part of many
who for years have been working to this end. And
it gives promise of much good in the time to
Hearing these words written by a devoted rector and
man of God about the “lovely little church at Rye
Beach” stirs up sentiment and emotion for me, and I
have only had a
brief relationship
with St. Andrew’s-by-theSea. Yet, while
sentiment and
emotion have
their place (even
within the Episcopal Church), it is how this quote ends that gives us
our task and focus. How have we fulfilled the
“promise of much good in the time to come”? This is
our question each and every day. We have been given
such rich and wonderful gifts by those who have gone
before us. One needs only to sit in the pews on a
wonderful summer morning and feel the breeze and
see the light through the windows to realize that fully.
I pray that this summer you will find rest and relaxation at St. Andrew’s-by-the-Sea, but moreso I hope
that you are nourished in your relationship with God
and empowered to do as our dismissal suggests, “Go
in peace to love and serve the Lord.”
Faithfully, your vicar,
The Rev. Robert E. Stevens, Jr.
From Our Altar to Haiti
Marcia MacCallum, Altar Guild directress, packed up
the used altar vestments at the end of the 2009 season. They were sent to St. Margaret’s Convent in
Haiti. The thank-you note we received read:
I received the Vestments. They fit our Altar, we
will use them for Christmas. The other Sisters
join me to thank you very much. I am glad you
met Sister Kethia. Maybe someday you will visit
us in Haiti. Blessed Christmas, Marie Margaret, SSM.
Now you may wonder how I met Sister Kethia.
The Episcopal Church has an Order of Sisters.
There is a convent and a retreat that the people can use. St. Margaret’s Convent is in
Boston. Over the years they have had to downsize,
but they are still active. One of their mission churches
is in Haiti. Sr. Claire Marie and Sr. Marie Therese
from St. Margaret’s Convent came to Trinity Episcopal Church in Hampton last fall to explain their Order. Sister Kethia from Haiti was able to join them
and talk to us about the Church in Haiti. Of course,
this was all before the terrible earthquake.
I think it is important for people to realize that,
although St. Andrew’s is a summer chapel, we
reach out to other churches that are less fortunate.
—Ginnie-Lee McCaddin
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The Fisherman’s Net
St. Andrew’s-by-the-Sea
The Episcopal summer chapel in
Rye Beach, New Hampshire
♦ The Rev. Robert E. Stevens, Jr., vicar
Spring 2010
Worship Schedule
Sundays from late June through early September
♦ 8:00 AM Rite I Holy Eucharist
♦ 10:00 AM Rite II Holy Eucharist with Music
♦ Carol O’Leary, senior warden
♦ Carl Eric Johnson, webmaster & editor
♦ Email:
♦ Web:
Be sure to visit
Address Service Requested
30 Church Rd
PO Box 555
Rye Beach, NH 03871-0555
St. Andrew’s-by-the-Sea